Newspaper Page Text
da I '.''..I JOHN H. OBERLY & CO., : LI FK INNUItAX.E. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERIC, fT1 r, Uttrjiv.dtftn l.ii-n T.,....... " uvv,.Ui, i.iiuiini.'K -WortJOltATION T)f -fllK'fAMB AOE IK TUB PUEELY NO STOCKHOLDERS Amount or Pomcies in FoKok Deo. 31. Total Income to Sauk Date, . . Nkt IxcnnAHE of Kisks in Fohce, 1870, Tho lai-jret Jfrt luri-fiiNC iliiriilic llieeni- H7 f liny Coiniuinr In tlitj World 1 ,, f (.,!. f. HI ...).. -fl j , urtOEl INCIIKAHE OP Hisks i.v FortCK, Only two Companies In tho vtuil.l MFNTSDIIf ,!'VVri?,.'t"',r,ll4: " '""'', right, the principle of LOCAL ifcVKMT whWTo IN J-.ACH HrAnt, iti prorlluii In Hi Premium nr lte-lnsiiratico Kund. HrTu t? nf. Ti?r? Wtf.f.'Wi.!?.. u "rt". K' C3-233SrBE,.X. OIBICIE, ST. IjOXTIS, MO. JAMES II. 1IKITTON, Picsidont. Ilfcxnr W. Houoh, Vlco President. Wm. Hanlky, Secrotnry. U. r. Uuiinkh Attorney. - 1 - ,1.1. DAnsen, yonsuiiirig uounselund Actuary., , y j SOUTHERN ILLINOIS. DEPARTMENT,. , ; J K. 1. Uciii.i.n'oiiam, Mnunger. , , i,.ih CAT7R.O The lollowlDentmedKfntlotntnlioM'or cotitrl ui V. W. Haiici.av, II. W. Won, II. H. Oaivdkb, John Amtuiu, Coa. Uai.kiKku, 1 .1.31. Phillips, C.llANNY, K. 8. Hkioham, I'aui. G. Kciiuii. Iru or Rule nnrt 1'lium hrrorf LOCAL Caul L. Tuouas, ogU-Jim i it y OLOSI3STC3- OUT A.T COST ! TJi phbllc rt ti(rtr netlflf U tht DllYGOODS, BOOTS, SIIOKS, II ATS, CAPS, NOTION 8,' "K T Oj, llclonging lo the- mtaleofthc l)c SCOTT WHITE AVI LL UK SOLD AT COST AT THE OLD STAND, CORNER SIXTH STRKET AND OHIO LEVEE ClIIO, - - - - IXililTOIS. l',i0tf MRN. NCOTT -WHITE; IiGUALi BUILDINGS FOR SALE. 1 will fell t public ills on Bliir(lr tlia 2Sl)i ilitjr of AuguitM ( o'clock p.m.. nfil, tliebulMlBKn, hedindoutljOuie lfut.i on the north-wi-.t corner or Wunlnglon-tfenD nJ Flflh-lrnt, Cslro, knwn h SIcKenile'i lumloromoe. Irn InedliU poiiMtion will Ix Riren. Trrrnn, ou htlf cuh, and tht blnee InCiuonttini notewilh PproTtd tMnnty and Interest at ten pr ctnl. will bo required. If the property iold at prirale eal trforo the dat name notice of turn ialewltlbn ulnolti the Ilullttln. JU11N Q. HAIOIAN. Cairo. Aug. It. 1871. .ltd ELECTION NOTICE. Tho itockkoldere of tlr Kntcrprlio Savings Bank ol Cairo are hereby nollBed that an election will be held at the CitrKationil liank on Mon day, Beptemlier tl, for the election of aoren di rector, i'olli open from ten to twelto o'clock a.m. WiLTin HriLor, auglMtd Treaourer. TO CONTRACTORS. OTICE ll hcrebr viven. that lealed nvnnAaaU will be received at mv office, until 12 o'clock. in., of Saturday, the Btti day ofSeptember, 1871, for tbo building of a bridge acrcan Cache nver, oppo. aite ine om utwa 01 udiij. according 10 plana ana priflctlon now r.n Ulo in hit ottice, In the City of Cairo. Partial bidding will eubmlt the name lit. For ftllcaih In hand. 2d. Korl VD In I'ulmkl county bondi, and 3(0n perional utcrlptloni, made In aid of the building of aald bridge, nnd guaran teed bj i'ulaikl county; the Utlmco ciuh In band. Tbo contractor will bn required to complete aid blidge on or before tto let day of January, Wl, to the satisfaction of tho County Courts of Alexander and l'nlukl counties. Payment will lie made on completion of tho work. Aug. Uth, 1971, County Clerk AlexanderCot NOTICE. Notice is hereby siren that, whereas. William J. Yost did, on tho tenth day of March, A. I), Itot, by his certain chattel mortgago convey to Harsh C. Kellogg, tho two story brick store house lituatod on lot number U toj, In Uaek number twenty-fire (25), In tho city of Cairo, county of Alexander and stale ot Illinois, together with tho leasehold of said lot, running uatil the 1st day of January. A. D. 1874, with all the appurtenances therennto belonging to secure the payment of a certain promlsiary note bear ing even daU therewith, given by laid William, ttfaalk MM MM RlUt. hth.M.mantAl m --t . . . k . r in nl.L.L - . . .1 ClWk f.U.. V. VMM WW, M ...w . BVB, UV ... Ill ..I. ,n lh! Kl.lTl.k or eain In hand, the above ucscrl bed homo ami . to latisry ine amount uue on , U. Watsox Weis, J Attorney tor barah c. Kellogg, Mortgagoo. Cairo, Illi., Aug. 16, 18T1. t PHYaUGIAMrV B. S.'BRIGIIAM, JI. D. HOMEOPATH INT. OIBii No. 1S8 Commercial avenue. Office o. it. ro Illinois. A. WADUYMAH, M. D., ltJtlit U 43 . a a i WILLIAM! R. SMITH, M. D. B8IDENCK Ko. 21 Thirtcenih street, bu WISH VVMJIIWKIVU ITCHUD WAU IIHUI BtfUri - .. .... ih ra. 0., W. DUNNING, flli'D., KfltDZNCE-conwNlnth ana Walnut its, Crourt fremfl .m.toiimand9p.m rnantnrnnr n itn iiidgi aauiA uuiu idvib. PROPRIETORS. j U H . u. r J V, f I I VyOllt.U. : i ' i '.in :fcCtTTTJA.:D; TO ARSORH PROFITS. 1870, - T . 1 ' . .' j T. ' 11 - $15,055. j3.y71.7K8 80 ' - ' 20.000.lil0 00 1870, . . '. - J30.327.7B0 00 exceed lliln gross Inciranci ilnrlnir Ih:o. "At'll HTATK A KKPUIMKNTATIVi: INTIIK Kw-ir Cox-re, Sunt. Missouri Dept T.. V " n..... ! .... m 71 11 1 1 . 1 .1 j j v 1 1 1, 1 1 Aliit. 1 rumtiriir. K. I.. Lkiioink, 31. D Mcd.Offlcor. BOABD.- $o.uo Ihiumnce cue.., lo the Ufe Anoclluoi. America. ''.John H.'OnEilLT, K. .ilOltKIH, T.J. Kkiith, W. S. Kiisok. ynu litnuro lu nnj- nilirr 'onipan. AG K NTS. -W.-Br-KBIl-Er. I u o o n n. tlicltrgc undlrnnRnlfictnt lfk of osDi!trA?rrr.a. ORDINANCE NO. 121. An Ordinanc to prevent the running at large of (eouit and) goats, and or other purposei. BY. it ordained, by the City CoudoiI of the City of Cairo . t Uictiom 1, That it shall not be lawful lor toy goat to run at Urge, within the limits of the laid City of Cairo s and any person being the owner of sny goat, or having charge or control of the same, as ageut or otherwise), who shall permit such goat' to run at large, in any street, avenue, or public ground ol said city, shall forfeit and pay to said city a sum not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty five dellars, for each aud every ofienee. hc. S. All the provisions of in ordinance, en titled "An Ordinance to restrain hogs from run ning at large within the limits of thj City," and numbered 113, bn and the same are hereby re enacted and made a part ol thli ordinance, Bc. 3. It shall not be lawful for any cow, goat, horse, mule, ox, bull, sheep, or swtno, to wsar a bell within the limits of said city: and any person being the Owner of any of laid animals, or flavmg charge of the same n agent or otherwise, who shall permit thorn or any of them, to wear a bell within tha limits of said city, shall forfeit and bay to ald city a aum not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty. Dye dollars, for each and every oltonco; and, In addition, ten dollars for each and e err Uay such animal shall continue to wear such bell after the first conviction for such otfeDce undor this ordinance. Provided, however, that the wearing of any bell by any horse or mule, when in harness and attached to auy vehicle, shall not be considered a violation of this ordinance. Approved, JOHN M. LANSDEN, Attest, Mayor. SI. J. Howtsv, City Clerk. August 19th. 1171. ORDINANCE NO. 122. lr Ordinance to amend Ordinance So. 4$, and fur other purposes, BE It ordained by the Cily Council ot the City of Cairo' Miction I, That said Ordinance No. it), be. and the same la hereby amended, by adding at the end ol the first section, the words "or any tin. iron or wooden box. mn. not. can. hulti nin Annn. nr any description nf earthen, glasi, crockery, tin or wooden waro whatsoever i or any old boot, shoo, hat, rags, or olcthlng; or any tree or bush or portions of the ismei or any old lumbar; shavings, straw, manure, hay, grass, vegetables; garbage, rubbish, orotlal, or slops from dwelling houses ; or any offensive, foul, or nauseous liquid or substance nrovided the nmvfalnna nf thU nr. dlnance shall not apply to any building materials.' merchant! le. or articles that may bo temnnrarlW deposited on the streets or avenues, to be used or ri'iuuieu, aono any vegoian:oa, ouai, or garbage, placed in a box or barrel at the side of the street, for removal: and Drovlded. also, that if anv earth or nhesaro deposited In the streets or nvenuos, thoy shall he spreail evenly over the lurtace ol the middle of the tame. Bcc. 2. It shall not' bo lawful for any person or persons to permit any slops, orfou'.otfeauve or nausroas liquid or substance to be discharged, or i i Pr 'rom or oul 01 DV premises occupied j'y win, her or them, inlo aav; stieet or avenue, Si Jn.. adjacent premises j and every person r.i. nJ B'ne Provisions of this section shall for- SS? SIHJ,n0"fn,c"'n,1.,e'"1"lri a day additional ki. . i ua. ""cr conv ctlon, under the front of all houses In tho city all yVgfea , and dry kitchen oltal, or overy derlptlSnrpro Tided the eamo ti placed In boxes or barrels, a .d placed in convenient locnllona In fr! houses, bofore the time fixed for iuch removal T nnd that suoh removal shall be mado, from 'the first day ef December to the flnt day of March, once a week t from the first day of March to the inn. u win iiviii uret uay oi Bon. tember to tho first day ol Dceembor, twice In each week I and from tho first day of Juno lo tho ntii uay ui poim-uiiier, six uuys in earn week : ttudthst notice shall bo given by said Comptrol ler of tho time of such removal, by publication, In the newspaper publishing the ordinances of tho city, any arrangement made by tho Comptrol ler for the purpose above specified, to be by hlia reported to the City Council, in Joint session con vened, for approval by them. Approved, JOHN M. liANSDEN, Mayor. Attest, M. J,, City Clerk. Auu, 19, 1871. UINDINQ. Q0K9, pamphlets, briefs, catalogues, news. ' DaDera. tax Hats, and every variety nf eitn. slvo printing conlrnoted for, and proroytly and rpeoifliy executed,, in the Bulletin book, lob, and newspaper binding establishment, ' CjAJRO, THE BULLETIN. Itrporlrd caperliillv ro Uil l'tln. Ton lioiirN In nh miico I.ntilx miM-r. riM.. - 1 r i - ; i , WISCONSIN DEJfOtfliACi. A PLATFORM OP TiMi lhiU JAMES R. DOOLITTLH N0INli TED FQJl GOVERNOR.',' r, HISkSPEKUH 'ACOEPTINci fii'E NOMINATION'.' ' j.s i i : ai-: .;-, i'l j ' ' The toloi-rnplilc report to The lli;ti.n- tik y-'lot'duyf Crtnlrtlncil eo matiT errors . . ... til I. .l.f .(.',1 v -i W Hint wo ro-piiblis'n it this indrhlt corrocioa lyrni.j , Madihon, Auiiust 2.J. Ihn ddiiiooruUe stnto convention mrl hero to-day,, J-U' delotralW'beine proctit, out ol 200 U. niHo a full convention. f II. L. Paltncr, of Jlihvaukoo, wusclioscn Tircsitiont. loiiowing , IIESOI.UTIONH wcreadonlod'!' : ' " Tho renrMefitittives of tho demfcerhtfe tikrtv oi Wiecontin. in etnta 'convention Miombled, hcrpby J in. x uui wb iiuiiu wuii jiriui ui int; economical 'ndmfn'ntrnlion nnd tbo llthfted' 'amount of tttzation that prcVftlleif Irfl th'o. itaio unar uamocralic. rule, ns conCrmtcd' with tho onormoui taxation and proll iKttq oxpcnuituroi ot tno iucccouit;g ropu lieaTT itaio nuministrntion; arm timt mo cratic nartv. if restored to towur..v l6mo- 11 ob. hcrve 'th'e tnost Wgld ccorlomy and ruform In ovory department ot tno ttuto gdvorn ment. aiu IV I 2d. That tbo wiac restrictions ctiftctt-d in the 10th amendment to thq nniionil convention, reserving to tbo StiitM ripoc- tively, and to the people, allfpowcrJ now delegated to tlm United Stales, is oiin of tno strongest eaicguarus to popuinrlirco dom ; that tho acts of congress nnd tho fodOTar adtaioUlratlon .iwprpng 'piwon riot' ""delcgatwl," and tho corfstnnt broaking down of distinctions bctwodn tl.a powers of Statu government and thoso of tho general government, nro destructlvo to constitutional liberty, and thrcatcji.tbo overthrow of our existing form of govern ment; that we denounce, tho centralizing tondency of the general government) tho frcauent attempts of the ncents of tha fed-. oral administration to interfere in local-' political affairs. 3d. That wo aro In favor of a tnrifl' for revenue, only j that under tho pretext of raising n revenue, within the past ten years, tho national congress has established and continues that enormous robbery of tho masses for tho enrichment of tho few, known as the protective tariff system, which has swept our commerce from- tho seas and fettered nnd oppressed every ag ricultural pursuit, a system which the re publican party, In congros". perpetuates, and from which tho people" may bono for relief only through tbo restoration of dem ocratic, rulo. , . 4th. That, by corruption and proflcacy, the present administration hnvo Squand ered a largo portion of tho national (do main, and cnounous sums from tho national treasurv: that it is no answer to this com plaint that thoy have paid somo portion of ine national acbi, lor oy a wiso anu econo mical use ofc tbo immenso revenue, which if nnprocedontcd, a muebgrcator reduction in tbo debt would bavobcen accomplished. Biit'tbe" democratic party opposss oppres sive taxation for the mere sabo of a speedy payment of tbo dobt ; bolloving Unit, by wisdom and justico in' tho adjustment; of taxes, nnd economy in the expenditure, tho national debt may bo paid with sufficient rapidity, with but a light burden upon tho industry and resources of tho people, and that wo aroVjpposed to nil forms of na tional repudiation, cither of thu debt or tbo pensions nnd bounties duo tho soldiers. . 6th. That, as' the late umondments to tho constitution hnvo been decided, by tbo nroncrlv constituted authorities, to bo nart of tho fundamental law of tho land, they aro. binding upon tno peopio: Urn I too democratic party now, ns' In tho' pnlt, know no higher law than the constitution ; that tbo timo honored principles npplid by its framers and accepted by tho wisest statesmem and jurists of tho country, should bo observed in nil legislation by congress in regard to tho constitution nntl its amendments ; that the democratic party is opposed to tho withdrawal of civil or political rights from any cliiss of peo pio, and that wo donland tho removal of all political disqualifications. Cth. That tho' defalcations, embezzle ments and corruptions of tho national ad ministration, anu tho prostitution of legis lation to tho demands of unscrupulous lob- by ism and greedy monopoi).-u itfot nation, al scandal and disgrace, nnnost tlangorf ous blow to thopubllc credit, nnd nn intolerable outrngo on tho tnx-pnvcrs of the country. 7th. That, as tho representatives of n constitution-loving and law-abiding party) wo deprocato -,and , donpunco overy out-! broak of lawlessness mid violcnccy whether! committed at tho north or south, and that; ,th acts -of congres9vhicbnuthorlzo'tho) employment", of tliostandjng army to gar rison tbo places wliord elections aro to bo hold, nnd to constitute, ft local polico in tho states, and which empower tlio otlicors of . the federal administration to intorposoiull-1 Itary forco for tlio'purnoso of ovorawing political conventions of tho people, nro subvdrslv6 6f 'fr'c'o "government nnd n per potual monnco to public liborty, 8tb'. 'Tbatiwiillo tho pcoplo'oi this coun try hope to extend tho blessings of our form of covemmcnt bvor tho cntlro conti nent, the course pumiod by tho national administration in its efforts to annex Han Domingo was an unjustifiable, usurpation, and a wicked aitompt, and was for tha un worthy purposes of personal gain. ,9. That whllo It is a stato duty to fostor all. proper public Improvements of tho rlv ors" within our bordors, that tho character of tho-improTomonts begun nnd prbJoctoiV ,on"tho'Fox and "Wisconsin rivers, jind, the boncfits to bo' dorlvod. therefrom, nro sucli ii-jijiulloniil 'eohcornpwhich'Bhounr bo porslstontly prossod upon tho attention of thogonornl govorntnent;' "WriETiKAB, Ilollovlng Uint 119 past hab its of associAtlon (aqd' partisan utlilintlnii should prov'c'nt thocltizons of a fruo coun try from co-oporating togotliur for tho sue coss of principles tbnt nro necessary for itho publlo'safoty and vital to tho causo q( good government, therefore, , , . ' liesolved, That wo comiiiond tno princi ples horolii announced th, tlm calm and candid Judgmont of lite' pboplo" of nl pur tics in ilto itateyiind wo sollclt in (hefr b- .lor IlifOtl ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, AUGUST hnlf nnd fur tho findidiilci 'norntnatod upon tho prntfond: tlifr support nnd uf 'frgo of nil our henklpduutrlottc folio w cltizen. . ' ' ' 'a 'x' - itit. Tirjdi.iTTrrt.tii.E'cii, .Ifimes II. DoblitUo wm- notntnntcd for covcrnor by U'J but or 14 votcl. Hu ac wjited It In a ciirofulfy proprtrod ipeocli, hoping ho might doouif;ilnt! Id Bttvocon JtltUtlonftl libn'rtv. anil, rornibllciiri institu tions, in stlbUrthco us,,voll rts.Jn nmne. llo bnclly rovictTtdllio hffiff. of tho country Mnco.tho tiopenl ,n( ilid ,UiBoUrl coinpro tnlBc, rind tlt war omnpplpati)nproclHtna lion and Uip.lCtli. iitiiomlmciil itbolisbliiK slavery, wiicii ;i'J iuhv iiu clnitua UtM Lincoln anu. Johnion touht rbcdnstrifiittdn, tho progervftliou of rights bf Statci; but spiral, of .oyil woro unloos Vficd, '0,11,3 ttiircgnrdiui; Jo.ithf, pledget ftrid llio cotutilutip,ntlt)io radicnh forced n ' plan of Vcoontrj!pHcn outjido tho;coii4tit)ifion by,mjlltft-y.dcspotiiiu nnd groM tiJur'pntto'n Thp;court was Tccon-siruitid, to at not W interfero tritlt tho, rbvoJUtipnary nntl cruel op-. prcMlon.of'.ttjo Into imUrroctioniifv itntdj. iiarcgnry.;a,tii(i rourtcnlli niul lifteonth Ihbro pwting COlIrt tlliH lliev. Wura VliirSntdic haw luiimniiiinnu ii ml iL!ifrifi 'Uicur quttljoU o. wJi.pli hu regiirjdd int., ,trol tM elcctiotii,. wliloii would be rppitg- li.-mt to tiptfe'niocrjitV' Nrgro free loin and 1 ."'"a" "V.u .iuujiiriieuvu IUUH apti could not bo undutio,, nor lid ho la-liovo i-iis ui'iiiocrncL iicrirtxt in tin su. A general nmnestv suns to rustoro char. ftctftT nnd mtellionco, lo a voico' I it Qitti cnt afl'tiri, tV(is. tho rom'tdy domnnded. Tho grealcs liiua of llio day .was thu resto ration of tb'jgpv'wnmri)t ,to .tho, basis of our futhor.,,,!igaitisl,.lhe ruiliiiftlgniaitluit,, the states' Jind ,tio rigliU tblit ihui attlhorlty'VA bouifd to rpspoct., .Hil cloittd vltlt an cttrncst appeal to nil lovers of their' country to diimlvs burled Issuea.and rally to trio salvstjorijdr republican luslillitiuns., . oTii;:n xpmtnationW J ilr. John A.s Uicoiwas nomlnntil lieu-tcnnnt-go,vornoii; Milton Montgomery sccreUry of stato.; Urton Klaus, tronknrer; pJwanlS. llragg, .attorney general;' L.K. JoiinSon, strito. -prisotii coiOmllondr. X. ii. Parker, 6uneri;ilorolcnt -of- public in struction, nntl- JiicuV .U. Odcn; eofnmit- WASHINGTON, ' - - SUBSCRIPTIONS ' TO TH E LOAN. NEW NON-ARRIVAL OF THE PRESI DENT; " N ashi.voton, D. C, August 21. Tho ""'"j ui inu iri'.tsury department ro- commends in a letter to tho secretary of ciuic, unscu upon an ouiciat despatch, trom jiuiiswir low, iiiaiitiero i. no interven tiOn bv tho ITnitOf! fttnfn !ii '1t rnmifrtnt. tbo light houses on tbo const of China, bu being of the opinion that tho Chinese gov ernment will, in time, fulfil its obligations 5n this respect. Tho daily Chroniclo oillco was seren aded last cTcning by tbo grand artnv of tho republic to indicato Uioir upprovnl of tbo courso that paper has taken in favor of removing political oppdnonls front tho departments, und appointing union sol diors to fill their places. .From ono to two thousand persons-were present. DisArroiNTni). The non arrival of tho president bora to-uay nas utsappointcd many who seemed nnxious to sco him. prncnn' r amcnuriKnit unialrly ntlpptOU. bllt wyo,on.fy turrjo poiihlaytyi of u I, r The subscriptions to tlio now loan, mado I for somo timo nt Frankfort, will bo trnus direct to tlio treasury, up to noon, amount- ferrf d to Versailles. eu to ?AtJ!,uuo, in addition to .lav Cooko & Co., who report receipts to tby'nmount of nbout 57,000,000. IVTEP.. Tito acting secretary of the interior will grnnt ten day's leavo of nbsenco in addi tion to the usual leavo of absenco of ona month to each Ponnsylvanian in tlio de ,part.ncnt. who wish tuattvnd tho coming election in that stato, provided such addi tional leavo is ticcestary to cnablo them to vote. .Subscriptions tc-day to tho now loan nmount to $ll, It is anticipated tho bnlnnco of thu loan will bo closod itnmcdi ntclyfund thosubscriptious bo tiled in or. dor thai tho reception ot'thoso in excess of S50.000.000 bo resorved for snlo to tlio na tional banks will bo roturncd. wKATimrt ni:i"oitT. Tlio area of high baromotur, which was AVedncday nftcrnoon in Now Jing lntid, has oxtended Southward with in creasing pressure, nnd is now off Cnpu iiatiunM. ooutu anu soutncnstcriy wintis liavo been very gonorully reported dur ing tho day from South Carolina to .Maino, with cloiuiy and variable woatber. Local rains' hnvo been roportetl from Now-York. Itain fell last night at most of tho stations nortlKMSt or lioorgin.. Smoko nnd Ihiko still conliiiuo from Mlclilgan to Now York. .Littlo.showors vere'rep'ortctl lat niglit from tlio lower lakes. Cloudinen has increased ,vory generully In Jlississip pi and tlio Ohio valley, nnd a sevoro local storm Is now reported from Southeni Illi nois. . t VlWAJIIUTIlK" ' Tho barometer wll probably continuo to fall along tho Atlantic coast with rising tcnipcraturo .and . .light- Houtb-wt-slerly winds from Vtrglnia to Now Hnglnnd. Tlio conditions uro favurahlo for local storms ovor this small ar,ca to-night nnd Friday. TI16 baromotnr will continuo higli ,wltli clear anil pleasant woathor on tho upper lakes. A cyclono is probably ndvnnclng north-westward and upon southern Florailn,,, , . l ' -ri STRUCK ,DV LTGUTNIXH. ,J'KIKi ..JNi 3"ho. rusUluticii. of Alfred King; mityor of Krfo, 'Vas struck bv light nine this morning, touring 11 largo portion of tho roof to atoms, nntl splitting chim ney from top- to'boUonf. BASK HAM, j AT imiT.U.0 I Huri'Ai.o, Aug. -21 Tlio Ilnyinnltors flolenled tl;o( Nlugarii club of thU city' to-day; Hy n scorn of fortytonu to ton, " 25, 1871. FOREIGN. IN SOUTHERN GARY'. MISERY HUN. ONE-TIITRI) OF THE COUNTRY FLOODED. MEETING' OF THE DUBLIN AM NESTY ASSOCIATION. PEARS OP TROUBLE IN PARIS. THIRTY PERSONS KILLED BY LIGHTNING. KNGLAND. Lo.vnov, Aug. 21. Foarful misory pre vails in .Southern Hungary. One-third of tho country is undor water. In conscrpttneo of bad administration tho dams wero suffor'dd to fall Into ruin, nnd thus flooded extensive tracts of land which wero reclaimed dtirlnt? tbo re! in nf -Maria Thorcsa nnd mndo fruitful with grain-Holds, hnvo gono lo waste. Added to this aro tho unusual storms of this cnon', and the exccsslvq severity of tho tho government in collecting arrcar taxes. Vinovards, grain-fields, and trcts oven, havo been stripped of their leaves. Tho gov ernment Is seizing for taxes tho calllo of tho peasants. Somo villages owo an amount of arrears greater than tho valuo of their wnoio proporty. Agriculture, tra-Jo and Industry nru gcnorally ruined nnd fnmlno is unpenning. Tho Times special from I'arls stntcs.tbat tho rpiestlbn ot tho assembly Is causing ex citement, ntid Unit grave' consequences aro possible. THE AMKK8TV ASSOCIATION1 of Dublin will bold a moetinir nt l'tmnli park, on September 3d, to petition tho 'lueun tor too liberation 01 political pris oners. THE LIVONIA. C'ommodoro Ashbury's yacht. Livonia, starts on tho 31stof Augustfor New-York. A STK1KK by 1,500 workman has occttrrod at Lo.1ds. Thcro Is considerable oxcitnment ovor tbo election of a member of parliament to tako tho placo of Chas. Uuxton. Tho Uritisli commissioner of tho "Wash ington treaty sails on Ssptcmbcr 3d, ac companied by tho eldest son of Stallbrd Lothior as sccrotrry. AliltlVED. Tho stoamshtp Larifn arrived nt Queens town yestcrduy. I'RAXOK. VKIIS.VILLC, Aug. 21. 11111 nf (lainbet ta, now under consideration of union donu- ties in assembly, proposes tbo dissolution J " I J' - VJ'U. -J 4 lilJ.UIIIklUll of tho nntional tissombly. on tho ground tuai us uisctissions proveu iruittcss. I'akih, Augut lit. La France say s that nn understanding lias been reached be tween tho committee of tho assembly nnd tho government, respecting tho dissolution of tho Nntionnl Gunrds, nnd that a discus sion on tho subject, in tho n'sembly, nnd a conflict over tbo disarmament, uro both improbable. It was rumored on tho llourso, this uf tcrnoon, that an attompthad been mado to nssnssinnto Kine Amadus of Snain. nnd it was ndded that tho king received no injury. iiio report neous continuation. In tho trial of Assl bofuro thocourt mar tial to-day, his counsel boldly charged tho Versailles troops with using petroleum shells during tho seigo of Paris. Thocourt promptly silenced tho nccusers nnd pronounced tho assertion ns infamous. It is reported that tho negotiations bo-i-ecn Franco nnd (Jcrmniiy, In reenrd lo tw tho evacuation of French territory oy the German trOOIlS. which hns been parrii'd nn TllUSSIA. Dbiilik, August 24. Tho .oituug to day catogorically denies tho reports of an unfuvorublo turn to tlio negotiations at Gastien, nnd that a coolness has sprung up between tbo emporors of Germany anil A tistrii. Somo journal says that no special ar rangements wero intended to bo mado at Gastien. HOME. KILLED II V I.I0.1ITNINO. ItOME. AuiTUSt 21. In Hoi nr!lil. Tinlt- n church was struck by lightning nnd thirty two persons killed or injured. NEW JJItUNSWICK. Sr. Joii.vh. Atirii3t 21 Tlio Tyno crow nay that Kcnforth should not tiavo roweu, ns I10 was subject to Minting ilia under n stato of oxcitomcnt. Tho progrmmo is disnrrangod for tho presont, nnd no lurtlior enterics havo been mndo. Fifty special polico havo boon sworn In In anticapation of thonrrivnl of suspicion character?.. Tlioro must havo been from fifteen to twenty thousand spectators present. Whon llenforth droppod his oar, both crows paused n moment, and tho Tyno itirneii, iiuiKiiig lor snore. Kcuiortli ral lied for few moments after ho reuchod Ii is hotel, nnd was able to speak. Violent twin, however, ensued with discharges of blond ami mucus matter from his mouth, und scvoru purging. Tho symptom ol his diseusq point tu tho operations of drugs, but nosuspecions nro nttnehed to tho St. John's crew. Tlio coroners will mako 11 thorough in visitlgatiim. Tlio principal winners nro tlio American backurs, nnd tho Tyno crow nnd por. sons from tho enst nro tbo chief losors. ST. LOUIS. MEETING OF EX-CON FEDER ATE SOLDIERS. St. Louis, August 2-1. Tho Kupublicnn has a dispatch from Iluntsvillo, -Mo., sav ing that about 1,209 ox-confodorates us sciiibled nt tho Itoanoku fair grounds to dny. General Shelby, Col. Sbtbaek and dipt. Collins wero called out nnd mndo speeches. The utmost good feeling pre vailed, nnd politics wero not ulluded to. Among tho resolutions passed was 0110 Unit declared It was tho duly nf all to turn their backs upon tho pilot mid grasp man fully tho duty and responsibilities of tho liituro. APPLICATION KOIl AN IXJUNITION. An application nas mado implication nas mado to Judoo Dudley, of tho circuit court, tu-day, by Judge Clover, counsul, for tlio comnanv. for art 'Injunction to mttaln tlm salu of tho North Missouri railroad, undor thu ftiruelosurq of tho iwuml murtgugo bonds, advertised to take' plttcy oil thq 2litlt lust. BULLETIN BUILDING, YASHINGT0N AV. NEW YORK, Nrw YortK, Angust 21. Direct Intolll gonco, by steamer, from San Domingo, reports country tranquil. No disturbance 1"VnLn'! occur'l Ineo tho rout of Cabral. Tho financial situation of San Juan was roliovcd by tho report of tho proceedings of tho United States toward San Domingo, and tho friendly tono ef tbo roport of tho United States commissioners, which bolng circulated through tho country, was pleas Ing lo tho pooplc. Jiaoz was propnring to colobrato tho nniilvorsaryof tho Dominican victory over tho Spaniards. Kxnlanntlon has boon demanded ns to tho courso of President Sagot In permlt- tln- f I 1 ..... I .!! -.'.! .ing v.nunu Miusa xuiiiiiiit:iiii iruiuinrs. Sugar and tobacco crops aro both largo. Tho Tribuno publishes additional .charges iigainst tho mismanagement of quarantine under Health OlCcor Car noclian, saying that transactions during tho period of four months show that somo of tho principal merchants wero compelled, under tho regulations of Dr. Carnochan, to lighten their goods unnccossarily In the lighters of a company, whiolt paid him a bribo of $ 10,000 fur tbo pri vilego of charg ing throe prices for tho work: consequent ly, two-third of tho amount In ovory rase, and all In many cases, is deliberate steal ing. Tho sale of tbo elevated railway has been crdored by tbo court, to tako placo on tho 1 6th or Soptcriibor, to satisfy its creditors. It Is expected that the amount rccelvod for it will not exceed tho valuo of the material. Tho Tribune is dissntisfiod with tho preposition of tho mayor for tho investi gation of tbo city accounts by a select com mittee, and thinks tho investigation can bo. mado by tlio pcoplo when tlio accounts nro published. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW ORLEANS. New Oulkans, August 21. FLOUR Drooping, SI.O'JJj XX, f5.C2J; XXX, $G. CORN Unchanged. OATS Finn nt 4tin00c. HAY Dull; choice, $32. UKAN Quiet at $1.07J. PORK Held nt $14 ; buyers tiering S13.75. UACON Nominnl, C ju7 ; rib, 7 j; sides, 8Jc. LAUD Unchnugcd. WHISKY Dull; ordinary, i)2l; choice, 07ca$l. SUGAli, .MOLASSES it COFFEE I Unchanged. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, Aug. 21. FLOUR In cood demnnd: family. t5.50a5.7G. WHEAT Firm nt SU-tnUG. COHN Scarco and firm at 62c. 11 YE Opened dull and sold nt C5c for No. I ; but a bettor demand nrosc, nnd prices advanced. Sales at C8c. COTTON In good demand, nnd prices advanced to 18J. WHISKY Stoady nt 89c. PROVISIONS Firmer, and holdors nsk higher prices generally. MESS POUR Held nt $12 75. LAUD 'Jc. UACON Hold i hitiher. IlUTTElt & CHEESE Unchanged mill quiet. NEW YORK. New YoitK, Auiust 24. GOLD Dull, at 112c, but cliquo mako shorts pay J to 1 per cent, por day. Mo ney more nimminnt, being freely oilered at 91 nn. nnnl " j r,u- vvm.. -MILWAUKEE. Milwaukee, August, 21. FLOUR-Unchatigcd. WHEAT Firmer at fl.lOJ for No. 2. SI ITCH M. INI'.O VS. AVOID QUACKS. A Victim of early indiscrotion, raining nervous debility, prematura decoj, etc., hiiving tried In vain try advertised remedy, has discovered a Klmple mean of self.cure, which ha will send Ireu to hU fcllon-suirercrs. J. II.Ufku, No. 71 Van iau street, New-Vorlt. nugltwly ST. LOUIS LAW SCHOOL. 'I'lll- regular nnniml lermofthn Law School jl win upen nn, uotnbor Uth, Ik.I r u I course, two term. .iv nn,.tli. n.nt. c,.. ilenlsiiilmlltod tothuBenlorcla-oncxniiiln:itlon by application on or beAjro October 7th, 1S71. V.sV.V". r,L"0 " w l"r '"""" '"or particulars Q-. STEWART, -h.mij iomt 01 j.atv j-acuity, 203 NORTH :trJ St., ST. LOUIS, MO, ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY. Tlio Forty-Third Atnuuil Session of tho ST. XiOTJIS TJZSri -V IE -R, S I T IT Will open on Monday ftepl. Illi, '71 This lit tlio only Institrlion of I.earnlds ill llm west, having beeueatHlilished in l.".i. Thueuiiriu ot siiuiiei ii-r everv l.icinty ror iu'iiurlig a thoruiigh I'Usmcul and Cniiiiiierulul t'lliieation, C.ttnlogiieM containing Instruction to unreal luidfitl particulars, will l o sent nn nidlli'Atioii to lliv Ml. HTUNTIillKCU.H, J. I'lt'Hi.lent, W. I.otil University, MISSOURI lEDICAL COLLEGE. riMIKnext regular eiurso of lectureH in thN, I. llio i'iusi .lieuieiii iMiegti west ui inn .1114.11NH .I river, will eoniiu. nee on ihn'.ith ot iMobor, li;i, itnaconiiiiiiti ior live iiinniiii. A prelimin ary courso Mill commence on thu lstli of riepieiu- ber. The cost of a full eourso of leoture 111 Ihn In klllulion, inelticllng Miiitrlculiition and leinou-' stntlioiifeeH, i SliU' l'ni''lil oner of long standing vt III bo mliiiitted 10 cimdlilitov for nrndilutluii by attemhtig into courso. for further p-trtli'iilursa lilre. JOHN ri. MOOItH, M. II., lenn ol IVnlty, Vo.wi Vlpiitrt.,rl, Louis, Mo. WOOD! WOOD I! WOOD!!! Tha undersigned will furnish 1 1 All!) AND DRY WOOD Ah t'Uertt, II" not 1'lienper llun iiny wood denier In Calm, Leave orders on the Hlaies nt' tho 1'ostollleo ittiJ at Iloss' coal JW, tin Commercial avenue, between Teulh and ...i-tiwt p,i,'v.s, Ui.lIU, llliouts. I gITU gOO iviwastirtvaitd will ford the wood up If desired. iiuUUMf IlKNNmtlALBT. nnt'ON. PAUL O. SCIIUH, DBU G-GrlST, it 1: h o v 1: ii. NO. 108 COMMERCIAL AVENUE, Wlilllnkrr'N Olil Miami, Orrosnr. Athkneuh, . . Caiho, III. Pays partlctiUr attention to filling ill physician and family prescriptions. tm ov iusd ALL PATENT MEDICINES worth having. Agent for HKENN FEVER TONIC, Vfarrantod tho best Kover Killer known In this climate. . NO CURE MONEY REFUNDED. also, IfAMII.TO.V&l BUCIIU AND DANDELION, An excellent remedy In all diseases of the Kid- irji, i-ijuaiij, ns poou or belter than UemlwM's. and lor less money. Also agist roa IliimiiUrey'ii Uomeopbatlsle Spcclflca. Illi- well selected stock of I'nacy tlooils, Of every description cannot be surpassed by any estab lishment ot the kind in tho city. WATCHMAKER. lUlAUTICAL WATCHMAKER. II. HOUPT, 150 WASHINGTON AVENUE, NO, CA1KO, ILLINOIS, Hna on hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. Particular attention given to REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. Tho largest stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES ! Till C1TV, HOAT NTORES. SAM WILSON, UliLU IN BOAT STORES OROOKItlES, PROVISIONS, ETC., Ko. 110 Ohio Lkvek, i i : : : : Cairo, III. ORDIKS PUOUrTLT VILIID.' G. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Xu. 70 Olilu Levee, C A I It O, ILLINOIS. ""v?,1"'01''1 f"el""" B'wn to CoMlgnment nd tilling orders. COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL t COKPAKTY. U prepared to supply cuitomoii will, tlio best tiia)ity of PITTSRURt AND ILLINOIS OOAXi. Uhwrle tltitel, will recevs prompt atU&tlonu XURTUU ''MONTAUKfiualaloi. side steamers at any hour. ; tattl