Newspaper Page Text
: ""3 T1TE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, THURSDAY JULY 27, 1871. lflOCKRtrl AJtD IHIV OOlN. WILLIAM KLUOE, VAMlhY GROCKH IKS, dit-goods, SOTWSH, HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS ANJI CAPS", ETC., Just rrcelved a Mavy stock of llonls arid Hioes, llo.kry mill Notions FOR SAliK FOR CASH VKKV CH KA 1 I.'e o h file f lork of rwir " " f'-HVKR SIJCTIf-ST. A NI) CO MM ER-CLW.-AV., CAIKO, IMINOI. toil. CAIRO CITY COAL If preptrtd to supply riutotnerii ullli tho liesl quality of PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS CCXAJL ORDEM left t HallWay Rro. office, TO OHIO LEVF.K, or at the Coal Tnl Ix-luw tlie fct CmrlM Hotel, will receive prompt Mlenllon. THETUO "MUNTAUK" will Uiitf coal nlorii side steamer, at any hour. oc'iSl f THE BULLETIN. Tat5AY Mornino, July 2T,181. JOttS it. ontMUY, Rturou Ar Prrtt'iiri. Tix or the Dailv Hcimtst S0Knpfi4n, On week, by carrier 2." One yearly carrier, In advance 10 Ml One month, by mall, ...... -.. "i Three monthi, .... ...t2 24 tHx monthi -. 4 25 Ons year ......... .............. 8 W 7 W cfltiil ppr q Aluitvbr csvnf v end 1 hi city ot Cairo; tkt otymrnin Unlvi&juO,rn Min(u'; a vitfe.eiraLt journal; rmili, but fcarltu; out fpoln en all tutjtdt of Mtrtsl to thr jiu'Ji? ; wUkatarftatitnertanr) cweuUtm, thf IlUt fin AnU the paimwqe of inttUlytfit rcatir, ami enterpnnng butt'sci Men. TUS COLLAR WEEKLY 1IULLETIN. John H. Obrly k Co. nave reduced lh iub- acriptien price of the Weekly Cairo Hullmn to One TXir per annan. mjklnj It the cheapest pereibli.he. fn Southern Illinois. For President, 1672, JAMES R. DOOLITTLE, OF WISCONSIN. BA',tet t the deeuvjn oj the national den ocrauc convention. ! i lit h'tw York World on Senator Doolittl.l "IIim record is so eontlttent anil untar Mthetl that it may It liktned to a utraint, lint drauin aero si a puttie a rltnr beam, unncervci by the fluctuating atmcp.ere p American politic), through the pait twenty year 4." fry fyennrv rrirtfrt ,M,.r.l at "ltoitctrjrthepeooftheKoutktCimllu. ut Jo i.y tli Uulurnn trier tl.-v re l 'fed ukiitt Home n 1 tii'l ten nut iloanU ji.e itnin 01 icu poer. When th Uetiun iu lug vriia.v j n 111 nau Itti none wan L. urn Md tt, i-oj.Ie of L.tium )' there were tfcjiie en there mho nhoufai: "(,onfiite their V je rty i mtke ihem It." There vr., ho -r, noe lht rfjr who wouhl he tnn.le Ihnii Ii fi thuruwri .lite., Uut Camillun, uhue (.Clify .llilu lilm )u ioa hi niT.e no 'eui, .41J1 ' ijciiit'jn, lelu iiiikelhein frlPm. V?' .mtli ,hu, " 10 ",e I'Oxerainlnl'ny ot lt.f J,j u., nowtluttlK-ylurnlsi.l iluwo thu their retK-lli'in nl hte rene I ttiir mi -t met to the union ti t the C nr. make the f. iople our fe Ion -citutn., nol thu. tl t the iertnlKliiryot the tution." THE NAUKOW OAUOK. The frieud, of the narrow gauge )? tent keep iu merit before the jmll'ie. . forre-jiomJent of (he Jialt iiuore Anurunn thus states hi lirjciical railway luati : view.- as a The re.-ulu of the cfTorI.! of the oflicerri ! ihe Denver and Jtio Grande railway crjuijanyto e.,tahli.h a i-yMeiii of nar row gauge roads adapted to American uh-s and to demonstrate tlie j.ractiea bititv of constructing long lines without g'veiument, htato or local aid, nrotuita ' luvh a most important influence on her cottage now. Her agent Im, negoih tiie carrying trade of this country. td f-r building material. -u road, which is evidently to be 000 )''t"! loll" is now under nmlmi.t f,-.i.. Reiner to Colorado City eighty miles. J be cor-t of construction and equipment oi me rvaowH Pacific road was about ra,000 per mile. Tho cost of the "srrow Kiuse will be aU. i Tie savinc in conetn.rtW,,. n..,i' .i ' Prl : , . 11 t :: : "Z3zr r rr vcry OUtitart. and OvDU ttiinun.!.... oi rft fifin . q w ci.uuu.uuu, nave "-en jitomirt,, uken up. The gauge upon u three feet The char wler of the equipIIltlll ,m , f .l,,,, M,J ttUui..U,a umur roaus, u"-nj , MUJ ttI. . , paie tiger car . n "u " t; vurrt Clli tbirtv.four L. W,ltc,B' tC!,t for lira m. A '' roiiped side J.?" 0l,ttMa '- on theotW v i""-uB. i reight ears are y "s "CCK8 Much shorter than ordinary 1 Very pretty sacnticii. L-rtc . ' O -1- IiaSKOIim.ra ..ill !. i "bout HCJ l0l .? .' o . ? "' A tra' Of fi X cars. sttlD oncliair the train weight on' tl on the twognuges is as 32 tons to l'U w --J tonf, nnd tho wo'lit on drivers as 20 torn lo JO ton?. This render? a 30 lb. rail fjttito ns nerviccablo as tho fiC lb. rail now m mo. A rale of npocd of Ufl to .ii) tiiiio.t nn Iiour is casi'v attaina lf on a three feet gauge road. In freight trains on the old gauge the weight and freight weight ere about equal. On a narrow gauge the ncight of tars to the weight of freight n l lo 21,. Tliti!". in a load of 1.440 Inn., old gauge, the weight of the carj will be 720 ton?, and that of freight the aiiie. lit a load of 722 ton, on the nariow gauge, tho caw will weigh but 20G tons, and the freight GIG ton. In other words, a small engine weighing 25 tons will haul about two-thirds the paying matter hauled by a largo engine more than doublo the weight, and in cars of much le?s costly construction. On the full gauge road an engine of&7A Ions will haul 720 tons freight and 720 tons cars. On the narrow gauge, two engines of 25 tons each will haul 1,024 tons freight with only 412 tons car weight. Great as is this disproportion of dead weight, it is rendered much greater by the fact that so many cars run empty return trips. If comparisons of gross tonnage are made, the saving effected by narrow gauge is necessarily immense. Ihe economy in construction is very great, as well as that of equipment. Ihe weight of bridging, nnd necessar ily the cost, are materially lessoned, as the weight of trains is considerably reduced. Machine shops and buildings generally can be made smaller, and ma chines much lighter. Graduation is re duced HO per cent, at the lowest. In rough countries it is reduced 50 per cent., and in mountainous regions a nar row gauge can be constructed where a wide road is impracticable. The confidence which the experi ments of the Denver and Rio Grande company have inspired, insures the con struction of narrow gauge roads in new countries, not only as feeders to main ines, but as truuk lines themselves. The problem of cheap land transporta tion promises now to be speedily solved. If the experience, even of a few months, fully sustains the facts we have given, there must be, necessarily, an immense revolution m the railroad business of the country, an enormous reduction in the cost of transportation, and, possi bly, a very great depreciation in rail road value?. Take, for instance, the ef fect upon the Baltimore and Ohio road of the building of .-uch a road from William-port to the Alleghany coal fields. Would not a new road, the co?t of con. ruction of which was not more thau one-half that of it- rival, and the workin" expenos of which were far less, itecei-arily attract to it-elf at once, by rates of freight profitable to it, but ruinous to its antagonist, the entire bu.-ine.-- of the coal region : and would not tho Micce-.- of such a road immedi ately lead to its own extension and the constiuction of other.- ? The matter is oiw of far more importance than was at fir.-t thought, and wicn we iWW-t tbat experience will lead to greater perfec tion and larger economy, it is difficult to foretell what may not be the effect of the narrow gauge on the railroad sv.s- tem of the country, and upon its ma terial development. Cheap ropds mean cheap rates, increased travel and traffic, !id largo dividends, and necessarily lead to the development of valuable dis- trici- by the construction of new roads and pro. 'ding additional facilities. XBWS ITK.MS. f I or the I.h'!h f.) -N'cliie (Jninttitkc her drives with n groom dre-K-d in livery attending hor. -Sinco Juliu 'Wiird Howe can't bo jus- tie of thu pence in .Miisiiiebusutti, the wo- man-woinen ur going to run her fur gov ernor next full. The real fushiuiiablu Indies at the wa tering plnces thin season, have Trench ma '.de. The l'uorinni nrr, aurn nf Ilia. in urul It is highly probable that Nebraska will allow tho women of that state to vote on llicqucilion as to whether tho want to vote ut nil. The M'mes Cleveland nieces of Hor- u Jtt,ley-"ro A.uo-iean belles iu --"- -Tonnlo 0. Clnflin has formally an nounced hersolf as acandidutu forcontrres. fro, 11111 of Naw.Vnrk FASHION NOTES. ClouJ 1,10 m'" B'vcn to a bit of wott Intended to encircle young necks on cool evenings. Their oye. and no? can only be seen peeping irum ueneiun uio cloud. ii, ,.....,. "k'' tui-iuroat collars aro -- uu, lunula IIIU Bonorally creeping Into fashion among our "";'roP0lt''n belle, and beaux. They are "l hwMminS 10 I""" I'uvihg extravr- - UI.I....1 .. . " "l w wa .orc.ill.t iMdoimlso, 1,1 t,iu lor'B I-ouU XIV .,..1.. , ' P"B r ",0t"',r un" ftOW itvlu of Imnnr-tu ... ... w 'ald Jio lamM"li Hy new, and many miUlnun think that they wm l.nvo to hlro n fow pcoplo to wear thera, so as to get pcoplo mod to tholr deciuouiy- unique nppcarncc. Tlio i'rcncli tjlo of arranging child ron' Jmlr lift! boon ndonted In thii cou-v trv that Is to cut tho lialr ihort oT In i fn'ngo over tlio forehead, and leavo It long nt tho bnck. This prevents It getting In tho eyes, nnd saves tho child and nurto both much worry and bad temper, MUUDEinN" JOHNSON COUiNTV. A WELL KNOWN FAHMEU SHOT I.V 8I0HT OF HIS OWN 1IOV8E NO CLUK TO THE MUlllJKREIl. We briefly noticed thn ntnnllnn nf Jlr. John Jlurrax. of Jnlintnn rnnntv In a late number of tho Bulletin. Tho par- ucuim or tno lout affair are thu tated in the .uauao Journal of tho 22d. In connection with tho pargraph on murder, In nnothorcolumn, comes tho Mart- ling Intclllccnce of the nmm.lnntlnn nf John .Murray tho well known Metropolis and Vienna tcamalcr, who lived a fow miles beyond Now Columbia In Johnson county. Mr. John Murray, on last Wcdneidnv. had been over to Col. .T. Ii. ymoro s. thresh ne nnd wn re turning homo In company with threo oth er gontlemcn. Thoy wcro driving Iow)y along In tholr wagon, and bad entered Mr. Mlltf.l'a Awn Innn ...tlliln I ...r. hundred yard ofhii rcidonco, wliuit ono of mo gcniiemon in tno wagon remarked to Mr. Murray, that "tomo ono had left his fenco down again.' "Yc," roplIcd'Mr. Murray, but I'll catch up with tho d 1 rascal vet." "Whllo thoso words woro vet trembling on his lips, a flash was f oin from the fenco corner, just nlongslde; a report Instantly followed, and John Murray fell over in tho wagon, a blooding and man- gieu corpse, pierced in tno bead, neck and breast, by some seven or ctcht buckshot. Tho mules attached to tho wagon took a fright, dashed off ono hundred or more yards, ero thoy could bo checked, and from this causo not'a gllmpso was seen of the murderer. On rcturninc to the spot, an ambuscade was discovered in tbo fenco cor ner, formed by breaking persimmon and other boughs to r-crro as a screen for tho murderer, whilst ho accomplished tbo hell ish purpose, in which he was only too suc cessful. Thus perished a man well known in this community, a useful citizen and a thrifty farmer. His beautiful homo on the Vien na road is left desolate, and an invalid wile leu to tiutret alone tbo tide of events, which full oft ovcrwholm the most hardv of life's voyagers. VT I I . . , f . . - .i iu tiuu uua ye. uce tounu w mo murderer, but in tho interest of civiliza tion as against barbarism, wo trust that his damning crirr.o will tind him out, wherover ho may flee, and a guilty consci ence fix the seal of Its power upon him until it shall be written upon his coun ten- ance in longungo too plain to doubt: thou art tho murderer. hl.invi.AH iMrr.AK AJIO.VO COWS. Tho Kansas City Times mentions a sing ular blindncis affecting the milch cows in Jackson countv ; In Independence, there are 30 or 40 some of them the finest kind of animals that have completely lost their sicht, and aro now wnndcring about in pitiful helplessness. In AVestport tho discaso is spreading rapidly. Along down tho line of tho Memphis "and Kansas Citv railroad u : .1 - . : - i i l.t f u-bar and Lone Jack townships the reports come up very gloomily of tho ravages of me sirango uuuciion. in ivansas Lily iticrohre not less than 'Ml blind cowe. Borne of the dairies have hud, in the last week, 15 blind milkers nt ono time. The eves begin to swell a little, lasting gener ally, from Sdays to 2 weeks. As soon as the swelling commences tho eyes also be gin to run clear water, Just'as through some hard and foreign substanco was be neath the lids. After tho runnings ceas es, a hard, white film covers the eye-balls, completely dtitroying tho sight. This disease docs not seem to affect trio general heal'' of the cow. Her appetite is as gcoJ as over. There appears to bo no chant, ; either in tho quality or quantity of milk, no pain, no unrensincss ot any kind, no peculiar thirst Indicating foaver, and indeed, no symptom that would indicate disease. The eyes alone suffer and are destroyed. HOW TO I1K l'OI.ITK. lo not try too hard to bo polite. 2t ever overwhelm your friondi hv MV. ging them to muko themselves at home or they will soon wish they wore there. Show by your actions rather than your words that you aro glad to see them. nave enough regard for yourself to treat your greatest momy with quiet pol iteness. All petty slights are merely meannesses und hurt yourself more than any ono else lJa not talk ubuut yourself or vour fam ily to tho exclusion of other topics. What if you aro clover and a little moro so than otner peoblo, It may not bo that other ioiks will think so, whatever they ought to do. It may bo Interesting to you to talk over your ailments, but very tiresom for others to litcn to. Muke peonlo think vou consider them cleaver und ugreeable, and thoy will bo pretty apt to havo a pleasant impression of yourself. 'i reat people lust us vou would like to havo them treut you. " It is much easier to lo.o the good onin- ion of pcoplo than to roguin itj und when any ono does not caro for tho good opin ion of others lie or sho is not worthy of lUn'ICUl Do not excuta Vdur iinuen. furintnrn nr tho tublo you set beforo your guests. It Is fair to suppose their visits aro to you, not your surroundings. 1 ne wiiolo machinery or sxial inter course is vcry delicate und intricate, and it is our business to kcop all places of pos sible friction well supplied with tho oil of IUIlll!IUi1. A Hl'I'I'OKEiJ DEAIJ LAIIV ItKTUltNH TO LIFE I r rom tho UhicRXo Journtl.l On 'P. nf 1.,. t .,.L. f WIII u - ... mil n uvn, .ii.i A. villi wlf.i of U. K. Itevnolds. of Oznukco. Wl:. closed hor eyes on sublunary things having jiruviuusiy rcqucsiou inaiiicr corpse to for warded to her parents' burying ground, Kochcstor, N. Y. Ko thoy placod hor In 11 mctullic coffin and exprossed hor eastward. ueioro reaching llochcstor, however, tho lady rovived from hor trance, and conclu ded sho did not want to bo buriod lust yet. mi suen a racket in nor coiun that the express rnessonger was obliged to let hor out. bho nassod (hlrnr.n on her way home, last Saturday. 8ho re! 11 iu ur uuiuauu 10 00 ai tho dopot to rnset her, saying sho "wished to surprise him." We rather think sho win. PIKFKKK.SCK IN KtlflH. Tho Germanium, Telegraph well says, tnero is a vast dillercnco in tho flavor of oges. uons tod on clean, sound grain, and kopt on a clean grass run, give much 11 nor flavored eggs tlinn hens that have access to Blames and manure heaps, and eat all kinds of filthy food. Hens feeding on fish or onions flavor their eggs uecar- dingly tho same us cows eating onloru or cubbngdi. or drinking offunslvn wntnr. Thu rluher tho food tho higher tlio color of tlio eggs. Wheat and corn give tho best uinur, wiiiie jeoutng on buckwheat makes vim vbbs cotoriess, rotiuering them unlit ur iuiiiu uui;iucitonury purposes. AVhon a CI.Icul'h i.lrt ,ni. bur lover she comtnunleutot tho fuel tu bur friends in thu remark thut ,t "isn't on iliiciv.iiit; vrni mi itml fraud no more.'' THE CHAMPION BIGAMIST. A MAN THAT MtKAOUKS l.rif v. in iirrmi. I?i.t,tCT mU lllKK S0U OOUOH, ANP INDIANA frit w Tm1o ioT 'ri languishes In tho Shelby county inil icronow ono 01 tno most intcrc-tlnp culprits 1 havo over heard of. I think I may multiply mllpcllvi nn Mil. C.'l 1 ' 0 Charles McWIillams f's his name This is not by any- manner of means nil his names. He has called lf.rrr Wilson and half n icon of nii.. sobriquets. Ills proper namo is supposed to bo Mc Williams, as bo was born under that namo some tblrty-flvo years ago, In the llltlo vlllago of Crotesvlllo. in this state. As far as heard from thoro was nothing atrocious in his ntvfwlnn(. mi early history. As may bo supposed, bo was a comely lad, and THE PET or THE NEIOHIlonilOOD. In this respect ho has held lilt nwn rn. markably well for noarly forty years. Ho is a fino looking fellow and exceedingly mild mannered. Ho Is tall and graceful, has good features and complexion, and an alluring smite, while tho fascinntlon of his gaze is as Irresistible as that of a serpent. In addition to his personal charms ho has a wonderful memory, and can proach liko a Ilceclier, lecture like a Oough, and sing liko a mocking bird. .Last summer bo sponi at .uonrovio, ina.. where, as an interesting widower, ho caused qulto a sensation among tho fair. As a re vivalist, bis success was a crcutt to tno United Brctbron Church. His success as a sensationalist was complete when ar rested and lodged in the Itenssclacr jail. AN ACCOMl'LISUEU CLEr.QYMAN. The requisition from another county was for breach of trust. Ho had settled down in a community as a christian (Campbcllito) minister, on tho condition that ho should bo furnhhod with a horso and buggy to mako tho circuit. Barkis was willing, and straightway set out on his mission. In nrocoss of nreachinr? he got doctrinal points of tho Church so mixod up with a moro liberal plhn or sal vation that hocreatod a disturbance. In secular point of vlow It would have been considered a general row. Tho ac complished gentleman, snuffing the brtczo of discontent far and near, took unto him self tho horso and buggy and decamped. For this offence ho was arrostcd and lodged in the close quarters of the jail. Ho was waited upon In his new quarters by acoupio of brethren in the faith. Ho was asked why he had not preached tbo doc trine he had bargained to. "Hy O , I preach a better doctrino of my own, and if you will get mo out of this, as suro as thcro'a universal salvation, I will preach for you again." in connoctton wltb bit arrest ttioro aro many interesting particulars. When ac costed in that friendly way known to po llco officers, with a slap on tho shoulder and a contlo admonition that ho was 'wanted, ho replied : A HEALTHY TWIN. "Thoro must bo some mistake." "You aro Charlos 3IcWilIiams. of Kens. elacr, luto of Monrovia?" "Mistaken again. I never was there In my life. Tbo fact is. I am n twin. Mv brother roscmbles mo very much. Nwl come to think, I believe he did spend last summer in Monrovia. Ho is my twin ; looks astonishingly like mo." "You," said theofficor, "look enough like tho man wo want to suit us. Come along." Tho moment thoy wcro outsido tho door be commenced swearing, and a gentleman wno was present says no never beard such blasphemy beforo nor since. His soft-hearted captors permitted him to have all tho whisker 'he wanted, and by tno time bo reached tbo Justice s ho said nothing to criminate himself, ns bis captors thought he would when under tho intluenco of liquor. consigned to the juil, ho still had a por tion of whiskey left, und the first thing ho did was to compel tho fow inmates to go down on their knees, as he expressed it to '-take the sacrament.'' This blasphemy over, ho z.ia.ched a fiddle from one o." tho cells, and beginning lo plav, ordered tho prisoners to dance. Ho behaved like a madman, and the poor fellows were forced to obey him. Then ho formed them in lino and sang about a hundred hyms to them. As 1 said before, bis voice is really magnificent. AH A ntOAMlST also bo is a great success. Ho has two wives in Wisconsin, threo in Indianu, und Itt'd in Ohfn Al n n.n.r.1 flilnr Kn m... ried daughters of well-to-do men in what ever church ho happened to belong to. i.t. i- ' . . mi mvuriio rnouo ot procecutng was to forge certificates of llcenso to preach, und It is astonishing how successfully ho car ried on bis system of knavery within a ra dius of a few miles. On one occasion bo was traveling on foot through tho country, when ho stopped by tho waysldi at a houso of the humblest des cription. Upon inquiry bo found that tho houso had belonged to u widow, but on the settlement of her huilmnd's oitntn it wm tnkon to pay his debts. All the property she possessed, or had any claim to in the world was a cow anu n can. McWIlllnrni nett-nllv miirrlnd hur that evening, and tho noxt morning, with her consent, urove tno cow anu can to tno next town, sold them and nut the rnonov in his pocket. Thut was tho last seen of him by tlio widowed bride. His trial docs not como off for several weeks, und he Is hopeful as to the result. J4 ii. J'l VK WAYh TO UESTKOY ANTS. First, pour copiously, hot water as near the boiling point as possible, down their burrows and over their bills, and re peat tno operation several timos. '2, Kntran the ants bv means of narrow sheets of stifr paper or strips of board, cov ered witli somo sweet, sticky substance. Tho ants are attracted by tho sweet, and, sticking fast, can bo destroyed us often as sufficient number aro entrapped. 3. Lay fresh bones around their haunts. Thoy will leavo everything clso to attack these, and w'ic i thus accutnrnulatcd, dip them in hot water. 4. Pour two or threo snoontlul of coal- oil into their holes, und thoy will abandon tno nest. C. liury a few slices of oniois In their noU and thoy will abandon them. AN IOWA HAIL BTOKM. In Iowa recently thov bad a hail-storm, according toja voracious editor in that stato which was every bit as bad as II It bad rained pitchforks.1' Tho tin roofs where it occured were punched full of holos, all ho gluts which hannoncd to Lo In Its way. somo eight thousand lights wcro broken, nnu iiiiiiitnorauie chickens ana pigs woro klllod. As lo tho crops, thero was noth ing left of them. Tho standing corn was chopped up lino enough to bo fed to tho stock without tho necessity of nasslnc It through the cutter, and tho ground had boon plowed up for buckwhoat and tur nips. A good many of tho stones woro largo enough to bo called boulders, and, tako it altogether, thostcry Isn llttlo tbo heaviest iiiiii-siunii yarn wo bavo beard. BSyA machine has Imnn nn r fun nl which may be applied to cooling tho air of theatres, halls, and all other piibllo or pri vato dwellings. Ono of thcuo machines, will olthor produce 'JOOpounds ofict por;hour or will furnish In tho samo space of tlmo uu.uuu cuuiu leet oi air, cooled to a tompora tura of 33 degrees Fuhronholt. It is prob ublo that In a few yours wo shall bo ablo to turn on from tho samo rogisters tho cool ur l- Hummer and hot air in wlutor. HAD GRANT TUErOWEUTO FARDON DOWKN? President Grant has pardoned ljOW011 the bigamist. Hut JTh0ro did Pre.?dont grant gel tho power to pardon him 7 Tho District of Columbia has a Territorial Constitution, and tho Governor thereof ought, by rule, to bo tested with tho pow er of pardoning common criminals senten ced by tho courts of tho Tornlory. Biga.. ml- fit a rnmmnn tmn I . b offonco against tho United Stales. Tho N. Y. Timet (court organ) announces tho Russian Grand Duko Aloxis travols thrmiirh ihn win i. ... ' foct round of fostifKUs. Lieut, den. Sheridan and a number of promiment cavalry"omcer of tho United Slates arn.r nrorjosa olvna Me i.ti.-. zi j . "S""'"' "S"""" Hill !!! ,.gr8nd buJJ-h hunt on tho plalnsjof ...u ... j. iej)rauons aro now being made for the rreat chase, which Will uko. p ace, H U thought, .somewhere InlhevWnltrofFort Laramie. As be foro published, during the fgrand duke's liar In New York he will b given charge " - - e - .--- . . i'..m.o u Auuiirai Prragut, which Ii st gift to bli imperial father from tho citizens of tho Unltod States. Tho picture is to bo accompanied by a very oloboralo scroll of parchmont, with appropriate allegorical designs by lllerstadt, a description of which has iruBUT uuvii gircn. ao tne scroll is appended tho names of tho subscribers. UOAT HTOREft. SAM WILSON, Ctttll IX BOATjSTCiES, OROCERIX8, PROVISIONS, ETC., Np. 110 Ohio Lkvee, :::::: Cairo, III. otnui rioimr mite; 0. D. WILLIAMSON, WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ?f . 7S Otal Lave. C A 1 11 O, I I.LINOIH. stv-gpcclil attention t;i"a lo Coruignments ind filfinc ordr. nOTELM. CRAWFORD HOUSE, CORNER SIXTH and WALNUT-ST., (Eotnnce on Hlxth-it.,) F. J. 0kj, ") H. 0. Cadr. CINCINNATI, OHIO. E. II. Lodwlck, J OA Km, CAOr A CO. I'roprlelors. CENTRAL HOUSE. 0;polt the rotoffie, on With Street Utwscn Washington and Cotntntrcuil rnu, CAIRO, ILLS. Tlilt home hu been thorouihlr orrr-hAUlod. rffurulihrd unil renorittil. and m now ooenfor the rptlon of guet. Tho rfxirns are all luxe nnd well ventilated, and fuahituro new. Hatch kept nlnhtand .ljr, Jlllri. OAKFNEr, Jfllll I'roprlelrets. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, COMIIEKCIAL-AVENUE, OrPOftTE Y. 0, CAI. ILLS. JO.SEl'1! IIAVLIS,s, : l'KoritiiTon. The ih Newly Furnibiied An I offer to tho public firtt-claii aecommoda tlona at reatonable rales. LAWYEBB. ALLEN, MULKEY & WHEELER, ATTORNEYS AKI COUNSELORS AT LAW, William J. Allen, 1 John H.JInlkey, C.tlltO, 1LLINOIH. Hamuel I'.Wheeler.J STI'irticular attenUon paid lo rlrer and n. mirally tiu.lnn.. OFFICE ROOIIB 1 AND 8 WINTEH'8 BLOCK. GREEN & GILBERT, ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT LAW, William II. (iren, ") William II (lilbert, CAlltO, 1LLINOIH. Miles P. Gilbert, J rflrecfl attention lilrin to Admlrallr aod titearnboat business. OFFICE OHIO LEVEX, BOOMS 7 AND 8 Ovka CITY NATIONAL JlANK, IIOUBC HO VIVO. HOUSE MOVING. JAMES ICENNEDY, PaiCTlCAL HOUSE MOVER AND BUILDEK Is prepared to do all kind of HOUSE MOVING, IIOUSE "RAISING AXD IIXPAI1UNO OF EVERT DESCRIPTION ox tua host ansoxASLi nans. ""iUDBIW left at the residence ol Mr. Kennedy. C:.... . n l.m.r. nf l (I llnw all IIVUIv, u stuu s a. a v tiiv vS - or th bulletin office, will receiTe prompt ttta I1UUI FAINTER. CARL L. THOMAS, U prepared to do all klnda of plain andoraa- mental TAINTING, KALSOMINING, PAPER, nANGINO SIOM WBITINO, XT G ., At figures which defy all ompttlon, and In the highest style cf the painter's sri. SHOP IN TIIEPERRY IIOUSE, COUN E It OF COMMERCIAL , AVXWUX AND r.iuiiiu rinr.Kj. ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY. m Tho KortjriThlrd Annual (Session of tho ST. liOXTIS TJHTX "V El IR, S I T "2, Will open on SlonJuy (Sept. Ui, '71 Till In the only Institution of LaarnMK " went, havinic bceii established u 1SW. 71,?"" of atndlea utlera every focllity for ao qul''j" thorough Claailcol auJ Coinmerolal ednesAioo. CttUloKU oonUinlna Instruction so rn,, .d ful lVtiSJ.u' President, m. Louie 1'ntrersily, HT.a-OUIH.MO- nitco-i. BARCLAY BROS., 74: ohio m;vi:i- CAtnn, Ilu TJGGIS TiS SARATOGA Sl'ittNGS I 1 'i rett stl.t AT IlARCt.AYs' DRUO BTOIIE. Faasn Htertr, Iu,t, MOCKING BIIID FOOD au. biidt toa isa vfit iiot'T taotsL. At Barclath'. J J K I. M n O I. I g GRAPE f CATAWBA ) ' f ORAPE ) PILLS J flTltlftll Vl J inn.Hf GRAPE CATAWUA ) I (.ORAl'E ) PILLS in all or II ELNBOLII'N MKnifJINRN FREHH FROM FIRST HAND, Always fa stock In Urge "apply, and for asla b Burclaty Hrsi, FEE8H BLUE XjICIC JUST RECEIVED ton For Kale by IheUlau, Itolllr orUnllon AT BARCLAYS'. 0Extra Fine Coloune; Genuine Imi-orted Extracts; MsVIIair, Tooth and Nail Liiubhes; MstTlNDIA RUUDK.R NURSERY Goo' AT PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Dest grades In Urge stock an 1 va riety, very cheap; also: Full Line of Colors, civ amd iv oil; Taint Brushes, Linseed Oil, Whitewash 1 wishes, Turpentine, Varnishes Ete. etc., ALL KIXM AXD STiXtitaO Gt'ALITIU At Barclays'. UKNEIlAf. AOEVINi IIALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS, FORWARDING and COMMISSION n F. It!ll AXTHs DEALERS IN FLOUR; And Agent of Oblo'RIrrr assa HhiibmIih SATjT COMPAWIESI 70' Ohio Levee, tf CAlltO, ILLINOIS. ALOOKII. EL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND BAR ROOM. . JOU!f OATEN, l'reprlelor. I0 Commercial Avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS B11.LIARP saloon furnished with tho b at ol tables; and bar supplied with wines, lfouon and cigars of the llnest brands. FITZGERALD'S BAMFIiS BOOKS, Cor. Fonrfeessth NI. and Com mercial Avenue. FTZUERAIiD8 Sample Rooms are aloekek with pure Imported wlqst, liquors and cigars, and are dispensed from the bar la tlrst-clu style. Theie Is no better establishment In Houtli era Illinois, and none better stocked. Call and test the various brand ol winea and liquors. JOHN nYLAND'S SALOON, Corner TessSIs N.' Consnserclal Avenue. -lirpKnlOIl liquors, beer, ale, etc., and fragrant ft llavanas ways on nand. ilio.e doslrinK do fffhlfulbeverageishould not tail to call and emoy ilfern. All thefr wants will be attend to In a man. nar that will warrant return; All his liquors, K...dclrs have been .elected with 'great care and critical taste. PBINTINO. S" HUOM.Tl'6" work - printing in many and and varied colors at ono impression, on the "rated chromatic press-done at the Uullellu lob nrlntlng office. This Is the most remarkable press ever WTenleil. as It performs la one day tie work, In colorod printing, of ten ordinary presses, theivby reduc tg the cost of that cliarac tor of work to a very low rate. noons, rsANii, r.TCi AV. V. THORNTON rrttra tx 7 BLINDS, WINDOW GLASS, HI!I.JM.S, LATH J.2ST3D itrrMBE Offick ox Tenth St., Ilelnrrn Coimtirrrliil mul U'aaliliis; Atrti iim. CAIRO. T.IiXi a nrvTd i.. n. . .. ii tll'ir,,,nK l.and CemcnT arid Uat 'Tfored Hooltng alway iwk illTr I'.rv f' S. WALTERS, I fCAiisia HARD and SOFT LUMB ol every deactlpUon, ,' T , I jjiwn, otii-vuiiKS, CEDAR PO) . ..... V uouao. 3irsii. iti.iviis i ORDERS SOLICITED. ui J-.AJ1JJOAT U U 31 B E m . . . T Furnlihcl on shorteit notlco. Comincrclal-av, bet. 10th and 11th CAIRO. ILLINOIS. COAI. AJID WOOD. I i F. M. WARD, WOOD AND CO f MERCHANT. FM. WARD M prepared to deliver I . 'ire Wood and ntone Coal I.H A.1I 1'Alll HI 1IIC IITV, y And in any qnsntlty Jciircl, on short n COAL DELIVERED at SI.SO rr. t. OKKICK-Over Ileerwart, O-th k Co,', twodoorn above the corner ofKighth tr Oitntnerrlsl avnue. NABII IIOLDKR. SASH HOLDER. HANSEL'S PATENT THE ONLY RF.L s a. fvyts v i cn fiT'-I i, '7 I1ERLIZHEIMER & CAIi: Hole owners of the Territories of tho St i Illinois, Wisconsin and lows, am ( Agents for olherrltstei. n General Office 00 Warhinot CHlCAflO. ILL9. MILblNKRN. MRS. M. S WANDER, 1 DEALER IN MILLINj LADIES' FURNISHING G0" Comuicrelnl Avcnnr, opponlte aud lluylboru' J. Cairo, Illinois. n CLOTHING FOR LADIES' V.' j ,Usde to order, or Heady-Made. A full assortment of Misses' and Hats and Bonnets of tho latest s LADIES, TAKE NOTIC1 MRS. C. McGEE, XIOHTIt "TREET, BETWEEN TfABIIj AND COMMERCIAL AVENUE) Has Just received a full and splamlli NEW GOODS i Dross trimmings, silk gimps, silk gal, pure laces, moss trimmings, crocket f silk and velvet buttons, plnsh and trim) vet, hats and bonnets, fine kid gloves, Ii. childrens' shoes, and a full and comply Millinery and Fancy C All or which she proposes to sell THE VERY LOWEST CASH l' FOB NAI.r NOTICE-.""" The Illinois Central Rail Roml Comi oiler for sale the following described lot Auuiuonio me iiiy ot uiiro, vie i Lot ST block 20. Lot 21 Mock f .. .. w, .. ...j i, . u . 0, . at y. " -a " ji ii ,h For terms, ete., apply to ja JIE3 JOllIf W n M 9 Hi sMssssssbtJ BHBBWJBSBWaWAJ