Newspaper Page Text
.' t m JOHJV II. OBERLY & CO., L-IFK INNVIU.M'E. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. The most SnccisruL J,ifk NO STOCK HOLD K It 8 TO Aworj.XTor Folicies IK FoiW.T. Dec. 31, Total Incomk to Ham r.DATr., . . Nit Incmahb or Rihkh in FoncK, 1870, Tfce la.rjrrat Net Incrtitac tlttrlnir th , J a Gkob Increase or Risks i.v Force, 1870, .... f30.327.730 00 f Only Irio Companies tn Inn world eiceed this groa Itx-rnwe during is70. MeNi,l.WDA7ife1,.,11'M',,,!.''V',f '"' 'iKl't. the brlnclpla of LOCAL INVEST MENTd III EACH HTATK, In proportion to It premiums or He-lnmirance Fund. IIbSaWViuKCToW.'0'1"'''' """ VAC" MTATE A KErnK!E.NTATIVE IN THE QE1TEEAL OFFICE, STv XjOTJTJS, J .7AMKS n. HHITTON, 1'ieildenl. Henry W. Ilouoii, Vice President. Felix Cohte, Sunt. Mlisourl Dept. Wm. II an lev, Secretary. John N. Fkitchard, Treasurer. C. K llunNEH, Attorney. ,K. L. Lemoink, M. D., Med.OHlcer., Hon. AVv, IUrnem, Consulting Oouniel and Actuary. ' -' S O U T HE R N ILLINOIS I) E PART II E N T . K. P. Uubmnoiiam, Manager. CAIBO BEAKCH The following named gentlemen hoM or contr.l l(i,i of America. P. W. Bakcla y, H. W.Wtmt, H. H. Can dee, John Antrim, Ohak. (Jalkjiikr, I. M. Phillips, O. Hannt, R. S. Hkioham, Paul a. Scnun. .earn oar IIf4- nnd 1'lniin before LOCAL Carl L. Thomas, auglt dim IRY OLOSIISTG- OUT AT COST! . The putllc are hereby notified that the large andjmsgnlficcnt slnckof DRY-GOODS, BOOTS, SIIOKS, HATH, CAPS, NOTIONS, ETC.,, llelonging to the e.lateof the late SCOTT "WHITE "WILL BE SOLD AT COST AT THK OLD STAND, CORNKH SIXTH STItKET AND OHIO LEVEE Caico, l20tf IJCOAL,. BUILDINGS FOR SALE. I will stl at public ule on Satur day h JX of AtiKUit at 3 o'clock. M. p.m.. mi situated ou Real, um uu'ivtiiKV sheds and outhouse iht norlli-woAi and Ftfth-atrect,' knwn MrKntie' lumberofilce. lia madlat poaaamon will bo (Wen. Terma, one half caib, aodtheUlaMa lo roonthi; notewitli approtaU leaunl; and Intereat at lea per cant. will M requirea If the property la sold at iriat tale before the dat name notice of auth aale will w elen lo the Bulletin. JOHM Q. 1IAKMAN. Cairo, Aue. . mi. di ELECTION NOTICE. The atockaolderi ot (he EnterpVlie Sarin.! Bank ot Cairo are berebr notified Uiat an election will be held atth City Kallonil Itank on Moy day, Septemtjer 4th, for the election of eeren dl. rectori. I'olla open from lento twelte o clock .m. WiLiia Hntor, mutfdld Treiuurer. TO CONTRACTORS. NOTICE li berebr iiren.that eealed proDOala whl be rocelred at tny office, until It o'clock, m.. of Saturday, theJih day of Beptember. 1671, tor the building of a bridge acrou Cache rirer, oppo. He the Ifieatloni now t.n file In my orace, in tne my I old town OI unuy.accoruniK '(''"" D.rii.itilddlnffwllliubmlt the ame-ltt. For .ifr..v, in hand. ia. Vor I.VX) in I'uliakl county bondn, and l In personal lubserlptlont, made inald ofthebulldlD(?of nald bridge, and guaran. 4eed by I'ulaakl county, the balance caih In "he contractor will be requlrod to complete aid budge on or oeiure ir.e iai uj oi wnuji 187. to the aatlifaction of the County Courta ot Aleiander and l'ulaaki counttet. raymeni win ix mad.oncompie.iono, Aug. lllh, 171, County Clcrkl Alexander Co NOTICE Notice u hereby given that, whereat, William J. Voat did. on the tenth day of Match, A. V. laca, by hla certain chattel mortgage convor to Barali C. Kellogg, the two alory brick atore bouse situateu vu lot uumuvr black number twtntr.flre (U). In the city ol Cairo, cc tnamlnar Cairo, county of Alexander and atate pi. Illinois, Until tne tat umj ui iauury. a. the arpurtaaaoeae t,heruqte belonging to secure until the lat day oi January, A. V. 174, with a lth the leasehold of wud lat,'runnlni (OK even date therewith, given by said William Sarah C'KetloirarrorthA'WiBi.ol twenty.Mara fcuaulred dollar WWt aeiauat saar wvaw. "r ""T"'i f-fr of saltt avre. o ipSia) Pyeat whereof aald OCT 'ebb, aUajaeT for aid Btrah C. I waa eavman. iiiiurinwrupiu, Iran v. nanogg, BBSS of the pow afjjT. mkj i wit a iaaviTBlOTKRa Beaerllid henaeanJ i.e, to aatlsfjf tl(e.amoijnue on wnoie. Attorney tor Sarah C.-kellogg, Mortgagee. Cairo, Ills., Autf t, 171. t, 8. BOPAM, M. D. t H0JtBOrATHI8T. am u. 1U nnmmerelal avenue, umce hannitita to ajn,, and 1 to 3 M,WBth ttre't,CalryIlllnol, ltevldence ;,A.WAP0YMAR, M. D., i-aat'Clil. Btirteon and Accoutieur, formorly, X,:l0'r-..,nl; ,n,inl. iilinola. haa oer- .l.rrK3.brfin Offltii Commerolal aveaaa. tMtween .igunt ....... Mda. j J' mtiliAWp: SMITH, M. D nunninc-Na, 11 Thirteenth street. be IWtaa vvasniagwu "- "jr. ' . . . . L . - J. ..,. .n.l Wklnnt atra.t a IJ uomniannai aisuun, ....... ' n.'W. DUNNING, M. D. .....Klnili and Walnut its tatwaW-) SMeornM With ' Ohio ley e. PROPRIETORS. r lNUB.ANCK Crfni'OIlATION Of THE WOULD. THE SAME AGE IX ' 'i.M'T I AHSO.IUJ PROFITS. 1870. ' - .- IJfi.C55.740 00 - : 3.1)7088 80 20.000.910 00 INTO nf nny ompiiiiy Iri I lie Mo rid BOAED. each, In the Life AesotlaUon 'I .1 John H. Oiiirlt, Wm. Morrik, T. J. Kertii, W. 8. Edson. joii Insure In may oilier Onipaiay. AttKNTSr -V. B. Kkrsit. " " (lOO UIt: scsct-- -r-rcr iTca MRU. , HCOTT WIIITR. ORDINANCES. ORDINANCE NO. 121. An Ordinance to prevent tht running mt large qj cvwi onu yvuw, unuvr vur vuroc$t$. I - . . J t - J S. 1E It ordained by the City Council of the City J) of Cairo . . siTioa 1. mat 11 anau nor w tawiui iur maj goat to run at large, wttntn ine iimiie 01 tne aaia Citr of Cairo t and any peraon being the owner of any goat, or having charge or control of tbeiame, aa agent or oinerwiRe, wuo auaii jiuin aucn kuh to run at large, in anr trtet, arenue, or public ground ol aud city, (hall forfeit and pay to laid city a aum no ieai man nve aoiiarM, nur tnum than twenty fire dellara. for each and every oflence. .. Hie. a. All the proviaioni or an orainaace, en ttll "An Ordinanca to reatraln hora from run ningat large within the llmlta of thj City," and nuroucrea 113, oe aau tne aame ara nvrvuj iv nuil and niada a nart ot thla ordinance. Mac 3. It ahall not bo lawful for anr cow. coat. horte, mule, ox, bull,- eheep, or awine, to wear a Mil wlinin ine limiia 01 aaia city; bdu any pariuu being the owner of any of aald animala, or having oarge 01 tne eauio.we agvoi ur viuvrwiav, wbu hall nrmll them or anr of them, to wear a bell within the llmlta of aaid eltv, itull forfeit and uy to aald city a aum nut Ui than five dollar, nor mora than twpiitr.fira dollara. for each and every ollence; and, in addition, ten dollara for each and every day aueh animal ahall continue to wear audi belt after the drat conviction for uch onence ander tills ordinance, rrovided, however, that the wearing of anjuball by any barkfl or mule, when in harneia ana attached to auy vehicle, ahall not be conaldered a violation oi tnis orumaiice. ..... Approved, JUU.-t l. UAMU.r, Atteat, Mayor. M. J. Hownr, City Clerk, Auguat Wb. 171. ORDINANCE NO. 122. ln Ordinance to amend Ordinance Ho, 40, and or other purpotct, T)K It ordained by the City Council ot the City j oi ftalrn-M Hirriox 1. Khat said Ordinance No. 19. be sad, th aamela adding at the ond ol tne flrat section, the words "or any tin, Iron or Wooden box, pin, pot, can, bucket, pipe; hoop, or tiny description nf earthen, glaaa, crockery, tin or wooden ware whataoeveri or any 'old boot, a loo, hat, rage, or clctnlogl or anytreeornuan or'porliona of the same: or any old lumbar, shavings, straw, manure, bay, grass, vegetables, garbage, rubbiah, oroflal, or slops from dwelling houses i or any offensive, foul, or nauseous liquid or subatance provided the provisions of this or dinance ahall not apply to any building materials, merchandise, or articles that may be temporarily depoalted qn the streets or avenues, to no flieu tr feiooicd I' nor to any vegetables, offal, or garbage, Disced in a DOX or uarrei at tne aiuo ui tne street, tor Removal i and provided, alao, tnat If any earth r aahes are depoalted In the aireeta or avenues, liotr ahall lie anread ertnly over thoaurtseoel.tlie -SBlddleofthoiame.t ... i Hkc. S. It shall not be lawtui tor anrperson or penonsto permit any alopa, or fou', olfenaive or matheoue liquid or substance lobe discharged, or tVW or pass from or out ol any premises occupied try hi in, her or them, into any street or avenue, Or Into any adjacent uremiacs ; and every peraon vipiatlna the provtaiona of thla for fcU'and pay to tho said city ft aum not leas than ftveldollars, ner more than fifty dollars, for each and every oftence.and ten dollars a day additional for each aid every day after conviction, under this ordinance, lie ahe or they shall permit euoh Bsc. a, 't ahall be the duty of thn City Comp troller lo .provldo the means for remoriag from the from of all houses In the city all vegetable andtdry kitchoi, ottal, of every description, pro vided the same it placed in boxes or barrels, d pieccu in copvonieni locations tn front of kaid louses, before thu time fixed for auah"rnnval t and that such removal ahall ha mada. Inn th tirst day af December to the first day of Mareli, once a we i rrom tne tirsi day of March to the iir.tuay vt ,uvui iruni no nrat aay oi nep. tomber to the first day, ol December, twice In ench week I anu rrom tno nrst day ol June lo the nrlt'day of rsepiomber, tlx day tn oath week) and that notice shall bo given by ald Comptrol ler of the tune ot eucn removal, or publication. In the newspaper publishing the ordinance nf the ally, any arrangement made by the Comptrol ler for tbo purpose above sueeitled, to be by him' reported to the City Council, in Joint session eon vMioil, for approval by them. Approved.' " JOllN M. I.ANSDEN, Mayor. Attest, M. J. Uowlit, City Clerk. ' 'Aug, 1.0, W7I. uiNOina, ( D00K9, pamphlets, brlels, eatalogua. nw- rS ...n-j ,a and uvar varielv of alien. slvo printing cpnUwted for, and promytly and speedily execuled.'ln the Bulletin loot, Job, and newspaper blading slblilimnt. .1 . . THE BULLETIN. i mm Reported repfclally.ror the Cairo Bal letlai. Ten hoar In sxlvftaee or Hi. ItHla paster. ' 1 NEW YORK; ROW AMONG THE NEW YORK; CITY REPUBLICANS. . 1 SUIT FOR TlfE TtECOVERY. O ' f'TTV nTintHMITV I ONE MILLION, DOLLARS IN4 " VOLVED. MEETING REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. J New 1'ork, Augul 23.-sEJectmcnt ult commenced to-dav In behalf of the! city Against Geo". Jonca & Co, allogcdi owners Tiroes building lot, which It claim-! ed.ns city property. Kaid ground, .ra given by the city In 1705 to tho Pretbjrte rlart trantlefrion who With the old btkk church thcrconi condit!6nal convcTanco belnfj that it should bo forever devoted to religious purroscs and vent bade ,tq,cor poratioh If hot used for thcte purpoW. Tho board of Aldermen will authorize city authorities to carry on suit to recover property, which Is valued at a million of dollars. It It said, on the other hand, that tho" ground was purchased by the original proprietors of tho Times directly from tho trustees of the old brick church: that, re. vision' Was' af same time pu'rcbMed from the city, and that the full consoat of tho latter, as well m of iho tifl.o Legislature, to transfer, obtained. Nxw York. August 23. Timet and Tribune ttill dlscuislnir the merit of thn republican, faetlonij the Trlbuno correcting- what theTim'o awerW. and tho Times declaring that the Trlbuno seeks to avoid the Times' charges by a mlxturo of donlnl and accusation. A 1 The rheellni: of the republican irencral committee, of which Mr. Grecloy is chair man, Is charged with aiming at division amoog tho republicans in tho city, by re fusing to cc-opemto with tho organization known as the custom houia party. Out of tnis dilema, caused by tbeso two organiza tions, Mr. Greeley believes" tho safest and easiest way is for tho reeular republicans to act under tho union republican general couimmee. as ii now standi, tne Stato convnntlnn will h tn iImM. t.n(u,nn p . wv UVV.UW W 1 I the rival parties. Jflayor uai says, be will send a state ment of city accounts of debt to tbo board of aldermen, and the county ac counts of debt to board of supervisors, to day, and that the statements will bo nr. companled by a meesago of recommonda- iion. xjir. republican state committer met at the Fifth Avcnuo Hotel at noon to ilay,(and, determined -0'i7th at beptem ber, for tne nomination ot canaiasiea lor the sUte offices to bo filled at tho coming election. The call includes republicans and all others oppoitd to extravaganeo and corruption in tho administration of public affairs. After adopting, with only kur dissenting votes, a resolution ratify. Ingtne re-organ nation ot ine repuDiican party of this city, tbacommjttco adjourned, !. Washington. . WABHiMOToy, D. O., August. S3,. The war department Issued an ordor Instruct ing army officers that in advertising for lupplols, animals, or forage for military potts, conditions of compctitlortnihould bo always 'such as to open to "settlers, farmers and stock raisers near tho point of dollv arv an it rnniumntion of ' the supplies need- od, an opportunity o sell their products directly to tho United States In such quantities as may be convenient and advantageous to doiii panics. -' ' ' THE ixdiass. li Govornor Potts, of Montana, writes, un derrate of August I2tb','that the people of Gallatin Yalloy are so irignteneu at tne prcsenco of largo bodies' of Sioux Indians, ho fears thoy will abandon their crops and fleo to places of safety 'He also says that tho movements of the Slouxlndjans points to a geheral'Indian war' oh tho settlement, ilo is orcapjzing the scttlpraiand Arming them. The greatest need is moro troops, and hopes tnat Gon..Hhorrotn will eond them a commander for J tho 2d United Spates cavalry. , An official report concerning trado from tho United States Consul at Amog, China, says tho market opened.Qn the, 23d OfDocomberi lrt'JAmog, and tht crops of Polong, aro fully up to.that of I"t season .in1 quality and not likely 'to fall short In quantity: Th United' States markoti oponod at prices cortalnlv one-fourth abovo tho opening rates of Inst year, and th'roo day's purchases, ha ya .amounted to 10.000 prekages aboVo Uio actual arrivftlif. Part of the crops orily'in many casol hao r.iinnilouiii ,froni--ili country. i'rtcetr- aro so irregular that it is, difficult to glvo tho exact quotations Intoa. Grades from flno "upwards aro Itrgoly bought as It. A., Taylor, ftwt.corapMler of U19 K., Taylor, fiwt.coraplrojler" of U .lnnkrtment has addressed ,lnkrtment has adorrstca a lettc ir to tho internal . revouuco,'ya,i"Ip.n,! or, nnnounctng inai upon wuiuii.h with tho socretary, it has beon docided not to take any Una) action in ro fundfng incomo lax paid by stato officers, 'at -nreacnt. . Heavy demand for O.por cent, bonds Y.i nvAlnnnd n, irreiit Incfcaio for bonds ;r- , o-,- - , , of too uonoininaiioiia ot ui(,ar."v' hundred dollars wltlc is unaomuuu W.,1,.n In (nvmtmonts of those, SOOUtitlOS bv tho workW'clwscs. Tbo commission t 'of lliWrnai; flvonuo has suspendfu.. tho' rullnic ,of-th,(11o Commissioner Pleaiantbn; relating to tho original ana unbroken package 01 periumorj. JohnATMarXlnanl0O(3rCO-A',urArt:. rord nave been appoinieu comtniiuiii for Kansas to tho centennial celebration of American Independence. Tho nrosldcnt ii.oxpocud.hero to-mor row". .'iii if . . , ri .1 I.J 1 1 r MILWAUKEE, WIS. uwiiivti Aimmt Paul pa- peri say that Amos Stylcs, a resident of Bt'. Anthony, cornmUtea inlcldo on Mon dy mowin;,Iy cutting hU'throat ultfc CAIRO, ILMOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST ST. LOUIS. PHO0EEDINGS OF THE NATION- , AL EDUCATIONAL CON- VENTION. ' ' , dr. Louis, Aug.18.L-ln continuation of tho procoedlngs of the educational conven tion, jrestorday,PxeiWontUinliBfd"lntro duoed Mr. Tappon, who In the 'absence' of spoke tn behalf of the departments or mgnor eaucation. Arter rew genorai re marks be,turnc4 to, Gov, Drown who was on te, stand, and aald t "No. part of tho human bejng, ln,our. siiNno,6i' education, Is forgotten; above ,il)wo .know and feel a tho maxim, of ow .pork that the moral education It th'a meaat iMiortant thin nr LaUr not'ofily do w'recognJxolUimport L?f,:.W.tT AlKJuAitta methods to.carsy r it mii . kMMKi. . v. . . .. . . ., . m t7 ?yvu' no; eaucation' keTW(.w!M' ftJ Uod shogld.bti based uponjuio lovef hht ftf)ow being.!' - i ' iA" 0,ffy WW .then. jMdo by" A !V- vho!rtrJdge,.,vio4.pNl(Jrit oU thi oxracniary scctioo. )wtu. w.,foll0vted by ?' P;WVrfbeVprfalace. that this coRVontJon should bo held in Mi.. touri, a tUXo which bai within. a few years established such comprebooBiro system of common school .education nnd which litis inaugurated such . un eibm. slvo' sy'stom of orrrutl school; but'the other dar laid the clrnr.itr. nn nf the most elegant building In, kind in ttui countfy. and especially ,dld 'lie ronrd it J i roper Unit tho conventlph should bo hold . n.Ht. Louis, tho' city k.nown throughout tuu country lor its, comnrcneoaivo ana thorough system of public instruction, and -wnicu contains one oi tne moat celebrated Bormal' schools Jn tho Union r and' which 1o,hasfccognlEed'th6 practlWlity of that advanced Idea' which Is boglnnlng to'pr'e- inii in wucanon inrougnouiiuo world the equality of woman! with matj a: u cd ticator; - 4 " ' ' T W?1J. Hinkle, president of the supcrln tendant's section, who stated thklHon.Mr. Garfield, pf Ohio, was' to speak" on tho sub ject of tho relations of the government to education, had been unexpectedly called to "Washington, on an errand of morcy, and could not bo present. . The general session was.thon calted and various sections mot Jri different rooms and transacted such ' 7iuiihrn n brought before tb,em. In tho department of higher education, H. K. KdsoD.of Iowa, read an essay on classical study, and means ot securing it In the woit In Which he look" strong ground in favof 6f clw'sical study. FOREIGN;: PRANCE. Vxmaillks, Aug". J3.Ttio fiisorobly to-dajr approTed the flew, 'a'adltloTial taxes and doefded to proceed' fo immediate dis cussion of the question of tho disarmament of the-National guards. The government, here' is acting In con-, cert to provent tho introduction of rhnlom in either country. ' in mo court martial lo-duy the argu ment for the prosecution wan concluded, and the counsel for tho prisoner com menced. Ferre attempted to read a printed the futu.w ;! he declare he looks to vengance, but no .a, .v . the court and not permitted to proceed. - PRUSSIA. Bxrllh, Aug. 23. There has tieen four case of cholera in this city, two of which havo resulted in death. The emperor and empress, of, havo arrived in this city. Tbo princo and princess of Wales are at Bangenechwal back. 'c SPAIN. Madrid, Aug. 28. A decree has been issued providing for tbo Isiuoof a loan on the Cth of September. Theamount'wlll bo one hundrod and fifty million piastres, and tho rata of interest ttireo per cent. FIRES. . AT-LEXi5aToy; KT; ' Ebxinotok, August 23. A largo firo broko out, this morning, in tho block of buildings forming tbo north side of Broad way, botweon Main and Short streets, which resulted in tbo destruction of noar ly the entire block. Tho tiro was discov ered at 5;'46 in tho .morning, in the carpen ter shop occupied by Williams &Bro., and owned by James Graves. Wost to G raves' stable, on Main stroot, tho. flamos rapidly (hat when tho tiro department brought their engines into operation, tho conflagration had gained such headway tnat it COUIU noi do musiorou. j.u unu limir aftor the first alarm was clven sixteen houses woro destroyed, involving n lots of 1100,000, $30,000 of which was covorod by insurance. This is tho tocond great loss oy nro 01 valuable cltv nropertv. followlne so close ly upo'n that of Sunday night last, nnd has demonstrated tho inetficioncy of tho riro engine and hoso' for tho suppression of largo conflagrfdjoi, apd tho necossity of adopting somo moro ofllciont means for tlielr extinguishment. AT FORT WATNE, IND. SFobt Wayhk, August3. A. firo broko dt In' the 1 dry coods stor'oof Frash & Ilro., at Hartford City, this morning, at 1 o'clok. Tho flames fpreadlriipldly, tho firemen be ing unable to get it under control, and in throe hours tho cntlro south sido of tho public square was laid In ashes. Thoro iwero twolvo buildings burned, including dry goods 'stores, groceries, naru-waro es tablishments, jewolery and drug storo, sa loon, barber shop, butcher shop, otc, etc. Tlio loss reached noarly $50,000, with only nbyut $13,000 insurance ( AT AUUUMIA, UK. AnnituTi A 111.11. t 'J3 A lnri'0 bulldlntr belonging to tho Malue Central! railroad, fillbdWith'Tariiablo'lumbor. snow plows, 00;., was totally destroyed by ro to-uoy. 1110 loss is heavy, but tho amount Is not known. MEMPHIS rjl ' FIRST BALE OF NEW COTTON. 1 SUICIDE Of a young lady. Memphis, August. 23. Firit halo now cottoi Nfos'rocolved by Thos. H. Alton & Co., this morning. It was grown in Ar kansas and classed us low middling, bold tar 2ri rents. Mils KUa, daughter of Col. Frod. Dal y, of Luwrcncol,Mlss., committed sulcido, by taking laudanum, last Monday night, after rottirnltig from n party given In honor or hor1 debut, having Just graduated. 8ho leftia note for hortnuthur, saying sho was tlretl of life, ' - ' 21, 1871. MADISON, WIS, DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVEN TION. A SOUND PLATFORM ADOPTED. tMadisok, August S3. Tho democratic state convention met hero to-day, 4)no hundred, and thirty-four delegates wcro pTOsont,, making a full convention. II. L. Palmer, of Milwaukee, was chosen president. Tho following RESOLUTIONS wore adopted : . Tho representatives of tho democratic party of Wisconsin, in state convention assembled, hereby atllrin - . lit. That wo point with prldo to tho economical administration nnd tho limitud amount of taxation that prevailed In tho 'ttate undor .damocrotlo' rule, M contrasted with tho enormous taxation and prolifiento expenditures of the succeeding republican slato administration; nnd that the dorao 'cratlo, parly, If restored t6 powor, will ob servo tho most 'rigid economy nnd reform in ovoM iiopftrtmcnt of tho auto govorn ment. 2d, ThRt tho who restrictions enacted In the 10th nmendment to tho national convention, reserving to tho States respec tively, and to tho people, all powers not delegated to tho United States, is ono of tlio strongest safeguards to popular free dom'! that tho nets of congress and the reUoral administration usurping powers not delegated, nnd tho constitutional nets broaking down distinctions between tho powors of Stoto government and thoso of tho genoral government, nro destructive tooonstltUtlbnaVllberty, and threaten tho overthrow of our existing form of govern ment1, that wo denounce tho centralizing tendency of tho general government; tho frequentattempts of tho agents of tho fed eral administration to intorfero in local political affairs. 3d. That we aro In favor of a tariff for' revenue, only; that under tho pretext of raising a revenue, within tho past ten years, tho national congress has established and continues that enormous robbery of mo masses ror 1110 cnricnmont ot tno lew, known as the protective tariff system, which has swept our commorco from tho seas and fettered and oppressed overv nr?- Ticulturol ptiriultj a system which tho re publican party, in congress, perpetuate, and from which tho peoplo may hopo for relief only through tho restoration of dem ocratic rule. 4th. That wo nro opposed to all forms of national repudiation, cither of tho dobt or tbo pensions and bounties duo tho soldiers. 3th. That, as the lato amendments to tho constitution havo been decided, by tho properly constituted authorities, to bo part of tbo fundamental law of tho land, they aro binding upon tho peoplo; that the democratic party now, as In tho past, know no higher law than tho constitution ; that tbo timo honored principles npplied by its framers nnd accepted by tho wisest statosmcm and jurists of tlio country, should bo observed in all legislation by congress In regard to tho constitution and Its amendments ; that tho democratic party is opposed to the withdrawal of civil or political rights from any class of peo plo, and that wo demand tho removal of all political disabilities and qualifications, wmcn iuo nuv.s, 1 -a . ,, ) were compolled to let tho balance, go over until to-morrow morning. UTIOA, N. Y. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OI' FELLOWS. ODD- ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Utica, August 23. At tho annual ses slon of tho grand encampmontof Odd-Fellows, held hero last evening, tho following otllcors woro elected. Thomas Prudon, of York, grand patriarch ; William Gould, of Buffalo, grand high priest; Chas. V. Clark, nf Vnrlr. craml scribe : GeortTo Smith, of York, grand treaeuror; John T. hlte.of Albion, grand representative. Tlio to;al number of onoinipment mom- bars is 3.070. Net incroaso during tho year; COO. Total recoiptj, $18,409.70. OFPIUEltS ELKCTKD. Tho following offlcors of tho grand lodgo of Odd-Follows havo beon olcctcd for tlio ensuing year: Grnnd master, E. S. Rolphs, of York ; department grnnd mastor, L. Lucy, of Al bany ; grand secretary, Clms. F. Clark, of York'; grand trcasuror, Jacob Russoll, of Yorkj grand representative, Wm, Witd dnll. of Trov: erand wardon, Thos. J.St. 'John, of Ithaca. KILLED IN A HOW. Thomas Rowland was killed In a gener al row at n pionlc, nt Now Hartford, by llugli Jlcuoo, a rougn 01 mis city. SUICIDE. Mr.. Marcus Bradnor died, to-day, from tho effects of bodbug poison administered by horsulf. Domestiu infelicity was tbo ST. JOHNS, N. B. GRAND SCULLING RACE THE CHAMPIONSHIP, FOlt St. Johns, N. II. Aug. aa. Tho great scull raco fur. tho championship of tho world came off this. morning. Tho boats started nt 7:24 and led alternately for tlvo minutes. At 7:33, tho St. John was ahoad, and at 7:40 tho St. John's was tho only crow rowing, the Tyno's crow having gono ashore in consoquanco of Renforth being takon with a fit. Tho St. John's crew rowodovor tho courso, winning tho raco In 40 minutes and 11 seconds. Renforth died a few minutes after tho raco. BOSTON. JEWEL FOR GOVERNOR. Bortok, August 23. Ilctwuuti sixty and seventy prominent geittlumcn, from dif ferent nartsof the stato, hold tt meeting to day and appointed u commltteo to tako moasurea to bring Jewol's namo boforo tno republican con.TOD.tion tor govaraor, BULLETIN BUILDING, YTA8HINGT0N AV. LITTLE ROOK. BRUTAL OUTRAGE ON A LIT TLE GIRL. Littlk Rock, Aug, 23.On Monday of last week a brutal outrago waa commlttod on a llttlo whlto girl 13 years old, near Wlllsburg, Cross county, named Sandors. Tho fntbor of tho girl was absent In tho woods splitting raits. At noon Mrs. San dors wltn hor two boys took her husband's dinner to him leaving tho llttlo girl at nomo. ;uior taxing iuo ainnor -iirs. San ders remained at tho house, of a nolchbor during tho afternoon, sending ono of tho ooya bacK nomo to remain with his sister nntl leaving tho other ono with his fathor. On arriving at homo tho littla hor mlmorl Ills sister, but supposing sbo had gono to a iiuignors oonr oy, uiougni no moro or it. When tlio parents returned In tho even ing, they boenmo alarmed for their daugh ter, nnd sent to tho nolghbors, but could hoar nothing of hor. Runners wcro sent out and neighbors camo In, who continued tho searcli during tho night. About daylight tho body of tho girl was found about twenty yards from tho houso, With her throat cut, "hor porson outraged, nd Uio knlfb still sticking in hor throat. After searching for tho llend, n negro man named Hnrris was arrested and charged with tho deed. A temporary court was organized, consisting of twolvo Jurors, who decided to hang tlio negro, but better counsel prevailed, howovcr, nnd it was agreed that ho should havo n fair trial. Tho noxt day ho was takon beforo n magistrato and tho proof of his guilt was overwhelming. At 0 p.m. tho court ad journed ovor to tho next day, nnd tho shor iir started to Jail with his prisonor. A ho did so. a crowd of about 200 persons, white and black, rushed forward and carried film to tho spot whero tho deed was committed. , . . . 1 . . ' uim wiuru uuug mm 10 a irco. Tho peoplo, generally, regrot tho ncces sity for tho act, but all join In agreeing bUlt It WHS JUSt. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. CINCINNATI. ClNCI.v.VATr, August 23. WHEAT Firm ntSl.14al.10. CORN Firm at C2c. Receipts light. WHISKY Declined to 89c. MESS PORK Firm at S12.00. Held at $12.75. LARD Hold at 0c but 8Jc is tho best bid. BULK MEATS In fair demand. Sales shoulders 5c for citv nnd -13c for countrv : sidos GJaSJaCc delivered nt a point in tho interior. BACON In fuir demand nt CaOl with sales of 100 hhds. Ono lot clear rib sides atCc. BUTT Kit Unchanged. CHEESE Unchangod. NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, Aug. 23. FLOUR-Dull. XX, $3 75; XXX, i?Ca SO 121. ' CORN Unchanged. OATS Quiet at 48a50c. nAY Ensior at $32a33. BRAN $1 07j. PORK Firmor and held at $14, with sales of 50 barrels. BACON Dull at CJaTc ; rib, 7i; sides, 8 Jc. ST. Ldui&V ",,,n' n St. Louis, August 23. FLOUR Quiot and unchanged. WHEAT Closed weak; No. 4 red ele vator fl 00 ; No. 3, $1 13 ; No. 2, $ 3 27. CORN Oflorings small; hold highor; mixed, 47c; yellow, 48o; white, 4!a50c. sacked. OATS Unchangod,- 32a34c in bulk; 37 a.18c sacked. BARLEY Firm j cholco No. 2 spring 05c; No. 1, 82; No.2 fall, 71a70c, skd. RYE Dull and ensior ; prime Gb'c. PORK $12 60.il3 for mess jobbing and order lots. I1ACON Activo and hiirhor for sides: shoulders, 0J; clear rib, 7Jtt7J ; clear sides, jaec tor lobbing anu oruer 101s; ouik shouldors, loose, 5c. LARD Dull at Ojaiuc lor cnoicc. Ml'.ltlCAI.. LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. ( Cures colio ami griping") l'rlre, lVlllTCOllII'S Krrup, Mrs. WIllltKJIII'S S) rup Mrs. WIIITUOMIl'S Njrup. J 111 1110 iohci, llllil III 1 .a I clllinto-i the process of (Cent t teething. I " r biiiuiiiPH o o n v uNlnnt 1 rrlfe. ami overcomes nllilii.- I s;.", iMixoji inciilrnt to In- ( Ccuti, funis and children. I I 1 I'rlrc, I f Cents. Liiren uiarrlien, iilin. I'rlrc, inry luni xiiniiiii-r com jilaint III chlliliciiot rill Ilia Iho Great Iiifimt's and Children's Hoothlng Heinoly in all tlliorderi broiiglit on by Teething or any other oauni. Prepared by tho au.vrroN mkdici.nkco., m. louik, jio. Sold by DruiwiaU ami IHalcra in Medicine everywhere. my7d0m CELERR AT ED I JITTER COR DI A L tVIIUI.RSAI.K DKI'OTt SOIIKKTZ 8 NATURE'S GREAT RESTORATIVE. N. W. COIl.MIU FIFTH AND HACK HTM,' llillittl'lililii I'll. JQIIN b'CIIEKTZ,. .SOLE l'llOl'HIETOIt. .Hla a rollnl.lo Fnmlly Medicine, ami can be iiken bv eulier Infant or at ult llh the ame been tlolai result. It is accrtalu, prompUiid speedy emody tor diarrhea, ilysvulery, l)eU coniiled dyspepua, Inwncs of ajdrits, falntings, sick ttoinath.lii'adiiolio, etc. orclulliiaiid fovot ol all kinds, it la far bclti r nud a-ifi r than quinine eilliout any of lis pcriilcloua rllivtu. It tlloett Mi appetite, prove a powerful illtestor of food .ind will lOUiittT.iet thu ettccu of liquor liiaf w tnitiitto. As Imlismitablo uvldenco odtt 111 ual nropertiea, wo uppiiid a few of tho many llnc ate. ill our pokauaaion I Jolmfon'a Depot, East Tcnn., and Va. R. Teuu. Jacob BcnaTrz. Eso. Dear Bin la.feusedth Bitter I have oblaluod tiom you. and find them to bo all thoy are recommended to he. I found onu botlln to atlord me considerable relief, I teel I caunotdo very well without them, 10 nty present ataieui ueaitn. I). MENIOB, ISSHouthflth st., Phlla. fiutor Baptist I'assyank Cliurch, rJold by W. l Allen , 33 Mm strvat Uubuqutt ocUOaiT PAUL G. SCIIUIT, 3D IR UGC3-IST, R EXOTKn, NO. 108 COMMERCIAL AVENUE, Wtiltiaker'a Old Ntmiil, OrroiiTit Atheneuii, - . Cairo, III. Pys particular attention lo filling alt physician and family prescriptions. aitn on nmn ALL PATENT MEDICINES worth having. Agent for KREHA FF.VF.R TOXIC, Warranted the beat Fever Killer known In this climate, NO CURE-MONEY REFUNDED, also; II.iMII.TO.VS BUCIIU AND DANDELION, An excellent remedy In all diseases of the Kld "eye, equally, a. oou or better than ilemliold's, and tor le.s money. also aoxxr roa llnniilirejr'a llorueopnatttilc Npectdce. III... well selected stock ot Fancy (JootlN, Of every description cannot be surpassed by any estab lishment ol the kind In the city. WATCHXAKKK. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. IL HOTJPT, NO. 150 WASHINGTON AVENUE, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, Um on hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. Particular attention given to REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. Tho largest stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES II TUt CITT. BOAT NTOBFJI. SAM WILSON, D X AL R IX OROCERIIB, PROVISIONS, ETC., No. 110 Ohio Levee, :::::: Cairo, In. osotns raoMPTLT ruiiD: G. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Ohio Le ve-ey CAIRO, ILLINOIS. 09-,-loecliil attention given to Consignments and tilling orderr. COAL,. CAIRO CITY COAL Is prepared to supply customers with the best quality of PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS COAXj. ORDKUI left at Ilalllday Ilro. ofllce, TO OHIO LKVEK, or at the Coal Tard below the fit. vnarie ttotei, wui receive prompt aueuitoo THKTUQ "saONTAUK' 1, Willi aicoal aloaa oeir aide steamers at tai hour. k' l t v- ' "