THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, SUNDAY AUGUST G, 1871. D. rirn.MTiHti:. A V K TWEN'TV PERCENT Mr Imylng.nur 3 crnnriTTJKEi ft. .4 KtWflWh BROS., ITISXITUIIK FACTOllY, V: Lliigliin-nv., Na'itr Out urn Unlive, CAlltO, ILLINOIS M-if . tifeMi it Hrollipmleilrp In in'nrm the hit. nfdlr i lint they :iip inmuln: nil 1 'if 1'IjAIN AND FANCY VUllSITUIlH An 1 Imp now on hand ami for sale, at Wliiilctnle mill Itotull, all kind", on. I will continue to keep nt t tie lr HALES ROOMS, IX TIIKIlt NKW 11UII.HI.N0, I'ven llrritirn of che.ip and eolly i.i.niture t). mu'.l rtf.1. tends, rMarble Tnj ped bureau., n VSMehoanW, Wa-iistand. i'WiitilrolLf, Sofa Cliai'is, U4.Sor anil Mnlr.i.,ie., C'tT-Loungrs, etc , etc, Winch ll')- will Kiiirnntrc to Kill TWENTY PER CENT. LOWER Than the) ran lw 1 .ought from any other dealer in th city, (inn tliriu n cull ami sitlsfy vonr Ml'. iiUM THE BULLETIN. S NDaY Mok.vino, AUOU8T G, 1871 I HIX II. OIIKItLV, Ciutoii am. I'nii nun 11. Ti.iim or tiik Hun lU l 1 1 Tis -. lS..(.ff.f;oii. On., wpek, by earlier, 2-" '.)'io tpurby carrier, In ndvam o in on II. m Inonlli by i.iail, 7,'. ' 1 mouth', fa 'J5 x hionth 4 'j, )'nr f on J h. tlMnlwerhJ Air mailer o'milii nn I of Ihr ril til I 'in.,- we univnioriHHfii' iviii.vurmi jiimois ; II ri.U.tltcnlf jtiui ntil ; nmntt, tint fcrlti ! o. mIm vn all iHkjcttt uj interest to the ;mWie; itH nlarjre awl tnemwtff eitruhtHin, the JluUc ' i HilifitMthf pntrvM'jtvt inltUi'jent reti'lerit aivt oilrrpruimj lunit men. TUB HOI.I.A1I WKK.K1.V lit' I.I.KTI.N. I '111 II. Otx'ily & Co. ti.iM. ri'ilucpil tha tub ri'ii ' an pric of the Weel.lj.C.uro Itulli'tin to f'.ii li'lnr ttr 1r4.11.1ji, tiiakinir, t the ehctippfit pi. I ci uiili.lipit In i-'oul In ro IIIiiioih. For Prtsultnt, 1872, .TAMES K. DOOTITTLE, or Wisconsin. fwhjret to the tlrcliton 0 Hie nntiniMil item, cerutie conmitinn. I I'n Nm York World nn .Senator lioolllile.) llii record 1 so consistent nntl untnr iiisheJ that it may be li.cneil to it strniyit liii, trawn across a in:zlc -n clear beam, Mn nerreil by tie lltictnatiwi atmosphere 0 liitcriean politics, throi'ujh the past . ' j years. 1 1 ieaJi liy Senator tln'ittlc, ihlticrct at Ik. trim, in l:s. iiouimI.j tin H.ttti. t.'iin.HiH prupn-i'd In 'ie p.-. .i-ni l.iiiniiii ildr tin) Ii.ul ri ' v 1 nt It-.iiii' 'i 1 1 , li 1 1 0 i-ii put ihiaoliy I tlmi pm..r W tli ii.ioii 't ' 11 ! : 1VI1 1 -in I l.o i.h,i. ti in i" mil tin p.uplc of I, it urn r tliiui. itriii .fii tlii-ii. w li.. h'ii.ti .l : -I'.iiilU aio then yi imko iiieiii ut' ' 1 ii.T). .i, how 1111 lliil .hit u .il'd lutii ma. li" llll'tll 11m ir iw 11 tat... Hut 1 .uiiillii. ul.....i di t. i: tin tu ll-.t on I,,,.., I ci !w"',' "r 11 ni!li. I. lie Inn ni:u, hl iiiiiik- 1111. noiil. i h. t ,ri ,., n ,lU(, n,,,,,, MUtyi. ti, I'.' ,,m H'" '"' ) u , '"' I'".'? ""l ,1"' ,"u' (il' til" Him. .1 tli.-lr ant h ne rennB.l ihmr ail. a 11. to tlm union nmi , mnUB t. " leO HUOUr In lilU -.'IIIZ'li. un.l ll...- the poneriin 1 a.,i .,r n. Mm,,,,,," fOUNTV COURT lMtOCKElUNfiS. JUNE TKItil. HONJiA Y MOIt.VI.NO, U O CLOCK, Jl'.N K 5TII 1371. ('1 nrt opened by J'roclumution IVcent lI'i. Y. Ilrois, Judge, Julius K. McC'rito aioi ti. Murchildun iifsocintos, .hi cob (j. J.J i" b, Cletk, and Alex. II. Irvin, HIiuriH'. l.iUtiftliu follow ing (lames of parties Vc u nlljeJ, to bu p.tld out of tho uptcial Jul.d nf the treasury, viz: M r:liild'in, for monty paid uu tw- uni 01 pucr .... l C Jlurklmuiifn.fora iiiouth'nii-"d. 'd i'rvii'ni at ior farm A 'I livui, for iiioni-) pji.i f,if chair mil UiUicadii lor iior (arm J' V.V,Vl,il'.J.Uo-,orl,c0"1 I"' Cir .. ujtlUik'a uitice II M 30 00 .... rvim, iut c (j,,, remonni; 3. II lilyCo ,,.', u. llnuiUjorCiiii,. 1.1 10 I) 1; itk n uniUH i It I'le It a Co.. ii. ti sir : I Cauiiij Clerk'n ortli'. ... Vi'.l'u m 1'onl, (or ii ii i i i .1 mill i,ii ,. in. bruhsfki'iuk Ci.oi i i .ini.1, 3. ' . OU tli A Co., forretorli. riu,,,. -"" I muul r Con n ij v era i OH.CH ,., J'CLMlAY MUltNIMI id in jink uni, jb7i 2i, HAY, . lljlUon kpielal lund continued. Vtlliwnfciiiil.y1 for maintaining pau- UiUneeof bill for fiSi oi Willi, for taking pauper Iroiii Culro to paoi U:u . ,tn,- Wa.yf liilirinary, for iniiumain - a.. ,"' 'U' f" Mf 3 IllOlill,; Vili lam fcuiiley, for burjUU! pauirt r John II. O rly Co., for i.'.ord fur ;PvuiilyCler' otlice JIlKlii" Iluike, (or planierlpuciuter'n ut Court JIoiidp ,. ) r. William Wood, tor medical n rV1. ' aa County 1'hyaleluu, Ui June lt, 1TI lionim. Oren A Aldeo, Iur buin lor Jail-K 1,11 John ll Utterly t Co.,- furonn ijuaitar 310 t (0 SW 67 t; w 27 (0 17 U 76 V i M jaiuiiaiuux vouri iiro.:ccuiiiii.. JI 60 A. II ,h followlu( bi! were allowtd and ardcrod lo bo paid out of the genornl fund I. Ilurko, hrooin, Iwwdi.airln ' to' iio lit J i ';:;." s t,r, 1 fo w to S1 to 12 0) S.1 00 10 t'l 2 "5 10 V, to 00 11 00 9 23 1' oi l '.0 to on 01 8.". DC J.O.I.JW OT. "P" " PM ill " . 2',, K.i'. ;, rr in .1.1 .i i'n. . .1 i'nt lalmr " ... I " '.nof. I ! lle'V. .in ?'. "f L'!- ti iiUil- IK ail HIII'IOW ........... Join! . ") " """"i rf "'Mm '" iKir mi iimi1' v ". 1 j, i.n 1 mr I ilnwii l.rooni" lor ' J;u Ilu.e, I.n mi A fo., I"f lee ojlimco lilt O ll'l' ll" I J0I111M aii.i I. fo. ! lltiiR -oii'I, cliool -, ll'.o.l, Hi 1 rotil" nooil lor Circuit Cleik'. rite e an 1 1 11.1 I'll nt' it. I". Huike, lor buckp , broom., loiio ele . r r re 01 uoii t itni'sc John II. iilii-.U A Co., for covering iKIIIk.ll't IT ItfPtC .. Jolm II. 1 beily A- Co., for me.or'a blank hotinu Jolmf. H !i te, lor eikht dais aevlci an Coil' tv riiiTln"iuIoul ol School, anil '! til on t il otllcn rpnl... John C. Unite, fir 15 iiuya serve an Cou.iiy Miper iteiulvnt of school and I tnoni.t ojltc j rent John C. irmtp,;for 'JUilnya seiiices a uouuiy no. in pnuent m scnooi aim n- ; m acnnci omoer. J.O. I.) .icn, ( oini.v C'rtl:, for ma.ini? .MIC. houk lOi IsTI llcrtunrl, drill f( Co., for .pi.nrlti; and leiiiltnitiK M.rr coole I'clcr K. K ilmrdon, tor ono day lervl- 110 mi 17.1 W HS(l 2 ( )Jolin tj. llaniun, forclp U Ippi 1,1 oao cepn jutiio 01 oipriion ni iiiiia 11 ii.ctr ann A. llnrrla IT 54 Jphn Wood, for Imnlipr, liaullnj. rla J. (I. Lynch, (or p.xprp oli.iiKPt on 30 1 10 Look (or Connir J. (I. Lynch, for inrLinjr coi p 1 .i- piTK anil order court In relation to Cairo nmi Viiicp 1 c i.ulroa.l i O) 10 00 D. Ilarltnnn, fur ue uf Atlienpuin for lec'iitcnt Ipacnpr I nutitlttf John (J. Iliii man, for'lpt of r; on inraM-otn . layio.-, kikiii l'nrfoni, trntcp, etc., on appeal trotn County Comt on a.c9inent ufnK ir.Mottl. tmronhinlT nr. 1 w 4 ; John ij. Jnnnan, lor one ijuartiT allow unco m cr1111111.11 lUii'i n circuit Clprk 25 (0 4 10 John Willis, Icr inmUT lor liruijo imuiiu 4, 1. 1 , A, II. Irviri, Shorlll, for oi viii copy of crucr oiiyou.i on a, u. j.ouitpii in rull of hill for $3 r, f. Rcnhtnm Long (or work on Iiiiulj K. 1). Atlurton for lumber fui.iuihed 12 r 13 00 for lirldRP,e(a so 00 iixesday moiimno, 11 o'clock, junk ,U,'18.'i M. i'v. Hills on nenornl fund continued 18 01 Joeph Arnold, for ttrMccs renderrd loiinly ri'lailo to piupiTx AUx 11 lMln, tiliprdl, uxprcn chnrni". on clo.lilnx of liir.1110 (auncin re turned Irom 111. iioii vtato hospital .. for Imnnc " A llenuon, fo. a'.i.luncij Air Conn y Cletl: I. L II Mtci'K, lor ono r.mnd 1..I1I0 ol- fico Mool lor nap of l ounty II A llnnuon, for ia lone y In full 01' hill 'or me o," county II. A. llnnnon, for stationery for Circiut Clerk .' II. A. llnnnon, for tlalionery for County Clerk II. A. Ilunnon, for stationery for Circuit Clerk II. A. Jlannon, for alationcrv for Circuit Clork II. A. llnnnon, for ttntiotiorv for Circuit Clerk .. II. A. Hannon, for stationery for 7 15 t 00 U IS 13 05 7 80 10 00 7 10 12 00 15 00 II. II. Cnndcc, for taking deposi tions in caso of r.-ick vs. coun ty in full of bill for - WllbUII UlUI A (1 00 2 00 Joseph Arnold, for services ns wit ness in criminal ca'u II A lln..n..n Cr.. c e. . .iuiiiiuii, iui ciiiiiu'iui v iur Ciicuit Clerk .". 4 Jo epli Arnold, for witness fees in criminal caso J. (i. l.ync'i, for preparing Court proceedings "ov public.uion J. (J. Lynch, Couiuy Cierk, for ex-ollicio setviccsl 1!. J'ilsgurnU', for dict'.ng p -ison-crs oiio month It.JCitzgu.-nld, for fees in criminal case Cyrus Tritip, jailor of Union coun t,v, for tlte'.'ng Alexander cotiti li -isoiic , in full of hill for &lo5 75 John Cnilg, for nivvlco rondc-t tii in surveying roatls Hurvuy Geoi, for hu-vicw ren dered in surveying roiidi John X. T. Irvin, for services ren dered in surveying roads 3 00 20 00 25 00 1 10 50 2 00 123 10 11 00 t! 00 C 00 K. (i.Oruve, for scrvlci'ti cnderoil in utrveying roads John Ilogitn, for Furvlecs ns rond MiperVisor run u.mjiiuy J,;it Creek bridge John II. Obaily ii Co., fur blanks funtUhcd Sherili' II. A. llnnnon, for stiilinnury for Hlieriii; in full o! bill fur $10.00 II. A. llnnnon, for ttationerv fur County Clerk .'. John 11. (iossnian, Counter, for holding inqtic'u on mid burying dead body 0 00 II Co 3'J 40 11 15 15 00 15 rut us 11 ay, !) o'clock a.m.,, 1871 Kocnni IIAY. Hills t oiitimied. A. II. Irvin, Shei ill1, fur serving notice on road supervisor .". 1 ('. W. Henderson, for tin Iioxls tu (ilo away paper in fur Coun ty nnd CiicuitClu.-l;' ullieers in in lull ol lull for J.Mi John II. (iossiniiii, Cormier, fur holding inquest on nnd luining dead body " John II. (Juciiiiiin. (-Yimior. for 28 00 is r: fur holding impict mi dead body John II. (iossiniiii, ('u'i.,irr, fur huldilli: ilKMU'.-t oil dead liodv... S 75 15 00 15 00 John (.'.tin, fur elx davi.' uivicc us- Ji'Hlill' 111 Ci-cuit ('..nrt (ii'orge Wi.'ldiin, I'm-fix dnvs' ner- VKi" ii Dill ill in Circuit Court 1 1 1 lIi 11 r.l ) itzgurald, for ix day' tciviccs as itaiiiu 111 1 ireull Court 12 00 t; on 52 60 52 50 .. 11. irvin. lor MXdnvs aurvtena a SherllVIn Cire.iit Court John Cniti, for 21 day' iiurvices if. Ibtiliir in Circuit Court Cieorgo Woldun, for 21 diij' sor vitei in. llailUl in Circuit Court ltichard l-'it7geritld, for 21 davs' horvicu Jtiiilitt in Circuit Cuurt Tatriek Collin. for iiuys' se'r vlces in Uailill'in Circuit Court, U illiuin llolden, for 21 dny' eer t vices as Uailill'in Circuit CourV, K. U. Hill, for six dav cervices 12 00 11 00 55 no a JlalllH in Circuit Co.irt 12 00 21 00 A. II. Irvin, She. ill' lor 21 dnys as llallitr in Circuit Court A. II. Irvin, Sheiill', for expenses III lilKlllg .10(111 i'lllZO lo lu- fatio Asylum 88 18 Tho rrpoi't of lion. F. Ilrofs, County Judge, that ho did, in pursuance of an or der of tho Court, givo tin order to tho County Clerk directing him to draw an or der on the. special fund, in vacation, for tho sum of 2,lb0,00 fur tho payment of two Court homo bonds hold by F'l'fall'.was npproved nnd his notion in thu urcmisos fully confirmed. l.lcunso to keol) n I'l-iienrv nt L. land, for ono year, from tho 21st, dav of i Miinh, 1871, wns graittod to Orsa'mes ... - ''''llu having paid Into tho Coun- V. .""'urv 10J. IUI- Klinll lir V nmi nmi l im ,?'c "Vl'foved, iii thu Mini oi $500. hThtn TUrit"u'ul -Marchlldon Cour o IZ. :?' PPi..ted by. tho 1 ll i in ... n Mt . . . eoiitnii.i t,ie I, ii ,ii,. uiut t.;5iy ima l;ttl,or;uc;,;u,tl: rn.'itu1 I'ool at tho sum of $13 Io lLl 'i111'"" I he loweat and bestb,ddUr Umi't ! ,"? - -mi. till IHIlll 1 1 1. . .i. . api.roved, nnd itetlut. of .aid M e (M. Vl' . .M iiehlld mcnnilV ?' ,iW trill""'d Thii imiiih r : , niir, of mi imjucst liuld 'on dead . ' . .'wi.ii 1 1, v.uMiiitui com. body jomnri i.enie was approved Llconso to keep u uroeerv I Tl ebt"i fr nwi Trr tho town or wn : rwi li ,"Ve"r f'J'.ny Cth 1871, v,u odetod to Issuo to Jolm Woods, h, lmvlng giving bondtotlio antlsfnctlon of tlio Court In ponnl Mini of $500, nmi jinld Into tlio Coti'itv Trciisnry $100, for such rrivHcao. . Tiioiimni ronort m joun nogiin. Diijiur vlfor of Knd JJIatrict No C, for tlio your 1870, wits approved. Ditvld Hrown wna nnnolntcd Hond Hrpirvlnr for road District No 10, In plm:o 01 J'l'icr .Minor, who wru liorctoforo oinicu, inn tini r.otllvo In tlio district, ho roport of John II. Gosgnmn. Coro- nur, of an Inriuost hold on dead body of nn unknown mnn, wns npproved. " 1110 out 01 w. li, Jtockwoll lor U10 sum of $' 80. contracted by William Martin, County Treasurer, for stationery for hit ofllco, wa? rejected. FHIDAY, 0 O'CLOCK A. M. JU.VE9TI1, 1371 OT1I DAY. The report of William Martin. Countv Treasurer, on tho special fund of tlio 1 reiisury, showing balanco In his linnds slnco last report of $7,050,00 and that he uau ri ocivca noining unco then, nnd thai ho had paid out slnco last report $5,221,82 leaving balanco In his hands of 52,730,50, was approved. In tlio matter of tho Cairo nnd Vinrcn ncs railroad nnd the Cairo and St. I.ouls railroad: It U ordered that n special election bo hold on Monday, tho yd day of July, A., I). 1871. In tho'dilllrcnt election pre cincts of this county on tho question of lev ying a spocial tax, to pav tho interest on tho railroad bonds to bo issued to tho Cairo nnd St. Louis railroad company and tho Countv Court of this'coun- ty to levy n special tax for tho pavmont of tho interest on tho Cairo nnd Vinco.ines railroad bonds, not exceeding thlrty-llvo cent on the hundred dollars valuation annually for twenty year. Alto nuthominc'thc Countv Court of i this county tolovy n spocir.' lat for tho pny- .iiv.iif yj . iiiiuii;.! ui. fciiu v.niiu unit ui! Louis railroad bondi not exceeding thirty 11 vo cents on tho hundrcd;dollr "s vuluation, annually, for twenty years. Also to submit tho question of tho salo of tlio hundred thousand dollars stock in tho Cairo nnd Vinccnnea railroad for five thnmanri ilnllam In Alornnilnr nntintv j bonds. Also to submit tho question, shwfl tbo County Court issuo said bonds nt onco 1 nnd placo them In tho hands of 11 trust 1 company or trustees, upon surh trust I company or trustees or 6omo person or persons on his or tholr behalf, in demniry ing this county ngalnst all loss or damag cs uy reason 01 anv improper uso or disposition of said bonds, to bo delivered to said llallrond Company, when a train of i.-irs shall lmvo passed over the said Cairo and Vinccnnes railroad from Cairo to incenncs. Tlio said nuostions shall bo submitted and tlm voters of this county, shall cast their voles for nnd against said proposi- 1 ons, in 1110 luiiowing manner nnd form, to wit: For n specinl tax, not to exceed thlrty-llvo cents annually for twenty years, per hun dred dollars valuation, to pay tho interest on tho Cairo and Vinconnes railroad bonds. Against a special tax, to pay tho inter est on tho Cairo and Vinccnnes railroad bonds. Kor tho salo of tho 0110 hundred thou sand dollars stock, in tho Cairo aud Vin cenncs rii'lroad, for fivo thousand dollars, (in Alexander county bonds) to tho Cairo VI J ' iuiu iiicciics riiurouu coiimanv. At-alnst tho salo of tho hundreds thous and dollars stuck, In tho Cairo and Vin ccnnes rnilrond, for tlvo thousand dollars in Alexander countv bonds. For tho insuiiiK of tho county bond, lo tho Cairo and Vinconnes railroad com pany at once, and placo them into tho hands of suinii 1 rust coinimnj, or Trustee, to bo handed over to said raflroiid compa ny, when said railroad h completed, nnd n train of cars havu passed over said rail road, lrotn Uairo to incennes. Against tlio issueing of tliu bonds n once, nnd placing thorn Into tho hands u n Trust company or Trustees. For a special tux. not to exceed thirlv live cents pur hundred dollars valuation iinnuiillv for twenty vears. to nav the, In teret on tho bonds to bo issued to tho' Cai ro nnd tot. Louis railroad company. Against n special tax. to nav tho intor- si on inn uonus to no issued to tho Ca ro nnd fat. Louis railroad ciminaiiv. And it Is further ordorcd. that ii inulnr-i ty of tho votes cast, either for or against tho uuovu proposition', snail uociilo tho ques- uoii, orenuer oiioot tnem. and that ;hu County Cl'jrk shall issuo tho proper notico thurolor at onco. K. ltltOSS. Juno 10th, 1871. Co. Judge, The following namod ncrsnin worn so. looted as Grand Jurors, at the July Torm A. 1). lsil, of tho Aluxadur Countv Cir cuit Court, viz: Louis MoDiiniel," AVin. J., E. A. Short, V. F. Kichardson, .iiiiiie? u. upcuurcn, .loiiu uolnur, ller imrd Kalu, Win. Vettlt, J. A. M. Cibbs, oonn imrion, runup liridgemaii, Kronch Jones, Elijah Ditkcrson, Henry I.. Halli day, .lame llyali, 1'utrick Hvland.Kolii.rt Sinyili, Churlos Thruiiii, Josoiih H. Hit- tciiliou-e, .Marion Wright, S. 1. Dennett. Tho following named persons were selec ted as Petit Jurors, tit tlio July Term A, I). 1H71, of tho Alexander County Circuit Court, viz: II. F. Mcllaven, Itlluy Allen, Joint Irby, James Thomas, James I). Whiiakor, William Lifoon, Samuel Me (ice, James C, l'hillins. Wuslev Stliivnrl. JoiroiMiii .Milter, Thomas Douglas, Alf red Ci'iilih', David Ilebbert, Alexander Ireland, John llishoii, hiuntiol Troxol. AiilciMin Samuiomi, llartiu II. Martin, l"""t niiiiiiiiwnr, iinriin 1), .iliirilll, M. Wade, Thomiu Nallv, James Ky-m-tiui, U. (1. Haguy Frt-d Whitcump, llll Fred Fulton Thu report of William Martin, County Treasurer, showing that ho had received County orders and jury certiilcates, slnco hut tejurt thu sum of fO.'JSUC nnd that ho had redeemed lit County orders mid jury certlllcatosthusumof $0,901,3! thoro by leaving a balanco in his hands ot $13,22 wa npproved and tho said sum of fj,'.)ui,Ji in concelled County ordors de stroyed by burning. MONDAY MOHNINO 9 O'CLOCK, JUNK 12MI, 1871. "Til DAY, The report of John 1'. Holy, Harvy Oeor nnd John Ciilg, road rviowors of tho re-locatlon of a portion of tho road loading ftom Uear Creek landing towards Capo (lirardeau, was approved and ordorod of record and said road ordered to bo so relocated. Tho petition of a nutnbor ofcitizons of Clear Creek precinct, to tho court to pay r ' in1.. u r''soni'ulo oomponsation for t ho build ng of a bridge ncrohs Ulear Creek near tho junction of tlio Jonesboro nnd ionnn road, wns deferred until tho next torm. James Qulim wns dllowod tin nbatoinent of tf.1,50 Stato, County, and District School taxes of 1870, said (Juinn having boon as sessed said sum for improvements on his lol whon no such improvements ever exis ted on tuiil lot. On petition of Pilgrim Mellavcn a now bridgo was ordered to bo built across Sox ton's creek, whorotho Capo (lirardeau and Ullon road crosses, under tho supervision of James MoCrito and S. Mnrcliitdon. Tho roport of II. C. Uarkhaiiacn, Countv Physician, wns npproved. 'lliu report of S. Marchlldon, that ho i. iiiuiiii omiiuy, riunury nrtloles Uolong J'ii U' cou,lly ?or "'Go. UP a hinl uy agreeing tin. k'amo should )U uuuucicii out or 1,1a hill for maintain- Intr litiunora. win nimr.w,.,! .,,,,1 i.i .....i.. of'oonHrmcd. i Thn roiinrt of .1 f3. I.vtml. .. Clerk, that ho did Issuo county order, f, viieatlou to R PIhII' in payment of certain Uomt l.ouso bond, nnd l.itorest, was up provod nnd his notion In tho promises con firmed, J nines K. McCrllo nnd 8. Marchlldon wore authorized lo lmvo tho brldgo ncross iSnndy crook ropnlrcd. It rn ordorcd that whon tbo court nd journcd, It ndjotirn until tho second Mon day In July, for tho completion of tin finished business, to acltln with shorlirnnd tnku notion In rotation to Cairo nnd Vinccn nes and St. Louis railroads, but tho clork wns directed to issuo nil county orders nllnwnd. Tlio County Trcnsuror was ordered to tlio 11 now bond in tho penal sum of twon-ty-flvu thousand dollars on or beforo tho tlrst day of July next. Tho County Treasurer was directed not to pav any "Jury corllflcnle" lo nny per son other than tbo party to whom tho simo is issued, unlets endorsed on the back thereof, tho clerk lo glvo snid Treas urer nolico of such order. Tho Stato Auditor having decidod Hint tho county of Alexander Is not ontitlcd to tho stalb tax collected In i-nld county for 1870, undor tho net of tho I.eglslnttird donating tho sumo to tho county for two yenrs, It wr ordered that V. Jlross bo authorized to employ tin nttornoy nnd to do whntsoovcr Is nocessnry on oclmlf of tho county lo bring tho matter beforo tho proper tourt for decision. Tho following nnmod officers of tho court wcro allowed tho sums sot opposlto their respcclivo names, fcr services In tho county nnd county court for probnto busi ness, viz: V. llross, Judge. 25 dnys County Court for l'rouato business, nt j j per day F. llross. Judco, forO days Coun $125 00 ty Court, at $3 perdny 27 00 James h. .Mcunie, Associate, 11 davs, at $2.00 per day, 30 00 37 50 102 00 .11 00 until 0 b. Marchlldon, Associate, 15 days nt $2.50 per day J. (!. Lynch, County Clork, 31 dnys, at $3 per day A. H. Irvin, Slierill,3ldnys1Ht$l perdny Therpunoti court adlourned o'clock a.m., Monday July 10, 1871 JUNE ADJOUKNEDTERM. TUKSDAY, JULY 11, 1871, KIQIITII HAY. l'rescnt, linn. F. Dross, Judge, S. Mar chlldon nnd James K. McCrite, assocititcs; Jacob O. Lynch clork, nnd II. 11. Irvin sheriff. Court met pursumt to adjourn ment. The clerk layd beforo tho court nn ab stract of votes cast at tbo Inst special elec tion, held July 3, 1871, for tho purnoso of ascertaining tho wishes of Ihopooploin re card to tho subscription to tho capital stock of tbo Cairo nnd St. Louis, nnd Cairo end Vinccnnes milronds, and outer ques tions rohttlvo thereto, which was approved nnd ordered to bo recorded. WKI)NHAY MOIIMNO, JULY 12, 1671, M.VTII DAY. In tho matter of tho Cairo and Vin cotinos llallrond: WiiKHHAS, On tho ICth day of July, A. 1). 1807, tho legal voters of Alcxnndcr countv havo voted for n subscription bv Aloxnndcr county to the capital stock of tho Cairo and incennes llallrond Uom panv of one hundred thousand dollars In Alexander county bonds, bearing eight er cent, interest per annum, according to law, in such eases mado nnd provided! nnd. whereas, on tho 3rd dav of Jul v. A.I). 1871, u special election was hold in tho said countv of Alexander; in pursuance of nn order of tho County Court of snld county, submitting to tho legal voters of Aloxnndcr county tlio loiiowing condi tions, to-wll: For a special tux not to exceed thirty. fivo cents mutually for twenty ycarg per hundred dollars valuation to pay thu in terest on tho Cairo and Vinccnnes Hail- roud bonds Amiitist n special tax lo pay thn inter est on tho Cairo and Vincenncs ll'iilroad bonds. For tho salo of tho one hundred thotts und dollars clock In tho Cairo nnd Vin cenncs Itnilroad for live thousand dollars (in Alexander county bonds), to tho Cairo and Vinccnnes itallroad uonipany. Against tlio salo of tho hundred thous and dollars stock in tho Cairo and Vin connes linilroad fur fivo thousand dollars in Aloiander county bon Is. For tho issuing of the county bonds to Hie Cairo and Vinccnnc3 railroad com pany nt onco, and placo them into tho hani'ls of somo Trust company or Trustoo, to lo handed over to snld railroad com pany when said rnilrond ii completed and a train of cars havo passed ovor said rail road from Cairo to Vinconnes. A'-ainst tho Issuini: of thu bonds nt onco and placing them Into tho hands of n Trust company. rorn special lux not to exceed thirty tlvueunti por hundred dollars valuation annually, for twenty years, to pay tlio in-- lerest on tlio bonus to bu issued to tlio Cairo and St. Louis railroad company. Airiilnst a special tax to pay tho interest on tho bonds to bo issued to tho Cairo nnd St. Louis railroad company. And whereas, th esaid leirnl voters of tho siid county of Alexander, at tho election nbovu Inst named, havu voted in tho ntlir- luativooii all tho dillercut questions sub mitted to them in it laruo inciority. It is therefore ordered that in pur suance and complianco of tho voto of said legal voters of tills county, tho County Court hereby make a sttb.-eription to thu capital stock of the Cairo and Vinccnnes railroad, in Alexan der county bonds on the following condi tions : That this court iisuo ono hundred thousand dollars, in Alexandor county bond, payable twenty years from tbeg ursi uay o. .nny a. ii, 18(2: nnd bearln intorest at the rato of eight por cent from tho first day of July A. D. 1872, par nn mini, payublo semi-unntiully; to tlio said Cuiro and Vincennos railroad company. Tho ubovo bonds to bo issued, shall Lo is sued on the uxpros conditions to wit: Thnt tbo said Cairo and Vinconnes rail road company, shall on or boforo tho first day of October A. 1). 1871, commonco work on tho Cairo nnd Vinconnes rnilrond, nnd shall prosecute said work with dill ponco and dispntch until said Cairo nnd Vlnronnos railroad is completed, and shall complcto said work on said railroad on or before tho first divy of July A. D. 1873, In tuoli n manner thnt ti regular railroad train shall pass over said railroad, on or beforo tbo day aboved namod. Tlioobovo said bonds shall bu placed in tlio hands of threo trusleop, residents of this county, to bo appointed by this court. Snid trustees, to hold said bonds, and keep them safely on and under tho following conditions to witi That whon said Cairo and Vincon ties railroad compnny, shall havo complet ed said Culro and Vincennos railroad, from Catro to Vinconnes. in such n mannor that a regular train of oars can pass safely over said railroad, and tho llrst regular train has passed over said railroad, from Cairo to Vinconnes, within tho timo specified, trustees shall deliver to thu Cairo nnd Vinconnes rnilrond tho said bonds, retaining, however, all tho coupons, or so many of thorn nmounling to tho inter est accrued on snld bonds, but shall only deliver to said Cairo and Vincennos rail road company the bonds aforosald, on tho delivery to them, the said trusteos, by tho said Cairo nnd Vinconnes railroad com pany of ono hundred thousand dollars of paid up cupltal stock in the Cairo nnd Vincennos railroad. Tho said trustees, to bo appointed, ure, however, to soil and t'uiisfor tlio snld 100,000 pnld upcupltnl stock In tho snld Cairo nnd Vin connes rnilrond to said Cairo nnd Vinconnes railroad compnny, on tho delivering to tho county Troasuror of Alexander couaty of live thousand dollars In Aloxnndcr countv liondi. with ill ennnna ttioruto ooioiiging, mid nil copoua which become duo before tlio delivery of snld bonds to tho Cairo nnd Vinconnes rnilrond or tho ro rnfo nmottni wincn nns nccomo dtichnll b) returned and doll vored lo tho countv Tronsurnr by tho snld trustees, togothor with n complete roport ot tholr notion In tho nromlsoc which roport shall bo ilnliv. orod to tho county Clork of this county j provided, howovor, boforo tlio snld bonds a ro delivered to tho trustoos, to bo Appoin ted, thnt tho citizens or tlio city or Cairo file a bond in tho county Court in tho nnn. nl sum of two hundred nnd sixty thounr.d dollnrs. tho nmount of snld bond nmi codpons, wnrrnnting nnd Indommifylng tun county irom nn loss or domngo which mny occur to tho county of Alcxnndor by loss or appropriation of said bonds hv tlm snld trustees, btHerwlso than 'dlrectod by tho county uourtor this county. It is further ordered that In caso tho said Cairo and Vinocnnes Tail road company shnll nit commoheo said work and not complete said .railroad, within tho. tlnio granted io tliemv arid in tho manner above specified on or beforo tho first day of July, 1873, thon and in that case said trusteos shall deliver to the county Court of Alexandor county, or to any ono duly nutuorizing by snld county uourt, tho said bonds intrusted to thorn togothor with nil tho cottpous bolonging to said bonds nnd in enso snid Cntro nmi Vinconnes rnilrond company compiles with nil tho conditions herein spocltlcd, said trustees nro lioroby required nnd authorized to stamp said bonds with tho proper rovenuo stamps required by lnw nnd to cnnccll thorn beforo delivery, and this court agrocsto refund to said trustees tuo amount or said stamps, this order mav bo amonded and altorcd beforo the said bonds aro dollvor'd to tbo trusteos to bo appointed, nnd a copy of all orodcrs relative to this matter shall bo placed In tbo hands of said trustees, nnd also n copy thereof furnished to tho Cnlro and Vincen nos railroad company, which company hall sitrnifv their nccoptnnco nnd agree ment to snld order in writing, signed by the proper officers of tho compnnj'. TlIUlt!DAY MOHNINO, NINK O'CLOCK, JULY 13, 1871 TKNTI1 DAY. In tho mnttcr of tho Cairo and St. Louis rnilrond: AViiKtiEAf, On tho 21th dny of April, A.D. 18CC. an election was field in tho county to ascertain, by tbo voto of tho electors ol mo county, wneinor or not tins county shnll subscribe to tho capital stock or tuo Cairo anil rt. Jouis rnuroau com pnny tho sum of ono hundred thousand dollars in Alexander county bonds; and nt tho said election eight hundred and fifteen votes wcro cast in favor of said subscrip tion, and ono hundred and eighteen votes 1 .. i-..i il:.. ...t.i-i. wcro cast against sniu auuncriiuiuu, which number of eight hundred and fifteen voles cast in favor of such subscription was a majority of all tho votes cast at tho pro coding general election of Novcmbor, 1M5, thero being 1,083 votes cast nt tho raid general election preceding tho said special election nbovo named ; and, wherens, on the 3d day of July, 1871, ut a special elec tion held, tho pcoplo voted for a special tax not exceeding thlrty-llvo conts por hundred dollars valuation annually, to pay tho interest on tho bonds to bo issued to tho said Cairo and St. Louis railroad. It is, therefore, ordored that this county mnko a subscription to tbo capital stock of tho Cairo nnd St. Louis railroad company in tho sum of ono hundred thousand dol lars in Alexandor county bonds, bearing eight por cent, intorest per annum from tho dato tnorcot, payable tcmt-annuaiiy j nnd said bonds lo be payablo twenty yoars after tho first dav of January, A.D. 1872, and to bo dated January 1, 1872, Tlio said subscription is mado on tho following express conditions, to-wit: Thut tho nmount shall bo expended within thu limits of this county, according to tho conditions voted upon by tno pcoplo That tho track of said railroad shall enter Alexander county at Its northern limits upon tho line dividing it from Union county, nnd shall bo carried upon tho most cligiblo routo to tho lovocs surrounding the city of Cairo, mid that tho work shnl 1 bo commenced und prosecuted from tho city or Lniro by tlio llrst dny ot .Novem ber, 1871, nnd tho road bod, (including culverts nnd bridges) shall bo completed to tho county lino cf Union county by the ,1 . .1 J T . . I . . . f , Q-n . IJ. I ursi uny 01 ouiy, a.x. 101.; iiruviucu, howovor, that tho bonds of Alexander county shall bo paid to tho said. Cnlro and fat. Louis rnilrond company on tno com pletion of each fivo miles of tho road bed, commencing nt tho lovces of the city ot Uairo, said amount to be paid pro rata ns the nmount dono is In proportion to tbo wholo work to bo dono on tho roud bod in said Alexander county, said amount to bo ascertained by a survoy, and an cslimato of tho cost of the wholo work and number of miles In sum county: provided that in terest shall not begin to run upon any of tno suid bonds unlit 1110 company shall havo becomo entitled to receive them and nny interest accumulated on said bonds boforo delivery to tho said Cairo nnd St. Louis railroad Compnny shall bo canceled and tho coupons duo, or so many as to tlio nmount of interest accumulated shnll bo returned to tho County Treasurer of this county on nny imciional part can celled or tho coupon or coupons, and no bonds shnll bo delivered lor any lrnctionai part of tho estimate less than ono thousand dollars, Inasmuch ns said bonds nro to bo issued for ono thousand dollars each. And pro vided, further, thnt In no caso shall tnero bo delivered to said railroad companj n gteator nmount of bonds of this county than fifty nor centum of tho uctual cost In cash of any Uvo miles of said road bed, ns shown by tho estimates of tho engineer of said railroad, until said railroad shall lmvo boon completed, nnd that any sur plus of said bonis not delivered to said railroad company, whon tho track thoroof shall havo been completed and tho cars rue thereon from Cairo to fat. louis, nnd said railroad company shall furnish esti mates at tholr own expense to tho County Court or somo authorized committee or commissioner, who shall approve said esti mate, or re I oct tuo samo, and only on such npprovnl tho propor amount of bonds shnll bo dollvcrcd to snld ruilroad com- panj Said bondi to bo placed into tho hands of a trttsteo or trustees, to bo np- n.1l.. 1 1... MA... pA.l, ,.C lia I'OlllbUU Uy 11119 WUIIl IU.IUBH.B V. .I.IO county, who shall safely keep them nnd dolivor thorn to tho said Cairo nnd St. Louts Kail rood Company from time to timo. according to tho conditions nbovo specified, but if said Cairo nnd tit. Louis Itallroad Company shall rail to comply with tbo nbovo conditions, snid trustees shall roturn said bonds togothor with all. tho coupons belonging thereto ito tho County Court or any one duly authorized by tho court to roccivo them. It is fur thor ordorcd that boforo said .trusteos shall dolivor nny of said bonds to tbo said Cairo nnd St. Louis llallrond Comnanv. snid rnilroad company shall dolivor to tbo County Court of this county or any duly authorized agent, the amount of paid up stock in tho Cairo nnd St. Louis railroad; loranuin sucn nn amount ns bonds nro about to bo dollvorod to said railroad com ninny. This nrdor or conditions may bo nmonded or altorcd beforo tho delivery of tho bonds to n trustoo or trustoos, nnd n copy of till thu conditions nnd of this ordor shall bo placed into tlio hands of said trus too, nnd tho 3uld Cairo nnd St. Louis ruil road compnny shnll signify tholr nccopt nnco of tho conditions in writing duly signed by their propor officers. His orderod that, nil county ordors Is sued over twelve months and not tnkon from tho order book by tho owner thereof up to this dnto bo canceled, und such can celation recorded in tho llugistor for thut purpose, hold nnd got up, nnd from nnd after this dote ut ovory term of tho Coun tv Court, held for countv liuslnosi. nil or- I dors remaining in said order book, twolvo inoinii. uiiur incir issue situii bo cnnceiou nd tho proper register thereof kept for I Hint purpose. And tlio County Trcmiror I hnll mnrk such cnncolalloti on his register I of county ordors Issued. It Is further oiucrou that nny county order noc.mcolcd mny bo reissued upon application lo tho County Cmnt by tho ownor of said county ordor, either In porson or In wiling, nt nny rcgulnr or special term of said court, whotouppit Jncob (1. Lyucb, chirk of this court, objected to tlio iloslruciion of snld ordors, nnd asked tint his protest ho en tered fo record, on tho gtound of h's be ing tho custod'an of aV ordors drawn on tho treasury and responsible for tholr snfo kcoplng until called for by tho ownors. It Is ordorcd thnt tho bonds to bo Issued to tho Cnlro nnd Vinccnnes, and Cairo nnd St. Louis rnllronds bo lithographed nnd nnd that said llthoeranlitna ha dnnn In conjunction with tho city of Cairo, to .1... T t .1,1.. 1 , . . . ... ' vuutaaiu iiiuugrapiiini; anu printing may be dono in i to cheapest posslblo manner, nnd thnt F. Dross, County Judge, is horc by nuthorlzod to confer with tho c'ty nu thorltlcs on this snbloet nnd cot un thn proper forms of bonds and coupons, nnd wnenovcr saiu uonus aro iiinograpcd and sont here, and if navmont la rwmlr.Ml I.e. foro dollvoiy of said bonds, tho coun'.v clerk shall, upon tho ordor of tho countv Judge, draw nn ordor sor tho amount to bo paid by tho coun'y lor lis suaro of expenses for lithographing nu printing 01 laid bonds KKIDAY M0llM.N0, JULY 11, 1871, K'.KV- KNTIt DAY. It is ordered Hint tho bonds to bo issued by Alcxnndor county ns subscription to tho capital stock to tho Cairo and St. Louis nnd Cairo nnd Vincennos railroads, bo oxocutcd nnd nlgncd by tho County Jttdgo and tno two Assoctalo Justices or the County Court, nnd also countorslgncd nnd foaled, witli the seal of Ibis court, by the County Clork, nnd that tho coupons at tached to said bonds lo bo signed by tho County Judge and to-bo countorslgncd by tho County Clerk. It Is ordorod that Joseph P. Cameron Is hereby nppointcd rond supervisor for tho road district No. 0, in placo of Win. I..V..VI, IIUIVIUIU'U IlllUt'l IWU, (.V IIV .V." sides out of the limus of said ro uf district. WllKTtKAS. Antillciilliiii ha been made by William Mulkey for 11 cert'llcata if nis good morn' character Tor the purposo cf obtaining n license as nn Attorney ut lnw, and the court bcin ' full v und sntiifuctorv advised in tho premise's, und being well ncquinted with tno churnctor nnd standing of said "William Mulkey, It Is, therefore, ordered thnt tho clerk of the court Issue a proper certificate as applied for with seal attached. On petition of A. II. Irvin, ShorirT, l.o was crantcd fur. her timo in which to make final settlement of tho county rovenuo for 1070, on coiKi.10,1 that ho pay over nssoon as possiblo, suuic.eni to redeem all out standing county orders. t cor go J.. llcrnck, tj recti rarkct nnd William Martin wcro appointed viewers to ro-locate a portion of tho Cairo and Jonosboro roud, where said rond has fallen intoithc rlvor. above tho Dickev farm. James II. Upchurch, John 1. Walker and George It. Horrlck wcro uppoin'.cd n1niA.. . In 1 n. n1. .,. i,n.ltAi. of tho road from Clear Creek to Capo uirarde&u. Thoreupon Court adlourned until Court in course. By order of tho County Court, Jacok G. Lynch, Co. Clork. COUNTV C O U it TP KOCEEDINGS. JULY Hl'KCIAL TKIlM. Satukday, July 15, 1871. Present Hon. F. llross, Judge, Jas. E McCrlto nnd S. Marchlldon, Associates! J. G. Lynch, Clork; A. II. Irvin, Sherilf. Tlio loiiowing orders aro copied in full from tho records of tho Court, viz: Ills ordored that thu Treasurer of Alex nnder county inorgo tho funds on hand in tho special fund created by tho dona tion of Slnto taxes, Into the general fund nnd pay nil outst inding coun'.v- orders und jury ecrtiilcutos und, whereas, there is not sufficient money in tho treasury to re deem all such county ordors and jury cor- tillcatos; und, whereas tlio Sherilt has net paid into the county treasury from tho collection oi taxes suincioiit muds to ro- deom nil such county orders und jury ocr tificales; and, whereas, tho Countv Court has mado an arrangement with the City riattonai Jiank to cuin nil outstanding county orders and jury certificates, nnd tho county pay them such per cent, is agreed upon, for tho purpose of stopping tho shriving und discounting of such coun ty ordors; it i, therefore, or Jered that ns soon as tho funds nro uxhausted in tho hands of tho treasurer, said treasurer noti fy tho County Judgo and nlso direct nil partlos presenting county ordors nnd lurv certificates to tlio City Xntionnl Dunk of Cairo, where such orders will bo cashed, And it is further ordered that tho County Treasurer us soon as tlio shorifl'pny in any money for taxes collected bv him "shall re deem such ordois from said City National Dank, and shall keep a truo nnd correct account or such orders redeemed from such bank nnd tho dulu of such redemp tinu. It is ordered thut thu Clerk furnish tho Treasurer with n ocpy of this order It is ordorcd that the Countv Judgo or somo nttornoy selected by hl'ii glvo notico 10. John ij, iiurman, Clerk ol this county, that tho county will apply fur n writ of injunction, re-training him from issuing nny jury curlillcales, &c, beforo tho samo Is called fur by tho proper party entitled thereto. A hereupon tho Court adlourned sine ate. Uy ordor of tho County Court. Jacoii (1. Lynch, Clerk, IJfMIUKA.Vr TU'lCr.TN. INMAX LINK. Liverpool, NowYorlc nnd I'h.l.idclphla Steamship Company VHDIII COMIUCT WITH 1'MTI'H iTATIS AMI III.ITIHU qorr.asni.Ms Kor Carrying the Mails, FOll PASSAGE TICKETS i oa rckTiira ixroaxATio.v APPLY TO JOHN O. DALE, Aot., 1M Broadway, New York, or to II. II on ll, 210 Washington Avenue, Cairo, Illinois, IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOU SALE, ) Kor gain ryoil SALE, ' I Kcr Halo I FOR SALE. J KorSale 1 FOR HALE. Furo from LiYKitrooL, Faro from Londcndkuhy, Faro from GLAHnow, Fnro from Qukknhtown TO CAlltO, ;::::: $18.20 Safford, Morris Candoc, Agents. IIYNICIANIV WJLLIAM It. SMITH, M. D. EHSIIIKNOB-No. 21 Thirteenth "treet. ho. tueon Washington avonimnud Walnut street. umcii lmi Coummrolal avenue, up atalra. A. WADGYMAH, Jl. 1)., r'.lYSICIAN, Surgeon ami Aeeoulieiir, formerly of Anna, Union county, Illinois, has per manently located in Cairo, Olllco Cnmim'rclal avcuae, between Eighth aud Niutli strccta West aide, marly noons, nasii, if W. W. THORNTON, lltlllK 11 DOORS, SASH ULINDS, WINDOW GLASS, NIIIM1I.KM, Office on Tenth St., ltd ii roil Coiiiiiirrrliil nmi WnalilitKtmi Atriiiioa. CAIEO. ITilili AOr.NM lor Itock IIItpi Paper Company' Khealhinir Kelt and ijmirU Cement. It, W. Jolin'a Improved Hooting alway on and. S. W A L T E II S, dtAUa l)i HARD and SOFT LUMBER ol orrry ilenerlpllon, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAlt POSTS, DOOltS, SASH, BLINDS. OKDEHS SOLICITED. S T K A M IIOAT L U M 11 E II, Kurnlahed on shortest notice. Coii.inercial-av, bet. lOtli aud llth-sta., CAIKO, ILI.1NOIC )v7.ltf IHU'OS. - BARCLAY BROS., oiiio Cum, Iii; DBUG-G-ISTS; SARATOGA SIMHNGS tv ni.t rmr AT llAtlCLAYs DIICO STOltK. I'm hi Fill 1.1, IlAIIT. MUCKING IUIU) FOOD All. aiinv'.IOK l.r miTHuir t until r At Hakolayh'. K I. M II O I. II g G It A PE f catawiia ) ( rntAi'C ) PILLS i catawiia i. aiiAi'E GKAPE I CATAWIIA S t I OltAl'E ) PILLS ALL or II ll I. M II O 1. II 'H HKDH'I X RN KRKHII FItOM FlltST IIAXDH, AlunyK in stock In large tiily, and fur sale b llnrrlnjr II r o . JUST K E C K 1 V K I) AMI AT IlAltCLAYS'. HaJrE.VTHA Fine Coloonk; tQyCiK.VUIKK iMI'OltTKD EXTRACTS J 4t3yIlAiu, Tooth and Nail Uuushes; BSylNDIA ItUlillKIt NUKHERY GOCJ AT BAEGLAY BBOS. PUKE WIIITK LEAD AMI PUIIE FKENOH ZINC. llest (jradei In large stock and va riety, very cheap ! also: Full Link or Coloks, DIIY ANU IN OIL; Paint llritshes, Linseed Oil, Whitowaah 1" ashes, Turpunllne, Varnlshoa Etc. etc.! ALL KINPS ANU STASDABII QVALIIItB At Uaiiclayh'. COM. AND WOOD. 1 F. M. WAltD, WOOD AND CO A I MERCHANT. 1.1 M. VAKI) is prepared to deliver tho U . Kiro Wood nud ntouu Cold j IN ANY 1'AllT OF THE CITY, And in any ipiautity desired, on short notice COAL DELIVERED at $1.60 mt to OFKICK-Over Uecruart. Ortli A Co .'a kin1 two doors above the corner of Eighth street Commercial aveuuo, 'JctCil