Newspaper Page Text
mm JOp H. OBERLY & CO., HOTTENTOT .rfKKK O.YTIIF.KINO IIUfHU tE.VVKA AT THE'CAI'E OF H.T. IIKLMIIOLn. BTJGHU. F;rviu IN pl-owrj- of tlio I'mied State.l I III'. A . IIIONMA CM l:ATA I'aorctrm. Their odnr UtrDir. dltrmite anftloKout to mint. VriJCAL I'MOUfcTU I lrt. IJlirhlltHiTC KfP , a - 1 1-1 tx win if iiiitr urf(ua ... A'It" .luL?0in?!"LnU.HOf.l!,r u,in.V OrtLhUP, pucIj Giwl. Chronic oUrrh i. th IIIiil-lMfJ kf Aflat IrrlQUInn A th l(A 4.lMr ITttl.r. iii.n.k& t. jh.-.i i.-a T 1 rnhiv. mtiict lirciiu ih umi f. r4r0D In ftffaclloni pocuLur iofvUr. the Kxffcl 'hlnrnll nf llt nf Inn nfnlnaa. a U.I n UuriiMor tn Ii la due a, Kirmcr, 0 cavil i !''" 'KijAHHwui ui Aii unuturi ru 4i Kr in v u i I'EUfBOL&'i MTfcAcr iivchi) Jim cuid rrj cue on oiinpnecKQi inn iiiAiiaer fcixi innimtnitioo Riniuiorii. isijiiuusb 111 ifiiin.i ram in in 11 K i . HtLMftOLft'l ElTIACT IllCMC IB Illlf ?tlC An J IlliKMi.PiJf ft in, nn.l .Mira nil ,11 twin ui utiaiuBiiiMi. viL'ntri biiii iiimru'ipnepa in .cwnjoinoiroirieiii, abk iot iifimuoia F 1 4kc no 01 tier. Veicrih Ipnptomii In all cotuinunlcation. HELMBOLD'S PJjUI D EXTRACT SABSAPARILLA,. UK untAI ILKllIKU AMI IIKI.MIIOI.irN K XT It vmi. iuid. ictier. iiumom ui aiLictna. i:rrin King preptrril expreoly fur tin- HUnecompl.tlnlii, ll JUood-iurifyin propertio. are tirttUr enttoa.Ute of liraltli kwl punly. Vor purimnx mnr tuner carkanmriua. . citci ino cninnioxirmn c lrjir am Iim iv .-ninr. nmi r.iior.. Hi ni. V for ritrki.lf rtftfnn knft Sirlllnc.. nf tlln ltr,n... fllOtl, HELKBOLD'S CATAWBA GS-3RAIPE DPIIjXjS. The rnott rrlUUe l'UKnTlVK ami t'ATIUKTIC known, upiinliniE HaltP, Uagne.ia, tc., In ck or Nervou. If alacde, Jnumlicc-, lnltr.llun, Conitipation, I)hh, IliUouturaii, Liter Com ainta, lienral Dehtlitjr. U. Ff imii. no Kfll'ina nsln, but mIM, plraant ami .ale in operation. The CATAWI1A fiKAI'U aro purtlr utetible, 1Idi: compoi.uii of CiUU Urapo Juice anJ HewareofthOM cheap paler.t ptll, rarclra.ljr ilKI.MBoLD'SOE.NUI.NEI'ItKI'.UtATIO.N. iru uijibi. iniiiL in w 11 ii-ii ciiiiiAiii riiiirr r-jii itiivi . T. HELMKOLI), 1'iactical and Analytical Chemist, 501 Uroadway, N. Y., and 101 South Tenth St., Philadelphia, I'a. Sold by Drugiata, everywhere. It It Y U CLOSIK"(3- OUT A.T COST ! Thf ) In reby notifinlUiat tliolsrgo nn.l timKnlflrrnl flncU of D11YG00DS, BOOT S, S II 0 K S, II A T S, U A V S, X 0 T 1 0 N S, K T C, Drlonin to the cftntoof the Ule ' ' .S.OOTT Wiail'TE "; 5 ' ' ' in i t in. n Am fifcm ' 1 1 - ' ' ' f ( ' - f Iff. i F t ta.J. l.Jl. fcJVJ.J I 1 t T 'I'lIK lllilJ Sl'AAU. UlJllJ'.ll ai.V r CAIBO, - - - e20lf UOAT NTORF-K. SAM WILSON, DEALtU IV jBOATSTOBjBSi 0 H 0 C K U I E 8 . PROVISIONS, ETC, )io Lkvrk, :::::: Caiiio, III. 0. D. WILLIAMSON. rnqpuoE and, , COMMISSION.M.KRCIIANT, Mo. 70 lilo Ivco, OAinq, HMNClH. filfins onter.. v.u aj a w . . ..... vr.7rjr;."" illnnl. Tantral lUll Itoml CoilllltllV now for.alethefoUowliiBUCHcriticil ll in ir. . t on to the Ultr oi i;iro, i 7Uook0. - -UI-UUook-M,' -ta 1M, " W " B'J, o . it. u $1 " Si. M ii 8'. " 33 " !. irmi, ite., apply to JAMES JOHNSON. it Aueni: JOB ritlNTINU. underaiirned. prcprielora of Hid Dttn anil tv UntariN, liaro Just recelvoU an assort oi tlio latat styles of Job l'rlntini tyre, avo now one oi mo iuun.wiii'icv' juu.i' u DOUII1 T?ua. ." Mnrvi' i ... .... .17... Tii.u flnitni lli.Diunl.oa they poi6sa facilities for turning out Plly. n the beat alyle ot the Art. nil work tod to them, from tlio ttnallcst curd or to tho mammoth poster, and at pricv i JeaTO with our bunfnc.a men no good ex- rOhleago. JNO. 11. 0UKBI.V& CO. PROPRIETORS. 5? GOOD HOI'K FOR it - II 111 II! I.KAVKM. fntlr fcllmiiUnf smith . ..,11.. . . ' ' i-vvuii-i T v from ih tr? or 11 to K, an 1 from ttt to M. or llurlm ft unemullH hi ant othfr r.rnedV. an m nf I'n.ln ... ar L ...... ...... It! i - sj . a I DuoriifALfawiLUK. ThU rneleiQ Increanti are ruuuccu, a wen m ram nu lonitnmation. of DiaUte la which It hm lu cUen. IrriU-i or tit Kitntv. I'lrr&tinn t UMnt an. I ii nt iimnrTN. r in no ni imrf v i tvnmm ni (. iiiiniiriin ni inn it inni am iiinjrauunn IIKAUTIFIKK Or TUB COtll'LKXIOX ACT NAILSAIMKII.I.A KtinrtiitiMfn. nvurtr' .n. . i.i,... inello.ij, rrmotinK .11 chronlo conaulutloD.1 ITInAr) inn. 1,1 Ih. Tl.rAul I prrp.irnl hj lorxprirnel ixTon, tenUed In EitnWIhe.I upward of '."J rear.. I'reparrJ br- . niiirriiri nrniiinr iiiirriniiii ti r ii tr O O II K. .VX II ai'KAlVJ AM) U 1U Jjl'. I'.K - IIjIjIIETOIS. Mlt.H. Nl'UTT, WIIITr PARK EH & RLAKE, PEALCU4 IN WHITE LEAD, ZINC, OILS WINDOW GLASS asv PUTTY !, , J -t 1 IIBL'BIIEH, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES 03 OHIO LEVEE; i ' CilltO, IlLLiNOIS. T : m ... .'.ii: : ; m: ;;:!!: QAM FITTW. F. S. MURRAY, GAS AND STEAI FITTER HAS UEM0VED VK0M FEnnV U0U8K, Tojriit intlCK UUILDING o.v SEVENTH ST i t Jft 1 1 t an. ..- OIT0S1TK WIKTKH'H 1II.OCK, CAntO, 1LMN0IB.1"' ' HK ms feroatlHliriprbred Ms etoik'nnd has now mi hand nil kinds of CIIANDKLIKItH, 1 ' IIIiAI'KETS. lI'KMOKNTS, ( (lLOnKS, ' ' 1IALI. LI0UT8, BltAIIKM, ETC.' HE HAS MARKED DOWN PRICES To tho Inwrat living figure., nnd ho Invites the , patronage of the public. MeCOMBS, KELLER iS: 1JRYNES, 8ocui'Hors to Adoljihua Meier & (Jo,, IMl'OUTKIW AN' I) J0111IEU3 IN HARDWARE ANN, CUTLERY, Nos. lOOnnd 102N,.Mttip-Bt., ST. LOTT I S. 3WE O. ORDERS flOLICrTID. yVUlm '.CAIRO, THE BULLETIN. by numupii Krporlrd enpeVlitlly.ror the Cairo II It I , IfIIii. Ten boura In niUauce vf HU WASHINGTON. DENIAL. Wabhikoto.v, Aucut 10. Tho Indian uporintondont at Helena, Montano, In di.patch received to-day, denies that thorn waa mi Indiana raid In upper Mlnoqrl, ai "reported, htid thit theinri jie.4 boetr nojdam. ago' d6tib llhco tlio" Galliilln raid, July 2C. l'OJJXAL COJIVTION. An nrmlillc'e has "been- concluded with .Spain, undor medeatlon with tho Unitod iuuu it. laa poaiai coiiTeniion oeiwecn Ecuador and tho UniteJ States ha be eh lubmlttcd to CongrcM, and it f Lelieved It tpattdlly.ratiUudri Wasiii.voton. Auj;uit 1C Tlio nctlng iccre'tary of tho' interior lint written a let ter to Gov. Davii, of Texas, asking him to postpone tho oxccutlon of tho sentence of death upon tho Kiowa chiofr, BatalADta and Big Troo. WEATHER HEP0BT Karomctcr ii'oi risen slightly sinco Mon day nveninc on tbpuulf coast, and north ward to Tennessee. A rwryge.ntlo rain has fallen this evening from Texas to Florida, but is now clearing away. Easterly winds have continued on the South1 At lantic coast, and mora decidedly in Penn sylvania and New-York. Southerly winds and fine weather itenorallv resorted from Virginia to Maine, but light local rains in Rhode Island. Threatening weather reported from Northwestern Ohio, with touthorlr winds in Micbliran and an Area of low barometer probably exists north of Jjake trie and J.ako Ontario. Smoke and hare was reported this morning from Cen tral Pennsylvar'a to Lako Huron. An area of h ightest temperatu re this afternoon extends from Tennessee to Lako Erie and Iowa. rKQIIABILtTIKS. RaromoUr will probably rise north of juusoun witn partially clear ana pleasant weatbor 'Wednesday. Light local storms probable for Lakes Erie and Ontario, but no material chango indicated for Atlantic coast. An area high baromtter Is probably ad vancing on south Atlantio states. Slight rains, if any, probablo for Gulf coast Wednesday ctcning. NEW-YORK. SIR" WALTER SCOTT OENTEN. NERY.CELEBKATOIN. THE WESTFIELD EXPLOSION "EXAMINATION. New YoBK.Augnst 15. Sir Walter Scott centenary anniversary was celebrated here with great enthusiasm. Tho streets and avenues were bedecked with flags and Brit ish streamers flying. The port was also decorated, presenting a fine appoarance. Delegations of Scottish societies and many leading cltlrens participated in tho cclo bration. The chief feature of the day was the laying of tho Scott monument in Cen tral Parle Tho coroner's inquest in tho Wcitfleld boiler explosion, case was resumed this merning. Chas. H. Hcswell, engineer, said he was of tho opinion that tho Wost field's boiler wbj not of the proper de scription. Ho mado tho following ro markablo statements "With tho present stafT of ignorant engineer ho did not sec how the hydrostatic test could be done away with, bat with u body of educated engineers tbero would bo no necessity for such a est; ho did not consider that there were more than flvo Intelligent engineers in tho' wholo harbor of New York. Wm.P. Vandorbilt, cnginccr,said hi tho, course of bis testimony that interested ship owners uro moro In favor of incom plete inspections as thorough and corapleto inspections, nro product! vo of mucuincon vcnlenco and loss of timoto tho owners. NEvf York, August 10. Tho Polico Commissioners to-day resolved to place of ficers in stroet cars, in citizen's clothos,for tho protection of passengers. Coburn and Saunders werb released to-day on $2,000 bail, medical certificates having been ob tained stating that Chas. Brunner, whom they latoly stabbed, was out of dangor. Iho first suit for damages against tho Statcn Island Ferry Company for injurios by tbo Wcstllold excursions was brought by Mfss Esthor Wright to-day. A special from Washington says thcrd is littlo doubt that tho President has ten dorcrod to Jamos M. Ashley, formorly of Ohio, tho mission to Brazil. It is said that tho President stated to Mr. Ashloy that ho was' now satisfied of tho Irresponsible cbaractor of thoroports and tho dishonest ' means brought to bear by politicians to affect his removal 'from tbo Governorship of.Montana. UTAH. EX.yiQK PRESIDENT HAMLIN ' v IN SALT LAKE. RICH SILVER MINES. Salt Lake, August 10. Ex-vino presi dent Hamlin was among tho arrivals last night. Tho first' silver bullion from tbo mill in oatt cannon, Walkor Bros., was received yesterday; Four bars aro worth $1,390. Acavobas boon found in Wbito Cloud mine, camp Floyd, with largo quantities of horn silver and rich chloride. Thrco hundrod tons aro from Emma mine, and is lying at tho depot for shipment, which is not forwarded on account of high frolghts. Buffalo" THE STEAMBOAT EXPLOSION NEAR MAYSVILLE. EIGHT DEATHS REPORTED, Buffalo, N. Y., August 15. A privato despatch from Maysvillo says that the boiler of tbo stearaor Chatatiqua was new about spring, and had only sixty pounds steam on when it oxnloded. The cause of tho oxprcilou is unknown. i Thus fat eight deaths havo boon report- ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1G, 1871. FOREIGN. THE CHOLERA IN LONDON. SIR WATER SCOTT OENTEN. NERY COMMODORE ASIIBURY CIIAL LENGES THE NEW-YORK YACHT CLUB. ENGLAND. London, Aug. 10. Contributions to complete the repairs on ht. paul'b cathedral aro thus far entirely satisfactory to the projectors of the enterprise. II KAY V THUNDER STORMS bare been experienced in West England and has caused much demoralization of the crops. Tho steamships Atlantic City and Ante werp Batavia, from New-Yor;, arrived at (Joe ns town and Liverpool to-day. THE CHOLKHA. A caio of Asiatic cholera appeared in London, and creates nscnsi.tlon Mtnonir tho people. A dispatch from uorlin says; the cholera is increasing. THE SC'OTT CKNTK.NNEtlY. The Scott ccntenncrv was celebrated to day by a banquet, Hepworth occupying tho chair, and jDuko Manchester, Lord Lytton nnd Dr. Ramsey, vice-presidents. Some 500 persons were present, compris ing men or distinction. A man named Cole, alias Clarke, has boon arrested fur forging American bonds. CHALLENGE. Commodore Ashburv's challenge of tlm New-York yacht club wa forwarded in itio Russia. FRANCE. Paris, Aug. 15. To-day bolng tho an niversary of assumption of tho Virgin, is observed as a holliday hero and at Ver sailles. London, August 15. A dispatch from Strasburg states that a disturbance has oc curred there between Prussian troop, and the inhabitants. Much animosity is shown by tho latter toward the troops, and many attacks aro mado on them. r A number of Prussian troops became involved in a quarrel and a fight ensued during which many bolonging to both par tics wero killed and wounded. It is stated on authority that serious disagreement has has arisen between the .French and. Gor man governments with reforenco to the Frankfort peace negotiation, and will like ly lead to further complications which may result in a suspension of tho troaty of peace between the two governments. "bostoT THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRA TION. NOTABLES PRESENT. Boston, August 15. Tho centennial anniversary of tho birthday of Sir "Walter Scott was appropriately celebrated hero. Tho meeting of tbo Massachusetts Histori cal Society to-day was addressed by Pres ident Jtobert O. Winthrop, Geo. Illlliard, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Rov. Dr. Wn terson. Letters wera -read from "Win. Cullen Brvant. Oliver "W. liolmnj anil nthnra. Sir Waltor Scott was oloctcd an honorary member of this eocloty in 182'J. OLE HULL Is reported seriocsly ill. Ho recently tell in a fit in his door yard nt his residence, West Lebanon, Maine, and Is" now in a critical condition. The friends of Alexander 11. Rico aro actively organizing for tho purpose of pre senting his name to tho Republican convention as a candidato for Governor NEW ORLEANS. BOGUS CALL, FOR A RADICAL CONVENTION. New Orleans, August 15. This morn ing's papors contains a call for a Republi can mass mooting at Lafuyctto Square, in tho evening to ratify tho proceedings of a lato convention hold at tho customhouse, and inviting nil friends of President Grant who aro opposed to the rulo of tho AVnr moth faction. The call is sigucd by order of tbo committco of arrangements. This evening's papors havo a card signed by Packard, Dunn. Casoy and Joubort, de nouncing tho noovo call as a hoax and a weak invention of tho enemy and tho bolters, and tbo Republicans should pnv no attention to it. LACROSSE, WISCONSIN. THREE CHILDREN BURNED TO DEATH BY KEROSENE. A BOY FOURTEEN YEARS OLD THE CAUSE. La Cimjmi; Wi. I,,...,., ir. T), Rtnublican rrlvna tlin fnllnwlnt. nni-HnnUr tho death of Mrs. Clark's children, at Lynchburg, Wis., hithorto rcforrcd to in dispatehos. It soeins that widow Clnrk, for tho anonce of beating his youngor brother, had punished her oldest boy, aged about 14, this so enraged him that ho gotn ropo, wont into the woods and hupg him self, but wai discovered and cut down be fore bo was soriously injured. Toward mgui uio young ruuiari was sont to build n tire. llS did SO. ho thnn nf otn nt Vnr.l. (Ann nit utiit rllml lli ikA. .1.11.1...,, in him, and pouring tho korosouo upon tho uru u vuree wore ourncu to ucatii oy an explosion. CAMBRIDGE, N. J. RECOVERIES OF DEAD BODIES. Camiiridoe, August IB, Yesterday tho bodies of two men wero discovered floating In the whirlpool. One of them recover ed is supposed to havo been the person re cently carrlod over tho falls In a boat. CHICAGO. GRAND BANQUET AT THE THE MONT HOUSE. WOMAN KILLED BY LIGHT NING. H AILROA D ACCI 1) ENTS. CiMCAfio, August 16. A grand banquet Is In progress nt tho Tretnont Houso this evening, in commemoration of tho conten niol anniversary of 1110 birth of Sir Wal ter Scott. Tlio speakers nro! John M. Palmer, Ex-Governor Uross, Jnmcs W. Shcchnn, General Mc Arthur, nnd others. HOY DROWNED. Frank' Holmbold. aged six year, was drowned in tho Chicago river this morn ing. Ills paroflts rcsldo on Howard street. At Elgin Inst night Mrs. J. II. Smith was JIlT.Nr.D TO DEATH by tho explosion of a keroseno lamp. She was going down stairs, when she trippod and broke tho lamp. During a thunder storm at Cedar Rap ids, Iowa, yesterday, u thunder bolt enter ed tho tolcirrnnh ofllce. passed to tho lower story, and instantly KILLED A WOMAN named Addlo E. Mitchell. When struck sho had her hand on a gas pipe. Ycstorday morning near Chlolri Station on tho Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Kailroad, whllo tlio train was running at a rapid rate an axle broko under a Pull man sleeping cur, and almost in an instant tho running gear was stripped from undor tho car. Tho body of tho car was drugged toino distance. .Fortunately no one was hurt althoueh tho car wus full of sleeping passongcrs. Tho track wns, toro up n con siderable distunce. Last niglit near unn ton Junction on tho Nashvillo and North western Railroad, Georgo Thompson fell . .1 i 1 t .!. !.!- I... irom a ircigui train anu unu uuiu ms icgj crushed ncarhis body. Hocannot recover. CINCINNATI. ORGANIZATION OF A NEW RAILROAD COMPANY. ARREST OF AN ALLEGED Ml'H DERER. Cincinnati, August 10. A conldiggor named Jack Berry, whilo lying on tlio railroad, near Nowark, Ohio, yesterday, had his head severed from his body by n train. Tho Charleston, Ripley and Purkorsburg railroad company was orcanlzed yestcr dny at Charleston, West Virginia. Among THE DIRECTORS aro Governor Jacobs, of AVcst Virginia, Mayor Hall, of Charleston, Judgo Robert Brown, of ltavcnswood, nnd cx-Governor Stevenson. Tho following OFFICERS were also elected : J. Brlshbin Walker, president; Uen. John J. Jackson, vice president; C. C. Lewis, secretary and treasury. Tlio survoyors will commonco nt once to locuto tho route. Two young men named IIullow wero ar rosted in Wnyno county, Indiana, on last Saturday, charged with murdoring Tib' bctts, in 1804. Tho issuo of $150,000 bonds, for oity water works, were taken by tlio third na tional bank to-day at 1 and 0 per cent, premium. KEOKUK, IOWA. FIGHT BETWEEN NEGROES. MURDER. Keokuk, Iowa, August 15. This even ing two negroes, named Jerry and Porter, had an altercation on tho slcamor S. S. Merrill, coming up tho river, when both landed nt tholovco thoy continued to qunr- rol, when Jerry drow it rovolvor and shot t'ortcr, killing mm instantly, .ur. How ard, n clerk of tho packet compnny, tried to prevent tho cscupo of tho murderer, when Jerry tired on him also, but missed. Jerry has not yet been arrested. LITTLE ROCK. THE NEGROES AND THE CITY ELECTION. CROP PROSPECTS. Little Rock, August 15. ConsUlom- nblo interest is manifested by tho colored peoplo In regard totlio city cluction, wliicli is to bo held in Novomber. M cctlugs nro hold almost every night. Cron nrosnects continue oxcollont. Itu- ports from nil parts of thu stato say that ot least, there wasono-third less cotton plant ed this year than last. LOUISVILLE. THE SCOTT CELEBRATION AT LOUISVILLE. Louisville, Auk. 15. Tho St. An drews society, a Scottish organization In this city, to-night celebrated tho conton nial uunivorsnry of Sir Walter Scott's birthday by it festival nt the Mnsonio tem ple Tho nthtir was qultocrcditiihlo to tho managers. It was an olegaut banquet, with songs, dnnciug, etc. Ono fentiini of tho alhiir exhibited was nn Immtmco Scot tish thistlo 6eed, from which u snrlg was brought from Scotland by .Mr. Ainsluv, of this city. MMPHIST THE CENTENNIAL CELEUHA T10N, Memphis, August 15. Tim Scott con tonuiul was colobratud to-day by it pro cession through thu streets, by Scotish, Irish, Italian and Gorman sociotlo?, curry ing Amoricau Hags and thoso uftiioru re spective country's, preceded by a band of music. In the procession wero highbinders in custom, lifter parading tho principal streets thoy proceeded to tho J nines' park, whero an oration wns delivered by John Alnsley, Esq. "niter which various Scotch games ensiled followed by dancing. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AV. SAN FRANCISCO. NEW SYSTEM OF COINAGE. Hanfra.ncisco, Cal., Aug. 15 Tho Ja pancso government announces a now sys tem of national coinago corresponding with tho American. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. CHICAGO. Ciiicaoo, August 15. PROVISIONS-Ciulct and unchanged. WHISKY Firm at 88, froely hid sales nt 80. ST. LOUIS. St. Loui.i, August 15. FI.OUR-Dull and nominal. WHEAT Quiot, tolorably; No. 3 red olovntorSl 10: No.2do$l 1. CORN Dull, but Httlo better than nominul; white mixed, sacked, 41c. OATS Scarcely hotter than nominal; elevator U5c. RYE 07(7Mi8c sacked. WHISKY Dull at S8c. PROVISIONS-.Qulct.vcrylitllodoing. PORK $Ri 75(13. BACON On orders: Shoulders OJc, clear rib 8c, clear 8jn. NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, August 15: FLOUR Easier nt $1.75; XX $0.!JO (30.00. XXX 10.8708.75. CORN Mixed C5C7c, whlto 70c, OATS Quiet at 45M00C. BRAN Dull nt $1.05U0. PORK Dull at $13 25. HACON Firm at 7im8i(30e. LARD Dull at lOKjylOJc; kegs 1U ligc, an otners unenangcu. STERLING 22J. sight . GOLD 112 J. NEW YORK. New Xop.k, August 15, GOLD Hoavy at 112JH21. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, Aug. 10. FLOUR Dull but unchanged. WHEAT Quiet at $1. 12a). 15. CORN Quiet at 51a5 . OATS Dull nt 30a33. RYE 05n"0. BARLEY Nominally unchanged. COTTON Dullj litol8J for middling. WHISKY Firm ut 88. PROVISIONS Quiet nnd rather weak, but lioldor.s unwilling to mnko con cessions. MESS PORK Held at $12.50. LARD At!). BULK MEATS-5JaOJ. BACON 'ii. 7Ja75: sales of clear rib and bulk eideH, G, and bacon shouldors, CJ. uuiTKii-uuii nna lower, ni to -o wholu range. EGGS 12ain. LINSEED OIL 81 to 85. LARD OIL 70.172. TOLEDO. Toledo, O., August 15. FLO LfR Steady. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 whlio Michi gan SI 2C, amber Michigan $1 25J1 20, No. 1 red 51 25, No. 2 do $1 22, No. 3 do $1 18. No. 2 Wabash St 31. No. 3 do $1 22. CORN Quiet olid unchanged; high mixed 1JAC, no grado i'Jc. OATS Inactive. FREIGHTS Lako firm; 1 to Buffalo, H(i)8t to uswego. DETROIT. Detroit, August 15. WHEAT Vory nctivo at yesterday's pricos. Extra SI.:!); Zio. 1 wbito and Tread well $1X7; amber S1.25. CORN Quiet at SO.iGOc. OATS Stead v ut 10a tic. VI.r.S AM MUOORa. WM. II. SCIIUTTEH, Imporler nmi Wholesale Dealer In WINES, LIQUORS, AND TOBACCO &c OIGAES, AKCnt fur tho bon brand of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AMI IiiilMiricil AIi-n r llirvrfiii;;HludH. 75 Ohio Levee, tt OAIIIO, ILLINOIS. F. M. STOCKFLETH, bi'cciuou roiiLi: t .TocKriCTii Ileclirycr ami WIioIi'nuIp llrnler u Fori'lKii nmi DomcMIc LIQUORS, WINES, ETC. No. 7S Ohio Lkvek, Spaivariru. llwcs, CtlRO, I I.I.I.NOI3. HHkeep.on hanil conslnmly a full stock of Old Kentucky llourlxui, l!)ii and Mononga. hclit Wlibklo., Krench llrindiuK, Holland din, Uhinoauil California Wlnen, W1ISII.CNALK C'UUVEIIM. 11. SMYTH & CO., WHOLESALK GROCERS, OHIO I. e v E e , ! A I HO. ILLINOIS, A't.0, kei' eouxl'inlly on hand n ino.t ouin pU'to slocU of HCOTCH AND Illlall WHISKIES -0 I N H, Port, Miidorin, Sherry und Cntiiwhu Wines J SMYTH CO. fell oxclu.lvely fur It. ulueli f.ict llii'V Invito thu fsncolal atmn. I mil of clo.o turf mil buyers. SJi'chil attention (jiven to Filling Orders, II1NDINO. BOOKH, pamphlet., briofa, catalogue., news pnpora, tax Data, and otery variety of eiten vivo priulln contracted fur. at,dprotnytly and .puedily executed, in tlin Rulletlu book, lot,, and uewf paMr tiiadiiii; eatabllalimeut. IjrSCItAKCK, TV. II. MORRI!, Notary Public, H. It. CANDEE No. Pub. and IT. 3. Com. FIRE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK, ACCIDENT, LIFE, isrsTj-i?,A3rcaai .ETNA, HARTFORD, Aet. ...a ;....L.:i.f. JV'IVW 07 NORTH AMERICA, I'A., AMet. v,7M,O"0 ( HARTFORD, CONN, Assets 2.M1.210 -1 IMKKNIX, HARTFORD, Assetn. ;. I,78l,t48 8 INTERNATIONAL,. N. Y., Assets. 1,1V1,308 17 PUTNAM,. HARTFORD, Asvst ...m...m..7W,937 W CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, AU ,. ......Sli,eT3 8S HOME, COLUMBUS, Assets ;. 515,278 4J AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO.,: ' Ansel. 600,000 00 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Lirr, ..JO.OOO.OCO 00 TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, 1. 500.000 00 RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Aneti. &00,0000 INDEPENDENT, BOSTON, A. cola 630,862 CS SAFFORD, MORRIS & CANDEE, 71 Ohio Levee, City National Hunk, CAIRO. ILL. EIRE AND MARINE x 2& s tjt :r, .a. nsr a es COMPASItH: 3 IAOARA, N. T., A.ieU Il,436,il0 16 OERMANIA, N. Y., Ansetj l,0C3,7il 78 HANOVER, N. Y., Asset. 740,803 00 REI'UIILIC, N. Y., Assots tH.H.a7I49ipS 00 ComprieloK tho Underwriters' Afiency. YONKERS, N. Y. Asset. ., 878.4M 13 ALBANY CITY, Assets 153,193 23 FIREMEN'S FUND, 8. r As.ct C7I.0CO 00 SECURITY, K. Y. MARINE, AB30tdw. ttt..i( 00 STORK, Dwellings, Furniture, Hull, and Car. Ko9, Insured at rate, m favorable aa sound, iwrmancnt necurlly will warrant. I re.petttlully auk of tho cUitooa of Cairo, a ahate ol their patronaio. V. If. nCGUEH, Office at First National Bank. COIiLBGEH. HIGH EDUCATION. HELLMUTH COLLEGE. Hoard and Tulllou, per annum.. 220 OU HELLMUTH LADIES' COLLEGE mi'ui'aatr.n nr ii. a. n. ruixcc Aatnca, Hoard and Tuiti.n, per annum , 1M 00 Pr.ildcnt-TtiB Very It. V. I. llellmuth, D. V,, uenu ui iiuron. For particular., apply to Major Evans. London Citiada We.t, ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY. The Forty-Third Annual Sea.lon of the. ST. XiOTTIS "U3TIYEBSITYI Will open on Monday Sept. 4th, '71 Thin I.-tho only lu.tltutlon dfLearnldir In Hie went, linviui; )et'ne.tabU.heUlul8l. Thucour.o of aindie. utlera uverv facility for acquiring a tliorouiih CLiameol and Commerolal education. Ciitiitouuert eontalnlni? Itihtruetiona to narenla mid ful piirlleillara, will bo aent on apdlloatioo to KEY. O. II. OTUil D, J. I'realdenl, Hi. Louts Univ.r.lty, TUBLIC NOTICE. . Wherea., William lUUurkeand Roaanna Diirku Iim wife, did on the 'iid day of June, A. U. Ufa, Kxecuta their certain mortgago or deedol trust 10 laham N.Haynteto secure certain note, there in ini'iitioned, wliicli deed of trust wra duly ae. knowledKed and recorded In book "D"pks 333 hdJH in the recorder, otllca of Alexander coun ty, Illinois. And whereas, default has been mada in the payment of said notes. Now, thereto: e, ill nccordanee with tie proylaions of laid det and by vlituo of the powers therein eoutaiotd. 1 will, on Friday, tho Utdai of September, A. 1). 1871, at the frontdoor of the court housa of At exsnder county, Utatool Illinois, at o'clock of aid day ptcwvlto eell lea follawtni; dwcrlbed procriy, situito tyinx laths city of Cairo, to-wlt; iilnetaea (1U) In block Bfty. lour (M),aa the aaino wis eauaeil to be platted asd recorriad by Maanrs. Taylor and IMvls, the aaina belDSt deacrlbe.1 in aaid dead ot trust, tor eaaU In bajad to thai ftlhf bidder, and will sikuU to the purchar ar piu. cliner a dwd (or ih aaa.' Administratrix tot Isbtun M. Htsu, , July 2xli.ini. v-MKiL