Newspaper Page Text
Ml? -y JOHN H. OBERLY & CO., PROPRIETORS. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1871. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AVE. WHOI.KWAIiE iKOCKHH. II. SMYTH & CO., WHOLESALE OUOOEUS, OHIO L E V K E , J A I K O . II.IilNOIH. Also, keep constantly on hand n Inoit com plete stock uf SCOTCH AND IRIFll WIIIHKIKtt -0 I N H, Port, Madcrla, Sherry iind Catawba "Wines RBMVTlt CO. aril exclusively for oa.h.lo . which fact titer Invito tho i-ppi-clal atttn lioa t cos Iwrfcsm btiyers, Special ailtntion yhtn to Filling Ortltrt HOOTN AND NIIOK. WILLIAM EHLERS, Fashiunaldo BOOT AND SlIOK MAKER, TWENTIETH HTHKKT, Between Washington Arcnuo and l' Street, CAIRO, ILLS. ti0ti ead Bhnti Mule to Order, FIdi Workmen Employed. Satisfaction Warranted. l'fttroDStfn Holicited. C1TV SHOE STORE HOOP SKIltT FACTORY Mtr mci ro "BEOLASKI'S" CUnTOM-MADK BOOTS AND Sno'KH CMiaierctal A vena?, crnrf Klsrlitb Hired. Cairo, Illinois TAHTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ALL OR- DIRS TOR nOOPBKIRTV AND SHOES. EL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND DA It ROOM. JOHN UATKW, Proprietor. M Commercial Avenue, CAIRO, 1I.L1N0IH Beet brand ot CalifornlaClttars just received, sILLIAIU) mloon tarnished with the lst ol ... i . . i i . i i . ! . .. : FITZGERALD'S -A. 2& P L E BOOMS, Cor. s?oarteth tit. and Com mercial Avenue. with pure Imported wines, liquors and cliur. iniiM tivt.avtv (itirwtv Avenue. 1 1 i-piiiii lie nnnnra. itr. .rp.. anil irnpriinL Havana always od band. Those desiring de- era. All their fiiti will te attend to in a mm- ne ud cigars have been selected with great KEAL, EHTATE AUEJ.T. C. WINSTON & CO., EAL ESTATE AGENTS AKD AUCTION KRS, 74 (SECOND FLOOR) OHIO LEVEE, CAI110, ILLS., Buy and Sell Real Estate, PAY TAXES, ItNlSll AUSiitAtJXO Ut TliliJ". Ax I prepare Conveyances of Kinds. nOAT NTOREN. SAM WILSON, UlALtl IK OROCI ll E B , PROVISIONS, ETC., mo Lxvxk, : : t : t : OAino, III. ostuas raOMFTLi rintp; O. D. WIELIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, N. 76 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. t ' Jlfini orden. PUBLIC NOTICE. , , treat, William l. nurse ana nosanna iiurno Ife, did on the 22d day of June, A. I. ISM, it their certain mortffagoor deed ol trust nm N. Ilavnlato secure carta n natea there- ntionod, which deed of trust was duly ao. ledged and recorded In book )!)', jiaKcaaa3( iuols. And whereas, default haa been made i payment of said notes. Mow. therefore, ordance with tbe provisions of said deed I Via nnri thAr-ln nntitAlno,! 1 a rrldar. the 1st da; of Hentember, A.i), a the froat door of the court house or Al ler county, BUte ol Illinois, at 0 o'olock of y proceed to sen me luiigwinj; ueicrtueu rty, situate lying in the tlty of Cairo, to-wlt: numbered seventeen (17). eighteen (18), ten (19) Inbloekfifly-lour (Mj.a the same imrxl In ba Dlatted and recorded br Messrs. r ana imiin, ins eaiue vein ucscnueu in eed ot trust, foreash In hand to the highest . and win execute to tne purennser or imr KLliuAnK lit V, HAIKU., . Admialslratrii for Ishnm N. llatnle. im,im, IrSO-tOtU. ' I rn THE BULLETIN. By TEHAPH lleinrlHl riirrllly for the C'nlro IIul Iclln. Ten liottrn in ntlvnneo at Ht, l.otil iner. " NEW-YORK. CIIIEF-JUSTICE "SMOTE" ON THE COOLIE TRADE. MAYOR HALL AND THE ITAL I, IAN PROCESSION. THE EMPRESS EUGENIE ON TROCHU. YOUNG LADY KILLED BY A FALL. KILLED II T A KALI.. Nkw- oitK, Auguit 7. Early on Sun day tnornini; a German girl, tixtocn yean of age, while in a somnainbuliitlo lit, walked or fell from tbo attic of hor rcsi denco on Eatt Droadway and on itriklng tbo pavement was instantly killed. Tbo National Uazette tayt, In an nrtlclo on tlio Weittlcld catastrophe, that they ball Biktho coroner to take tbo tcitlmony of tho gentleman who refuted the certifi cate to tho boiler of the "Vctfield not two years ago, and who told Jacob II. Vandor Lilt that If ho did not obtain a competent snperinlendcnt, some terrible accident would befall bis boat. . MAYOR HALL AND TI1K ITALIANS. The Italian general commltteo have re ceived a communication from Mayor Hall doclining to review tbo Italian procession. Tbo Mayor says his rctuial is from rea sons arising out of hLs late official action respecting streot processions, and that ho may be compelled hereafter to declino re viewing all civic processions. Tbo com mittee, at a meeting to bo held to-night, will mako arrangements for tbo celebra tion. THE COOLIK TIUDB. A Washington special says the, question of supprcMing the coolie trade is possibly to have judicial solution. Chief JusticeSmotc,atIIoug Kong, has been applied to for a writ of habeas corpus to sot at liberty Cbineso coolie, Notnub Kwolr, and Ausang, who bad been arrested for mutiny on high icas and for murdering tbo captain and certain mem bers of the crew of the chip Penelope. After hearing n long and able argument, thbtcbief-juitice ordered thoraloaioof tbo prisonors. at tho same time going beyond tho questions strictly involved In tho case. Tho chief-justice decided that tho cool I o trade was a slave trade and tbut vessels engaged in it are carrying on piracy; tbat tho "coolies woro not l'iablo to punishment for using any rneuns whatever to gain their freedom, and that thoir soizlng tbe vessel and killlrt tho crew if necessary to that end was justified. Tho English law if this is pronounced good law in England, and it Is believed it may be tho intno view will bo taken by France, the United States and tbcOerman empire If tbe coolie trade is slave trade and piracy, it cun bo swept from tho seas in a few mon'hs and more ctlectually than tlio African slave trade, nnd by tho tamo means. EMI-REUS EUGENIE ON TROCHU. Tho Herald publishes n private 'letter from the Empress Eugcuie, dated Chisel hurst, Juno 27, upon Trochu'e character, and which animadvorts upon him with severity for his defence of tno Fronch As sembly. She says ho betrayed tho repub lic and was equally falsa to tho empire, and charges him with having known tho plans of tbo revolutionists of September 4, which frustratod tbo intervention to which certain powers would have been pledged. THE LATE EXPLOSION. Commodoro J. II. Viong, an inspector of tho liiht bouso, tost I fled at the inre'sti cation of tbo "Wcsttleld this morning that when in tho Staten Island forryboat three weoks ago ho noticed llvo minutes beforo starting that the steam was rising and no ono present to look after it, and he informed onoof tho hands to look out or they would l.-OA n .in l)nl4 mit..A- gauge-maker, went to Staton Island on tbo Wcstfleld tbo Sunday boforo the explosion. Fivo minutes beforo starting ho saw no" ono in tlio engine room, and tho steam gauge indicated nearly '29 J pounds pros- sure. ST. LOUIS. FRIGHTFUL BOILER SION. EXPLQ THE ENGINEER AND FIREM'AN KILLED. DEATH OF CAPT, JOHN B..WEA- VER. ' , . i ,. , tfw n' THE EXPLOSION. St. Louis.. AiiL'ust 7. About 2 o'clock this morning tbo boiler la tbo Union flour ing mill of II, CYneger &.Cd,at tbo foot of Florida street, exploded with' ter rillo foreo, instantly k'.llinp John Scott. encineer, nnd James P. Jones, llroaian, ana blowinc out tho entira east end of the building'. Fragmontaof tbo boiler, woro, niruwii iium n uunriur to nail a mi0 trom ttios scene of disas'or. Tho' oxnloaion' ii accounted for as follows: A small amount of water was being heated to raiso 1,9am., Fragments of timber woro thrown in over' direction! The loss is estimated at from 110,000 to 12,000. DEATH QY J.'AVT..JOIUC 11..WEA.VJCS Capt. John B. Weavor. ,promlnontly indentlfled wittl tho tho steamboat Intoront of thfa'clty for tho pas,t twonty-llvo years,, nnd ono of tho lessees ot tho Liodoll Hotoi, when it burned, dlea yesteruay, ngea pj. OWEGQ.Su,-' .1 SCHOONER JENNIE MULLEN ASHORE. ' 6Weoo. Aucust 7. Tho schooner Jen nln Mullon from Toledo, loaded, . with whoat, went ashoro nlno miles aboyo, hero, Saturday, prooauiy 10101 iobs. FOREIGN. THE FENIAN AMNESTY MEET ING BROKEN UP. A GREAT RIOT THE RESULT THE POLICE AND THE PEOPLE ENGAGED. FORTY-SEVEN PERSONS KILL ED AND WOUNDED. HOUSES STONED FOKSnOWINO THE ROYAL FLAG. ENGLAND. Oil EAT ItlOT IN DUIILIN. LoNDON.Angmt C -A reat riot oc curred in Dublin to-day. Tho board of works prohibited tbo propotod Fenian am nesty meeting, orgnnirod by Smyth, a mcmborfrom West Mcath: Sullivan, edi tor of tho Irish Nation ; and O'Brien, edi tor of tbo Irishman. Notwithstanding the order of tho board of works, at four o'clock In tho afternoon vast crowds of mop, women and childron assembled around Wellington monument in l'hfcnix park, nbout thrco hundred yards from Ico Royal Lodge, where tbo royal party woro staying. A largo forco of policcrrcn woro hold in reserve. The procession was formed with Smyth, Sullivan and Nolan. Five hun dred men wearing green urrlvcd on tho ground when Smyth mounted the monu ment and OPENED TnE MEETING. As tho superintendent of police ad vanced the people groaned and biased, and the superintendent, who showed a deter mination to break up tbo mooting, was knocked down. Then the police rushed up and a FEARFUL FIGHT ensued. Tbo officers drow their arms and FELLED THE PEOPLE JIT B00KK8. As tbe conflict became hotter, stones were thrown and sticks flyed by tbo mob, and women and children tratupelled under foot. THE HIOT lasted .half an hour. . TOETr-HE VEX .PERSONS are known to havo been wounded, many of them seriously. Smyth, Sulllvao and Nolan, wore badly hurt, and many police men received truues. Till HOSPITALS re full of the wounded. Tbero is GREAT EXCITEMENT throughout the city. The Dolico wcro attacked roncatcdlv.but. eventually, order was restored. THE LEADERS of tho military aro to bo prosecuted. Dur tho riot THE MILITARY wero prepared but woro not called out. 1 Tho fighting extended all tbo longth of tho Quay. Every window showing a FLAO IN HONOR OF LOYALTY was smashed. A number of tbo members of tho FLU8UINO YACHT CLUD including tbe District Attorney of Surra gate, tho troasurer'of Queens county, and other prominent citizens, yeitorday, om barked on tbo yacht Long willon for a pleasure cruise. Tbe yacht struck a sub merged stake and went down at what is called LITTLE HAY BIDE. Tho party narrowly escaped. Great excitement prevailed, tho Flush ing disaster boing reported greater than it was. HEADY FOR HEA. Tho Standard of to-day says that tbo French iron-clad war steamer, " Magenta Maguargio Kevouche," has been got ready for sea, in view of poesiblo complica tions in tbo east. , TROUBLES continuo in portions of Franco now occu pied by tho Germans. A Prussian subject caving ooen nangeu, a uay or two stneo, at Polagney, in tbo department of tho Jura, a riot followed, in which tho German sol diers wounded about twenty citizens, and then threatened to burn tho place. Quiet was restored, and tbo authorities promised to cause tho arrest of tho offen ders, MINISTER SCIIENCK is about to romovo his official residence to 'Flcmingsburgb. ALL QUIET IN DUBLIN. A dispatch from Dublin, to-day, says that tho city Is nulet. Sovoral places vis ited by tho royal party wero gutted on Sunday by tho mob. The hospita's aro full of wounded. Ashbury's now yacht, THE "LOVIA," disappointed tho owner in Inr lato con tests, and sho will not como to Amorica to compete lor tuo quoon's cup. xno " cam- orm win do rcuiiou 10 ioko nor piace. THE STEAMSHIPS Idaho, from Now-York, and Peruvian, from Quebec, toucbod at Quccnttown to day. DESEItTID. Tho cltv la almost desoited in consc ience of Ihe'rr sular-oank holidays. 'MEMPHIS. A COLDTBL'OODED murder, I .'if It.. I' ' "" ' . 1 1 ' ' AN BX-POLICEMAN SHOOTS ' mWh mi I MURDER AT BLEDSOE'S LAND- 1 Trn tit." A va A 0 ,11 r, ,TUU UUkbMR AT MKMl'lilH. Memphis. Aucust 7. A deliberate mux- dor was committed in the southern por tion of tbe city yesterday. Nat. Reeves, au ox-nbliooraam bocominc iealous of n colored boy turned Dick. Johnson, who was his 'rival in' tho affections of a do bauched Svoman, seeing Johnson driving some cows, dppreachod Him and drawing a revolver 11 rod llvo shots, two of which took effect causing his death. Reovcs Hod and has not yet bcon.atroslod. VlrfltDEK AT BLEDSOE'S LANDING. A negro named. Frank Dry war shot and klllod at Bledsoe's landing, Arkansas, on Saturday, by 'a. man na'mod Adams. Dry had drawn a pistol on Adams when tho latUr fired killing him Instantly. KENTUCKY. THE ELECTION YESTERDAY PARTIAL RETURNS. Louisville, Ky., August 7. Tho elec tion In till, rttv trwUv ahows a heavy re publican gain. Tho roturns from 27 out of Jority of 87. Ho is probably 300 ahead In tno wnoio city, xno voio an flth and 7lh wards stood 470 for Leslie, and 52 1 for Harlan. Bowlin'o Ork'ev, Ky., August 7. Tho Hi rln.Vw! nl nnnn until 2 o'clock ! Lcilio. nn llnrlan. nRS. Tho roDublicans aro greatly aisappointcj, aa tuoy uxpccieu Bowling Oreen precinct to go 300 major ity for Harlan. Tho county will glvo Lesllo aomo 800 majority. Bp art A, Ky., Augujt 7. The stato vole of Sparta district was as follows : LHie, 48; Harlan, 11. Walton, Ky., August 7. In Walton precinct Lesllej received 101 ballots ; Har lan, 40; Carlislo, 103; Thomas. 41; Rod man, 00 , Smith, Tato, Henderson nnd Grant, 07 each; Brown, Ruppen, Stopel; Fry, Moborly, and McOIeary, 40 each j Fish, 88 j Bakor, 43. Laqranoe, August 7. Tho following list of votes was catt in Lagrango precinct: Lcilio 100, Harlan 110; Carlisle l'JO , - . Thomas 107; Rodman 193, Brown 107, Smith 190, Krlppenstaplo 107; Tnto 100, Fry 107; Henderson 100, Prat' 107; Grant IS'J, McUlcary luv. Campiiellsburo. Aueust 7. Tho fol lowing is the voto csvstfn Campb llsburg precinct: Loslio 88, Harlan M; Carlislo 86, Thomas 61; Smith 85, Krippcnitaplo 01; Tate 86( Fry 61. OwENsuono. Ky- Aucust 7. Tbo voto in Owensboro stands, Leslie, domocrat, "1,030; Harlan, republican, C10. Danville, Ky., August 7-Reports from the election at noon shows Leslie, 3(53; Harlan, S82. For reprcsentrtive, Uaskins, democrat, 893; Barkloy, radical, S58. Fhankfoiit, Ky., August 7. At ono o'clock the voto stood, Uarlin, C'JQ ; Leslie, 590. Paducah, Ky, August, 7. Tho voto in this city stands democratic four hun dred and ninety, and tho republicans five hundred and sixty-eight. Tno republicans aro jubilant over the victory. BRAND1NBURO, Kt AugUlt 7 0 o'clock. -On tho stato ticket 83 democratic tnajoritv; Representative, Richardson 44, Allen 22. Bio Spring, Ky., August 711 a.ra. On the state ticket 91 domocratic majority; Richardson 84, Allen 68. Cabxyville. Kt Aucusut 7 11) a.m. The stato ticket stands 60 democaatic ; mcnardson 'ii, Allen, cu. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. sr. locis. St. Louis, Augu't 7. FLOUR (Julet and unchanged. WHEAT Steady ; No. 3 red fall in el ovator, $1.12. CORN Quiet; No. 2 mixed, in eleva tor, 46c. OATS Quiot ; mixed, In sack, 3738c. RYE Dull at 6556o for sackH. WHISKY 94o and unchanged. PORK Quiet ; 13.60bld onordorlots; f 12.60 seller January and February. BACON Unchanged ; order lots of shoulders, Cle ; clear rib, 8c ; clear, 8Jc. LARD Quiet ; choico steam, in kegs, 10c. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, August 7. FLOUR Firm and fair demand; fimi ly, $5.305.50. NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, August 7. FLOUR -Dull at $6aC.50a7. CORN Drooping. Mixed 70.; white 73o. OATS Dull and nominal at 50c. HAY Unchanged. BRAN Unchanged. PORK Dull and nominal at $14.75. BACON Dull ond lowor at 7Ja7J ; rib 0; sides OJc. LARD Unchanged. SUGAR Unchanged. MOLASES-Unchangod. WHISKY Quiet at Ufica$1.02J. COFFEE Firm 14alCc. LOCAL NKWSDK0P3. Liebig's eclobrated extract of meat at Jorgenion's. jy2Ctf. Ucnulno walnut and mushroom ketch ups, at Jorgcnscn's. jy2Ctf Tho best fruit jars in tho world for saloat Parson Davis & Co., on Tenth street. jy25d2w Importod London biscuits at Jorgcn sen's. jy2Ctf. East India prosorves at Jorgcnscn's. jy20tf. Shriver's oyster ketchup at Jorgcn scn's. iy20tr. Oonuino Spanish olives at Jorgcn scn's. jy2Gtf. Imported gherkins, chow-chow, picca llllo and onions, at Jorgensen's. jy20tf Anchlovls, in picklo,' oil or .salt, at Jorgensen's:. jy20tf Mason's improved fruit jars wljh glass topsjTold by P(r8on, Davla&.Co. jj26d2w ' , Wo guarantee tho glass top jars as the best. Parson's, Davis & Co. jy20d2w Ono thousand fruit jars, choapor than ovor, forsalo by Parsons, Davis & Co, Jy25d2w Go to Parsons, Davis & Co's frlut-jsr omp9rIum, Nos. 6 and 7, Tenth streot. y25d2w Importod London Club and Wor chostershlro sauce, at Jorgensen's. Jy26tf Tho old, roliablo Groovo rlnir fruit Jars only $1,50 dozen and sealing wax, lor saio by I'arsone, Dnvls & Co. jy20d2w Wm. Ehlors, at his shop on 20th street Is still manufacturing every variety of boots and shoes from genuine French calf (heusosno other kind) which he sells roady made or mado to ordor at. ptIcos that defy competition. Jyictf. OCNF.BAI, AOKXTH. HALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL 'AGENTS, FORWARDING and COMMISSION M Kit CIS AN IN, ' . '1 . DEALERS IN ELOUR; :J' And AtontV of i ' Ohio Klver mid Knnntrlin SALT 70 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, II.UN019. WINF.S AM) X.IHC01U. WM. H. SCIIUTTER, Importer nntl Wholcoalc llcnlcr iu WINES, LIQUORS, AMD TOBACCO 8c OIGAES. Agent for (he best brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AND Imported AIcm or Ilirrcn( Hindu. 75 Ohio Levee, tl C.UHO, ll.UNOl?. F. M. STOCKFLET1I, sccctitoa roui.c a eidcKiLCTii Eeetiryer nnd Wuoleiutle ncnlcr u Forciicn mid Uotuottlo LIQUORS, WINES, ETC. No. 78 Ohio Levee, Sr-HixuniLD Dlock, CA1B0, ILUNO'. rEkeepaon hand constantly a full stock of Lulu nemucKY ifouruon, ityu anu jiuoujikii u Whiskies, Krencli Hrandicx, Holland Gin, rocivniiiKN. I. & E. GREENAVALD. HiWi'iCTvniES or Steam Engines, Hollers, Klonr ond (!rlt Mills, SawMlllf, Tho "Tupper" I'ntent Orate tr, MAOHINERY FOR OENERAL l'UUl'OSES, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Iv'.Tdtwi-oiltf OAH.F1TTEIW. F. S. MURRAY, GAS AND STEAM FITTER . HAS REMOVED FROM FERltY HOUSE TO TIIS BRICK "BUILDING on SEVENTH ST OPPOSITE WINTER'S BLOCK, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. . HE has greatly Improved Ills slock, nnd tins now on hand ell inula of CHANDELIERSU BRACKETS, PENDENTS, HALL LIUH OLOBES, 8HADES, ETC. HE HAS MARKED DOWN PRICES To tbe lowest living flgnras, and he invites (he patronage of thp public. BAKIIKHS. J. GEO. STEIN1IOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, r. Biss-et. mid Coiunierelnl-nv. Sfsrsharp Ilaxors, sMrClcan Towels and lHJ-Bkllifuil Wetkmen. eWLadloa' and children's hnlr cut nnd sham pooed, either at the shop or at their own home, SHrGentlemen'a whiskers and hair dycl In it clentlBc manner. Butlnlattiou KuarauU'e.1, WATCIIHAKEIt. PRACTICA L WATCHMAKER. H. HOUPT, NO. 150 WASHINGTON AVENUE, OAIItO, ILLINOIS, Uxi on hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. 1'nrUctiUr nttcnlion given to REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. Tho largest stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES ' IV Tllg CITV. INWCllAM-'r, W. II. MORRIS. It, If. CANHEB Notary Public, No. I'ub. and U. S. Com. HsTSTJK;E! FIRE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK, ACCIDENT, LIFE, .ETNA, HARTFORD, AmpIi ?;,JI5,50I 97 NORTH AMERICA, PA., Asset'. .-. 2,783,000 00 HARTFORD, CO.VX, AfCtJ.- 3,111,210 72 PIKENI.V, HAllTFOni), AnsutH 1.7S1.1I3 80 INTERNATIONAL, N. Y., As"ieU I,i1,W9 17 PUTNAM, HARTFOItD, Assets 700,937 00 CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Aict 51S.C73 88 HOME, COLUMBUS, An-eta 115,278 13 AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Assets EW.niO 00 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Asiets .3i,rj0,000 00 TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDET, Axcts 1,.VX),000 0 RAILWAY PASSENOERS' ASSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Afiets- WjO.ooOO INDEPENDENT, BOSTON, Asset C3O,S02 08 S AFFORD, MORRIS & CANDEE, 71 Ohio I.eicc, City National CAIItO, ILL. FIRE AND MARINE iisrsTTieiLsrcE I'OJlPAMISl NIAOAUA, N. Y., As.U tl,430,210 10 OEHMANIA, N. Y., AMet 1,008,721 78 HANOVER, N. Y., Assels 720,602 00 UEPUIILIC, N. Y., Assets ,7H,92i 00 Comprising the underwriters' Agency. YONKElti), N. Y., A'teti S78.414 15 ALBANY CITY, Asset 153,193 23 FIRKM EN'.S FUND, M. V., Assets 07tl,O00 OO SECURITY, N. Y. MARINK, atsftH l,432,i9 CO STORIJ, rwellings, Furnltuiw, Hulls nnd Car goes, Insure, t ut ratt'i m favnrnblo ns sound, jierui.inent security will warrant. 1 reiporiiuiiy niK 01 1 no citizens 01 iitiro, n share ot their imlronagc. C. X. lIL'tJIII'.S, Ollioo at First National Bsnk. STr.ASlUOATN, MOUND 'lTn; AND CAIRO. THE STEAM TUG, CACHE Capt. William H. Sandusky. W'UI. MAKK FOUR TRIPS EVERY DAY nirwcrN Leave Cairo, toot or naimi sruiir. At 7 A.M. At 10 A.M. At 1 P.M. At 5 P.M. Leave Mu, City, niiAiimoAT, At 8.30 A.M. At 11.30 a.m. At 2,30 p.m. At 0.30 p.m. WILL LAND. AVIIEN HAILED, AT Tin: BOX FACTORY, HAWK t LANDING, KY. MOUTH OF CACHE, MARINE WAYf, AND NAVY YARD. I'lIYNICl.lNH- WILLIAM R. SMITH, M. D. I F-SIDKNCK-No. 21 Thirteenth street! be V tweou Washlnglon avonuo and Walnut stret-t. Olllaw 121 Coiniiierulftl aventin, up atalrs. A. WADGYMAR, M. D., PSIYSIUI AN, Burgeon and Accouhour, fotraojly of Anna, Union county, Illinois, has per- iiiuiu'uiiv luvmuu iu .uiru. L'tiice-uorumeraiai nyenxe, botween Eighth nnd Ninth streota West Bino, many U. W. DUNNING. M. D. pEfllDENOE-cornerNlnth and Walnut ats, sjrjiune corner 01x111 airoei unn uiuo levee uiuco Hours rroiu 0 a.m. to 14 m., anil U p.m C'OMMINSION AND FODVWAUDINQ. W.Stratton. TTiTrT. STRATTON & BIRD, (Saecessorfl totif ration, lludion Jt Qark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AltD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Lcvco, Cniro, Illinois. VAgenla of American Powder Co.' and'nnJi facttirers agents for cotton yarn. jyTdtf JOHN B. PHILLIS, (Huccessor to Tarker A Phlllls,) GENERAL COMMISSION AXD HFORWARDING MERCHANT, DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATSJ Flour, Meal, Bran, t Con. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO, ILL. CLOSE & VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSIQN MERCHANTS. AMI DEALEE3 1 1ST LIME: Cement, Plaster Pari?, aid PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner Eighth Ntrcet and Ohio Levc CAIRO, ILL. PETER CUIIL EXCLVStYE FLOUR MERCHANT ASD MILLERS' AGENT. No. 80 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Orders solicited and promptly filled. II. M. HULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION No. 134 Comnicrcial-avo., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. 58 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO., (Successors to K, B, Hendricks A Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS AND WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS r CAIRO, ILL. fLiberal Advances made upo: lgSS Consignments. Aro prepared to receive, storo and orward freights to all polnta and buy and, sell on commission. suriluslncss attended to promptly WOOD RITTENHOUSB,' 1 (Successor otAyers Co.) .wtT FLOUR il1"1(WTA,J . ..s.iv 4ir. ' .Uu sti.I. j A.!,u. 'lJt ;.nnJ li.tst v... Genoral Commission Morcliant t 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, IixiHOIB. HOUSE MOVIHQ. . , HOUSE MOVING. t JAMES KENNEDY, faACTICAL . HOUSE lOVEIt AND BUILDER Is prepared to do all kinds of v , HOUSE MOVING, HOUSE RAWING REPAIHiNd OF, EyXttY JMCUt7lOH Ol TMK MOST B1AS4IAM.1 TSSKS. OUDEI18 left at the niiTdenco el Ut, Kaadr, on Ceater street, next door to the aaw rchool house, or addressed to the ear of P. O. Box IU ortlw Uullettu ofllco, will rvcelid prompt stttn I1UU.