Newspaper Page Text
t noOFAAND'H. To ttcbllllalod Persona I To Dyspeptic To Siillerera from I.Ivor Com- plalnl t To those having no Appetite I To thoso wild Ilroken Down Constitutions! To Nervous Teoplo I To Children Wasting Away I To any with Debilitated Digestive Organs I rNiifTcrlns;wlilinuy ofllir rollnwlner Nyini'"""' Winch Indicate Disoatiram I.ivkh cm Hiomaih i as (Jon allpMloti, Inward 1'iles, Fulness or llinoil to the Head, ArM Ity of the fltomncli, Nhu.cb, Heartburn, l)irgut for lood, Full, nesa or Weight In llio Htoinaeli, Sour Erticltatlons, Hlnklng or Muttering nt tho I'ltof theHtomach.Hitimmliiirof Mm Head, II urrled or Difficult Ilreathlng, Htitlering at tho Heart, ChnklngorrjuflocatingBensation Inn In Lying Tnature, Dimness nl Vision, lint i Web before the Bight, Fever and Hull Tain In llioilcad. Deficiency of Tersplratlon, Yellowness of the Bkln and Eyes, Tain In the Hide, Hack Chest. Limbs, Hp... SUdden Fluthc. tf II. t. Hunting In tho Flesh, Con. itant Imagining cf KtII, and Great Depres nlnn of Bplrlls. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS ' i A Bitten without Alcohol or Spirits oj an v kind. 4 f , THdlllerent from Alt other". II is, composed of JL the purn Julcta, or VIUI Principle or Itooti, Herbs and Ilarke, (ur, m medicinally termed, Ex tract,) the worthless nr Inert portions of the In. gredienta not being uied. Therefore, In one dot tle of thl Hitter, there Is contained a much medicinal lrtu a will be lound In aoveral gal lone of imllrury mixtures. 'Die roots, etc., meJ In this Ultisrs sre grown In Oermany. their vital principles extracted In that country by a aclcn tide Chemist, and forwarded to trie manufactory in tula citr, where they are compounded and lot. llad. Containing no eplrttuous Ingredients, Inls Hitters la free from the objection urged against all others. No desire for stimulants can Ge In. duced from Uiairuset thrv cannot tnalin .trunk. ard. and cannot under any circumstances hate any Uit a beneficial effect. IIOOFLAND'S GEKMAN TONIO Was compounded for thoie not inclined to ex treme' bitters, and la intended for lire In case wnen tome aicoiiouc atimuiant n required In con' nectlon with the TodIo brunortl r.r ttm liiiten Kach bottle of the Tonle contalna one bottle el the littler, combined with pure HsNTA CUVZ usi, ana navoreu m aucn a manner trial the rx treme trittameas of the Hitlers In ovr.nm forming; ft preparation tilghljr agreeable ami Kleasantto thejialale, and containing the meSlo lal virtuea of the Dlllera. The price ol the Tonlo la M per bottle, which many person think toe high. Tnry muit tak Into consider, atlon that the stimulant uied la guaranteed to I 01 pure qujuny. a poor ariieio could rui rur mined at a cheaper price; but la It not heller to pay little more and hare a good article I A medicinal preparation should contain none but til bo I Ingredients ; and lliey who expect to oh. imia cucap cwuiiKiunti. ana uc uenoutte'j uy it. Hill n.n. H -... I - I - I .L..I.I ' ' HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS; UOOI'LANII'N Q-ERIwT 3ST TONIC; mm ttOOPLAND S rODOI'IlYLLIN l'ILL Witt, CURB YOU. Tbey are I lie Jrrntet nioml I'tirltl. era Known v iim niMiicii worm, anil win projiifttt.. .u...... ruing i ro in impure wool, Debility of the Digestive OrKaoii, or Uncuod Liter, In ft shorter time than any other known rem edies. The Whole Supreme Court of Pennsylvania . . w ivuiwiri, nnn wouiu asa lor ore uiKuiaau ana aironirer mnnv r Ion. Ueorge W. Woodwara, formerly Chicl Jus tice of the Hiipreme Court of Pennsylvania, at present incmuer oi voogrets irom i'tnui)iva- ..... . . I'hlUdelphla, March 16, IW7. eriui m uiscascs ui wio uigesiite orguns, and or rest benefit In cases ol debility and want of wiuui nciiun in tne syiiem. 1 ours, truly, OKOKflK W. WOODWARD. on. Jamea Thompson, Chief Justice of the Bu acme Court of i'ennsylvanlat , , , Philadelphia, April IA, 1K7. 1 consider llooHtnd's tierman llittera a rslns. e medicine In casca of atuuka of Indif eatlon or rnT'i". i can ceniiy mis irom roy expert J A.Mr.J TJ1UJI IHOS. on. Oeorre Sharrwood, Juttlco of tho Supreme . , , uiiwiti'ma. .gun i, lew 1 have found by experience that Hoofland's l.ll..lftlhl.t. ...... 1 ItM 11 " ."I1 viii n Ml III UBt IIIIVCUIi OKOROBHIIAIISWOOD, fakJ. N. T.t Mavor'a OIHce. lluflalo. June 22. I'm. 1 have used IIcoBand'a Uermau Hitlers eml commend mom as an excellent ionic. Imnirt- ir tnne anil vlffnr trt the Vfllpni. Tlivir inn lia on produciivo oi ueciueuiy renenciai enecis. WSt.F. 110(1 KHX. in. James M, Wood, ex-Msyer ol Williauiinort lake crwt Pleasure in recommindlmr Hoof. id's Oerman Tonic to nnv one who inav Intnl. teJ with DririArisfa. I IikiI fhn Tlvunr..!.. n 11 y it wis Impossible to Ueep any loud on my luacn, win i wflmo i wraK woui id uearne walk nair n mile. 1M0 Dottles or Tnnio f. ted ft perfect cure. J"AMKH M, WOOD, i uoouaou a uermau ionic, will euro every a v. iXbIsmus, on wABiisa away or tub DODY. s are the medictnoa you require to purify the wi mwiwuw wiruuA i,iver io neaunv action. to enable VOU to nans HAielv thrnnoh nnv dttups s-4 tfAiWsuro, i ' B. HOOFIAND'N f 1l r 13 Tzr "rr T- t- . . Or Bubjtlt'uIe'ffr Mercury Pills. 0 PILLS A DOSfi.t Tho moat iqwerful, yet tuuvt.vui, TTciuuic .uiiinriiu KtlUHIl, is not Desj64UrV to take a handful ot these io prvuuuu tuu uusiru rucci. 1 wo or lliem uickJy ud pqwoifuUv, cleansing tho Liver, lach and Howols, of all Impurities. Tho iiiai niKivuivtik in uuuuut a. or ma A irrw fexUfttt-uX. Mftodntke,-. which la by "man v mnrM t.nwnrnil. Bfltlfir 'ftdH .....lilnJ. annrsKB lisen. tia i ectiimr nni mi lAiirtnn .Ur- elAAnlBW it.anaiulilT Trnm fill nlMltn.. . with all the power of Mercurr. vet freo '.if . V. . I.Ih.Iaii. ...nil. . I r . n . I . . I .... rftiiuisaases jo which mo uso oi n cnimui c lififad. ineaenllisi-will euro enttrn Rnrur.w.. inevsry.CMS. .Thoy MEVEQ KAIJV. 1 cases. ot Llrer Complaint, Dyipopsla, nnd orTonio, should, be used In connection Willi me t.wsiiiunvH.4'..wiiiui4 a uermaii .uit- tno blood, atremnhens the' nert pa. rW. a the.UTtri and gives strength, cucrfiV unj e p. your Bowel aollvc with the Pills, nnd up tho system with llittera, .or. Tonic, and seasetsn retain th hold, or oven assail you. thfttftr eo-wnivertsMy'.Uicd unit highly ce you to Uko anything oka that ho may nay st as good, because ho makes a larger profit . These remedies will be aout by Express to ocalily upon application to the 1'ItINCIPAL CE. at the liKltMAN MKIlll'INh. UTOnlf UOJ ffriUSBTi .fUILAUGLPIIIAt CIIA8. M. EyNH, Proprietor. Formerly, 0. M. Jackson Co,- Remedies' aro for sale bv DrueslaU eiara. ami Meillelnfi flAnlrra .....uii... t ' ' THEULLETIN. IMilillcnfloM onice, lliillelln Ilnlldlnfr, ttnilllllKion AVCUIIO. HOME'S INVITATIONS, 1)11. HO.MK'd I.ATKHT ACIIIKVKMENTH MID AIll SL'SPKNHIONS. Lord l.lndiay iendtlio following uxtra urdlnnrvstorv to Ihn Snlrihiall.t, on v, .ay jf J -was WU SIJ ovonlngof tho 11th of July. I was how- ins uine experiments in my laboratory to Lord Adarp. Mr. Mr Itnmn and my brother-in-law. It occurred to mo to try if Homo was able to no mag. not In the dark. ThU la an exporJment Wlltrn 1 ImllftVA tvfia enartft 1... If tl. a I. -t. i t i ii.nuu ill A.UIUIWIIUMVIJ ntld nllllOllirr). llkn mveolr lm ublo lodliiinguish tho light, yet ho found iiuiiiuer oi porions wno uiu ice it ...1 T.I., .... unuur lust conuiuoni. 1 BJKCIJ Mr. Home. nnd ha nxnraMl hlmiolf willing to try tho oiperlment. I thon took into titm of my rooms, which was to tnlly dark, a largo permanent magnot,and liaVlntr relniVlll thn Armature. I nlp.t ll on the floor nchr the wall, ataconiidern- uio uiimnco irom tno aoor. air. Homo was then brought Into tho room, and re mained stAndlnir near tho door for somo moments, Ho then laid bo taw tome aort of light on the floor In tho cornor of the room, and Immediately laid to mo, "Give mo vour hnnd. nnd I ulll ihnu nmnii. ly whciro 1 sou it." Ho then lod mo ttralght across Uio room, and without tho 1 . I !... . . . -. . . . icnii. iiuitatiuii sveopea uown nu piacoa tnv hnnd nri lhn mnrrnnt. f livn lippn trying for more than two years to get a suimaciory rciun in tun experi ment, but hitherto with only doubful auc ceii. Tho initrumont uiml Umn compound magnet, capable of siutainlg a weight of twenty pounds. I may mqntion that on nnothor occailon I Wajsltllng with .ur. iiouiu aim .uoru iiaare, ana ft couilo of his. During tho sitting 3Ir. Homo went Into a trance, and In lliut luto was carried out of tho window in the room rixt to whore wo were, and wiu brought in at our window. Tho distance liclwccn tho windows was about soren feet. six. inohej, and thero was not the 'slightest fiiothold betweon- thorn, rior r was " there more than a tWolve-Snch 'projec tion to each window, which served a, 'dsn to put flowers on. V o heard the window in the next rooia lifted up, and almost Immediately after wo saw Homo floating in thb'uir outside our window. Tho moon was shining full Into tho room; my back ,wai:toho light, and 1 saw tliu shadow on the wall of th window sill, and Homo's fuet' about six Iti' ches above it. He remained In this noil- tion for a few seconds, than.' .raised the window nnd glided into tbo room, Jeet foremost and sat down. Lord,Ada,ro then went into the next room to look' l the window from which ho had been carried; it was raised., about eighteen inches, and ho expressed, his won der how Mr. Home had been taken through so narrow an aperture. ' HomoTatd (still In trance,) will show yon;'1 and then, with his back to the window, he leaned back, and wns shot out of tho a'perturo head first with the body rigid, nnd. then re turned nulti Thi t';r1n , , 1 j - alout lOTonty feet from tho ground. I tight-rope dencor would like to attempt a feat of this description, wheri the only means ef crofting would bo by a perilous Ioap,or being bornoncrots in sucti'n man ner as I hnvo described, placing the nucs tion of tho light side. WATCHMAKER. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. H. HOUPT, NO. 100 "WASHINGTON AVENUE, CAIItO, ILLINOIS, Has on hand A FINK STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JKWELRYJ KTC. I'artlculir attvnlion Bit en to' REPAIRING FINE WATCIIESi Tho largept slock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES IM Till cirir. CAIRO CITY COAL coMOrPA-asr-z-. Is prepare. I to supply cuitnnicrs with the best unltty of PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS CO-AJLj. OUtlEIW left at Hallldajr Dros. office, 7b OHIO Lnarlen Hotel, will rocelvn nroniDt attcoiiun. THK.TUCI "MONTAUK" wlllbringcoal alone ildo steamers at any hour. ociUtf DUNBAR'S WONDERFUL DISCOVERT. BET1IESDA MINERAL SPRING WATER, OP WAUKESHA WISCONSIN t. .v... mi. itbkji is iiiawKDuwioutfrucura oi tno in- lmlllttlrt on. I lnnil..i.U .1 aA--J? H.I-I..I. uu (mvuiuui UWIIUH t'i It'll S Uiscaao ami illabetei. - l iirignrs uisease Is ratal to the kidney, the.hody waste away, destroys lilo by atarratlon of the bloou. 11 Uiaoetes cosnmenaea with frooUtnt iealres to nnU ITttfnr. .rail .1 . .. . .. I ,..!. . strength and flesh. Astonishing cures of dropsy hate been effected, i uCmh,'",i1,"P05', Inllaniatlon of the neck, of ,the liver u U. "ni1 Faiy "'r!. "or the iro'verit'" ,niwo 'w KtwrelW tart ,c5." o7'hWeV ' ..,Ii; irV:r','T..?."n"'.waUksharWis. 1 atlvlcn will rmt wnn unlk n... ' . KUU any individual caso-no matter ol how long afTnd. Vg:"'r wonderful dlscovery-llleXidSSCra Wimon7is f. Posl,"re "ineUy Tor the' foregoing ailments. It has never failed Ip do what haTisna cal of Its inerUcias) qualities by paolcago or frans3 hrtrriitinti 1 i prutt inn u it Mir n t. j olronlar, vl i accompany caoic pcbAgA ordcrod 3M rcnuBvlTtinla-Av,, WMhingtoo, 0. 6. " uj'iiuav, ii iunvniiat Tv IB Jel5d3m , JOB PRINTING. Thn nn.larair.nil!! ft. I '.Yllh- I'Ll'iicwiaui II1U fill.! WIU Wkiklv JltiLiTiN, Imvo Just received an' assort- moniot tno latest slyles of Job Printing types, ff hlil5inihw otnw . WSS "nlloo Ion orfess TIj i ii an4 ffcoa iisjjj ji niter lIsOTlgttlVQS Sai?.v .nff-t Mtt'f J?.? V. cmtusieu to inem, rrom the -smallest card pr rnm far unruilnt, uAi. T7tfiT..7 LxiT:H2?'"V 7. " , ' " a wuib turn. Aiuuiau uncia THE CAIRO DAILY WAIiOON!. EL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND BAR ROOM. JOHN UATIM, lroitrlcorr 1M Cdrnmercial Avenue, OA I HO, II.MN0I8J Host brand of Csllfornla Cigars Just received, TIl.I.TAItI) saloon furnished mth Iho Nsl Ol B 1 (At.lfta ( .ml 1 .n - an .,l I -.I ..III. 1 n , "'I-' "i;jiiw.4 riiii miles, Irnuor and cigars of the finest brands. 1 FITZGERALD'S SAMPLE BOOMS, Cor. roiirfrrnth Nt. and Com nierclnl Avenue. TITZOF.IIAI.D'B Sample Hoomii are slockod 1 With l.llrn iln,.nrln.l llnA. I i r ".'C'll'lxnseU from the har in flrlt-olst "t1 V,',,Tll,n,,no''!llrestabhmcntJnHouth- Am llllnnisa anit itart I.aIIab . i n I. .s a. i i ti t? wwr mwitEii, Vflll fUl J JOUN UPLAND'S SALOON, Corner Truth Mr ret nnd Commercial Atcuuc. QJOI'MtlOItlquors, beer, ale, etc., and fragrant kj lJaviuuM always on hand. Thoso detlring de lltnttubflvragcs should not (all tocallandenioy thru. AM their wants will lie attend to In a man ner thattwlll warrant return. All, his liquors, wines and cigars have been selected with great aru ami critical tasto. SPECIAL, NOTICES. BATCIIKfiOR') If AIR DYK. j , This sunerh Ifalr live is tfinv tirUrnBfti I'erlectly llnrmlets, Reliable and Insthaatcous. Kaillajpriointment. No Kldlcutous Tints or Un- iiessaru uuor. i lie genulnq w. A. Ilachtlor'S fair I)V Drodlicea IMMKIIIATKt.V a r,lr,,ll.T Illa.k ' n-ll.-l 1. . T. . . l-.L : . . . "r-r U...I.I u.uhii. iucn nut nifiis ine Hkin, but leaves the Hair Clean, Sort and ildauti Ail. The only 8afo ind rerfect Dye. UA1.I .... .11 .1 .... ...i "t .ujriiawisn, ractory io unna Ktreet, Netrlork. ianjldo.lwl "consumption. IT9 CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE BY "DR. J. H. SCIIENCK, M. DJ ManyamanlMinibaspastedawayfarwliOM jatn I here was no other reason than the neglect or known ana tndlspalablv proven means of euro. '?l!?.".6', vr ,'mlr M Wends are u?rcXi5awtS'" tWaihr ,ol"ulc." UR. JOSEPH II. HOIIKXCK'H SIM , TKEATMEST, and availed tbemaelvas of his wonderf nil v efflca. cliw" ESl1"! CooW not fallen, ur. Bettenettihaa la iis own case proved that It.UriitaniarlleirMaand hts directions lor their quickened Into healthful vltror,' In UUM atatenant there la nothing preanmsw ttious. To the faith at the Invalid is maOo no rewwBnuUoothirt Is not a thoutand times sat aUuUated bj living and vl.lblo works. Tho Mieorr of tie otirT, i)r. Bcbenck's medicines Is as slmtle as It U nafalling. Its philosophr ro qulres no argument. Ulsself-aJsurto,su4xiu-vincmg. ' . - The Bea-wccd Tonic and Mandrake Pills are the first twu weapons with whloti'Uie citadel of the malady Is assailed. Two thirds of Iho cases of consumption orsttnatq In -dratwpsla and a funo tjonallr disordered llvr. Wth tbla conoitlpn tea broscMat Sjftiee' sympathlie" with the toinach. Ther respond lo the morblflc action or the liver., flen then comes Uie culminating result, and tho setting Id, with all Us distress lDg4jmpUiras ot " COSHIT3IPTIOX. . The Mandrake Pltis are composed of one of Ka tore's noblest a-tfu-tbe Podopblllom Peltatnm. Tbsr iwases ail tho blood-Marching, alterative .properties v caiatucl, but, uollxo caToasl, they 'tEAVE KO SXIJiC BEniND." Th work of core Is now beginning. .The vitia ted and mucous deposit In th bowel and lo tho allmentarr oaoat are ejected. Th liver, like fi"001' foord up. It arouse from tu torpld ,". TV ton reaponalvelr. and tbo patient begins to rtel that be Is getting, at last, A'HVSVW OF GOOD BLOOD. -The Sea-weed Tonic, In conjunction with the PUIS, permeate and astlmtlatee with the food. ChrllacaUon la now progressing without It pre vious tortures. Digestion becumetpalnle.and the cure I aecn to be at hand.. There Is no moro Batulenoe, no exacubation of tbo atomach. An appatlM set In. 5ow come tho greatest Dlood PnrlllereTerret gtyea bran IndeJisnt father .to aagcrtng man. pebeack' lulmonio Brrup oomo In to perform ,,,.,"Y."V . . -ui.X-l ihn cure. It enters at onco upoa Its work. Katuro cm nolUi ckeated. It collecu ana rtpena the L-1. ' . ' ""7" -ur uio lung. ili.iS.? of gaLbertngs, It prepare thom foe aftoratton. and lot lu a very short time tho milady Is vanquiihed, the rotten throne that It poctiptod Urenorated and mado new. and the patient. In all the dignity oX regained rlgor.step ki W enjoy the manhood o womaahood that OnE7l ITT Atf 1,0 8T. Th second thing l. the patients ranit star In a warm room anUI ther get Weill It Is almost Im possible t prevent taklnA cold when the lunn are diseased, but It must be prevented or acura aaot ba cid. fresh air and riding out. 'cvpectailrin this section of the couolrr. In the sit aud wUUJr. acsson. aro all wrong, l'bvtl. nana vrbn recomtueod that course lose their na Uantf. it, Uflr lung are badlr dlseaaedi and yet. tcua ther.aru In tho house ther must not It down ulet i ther must walk about tbo room as roncn and as fast as tbe strength will . bear, to get up a good circulation of blood. The patients mH; In good detertnlnedto get well. This his a great deal to do with to appo tlje.ajd 1 tho great jxtint to gam. K To despair of euro after euch. evidence or Its sslblhtr. in the worst cases, and moral cer lotr In at) others. Is sinful. Dr. Hvhenck's per sonal statement to the -locally of hi own euro was In tboso modeil words i "Many rears ui I was in tho last stage of consumption! contlned to mr bed. and at one time mr phrslctans thought that I could not live a weekt then, like a drowning man catching at atraws, I heard nt and obtained the preparatlona which I now offer to the public, and tbor made a perfect cure of me. It seemed to me that I could feci them pen Ctrl to my whole system. They aoon ripened the matter In my lung. and LwdoM aplt np mora than a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning fo a long time. '"-As soon aa that began to subside, mr cough, fever, pains, and night aweat all began to leave Bl.evinT.'l'!l".,, hecamo so great that It was with difficulty that I could, keoprroK eating too ranch. I' soon gained my strength, and bare grown tn flesh ever alnce. . i , ' wfS,wf.,ned shortly after my recovery." added the Ioctor. r Uien looking like a aaera ssekKonrmr weight Was only. ninety. seven Kunds I. my present weight Is two turn iird and eufrbye (SlS) pounds, and for years I havo en joyed uninterrupted Jicslth." "-, iR-.'Bchenekhas disciintiuued his profeuleoal visits to L-Now-Vork. and lttton. lleoTnlTiSn; Dr. J.'H.Hchenck, Jr., still continue to ro pa-V.fn.u.f,,l!e'roBlceANo-Js,,'orth Sllth Street, rtilUdelphla.ovcry Haturduyfrom9A.M.to3i-.u! Those who with u thorough ciamlnatlnn wiili the Hciplrometer. will' ho oharged ti Thelu-s. rilrdmetcr' declares tho exact condition "I .tho iiuki, and patient run rtudlly learn whether tliey nr curablo or not. The dtrectlvna for taking Uio medicine are ' jadapted to the Intelligence even of a child. Fol low theio direction, and kind Watura will do the 'rest, escorting that In somo case the Mandreko l'llls are .to ba Lukan In lnenusiwt itaA. .v.- three htedtcinestiecd no other acoomnunlmcnts 'than the ampin Instructions that uocompany them'i' First crento appetite. Of returning . health,'tbo. most woleonui aymptom. When It come a It will come, let tbo despair ingatuncebeotgoodehter. flood blood atones J follow,-the cough loosens, tho nlgbt aweat la abated. In n short Unio both of these morbid symptoms arogono forever.. n f . Dr. tjeittncarantdlclne are constantly kept In , lens of thousands of 'amines. As a laxative or purgative, tho Mandrake Pllla are a standard pre- . oai-atlon i.wbllatbo.PulmoiUo Syrup, aa a cure of eaugbsand ooldi, maybe rogardea aa a pro. phylacCurlo ugaluit consumpUou ta any of Its lorraa. " -1 - ; Prico of tho Pulmonlo Syrnn and Baa-weed Tocl0.gLMabotl.OT1rTJ0ahjr doien. Man. djakejlh oenu a bug. Kur aak) by all drug. I fl .OAN.rXTTIUt. j ( F; S. MUR1UY, GS AND STEAM FITTER I1A8 HKMOVKD FROM l'ERKV 1I0USK To Tni DRICK UUILDINO on SEVENTU ST X li. OrVOBlTB YIHTKU'8 BLOCK, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, T. HE has groally Improvod bis stock, nnd has ' now on hahd all liiuila of I oriANpxMBns, hiiackkth, PxJjf DKNTB HALL LIQIITS, aj(OUE, SnADEB, KTO. HE If AS MARKED DOWN PRICES Tq.thp)orest living flguroa, nnd ho Invito the ! patronage of the public. vilcOOMBS, KELLER & JIRXNES,.. l8fcuesor to Adolphu Meier A Co., IMl'ORTEIW AND JOIlllEIU IN HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Nob. 100 nnd 103 N. Maln-st., SI. LOTJIBj M'Q. 00XKS BOUCITBD. - ylWJni BULLETIN, TUESDAY V1VOBRTAKRRM. W. 0. OARY, PKINCIPAi; UNDKIlTAKElt, a o K M 2 S O D a BALES ROOM, No. 13 BIXTII STREET CAinO, ILLINOIS. NICHOLAS FEITH, QENEKAJi. UNDERTAKER, I o 5 o EH c a m t a Cor. WskahlBgtoswtv.ausd llth-t., CAIRO, 1LUN01H. aJr2i15m BOeKB. 3 J3 CO t) C a a o B a E II. A. H ANN ON, Wholesale and Uctail BOOKSELLER, STATIONER. NEWS AGENT, Dealer In Sheet Mdsic, Picture Frames, Moulii- IN0?,.ITC, No. 12G, Commercial' avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. H Steamer supplied with offlee Matlonerv, nil dally papers gtatnped to order day am' night, ajystr STOVES, TIN WAKE, ET', A. IIAL LEY, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow Ware. Clothe Wringers Tulle tvaro, uoai uoqs, re Uhovela, Air (intes. UMCTACTuaia'or TIN, ZINC, COPPER AND SHEET , IKON WARE, No. 166 Washington-avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOI". iSri'lD.;.ao."e,,W? nd "II kind ofjob wort: donoat shortest notice. fehldtf . i i TTPK roiJNItRY.' NEW i;ype foundry AB PRINTER'S WAREHOUSE ST. LOUIS BRANCH pr Tile. . " ' BOSTON TYPE FOUNDRY, Cor. Ciikstkut Aif'rJ Skcokb Std., , ST. LOUIS, MO. Book, newspaper and' Job typo of every atwle, r?,1.M.0i.n".'KB.?f'!.''r,i 'U flU Tough Metal KS JrVtindry.hras." rule, .ZTl' H i oiaca: and co ord tag, -.....,vi ,tue sonon sypo rouudy, St. Leuts, MO. Jawim 1 : -s I H E 5. . S 8p S a u 7 if u v j S .MS. 2tJ Tr4S.r i w w I 5 jr ( S af 2 -r g 5 a j e s B S O fl B o 2 rn O ai 6 ) 3 5 S m g ( K ? 0 g 5 f J H j ri b s" $ J ( t www (. I O O LJ s HfiMaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTfct- , 0 ehW b4pn and cirsjTeiitBrs. eli., etc., kept oQWtaBtlycnhand. Addres order '4 tiii. "MJA'BT. JOHN, Manager, AUGUST 15, 1871! HASH IIOIiDKIt. DOUULE-AOTIFO "WINDOW L( CK AXO SASH HOLDER. hansel'h patent the only nr.i.iAi)i.E WINDOW FAST OUT. o'gB H 2,3 .- r DJSRLIZliKIMERi&CAIIN, Holo otrriera of tho Territories of tho SUte a ol Illinois, Wisconsin And Iowa, and Agents for other Stains, General Office 00 "WAsnisoTON-sT., CIIICAOO, ILLS. OCNKRAI. aok.nt.n. IIALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL -AGENTS, ' " aso ' em- ,. ..Ill ' ''I u FORWARDING 'anu COMMISSION i ' I H F. It ! ISA NTS , i i. i .j. ji i ' . ; ) 1 i ' .w ;,n-jr9ut( ''' " ' " I , ...,)MI,, , . .. .).'''.."' ' DEALERS IN FLOUR; Ami A ents of Ohio lllvrr iiml Hnunwlin SuIiO? GOMPAKIESi 70 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. FAMILY KOl'i:itIK.S. LOUIS JORGENSEN, Dealer in all kinds of STAPLE AiND FANCY QEOCERIBS. I'nrmer'H Ynrd nnd Stitlillng; WITHOUT CIIAIWE. Cor. Washiugtou-av. and Twcutioth-st., CAIRO, ILLIN'018. Jy27dtf WlIOI.ENAIiK t'ltOt'KHS. R. SMYTH & CO., WHOLESALE UROCKRS, OHIO LEVKK, C A I It O . ILLINOIS, A'io, keep coustaotly on hand a most com plete slock of XiIQ-TTOieS- SCOTCn AND IRIBII WIII8KIKS -G I N S', Port, Madcrin, Sherry nnd Cntawlm Wlnoa R8MVTH A CO. scTeicluslvely for cash, to . uliich fact tliey Invite tho especial utleu. tiou of close Uuriftilu buyers. Special attention givcri to Filling Orders, runniTUHf:. D. S. HARRELL, DEALER IN FURNITURE QUEENSWAltKj nOUSE FURNISHING UOODS, BAR FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, 185 & 187 Commercial Avonno CAIRO, ILLINOIS. P1IYMIOIANN' WILLIAM R. SMITH, M. D. RESIDENCE No, 21 Thirteenth street, be tween Washington nrenuoHiid Walnut street. OlUce 120 Commercial avcnu, up stairs. A. WADOYMAR, M. D., ,T3HYSI0AN, Burgeon and Accouhour, formerly j; of Anna, Union county, Illinois, has per manently locatod In Cairo. Olllee-Commeruial rente, between Eighth and, Nntlt street West ,tw marly W. DUNNING, M. D. UEaiDENOEcornerNinlh aud Walnut sis, JliOmcc corner blzth street and Ohio levee, OIB99 bours from 0 a.m. to 12 in., and ) p.m " Njl '? Si1 7 o.tuiiiiio?f and ronwAitniso. W.SIralton. '"fTiVid" STJRATXOaV & BIRD, (Succciora toSlratton, Hudson i Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMM KSSION JIERCIIANTS, Ohio Lovcc, Cairo, Illinois. HyAgcnN of American Powder Co., and man. faoluters agent for cotton yarn. JyTdlf JOHN 13. PIHLLIS, t (SucccMor to Parker ft Plillll,) GENERAL COMMISSION AXD FORWARDING MERCHANT, SND DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Elour, Meal, Bran, Con. TENTII-ST. and OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO, ILL. CLOSE & VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND rDE-A-XiOEJIRS liT LIME Cement, Plaster Varis, AND PLASTERER'S HAIR, Cnrnrr Klchlli NlriH't nml Ola to I.ptro CAIRO, ILL. PETER CUHL rtcLfjiti; FLOUR MERCHANT AND MILLERS' AGENT. No. 80 Ohio Levee, CAIRO ILLINOIS. Orders solicited und promptly tilled. yldtl II. M. IIULEN, KEECHAHT, No. 13-i Commcrcial-ave., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MILLER k PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION AMI FORWARDING -MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. 58 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. .1. M. PHILLIPS & CO., (.Successors to 1 11. Hendricks A Co.,1 Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS AND WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS! CAIRO, ILL, l?3:''i,'Prl,l Advances made uiion r,w HVS. UoiiKlgiiinerit. ZjJ Arc prepared lo receive, itnro nml nritiird Ireiglils to all points nml buy nml sell on commission. sTIlinlness nttemleil In promptly. WOOD RITTENJIOUSE, (S sor ol Ayers A Co.) FLOUR AVIl General Commission Merchant 103 OHIO LEVEE, Gaiko, Illinois. m;.L, imtaii:aui:.t. C. WINSTOX & CO., REAL "ESTATE AGENTS AMI AUGT10NERS, 71 (skt'oni) ki.00u) ohio lev kk, uaiko, illh., Bvy and Sell Real Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS 0' TITLE Al I prepare CniimvHiiees of KliuU. niu.Miiiius. L & E. GREENVVALD. MANVfAOTUSKa Or HI earn Engine, Hollers, Klour ond UrlBt Mills, Saw Mills, Tho "Tupper" Plitent Grate bar, MA01UNEUY FOR QKNKRAL TU1IT0SK8, CINCINNATI, OUIO. MEtilt'AU THE RRIDAL CHAMBER, ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MEN 0.1 OREAT SOCIAL EVILS AUD ATiUSEf, oVefnfto,r'ti,r.8.wl!h msl'. with suro mean, !mdihllaLPlnfn,, unfortunate, dlaeased chtin Kldr,:..B,lV ,n '.hM nlor.V, free ol Hon 8Nn snth i4i??a Aid Assoola Jyidawam, I'hlladelphla, fa. umca o: .'. 3. SOBBQis, '4fi6 North Eluhth SL, PhlUda. DoM)iiis Vegetable A .color land tlrai3ing tlint will not burn tho lutir or injure tho head. It does not produco a colo mechanically, aa tho poisonoui preparations do. It gradually restores tho ln.s to ita original color and lusti -by supplying now life and vie ' It cauHCd n luxuriant growi!. of aoft, fine hair. 1 Tho best nnd Bafost nrtlolo ever ofiered. Clean and Pure. rTb acdinion : Sold every whet o. ASK FOR DOHHINS' IMAYNARD'S. STAB BITTERS Till: BEST T0NIC..IN USE I I'ttlt NAI.R II Y E. F. MAYNARD, PROP'R PITTSBTJEO- DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. Use thoso only, and aaro time, health 'and money. SI.Ou) reward (or any case Of disease, in any siao wmcu iiiey lau io cure. DR. RICHAU'S DOLDEN BALSAM, Norlands, nro the greatest alterattTes known. DU. lUCHAU'S GOLDEN ELIXIR D'AMOUIt I the greatest tonlo and nstringent In thoinoJI cal list. IU. RICHAU'S GOLDEN ANTIDOTE I the only reliable diuratic. The o remedies nro not adrcrlised to cure all complaints, and benefit none; but aroimarnnteeil to effect a radical and speedd cute In all cases for which they are recommended, when all other treatment lias failed. Ten of thousand yearly recover by their use, who hatro lost all hope, nnd been pronounced as Incuiabloby the best of our medical faculty. DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 1, cures ulcer, ulcerated sore throat and mouth, ore eyes, cutaneout eruptions, copper colored blotches, aorcnesa of tho scalp, scrolula. etc. It is tho greatest renevator. altoratito and blood purifier known, remorea all mercury front the srstem, and leaves tho blood pure nnd healthy. DR. IUCHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM, No. 3, cures mercurial altections, rheumatism In all it forms, and giro Immediate relief in all cases. DIt. IUCHAU'S GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, A radical euro for all urinary derangement: I'ricc, 3 per bottle. DU. IUCIIAU'3 GOLDEN ELIXIR CAMOUR, A r ullcal cure fornorronn orieneral debility. In old or younc, Imparting nergy with wonderful ellect. I'rico 5 per bottle, or two for V. On receipt of prico, tbeio rcmedlo will be ship ped to any place. Prompt attention paid to all correspondents. Nono genuine without the name of "Uit. IUCHAU'S OOr.UEN REMEDIES, D, 13. IticiiABDS, nolo proprietor," blown In glass of bottles. Circular sent. Trade supplied as a libera dis count. Address, Dr. D.U. Richards, 223 Varlck-st., N.Y. STSond money by express or order goods through your Druggist, nnd you will meet with lnoom, JelTdaw DR. RATTINGER'S FA3IILY MEDICINES. IntMUiigcroklproiTietouaffiSmSr 1410 SOUTH TTH-BTt NT. I.OI7IN, MINNUURI. Dlt. RATTINGER'S FEVER DROrs Are the champion medlCino for the cur ol Ferer Miy, I'm"". mh mi uiuer Kinaa ot malarial rovers. 1 hey are purely Tcuetahle. cure quickly and permanently. No person need hare the lever a second time, when theao droMcan ba obtained. I'rico tier bottle, SI.1M. Ask for Dr. itauuiger a raver mops. DR. RATTINGER'S VEGETABLE LIVER TILLS Aro excellent in all cates of oostlreness, bilious ness ami impurity of the blood, thoy contain neither calomel nor anv other mercurial nrennraa tion ( act quickly and produce no griping. I'rico per box 23 cents, Ask for Dr. Rattinger1 VeRCtablo Liver Tills. DR. RATTINGER'S DIARRHOEA AND DISENTERY l'OWDEKS. Aro n pleasant, quick and safe remedy' for all kind ot Diarrhoea and Disentery afflicting adults. Trice per box SU eenta. Aak for Tr. Rat. tiuger's DlnrrliomtandDyentery Powder. UK. KAin r u K its TONIC HERBS AND ROOTS. Mat.',, n illlierlnrulnmm-K t.l.l..-. . .i a preventive agalust malarial fevora and eapeclal ly u it lonlo In eatea of ireneral dehllltv. irin per paekiijp, 2ctnita. Ask lor Rattinger Herb, hor sale by all llraUclasa druggist and dealer lu medlulne. . Kanrfir A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAOE GUIDE. A Trlvaio Counselor to tho Married or thn In armulln tn..u on tho physiological mysteries nod reVelallon Y.Z . .wiftuiiuus ui mfl svAuai sjsten nlth tholatestdlscbTerie In producing ami pre In., nil'.... !..,. .. . . of the sexual lyatem u I'tuuueiug iii taeoompli tlr nt Iw.i I... . . ..-. m i." 'imm I'loaiiiuii: iiiDuuuiiiiui ml . rill I an Interesting ttoik of two hundred and twenty-four pages, witn numerous ngravini(S, ami contains valuable information for thoso who n iu!iii!ciiwrvumeuj,iiavo marriagui sun It la book that oujthl to ba uaderlock ana: Iter, and not laid carelessly about the house, ' cent lu.iuiy one iireo ot poitago) ror BO cent Address Dr. llutta' DispanSaxT. No. it. Eighth street, Bt. Louls.lllo; , ' WW oUco to AtHlcte ajaa VMrtisiol.' ' "S tWMMWIIO advorllso in tno publlo papers or uslnu any Uuaek ' remedle. perusa , Vr. Uutu' ork7no mil"? wiiat your iiiscase is or how deploraUe your wo. nti.'!?.'?? U c"ultd, personally or at V . JyiTdAweoJir I 7.i7r7.'..7" o. . VV!'" uxi. asiiit ana