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IttlbftfL JOHN If. OBERLY & CO., HOTTENTOTS SEEN OATHF.IIINO JIUtUU LUVE1 AT TIIK CAl'K OF OOOI) HOPE 'uB It.T. HELHUOU). BTJOHU. (From the I)iicnnrj of the United State. , mON.MA CHKNATA-HITIII' I.DAVU. Panraitira. -Their odor I -trn, .IlttuIv an I aromatic; their ta,to bitterish n l analogous to mint. .MiDiriL I'ttorcarir. ash fan. Iluclui leave, areiently atlmulan', with a pecull.r ieti.Jt.ncr to Hie Urinary Organa. ' They are given In complsiuts of Itio Urinary lire ins, such s, Oravel, Chrntc CaUrrh n the Madder, Morbid, lrr,ILatlou o'tlm Hisldcr and Urethra, l)iaeu.e of the Prostrate Oland, and Iteten tlon or IrvordlSence at Urtt.e, from n loss of tonu In the part concerned in Hi evacuation. The remedy has also been recommended In Ityspepsls, Chronic KhetimMi'iti, Cutaneous Affection! and Dropsy. IliLKtuLo'tEiTiicT llrciif (k used by persons In the decline or Clung, of life; after Confinement in anectioni peculiar 10 rciiiMici., trio h.itrrt jiucrui imim-ti,iiri i,y any ctber ratnedy, in Chloris or Itetentlon, I'ainfulnca, or ritippreasicu of i:iil' nsry Evaiiiations, Ulcer ile.t or Hchir roil, Bute of the Uterus. UiKijuor tjii lUtcina, Kiin, (Yiavsl au Duorj ir, l hwiniana. Thin medicine Increases the power of Digestion, .ndexettea the Absorbents Into healthy action, by which the. vVatery or Calca reous desposliions and all Unnatural Knlargi inents arn reduced, as well a I'ald ami Inflammation. I'lLstaoita Eitact llucnf ha cured every ce of Diabetes lu winch It hu been given. Irrila Uon of the Neck of the madder and Inttiminaiinn of tho Kidneja, Ulceration of tt.n KldneT ami bladder, lUteutlou ot Urine, liiioi.f. of the Proalrale (.land Htone In the lltadder, Calculuv, Grav el, Ilrick-Duat Dersit and Mucus or Mitkr DivharKe. and for enfeebled and delicate conatitu tiona of both sexes, attended with the following ajuiptoma Indisposition to Exertion. Loss of rowarl Loss of Memory, Difficulty in llreMliing, n aavmiuria, iiiiovsa ut mon. i am in in i , jioi jiaii'ipi, r mnnini; .01 tne tiCHiir 1'rjoeai 01 the bkln, Kruptiou 011 the Ka3e, I'allld Cjiinlcn.itice, I'aiTcrral Latitude of the X uvular Bv.tem. eo. HuaiaotB'iKxTSACTlIrtTrruDlntcllcanJIIIood-l'urfyin, andourea nlliliaeava aililnz from habit, of dlailpation. eictian and Imprudence In life, linimritlin of tho lllood, etc, ruicredloK UUpalbalnaMecliori tor which It if ned, in conn'tion with IUloli.' Ito.i Whii. Uewareofcouiiterfeila. Atk for Helmild'a. Tiko no other. lat acrlbe ijisptoma in all cwmmuni;ntioa. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, THE ORE AT DLOOD ItItlFIER AND I1KAUT1 KIKH or THK COMPLKXIONj IIELMIIOI.Ii'.S KXTKACT NAILSAI'ARII.I.A III radically exterminate from tho jrtm ffoiofula, Brphllia, Vor Fori-a, L'l.'e.i, Sure Eet Horn l.e, bore Mouth, bore Heal, llroitchltis, kiti Diicae, Salt Itlieuni, Cankeri, Itunoma" from IheKar, White Hwelllni!", Tumor, Canceron AHectinna, Is'ode, Itlcken, (rliiidular bwelllni, M(lit Hweatt, Kaah, Tetter, JIuniora of allkinda, Uron'c llheumtlam, Iijapepii, an I all iim-i- llim haTe teen ratabliihrd In the ajatem for jtf. Ilelng preparel eipr'alj for the a!urecornplilnt, Itn lllood- uurifjinx propertlea nro" greater than any other Haraapaulla. it plu-athn cnrniileiion dear and healthy color, and re.tona ihe pa. tienttoaatale of health and puril). Kcr purilylnK the blood, remount all chroniu conitltutlonal tr for the curoflnaand hwrllm, of the Uonea, L'lceration, of llio and I.eirt, Hlotchea, I'linplev on the Face, Kr)alnli, nud nil S:aly Krui'tlom of the .Skin, and lleautllylna; the Complexion, HELMBOLD'S CT.A.W:BJV. IFIXiLS. The moit reliable I'L'RG TIVF. and CATIItltTK; known, unenedinir Hill.. Mazneala. etc.. in Sick or Nerrou Headache, Jaundice, Indieeatlon, ConitipMion, Liiapt ain, lliliouaaeaa, LlicrCom plalntt, deneral Uebility, etc Fn na'iin, m Ktlpmr puna, hut mild, plea-ant and tale In ofieration. TheUATAWHA GRAI'K 1'ILUS nrc purely inclBblc, being compoatd of dtawba Orape Juice and Fluki Extract Ehubaib. lleware of tho.e cheap paler.l pill", curH'ily !icpnred by Im xperienced peraona, Tended in wooden tKixra.'rnoit of which I'-ontiin mlher ealoinel, merrury or other deleterious drug. llKIiMltyLU'rtUKM'I.NEritKl'AltATIO.N.-) II, T. HKLMHOIjD, Piactical and Analytical Chemist, .ri!)J Uroadway, K. Y., and 101 houtU Icnth ftt., I'liilfdcljiliia, If It V CLOSITG- OUT COST ! The 1 i.bllc nro here by notiliid that miY-GOODS, HOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Hrlonglnu to the caliileoftho lato SCOTT WILL UK SOLD AT COST T THE OLD STAND. CORNER SIXTH STREET AND OHIO LEV EE CAIRO, - jeiotf IIOAT NTOKKK. SAM WILSON V K X L S K IN BOAT SOTOEES O U O C K 11 1 K H , PROVISIONS, KTC, A'o. 110 Ohio Levke, :::::! CAirto, Ii.i.. oaurm rnoxi'iLY rniin. O. D. WILLIAMSON. . PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Ohio I.p ye, OAIHO, I LllNClB. given to Conslgnmenln .1 1 I rw. nlfFa. nwevtn. .vmim ST. LOUIS IIP recrular annual term of thin Law Hchnol will open on Wednesday, October 11th, H71. II course, two terms alx moutna, osen. mil application on or ocroro ucioocr Tin. iafi. Itloh fee, ICQ uu per uuntim, tor particular Ires . Acting Dean of Law Faculty, ti JNUlViU OW PL, Oil JiVIUlO, 1'IU, mT n , cm T ATTIC ,J PROPRIETORS. Iroin tin-nso of la to ZJ, n 1 Irom l'i to a, or or l'in; lled-wettlnir In children. Weak Nerves. Trembling, Horror i f Diseat,(J i;unhlnhed upward of.tjyctra. 1'repared by l'a. bold hy Jnuirgistt", everywhere. COO IN. Ihe brte mid tnafinifictnt stock of CAPS, NOTIONS, K T C, - WHITE ( id - iLXiXasrois. MHN. NCOTT WHITE. nAHIIKHH. J. OKO. Sl'ElNUOUSB, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Cor. Ntli-Ht. mid t'oiMinerclul.nv. o'Hh.irp Itr.or, o t)'Cleiui Towel and MTriklllfull Workmen. irl,i,U' aint elilldrcn'H hair cut ami nham. pooed, either at tho aliop or r.t tlieir own homes. WrfionlIomenVw)naker and haTr'dyed In olentlllc mariner. utialactlon guaranteed. IIOVHE MOVING. HOUSE M9VING., JAME3 KENNEDY, HOUSE MOVER AND BUILDER Is prepared to do nil kinds of HOUSE MOVING, HOUSE RAISING AMI KKPAirtl.VO OK KVKIIY DKSCIIIPTION 1 US TIIK MOST nttlONtlllK TtltMS. "VltDKHS left at tho reatdenqo ot Mr. Kcnnody, on Center atreet. next door to tho now school house, or addressed to tho care of 1. O, llox H or the Uulletlii olllco, will rwcivo prompt atten ion. CAIRO, THE BULLETIN. KtportVil mprclnlly for Hie 'nlr llul Irllii, Ten ItonrM in nilvitnro or Nt. I.sittlw pnpri-N. NEW-YORK. SENATOR RLAIR VIEWED. INTER- HE FAVORS GOV. 1). GRATZ KKOWN FOR PRESI DENT. rcKrriK c. ciaflin marks a SPKKCH, AND AXNOU.N'CICS HKKSKLP A .; CANDIDATE KOU CON- oiuas. 'RESOLUTIONS ENDORSING IIEH CLADIS. ttl'SS! AN MINISTER RECALLED. TIIK POPE ISLAND SELECTS THE OF CORSICA. UECil.LED. Nkw-Yobk, August 12. A Washing ton special suys Secretary Pitb, on Juno ICtli, Instructed Minister Curtain to re quest the lluulan government to recall 'Minister Catacoxa, on account of his pre varications in rcgard't'oofficialtrunactwiu, ana thai uurtnin nu repuea tnat mo ltui lian government will recall him and de signate M. liodiruco, tho Kuaiian consul gtiuraVnt New-York, to take his placo. .SE.N'ATOK 1IL.MII INTERVIEWED. Senator Frank lllnir hxs been inter vluwttd at Cape May, and says whilo some democrats think the "now departure;" is sue u wiso movement, others will regret it, and that it it, at best, but a natural so quonco of the nuwies movement when they put Chaw in tho list as a presidential candidate,, lie thinks MissocrtiBArE for 100,000 majority in tho neit pres idential "campaign without regard to the now departure, und that the most available democratic presidential' candidate is Gov. GraU Brown, who has always been a now departurist; and who could securetha sup port of tlio Getuian republicans of the country on account of his championship of luo.nnti-disonfranchising movement in Missouri, where Urnnl's troatmont of Sburz and tho German citizens Increased that class against tho administration, not only in that state, but cLowbcro through out tho country. A mass meeting of Germans was Inst night wns addressed by TKN.VIE C. CLAFLIX, aonounclnghorselt a candidato for congress, holding that woman was as much ontitlcd to hold public office as sho was in fultllling the fur-ctions incident to citizenship. Sho said that just as the religious American has tho Drivileco of coinir to his church on Sunday, so must tho right bo equally so cured to you to seek your recreation just wboro you can una it, ana annic your lager in peace and quiet so long as you do not disturb public order. A series of res olutions accepting her as a candidato wero adopted by tho Gorman progressive asso ciation. Jno. Foloy, on behalf of tho citizens' as sociation meeting, has addressed a letter to tho. mayor, saying tnat a launiui copy of tho cllv and county pay rolls is de manded, showing to whom and to what payments have been made; also, bills showing the accounts acainst the city with tho proceedings of the board of supervis ors, lurnlslilng particulars in tneso respects together with u transcript oi me control ler's books, as payments mado by him. If tho mayor falls to disprove tho cbarces made against bim, ho must at onco vacate his office. Tho letter bears tbo names of many prominent merchants and bankers. Herald ltomo letters contain informa tion that the roi'K has scloctcd tho island of Corsica as tbo placo of futuro retreat, though any deter mination on his part to loavo Homo has not been mado apparent, and that Cardinal Antonolli hud a chateau at Carto placed at tho disposal of tho holy fathorVy M. Vail cry, of Monsullci, which is being ex tensively fitted up for his rocoption. Tbo publication of the popo's lottcr against KBVOhUTIO.VAllV JOUUJfALS has diminished tbo salo of those shoots to about one-half, and that their total disap pearance at this rato will bo witnessed in a short time; but notwithstanding this re sult, tbo revolutionists aro at work with newspaper organs, and a now journal, en titlod Luther, has been projected; which is aimed at the destruction of tho popo. A deputation of Roman cilizons who presented him with contributions at I'otor'a Fence, said that whilo relying lit tlo on prophiclcs contained in books, yet it was written that the tlmo would come when tl.o Holy Soo would he forced to llvo on charities, but would novor bo wanting money. A MYSTKltV. This morning at 2 o'clock the police, dis covered n man lying at tho corner of Eigth avenuo ana Sixtieth strcot, bleed ing from a tho hoad. Ho died whilo being romoved to tbo station. MJLYOK HALL savod tho llfo of a child at South Hay, L. I., yestorday, by leaping into tho wator and rocolvinj: tho child as it was sinking for tbo third time. Two thousand persons hove mndo appli cation to the AlIKIUCAX COLONIZATION fiOCIETV to bo sent to Liboriu on tbo ship which sails for that region in November noxt. Tho Fulton ferry boats, runnltit: recu- lnrly, liavo a framo hanging up in the cabin intendod for an inspection cortillcnte but no cortiilcato ia in it. Tho organization of a now regiment, mado up of French citizens has been comploted, Tho Irish cltlzons havo been recontly orgnnizlng a now regiment, and at a mooting last nit-lit tbo roll of members was nearly flUoi. Tho regiment will bo known tu tbo Eighty-tlgO), and will bo BY TELEGRAPH ILLINOIS, SUNDAY, AUGUST ofJlcorcd by men who served In tho Irish brigade. AHltESTKD. Uray, tho first mato of tho American ship, Cornet, was before tho United States commissioner to-day, on chargo of cruelly abusing a seaman named John Dohble. Dobblo swoars to having bcon strung up by tho thumbs, throe hours nt lime, itml being brutally beaten nnd kicked whilo handcuffed nnd chained, llruy wrs held for Investigation. foreign"; THE ELECTIONS IN MEXICO. REMOVAL OF THE FRENCH CAPITAL. THE GUN COTTON EXPLOSION. GROWING OPPOSITION THIERS. TO KNGLAND. 1IAUK A MKMIIEK. Lo.viw.v, Augut;r--Itli reported that Lord Chief Justice Cockburn lias been made a member of tho arbitration board, under tho treaty of Washington. COMMODOItl: AHHlll'IlY has, in consequence of her victories over tho Kgerio, reconsidered his determination not to send the yacht Livonia to America. Sho will sail shortly for Now-York in placo of tho Cambria. THE OUN COTTON EXl'LOSIOy, which occurred in Slaw Market, was terri bly destructive to llfo and limbs. Twelve persons wero Instantly killed or fatally Injured, and forty others sovercly or slight ly wounded. 'Intense excitement hit, been occasioned by the disaster, nnd is in creased by fear which prevails of u further oxplosiou. MEXICO. THE ELECTIONS. Citt of Mexico, August C The op position is gaining. Lords has '.',227 elec tors, and Diaz 3,091. The Diaro Official says that Juarez has 5,028. I'alacias Is commanding at Matatnoras and Continos at Itio Grande. Thero is quarrelling over deprodations committed on tho American side. a collision is feared und preparations aro being made for it. Tiioors havo been sent to Uasco to put a stop to outrages there. PRUSSIA. Oeklin, August 12. Bismarck has de cided that tho AUaco school administration shall not be sectarian. FRANCE. HKMOVAL OF THE CAHTAL. Paris, August 12. Tho municipal council havo entreated Thiers tu have tho capital removed to Furls. Thiers says tho question rests wholly with tho Assembly. TO UK REBUILT. Tho city couueil has voted to raise it loan of 350,000,000 francs, to be used in rebuilding and repairing cdillces dts troyed er Injured during tho reign of tho commune. orrosmoN to the prolongation of Thiors1 term is said to bo growing rapidly both in tho assem bly and among tho peoplo. THIERS AS TREStDENT. In the assembly, to-day, M. Hovel, of the left centre, moved that tho title of president of the republic bo conforrcd up on Thiors as tho chief exccutlTo; that hu be, moreover, on trusted with tho promul gation and execution of tho laws; that ho be authorized to receive ambassadors, and that his official residence be at tho placo where the assembly may sit. PORTLAND, ME. THE RAILROAD RRIDGE ASTER. DIS- Portlani), August 12. The Muino Central railroad has directed an investiga tion to bo at onco mado of ovory bridge on the road. Tho station agent at Bangor declined to give medical aid to tho wounded at tho company's expense. Tho coroner's inquest was continuod and tho ovidenco showed that tho decay of tbo bridgo was tho causo of tho disaster, but it does not appear that tho rottenoss of tbo bridgo was known to tho olllcinls, although an inspection of the bridgo was mado iu Juno, und ordors woro given for strengthening tbo bridgo on account of the strains to which it was being subjected. DENVER, COL. A DOUBLE MURDER. Denver. Col.. Autrust 12. A douhlo murder was committed last night thirteen miles up tho l'latto from Denver. G. M. Bonaclnu arid Mrs. Nowton. his sister. woro shot by a Gorman farm hand named Theodore Moyors. Bonacina is dead and jurs. .nowton is 1401 oxpectcd to live. Meyer is still at largo but a consider able roward is offered for his arrest. Mrs Nowton thinks Moycrs was hlrod to mur der them. It appears that sho was married last summer to ono Freidcnhal. who owned tho property, but, after tho marriage, docdod it to her. A quarrel occurring soon aftor Frcidonhal left, and Mrs. Now ton and her brothor havo slnco lived upon tho place. Suspicion naturally points to reidonhal as being tho instigator of tho murder. NEW ORLEANS. TWO MEN MURDER EI). tfltw Our vivii A is mi-., in A t.rt.ii twit 1 iV U litis .."".IUWII " o clock this morning, Domnick Byrno in llictod tlirco dangerous wounds on a cab driver, who wont to tho hospital bleeding profusely. Subsequently, llyrnu stubbed Patrick Ilagoy twice through tho heart, killing him instantly. Byrno was arrested by tho po lice Tbo murder occurred in a coilcc bouso, near Paydeas market. Cause, whisky, 13. 1871. WASHINGTON. WKATIIKIl REPORT. WAsiiiNfiTON, August 12. Haromotor remains without rnatorial chntigu nt the Kocky Mountain station, with high pres sure north of Wisconsin. This oveninir it now extends from northern Michigan cast ward Into Cnnndn. There is low barom eter in New England nnd is central In Massachusetts, with threatening weather and rain southward. It litis fallen gener ally from Minnesota tu Kansas and In Gulf state!. Tho tempernturo is lower thnn yesterday on lakes Kriu nnd Ontario, but has risen somowlmt front Louisiana to Georgia. Italn has been reported from southern nnd gulf states, and from tho lower lakes to Tennessee. Partially cloudy and clear weather now prevails west of tho Alleghany mountains and IJIuo Ridge. A smoky haze continues in Detroit. FitoiiAiiiLiTii:.1). Tho barometer will probably continue to fall north-wost of Illinois, and to less ox tent from Texas to Florndn, nnd great rains probably for three regions Sunday. Disturbance of some extent will probably bo developed in central Floradn. Light, local storms nro now prevailing on tho coast of North Carolina and New England, and will probably ho experienced, and ris ing barometer with warm weather will prevail Sunday from Virginia to tho low er lakes and New England. Lll ROOK. FIGHT AMONG FIREMEN. DAVIDSON, THE PEDESTRIAN, SUCCESSFUL. Little Rock, Au . 12. After tho firo last night somo llrcman got into a fuss over wno inrcw uio nrst water, resulting in a general fight, in which several wero seriously injured. A negro policeman In terfered but was badly beaten, together with twoor three other colored men." This morning riotous demonstrations wero again mado by negroes who threatened tho life of tho chief of tho firo department. Tho matter wns finally settled. ninety-six nouns. Davidson, tbo pedestrian, lias now been walking 00 hours, and has four hours yet in which to completo his task. Ho is'nl most exhausted, but will without doubt out successful! v. CHICAGO. SENATOR SCIIURZ ADDRESSES THE GERMANS OF CHICAGO. Chicaoo, August 12. Karowcll hall was El'.ed this uvoning with a large audience, who listened wit.t great interest to Sena tor Schurz, of Missouri, who had been in vited to this city by prominent Germans, for tho purpose of giving their, his views on tnc great political topics oi tuu any. BOSTON. I THE NEW-YORK AND HOSTO-V YACHT CLUHS. 1 Boston, August 12. Tho New York Yncht Club is visiting this citv to-dny anu uinos at i uii'a i-oint fl.'iiriy tms alter noon. On Sunday thoy will havo relig ious services on one of tho vachts, and on Monday a grand rcgetta will tako place, tho start being mado from Swampscntt. NIAGARA FALLS. I RETTING AND THE RESULT, I -Niagara Falls, August 12. A young man named A. C. Smith, residing iu Brooklyn, committed suicide last night by jumping from the bridgo leading to .Sec ond Sistor Island into tho rnpids. Ho had hot his money on tho wrong horso ut tho Buffalo races, and lost it. WASHINGTON. COMMISSION OF CHAS. ADAMS SIGNED. P. Washington, Aug. 12. Tho commis sion of Charles Krancis Adams was signed to-day by tho secretary of state at Long Branch, and will bo forwarded. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, August 12. COTTON Dull; sales 1,100 balus good ordinury at ISJfJiilOo, low middling; 1UJ( hi:; rccuipia uto uuius; uxpurts, lorcigll, .1,011 bales, coastwise, 10,000 balus. Stoc a'.COO balus. FLOUR Quiet; superfine $1 25, XX JO CO, XXX 0 8iJ7. CORN Finn atC807Oe. OATS Quiet nt -1852e. PORlv Sales at SUfi)lt 25. BACON Dull at TbJlfHjSe. WHISKY Qulot nt ttiiofi)l. COFFEE Quiet nt HJ15e. All others unchanged, STERLING 22L GOLD-112. ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, August 12. FLOUR Dull and unchanged. WHEAT Dull and drooping; in apoctcdNo. 1, $1.00; No. i, $1.0!. 10; No. 2, samplo, sold at S1.181.22. CORN Dull; mixed and yellow, I3e; whito, 47u; mixed, lu bulk, lie; white, sacked, )051c. OATS Very dull; mixed, sacked, 30 38e. BARLEY Qulot. RYE Unchanged ; No. 2, COftGUo. PORK Firinur ; held higher "at $12.50 12.75 for tiidts. BULK MKATS-lllglmr and in do maud; sales of 100,000 pounds loosu ahoul ders at UJc; 00,000 do clear rib on private terms. BACON Stronger ; shoulders, Go) cloar rib, 717J clear sides, Bio. LAUD Quiut and liomlnair WHISKY Dull utOOe, BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AVE. i BARCLAY BROS., oino i.r.vr.K, Cairo, lit,; ID JEi UG-G-IS TIS! SARATOGA SPRINGS tv n tt. M.tar AT 1IAP.CI.AVS' DltUO STORE. Kiimt Hrmr, Ilutr. MOCKING HUM) FOOD .u. Jm.uirrnn farJiwinni-T! tboibix At IIarclavs', jl i: i. m n oi,!)' g GRAVE f catawiia ) f (utAi F. ) PILLS CATAWIIA l. IIItAFB GRAPE CATAWIIA ) 'i (.ORAFF. ) PILLS AND Atl. or ii i: i. m it o i, ii .s .si i: i) i cix i:n Ahtaya In alock in l.irije "iipply, and for sale h It it r I ii y HroH. JUST It K C K I V K II A SO I'ni-Kiilclij- t!iiln, ItiiKIc or (.'nllnn AT IURULAVS-. S"Kxti!a Kink; CGENiriNi: Importko Extracts; CcjrllAin, Tooth and Nail Brushes; a5""lNii.v RunuKR Nursery Goer AT Bie.CIj.A.'X" BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD AMI PCRE FRENCH X.I -SC. lie.'t firudc In large atoek nnd va riety, very rho.ip; a Lo r Full Link of Colors, Mir ami in on.; I '.lint Hriiahe.', I.i'isccd Oil, Whitewash I Aishx Turpentine, Vnrnlahes Etc. etc., ALL Kl.sim A.SD TAMMU11 0.1'ALITirS At Barclays'. WLVKS AM) I.KtUOJtN. Xv5L"Yi7suTiTTmij Importer mill M'holotiilo Dealer Its WINES, LIQUORS, ANU TOBACCO fie CIGAES. Atent fur tho best brandi of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AMI IiiiHitel Ales or DltrereiitUlmls 7o Ohio Levee, tf CAIRO, ILLINOIS. F. M. STOCKFLETH, at eeramm wiiie 1 arocKKLtTII 111 ii 1 1 j rr nun , iioiesiiix ireiiier ss I'oreiKH nnil Domestle LIQUORS, WINES, ETC, No. 78 Ohio Lkvki:, S-I'iUN 1"1K!.II lit, I 'K, CVIIIO, I M.INOH, 1.7 II lieepaoa hnnd constantly n full atock of S I.UIM ieuiuekv noiiruon, ii)i aii't Jiononna iicl.i Whlakiea, French llrandlert, llolliind till, lthine,iiuil Ciilifonii Wine. Im'Hif ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY. Tlie I'lirty-'l'lurd Heanoii of Ihe ST- XjOTJIS U1TITEBSITY'! Will open 011 Mondny Hept. Hit, '71 I'lm in the only IiHlilnnrm of Learnldc mlhii weal, having I'leae-tablialied III IN.M. Thecourao of alndlCH otlcra olerv licllUy for UL'iiiirlt'K 11 thnroiiKh Cl.isaienl mid Cuiiiinerclnl eiliicallon. CuI.iIol'Nus ennhiinlni.' liiatrilcllona to nnrenln and ful ii.irllculnra, mil ho sent nn niMllleation to ltf.v fi. II. MTUNTKIIKCK, h. J. t'leai.ieni, 61, Louis L'lilterally, 1MJ1IL1C NOTICE. Whercn,. Wllllain II. lliiikouml Uu.":inn;i tlurko Ins uife, did nn the '-M d.iy of June, A. I). 1n'-i, oxeculu ttielr cerium lnoriirairo er deed ot trust to laliam .N Haynlnto aeeiirecnrtalii ikiIiis tliere In iiivntioned, uhicli deed of trust uus duly nc kiumledLeil 11ml reenrded In bonk "II" liaise. U3.1 end. Ill in the recorders oilli'o of Alexander coun ty, Illinois. And itliereas, delimit lias been mndo 11 ine payment o: suei uuiea. ;ow, inereio;e, 11 nreordaneo wlllt tin iirovisioiiH of .aid deed and liy tirtiio of llio powi rs therein contained, I Mill, on Friday, tho Istdaj of September, A, I, iiii.iii tne iroiu uoor 01 inn court imuse or Al ex tider eotintv. Stato ol IIIImoIh. m e o'elneL: if cud day proceed to tell tha tollowini; deicrlbed tiiieriy, .iiiiiiih lying iiiina city ut uairo, to-witi l.i.t.i iiuinbered nevcnloeii (17), eiuhteuit (is), nliietudi tl'.l) lu block tluydour (All, 11s tlie sal no ush unused to I mi nUtted and recorded bv Measra. Tn)lornnil D.tvls, the samo I10I111; ileacnbed in a ltd deed ot trust, foreaslt in hand to the highest bidder, mid will eievtita to the purchaser or pur chaser a deed for tha a.une. KldZAIlUTH (. HAYNIE, AdminiHtrslrii lor IhIihiii N. llnynio July '."HIi, lull, ivMia, MISrKM.AXKOfS' The copartnership heretofore :l,iln Al bert M. Wood and Kdirar M. liw, under ih firm name of Wood & Low, lherebV ul'ol"ed"by' mu l due said firm, and pay all debts contracted by the law firm ' At.flF.RT M. WOOD F.LKJAK M, LOW Caibo, Ills,, Ainru,t 7, t3;r. DISSOLUTION. The copartnership heretofore exUtlns; under the firm name of II, t. I-choU U Co. Is hereby dioled. Mrs, W ml ha, Ithdrawn. The buiincss will be continued by 11. F. F.choli, who assumes all .the debt, of the Ute in, anu 10 wnom nu mc ucdis uue ine saiu arm must be p.iij. 11. r. i:cnof.s. MKS. SARAH WOOD, viiro, nu., Aiigiiit ,th, ia,,. A DM 1 NISTRATOR'S SALE .t.?r f hereby alven, thM on Tuesday, the 15th dAy of Attjust nest, between the hours of to o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, Ji.S'Jf V 'i ,tsi,S"" f Auirku Weil deeeawd, in the city cfl.airo,on the Ohio laivee, l-.tween Sixth and Klgth streets, county r,f Alexander, hiate of Illinois, he person.,! property of the decedent, consUtlns of household and kiichen furniture, one sewing machine, counters and shelving, ahow cases, liquors and cigars, candies and candy Jars, also a leasehold estate hi lot No. to, In block No. 3. In the city of Cairo, together with the lirfck building on said lot and other articles, will be sold at public sale. u. M.c . uriu.cs 01 ici, man live uouar, li tul,l tin tijixi . r:.- ii.-. ...1 - . ,,. - r ..... ...n. "'Ulllll rtMU U.CI, Ull U (.rCUIl or six months, the purchaser givinil note, ith ap. groved security. luuis UUITAU, Atlminlstrator. Cairo, July 35, i8;t. Mi:i)i;,vi MANHOOD HOW LOST I HOW RESTORED Just published, in a scaled envelope. Price, Gets. A lecture on tho natural treatment, and radical euro of Pperm.itorrhea or Hemlnel Wenkne, In voluntary :miislona,Hcxual Debility, and Inipc dementH to Murrlngo Kenerally ; Nervousnes, Consumption, Kpllcpay, and l itsj Mental and PliTalcal Incapacity, remiltlnir, from self aliti.e, etc., by Koht. J. Ctilverwcll, JI. I)., author of Ihe "(Ircen Hook," etc. "A 1I00N TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS. Sent under seal, in plain envelope, to nn nd drcs, postpaid, on receipt of alx cents, or two postaKO stamps, by Chas. J. C. Kline A Co., 1J7 llowery.New York, I'ostotllce box l,So. elJd. m3 LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN?" THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. Mr. WIUTfOJIII'.S Sjrup. WIIIlVoHIPS Sjrup. WIHTCOMU'B Sjrop. Cnre colic nnd i-ripins; in the bowela, nnd fn. cilitntrs tho procoss of tcethlm:. SulHtnea convulsions") and overcomes alt dis ease Incident to in- I fitnt. and children. Cures diarrhea, disen. tcry nnd mimmer com. plaint In children ol all LR"S. It Is tho Great Infant' and Children'. KoothinK Remedy in all disorders brought on by Teething or any other cause. Prepared by tho QRAFTON MEDICINE CO., fct. Lotll., Mo. Sold by Druggists and. Dealers In Medicine everywhere. my7divtm 0ELERRATED HITTER CORDIAL iVHOLKSALE DEPOT t SCIIEKTZ3 NATURE'S GREAT RESTORATIVE. N. W. COUNEU FIFTH AND HACK 8T3,' riillntlolpliln, ln. JOHN 6CHEETZ,. sole rnorniETor.. JLItlH a reliable Family Medicine, and can te nkeii by either Infant or ncult with the same been tidal result. It ia acertain, promptnnd emedy tor diarrhea, dysentery, bow els coninlieii dyspepaia, lownes. or siilritK, faintim;,, sick alomach, headache, etc. Forchill.i and Terer oi all klnda, it is far better and safer than quinine eithout any of Us pernicious; ellectd. It etlecta Kii appetite, proves n powerful digestor of food and will counteract tho ellect.s of liquor Inaf w minutes, a. indisputable evidence ofits m cal oropertles, v.o append a few of tho many titleatcs in our possesnion t Johnson's Depot, East Tonn., and Va. It. lenn. jAco.SciirrTs, Esq.-DcnrBirt I nwousod th Ultters I hnlo ohmlne,! lrnm vnn nn,l n ll..m to be all thev urn recommpnilr.,1 inhn 1 rm.n.i 01111 botllo 10 nllord mo considerable relief, I teel asthoudi I cannot do very well without them, in my present Mnte of health. u. iir..Tiu,i;. at., Plilla. ... ... I'ostor llaptlst Pnsayunk Church. Bold by W. P. Allen, 3S Mam street Dubuauo, family atujr.iiii:s. LOUIS JORGENSEN, Dealer In ull kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GBOOEBIES. 1'iiriiicr'H Vnrsl anil Nfnblliiff WITHOUT CHAIiOE. Cor. Wdshingtou-av, and Twontletli-st., CAIHO, ILLINOIS. JySTdtf W1IOI.USAI.K CHOCERS. 11. SMYTH & CO., I WHOLESALE GROCERS, OHIO L E V E K , V A 1 It . I 1, 1. 1 .V O I ll , A'su, keep constantly on hand a most com pleto stock of liiQTj-oias: M-OTCH AND IHISII WUISKIES -QIN8,- l'ort, .Miuloria, Shurry and Catawba WInea p HM VTU A CO. sell exclusively for cash, to I I . ulneli r,ut Ih.v inuli. ,1... 1 tiou of close bargain buyerH. Sircidi' atttiitioii yiven to Filling Orders, FUUN1TUHK. B. S. IIARRELL, DExVLEll IN FURNITURE QUEENSWAREJ HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, rrlre, Cent.. ttict; 2.-. Cents. Prlrc, !!.. ' Cents, BAR FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, 185 & 187 Commercial AvonUO CAIRO, IUiINOIb.