Newspaper Page Text
THE GIRO DAILY BULLETIN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1871. TiU VULER'S GUIDE. TAKE NOTICE. riMKTAntic or tiik centra i n. R. On and after Xunday, ila I4tb, 1871, the follow ing Hrne-tablo will govern the nrrlTal and depart ure of pMtiMrin nvnni vnor' Mi1 train, dally i... 1 1 : p.m. Impress, dull i,15i.ln i1rfjltll,ll,d.ii) S.noa.m. I'ttmi. dull, except Hundsy 3:31) p.m. Noih.naeofcara fromCsiro in 81. Louis. Jo ,l,;o of cars rromuuro to unicago. wrfini prawlrg Kon steeping on night lrtn. rtsggssr fheclied t" nil Important points. Tho attention nf shippers la especially ,led to the fact that a Fruit Express train tVeCuM dally, Haturdsys expected, and will ''ake the run fmm this city to Chic ago In twenty, two hour. JAS. JOHNSON, Agent. KAII.KOAUS. QUICKEST UOUTE FROM SOUTH Til ILLINOIS CENTKAL R. R. TO Sr. Lon, LonsviLLK, Cincinnati, Cm cmio, ew York, Boston, ASn Alt VOISTS EAST AND "WEST. p.s.eiiger trains arrive at and leave Calrd at fol low. i Mitt. rirntii, A.aiti. 3i:ilia.m -, innai- iiitaun. .... jii.i ti.m Both trains conncet t Cenlralla with train oa tnt ivr-A-iasr XiXirjs re a FiU, Decatur, Bloomtngtcn, El Paso, La Salle, Meolota, r'reeport,l.aln, Dubuque, and all point In Illinois, Missouri, nneots, A'i.eonsin and Iowa. And wllli Lines running Eat and Writ for bi.Lotil., HpsnrfelJ, Louisville, Cincinnati, lntjanapolu, Columbus. And at Chiesco with Michigan Central, Michigan Southern, and Pittsburg, Fort Va)De anj inicau luiuroaas iur ivirolt, Cleveland, Dunkirk. Albany. Boston, Philadelphia, Magra Fall., Erie. Bullalo, Ne rors, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Washington. AXD ALL POINTS EAST. For through ticket and Information, apply to Illinois Central Railroad Depot. W. V. JOHNSON. General Pas.enger Agent, Chicago. 3. JOHNSON, Agent, Cairo. SP1UKGFIELD AXD ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTEKN E. It. On and after Monday, April Jtth, 171, trains wll rua as iollows i NORTHERN DIVISION. Ttnal ooisa soCTUiitr. Mail. Ltate Virginia i.'.tna.m " sjinuKneld i"t , ' Tajlorrillc tO-.Si " Arnie at l'aua 11:10 m TKil.l ootiro sosTnwur, Eipres Leae Paaa ,Kiu,m .. " Tsjlorville ..I7 ' Arne atSfrinj;neld..6ill " .... Lete3piinjfitlii.....0.Ii " Am teat VIrinia s.2i " .. Express 12.35 p.m. . 3.(10 " .. 4 31 " M7 " Mall. ..,1.35 ti.m. ..4:20 " ...e.tu " " ...6:15 SOUTHERN DIVISION. tains coim soi'Tiiiisr. lae Edgewood...... 5:30 a.m. 10:10 a.m. " Hora..:ii .... ....Jl:tO " Amte ai ehwaectownl.Mp ri 5:15 p,m mm eono oTiitn. l,eu uanlun IS . ....2Ciii.m Flora. ......i.j The 5.30 a.m. tram from Edcewood, run. only Mondays, W.dnesJarsand Fndajs.and 5:45 a.m. train from Slianeeioirn on Tue-daj, Thurs. days and saturda, s. ' Cornects at Aahland riib Jal:onrMlc dirislou of Chi.-a;o an I Alton It . Uro.d. for JacksoCTjIle. Peterslcri-, Ma.on City, a nd all rlm west. ' TLifc,f,r'f1AH'"''.C :!c"K nJ Alton, and Bloomingtcs, ChicaKo, nnd all points north.north. wet I an4 we. i, . rfl"..,"1' ,.ni,1, D'.1. s- 10u". Illinois Cestril Riilroi.1 for all pointi tint, south aod cnlr.tr1ffi;1iri,h c"ic,fi0 Wrulon lll,no" AtFlora.wuh Ohio aid Mississippi Kailroad. AifchawDc-etown, with tpamtaiais I for Cincln. nan, lltlucah.CAlroan.l&t. Iaiii. OKLANl; SMITH, Gfn'ISup'l. JoaaFwiiTT.Gtn'IFr'ct and Ticket Afi'l. Aimf ai ricmooti..i:5(j " . HTKAMUOATN. aiobsb city axdmiToT" THE STEAM TUG, CACHE Capt. "William h. Sandusky. WILL TRIPS MAIt EVERY FOUR DAY IITWT.IN CAIRO CX). CITY Lkave Oaiko, 1 Lbave Mu, Out, root or ueum iratrr, I viiauiuiat, At 1 A.M. At S.30 a.m At m.... 10 A.M. I At 11.30 A.M 1 I'.M. At P.M. a I'.M. I At C.30 P.M. "7JLL LAND. AVJIEN HAILED, IT THE box r-Acrortv, ha wkV landino, ky, MOUTH OF CACHE, MAIIINK WAYS, . AND XAVV YAUU. i.AWYi:ns. ALIJiN, MULKEY & WHEELER, ATTOKNEYS COUNSELORS ATLAAV, William J. Allen, John H.Mulkey, Bamuel I'.WIieeltr, j- CAIRO, 1M.INOIH. ?"i7'.',icullr '""lilon pnld to river ani ad miral tj tusmeaa, OI FICE ltOOMH 7 ANI) 8 WINTKIl'8 III.OCK. GREEN & GIIiHERT, ATTORN KYf ASU COUNSKI.OHS William U.CIreen, - William It Uilbert, ', Mile. F.GilU.jt, J AT LAW, 'tflltn, IU.1N01H. H",lL.Tn "T -u.l OFFICK-OIIIO LEVEE, ROOMB 7 ANI) 6 OVKIt w . x .lATIUAI, HANK, UOOTM AND numi:s. WILLIAM EHLERS, Kaahionablo HOOT AND 8IIOE MAKER, TWENTIETH HTKEJIT, tt.. ... in . ai.inton Amuo and l'oplur Street CAlhO, ills. Hoots and Skoes MadTto 0er. Fine Workmen,!.' Batl.factlon Wurranud. 1'atronuKB Holieiiii, UlTY BUOEBTOUR AU HOOP S1Q11T T?ACTOHT toLE Acrj(r roii "BEOLAaKI'B" CL'bTOlI-M AUE ROOTS AND SIIO'ES Otkmuitf cut Avcuuo, Corner of lUtjblli ntrcet, Uairo, Illinoih. PAHTICULAK ATTZKT10N VAID TO ALL Oa- nainu SMIU tlflAllt iri ii ... . V4W THE MAIL?. amove, close. North, Throiiim. . W")-.m. 5:" Way i!i20, lljoo p.m. Couth, Way 12.14 p.m. 11;00 p.m. " Through N. O., Mr'u tdils and Culiuubiie.A.AiMi 2::k) p.m. 4uop.m, Ohio liner '(xpt MoniKj) oW p.m. C 00 p.m. Iron M.'uiilmn It. 11. - ILiop.m. Jtl.s. liner route, Tinslay and Friday p.m. 7'Mp.m. Thrlvs, Utwv Island A fanin Fe. 111-., Th.lrsdny .1 frl- ,j . j f.;(lp.lii. 7:00am, MaMlrld, It'andnlio aad Uvobve, Hi". - li:wa.m. i-.uup.m urnir mini. General Del.very (Sunilaja 6 in' Muncy Ordr dppaatincnt b.OU n.nt. O.Oo Hegltor ' " ' MMn.m. HOp.m Money Onlcr and ltvil.ior departments not o ion on Sundays.,. . .SECRET OKDEHS. THE MASONS Oairj'Oommamtkv. No 1.1. dialed Assimlilj ill the AylumM.unnti Hall, first nnd tlnrdtHa, UrdHT tneach month. Cairo Uoi'acii. No. 21. egular Conrocationat Masonic llall.the second Friday In each month Omro Cmitik," No. 71 Secular Convocation at .Masonic Hall, on me m,rn iiinuiroi fTerj '"cllio Ixior, No. 237 F. A. M Itegillar Com. raiinleation. at Masonic Hall, Ilia second and foiiriliilonii.isoieaciin(fiiuii. n, it. I No.Itt F. a . M. ltreular Com munication at Masonia llnil ttrst and tbltd Thursday In each month. THK ODD-FELLOWS, Ai riiMrn Loinr. 221. Meets In Odd Fellow's in Artr's lluillinir, eiery Thursday even. Inc. at so clou. I.KtiAI. TAX PURCHASER'S NOTIUE- Tn M. M. t!u1inei Ynii are hereVv notifl ed that at a sal of real estate made by tho sheriff of Alexander countv, lit the itoor ot tno conn house, in the town ot uairo, .vrianurr touij i Illinois, on the 27th day of June, A. I. lM'.c. win.ton nurcnascu wie ioiiowilk uunih' estate, situate in said county, tor the taxes. In terest nnd costs due thereon for the "; ' H70, to-wit t Fractional w est 'i I7. 1 W., neised in the name nf M. M. Haw mas, and that said C. Winston his assigned all his riKhta under said piiicha to the undcrsltned, and that the time allowed bylaw for the reilem tlonot said real estate will expire on the 27th dav of Juno 16T2. WM. 1. 1IAI.LIDAY. Cairo, June 3rd. 1672. WOOD I WOOD I ! WOOD I ! ! The undersigned will furnish HARD AIsD DRY WOOD A ('licit.. If not Cheaper Than any wood dealer in Cairo. Leave order on the Mates at the l'ostothce and at Host' coal xar.l. nti IVimn,nriifll nrnlii,. I,tirppn Tpnfh nnd Twelfth streets. Cairo, Illiuoi.. I trite good I lien-ii re and will cord the wood up If desired. auglO-tf IJENMS IIALF.Y. THE BULLETIN. l'likllHlitHl crjr innriiliiK, Mumlny ex- BREVITIES. Iiurnsido continues to bo tiopeful, but we don't. . Tlio Hibernians held it business mcct- irifz last niL'hl. The Arabs filled the Fourteenth street cistern last night. .TudLju Marcliililon, of tho county court, is in the city. The Into Abncr 0. Clyde was buried on Sunday by the Odd-Fellows with ap propriate ceremonies. Tho funerals of Mrs. Shannessy and A. C. Clyde, on Sundny, were largely at tended bv tho friends of the deceased. Mr. Mathtis, of .Malhus A Uhl, pro poses a business visit to S.ivannah, Geor gia. Ho will leave to-night or to-inorrow morning. The son of Mr. Wm. Morris, of the firm of Saflord, Morris iV Cmdee, was bit ten yesterday by a vlciutu do. Ho whs not seriously injured. A fight anions tho brick layers en. gaged on tho new buildings on tho levco yesterday evening, attracted considerable attention and created ttreat excite ment. "We surrender tho inside pages of The Jli i.i.EiiN this morning to tho Chi cago speech of Senator Solium nnd tho very interesting letter of our friend "J. U. E. TV Work on Herman Meyers' now Build ing is progressing rapidly. Mr. Meyers, when ho undertakes an enterprise, "push es thing?,1'' and dohiy for neither tun nor storm. Tho oldest hoy of thu late Scott White full from a ilrny, yesterday, and broke his right wrM. Or. Dunning wa6 called in, and soon inado tho siill'urur as comfortable ita circumstances would per mit. Tho board of health met lust night to take into consideration w.ivs and means to Tibato certain nuisances that exist in dill'er- cnt parts of the city. Thu appointment of a health olllcer was tUL-ucted. Wo did not learn tho result of thu conference. I Tho picnic of tho German Lutheran school, on the '-'8th inst., promises to bo u grand alfiiir. Thu Indies and irentlemen of tho church aro ulreudy making arrange ments for the event, and will spuro noith- or ilmi) nor expense to make it the most enjoyable picnic of tho season. rV A fibular convocation of Cairo H. 7A A- U'M'tor, No. 71, will bo hold at Musonic Hull tliis (Tuesday) evsning, August 15, lb7l. Visiting companions aro fraternally invited. By order of M. Kx. II. V. 11. KousMUYKii, Sec'y. An amorous grocery Horo clerk, do ing business In thu upper part of tho city, has been in tho habit of "throwing kisses '. to a married lady who.o husband is absent from home. Bhu endured tho alllictlon fr sometime, until patience ceased to be a virtuo, and yesterday had her i.ersecutor arrested and lined 5-10 and costs. Rev. Mr. Thompson, in hi sermon, at "Winter's Mock, on Sunday night, do nouncod tho polico for permitting tho m. Umjus oflhocitv to drive their trulhV llll tilts KubWih. l'.ven , mil vvo tnr ,,, mP10 1,10 ruvr"d Bentlemun ,?i U? (c,u Rnd "rlI that, in .h.B v nuvpros. tho Halo of liquor On HUfidav ti..v .. .. .. I" V mKU, cl,,lmW)Ji 1tr..,t I -ir.. .1 . . ' , , "HUU""lwlht.i,nUatoUio profanity of .lulm llav i. thn OVlrnim. Iw.t.4 ,.f Mn.l i, v.,' . Z: r.VZI" ",uv ,lrto, but .. uullJ, nll yMl!rJ almost compollod us to assert that Tophui had broke loose. Tho thermometer u,oj about u hundred In thu coolost t-hado, and In the un roio up. .to the lop of IW) tubt) On Sunday night not n breath of Air was. ftirrinc, and noltllor fnan, wonjan nor child could locp. rltrnrnt this cltv Is HOW -15 feet 0 Inches below high water mark o 13(57. Tho tlocpeit waler, nt a point oppo slto tho stone depot, is S3 foot. The uls tanco across tho rivor, ftom water edgo to water edge, Is 2,510 feet, nearly half a mile Krom the top of tho lovce to tho bank on tho Kentucky side, tho distance Is 3,300 foot. Tho Arabs are making preparations for their nnnivorsary ball, at School's hall, on Scptcmbor 1. Tho bjest of music will be procured, nnd tho garden will bo put into tho most perfect order to kccommouato tno large company' which will undoubtedly bo In attendance Tho Arabs havo dono good icrvico In tho past, and should rcccivo rousing benefit. Abnor C. Clydo, who was burled by tho Odd-Follow on Sunday last, Is tho first membor of that ordor who has dioil In this city within tho last twolvo years, nnd ho lost his lifo bv a steamboat disaster. Tho ordor mtmbors nearly n hundred mem bers. This fact may bo referred to as tho most conclusive ovidenco of Iho healtlilul ncs of Cairo. Ono of the .largest congregations that over beforo nssomblod In Cairo greeted tho Jtov. Mr. Friond on Sunday night Tho church was filled to overflowing, nnd many woro compelled to go awav without hear ing tho eloquent gentloman's sermon, Mr. Hav was present, but did not manifest any disposition to renew tho conflict with Mr. Friend, who has earned tho titlo of tho Jackson of tho Cairo pulpit. Tho polico investigating committee will meet again to-night, ht tho council chamber, to hear complaints nnd sugges tions relatlvo to the polico force of tho city Few persons will care to faco tho mom- bers of tho forco, who will doubtloss be present nt thu meeting, but nil persona who know nny cause of complaint should take tho responsibility of maklnc it known. The sidownlk on tho cast sido of Com mercial avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, is in a dangerous con dition. Near tho comer of Twelfth the stringes havo broken down, leaving a hole that endangers the limbs of all passors by If tho city authorities will cast their caglo eyes in thodircction indicated thoy will as certain that tho sidewalk workmen should bo ordered to repair the sidowalk immedi ately. Yesterday a colored gentleman called at The Hui.letin office, bearing two branches of n peach tree full of the largest peachos wo ever Eaw. Tho branches were small, but their contents furnished the whole family with peaches the entire day. The colored gentleman refused to tell us tho namo of our thoughtful friend, but he was a fine-looking specimen of tho genus African, just such a darkey as our friend John Fatten would employ as a messen ger. Tho grand barbecue for tho benefit of tho ltev. Jacob Rradlcy's church will be the sensation to-day. In hand bills, dis tributed throughout tho city yesterday evening, Mr. Ilradley says: -'Our white citizens aro cordially invited, and l'.ev. Mr. Shores also, if he will behave himself." For severity this sentence cannot bo excelled. Tho barbecuo will bo prepared at tho south end of Commercial avenue, near tho St. Charles Hotel, at 2 o'clock p. rn. Great credit is duo to A. J Hoss, N. G., and C. E. Hums, V. G., of tho Odd Fellows lodge, of Columbus, Kentucky, for the untiring and unselfish efforts to re cover the body of tho lato Abncr C.Clyde. -Mr. Hum.", when bo loarnod thai tho body had como to the surface at tho wreck of tho Odd-Fellow which bad grounded about seven miles above Columbus, hired a skill' nnd rowed up the river thu entire distance, and convoyed tho body to Colum bus, where Mr. Carey found it in charge of Hess and Hums, who delivered it to Mr. Carey, with tho gold watch of tho de ceased and $:U in monoy that had been found on tho corpse Thoy refused 'to re ceive the reward nnd gave to Mr. Caroy all tho assistance in their power. These men are, indeed, true members of the or- dur to which thoy bolong, and hnvo prof ited by the lessons which it teaches. Money refunded if Oillet's goods don't I'loase. aglUoowdawi.'m Conni'iiial Felicity. Nothing londs moru to connubial happiness than cheerful nnd healthy infants and children. Mrs. Whilcomb's syrup is tho great childrons soothing remedy. uuglSdawl w Tky Gillol's double-strength extracts. ":' Foil biliousness, costlveness nnd impuri ty of the blood, tiso Dr. Rattlngcr's vege biblo liver pills. Those pills contain nolth r.alomcl nor nny other mercurial prepar ation, act quickly and produce no griping. l or sale by Dr. V. J. Gowley, Cairo, 111. auglSdawlw Ask your grocer for Oillet's anow white powder. nglSSm Picnic A picnic for thu bonoflt of the German. Lutheran school will tako placo at Flora Garden on Monday, lipth inst. Speeches and a concert will bo among the attractions. Icq cream, loinonado and ed in; )ld at abundance. The tickets will be bo! twenty-live, cents each. Tills school de serves uncouragemeut, and wo have no doubt tho plcnlo will bo largely attended. auglCtf lip.AUTiFUL biscuits follow Glllet i) bak ing powder. , gl8 , i'i . "" i Heliaiilk ani) Safe. Dr. Henry Knot and Plant Fills aro mild and please nut in their operation, yot thorough, pro. ducing no nausea or griping. ISeing on tlrely vegetable, thoy can bo taken with out regard to diot or business, They arotuu tho llvor and sccretivo organs into healthy action, throwing oil disease with out exhausting or debilitating tho system 1 ry them and you will bb sati.llnd Prlcut!5 cents u box. Sold by druggists uiui ueaiora tn medicine evorywhoro rrnpareu oy tno uralton Medicine Co., St Louis, Mo. wv'Jdm A COnnKarONDMP DON'T WANT TIIK ROAD TO IlEOEIVK UNDEBEIIVKD CREDIT COM PETITION AND &OT llKOAni) FOtt TH LAW, COMPELLED THE REDUCTION IN FAKES1 ' l , CAino, August 12, 1871 i'lUND Oukrlyi Tho nollco vou cave in tins, morning's Bulletin, comnlimcnt Uig the I. 0. R. It. for tlioir promptness In complying with tho lato law regulating passenger tariff, will, no doubt, lo very tatisiactory to tno manager of tho road I prcsumo you golyoutv Information from somo of the worthies iri tho intorcsi of tho road. Whilo I am willing tho I. 0. It. It should havo credit for any liberality thoy may mow towarda favoring tho public, or in living up to tbo laws of IheStatoor county, i am at tno tamo time unwilling that they should rcceivoltndcscrvcd'.credlt for doing what thoy wore compelled to do by force of circumstances. If you will couiparo tho new tariff with tho old ono, you will find the rate has not bcoti changed except whoro competition compelled., tho change Tho Chicago, Alton nnd St Louis rond is carrying passengers, via St Louis to Cairo, (paying L C. U. 11. local rates to nnd from, Duquoin) at less rates than tho 1. C. R. R. was charging. Hcnco thocbnngo.ln tariff to Olilcngb. Tho St. Louis and Hock Island road, lately finished, gives n connecting lino to all points on tho Mississippi river nnd west. Honco tbo de duction in tariff nt all way roads on tho inooftba 1. C. R. R. Local stations) where no competing line comes In compe tition, pay from four to five cents permilo and rcccivo no bonoflt from the lale new tariff. N ow, In regard to the lato law, I will just say that it cut no figtiro nt all In tho making up of tbo now tariff. Tho I. C. It. IV, under that law, would bo entitled to charge two and half or three cents per mllfc, whilo tho now tariff actually nror agea over four cents per mile. - Give to.Ctesar tho tilings that nre Cx Jar's. But don't give credit to thoso liberal csuses,(tho 1. C. R. R. (Jo.) for doing what thoy were compollcd to do in order to pro tect Uheif own'IntrjTtsts. I am, very respectfully, yours, . -- -Jobbi-huh Gillet's waahtngiiCrystal makes wash ing easy. ag 13 HOTEL ARRIVALS.-.- KOUTHEItN HOTEL MONDAY. AUOUST 14. Geo. W. Helm, Memphis. William Caylo,2"aihville. William Caaocr, Chicago. James Cheney, Cairo. M. Hayes, Cairo.. -W. E. Gohlson, Cairo. Henry Aldom, Keokuk, Iowu. -James Wilson, Christian county, Ky. John C. Kamey, Fredcricktown, Mo. J. K. Lano, Hickman, Ky. Sidnoy Mowle, Hickman, Ky. S. W. Simpson, St. Louis." hT. CHARLES MONDAY, ACOVCT J I. J. A. Fulbeaton, Monticello, Ark; N. W. Carter, Nashville, Tcnn. Geo. T. Dcarbon, Lynn, Mass. J. It. Hay, St. Louis, Mo. F. Will, Baltimore, Md. v- "' G. A. Coleby, Hoseclair, Md. II. Loway, St. Louis, Mo. Jno. Krann, .Cincinnati, Ohio, Jno. liuckner, Mississippi. H. S. Wheeler, Metropolis.. E. M. Dudloy, New-Tork, T. Y. Kcphasti Philadclphin. , r Jas. Hummel, Chicago, HI. J. A. Ilralaski, Mjuouri, - AV. H. Sandusky, Steamer Cache. J. H. Jones nnd wife, Cairo. J. Alexander, lioston. R. R. Wakefield, JJallardicount, Ky; J. J. Sloan, Springfield. S. A. Forbes, Mt. Vernon, III. Powhatan Ellis, Jr., 'Ballard county, Ky The hotels uio Gillei'a exttacts and agl3 powder. J.R.Golladay'h fiftieth monthly drawl ing will tako placo at Harrodsbufg, Ky., August28, 1871. Amongthollil'oTprlrcs tiro $1,000 00 in greenbneka; I iplendid building lot in Howling Green, $750.00; seven und one-fourth octavo Gablerpiano, $G00.00j horso and. buggy, $600.00,' palld Ing lot in Howling Green, $300.00; Ralco, a thoroughbred Durham bull, bred by tho Shakers, South Union, Logan couuty, Ky., S330.00; gold watch nnd chaiii $260.00; lady's watch nnd chain, f 200,00) iRamonil j ring. iuu.uu; uiamonu waiciv ?itou.oijj s in uiu , ittev, uiuur jjr&e, consisting of diamonds, goJJk Vrt40iirvcr, greenbacks, sewing machines, fursiituro, carpets, gold and silver watcho,dry goods, lino paintings, standard books,'otc.' Statement of drawing und prizes forward ed promptly. For salo ut II. '0. Loflin's. Orders by mail should be addr'essed to J. U Oolladay, Howling Green, Ky. auglpcod2w. Notice. Dooming a knowlcdco of chemistry necessary to tho student of nil scjeiicos and professions, as woll ns to the mechanjc, I propose to open n olnssof chemistry of forty lessons, edmnicncing on 'tho first Mondny in September noxt. For particulars Inqulro at my ofllco, M2 Commercial iiycimo, CaW. I . (f i.lj R'l " v ' A. "Wadoymak, Notice. Tho Polico Inveslitatlon com mittee met, on Friday nluht. Present, S S, Taylor, R. II. Cunningham, Carrol. Woodward and Uuder. Absont, fa'chuh. The mecliug Avas cnlllcd'to ordomnofB" S". Tits lor olectea cuairiiiaii andW. UudoV,soc retary,. Alterdebating and jrtvestlgaing dlffori)nrstatemenls and papers, lio com mittou udjourncd for further" action until Tuesday, August, 15th, ntrwhlclr tlmb' Judge' UrA-s Will have" ft c6py of his docket mado lout. Tho committee rcmicsts all Torronli knowing 'anything about tlio Sum ner cajo, or other fault In tho polico mat ters to como forward with their statomepts' either vorbally or by writing ' f Vm' ltujlEi Secretary. - J. J. Thomas has fitted up the rooms latoly occuplod by W. G. Worthlngtoni on Commercial nvonuo, whoro ho is doing ai go4d busjness. Go and see hlra and glyp, hjm a trial. Ho is propared to do all klnil. hf In tl.n nlir,l.... i. .. f, I '"SfL . L "'0 "jwnmoth poster, and at prices Kinas or MorlC In tUO puotognph. lino, and I wnlchleMo wlih ourbiumcsa men nouood ex doos it well IswMrorlapndlniJ their woik loHt. I.oiU; Clnclu. w. .v bii. i fi iii1 ,IluUlorilcaKo, JNO. H. OUUILY CO. LOCAL NEWSD110PS, Litouig t coiobrateu oxlraet of moat at Jorgcns,on s. Jy2Clf. Oenulno walnut nnd inushroom'kolch tips, at .Torgonjon's, Jy20tf Ounvn Jelly and Uosnla prunes nt Jor gonscu'a. jy20tf. Gonulno Spanish .olives nt Jorgen. sen's. Jy20tf. Anchiovls, in plcklo; oil or aalt, at Jorgensen'?. Jy2Ctf Kant India preserves nt Jorgonscn's. ' Jy2Ctf. Shrlvcr's oyalor kotchOp nt Jorgcn. son's. ' ly20lf. Imported London biscuits at Jorgen son's. Jy2Clf. Imporlod ghorklria" chow-chow, plcca- lillo and onions, at Jorgcnson's. jy20tf j FIvo rooms nnd a kitchen to rent to a good tonant. Terms reasonable Tho rooms nro located on Commercial nvonuo. scuth 'of Eighth street. Enquiro of 0. Win ston. . i Wm. lihlor. at his shop on 20th atrAi.f. is still manufacturing every varioty of boots and shoos from gonulno Fronch calf (.lie uses no olhor kind) which ho sella roidy inndo or mndo to order nt prtco that defy competition. Jy2Ctf. "William Alba's barber si op Is crow ing In public favor ovory day. It Is neat ly fitted up, nnd can boast of tho mnat skillful workmon In tho cltv. Tho nm. prlotor lias had many years' oxporlcnco tn his business nnd is recognized as one of the most export shavora in Southern Illinois, whilo young Alba Is a mastor In his pro fession. Citizens and strangors who wish a painloss shave, a luxurious shampooing, or their hair cut in tho latest' stylo should pntronizo Alia. His shop Is on Commer cial nyonuo next door to lUnnorr'a news depot. dtf RoAitDiNC houses use Gillet's ag!3 Tbuth. Tho power of Mn. Whit- comb's Byrup for children are as positive .as.the sunlight from lieavcn, and gontlo nnd soothing as nil angol's whlspor. aug8. Dr. Rattingcrs Diarrhooa and Dysente ry Powders will euro all kinds of Diarrhoea and Dysonlery afflicting adults, quickly, pleasnntly and safely. For sale by all first class druggists nnd dealers, augS- Wanted Ton Firs-Class Coopers. Apply at Parsons, Davis & Co.'s Quocnsware House, 0 3c 7 Tenth street, Cairo, Ills. For Sale. At a bargain, a Davis' sow ing machino. Has never been used ; is ontirely now ; also, a new $80 Wilcox fc Gibbs,' single thread, loopsdtcli, sowing machine. Enquironttho Bulletin Ornc. CANS1 CANS II CANS! 1 1 Five hundred dozen No. 1 Tin FRUIT CANS at the new-york storf, nt $1.00 per dozen. Largest wholesale and retail stock in tho cltv. Greeley & Patier. Well regulated families tno Gillet's. ac43oawloO, New FnoTOORArii Gallery. Wo no tice that Mr. J. J. Thomas has fitted up the rooms lately occupied by "W. G. Worth ington in very good style, and, as an artist, is doing excellent work that should entitle him to a fair share of patronage Notice. From August 1st until further nrttlcc'tho fare per transit steamer Illinois plying bctwoen Cairo and Columbus will bens follows: Ono way, SI.G0: round trio. 1.00. , "W. A. Lowm, nug2dlm Mastor. Wz would call tho attontlon of our country frionds who want to got good pictures to coll on J. J. Thomas, who has very pleasant gallery on Commercial avenuo for their accommodation, and is really tho best artist wohayo had in Cairo or a long time. tf When tho constitution has been under mined, and lifo rendered miserable, by tho errors ol youth, and thoso distressing dis c'asos .which effect tho bladder, kidneys und gonitnl organs, Uelmdold'a Buciiois tbo only reliable curatiye ngent that can bb administered. In removing organic, weakness, strangury, gravel, dropsy, and fornnln irregularities, it is almost eminently successful. Tho most popular shoo shop in town is on 20th stroct opposlto tho court houso hotel, whoro Wm. Ehlors manufactures boots nnd shoes for his customers, warrant ed to bo of tho best French calf, -kip or morocco, and which ho guanralocs to givo en tiro, satisfaction. Call on him and you will know how it is yoursolf. Jy20tf Raffle. A fine kit of ship carpenter's tools nnd also n splendid kit of joinor's tools comploto, will bo rafllod off on Satur day! evening, loth inst., nt tho cornor of Sovpntconth-st. and Commercial avenuo. Tho. chances will bo GO cents each. A lino string band will bo In aUondnnco, and a good time may bo anticipated.- Tho radio is for the bonofltof Mrs. Marlon, widow of tbo Into Thos. Marlon. did I. i r- PmiXiP Rau'oh is master of his trado, nnd warrants nil of his work to bo of tho very peat material nnd manufacture ; guar antees it complete lit and ojitlro satisfac tliJn, Isnot confined to any'particular stylo, buynakes ovory variety of boots nnd shoes from (tho heaviest cqwhida to tho finest Frondh calf and morocco. Ho nlso kcops n largo stock on hand, o7iis oto viatwfac lure, nnd nny ono desirous of purchasing cood cubtom work cheap should call on liibixii his shop on Eighth st., south side, noor cornor of Ohio lovco, Cairo, dtf Kindlino. 500 "class boxes " for salo ut 6 cents each, W. W-Thounton.- , Jo""- i ' JOB PRINTING. Tho ubdersiened. uronnetnra of tlio Daili nnd ViHLVllvf.i.e7iN, havo. lust received ai) Assort ment oi'tlm lato.t slvlts of Job 1'rinliiiK tvpes, and hav. now ono of tlio most complete jobottlcea. In the Houtli un,l West. They Halter thomatdvoa that tliy ioasoyt facilities' for tiunine out nmMnl V. In .1... 1., .....I- .1 ,1.. ... iV niwi for entrustwi to llitun, from iho umalleat oard or RIVER NEWS. TOUT LIST. AnntVED SUNDAY. Slcamor Arkansas Hollo, Evnnsvlllo. City of Cairo, Vicksbttrg. Columb a, St. Louis. b Silver Row. Ht. Jn.1,. " Illinois, Colunbus. ARRIVED MONDAY Slenmcr Mnlllo Kagon.Evansvillo, Grand Tower, Memphis. Low -Wntor, Paducali.. 2y 9uIyi Louis, . ?ll.y &Wbu.,K' v,kburg v',5 ?,1'W' .',Tr-. Paducah. h u Louisville, " Illinois, Columbus. DEPARTED SUNDAY .Sloamor Arkanias Hello. Evansvllle. Arkanias Hello, Evansvll Murblo City, Vlcksbtirg. City or Cairo, St. Louis, Cofumbla, Fort Smith. " Cii " Col ,..i.i j,uw, neu Jtivcr, DEPARTED MONDAY, Slcamor Jtoilib Rngon, Kvansville. j.ow v,tor, 1'nducnli. iW,ly.ot. RulP' N"W Orloana. Yiiy.oi vicKsburir, St. Louis. Jos Mak. Jr, Paducali. Illinois, Columbus. A. Raker. Cane Glrnrdonn. HOAT8 LEAVING TO-DAY. Stoamcr City of Chester, Momphis. '' Hclle Memphis, St. Louis. " John Lnmsdcn, Evansvillo. " .Ins.Fisk. JK, Kducnh. " Illinois,- Colufnbus. " John T. Moore, New Orleans. " Argonsul. Tennessee rivor. The Jas. Flsk had a lomI trtn. wlitM. consisted of bo caddies tobacco for tho I. G. It, .; for tho city, 1 hhd tobacco, 1 crat6 cabbage; for Memphis, 25 sacks oats. G2 rolls leather, 200 bbls cement. 7 bbls whisky, and for New Orleans, 20 hhds to bacco and 20 boxes nxe handles ThoJohn T. Moore, tho Iron steamer. will cqmplcto her carco to-dav and will Icavo for iow Orleans and all war points iter cabin Is lighted with gas made on bonrd. Tho Whito river steamers have roduccd tho faro from Memphis to Jacksonport to $lu to $3. itallroad computlon has caused tho reduction. To Aucusta tho fare will bo?C, and to Durall's Rluff $1 Wo are undor obligations to Mr. Bruco Hunter, tho gentlemanly clerk of tho Jas iisk, Jr for dally favors. May ho llvo long and prosper. Captain Frank Shields hat decided to apply Shield's patent steam generator to tho boilers of his steamer Alaska. A Pittsburg telegram of tho 11th says; .Tho new tow boat Robert Simple, belli and owned by James Recs, will mako a trial trip to-morrow, buo has Mr, Ilecs s f latent propeller water wheel, 11 feet -1 aches in dtamoter, and 1C feet pitch; that is 10 feet of tbo 18 inch paddles in the water adl tho time, tbo whocl submerged T to 8 inches all tho time The wheel is made of three and a half falln iron nnd Is water tight; and what is claimed for it is the extra weight and buoyancy that carries it. It is probable that there will be a largo number of stcamboatmcn present to see it tested. Captain Sandusky and his gay littlo tug Cache nro doing a good business as a packet between here and Mound City. She makes 4 trips daily. iSinco last rpor iim bus risen about throo inches. Tbo, Ohio is falling very rapidly nt Pittsburg. Tho .Mississip pi is falling slowly, with fire feet eight inches to St, Louis. Rusincss on tho landing yesterday was fair, and the weather very hot. The thcr mometer At noon stood at 07. All tho .Evansvillo packets brought out good trips. The Florence Leo mado ono trip as an independent packet between hero and ETansville, but finding sho could not mako it pay sho has laid up. Tho 'Henry Ames camo out with a bargo in tow, which sho. unloaded and left hers-. Sho had ali she couliLcarry on tho water below here when she left. Tho- Marblo City arrived on tim, and added but littlo hero. Tho City of Cairo was 20 hours behind timo, caused by fog. Sho had a light up stream trip. Sho reported tho Howard still aground in Choctaw Rend, and sho will have lo tako oil tho greater portion of her freight boforo sho will get off. Tho Columbia for Fort .Smith had a good trip! ' , . -1 Tho Silvor How hnd nil sho could float with for Ked ltivcr, Tho Low Wnlor is n dfminuatlvo look ing craft. She had a small trip from Pa ducah, to which port sho rolurncd. Tho City of Quincy took about 11 ire thousand packages of tho frcigbt.left hero by the John Kyle. Sho had a splendid trip for thoUeptlf of tho river. Tho City of Vlcksburg arrived ahead of timo ond took every thing lu sight for St. Louis. Tho Falls Pilot has nrrlved horo nt last, after being outfrom Louisvillo two weeks, Sho was nground on noarly overy bar In the rivor. Shn had her barges loaded with cement for St. Louis. "L RIVER BY 'TELEGRAPH. Ljttlk.Rock, August U. Clear nnd warm. Klvor roso 4 ln.chos, nnd. falling abovo. Arrived: Fort Smith from nbovo. Dopartod; Sioux City, below. 'Sr. Louis, August 1L Arrived: City of. Colro,.from Vicksburg; Mollio MoPifco and Lake ,Supor.ibr( from Kookuk; Nile, from) Cambridge Departed: City of Ohostor, Memphis; Rob Roy and Mollio McPiko, Keokuk; S. 8. Morrlll,;St, Paul; 0. II. Church, Now Orleans,- St. Luke, Jofforson City. lUvcr falling slowly. WoUior clear, "red, hot." Thermometer pO.dcg. at 3 p. m. Freights lo Now Or-( leans , advanced: Flour 76c, pork $1 20, Hound frolghts 40c, hay GOc, &c. MjswrHisj, August ,U. Weather clonr; mor'cury 01 rivor stationery, 7 feet 3 Inches! above nrid ? foot 0, Inches bolow. bopnrtcd-Dcxtcr, Tow Orleans; Mar 'bio City, VicksburBi AVIcks, Shroveportj Belle Memphis Bt.IiOUls; Pardanel!, Ar kansas) river; Jas. ,JI9Wd still ngrnnnd at Choctaw .nlJ' w!ll Carrie .Krountz tying to lighten horoflV LouisviLLB, " Aug.. 14, Klyor, risen 4 inches i LlO Inches over the sohuto, A riso lata indhos reported a French Island. Weather clear and yery.uot; tnorniom eter raiiges'frnra.8Titj05 .AirlW-laburg, Rod rivor; Ella Hughes Is ndvorliaed to Icavo for Orleans to-morrow. A niw bont lias contracted for horo for tho Now Orl, and Hod river trado; size 180 by 30 NKwOniKANH.-Vlcksburstip. J 0 o'clock this evening. River falling, Tlio wealhor clear warm. Cincinnati, August 14IUver G ft Inches; risen 3 Inches. Clear und very ;NEW ADVERTISEiMENT Wills HOWARD, STF.AAmnA'P ntrrrtiiw 4 j -ni.i imna ssnsiiiinsx, i Hfie..lftl .il.Hli ..... . .1 night anddar. " "' SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CUltAN'J llfllfWADimirtn nnnm.. .vuAuuA iiiiini ni r.nir i a. i a - . ..i . -" ii si i i'i rw -rn ir . .. at. -a ...ias. r--- I'vavusMl USD-IU ucnrciiT ananiiii in twins. i.- .... -. iiniuiitTB mm in n irrui rAM . . . lilislia.l CT nTr? luirtiiM in o aismvt tl l.l.tA n. " i' . " alwair. render satisfaction. ' '"'MtX NX.'' V'PP'"". '"Iloua tokc.... - . , . ,a Wsii nu nil (A I Couuhf.aolia, bronchltua fj.uraUla, toolliaohe, faoeache... W'S'.""1?''!"?, heiha, vert gZ Dj.pepsla, l.illo., atomacli.. .......... ft' .orPiilprloda.. ., I", it, 12. t-ruup. coun, uimcult brti,inV Halt Rheum. Erraipl,, ET.i, 0!f Itheumat Ism, rhaumailc paini" ..."'. Pile., Mind or hledin....L..;...., J8' le, 17. is, 1. , SI. Ii . xs, uimniain)r, ana sore or wsak eya. Catarrh, acww or chronic, iBflornw Vi hoopiBK cough, violent eiiirha.... Asthma, l.rxihin. Har Di.ohariff., imMrixl heann."f. Hea-Mickinir, alckaesa from rl.lin..... iNervoua Dtbljur, serolnal aml.i.n. InvolantarT dlseUrn. Klva bosea, wlu cnell vial of wd. very netsiary in serious cacV..4 Hoio mouth, canker. ....T Urinary weakness, wetting Ud!7 Painful periods, with tpu,ai.-ZZl Huflerlnics at chao. of life ZZj f-PlljP;. ratns,Ht. Vitus' daoca.1 Kl. n.p.ln.u.. n . . 29, 30, 31, W. -"r"vi -t ktiicu .ore inroaL. rAMlI CASKS. Of K to CO largo vials, nmrocco or roa. woo.1 case, containnig specific lor Ject U, and boolu of dlrMUona, frOm f 10 Co I fimaller family and tiarellngcaiei, witn 20 o ss vial...... frorn 5 for curing and tor prevenutive treat- lf rnent, in mi and pocket case j(0 POND'S EXTRACT Curea Bnms. Uralses, lAmtness, fiorenesa, So- Rheumatism, Lumbago. Piles, Uolls, rjtioc Horo Kyes. llleedlngof th Lungs, Nose, fltoii ach, or of J'lleslCorni, Ulcers, Old SoraS. -Piles. S oi.i W da.; Pints, jll); (iarts; tl'7 mtrl Si,,... rmjufl. .,.ni s...ii. v.. by the caae or alngie box, are sent lo any part I thecouhtrr, by mall or, free of chairi on receipt ol the price. Address HfMI'llltfcYS'aPECIKIli HOMlMPATniC MEDICINE CO.( Otfico and Depot, No. fli Ilroadway, New-Tor, rnn mu: nv i . vnit'ii rmin tn. . ... ....... ... - . V ..... U , .1,, , - Minii l tc? Tr-Tr. t.. .f .. , w v. i, ii,,! i, Willi il Bloomy nt teiiilnnlo, low pl ll,lrircloullitoluulnry culMUart. lo.siii aruirii, faprriiiniorruoria, loan , postrr, tllnay lienil, lo of auemorj rlllly. Unit n ucrrla;il cure In HuntJ i.r.'j iiuuimyniiiiD iITTIItc r. I M.lf.'.lr' 1,1 , n f th. n,... . I .. t ... . .1 .... . . ... . ...... it a ,i . . . . tem. arrest me n scnarsres. ana imuari i itr.n MEDICAL. MANHOOD HOW LOST ! HOW RESTORED Just publlthtd,tn a sealed envelope. Price, CeUt A 1..tiirA on ilia natural treatment, and radical He of Spermatorrhea or Bemlnet weakness, lot voluntary Emissions, oeiuai iemiuy, anu jmpe-i demenla to Slarriago generally; NorvonaneiaJ (iDnsumpllon, Epilepsy, and riui Mental and. lil....r ln..ti.nilv rati1(lfi fmm ...If .htl.a uroen hook, ew. ii. unnv tn TiinimANPfl or anFrxBEiu. I - - - - - - - llowery,riow lorn, 4-osiqroco vox aw. jeiala mW3 Tp? Klli.UO P..iltl'"l "1 ,w. ........ . wv.a ... LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. mm. nnnds cnnwuTKn. Tiwifwnv Ura. M'lllTO) JIB'S .Syrup. Mrs. WHITCOBtrS Myrnp. Mrs. WIIITCOJIB'S Sjrnp. Cnrrs colic and griping In Dim liowela. ana fa Prle, C.ala. j cllitatca the process of I teething. Silixiues convulsions and,OTrcomes all dls eaaes Incident to In fanta and children. Csat. Curea diarrhea, dlaan-'l Prlre, zS Ceits. tery anu summer com plaint In children ot all aga. It Is tho Ornnt Infant's and Children's Soothing Itoinedy In all diaordera brought on by Teething or any oilier cause. Prepared by tho (IHAirrON MEDICINE CO., Bt. Louis, Mo, Sold by Drngglata and, Dealers In Medicine everywhere my7dwa HlfsCEIXANKOCM llie copartnenbip heretofore r " JWiwep iU coi seiil. K.M. Ixjw wIII coniinue the business, w lh Smcc it 1', Illinois, and ht wU coflra all mon tlue Slid linn, and pay all debts contracted by the late m' ALBERT M. WOOD. EDGAR M. LOW. i .mirt Ii ia.. Aliinut 9. i8ii. DISSOLUTION. i . ..a n nnr the firm namoof W. V. Ihc4. & Co. . hr.byJoIvA M . Wood nas wiinurawn. aho uui VfT. T,,. by H. F. Echols, who assumes all .the debts of tUUl fire" and to whom aU tho debts duo th ssld fina mull be MRS. SARAH WOOD. ' Cairo. 1114.. AugustAtli, 1871 ADMINIST1UTOIVS SAIiB ' .. 1 . . . i .1... TloAi tll'ffttH Notice II nereoy kivcu, .ua. j iv in day p( August next, netwean ino mm ui - , , j"TT utrcnooandsi'dockU nt the :iaio rc5iucm.c ws nwiusM city pt Vairo. on . v.u ?:"''a'5,, SimuM? - a,;. . . i 1 r ..... idiasun nixiii aiisu 1T10 personal property or, U; deceacw, w'w . L sirlls LUUUIV Ul aSSAUItMlaWsatr. .-7 I- iowters and helving show casei, lliora and -dp. bandies and candy "m, also a leasehold cat Tn lot pj"; 19, in block No. 3', In lha city of Cairo, tohr' with tlM'brlck building on said lot and other artlacs, w unsold at public sale, t Terras of sale Purchases ofless than fivo dollars be paid I In hand : for that amount and over, on a credit rf six months, the purchaser giving note, with ap groved cu.ity.Lous DLATTAU( CalfO, July as, 1B7S. . ton HAW NOTICE. 4 The Illinois Central Kail Iload Company ntw oiler for sale tlio following described lots' In Fira Addition to the City of Cairo, vis 1 .... Lot 117' block 0. Lot 21 block ft!1.1 ', ts 1 " no, " ay wtl .1 a " 8S, a 28 ' Si l 0 ' M, If 31 " 8j' 11 3 VI, 11 3J if g, , For torms. ett,, apply to JAMD3J0UNS0N, .. vnyJJ.'':u''n' 'onammst ons. n i. ,vo'm. wsrm fever, woim colw ? U7-C0l'OOM1'dngolnfan a .." 4, DlartlToea, of children and iinlil" livcssun oi nve notes anu a large it viai, wines la very Important In obstinate or old cases, or I ; t.r MinirlA lix. Knit) hr all ilrnlffi.ta. and ..n ........... wm r i.l'lV..". 41WI..VV,' ...... ...i.tviuu w.i tvm " :