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ill JOHN H. OBEKIjY & CO., . nr.i.MiKH.nvs- HELMBOLD'S IIELMIiOLIi'iS IIELHIIOI.Il'H HELMIIOI.IIH llELMllOLU'rl HELUnOL&'R HELtnOLlH IlELMIioLb'M G-ttJJPtt PILL. CATAWBA CIRAPE PILI-H. catawha orape ru.i.H. CATAWIIA OIIAI'K PILL. CATAWJIA GRATE 1'ILLA. CATAWIIA CJRAl'K I'll.LK. catawiia oitArr pill. CATAWIIA UHAl'K 1'ILI.K. HELMBOLD 'S ItELMIipLIJH - itELvriotVit iiki.mhoi.d'h IIELMIlOLlli iielmiiold'h iieluiiold'h lirLMIWL&'lf EXTEACT i V. XV 3 Iv X A It 1 Jj Jj A FLUID EXTRACT hARHAI'ARILLA. I'LL' ID KXTRACT HARMAI-ARILLA. ytVW KX1UACT rUI'.'.APARILLA. PI.UIII KXTRACT HARHAI'AI'.I LLA. ri.l'II EXTRACT AKAl'AKII.I.A. FLUID EXTRACT HARCAPARII.LA. FLUID KXTRACT SARSAI'AKILLA. U'Irifv tiiu iir.oon. ELIIBOLD'S 7LUID EXTRACT SARSAI'A- RILLA. Cure all Eruptions of thtSkln. tntAninr.Ti a vr.trm pyttiaot .niAi'A- U1LLA Cures tUowont fotm of Ulooi lim: ELHI10LD 8 fLUII) EXTRACT SAESArA- ltlLLA I'ntera heavily Into the Circulation of the Wood. RILLA titan tlfica the Complexion t.f Tim Tv VI T-TTl lTTl!iT 'mpll4. RILLA. byropa or Iiecortloua usually made) anil iaia j.utnu uiti niii.-th. -jry it utu A uciiRmnii Devrrajc. IIELMROLb'S CATAWJIA GRAPE TILLS IIRLlIltOI,D'H;ATAWHA, OKAI'K TILLS A ,leant, aafo and agreeable Cathartic. iielmiiold'h catawiia orate pillh d In all affections where Purjjatite Medicine I needed. llELMUOLD'n CATAWIIA ORATE TILLS 'armless to a child, and taken by children. ItELlinOLD'B CATAWIIA QUATE TILLS ri-edo MaKDt'di Halts and every otlwr Iir- KllTe. IIELMHOLD 8 CATAWIIA OKAPK TILLS, rlairt in efioct, and pleasant In operation. HEiHIlOLD'f) CATAWBA ORATE TILL In not a j'Rtcntcd IMI. ' I ELM HOLD'S CATAWIIA ORATE TILLS Oinposcd ol Calnwl firapai Jnuo nnd Fluid .xiroci unuuuru. . - . - - i.-i.t-- -r triftftiirlt..j o i no i ll(J IffHHCS VI IIDUIIIiUUIJd .IAHO.1' I.I. A nnd one Ux ol 1'ILI.S ortii their it in cold. )etler inrotment con bo mtdc lOr to small i; ELUnOLD'S TLUIIJ EXTRACT BUCIIU Una aooiurola world-wide lame. r. brmr"iirctaralion are rncritorlout. erld of twenty J cam ho.i jifoycJ lliia to be remarka mado ly llcnmmln Trarerae, K. It. ppraxinK 01 tnoo ana. diaeaaea s from thn cxccia of mercurr. lie Alain io remedy a oiual to tne extract of Earaa iu iiQHerin uxwaorniuvvi more no man or uriiE i bin ao'iiiamie i w in. it u. ii utrlcieet seote, a tonic, with thla Invaluabli ate that It la nmilicablu to a mate of the n aoaunkcn, and ct ao Irritable, an ren ther aub.tanci ico coa of tl.o tonic data unsvail- r Inmrtciiiij KEMAItKSot tho'filtEAt CHKMlSTd AND WnT.IVrtilDrACo., IS North Third atrvet. l'lilla.lel t,hln. Tn. Helmliold: Kiteemed Friend I conenitnlalo rmi nn r ine iianuiuiimai uu ai uie aamo tune tne iffectire Till that I liaw nvar knowrt for the aes Intended. WI. It. WAHNEIt A- CO. , llclmbold urill remark, in conclusion, that mediea are the reault of nnn and careful Thorium t.iimcninn ueen Leroro the fw.niY veara. uw ram ui mem in iiiai iroves their value. All Imo been licnellt. ti.Am who fallowed tny initruetinnii. .ml they atand unequalled In the extent of ale. and unaurpanaed bv any medicament n.,ulnw nrtha ITtfifn.l flllUu hnl ins u ainglo llcrb", Itool, I'lnitt, or Sclcn naratlon. maccutical I claim all mlno to bo, nnd liaro jatented n Blnglo ono. tapel any iniieiiun or rejuiico innt oilat In tup" mlnila 61 niaiiy,ilnsl my ttions, from tne puniieny given tnroujtii alniii and that I aiii and have been u drug, a period of tvrcniy yenri, and more con. ly to prva thla aco loiter from the largest ".itiirinir eliemlsta in the wotld t IsovombeM.1451. acquainted with Mr. II. T. llclmbold I ho 'id the drucatorooiiiioaitoinyrcKidence, 'ui auccoanful In conducting ,tho bucineaa ')thera had not boin C'lHally ao boforo him, oen favorably Impremcd with hla charao. nnterurlao. 1. ni" ILLIAM WIOIITMAN. f Powers & WlnliimBU. manufacturluc ItU. Mntn ana urowu airecis. l'hiladul- Ill STAND ON THRU urRUt. I 111 I havo tnougui ui uiu'iiu i-j ihu nmiu- I are now'lierfoot, nnd I shall atalto my I noney ana laino on ineir uueciireneia. uin.. uivla in which thu cill itself la made. ttle, label, wrapper nil how with what ov havo been prepared. After oxamlna i English or Fxeuch preparation will enow care, and I nm really proud of them, vi f tho nauseous-lookiUKi carelessly ,,i piiIm vended cenernllv. and rut mi in boxes, and mado iieuemlly, or ollured o having r.o experience as jihyticiani. ts or manufacturoK of modicinea, teat jlslHO oirered by vour obodlent toivant, II. T. IIKLMIIOLO, ' Palaco Drug Btore, no, wi uroaaway, 'orli. Pharmacy. Ulisoy uouae, uroauway, anu y.ninuiBireei, new iv. . cf Pharmacy, Continental Hotel, riiiln la unit Ho. 104 riouth Tenth street, 1'hll ila. D BX DliW0QlflI3 VftYWnSB. PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. l(rMrlrl mprrlatly for the 1'nlro llul li llii. Tdi hour In mUiinri- ur Nt. I.oillw uK'rit. , r NEW YORK. THH lMIILLIl'INK ISLAND KAHTIIQUAKK. TIIK yacht' ka6eh AT YOltK. NKW FILLIBUSTK1W OltO ANIKINO IN CANADA. . a MKETING OF THE HKFUJJLICAN CENTKAL COMMITTEE. RKTUIILICAN CK.VTRAL COMMITTEK, 'At's'ineotinfiOf thb'r6rJublicAn confrif (ximmiuee. tun ovonine. Jnckton Kchultz in tho clmlr, a motion wan mtUlo by Col. uui;iiririe that each delegation ibould nom- jinnlQ h candidato for preiident of the com mittee, but it wai voted dowri. .' A. rutoliiw Hon thankiric .lackion Schuitr. nnd Wil linm Urton for tho manner In which (tier1 carrier on mr ro-orgnnizaiion oi tne par I J in this county, wai voted down m prdmn turc. f.i , . KKSISTINO TAXATIOX. i i no i imct oi inn morning aialci that it bat renwn to bulicvo that h largo num. )jor of the moit Inliucntial citizent. In tho community linvo ngrcod to call a public mooting, nnd to rcaiit tho payment of any further taxation until tho present rulcrj of the city can" bo forced lo render an ac count or their' (towardibip Over one thousand namci, includln'' tlioio of many eminent mcrchan'.i and bankori, liavo nl rcady subicribod. H0"TOX RI11II0.VMEN. A Boston corroSDondunt itnta that dur. ing the progrcii of the riot in New York thero wero eight hundred nbbonmcn of that city ready tojojn tho riotor in New York if culled upon ; or if Ihe Iliberniani bad been auccdfiful in their attack uron tho orangemen und military. Thoy had spica at the diflurent iiowijmperollicej and at tho teTegrajih oflicci to gather the latest information, und if tho rioteri hud secured any degreo of iucee they would have aono forward to rninforce them at once. Tho mob was chiefly composod of em ployes in tho city gas house, and com prised many of tho leaders in tho Boston draft riots. INFKCTKfi HorFAI.0 K01IE. A sensation story is out that. ono .hun dred and llfty thousand infeclod butTaJo robes aro on tho way to this citv from I -r. . . . . . . . - uucnos Ayrcs ana -Montcviaio, where the man pox ni been raging. secretary r nn oontus that any informa tion of any character is at hand announc ing tho appointment of jri-f.Ri ri!itv t at Minister from Franco lo tko United States. TIIK CRICKET MATCH at Hobokcn ended in a victory for tho Itostnn club over tho Ml. George, of New York. Tbo regatta of tho Jtayonno yacht club yestorday in tho lower harbor was won by tbo Sophia in tho tlmo allowed. CREATE!) .A IIAKOXET. Hugh Allen, president of tho Montreal ocean steamship company, bettor known at Allon'a line, hat been created baronet, undor tho title of -Sir Hugh Allen, of Ko VSros Craig, in consideration of his great services in promoting tho we! faro of tho country by meant' of commercial commu nication. ni.LinUATERI.4U IK CANADA. A special Montreal dispatch tavt : Or ganizing, in, Canada Ij much moro oitoa-: sivo than at flrat bcliovod. Tho dominion secret tervico olficials discovered that a forco of 80 men had been enrolled in Que bec, and that thero is money in abund- anco among tho movers of tho expedition in tueocc xucy nava uiscovcrca tuo name of tho agont in Montreal, which has herctoforo been a mystery. For sufficient roaion tho. name is . withhold. H'ho .men nro moving olT by twot "and threes, and it it reported they will rendezvout at Now port, Mai no. A lotter hat been received from tho junta urcine has to and wanting the men forwarded within 15 days. THE rlIILLITINEI8LAND8. ; New-York. July 5i8. A tpecial dis patch from Ijondon tayn tbo earthquake at tho rhilliplno Islands, on tho 21st, affected in i terriblo manner the imsvl biland of Coincacnin, five miles from Mlsiarat.' For so mo months proviously, and ospcclally in juarcn, tnoro was a, succession or vioiont shocks, which opened extensive crevices, in tho earth. Finally, on tho first of juay, tno lovoi plain near tne' vmago or Uiwrwin. ueean to suotmo until mo tops of tio houses become lovel with 'tho tur- facq or tho earth. Tills romarkablo phe nomenon. attracted a largo number oL'pod plo, wh'on suddenly soroo torrlQc shocks wero felt, and boforo tho thundorlntr vibra tions had died away, tho holoJvopULn foil In, inlurih'ir'ono'nrin'drodand flftv p'er- tons. Tho plain bcoomo tho cratorof a vol cano, which was about 1,500 foot wide, nnd from it thrown into tho.Rlr: ApatuotlUdark.uo. ccedpd, whon thoro was onothor explosion, ,fMnl ntna fll. .1 1 . . 1 ,T...v... mm luuunuu uy ft jam oi ,aro, anu tho woods becomo lenlted. W tlo went 11 vine boforo tbo flume. nd t,A spectacle' was frightful in tho extromo. 1 ho 1volcano..continuej,n eject itoncs and. earth. All tho inhabitants- have loft tho island, which fonnorly contnlnod a nonu Intlon of 20,000. . ' ' INDIANAPQLI8. iHTiEiiiitu ui'ivniuiiuau iinrifnTVi 11 A TT ti . -n -n-r . .i-i. . . TORS. InPianatolib, July 28. The directors of tho Louisvillo and Tolodo railroad company held n, mooting In this city this nftornoon, at which important business was transacted to sccuro tbo tuccoss of tho ontorpriio... .Tho road will run from North vornon to JNow castio, u3 miles, con necting at tho former' p1aco"with tho Ohio nnd vMobllo railroad, and nt tho latter with the Fort Wayno and'Munco railroad. Tho Fort "Wayno and Saginaw railroad will equip the road if flvo thou sand dollars por mile can be raised on tho lino of tho road, of which about $100, 000 hboon already ralsotl.' mm CAIRO, WASHINGTON. 'rHtiKU.'KIjJ'X LN'VKSTKlATlNfl COMMITTEE. NOT EXEMPT FltO.M INCOME CONTUACT FOIl GOVERNMENT, HUIIiDINGS AT OMAHA. , .'ir.jiur.ivc kl' xiin UAiJiAirij. WASHINGTON. Wawiinotoh, July 28. The number of distilleries coming Into tho possession of tho govern mont ry purctmso, in cases wheru tho property has been dotained for non-paytneni or uxes, pay tno largost. Tho Internal rovcmio bureau, however, re fuses to givo any information respecting the properly, and is extremely rcticont concerning tho oxact numborof distiller ies at prosnnt In tho possesion of tho Uni ted States. It it undcrtsood that a party of speculators aro negotiating with tbo bu reau for tho nurnoso of irottine possession of a portion of this property, therefore in formation respecting tho tamo is denied to outside persons, Tho commissioner of internal revonuo has'decided that officers of tho. territorial governments aro r.ot entitled to exemption from it.como tux thu taaio as; tho ofilccrs.of stiito gov ernments, under the decision of the su premo court in the cato of ISufllngtpn vs. bay. ' THE CONTRACT for frco-stono for government buildings nt Omaha hat been awarded to J. II. Muel- lcr.of Cincinnati. All tho members of the cabinet aro now hero except Secretary Uoutwcll, who is ex pected to-morrow. IMTERIAI. TIIOTOORATItS. .Secretary Uoutwell lias received from Consul Berlin, imperial pho totrranhi'of tho celebrities of that Country who took part in tne law war, THE KU-KLUX COMMITTEE INVESTIGATION". The ku-klux committee to-dav exam ined H. "W. Ouoin, a leading lawyer 'of Charlotte, N. C who lest'fled to the past as well as tho present condition of that itale, laying among other things, that the peoplo had taken tho law in their own Lands only in cases where criminalt had been pardoned and public protection do raand euch nction. Senator Scott, Hcprctentattvet nn Trump and Stevenson, aro expected to ro turn from their sub-committo work to morrow morning, when tho committoo will dctcrmino whether thoy will tako a recess until next Setnptambcr. xho tub commttloo examineu about loo itnesset in South Corolina. "When at Spartanburg Senator Scott invited the leading cltzeena without respect to parties to call on mm anu uik over tno condition of affairs. "When he informed them that if witnesses wero assaulted or molcUed becnuto of their having testified, die would report tbo fact to the President in Order that th6y might bo protected by tbo militia. whereupon he was assured that tho wit- r . . 1,1 i 0 .i nesses wouiu not io irouuiru, una luriuer, they would personally mako an appeal to the people to koep the peace and bretk up any unlawful conblnations. tTEATUER REIORT. No important change has bcon reported from tho P.ocky Mountain and rnciilc stations. High pressure on Lako Supe rior has extended southward to Kentucky and Eastward to Luke Huron. Tho corn pressure that was on north Lake Ontario hat gradually disappeared ; that which ex isted on tho western gulf has probably moved northward, nnd that which was west of Illinois still continues. Ncrlhcas tarly wlndt have prevailed from Michigan to Lako Superior and to tho Missouri rivor, hut aro now changing to tho south- cast. Tho weather hat remained without material chanco in tho south Atlantic statct.-Tbonvert'bave-faHen-on the golf coatt. Threatening and, cip.uuy wcatnor has prevailed during tno aay irom iNow York to Tennessee and tbenco to Iowa. PltmiAllII.tTIES! Threatening and rainy weather which will nrobablv extend tb-nicht to Michigan and Eastern Tennessee. Thosamo prob- amy lor aaiuruay in uio interior or me soumern ana gun states, ncasam wcatn cr for Now England, -r BASE BALL. ATHLETICS AVD ECKFOBDS, New York. July 28. Tho Athletics.' of Philadelphia, and tho Eckfords, of iirooKiyn, pioyeu tno aru ot it series oi games yesterday. Tho nttenaanco wus not larfo. lloth clubs had stronc nines thouch tho,rliVrds'w:ore-with'out tholr jlrsl bsomn.k hoigamo;opqncd fnvpr ably for a'clbso contest, noithor sido scor ing, in tho first throe- Innings. In tho fourth tbo Athletics scored 1 by Holding errors; and tho Eckfords.3by good batting. Ry sharp fielding the Eckfords managed to nrevcnl the Athletics from increasing their ac'oro:mora than" they did themselves, and tno flnalo wasAho'auccost or- tno Uck fordt by 8tq4 Too umpire was N. L. Lutk'of'thcUnloai. The ndxt gatno will b pUyod a Phllndolphla. ' 6 CORK, IAthlotiotT-Q P 0 I 0 0 1 2 0'. Total 4., 1 TJckfordi 0(0 3 0'6 0 V2 0. Total 0., WHITE STOCK! NQS AND JIUTUALS, Chicago,, July 28. In tho game of bato ball played horo this afternoon botwoen the W1"10 Stockings, ot Cblcaco,and tho Mutuals, of 'Now-York,, Tho following is tlo scoro by innings f Mutuals 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0, Total, C. "Whites 0 2 1 0 8 0 0 1 8. Total, 1C. UAYUAKERS AND OLYMPICS. N ew-York, July 28. Tho Ilaymakors, of Troyrdofcatod tho-Olympics, of Wash ington, on tho Union grounds, by tho fol lowing scoro: Olympics 0 0012 003 0. Total, C. 1 'Ilaymakors 0 40o 2 001 0 0. Total 10. CHICAGO. (JELEBRATfNG THE OPENING OF A ROLLING MILL. Ohicaoo, July 28. A number of prom inent citizens and .members of tho press went out by n spoclal train on tho Alton and St' Loult railroad, this aftornoon, to celebrnlo tho'' upontng of a rolling mill hoar ho city. ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, JULY FOREIGN. REORGANIZATION OF FRENCH ARMY. THE FROI'ERTY DESTROYED ISO TIU') AVAR. DUR- THE CUBAN INSURR ECTION TO RE I'DT DOWN. SPEECH RY THE POPE. FRANCE. VAVKE IlESIUNEI). I'arh, July 2f. Tho Journal do I'aris that Favro i nn loncer Minl tor, nnd. that ho It replaced In the office of -foreign suture by . m'-ukmaaid, ono of the French nfgoiiators'for 'pence nt llrtisscls. DUKE DE" OUAVJ.K Is contesting tho rcprcientntion of tho city of Clermont n tho assembly. COMTl'L'tfRV EET.VIOE. Tho conimitlcb of tho asscmbyupon the reorganization of tho French urmy, has voted to report In favor of compuliory tervice for all male! between the ago o"f 20 and 40, tho soldiers not to bo entitled to vote nl the elections. C0URT1 martial will probably open Thursday of next week. TIIK IttNDIRTEST (i increasing In France. TBTlTIOXb from tho inhabitants of St. Cloud, pre sented to the assembly, declare that tho l'rusiinns burned six liuiulrod nouses In that place subsequent to the arrnngomcnti of an armistice, which receded the treaty of pence. Reimbursement ii usked for the lost thereby sustained. SPAIN. TO HE TUT DOWN. Madrid. July 28. Tho new Spanish ministers havo resolved lo put down tho insurrection in Cuba, regardless of all me naces of life and treasure. ENGLAND. THE TOTK's fTEECH. London, July 28. A special from Homo soya an important speech was mndo by tho popo recently in tho academy to a deputa tion bearing Peter's pence. Ho said tho church invites her children to defend her against ignorance and malice. Infallibili ty docs not rcposo power to depose sov ereigns. Popes in former times deposed and dispossessed sovereigns, not becauso of tho infallibility of popes which only touches matters" of doctrine, but because tho authority was then recognized in popes; tbo deposition or dispossession was accepted as public law. Christian nations alto accepted the pope in thoso days ns tho supremo Judge. Confounding tho present with tho past In this regard, is dono in bad faith, or with adeslro to intlucnco state against church. COMMODORE ASIIIlV has encased passaso onthoCunnrd steam ship Java, sailing September '.'1 for New York. Ills yacht Lavinia leaves for tho . 1 .. .1. . O . 1 - somo aestination on tiioursi oi acjiicmucr. ARRIVAL.. London, July 28. Tho steamship Sidonia from Now York touched at 3lo vcillc this morning. 0IN01NNATJ. SPIRIT MAN IF ESTA T IONS AT GERMANTOWN, OHIO. THE LIGHTNING INTERRUPTS A COLORED WEDDING. THE FRUIT CROPS-REDUCTION OF FREIGHTS. Cincinnati, July 29. A first-class sen sation near Gormantown, Ohio, in the shape of a manifestation of spirits' nt tho th'o liouso of Uonjamln Stcner. Tho fur '"nituro was removed, milk crocks upset, eatables disturbed und the whole house hold disarranged in tho most extraordi nary order. Tho members of tho family though not all residing togcthor, appear In an arliclo in tho Commercial this morn ing undor oath, rociting tho circumstances In connection with tho singular particu lars. They nro old citizens nnd havo tho general respect of tho peoplo of that county. Tho brief storm last night was moro sov'ero in tho upper parts of tho city than ot first supposed. Tho lightning de scended tho gas pino of the church of tho colored congregation on Urondway. ex tinguishing tho gas which was lighted pre paratory to a wedding ceremony nnd pros triited'tho pastor, R. A, Johnson, who was speechless for twenty minutes, though ho did Inot appear to hitvo sustained serious injury, On Wodnotdny last nn onclncor named Thomas, while looking' out of ono of tho sido windows of his engine, near Logans port, Indiana, struck n cnttlo scliuto nnd was'ipsinmiy iciucu, TIIK ritlUT CROP. , The fruit crop in this vicinity is coin- Ingputboyond expectation. TEACHES aro moro abundant than last yoar and of hotter quality. ! OK ATPI.EH tho quality has not beoensogood for ten years, while tho yield is fair. dv PLUMS thoro has not bcon such a crop in a dociulc. Tho cntiro crop is thrco weeks earlier than common. TRK1U1ITS. REDUCED. A prlvato dispatch received to-dav. state Hint tho rates of freight, from Now-York to Cincinnati havo been rcducec to forty- ono conts'dn'llret-clats. ! FIRES. ELEVATOR DESTROYED FIRE. " RV Milwaukee July 28. MoMahon's olovntor at JelVornon, Wis., wan burnod yostoMfty, tngothor with tlio adjoining Imlldingr-. Loss $00,000. 29, JS71. LOUISVILLE. CHANGE OF GAUGE ON THE I.OUISVIMiE AND CIN CINNATI R. R. THE CHANGE TO RE MADE SUNDAY, AUGUST 13. SUDDEN DEATH OF ROi'LE. GEN. J. T, Loci!viLLK, July 23. Tho proposed chango of gauge on thu Louisville and Cincinnati short lino railroad, which was to have been mado on Sunday, tho 30th In stant, hat boon postponed till Sunday, August 13. Everything along tho lino H prepared and ready for tbo change, but tho narrow gaugo rolling stock cnuld not i be had fntm the cnit In time. Tho road ! will, when tho ehnngo is made, conform with lt3 northern connection, tnakini? n n through line from Louisvillo to eastern cities without change for freight or pas sengers.. Only ono rail will bo moved, ex cept on bridgos and trestle-work,; whero both will bo moved. THo chance to be mndo is from. tlvo feet to four foot nine inches. ' ! Ocn J. T. llovledicd suddenly of nnj- plcxy nt hi residence in thin cllv this afternoon at!' o'clock. Ho had been com- filaining of u pain in tho stomacli sinco ait uighband bad taken some medicine, but thought his" slekncss'of not much im portance. At three p.m. ho was lying in bol nnd remarked to his T.-'ifo: " 1 belicvo it is going to my head," and immediately throw up his hands to his head saying,! " ft is," nnd instantly expired. Ho" wits 53 yoars old, and a leading lawyer, and ono ot tho most prominent und energetic citizeni of this city. Ho was tho chief mover and president of tho Lvatisville, Henderson Ai Nashvillo railroad recently completed and was engaged in promoting a narrow gaugo road from this city to Vi eitport. Ho was a brigadier general in tno army, uis lamer was umigo J no, Royle, lormurly chief justice of Kcutuclty. MARKETS 13 Y TELEGRAPH. NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, July 28. Cb'ic: white. 77T8a ua i a t inner nt cc(rc7c. BRAN Quiet at 00Jc()$1.00. PORK Dull and nominal nt $lu.50(TTv BACON roir demand nt lower rntos, "1)"2 ; rib, OJc; sides, 0i9Jc. LA UD Unchanged. huUAit liuiotj common, yjoj yoiiow, clariaod, 12c. .UVU1V.1O1.0 -.UtUlUg UUIIIg. "WHISKY Quiet at U2cf5,Sl.03. COFFEE Scarce nt llrjel'Jc. ST. LOUIS. Sr. Loui. July 2?, 1871. FLOUH-Dull, medium und lower grades 25c. lower, superior J 1 .JO. XX iJ.r.o, XXX fG.75, family $Q.05fl.75. WHEAT In good "demand for in spected No. 2, anil wanted nt ?1.25 but generally hold higher, No. 3 nnd 4 told white mixed C0c.. whito OOdfUl. bulk tjtix- ed at $51052, choico white 5fiS01c. OATS Dull, sacked lower nni unset tled. No. 2 miitxl sVSisr, bulk white, mix ed nnd whito 3'JQ 10c. UYK Sackoudull, nnd unchanged at 07(0,58 for prime, PORK Dull and nominal nt SI 1.23(2 $14.60 for me?i. BULK MEATS Nothing doing. 11ACON Dull nnd drooping, shoulders G7. clear rib8J8J, clear sldc3 80 for jobbing and order lots. LARD Dull dull nnd nominal. J.AWYKK9. ALLEN, JIULKEY & WHEELER, ATTORNEYS ANU COUNSELORS AT LAW, William J. Allen, joun ji. iiniKey rJamuel P.Whcol CAint), ILLINOIS. lld'I'nrtlcular attention imld lo river nnd a t mlrally buafnety. orncE rooms 7 and d winter's iii.ock. GREEN & GILBERT, ATTORNEYS AMI COUNSELORS AT LAW, William ll.dreeii, wniiani ii tiiiutri, CAIIIO, ILMNOIM. Mile r.Uiil'vrt, nlrfipeeltl allention glTen lo Admtinliy mid 6'teambuat, hilaluoaa. OPFICE OHIO M:Vi:ElK00Mti7 AND 8 OVER CITV NATIONAL HANK. KAltllKK.'S. J.OEO. STEINllOUSE, FASIlIOiVABLE I3AKBER, Cor. sili-sl. nml Cotiiiuvrcliil-itv. B"8harp Itaaors, cti'CIeauToweU and suTrililllfull Workmen. KiT'I.-idloH' and children's hair cut and Hhnin poneil, either nt tlio ahop or ut-llinir nnn hornet. wrfientleineiiVwIil.kvrH lulr dyed In a cleutlliu iniiiiiiiT. Batbliu'llmi (finirantevd. JOHN 1). PHILLIS, (Slieceasor to PatUr & I'liillw,) GENERAL COJLMISSIOiN7 FORWARDING -MKRORANT, An . ' ) i DEALER TN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Con. TKNT1I-ST. .and OHIO LEV UK, CAIUO, MX. FLOl'R Scarce and higher; suporllne, S". OS . V V or. . V V V C.l (.)!? ln ' CORN Steady ntYJlfctaic : vellow'.731 itoout l cent Higher, o. 4 red full $l.rj(3 $1.10, No. 3 1. 1C$1. 17 by sample, No. 3 sold nt $I.12Sl.I7i No. 2 $1.2o1.2fl. CORN" Dull, lower uncttlcd. No. 2 V BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AVE. SPECIAL NOTICES. ll TClli:I ou.s n(m .)VKi J'lurll?ulJ!lS,tTyi .oiiiappMntment. .No ltidi' iiin,Tini nr tin. .hmmoi u,Ior ii,eunu,ii V. a. liwhelor; lr Dyo prnduoea IMMKDI Ti:i.V .E, Mttn, but loyvcatho Ilair Clean, Hoft nn I lleaim. ful. Tho only Saf,. ,t Terfeet Iiyo. "ca"- lrti(xi't. Factory In Ilond strntt. New York. ian2MeolllT C0TSU.M1TI0X. ITS CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE RY DR. .1. H. SCHENCK.M. D !i',e7iu.V;au1iptS,ilc' "uml"-r 1)1!. JO.-jEPH II. SCIir.NX'K'H&nil'I.K TltEAT.UKNT, J.?Iall!V,,,,10ra'.,lT" "V'1" nndoTfnlIremc- C l.'I' 5i.,."1i1cl ,,,?r WW not o fallen sir. Scliunrk ha In hi. orrn cno pmrcd that hirewr antnclent vitality remain., that vltll r. by hi. rmMicinca nnd tola direction ti t their im ,i M . . iivniuiiui TiK'ir. u iw aimplo nt It ta nnfillinB. in pmlonmha rrt ??nt"n?0 "Bnmcl, 11 11 sclf-asjurlng, acllion '1 he tca.wc.od Tonla and M.tnd rnke Pill t aro tho r-jt twj ire.irxma with whicii tho clutilvluf tho iunlady l nts-illoJ. Two thlrda of tho cuwi of ronsnmpthm nrlirlnato in drtcpsln and a f unc Uonally Ulaprdcrwl liver. With thlt condition tho bronchial tnb(n "sympathlio" with tho HomaUi. 'llier reaimnd tu tho morblHo notion of thn liver, fluro then eomn thu ciilmlnatm( re.ult. nnil tho nettlntf In, with all m Obtrcss las' ayuipluuii ut CONSWII'TION. Tho Mandrake Villa nro compo.cil of fno of Na-V-VrS.V"",le,t B'l-thp Toduplilllum Teltntnm. "I nay ir.weat nil thn .thjud-eiirclilnir. altcrntuo i roKttlci ut calomel, hut, unllku cUnmel, thuy '' LEAVE NO rsTINIS UEI1IM)." Thn work of euro It now benlnnln?. Tho villa tMUnil inucouailvpuatta In the txjwcla ami In tho ullmMitary canal nro MncteO. Tho liver. Ilk.) R?ocSa.' ":,u,d It arouwa from Its torphl-..r.-i.1. i ".''""lach acta reapunalvely. ami tho IUleht beglna to feel thatholatettliiff.atlajt, a hui'plv of noon nr.ooi). Tho Sea-treed Tonic, In ennjnnrtlon wltM tho Pin. permeates anu aatlmllate with tho fooJ. iJJi . i'.i"" ' 'Y! froitrcaainK without its pre vious torture.. Dlfertli.n becumej pnlnlejaanil tho euro la aecn to bo nt hani). Thoro la no tuoro Biitiilitieo. no eiaecrUiilvn ot tho lou.-u. ,u uppcllto acta In. Aow comet tho BTeatetnt.KJc! Purifier over rcj clvcn tiran InduL-ont fathur to auiforlnrf inim. (chenek'it TulmonTo rulCJnll In to rwrforni Ita luiietluna an t to haaien unj onniDloto tho cure, it entcri nt nro upim Ita wurk. Natnro r . v . 1 " "'i' ciiieeit nno niciit tho tmiolred and iliacaaed portiuu.. of tlio Iudm. Ditlio fnniiof irilberlncs. It prepiirct them for expectoration, ami lo In a very abort tluiu tho raalaUr la yanqul.hed, thn rotten throne that It occupied I. renovated und mado now, ana thu imlli'Ut.ln all the dlirnlty of reinilncO vltror.atert forth to injur tho luanhoud or r jciaaliuud that CIVE.V I P A.S I.OJ.T. The .pend thin? u. tho pjtlnt mint atav In a wnrui ruum intil they. set well t It It almo.t Im iNiaaiMo to prevent tiiUIn cola when tho lunet uro dl-oa.ed, but It taint bo prnvonteil nr a euro cm not bu effected. 1'rcah ulr nml rldtnit out, eicclally In thn octlou ur tho country, In tho fall ami winter wim.n. nre all wrong, l'liyil elana who rocun.mciiil thatrourao lu.o tholr p.u tlentt. It tliulr lunna aro badly aUea.eilt anil yet. Iivcunio tlier nro tn tho hou.o they mut ik, alt down quid l they mint walk abuut thn room u much und na fail at tho ftrcnu-lll will be-ir, to pet una roM circulation or blooil. Tlio tutlcntt luu-vli ep In kooiI iplrltt bu determined to cot well. Tlila hat 11 crout ileal to do with tho apiKi Utc, atiil la tho ureat point to iniln. To ileiilr of euro niter Mich evldcneo of Ita rnaalbtllty In tho wornt caaos anil mnml cer tainty In ull othora. It alnful. Dr. Sehenck'a pr aunal autonient to tho faculty ol hla own euro wa. In theso modest worda: -Many year ao 1 wat in tho lat atasea of cnnauniptloni cuntlneil to my bed. nnil at ono time my phyalel.ina thnutht that 1 could not live a weolti tlien. llko n drownlnc man c-itehlntr at atruwa. I heard i'f nnd i btalned tho preparations which I now otter to the public, ana tliev mado n tiorfeei euro of mo. It aeomed to mo that I ;uia leel them lH.-nctnitu my wholo avitem. They fnnn rliioncd tho matter tn my lunna.anil 1 would apll up moru than n pint of ortcnalvo jelliiw matter every mornlnit fom longtime "Aaaoon aa that beirnii to aubtldo.luycouiih. fovur. palna. and nlalit aweau all beKan to leave, '".S'l nI!'i,lu? "PPetlto beenmo ao irreat that It was wlthdiaiculty that I ciiulil keep from eatlnir too ?u.c il..,"f"' canP'l my alrcugth. and havo grown In tle.h over alnce. - "''jKhea ahortly after mr recovery." nddeil tho Doctor, "tnen looking llko a mero "u,Vii i nviKiii. unt omr nineiy-aoven JKiundai myjireseiit wclRht It iwoliiiiufnil and twontyuyo iKi) i.iunila. ami for yours I have on Joyeil unliiterrupte-l lioalth." " ' Jir. hvlii-nelc lua dlarontlnned hit prflfp.lonl Tl 14 to iiTT-i nrlc iin.l Jl.iaii. tii ' or nla anil. f lottfd rit f ri.ilf nftl.i V.i k v.,-.t. i.i. . y I i ir. j . ji. atrtniuirr, jr.. hiiii rvitiitiitiia t.i .. vii vnniri i.k. i .iiMiii rixiii iiri'i. neiwiiiii, nvery raiiirtuy irulu' J p.ti: Ulinliif. i. .. it iiio.u who win n tnorouvli examination with tho Itenplromcter will bo charged ti. Tho Ilea. Plromotcr declnrea tho exact condition nf iho liinirs, aud p.;itloiita can readily loam whether tlieyurocurabloornot. -"1-u.ur . !1'.'.'.".rt'Vilon4.f,'!r wk'nir tho moillelnea aro liiHpteil to tho IntelllBenci) even of n child. Fnl. low thejoillrectinnt, and kliidNaturo will do tho ret, excvptlnit that In aomo ca.ea tho Mandrako I lilt aro to bo taken In Increased dowa: tho thruemodlclnetiHiH no other Decomnanlnienta than the uniplo In.tructlniia that uccouipunr them; Hrt crento iippoiitp of returnlnB health, huncer Is tho most welcomo aimptum. ythen it It will come, lot tho dcspuir. tnsr nt oneo ba ot Rood cheer, liond blood atonco I'lllowa, tho covuth loosena, tho niiilit awout 11 abated. In iiahort tlmo both ot these murbld tynn.ti.m.t aro itono forever. nr. rciienc meoicinet am constantly kept In tens of thousands ot limlllea. Aa a laxatlvo or uriratlve, tho Mandrako Pilla am n standard pre parutlon i whllo tho I'uhnoulo Kjrup. ns a euro ot eouKht und colds, may bu renamed as a pro ryj Lie una against couauuiptlou m any of Its r'.rl!?3,?Lth? Pplmonlo Syrnp and Pca-weed i (til It?. SI -VI it lint t l.i iia 'ji l, ,1.!,...... ti DISSOLUTION. i no nrm oi Elliott, llaythorn A Co.. in diasolr. to ly niu-uai consent, Mr. otlt Hidden of Ciri- n . "Ii "D win uocontlniiri by J.llifdt .J liny thorn. They asaumo all Jlabih- uoaauu coneci an money due tho firm. Ui.'NIlVKIXIOiT. O-'CAUHAVTIIOIIN, oris iimiiK.v, In con4euenco of fiuTntovo chance, and to make room lor n larjio nook ol fall Kooax, wo will murk all goods down io cost price tor tho lieitthirtyilMs. KIXIUITA llAVl'llOli.V, Cairo, July ID, U71. .ja)illiv DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Tho partnership herotoloro exlslmif letween P. EUililmonn and M.Si'ifku, umlerihe ilim'Baino nt hUhlmuit A blellto, In this d.iv fllnolv'ed fiv mutual eourem. Tho liiuuuv will Ui eonlimicil at tho old standby M. Sicfke, ho is authorlr.ed c tctllo all thu uocountt ot ihe into Hnn. P. Sr iULMAV, SI SlErKK. LOUIS JORGENSEN, Ileal tr mall hinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GEOCEEIES. l'iirinei''t Yniil nml Nliilillnjr WITHOUT CllAROj:. Cor, Wdsliiiigton-nr, nml Twontioth-Ht., CAIRO, II.LI.VOl. JjlT.llf ST. LOUIS DflVBIWITY. Tho Forly-'riurd Session of Iho ST. LOUIS OTIYERSITY, Will orencti Jlonday r-Vpt. Ill, '71 This ii thn onlv Institution ofbearnidi: In Iho wast. ImviiiL' lon ualiblislicd In WW. Thacoimo of lndie4 ullers ivery facUdy for neiimrii'U a thorough Classlool am) Coi.imeroial education, Cutalouiloa contamliiL' instruclious to nareiila and ful pirllculart, will I o aont on ajHllleation lo iii.v n. u. ciu.i 1 1. lu.v is, a. J. J iosldent, rit. I.ouls L'nnirslly, ,vt. i.m:is,Mf PHYSICIANS' WILLIAM It. SMITH, M. D. niSIDENOB-No. 21 Thirteenth street, bo- Vi tween Wnahingion avenue and Walnut utrcet. I'tbeo ViilJSonunerclal avenue, up atalra. 0?W. DllNNlNG, M. D. 1" IVIDKNCn-tlorncrNintli and Walnut ala. I Vji'lheo corner HlnlU ulreet aud Ohio luvec, niiec. iioiirs-iroiu v a.tii, to vl 111,, aim 'j p,m, "f.H'V. ll."n H not." thou wnd times a ut' thorr or thn riirn h iii. t.i.. ...i.v.. I banks; riKST NATIONAL 13AKK OF CM I It O. O Ji i A lUNir.t, HUIlD.rreal.lentj lOHKitT w. JIIM.kb, Vice-President; CN.UUOIIEH, Cashier. COLLECTIONS IPR01I1TLY MADE E''AWn, coin, tank not and United States accurltlet bought and aold. uo,",,, Inlrrrst Alloucl on Tlmo IloposllM. EiVTERPltlSB SAVINGS Clmrlcrctl .vtrtrclt 31, lSt?. orrtcz in CITY '.NATIONAL BANK, CAIRO. orricr.cs! A. D.SAFroitn, lreidenti .S.TAYI.OII.Vloe-I'rc.ide'nti W. insLOP, Hicretary and Troi I Troasurer. Di&ECTonst P. W. lltaettT, I'. M.HTOCKrtlTlI, H. M. Ceisrtxdnlv;" J. 31. rmtur'. Cius, (luitnii. 1'iLLU. tv-HVIT, W. I'. lUttlDAV, I i ' 1 sicpoolDi orniivAliiniuit Herel eil from leu f-fiiis I'lMtnnlt. T NTKUK3T paid on deposits nt tho rateol six I. percent. pr annum, .March ltand Septem- 1,1, J """ainoi wiwiuravin la ad.le.l imnie. l ately to the prinelptl of the depoalta, thereby Kmnn Ihem compound Intere.t. MARRIED WOMX.Y AND CItlLDllKX i.Y DETOMIT JIONEV ao that .vooxc tiai ci.v caiwir, Oren every bu.lncis day from a.m. t3 p.m.. id fcatnrday evening lor SAVIMi DKPtWITS lly. frnni 6 to O'cloelt. awiao an on! aujutf W. Hrdl.oP, Troaaurer. THE CITY NATIONAL! CAIRO ILLINOIS. " CAPITAL, $100 OD P. If AM.IDAV, Preiident; 14. II. HAFFOKU, C.uhleri WALTER HVriLOP, A.ftant Cashier.' biaECToas: Ptaats T k wb, noniut H. CevxiaaiiAy, fccott YVimr, W. P. II mliu vv, OtO, I). WlLLIAMSnv, Httl-lltX blttP. A. ll.SArroRD.- ' Kxclinntro, toln nml Lnltetl Htntcs Ilouil llmiKlit nml Sold. TEPo-ilT.S receivod, and a general banklnc US buohieat done. ri'llNITUltU. SAVE TWENTY PEK CENT I)y buying your EICHHOI?F BEOS., F URNIT UR E FACTOIt 1', . , : i. y. ., OK .. nil ,Uit J. - liin.; 'i.ft f, . '. M'txii.-j ai t Xi'itr oiliiia iionsr, "Wittblitgtoii-iiv. 11 ii . disr o mart' .1 CAIRO, ILLINOIS. . ' :iu- ' b'i . fl 1 ., Jfetart. Rlehlinfr llrnlhev ilfalrn In infArnll.L k,lnflsnofr C"'r ,'"U v! ore' "mnula'-'',wiDx.Bll h ' ' .'Vint. , 'LAIN AND FAaVOV FURNITURE'" 1 most (I, . And Invo now on htnd and, for,; J 1 M AIim1 nnil ltctnll, , all Alndi, and will continue to keep nt their .in-' ii. HA MO. ROOMM, IN TllEllt NEW1fatjlLBlNO, tia-fnrved llcUatemla, ; 1 j, , ,.t tr.MarblQ Topped Bureaua, .n. t(vl'. Wdidelwards, Waihetinda) oanyanlroboa, SofaChalra, ta.Sofas and Slutrasaea, , tUunge, ota , eic.; " 1 ' ' i. VVhich they Mill guarantee, to sol) TWENTY PER CKJHf. LOKR Than they can bo I ouslit from any other dealer Id tbo city, titvu Ihom a call ind aatisfy your. ilves, irtH.t It