Newspaper Page Text
Sue ItilMttt r ' JOHN II. OHERLY ft CO., UOTTENTOTl! HXEX OATimilMO IlltPllir I.Kirw it Ttlf Kiir nv imm, ..... .. .. Judical 1'MeneTiMAi.o L'tu.-liaehu leaves riit 1 1 ri nirv i In An They are given In complaints of llio Uiinsrj- inn nr ininniintir nr iitir, rifim a lnsta rr tnn. r.H.; iiw. .uu wvu iwuihuit-hhi iii 'iii-i-i.i, tPflfi V. HtLxntD'n Kitct Dcvhu U tit! b tron n III ileVl in nr Mian fit it fa. i ffr fVnnns-itiiatrii !nrtrctloni jculur to fi-nifcif , the Kxtmtt u a. if . IJ' v" uub ;iv u ic run . HiRtiiKi or 7ii lLAtMt, KliiMrrii;fifcAUL d ciu iKiRiniiniuu u4 an t iiiiniuiai ru nicn rni )Ulmoii' Kxtiact llcciiu hu rured nttty en nnlAf rutfrt lafui lllnnlal II. I..I umuiuiii. 1'iiiiuvrii iii t iiiud. in n iniiiiitrrK. II. T. BUCHTJ. , From the Dioiary of the United States. DIOS.MA CIlll.VATA-lllCIIL- LEAVEN. ' reoriTlu. Their odor is strvnir. dlthilve anl imnxlm HlLMftOLD KXTIACT UrCITr m I)lIirHirft.n4 l!loal.llirrini. .iml .Mir all ilUattAa 4iiitn lcrili tmptoms Id ill communication. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, UE UIIKAT ilUVUD I'UKIilEU AM) iir.i.nnoi.i's i:riiACT sailsapakii.i.a ... -J - - iivm r iniMii Hih. Tettr, liumora ofUklnU, Oron'c BID(F DtthMeii finrlT for the abOYA COmtillint. lb Hloful. tnirifu,tt nranrli rm wmU hn ftn v nlhar HiPLlimntli Zt,..lU .(... , " ' "id vum mvium trlituK Irotn an impur nuti of the tfood, ftnl the only rvlinble ellwual hntnm 'lvm T for th curof palnnd hwdliDa: of the llonf, L'lcerMion of the Throat nri Lrui. Hlotches. iiii'ir uu hid rKr. iiriaiueuLt. biiu kji rt-iir iruiunin m m n. kti.i niitti rinir iha i '.mh . HEXjVEBOIilD'S CATAWBA GBA3PE PILL3. ica or AierTous Jiea'iacm. Jaunuicr, inuirenuun. -'auvraaa'ai.-aB('alaa Th OATAWHA GRAPH l'ILLJftr purely rrtftahtc. belnir cointKwi of CitAwbatniDa Jnlc and IHiu uai Ju Ultl (y ltwme of Ihoae chttp iAtcr.t I1, carlirljr HELMIlUIiU'aUENUI.VKI'KKPAKVTIO.S- A. JL illili.'llJUJII-'i J JUWlll.ll .11JU .&IIUI nnu 1U couth lentil fct., J'hiladclpliia, l'a. bold by Urugiatri, everywhere. i.ii:i: i.sriiA.t e. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA; UE MOST Sl'CCESSrCL I.1FK INHUHANCK THE PTJEELY NO STOCKHOLDERS Amount or Foucici is Force Dec. 31, Total Ihcome to Same Date, - Net iNCREAbE of Kiskb i.v Force, 1870, he Inrscat Krt Increase ilurlnt,- 1 year 1STO of nuy t'ompnny Invito M'orlil. Gross Increase of F.isks in Force, 1870, .... $30,327,730 00 Only Iwo Compwiiei In tlio world exceed tlil grots Increase during 1870. E.NTs J.N KACil (jTATU, iii proportion lo its Th only Company which, ly Itt charter, giu-i OME IIOAKUO DIIIECTOR3. im unir tAiiiiimur winrii irunriiiipp. n I'linriiTt i riK ii. 111.J urini'imo ni i.jv;al. livivsi O-BITEBAL OFFICE, ST. XOXJIS, 2vCO. JAMES II. imiTTON, Ficiidcnt. Henry Vf. IIpuqutl.yico Froslden. "Wm. IIanlby, Secretary. C. F. UuKNEs, Attorney. t r . . ii... it . ...... . 1 SOUTIIKltN ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. K. F. Durlinquam, Mnnugcr. CAIEO BEAITGH BOABD. uriiiiiiiivii noni or conirl of America. P. W. Barclay, H. W. "Yedh, H. II. Oandee, CIIA8. 0AI.H1IIER, J. M. Phillips, 0. Hanny, It. S. liRIOIIAM, Paul O. Schuh. 0IIN ANTRIM, Ltaro our Klc nnd 1'lniiH licfuro LOCAL Oari. L. Thomas, nn v CLOSISsTO- OUT JiJF COST ! ' ' Tlie piiMlo nrn hereby notified that the Iprgo and inKgilliccrit atuok of i DRY-GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, (JAPS, NOTIONS, ETC,',' Uelonsing to the culnlo of tlio Into SCOTT WHITE WILL UK SOLD AT COST .T THE OLD STAND, CORNER SIXTH STREET AND OniO LEVEE caibo, - - - lS9t( J'UOPRIKTOKS. . .. ... . . I'UI IIVI fi f UIL aregently .tlmiiUn', with peculiar tendency lo Organs, such as Gravel, chronic C.Lrrh 11. si. .. i ti :..i juuuiu j wj e u in u ni . ijuianroii Anecnoni ind from tit,? of IS to M, ui I from i'i to W. or nrl .v.rf llnai 1 La.I 1 1 .t il l. " Uucliu i utiCMHillci hy any other remedy. in v vufi'Juiii; ll rw UNMUIJ'i UlVcIal ru U fX. II I J IuopaiciL Silliji. Thl medicine lucrfM rf rruiirrj. an wr i-faki nnn nnimmii nn . ofDlfthlfB la whichlthki ben jrlfrn. Irrlla- i ..... f.ll-. .11 . . . m iiiii i inni. rui rnn t mm tiitw rwnaa i IIKAUTIVIKU OK Til K gOMl'LrX10S. "IU"I u I 1 1 1 1 I . 'Ill iJI'ICP. LILDTE. OUID f.ri!l ithf uinalisin, iy(rilR, n-l All dinoaei that hire .I.........I .......... i I . n ( nat UU'I lii;tllll I'Uiur, IUU fPllUlPI I HO p VKiniiiimion. i;i Hnt iti a. llillouiifi. loiter Com. ntdvl-ir'it iik l aIirlA. U rrtnrot by inrxpr rn-ncul prtkoni, vrmlr-J In EilnMuhe I UrrJ of Hi yeiri. I'rcp.reJ Ij llUUi V llUJllini, Utlt IHUilUIIUj, l . x, CORroKATlUN OK THE SAME AOE IK Oltl.H. MU-TTTAI,; TO AHS0R1J PROFILS. 1870, - $15,655,740 00 - 3.074.788 80 20.000.910 00 I'remlutm or Ho-Iniurance Fund. PACII STATE A RCrRKSENTATlVE IN THE Felix Corte, Supt. Missouri Dept. John N. I'ritchard, Treaiurer. K. I., M. D.. Med. Ofllcer. 1 r i .i i -. ' nu.uuj irunrance eaen. in ino u lie aiiociai on .Toil II II. OlIXRLY, Wm. Morris, T. J. KERTn, AV. S. ED30N. you Iuauro u nuy oilier Couipnuy. AGENTS. W. 11. Kerney. uooun. '- - iijijiisroia. MHN. NCOTT WHITE. CAIRO, rillTT? TJTTT T 1?rnTXT BY HtMBAPH ltror(rd mpcclnlljr for the Cnlro Bill Irtln. Ten hotsr In mlvwnre of N(. I.oiUa paper. . . NEW YORK. , PLEASANTON'S APPOINTEES DISMISSED. LOBS OF PATRONAGEJBY THE FERRY COMPANY. TirB TRIBUNE ON TI1E NEW ORLEANS TROUBLES. i DEPREDATIONS ON THE TEX AS FRONTIER. LIFE ASSURANCE AMONG THE HEBREWS. BINrw York, Aug. 17. The vacancy created In the custoni-liouto inspectorship by tbo death ofC'oloncl John McLood Mur phy hai noV been filled by the appoint ment of the widow of dcceaicd, in liorcto foro reported. The placo hu teen given to ii country politician, nolwithitnnding the wiihes of tbo Pfuldent for Mri. Mur phy'l appointment. It is laid that Colo mil Murphy declared that Collector Mur phy was unfit for liii position, and that the Collector Is opposed to Mn. Murphy on tltla account. The heat yesterday and to-dny was ox cctiire. Several cases of sunstroke nro reported. tlkasanton's appointees dismissed. The mbordinato internal revenue of ficials appointed by Plcusanton in this city and Brooklyn am fast beinrVemoved, both at the instanco of tho deputy at Waibington and local officers here. Ap plicant to whom places vroro denied by Pleasanton, are now making a rush on tbo appointing powers for the positions. PEACHES. Six hundred thousand baskets and crates of Delaware peaches wero eold in the New-York market during the past week! The crop this year is enormous, and tbu fruit never better in sizo and fla vor. The crop of Long Island is also the most plentiful ever known. Fruit is rot ting on tho dealer's hands. TUE HEBREW ORDER of Reiner SbolbaigoUield a meeting yes- iieruay evening, wuicn was auenaea by representatives from all parts of tho coun try. Tbo question of life Insuranco was discuiaod. Itwas agreed to instituto into ,tho order a plan "by which tho furaily of each member, at his death, should receive $1000, to bo' raised "by equal assessments on all members residing in the district in which ho had lived, STATEN ISliAND DESERTED. Stntcn Island has lost nearly all its Sun day picaiuro icckeri, through the ferry disaster. There nro few visitors weok days, and a falling off on Sundays. CENTRAL J'ARK hai now becomo tho groat Sunday resort, over 65,000 persons having visited that placcjon Sunday last. THE TftlllUNE ON THE NEW ORLEANSTROU ULErt. The.Tribune, yesterday, in an articlo upon the republican convention.,at,Npw Orleans, lays that every republican' miiit feel ind ignant at luch indecent and wanton perversion of authority as that which re lulted in the organization of two conven tions at NoWiOrldans. To calllho conven tion in tho United State court-room in the custom-houso building, was n gross politi cal outrago, unprecedented in tho history of tho country. SUIT AOAINBT THE CITY J. B. Cornell, through hii counsel, moved to-day, in tho supreme court, before Judge Sutherland, for a mandamus to compel tho commlnionor of tho now court-houso to is sue a requisition upon tho comptroller for uio payment oi 3j,izi, aue on a bill for iron won:, at tbo now court-houso, by tho firm of J. B. & W. W. Cornoll, during the years 18C3 and 1809. DErREDATIONU ON THE TEXAS FRONTIER. Tho iccrctary of tho interior has re ceived from tho war department extracts from a letter of tbo commanding general of tho department of Texas, in rotation to tho removal of tho Kickapoo Indians now' in Mexico. IIo lays they have boen" re tained in Mexico by bribes of money and goods as set forth in tho report of tho agent,' Mills. The depredations on livo stock conlinua unabated. Tho marau dors with tholr stolon stock have been traced tlmo and again to tho Rio Grande, and ho is reliably informod that parties in pursuit can often tco from, tbo north sido of tho river 'tholr stock in possession of other parties, collect ed in convenient droves on the south sido for salo or distribution to tho interior of Mexico. This gradual, but heavy loss of proporty. ho says is very dis couraging to .tho people, they aro becoming desperato, and seeing tbo determination of Ihe Mexican officials to retain tho Kicka poo Indians in Mexico as a cloak' for tho real deeds of tho Moxlcan pooplo, they talk now quite freely of, organizing them selves into armed bands, and crossing into Mexico to rccovor their stojen property. This feoling is universal on tho frontier, sinco tho recent developments with regard o tho removal of the Kickapoo Indians. Genoral Reynolds adds: "It is bolioved that theio depredations can bo effectually and permanently stopped by pursuing tho marauding bands into Mexico with troops, accompanied by tho owners of tho'misslng stock.1' ADMITTED TO HAIL. ,, Judgo Sutherland has admitted tho fire'sidont of tho ferry company to ball in ho sum of $2,000. and tbo superintendent and Enginoer Robinson $1,000 oacli. ' MADISON, WIS. KILLED BY A RUNAWAY TEAM. Madison, August 17, Edward Youn aged 22 years, only son of Hon, E. V. r t..i.i iv. a. .... from Tils buggy and so seriously injured that ho dlodi Wdfe'day morrring. STAN EVANS, an owploye of the Madison and Pbrtago rullroad, wbilo.ongagcd.ln eroding a now elevator at Roynelte, fell from the scaf folding last ovoning, and was so badly injured tuV UU recovery it do'ubtfu). ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, AUGUST WASHINGTON. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL CON VENTION. THE WHARTON CASE. POISONING GONE CRAZY. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION. Waihinoton, Auguitl7. Gen. Eaton, United States commissioner of education, will bo proient and deliver an address at tho national educational convention, to bo held at BU Louis, next Tuesday. Tho nd drcis and proceedings of tho national edu cational convention, which met at Cleve land, last August.' have just been Issued, having boen published by n gentleman of this city, who employed only women to let tho typo nnd do tho storootypo work. GONE CRAZY. J. W. Wesley, anasplrunt for a position ai government olerk, lost hli reason through diiappointment at not having his nmbition realized, and whs yesterday taken to tho Insane asylum. Wcsly served In the navy during tho lato war, and passed n favornblo examination for tho position ho coveted. Sinco ho has been an appli cant, somo three months, tbcro have been sevora) vacancies, but his claims have bcon invariably overlooked. HENRY WHARTON'S STOMACH ANALYZED NO TOIHON FOUND. Tbo physicians appointed to nnalyzo tho slotnsich of Henry Wharton, supposed to have bcon poisoned by his mother, havo reported and oxenornto tho lattor lady. So far as their examinations goes there wero discovered notraco of poison, nor wasthero any substanco which would furnlh evi dence to criminate any one in this connec tion. The Baltimore American says tho result of tho analysis of tho remains of her son will havo a telling effect upon the sentiment of tho community, though, as a matter of evidonco, it is only nccativo in its character. All traces of vegetable poisons wouia long sinco navo disappeared, nnd a chemical analysis at this lato day can only show that no appreciable amount of m eta lie poison remains in tho body. MRS. WHARTON'S HEALTH has steadily improved sinco her romovnl lo tho tower. Sho is still weak, howovcr, and seldom leaves her bed. Her daughter is unremitting in her devotion to hor mo ther, and furnishes an example of filial affection, as raro as it ii beautiful. INTERESTING TO TODACCO DEALERS. Tho question having been raised by col lector Pullcn, of tho Cincinnati district, as to tbo right of tobacco manufacturers to affix the namo of doalers to their products whoro orders wero filled, and having been refcrrod to tho internal rnvenuo depart ment, commissioner Douglas decided that tho law allow! tbo proprietor's name to bo printed upon tho labels instead ofthu man ufacturers. This, howovcr, will only bo allowed in those cases whoro the person claiming to bo tho proprietor is tho owner of tho factory, or has a legal right or titlo to tho particular brand of goods manufactured, or wherolho tobacco, snuff or cigars aro mado expressly for tho person claiming such proprietorship. In cither case tho labels must be affixed be fore tho goods aro removed from tho placo of manufacture, and when onco so affixed they cannot bo removed or any others substituted therefor. THE NORTH CAROLINA ELECTION. 'Official returns from olghty-threo coun ties show a majority of 10,231 against the convention. Thore aro seven counties to be heard from, which will roduco tho majority to about 9,400. SARATOGA. SPEAKER BLAINE MAKES A SPEECH. HIS VIEWS ON THINGS IN GEN ERAL. Saratoga, August 17. Blaine, speaker oi me liouso oi representatives, was sere naded last night. IIo addressed tho peo ple at length, stating that speeches wero not necessary for tno ucienso ot tno repub lican party, facts spoke for them, in wit ness 'of which they had but to look at tho administration of affairs nt Washington under tbo republicans, and comparo it with tho management of Jow-York undor tho democrats. In ono caso all was honesty, in tho other all corruption. Sinca tho in auguration of tho Grant administration $200,000,000 had been paid off tiio dobt, and' taxation reduced by $80,000,000 an nually.! TAMMANY. Without the aid of Tammany it would bo impossible for the domocrats to carry Now-Vork, and tho republicans would bo suro of a victory in 1872. Tammany, with its monoy. powor in the north and terror ism in tho south, was tho main bono of tho domocracy, and but for theso tho country would long sinco havo bcon at peace from end to'ond. THE NEW DEPARTURE was an msincero attempt to buna the people to tho real Intentions of tho domocracy who had refused to abldo by tho amondmonts at first, and whoso repre sentatives at Washington had consistnutly voted against them ; but until they helped to achieve full rictus for every citizen of tho United States, ho must bo pardoned for not placing any faith In their profess ions. Democratic rulo in Now-iork was falso to tho first principles of religious freedom, in that tho authorities had endeavored to stop the'Orango parade; while tho policy of the, Republicans embracod tho widest toloranco and a desiro for equal rights ov orywhere. TUB TREATY OF WASHINQTON was ono of tho most brilliant achievements of modern times, and through it tho Re publicans could claim tho honor of having avortcd ajgrcat civil war. A QLOWINQ PICTURE. Tho speaker concluded by painting a clowinc picturo of tbo condition of tlio country undor radical rulo. Hu pointed to a continent without a slave; a constitu tion porfoct In all tho oloments of civil and religious rights nnd liberty; increasing financial prosperity, and fortv millions of tho freest, happiest and most prosperous peoplo on tho globo. CLEVELAND. Cleveland. O,, August 17. J.S. John son's papor mill und barns at " Northeast," Pa., woro burned yesterday. Los9, $16, 000 to 120,000. Insured for about $0,000. Spontanoous.combuatlon is supposed to be the cause. 18, 1871. SING SING, N. Y. AN EXTRAORDINARY AFFAIR. TWELVE CONVICTS ESCAPE FROM SING SING. Sino Sino, August 17. An oxtraordi. nary affair occurred at Sing Sing prison to-day at 11:46 n. m. A lug boat having a canal boat in tow going north, when sho was obscrvod approaching tho prison dock with considorablo rapidity. Tho guard warned tho pilot to keep oh", but tho warn ing was not heeded apparently. Tho tug glidod up to tho dock nnd immediate ly twclvo convicts, as if understanding tho wholo movement, made n rush from thoir work, leaped on bourd tho canal bout and ran poll moll ovar it into tho tug. Tho cngincor was dislodged nnd ono of thejeon victs dashed into the pilot hotiso nnd took charge. Immediately sho was headed for tho west shore. Tho alarm was given quickly ns possiblo, and many of tho regu lar prison guards ruhed toward tho pier. They aimed their pieces nt tho pilot nnd shouted for him to stop, but ho crouched down out of sight. SAMLAKE. DEATH OF AN INDIAN CHIEF. TRANSACTIONS IN STOCKS. MINING Salt Lake, August 17. Tho head chlof of tho southern Utah Indians, died sbmo wocks ago. Sinco then tho trlbo havo bo gun to commit depredations upon tho people, and are threatening war upon tho whites. It is reported that there is n combina tion of Indians on tho border of Utah. Tho newly, appointed Indian agent, Rocho, arrived to-dny. Eighteen bnrs of illvcr bullion, valued nt $27,000, arrived to-night from Riocho for Leo & AValicr, New-York. Tranactsons in mining stocks aro de manding heavy considerations in bonds and deeds. Over two million dollars in stock havo boen takon in tho last two days. Ten cars silver bullion shinned east thij week by Wells, Fargo & Co. "ciiToAGa KILLED DROWNE D BURNED. CnicAao, August 17. A young man, named Burns, to-dav. in attcmntinL' to jump from tbo Clark street bridgo to tho auiumeni, wnuo u was swinging, loll liort and was precipitated in tho rivor and arowncu oeioro hu could bo rescued. Lall'orty Brothers' livery stable, at Cam bridge, Illinois, was burned last night, with cntiro contents, including 10 horses. Barn of Inman IIouso also consumed. Young man, namod Young, killed near Prario du Sac, Wis., on Tucsdav, by run ning away of his team. CINCINNATI. SAD ACCIDENT AT FRANK FORT, KENTUCKY. Cincinnati, Aug. 17. At Frankfort, Ky., last night, n dnughtor of II. Bern-, aged 8 years, overturned a kcrosono lamp in bidding her mother good-night. Tlio lamp burstod nnd tlio child (Annio) wus burnod to death, whilo Mrs. Borrv w . riously injured. MILL,lNKIt.N. MRS. M. SWANDER, DEALER I2i MILLINERY AND LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, Commercial Avenue, nnpaKlIc i:i!lo milt lliiyllioru'tt Cairo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WEAR JMado to order, or iteady.JIado. A full assortment of Misses' nnd Lndies iiats and Jionncts of tho latest styles. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE I MRS. C. McGEE, eioiith htreet, HETWF.H.N WASHINQTON and commercial avenues, Has Just received n full and splendid lino of NEW GOODS! Dress trlmininirj. silk clmm. )llc unlnnn pure laces, inon triminlni;, crocket uuttonx, Ilk nod leliel tiutlonn, pluih ami trimming ud- vn, nan ami uoniicis, nun kl.l cloven, ladlen' ami childroiiH1 shoes, ami a lull and complete stock ol Millinery find Fancy Goods, All of which iho propose.) to sill at THE VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. WATC1IMAKKK. PRAOTICA L WATCHMAKER. H. IIOUF-T, NO. 150 WASHINGTON AVENUE, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, Han on hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCH MS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. Particular uttenlinn Klu-n to REPAIRING FINK WATCHES. The. I.irgenl utoi'k of GOLD AND SILVER WATCH KS I A. WADGYMAR, M. D., PMYB1CIAN, burgeon ami Acconhmr, formerly of Anna, Umou couuty, Illinois, has per- manenlly located In Cairo, unice Commercial Htcnae, bolwcen liii;hth and Nluth streets West SIUV, 1IIUI1 BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AV. DRUGS. BARCLAY BROS., 74: OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, IttnJ DBTJG-GISTS: SARATOGA SPRINGS II rtti. BUST AT llARCLAYS DRUO STORK.' Far.Mi yjcrnr, Diilt. MOCKING BIRD FOOD Lf. nr u.TfJniR rirllwirilofTj taotrtr At Barclays'. J E I. M II o r. D g GRAPE ( Catawba )rt( riRArr. ) PILLS CATAWIIA lA URAPE GRAPE (.CATAWIIA ) J I.ORAPE ) PILLS AMI ALL Or II E I. M B O I. D 'H 31 E I I CI X EN '. FRESH FROM FIRST HANDS,' Always la utook In largo supply, and for sale b llarclay ItroH. FEESH BLTTE LICK JUST It K C E I V E I) ASP For Nil I e by HielJIusH .llolllc or Gallon AT BARCLAYS'. iSTExTRA Fine Coi.oonk; 86?Genuine Imported Extracts; CSTHair, Tooth and Nail Brushes; JB571ndia ltuiniKR Nursery Goo AT BA.I2,CIjA.-3r BBOS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Ilert grades in largo ntock and va riety, very cheap; ALdO i Full Link of Colors, imv am in int.; Paint Drushi'F, I.ln.oed Oil, Whitewash I' .ashen Turpentine, Varnishos Kte. etc., ALL klMUS AMI STAMJAUD qt'ALITICS At Barclays'. OAN IITTEKM. F. S. MURRAY, GAS AND STEAM FITTER HAS REMOVED FROM PERRY HOUSE TO THE BRICK BUILDING on SEVENTH ST orrosiTE winter'b iilock, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. HE hai greatly Improved his stock, and has now on hand all kinds of CHANDELIERS, PENDENTS, U LORES, 11RACKETS, HALL LI01ITS, SHADES, ETC. HE HAS MARKED DOWN PRICES To tho lowest living figures, and ho Invites tho patronajo of the public. IIOAT STORM. SAM WILSON, 11 E A L C It 1H BOATSTOEB S 0 ROGER IKS. PROVISIONS, ETC., TiO. IIO Ohio Levee, : : : : : : Cairo, III. niipras rmiMi'TLT hli km G. 1). WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMM ISSION M ERCII ANT, .No. 71 Ohio l.etee, O A 1 It , I I. L I N C 1 8. no-Special attention K'vcn to Consignment!! and lillini: orders. COI.LUUEK. HIGH EDUCATION. HELLMUTJl COLLEGE. Hoard and Tuition, per iiuntim V22U 00 IlKLI-MUTH LADIES' COLLEGE IMl'tll'UATCIl UV, rUINCE AHTIIl'B, Hoard an I Tuitun, per annum 1220 00 I'r.sldtnt-Tlio Very It. V. I. Hellmuth, D. V., Dean of Unroll, Yut particulars, apply to Major Kvam, London Htm.ilM W..I IJfMJRAHCE, Tf. n. MORRIS, Notary Public, H. II. CANDEE No. rub. and U. 8. Cora. FIRE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK, ACCIDENT, LIFE, iara-u-i2,A.3srasi .ETNA, HARTFORD, AMeti (J,M),S0l 97 NORTH AMERICA, PA., Assets.- 2,783,000 0U TtARTFORD, CONN., Assets 2,544,210 72 FUOINIX, HARTFORD, Assets 1,731,143 8 INTERNATIONAL, K. Y., Asicti t.SM.MS 17 PUTNAM, HARTFORD, Asset .706,937 00 CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Aiitts .115,073 SS HOME, COLUMIIUS, Assets 315,271 4J AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Anstts KO.OOO tAl CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Assets 30,000,000 W TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Assets ....1,JOO,000 00 RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Asiets. 500,000 05 INDEPENDENT, BOSTON, Assots 030,802 03 S AFFORD, MORRIS & CANDEE, 71 Ohio l evee, City National Dank, CAIltO, ILL. EIRE AND MARINE i isr s tj :k, j nsr o ej COMPANIES i NIAQARA, N, Y., Asi'.ta ll,t30,2K M OERMANIA, N. Y., Asset 1,003,721 71 HANOVER, N. Y., Assets y 720,602 00 REPUI1LIC, N. Y., Also! 711.92J 00 ComprlflDK tho Underwriters' Agency. YONKERS, N. Y., Assets 879.IM IS ALBANY CITY, Assets .153,193 23 firemen's fund, s. r., Asieta e7,000 00 SECURITY, N. Y. MARINE, Assets 1,133,813 00 STOUK, Dwellings, Furniture, Halls and Car. goes, insured at rates as favoiablo as sound, permanent security will warrant. I resncctlully aik of tho cltlicns of Cairo, a nhire ol their patronaso. C. -V. HUGHES, Offle at First National llsnk. COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL Is prepared to supply customers with the best quality of OTSBURG AND ILLINOIS CO.AXj. o ItDEUS left at llalllday llros. oftlno, 70 OHIO I.IlvKK, or at tho Coal Yard below the St. Charles Hotel, will receive tiromot i attention. TIIKTUtJ "MONTAUK" will hrlugcoal along aide steamers at any hour. oc2.5if McCOMBS, KELLER & BRYNES, Eccuessors to Adolphus Meier Co., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Nos. 100 and 102 N. Mallet., so?. Xi o Tjr i a, 3vn o. ORDERS SOLICITED. Vllllllll EKUAli. TAX PURCHASER'S NOTICE: To 11. M. Rawllnnai Ton ara hamkv nniln. ed that at a sale of ronl o.Ulo mado by tho aherttl ui AioAauiisr ciiuaiv, ai ine noor oi ino court house, in the town of Cairo, Alexander county. iiiiiuir, ou tuts .uu uay oi june, a. u. isjo, u. Winston uurchased tho lollowicg described real estate, aiiuato in aald county, for the taxes. In. lereai unu co.n una inereon ior me year A, u. to, o, io'Wiii rracimnai wen eo. i. y. it b. k. IW,, assessed lu tliti name of M. SI. ltawllngs, and that said C. Winston has assigned all his rights under said purchase, to the undersigned, and that tho tlmo allowed by taw for tho retfam tlonot said real estate will expire on the nth day of June ISTi. WM. I. HALL1DAT. Cairo, Juno 3rd, 1872. UlNDlXQt BOOKS, pamphlets, briefs, catalogues, news, papers, tax lists, and every variety of eiten ;vo pnutlun contracted for. and promytly and ipeedlly executed, In tbo Bulletin boot, lob; and newspaper blading establishment.