Newspaper Page Text
i n't vmji oua fU't ;i hf acuta um i ri Hr, ..1 ' t&Ui .w. JOHN II. OBERLY k CO., PROPRIETORS. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1871. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AVIS .T3L . VJ ". lie c it i am rwi ttT?-. an V4 Ii HEIiWBOMVK. HELMBOLD'S IIELMUOI.I) it HELllllOLln HELMIIOLIj'b iielmiiolij'h HKLMII0I.1'h itr.tuiot.i'n IIKI.MIIOI.ll'lt A GKRAJPE PILL (-ATAWIIA ORAPK PILL. ( ATAWIIA OIUPE ('ATAWIIA OitAI'K rlLI-S. CATAWI1A OUAI'n 1'ILLt. ( ATAWIIA OHAI'K FILL. ."ATAWIIA flllAPe PILLS. ("ATAWIIA UKAI'E 1'II.LH. TL ELMBOLD'S HELM 110 1.l IIKLMllOLlVn II iiki.huold'h HcLuBULti'M '!!'li EXTRACT ARAPARILLA FLUID r.XTRACT SAUSAr AXILLA. FLUID EXTRACT HAKaAFARlLLA. FLUID K ITU ALT KARSAFAIIILLA. FLUID KXTRACT SAIWArARILLA. FLUID KXTRACT KARnAFARlLLA. FLUID EXTRACT HARflAI'ARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT r5AK-.AFAlLI.A. .ITHII'V Till: III.OOII. HELMIMLn'n FLUID KXTRACT CARSAPA UILLA (."ores Kit rropltOOK of thefkiB. HELMI10LD ft FLUID EXTRACT SAESAFA- RILLA (,'urea tue worat orm of Wyo Dieea. HELMIIOLDb FLUID KXTRACT AKAPA- KILL A EoUra icatII lolo lb Circulation of the lilo!. lELMHOLDn FLUID EXTRACT SAP.-AP..- nil.t.A Beautifies the Coropl-ion. UELMUOI.Drl FLUID KXTRACT .KARSAPA- III LI. A. iit.o Irfkdlola mii Hi In atrenrih t one aallcii ol theHyrtipa or Decoc-iona u utually made; and crVbrate.1 t.lSrV)N MKT DRINK. Try It tltii a wine.irift-R iMiuru id n inni ui -uu- m way, A drllfhltui iwverago. hf.lmiwldVcatawra orai-k fills iif.liiiiolib catawiia ouatk pills A, fe ul grMal.leCthrtitf. HELMUOLD'a CATAWIIA, QRAPK PILLS Ul In ill fltrtioB wlit Purgllr Mwllcioe to nmifa. iiklmiwld's catawiia orapk fills Hm', toclilM.aaJUknhTCliUdrrB. HKLMHOLD M CATAWIIA QKATJC TILLS nKLMIlOLU S CATAWBA OEAPK 1'ILLK, CitAln lo drel. nJ piMMsk I oprtlon. DKLMBOLD'S CATAWBA OmArKVlLL It not ft putentod Fill. IIF.I.MHOLn S CATAWBA OBArjKPrLLj IireromioI of CtwtOrp Juu nni FlulJ l....l.i lttloit of HKLMHOliU'S PAR." A 'AltlLLA nil on- lox ul III.US-worlh ttielr Lnlahf In irnlil. rv".".. r ."L... . i . . .n,.n num. II KI.MHOLU'8 VLWID XXTBACT llUCU lint AinmrndK worldwide (am. f.i. nf mr nrtmrittinn. are meritorlonii. A la vr. .... t m n n rialp.TiooiJUi6.uccB. m Hnftiiinir or inuo. uibcucv. kdq ainriira l.irllU, Iti tiowcrU eit;oriiltrv(-Uiore aottun iiy olner uiuk i nm cnna.miru wun. n i, in ilrlhule-thit It 'in tinlltlblii 10 a Htate f til l UI6 HIrH"lcai vrnKt1. n iuuiv. uuiiiiiipiubimc .kirm to aunken. ami et ao rritab r. a rcn ler. oilier auuKiuncca oi i:;o tonic ci.' unaran Me or Uijurloua, 7 -1 -i - s IT. . ... I titii IICI1AHK.1 oil Urn lillLAT CU KMISTS'AKU ILL MKN 1)1' AMEHIUA : Wm. H. W arner A Co., 15 North Third mreet, I'hlladclpfila, Pi T, Eateemed Friend I congratulate tou an ivlnt- lbtihaniUomon(nJ..lli aama tiut lh oat F.Ht i intended: x tVM. it.' ha uneh a co. l.T. Helmbold will remark, in conclusion, that I. rfmeolcs are inu icauiv i iwhr niu ujnui udr The Fluid Kxtracta likre been before the iiillr" twenty rears. The eale of them in that Inn proren llieir tw h, an t" u.h. " ,i them Mho followed mr In.tructiona. and J, 7. .i.n.l imential eii In the extent ol .lay 1.. n,H.f,.nl I eir aair, - --r . ,,.,1,-, i,..t. .nl e,VKra'W KXparaUon. ' ' " .' ,: . Murmaceiuicni 1 .mv.w r palenteu a i d-i. I liv. I.nel anTUIIpresaioa pr p"h.. m iw "--,--. ,'t,A : 1 ... 1 . ni ..,aH ut n.i m i .r.-.tfn,,.. from tho DUblicltynIvcii tlirouiili I v'ertialna-, and that I am and I have been i.lruK tjwl lSn. --5 &VrSS; ah inufactur lngcaenjai"(ii-'wy 1 1 1 am aenutlnled with Mr. II. T. Helmbold 1 lie uSed the dnigitoreoppoaite mr re-ldeacej. the r. L'"r... ".! Iwab e'ou.llv ao before him Oliwr- i.i.VI illl. hi. h.r.n. DDI bly lm . Wl & Wli I wi.l ''.in 1 VdAic are been lavorawj 4'iy.rtV w iiiVitu aM7 nri nCArnrlao. Wll.MAM WIMHTMAN. ni of Power & Wialitman, manufacturing h.niiia. Ninth M-QWi ".'Pf- rnnauei llhla Mlil 11 f 1 1 turn ' ho Pill 1 have thought oi.oneriog ta mp amio ; ipr (en jre ar. iuy ara l,ie, money, leiavitii noitie, 1 e the hay rbn " iiAn!I i?f,mJ.?lI I '1. no P.nalll ffiyj"S.7l.rT"ffiar" I'nared I'lll vended c.nefally, and putupin ' ..Ion tecno'SxIere I l .l.'ll-A 1 1 .rA iina nm.riil l. vnur olmd lent -eivant. HNIOtaa wa ... - - - . r,"-"""--'li. T. HELMBOLD. I.atul ralace Drug Btorej No, 9t Broadway, tee Pnarmaey. niUey lloueo, Broad Wi nd Wenty.BlnthtUtet.Rew Yerk. , t , ' Lt'A'thatl mv I Bui,i.wv-r'.r'L"!-''".".T"rri 1 r.nnar-4 now wiin wnai lelohla. THE BULLETIN. By mm WASHINGTON. THK INDIAN DELEGATION AT HOME. PARDONING POWER OF THE I'll KMX . i 1 . i ir 'I , t I ,.L ....... , DENIAL FROM SENATOR SCHURZ. 1 il ,1.! UJ .i S. VS. THE NASHVILLE AND CHATTONOOOA It. It. THE WHORTON POISONING WAKiuivaToy. U.OJuly 21. A. JetUt lias been received lioro Irnm tlie Mcnt of Little ltaven, and other chiefs of thn In (liandeleiMlion who recently visited Wash- PL-ton. the last dated at the Cheyenne nnd Arahoq agency, July Cth, Jte statci . Ah 9 y , arrrived homo on tho 25th of June, alt wall, and found uverytblng quiet. Tbe Indians were much pleased with the account tho delcqation gavo of their treat ment wuilo In Waihlncton ana tue other cities which they Tiiitod. NUMKRON I.HqUlRIKfl having been mado u to the authority' fey wntch tuo president, paraonu THK BIOAMIbT BOWKN. it may be replied that he did It by the au thority giren him in the'Jd section of the 1M article of the constitution of the United States, gives him power to grant reprieves and pardons oxcept In eaatii 61 JmpaotcK- mtnl. Infonnation hat been received nera from Senator Schurz, in denial of too statement that he ha acvered hi connec tion with the AN eitllch Post in Missouri. MR. RUUKCR still remains here, in spite of the state ments which 'announce hit beingwith Mr. Longfellow, tbe poet. Ataring tue absence 01 MIXISTKR THORNTON the affairs of the British legation will be in chargo of Hon. Francis Parkenham, first secretary ci the legation, air Mwtra Thornton will be absent about two weeks. Tbe suit of the U.VITKD TATF-t TH. THK WASimtLE AND CHATTAXOOOA RAILKOATI, IW3. In the circuit court of tbe United Slates, he been compromised. The rail road company pays mo united state one million dollars in bonds of the company, bearlnrrfotir per cent; interest, ana rurr- ninc from twentv to forty years. , Tbo atneunt in tho controversy, wa about Sl.7iO.000. and wa tho amount clairmy "by tho government for rollinr stock and material irntirovomonU, which the road received during and at tbe close of the rebellion. Judce llallard, who has been acting as chairman of the , f KU-KLUX lNVK?TlaATINa COMMITTEK, left here for hu.uomo in ermont on rn- day night. The comi committee it to discontinue its ex aminations in a few days, and tako recess till the full committee meet again, which will boon tbo Zd 01 September. WKATHKR RKPORT. Wahhinctox, July 2. The barometer ha been quite high during Sunday and tho (Central area it movinr eastward over Pentit'jivanl. 4 A amaltjareav of loir' ptets ure continue east of tbe Gulf. Tbe barometer is teadily falling in the Mississippi valley. Tbe westward tern- .peraturo remain low, etpocially in Vir ginia and Florida. Northwesterly wind Dave prevailed; .P VDO. 1 aom Auaniic coast nnd now extend westward to tbe Mississippi. Clear and pleasant weather has been very generally reported irom mo lake and Mississippi valley to the Atlantic;' Cleat and threatening weather m advancing ever lowa ana Arkansas. PROBABILITY!!. Pleasant weather will probably con tinue on tho lower lakes and Atlantic coast. Threatening weather with rain will probably advanco into Illinois this morninc and extend into Michigan and to Tonno'iee during the day. WAiiiciTO!r:,'Jtllr 24. The' report of Hie department of agriculture Just pub lished, mow mat mo potato crop win uu a fullaverago; hay crop hort, and apples about three-fourth of, a good yield. THK KU-KLUX COUMITTKK. J. II. Cbristv. of Athens. Oa., was ex amined to-day by the ku-klux committee, and testilled in tubstanco that he knew of no ku-klux in his district or any portion ofthetatc. ; ij niilO. t't . In answer to tho inquiry whother no ,A Cmilltlnt nf ItnowlnL- anvthinc about iu "Conircs -fromthat dlrtrictr nd- utually attended thq,court, ln4tho western counties, a well as in portions of mo northern countie. Inirespqnsata Bn in terrogatory, ho statod that he believed ho wa personal)- acquainted t,w'tu, ho. pooplo gonorally. No more crime 'wr committed now than" before the war In his section of tho tate. He admit- tw4 vuvru uati'in-n lumo'TIOiatioiia-Ji'iaw bv d scillsed men for the nurnoio of nun. . , . . , ---. r--r. .- a. ifliiinir mon aiiu woman livinc- in mini torv nnd fornication. Ho statod alto that itwa tho ohntorkl opinion In thocommuntty opeoplq; iook vne law 111 wieir uwu uanus oecauso , Another mine wnicn cavo riso to man v oxi;eratlons Jn regard tq;thg ip-clld kuv Kiux, vrasta mon for tho 1. an Jict of .mischievous' young ho purrV5 id 1 Tn'e a wrappod ItiemiolTif In sheet sometime) wrap andtcared guporttitipus negro,, 9me; of whom believed they were, the ghost of dcieMed;confedorte soldier. , . Tho'io negroes, had disguised ,tienneivos, and i - ' ' "I i ( lln Clark county, and there had been but lit l6ild,bOUtltM..I WVUM llltllT . tnn.niA,1 iA nl.Ira aa wltUn TY1 Wli fa liBfl a r tl 1 . ar ..-.. . . He expressed the oplnlon.tiitt Aiptticu-" ardson had not been attackod On'psllUcal grounds, and that no negroes had been ln- tlmtdaTed'frbTnTolTnVllio repuTjllcanllclt- .'et,i but some had probibly'bedn preventod l.UCKOI." , I great many outrages in other parts ot state, he replied that when in AVashington he could hear a great many storios of that kind that were greatly magnified for po litical effects; that thero was less violence in Georgia than in tho Now England utatea. Now-York, or any where else. a put up Jon. The following private dispatch from Yorkville, South Carolina, dated July 24, ha been received in Wabington : "The sub-committee on outhern outrage hare arrived hero. YoUrdy oVtnlng at the supper tablo at the hotel, Hon. J. K. Htevenion, of tbe committee, and Hon. A. J. Wallace, representative of tki district, were assaulted a they took their aeaU, by Mai. Ja'me Barry, a prominent cUIkoti, and a pltehetjraUiWMUWf a oyt tem. Wallice drew a revolver, but Maj. Jiarry was surrounded by friend and Ion tbo hotel. ' At 9 o'clock tho committee wa iero naded by a negro band and a crowd col lected. A tho band wa retiring an affray took place In which one negro was shot, receiv Ing three wound. No arrests have been mado." Supervisor Marker report to tho inter nal revenue oicce mat in mo FIRST WISCONSIN IiIHTKT erery tax ataetcd upon the annual .list for Ibil. amounting to fi'i.0W lias been oic- lected. THK WHARTON POIHl.MNO CAK. One of our has received a letter from Mr. J. O. Wharton, itcr-ln-lw f Airs. it. 1. Wbarton, now in jail in uaiti- ino'o on a charge ot poisoning Uen. Ketch- um, and tno attempted polionlug ot .. Vannerr.'in wbicli tbe sarcMy dear hus band died. I did not know tho reason of his death: but after mr child 1 funeral, on ly a week after, I wat taken suddenly ill, ana at one uai 1 waw mougni o uu ut incr. iltold tho doctor 1 wa poisoned thn" dy I waa taken lick, and thai I tuspected tbo had poisoned my husband and child. 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 voiq inj uroiner siuau ui mj iiuj vmnu . famllv when It occurred, nearly four year ago. I waa taken from her house. I never bad but one opinion' arid that wns that the poisoned them. I barely escaped with ray life. Mr. H. "Wharton owed my husband iu.iOp. wWch we, witbMifBciilty, got afUr4idath. ' . o CHICAGO: - " ZEIGEMMEYER TO HE SEN TENCED pJAWAV. EXCURSION ON THE CHICAGO . .. 1 RIVER. STABBING AFFRAY AT DYERS VILLE, IOWA. THE NEW GRAIN INSPECTOR AND THE BOARD OF TRADE. " Ciucaoo, July 24. Zelienmi jtr, the murderer of Gumbleton, had a hearing before tbo Criminal Court this morning, on application of his counsel for' a new trial. After his counsel had been heard Judco Booth overruled tho motion for now trial and Zeigcnmeycr will bs. sen tenced in accordance with tho verdict of tbo Jury on Thursday. To-morrow tho achievement 01 drain ing the' Chicago river through tho Illi nois and Michigan canal WILL UK CKLKI1RATKD by an excursion in the canal boats to Lockport. Ono thousad guests have been invited j Including Governor Palmer and other leading, miui. . i t' "ThE .ClltCA'ao CLUB. have parchaed uf-Potter Palmerthe IntO" residence.of Heory 'arDU,n 00 Michigan avenuo1" for tnb clutr. Tho price' paid was 'M4,000 At Dyertville, Iowa, on Sunday night, two young, men named ptagnor. and liag; ley got" Into Uidificaltyjwbeir the latter stabbed tbe former in. (tlungf inflicting serious wounds. 4 Tho fotolutiqns offered K U10 ,., 4 HOARD OF TKADK 1 Saturday, in relation to the'neW grain spector were 'called up in that body to tv, and on motion of J; J. Richards wore tabled UU. further .notice. , LITTLE ROCK. THE MILITIA BEING ORGAN UIZED. i 'Vi ' RADICAL PROGRAMME' TO CAR RY THEECNS. THE COLORED BAPTIST CON- VENTION, THE WAlt iN -AltrNSAS, rir- lt l 1 1.- ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. tiiu irf r iti l Little Hock, July 24. Tho militia it being brgahlzcd throughout tho state for thej)lecUoiLnax-tjearTJiQ.(JazctUAay that it i part of tho programme to car ry the election, .iaoj Two boys, one whito and the other color ed, Oro 0 ) i ' ) () Ji r ' ' DROWN KD fw day ago whilo bathing. Mr. Archreft, raorher of several chil dren, residing at Warren, who tried a cotiplo of weelcs ago to KILL'HBR'TOUR CHltuKF.N'1 with an ax, cut her throat tho other day. She is not expected to live. rOLORKD UAITIST HTATE CONVKNTION. hay Ij decided thit they havo no right to tfy me iter, wniie,' colored lumeran proacner. tho matter will probably bo hushed up. A-tl port TIIV WAR IN ARKANSAS. Borlous trouble are reported in Chicot county again, growing out of a disputed Judgeship. Mason, colored, claims to bo iriilrh" elected countv Judire. ltailand. 'white, was apposed &(j-upfircoed him, but tho former refuses to surrender the of- Jce. It i roported tht on tbe 11th, Ma n marched 400 negroes Into town and NEW-YORK. GEN. PLEASANTON AND THE COMMISSIONERSHII', , 3IEETINO OF DIFFERENT CLETIES. ' SO- ADMIRAL JOHN KOOKItH THE COREANS: AND BURNINO OF THE FRENCH r SCHOONER "NELLIE." ROIHiEUY OF A RANK .MESSEN GER. ETC., ETC., ETC. New-York, July 21. A AVashington dispatch to the Times enys : It Is exceed ingly probable tho change to long looked for-in the internul revenue office will be come mi accomplished fact within a few dnyf, by tho removal of Gen. PleHsauton. There aru no Indication at present :u to who will JUccoed tho present coinnil-slon-er, nnd It Is thought the position may be held open for sotno tlmo with Deputy Commissioner Douyla?" a.s acting commii- 'sionqr. unc. ot tuq unioriunaio results oi mo ti'untloti of affairs between tho internul revcauo dtlico nnd truutUry, lnw been tho resignation of Cuesly, chief of tho revenuo law division. At a meeting of tho French ection of tho INTKRNATIONAI, WORKINOM F.S' ASSOCIA TION, of this city, was held vestordav, lliu sub ject of tbo recent not boing Uicusud. Uitizens" (julllatel and ilbruyeru argued in favor of permitting all sects and parties to parade in tho street J whilo other citi zens mado speeches in opposition. Finally resolution were pasted recommending tha suppression of all procession, except those which commemorate nurolv Ameri can national events, and censurinc the au thorities lor ttieir courso previous to tue riot. A meeting of tho Irish confederation was held yestorday and voted to hava a lecturo at Cooper' institute, by Thomas Clarke Luby, instead of a mast meetiug m had.been proposed. One of speaker", in tho course of hi remarks, laid: In this country tho Irish were constantly craving for excitement, and unless you culled meetings continually and make inllamma tory speeches, you could not control them. Two persons wounded in THK LATK RIOT remain at Ml. Sinai hospital. Tbo following is a translation ot a letter forwarded by ' THE COKKANS to Hear Admiral John ISogers, commitnil inc the Asiatic Kiuadran: "In tho year a mini of your nation, whose name was Feibger, camu hern and communicated nnd wont away. Why cannot you do tho same. In tho vcur 1805 sainu neonlo cnlluil French came here, and we refer vod to tbem for what happened. This pooplo and kingdom huvii lived in tho enjoyment of their own c vilizatiori for four thousand years and we want no other. Wo trouble no other nation. Why should they trouble u. ' Our country is in the furthest east, yours in tho furthest west. For what pur poso do you como so many thousand miles across the en? Is it to inquire about tho vessel des troyed. Tho General Sherman came hero and hermcn committed piracy and murder, and thoy were punished with dertth. liO'you want o'ur land'?' That cannot be. Do you want intercourse with ua ? That cannot be." " THK rjKNERAL anKRniAN CLUB." of tho' Irlh confederation yesterday adopted a series of resolutions character izing ,'tho Bring by tho militia on tbo mob on the 12th, as tho foulest blot on the civllization or tho nineteenth century. Tho total loss by tho BVRNI'0 OF THE FRENCH K'HOO.NKK NELLIE, off the battery, last night, Is ono hundred and twe'ntv-llvo thousand dollar. Tho cause of itho flro was tho lack of proper ventilation. Tho sorvieo of commemoration over tho engineers, Gcorgo II. Hill and Frank Kornon, killed in tho recent accident on tho Newark & haw lork railroad was uttended by two hundred and tlfty engin eer at Nowark yestorday. BASK'nALf MATTF.K: The uiune of busb Lull at La Cross, Sat urday afternoon, between Knickerbocker 1 -. Li l..t . ..1 .... ami, jiuuiiuuaii eiuus lor mil cimuipiiui shlp.of tho United Stales, was wori by thu nnicKuruocb.ur. Tho Mutal buso' ball club of this uitv started on, 'a tour west last night to bo ab sent until August Mb. CAVED fN. A portion of tho now tunnel overSeventy and SoVnty-flrI. Btrccl8 caved In yester day evening, burying tho track and se riously Injuring two children. The track wm obstructed tor some tlmo but I now clear. ' ' BANK I2-r,RN(IKK IU) 111) F.I). A messem?; of the bank of New-York was knocked dowp on the corner of Broad way and Warren street, Saturday after noon aVi o'clock, smd robbed of 10,000 in governriiont1 bonds. Tho thieves escaped, BKCUKTARY roiikso.v visltod tho Brooklvn riavv va-J to-duy and iutpectod tho steamer Congress. Ho ubscquently returned to Long Branh. QUINCY,;JLL. 11 . ' i JAIL DELIYER"T SEyEN PRIS ONERS ESCAPE. DROWNED WHILE TAKING SA.'ii.- imowMKu. QuiNCV, III , July 24, A mun namud Harvey Larkman. a nntivu of Pennsylva nia, and employed on tho T. W. tmd W. R. II., was drowned it) tho river whilo tuk ing a sail this mornlnc, and three other men in some bout made u narrow .csonpo, Tbo, body wa recovered A JAIL I)t.lVKHY occurred at Cliillicotho, Missouri, on Fri day nlclit and soven peri FOREIGN.., DETERMINED SIGN. FAVRE TO RE- MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS PARIS, IN THE POPE NOT ROME. TO LEAVE SMALL PONJtAGINtV AT PORTO PL'ACO. FltANCK." MUXICIFAI. ELECTION. l'.Milh, July '2 1. Tho municipal elec tions in tho city yostc.'da'y reultcd in the j choice of ix for tho ronicrvntivos and fo?-ty-ninc for tho moderate republican. Tho vote cast was very jmall. DISCOURAGED. The journals nro discouraged at tho npnthv shown bv the citizens of Paris. Their absence from voting has reached un precedented figures. Tho Louvro Na tional warns tho pooplo that u nation which takes no interest in lis own affair. f condemned to ruin. favrk'k rksionation. Versailles, July 21. It N reported that Favro persists in his resignation be came n pctltlcn'of the Bishop, urging tho government to 6tipport the temporal powor of the popo has been roferrud to tho ministry of Foreign affairs. KNGLAND. the civil ht. London, July 24. In the hooso of commons, Geo. Dixon, member from Bir mingham, wished to know if any reduction in tho civil list was possible. Mr. Glad- stoi.o replied that ho considered that thn question aroso from a misapprehension of the character of tho list, wbicli ho stud was n solemn compact ninue between tno sovereign and tho people. THKfltlNCr. of walk goes on Monday to' Dublin with I'rinco Arthur, Duko of Cambridge, Princes Jjouic and llio .Marquis of J.orne. WKST INDIES. St. Tiiouah, July 21. Tho small-pox is raging ut Porto Placo. FINANCIAL. Port Au Prince, Hayti, July 8, via Havnta. Tho old currency bus been called in and u new i;uo substituted. Tho project of tho government to effect u loan whercbv it ml'-lit be enabled to redeem the currency and substitute speeio hns been re JecteJ. Venezuela, July 8. Tho country U in a quiet condition, except Barcelona, where thuro has boon hard tlghling nenr F.spcr- Uur KOMr: Rome, Julv2l. The reports to tho ef fect that thu departure of tho pope from Koine H near at band, are still denied SPAIN. Madrid, July 21. -Mar.hul Sernrio hav ing lulled, benor Artziiia is now trying to lorm a new ministry. CASUALTIES. ACCIDENT ON THE LOl'IS VILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD. BRAKEMAN KILLED AND GINEER WOUNDED. EN- THROWN FR6M THE TRACK. Louisville, July 23. Yesterday tho north bound freight train on tbe 1miIs ville and Nashville railroad ran of the track. near Glasgow Junction. Tbo acci dent was caused, by a broken rail. Eight cars ran down a twenty foot embankment and wero completely wrecked. John Noonan, u brakeman, was crushed to death., lie was from bandusky. This morning near Cavo City on tho mo road u freight car beoamo un coupled from tbo train and ran into its roar throwing tho cars off tho traek and injuring several ears and thocngiiio of tho first train. L0 LIS VILLE. ARRESTED FOR HORSE STEAL ING. DHATH OF A SOMNAMBI'lilST. Loi'i-. villi:, July 24. Goo. M. Mouls, a tic-Hive from Bellfontainc, Ohio, where he WH'j uiiiUir mid indictment for liure tlealing, whs n'rrejded here to-day, mill will liu held to iiwall a requisition Irom that flnte. Til E SUMNAMIIl'I.IHT IlltOWN. who wtilkod out of the third stcry win- doy of tho Globe Hotel, iptlorduy inorn- uit, died lust nlglit Irom Iih. in juries, lle.enmo to this city about a year ago where it is said no una oeeu a school lonelier. - ' MEMPHIS. MEMORIAL TO CONGRESS. Memphis, Ju)y 2tv Thu Chuiuben of Commervu to-duy adopted u memorial to Congreiis, praying that tho tux collected on cotton during and utter tho war bo rafundod and that' u copy of tliif bu sent to all chnmbeu'of commerce in, the coun try. : , PHILADELPHIA- AN AGE REPOTER DROWNED. Phi'ladklfhia, July 24. Wm. Stcne, n ropoiter of tho Ago was drowned yester day, i ' CLEVELAND. DEFEAT OF THE CITY'S. FOREST Clbvkland, 0( July 21. Tho AthloU lisot PhlladelnhiH, detuuted the bore.t OOINNATI. AN ALLEGED CASE. l'OISONING Cincinnati July 21. .lame Maldox, claimed to havo been poisoned by John .Mcthcringham, was found on mo pave nont in how Port, Ky., Inst night in ndy ing condition. Mcthcringham and Mrs. Currall, whoro Maddox boarded, wcro arrested. Tho doctors who mado roT MORTEM exnmlnntion, think tho man died form pelson. Tho verdict ot tho coroner's lury Is suspended pending upon chemical an alyif. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. SKW ORLEANS. New Orleans, 2 1. TLOU 11 Scarce for high gradoi. Superfine l. m; .V.V$u; x.a 6(i'i. WHEAT Mixed 720; whito 78e.. OATS-Qulet (it C3f.Cc. HAY Scarce at W!80J. H 11 AX Quiet nt Jl. POIMC Dull i offering $15.75. BACON Scarce ; firmer at"c: rib ! rTtafa; sides 10c. LAUD-Flrin. Keg Hllllo. SUGAU In good demand. Com mon 0$; prima to choico 12'12. WHlSkY-Slock light. ' US 105. COFFEE Dull at 13J015J. .T. LOUIS, t ' St. Louit, July 21. FLOUR Fair Inquiry; prices un changed. WII HAT Snnnlo Ifn2e lower. CORN Dull: mixed" in' bulk on track lofWCe. OATS More doing; Cil.. in bulk o.i track. BAULKY Dull at 60c. WHISKY -Stcadv nt O.lo. PORK Lower; Sl4.f.015.00. BACON Jobbing and order lots at 7c; rib 8lc; clear Uc. CHICAGO. Cine oo, July 21. PROVISIONS Dull and nominslly itnchanged. PORK 14.12 seller August. WHISK Y Firm and salalilont 'J2c ; of ferings liglit. ' I CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, July 24. FLOUR Very dull; now family, SO G.25. CORN Dull at 5465c. OATS Dull Ht 40(Sil4c. HYE Dull at 707:!c. BARLEY (iuict ut 800 for 'nil. COTTON Quiet nnd unchanged. WHISKY Active at U2o. MESS PORK Dull ut $14.00; no lie mnnd. LARD -Dull nt 10lc : no sales. MEATS-lluld ut.-i-t, liGiic; no sales. BACON Held ut , 877,a c, with sal-i; shoulders nt tho Qitotutbn , sides nyt saleable at better, 8K8Sc; nigar cured hams, lololc, HOGS Active at $1.75(5.00. BEEF Dull at 2 to 5c gro-s. BUTTER Steady at IC20 for thn bolt grades. EGGS Steady ut 12c. DETROIT, JJkthiot", tuy, "4. W'ltKAT Fair demand and Saturday's price fully sustained at $l.U2 j Trodwcll, $1.32; No. 1 whito, S1.27; amber, 1.20; old wheat l2o lower. CUKN Steady; uoosoiiorj o'.'c ouycr. OATS State, 6900. BUFFALO. Buffalo, July 21. FLOUR Dull. WAEAT Heavy; sales of 5,000 bu. at $1.2'J; new red Ohio $1.27; No. 1 dull. CORN (iuict; sulci of 55,000 bu. No. 2 westorn at 67c, pnrt to arrive. OATS Lower ; sales of western at 58e. RYE Lower; sales at SOe. MILWAUKEE. Milwaukee, Wi.. July 21. FLOUR Unchanged. WHEAT Stead v at St.10 for No. 2. IIAUIIKItS. J. G EO. STEINHOUSE, FA SI ri ONABLE 1?A RHEK, Cor. Stli-tt. mill S'oiumorriiil-iiv. ue-hlmrp liuom, , iMl'Clran Towel and we-.'SUillfiill tVerkinen. lti)"l.n,ln ' 1111,1 elilldreii'ii liair 'Ut and itlinm- pooed, either at tho aliup or nt their nun liomes. Utrni'iitleiuen't wluakern aad hair ilud in " I'U tilllVi' mnniier. W itllellon miaraiiteeil. "TAX PrUCIIASIIR'S NOTICE, To M M llnwliiiftrl You aru heieby nolltieil, that at a -ale of rea1 estate made by the -herill of Alexander county, at Um iloorol coutt Imuae, In tlio luunof Cairo, Alexander count), llllnoia.ou on tho 27th tn "f .lime, A. 1. 170, C. Wiiittnn liniuliaaed tlio fololuit deMtlbed real ciUlc, ailuatn In a aid county, tor tlio tavi't. In ere II ami eo-ts iluo lliereoii, lor thojear A. I. I""", Ih-wU-Fractional .N. ! j ee. l.T. 17 s1, II, I H ., nw-fW In ihe nanio of M. M. Itinllngs, and that naid I . Wlnaion has a.luil all hi" imlil- nuiler alil purcliano to the iinderaiuned, and Ihat thollnio allowed by law lor thn re.leption ol mid leal eatato lll expire on tlio J7Ui day ol Jinie. A. t'. 1H7J M. P. IIAI.IilH 1 1 . Cairo. June ad. Hill. l)"JMO DISSOH'TION. Tlio firm of Elliott, llaythoiu A Co., Is duaolv i d by mutual consent, Mr. Otis Hidden of Um. cinnatl, relirini;. The bulnrs Hill bo continueil lir Elliott A Hay thorn. They iuume nil 1 1 n . 1 1 -ties and cvlleut allluoney duo tho linn. 1 IlKNItV EI.IiUMT, CHUAUIIAYTIUIIIN, UTIH HIDDEN. in cousenneiice of tlii nlovo ermine, and to make room tor a lartJi mivk ot fall Koona, we ulll mark all ko1" down o cost p; i;ea lor tlio uextthlrtydn-. EM.IllIT HA V fllUHN. Cairo, July 1i,1S7I.-J)20.II- ' ri'itaiiTUHi:. B. S. HARR.ELL, DEALER IN FURNITURE QUEENS WARE, ROUS FURNISHING GOODS, BAR FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL HANK or '., ito. DAMr.t. liril'l); i,relfifnlf' ' UOur.KT w. MIM.KR, A'fcerrelilent i c. N. IIlinitKH, Ca.liler. . COLLECTIONS JPItOM PTLYfM AD K. EXCIIANUK, eoin. bank nolo- an I I'mlcd !jtat' ..ecuritie- lioiijlil and -old. Iiilcrcxt AllniX'il on Tiinc llrpnsltn. KNTK R PR rS E S A VINGS ( linrloroil Jliirrli ni, 19ft. CITY NATIONAL BANK, CAIRO. ' n ri. t j A. H. StKFORt), l'reldenti S. .. TAYI.OIt, Vier-Pretlilent; W. IIY-'LOl', Beretnrv ami Treasurer. mnrnra: P. W. lUnci.i, I'. M. STix hrir.Tii, Oina. (itiiQiita, I'm. O. fciurii. 1!. M. t'lMMXll.W, W. P. Huiinn, J. II. PnuiirT. Ilriills r any Aniniint Itrrrleil from ' Toil Oeitti 1'puiirtls. 1NTKKKST paid on depolt at tho rteol six percent, per annum, .March 1st and Septem ber lt. Inleret not withdrawn li addeil Imme diately to Hie principal of the deponlla, thereby gitintf them compound (ntere.t. MARItir.Ii WOMEN AND CHILDREN MAY DEPOSIT MONEV o til r .c patw it. Oiicn erery bininem day from 9 a.m. to 3 ii.m.. and Saturday evening lor H.VVINO DEPOSITS only, from 4 to 8 o'clock. aiiJL'ii luuiauur, iieiaiarr. THE CITY NATIONAL CAIIIO II.I.INOIN. CAPITA L, $1(10,000 . I'. IIAL1.1HAY, Prcaidont; 11. HAFFOllO, Giihler; WAI.TKK HYSI.op, AilantCahier. l'llirrT"K: ."till TaIOU, ltOtlHT H. Cl'.NMXOIMU, Scott Wiurr, VV. P. H uiiuiv, rim. It. YiiiMis, Srrriirv Ilian, A. II. ?nrni. r.xcliniiKP, Colli unit ViilteU Nintca IIoikI IIoiikUI anil Kold. DEPOSITS received, and a general bauklng bliHlnea4 done. ItAILIlOAUS. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. It. On and nfior Monday, April -Ith, leTl, train wil run sit iollowa : NOllTIIF.R.V DIVISION. tbiin aoiso .lutruruT. Mail. Leave Virginia nibia.m.., " riprinstield 'J'.'.H " ., " Taylorvillo 10:5.! " , Arrive at I'ana 11:10 m. . Express i 12:3o p.m. ,. 3.00 " ,. I:2tl " ... 4:17 " TRAINS OOIXO XOaTUWUT. Kprem Leavo Pana 4:iin,ni , V Tuylorville ..I:IT " Arrlvo at tiprlnKllelil...C;l " I.earo piimlie!d .ti:2S " Arrlie at Virginia ;2A " Mall. ,.,.3:"ll.m. ..AM " ...: " ...:1U " ,..:! " SOiri'IIKKN DIVISIO.V. Tium uoivd irarriik'Aar, Leaiu Kdcnood S.SI a.m. 10:10 a,m. " Flora :2i " - 11:10 Arrive at blmneIovrnJ;lp ni 6:13 TRl.S UOIKil aonTlllVKST. I.earo t-hawnectown....5:IJ ... 6:J0p.m " Flora. 2:5.1 " 7;U0 " Arrive at Ednwood WU, 8:20 " Tho0::w n.m. Iraln from IMl-cwooiI, run only Moinlnya, WtdneailayHnrul Fridaya, and 5; train from ShanneetoHn on Tuesdaya, Tliurs itava anil haturilay-. ConlHL'Is at Willi Jack-onvllle dlvlalon f Chleaao and Alton llillroad. for Jtck-ocvllle. l'eterabiirt;, Mnon City, nnd all nolnta weat. At rpnns"i'i. wun 1.111110 ami Alton, ana uledo. Waba.h and Wculorn llailroad. tor lllooinlnKtf n.tlilcao.iinil nUplnlii nortli.uortli- en ami wen. At I'ann 11 all Ind, and Si. I.oula, and Illinois Central Itailroad lor all points t-iut, aouili and aoillheaiit. . . At i;d2twood w th Chlcaxo tlirlalon Illinois Central itailroad. At Flora, with Dili') aid M.asl-iippi Kailroad. AtSliawneuln-ii. with atcamboais for Clncln. nil, Idilcali.Cnlrnaiiiisi. 1.011m. Oltl.AM) 831IT1I, Oon'IBup'L Jmis FoiiatTT, llen'l Fr'st and Tiokot An'!. IH.MIUIIANT TICUKTS. INMAN. iLINE. I.ivrrpool, Nuw-York and Philadelphia Steamship, , CQiup any , , vndku roMnicT itii VMirin statm AaDtaiTiiu uovKaxtiatCTa l'or'Cnrryini- the Mails, VOlt VASSaITe TICKETS ' ou rwiTiita iNroauiTiox APPLY TO JOHN G. DALE, Aqt. U) Broadway, New York) or to II. llvupl, 210 Washington Avenue, Cairo, Illiquid. IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE, ' E,y For Sap (FOR SALE, iCfl S'ALE.J K9aiUF6R BALE. fb-opSa'.al L.J For Hale, I Varo from Liverpool, Faro from, LofDCXDEHHr, Faro frptn Glahiov, Fare from Qukenstown TO OAtRO. I "IVI.&11 tt'ltrl At Vl tlofl Tint tlMM AT SOLD BY PRUuaiBrs r,viin-na' I iivn ivm v