Newspaper Page Text
TKAVfiLER'SGaiDE. TAKE NOTICE. TIMKTAIILK Or THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL H. II do and after flunday, ! Mlh.lMl, the follow ing lirne-table will govern the arrival and depart lire of patemref train at Cairo i wvirf Mll train, dally. llMJp.m. h.iprc-., dull . i!;ISp.til .irrtVe Mall.dalljr Ki preen, dally, except Hundar 3.H p.m. Nachnncr of cr from Cairo lo M. Loul. An changa ifm from Cairo to Chicago. F.lrsant Iirax IrK Hoon tlceptng cr on nitlil trm. HWW clucked lo Ml important x.nt. The nttvntion of uliipf.rrs la I'fpccliilly jlnl lo tlio fct that a Fruit F.iprraa train will "rUii. 'lnll , eapeoled, ami will ! ilir run from llif. city to Chfnttfo lu twenty- two li'lir; , JA-t. JullNSO.V, Afi-at. 11 tll.HOAON. (jL'ICK EST ROUTE FROM SOUTH tit ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. TO .Sr. Loim, I.oi :viLi.K, Cincinnati, Chi caho, New Yokk, Boston, AMI ALL POINTS EAST AND "WEST. I' n-eugcr trains arrlTe at ami leave Cairo ai fol ' low s mail. riruM'. Aaans ,. m:ill a.m 3iUll p.m. IikrAUt 11)43 h.i Villi, p.m. Until train connect at Centralis with train on the roa fana, Decatur, Illoninlnstcn, Kl Pao, I.a Salle, . Men, lota, Frceport, nen, iuibii.ue, an j all mints in lllmola. Mi.ourl, Mlnneeola, iViwnn.ln ami fjb Iowa. Ami nltli.' Line runnine at and Wet for -I. LnuK Hjiif nfielit, I.oulevllle, Cinoinnitl, In'tanapolls, Columbus. And at ChlcAjo with Jlichlcan Central. Michigan l-otitlu-rn, an.l IMIaburf. Fort Wayne nU'J Chicago llailroajit lor Detroit, CleTclaml, Dunkirk. Alliany, lluton, I'hlladi'iplila, Maura Kall, Krle, lluttilo, hew York, l'lttsl'iirp, lialtlinore, Valilnjjion. AND ALL POINTS EAST. For Ihrouch ticket and information, apply to I lllnole Central Ilallroad Denot. Central Itallroa J 1)0 pot. W. P. JOHNSON, ra.encer Agent, Chicago. J. JOHNSON, Agent. Cairo. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN 11. 11. On ami after Monday, April 21th, 1871, trains wll iuu m ioiiows i NORTHERN DIVISION. tkaim ooiho rorriirAir. ,. Mail, Express l.e- Virginia . MOa.m li.34 p.m, " t'l.r.HMliH.I....... i"0 ' s.(m " ' ny IoriilIt'....l(:aj ' 4:M " Arnieiai -ana ll.-tc m .'..17 TRAIM 001X0 OUTII rjT. ' Eipre Mall. Leavr I'n ...IKi.i,in J:3Jii.m. " T.i)lorMlle 4:47 ' 4:26 " Arrive t.-prltiKilelili.,t."i ' .ui " Leave 'paingfield .VW ' 6:lu " Arrive at Irginla f:W " ...S:li ' .OUTHKIIN ItlVIMON. tais ooimi foinirr. L.o K.Itvu-,J...... Uli n ....lO:lOa.m. " Pl-M ....... tj'.SJ 11:4c) Arrive a- -taAnrlourA:5-'tp in ...... 5:15 p.m miM ooio MikiinM.-r. Leavr ilmuriictton......ti'.n n.m . J:2fp.m " Fiord .....'i.Sl 7.110" Arrir. xt K.Il-puocmJ 4.iu ' k-.h Tliu5.JJ-u.iit. tr4u from K.lnewuu.1, rn only Mon lj)-, Wnlneilajaml Krulsvs, ml fcfia.m. train Irmu' Stinivnwttunr m -Tu'c-Jaj , Thur. day, anJ fcaturda) a. Ko.uvn, in Ai-iiHiiM iviiii JioKonviJIo division . i i I. '.nlr aa' ioji.1". iin.l Illinois tentral h.r all joints e.Mt. soiiih and r Al, "m03'1. '"'"sjso Diii'ion Illinois At H ,ra, wlih ij:o K ,(l jj;, .,.,, Uulroad. Alfiiriie.ii.ii, with UuiiiIki f.,r Cintln- nail, IMm .ili.l-vlrouiidSt. Iiiii, OltLANuriMnil, en'lSiin't. Juus l-ovJin.Oen'IFr'etanilTi. ke' g i. STi:A.ntiiiAis. MOUNd'cITY AND '('Alii THE STEAr TUG-, CACIffi Cait. "William II. BanijC-ikv. i WILL Krm kvj:kv DAY H.IULL.S ! CAIRO JJSTX3 it'JD. CITY I.KAvr. Oaih.o, I.KAVK .Mil ClTV.l f-n t imiini .iifr.rT Al... 7 A.M At 10 a.m. At 7.T..A r.M. At S WlMun.MAT, At S.30 A.M. At 11., A.M. At 2.30 km. At 0.30 KM. WILL LAND. "WHEN HAILED,' AT T HI kdl KALTOtV, IlAW:r I.AKUIMQ, KV. M-t'tllOrCACIIK, J4AKISK WAVK, ANI) NAVY YAltll. , i.a vvi:it. AJ.I-K.V, .MI'LKKY A- WHKKLKB, ATTORNEYS i Al OOUN.1KLOI13 AT-'LAW, ' j WMItoMiJ.AIIen. 1 i ' . Kirl'sMituikr nur.iH jid ,to rm r umlaj. niifa'ly Iwiliie,., . On'lt,L' l:00M 7 AM 8 WINTKIi'h HUCK. 0UKK.V k (JILHKKT, ' ATTORNEYS AMI Jv'OU.NSKLOlW V.' t ism ll,(ri.tii, i WllllM, (i,Ull, ', Mil... F.(,iu.rt J AT LA.W, . CAIIID, 1I.I.INOH. ZVZVZTa """" ln A,,mi""" TI irK-GIHO LKVXK, ItOOMH 7 ANII S OVER CITV NATIONAL HANK. ltOTN AND NIltiKN. WILLIAM EH1.HUS, Kaahlon&Me HOOT AND SHOE MAKEK. tWKKHETH HTItUET, -n WMtnnirtot, A,tDU0 ttI, ,, Ptr(.H; Bets CA1I10, ILLH, IK-Maand fikoea M&jTto Order Fine Workum, Kmplojcd. Uttlon Warranted. I'atrimaL'a Kollciled. CITY SHOE KTOluT Au Hoop sKiivr VACToin- aott Aicr I on "BROLASKI'S"' CUhTOM.HAJJE UOOTH AND S1IOKS at it. aisi.M.ibt - ariuf, Uuruvr or JUglil Mriti, Oaiku, Ilhsoih. nilTICULAU AlTKNUox PAtl. TO ALL 01'. KS VK HOOI'Mitun ANJi MlUKK. in viiirn'jn aiin .viion UMirw i. rr Jtcksocvillo, l'eterbu g, M i-unCity, mi all nomtswest. At riprnuaeld, with Uucibci nnd Alton, nnd Toledo, iaU.h and Wpti-rn Railroad, tor lilnoniiiiicn, Chleuo, nii.i all im's iiorth.north-Wt-.i huiI weal. THE j!AII " ARRIVE; CI.09K. North, Throiign. S n. so.,,1,, wav:::::.'' ..i.ii-m.iiiiP.m. " Tiroiigli N. .i lr'- , .hI.n.MMI.itnln SiW p.m.,1, Ohio liner route, (ev.M-pt f.;i-ip.m. Iron Mountiin It. It ''.Ji' !" ll.oop-ni Mi. River route, Tiirsday n'.I Krldaj C.u r,tn. 7.(ip.ti1. Thete, ()ooe Maml A tnin IV, Ills., TlillMdny A 1 rl ,ny fe', ";i'a in, Mnylli l I, Itlandvilui 1 , . Lovelace, Ky lliWu.m. orriir. iioi ik. General Delivery 7i3UA.m. (fuiidajsdtotiii.iii.) l Money Ord-T ilopivitim tit 8:ln) a.m. fl.Kl Register " , " V 8;iln.tii, Money Or. lor' nml. Hegl'ii'V ilep:utmeiils tint o,en on Sunday. sarUCTjiu)Kiib TUB MASONf. CAIHolOoMMtMirHV, No It. Slale.1 Asfcmlil) A. the Asylum Maonn I'nll, lift nml ttiitdHa!. Urdavs lii each month. ' I ,Caibo Col ni. No. '.'I, egular Convocation at Mx-onlc Hall, the ocmi.l Friday In each month. CAiao Ciufrru, No. 71 Irgnlar Convocation at .viasoiiio linn, on ine niini inesunyoi every tnttnth. CAik'l Ijikik, No. 2.17 F. A A. M Regular Com. munieations nt Monie Hull, the ccoml nml rmirth MotiitAfl ot iacIi month. IirLTA jiiHir, No. MM F. a A. M, Regular Com- municaiions in .M:ionic nan nrsi aim mini Tliiirsda) s In each month. T11K onil-FKI.I.OW. .UtntMim IOMr, 1MI, Meets In Odd Fellow's INK, In Artrr' iluilJlng, eiery Thursday even. ing, at e o vUK'K. THE BULLETIN.: I'iiIiIIsIiimI ovory morning, Monilny Tiik hotels uo Gillct'a cxtinc'ts nml ng!3 jovder. Tiik bct Urossc V llliickwcll's cisenco of slirimpj, nt Jorgcnecn's. tf Kinhlino. COO " glnss boxes " for snlo nt 5 cents encb. "W. "V. Thornton. jciltf. Milk Cows for Salk. Two freib mik cows with young cnlvra for sttle. En quire of 1). 11 cut) & Son. Cairo, August 1", 1071. lw Notick. From August 1st until further notice, the faro per transit steamer Illinois plying between Cairo nml Columbus will bens follows : One way, ?1.60; rouml trip, S2.00. , A. Lowru, fliig2Jjm 3Inster. Ir you wnnt imported assorted French pickles, go to Jorgensen's. tf .1. J. Thomas has lltted up the room lately occupied by ,AV. G. "Worthingtoni on Commercial avenue, where he is doing n good business. Go and sco him nnd give him n trial. He is prepared to do nil kinds of work in the photograph line, nnd docs it well. Fou French cherries in syrup go to Jor gensen's. tf Nkw Fiiotookavh Galluky. "We nc ticethatMr. .I.J. Thomas lias fitted up the rooms lately occupied by "W. G.AVorth ington in very good style, nnd, ns an artist, is doing excellent work that should entitle him to a fair slinro of pntronngn. Notu'K. Deeming n knowlcdgo of chetiiistrv neccssnrv to the student of nil sciences and profession;, as well us to the inechunic, 1 propyo to open n class of chemistry of forty lessons, cummencitig on the first .Monday in r-'epteinbcr ncjtt. For particulars inquire at my oflice, 112 Commercial avenue, Cairo, dtd A. "Waimivmar. Thy Glllet's double-strength extracts. S J 3 Notice to Shutkr. Until further notice the transit steamer, Illinois, will ex tend her trips to Hickman twico u week, viz: TupsiIbv and Friday mornings, and if the amount of freight will justify her in sj doinp. she will make three or four trips per v.e:k. For the present, freight will Lw rwiiived on the .Transit "Wharf Uoat only on Monduy ntiJ Thursdays, jw .loiiNho.v, Agent. Cain., III., .iug. Id, If 71. dlw vv i; wnuiu call llie iiuutillon or our country friends who want to get good picture t call on .1. .1. I liomus, who has a very pleasant gallery on Commercial avenue for their aceommoJation, nnd is really the best artist we have had in Cairo oru long time. tf Ak your grocer for Gillet's snow white powder. iigl32m Stkavf.ii or Stoli:n. 5 Ukwaku. On hut Saturday, a stripped brown and lack cow, with a while face and u streuk f white running from lieud to tail. She marked with u crop on the right ear nml crop undcrbit tind a hole in thu left. Tho ionf of tin, foro feet lap. The ubovu re ward will be paid Ui utiv person who do liv era the ubovo describeil cow to thu iiti- urslgned, or lurnithes information that til otiulilu him to recover hor. I J.M'OH liKUNINd. Keliaiim: ami Saik. Dr. Hcnrv Itoot mid I'lant Fills aro mild and tdeaso nt in tlieir operation, yet thorough, pro- uelng no imiifea or Kripiii-', Ueini: on- tlruly vegetable, they can bu tuken with- out rei'ard to diet or Imslni.sii. 'I'hnv aroum thu liver and lecretivo orgnns into healthy action, throwing oil' disease with out exhausting or debilitating the syttom ' 'i mem aim you will bo tatislled Frico25 ccnU u box. Sold by druggists and dealers In moillr-1 Fill fiVfipi'tl'linrn l'reparudby tho Grafton Modiclno Co.. St L.0U18.JU.1 .0J Hoots and Siiokw iuu nlK Million. Wo looked in upon the enterprising firm of Elliott & Haythorn vealnrduv. nnd were shown through their largu cstnblUh- went. They hnvo Just received a iimir uock for tho fall trade, and have, '".mingiy, (.noiigh b&oU nnd ahocs on hand III .11,11.1.. .M .. - u" mi) country tor a year to m :. tioy have every style, and .nro I lw,u c,'per than tho chenpe.t. , ',vi'" "uois lor S.I : hroL'un .hoe, for, and nil ! ""'VoiWUy low. .n, , nothing to how good,, lltlj lnviun ,,r. tons who desiro utiythtng In their iinu lo cull hnd oxutnino their Btock biforo i.ur. cluwliig olsowlicre. i.,.,., . . uouw una 1 THE CAIRO. DAILY ,BTLE .TUESDAY,, BHKVITIKS, Hot days and cold night. i'robnlo court convenod yeslordny, t,v. Mr. l'oolo preached at "Winter's corner on Sunday night. Tim "ioting Men's Christian Associa tion mot Init night in the Presbylofinn church. , Thonins Collins gcit drunk on Sunday nnd bccan.o fearfully noisy. Thu Inn cost lilm ft vo and costs. Tho Delta laso ball club of this city will play the -Mound City club tc-morrw. Tho gainu will bo played at the Mounds. Wu'll bet our money on tho bob tall nagi who'll hot liis mutiny on tho bay ? A son of tho Emorald Islo took In too much liiptor Sunday nflomoon, and mount-. Ing his horse, rode through tho streets of tho city nt n brenk-ncck pneo, for which infringomenlof Ihoordinnnccs ho wns fined yestordny f 5 nnd cost. Entrain llodnoy, n colored fellow, on Sunday night got very mellow, nnd whllo tho town was in Us little bed got on a Iilgl old boss nnd raised Old Ned. l'oor Kn train now abides in jail, watched o'er and cared for by McIIalo. Tho most popular shoo shop in town Is on 20th street opposlto tho court houso hotel, wlioro Win. Killers manufactures boots and shoes for Ills customers, warrant cd to bo of tho best French calf, -kip or morocco, nnd which ho guanrnlecs to givo entire satisfaction. Call on him nnd you will know how It is yourself. jy'JOtf On Sunday Inst thcro wns moro drunk enness nnd rowdy iiin in tho city than we have ever known boforo on nny previous Sundnv. This is n startling fact, and proves, beyond all question, that Tux Bulletin, unless it can obtain tho nid of tho pulpit, cannot lead all tho citizens of Cairo into tho religious fold. We pauso for support. , Mr. Hosonwator, of tho well-known dry goods houso of Goldstoin & Roscnwn tcr, is now in New-York purchasing a full stock for tho fall trade. "With them tho campaign has already opened, and in voices of new fall goods of overy descrip tion aro being received daily. Tho firm is wide-awake nnd deserving of success, and are now, wo aro glad to say, doing an im mense buincs in their line. nug21-Ct. The Chicago llecr Saloon, "Wra. Schick, proprietor, 2oi. 20 and 28 Eighth street, is n favorite place of resort with all lovers of "Weiss' llecr, Liquors of every description, nnd all kinds of foreign and home Wines. No ordinary liquors are dispensed at tho bar of tho saloon only the very best, nnd ' guests find in attend- nnce polite and accomodating, waitors. A free lunch is spread evory day nt 10 o'clock n.m. aual'tf. The cightluiunual meeting of tho Ger man School Association wns held last night, and was largely nttended. Tho fol lowing Hoard of Directors woro -elected for the ensuing official year: Messrs. F. llro. E.- llttder, John Koehler, P. G. Schuh, F. Korsmoyer, Wm. Alba and Ro bert Ilriback. Several now members were received The association is in a prosperous condition out of debt, with about $150 in tbe treasury. Tho now school term will commence on tho Urst of September next. ueo. James aua rutrick Piemen were Until yestcrdjiy,! for dirordtrly conduct,! and costs, each. Doth protested that they wore wrdnged by tbe verdict, and George declared that it was not in his nature to be noisy. In his cradlo ho had acquired a reputation for stillness that has clung to him through life. Thu officers, Sheehnn and Holme., were, ho wa6 sure, the vic tims of a delusion; but, if tho law f aid he must servo tho city on tho chain gang, ho would bow in tho most humble submission, and ho did. l'itiLLii' Kauoii is master of his trade, and warrants nil of fils wort 'to be o'f tho very lest material nnd manufacture; guar nntees a complete) fit und entire satisfac tion, is not confined to nnylparticular stylo",' but mukes every variety of boots and shoes from thu henvleat cdwhido'to thu flnoat French calf utid morocco. Ho also keeps a lurgn etock on hand, oj itrvn manufac lurr, und any one desirous of purchasing good custom work cheap should call on him at his shop on Eighth st., south side, near corner of Ohio levee, Cairo. dtf Harrison Smith is a colortd gentleman who on occasion!) fills his)b(tlur with light ning whisky and becomes very boisterous. On Sunday evening ho " went nnd donu it, and was enjoying himself in front of his local habitation, cursing his wifo and miking the neighborhood vocal with un seemly noises. Officer Robinson arrested him, und received for his pains a (tutfhlng blow on tho n oh', which brought tho cla ret. Yeatcrduy ho was fined 5 and costs for drunken and disorderly conduct, and i 10 and costs for resisting nn 'officer. Clias. H. Evans, "Washington-avenue, butwocn Eighth and Ninth streets, lias on hand a splendid stock of family grocerlos of 'all kinds, which ho Is soiling at tho lowest prices. He is determined not to bo undersold, nml challenges comparison of thu quality of his goods with any houso in thu city. His sholf goods nro of every Tit riety, fresh nnd seasonable, und anything und everything the market affords can bo purchased nt his store nt tho lowest rate Glvo him a call. tf William Alba'a bnrber slop is grow ing in public favor every day. It in neat ly fitted up, and can boast of tho most skillful workmen In tho city. Tho pro prietor has had 'many years' uxpcrluncu In ids business nnd is recognized ns one of tho most oxpurt shavers in Southorn Illinois, wliilo younglb is K'tiTa"iflorniririrpro fession. Citizens and strangers who wish n painloss shavo, u luxurious shampooing, or their hiiir cut in tho latest stylo should patronize Albu. His shop is.on Commer clal nvonutj noxt door to ita'nnbn'i new, depot. , dtf Somo tinio ngo,-lIny, 1 1, alt. sued out a writ of roplovln to obtain thu koys of the Christian Church from tho sexton,-Mr Carpenter, and plaood it In tho hands of Arnold, who mado return us follows: "I demanded possesion of tho within Veva from Goo. Carpunter, who refused, .to bItc them up.. I ,nlso read tho within writ to lk within uumcd Goo. Carpostor, tuia August 8, 1871." Yeslordny tho caso cimo upbofoft TofgVWosiJfind was dismissed nt thn tilnlntKW .... n.... X'ut. ..,, VU3V., il.UU UlUa Hlllllf tho Rev. Mr". Friend rises trlump'tantov.or !B.t-'V'"lC('i ! , i i r Among tho arrivals nt tho St. Chnrba hotel ycstordiiy, woro tho following t ' JJ, I T, I I . . iu. jvomnion, rsow-Yorkj W. U. Udok shankMalvestjn j Karl Wasionud: Gal ytN)oniMYs. Mnrka, MempMsj W. K rotter, jUhlcago ; B, S. Hubbard, OJon gad, ill", Vt M. Illggonrraducah, Ky JasjVllo. Vlcksburgj V. U. Wod rough, Cincinnati j II. A. Child, Momphls Murray runups, no Madrid; Utirry Nowaan,N aw Madrid; "Wm. M.Roynolds, Chicago; It. S. S. SilkmoonMolropolU, III ; D. Coffin, St. Louis: E. H. Schmidt, i St Loiils. The Arab flro company will eclebfata the coming 1st of Hoptembdr its twelfth ann!ferryby gltlng n'-Krand ball t School's Hall, to which tho cltlr.ons; of Cairo and vicinity nro respoctfully invited Tho largo enrden jvlll bo placed in otcol lent condition nnd provided with i suffi cient number of tables and sonls to accom odate all who may come, and whoro thoso dosirlng enn bo supplied with the best of ico crenm, lomonnd; cakos, otc. Good music has been engaged for the occasion, and tho best order will bo preserved. No Improper characters will bo ndmltied. Tho coratnllteo hnvo mado all neccssnry arrangements, and assure nil that come a pleasant evening and enjoyment to thoir hearts' content. Tho tenth birthday of Miss Mamie, sole daughter of tho houso and home of Rov.iand Mrs. Foote.of this city, occurred on Saturday last. In honor of thooccaslon, quite a number of tho little people of Cairo woro invited to celebrate with her tho com pletion of her first decode. Tho party gatherod early, not having arrived. at that age when fashion demands n late appear anco at social gatherings. The little folk onjoycdjto tho full tho refreshments, the muslc'garnes and amusements devised for, them by thoir cntortainer and have not yotceasod Jto talk of the "good tirao'' thoy had. : Alias. Katnie may set ifown her birth day party, in grown up parlance, as "a perfect success." May she- live to enjoy many happy returns of the day. Ordinanco 122 was introduced into tho council last May. On tho 10th it was read In joint session tho first tlmojind.lnld ovor for n second reading. Jurie'Jdll was rend tho second time., when Alderman' Ru der moved to table. Juno 6th it was read tho first time in tho Hoard of AJdorrotn June Cth the second time, and, July 3d the third time. On motion It was tabled by the board. On the Cth tho'niotion'lo (able Was "reconsidered, and trie ordinance !re- r 1 t i. i, t- - 1 1 - . iiifceu ubck 'io uo pruiimuco comuiinev for amendment. .July 20th it vru report ed back amended, and cn August. 7th adopted by the board nnd, referred to fbo select council. August 18th it was read tho first time in tho select; counci)uand on 17th was read thosocondUmcandsaoptcd. August 10th it was approved, and on Au gust 29th wJH go Into operation. Three months, going up and down, this ordi nance was beforo tho council. Such a 'pet ting up nnd down stairs we never before saw. ' v i lne poiico investigating committee . .. . . .. have agreed to recommend to tho council tho dismissal of all the present police force, to that they, way hire them over agaitt. Tho commlttco came to tho con- clusion, that (ill complaints, hnvo Igrown out of the fact that officers, to obtain foes have been loo quick to arrci for trivial of fenses. To remedy this ovil it is proposed that tho fees shall be knocked of), andlin lieu thereof an addition mado to tho monthly salaries. The now constitution provides that the salary of an elected or appointed officer shall not bor increased lor decreased during his term of office. To g'et over this impediment, tbe poiico aro to be discharged, their salaries raised, and they re-appointed. Tho question is: "Will the police force, when tho incentive oft fcW is romoved, bo ns efficient as they sliduld be?" Many eay tbey will-not, -white-others bc lievo jthey Will,lH .Ettlc'uMMy that be comes tyranny nnd leads officers Into' op pressing citizens Is worse than inefficiency, but there po gopd -rvason whjrUie city may not compel salaried policemen to do their duty. If tho present furco will not off with thair te'adsl VXbaA is a most potont remedy for'ir'fllwsLe On Sunday, Utrf'iuinocont looking negro, mse tti IslntafCo of John Ayres, a softy,f tho b1assiir, and told him ho had a wy"Uli4eti gobbleB of money could bo msp wUietsk risk. lie then produced six mrolofHtwiioH Joljn that whon they caugfit Nilgreerr negro thoy would got him to put into ono of the envelopes' $G and that he would mark tlie 'envolopo with 'a dot on ono of tho corners so that John might know it; that John' should then bet $3 that he could solect out of tho sfx envel opes tho oao that had in it tho money. John ugreod to becomo a partner in ttio tbciving operation. "Hero," said tho cap per, "comes our niuii,1' as anothor negro approached them. "Strangor" said ho, "this man wants to bet mo that if I will put $0 into ono of these aivolopos ho can pick out thu inouied 'envelope?' ' "nVi a fool' said thonowcomor; "I'll bet him that I can put that amount into ono of tlio envelopes nnd ho. can't pick it out." "Pone," said John, winking at his frjond. New comor then placed the money ih an envelope, nnd John sclectod tho only ono that' Uh'd VdofAn'tb'okt;(5rhor visible, it dhln'tJiave tho fnoigy n .it, and Johp was disconsolate. Yesterday ho had Rail arrested for practicing tho confldonco gaum, and Ilross bound him over to tho circuit court. How was it dono? Ask Irvin, wjmu.troitcd llal) and captured the envolopes. ' NKOllO MURIIKKKl) NKAR MoUNU UlTV. S-Oiu.Satnrdayrmornlng last the dead iSdy of Henry Johnson, colored, was found In tho roar of his cornfield, nbout n mllo from Mound City, on tho lino of Mound Clt'ValVroad. Thu decoasad had been shot,tho ball ontorlng his bnck and passing through his body. Two negroos, Henry Jenkins nnd William Rookor have hoon nrrosted on suspicion of boing tho murdor ors. Thoy had threatened tlio llfo of the doceasod on' Several occasions, bo- itovod committed the dead to graitfy their revenge. ' 1 AUGUST 22, 1871., RAFFLINO, " Tiik REriNiMo Iniluikcis of lUrrLis- T hat CAMS OF ON.IS THAT IT AS PosT- VOSRVi ' Wo havo always maintained that ItArTLKS aro good things. They elevate the mind and proparo It for the duties of life; they clvo tone to the Intellect. n.n,i t.. and softon tho brain and the asperities of miu worm, no community ,shou!d do without them. The coramunlly in which they aro not patronised laoka tho oleminU oi prosperity., It might afford to d6 With out first-class saloons, keno banks and tho honest and refining eames of faro, tiilo.h. pokor and aeven-up, but .no community that fishes to bask in the light of the civ- iirauon or tut nineteenth century can dispense with raffles. i xnii a.ct, i to Important in morals, bu been forcibly improesod upon us by the 'events which characterized a raffle in this city on Sat urday night last. TII1E CHIVALVT of Cairo graced the occasion by their pres. nee, and every one knows.who knows any thing, that Cairo chivalry is not to be SDoozodat. It Is a big thing. MUSIC arose with iU voluptuous swell from two violins, played by twosorlous looking men In asorlous way.sltting on abarrol of serious aspect, and which rejoiced in a bune hole that woro an expression of intensely seri ous agony. The tuno was llvoly a cross between "Dixlo" nnd tho " Rocky Road to Dublin," and a quadrille, formod in tho middle of the room, composed of men of a serious cast of countenance, danced with lively seriousness, as the caller cried tho figures in a volco that would have dono credit to tho serious tones of Ami- nadab Sleek in tho "Serious Fam ily." At the head of the first set was a gentleman tall and slim, with chin whiskers, and a serious smile. Ills partner was a gentleman of portly aspect, and re joicing In a paunch that even the pro verbial alderman would be proud of. Tbo is a vis of this couple wn a rather small man, with full whiskers, and his partner rrfan wtio likes good living and1 takes su-' ear in hls'n. . On tho sides ware four hamnl fellows, lUiie skllled'ln the'j'Tcrpslchorian art. Thoy, danced In tbe style of tho Shaken, and, longing for the final figure, kopt their eyes on the bar in tho corner. When the music ceased, the dancers drank, and everybody drank, aad then all hands drank again, after which they all drank and repeated. By this time seri ousness Wgih togiVe way td hilarity, and tiik run. grew fasi and furious. Everybody shouted, overybody dancod, ororybody drank, everybody, clinked glasses. " Form for X QCADIULLK," shouted tbe floor manager. "A round dance," cried a festive youth. This was an apple' of discord. The floor manager insisted on a quadrille, and the festive youth on a round dance. Tbe floor mana ger went for the iostive youth, and the fes tive youth reached for the floor manager. Then tho ball opened in earnest. Big men and littlo men, big boys and little boys, talking, shouting, swearing, swinging their arms, rushed from ono end of the room to another, and confusion becamo confounded, and the devil wm to pay. And there sat the two sorious fiddlers on the serious barrel, sawing the dried intestines of a dead cat. ' Finally peace was restored, and the reveling raffiers departed seriously ono after another; but yesterday morning they put in an appearance at the police court, the most serious looking' men that ovor mot to answer the offended law; Tho raffle did not come off. Owing to circum slahcet, over wTTichlhe "managers bad no control, Ifwas postponed: ill I . If you 'have the Chills and Fever use Dr. Rattingcr's Fever Drops; ono bottlo is sufficient for a thorough euro. No person need havo tho fovor a second timo when these drops can be obtalnod. daw lw Notice. Allon, Mulkey & Wheeler have removed to the i'irst Rational Dank building on the Ohio Loyeo. Aug. 22,31 Mrs. 'Wiiitcomu'b Srnui'. This artlelo s good for all diseases incident to the pe riod of tcolhi'ng in 'children nnd is sold for 25 cents'a bottle. dawlw Furniture, At Eichhoff iiros.,' Factory. Encourage ' i Home Industry. Wo Sell Furniture for Cash ; Twenty per cent." " Lowor than any othor Dealer in Cairo. Our Furniture Is All Mado out of Soasoncd Lumber, '.uirwd !?? 1 1 ' T Insured for Six Months. A Raro Chanco' For Bargains. Gillxt'h washing crystal makes wash ing oasy. ag 13 LOCAL 1SEWSDH0P3. Hoarding bouses use Glllet's. agl3 Rkautiful biscuits follow Glllet's bak ing powder. agio Simovxu t Jiuos.' 11 o'clock lunob piced oysters at Jorgensen's. tf Munky refunded it Uillel s goods don't ploaso, agl3eowdaw2m A rnxsn supply of the celebrated Dun dee marmalado nt Jorgensen's. tf Any person desirous of changing'well- mproyed 'Cairo property for Iho like kind, n Anna, can hoar of an opportunity by nddrosslng box 26, Anna, 111. aglTdUl" "Wanted Ton First-ClassCoopers. . Hi i Apply rI Parsons, Day iVia & Co.'s Qneenswaro House, 6 A 7 Tenth streot. 1 Cairo, ins. Wm. Khlers, ai bis shop on 20th street still manufacturing every variety f boots and shoos from gunulno French, calf nl'.-i.'J.' I'll I. I , --xlili. .ill. iuu uiua no oilier Kinuj vrmuii uu ready made or mado to ordor at price tUt defy competition. jy2Ctf. CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, t i 1 1 Work to nic Commkncko at Cairo is a Msntii Reliable and Vert Good News. Judgo Brois rccolvod, yoslorday, n lot" r from Mr. O. II. nowlnnd, contractor of Iho Cairo and St. Louis road, containing tl o Informafon that tho engineers would loavo Kast St. Louis yestordny to permanently locale tho road, and telling the Judge that work would bo commenced at Cairo not later than the first of October noxt. There is, as overybody knews, many a slip bi twixt tho cup and tho Up, but wo don't believe wo shall bo disappointed in this matter. If anything is certain In this un certain world, tho Cairo nnd St. Louis railroad is certain. J. R. Oolladat'h fiftieth monthly draw ing will tako placo at Harrodsburg, Ky., August 28, 1871. Among the list of prizes aro $1,00000 In greenbacks; splondld building lot In Rowling Groon, $760.00; seven and ono-fourth octnvo nablnrnlann $000.00; horso nnd buggy, $T,00.00; build Ing lot in Bowling Green, $350.00; Balco, aiuorouglibrod Durham bull, bred by tho Shakers, South Union. Loiran $350.00; gold watch nnd chain, $250,00, uiuy swatch nnd chain, $200.00; diamond ring, $150.00; diamond watch, $150.00; $100.00 in cold : nlso. 480 other consisting of diamonds, gold nnd silver, greenbacks, sowing machines, furnitoro, carpets, gold and silver watches, dry goods, lino paintings, standard books, etc. Statement of drawing and prizos forward ed promptly. For sale lit H. C. Lnflin's postofflco building, Cairo, Illinois. Orders by mnll should bo oddrcssed to J. R. Golladay, Bowling Green, Ky. nugl6ood2w. Well regulated families use Glllet's. ag43oowdaw2m Otbtees. Louis Herbert has alwas on hand a fresh supply of Saddle Rock oys ters, tf RIVER NEWS. 1'ORT LIST. AKKIYKI) SUNDAY. Steamer Lady Leo, Red river. " John Kyle. St. Louis. " Arkansas llcllo, Evansville. Sallie. St. Louis. " Minnie, Jacksonport. " Dick Johnson, Evansville. " Mary E. Foe, St. Louis. " R. T. Walt, Momphls. " Mallie Ragon, Evansville. DKl'ARTID SUNDAY. Steamer Lady Ie, St. Louis. " Arkansas Belle, Evansvlllo. " Sallio. Fort Smith. " Minnie, St. Louis. " Dick Johnson, Evansville. " Mary E. Foe, Red river. R. P. Walt, St. Louis. " Commonwealth, New Orleans. " Kddyville, Louisville. " Clarksvillo, St. Louli. AHRIVID MONDAY. Steamer Grand Tower, Memphis. Colorado, St. Louis. " Jas. Fisk, J r., Paducah. " Illinois, Celumbus. Marblo City, Vicksburg. " Mary Alice, New Orleans. DtPARTID MONDAY. Steamer Grand Tower, St. Louis. " Colorado, Vicksburg. Jas. Fisk, Jr., Paducah. " Illinois, Columbus. Marble City, St. Louis. L " Mary Alice, St. Louts. 11 John Kyle, New Orleans. " Mallie Ragon, Evansville. DOAT8 TO LEAVK TO-DAY. Stoamer City of Chester, Memphis. 11 Bflllo Memphis, St. Louis. " Bolfast, New Orloans. " Jas. Fisk, JrM Paducah. 11 Illinois, Columbus. " John Lumsdon, Evansvlllo. The river is falllnc very fast, and during tbe past 48 hours it has fallen moro than during,all tho rest of tho past week. Tho Mississippi Is on tho decline, and all tho rivoni above St. Loula aro like wise, falling. Ttuilnotson the landinsr was moderate All tho packots arrived nnd departod with good trips. Tbo Askansat Bollo arrived nbout 10 hours behind lime, caused by fog nnd bc- inc aground severnl timos. She will lay up at Evansvlllo nnd her placo will bo illlod by tbo. Dick Johnson. Tho John Kvlo arrived from tho St. Louis docks where sho was repaired, and took aboard hor trip again nnd left for Now Orloans. It is liopeu sue win go through all right this time. The Commonwealth left with n fine trip. Sho was loadod to seven feet, nnd towed a barge heavily freighted. Tho Colorado looked nent dui not gauuy in her new coat of paint. Tho R. P. Walt passed up to inao me Belle St. Louls''placo during low wator. Tbo Eckort la engaged in raising mo shaft of the Louisiana, which steamer was burned at this port a couple of years ago. llie Belfast is reported hard aground at Crawford's. Pilot. Ed. Grav. late a member of tho , w t Missouri legislature, mot with a sad be reavement last Wednesday. Ho had just landed from tho steamor Belle of .Memphis at Gray's Point, below Capo Girardeau, whari a team, driven by his Bon Harry, ran off. The wagon in which ho sat was turned over and ho was instantly Kiuea. ou harrow tho feelings of a fond father on his roturn from a voyago. Capt. Crane, of the Belle of Memphis, wmcn au i tho excitement on shore, brought the boat to tho bank again, went onshcre, ana am mi v.- tho .gony of tho parents. Harry Gray . .Wit fourteen. Ho was with WlW j tho legislature last sosslon ns a page, and his bright intelligence, activity, u Int. dnnnrtmont. attracted general atten tion. Missouri Dtmocrat, lOiA. PrrtaiiURo. Auk. 21. Woathor clear andpUasant, . .... ,n. 'A'no Monongauem aivs a a falling. , TaTTVTTT a TvvrnnminviirmT n jrjTT ALVriIV110I!illlDI1 PHIL HOWAltl), n VilX A I Fil 1 A 'I' 1(1 I I I I I f'lflv int limnl llitnl aii.ll.llM.. ijpfolal attention ald in ordfta from nlt'it ami day. INMAN LINE. liiririinni. .mwium nn'i rnuiviiiimi Stcimmliip Company, intn coirsAcr vrita vkitsd HAtr ad govts ants For Carrying the Mailt. FOll PASSAGE TICKETS oa ri'itTita mrotxiTio APPLY TO JOHN O. DALE, liHroadwaj, New-York, arto II. It o n t S . IIAW..LI . . .... w nui iDiun Ai.nun. u. ro. ii inui augZUtr. -.. U. MATIIUM. g. C. MATIIUSS & UHL, AND UKHKRAb DEALKKS IN FliOTTJB. C3-TP. A TTsT "in jxsiv nroAjinn l'llUll No. OS OHIO LKVKK, iiamtn rourt .f HLrih Hi,.. riiun aufttl-dAwtf PICNIC lll'llll l V t limn imi i vt ,.. .......... . . Tlio member, of lU Herman Lulheraa (iropote to Kite a picnic run nit tiLKKriT nr the irniwi flora Uavrttrai, .... .r . . . Tti Garden will La put id taut order rue, ari'i rTrfnmirit or all HI Dili will vutaI Slu.ll. Jnllllv ,n,l Vnn wtll llh.n. tli day. Om. of ArrmimrlVtin. Ueerwart, n invrkunr, II. i . inriiKKF. A GRAND ANNIVERSARY RAT hill aa mvr ar mi ARAH vnn: comdavv AT StrhrvI'M Hall, Friday, Skitemiikr 1st, 1871 Tiraet. t linn, of Anammtitt T. J. Kerth. A. COM- CAIRO CITY CO la prepared to aupfilj cuatomert with 111' quality qJ .nimm.tvn i -T -v ft T tlT .'ii i..tiirt.w ni... .i.i COAXl S I I I -. ' I' l . .. ...T.I V..I l.ln- 1 1 S KijKim tan, at naiiidav iiroa. omce. tu Tllr. iuu " uu.iMua win urmxeuw , aiue aieainera ai any iiour. ABBKK8. v nvt QirTJTWlinilav i I ii .ii ii iii iiii.. i,f I.. iii. . . t Cor. Hill-Hi. ana ioutmerii-aiT STHdarp Ilators, "Clean Towels md VNirinniii wan -l...ll...' ami ohltdren'a lialr cut and nooed. either at tho thop or at their own bo aMrnenllemen'iiwhiekera aad hair dyed j clenttnc manner, eatniaoiion uuaranvcou. t OAS sTITTBHJl. v a xrimuAV A a U lUUAMM,al n a a a xrrt BTTS A f iTTTTl UAU AA.J.VX. a- IT i H KIUOVIO IRUH rUAl " TO TOS BRICK BUILDING ok SKVENTH; , OPl'OSITJS WINTIH'fl BLOCK, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. HK haa jtrestlr Improved his stock, and now on hand all Kindt of i.iiivnrrivna SStACaUtlS. tl vll.l.v.-Hai PENDENTS, HALL tlQ O LOll EH, SniBW, HE nAS MARKED DOWN PRU o the loweat living (Igurss, and he Invites McCOMBS, KELLER & BRYNES Scciiemora to Adolphus Meier Co., IMP0ETKU3 AND J0DDERS IS . . a -nt-l a Tf rSTTIHT Ti ilAKDYVAUi". Aflil UUXlill Nos. 100 and 102 N.Mnln-ft., ST. liOUIS, M'O. in OBOERft SOLICITED. mylCJJ