Newspaper Page Text
HOOFI.A.Ml'N. To Debilitated I'traonsl To Dyspeptics I To BulKrcru from I.lver Com plnlnll To tlioao harlnx no Appetite I To thoso will, llroken Down Constitutions! I o Nervous People! To Clillilnn WasllnR Away I To nny Willi Debilitated MrmIIto Organ I Or NiillrrliiK w If li nny or" Hie 'olloilnn Hi mnluuio, WIih.Ii lnUoat Duounratn l.t vi oa Htosuen t Hueh i "on slipnli'iti, Inward 1'ilrs, I illness ur I'loodtotro llrml, Aclil lly otitic Stomach, NmiiM, llesrlhiirn, liut for I'ooil, Full, nrss r Wulxht In IhoFtoiiiM li, Sour 'Kriu'lOllnnn, Sinking or Flutttrtnffiit I ho I'llnf neHtntiiseh. Hwlmmlnof thn Head, llurrl' i)'"' Difficult lirrotlilnjr. KlultrlnK at the Heart (lioklni! or HuftocnllriKfr million" whan In r I. vim l'nsture, Dimness ot Vision, Dots or VVta before the HiKht, Fever ami Dull l'ln li tlm Jlrail, In-ficn-ricy of 1'i-rspiratlon, Yellowness of tlm Hkln ami Kris, I'aln in (he Hdo, Back Chst, Limbs, lie. huddcii Klulie of Ilinl, llurninK In the Hleah, On. atAnt Imaalnlnga of llvll, an. I Orest Depression of riplrlls. HOOFDAND'S GKHM AN HITTERS A Hitters without Alcohol or Spirit oj any hind. ISdUlcrent fiom all oilier, it n compoaod of 1 tho pur Juices, or Vital I'rinciplu ol llonts, lUrli) arid Harks, (ur, m medicinally t.-md, Ki. lrata() the worthless or Inert portions of the Id. KWtlenU not being uaei. Thrulnir., in ono ImiU tin of Mil lllltera there la contained a much medicinal Yirluo as will Ut tumid In several kI Ion of ordinary mliturea. Hie roots, elc, usi-d In Hi a IlitUra are grown in (itrmany, Ilielr vital principles extracted In thatcountrr tjr a clen titio Chemist, and forwarded to fie manufactory in thia city, where tin y are compounded and Lou tint Coiitalnlnp; no aplnluoua Ingredients, ttiia Hitters l frco frum tlm objtioii urged against II others. No ilciiro for stimulants can be In duotd from their use; they cannot tnakeilrunk erds. and cannot under any virvumatancea hate any um a oencuciai meet, IIOOFLAIN'D'H GKHM AN TONIO Was compounded for those not inclined to ex trcmo bitters, and la intended for use In case when tome alcoholic stimulant la required Incnn nectlon with thoTooic properties of the IJIUcra. Kaoli bottle of tho Tonic contain? one bottle ol tlx Hitter, combined with puro Hi. NT A Cltl'Z HUM, and flavored In luch manner that the ex trmmm I.IMa.r... f (l. 111,1. I. forming a preparation highly agreeable and pleaaant to the jialale, and containing the medic Inal rirtuea of the llltteri'. Tho price ol the TonlO la i.U) per bottle, which many peraon think to high. They mutt take Into conlder atlon I hut tne atlrnulanl n-e-l I cnarant ml to bo ol pure quality. A poor article could lx fur niaatd at a cheaper price) but la It not better to par a little mote and hate a fool article? A medicinal preparation ibould contain nono but the beat inKtcdienta ; and they who expect to ol lain a cheap compound, and be bthentted by it, will moat certainty bo cheated. GEHMAN BITTERS; llOOn.AXD'S C3-EK, TOKIC; WITH UOOI'LAXD S I'ODOl'JIYLLlh' TILL WILL CURE VOL. Theyatre thpUrrnt4t IIIuimI I'urlU rrt Kiiouii To the medical world, and will eradicate ill--ae anxng irom !muro niooi, ietiiiiy or tiie IXgentiToUrgana, nr lli-pawl l.irer, In a ahorfr lima lhAn any other known rem edies I Tho Who! Supreme Court of Pennayltanla arwak for theae remHiea. Who would ail for muru ui((Hintj ana Ptninger leiiinionj r Hon. Gcorce W. Wooilward. lormerir thiet Jua flexor tho Hfipreme Conii of l'ennaylranla, at .ieot meunwr ol Congren from l'cnniylra- uia, wmea ; Philadelphia, March t, If7. llm I IJoorlanr German llittera li a good tonic, ut ful In illaeaaea of the Ulgentirn organs, and of gn-at benefit In caae ol debility and want of llervoua aciion in ill" "rnm. i "utf, iruir, OKOHOK W. WOODWAIID. Hon. Jamea Thompaon, Chief Justice of the Su preme Court of I'enn-ylranln: 1 Philadelphia, April M.lVTf. 1 comlder Hnofland'a Ckrjian Ilitten a ralua medicine lncae of al?Wa of Indittatlon or Drap"!'""- 1 can certify thia from my expert- enco of U. Youra, with reapeet. ililL.! UIVMI'Slili lion, fieorge Eharawood, Justice of the Supremo Uouit or I'cnnayivf ma- I'hllftl(lphla. June 1, HOO. I have found bv experience that Hoofland'a German Illllora la a very good Ionic, relieving dyapcpllc aymptoma almoat directly. lion. Wm. V. Jtoicr, Mayor o! the City of Buf- uio, n. i.: Mayor'a Oflice, llullalo. Juno ?2, 1803. 1 rutvo uaed lloolland'g liennan Hitlers nod I Tonlo In my lamily during llm past ear, and can recommend mem aa nn excellent ionic, impart ihg tone and rigor to the avatem. Ttielruao haa been productlre of Uecidi'dly bene lielal elteeta. n.ii. r. iui(civi. Hun, Jamea M. Wood, cx-Miuorol Wlllianiort 1'a. ! 1 laae greiu ii'aBure in ri-romnicnuing uooi tand'M rierinan 'iVinio tu anr one who lilav bo al- tlicted Willi Ilyapepain. I rmd the Dyaprp-la ao lailly it waa iimioralbU to keep any looJ on my atoniftch, and I becuine no weaic a not to heablu ,n .n. Tf i I .i . 1 1 1 .i . I 'r. i -r Itemember that Hoofland'a Herman Hitler. and HooHand'B (lerman Tonic, will euro everr CIIDOOl MARABMUB, Olt WA8TINO AWAY OY THE 110DV. Itoilirnllirr that IlnoflanJ'a nennan Ilmu. Ilea aro tho medicines you requiru lo purify the Imoo'i, exuiiu iuu uirpiu i.iver in ueiiiiuy nction, mid to enablo you tu pan oalcly through nny hardahips end exposure. n. iioori,'.s PODOPHYLLI OCT, Or Hubafftuto fr'r Vcrcury Pill. TWO PILLS A riOSK. The most powerful, jet Iouocent, Vegetable Cuthartiu kiiuwn. .. n nnAflanrv In (Va n lirmilflil fit tlinae II 1 ig 1V, MV- J . , - - - - - mi . n.A,lni.A 1 hA tlealrml tfiet. ' Two rtf them IMt quietly tmapowerfully.cleaniing tho Liver, atoiiittch and Jfowc .of all InipuritiM. 'llio IIS'B" ' a MoT-, iiu' lift -n n ilimoi more ituw-iii ""'7""oi ll Mandrak'ollae f. U Rcullar ! ion la upon lions with all the power of Mercury, yet frco ri'Xi Vlio T nlurlous results attaclicJio'tho use ol that mineral. , , . . , ..., Koran uuoasoa in wuni mu p ui h tinuuiny ....- ..Ilia uill wlvn 'rntlrn fifltiflfun. IIS UUlCaiCU, iul' Niflrvi, .11 ion in every case. They NlvVfctt l'AIL. 1 Incases of Liver Complalnl, Dyanopala, nnd V iuni,i..n.Di III llnnHnn,la flnrmnn Itil. ters. orTonle.'uhoulil boused in connection with the 1 ilia. TIlO 1UIII mi1- ui " ,.!,,, ui .uuiu, builds up tho f yslera. Tho Hitter, or Tonic, pit riflea tho blood, strengthen tho nerves, reg ulntes tho Liver, and gives strength, energy and 'li'ipyour Howols active with tho I'ills, nnd to'no up the system with Hllters, or Tonic, and no dlacnso can retaia Uio hold, or even assail you, ltecollect Hint it la l'r HooHand'B Oorinsn Hem- edles that aro so universally uied and hljlily recommended nud do not allow the druggist to I induce you iuiuku uujiiuut, ... v-j I is mat a good, because hu makes n larger prolit . mu... .nMA.lA.i.lll I,. ivVvnrnaHtn fOll II. illVSU tcfiiiouio mil 't ",ffrj,'i'v,",v ' nv locality upon application to tho VIUNCIl'AL omCE, at (ho OKllMAN MEU1CIN, BTOHI3, Ul AUc'll STHEUT, X'UILAUELIUlf A. 1'IIAN. 91, KVANM. Vroitrlclor. Formerly 0. M, Jackson Co, These, Uomodles nro for salo by Druggists Btgdilg pet, wU.Mem dug Vcalir-) utcnwlK'to THE BULLETIN. I'llhllcalloii OITIcf1, flullcllii lltllldlnir, U'nxliliiKlon Avenue. tiik iiiBToitY or Tin: rEAcif. ArlMnna AVanl la rrrlilni ,lil. n.. In; tlmt when bo boarJisd "round nt differ ent places, ho silwati likoi to cat liaih.'lK cius) then ho knew wlict ho WQI oatCnp Now thnt tho peneh icaaou la about open- ItlL'. sucll of CUT ri'Hilnra n wmiM lib. i know lometliinL' of tho history of thatde 1 oloui fruit, will bo Intorcitod In the fol lowing fHcta, which wo havo tnkon from timon i work on Peach Culture: Tho poach il luppoied to bo a natlvo of l ersifl. anil Hi botanical hnmn rnfara (ntlml origin. It li known to havo ilourlihod In both l'onla and China at a very early porlod, and wai hlirhlv valued iil, counlrici. It liat ofton bocn found vmv. in anontanooualv In A.i.ilr. m,,.ir. n . " 1 'J AUIMOT, 1, il mentlonod bv I'llnv. ami ..tu.. claiiical writcri, and many anecdote are rclatod of tho Vonnratlon ami ,.v..n itltlon with which It wai rcgardoJ by tho i.aiawu. jiicruiario uoubl hut It 'was ono of tho "Trooi of the Garden" which Ood nlanti.-d in Kdnn. nurfih nnd cheer our flnt parent! Inlhcir iriauuu jiuruy arm imppincsl. TiliaaDAV Kvaiaiao, Joly 27, IMfl. ThO Condition fj( 111,.1 Ina.ktl la n.l.l.ll- changed atneo Mondays roiwrt. Tho depression ... . , vauseu uy me lacs: or Umnage to .New Orlean. and thoajaance la the rates ot frelahtto that point, It bain the princi pal market at present. T I . I . . . . iii!, wiiihii ma uren cool ror a rew ilaVS. with sumo rain, has aualn krum. unr.rau. Ivi'lywarm. Ff.OL'lt. The demand la fair and ia about tin aainA for all aradps. Tho stork nn ,n.,Li i. light. Hales were 1''bbli Various Ora loa .4 aio T JS 'V.." AAA...w BOO WHF.aT.-'ialesweie- 1 .M ll-.l . - . 1MI sacks, bright Me.literroean .-. I la COHN.-Ia dull. There. I plenty in the market but no demand. Prices ru.e lawer than at lat rotiort. Kales worn-. xu sacks White, del ( ..... tAa S " mlxtil del tic OaTij. Arln fair demand at ter rrdiic..l Brice. Hales were i sm-ks, New, del . i3i ? . .. inaacksdel . Jc 1 ' 11 .. fi cara, New, In Imlk, del.....M........., j;c ! --.... . 3bo " on iracL.,., HAT. Tho market Is tiivhanged, 3U NoiOea re Itt.'TTKH. The market rules dull aod lowir. odimanojior ajny except atriellycbolce.ofh!h there Is very llltloin the market, Baleawara IS I'kgs Choice Northern .....Jjno to ne tOt.kga, Medium to Choice ....10o to iOtj li'KW. The market is overstocked, salea'are few, even ot quotations. Huleawerc TiO dot Kre.I to.. MKAI.. The mvket l nellvo and quotations unchanged, talcs were - t"1 bids Hleam lined, on track ., 3 10 I'M " Kiln Drlol del .. ss 1" " A! .. " ZI ail on uny Mtearn Dried, .... .... 3 a ruti.1111 , 111111 aajesHerq " 14 roopa, Yoiing Chickens ...J...1 00 to KltriT. No aalea fenorlrd. 1 7: hUNDKIKd-IObbla.Oaiouall IOIoJ TS: JW The following aro the wholesale, prices of tliUy lluttsi Choice .. tb to two I Ordinary- 10 to lie Itrnuai Prime White.....l 21 1 Choice Navy 1 IS lo 2 CO Cumuion .l w I llroomiai (i)tnmon Ucuic, pex loi....M....a i'lto 3 Ui Choice to Kxtra " : I 7S to 3 ii s- " 1 00 to 5 CO OinUlcajt Htick w lb..i;j; to im I Fancy V lb 'U to act (jumL,rops....M-.i5toa'. I New York Factory Ohio Pact'r lvK 13 Jrackem: i.xtranna.MlaVlb,ctiuda V ib..... c Ilutter..,., . i picnic Lcl bugar... ..11 to'llo I Ginger 11 (.'P.. I ..771 7Z ColTe-ei Itio Commcn H lhl7t RioKairVlb-ntolse Jat...... to c I Laguayra. mM to 21 Klo lrlm to Choir,,. ....1S tolJc flour 1 Cholre. .6 00 1 2ndgraie .. Third grade 0 UJ I Ith gra-le hhipatua.... Ilran.MM... Uralat . 7 SO ...5 K) IM WHEAT. Choice White Nu 1 bus-- 1 SI " Hod "1 Z". I !.' . ". . " " .1 IS to 1 90 MWiteran an .l u to 1 so saie mr tougn or damn wheat. COIIN. Mixed V bu . Jlc . , White Y b(i. iic to ivso w.a. its Eunice lew HAY Choice Timothy baled'on Mulium ' " track... Mixed choice 71 (0 150 IIklei Sc I Dry Hint :ia I llrr Hall fireen V lb Cured " .. recn Calf y lb.. Cured " , ..... liajl Sheep pelt. iu Utpl uu . 12ie Onlonai and Potatoes i .. . ! SJai U) Potatoes new 1 (s)to 1 li Onions . I'oultryi Turkeyi, ve per do. j8 ou Uilckvna live arning per dot;. .;.. oo to 'J So " nidheua ......4 00 to 4 6U soAP-paim.r. 7to7Kc 10 SVq 12 tO Sic .-.18 to xoc 13o tOlSKJ derruan motUedi........ Caitlle American " lmortd CANILES Star 11 01 " full weight ... jicml s Com bolted per bbl Hya choice " ..... Powder axtdMiioli 3 00 to 3 V, 8 SO Powder rifle ..... 6 ui IdaMing 4 M to 4 50 Hhot aasorted per sack,., ci bock ' ,( y....!......:::; -L 5 So Provlaloua i I.AHIV-In tierces r Ihrefmed 1), to 12V, 111 kegs .i.ilJio 14J4 HAMS-.Sujr cured I' ..S it lt$ u. .Country " ....7. Iito'ioc Hhotildera liscon " 8 to H'te Clear sidca " lutoilu Kibtjed " " V to 10c Kanawha per l,bU. JZ 50 1 lifry pr.bbl i Mto4 00 Hugmn ausal Hyruput SUOAK New Orleans primo to choloo 1SV: to I3e I'nrlu ltlco choice,..., .12to.UUu, IixtraC..'..i'...... .) .13? to 1S, uueo A yjfl to 14o Crushed and iiowdered Uio 15 flroniilal...! " 1lliil. SYIlUI'3-mn":":"-'-',"-":""K iiew urieana 70o (iolilen 7Sc Hllver Drlpa................. 8S to Wo Teaai I Imneria! .1 10tol40 Gunpowder 1 lotol Oolong biackl Ol to 1 30 Japan unc'I'd Vrntni. IH.'n 1 lllflJlll . 40 Younic llva'n 1 1U In 11(1 ... -v,i . Llnsscd raw 1 OS to 1 13 Wham 1 UOlnl la asiiai I l.lnaiw..l I.1M l raairt 1 .18 lrwhlto... SM to 30a Hot Turpcnt SO to CSc Machine .... 43 to 7So While lead dcSaneo Der LA IX 1 OOtol NnaturnnL I 1111a 1 f(MJlb.;,....;.j.,lUMon do Collier do I'lllly . 12 00 to 13 sj- to Ntarcht Corn i 12K to 15c I Hilvci Gloss...l2!to 15c l'arli.,.M.. faloCioll .. ,,irf. Wlnrai'nufJ IV anoajA fl fa srw naa.1 IlltANDY Hennesay per gal Mlifnnlln ir l bent 7 50 WINE-l'ort ......."...;..,.. Sherry . Calat ba immJl-v1-''?.!.1" .... . . 2 64 .Jl SO to 3 00 . 25 to 3 2S 2 SO C 00 83 to 1 SO 3 CO 2 75 Hourbou uighlNviiiSfjiliS I- JI,W 'l 00 ' nvrasi niuo Crass..,2 00 to 2 23 1 lied Tod... 1 so In l 7S wilier. l cs to 1 75 riuVn gr'sst a w TobaccoN t Virginia bright par lb do twist do 1 00 1 0(1 70 to Hue . 00 toCSo IK) to 1 15 do' half bright per lb... Vlolblack Dor lb Fino cut chewing per lb Virginia smoking do . , ,C5 to 1 20 Common do do 30 to too Cigai si do .2 00 to 10 00 i FlNht Hnrdwure: AXC3' V 0Z r,.......'.:.i. SO to Ifoo Nulls Ulto CU, 47 J rates;,;.. ...;... Iron Common liar V U 3c T, Homo HlioelxS-lfi loO b t Ui. Untie Hlioo per keg loo lb u so Mulu t, ii ii 7 to I'luwBteel V lb .,i......Ir 0JJ HnriiiL' Htecl. Kmiluli HU;.. '............7. ' 11 to 13o Carriage Springs common V lb Bil to Vila M Warranted " lbJtoluJo WhltoNol h'fljbl...7.uPTrgutNo 1 h'fbbl.i Herring Lakeli'f bblt I Harr'giJl.UhxSotai alt Mackerel No 1,' kits 1 75 to 2 00 ' "2 " l&OtolCA " " 3 .,il)antd!i 60 bbu..;..;..;. to to 7 so UnlilmlemoksJ upefiu 15C THE QAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, SATURDAY, .TULY INMIlHArlCR, w. a. Moitrtio, Notary I'ublic, II. II. CANDE No. rub, and U, 8. Com, IIISTSUIREI KIHK, HULL, CAltOO, LIVE STOCK, ACUIUKNT, LIFE, , .ktxa, luitTronn, Assela . S5,S,S0I HOItTII AMKIIICA, PA., Aasets........ ,i...!...U ; 2.783.000 O! iiARTronn, cox.v, A"" - ...2,511,210 72 I'IKVNIX, 1IAKTFOKD, A t".- 1.781.1H M INTCHXATIONAI. K, T- ' Aaaela .,..1,X1,3U8 17 PUTNAM, II ARTroun; AfMta.i. i .'. 7f,W tf CLKVKLANII, CLKVKLANU. Aaaels.. 5IS.C73 8S IIOMB. COI.L'Mnt'S, Asacls...... . .516.271 43 AMKllICAN CRNTKAT, MO. Assets,, JicmioOi CONNKCTICCT MUTUAL LIP K, aaaela i30.Wi.OiO 00 TltAVKLBIlV, MARTrORt), UFI! ANI ACCIDENT, Assets 1,500,000 Ot .UX1WXY TAJIBENOKRa' A6AURA.VCE CO, UAHTFORII. As sets ...... ....... 0 i . iSUErKNUKNT. 110STO.H., assis ..... .....i.. r SAFFOHD, MORRIH & OANDEK, Tl Ohio ,ave, City National Bank, CAIRO. ILL. FIRE AND MARINE COMPANIEMt NIAOARA, N. T., at 1,42C.21C 2B OERMANIA, N. Y Ai-seti - ....-..............lVi,721 78 HANOVER, N. T., Assets ..72C,bC2 00 REI'UIILIC, X. Y., Aseets . . ...........7H.W3 00 Comprising the Underwriters' Agency. ' YONKEKS, N. Y., Asaata S78.tM 15 ALBANY CITY, ....i53,133 21 Assets. firemen's vuhii, a. rn Assets ...................... cre.wo u BECURITT, Jf. Y. MARINE, AueU.. .............1,132,919 OU STORK, Dwellings, Kurnltore, Hulls nnd Car goes, insured at rates .as favoiablo as sound, permanent se-uritr will Warranr.- I res(Kvtlully aide of tbb pitiless of 'Cairo, n aharo ot their palronat e. '. w. iiuoirr.s. Oilioo N alionallunk BUTCH KIM. THE PE01'Lp:'S;MEAT market ( II AH. HATER aft CO., t PaorstxToas. KEEP conatantly on hand Uio b.t of liecl, pork, mutton, veal, lamb, sausage, pudding, etc. .Kreah whlto lard Id any quantity, corned beef, etc., always on hand, ; Order promptly tilled, and satisfaction warran ted.' fub7tf JAMES KYNA'STON. Bntrbrr attd Dealer In nil liluils 1'rrwli I Meal, Coasts Nixrticini ain P.irut BrnttT. I CAIUJ, ll.l.INOI?. BUYH and slaughters only the very beat cattle. Logs and sbeep, and is preiared to till any ilMiuanil far mnil, fmm i.n. iu-.nn.l I it l.n thousand pound. tle-.'iHf rviiiyiTUHE. Ii. S. IIARItELL, ' ! - ' ' - ;DEALER IN FURNITURE QUEENBWAItE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS; BAR FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, 183 &, 187fiC6miricvciarAYQnuc CAIRO, ILLINOIS, : IMMreRATIT TICbETN. ' . r .. . , "l yl. 1 i t , f. l-'IoiilNMANIilNE.-11 ' J t li i 1 .1 lj- U " I.lveriiooir ' New-York .and rhlliulclpliia, I --JJ 'JiW a I I ' I'NDIII COSTSiCT WltB VKITXD atTII IJIP tItl ,' oovassiiisTa , i F6 Carrying,thellMall. ' ' ; ' I 7tri.lT''l"l,.i'nitH; ' i Ari'LY TP JOHN G JJALE, AUT., ISODroailway, Now York, or to II.' Houp.t B Washington Avanu e,JL'4lro, Illinois. ... J ' :i ;i ir- "i ' IMMlGRANlT ' TICKETS FORl(SALErfoRlorji'01t SALE, FOR SALE. J KptBaio 1 FOU 8ALE, i , i ' 1. ' Faro from Liverpool, Faro fromiLoyucNUKituY, 1 Furo from Glasgow, i "Omrm itVAm TTSKwa'rlwart , )l $48.20 I . i ,r J l" . la.t I I, SattOlJ,UCITi 4 CW, Asnt I ' 3 1 IXIIKltTAHEItS. W. (i. OAIIY, l'HINeil'AL UNDKHTAKKIl, 5 m & 5 1 u 5 - 5 I 'J l 7 - Z - i 2 - 2 8 S O 5? eJ l 2 SALES HOOM, No. 13 SIXTH STKEET CAIRO, ILLINOIS. NICHOLAS FEITH, GENERAL UNDERTAKER, -3 s a h tn 1 K I. vi A , X J a r-t -C6 11 aC :1 1 5H k-a Cor. WnililUBton-nv.nml lltlt'Stt., CAIRO. ILLINOIS, ar22d3m ' BOOKfl. .o 6 IT 1! II. A. II A.N N 0 N, Wholesale and Hcltiil R00KSELLER, STATIONEIt, N E WS AGES T, Dealer In I ' ' ' - - Sheet Mueic, I'icture Frames, Ioulu ivc,, ETC., No. 126, Commcrcial-ft?Bmio, CAir.O, ILLINOIS. HT" Etesmcrs aupplleil with o'.llro stationery, nd daily papers f lam pcil to order d.iy am njght. ajyif NTOVKS, TIXWAKK, IITC, A. II A L L E Y, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Clothes Wrmgnra Tmlo vasro, uoai nous, riresnoveis, Air (i.itcs. i l MiM-racTi nrn or 3 1 t ' i TIn ZINC, CGlTER 'AND SHEET IRON VAUK. t : " ' No, 1GG Wasliington-avcnuo, r . CAIRO, ILLINOIS., , , ., sra-lloofine.- Onltennif. nn.l nil Lfn.U nflnb .work jlonont shoitestiiwiico.. lebldif , HEWING JIACUINE. NO ilUMlVUG." j F; G; 0 0 YE All r i i uun oueringtno .. " "GROYEll AN II RAKEIl, IlLV AN,D ilANUFACTUltlNG -SEWING- MACHINES. S r (WIIUprlvileKOpf paving In monthly inslnllnifnts without .lntiest, and with chulcn belHtiu thu uroven ran iiiutcr sliuttlo or atlutli liiueilino, stlctlieMlikn on botli kuIck, foreous uishlwK u buy n limi-cl-iff acwiiiR niKlilito for C5, with liemnirr, tiller, builder anu qullter, KiiaRoaudthuuil-scrt'iv,dilcHn. boltloof oil, (wrowilriwr, tclvo .irn iieedies, four Isib. bins nnd extra ne6dle)'iilnte, should KlvoCiood year a call, , wauirnu seo smme oi hoik, at No. 1186. Vashington-aycnuo, Nearly1 opposlto 'llio Iiullctln oll'cc, SET WHEN LyCN'liH AND TWKLVIU'SI3. Ityllilm U f . 'IHI 31 .PKLTWffl i Ml wsj 1 ' t - X 'ww - ( s ) r i C C -i S - B s S ( J O n V. s I J S S 5 R ( fc3 ) t S- 1 o o 2 ( O ) W T- c O ) g g u g o f . n ' ' ' -? Z U sr. i 20, 1871. I'AMi: CIIOKIXd NTOVr.). BEEBWART, .voi'.NTs ion Tin: U j 'i. e. t - - a S as a 5 Vaal Ul.aTaaaassV aV afaXaaT asat mwf miaw wm, --.yv-xsa-., 2r . . J WAR II ANTED EIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. WHAT IIOL'SEKEKPKns SAY A ROUT cooKiiisro- stoves ALWAYS READY, ALWAMS RELIABLE, ALWAYS TIIE REST, ALWAYS TIIE CHEAPEST, AND UNEQUALLED IN THE l'KUFECTION OF COOKING AVl'AIIATUS 'JggT IDiriPFErRElETT SIZES JTQ-W HOEJaDTr. I It Y CLosinsra- out jt cost i t The piiblic are hereby notifla.I that DRY GpOJDS, ' . . , t.,ii.i' , . t ROOTS, SHOES, II A TS, CAPS, NOTIONS, ETC., ' ! ' ' lKlongfacto the estate of the late SOOTT "WHITE "SVILL IJE SOLI) AT COST, i . i AT THE OLD STAND, CORNERSIXTJI STREET AND OHIO LEVEE CAIEO, JcIOlf n.oTiii.vr;, hath, vs, ktc 1871. SUMiMER. ISAAC WALDER, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON IIANP, Ji.'J? THE LOWEST CASH PEICES, The Cheapest and licet READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAl'S, HOOTS, SHOES, Etc., aVOIl.NF.K OF M.YTH-ST. AXI OIIIO.I,i:VI'.i:, CAIRO, ILLS. .PARTICULAR attention paid to orders for WniTK SlIIItTS in nil styles made, and only X of tho best of material used. xiKY-noOllS. Ciltl'KTS, ETC. Xi. ioi C43I3h:h'i.i, avemji:, Wuhea to call nni on to Mn lmmeno slocltof new nnd Beti,on.ibla DRY-GOODS, CARPETS, ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. evbrythihstg peesh, kew, desibablb. Dress Goods a Sim-cialty. Novelties InFilks, I'orlim, Japnneu Sillss, Silk Warps, Molmlrs, I.twns, Percnles, 1'. K.N. li-. Ainericau liliu'k tiros drain Silk, and n full lino ot tho celebrated Heaver llrand of I'uro Illick Mohair. Tho largest nvoittncnt of WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVP3, Ileal find Inilliilloii I.iiri-i, !., vyvr (iIIitiiI In llio rlli-. JVoii mil liilri Mljli-at urtunieli, mill it nill llm r oil MuIIi. .vIiuiIuun. Mnlr 4'nrif oIm mill lliis. IIouIn, SjIiim-h mill IIiiIh In (rrciil viirieij'. PAIR DEALINGS AND SMALL PROFITS. rA'i examination of Ills tu:k in reipei'ltully nski'd. HOOTS AMI SHOES. WILLIAM EIILERS, KaalilnnnMo HOOT AND S"0E .MAKE It, IWKNTIin'lI tiTHKHT, lUtHpt VahmKton Avcnuo nnd loibir Street, CAirtO, ILLS. limits nnd Shoo Made to Order. 'ino Workmen Kiiiplnyod. Batlsfiiction Warrnutcd. 1'AtroniKo tfolloitci. .CITY SHOE STOKE AND H00r SIvIRT FACTORY (OLE AGIACV I oil custom-made ROOTS AND SHOES Coiiiiucrclnl Avoniio, t'orncr ori:ielilli Street, C'Aino, Illinois. l'AUTICULAIl ATTENTION TAIll TO ALL OH UK1LS roil HOOVkKIUTH ANU SHOES. I'lIYSIClAXS' WILLIAM R. SMITH, M. D. 1KJ5II1:NCB-No. 21 Tliirleenlh stretl, V tveeu Washiiitfiiiu aenuoand Wuluiil nl uitioc 1 Jl Comiiircll avenui-, up sliilrn. C. W. DUNNING, M. D. RKrtlIiKNCK-oornerNinti ami Walnut W, Oilicu comer buth street anil Ohio luver, Uiln;y hours from Ui n.iu. to Vi in,, and U p.m. A. "WADGYMAll, M. D., Iy.lYHlUIAN, Burncon and Accouheiir, formerly u of Annii, Union county, Illinois, has por mapuully locatitd Iu Cairo. Oillco-C'umtiinrolal nyc-nac, bclVICtU liUlUtll and Mullt attcels West Hide. tnatly OBTH &o CO., ckleiiratkd . i '0 ii O II S. tho IsrEc and mofinineentjinck of - IXiXiliTOIS. 31 US. M'OTT wiiiti:. 1871. OAS UTTFKS. F. S. MURRAY, GAS AND STEAaM FITTER HAS ItEMOVKD KliOM l'KltltY HOUSK TO TUB MUCK BUILDING on SEVENTH ST. Ol'l'OSlTK WINTKIt'H 1IL0CK, (,'AIUO, ILLINOIS. HK has greatly improved his stock, nnd li.ia now on li.ind all kni'ld of CII.INDKI.IKK4, l'KNUKNTS, tILOIIES, HIIACKKTS, HALT. I.KHITS, SHADES, ETC. HE HAS MARKED DOWN PRICES To tho lowest livlnis llurrs, mi. I ho Invite tlia patronage of the public. miioiiEsam: tnot i:ns. R. SMYT1L & CO., AVHOLESALE GliOOEUS, 0 II I 0 L U V V K i CM I It O. I r.l.INOIS. Also, keep constantly on band most com plete stock of lilQiTJOHS. SCOTCH AND IUISII WllISKIKS Q1NH, l'ort, Matkrln, Sherry nnd UntftwbaAVIncs p SMYTH Si CO. sell exclusively for cash, lo .!.! miiicii met iney invite uio vopvoiai auvi; lion ui uiosu narnin ouyers, Rikc'mI aUc$Qn y.vcn to Filling Onlm, M'.nn.i,, THE R1UDAL C1IAMRERJ ESSAYS POR YOUNO MEN ox '1MSAT SOCIAL r.VILa AND AttCSta, rttVXtn w"h m"',. '' "iromean, n.l rtlTi .f?iL.thr e"n unfortiinite, dl.eae.l JSi 5 i" .1X ,n ,M''"1 'nrelopes. free, ot Hon No I Hn.Mi",":'?"11 rv Afd A..oci.i Jyf.hmrim Mh-., I hlladelphln, Tn. Wn:o ci .-. li, C33311i3, 420 Iorlh Elihth St., Phllndn. Dobbins Vegetable A color and dressing that will not burn tho hair or injure tho head. It does not produco a color mechanically, aa tho poisonou preparations do. It gradually restores tho hri.5 to ita original color and lustre, by HUpplying new life and vigor. It causc-i a luxuriant growth of soft, fine hair. Tho beat and safest articlo ever1 offered. Clean and Pure. Ko sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. MAYNARD'S STAB BITTBBS THE REST TONIC IN USE! t Ml H roit nam; jiy E. F. MAYNARDJPROP'R PITTSBITEG CELERRATED IJ ITTER CORDIAL WIIOLMAIiU DKrOT ! HciiEirrzs NATURE'S GREAT RESTORATIVE. N. W. COKNER FIFTH AND IIACE HTS,' riiilmU-liikln, Va. John fcciiEETz, sole monuETOit. It U n relinblo Ftmlly Mcdlclni, nnd can I aken by cither infant or acult with tho samobcen tidal results. It la acertaln, promptnnd apcodv cmcdy lor diarrhea, dysentery, bowels compiled dyspepsia, lowness of splrita, fainting, sick stomach, headache, etc. For chill and tutor ol all kinds, It In far belter and alter than qinnina cithout any of Its pcrnlclom ctU-cts. It ellocto i.n appetite, proves a powerful dliestor of food amluill counteract tho etlicts of lmnor lnaf n minute. As indlsputablo evidence ofitt m cat proportion, wo append a tow of tho many urtcnUi in our possession : Johnson's Depot, East Tcnn., and Va. IU Tenn. Jacob ScntrrT, F. Dear Sir: I naveuaod th IliltiT.Hl havo obtained from you, and ndthem to Ui all thoy aro recommended to be. 1 found ono bolllu to nitord mecousiderablo relief, I leel osthousii I cannot do very ticll without them, in myprcdentstataof health. U. MK.VKiK. 13JcioulliC()i st.,PMla. l"itorI)nplst l"iimyunlc Chtireo; doIJ by V. I'. Allen, M ilamstrcct Dubuouo ocllOdlv A LOOK FOR THE MILLION. JI.VRRIAGE GUIDE. A 1'rlvato Counselor to tho Married nr thosu abnutto marry on thn nhYainlnivifAl mysteries nnd rovelatlnna of thn ith tho latest dlscoienes in prodacin,' and pro. venting ollaprln, presnrvlns tnocomplo.xion.r. This U an inturi'stlngworlcor two hundred and, twenty-four paes, wltn numeroiH cngravinga, vi,., vuiiviiiu-. faiuiiiriu iiiiurjnaiiuii lur llioso vtuu aro married or contemplato marriai;o; still tt is a uuuiv iiuibouxiiviu no utuicr iock ana xey, ana not miii uitruiussiy uLHiuiinq uuiise. bent to any one (frco of postage) for SO Cent Address Dr. Hints' Dispensary, No. IS, UiRtithMrctt, Ut. Loiila, Jlo. Motive to tho Ailllcttd anil Vnfortnnntr. Before applying to tho notonom Quackn who adveriiiu in tnupublio papers orusiui; any QuacKt reiiu'diea, peruso Dr. IliitU' work, no mutter w hat your iliscaso Is or how deplorable your ootia dition. Dr. llutta can ba conaiilted, personally or at mall, on tho dis.ieiea mentioned m lili works, olllce, No. li N Klhth street, bet. Market land Chesiniit, St. Louis Jlo. myiidwly .MANHOOD : HOW LOST J HOW KESTOltEDI Jn.t publlihcd, ill il scaled cnvclopo. Trice, Octs. lecturtlon llio natural treatment, and radical fiuonf Hpermatorrhra or KemineJ vakiiesa, In volilnlarv KiiiissIoiis, ! SoJiltal Debilllv. and Initio-. ilumeilts to MurriOh'n generally! .Norvoimutj.n, Consumption, Kpilepsy, nnd tils; Mental and rnysieai ineapaeuy, resuiiini' rrom seir nbuo, elc., by Kobt. J. Culvcrell, M. D., author of thu "urccn iiooii, vie. "A IIOON TO THOUSANDS OK SUKFEIlErtS.' Sent under sral, in plain onvelojvo, to nn ad- iress, posipaiu, un n-ceipioi six cents, or two liusias' llower ISO stamps, by Chxs. J. C. Kllno A Co., l.T ery,icw iorK, ru.iuuiv.-u wx i,og. jcU-li mw.l LOOK TO YOUU ClIlLDHENi THE; GREAT SOOTHING lUJilED'Y. Mr. wiurioMlty Sjrup. ( Cures colia nnd.Tflpln8"l rtlrr, J In tho baueU-iUld. ,U-l. I ciliiatM tru rrocess ci t Ctntf. 1 1 leeiuuiM , i a '' fat v Sirs. f MllxWf lVllinOHII'Sl ni'txV Sjrup !.'' li(iv-n null I 111S1U11S 1 rrlje, ercomca ulldls. .inolilriiL tu in. r,vt. (. Ltatanudchlldron. ' Mr,. ( Cure HUH (I'Jlll'S 1 tervr hu. plain cures diarrhea, disen. I'rlefi nunumii)ur'um. KcciaU. iiiciuivirenoi au ItU tlio,(lnAt Itif.iiit'dfmill.'hIldtan'i.Bo'otlilriK'. Ueiucdy In all disorders brouslit ou by Teethlnit or any other causo. l'repared by tho qu.vnuN,j st. Louis, Jlo. tioldiby Drusslsts and Dealers In Medlcin uverywhero. rr.yTdnOm KKAu li'l'ATi: AtJK.NT. 0. WINSTON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS ; 1 .so .-'.;u'. AUCTION ERS, , 7 ,(1XQN J-1.00K).OllI ,I;KySE i CAIUO, ILLS,, B'v'y and tfjr.Ma ltii, -I'AY TAXES, t FURN1HU ACSTRAOTfl Ol' WH Ai t prtpuv CvuTXaac.i uf.UUii, if