Newspaper Page Text
ISW AJ)V KHTISEMENTS. 7 .mlrr.l.lp htrtlof'tc'cilitinc Wtren Al ii rt M """I "'t U( M. Iiw, tinker the firm Mm o.' ioikI A Ijiw, Is hereby diitolt-td 4ly muti al i ifitefH K M. li-rwlil continue the business, slih otrxv tl I'ulashl, Illinois, n.l he will co'lctt nil monies ilui uM firm, nl ijr nil debts contracted 1')' llie Utc AMinKTM. WOOD, I.1XJAK M. LOW. I UK), liu , August 1871 DISSOLUTION. Theruputnerilitp bereiofore easting under (lie firm huaetif ll. I Kehols & Co, is hereby ilUioUeil. Mm. V J h wilhdrtsi n. The bminesj will be continued 1 II. V. Kihbh, who assumes nil the debts of llie late I. m, Jin J it whom U the debts due the tiald firm must I iwi 1 l V KCIIOI.S. MUS.SAKAU WOOD, CJu Ills., Auiail sth, 1671 A DM IN ISTll ATOR'S SALE Notice U hereby clten. that on Tuesday, the nth Ay of Alibis! tt, between the hours of to o'clock In thie l.iren jti tnd s o clock In the afternoon ois.atd dav. ut On itt residence of Auzustt Weil deceased. In the city of Ci lo. on the Ohio Levee, between Sixth and I'.llli ul, county of Alexander, State of lllinoll, i u p't-wnal property of the decedent, consisting of llJUHhtild nd kitchen turniture, one sewing machine, r .tiiUMand ahetvine. sho' cases, liquor and clean, ctUIcs, and candy jars, also a leasehold estate v iars. also a leasehold estate In lot No. lu. in block No. 1, In the clly of Cairo, together with ttw ln-lck building on said lot and other articles. will be nld at Dubllc ule. Terms of alc Purchases of less than five dollars to I (uld in hand : for that amount and over, on n credit i six mouuia, me lnircnascr giving note, witli op gruted security. LOUIS M.ATTAU, Administrator. Cairo, July as, 1871. THE BULLETIN. l'tiMlli--(1 Mfry mnrnlntr, Mondny ex Ctltf-l. Ohkmistry. Dr. AVadgymar pro poses to locturo on chemistry, commoncing 011 the first Monday in September next. ty'rEiv. Lieutenant 3Iabone,v, and his workorc, havo been busily engaged for n row tiny past in cutting woods, tbeso cum ber en of tbo itrceU. Tnum-Tho power of Mrs. Whit rotnb's Syrup for children aro as positive 111 the lunlight from heaven, land gentlo nnd soothing as an angol'a whltpcr. nugS. BrxciAL Mcktino. Tho Lady Mana gers of the Orphan Asylum nro requested to bo on hand Wednesday, April Oth, at 10 o'clock A.M. Mm. V. 1'. Ualliday. Dr. Hatlinger Diarrhoea and Dyson tc ry Powders will.curo all kinds of Diarrhoea and Dysentery afflicting adults, quickly, pleasantly find safely. For sulo by all first class druggists and dealers. nugS- CiiiiHHED. Tho lottor of Hev. Mr. Friend, published in Tiik Hullkti.y yes terday, crushed tho ox-truitues of his church. They havo nut been scon or heard of sinco they read It tit breakfast yesterday morning. Fon Balk. At a bargain, a Davis' sow ing machine Has never been used ; is entirely now ; also, a new $80 "Wilcox & Uibbs, single thread, loop-stitch, sowing inncliino. Enquire at tho Bulletin Office. Nkw Photookai-h Oallekv. "Wo no tice that Mr. J. J. Thomas has fitted up tho rooms lately occupied by . U. "Worth ington in very good style, and, 119 an artist, is doing excellent work that should cntltl him to n fair sharo of patronage. Peculiar Accident. Yesterday after noon, Charles rmk, son of Mr. Pink, ex press Agent, was passing down Kighth-st. when he slipped mid foil, and tho littlo fingor of bis right hand caught in n cruck of tho sidewalk nnd wus broken in thrco or four places. Fast Dmvixo. A butcher arrested by Myors for fast driving was lined yester day ?5. Not liking the penalty he cursed tho chief roundly and was retaliated upon by an arrest for drunkenness nnd another line of $5. Tho fines mid costs amounted to $2. ( sJonk. Col. Taylor and Mr. O. II. Ilowland, contractor of tho Cairo and St. Louis railroad, Mi tho city yesterday In ompany, on liusln cuiineuted with the cntcrprlic. "We are almost tliero" al most at tho point of obtaining tho rwad, and wo hope there will bo no slip betwixt tho cup and the lip. TllK FlltiT I.oo. The llrt log was drawn up Into H. 11. Williams' tiw mill on Monday morning laid, utul tho mill put in order for llvoly work. Mr. Williams has mounted a sixty Inch champion saw to bo worked with an upper or doubly ctrcu lur. This Is tho only mill in "theso parts" that can cut sixty feet lumber. Pint. IIowAitl). Tlnifitrd of Ibis gen tleman appears thW morning in our ad vertising columns. Pull, as a stfiunboiit bu teller, has it monopoly of the liuiiiurss of this city, and U popular wild all hi numerous ciistoiuurs. Ho is tliu most lie coiumodatini; butcher living, anil gives especial attention to all orders from bouts, day and night. Notice. Deeming a knowledge of chemistry necessary to tho atudont of all science and professions, as well us to thu mechanic, 1 pxopoo to open u class of chemistry ol forty lessous, .commencing 011 tho first Monday in .September next, For particulars inquire ut my office, Commercial avenue, Cairo, dtd A. 'Waiiijvmaii. 1 WKNTY-VIVB DOLLAKis JtEU'Allli. A toward of 23 will bo paid for tho recovery 01 xue Douy or a, 11. uiyao, wiio whs drowne-1 in tho Mississippi river, opposite Cairo, on Sunday nlgU last. All oxponsos of delivering the body In Cairo will also io paia. uy order of Alexandor Lodge, 2J4.I.O.O.F. s. K. Slack, N.G. F. M. Siockflv.tii, K. S. Hl'hikkisb Tho business" of Cairo is llvaly In comparison with U10 businuss of Ister eltlta. Tlssj City National 14llk did twlco as much,,, in July lu.t as In tho July of any prccsdlng e.. f,,C0 the war, and there has nuter buforo Wn ai much grain received hero and forward 4 to tl.e South as In tho present summer. Burnslde Is not more hopoful than wo. InBkakch. Messfs.Albaund Ktehbath on Monday went to Columbus In search of the body of A. H. Clyde, who was drowned by the sinking of tho steamer Udd-l'cllow on Sunday night last. They prosecuted the search very diligently but unsuccess fully. Tfce writck tlioy found grounded OB tho Load of Island No. 2, und tie bill tad "Whlstlo bad both been gobbled before Usfclrmrrival. H0A11D OF ALDKKMEN. (Itofrular Mcctlnn of the llonr.l of Aldermen.) Coi-xui OKMiirn, .ini', IMJ". I A tuft 7, isrl J Alderman lteanlen in tho clinir. Piosent Alleniieii Milder, Cunning- liiwn, I' zgcr.nlil, Molealf, lteardcn, Scano, Swaynr and Wltilcir 8. iVbsent Aldermoii Carroll, Klob, Strut- ton ami Walder I. On motion of Alderman Swnyno tho rending of tho journal was dispensed with. OHMNANCK. Upon its second reading, " An ordi nance to amend ordinuuee No. 49, and for other purpose. Suid ordlnunco having been rciui, Alderman Fitzgerald moved to adopt. Carried as follows Ayes Uudcr, Cunningham, Fitzgurnld, Hcnrdcn, Sense, Swnyno and "Winter 7. Nny Motcalf-1. Upon Its second rending, "An Ordi nanco to proven', thu running nt large of cows and goats und for other purposes," Said ordinance having passed its second rcndinir, Alderman Cunningham moved to adopt. Carried by tho following vole: Ayes Cunningham, Fitzgerald, Mot calf, Kcnrdcn, Sense, Swuyno and Win ter 7. Nay Uudcr. HILLS. The Commiltco on Polico nnd Jail, to whom on tho 3rd tilt., was roforrod tho bill of Powers it Miller, for $13M tor re pairing jail reported tho samo back re commending tho payment of $10 in full of hill. Alderman Fitzgornld moved to nllow ns recommended. Carried as follows: Ayes lluder, Cunningham, Filzgurnld, Metcalf, Kcnrdcn, Sense, Swayno and "Winter 8. Nay 0. Thu folUwlng bills having been roferrcd to tho Committee on Claims wcro report ed back by said committee, recommend ing pnyincnt of the samo. Morris, Hood & Co., for lumber... 83 41 Powers & Miller, for sharpening tools 4 00 P. Sweeney, bm ig drunken man to Jail 60 P.Swccncy,haur ng lumberfor city. 1.00 O. P. Lvon, for lumber 10X18 H. II. Williams, lumber 1190.20 Stratton ii lilrd, nnils 45.30 J. U. Lynch, rent to .lulv 10 1!5.00 Win. Mcllalc, dieting prisoners for July 1130.25 P. Sweeney, hauling 1 dead horso COO Morris, Hood & Co., lumber 8U.8C Barclay Bros., medicine furnished Jail l.Oo Win. Henry, tools 12.00 C. It. Woodward, hi dwaro 95.05 O. It. Woodward, limber 152.72 cniro book blndeiy, tnx n :eipls anu tax notices bound E. A. liurnett, salary ns city 2C.0O 75 00 CO 00 100 00 100 00 25 00 comptroller for July A Cain, city marshal Jos. 15. Taylor, city treasurer M. J. Howloy, city clerk II. Shannossy, polico magistrate... J. M.Veirun, polico constable, four days In July 10 00 Alderman lludor moved to allow. Car ried ns follows: Ayes lludor, Cunningham, Fitzgornld, Jieicnii, iionrdcn, ; sense, bwnyuonnd Win xcr s. Nay 0. Tho samo committee, to whom tlio fol lowing snlnry bills wore referred, reported tho snmo back, recommending paymcn of tho samo except tho bill of officer Sum nor. iMderman .Metcalf moved to concur in tho rccommuudntion of tho committee. Car ried as follows: Aves liudor, Cunning ham, j-itzgeruld, Motcnlf, Keardon, Sense, bwaynu nnd Wintor 8. Nay 0, L. 11. Myers, chief of polico, for July S 83 33 JolniiSlieelian, polico constablofor July .5 UU F, M. Sumner, jiolicu constable for July io uo ohn Jloline, polico co'ustnhlo, M davs in July 35 00 Win. II. lloburtson, police consta ble, 14 days in duly ;io uu Tho buiiiu committee, to whom tho fol- lowing bills wero referred, reported tlio sumo back witli tlio recommendation that thu parties bo allowed for only UtJ days in illy: N. A.Dcvoro, '29 days' labor on viduwalks, from July 1 to Au gust 4, inclualvo S87 00 T. Fitzgornld, 2. days' labor on sldnwulkH during same llmo 53 00 Frank lliuuis. 28 dtiVH' labor on sidewalks during samo time 5G 00 In connection herewith, Aldorman A in ter oll'urod tho following resolution JUnolreil. That thn bills of N. A. Dovore T. Fitzgornld und Frank lltimis, loss four days charged lu monlli ot August, bo nl lowed, as tho committee in their report made no niiusiono wnv tnu uuduction should bo made, and further tliev did not call upon nny of thu parties named to find out tliu correctness til their lime. Alderman Fitzgerald moved to ndopt Carried by thu following voto : Ayes Under, Cunningham, Fitzgerald .Metcalf, Reunion, Sonne, Swnyno and Win tur 8. Nay 0. Tlio bill ofCloso & Vincont for $3.00 for two barrels lime, having been referred to tlio Commiltco on Claims, wns reported back by them recommending tlio payment of $2.50 in full of hill. Alderman Wintor moved to Curried us follows: Ayes Uudcr, Cunningham, Fitzgerald -Motcnlf, lteardcn, Sense, Swayno nnd Win tor H Nny 0. Tnu sumo commiltoo to whom wns re forred tho bill of T. II. Farrln for 172.48 for lumber reported In favor of paying $152.48 in full of claim. Aldermnn Wintor moved to concur, Curried us follows: Ayus lludor, Cun ningham, Fitzgcruld, Metcalf, Jleardon, Swayno und Winter 8. Nays 0. Tho bill f Thos. Mcchnn for hauling 43 loads of lumbor nt 00 cents pnr loud, amounting to $25.80 wns reported buck by tlio suinu committee recommendintr tho payment of tho bill nt tho ruto of 40 cents por load. AWgrmun Wintor moved to concur Urrle.ltustollows: Ayos Uudor, Cun nlng ham, l'ltzSerilW) Motcnlf, Sonsu und o I?!1 I'-carden, nnd Swnyno fTr'ri y.'"n,r WVUJ 10 "Consider. Oar led Aid. Fitzgerald moved to allow tho'.blll iu full. Aid. l!uur wwed .0 unioud by allowing at thu rate of m, culltl4 a load. Carried as follows : Aye-)u dor, Cunninglmm, Jletcnlf, Seuio. u,i Swuyno-5. Nays-Fitzgerald, Heurden mid Winter 3. Tlio (ti(Uion then lelng "shall THE CAIRO jAIItY bill bo paid nt tho rnlo of CO cents n load? It wns cariiod ns follows : Ayo3 Uudt , Cunniiighon' Metcalf, Scntio nnd Swnvne 5. Nnys-Fltzgor.ild, Itcnrder nnd V In ter 3. Tho hilt of Thomas Moclmn for hauling 41 loads of lumber at 00 con.s nnd ten car loads of lumbor, nmountlng In tho tggrc- gate to $74,00, was reported back by tho snmo committee, recommending the pny- meiit of tlio bill at 40 cents n dray load. Aldermnn Uudor moved to allow nt 50 cents per lond. Carried ns follows : Ayes lluder, Cunningham, Fitzgerald, Motcalf, Kearden, Sene, Swayno and Winter 8. Nays 0. Tho snmo committee, to whom tho fol lowing bills wero referred, reported tlio snmo back with tho recommendation that four and oncdialf day's pay, viz. : $9.00, bo deducted from each of tho bills. Michael Muhonov. 25 days labor on sidownlks in July 350 00 Tlios. 2s nuiihton. 23 davs' labor on strcc'.s nnd sidewalks In July 40 00 Win. Mellnlc. 25 dnvs' in chnrno of chalngnng in July 50 00 In this connection Aldermnn Winter offered nnd moved tho adoption of tho fol lowing resolution, which was ndoptcd, viz: Kcsolvod, Thnttlie bills of M.Mnhoncy, Tiios. Nrughton and Wm. Mcllnlo bo al lowed, ns tho committco did not call upon any of tho partios named to find out tho correctness of tholr tlmo. Tho voto on tho foregoing resolution be. Ing ns follows: Ayos Uudor, Cunning ham, Fitzgornld, Metcalf, Kearden, Sense, Swnyno and Wintor 8. Nnys 0. AN tlRDI.VANCE. Tho following ordinanco from tho Ordi nance Committco was read and laid over for n socond reading: j lie it ordained by the City Council of the Uttyoj I'uro: Section 1. That it shall not bo lawful for any person to keep, or to ro muin, or cnuso to bo kept, or to placo or deposit any box, bnrroi. hogshead, crate, iron, coal, wood, uirt, ruooisu, uricu, stone, or other movablo articles or substances, on or ovorany street, lano, alloy, sidewalk, public ground, public lnnding or common In tho City of Cairo, longer than a rea sonable tlmo necessary In tho loading or unloading in the transaction of business, such box, barrel, hogshead, crate, iron, coal, wood, dirt, rubbish, brick, slono, or other movablo urticloor substances, every poi-fon or persons violating tho provisions of tills section shnll forfeit nnd pay, upon conviction before nny polico magistrntc ol said city, u sum not less than thrco nor moro tliuu twenty dollars nnd costs of pro ceedings, for each und every oflonsc. Sec. 2. That if any driver, owner or person having tho ordorlng or superin tendence of any cart, dray, wagon, stogc, hacknoy conch, or other currlngeor vehicle, shnll sillier tlio snmo to bo and remain in or upon nil"' streot or nlloy in tho City of C.iiro for more than ono hour nftcr tho snmo has been pli:cd in or upon such street or alloy, except whon a team is n. inched to tlio sn .c, ovory person own ing orlmvinir 'ho ordering or superinten dence of suc'i enrringe, cart, dray, wagon, stage, hackney conc.i, omnibus or other vehicle so sufi'ercd to roi.ip'n in nny street or nl'oy of said city, shall forfoit nnd pay to tho city u sum of not loss than three dollars nor moro than twenty dollars for each and every ollense. All ordlnnnci i or parts ol ordinances inconsistent with tlio forogoing sections uro Iioroby repei "ed: Prov.dcd that noth ing in tho foregoing sections shall bo so construed ns to prevent builders from using portions of tlio strcots, ns now pro vided uy ordinance. hl'ECIAL COMMITTEE UEl'OKT ON OAS. Tho spociul conimitteo appointed lrom tliis Hoard on tho 20th ult., for tlio purposo of testing tho lights proposod to bo furn is bed by Messrs. J. C. Thomas nnd Thus. Wilson, nnd for conferring with tho Ons Company in rotation to tho prico of gns, reported that nelthor of tho nbovo gentle men exhibited tlio proposod lights, nnd tho committco recommended that tho Hoard of Aldormon concur in tho notion of tho Council in joint session on tho 18th ult., iz., to instruct tho Mnyor, City Clark nnd City Comptroller to mitko n coutruct with tho Gas Company to furnish gns lor $3 50 per post per month nnd f 3.00 por thous and foci for tho council chamber, onglno houses, iVc. Aldermnn Fitzgerald movod to recelvo tho Toport and dlschnrgo tho committee and further to concur In tho rocomtnondn tion of the committee. Carried ns fol lows: Ayes Under, Cunningham, Fitzgorala Mutculf, Kcnrdon, Sense, Swayno nnd Win ter 8. Nuy 0. RESOLUTION by Alderman Winter : lltsolved, That tho City Comptroller bo instructed to make a contract with the regular city teamster fur all hnulini; Hint tho city tuny liavo to do for tlia balance of mo usual year, und report tlio sumo to tho iirst regular joint session of tlio City Coun cu lor tueir approval. Aldermnn Swuyno movod to ndopt Curried by tlio following voto: Ayes Hi.der, Fitzgornld, Seaso, Swryn and Winter 5. Nnys Cunnitighnm, Motcnlf und Hear den il. On motion of Aldermnn Cunningham thu Hoard then adjourned. M. J. Howley City Clork. C'Aiito, Uu., August 7th, 1871. Notice is hereby given that sundry com plaints having been madu us to thu con duct of some of tho polico forco of tho city, nnd tho administration In somo res poets of tlio polico business of tho city, that tho undersigned, tho special com mittoo appointed by tho city council on tlio subject, and thu committco on polico und jail will meet on Friday noxt, tho 11th instant, nt the Council Chamber, ut 7 o'clock, p.m., to hear nny statements or complaints that any person moy wish to mnko In relation to tlio mntter. And nny persons wishing to do so, enn mnko their etatcmoutin vritingconcorning tho matters to bo enquired about, suid statement to bo over their own signatures nnduddressed to nny ono of tho under Jgned. H. II. CU.VMNCIIIAM. S. S. Tavlou, Special Com. i'AUL u. HCIIUII. W. HUIIKK, James Cauholl, V, H. WooiiWAitu, Com. en Polico and Jail, augtdtd We would cp I tho attention of our country frlouds who want to trot iood pictures to cull oi J. J, Tlioums, who has a vory pleasant gallery on Commorcitil avenue for their accommodation, und U really tho host artist wohayo hid in Cairo Mft loug time. tt BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, THE CADETSHIP EXAMINATION. COMMUNICATION FKOM WM. 1'. SMYTIt IIOW 1 1 J TIIINO WAS DONE. To' iht Wlar of Tht Cairo litdtetin .' DEArfBiii! Sinco tho flnnl decision of tho commlttoo has boon randorcd, justice demands from mo n publlo stntemcnt of the r.adicnl facts connected with tho recent examination bold nt Shnwncctown. Somo tlirco weeks ago thoro nppcarod in tho Cairo Star n notlco, as on extract from tho Gallatin Oatttfe, This notice, supposed to hnvo como from Col. Crebs, called for an examination to bo held nt Shawncetown on tho 2d of August. Therein was stated that, as tho object of tho examination would bo to detcrmino upon somo young man whoso "merit and character " would ren der him a fit representative of this dis trict at tho United Slates military acado my at West Point, It would bo opon to all tho young men of tlio Thirteenth congres sional district. Now, Mr. Kdltor, tho principal state ment contained in this notlco, nnd tho vory ono Hint now recoils upon Itfslf, Is Hint "tho conmiltteo would bo guided in thoir decision by tho strictest impartiali ty," nnd Unit "physical development" nnd 'intolloctual advancement" combined with n good mornl chnrnctcr, would alono suc ceed In obtaining this "nppolntmcnt." It Is your duty then, Mr. Editor, to sco, Judging from tho facts contained in tho eo quo), if this committco ndhorod to tho nbbvo declaration. Upon this supposition I wont to Shnwneotown, nnd hav ing ' nrrived tho morning prc vious to tho examination I found that considerable Influcnco was being brought to bear upon somo mom borsof tho committee, nnd Hint very doop interest wns manifested by tho friends of tho Tcspoctlvo applicants. I laughed nt tholr simplicity, supposing that justico and merit would absorb all pcrsonnl con siderations. That evening I underwent tho physical process of sounding, contract ing, expanding, .Vc. Tho doctor pro nounced mo "physically perfect." Tho following morning I, In common with seven other applicants, prcsontod myself boforo tho board of examiners for tho In tellectual test. Tho "oxaminc" wns a written one. I wroto without intermission from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., at which tlmo I handed in my manuscripts. Now, judging lrom tho concessions made by tho committco sinco my depnrturo from Shawncetown, I passed as good, if not n better examina tion, than Snnford II. Cochrane, in whoso favor thoy havo already rendored their decision. In n conversation with Mr. Cochrane ho acknowledged my " Intel" lectual superiurity," but ho contended that I was "physically inferior" to bim. Hear witness to this you who woro present. Now, If Mr. Cochrnno's roughness of physiquo will counteract "intellectual superiority" and 'physical perfection, I will yield in tills matter und congrntu luto Mr. Cochrnno on his superb qualifi cation. Hut if not I cull for nn impartial decision. I ro'scsscd tho qualifications set forth in tho " notice." What then wns necessary V 1 now demnnd n public examination of my manuscripts. If you deny mo this you will put mo (o tho necessity of chnb longing S. II. Cochrano to n public exam ination in any of thoso branches that con stitute a pluin or scientific "course." This I will do unless you ncknowlcdgo in pub lic what you havo dono in private. Lot mo hero state that I cntortain no ill feeling whatevor against my opponent. Charity suggosts tho contrary. If I won tho appointment justly mid ho received it at tho hands ol a partial com mittco, no blamo should bo attachod to him for accepting' iC Iio has ihdefatlga bly labored during tho past two years in order to obtain this, andporhaps I nm not entitled to it sinco 1 didn't Btudy for it. II on co, tho decision of tho committco, notwithstanding tho' tenor of tho notlco, so frequently referred to in this communl cation. Unless, tho committee, como for ward und enlighten the public upon thi " scheme," tho citizens of Cairo and South cm Illinois will hnvo a "strango idea" of justico in Shawncetown. I demand statement. If you deny mo this, your own silenco will bo your condemnation. Sincorely thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your very kind indulgonco, I remain, Yours, Very Hospoctfully, William P. Smyth Cairo, Ills., August 8, 1871. William Alba's barber si op is grow Ing in public favor ovory day. It is neat ly fitted up, and cun boast of tho most skillful workmen in tho city. Tho pro prietor has bad ninny yenrs' experionco in his business nnd is rocognizod ns ono of tho most export shnvors In Southern Illinois, while young Alba is a mastor In his pro fession. Citizens nnd strangers who wish a painless siinvo, a luxurious shampooing, or thoir hulr cut in tho latest stylo should putronizo Alba. His shop is on Commor cial nvcnuo next door to Hannon's news depot. dtf Tlio most popular shoo shop in town Is on 20th street opposito tho cour,thous hotel, wlioro Wm. Ehlors manufactures boots and shoes for his customors, warrant cd to bo of tlio best Fronch calf, -kip or morocco, nnd which ho gunnrateos to clvo entiro sntisiaction. call on him and von will know how It is yourself. jy20tf St. Nicholas. Day boarders can to- euro good accommodations ntthoSt. Nich olas (formerly tho St. James) nt fl per week, Tho houso is at tho cornor of Ohio luvoo and Eighth .street, n contrnl location. and is propriotbred by Ifariv Wnlknr who is nlivo to tlio wnnts of his patrons Parties desiring bonrding nnd lodiringcnn earn terms on inquiry at tho ofilce. iiiuy.'idtf Vkky low, iroracdies hnvo reached tho tnndurd that has boon nwnrded to Helv. noi.n'ri Huciiuj for in it is to bo found a positive euro for diseases of thu blnddcr, Kldnoys, urinary organs, dropsy, gravel. strangury, organ' j weakness, nnd female regularities. ThU has been frequently ncknowlogod by our loading physiclam. Kinuuno. 500 " class boxes " for sale at 6 conta each; "W. W. TuOiWrOK. Jeani. AUGUST 9, 1871. BY THE MAYOR ASPROCLAMATION. WiiKnKAs, It Is provided by sootlon No Mi 01 1,10 " -"ovisca Urdinanccs." of tho City of Cnlro, that, " Whonovor ih0 mnyor shall bo of opinion that an v dnngor of hydrophobia exists in tho snld city, ho shnll Issue his proclamation, ro. quiring nil porsons within tho city to con, jino inoir uogs, u any tlioy havo, for such tlmo ns ho may dcslgnato; nnd all dogs found running at largo in said city during tho timo designates!, without being pro- peny muzzieu, snail bo killod by or un dor tho direction of, tho city marshal, and removed from tho city." And, whoroas, tho mayor of the city Is of tho opinion that danger of hydropho bia oxlsts in tho city. Now, thoroforo, I John M. Lansdon, mayor of tho City of Cairo, do iisuo this, my proclamation, roqnlring all porsons In tho city owning dogs to conflno, or propor ly muzzlo thorn, on and nftor Tuosday, tho 8th instant, until tho 15th day of Soptom por noxlj nnd nil dogs found running nt largo during said tlmo, without bolng proporly muzzled, will bo liable to bo killed, and tho ownors thereof will bo liablo to bo 11 nod undor tho ordinances of tho city. Tho city marshal will soo to tho strict enforcements of tho tbo requirement of this proclamation.' Joun M. Landspen, Mayor. Cairo, 111., AugustO, 1871. HOTEL ARRIVALS, HT. CHARLES TUESDAY. II. C. Curhlo, Mississippi. I. W. Uucknor, Casoyvlllo. Miss Morrison, Lexington, Ky. Chas. Hundoll, Fort Way no, Ind. C. II. Ilowland, St. Louis. J. II. Moborly, Du Quoin, Ills. C. W. S. rintt, Chicago. II. S.Wheclor, Chicago. Miko McFaddcn, first clork stcamor Hello St. Louis. E. D. Uuddington, St. Louis. H. II. Hosborogh, Sparta, Ills. James Gordon, Sparta, Ills, Capt. K. C. Woirick and family, return ed. lUrrLK. A fine kit of ship csrponter's tools and also n splendid kit of joinor'i tools complote, will bo ralllod off on Situr dsy ovoning, 19th Inst., at tho cornor of Nineteenth street and Commercial avonu'). Tho chances will bo 60 cents each. A lino string band will bo in attendance, and a good timo may bo anticipated. Tho rafilo is for the bonofitof Mrs. Marion, widow of tho lato Thos. Marion. dtd Picnic. A picnic for tho benefit of the Gorman Lutheran school will take placo at Flora Garden on Monday, 28th init. Speeches and a concert will bo among tho attrnctlons. Ico cream, lemonado and other refreshments will bo furnishod in abundance. Tho tickets will be sold at t nty-flvo cents each. This school de serves encouragement, and wo havo no doubt the picnic will bo largely attended. Dk. J. White, of Now Orleans, hus ar rived in Cairo, llocomca to our city with remarkably strong letters and tostimonials in behalf .of his ability, Integrity and skill in tho euro of all forms of chronic diseases, female ailments, ulcers, cancer, etc. Dr. Whito bas had an ezperienco of over forty years practice, in largo cities, both north and south, and furnishes ample proof of tho romarkabRi euro ho haj ef fected. He may bo found at the Com mercial DTotol. aug8-2t Keliaulk and Safx. Dr. Ilonry Hoot and Plant Pills aro mild and plcaso ant in their operation, yot thorough, pro ducing no nausea or griping. Hoing en tirely vegetable, they can bo taken with out regard to diot or business. Thoy nrouse tho liver and secrctivo organs into healthy action, throwing off disease wltbj out exhausting or debilitating tho system Try them and you will o satisfied Pricoiii conta a box. Sold by druggists and dealers in inedlcino overywliero Prepared by tho Grafton Mcdlclno Co., St Louis, Mo. myOdm A Hoo GonuLKR in Tkouiile. Chief Moyors, n day or two sinco; deputized Jim Ornngo to catch hogs for tho poun'd, nnd Jim went to work with a will. Ho hnd vory pleasant sailing until ho got into "tho barracks," nnd thero ho rnn upon breakers of a clangorous character. Aftor eapturlug a fow stray porkors, tho colored .citizens gavo him warning to desist, nnd on his failure to obey, they procoodod to pound out of him all his hog capturing cn thusiasm. In vuin ho displayed his badgo of .office, and tbo moro'lio protostod tho hnrdor his assailants pounded him. At last, discouraged, with aioro head and pig- loss, ho rolircd from tho battle, and ap pealod to Judgo Hross fqr protection, with wbnt result wo did not learn. That Cad etui iv Examination. Wo publish this morning, in another column, a communication from Mr. Will am P. Smytb, ono of tho unsuccessful appli cants for tho cadetshlp offered by Col. Crebs, M. C, to tho young man of his dis trict who could stand tho best examination boforo a board of examiners named by himiolf. Tbo public who do not know tbo young gontlomun may bcliovo that his complaints havo grown out of disappoint-. in out, but wo know this to bo nn unjust suspicion. Ho was, undoubtedly, unfairly troatod by tlio committee, each mombor of Which admittod that he stood a much hot ter examination thun'his successful oppo nent. Hut, it sooms, tho cards had hot i packed, nothwHhstandlng tho professions of fairnoss mudo, nnd Cochrano wns pro furred. in despite of tho ndmittod fact that in tho examination ho foil fur short of young Smyth. This my bo all right, but wo cannot toaoh oursolf to seo it in that light. Ono of tho objections urged against Sn.yth was the fact of his rosidonco in' Ca'-Q; and another was, that Cochrano wanted tho appointment and had a lottor of recommendation from Col. Crobs whose near nolghVir ho is. If considerations of this kind wero to havo effect, why wero contestants Invited from all parts of the distrlcVf-hy to bo Irlshy wn not Cairo incontinently kicked out beforo sho got in? Wo cannot beliovo that Col. Crobs will countenance partiality of this kind. Uq Is not that kind ot a man, Poisoned to Death, A healthy liver iccrctcs each day nbout two nnd n hnlf pounds of bllo, which contains n gront amount of wnsto tiintoilnl taken from tho blood. Whon tho liver bocomcs torpid or congested it fU3 t0 olimlnato t'ls vast "'notnt of noxious subslnncc, which, Jhoroforo, romnlns to poison tho blood nnd ho convoyed to ovory part of tho system. v bat must h0 tho condition of tho blood when It is receiving .i ,.i. Jy two nnd n half n.n,i. r ..t. Nature trios tn Work off 0,1, isnlfrin :-.m6.. umor cnannois and ornn.n,n kidnoys, lungs, skin, etc.: hot V gans become overtaxed In performing th' labor, in addition to their natural func tions, and cannot long withstand tho pressure, but becorno variously diseased. Tho brain, which Is tho grent oloctrlcsl controof all vitality, Is unduly stimulated by tbounhcalthly blood which pnssos to It from tho heart, and it fulls to nnrfnrr,, u. offlco healthfully. Henco tho svmntm,,. nf bllo poisoninc, which nro dullnnii. 1ia..i. ncho, incapacity to koep tho mind on any subject, impairment of momory, dizzy, loopy, or nervous foollngs, gloomy fore bodlngs nnd irrntnbility of tcmpor. Tho blood ittelf being dlsonsod, ns It forms tho swonl upon tho surfaco of tlio skin, It Is so irritating nnd poisonous that it produces discolored brown spots, pimple, blotches andothor eruptions, soros, bolls, carbuncles and scrofulous tumors. Tho stomach, bowols, nnd other organs spokon of, can not cscopo becoming effected, sooner or later, nnd costiveness, piler, dropsy, dys popsln, dinrrhoon, femalo weakness, nnd many other forms of chronic dlicaso, nro umong tho noccssary results. As a rem edy for all theso various manifestations of discaso, Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Dis- covery is positively unoquuled. Hy it tho liver and stomach nro changed to nn nc tivo, hoaltby stnte, the nppetitu regulated nnd restored, tho blood und secretions thoroughly purified nnd enriched nnd tho wholo system renovated nnd built up anew, bold by nil llrst-clnss druucists. nugQ.d&wlt 575 Phillip Hauoh is mastor of his trade, nnd warrants all of his work to bo of tho very bat matorial and manufacture; guar antee a complcto fit und entiro satisfac tion, is not confined to any'partlcular style, but makes every variety of boots and shoes from the heaviest cowhido to tlio finest French calf nnd morocco. Ho also keeps a largo stock on bund, oj hit own manufac ture, and any one desirous of purchasing good custom work cheap should cull on him at Ids shop on Eighth it., south side, near corner of Ohio levee, Cairo. dtf CANS I CANS 1 1 CANS 1 1 ! Fivo hundred dozen No. 1 Tin FHUIT CANS AT THE NEW-YORK 8T0UI, at $1.00 por dozen. Largest wholcinlo nnd retail stock in tho city. GltEELEY & l'ATIEK. None but tho brst manufacture of goods sold at tbo Boston Shoo Store. Wo aro receiving fresh goods of tho latest styles every day. Elliott A: Haytiiot.n. A3-lw Look to Youk Chiluiien. Diarrhea Dysentery, und Summer Complaints uro cured by Mrs. Wliitconib's Syrup, which il sold for 25 cents n bottle. Sco ndver lUcment. In Good pasturont reasonable rates, for horses and cattle, at John Atelier's, near Greenfield's Landing, Mo. For partial lars enquiro at.Elliotts Huythorn's, 140 Commercial Avenue. A3 lw Notice. From August 1st until further notlco, tbo faro per transit steamer Illinois plying between Cairo and Columbus will be as follows : Ono way, 1.50; round trip, $2.00. W. A Lowtii, aug2dlm Matter China, qucensware, cutlery, lamps, glasswaro of nil kinds, fruit jurs, sllvor plated wnro, best quality nnd reduced prices at Pnrsons, Davis & Co's., Nos nd 7, Tonth streot. jy25d2w Notice. Mr. Uochnedol is prepared to pay nt onco all claims ngainst him, nnd do sires tli oso who nro Indebted to him to como up und settle. nug 1-1 w. Invoices of now goods just received al tho Hoston Shoo Store Elliott & Haythoun. A8-lw LOCAL NEWSIWOPS. Llubig's celebrated oxtrnct of mcnt nt Jorgonsen's. jy20tf. Gonuino walnut und mushroom ketch ups, ut Jorgonsen's. Jy2Ctf Tho best fruit jars In tlio world for salont Parsons, Davis & Co., on Tonth streot. Jy25d2w Imported London biscuits ut Jorgcn sen's. jy2Ctf. East India presorves at Jorgonsen's. jy20tf. Shrivcr' oystor ketchup nt Jorgcn- scn's. Iy20tf. Gonuino Spanish olives nt Jorgen- son's. JyzCtf. Imported gherkins, chow-cbow, ploca- lillo and onions, nt Jorgonsen's. Jy20tf Anchlovis, In picklo, oil or salt, nt Jorgonsen's. jySCtf Mnson' Improved fruit Jnrs with glass tops, sold by Parsons, Davis & Co. Jj25d2w Wo guaranteo tho glass top jars ns tho best. Parsons, Davis & Co. jy2Cd2w Ono thousand fruit jars, choapor than over, forsalo by Pnrsons, Davis & Co. jy2M2w Go to Parsons, Davis & Co's frlut-jnr emporium, Nos. 6 and 7, Tonth street. y25d2w -Imported London Club nnd Wor- chostorthlro snuco, nt Jorgonsen's. jy20tr Tho old. rollablo Groovo ring fruit ars only $L& ft dozon nnd sculiDg wax, for sola by Parsons, Davis & Co. JyJCdlW Wm. Ehlors, at his shop on20thstroet still manufacturing every varioty of hoots and shoes from gonuino Fronch calf (ho uso no othor kind) which ho solid ready tnado or mado to order nt priecs that defy competition' jyitflf. When tho Encrglos havo boon ovnj taxed nnd sleep disturbed Uelmhom Uuctiu work wonders. It contains opium or morphlno, yot it govorns tho lorlor economy of tho humnn svstom. is administered for disonscs of tho bladdi kidneys, wenknes", fomnlo Irregulariti strangury, nnd complnlntj Incidental the urinary organs of either sox. The cheapest placo to buy your bor and shoes is nt tlio Doston Shoo Store, 1 Commercial avonuo. Ei.r iott st Hay-thorn. A3-lw -Gunva Jolly and Ilosnla prunes at Ji genson's. Jy2fltf. RIVERNEWS. POHT list. ARRIVED. Steamer Clarksvlllo, Now Orleans. Hollo St. LouU, Vlckburg. Lida Norvel, Motropolis. " Illinois, Coltimbu. das. Fitk. Paducah. Cltyof Chestor, St. Louis. " Mary Miller, Loulivllle. DEPARTED. Stotmcr Clarksvlllo, Loulsvlilo. " Hollo St. Louis, Vlcksburg. Ji1,? or,T0J' Motropoll. " Illinoti, Columbus. " .las. Fisk, Paducah. . !'. TmJ'1P.criNowOrleani. " City of Chester, Menphii. 1I0ATS leavino to-day. Stcamor Julia, Vlcksburg. " Arkansas Hollo, Kvanivlllo. MbloCity,St:Loul.. " Illinois, Columbus. " Jas. Fisk, Paducah. Tho Ohio is still on tho docllno and it ! l "0"' hto a grot doal of tmuM In navigating it between hore and Loull vine. Tho weather yesterday wu vtrr warirl Tlin A.I. 11-11 1 . . . . .TS uuiuuiui ieu ior AiOUWTillj with tlio Ohio river freight and ptMengor oi ino steamer Indiana. Tho Indiana Is loading for New Oi leans and will leave about Thundav. Tho Clarksvlllo goes to Loulsvillo t1 load for tbo south. Tho Lida Norvnl brought 400 sack oatl ior uio city. Tho Malllo Hagon will take tho plW of tho Florcnco Leo in the Evansvlll trade, as tho Loo is too heavy draft boa! ior tnu water. Tho Mary Miller towed a.barge to thi port which sbo unload and leave here; She was a woek out from Loulsvillo, am, reports 20 inches on French Ijland. Tho JamesFlskbadallghttrlp. ' Tho Tom Jasper loadod hero and left, with 000 tuns. Tho II. S. Turner has abandoned hurj trip to New Orleans and rcshlppod hi pasicngors on tho Mary Miller and haH laid upsomewhoro above horo. The City of Chester arrived on time Sho brought considerable freight for oufi merchants and added considerable frcigtitj for Memphis. Sho roports no boats: aground. ' llie cabin of tho illfatcd Odd-FelloW lies at Ueckwith's Landing, Mo. None oi tho bodies of those that wcro drowned have boon recovered. The John Kylo is storing her frolghlon Phillip's whurfboat, and will go on the; ways at Mound City. Caulkers were engaged yestorday In caulking tho upper soames of Phillips' wharfboat. Tho crow of tho A. Hakor woro busy yestcruay in repairing ner cinmneyi, ana thoy aro now In fino order. Geo. Uausman, well known in thi city,' is now in charge of the frieght department of tho Vicksburg olevator. He U a good officer und abetter selection could not have been made. Tho Tob Hurt I on the dock under going general ropairi. ' Tho Ella Hughos has gone to Louisville to load for this place, whero she will run during low water. HIVE It HY TELEGRAPH. Memphis, August 8. Rainy; mercury 01; river falling; carcely Ix feet to Cairo. Dopartci City of (Julncy for St. Loul ; Edinburg for Cincinnati; City of Vlcks burg for Vlcksburg ; Sallio, Mary E. Po and Marblo City. Atrivod Batesvillo from Whito rim. Little Rock,' August 8. Hirer Tery low and continues to fall. New Orleans, Augusta. No arrivals. Dopartcd Kollogg and bargo, Mollis I Mooro and Paulino Carroll, St. Loul. icKsnuKO, August 8, Down Owa- chita Hello, cloven lost night; Gloncoe, 3 o'clock this morning ; U. S. Pike 0 o'clock this ovoning. River fulling. Wcathor warm and clear. St. Louis, August 8. Arrived Harry Johnson nnd St. John, Keokuk; Henry Ames, Now Orleans ; Grand Tower, Mtm phis; Lako Superior, St. Paul; Gray Eagle, Keokuk. River falling horo but tbo Upper Mis sissippi is rising from Qulncy to St. Paul. Another heavy rain last night and thi morning. PHIL IIOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, City Nnllounl Hnnk BuUsllatjr. HtiPi'lal attention raid to ardor from boats. night and dsy. STEAMBOATS), MOUND CITY AND CAIRO, THE STEAM TUG, CACHE Gait. W"am H. Sandusky. WILL SHI ' FOUlt TMP3 EVERY 'DAY SKTWltN CAIEO -A-ITID 3wTID. OITT Leave Cairo, Lbay.h Md. Cnt, WllAflfAT, At..... ;.8.30 A.M. At 11.80 A.M. At M2.30r.M. . At .t..,.'0.30 P.M, rooT or ctaiiTU strut. At 7 A.M. At. 10 A.M. At , 1 l-.M. At ..iwt.i....MS r,M. Will land, when hailed, AT Til ) BOX FACTORY, ' lUWS'a LANDISO, XT, MOVTU OV CACHE, MABINI WAY8, AND HAT YAW.