Newspaper Page Text
IIOOHiAND'H. To Debilitated Personal To Dyspeptics I To HuMcrcm from Liver Com plaint) To those having no Appitilol To thoo with llrokcn forth Constitutions) Nerrotii People ! To Children Wasting Away t Toiinywlth Debilitated Dlgestlfo Organs I yorMurriBniifMr fJtroiiowi Which IndlatTDia"tisBu I.u r.a or Stouaui t -' ' jll'rinchasCon slipatiou, luwaril . Piles, , Fulness or rilobdtotho Iliad, Acid ity of tlm Stomach, Nsllicn, ll..rtliiirn. I )isin. L fur f 'nml . I, nt I. U I f,-WjWllit!i Uii'MlnclUiur lA " t'.linllnllnn. dllillntf or I'lllll rlnn t. I I I. A I'll of tlie Hlnniach. Hlrntnltnr of tlm Head. Hurried or Dilllcult breathing. Fluttering nt tlin lloert'OhoMngnrBiinocslIhgWrtsAtiotii. whn In n Lying rosiurc, imnncsa oi vision, lints or WtW oeiere-tiie rtigni, reveranu mm rain In the Head, Detlciencr of I'crsplrntlpu, Yellowness of the Skin ami Eves, 1'nfn In th Side, flack Choi, l.ltnbt, Mn.t Sudden Flushes of lllul, Iltirntng In thn Flesh, Con- slant Imaginings of Evil, nmi Ureal Depression oi , Spirits, HOOFLAND.'S GERMAN BITTERS A UitUrt without, Alcohol or Siririts ol anykmtl, , .1 f H iJltlorent from .all othem It la composed of JL-lliv pure Juices, or Vital I'rinclpln oi imois, liernnana usras, lor, rui meun iiany iv.mru, i,' IrAcUi) the wrtrthli-n fir Inert tinrflorts of the lu ereilltnts riot bflnir used. Tbnrirfoin. Inonr bob lie of thin nilU-rn there In .contained ae much Intxllcinar Tlrtllo ft Vrl I bo loiLud III teleral gal. lona or ordlnarr mlnnr.. The rntim. etc.. u.ed in mis timers are grown lu iieriuany, witir vital priiiclidea.eAtraaUii la 'that country by n scien- line Utitmlsl. aud furward4 to Urn mnulvtrr uif- ittfitiiMi nr. ..i.tfiirttt. inarMi null luera is lire iroro me omuciions urgen bgiimi T UUI a WH llt 1., 1 A HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC WI'ttTDlITOUHIlP'l Kir Wlltj law lll.lllini J b bollleoi inn iootu comnm. dim mm m IT W n, I flavnrml In mtirtx ft. rtmnntr ItlRI IliP ex 'nni la ii Mi tkr ikfj-ii. unicn innnv iwrKini hlnfe Ini TiltrTi. Tfldl vntlkl tftUe nUl L'firii (If 4 II UIVII SCtMillll mi UIIWM T?TTT A XT DIM1 'P 17 IC . XJXVUXXXl JJJLXXiJillJi nOOFIiAXfl'H QEEMA1T TOISriC; I M IK I. AN IIS I'll I III I'll Y lI,! N lMIL, WILL CUJtK YOU. Ilicy are the Oroiilent IIIoimI I'urlll- er Hnunu lite mvuivai wona. wi.i era'iiciiii; uipiNrs arning irom impure mochi, ix-niiny oi wit DixentlTeOrsan, or Ilmeaid I.iier, In a thorler llmo than any otlitrfcuown rem. edits. i WiJUie Duprpiun Vrfiuii 1 I ruii"jiTaiB nrm I vninasi anil . I run ir p r uiiimun t ' tie or the Htinrvme uonn or ienniviT&nii. i VVPVUk II CP UCr Ul WUKICN 41 UUi ICUUItlllf Ph hv e Dh a. March 18. W. Iftad Iloofland'a (Icrman UltUraliacood tonic. rat benefit In ranes of dcbilltr and want of rrout action In the nyrtem. 1 otiri, imir. OKOIIOK W. WOODWAltl). I'liiimie i tuna. April .9. iui. contlder Iloonand'x German Ilittera n t alua uieilloiuo lncaie of atu.ka of Indici ttlon or lUfaiA. I VRU WIMII IIIB IIT VAI co oi u. louri, vrun renpeci. JAMES TIIOJIPaON. n. fleorfre Hhamwoon. Juiliccof the butireme ounoi rennijiTania: Uhll..lBnWI. TnHnl IIUVl bare found hy exiwrienvc that ilootland'a peplio eympioinj aimox uirrcuy. , 1 OKUItUK BHARSWOOD. ruire uwu litonsnnn Herman itinera nou tone and vigor to the ivitem. Tbelr usu has m produotlTo of decidedly bene nciai ene-iB, r WM. K. lion Kltt. n. Jamei M. Wood, rx.)Iyerol Wllliamnport . take crest pleanure In rccommondinK Hoof d' (lorman Tonic to anr one who may Leaf led Willi Dyiepin. 1 liwl the Uyapepsla so Hy It ai Imjioaaltle to keoii any food on my inach.undl U'Cnuieeo vioaK tunol to heahle walk half a mile. Two bottles of Tonlo ef. ted a iwrfect cure. JAMES tl, WOOD. Uaneiuber that lloofland'a aerman Hitters, I liootlfuia uerman ionic, will euro very em lJOIJY. are the medicines you require to purify the ou, excite i e torpin l.ivt r in neaiiny nuuon, to ename you to pass Haieir llirouuii uuy USIlipS SUU UAfVVUrO. K. HOOn,AM'N i . ' i . U JJ U Jr'- XX X Ji JLi X JN MOr auldtlliiUi U'T M.roury Pillf. O PILLS A DOSK.. Tho most jioweriiil, y innocent, veeinuie vuiniiriiu hiimui ) itjiot nteewiary to ttke'a lundtiil oi tl'ieie lulcklr and tiowOrfully, cleansing thu Liver, aacb and Bowels, of nil Impurities, The ill VIUUUVO lue IWPIIlvi riivu., . l.vvi niriu o,EUact of Mandrake, which (a by many Xandrak liself. Its peculiar rnvtiou inupoa Mrw, Cleaning ii upeeuiiy irmn u umion. imith nil Ilia tin.,., nf ntiirioirv. v.t free . . i,..i . i, .... i f. .,i. ... I i hat mineral. ' . .. I . -II J . . . - I .. l.t.l. L. .... .n..ll,n..1n a iiuu imia win acii .'iiiiid rnnomv inayoryoasa. They JSKVKll l'AIL. caau. u uitvl vu,i,iiinjui, S'lspeunia, uuu n.rrnn,n .linol.l tun ll.l.l In .nM..,llnn I.III1' Pills. Thotonloeltectof the Hitter., or Tonlo, l un lit tvaieiu. llie itinera, or 'i on u. tin. is tho blood, ;sretgtlieo tho ucrvtw,, reg. ep yoiir Bovrola acllvo with tlio Pills, nnd d mo araioiu win, siuioi w ivuiu.eou iseasetan retain tlio noin.or even assau you. Ulievs ilia. .i iiuui'-uii p .,,,iiwi. wcM,. ,1.1 , An, ,lr. nA, .H.uf ll,A .Irnn..,!. I uca you to uuttt uuiuiiuk risa iiioi. nuy qar nit M good, Because no mogea a larger proui, locality Jipon applitatlon tothO 1'niNCIl'AI) IOK. at 11)0 UfiltA siauiuien AKtU HTREET, PUHjADKLPIUA (MAN MKUIC1NK STQUEj PIIUjADKLPIUA.- In ' V C1.WVA5S. rrfjprtetoirj ' ohncr.'y M. Ji-cusoa & uo, i.....nn.. il.. . for sale by DrugaUt clue DealmeTcrywiier unviiouiviiiiia tekedei, and Me THE BULLETIN, mitiliennon "nice, llnllrlln Ilulldlnir. . . . - ' A CIIILD'H I.KTTr.It, fit llln l.nllln 1 ,,f ltr ortli, o I'rcnch cfiptalti wai notldod, who ..siu iiKimy in in nnnd nn nnan lu.P mtfnts. Ono of tlio 1'ruMlnn toUUth took ah thla letter. Hoiont It M r caribsltVlfrom lh baltlo-flold to. hit paronu wh IfyediatUiai uxircino cnu Of Uermnnf. ...! It Wore mtfch' flffbaCwl liv tin .InJnln ., afl'cctlonaU itvlo of 'tho letter: I Tl"wai rittoa by a good ltttlu a Fre'rTcH feffl ' to" ir iHihor, ami run thua: ' ' mi. ".My Dkau Pai. away 1 Imvo never left off to you. I ntn terv lorrv'tW T pnfinf ertn r's ( i anil . ----- W V HV IIIU UIIU niorco you every now tnornlng Hut I tioKj tlm Lord will prworvo ytmt-1 licalth, so mat .you way upon couthorrle,knd Jtlaa your detr Httlh lrl nCaln. t,.tr,to,te. very good, n,J help mx(ia that abo 'may bear vour alen,Ti a Hut V,,.)i- na..JTi . -- w . . V. I . VIlfLMI- by, my dar pupa, I kin you VJry afl'oc llotlfttqly. ... j "Hie nttiofclrj wlig loves y)U, . MAnoXiiKfV' r-- - j COlri('LS0kY KUP(JAT.tO.l Tho'Xuw Hntiiinlilrrt LcLrlilinro! act approved on tliu l4tli, ulu, tinividd yiUyuto compel chjltlrch. itf nltcnd icUool. 't Kvurv tiacctil. or rinnhh V.. l,.rn jtarentts, it to iutid hUolilIdiernt' ttwoorl uiKiunnu lourigcn to ,eomo puqlic licliool withiri two mllfiof rei!donco,foN twclva VYoolce daoh ywtrilx wdtiki at .Jastlto Lo; concoatiYe, unlci.l Ducb child W "Ifcifruc ted "or tho tliiioaontioned ath'ornl) or in lonm nrivntQicbDul In tin,), In the jitjblig acJiooN or in mora adianuud studies; A hy' Violation of tbia riuM. mom ts.'puiilMiable byn fltlf of $10 lot tho llrM, andRlO for thnsnoriml iiiJlM.n. lubioqucht otrento, aud on - Jiotlfco !o th'o i Inn..! I I.. ,...t '"i waiuui iMinru irom any la I (payer tbnt such oflonco h'ai been cdpimitlidf tb ,cr',,t0 ''"Htutu suit thoreon, Wor' ol 20for each neglect. , ' HPK0IA1. NOTI0E5. T.'''r 'XtH!,',h I'l'"J,oihnasrirriW'ut.D I crleclly Harmle,., KiiliaU. em! Instrmoteoa. plevisnt Odor The jrentlW VT. A. ,nhelor'a SiV' v? I"1''1M1DITBI.T a Kplendld eirr.. """fo. w noil Biain in r.7i V. ' ir wean, hofl nad U alltl fill, riu only JJafe and l-Hifedi 'Dyi. a r,hl by all ilruHt tifli y, 111 Bond dtreit ewlojrV. iauldniwt COKSUMFWO. , ITSCintE AND I Trf-l'Jt B V KK T I V E m DR. ;Jj, SUn.ENOK.rM. D. U&nV ft It n man VlftlMrr t.lliiblaa!af..u... 1t.itbert raji nu oiXwr hhiion tfrtn the nftarttt nringwnandlndlipuUblTtiroTenmeaniof ctre. Dlt. JOftEl'U II. HCIIEXCK'H MIMI'I.R TUE.ITJIE.NT, and aralled thcrotclret of hit irnMert QUrofflca- rll.'l' E.rUol?et "t" r""M not aae WleST J)r. ridientk has In Ills uaa uii pruTed to at "hcruTlir vllttlli. n.n..i.' .... ' ;..T' Itr. t;r his medicines and his dtrmiona for their UM-.tifjulckcnud Into healiliful lnor. In tills sutement thero Is nothlnir preinmru tuuus. To tho faith of tho InralM is made do representation lhat Is not a thousand times suh. JUhtliUM br lllnu and risible works. Tbo theory or tho euro by lr. bchenek'a aedlclia.'s Uiisslmplo asltltonfalllnr. Its philosophy ru qulres no urgumcnt. It It sclf-usiurlna, Blf4)on Tlnclnf. Till) TAtll. FA l.n4H)..IMII.....fc. Crst two wiupuns with which tho citadel of Us malady It asulled. Two thirds of the cases of rimsumptlon orlKlnato In drsoeDsla and a I unc tloually dla.irderet lcr. Nvitfi this cundltlim the brunchlal tubes "srmpatblte" with tho storaacli. They respond to the morblne actlun i.r the lifer. Hero then eomei tlio culmluatluir fiT.yniTwMot'"''1 lD'"Ua --"Wets- CONSUMPTION. The Uandrake Pills aro composed of one of M.t. lure's noblest iilfu-the l'udophlllum I'ellatum. 'I hey rsseaj all the Mnnd-eenrchlmr. alteratlro .roprlles of calomel, but. unlike aUutuel, they " LEAVE NO HTINO UEUI.ND." The WOrknf cure Is nctw hMlnnl.. Th -iii. ted and maajui MiTui.tti in ih. Iuib.i. . n . l . alimentary canal aro ejscud. Tho liter, like a clock, It wound np. It arouses fnim 1U torpid Itr. 'Ihe stomach acts respontlrely, and the puUcnt begins to feel that he Is gelling, ailait. A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The RAA.WMW1 Tnnll In MnlnnMlnH MU .... Puis, lierrauates and assimilates wlUl tba food. Lbjliacallun It now progrcsslnx without Its pre vious Uirturcs. Illgcstlun becomes palnleis.and me core is seen to bo at hand. Thero Is do morn natulenee, no eiacerbutlua uf the atomacn. Aa appeUte seu In. S on comes tho irrealest Dlood ParlSer erer yet glsen bran Indulgent father to suffering man. hchenck's 1'almonTe Prruucumes In lo i-rfi.rm Us functions and to hasten and eomufutn ih cure. It enters at oneo upon Its work. Natura enn not bo cheated. It collects and rlums tho impaired ana aiaeated pertlutis of tho lugs. In tho form of nreharo. ihrnn f,,r cxictoratlon, and In) lu a,rery short time tho maladr Is ranaulshed. the rotten thronn ih.t it uccupied It rcnorated and mado new, and the iui.'iii,iii an mvuiauiir or regained rigor, tie ts forth to enloy tbo manhood or womanhood that was GIVEN UP AH LOST, - The second thing It, tho patients mutt stay in a varm room Lntll thpr c.t wnll t it I. iWi.i im. Ixitslble to prercnl taking cold when the lungs aro diseased, hut It must be nrerentpd OF A iii rn can not bo effected. Fresh air and rldlm 1lni out cspcclallr In this ruction of tho country, in tho fall nnd winter season, aro ul) wrong, l'hjsl. clans who recuramond that eourso lose their pa. ..v.... iiivii luiip. ui u uauij uiseaitlU 1 SUIU yet. tit down quiet i they must walk about the room ii uimju onu niin.ini imp sirengin will eel up n guod circulation of bl inuit keep In good splrltt-bo detormino! ood. 1 Tho natlenta en in cood spirits bo to at.t well. This lias a great deal to do with tho unue. tile, and Is the great point to iruln. 'in despair or euro uftcr such erldonca of Its possibility In tho worst cases, and moral car. ialnty In all others. Is sinful. Dr. Hchenck'a per. tonal tutemcnl to tho Faculty of bit own euro n... Ill II1VDU Ulvnil'll WIJIUII '31anr rears airo 1 was in Ihn Is.t .tn... nf consumption i conflned to my bed, and at ono lime my uhyslelans thought that 1 could not llro a weeki tneo.llko a drowning man catohlng at "If "!. 'ICRri "' an1 obtalnod tho preparations Which 1 now Offer to thn nuhtli anil thaw mul.. a perfect cure of mo. It seemed to me that I rnuio icei tnem uenctraio nr wholo system. They tiwn ripened tho znatterln taylungt.and 1 would spit up moro than a pint of otfenalro ' As soon ua that began to subside, fercr, pains, and ar cough. rcr, pains, and nuht sweats all bemm in ii,.. me. ami ra iw. nun mi ni'iMB.iw uvcnmu ao great uiai ii w lthdlfflCUltr that 1 could kiwin from n.tlnv , real that It waa too muen. I sunn irainari mv .mt !.,. Brown In fleth erer since. i wi woif nea snouiy anor tny rceoTery." added thn Doctor. lousing ii Ikn a mnrA skeleton) my weight Was onlr nlnctr.snrnn ixiundii mr present two hundred and twenty.Hro TX) ounds, und for yours I bare en. .j uiiiiiivi i u rii'l iiiiimi. . lir. Schenck has discontinued his prnfestlonal runs to new.) urk nnd llotton. He or his son. r, J. 11. Hchonck, Jr., still continue to see pa. penis ni uieiruraco, fu. u norm wixtn street, rhlladelphlii, orcry Caturduy Irom tt A M, to J I'.M. '1 hoso who with a thorough examination Willi tlio Hesplrometer will bo charged li. Tho Iks. pirumeter doclures tbo tiiuct eondlilon uf the liiniis. and miihiii.... ....fin.' in.,.,. I...II.V.. th.y ire cunwi oinuC ' Tho nlrctlfma ivinn isA i.i I rrametrto the I n toll gcTi co even o t aoil d. Fu 1 rot,eSemllnI?.0,.,l, "ad NutuM w I do tho I f0f. excepting that In somocusos tho Mandruko three inedlclnutnuod no ot til till tllO tlllinln lnattriin.!.. 111 tin tiibon I., i. i thiiii tho iiiiinin In.i; KVm.lenis i "J ihiilt ui'oumtsiunmAnisi .ii . : . ' - them,., ,Ktn,t .rea p Kb SJ filVTV.f"ffJSBSi I UCtlom tilUt nrvksimnian lui... : iieaiuu unnger is tho most w.leom. :;TA;VT" When It comes, as It will como. lot ih. rSj.o!. omo symptom, lug ul mice bo of good cheer.) Uood blood at onco follows, tliu couim loosens. IrTiToiJhT-ir.'rf abated. Jln u short tlmo boUi ul Oisso morbid syiuptoins aro Buno furorer. ' j iir.nci enca a lueaicincs aro consunt ykoptln tens of thousands of famlllea. As alaxatlre or purgiitlro.tho.Mandrakq Pills aro a standard pre. pnrutlon I while thu Pulmonle Nyrup. as a cum of fionilit anrl hi wuaot aiiuicijjiis, uwiy ou reguraua aa.u utik i'ii,wwnunBniiii. wuBuui,iiiuu m uuy ijj Its Prlco of tho Pulmonlo Srrun nnd I onlc. tJ0 a bottle. orH7i . hiilf iliitnn. ii.. rtiUl'doilera!'" " ttl b M ItEAL ESTATE AGENT. PtiYINBT.ON. &-0On- i REAL ESTATE AGENTS i i ,AN i AUCTIONJ-jilS,; 1 . 71 fHKOOND TLOQR) OHIO LKVKK, , , 1 , iUAIKO) ILLS., . Buy aVd 'Sell Rkal- Estate; , , j' . 'PAY .TAXES, 1 FURNISH ABSTRACTS OP TITLE Ax l prepare ConTCvancea of Ulade. THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, FRIDAY, AUGUST similla similibus curantur HUm'lIRF.T'3 HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVK proredi from tho rnoit amnio oiper lonce.aoknliro suooetsi Uimpter-Prpmpt htnelontand Bellablo, They aro thoVinly medl. clnea perfectly adaatod to popular use so aim. pis lUat miatalci'l cannot bo tnado in Unlnif them; (to harmless m to be freo from danger. Dd so efllclentM to bt always rrllahl..Th) aT-ral- wine-niitnesicommondaiions rrom.alljaod will ski a as ., 111 I " t. Is noi: 2 dents. ll Curoa rarariirAhwe.ilAtr. eflifch. . 1 1 r ' n " ', 00Jm..U 1 J,- w CrilntfJolic or teething ol if c'4MsWiWjajf MMlwPs4rt infanta 1A rrrd adulM.;....J3 o, IJrs.ntery, KtlplDg.b'llou lrinlepa.tnnrlfii. .nmlllm. r oiia.t,...u ...25 I'TI.Bhl Anli. I.uklh.... I m. iiT NaUralgla, toothscha. .racecho-.U llaadachaa. a ett has,laHflV'.rifn v. -l'1"""! viiiuua.swmaoiw.i.MH., Buppressed, or palriral oeflAdJ is Wlutcs, top prorate smiodilu- a Pr..".D couKn dlftlcult Halt Uhcum, KryslHaw, Er4ioSa:.23 l)l.nli,.l I.. 7. ' ' . L,asl..ak.l a .kill . . r . V 1 j'Ilnd.prbli)sxlla-r..-..ii.r....X., li. pphthlainy, and sore or weak tre in to I. lJttrrnract orchrole,ilnflenM...85 ", Whooix'n, I A.lhtn. Iioopinr.cough, Joleat Montis... tnrna, oppressed brealhln.i...-. ti, .M Si- i!.ulf:x-','"l'rle lmPd red hearing So Scrofula, nTarRdlalandsiwrJhng.t..MJ . pneraliltllity,PriTsleJnfi.JW n. 'f'. . T 'r"a..-. ...w T. W"'.". alckness from rldfng. So Kidney.lsease, OraTlJ.i CO ferrous Debllitr. seminal emlslott. JnToluMarn d itjhkrge.i.i..a oo , lo boxes. wltaonollTMHiK iiowder - rery-netesnarr in serious oaea.ft 00 Hora mouUi.oatik IktriuJ. J.U..L i Jl, 31. Urlaarweakiiest, Painful periods wlthlrnairms4...T;.-.iiO wir if M . .V1 !ie ..l.ui.l r.pnnpsT, nnum,i. Vitus u. ilahrA.l .00 l)ifUi)llevUpraUillior threat, ' V) . VAMtr.v ruru Of'Kto COlifue'tlsli, morocco or iok-. I . ' iaa, emusiuitiR a specino lor eveiy ordinary distnse afarnlly IsfuIj- , . Jrel to, and Iwoks of directions, from llD'to 2i iial er rtTnllrandliaYellsic,s,with I , -it. XOtoltrlah. (.. ...'.u S;i(;clflc 'f .all. ptirataidU-faseii,' both- ' ' ' mi vuti.ij an. i ior prereniaiire treat, I . '"fn, !H1 V" Kstelcatos:.7.J W'to $3 PO'D'ii EXTKiCT 1 wl- i-uren Hums, llruises, Lamenes., Korenter, Bore Th-at( Uartlaa. Tpgcliache: KaW)li-,.NeilralKia. JheUmatisrn, Lumbago, Pile.Uoila Bungs, eorp. Eye, Hleed-UKo ihtfLtmg,.rfo,Hu)7n- viiinoros. oo receipt ol tbo price. Address nuni'iiKbiM- Bl'tiric, HOHEOPATltldMEDICINKCO ' Offlrnd. Oeptt, No.'tVil Hroa-lway, Ncwlrorai ruHH.iiKilTr. HOHUH, CAIUO, Ills, " ' auglMeuwawly ' nOTKU, C.ENTRAL HOUSE, VIIU KldBe. IlllnoU. TIMOTHY UOYL, Proprietor. Is ooe of Ihe best and finest saloons id the eoun ly and It .applied with tho best winee. fimicr. and lager beer. Tho proprietor inrltes patronage, i' .iii.iuK.u nr.. iiirni nis patrons w ."!" he b1 lD-,h0 sh0-which I in Villa itidge. ,... i.tuH .itnii iiirni nis patrons wen anu ic is ihe lie tt Jj"f . CRAWFORD HOUSE, COKNER SIXTH and WALNUT-ST, (Entrance on Hiilh-sl.,) J. Oaket. t. 1 H. C.Cady... 1 .C1.CT.NAT1, OHIO. K. II. Lodwlck, J OAKErj.CApriCO. Praprietors COMMERCIAL HOTEL, COMSIERCIAL-AVrNCK, OPPOSITE P. 0., CAIRO. ILLS. JOSEPH BAYLIhii, ; ritOPItlETOR. The iibuu is Newly Fuunisiied And offers totholpublic' UrstKdats accommoda- tlons at reasonable raiea. CENTRAL JIOUSE. Opposite the Poatofflce, caBlxtb Btreet between Washington and Commercial arenues, oaiboills:- r - . This houto has been thorougbly orer-bauled, refurnished and renOrateil, and u now, open for the reception of guests. The rooms aro all large and well reotibited, and foahllure new. ICalch ,p P11' aDl1 rw " fFNET, 14'Itf Proprietress. wiror.MALie crocerb. R. SMYTH & CO., WHOLESALE GKOCEItS, OUIO LEVEE, CAIRO. ILLINOIS. i Also, keep constantly on hand a mott com plete etock of iiiqiTj-cms- ECOTCII A KB IRISH WHISKIMS -G I N 8,- Port, Madorla, Sherry and Catawba "Winos R8MYTJI b CO. nell excluslrcly for cash, to . which fact titer Invito tbo especial atten tion ei ciose uargain buyers. Sireial attention ghtn toFilling Orders MILLkNKRN. . MRS. M, S WANDER, DEALER IN MILLINERY Attn E LADIES, FUKNISHING GOODS; Commercial Avenue, otiiioallr ):lllo au4 Ilaylburn " Caieo, Illinoid, I . . 0L0THINO' POH LADIKS' WEAK ... . Uudu. lo order, or lladyrlluje. ( A full aiiortinoiit of Misses' and' Ladies liatt and llonnoU of tho latest atylei. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE! ii v -M.RSi G. McGrEE, v ' . I 1 J I , KIOUTU fTBEKT, JIKTVYKKN WAHIIlkaTO AND tVOMUKKCIAL AVKNUXS, ' i ' lla Just recelTtil a full and splendid lino of NEW goods: l l"? fircia trimmings, silk gimps, silk galoon, guf. pure laces, moss trimmings, .crocket buttoea; ilk'andelret buttons, plush and trimming tci rel. huu and, bonjisls. flue kid floTei, la4lt'aod' children.' shoos, and a full and complete slock ol MiUinery and Fancy Goods; All of winch the proposes to sell at TUB VKHY L0WI3T CA80 fWCM cii.oroi riiesiuerpa, Ulcers rc-,e7i, wcw.vrmtl, 11.3), fl.i4. a-ai,etq. reroadiee, tixuepl Poml'n.Iiklrftol, bythcMsifbr tingle box, are wnt to any part of Iheeoulitrri br mall or exnr... fr.o r.( A, ir.A FAHILY CIHOCERIEIV. LOUIS JORG ENS EN, Dealer In all kinds of STAPLE'AND FANCY GhKeOOBliirEJS. i i. a Fstraaer. Ynrsf, a HfhUUf wrrnouT cHAridK. jditi Cor, Waaln'DL'tony i.h'a:Tw6niiotUra.l. ,! , IW . ill. ' ' Jl 0 xOAJROj ILLTVOia JyiTdtf , . ,. , .. .1.1 Vf. G. OAUY, ' PRINCIPAL; UNDERTAKER . nr. TDi'v r ' it ' in sr. ', i" 2 'G-ii4l, Hi 'O 1 va . f O SALT.S ItOO t . SIXTH 8T11EET S. s I OA1'i, If.V.l7ol8. . J) NICHOLAS FEtTH, ' GENERAL UJDERIAKER, 1 w r I tH ah i s e a Cor. WrV.hlagton4kT.and lltlvat., CAIRO. ILLLN0I9. a(r2Zd)m . BOOKH. 3 o 3 o jf Eh O o CQ to 8 O a a a. S3 Ci a ta Jr o 4 M "A c Pi U 'A n & u o Sr. c o c 5 3 to X W A O k ' 1 w r-t H. A. H ANN ON, Wholesale and Retail BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, NEWS AGENT, Dealer In Sukkt Music, Picturx Jbaues, Mould. inos, ETC, No. 126, Ctommorcial-avenuo, CAIRO, lLLINOIa. IV Rteaniera BUnillled with office atnllnimrr. atvl daily papers stamped to order day ani nlghl. HTstVEN, TINWABE. ETC, A.IIALLE.Y, DEALER 1 JjT 'ST,QyES, Tjn and Jlollow Ware, Cloths. Wringers Tnllo Ware, Coal Hods, fir Hhoyels, AYt dales. MurACTt;aa or TIN, ZINC, COPPER AND SHEET UKON WARE. rn 1 . f i . 'i ' Np. 166 "Washington-avenue, I CAIRO, ILLINOIS. VRooBnc Gultering. and' all klnda of lob vOik doat at ikoittit sollts. ttbtdtf -a .ii t -i ') V mlnq.u "2 9xxt.' e I mm ts ''if I 5- 3 i ' I J . s - J. I u I -ji - . J i e ll "i i 'ill s " 7" BxeBxeBxeB.axaxeiHaRr 25, 1871. OENERAI. 4. ok ntn. IIALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGISTS, yt .1 - . i . tfOitWARWNU aniV'cOMM'i'sSION - - f I .t' , i . i"m j.. i. r ( ' lil j.'M .' ' . i M. ll- '' oil 11 II 'U.l V,!i I .m ekchantn;-' diVis)! imi..l . -: i ridl nl lkai( ! X''iiiiiVct tli,' -istl li eii' ia , i AKVl ia '..-i.T (" vli.iri- ; 'ii!'' '. i ; ! V'l " ' ! " I uil !' - j DEALEI.S" IN FLOUR ; And A i-uls ol ,.1 oi sJUlo ltlcr nttit Knuawlin J .'-i.i i'- salt .GonffasriEa 70 Oil io Levee, CAIKO, 1LLIN0DJ. imuari. BARCLAY BROS... OHIO LEVEE, Ciltl), iLLsJ DRUGGISTS SAKATOGA SPRINGS IN I I'LL SLAH AT UARCLAYS' DRUO STORE. Faisit Jk-rrur, Daily. mocking bird food all latAorfJroa piJIwiruorr TBoeeta At Barclays'. JJELMIlOLD'g GRAPE ( CATAWBA ', 1 f OR APE I. ORAPP. i PILLS CATAW1IA ' GRAPE catawiia ; ,' (.ORAPE ) PILLS AND ALL Or HKLXBOIill'N MEDICINES FRESH PROM FIRST HANDS,, Always (a stock In largo supply, and for sale b Barclay Bros. JUST KICIIYIII I'orSalebjr UicGlaas Ilotllo orGalloii AT UARCLAYS'. leExTRA Pink Coloqni:; tayGENUi.vK Imported Extracts; MrnAiR, Tooth and Nail li rushes; JkSrlNDiA Ruiiiikr Nursery Goo' AT BABCuAY BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE PRENCH ZINC. lies! grades in Urge stock and Ta rjety, very cheap i Pull Line op Colors, ust AMI in on.; ' Paint llrilKhcs, l,iiii-nl (ill, Whlleasli P Turpentine, Vr;i jihen j . F,U:, eie ALL; StlKl'S ANU STANOtUU Ql MIITItH ' At Harclays'. 1 COAL AND WOOD. "f ." m ." w a ii d" WOOD AND COAL MERCHANT. FM. WAIID is preparod to deliver thohesl , Fire Wood and Alono'ty'oal IN ANY PART 0 THK, CITY, And la any qaaailty UHlfed, on abort notice, COAL DELIVERED at $U0 per ton OFFICK-Orsr Beerwarl, Orlh s Co.'a store, two doors above tho corner of Eighth elrt and IllMm.pfllnl ...nil. .lul.l WIHIUllkl.l .IUUUVI UWVV.I COMMISSION AND FOUH'AUDINO.'rTt'toni TDl'fd TOATT0N & BIRD, (Successors to titration, lludjon A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Lcvco, Cairo, Illinois. Hr-Agcnta of American Powder Co., and man. f ictiiters agents for rotto,, ,arn. j7j,f JOHN B. 1'IIILLIS, (Successor to Parker 4t I'hUll.s,) GENERAL COMMISSION AX0 KOUWAKDI XO M EHC1I ANT, AMI ,.dkalj:j insiiav, corn, oats, Flour, Meal, Bran, Con. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO, ILL, CLOSE & VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS A Nil IDEALEES I3ST LIMB Cksibnt, Plaster Paris, AND PLASTKRKR'S HAIR, Corner Eighth Strict nml tllilo Levee CAIRO, ILL. z. d. UATiiusa. k. c. uuu MATJIUSS & UHL, AMI GE.XKIIAL Commission M.krchants, DEALERS I.V PLOTJE, Gr-SA-IiT, HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE, No. oi omo i.r.vr.K, Detuetn lmrth .( .Si-rM ,S'(., CAIKO, ILL. augM-4lwtf PETER CUIIli FLOUR MERCHANT MILLERS' AGENT. No. 80 Ohio Lcvce, CAIRO ILLINOIS, Orders solicited and promptly filled. yl dtl II. M. UULKN, GROCER and CONFECTION No. 13-1 Commercial-ave., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION A0 PORAVARDING MERCHANTS, ANU DEALERS IN FLOUR. CORN Oats, Hay, etc. 68 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. J. M. PHILLIPS A CO.. (Successor to E, 11, llendrivlis A Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS WH A R P-110 AT PROPRI ETORS. CAIltl), ILL LiUiiil Admines made liporvsrf. Coiisiguiiieiits. czsp Aro prepiired to receive, slure nml orwunl freights to all siiiitniid liny and tell nu I'oiiiinissloii, ayiliislness nlli lnieil In i roinplly. WOOD RITTENIIOUSE, H nsor ol A)crs .s Co,) FLOUR. AMI General Cominission Morchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois. McCOMUS, KELLER & 1JRYNES, fkvuesHors to Adolphua Meier 4 Co., IMPORTERS AND J01I11KR3 IN HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Not. 100 and 102 N. Maiu-at., SO?. LOTJIS, 2& O. 0RDKR8 SOLICITED. nANKsj. ENTEIURISESiNGf tlinrtcrcd March 31, ISOB. orrut is CITY NATIONAL DANK, CAIRO. ornctss: A. 17. SAFKOnivPresldont: S, B. TAYI.OK, Vice-President i W. IIYSLOP, Hccretary and Treasurer. PlhtCTOR!! P.' W. Habclat, K. Jf. SrocKrir.rir, It. M. Ci'.x.iiNaiiAH, Cins.rUi.MMtB, Pa i.O. Benin, W. P. llAUibtr, j. in. 1'iiitLirs, Deposit of nny Amount Rorclveil rrotii Ten Cents CiinnrsN. rNTKHElT ptld on deposits at tlio rato ol six i. Percent, per annum, Mnrch island Heptem. . 'o'Test not withdrawn Is addcil Immo 2 i!SIJr.J? lho Pfnclpl of tho deposits, thereby gmng, thetn compound interest. MARRIED WOMEN AND CMLDRIN MAY DEPOSIT MONEY so tiut NioNr. risr. cis iiuaw it. Open every business day from 1 a.m. lo 3 p.m.. and Saturday evening lor HAV1M1 DEPOSIT! only, from 0 to S o'clock, "-"If W. HtSIiOP, Treasurer. THE CITY NATIONAL CAIKO ILLINOIS., .. till! CAPITAL, 8100 00 ornrmst W. P. 1IAI.1.1HAY, lresldenf, A. II. HAKKORD, Cashier; WALTKR HYHI.OP, Assistant Cashier.! blHCCTOmt StijitsTaiwb, Sooit Wmrr, KOStST II. CVNNINQHAM, W. P. llALLIPir, OM. I). WILLIAMIOX, Sill HEX JJmp, A. Hi SArrouu. Exrlinng-c, Coin nnil L'uiteil Nfatca ; Ilonil lloiiKbt mill Solil. DEPOSITS received, nnd a general banking business done. 1;1RST NATIONAL BANK OF CAIKO. DANIEL IIUItD.rreelJentj: UOUEHT W. JlILLEli, Vlcc.rresldent ; C. N, HUOIIES, Cashier. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. EXCIIANOE, coin, hank notoa and United mates securities bought and sold. Intercut Allowed on Tlmo Depoalta. NAS1T HOLDER, DOURLE-ACTING "WINDOW LCOK AND SASH HOLDER. hansel's patent WINDOW T1TE ONLY RELIABLE .VAST OUT SSI- c32. tH 5'? SB H o ?i BERLIZHEIMEU & CAHN, Solo owners of tho Territories of tho Btatea ot Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa, and Agents for other Status, General Opfice 90 Washinqton-st,, chicaqo, ills. (SALOONS. EL DORADO jJiLiiiAKD SALOON AND BAH- R003L JOHN GATE.S, l'rorirfor. 100 C.immcrcial Avenue, CAIllO, ILLINOIS Ileet brand of California Cigars Just rocelred, BILLIAltl) sijloon furnished with Iho best of ''i'11 ' ??i'' '5r "nPi" with wines, Ihiuora nnd elgirrs nf the finest brauds. ' FITZGERALD'S SAMPLE Cor I'oiirferntli Nl. nuU Com. itirrclnl Avcuuts t lTIITZOEllALlVS Snmplo llooins arc. stocked J? with I'tirtj imporiod wines, haors and clgare, nml urn dispensed from Ihe bur in tlrtt-clas sl)le. Them Is no belter establishment in South ern Illinois, and noun belter stocked. Call and lest the various brands ol wines and ll'iuors. JOHN HYLAND'S SALOON, Corner Tenth Street ami Coiuinerelal Avi'iuie. QI HKIIIUIl i.iiiirH, U-er.nle, etc,, and fragrant Q lliiniii.isii'iiiiys un imnd. Those desiring do- lltltllll ! TUgl'S sllOllhl nut lull In csll nml i,mnv them. Al their wiinuwlll Uattcnd to lu a liiaii. tier Hint III wnrrnnt a return. All hi. Honor. nines ami elgars Imvu bvvu aclected wltli greu .lie nml rritlcnl tas ti, mtUL'KUIKS AND DRY UUODH. WILLIAM KLUGE, MALI R IN FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, XTC, lias' just received a hoary stock of Boots and Shoos, Hosiery ai.d Notions, PGR SALE FOU CASH VERY CHEAP Ho alio liaa a flue stock ot VamtW OrocartMCit every kind. CORNER BIXTHT. AND C0MMER- (HIT Air aaasr- vuiu.a v t (k'LetBBBk ? 2