Newspaper Page Text
X '. ,1 - jm . UHMv. ' A fife JOHN II. OBERIjY & 00,, IIOTTJiTTS jtr.CX OATH EIUJJO lltv HU LK.VVRS AT TIIK l.W'K or COOl .slOI'K FOR'. Jl.T. Hlil,M!lOUJ. B XT ' From the Dispensary, of diomma cin:.VATA - 1'aoriaTir.s. Their odor Is.slrunif. dltluslva n I VitiirAL rxoriarita sun Uses lluohu leaves the l'rinarr Orvaaa. I They arKien In complaints of the t'rirnry Orleans, such s (iratil, Chrnm! Catarrh nl the llladder, Morbid Irrttaliuu oth lUelderand Hi ethra, Diseaio of the Prostrate Uland, ul Helen- atinilprincoraineiiednr urine, rmm a 10 fit lonu rmuuj uu ano dko recommeniieti in u,pepiia, t'fupi lilLHtolD'sExTatCT Ill-cut' i used l.r mTiom I in the decline or changa ot life ; after tunniK'Uient or Laber I'ain i Hed.wrttlDK In children, to affections peculiar to females, the Extract llurlni la unequalled by an) cither remedy, an in Chloroalaor Retention. I'atiifitloMa or rtupwemlui of Customary Kracuatious, Ulcerated or Hchlr rom Stats of the Uterus. Illililiaar ths II la dm t. Kikuik. (ixawl i the power of Digeatien, "initexeitej the AUurbenls Into healthy action, l.r which the Watery or Calca reous desposlllons and all I'nnalural Knlaritenienta are reduced, a, well at Paid and Inflammation. Hiioltj'i EitaUr Htcm' haa rured every cat of DiaU-lea In which it hai been given. Irrita. tioaof the.Neck of tlie Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Madder, lUteutlon ot Vrm-. Dm-asea of tho I'rotttste Oland MCine In tlx Bladder, ClUcuIas, (Jfa. el, Brick.Dual Deposit and MOCUI or Mdkv Uncharges, 'an 1 enfeeble,! and delicate conslitu- Iei, uncK.uual IMpoall ami Jiacua or lkr UneharRea('ah 1 r.lf nr. tiooiof both itlti, altentleit with the fillloeih jtnptiin t lodlap Power. Ijoea1 or Memory, DilScully In llreathluK, Weak Nerrra, Ti Wakefulneia, DlmneaaofVUIon, I'aln In th Hot llun ic, Final 1 I.. Ilbla L'HKMln. L. t'... I,.lt..l ,.... t 1 f the Skin, Eruption ou the Face, t'allid Countenance. Hilmsold's Kxteact flrCHL IB Dittretie and Illnod.Pftrfvinir. anrt?nrea itU ,lir.n.' fl.!n fmn biaUlaof diaalpatlon. eiceasea and Imprudences In ifpaiua inajiffciioaa lor wnicn Hit iieia in ronne'iion wiiu nrLMhoLU'a turat waatl. lie ware oicoucienein. aik lor ueimtioioa, LieacrilM tymptomf In all communlcntlour. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SAKSAPARILLA, rnx okeat DI.OOD 1'CRiriKll AND IIi:i,MIl(I.I-H i:THACT MAIM Vl'AltII.I. terminate from the aytm tVrofnla, Hrphlll ore IK, bore Moutb, Hoie 1l-I, Ilroii lima, .-kin llie Ear, White nwelllnea, Tumor, Canceroua Atlectioaa, Mode, HilUlU, (.Uu.luUr rwe lllnx", MKlit eweaia, naan. letter, iiumore or an Kinna, jcun.c en caiaoiianeu in ine eyaiem ior Tears. Heine prepared expmile for the a!ote cointd.tlnt, ita Illood-punfymx prurertiea are greater lient toa stale of r neaiiu ann iiuriij rorimriiy FornurifvinC llseasea arnlnu Irnm an impure atate o( the Moo. I. t ior ine cureoipainaanu swellings i Ml iHiiim, llexion, nan any otner Bariaiiiia. l Kiu win cuuiiiiMipin rim ii on ine rurr, r.ryvpcias, niu an caiy .ruiuioni oi ine rKin, ani iie.'tutuyiOK ine torn HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILIS. The moat reliable PL'ROATIVK and l ATltAKTIC lick or erroU Headache, Jaundice, Indic ation, a nils, tienerai Deb ntT. em. to n.tsua. no k'ni'inr tl ne 4JA1 AW ii A iiK.r.i'j iis arc purely vreiauie, uemu runipoej oi i.uuwua urapo juice ami luid Extract Rhuhaiu. ileware of those cheap patrt.t pills, carelessly prepared ty inexperienced persona, tended in toolen boxes, most ul whigu contain rjlhur calomel, IlEl,lI10Ll)-.'jUESUJEl'Ht.t,All.Tlu.. . T. HELM HOLD, 1'iactical and Analytical Cliemi.-t, .VJ. Uroadway, N. Y., ami 101 bouta lentit st., J'hil.Klclphia, nit y (iimiiin, OLOSI2STC3- OXJT COST ! Tlic pbllic nrn hereby notified that lit Ml, OKI ' , ,a i. 4 I DRY-qOQDS, HOOTS, SHOES, 'll ATS, tl t ' ' IH i l - 1 Jjilonini to the SCOTT WHITE l . 1 1 i '.'1M.;)JJ fiO&) AT COST, , , Lt the old stand'oVrneu SIXTH STREET AND OHIO LEVEE Hint I it caieo, - - - . he20tf DOAT NTOKEfl. SAM WILSON, llKALSn IN BOAT QT.OialSH' 0 H 0 0 K It I V B , l'KOVISIONS, KTC, NO. 110 Into Livek, Caiuo, 111. oipcrs pkomptlt riitrn. G. D. . WILLI AMSON!1 ' I A ! It I ' WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUUKANJJ COMMISSION MERCHANT, No.76Obtol.PV0c, ' CAIRO, I Ii 1. 1 N C 1 B. Sneclit attention given to CqpUtynmenla filling orders. ' st: l'o'uis AWSOHOOL. I IK regular annual term, of 'thlf Uw School will open on Wednesday; October lllh, Wl. I course, iwo setwrreie. rsr,'. 7." a admitted to tho lenlor clak ou etart Inat lnn DDlicatlon on or. liuforo October 7th. Wl. Ilbhfee, JOOWpw annum, ror parucuiara Ireaa , I Or. m:. BTJUWAJsa, Action Doan of Law Faculty, llN0KTII3rdSt.,ST.L0UIS,M0. JPWRIBTOKS; A tj. thoynitedSUW.. iit'inr i.kavkm. soinewhit aromatic ; their latin bitterish and ategently atliniilan' with h peculiar tendency to in the pari conrame'l In IU evacuation The mronic iwiciimaiisin, i uiAOL-ous Affections and Ircm theauo of Id In 2?.anl Iromlil u V.. nr DaorairtL fean.Lixos. This medicine InnMiu llspotltlon to hxerlion, Loss of trembling, Horror tf DImuu, iishlnrr nl the Rudv. frvnf.t nt Uuiiersnl Lansltuda of the Mti scalar rryetcm, life, Imptirltlea of the lllwxl, He, upercdlD ijkc no oilier. IlKAUTinKIl OK TIIK COMI-I.KXIO.V "ever unie, I'leeia, Sgt Kea llar-um. (iinkr. Itunmnii from' line.,",, Kilt iiiieuiiiaiiain, upini, anaiiiiKaaa iiwi nsie the tlood. rcnonnu all chronic conatltutlonal near aun neaimx co,or, nnu restores lite pa and the onli reliable a:ul etlwtunl known leme- i icera,iona n tno Tiiruai ano, moicnes, known, aiipeiscline ."alt. Macneala. etc.. In Constipation, Iirapepsia, llillousn-ss, J,lrer Com nam, bin mill, pieiiaunt nnu ante in openuion mercury cr other deleterious drugs. fctat)lislie.t upward ot.'') years, rieparrd by 1'a. com by Urugyista, ovcrywhero. tho bti mid inriLnir.i'i nt Miek o! ..I,, Mill! .- i CAPS, NOTIONS, ETC.,, ' '' ' at:itoof tlic lf r l. JT ll 1 41. .v 1 - iiiijiasrois. . , I HKN. M'OTT WIIITK., . Ji.i" i ;J.OEO. STEINHOU8E, FASHIONABLE, 13ARBER, for. HtliKl. itliU Coiiluicrciail-fiT. HhurilUior, L -' a;CiU,Tnticiinl f.l ttajUIHfiill Workinep, and qliildrOu'B luir em lind ihaiil' pooed, itterattho'bhdornf Iheirown homea. .MrfleiitleinenVwhlakerH and hair a jolenllllu manner. tiAtialaction guaranteed. 1 n-i-i HOUNE MOVINH. HOUSE. MOVING. i JAMES KENNEDY, rutt'Tit'ii. HOUSE MOVERi AND GUILDER la prcimred to do nl klrjd of HOUSK MOVlNtJ, H0'T; .1UJS1N0 tMl ' riVpAlllIKO OK KVKKV 1)K8CUJTI0N ON TUB MiMT arxmiNiii.1-. tIB. OUDF.nH left nt tho residence nt Mr. Kennedy, on Clnter utrool, next door to the new aohool house, rir addressed tg the care of 1', O. llox tt or the llulletlu ollioo, will receivo prompt alien ion. CAIRO, THE BULLETIN. BY.TELE6RAPH IteportrU capre lallw.for the f'nlro linl letln. Ten liourn In Advance or . . , L jNEW-YORK. 'CRUEL TItEATMENT' HIGH SEAS. ON THE BRICKLAYERS DEMAND MORE WAGES, THE RETURN OF THE LYDIA THOMPSON TROUPE, THE ITALIAN PROCESSION. THE WEST-FIELD"' EXPLOSION EXAMINATION. THURLOW WEED TO RETURN. THE BROOKLYN DEMOCRACY AND SUNDAY LAWS. ARKKftTKD. New-York, Augtii't i'l. Henry llaw ley, owner of a steamer, was arrested to day, on complaint of Capt. Tylo, of the lanllat-y .commission,, foe eupldying'4 ninn bi:i hs unKlnoori wno uaa noi a certin cato ns prescribed bv law. Ho was brought beforo Justico Hotan, im aumvuciiki Auniuiou. lO ua.ll. 'thk'jibicklayer". At a meeting of tlio bricklayers last night, it was reiclvotl to demand an in- creHf o of wuges, from $1.00 to $4.G0 per day. TZARS. Great quantities of Oartlett pears aro now sold on tho street. CRUJCL TRKATMZKT. A number of seamen, lately attached to tho ships "Sardis" and "JUry IJrane," from San Francisco to Hoiton. who hnvo just arrived here, say that a reign of ter ror was carncu on ujr me ouicors on Doara tneso vessels on their last trip, which was from San Francisco to Liverpool. Crows of both vetsols wero most cruelly mal treated, wbilo on the "Mary Brane" and four men wwo-fonlly rntirdcrcar' ITALIAN I-ARADE. Statements havo beon made that n Ten- era I attack is to bo made on tho Italian procession on tho 2Mb, but nro not cred ited in police circles. Assertions that an armed organization of Hibernians would interfern to provent tho parade is alio thought to havo no foundation in fact. The police authorities, though they do not anticipate h breach of tho peace, will make arrangements for, preserving order. Notlco has been ker red upon the captain of the Emmott GuAxdsran Irish military organization in Jcrsoy, City, that, tho per mission nccorded' them to receivo arms from the armory by the' common council last year,- has boon, revoked by tno corri mittoa of tho present common council. ABRIVAL. Tho Queen has; arrived,) vdth Lydia Thompson nnd her troupe of blondes as passengers. THE WESTJ-IELD EXPLOSION. At tho session of tho board of examiners on tho "NVeitflold explosion to-day, Erastus M. Smith, a practical onginccr for thirty Qvo years, and the onginoors of tho Dun dbrbory,' jfo'tropolis and others, testified that the v found tho "Westfleld boilor to be of poor iron and cracked nearly through. Tho boiler was evidently wcil supplied with water at tho tlmo of the oiplcslon. Goo. G. Sowoll, United SUtes Euglnecr, testified that ho had oxaminod tho boiler of the "West Hold nnd found that tho iron of which it1 was, mado to be of worthless character. Tho iron had not been welded thoroughly and in somo places tho slag was viilblo botwocn tho layers .of, aetal. Ho considered tho'cahso 6f the explosion to bo carelessness rather than tho Vprovi doncopf God." TUB DEM0CUAT8 or HltOOKLYN .have adopted aplatform idenou'neing' tho ounaay pronioitory taw. A lettor received from Miss Wood, to- 1 4.. uay, sutcs that nor lamer, TUWBLOy,WEKL, will tako the noxt steamer for homo, and expresses foars that bo, might, not survivo ine voyage. FIRES AT"'c0LDWATER, MICH., ELSEWHERE. AND Tolxdo, August 11. Two dostructlvo fires occurred at Coldwator,. Mich.. last niebi. Tlwt Jlrst occurred 'about 1. a. m'., and destroyed throe barns owned by S. M. StelevT Loss $5,000. Tho barns woro oc cupied by Mr. Daughorty, a farmer,' who nau, a quantity oi wuuni, somo tanning tools, &c, stored theroin, which are a total loss, up insurance. , .-. Tho second occurrod about 2 o'clock, originating in the clothing store ofN.i ltosonbaum, who'djid just rocolved a' now' stock or goods worm :u,uuu. rotai loss. Insured for f 4,600. Tbo second and third floori woro occuplod by J. E. Hipp, a pho torrranhor. Loss 13.600. Insurod for $1,000. Tbo building was a throo story brick ownod by ltichard Greenwood, val ued at $0,000, and was insured for $2,000. The L'oods in tho adioinlno? stores suffered 'consldorablo damaged in romoving and by wa.or, wntcu is lutiy covered Dy insurance Tho flro U supposed to le tbo work of an iiicouuiary. AT NEWARk, OHIO. Cincinnati. Aucust Foir larva Stablos filled with hay burned yesterday atnewarh, unto, jjoss io,uuu. no in surance. 1 AT CLEVELAND, ' Cleveland. O;. Auuust 11. Tbo tan- nery of C. Burntldo, on Canal street, was doitroycdvy fire lastnlght. Lois $50,000. Insured for8,600 In tlio following com panies:. Sun, $2,000; Ciovetand, $3,000: Altmanla, $1,500; Stato Firo, $2,000. A. nro at uavennn, unio, tuu afternoon, destroyed Metz & ltiddou's carriage fac tory and a number of wooden buildings. xan Auoui ju,uuu. lnsurancu very aiunll, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1871. CHICAGO. MAYOR AND CITY COUN OIL. THE FRAUDS PRACTICED AT TUB TRADING POSTS ON. THE MISSOURI, JESSE K. DUBOIS, FOR CONGRESSMAN- AT-L ARO E. "THTrTXNDERPOOL TRIAL. Ciiicaoo, August 11. At a meeting of tho common council, last evening, Mayor Moron sent In three sets of names for in spectors of llrid well, and each sot in turn was rejectod by a voto or twenty to six teen. Last night Charles Schultz, whllo nt tempting to get on a freight trnin of tho Chicago, Burlington & (Julncv rail road, nt tho Jefferson street crossing, fell under the train and was instantly killed A violent thuridorslonn visited Applo ton, "Wis., last evening, doing iiuch dim ago. A Gorman woman, narno unknown, was truck by lightning and instantly killod. The Sioux City Times, of the 9th inst., publishes an anonymous letter, addressed to Gen. Hancock, charging Messrs. l'cck and Durfeo, who havu charge of nil tho trading posts on tlio upper Missouri, with grots frauds; and also of nbuiine tho righu nud privileges givon them by tho government The writer says they havo induced tho commanacr to issuo u general order pro- nttming citizens or soldiers ,trom purchas ing goods in that department, except from tho post sutler. It is also claimed that they havo refuted to carry to cortitin posH on tkcfr lino of boits, notwithatand- ing tho fact that they aro common carrion, packages addressed to citizens or soldiers which thev believe cn- tains provisions and clothing. This, tho writer claims, is all oono .with tbe coun tenance of tho military nuthoriticti. In regard to the postponement of tho Vanderpool trial, at Grand Kanidi. Mich.. yesterday, a dlsnatch sars that tho report that tho defendant, lacks means of sub poenaing witnesses is untrue. Two weeks ago an order was mado by Judgo Uoit to havo all Vandorpool's wilnosties sum moned. One witness is tbo eclobrated Mrs. Springer. This lady bos an oye to bus iness and profit, and, consequently, has left for Ohio, as she did provious to the former trial. She is thoro bovond tho Jurisdiction of tbo Uarry county court; but hcr'attendanco can bo procured for rt reasonnblo compensation. Sbo is the wit ness who saw Fiold, the murdertut n.r. walk past tbo house somo hours after his supposed murder, snapping bit fingon at ms aog.- VnnderDool states that ihu doz was at his house at tho same hour. y nndcrpool bat thrco otniucnt lawyers to dofend him. Thoy aro Messrs. Hughes, Chcvor and Holbrook, and tho statement that ho is without means to go on with tho caso is untruo. Tho trial will bo a thorough nnd exhaustive ooo. Tho prose cution will mako a stronger caso than at tho previous trial. Tho principal hopo of tbo dofenso is on tho non-agreement of tho jury, tbo tamo as nt Kalamazoo. It is understood that this will bo the last trial, Mrs. Fields, tho mother of tho murdered man, has como all tho way from Maitio to attend tbo trial. Her presenco will lend additional force to tho case. Sho tooms to bo determined to And out tho murderer of lior son. Sho is a lady of intelligence and great cnorgy of character. HON. JKSSIE K. DUIIUtlt Of Springfield, has been brought out by his friends as candidata for congressman at largo. FOREIGN. THE ALABAMA CLAIMS TION. QUES. ENGLAND.. London, August 11. In'tho houso of lords to-day, Lord Itodcsdalo questioned tho right of tho United States to maintain Its domand for indemnity for damagos caused by tho Alabama, now that tho American government hod granted nm- nosty to tho ato reueii, and reconciliation with the south was complete Ho asked whether tho Government Intondod to bring this point to tho attention of tho ar bitrators at ucnova, ana procceucu to nr run the nucstioh ntcreat lcnctlt. Ornnvillo rnplicd that the question of liabilities ror tho deprouations or tbe Ala- bam JVoujd'glml in all its bearings beforo 'tho arbitrators by Sir Itaundoll. l'almor and other nmlnont counsel ro talnedon the pnrtof Great Dritlan. whoso inwrciis woum cortoiniy not sunor ior want of ablonnd learned, defender. FllANQE. .Paris, Aucust 11. Tho French butlnet nronoiei a inroo nor cent, ur on nit mm . ea graaoa except corn ana coal, flio es . - . i t . . t timated yield tnerorrom is tovonty-Ilvo million) francs por annum. It It tlioucht Hint tho vole in tho assem bly upon the prolongation of tho term of -ii. iiiiun in mruu vanra witisianu nnoui as follows: For prolongation, 800; against, av, pruuaoio ausentoosj I3U. SPAIN. Madrid,. Auiust 11. It is renortad that tho Spanish (government will send n fleet- to tho Venexuollan forts to exact re paration for Injuries sustainod by Spain from the omission of tho grant of Vono zuola to Drovont tho donarturo of tho One- sada expedition for Cuba is authorltatlvo- ly domed. ST. LOUIS. THE LATE EXPRESS ROBBERY RECOVERY OF DONDS. ST. LODIH. Aucr. 11 TVntiudfvn Hnrrl- gau, who has been working up tho rob bory of tho United Stntes txpro8 dolivury wagon horo, lust month, tb-dny received tho $80,000 in Kansas raclllobonilJ, which comprised much tbo largest part ot tho booty takon by tbo robbers. Tlioy woto found in the woods a short distance from the city on (Ho Torra Hauto railroad. iiio Miprumo tvouncll of Templars ot Honor uud 'Femporttnco concluded thoir seulon to-day, A largo amount of busi ness of Importance was transacted. Tho noxt session will bo hold at Kr'.o, Pennsyl- vauia. COLUMBUS. 0. DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETING. SPEECH BY GENERAL KWINO. THOS THE "DEMOCRATIC FINANCIAL NEW DEPARTURE." CoLUMnUH, O., Ausjiul U'. 5en. T!io. Kwlng nddrocsod a largo IiEMOCIlATlC MKKTISU At tho west front of tho Stnto house. His jieccli was very long, in which ho dis cussed tho "NEW IiKPAKTUIti:," tbo ku-klux law, finance, tnrill' and bind grants, Tho following it wlint bo called tlio DEMOCRATIC FINANCIAL NEW DKI'AHTUUE From tho wholo lyslutn of tliiance. past, present and to come, proposed by tlio re publican party, thodomocrncy of Ohio an notincoa new departure-on which they will roliovo tho pcoplo of much of their burden of taxes, leave no heritage of debt to run through genoralion after generation. Thoy proposo that tho general govern ment shall lurnlth nil tho money of tho pooplo in an issuo which shall be n legal tondor EiJUALL WITH COIN' fur all public nnd privato dobts wlintsc over, except where tho contract expressly calls for specie; nnd with it redeem tho 6-20 bonds; and to provent an undue sus pension of tbo currency, issuo a 3 per cent, bond, which shall bo exchangeable at par for legal tender nt tiny time, nnd to wh(ch legal tender may, nt tho option of tho holder, bo converted. It is not at all likely that currency would full so far bolow par that any bond bo redeemed in it less vul unblo currency than that tho government ;ot for it. If such instances occur, tho hardships will not bo great. Tho bond holders of 1801, who, according to Jay Cooko's tables, gnvo a littlo less than gold for bonds, havo already received six por Loin, uu uiuir iiiYcsiinciu, nnu gm uio tho principal rotitrned to them nnd still havo their bonds; so if tho currency in which tho bonds arc redeemed wora to fnil even to 60c in gold on tho dollar, which is not to bo anticipated, thuv will not havo suffered much by their sell-sacrifice in pur chasing bonds at -10c. SAN FRANCISCO. RAILROAD CONSOLIDATION. Att rrfANutscoAUtJust li. Tho nu- sorptlonof tho California FaclDo railroad company in tno ucnirni racuic was com pleted to-uav, uy tno election ;ot i.eiuna Stanford, of tho Central, president, nnd Milton Chatham, of tho California rnciuo. treasurer, and the old board of tlio Central directors. BOSTON. FARMING OUT BABIES THE RESULT. AND Boston, August II. Thrco infants, said to have been farmed out to an old woman named Julia Callahan, in Kast Cnmbridgo, died recently. Tlio women is under itr rest on suspicion of killing them with opi um. A coroner's jury will Investigate tlio case. ROCHESTER, N. Y. EXECUTION OF JOSEPH MESS NEK., N. Y. August 11- Joseph Mcssnor was oxocutcd at 12 : 28 p.m. Ho fullv confessed having murdered his wifo in April, IHOP. PORTLAND, ME. LOSS OF SEVEN HUNDRED BARRELS OF FLOUR. l'oitTLAND, August 11. A dispatch states tho brit; .Josephine, of JNow Uriins wick went nshoro nnd will probably loso her cargo, consisting of sovon hundred barrels of Hour. SARATOGA. KING FISHER GONE AMISS. Saratoua, Aug. 11. It is stated that King Fisher 1ms gono amiss in tho great four mile race, and that hong Follow will contend with Hclmbold nnd Bnrney Wil linms. EVANSY1LLB. AN EXPRESS DRIVER STRUCK. SUN- Kvanhville, August 11. Bryant Giv ons, it colorod express drivor, wag sun struck about If o'clock this morning and died this afternoon. COAL. OAIR.O CITY OO A L COMPA1TY. Is repiired to sttpjity cuiIhiiicm with tho host Himllly of PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS COAL. O" UDE1N loft id llnlll.lay linn. olhV.e, 70 Oil lll l.KVKE. nr nt this l.'uul Yard Ik Iiiw tho Ht C'narlea llnlel, will recuivu iituiupt utlunliiiii, THKTUO-'MONTAUK'1 will nrliiueoul iilonu aldii Hteiiiiiera ut any hour. oi Mt l.VRIU Cniiiiiilsakin ji.Wi In tiri'lilliliiis. eli.b Airv vuinliinutlunur discount. A New l'lmi, mrcnhia true, Aildroaa M, I.UtijtlH' llytii, w uoaar BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AVE. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW OI'.LEANB. New Orleans, August 11. FLOUR Drooping ?U6; XXX $0.75 a7. CORN Firm. MlxodCS; whlto 70c. OATS Firm at 50aG2c. HAY Uuchnngcd. BItAN Firm at $1.05. PORK Dull and depressed nt Sl4.25. BACON Dull and lower nt "c ; rib 81! sides tkr . . : LAUD Depressed. Ttorco lOlnlOJ; ko? llallj. SUGA It-Good fair . AVHISKY Dull and unchanged nl l6o COFFEE Unchanged. SI LOUD. St. Loui.", August 11. FLOUR Very quiet, and genomily wuaknr and unchanged in prico. WHEAT Flat and lower to sell on every thing except choice; for No. I rod, In olevalor, $1.0u wus oll'erud, and thoro werosellors willing to tako for a limited quantity; No. ii Is hold at $1.22 by sample. CORN Dull; mixed, I0,l3e; white, COc for sacked ; vofy littlo demand for anv kind. OATS Uncliangod ; buyers generally standing off. BARLEY Quiet; choico full, f 1.00. RYE Steady, firm and Inactlvo; 6C C8o for primo to choico. PORK. Dull and nominal at $12.u0 cash for now, $13.00 ou orders; sales of uuik snouiueri on privato terms nro un derstood to bo at n very low figure. BACON Lower; shoulders, Clc; clear rib, ijc; clour sides, "j8c. LARD Dull and nominal. WHISKY Dealers apart; small sales at sue. IlltlCS. DA KOLA Y JJKOS., 74: oino i,i:vi:i:, C.MUH, JliJ DBUG-G-IS TiS.' SARATOGA Sl'RlNGS IN ril.l. UI.AST AT ll.VUCI.AYs' DttUO STOIIK. Kuisii Siii'LV, IIAII.V. PIWUlVTlfti irii rooii ah. BKinvinn in:' mitiuh't) tuiu'ole At Bakclay.s'. II1' M IS O I. I) ' s GRAPE f catawiia ) "J f ortAPF. ) TILLS 1 CATAWIIA l.-j (IllAl'K GRAPE (.catawiia ) i' (.aiiAt'K ) PILLS AMI ALL nr 11 1: u .11 it 1, o vs h 1: i 1 cix i:.s Fr.KSH FltOJl rilWT l(A.VIJ,f AIivnyH In stock In l:iro upply, nnd fur sale b II nrrl 11 y llriiH. PEESH BXjXTB XjICIC just it k c k 1 v k t AND Tor Null) Ity ! i.lnss, Ilotltn or (Inlloii A BARCLAYS'. BST'E.VTn.v Fisi: Coi.oonk; CSTGknui.vk Impoktku Extracts; C6y-llAIIi, Tooth AND NAM, BKUSHF.SJ BQyl.SDIA KUUJJKK NuitHKItY Goo AT BJLiaCXjVX" BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Host gr.-vlo In l.iro xtock nnd va riety, very cheap i Fin.t. Link of Coi.oits, lillV AMI IS 1111.1 l'alnt llruslics, Linseed till, Whitewash I' Alsh Turpentine, Varnishes Etc, etc., ALL KIMIS ANU liTAMiAIIU Ul'ALlTtrS At Bauclavm'. ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY. Tho Forty-Third AnuuulHesalon of tlio SO?. XiOTJ-IS UlSTX "V E3 B S I T TTs Will open uu Monday Kept, till, '71 This in tlio ( of l.eiinildi! ill ilia west, haviiiit Wi'iiestalillslieillu if- '. Thucourso of atndieii utlera uieiv fiicillly for acquiring a tlinrouitn tlasaicol auo t.iiiiiiiii'ruiiii.eiiuuaiKiii, CutnloitiieH uontnliiiiii! Instriiclioiia to uarenla nndful partlculara, will ho sont nn andlleatlon to HKi p. ii. oiu.Y 1 r.iijvitv, a. u. President. Kt. I.oills UniverailVj rou kali: NOTICE," The llllniiU Central Itail Road Cotuntiiv now lUrfur milo tho lollowlniidciwrlbeil lots In First itdllloii to the City of Cairo, vis t Lot Uouli UO, Lot U( blnnl: H, " t " a), " '.'7 " 6.', ' A " KJ, US ' h.', ' ii ' ', at " si. fa " w, " as " For terms, etc., apply to JA.MKS JOll.NdON, i'.llf Aentt XirAUHl FREi:. an I W n day turo. no hum IV hii! Address Willi atatnii. I.A.TTA A CO MMrtaXLAMKet-N' i ecopartneraMp heretofore existing between AL UrtM. Wood aisd .iIulfar.M.Xow, under the firm name of Wood gc Low, la hereby dlunlrel (by mutual consent. E. K. Lo win continue the huslneta, with office at Pulaski, Illinois, and he wilt collect all monies due uid linn, and pay all debts contracted by the late firm. AttlERT M. WOOD. DCAK M. LOW. Cuts, lus Aiunut 7, 87f. DISSOLUTION., The cnnartnenhlp heretofore exlstlnft under the firm rum. i of 11, J . Echols a Co. Is hereby dlsoled. Mrs. iHf!. fiiwi,h,1r,,tn- Th lxiwM wlU be eoaitlmml 7L. ,.Vi?chni,,,'h,1 .the debta of the late teiwld. IeLt, due ,h! aid firm mul1 II. K ECHOLS. Cairo. IIU., Aug,tlhl8,3ARA'tWOO', ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Notice 11 hereby given, that mi Tuesday, the nth day of August nest, between the hours or ia o'clock in the forenoon and J o'clock In the afternoon of said dtv at the 'late residence of AuipmU Well deceased, in the city of Cairo, on the Ohio Ixnce, between Sixth and EiKth streets, county of Alexander, htate of Illinois, the property of lire decedent, consUtlnu of hoiiKhold and kitchen furniture, one sewing machine, counters and shelling, show cases, llquon and cigars, candies and candy jars, also a leasehold estate In lot ,! 1.'lofk..N,?' 3. In thccllyof Cairo, together JJ.rlck hiuldlna on said lot and other ankles, III lie sold at isihlie sale. i 'rcr,m,,cf ."' I'"rchas of leis than five dollars to be paid In hand i for that amount and over, on a credit or six months, the purchaser giving note, with an groved security. 1 n ti L0.mS "LATTAU, Administrator. Cairo, July as, 1871. .nr.nicAi,. MANHOOD " HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED Just published, in a caled envelope. Price, 0 Cts. A lecture on the natural treatment, and radical cure of Spermatorrhea or Hemlnel Weakness, In voluntary KmlnIoiie.Kextul Debility, and Inipe- 0 dement to Humane generally ; Nervousneaa, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Kits; Mental and I'hrsieal Incapacity, resulting from aelf abuse, etc., by Itobt. J. Ciilverwell, f. D., author of tho "Oleeii Hook," etc. "A IIOO.V TO THOUSANDS OK SUFFKHERd. j Pent tinder seal, in plain envelope, to an ad drex., postpaid, 011 receipt of six cents, or two iiotriKii (damps, by Chaa, J. V. Kline A Oo., 1Z7 iiowery.Ncw York, Postollleo box 4fim. lel.lilii 1 n m :t LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. 3lra. I Cures colic and erlnlnir. WIUTCO JIB'S J In tho bowels, and fa- Sirup. cilltatea tho process of teething. Subduex convulsions and overcomes alldU easca Incident to in fanta and children. WIIITCOHIl'H Syrup. Mrs. WIITCOJIB'8 Hjrup. f Cures diarrhea, disen lisen-l Price, com- I 23 ot all f Cents. tery nnu summer plaint in children nes. It ia tho Orent Infant's nnd Children's Soothing Remedy In nil disorders brought on by TecialoK or any other cause, Prepared by o." , Ulvni iu.i 1ur.u1v.ltta X.O., St. Loula, Mn Sold by Druggists and everywhere. Dealers in Medlcino my7dw0m WJ.XE.S AMU E.IUDOIU. WM. II. S0IIUTTER, ImiiorU'r mul M'liolcsnlo Dealer Its WINES, LIQUORS, AND tobacco & axo-ji.'js.a: Agent for tho best brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AND Imported Alox. or DWercnCKlHd.; 75 Ohio Levee, tf CAIRO, ILLINOIS. E. Mv STO0KFLETH, si'ccr.son roiiLt a stockuitii Itcctlfyvr mul V'boIciiilo Dealer a foreign nud Doiuesitlc LIQUORS, WINES,; ETC. No. 78 Ohio Levee, tirniNiiriELD Dlock, UVIRO, I LLINOI3. SR keeps on hand constantly a full stock of Old Kentucky Ilourbiin, ltyo and Uononga Whiskies. French llrandied. Hollaud Cln. Ithfno nud California Winoa, JanSOtf I.M.HIUHA.VT TIVKKTA. INMAN LINE. Liverpool, Kew-Vorlc and Philadelphia Steamship Company, V.NUr.U COMUACT W IT 11 VSITU1 STATES A!fl CBITUU (lovr.UMirsTa. For C'arryinR tho Mails, TOR PASS.VOE TICKETS ou rviuiitu isio'atiwi it APPLY TO JOHN G. DALE, Aax., ISO Uroadway, New York, pr to II. Iloupt, iia Wellington Avenue, Cairo, Illinois. IMMIGRANT TICKETS, . FOR SALE, lgfgaSj FOR SALE, FOR SA LE. J ForBaio ( FOR BALE. Furo from Livehtool, Faro from Londcndkr'rt, ' 1 Faro from Glasoow,- Faro from Qukkhstown ' TO CAIRO, ; : : :J: : ! ; 4 8i2 0 Bntlord, Morris it Candee, Agents. I.KUAlo PUBLIC NOTICE. Whereas, William R. Hurkeand Hosannallurku liia wife, did on the -."ii day of June, A. U. lees, uxecuto their curtain mortiiaxa or deed at trust to ltham N. llaynletu secure certain notes tliore in mentioned, which deed of trust wax duly ac. knowledged anil reoorded In book"D"paes 33J iiiid:tll in the reenrdere ollieo of Alexander counx ty, Illinois, And whereas, default has beet) made in the payment of said notes. Now, thcrofoie, In arcorilanco with tie provisions of said di and by virtue of the power inertia contained, I u 111, on Friday, thn 1atda ot Heptorubor, A. I), 1871, at tho front door of the court tiouaa of Al exander county, Htate) nl Illinois, at U o'clock cf said day proceed to sell the following described property, situate lying In the city of Cairo, tu-wit; Lots numbered aeventeen (17), elxhtecn (IS), nineteen OU) In block fifty. toui (Ml.aathe same was canned to be platted and recorded by Messrs. Tajlorand Iavia,the aauie belnx dew:rlbe4 la bidder, and will execute to the putctuatr or pur aid deed ot trust, tor oaali In hand to the h ttheat chasers a doed f jrlho same. KLIZAUKTII O. IIA IN IK, 1 Prtfe, .-. Cents. 1'rlce, Cents.