Newspaper Page Text
THE MA L? AHHIVB- ci.o3i: Nirlh. Through- 2.00 p.m , sreop.'m. lljwp.m ,...u.i r-'"' 'Wp.m pnir and Cslumbnr ianrm raule. (eaerpt t:) p.m . ROOp.m &0O p.n ItoO p.m I ,nM..nUm K II a.m. UtMp-m . liter rente, 1 -,.t (Way f" p"1 T', ., fiee.e ffltml A Hanta f . lilt, Thursday A Kfl- , . ... i Wip.m. i! ,n .' l!lan.l,l:e aid , Kr H. m. Tioop.m. ::on in, 4 c p.m urnci hoi r . .M.fery....- ;iJitm. i ,Uj t tofc a.m.) ... .n.i.r i!f.i.tfiiimt..--. WO n.lil. Kegi.'trr'r-; w n-r (Mar end Kejit'er J' I "'""" not u, i, oi-imiitys. T.IKK NOTICE. hmf table or rtiK ilu.vois ce.vtkal h. k On oJ anri"iinily, Mi," Hill, H71, the follow- in uiM-ub'a will gorem the mrlral and depart urr of pwr gr lialnt nt Cairo i VMrf-Melt IMin. dally - 11:45 p.m. Kipie, loll " 2.i3 p.m. i ,lry .,!, dsily 3.30a.m. Kirrr" daily, except Humlar 3:30 p.m Alinough tl r rtgular SI. I.ouu train In taken oil iiolh trim out id Ca'rn trill hate through cars h.r SI. Loins, win-h lll ln taken through from Duqaom tj tti'ra n on the Heltevllle road. Di rect an) cloe 'oninctlon will m made nt Du quoin, nl ther. w II h no i'hnnge of care from Cairo to M. The tr.tla li-aving Cairo nt II 4" )' m. il ImIc a through ,leepmg car lor Ht. Louis The attention of shippers l especially cslled to the (nt that a Fruit Kxpri-r train wilt lure Cairo daily, Saturdays expected, unci will male the run from this city to Chicago in twenty. tohourr. JUHNill.V, ARcnt. (Jl'ICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH tit ILLINOIS CENTRAL . II St Lori, Iirivn.i.r, Cincinnati, Chi cacmi, New Youk, Hovro.v, AXtl All, POINTS KAST AND WEST. Paenger train- arrire at and leate Cairo at fol low! i tt-. ttrRrM. Aaairr .IiSii a.m niUU p.m. Dinar, lli3 a.m 2i43 p.m. Both tralm conncet at Centralia with train on tne roa Pant, Decatur. IJIoomfngrcn, El Vfo, .a Pt'.e, Hen lota, Kreeporf, (nlfnt, Huhiinue, ami all point In lllinolt, Mifsoun, Minnesota, tv'itconolii and lows. And with l.inet running Kat and WeM for bt. IUI-. Hpf ncfield, I.ouliville, Cincinnati, Imf anapolli, Columhui. And at Cldeago with 3Iichi;an Central, .Miclnirin Bonthem, and fitt.bnrii. Fort Wavne and Chicago Itailroait lor IMroit, Ueteland, Dunkirk. JlUny, lt..U)n, I'iiiUdeiphia, .Magra Fall., llutlalo. ew Totk, littfWc, Italtlmore. ahuii;ton. AND ALL POINTS EAST. for through tlcVida and Information, apply to illinoli Ontial liadroad Depot. W. P. JOH.NHn.S. . ....... ('nerl I'attenger ARi-nt, Onlengo. J. JOII.N'&O.N, Agnnt, Cairo. ft KTi:.V5lUO,VT.S. MOL'NlTciTY AN'i) CAIKO. THE STEAM TUG, CACHE Capt. "William II. Saxhusky. will r. FOUH TIUl'S KVKUY DAY nrr CAIEO A.iT 3D jVT'JO. CITY Lkavk Caiko, ifor or H4.HTH iTRi'r.T. At 7 A.M. At 10 A.M. At 1 p.m. At 5 r.ix. Lkavk Jin Citv, WIHIIIM.iT. At.... At At At...., H.30 A.M. .... lLiW A.M. U-.'HJ P.M. C.30 p.m. WILL LAND. WHEN HAILED, AT JUl IIOX FACTORY, HA WE S ia.NIJISO, KY. MOUTH OF CACHE, MARIXK WAT,, AND NAVY TARI). rATCIi FI!EE,and W a day pure, no hum. r Ikjk Adilre.i with aUimii. i.tTTA A CO, 1 ""buiK, fa. yW.i;in, i nnn i,ooK,7 1,UUU Oommifsion ii,00 in premlumiclub i.iibiot onordlcouDt. A New I'lnu. eiriuUr. ..7". v v". M Ufay" Hj'n, a tedar1 ST. LOUIS LAW SCHOOL. T'-Ai.8"'" "SP11,1" '"moflbia I.a h'thool AiiM,?Tn,on Ho'"'ir. ct,irfr mil, is:i. ,,e, ' rT.,,l". months e,eh. mil- " ipti ation on or befnre i), till. 1K7I. .idre", ' "" tnn""- VT purtlculari. U :ira fjt ST. LOUIS. .MO. -'- chi:am .saloo.v. NA&jAXO'jj CHEAM SALOOIN'. If t'OMMKIlfJIAL AVENUE, 'fltteeii Sctem,., t't-tllli niifl i:ik'lilrriitli tret-1. I nd will ,u, ' l-oiio-ly fute l up t Cretin, Cale,, Confectolnt, l.wiioiiade, . aud hi.i rU,fcMl".tr.lbeiy. FAMlLUstti. ,.7 "AUftVAUTIKS SUPPLIED N RHinvr KoTKIK a:cnuUMi,c lMlACJ'ICAI, WA'ryiiM Mv'PK , "''rli II. HOT3PT, NO. lio WASHINGTON AY KN r K, I'llHO, ' j I I. I.J ,MIH. Hitn ou tan J A PINE STOCK OF WATCJIKS, CLOCKS, JEWELP.y, ETC."' - rr letlsr auTTilon hen io REPAIRING FINK "WATCHES. Tb largtat totv of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES lUTUErm. BOOKH, paiuphlela, briefs, calaloynei, par, tax litta, and every rami) of i-itiu lo jinnlla eonlracted for, -and pnrnyily an I peedlly eeuld, in the Balltdln look, Job' rtrr.ap.r biadlae tHabllthmtul. ' ATKW ADVJ'JKTISfiMENTS. SA VK TWHXTl 1'KH CENT Hi iMiyliift your IFTTIRirsriTTTIEIE . r MOHEOFf BROS., latVuriu ' '. I'UltXITUKK FACTOR V, M'naliliiKloii-nv., Xonr i'ootittn llnimr. !A1P.0, Il.f.t.VOIf". Mertr. nLOilinIT llrslhern dealre to inform tli Cltiifina of Cairo that they are tnanufacturim; all Kinun 01 PLAIN AND 1'ANCV rUJlNITTHK And hate now on h'tod and fur rale, at WholOMilc null Itrlull, till klnd, anl will continue to keep nt their sai.ks noo.M., is Tiir.tit si:v huiliiinii, Etery ilierirdion of cheap and rnsllt lurniture, urhit nfi.Carvecl lled.Knd., Marble Toppwl Ilureaiu, Oiridehoard", Wahtand. JT,Vardrole1 .sofa Chaim, 8S.Sofatand Mnlrnne, r"lOUni;'-, etc , ete,, Wimii they will Karantee to sill TWENTY PEI! CENT. LOWElt Than they ean be lionght from any ntur dealer In ine ciiy. line mini a rail anil eausiy your' nelve. J)2idtr THE BULLETIN. l'ulillslii'il 'pry innrnlni;, Momlny ex' CPlltl. CITY NEWS. liliKVITIHS. -Oil for the streol lump jiuugh ! A road from Cairo t Mound City a licceuitv. Mr. .lolin Corcoran k'.k tho ci:v Inst niuht for Ui liomuin MIUsippl. ' IV briefly replies this morning to tlio ln(uiric of ' Warm to know." Tim hox and lin-kut compiiny now work lilty men till 12 o clock every night. E l. Sinon Hnown 'enizeu of Cilinn 1U!, JCfiitticky, und deals in frc-h ijjfj; and IrinK chickens. Wo iruiirufltco till- !'1a. ton liir. in tl:n best. I'arsonsDavft &VoT' jv2GJ-v 'J'wo additional politenien nro to bo added to tlio force. TIk'v are needed, but 1 who (hull they be? If you want painless delightful shave, K, to Albu's Ili rawir and work men nru llii! bei in tliii'oitv: ' tf Our .Mound City aubtcriiier will rc- oivn Tub Hullktis, ImrcAfter, by tho Cache, on U i ...m. trip. Wu regret to lcern that F. E. Alltrisrht Esq, is lying n;riouly ill at his father'.' nt'iir Jone-lioro'. Why don't tlm uinrOnl for the owner. of uneollared do, .' H can hav thtm nil lined if lie will. (ioto I'arM.n D ivi, v: ,;' friut-Jar oriuin. to. 5 and 7, Truth Hreoi. cmporiu Jy25Jw I.etjer.t received , in the city inJicuto tlint work will t,i coinniouct-d on the Cairo and St. Loul witliin'H few weeks. Ttiu old, reliable (iroovo rili" fruit jare only $1.50 a dozen mid (.enling wax, lor ntlit iy l'ariiti, Divii-A: Cu.- jyJ.'diw ' ' A negro thief allot at u white man on Ilullidny'a h'irflioitt, n Saturday night and vnnijhcd. No idu'ii to his whereul.oiitS cm bo obtuilied. Kunnor luwaru! Dan Miller, nr- reited for running without a license, was lined So by ShnunuHy on Tuenday, and ecnl to jail for eleven day. Mr. Cliarle? Pumoiis, tiio non-rejiJent trustee of the city propurty, Imi been on u 1 ''' Jyor. llu left yutterday f"r New-York, on tho noon train. -China. ueeiisware, cutlerv. lanim. 1 :7".. . .iw . pricei ut Par.o,,,, !)livls a, -and 7, Tenth street. iv25d0 I "tIU"1 Anilerson 1'runl; Btnitb, cliarued with usln 1.,i.k... i charged with using abusive tc., wuro fined Si", and roita tllKUaUr. KUHlHi(.itv iiml In ,i,.r.,,,i. . ( each, by payment, ---,' ... UV.MI, 111 up for eleven davs. klZ?V"t u'm worth of boots and d 1. I "veinm. .Mr. .1 atHW,r ..,,; : .r the Siinn called uponusyesterd.y.- Mr.s,!,,, ;oi, u to hi, frifclld4 , Ulib , will re.a,n nrobablv n 1 -It'sV.C II Foutn. i,t ii... li.... i. , . - , v.u vuri all cilureli c . . i. . . . "Wiiuay evening, ut W inter-. btk o)(J tl!U, Uomo '"tj all ye that ur wcury M)a 1 ipkvj- lailen mi i win givetiieirtit'i THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1871. Tho cRio now on trial In tlio Circuit Court Arlck v. tbo IlllnoU Centrol -U like linked awcolnes, long drawn out. After its end liai been rcnobedj court will adjourn tine die. The county court, when it enn Fpnre tho money, should 1111 up tho bcnutlful court-hottso srtarc, nnd then Insist that tlio officers having it in charge shall take pop cr enro of it and not bo allowed to innko it either r corn field or a cow vard. A number of Cr' oltts vl ' od Mound City on Sunday last. Of course they made the trip in tho tug "Cache,'1 which under the command of Capt. Sandusky, Is becoming n popular institution. "Wo cn.Il tho attention of our readers to tho card describing Dr.Kattinger'a family medicines. Thcso medicines are no pal ont or quack preparations, but tho result of special study and experiences of n regu lnr physician- Jy2Wwlw. Tho speeches in tho great care of Aiick vs. the Illinois Central liallroud Company, being tried in tho Circuit Court, will be mado to-day. Allen and Linegar for the plain tiff, and Itobert E Williams, of ISIoomington, and Green for the defendant. If "Quod '.Scriptum Scrlptum," who has an itch for scribbling, and scrlbbTn-in the .S'kii, dares to doubt our orthodoxy ho will do so at his peril. "Wo aro prepared to put a "head on him;'' provided alwnys that ho is a light weight and not ono of your muscular religionists. Mason's improved fruit jars with glass tops, sold by Parsons, Davis St Co. jj25d2w Tho wlfo of a dissipated man determ ined to commltsuicido on Sunday last, and announcing her determination, ran to wards the Mississippi river, her neighbors after her. She escaped from the cotton wood grovo outside the levee and rushed to the water's edge. Hut alio did not rush in. After contemplating tho river for n few moments, she turned on her heel and returned home, declaring that, on second thought, sbo would not drown herself for forty men like her husband. Sensible woman. One thousand fruit jars, choaper than ever, for sale by Parsons, Davis & Co. jy25d2w Tho Sun professes to be surprised that The Hullktix should raise its voico in denunciation of tlio radical office-holders of Southern Illinoi, who persist in abus ing our colored fellow-citizens and depriv ing them of their rights under tho "fif teenth amendment." Tho S.m must un derstand, that it cannot escape castigation at our hands whpn It does anything in. consistent with tho just claims of the "men and brothers" in our midst. Eiiitoii of thk I1ui.lkti.s-: In u re cent issue of vour paper somo one asks: "Are christians afraid to have their families read the Hiblc '" Collier, in one of his sermons, eeems to have given a tolerably good answer to tho spirit which seems to have asked tho (j testion : "The truth is, the Ilible is like a great pasture, into which you turn all manner of feeder. The horse takes whtA ho wants, so does tho cow; the sheep l true to his instinct, fo U the gout; and then lait of all. tho nss rolls tlie thistle like a ewcet morsel under his tongue. So, vhcre a man s i 1 1 1 a large, sweet nature, coiiim to tlie bible, lie crop', by su e i 'net, nil lliu large sweet pati.aca. hopeful man find tlio hopeful things: tho hard man, the hard things, and every man the things which satisfy his cravings, though tfioy may in no way make for his pence." P. Tho Eichhoir furuituce manufactory U now in full blast, and is a credit toCairci and entitled to a liberal patronage. The basement U Oiled with machinery turning lathes, etc.;, the first floor is uatd ns u sales room, and Is full of cosily and cheap furniture, marble-topped bureaus, marble-topped eide boards, wardrobes, bedsteads, chairs, kitchen safes, lounges, etc. ; the third floor is used At a carving room, and ' tho rarvtr is onu of tho most experienced men in the west. Tlie Messrs. Eichholf call attention to their large, flno and varied stock, nnd ndvertUo to tell at retail twenty per cent, lower than furni t.iru can bo purchased elsewhere. Ilu- reaus, with gWes, from $12 to $ 40; French bedsteads, from $3 to $10; aix-Joot bed steads, $'; zou-ivo bodsleads, $o; z.ouavo budatoidt, (bladi wuluut), $0.50; common four-foot bedsteads, i3.7fi; common three foot bcditeadi, $3; circle-end bedsteads, circle-end lounge, $2."G; inclosed btaudii, $0; extension tables, $1.20 per foot; cupboard aufes, i3.,'0; twelve linden safes, $5, and everything else in proportion. -1 liu best fruit jars in tho world for salu ut Parsons, Davis S: Co., on Tenth "street. Jy25d2w Tax Pa vtits, Takk Notick. Tlie city tax book, fur 1871, has been placed in my hands, und I shall at once proceed to tho collection of tho tuxes. At tho expiration tf thirty days tho delinquent tax-list will be published, and tax-payers will savo trouble to themselves and tho city by act ing promptly on this notice. Jon. II. Taylor, City Collector. Cairo, .July 21, 1871. Rkliaiii.k and Safk. Dr. Henry Root and Plunt Pills aru mild and please uut In their operation, yut thorough, pro- Uuclng no nausea or griping. Ueing en tirely vegetable, thoy can bo taken with out regard to (Hot or business. They annuo tho liver and secretive organs Into healthy Uction, throwing oir disease with out exhausting or debilitating thu system Try them and you will bo nutlsfled Prico20 cents a box. Sold by drugglst9 and dealers in tnediclno everywhere Prepared by thu G;ufton -Mudlolno Co., St Louis, Mo. , . iny'Jdra Ariii'M Focmii Tho Free Henov olont Hons of America, will turn out ou August the Ith, at Flora Garden. All aro cordially Invited to attend. Thu speak- will uo t .Mer. .1. Uliidiinv. .1. .1. llird. f'.. W. Kills nmk nthi.n.. A.l,.,l...'. '., ' ' - - -..Mv.Hinu. . Adnli. or. in(n. (MilMn.i, ir. ....i. n 1 , ; 1 r f order of thu committee. NOUMAM W. WlMf, llALVH Martin, Wm. Fi.v.hjiot, (lw ANOTHER RAILROAD. aVaiii-li.vb RAi'inoAD from rr.oitiA to t-Aiuo, via A writer in tho Tcorla Democrat sug gesta an nir.ine railroad from Peoria to Cairo, vlu Springfield. H proposes to have tho road built from Peoria to I'ekln; from Pekln to Sprlngfluld, and from ipringnoni to Uairo. Ho says: "Peoria has n railroad to Hock Island. Then Kock 1 !iind would hnvt. a railroad to Cairo via Pcorln, and to bt. Louis via Illllsboro, Montgomery county. (Cross tho St. Louis and Terro Haute railroad.) From llllls- born, county town of Montgomery; then to Greenville, county town of Bond coun- tv; then to Carlisle, county town of Clin ton county (where it would cross the Ohio and Mississippi railroad) ; thon to-Nash- yllle, county town of Washington county; then to Piiiknejrville, county town $r Per ry county; thcn lo llrownsvllle, Jackson cminty ; then to Cairo, county town of Alexander county. From Hock Island to Cairo this railroad would run through more county towns than any railroad in Illinois. It would pass through thirteen county townsa good many of them hav ing no railroad at all. This railroad would help Peoria as much as any of her railroads, for all of Egypt's early vegeta bles and fruit would como direct to Springfield, Peoria and Rock Island. It would holp Cairo greatly, for there would bo two routes from Chicago to Cairo. Thoy could go to Chicago via tho Peoria and Ilurcau Vulloy railroad, and via Cen tralia. Tnis railroad will pass through the finest counties nf Illinois." KILLED. IU'.VTKK ACCIDENTALLY KILLED 111' PAT kklley's OUN. On last Friday morning, Pat Kelley, formerly of this city, and a party of friends started on a deer hunt from n rendezvous about six miles from Gronfield's landing in Missouri, opposito this city. "Homo of the party were on foot, und others were riding. Kelly was on a mule. After the party had gone a short dlstanco the mule bocamc unruly and throw Kelley who had his gun beforo him resting before the sad dle. Tho gun was flung violently against a fence, and was discharged, sixteen buck shot of tho load it contained entering the groin of ono of tho party inflicting a fatal wound. Tho sufferer, whoso name we could not learn, lingered in great agony until Sunday when he died. Our Railroad Iktkkkmt. The present encouraging evidences of railroad pros perity should induce every citizen of Cairo to patronize Fred. Theobold, who ha re-, turned to the city and taken charge of his popular tonsorial palace, on Sixth street, between Ohio levee and Commercial av enue. J-red. is a master in Ills business, with a reputation that extends far and wide, ne employs only the most skillful workmen. His razors are sharp, his tow- Is fresh and sweet, and his barber-shop as clean and bright as a new pin. Give Fred a call, all for the sake of auld long sync. A single trial will convince tho jugs skeptical of tho efllcancy of II ELM HOLD'S GRAPE PILLS in sick or nerv ous headache, jaundice, indigestion, con stipation, dyespepsia, billiousncis, liver complaints, general debility, etc. No nau sea, no griping pains, but mild, pleasant and safe in operation. Children take them with impunity. Thoy nro tho best and most reliable. HELM HOLD'S EX TRACT S ARSA PARI LL A creatoi new, fresh nnd healthy blood, benutldes tho complexion, and imparts n youthful np pearance, dispelling pimples, blotches, moth patches and all eruptions of tho skin. Dr. R. V.Price, of HuAaIo, N. Y, in his book ou Chronic Diseases, says in regard ti his Golden Medical Discovery, with which our rcaderf aro familiar, "from its wonderful power over Consumption of tho Lungs I had thought strongly of calling it my Consumptive Cure; but from the fact that it is a perfect specific for tho-tore throat and hoarinoss to which ministers and public speakers and singers are subject, and also for Iironehilit, and all terero eoiujhn, nnd is an invaluable- ramedy for disease of tho Livor, and also as a .Illood purifier. I decided not to apply to it a name which might mislead and prevent its use in Jthor diseases for which it Is so ad mirably adapted. It will cure a cough in ono half tho, time necessary to cure it with any other medi cine, and it docs it not by drying it up but by removing the cause subduing the Irn-' tttion and healing tho uffec'ed parts." This valuuble medicine is sold by all first class druggists. Hf.kk. Charley Schonemeyer, at tho Egyptian saloon, is in constant re ceipt of n full supply of tho purest and freshest Weiss fleer a bevcrugo fit for a lord; -.'xhiliaritlng without intoxicating, cool and delicious Just tho drink to fight the dog-days with. Resides "Weiss Hccr, which he makes a specialty, ho has also on hand hn excellent stock of wines, li quors and cigars. Call on him. Ashkinkf.'h Sai.k The furthor salo of tho Htock of hardware and agricultural im plements of William 31. Davidson is de fer rci i until nine o'clock Thursday morn- ihg, July 27th, at which time the salo will bo resumed und tho entire stock closed out. Okoruk Fish kii, Assignee. July 22, 1871. jy23-4t. KiNiiM.vo, COO ,ri;Inss boxes" for sale at 5 cents each. ' ' "W,t"V. Thornton. hr. N iciioLAH. Day bourdors can sc- cum kixrI. accommodations uttliofSt. Kiel-! olaa (formerly tho St. James) nt $4 per week. Tho liouso is at tho corner of Ohio levee und Eighth street, a central location, aud is proprletored by Hariy AValker, who is ulivo to the wants of his patrons. Parties desiring boarding nnd lodging can main terms uu iiiu,ij mi uiu oiuce, may3dtf Twenty Dollars Reward "Will bo pud for nny information bearing on tho identification of the old saddle left at tho house of AVm. Kendall on thu morning of tho nth Inst. Alex. 11 Juyin, Shorltr. dlw To Mothers and Nurses. Mrs .whit I comb a Hyrup for Diarrhea, &c., in child run, wutiiuur inuuecu oy leivniiig or otuu I cpusitt, iavna aioti aim uon remedy. i jy'.'odawl RIVERJEWS. PORT LIST. ARRIVALS. Stoitmor Edinburgh, Cincinnati. " Arkansas Hello, Evansvlllc. " Marblo City, St. Louis. Natchez, St. .ouls. Itobb, St. Louis. '' Tobo Hurt, Hickman. " Mary K. Poc, St. Louis. " City of Cairo, St. Louis. " Minnie, St. Louis. ' Florenco Loo, Kvansvllle. " Illinois, Columbus. " " Grand Tower, Memphis. R.O. Groy. Louisville: . ' Itlchmond, yaw " Robb, Mound City.' " Emma Floyd, Memphis. " Jas. Fisk, Jr, Paducah. I Umpiro, NashvllU. " Camellf, Loulivjllo. 1 ' " I. L. Hyatt, Island No. 18 Steamer Edlnburf, Nen OrWrii. " Arkansas Hollo, JEvansvillc. 11 Marblo City, MsmphU. " lUtchoz, m'Otfiint'. 11 Robb, Mound City. " Tobe Hurl, Hickman. it. if ii ii ii ii ,Mry J5. Poe, Kd' River. City of.Calro, Vicksbur. Minnie, AVhito River. Florence Lee, Evansville. Illinois, Columbus, Grand Tower, 8t. Louis. Richmond, St. Louii. Robb, St. Louis, Emma Floyd, Louisville Jas. I Itk, Jr., Paducab. Umpire, Nashville. ii ii ii 11 Camelia, louiaville. " I. L. Hyatt, coal mines. " Dictator, St. Louis. Tho R. C. Gray rcshipod about 800 tons. i Tho Fisk brought for New Orleans, 33 hhds of tobacco, and small lot of frlegh for this city. Umpire had 08 hhd of tobacco for New Orleans; 2 hhds for St. Louis, 134 bbli potntoM for Now Orleans , 18 sacks feath ers for Chicago, and about 17 tons of froight for various places. Tho Camelia has about 150 tons resha ping freight Including one' item Of 1.288 bbls potatoes. Tho City of Cairo received 125 tons of freight. Tbo Natchez will not be up here again. She has made four business trips between St. Louis and New Orleans. It is the in tention of Capt Leathers toglvoher a gen eral repairing and havo her all ready for the coming season. The Ohio Is stationary. Business is very good. Tho dinburg was aground thirteen hours at Cumberland Island. Tho Marble City brought a big lot of merchandise for Cairo. She laid" up all night at Grecnleaft. Tho Natchez on arriving at Greenleal found that she was drawing too much water to get over. She sent one of her pilots down hero In a yawl and got ihe Dictator to goup and lighten her up. Af ter being'lightened about three inches he camo over withont any trouble. She re ports CJ feet at Grocnleaf s. She filled out with all the freight sho wanted. The Bee has thrro barges aground at Dog Tooth and one barge laying at the bsnk. The Olive Branch which sunk a few days since is lying in twelve feet of water, but is straight with hpr head down trcam. It is supposed sho cannot be raised. She was built in November 18C3, and has been a vo-y successful boat. She was valued, when sho sunk, at $16,000, her original cost was $00,000. New OnLEANH, 2 l.xVrnved Atlantic and barges, St. Louis. Departures N ono. Cincikxati, O., July 24. River" feet 5 inches and falling vory slowly. Clear and pleasant. Mkmphik, July 21 Cloudy and pleas ant. River falling slowly. Up James Howard and Julia. Down City of Cairo and Dardanelle. Sr. Louis,' July 24. A rrivVd General Anderson, Mound City ; Lako Superior, Keokuk ; Florenco, Memphis; Huntsville, Peoria; Nile, Cambridge. Departed Commonwealth, New Or leans; City of .Chestor, MemphU ; Harry Johnson, Keokuk; St. Luke, Jefferson City; Northwestern, St Taul ; nuntsville, Peoria. The river is still falling. "Weather clear. EYAN.tvii.LE, Ind., July 21. Weather Ine. Tho river has fallen three tncnes. 1 1 Arrived Le Cairo, No. 2, x-ayetto, Rapidan, No. 2, Arkansas uelie,- onarp, McDonald, Morning Star. Down Mary Anient, John i.umsuen. Huisiness fulr. Louisville, July 24 River falling slowly ; twenty-four inches over tho chuto ; six feet on Portland bar; four feet six inches on shoals and bars betwoen Louis- villa and Kvansvlllo, and flvo reet irom Evansville to Cairo. No business. On Saturday a new boat, tho Holena, will be launched. She is for tho Memphis and St. Louis trade. Arrived Robin brought aown irom Cincinnati four barges for St. Louis; the Little Condor arrived from Pomeroy with salt, and returned. CANS I CANS!.! CAN9 1 1 1 'Five hundred dozen No. 1. Tin FRUIT CANS-AT THE NEW-YORK. BTOJUTraL $1X0 pordozon. Largest wholesalo and retail stock in the city. GREELET 05 JTATIEH. , : 1 i ' iM. ! Marriaqe Ouide. Interesting work, numerous engravings, 224 pagos. lnce 60 cents. Address Dr. Butts' DJsjeps,ary, No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis, Mo. Boo Advertisement. ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY. The Forty-Third Annual Hettlon of the st. XiOTjra TJIsn "V E! I? S ITT, Will opencnaionaay ceputtn, 11 Tl.UI. Ilif iinlr Inttltiilion ofliarnldr In Ihe weal, having liecu ettablithed in Mil. The courto of amdiea oflera ovcrv facility for acquiring thorough Clatticai ano i;oiumenjii hwwvpi CatalogueH containing Inttruciiona to earenlt and fill nirllculart, will t aent n apdilcatlon to Itr-v. B. II. bTUNTEHKCK, H. J. Piaildent, bt. Louii University, ' st r.i.ou ist, MIS- DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The partnerthlp herein lore exiatlng between P.titolilmonn and M.Uelfko. underthn Itrm'ntme ot Htjlilmaa A Bleike, is Ililt day diraolved by mutual consent. Tho tmtlnera will be Continued nt the old utand by M. hlffke, who la auihorlwd to reltle all III" nrcountu ol Ihe late tlrln. 1. hroaltill. l" Mtl-aK ORDINANCE N0( 120. A" r'llnaiiet!Aiilhprlse i mirrlptlon ef $1V n to thfCaird nai gtf I.oum Rail Mi Coin ilimiI.IS'bTola"onoftheCily Conned nf of iia .,'aii i;oa.r:,t;?.l.:!1r.th6 elccllin waa t , .,i (n , nrKiiince of a-ihscrlptlon. and In.tritr.te.l Ihe or 1 'T'1? .iilte 16 prepare n,f'anl)m t V, id rmirl necessary iirdlnanco to rarry the r...ii Vt . eleellou into tTjcl: and 7 ' r ",l nl ft I'lrirnin unit pi im I In a,. , ..A i ... 1 1 Ik. Aid iirr.-.i.aproTHIonU cntltr4e( , ,fn rn H(Tf rora for lh0 iurp(eolKllne i Hrrt epreJwlll. if threleeVS.f !.,!' aid. road ; 7rs b.' IO ,1101 ?,'fa-nrd,r lh' " Council .flhe ell, f f HMrwsri. That the. Mayor nfth. HtT .,Bll he itfol.y l. an homeland ntlrticted. id suh! acnimou beha lot Ibe. city of ,iro. u. tliir,iio Motts ? the Cairo d Ht liula! ffinSfftS. m iv V Vii. i "un,,re" minsand dollt aumta Md eompany maTdelgni,.ald tondafo ear iotrreat al thn rata hi il.t u. ...i . iiunijBaa in m pa, awe in iwtnty yeara from date thereof and that the Mayor oftfie city, City Clerk and City Comptroller !, add they arc i iiere. by authoritad and lntrn-l.l m i .,n. . seal ol the city to (he same, an to dellrtr the u nii'i inairucieii to fiitnariil affix thn i city to fhe same, an to dellrtr the trustee or trust t to l, appointed by and Cllr Council to bo held by Mid truttrea In eecro, and la lm dellt-errd ilro and Ht. Ixiufa Italiroad Company fnill-l llf MirURIVClUr tne Mayor tmtUeor I to aam u to anil Ht. I.iil. itniir..i ... upon the follow nieonditiona, vi i that the traek of aald (Oad ahall enter Alaxander county at ill. northern limit, upon the line dividing it fiom Union county and hall brnrrM upon the mo.t eligible rouie tn the Ieree aiirroundinir the city ot O'.iro, and . 'That thnwork ahall I- Mnu..nA.J .n l tuted from the city ef Cairo br the firat day of . I . . ,u roan-oeo enau oe com pleled to Ihe county line of Union county by t, ilrstdayorjyH(7i, ',oylded howcTer.lhat the bonds of the clly af Cairo shall be paid to the aald Italiroad Company on theecmplrtionof each De mileaot theroad.ljed commencing at Cairo, said amount to Ins paid pre roaas the amount done in In proporllun to the whole work to be done on the road bed In aald Alexander rnnt v. ald mn,.... to lit aaeenaionl by a.nrrey and an ea'lmate of mn cos i oi in wiuiie worn in sani coumy." Provided, that Intrrmt ahall not tnln in ..... Opon anfof the raid bonds until Hie company ahall bat beom entitled to receive the aald bonds; and protided further that In nocaae thail there be lisuwl to aald ifilroa.1 company a greater amount in the liondt ot the city than rfhrper centum ot tne coat U emliof any dye mlfe ot of tald road bod, a abown by the' otrlfied meaaurementa of the engineer of raid railroad, until aald railroad shall have been cjm pitted, and that any urplutof aald bondt not deilyartHt under this protlnan ahall li deiyere.i to tn rid railroad compajy when the track thereol la eompteted and the can ran thereon Irom Cairo 1U Ot. lMJIt.. ApprTd July 22nd, ISTI. Joll.v M. I.ANHl'KN, Mayor. Atl.t:M. J.IIOWLKV. CityClerk. ORDINANCE. NO. 11H. An ordinance to authorua the tutorlptioo of iw,tu, to tue tiro ani tineennea Kailroail Company, and for other purposen. ; Whereat, bran agreement entered Into between the Cairo and Vincennea Itallrnsd Company and the cityof Cairo, and approved by Ihe City Coun Cll November Z'Att. lac., it I. nrotldcd tint ih tock amounting to llm.Cjo b lutued by the Cairo and Vincennea railroad company to Ibetity for the subneripllon of that amaunt aoould be aold by ihe city to Hie aaid company, upoa certain con- auiona aa aaprriBt inaaia conirat and Whereae.- it la uixleratood that aald ramMnt are willing to extsnd the lime for the it.u of sain wuat ami tne commencement or the pay. ment of Interest on the ane . thrrtfnn Ha It ordained by the City Council of 'lb eity I Cairo 1 section i. Trial ine Major o( tne cily l, aol he la hereby anthOritel anJ imtrnrted to .in scribe oa lietialfof the City of Cairo to the capi tal atock of the Cairo and Viaceooea railroad company in ine tumor one numlreil tuouaand dollara. aald anbacrlDtlon to ba navhln in iwinrf. ol the city hereinafter proyldtil for; that Ilia Jieyor, vity tieni, aou vn uomptroiter ke, and they are hereby authority! and instructed to bare prepared and to dan and seal bond ol the city io tne amount of one bundled thooaand dollara, to i itauru to raia raiiroaa rempany, aaiu Donna to lie In auchaumi at the eaidcompaay may tie aire, to bear interett at the rate of Spercenr. per annum, and Iota payabla twenty yean after the data thereof, with coupons atucned or the pay ment of Ine iolereat eeinl-annall) on the same; that the Major it hereby authorlted and Inttruct ed to take charje cf said Mndwhen preparrt, signed aealed and ready for delivery, and It authorlted and initructrtlta dallrer the name to some retr-nntible tanking, loan or trutt com pany, trtstee or trnclaii t IkraUd or .letidmg in the city ot Ar VorV or eltewhere, at mty be agreed upon by him aid laid Italiroad company, raid bonda i" r held by raid booking Win nr. trunt company, triirtee or truttret, In eacrow and to l.a oViliyered uo to the aald Cairo and Vincennea railroad company, when the raid Cairo and Vjncennet railroad hat been conilrncleo, that it to uy has leen put in Sood ordinary running order, from Umcilyof -tiro, Illinois, to the clly ol Vincenner, Indiana, and the cara ahall have run thereon, and not fore; provided, work on raid road thail be re turned by or before Uctobsr Ut next, and raid road thail be finUbedlr or natora t.-m flritday ofAuguat. 1B73, and provide I also that the lntr eat accruing on aaid bonda previous to their delitery to -aid railroad company, thail not loure to t!iebene3t of tald rsllroaa company, but the eoupona forallaccrued Interett thail he detvhed from raid liondu previous to their delirery to aid railroad Company and hn returned to tald city of Cairo, to that Interett thail not he pa'd or accrue to aaid railroad company befnr the time when tald company rbell be entitled to receive aid lundt according to. the (ondltion herein ex or'xtcd. ' fee. z. It ahall be. tod It 1 hereby made the duty of the banking, loan, trust' company or trustee, which ahall be chosen or telecteI to hold tucli bondt, as hereinbefore, provided, to deliver up tha tald'lMBdalU) aaiil railroad 'oor, panv upon tho tald compnny'a ittulng to raid city, and dt-llverlng to said triittea one hundred Ihoutand (Slou'.Oti) ilollara 'of pnbl op rloek In tald railroad company, which tald atock the told trustee It heiehy authorised anil dirrol.'.l lo n-ll to aiid railroad company fur fiye thousand dol lira (SMtti) of Cairo city bonds r at thertiv to carry out the provisions of the agreement en tered into NatomberlUth. IW7, by and between raid city and tald railroad company. Approved July Kid. 1871. " JDHNM. I-ANiDK.V, -Viyor. Attest t M. J. HOVVbKV, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 118. An ordinance in reference to the Police force. Bolt ordained by the Cily Council of th city of Cairo - Bi.ctio.1 1. That two additional. Police Contla Met bo appointed whrt 'thah -te as addliional night watchmen, and who "hall be paid the rune, talary aa the other'IVIictM'.anttahlu-'i.i ' Bur. 2. That the city thail be divided into three police dittrictt, the flitt to qonaiitof all that partof the city helowand'tonth of Kighth itreet; the lecoDil to consist of all that part ol the city between Kighth and Kighteenth ttreett J and the thlrdof nil thupartof ilro olty above, nnd north of Eightcenth atreet ; each of raid dittricta to tw patrolled by two of the Police ConttabWs In such manner nt Clio Chief of Pollse may direct Htc. 3. That taction 4.1 ot "An ordinance to adopt the ordinance of the city of Sairo as ie vlaod and "codified" unamended by adding after the word "authorised," at tho end of the tlalh. line ol taid tectlon Hie words, "by the City Coun cil. ApprovedJu!yl7th,ts7l. .. ., JOfj.N it. I.AKi?DE.V, Major, Alteiit, M.J, nownl. City Clafk. IvnllOt 7T. WMOI.E8A1.R CKOCKRS. R. SMYTH & CO., WnOLEs'ALE GROCERS, ......... ...H , . n I OU 10. LiVJCi, i i'T CAIRO, llajf Jtatlfi. Also, keep constantly on hand a inott com plete atock of HCOTCII AND IRISH WIIIBKIEA O I N H, Port, Madorla, Sherry and Oatawba Wlncs QuvTtf a CO. tell exclutlvely for caah Jo R. whilh 'ftcMhe'; f invite the e.pecl.l alien trJnf cloSl-r'n buyers. BpUat attention yiven to fnj Ofdtn. JOB PRINTING. The undersigned, proprletora of Ihe Utiu and wTtKi-v hJLwtiii. 'liar 'juat rece ved an attorf SXSoi the latea. -tylea of Job l'rinllng typet, ind have now n of ihe most complete Job ottieet " me "outh and Weat. They fla.ter themselve. that they poeeeaa facilltiia for turning out proinptlyi Hi the bett ttylo ol the Art, all work entrusted to them, from tho rmalletl card or label to the mammoth poster, and at prices 'which leave wilh our business men uo good ex enaa for tending their woik to fit. Loula, (linclu nail or ChKtgO JNO. H. OJJKIU.Y A CO - IfeM In ihix ... " .a.")ioa I Held on -arm kOoraarT,r,,,,,'"r''"'l'fl:ll7 ' I""" i...V. I'Jf:"' 'eard toa aul.scilnllon ol ilro and HI. n aama wmo Hon and U w nit itTlVj T.'X' Clldatlared tnld r Itellroail Cnmpany'anU reewnj.iU. ..:1. for the conalruWn of .aid Cl! b, d "Siim n'J aiibecnplrOrLs hertlnfore aiifhor VhiJtIZ.V1? "'"'"'i ivwiiT aioui ,innn inn rfr . . -.f" iu in imjmme ma litrelhatli-e prot irietl lor that bondt oftha cily lull be ,' lifynieal of aid aabacrfolion to lh nmonnt orniceif-flfe thnuaoms iinn in (-OMMIflSION AJfD ruuwAitniXd. W.Str.illon. - - T. H!i". STRATTON k RIRD, (Successors to Htra'ton, llu loi A Clsrk ) WHOLKSAIjK GllOOlOKS, ANN COMMISSION MEHCHANTS, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. ataV-Agenla of American Powder Co., Ml man. laetuiersagents for cettoh yarn. J5 II ' CLOSE &VIN(.'ENT, GKNEUAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS , ssn I5ELA.I,EIRS IUT LIME Cement, Plahter Pari, ISO PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner eighth Ntraat and Ohio Ivrr CAIRO, I LI PETER Cl'IIL mti'sivi KLOUIl merchant t AMD MILLERS' AO EXT. No. 80 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS'. Orders solicited and promptly filled. J.vl Jtf H. M. HULEN, GROCER andCONFECTION No. 134 Conimercial-ave., CAIRO, II.LIN01H. MILLER k PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION -txn FOKWARlilliri MERCHANTS, ash DEALERS IX FfsOl'K, C'ORX Oats, I lay, et;. 5H Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS, JOHN II. PHILLIS (ii'-cf .tor to Parker & Phillit,) GENERAL COMMISSION tn FO R WA RDING M ERCH ANT, DEALER IX HAY, COHX, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Cos. TENTn-ST. and OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO. 114. J. M. PHILLIPS k CO.. (Succataors to T, H. Utndrickt A Co.,) Forwarding , and CommisBion MERCHAXT8 WHABF-nOAT PROPRIETORS, c.imo, ILL. yr-.LIIieral Adtantea made uponsE(f lyJ. Contlgnmentt, a3tl Are prepared to receive, tloro and forward frelghta to all polnttand buy and tell oacomtnlttlon. VBualnea attended to promptly. ' WOOD RITTEXIIOUSE, (Pnccestor olAyertACo.) FLOUR General Commission Morchant 133 onio LEVEU, Cairo, Illinoib. WIXEM AWP HJKiOOHa. i WM. H. SCHUTTER, " Importer uad Wholesale Dealer In 1 WINES, LIQUORS, Ann .TOBACCO, 8 , QTOcJttS. Agent for Ihe beat brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALK, AXD IMporlesl Alea r Itlfferritt Klts4a, 75 Ohi.o Lkvfjj, tl CAIRO, ILUNOIP. McCOMBS, KELLER, & BRYNES, 8ccneJiori to Adolphus Meier Co., IMl'OUTRH AND JODUXRg IK HARDWARK AND CUTLERY, Nos., luXnnd 102 N. Main -it., ST. XiOTJTIS, MO. t " ORDKRH KILHUTXH, JyWJin