Newspaper Page Text
II lift! JOHN H. OBERLY & CO., Itlt'K IKNVIIANC'E. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Tun most ScccKBdi-UL Lm: Insurance Cow-oration 6i- tujcVaWb AOK IK TUB WORLD. NO' STOCKHOLDER TO ABSORB PROFITS. AMWKTOrl,OnctMIKKoH(.T. Ur.C. 31,1870, .... iiG.c55.740 do Total Income to Same Date, .3.974.78880 NIT INCREASE OF RltiKH I.V FoiKIK, 1870, ... . . 20.000.910 00 The Ursreat Net lBcrit during thcycnr 1H70 or nny Company In (he World .Gnosis Increase ok Risks in Foiu:k, Only two Companies la Hie world need this g'oss Increase duriog ISTO. uT,ir2nlLS'.1itfnJni!!S1,fUruot,' n" ,chsrtcred Nub!, lhi principle of LOCAL INVEST MENTb IN EACH HTATK, In proportion to It l'remlumi or He-Insurance Kund. , HllMKBrjAill VA('" MTATK A "BI'HKHENTATIVE IS TJIK GKE.2TZE233.A.Xj OFFICE, ST. XjOXTIS, 2vIO. , a. JAM KS If. MUTTON, Piestdcnt. l?m?, Wl IIouo"i Vie President. Felix Cost, Sunt. Missouri Dept, VYM. HaNLEY. Secretary, .'nil W 1iiiti,iii,i. TW.. ...... O. F. Burnks, Atlornoy. K. I.. Lemuijck, M. I)., Med. Officer. Hon. AVm.J1ar.vm, Consulting Coutucl and Actuary. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS D K 1 A R T M K N T . E. 1. Buui.inuiiam, Manager. i The following named gentlemen hoi J or control llit.on Insurance each.lo the Life Association of America. P. W. Barclay, II. W. Wkiiii, II. II. Candek, Jouk Antrim, Ciiah. U A U on Ell, .1. M. PlIII.LII'.t, O. Ha.V.NY, K. S. BltHIIIAM, I'aol G. Srnuii. tra r Hate nod llaun be Tor., LOCAL Carl L. Thomas, anglS dim I K V il CLOSIITG- OUT .A.T COST ! Tlie public are litrebr notified tht DRY-GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, ETC., Htlonging to Hit i .late of the lato SCOTT -WHITE "WILL UK SOLD AT COST AT THE OLD STAND, CORNER SIXTH STREET AND OHIO LEVEE CAIEO, - - - - IXiX,HsTOIS. LEGAL. BUILDINGS FOR SALE. I will tell l Dutlic rale on Saturday the 2Cth dar of Angustat 3 o'clock p.m.. next, the buildings, sheds and outhouses situated on the north-Heat Cairo, knawn as UcKentle's lumber office. Im niaaiaw possession win be giveo. lerms, one II mo properly issoiu ai private sale Lciore JOHN Q. HAHMAN. Cairo, Aug. It. 1871 did ELECTION NOTICE. AIIO IMABBVIUCII VI WIV lUtllfV V I MIL v R rlm ru v 4(h tnr ih 1ltnn nt lAfen ill TiviBi A vita uicu iiuui tru iu cim viuv Ilia naliiia iniwr. Mglfwtd Treurof. TO CONTRACTORS. UTiuc la nereur kitco, uimi aeairti prtipuaais will be received at mjr olllce, until li o'clock. .. or Hatur Jar. tne vtn ia otBeutemuer. inn. ior Partiea blddlog will auhmit the aame lit. For l ari in nana. za. Kor iwu in ruiaaxi couniT omli, and 3"0 in pcraonal auhacrlptlom, made aid 01 .nfl ouiltllliK oi nam iiniiee, arm Kuaran and. The contractor will be required to complete maimer ana ruiasai couniies. l aymcni will ue JA0O1I a. LYNCH, a.. int. Wf ryiu -i. l. .1 AUJfl VAJUUIJ VfltTflb AlCABUUCIVUt NOTICE. Notice is hereby glren that, whereas, William vn.. nil. nn in, i nav ni Mnrrn. a. i,. . VI I... ivil.lil Vll.iiri l iwilKnua uwm.uj .v 1. I t' 1 1 1 1. I I .1 lr .In.. Mk aumber twentjr.flTS (25), in the city of gethtr witn tne leaaenom or eaiu mi, runnine til irte iat aay oi January. A. u. i.a, wnn an epaymettoi a certain promlaaary note bear- appurienancea uiereunio uciodkidk 10 aecure reren oa iiierewiin, given oy ha hi William Toil ta aald Batah O. Knllnru for the allm nl tniy-.nrve uuumtxi uuiiura t,jiAi, payaoie year alter the date thereof. And, whereas, fault baa been made In the payment ot a part aald note, to leeare the payment whereof aald "ta-Vi. atiAMtaa fnf il Ma rail (1 1callA T UK Pal " I aeawa "j I ' od AuthorUy oonutnftd in iaiu moriaftgo, on lock u.ra. or niadir. inne premmei. pro- I. U fftaA ahAVA 1 Aaair 1 1 aatll hAlltA ami a. .Avlaiirw thM amAtinl mm nn aalH r.nt. illmef for Sarah C. Kellotw, Mortu'tKeo. Jalto, IIU., Aug. 16. mi. PUBLIC NOTICE. tnilt r. T TIii.La An.l tlAoaiinu Iln r b n wife, did on the aid day or June, a. t . iwa. uU the r ceruin morigago or owiunru.i .h.m m. ii.i ii in .u ,njiu,i.iiii.iii mu.v. Mtvtv " . .1 M.hi.h iiaaii or trnai waa euiv ao iwladged ana recoraea in mion-u o lllinola. And Whereas, aeiauu naa ueen mnue weordance with toe prorisionB oi sain aeeo. i i,t Virtue of the powers therein coutaloed. I LonVrldiy, tho l.tda, of Heptomber, A. l). i at the front door of the court house of AI dT proceeu w ''"" ". yj,--v. '..i.. nrtv. annate yin iu tue ciij u. utuu, .uwu, aP iffmbmSf aeyi'nteen, (17j. eighteen (18), 't.en In block flftylour ( i the samo . A ihn aame neinLT ueHcriu.)! in t deed ot trust, for oasli in nana to uiu 1UT. m ....nt. in IIia nurchaaer or nur. . .1 j ... in. inmlntatratrii lor Iihnm N. llavmo -. iir TVIIMMTMlT. Af li U, III AUl'v., FSIDENCE-cornerNlnth and Walnut ts, oimt Blatlt street and Ohio lev eo. ice houri-ftonO Mn. to 12 m., nd o p.m PROPRIETORS. 1870, . . . . 30.327,0 00 John H. Oukblt, Wv. Morris, T. J. Kkktii, W. S. Edson. jou fnaiir In nny oilier Coiupnay. AOKNTS. IV. R. Kr(iy. O o I? N. the Urge Hmi'rnngnlficeiit slock of MILS. NCOTT WHITE. ORDl.AACE9. ORDINANCE NO. 121. An Ordinance to prtttnt tht running at large of (coici arid) goat, and for other jmrpaiet. BK It ordained by tho City CoudciI of the City of Cairo Sicrioa 1. That it shall not be lawful lor any oat to run at large, within tbe limits of the said City of Calre t and anr peraon being the owner of any goat, or hating charge or control of the aame, aa agent or otherwise, who shall permit su:h goat to run at large, In any atreet. avenue, or public ground ol aaid city, ahall forfeit and pay to said city a sum not leas than five dollars, nor more than twenty five dellars, for oaon and every oflencc. Mtc. 1. AH the proviilons of an ordinance, en Itlled "An Ordinance to restrain hoga from run ning at large within the limits of the City," and numbered 1 13, be and the same are hereby re enacted and made a partot this ordinance, Hrc. 3. Ii ahall not be lawful foranr cow, goal, horse, mule, ox, bull, sheep, or awine, to wear a bell within the limits of aaid city; and any peraon being the owner of any of aaid animals, or having charge of the same aa agent or otherwise, who shall permit them or any of them, to wear a bell within the limits of aaid city, ahall forfeit and cay to said city a sum not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars, for each and every oilence i and, in addition, ten dollars for each and every day xuch animal ahall continue to wear such bell after the first conviction for such ouence unaer mis ordinance, provided, nunr.rr, iiini me wearing oi any nail Dy any borse or mule, when In harness and attached to any venicie, anau not tw considered a violation ol this ordinance. Approved, JOHN M. LANSDEN. Attest, Mayor. M. J. Hownr, City Clerk. August 13th, 1.71. ORDINANCE NO. 122. An Ordinance to amend Ordinance A'o, 40, and or other purpotes. BK it ordained by the City Council ot the City of Cairo Uxction 1. That aald Ordinance No. 49, be and the same Is hereby amended, by adding ai the end ol tne first section, the worda "or any tin, Iron or wooden box, pin, pot, can, bucket, pipe, hoop, or any description of earthen, glass, crockery, tin or wooden ware whatsoever, or any old boot, shoe, hat, rags, or cIcthiDg; or any tree or bush, or portions of the same; or any old lumber, ahavings, straw, manure, hay, grass, vegetables, garbage, rubbish, or oftal, or slops from dwelling houses ; or any offensive, foul, or nauseous liquid or substance provided the provisions of this or dlnance shall not apply to any building materials, merchandise, or articles that may be leniDorarllv deposited on tho streets or avenues, to be used or remoiedj nor to any vegetable, oftal, or garbage, Placed in a box or barrel at tbe side of the atreet, for removal i and provided, also, that if any earth or ashes are deposited In tho streets or avenues, thov shall be spread evenly over the surtace ol the middle of tne tame. Hie. 2. it shall not be lawful for any peraon or persona to permit any sloes, or fou't offensive or nnUSeOUa linlllll A- .tAialan.a Ink,. Hi. Al,. .....I ... flow or pass from or out ol any premises occupied by him, her or them, Into any atreet or avenue, or nto any adjacent premises i and every person vlniiktino the f - iL.ln .1.1 .1 frit and pay to the aaid city a sum not less than five dollars, nor more than flfiv MnlLr. f. ...h and every oilence, and ten dollars a day additional for each und every day after conviction, under this ordinance, ha she or they shall permit such violation of this section. Her. 3. !t shall be the dutv nf Die nil. i troller to provide tho means for removing from the front of all houses in the city all vegetable! and dry kitchen offal, of every description, pro ii'.uu uiu caiiio i ijiavvu 111 tMjaes or uarreis, a. a placed in corvenlont location in front of aald bouses, before the time fixed for suoh removal) and that such removal shall l made, from the first day ef December to the first dav of March, onco n week ; from tho tlrat day of March to the first day of June, and Irom the first day of Sep. temtwr to tho first day ol December, twioe In cucli week : and from the first day ot Juno to the first day of Bcptemhvr, tlx days In each week j and that nottco ahall bo given Vy aald Comptrol ler 01 1110 nme 01 ducii removal, uy puwicaiion, in the newspaper publishing the ordinances of the city, any arrangement made by the Comptrol ler for tho ptirposo above specified, to be by biro reported to the City Council, in joint session con wned, for npproral by them. AiMiroveu, mt iiMouaii, nayur. Attest, W. J, Uoi.xv, City Clerk. Aug, 19, 1871. 11IMHNO, r00K8, pamphlets, brieli, catalogues, news JP papers, tax lists, and every variety of citen Bivo printing contracted for; and promylly and Speedily executed, in the bulletin book, job: and newspaper Ending establishment, miJT? TJTTT T T?mTlT X.XL1U JJU XJULUXLVi, by mm Reported Mpeels.Iljr.ror the Cairo Bnl letln. Tea tteun In advaoee of Nl. Loala paper. WASHINGTON, AMERICAN SHIP EUTERP ' SUNK. HER CREW PROBABLY- 8AFH' " ' 1 -- 'is PARTICULARS OF OPERA-'-' f TIONS IN COREA. !"" WAatfixoTON, Aug. 22. Admiral Jn? man, commanding tho South Atlantic fleet, report! the nirlisb steamer bound to Kni'- land. arrived atUohia, July 20, frotc lfon tevldo, July 10, having on board Capt.( Geo. A. Leaoli, master of tho ibip Eutorp, from New-York, who goei to Falmouth and thenco to Now-York. Ho (ays that on June oth, in latitude 86. 30", south longitude 47 west, his ship was reported lcakinc and in 30 minutes afterwards went down. The ofHc'on nnd crew took to tho boats, the captain and 10 men in the larger boat nnd seven man In thn arnal1f.f nn. 'After weathering two heavy Rales the large boat mado tho Itio Grande, June, 14, Having boon for two days and nighU with. oui ioou or water, ano smaller boat baa not been heard from, but it is supposed that she has toon picked up by tome pais ing vessel. balk or OOLD. Tho ircretary of the treasury has direct ed tbe assistant troaeury of Now. York to receive bonds for gold on Wednesday of tbii week instead of Thursday; TUB C0RKAN TCQCDLKS. Tho following detail! regarding the re cent operations in Corea aro condensed from tho official reports to the navy de partment by Admiral Rogers. They are official negotiations of Minister, Low and contain details not given in tho press dis patch from San Francisco. Admiral Rogers' fleet havo returnod to China. Tho Colorado and the' flag-ship Alaska, arrived at Cbeflbo, July 6, hav ing crossed tho Yellow 10a iu AA hours. Tbe Moneccacy and Palos proceeded to Shanghai for repairs. The preliminary negotiations opened by Minister Low were well received by tbe C'orean district mag istrate or prefect having jurisdiction in the vicinity of tbo anchorage of our fleet. Thero loemi to bo ovcry prospect of a speedy and amicable negotiation of tbe treaty sought as soon communication with tho Corcan chief magistrate ean be openod. No objoction was offered to tho fleet cast ing anchor, or of ontranco to the Salie river. This Admiral Rogers was proceed ing with when two of our urroyine ves sels, which had been treacherously allowed to como within rango without warning, was fired into and two of our teamen wo wounded. Exemption from serious loss is only attributable to the inability of tbo Corcan gunner and tho fact that some of our larger vessels wore ablo to arrive In time to drivo tbe barbarious gunnors from their works. Thii occurred 1st June. Minister Low arriving, demanded of Corean offlciali, with whom they woro in communication, an explanation of the outrage. On con lultation with Admiral Rogers, il was de termined to allow ten days pass before any movement was mado to rcsant the insult offered to our flag, in order to allew tho Corean authorities an opportunity for suf ficient apology or satisfactory oiplanation. Notice wai meanwhile given by Minister Low, that If amends -were not offered to hitnsolf and Admiral Rogers, they should proceed to obtain satisfaction for the wan ton attempt, to destroy our surveying party. WBATUSR RBTORT 'Washington, D. C, August 22. Tbe rain wnien prevailed Monday evening in Nebraska and north, is now confined to xowa, ana tno barometer bas risen in Min nesota. An area high pressuro.which was thon advancing upon New England, now extends to Michigan and North Carolina, auu jow oarometor wnicn was on tno coast of South Carolina has boon apparently pusueu w iuu aouiU'WOll. 110 tompera turo has been highest to-day in Tennosseo and southwards. Fresh and brisk wind in the north-east and south-east havo provall- ,i . ... . eu aiong tuo Atlantic coast, uioudy anil iiircaiing weauier navo ciearou away rrom tho middlo and eastern states, but contin. uo with rain from North Carolina to Florida. Telographio communi cation, with Southern Florida not yet reitorod, but it is belioved that a so- voro storm must bo in progress off north east coast. Smoky and hazy weather con tinues from Lako Brio southward to Ala bama and Toxas, nnd barometor falling during tho day from Lako Ontario. PROVABILITIES. Light local storms probable to-night in Illinois and westward and aroa; low baro meter, .with threatening woatber ovorlow er lakes; rising barometor with eastorly winds will probably continuo on middlo and Atlantic coast. ST. LOUIS. GOING FOR ILLIOITE DISTIL. LERS. St. Louih, August 22. InformAtionJjas been filed in tho United' State) district court by Collector Murdock, oftue second district, against a distillery at Marble II ill, owned by. Sanies Dunn. David Ran kin. Jamos Crows, David Creitx, James Bishop. John McElvath. Qcorco Miller and Jothro lloroton for attempting to de fraud tho government. SALT LAKE. GRASSHOPPERS DEVOURING CROPS. Salt LAKK,AuEU8t'22.-iGirnsihornors of very Yariety.and humble boea, are appear ing in several principal agricultural points ana luouoposii 01 eggs threaten seriously next year's crops. There is much alarm among gardeners. Several eminent English capitalists ar rived yeitordry to examine tho mlnos, Tho receipts of silver bullion from Wttlkor Uro?s mill In onst canon, daily, is largo. Transactions in mining very heavy. City ItoaUhy. Weather pleasant. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1871. FOREIGN. FRENCH DEPUTATION IN ENG LA'ND. STEAMSHIP PRINCE OF WALES, "FOUNDERED AT SEA. FIFTY LIVES LOST. FURTHER LOAN NECESSARY FOR THE REBUILDING OF PARIS. ; ' ' SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE NEW WAN.M , r 1 1 , ENGLAND: MR XDWARD TU0RNT0H. . IO WIN, Aug. 22.-,Slr Edward Thor ton, minister at Waslngton, has gone to Balmoral to take an oath as member of, her uiaJosiyl privy council. The Times says to-day that a furrier loan is necessary to rostoro Paris toi its condition before tho war. TUB E.VCII UBrUTATION visiting Ireland bavu crossod into Eng land and will visit tbe citv of York. Tbev aro enthusiastically received everywheru. Their visit is for tho numoti. of return. ing thanks for tbo aid given to tho French auring tuo war. xno bieamjnip L'rlnee or Wales, from Iloag Kong',to!Bankok, Biam, foundered at sea ami 10 persons wero lot. The North Amorjca, from Ualtlmore, arrived at Liverpool U-day. TUB NSW LOAN. , Suhecriptlena to the now loan to-day ex cocdod tho whole amount offered. Tho books will be closed to-morrow instead of Thursday as baa been advertised. AU8TRIA. Vib-vxa, August 22. It is soml-offlcial-ly stated that the Emperor of Austria will not at proscnt go to ltadgaitcin, but will meet tho Emperor of Germany at lomo timo horoafter to be named. 3 8PAIN. Madrid, August 22. Crown Prince Humbert, of Italy, is here visiting his brother, King Amadrui. Tho Budget is ready for submission. Tbe Cortes expenditures for tho put year is estimated at 600,000,000 posats. Tho pesats revenue at 089,000,000 posats The ministor of finance anticipates that tbe deficit will bo easily covered and therefore regard as unneccssaey, measures to moot the public dobt. It is announced that a consulate general will be established in all Spanish-American republics. PRUSSIA. TUB cnOLKRA. Berlin, August 22. Tho cholera is spreading at Koctuburg, and has appeared at Dantzig, Stetten and in tho south of Prussia. CHICAGO. 31ERCHANDISE DIRECT FROM LIVERPOOL TO CHICAGO. A NEW ROUTE OF IMPOR TATION. FEARFUL ACCIDENT AT LAW RENCE VILLE. Ghicaoo, August 22. Tho Trlkuno of this morning calls attention to a now phase in tho Chicago importing trade, which has been recently developed. This is the bringing of goods from Europe via Mon treal and land them direct at our wharves without previous overhauling. Several of our heaviest merchants have adopted this channel of importation, which prom ises to grow rapidly by reason of its suc cess. A propeller ladon with dry goods which left Livorpool 29th of July arrived in port yesterday, so that by twonty-two days from tho time tbo coods left tho European port, they will bo in tho ware- nouso 01 tno importer, xnis is much quicker timo than can bo depended upon in importing via Now-York, where goods, besides boing subjected to outrageous charges, aro usually dctainod from ten to twenty days ,in tbo custom-houso, in ad dition to tweivo days or moro on the ocean, and from three to soven days on tho railroad, with high charges for trans portation. This indepondont modo of imrjort nc is workinc well. Tbo on v fear is that .Now-York Intorost will becomo seriously alarmod nt tho tbroatoned loss from this source, and that they will offer better inducements for a time and flatter our morchants into a rcnowal of their fealty to tho old systom. Wm. K. Clark was killod, Chns. Rynn was mortally wounded, and Honry M.Cor rlo was sovoroly cut and brulsod by tho ex plosion of a cannon at Lawroncevillo while firing a saluto. 'Tbo Emclre tea comnanv. urotoiidimr tu do business at No. 10 Luealle street, is pro nounced, uy mo mayor and police otneers to boa bogus concorn, nnd tno people uro advised not .0 invest. Tbo mayor sont into tbo council last night, for JlrldewOll inspector, tho namo of A. . Bishop, and ho was rejected. Then the namo of John C. Faynosjand tho latter was conflrmod. Tbo board is now com plete. KANSAS CITY, MO. INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION. KaVHAH fltTV MY A 1 Tl.n nr. rangoments for the Kansas City industrial exposition which, bogins October 10, aru nAsrlv imnlAUl .mi ll. t. k.i'.iml all expectations. Tho ontiro business in- iurust ui mo city are interested, aim iuu exposition will be groater than uvor held uuiuru. CAMDEN, N. J. BJUTLER WITHDRAWING FROM THE CANVASS. Caudbn, August 22. Tho West Jersey Press contains Edward Butler's withdraw al as a candldato tnr governor uf Now uersey, auuging mat 1110 success or tuo re publican party is above personal consider ation damn m, Hcoyei u now the only candi date from South Jersey In tho field, NEW YORK. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE NEW LOAN IN LONDON. THE WAR WITH THE COREANS. A FIGHT AND A VICTORY. Nkw York, August 22. London dis patch, to Jay Cooko iSs Co., snys subscrip tion's to tho now loan to-day, at noon, was 00,000,000. Information rccolvcd by cablo in Wall stroot srtyf It is probable 100 000, 000 will bo taken, in nil, to-day. Tho morning papors contain tho follow ing; Thoslory of tho light is vory slmplo. On tho 10th of Juno COO men landed on Ue island of Kiongliia, and with very lit tle opposition captured the marine redoubt. Thov then encamped for the night. Tno next morning they slowly made Ihcir way through tho swamp, dragging heavy howitzers through mud a foot doop, until they reached ami without rcsistenco took Fort Moncacoy. Tho land was brok en up in llttlo hill;, and it was only with cxtrcmo difficulty that tho nuns woro drawn ovor tho ground. At last Fort El bow, now christened JloKco s r ort, in memory of Lieut. McKco, was gained. . Tho Corcuns mado despcrato resistance. nnd showed that cool courage which is 0110 of tho few noblo traits of an oriental driv en to bay. But their weapons woro nltnost harmless, nnd with a rush And n choor tho nvongors of our murdered countrymen scrambled over tho works, and tho barba rians flod nnd surrendered. Our death list Is, In this brief but brilliant engage ment, comparatively small, and wo hnva the satisfaction of knowing that our men showed the spirit nnd pluck of Americans. It looks now as if England and Prussia wlUhavoto tuko abend in this matter. Two Englishmen and ono Gormnn wero seized and carried off by tho Corcans into mo country. MUTINY. A correspondent writing from Shang hai, July 12tb, says tho crow of tho North Gorman bark, Norman, consisting of .Ma lays, Chinamon and Japanese, bound from Tiontsln to Skccling, mutlnod on tbo 8th of June, and burned tho ship, killed the raato and attempted to do the samo with the captain. Tho attempt on tho captains live did not succeod. Several of tho mu tineers have been arrested. It oenn tho ring lenders aro throo Malaya nnd China men, who ran away from the ship at Tient sin, but wero caught and reshipped. ashiidrkt's challr.s'ue. It is said that tho steamer Russia brought a formal challongo from Ashburry to tho Now York ynclit club, and also it modul of tho Livcna. FIRES. LHX1SOTOK, KY. Cincinnati, August 22. A special dis patch from Lexington, Ky., saya Iliggin's business block, in that city, was destroyed by flro yesterday morning. Loss, ?o0-,000. Insured (or 135,000. at fulabki, tenn. Nashville, August 22. A special to tno itopublican Manner trom l'tilaskl snys that a lire oroico out In that place, at 1 o'clock this morning, in tho machino shop 01 x-attorson cc uonnell, bolow the north east cornor of tho public square. Tho wind was high at tho time, and in n short time tho wbolo block of buildings in that locality woro in flame;, and having no on ginos and small water facilities, it was im possiblo to arrest tho progress of tho lire. The Joss is very heavy. PROVIDENCE. R. I. STEAMER WYOMING SUNK. Puovidencb, August 22. Tho smack, Ida Mary, arrived at Newport, this etnto, this morning, with tho wreck materials, including a part of the pilot house, with the (word "Wyoming" paintod on it, an extension table, life preservers, etc., from the wreck of n steamer sunk about thrco nulos off shore. Two masthoads uro out ofthowntor. Sho appears to havo been mown up oycttiior powdor orstenm. I.ATBIt. Nkw-Yoiik, August 2211:55 p.m. Tho crewot incsunKon stoamor, w rummer, nro saie. LOUISVILLE. TWO PERSONS KILLED BY THE CARS. Louisville, Auk. 22. Yestcrdaya man and boy in a two horso wagon drove on tho railroad crossing two miles south of Columbus on the Jellerson, .Madison and Indianapolis railroad, just boforo tho en- gino of the northern hound train. Tho engineer whistle down brakes, but the men with the wairtm woro apparently in different. Thu engine struck the wagon throwing it on ono side am! tho hordes on tno ottier. ine man anil boy were both killed, the head of ono being uovored from his body. Both borsos wero also killed. LOWELL, MASS. COMPLETION OF A NEW RAIL ROAD. Lowell. August 22 Tho Lowell nml FarmillL'hani formnllv nniinml trial to-day, tho lastsplUo.onu of silvor, be ing driven by tne suporlntoiidont, II. A. Blood. Thu road is twontv-six miles loni? und has been built in nine mouths. PITTSBURG. BURGLAR SHOT SUICIDE PiTTNiiURO, Aueust 22. Commercial says nn unknown burglar wus shot dead at Martha Furnace. Iltalr county, to-day, while in tho net of bronkitig into 11 store. A Gorman woman, named Mnynliert, was found hanging In n bmoko-liutivd at Tyrone, to-day. NASJIVILLIi. TENNESSEE STATE FAIR PRE MIUMS. Nashville, August 22, Managors uf the Tennosseo State Fair havo determined to givo $2500 In premiums for trotting contests nt fall lair next October. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AV, SAN FRANCISCO. BRICK POMEHOY AND GEN. LAGNAW SHAKE HANDS. STAGE ROBBERY. San Francisco, August 22. Tho Red Bluff stage was robbed noar Cottonwood bv four masked robbers who carried oil Wolli Fargo & Co.'s trcasuro boxes. Tho passengers woro not molostcd. ALL HANDS APOLOGIZE. Brick Pomeroy. Gen. Lagnaw and Col. Scott havo amiably settled tlioir difficul ties. All hands npologizing. M. F. Butler, pioneer architect, died this morning. UTIOA, N. Y. GRAND LODGE OF ODD-FEL LOWS IN SESSION. UtICA. Auiriut I'l Tlin Odd-Fellows, of tho stato of Now-York, assembled hero to-dav nnd oncned in due form. A. V. Mnrso. nf Ilorlln Prti..ti. was presenlod nnd received by tho grand innsior. 110 mnuo a grntuying report 01 tho work dono in Prussia. Ho has recent ly established thrco lodccs and ono on- enmptnent. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, August 22. FLOUR Quiot and unchanged. WHEAT Firmor for inspected lots; No. 3 red, $113; No. 2 do. 1 27. CORN AND OATS Quiet and un changed. RYE Steady at o7aC0e. WHISKY 00c. PROVISIONS Vory (juiot. Only job bing nnd order trade. PORK 12 60. BACON-Shouldors, OJc; clear rib, 1 ; clear side;, 7j. CHICAGO. Ciiicaoo, August 22. PROVISIONS Firm. PORK $12.7oa512.73; Sept, $12.50 cash. LARD 83 bid; 0 nskod cash. MEATS In fair demand at previous pneo;. iilJjKl tirm demand; salablo at 88. NEW ORLEANS. Nkw Orleans, August 22. FLOUR Drooping, Si 02J; XX. 5 75; XXX, $GaG12. CORN Dull ; white, 09a70c. OATS Firm at COc. HAY 32a31. BRAN Dull, 103c. PORK Dull; held ot $13 lb. UACON Doprcssed, Cja7c; rib, 7Ja7J; side;, 8a8Jc. LARD Unchanged. All others un changed. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, Aug. 22. FLOUR Steady ; family, ?5.10uO,CO WHEAT Highor; No. 1 sold at f 1.16, CORN Quiet nt 01. OATS Steady ut 30a38. RYE 73a70. WHISKY Steady ot 90. PROVISIONS Hold more for family nso, but demand light and not much dono. MESS PORK Held nt $12.00: country sold at 1 12.00. LARD Held at 9. HULK MEATS Hold ni r. fllofilf ,! clonr rib sidos held at tho samo quotation. BACON Hold at 0, 7, 7t7, but hardly any demand : CO hlida. clnar rib ml.l nt 03, seller in Septomber and Octobor. I I T.YVH T . . r. ... nuur.u rirm ai iotas. EGOS 12Jal3. LINSEED OIL-83a8l. DETROIT. Detroit, August 22. WHEAT lo higher and demand un limited ; oxtra, $1 35Jal30 ; No. 1 whlto, $1 31 ; treadwoll, $1 31 ; ambor, $1 28. CORN-08c. OATS No, 1, 37c. BARLEY Firm, 51 OOal 70. NEW YORK. Nkw Yoiik, August 22. GOLD Dull, $1 12Jal 12$. Monoy cuiiiiiiuea very plenty Ul -UJ per com. PIIVMIOIANN- It. S. BRIGHA.M, M. D. IIO.VIKOIMTIIIST. Olflce. Nn. l.lil (!oiiihinr, uvmm nm.,A hours, to 10 a.m., and 1 tn :i p m. llmldence, .No. 11, Miith street, Cairo Illinois, A. WADG Y.MAR, M. I)., T)!IV.-!ICIAN, Surgeon and Accouhetir, formerly X. "f Anna, Unicm eininty, lllltiols, hits per- i.u-,i in viiiii. I'luf-n uunuuerciAi ayi'iiri., U'twecu higlith mid Ninth atrvels West sine. niur v WllililA.M H. SMITH. M. 1). pnSIHKNCII-.Nu. 21 Thirleonih treet. I).- tnrim Wnsluiigton ateniieiiinl Wiilnut Htrett. (IHll'n 1J.I I'Olllllli li'lill htimiiii-. mi tnlr. WOOD ! WOOD I ! WOOD 1 1 I The undersigned Mill IfAllD AND DItY WOOD An Clu'iip), ll'nol t'lit'iiiirr Pilau mil' unoil ilrtiiler In (!nmi. f.nv,. nnLra on tho Intel nt thn i'lmtotlice and at lions' coal yard, on menue, between Tenth und 'PnAll'tli ........... ,1.1... Ill, I 1 a nr..,.. niui'i.i i..ii, ii.iiii.i. , K11' UOWU measure and will curd tin. wood up If deairvd. autfiu-ir DK.N.M8 II.M.Ilf. IXMAN LINE. Litirponl, Nou-Yoik and I'hilu b Ip'ila Steamship Company, COVTBACT UITII I'MrKII AND HBlTKll UUinilMIIATS Uirr)iiij tny MnlU. FOR PASSAGE TICKETS on intTuiu isromtTios APPLY TO JOHN G. DALE, Aot,, LI Uraadnay, New-York, or to It. II u 11 11 1, 16U Wuihliigtou Avenue, Cairo, Illinois. Mti'-Mtf. nnvciN. PAUL G. SOIIUH, 3D 3& UGO-IST, i NO. 103 COMMERCIAL AVENUE, Wliltlstker'e Old NtB1, OrrosiTB Atheneum, - - Cairo, III. rys particular attention lo filling all physician and family prescriptions. r.fV3r oe rtrio-iEiT. HIM OX OAID ALL PATENT MEDICINES worth having. Agent for KHFJW FEVER TONIC, Warranted the beit Kever Killer known In thla climate. NO CURE-MONEY REFUNDED. AUOi 1IAMII.TO.VN BUCIIU AND DANDELION, An excellent remedy In all diseases of the Kid ncys, equally, aa food or better than llembold's. and tor le.i money. also aunt ,-oa Uasaibrcjr,a lloineophatblc Spcciflc. Hit well selected stock of PEEPITMBBY ADD Fancy Uoode, Uf every description cannot be surpassed by any estab lishment ol the kind in tho city. WATCHMAKER. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. H. HOUPT, NO. 159 WASHINGTON AVENUE, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, Max on hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. Particular attention given to REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. The largest stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES in the cur, BOAT HTOKES. SAM WILSON, uroceries, PROVISIONS, ETC., No. 110 Ohio Lkvke, Cairo, III. ok him ruoHFTLV rutin; G. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ao. 70 Oblo Leve, C A I it O, ILLINOIS. JiT.4ucliil attention irlcan tn n,,inni.ii ml lllhni: nrderr. COAIm CAIRO CITY COAL COMPAITY. Is piepared to supply cuitoniors with the beat 1 quality of PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS COAL. OKMHW Uflat Halllday Urea, office. 10 OHIO LEVEE, or at the Coal Yard below tb 8L THK TITn ifwiwrii b l."iY.f i. " 7.'!?: . - . , ' ' - -""inH niu wituK'-uai aioa 'lis fivniiiera ni any liour.