Newspaper Page Text
t r r - u JOHN If. OBERLY & CO., PROPRIETORS. v. DOTACA1RO, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1871. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AVE. m iiottkktoth r.rx nccnu leaves at II. T. HELMUOLD. BUCHU. from tho Dlsjonsary of tho United fitates. lUONMA CIIEXATA-IUIHIJ I.EAVKN. .n&"'nmi!'hHr0'JOr ,,,lr,,nK' '""'" M. aromatle ; U.clr.Ulul,au1,Uh:.nd llle'r?nrVVS2D",,""', ,;,r,--,,,lcll "'nMy stimulant, with a peculiar undent to ..i 'J.ef!'?nJ.n.?0mI'J,Lnt!,.o,.,.,", ''lnrjf Orunnn. luch u Gravel. Clifnic Catarrh of the I la.IUer. Morbid Irritation oMhi Ilia Ider and Urethra, D..eae of the J'foVtrate UlandV and Kete lion or Incontinence of Urine, from a 1044 of tone In'lhe parti concerned In IU equation. The "row. rfnm'n.lej la Dycpcp-ls, Cl.r0nlo,llhM,.t,.in"riln"ou. Afftlon. ind 1 .i"";".0.l,' K,'lu" Utciif l ue. by rcrons from the uei of H 10 tS, an I Irom .V lo fio.-or III the decline or elianra or life i nftf ( Vint,,,-,,...,. - I -I ... Ill I... . n;.; . V ' " "V1 ;r to female., the Ktiret Huchu I uncfUllr.l by n oilier romedr. to i'alnfulnesi or HnppreMttn of Customary Ktucuatious, Ulcerated or Hchlr- Chloroaisor Retention. Pa rout Htateof tha I'terui. lliniu oi tiii BtADHia, hlbxtts, GsAvtL aD Daorsici.hwm.uioi. This medicine increase the power of Dhrestlan, nd eie.te, th. AUorbenH into he althr action, by which tha vVaUry or Calcs renu. de.poal lont and al 1'nnMural KDlarK.ini-nt4 ore reduced, a we I L pd and Inflammation. ., ' K?MVVKT.l"rT.. "'"fl" ' "red everr rat. of Di.bete.! la which It haa been il"n7 Irrlla- V.i . 1 . ' " r.S'Jr "5.r, U1U nainiiiiion 01 Win Kldn.jf, u c.rat on of the Kl.lnT4 and llladder. R.teii on ot t'rtn.-. I)lea... nf tho I'ra.trale eland hlVe In th Illa-lder. Calcului. Gr". el, niicy)uit I).)4it and MUCU4 or Miller U, and fr enf. hled aud delicate conitito. I oniof both wiu, attend;-1 with the follow npioi. Indl4po4ltlpn to KMrtlonLoii of Wl ,,'0," W"on, I'lfflculty In llrenthlnc, Wiak .Nerrre. IrrmbKoB. ItorMr iWielaS 'VJ?1"?'' V,""1""0' Vl-lon Intn. mc not Hand, 'riohln ntihi Ilodr. I)rneM It the ekln, Eruption ou the Kacc, i'all.d Countenance, I' Laaiimdo of the MuVcular" "Um, MlLMftOLb'l F!lTArT r ) Illltlntli inH It 1nn.l.1.. I ... .... 1 . v t ralUlnatteotlont lor which It I4 u.e.1, in counw L)ecrUx tjnjilom5 In All commuAicatiops. ah Irfl JIELMBOLD'S FLUID MXTHAOT SARSAPARIILA, THE ORKAT IILO0I1 I-UIiniEK AND I1EAUTIFIKK OF THE COMPLEXION. iii:i.nnoi.i'i extuaot haimaimium.a. win radically exierrmnaio trom the y.t.m 8-rofula, HrphlllV l-otti 8or. Hor. I4, bore Mouth. Hoi. Head. ronchlii. Hkm n.... n-.h AT. L'-.SV't. hlIHwlnp. Tumor. Cancerou. Air.Ktlo,,,, .Node-., Klcket., (,'laodular riwe U.n ftlSC M n .ifel'' Cf0n C ".m.U.,n. I,,.pe,w, and a., di.e. Illng prepared eipreljr for the adovo comt.lalnt.1, lt Illood-i.urlfrinK propertlej are ereater han any other Haririll. !t giro, the comi.leii.m rlear and healthy color.ind t" tore the p. tienttoaitato of health and purity. KorpurlfiflnK th. Wood, runotmr all thronU: ooattitatlouall ' arltlng Irom an impure .tat. ol tho Wood, and the only reliable aad effectual known Verne- IT for the cure of pain, and t!welHnj!4 of tlie Hon.., Ulceratlon4 of tb Throat and Illotchi.. plcx!on" ' Kr"r'". '''lly r.rnpt.on. oftfe Bkln, and Heautllylng the Cool HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GEAEB IXjXjS. B ck or herroti; Headache, Jaundice, Indle4llon. Con.tlpation,, llil(oune, I.UcrCom plalnu, Oerieral llehility. etc oTikuh. no urlplnt pain., but mild, pleatant and aale In oneratlon. Hold Kxtrae t Rh ubai b. 1 1 a" . .... . ""Ai'i 1'ii.uiaro purely regeUMe, being compoicd of CaUwbalirape Juice and Ileware of thoe cheati patent tdlli careleMly wooden Iim. tnoilut which contain either ralomel, iiiu.hui wjiivii wuuvmiii viiiirr rail IIELMI10LD'3(JE.NlINEritEI'AIUTI0Nrt. II. T. HELM BOLD, Piactical mid Analytical Chemist, f)D,l liroadirny,' N. Y., and 101 South Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists, everywhere-. NALOOMM. EL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND UAH KOOM. JOII.V J.VTKS, IrorlPtur. lOOOmmercial.Wenue, CAIUO, Il.LI.NOIB Dent brand of California Cigars JuM reeclvoJ. BII.LIAIU) citoon fiirnl.hc.1 with the lKt ol table i and bar aupplli-d wllh win. 7, Ji'iuom mid rlirar. of the Ilne4t brand.. FITZGERALD'S SAMPLE BOOMS, Cor, i'ourtrriilli SI.11111I Coin lIKTClllI A I'll IIC. IJMTZflEUAIiN'S Bnmple Hooms nro Hooked with pure Imported wines, liquor andcltrim, and are dispell ted from tho bar in (IrrtHilats tjle. Theio la no bettor establishment In South, crn llllnot., and none letter .locked. Call nd tost the yarioua.brandt ol vinos niul liquors. JOHN IIYLAND'S SALOON, . Corner Tenth Ntrcct mill Commercial Avouup. 1 rjl'PKUIOIl liquors, beer, ale, etc., and fmfirant O Havana, atwiiys on hand. Thoso dealrinx de lulitlulbeveragoa should not lad to call aud enioy theia. All their wants will be attend to In a man. ner llist.wlH wnrraut a ruturn. All his liquors, wines and cigars havo Iwen selected with ftrcnt are and critical tasto. REAla ENTATKAOENT, C. WINSTON CO., jieal; estate agents A!P ' 4 auctioners,' 71 (SECOND FLOOU) OHIO LEVKE, CAIUO, ILLS., Buy and Sell Real Estate, ' PAY TAXES, FURNISH A1JSTRACTS OF TITLK Ai.1 preparo Convoyauces of Kinds, PUBLIC NOTICE. Whereas, William B. Burke and Rosanna Ilurlto his wife, did oa the a uy ot June, a. v. m'", iiecuto their certain morlgago or t'eedol trust in l.ham N. Uaynleto secure cortaln notes there in mentioned, which doou of trnst-rrfts dulyue. knowledged ind rccordod In book "IJ,, pages aa.1 1 and 3.14 in tho recorders olllco of Alexandor coun tv Illinois. And whereas, default has been made In tha navment of said notes. Now, therefore. I , .rcordance with tte provisions of said dee. - . , , .... A.,.A ,liri . ..Id Any proceed to sell the following. dcucrlbed ns'Tubered 'iXm, nineteen (10) Inblock fifty-lour (M),us tho eamo wis caused to be platted nod recorded by Messrs, Taylor and Paris, the paino being described In H ild deed ol trust, for cash in baud to (he highest ? " ....i- ul.. n ha. unr ni rn tit. wit. b'dder. and will execute to the purcimser or pur chasers a doedfor the sama. ,. - w , 1,.ii,iiTr, , I1VH Administratrix for Islmtn N. llaynlo, Mtb, UT. IfJO-aotd. ,onFrldar.the lstdsj 0? Heiitember, A. i), 1871, at the front door of the courl house of Al IJ..'.j. nmmtv. Rtate ol 111 no . at V o'clock of n fiiMifftinAil T THE CAI'E OF 000D HOPE FOR tlon wMUr-w9iBinoiE WalM. 1 " f 1 1, a Ithenm, CanVen, KunninKt from relllUK", MRht ea.eathathafa prepared by Inexperienced perfooa, Tended In iiiurcurr it omer ueietenou .4Utbll4had upward of W rear.. inorcury or other terloua Urugn. rrepare.j Ly-- W1IOLEMAI.K CROCEBB. R. SMYTH &.OO., WIIOLKSALE OKOOERS, OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO. ILLINOIM. Also, keep con.tantly on hand a, most com plete stock of ' liIQTJOES: SCOTCH' ANI' IRISH WlMSKlt G I N S,- Port, Miulorin, Sherry and Catawba Wine . .. . .'.. s RSJtYTll A CO. sell exclusively for casli.lo , which fact they invite the especial atten tion of closo bargain buyers. ' . ' z 1 ' Special attention given to Filling Orders, llOOTH AND SUOEI. WILLIAM EnLERS, Fashionable' HOOTS AKD . BttOE ''MA'KER, xt TWENTIETH 8TKBET. Illll ,ltll IT Uetweeo Washington Arenuo aud Poplar Street, dAirtp, ILLSV" 'I Boots aui taoeirt'aitoTtof6ri& ' V J Kino Workmen Employed. Satisfaction Warranted. OITY SUOE STORE AND HOOP SItHIT 'FACTORY 1 .1; sole aasKcr rot OUBTOM-MADK H.O O T. 8 ' a N TS,?fa,W?. ES commercial Avenue. Corner or ElsrtilB I'AUTICUliXU ATTENTION tAID TO ALL OR-1 DKUH FOK U00J'8KIMT AMD BUOEf.' ST. LOUIS. UNIVERSITY. ' Tho Forty.-Third Annual Session of the so:.iiOTjris 1 iflSTX "V E3 S IT1T, Will open on Monday Bept.tth, 'H This is tho only Institution ofl.oitrnldg Inlhe west, havinit Iwen established in Will. The course of elnilioa .offers oy y facility for inquiring thorbugh Classlcol anu Couimrll education,. nndful purllculars, wiirimsentouapdllcatiQn fit 1 1 1 "v,dS, H. UlUNTBrfECK", k. J. t rresldvot, SI. L9UU University, utuiogiun oontaininu lastrucuons w sarenn B TEbEOBAPH WO mve rrr WMtolljr Jar the Cairo II n I TtaimKM'tli Mtnnee of Nt. i ptHMra. MEW-YORlff VIUK-MtESIDENT, TO CHOSEN HY THIERS. JJK PIUN'UK OP WALKS TO . GllAiN'DL. . 3IASTKII OF DUtfLlN' MASONS. UK ANTICIPATED MOT AT LON - 'i DONDHHRy, ENGLAND. A NINE MILLION SWINDLE. THE NORTH CAROLINA ELEC TION. . TUIKHS. New. York, August 4. A Paris ipec lal gives the following particulars about tho caucus of tho Loft Centre ol the nn- tionavl .nemb)y, which -roted yesterday for tho prolongation of Thiers power ns president of the French republic. The deputies of the Lett Centre, who worn nominally all moderate republicans, wcro convened bv a circular which boro the signatures of Oambotta and others, fur mo purposo 01 snaping tho policy lor tho party, to take somo detinue action con cernlng the proposed extension of Thiers termor office. Tho meeting was very har monious. All tha members fpoko in praise of Thiers' administration, and recommendnd him as tho only man who, it now capablo to keep balance between allparties. The moeting decided to support Thiers in his policy of moderation, and to discourage tho ;maneujeres, of the legitimists and Bonapartisti. One of the deputies submitted a motion, requesting the gorernment to abstain from 11 interference in the Roman affairs. It was accepted... Tbo caucus then voted by a majority of 100 agaimt 0 to adrocato tn tho general assembly to prolong Thiers' power for three years with the proviso that Thiers should bear tho titlo of president of tho French republic Instead of chief oxocutivo as heretofore. Tho meeting resolved by tbo samo vote to create an odico of vice preeidect; ' -TiljfTICl'PKrsiDKiiT it to bo president of the council. It was further decided to express confidence in Thiers by giving bim tho power to chooso a vice president. J3utThlors,alono it to bo responsible for tho acts of the gov ernment. 1. l'RINCE'df W'ALKa. A special despatch, dated Dublin, Aug ust 3, says, tbo Princo of Wales will boW pointed provisional grand master of tho AiouDitn free masons, Tho OBASQttlEJf ljf i) CATIldtld are preparing for a jiot at .Londonderry, on Anruat I2tm Tho military of that city is bold in readiness and reinforcements have been dispatched by 'the government to meet, any.cmcrgcncy. Linn; siJrr. Tho proprietor of Hhe Jersey City Evening Journal gave bail, yesterday, to answer before :tbo grand jury-to a com plaint mado by Gcorgo Watts, of tho Le high Valley coal company, charging them with pubUsbinK liabllioui matter atraintt conitMjtYatticlftimsjthaLhli.huii. nees, at coal dealer, wat ruined by tbo pub lication in tho'JiVEninir'Jodrrial of'an ar ticle wherein ho was charged with having bwiuuicu uis customers oyaatse woignt. THBOWN TROM X STREET CAR. Mr. John Doltour, who was thrown from tho . platform of a ' Becond avenuo car, by qda'rr'ollrig ruffians, Sunday night, and sustained soverc injuries, died yes tordayi Tho corbnor will hold an in quott. Tho murderers escaped and aro apparently unknown, f , f i l a uii nwrvrtrtif. A special ditrjatoh dated Frankfort-on- ihe-Main, August 3, tays a Holland firm, hit told in Fankfort-on-tho-Main bonds of the Itockport ,4; ,pt. .Louis Itailread, valued at ,10,000.000, Tt,has poen ascor tajned jhatltbo .whole ' transaction '. Is a wiuuio, BatodLylUoatABOrttlos'. ' I TlUt.'OBIU (CA10LU4 iU.KCTlOK.ji , Thn'l&lost advice indicate that in the lktion in NoAth,Oarpllha, joitorday, the proposition for a Constitutional Conven tion wat carried. L THE COL0RKtl'do'NuIRESSj?AK'. I r. . . Hon. 11. ll.'Kllott. the colored mcmbor or congress from South Carolina, was Intro duced uy rtoraco ufoeieyiat xrinny., no atlendod the meeting at Cooper,. Institutp tojnighf, 'ana'deliverod a lengthy ipoocTi in denunciation of tho. ku-klux and tho persecution of the colored people of tho south. : v : : This ovenlng's Mall Bays, j 'ioclines the position of Unit I Statos nr- bitittqrjf to jUbtevK and that Benator.iiroo-. liriehuyten and other prominont Now Jeraey poliUdahsJ'ilrglfig that' "William Wtlter Phelps of that state for tho placo. I , MApiSQN, WJS. " THE HORACE WARD DONA TIONS. juAu.nw.., vuKu.b f. siuraco yfMi, a rich Amorican, yho. ha long Uimonv T17I- A ....... A Ir is rusiuuut ui ,ngiunu, uvquoiueu a largo cstato to tho various soldiora' ornlmns homos in tho United Statos. Twenty flvo thousand dollars fulls to the soldinra' 'orphans' homo of AViscontln. , 4Q.vjiMit .v-unjr nuuuuutn 4UU AT- rival of $130,000 in bonds at 1Mb. Mo. Thsj, money awarded tbo homo heio is exptjotea in a Tew aaye. WASHINGTON. THE LAND WARRANT SWIN DLE. . WEATHER REPORT, ETC. CANALDOAT TOSAOE TAX. WARiiivnTnN. Auirust .4. Tho Sccrc tnrv rf thn treasury department has announced that in tho cat of tho exaction of tonngo tax on ranalbonU Hint if said tax did not fall duo till after July M, 1870, tho collector must transmit, wltu ins report, n ccrtuieu state ment, with a viow to roiunuing tno monoy so collected. THK LAND V ARRANT SWINDLE. Speculation has been going on for somo lima in mo matter or military bounty land warrants, which circulars from tho Oon oral Land Ofllco to-day will put an end to. Parties having filed their claim for war rants would be informed by soma person whom they supposed to hnvo ruenns of learning in tho department, or in somo way. At any rato thoy would bo im pressed with tbo belief t.iat thero was lit- tlo chanco for their claim being allowed. Tho way bclnir thus paved for a trood bar gain, tho applicant would bo Induced to tnako nn assignment of his warrant in ad vance of its iiiuc, wUli tho dnti blank, to bo filled up when tr.3 warrant hud been obtained, tho prico paid bclnjj insignifi cant, of course, on account ot tbo pre tended risk. It is moreover not unlike ly that the purchaser had information in advanco of tho probable success of tho ap plication in nny particular caso which they entered upon. It not known how extensively this fraud bus been practiced, nor how many claimants hnvo been thus swindled. WEATHER REPORT. Tho barometer has fullen slightly, after havini: risen "Wednesday night, on tho At lantic coast, and on the Oulfof Mexico mid tho lower lakes, and from Jiow-iork to Lake Huron ; but the area of tho lowest lurprnotcr is north of Ncbrasku. Tern pemture has risen but slightly on tho south Atlantic coast. Southwest winds have prevailed on tho Atlantic coast, and have been very generally reported from tho lakes. Partially cloudy and clear weather has prevailed from Virginia to Arkansas and tbo southwest, aud also northeastward to Maine. Threatening and cloudy weather has prevailed from Ohio to Lako Ontario, and now extends eastward to Maryland. Local storms were reported from Southern Illinois T tursdav ovening. r-ROIlAIlILITIKS. Tho area of low barometer will probably continuo from Lake Huron cast to Now England, attended with local storms and cloudy weather. Partially cloudy and clear weather, with rising temperature, is ?robablo for Friday from Lako Erie to owa and southward to the gulf. Cloudy weather, without rain, will prob'iuiy bo experienced on tho middle Atlantic coast and tho upper lakes. FOREIGN. FRENCH PROVINCES TO HE IN DEMNIFIED FOR LOSSES DURING THE WAR. DUKE OF CHARTRES AS AN OF FICER IN THE ALGER IAN FORCES. GENERAL AMNESTY FOR LITICAL OFFENSES IN SPAIN. PO- FHANOE. TUIERS AND THE PROVINCES. Paris, August. 4. It is reported that Thiors has accepted tho principle that tho provinces should bo indemnified for losses sustained irom tuo ucruian invasion. NEGOTIATIONS aro in progress botwocn tho deputies of too icit anu right centres oi tno assembly in rcfcrcnco to tho powers of Thiers as chief executive THE AS3EM1ILV QUESTIONED. Tho assembly is to bo questioned, to day, concerning tho nllegcd appointment of tho Duko of Chartrcs as an olllcor in tho Al gerian forces. SPAIN. AMNESTY TOR I'OLITIUAL OKP.ENPE!!. Madrid, August 1. The Official Jour nal, promulgatvi tho law, which was ro contly passed by tho Cortes, authorizing tho govommcnt to g nt n general am nesty for political offenses. BAliTIMORE..'. A' HEARTLESS MOTHER STRAN GLES AND HORNS HER ; CHILD. I - y .rT ', Haltimque, August L A woman named, , Susie KoUcjv.cmploycd as a scr vant In tho hoh'so'ol ltov. O. O. (lulldwho is al'pfc'soill'in i,;uropo,"lia8b'bcn' arrested on a chargo of strangling and burning her new-born child. Too body was diseovorod In tho kitchen stovo by somo noighbors who nro entrusted with tho supervision of tbo nramises durlnir tho absoiico of Guild, i Thn wmnnn rnnf'Mnil hqr'crlm'iJ.' . , ELMYRA, N."Y. SHOT UY MISTAKE. Elm!iu,jN. Y August 4. A man llltmcd Thompson shot nn.l Inntnntk- kill- 'id another named Uurris nt Hornolioad'a lasi nignt, mistaltiiig him for tho para mour of his wife, for whom ho hud boon watching. All tho pnrtlcs concerned are colored. FIRE. MoNTiCKLLo, , August 4. -Last night a uru broko out in tho livery stablo of John D. O'Noill, rear of tho .Mansion Houso. Tho tiro extended to the Mansion IIouso and burned it to tho ground, to gether with tho ttoros of W. S. Nowkirk and thn Alnlnh Almalml ITniun W 11 Cordy. Loss Qitlmatodtt t&9,000, par- itauy 'iiurau. CINCINNATI. FIGHT BETWEEN WHITES AND NEGROES. KILLED WHILE WATCHING COAL PIT. NOMINATION. FIOIIT IIETWEEN WHITES AND Cincinnati, August 1. On XEcinoES. Wcdnos- daV whllo a suuad ol neurons umlor Mnl Itaggatt Phillips, woro working on tho Chotapcako and OJilo lluilroad, at Hurri cano bridge, thoy woro nltackcd with stones and knives by four whito mon, and in endeavoring to quoll tho disturbance Kaggatl Phillips was dangorously hurt. Ono negro was injured. OUAKLKA ItOlM.Et. was yesterday renominated for Stato Senator from tho Augustlno District. .I.CRDEKED. A man outsido tho city whilo watching a coal pit last night was murdorcd by un known parties. OPPOSITION TO CATHOLICISM. A secret organization known ns tho Union Leacuo of tho United Sons of iVmcrica, composed princi pally of voiinc working mon is bolng formed hero to op- poso Catholicism in nil its shapes. ah nationalities win uo aumittcd. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, August l. FLOUIt Quiet and unchanged: luper lino $4.254.60, extra $4.754.b0, doublo extra $o(i)ft.40, triple oxtra $5.C55.75. WlIEAT Dull, heavy and unchanged, Inspected $1.01 1.03, No. 3 1.101.12j .No. 2 51.2U. COKN Activo and irregular: No, whito mixed 46c, bulk mixed 48c, yellow 4'JaC0c, primo and choice whito ale: OATS Stronger; mixed 3233c in Sulk and 338c snckeil. HAKLE tjuiotat 8387c for fall. It YE Steady at ul57c. "PORK Lull and heavy at $13 7o14. Jobbing and order lots of bulk meats lower. JJACON Dull; shoulders GCJc, clear rlbeQSIc, clear sides 8c, breakfast sides 12j13c. LARD Dull; choice kottlo mould OJc. WHISKY Stoadynt 9lc. CATTLK Unchanged; Toxan and In dian ll31c, inferior to choice native HOGS $1 I 33 for good to extra. NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, August 4. FI.OUR Dull and in better supply, XX, SG.50; XXX, 50.75 to 7.00. COK irregular; mixcu, ivcioiuc; whito, 73 to 75c. OATS Easier; now, CO to 03c. HAY Firm; choice, $33. Ml AN Easier nt PORK Dull and held nt ?lo.00. BACON Jobbing lots, 7(a'Jl'J5c. LARD Dull; tierco, lOjc; keg, lUc. SUGAR Unchanged. MOLASSES Unchanged. COFFEE Unchanged. WHISKY Unchanged. CHICAGO. Chicago, August 4. PROVISIONS Inactive. PORK Heavy at 13?cfor August, l2Je for tho year. LARD Nominal at 0c cash; sales at 8Jc sollcr for tbo year. BUFFALO. Buffalo, August 4. FLOUR Dull and easier. WHEAT Dull and noglectcd. CORN Unsettled ; sales 40,000 bnhols at Mile. O ATS Unsettled ; sales at 43c. CANAL FREIGHTS Firm at 12c for whoat and 11c for corn to New York. IIOTKLH. CRAWFORD HOUSE, CORNER SIXTH and WALNUT-ST., (Entranco on Hixth-sl.,) F. J. Uakei), II. O. CINCINNATI, OHIO. K. U. Lodwlck . OAKE9, CADV A- CO. Proprietors. CENTRAL HOUSE. Onpo.lle tho I'oitotlleo, on Hlxlh f W'a.hington and Commercial Street between avenue?, CAIRO, ILLS. TliU homo has been tharouchlv ovor-imulod, refurulilied nnd renovated, mid ih now open for tho reception of Bursts. 1h rooms aro all largo and well ventilated, and fiinhituro new. ll'iitch keit nliht and dny, MIlS. (1AKKNUV, jemn t-tui.iitHn'aa. COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMMERCIAL-AVENUE, OITOSITK V. O., OAIlO. 11.1.S. JOSKl'll 11AYI.ISS, l'HOri'.IUTOR. Tin: Housk is Nkwi.v Furnished And oilers to tho public Hrat-cliiHH accommoda tions ul reasonable rates. CENTRAL HOUSE, Villa llltlifo. IllliioiH. TIMOTHY COYL, Proprietor. la ono of Hie beit nnd finest saloonx In tho conn ty und ia auiilled with the lit tinep, liquor und lager beer. Tho iroiiltorinvitrsairous iroinliu( to treatthem his ;itrons civo them tho best In tho shop which is the best hi Villa nidge. Jy.'stf l'AlNTl'.K. CARL L. THOMAS, la prepared to do nil klmUof plain nnd ornn uieutul PAINTING, K ALSO MINING, PAPER HANGING SION WRITING, ETC., At flu'tires which defy all eonipe tion, and In the highest stylo cf tho pointer's art. BllOP IN THE PERRY HOU813, CORNER OK COMMERCIAL ,VVKNUB AND KlUHTll 8TRBF. T, BANKS, I'lKST NATIONAL BANK OK CAIRO, DAN1RL HUnn, Pre.Ment; KODKItT W. MILLER, Vice-President; C. N. 1IOOIIES, Cashier. COLLECTIONS;jPKOMlTLY MADE. IjWIUNfiE, coin, bank nole and Unlled J HUtet securities bniight nnd sold. Inferos! .tlloMcil on Time DpmmIIn. ENTEKPIUSE SAVINGS (iinrlrriMl .Mnrrli SllsuuT OITY NATIONAL HANK, CAIRO. A. It. 8AFF()RD,.rreldont i ; I H.S.TAYLOR, Vice-President i W. 1IYSI.UP, Hccretarv and Treasurer. mnr.cTOnst P. W. llARct-ir, V. M. HTficKrimi. Cuts, (lAi.Mtirn, Pl'l. O.Hclll'll, W. 1'. llALIIDiT, It. M. Cl'XMSUIUM, J. M. 111 UU 1-8. Deposit h of nny Amniiiit Htfcivotl from ion riiiH i pwiirtii INTEREST paid on deposlta at the ratool six percent, per annum, March 1st nnd Septem ber IM. Interest not withdrawn U added imme diately to the principal of tho deposits, thereby giving uiciii compouuu iniereM. MARRIED WO.MJIN AND CHILDREN MAY DEl'O.HIT MONKY SO THAT 0 O.ME I LUK C..V DUAW IT. Open every buslnc.s day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Knturduy evening lor SAVING DEl'O.SIT-S only, from C to 8 o'clock. aujutf IV. HVril.OP, Trea.urer. Winn nrmv at a 'nirAT- A t jlj.xxj x a.x cm i no ii.i.i.vois. CAPITAL, siofnon W. P. IIALLIPAY, rreildent; A. H.HAFKOltl), Cashier! WALTER IirSLOI, Asslslant Cashier.) MctcTous: Staais Tavloh, llnCEUT It. Ci'Nv.vaiux, W. I'. Mai Liinv, KnriiCN Uini), Haituuu. MCUtT WHITK, (leo. I). Wiluamhox, A. 11 rxcliniiKC, Coin nnd I'liltoil Slnlcni lloml IloiiKht mill Sold. TAEPOSITS received, nnd a ccnornl banklnR js uii0inea9 uone. WATCH JIAKEIt. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. II. HOUPT, NO. 150 WASHINGTON AVENUE. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, II on hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. Particular attention given to REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. The largest stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES IV THE CITT. JIARHISIIg, J. GEO. STEINUOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, for. sili-sl. mnl "oiiiiiiprcliil-nv. rfihnrp lhuors, iWCIeau Towela und -8klllfull Workmen. OiTLadlcs' nnd chlldrcn'H hair cut and sham pooed, cither nt tha shop or nt their own homed. 0rf!entlemen'fihiker and hair dvod In it clentltlo mnnner. WntiHlactlon guaranteed. CO A I, AND WOO If. F. M. WARD, WOOD AND COAL MERCHANT. IJl M. WARD is prepared lo deliver tho bel ; , l'iro Wood and otuno Coal IN ANY PART OF THE CITY, And in nny .iiaullly desired, on short notice. COAL DELIVERED at 1.50 run ton OFFICE-Over lloerwart, Orth A Co.'s stove, twotloors aliovo tho corner of Eighth xtreet ami Commercial nvenuo, dectfit roil MALE NOTICE. The Illinois Central Hall Road n.imin ,inu. oiler for saln lhofollgwlnic described lots In First .luuiuuii iu uiu wiiy ui vuiro, vis 1 Lot 27 block SO, hit il block 82. ' 0 i, " ai " VI, , For terms, tite,, apply J, ci-sdtf 1 1 ' 0 JAMEaJOlUSSON, , Agent! 0. W. DUNNING, M. D. p ESlDUNCR-cornerNmth and Walnut its, JAiOmco comer buth street aad Ohio levee. Ufik'oliuurs-rroiiiC a.m. to Pi in,, and 'J p,m CO.MSI ISSIO.N AND TOUWAItDllf d. W.Stratton. TTnirj" STRATTON & BIRD, (Successors toHlratton, Hudson & Clark,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 67 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. Hf-Agcnta of American Powder Co., and nun faelurers agents for cotton yarn. Jy7dtf JOHN 11. l'HILLIS, (HuccoMor to Parker tt Phillis,) GENERAL COMMISSION 1FORW ARDI NO M ERCHANT, AMD DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Cor. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO, ILL. CLOSE !i VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. A.1D DEAIiBES IDCJT XiI3VE3B Ckment, Plaster Paris, AND PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner I'.lulitli Nlrct and Ohio I.evee CAIRO, ILL. PETER CUHL FLOUR MERCHANT MILLERS' AGENT. No. 80 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Orders solicited and promptly filled. II. M. HULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION No. 134 Commcrcial-ave.i CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION A.VU FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR. CORN Oats, Hay, etc. 53 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. J. 31. PHILLIPS & CO., (Successors to E, B. Hendricks Co,,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS CAIRO, ILL. VGpLlberal AdTancoa mado upon, Consignments. Aro prepared to receive, ttors and orward freights to alt points and buy and sell on commission. .- OSTHmliiess attended to promptly. WOOD RITTENHOUSE, l( (Successor ol Ayers ACo.), r""" FLOUR General Commission Merchant I ! i i ; 133 OIHO IiEVEE, ti 1 Cairo, Illinois. HOUSK MOVING. HOUSE MOVING. JAMES KENNEDY, rlUCTICAL HOUSE MQVER AND BUILDER Is prepared to do all kinds of "' 0 HOUSE MOVING, HOUSE, RAIBIKQ AKl BSPAIMSO Or JSTnTSMCMTTlO oa tub host aiisoisiu nana. OUDERH left at tho residence oi Mr. Knonsly, on Center street, next door lo tha new scbool Home, or sddrciisd to the cars or P. (X Box ilf ' crthy Bulliiilu olllco, will roceivu promyt alUa ttOtt.