Newspaper Page Text
r, TKAVJSLEirS GUIDE. ' TAKE NOTICE. TIMET Or TJIK ILU.VOIS CEKTKAI. H. K, 0 and afierfl.m.iay, '?.; ... iiml-Ulfl W'llgO HUH win go'"" " nrof f.tnr tf;n C(.lrr1 1 I p.m M.rl Mall irm,""j i:xprf. ''J' p.m. 3;00 .!. (w-Miiii, iiy- Bii.rM. daily, nefi.l8iin.lnj a N-ofMrnRBofM" from Cairo to St. Lo ,r,nire for from Wn 1" Chlr-ngn. .1:30 p. in l.otll. o Klrf.inl l)t,mlrg lino'" .If'PHK n ntfht Irainr i,. ..... fiiM'trn in am nun imru ihudi. Tli allentifiJi of ehippera l pcclnlly . i . it, i i ,,,,i ri,tp. Iriiin "HI txOiIro iiailv.';tiir.lii xp'fled, aii.I tvll n i- III" riti'roiii '' ClihwB" '" """'J" Srl.l..lMI. 'A. JUH,".. .xv .s riM.1l illATW. I. MOUND CITY AND CALK TI1K STEAM TUG, CACHE Cut. Wll.l.lAM II. riAXHUMCY. 1 THIIV KVKKY'DAY TO UK iM'.tmi.N CAIEO -A. 1ST ID CITY LEAVE CAIRO, ht or .wmii nur.1.1. At 7 A.M. At 10 A.M. I. HAVE Ml. CtTT, WIIAHFIMIAT, At 8.!l0 A.M. At :.. II. CO a.m. At At .1 P.M. At 2.fe0 p.m. At G.IJO P.M. .5 P.M. WILL LAN J). AVHEN HAILED, AT till. 1I0X FACTORY, HAWE f. I.ANM.MO, KY. mouth op cache, HAitm: w.tvc, ( . ' ' 1 AND SAVY YAlil). f lC.tIMt(.tON. ' QUICKEST 1WVTK 1'ltOM SOUTH MA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R.! R. TO I tir. Uovi, Louisviu.K, Cincinnati, Chi cago, Nr.w Youk, Hoston, AND All. I 1'OlXTd HAST AND WEST I'avongertratn arrive at and leave Cairo a fol lows: ' mail rxrnrM. Aruiw- 3i:io a.rn :ii:in p.m. DreikT litis i.m Uilnp.m. Hoth lraln conncet at Ckntralia with train on tlie roR I'ana, Decatur, IllonmlnRtcn, Kl l'no, I.aSil!e, Mrmlota, Frceport.'ialena, 1'iiIjihUo( and all points In Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin and , Iowa. And with .Ines mnnlns Kat and West for Si. I.ouls, Hpfnflelil, Louisville, Cincinnati, Jnf anajiolis, Uuluiubus. , And at Chicago vrllh Central, Michigan fcouilicrn, and JMlsbur;. Fort iVitjne and Chicago Hallroads lor Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk. Albany, Hoston, Philadelphia, Nia!ra Falls, Krie, llullalo, New Tnrl;, Pittsbtirj;, Ilaltlmoro, Washington. ! AND ALL POINTS EASTfe For through tickets and Information, apply to Illinois Central Itallroad Depot. W. P. JOHNSON,! General PasaeoKer Agent, Chicago. J. JOHNSON, Agent, Cairo. SPKINGFIELl) AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTEltN It. It. Unaud after Monday, April 21th, 1871, ruu m follows: NournnrtN division. TRAINS G0I.N0 POCTlltlST. Mail. Leave Virginia f.:lo a.m " Hl'nutieli B.'.u " " Taylonlllp Mil " Arrive at Pana 11.10 m Tn:.5ooio OBTiirjiT. Kxpre Leave Pans l:(in,m " Tajlorville ,4:17 " Arnve athprinKricld.-Uill " I.we MpiiMKHelil .f.i", " Arrive at Viruinl..w..H;'i'i " HOUTHKItN DIVIUON. TUAIaS 0PIN1 MVTIIalST. !eavp r.dgtwood &:30a.m " F10ra..... " Exprnss v:m p.m. 3.0U " l:M " f:17 '! Mrtll. ...,1:Bli m. " ....i;.mi " " ....rtl". " ....loion.m. ....lhl'l " jtrnvn at fchttwneetonS:5.'ip m o.l5 ..fc'2'ip.rii ,.7.l) " TKAI.8 suutiiw lst. Leave .ShaHiiectown S:I5 a.m .... " I'lors .'....'.':Si " Arrive at Edgewood :5u ' The b.'S) a in. Irain Irom P.I IfAU'.irt.l .line nr.1.. :'J0 Molnlajs, W.dnesdaysand Fridays, and S;i:.a.m. At HpriiiK'Jeld. with Chicago and Alton, and Talihlo, Hab.ish nnd Wesiern Uiilroa.i, r ''KwiNinj.' Chie.iii, and all piints north, north. wfi -,nu weii. At Pan with lad. and Si. Louis, and Illmoii t-iiilral lor all pointi eiut, i-outh ami aoiitheist. cattmr&aJI.W'th CWeW '"l,"0n ,ll,nols AtFlura.wiih Ohio aid M.aai.alpju Itnilroad. AH-hajinieto-n, with stearnboan for Cincln- nut, Padu. uh, Cairo and Ht. Louia. OKLAND SMITH, fien'ISup't. Jniiv?w,jiTT,C,en'l Kr'ct and Ticket Au'l. UWYUM. AIJ IJN, .MULKKY & WiIHBl.KK, ATTOKNEYS COUNSKLOltS AT LAW, William J. Allen, sin J. Allen, ") iIl.MulLxv, V 'l l' Whee'lt r.J juim i: "tniM CM HO. ILLINOIS. 5.t'.""',8'' attention imid to river nnd ad m'ri Ij loininva'. OKMCE UODMh 7 AND 8 WINTKK'ft ULOCK. GHK H.V & (JILBKUT, ATTOKNEYS AMI COUNSKLOltS AT LAAV, William II. i, run, wrt, CAIIIO, ILLINOIS, htSaftl.1?''n K1' 10 AJml,Rl,5' "d oyncE-Giiio levee, noons 7 and 8 ovint . t'TY KA1IONAI. HANK. IILTCIIMIS. THE PEOPLE'S MEAT MAKKET CUAfl. UA.YCU cV CO., r',7II70I.I. Kl'.?1.'i.c',',!i"tly "n '! tl"1 lt of U-cI. 'u. fA.,.,,uwu.'','i '"l. Miai.. pudding u.f,.u .uayi in ii" 'lauuiity. eotnn; feb7tl JAMES KYNASTOX, IJraler 1., u IUl,s yrVMU Meal, CAtK'), ILUNOU. J J boat aorl thee,,, .,! il ,,'. 1 iau.u,d lor frtti, tM4, twin .., ! 10 ,,lU ! thrmaar,,) "4r" ""'nor. p,jmi , , i e i ok isam: NOTICE. " J. v!i i, IZ' ai .. ti .. I iiuiii fluiaarcKian on i ue.iciav d, i iur dtys and Saturdays. Ciinecls at Ashland with Jaeltsonvillo division of Chicago and Alton Itillroad. for Jacksonville. i'vtsraburi.'. M'isoil Cltv. n nil nil I1A1 tit a u ut THE MAIL?, ah hive. CJ.09I- North, Through s.oon.m. 2.00 p.m War 2;20 pim , .1 J ;0Q p.m , eotilh, way 12.10 p.m. iljoop.m " Through X. O,, Mem plilo mi'l Cfllumbtl.a . IMO p.m, 4:'0oj,,m, Ohio lliver route, (ojponi . Monday) -l.UJ.l...., COOp.rn Iron .Moiintun It. II U:30a.m. lLWp.rn, MIm, Hirer route, 'lurvimj nnd Friday COO p.m. 7;onp.m. Thebes, OJO'O Island A Hnnln I, III".. Thursdny Irl- , day.. - O.oOp.m. 7:00(1.111, Ma) field, lllnmlvilio nul l.ovrlani-, Ky ii;w,m. ;uup.m. orrirc noma. rtiuiffAl IM wry, (Snndnsa lo 9 a.m.) i Mono) Onler dcp.istindnt...... frOO,.!!!. COO Ilrgiater " 8:00 n.mj ti.OOp.m. .Money Ordor and lU-giatcr departments not open on Sunday. . 1 SECltETOltDfiRS. 1 THE MASONS. OtinoIOiMMAMism, No. I.I. Stated Assembly nt tho A)lum Masonli H ill, first nnd thitdCBat. I 1.. .I. MAnlll IliUlltP lllvi.ii iiiwi..... i I i(!aII.o dn'KClL, No. C4, Koguliir Convocation at Mnon'( Hull, the second 1'rlday Ineacli inontli. l'nu fini'frii, No. 71 '(ftfular Convocation at M.isouii! Hall, on (hu imru niesiiayui every minth. . , . , ...,i. CAIInl 1.HPOI:, o.'ii r. "VKinr om. fotiflli Jlondaj sol each molitli. I iinti Ijiimr. No.f.C!i K. A A. M. ItcKiilnr Com miiilpnlimi nt Mil'on d Hall. (110 rt'COIIU nno munication t Maonlc Hall Srst onjl third Tliursd.i) s in each month THKODIl-FELLOWH. Ai pi ixi.rn !.nnnr. S2l. Mrita In Odd Fellow's Hull. In ArtT'8 Unit tine, every Thursday even. Inn, at H o'clock ' THE BULLETIN.'. riililltliiit cvory ninrnlnp, Mondny cx Kindlinq. 500 " gluts boxes " fdr enlo nt 5 cents each. "W. AV. Thoiinton. jo21tf. Fon Sale Low. Sixty kegs of idnm ngod nnlls, on board stenmor Eckcrt, nt tlio landing. All sir.os. Notice. Alien, Mulkoy & "Wh'cclor Imvo removed to tlio First Nfttional Hunk building on the Ohio Levee. Aug. 22.3 Oysteus. Louis Herbert lins nlwfs on lmnd f fresh supply of Saddlo P.ockloys tors. tf Milk Cows foh Hale. Two ireik milk cows with young cnlvos for snlo.lEn quire of D. Hunn S: Son. Cairo, August 17, 1971. iw JIns. WmTcoMii'h S vitup. This nriiclo it jood for nil dsenscs incident to tlio I pe riod of teething In children nnd is sold for 25 cents n bottle. dawlw If you havo tho Chills nnd Fever uso Dr. l.dttingcr's Fever' Drops; one bottlo is sufficient for a thorough cure. Nopciton need have tho fever n second tlmo when tlict-o drops enn bo obtained. daw lw We would call tho attention of oUr country friends who want to get good pictures to call on J. J. Thomas, who has st very pleasant gallery on Commercial avenuo for their accommodation, and, is rcallv thobcit nrtht wehuve had in Cairo or a long time. tf NoTitT.. From August 1st until further notice, tlio faro per transit stcamor Illinois plying between Cairo and Columbus will boas follows; Ono way, Sl.f'Oj round trip, $2.00. V. A. Lowth, ' nug'Jdim Mastor.. New PiioToauAPii Galleky. AVo no tice Hint Mr. .1. J. Thomas lias fitted up the rooms lately occupied by "W. G. AVorth ington in very good style, mid, us nn artist, is doing excellent wor' that should entitlo him to a fair sharo of patronngo. ' Notice. Deeming u knowledgo of chemistry necessary to tho student of all sciences and professions, as well as to tho mechanic, I propoo to opon u class of chemistry of forty lessons, commencing on tho first Monday in Septomber next. 1-or particulars inquiro at my office, 112 Commercial avenue, Cairo, dtd A. "Wadoymah. Notice to Shippers. Until further notice tho transit bteamer, Illinois, will ex tend her trips to lliektnan twico u week, viy. Tuesday and Friday mornings, and if tho amount of freight will justify her in so doing, she will muku three or four trips per week. For tliu prciont, freight will bo received on tho Transit "Wharf Boat only on Mondays and Thursdays. jMi .loiiNhON, Agent. Cairo, III., mig. la, 1871. dlw .1. .1. Thomas has fitted up tho room lately occupied by W. G, "Worthingtons on Commercial avoniic, wheru ho is doing a good buihcsi. Go nnd seo him and give him a trial. He is prepared to do all kinds of work in tho photograph line, and does it well. llEi.iAiil.v: AND Savk. Dr. Henry Koot and Plant Pills aro mild and please nnt in their operation, yot thorough, pro ducing no nausea or griping. Hoing en tirely vegetable, they can be taken with out regard to diet or business. Thoy arouse tlio liver and secretive organs into healthy arlion, throwing oir disease with out exhausting or debilitating tlio system Try them and you will bo satisfied Prico'Ji cents a box. Sold by druggists and dealers in inedlelno ovcrywhoro Prepared by tho Grafton Modlcino Co., St Louis, M my'Jdm J. It. Goi.laday's fiftieth monthly draw ing will take placo at Harrodsburg, Ky., August 28, 1871. Among tho list of prUcii aro $1,000.00 in greenbacks! splendid bulldint; lot in Uowlini: Greon, 3750.00; 6evcn and one-fourth octavo Qablor piano, $000.00; horse and buggy, S500.00; build ing lot in Howling Green, $300.00 j lialco, thoroughbred Durham bull, bred by tho Shakers, South Union, Logan county, Ky SStjO.OO; gold watch and chain, $200.00, lndy'6 watch nnd chain, $200 00 ; diamond ting, flSO.00; dinrnond watch, $150.00; vi.w in kojii ; also, other prizes. .onkllViii, ,.f .llninnndii- colli nnd ktlv.f greenback., jewlm. ninelilncii. fiirniliir., or.ets, gola Und silver watches, drv,, line painting,, rtndard books, etc. btutement of drawing und prl.os forward od promptly, For sale at II, O. Lollin'B po.totllce building, Cairo, lUlnol. Orders by mall kbould bo addrcued to .1. H. Golladay, Howling Green, Ky. augl&oodZw, THE CAIRO DAIliY BULLETIN, FRIDAY, BREVITIES, Tho Ambs will ball successfully. Dull day In pollco circles yestorday. Bnvl's'r of tho Oommercinl hotol, har returned to tlio city. Tho I. O. O.K., of this city, Is rapidly IncrcnslJg In numbers. Tlio Eckort Is still nt work r'nising tho shaft of tho Loulslnna. John School's Ninth stroot cotlago is nppronching completion. T,' M.. Wnrtl propoiea to becomo. candidate for county troaturor. Lunching nt saloons has become popular amusement In this city. Candcc, of tho firm of Safford, Morrii & Candcc, is nbscnt nt Ln Sallo. Thoro will bo n joint nicotine of tho council to-night bo rumor says. Tho foundntlon of the now Catholic church will bo commoped next, wool. Casper Yost Is spoken of ns a poislblo radical enndidato for county troasUror, Tho drizzling rain of ycstordBnfj, torncon cooled tho air and laid thojdust. Convention or no convwlion, I now tlio question Jiniong the democrats I of tho city. A Liberal Roform Assoclntldn has boon organised In this city. It Is a touch not tasto not society. I Tickets of tho German Lutheran school picnic nt Flora Gardon next Mon day nro selling rapidly. Y 1 Tho new boiler for tho now tug for Horner, "Wood & Co., of NowOrloau, Ii bblrigimndo by Torronco A O'Brion.) ; Tho Delta bnso ball club, sinco lis vie- tory ovor tho Mound City Pastimes has re gained confldonco in Its balling abiliUos Tho individual, who fell through the sidowalk nnd broko his leg, talks of 'aulng tho city to rocovcr damagos. So the Sun says. A numbor of philanthropic ladles of tho city nro agitating tho question of (hav ing n fair for tho benefit of iho noody In mates of the Perry Homo. One'of tho instruments bolonelnc to the signal station nt shis point Is out of oVder, nnd tho signnl man may be compolled to visit "Washington to havo it ropalred.J Tho valuablo proporty of JosephlMc- Kcnzic. on tho northwest corner of "Wash- incton avontie nnd Sixth stroct. Will bo sold to tho highest bidder, on next Sator dny. Snlo on tho premises. j Business in tho city Is quiet, with hopes of Improvement. Tho demand, for white corn has Increased, but thoro is none in tho market. No grain of any cohie quenco Is now boing received. 1 The Bulletin offlco was, last nliht, tho rcccipirnt of n delicious serenade by tho iEolian band. Tho music 'was gc od, and, wo aro sure, appreciated by evpry ono nbout the csta blishmcnt. Como again, gentlemen. I Miss JnnoE."Wccden, of Onarga, 111., n member of tho Society of Frcnd) and " ngont of tho Amorlcnh Ponce Society," will lecturo in tho Prcsbytorinn Church, nt eight o'clock Sunday cvoninj; noxt. i Sinco May 11th to August 24th, the city hns issued orders upon tho treasury to tho amount of $7,000 13. This is not' a largo amount for the timo in which It was expended three months and two weekaj , Tlio police investigating committee met yostorday and ngrccd upon a report. They will recommend the abolishment pf tho ice system nnd rniso tho salaries of the polico constables from 970 per month to ?83.33. I Judge Mulkoy, who it Booking health ut Crlttondon Springs, is not finding what ho is in search of, but hopos by persistent devotion to tho businoss to mnko succom follow earnest ellort and return to Cairo weighing a ton. Judge Bross, tired of hard labor, is thinking of a senrch for n lodgo in some vast wilderness, some boundless contiguity of shado, whero warm weathor and labor nro not known, nnd "Weiss boor pxhllerntci without inebriating. , Tho movement to build n Baptist church in this city is progressing satisfactorily. Tho board of trustees havo been organized, Mr. J. P. Gamble, chairman, aud proposa to uso ovcry possible exertion to commonco the building the coming fall. Tho wishes to know whethor the republicans of tlio county intend to hold a convention to nominate n candidato for coiinty trcasuror. "Well, do thoy 7 How would a square stand up partisan light this fall ngroo with their digestion 7 If tho water in our rivers continues to fall thoy will dry up. Nothing can be more certain than this. It is n fact that needs but to bo stated to bo accoptcd as true. St. Louis und Puducnh aro already inland towns, aud Cairo stands nt the head of navigation. The committco to which was roferred the untl-hog ordinance petitions will re port In favor of tho ropoal of the ordln anco and provide that hogs running nt largo shall bo marked nnd tho owners' names registered by the City Clerk. All un marked or unreglstoroi hogs-aro to bo im pounded and sold. Dangerous the holes lu tho levee sidewalk at tho corner of Eighth ttroot. A twenty-foot fall and a law suit could bo kad, easy. By tho timo JJovoro gets to tlioso holes witli his two industrious workmen thoy will havo spread ovor tho cntiro walk the holes, not the workmon, A holo will bo all ttiatcuu bo noon of tho wnlk by that timo. Among tho arrivals nt tho St. Charles yostorday woro the following: Bart. Sow oll, Chicago; H. Basket, clerk of tho City of Chester; Jus. Morris, Missouri; AV. 11. Stllo, Ohio ; Ed. D. Hubbnrd, St. Louie, MO.; Tho. J. llaugh, Columoin, La.; Jas; Fitzgerald, St. Louis ; AV. II. Sbppard, St. Louis; II. G. Gerald, Cairo; Copt. Crab ston, of tlio stcamor Cupltal Oily ; Geo. AV. Jones, St. Louis; r. h, Peebles, city; L, G, Mendouhall, Cincinnati; Chas. Pierce, wifu and child, Now Orloans; AV. E. Hall and family, Now Orloans. Tho How T. J. Shoros und The Bul letin Imvo burled tho hatchet and bo como reconciled. AVhon the rovorond gentleman saw tho efforts wo mado to bring pcuco to Ilov. Friend's flock, and taught hlinsolf to appreciate our efforts In tho cauio religion, ho eoncluded that 1 wni his Christian1 duty to? becomo our fast mono, and ho has dono so. Thereforo, wo rcel'frtipy. 'All our old-tlmo criomlcs nro bolng reconciled toiul Popo, Boyle, "Wood, Sumtnorwoll, Munn, Shoros, Brnd ly, and a host of othors. AVo 'havo no doubt tho. mlllcnlum is nbout to dnwn. AVo looi it in our bones; wo see It, liko tho Aril ortor'snt( flqatlng In theinlr. Mr. Thomas Halliday'i two tliiarei "ff1?" J"di5o Bross. yesterday and lOldBosf iterles) QrWgirl u ais black a midnight, nearly, and rather rood lbfltrtntr sharp a.a keen razor, much tooiharp for qbui. om, u seems to us, Is thk vietlra of.tvireumsUaocs, mkphxecd cdnfldehce ana rear, and tho gal is tho guilty party, Sho evidently atole, the watch and'hld It. a fact which sho mado known to Satri, who did not roveal tho hiding place 'until ho fell Into the hands of Myers and Arnold Tlion ho disgorged hU.knowledg but too Into for his own comfort. Ho wai hound over ln the sum of $600 to answo at the noxt term of-tho circuit-court. LOCAL NEWSDROPS, BomDiNC houses use Glllct's. .ngp .i-Shrlro's dclobfatod 11 oclcck lunch oyesters at Jorgcnsen's. tf Everybody goes to Jorcenson's (family gofery for tho Ilalford Ielcheit rsblro tf saube. LA Every dollar vou rav a NoW-York llfo Vnsurarico companT Is Dormahcntlv withdrawn from circulation in this) stato. The laws of Now-Yorkcompol tho dompa- nlea to keep all tholr funds invostod Within thellmlU of that state, or withljt fifty miles of Now-York city. ,Tho Lffo Adsocla tloniinTests Its money where it is taken. aug341w" Go to Jorgonsen'i for importedlDun- dee orange marmalado,. tho celebrated London crystal vinegar, in quarts. and tf choice Gonoseo figs. 'The Chicago Boor Saloon, lAVm. Schick, proprietor, Nos. 20 and 28 E ghth, street, is a favorite place of resort with all lovers of Weiss' Beer, Liquors of dvery description, and an kinds or foreign homo ' Wines. No ordinary liquors are dispensed at tljp bar of tho saloon only tho vory'bcit, and guests find in attend ance polite and accomodating waiters! A freo lunch is spread ovory day at 10 o'clock a.m. aual7tf. Those Fronch Cherries, "in syrup, so popular with connoisurcs, are sold by Uor genton. tf Tho most populnr shoo shop in tbwn is on 20th street opposite tho court hpuso hotel, whero Wm. Ehlcrs manufactures boots and shoes for his customers, warrant ed to be of the best French calf, -kip or morocco, ana wnicn no guanratoes to givo entire satisfaction. Call on him and you Will know'how it Is yoursolf. 5y2clf At Jorgensen's may bo found the pop ular-French assorted picklos. tf William Alba's barber si op is grow ing in public favor ovory day. It is neat ly fitted up, and can boast of tho most skllllul workmen in iho city. Tho pro prietor hns had many years' experiencelin his businoss and is recognized a ono of the . . . t CI .1 Til, !f - most export snayori,, in oouiueru Illinois, while young Alba is a matter in his pro fession. Citizens and strangers who wish a painless shave, a luxurious shampooing, or their hair cut in tho latest stylo ihould patronize Alba. His shop is on Commer cial avenuo next door to Ilannon's now- r dopot. dtf Chas. U. Erans, Wasbington-avonul between Eighth and Ninth stroots, has on hand a splendid stock 'of family grocories of 'all kinds, which ho it selling at tho lowcst'priros. He is determined not to bo undorsold, and challenges comparison of. tho quality of his goods with any houto In tho city. His shelf goods are of every va riety, froth nnd seasonable, nnd anything and everything the market affords can bo purchased ut his storo at the lowest rato Give him a call. tf Phillip Baudii is mastor of his trado, and warrants all of his work to bo of the vr ry but material and manufacture ; guar antees a completo fit und cntiro satisfac tion, is not confined to any'particular stylo, but makos every varloty of boots and shoes' from tlio heaviest cowhldo to iho finest Fronch calf and morocco. Ho also kcops a largo stock oh hand, of hit own manufac lurt, and any one desirous of purchasing) good cuntom work cheap should call on him nt his shop on Eighth St., south side, near corner of Uhio lovco,' Cairo. dtf Mr. Koscnwatcr, of tho well-known dry goods house of Goldstein & Koscnwa tcr, is now in New-York purchasing a full stock for the fall trado. AVlth 'thorn iho campaign has already opened, and in. voices of now fall goods of every descrip tion uro boing received dally. The firm is widc-flwako and deserving of success, and aro now, wo aro glad to say, doing an Im- monso business In their lino. aug21-6t. Jorgonssn has a great run for Cant. 11',.!..'- :.i i , - w nivu a uuumm jiieities. u Smith Sf Brlnkmoyer, at the corner of Commercial avenue and Etghth street, aro agents or me saie or xno now Wilson Sow ing Machines, to whiph thoy wish to call tho especial attention of tho public. It is tlio eneapest machine In the market, sell ing 20 cheaper than any of its rivals and it, in overy rospect, equal to the host. All kinds of sewing heavy and light can bo Qono on it in the vory best atvla. und it is not liable to got out of order. It is emphatically the poor man's machlno being within tho reach of the poorest fami ly in tno country. Motsrt. S. A B. Invito jtao public to can and examino it. aug22tf JjOOK 100 cases Men's Kip Boots,' 60 " " Calf i 00 " Kip llrogtm, 00 " Y'ouths', Boys & childn iren' Hoots, 100 cases Ladios's Shoes, 1!5 " Child's 30 " Y:ouths' nnd Boys' Brotrans. For sale, at wholosalo or retail, for cash only, at llvo por cent, bolow Now Y'ork prices, at . Boston Shoo Store, ' " nugjtdlw Elliot Si Uaythorn. AUGUST 25, 1871. PROBATE, COURT. F. Bross, County Judge, presiding : Jxcon O. Ltkoh, Clerk j A. lT.InvtK, Sheriff. Thursday. Aueust 24n, Tho bond of J9hn AVUHs, guardlan'of Alice so., iucuarianu, was approved and ordored to bo rocordod, and letters of guar dianship ordered to bo ittucd. Tho annuat report of Catherine Berry, guardian of Martha It. Stewart, was nrr. sentod by George Fisher, attorney, and so iar as relates to ner account or moneys re ceived and expended, was annrovnd an. ordered to be recerdtd., That; portion of lata report relating to sale "or teal estate, was not approved. 'Bald guardian was Ordered to innnar unA Ihnvrtnin vtiw alia should not be removed, tho court boing of opinion tnatn carried woman is ineompo tent, under the law, to hold tho offlco of guardian. The final report of W. B. Parratt. truer. dlan of Marv J. and KHz. J nils .approved and ordered of record, and said Buaramn reieatoa irom lurtnor liabilities. The annual roport of James H. Pinna. gar, guardian of Isaao Leo, was approved, on certain condition and ordered to bo rocoraoa. Androw Lobr.was appointed cuardlan of Emma Well, and Peter Cuhl of Augusta. won, they having, each, glvon bond in penal sum of $1,000. Tho Inventory of tho ostato of AVilliam Cahill, Ellen Cahlll oxecutrix, was ap proved and brdcrod to be rocordod. mo court adjournod until 0 o'clock this morning. Police Businbss. Only two cases wero before Bross yesterday. Ono Wm. Evorott, indulged in a plain drunk and was fined $5 and costs. A man by the name ef Wolfe, a butcher, was bit by a dog owned by Mr. Hurley. Wolfo had Mr. urley arrested for keep ing a vicious dog. Cue dismissed. Wm. Rhlers, at his shop on 20th street is still manufacturing every variety of boots and shoos from genuine French calf (houtotno othor kind) .which ho tells rotdy mado or mado to order, at prico that defy competition. Jy26tf. Furniture, f At iElehhoffBrosV Factory. Encourage 4 Homo Industry. Wo ,. Sell Furniture for Cash ; Twenty per cont. Lower than any othor Dealor in Cairo. Our Furnilt'.ro Is All Made out of Soasoned Lumber, and wifl be' Insured for Six Months. , A Haro Chanco For Bargains. RIVERNEWS. PORT iilST. ARRIVED. Stcamor Dick Johnson, Evansvlllc. " Capitol City, New Orloans. " Julia, St. Louis. " Jas. Fisk, Jr Paducab. " Dextor, :sew Orlcant. " Illinois, Columbus. " A. Baker, Capo Glradoau. 11 Ada Hellman, Loultvillo. " H- S. Turner, Loultvllle. M. J. Wicks, St. Louis. " Grand Tower, St. Louis. DKPARTBP. Steamer Dick Johnson, Evansvlllo. n&nitol Gltv. St. Loots. i ii a ii Julia, VIekiburr. Jas. Fisk. Jr., Paducab. Dexter, St. Louis. Illinois. Columbus. " Ada Bellman, Louisville. ' M. J. Wicks, New Orleans. " Grand Tower, Momphis. l BOATS TO L3AVB TO-DAY. Stoamor Mollle Bbort, Now Orleani. " It. P. AValt, Vicksburg " A. Baker, Capo Glrardoau. " John Lumsdon, Evansvlllc. " Jas. Fisk, Jr Paducab. " City of Cbestor, St. Louis. " Illinois, Columbus. Tho rivor Is still on tho decline at this point, and is now lower than it has boon for soveral soasons. Tho Ohio is falling all the way up. The Mississippi Is falling gradually from St. Paul to New Orleans. Business on the landing Improving. AVcather yesterday was pleasant, with a light showor in tho aftornoon. Tho Dick Johnson had about 100 torn reshipplng frolght. Tho Capital City and Andy Johnson were hoth running light. Tlio Julia was agrouna ror a iow nourti at Turkoy Island. Tho Jamos Fitk,-Jr.r grounded on tho reef at Cacho Island, and blowcd out a joint in hor steam" drum, 'which detainod hor somo hours. Sbo lost about 24 hours altogether, which throws her bohlnd ono trip. Tho Doxtor lay hero soveral hours, dis charging frolght. Sho loft at daylight, with a light up-stream trip. Tho A. Baker arrived from Capo Girar deau with 1260 barrels. fiour for Now Or leani. and 50 tons frolght for this point. Sho was agrouud 16 hours at Greenleaf. The jAda Hellman had 23a kales nay, 331 bbl. potatoos and onions, 20 bxs. mer chandise 10 kegs lard, 4 casks meat, 6 hhds. tobacco, 28 stovos and 08 pieces cast ings. Sho had a coal flat in tow, wnicn tho used as a lighter. Sho had vory good luck coming out, being aground only ono time and then only for a few hours. The H.S. Turner arrived from Fronoh Island, where he has been aground for eighteen days. It Is not determined yot whether sho will load for Now Orleans or lay up. Tho M. rJ. iWicks carao out with a frelghtod bargo in tow. She bad no trouble coming out, Sho will be in com mand of Capt. AVm. Thompson during the absonco of Capt. Barnos, who is off on a ploasuro trip among tno AVhito Moun tains. Tho Grand Tower arr'vedon tjmo with a fair trip, and added consldorablo freight here. The Rekert has sneceoded in ratting the .Louisiana's shaft, and It is now laying on the levee. Tho Fontlnolla sunk in tho Missouri. Sho was valuod nt $30,000 nnd Insurod for $18,000 in Pittsburg companies ns follows: Peoples, $2,000; AVestorn, 2,000; Eureka, $3,000; Bonlmnnj, $3,000; Alleghany, $2,600; Monongnhcls, $2,000. Ofpl. N. Murrny, of tho exploded stor. raor Chatnugua, hns boen chnrged with manslaughter. Ho is still lying danger ously Injured from tho oxplosion. Tho Now-York sttambontmcn nro tlruggllng with ft knotty problem. Gen. Balk n ial,l . 7 . 1 UB'oro me close or tho gov ernment Investigation of the W.stfiold disaster, thatjt.wat thoduty or every boil-, erlnspeotor to go Inside the belle'r under exarfllnalion and tost the innerpUte. and brace. Mr. Mathews, one of the Inspec tors, Is a FalstarT, and the end of a bolUr would hare to bo knocked off to enable him to got Into It, nnd ho couldn't dolt then unless It was a largo boiler and woll greased on the inside. Now, tho question is whethor larger boilers nro to bo mado, or Ma hows is to bo diotod and rubbed down until ho can got into tb9 protent nnos. The St. Louis and Peoria packet corn pany havo purchased tho steamer P. AV Btrader for theltum of $22,000. 3he was built in I860, and cost, when new, $50,000 She was docked at St. IAMI Inn Ut ber, and theundorwriten' valuation of tho voai was f.w,ow, Tho Natchez starts from Now Orleant to Vicktburg next Saturday, on her first trip of tho toason. Tho Sam. Clark has laid up at Louisville With a tOW of twelve. cnl 1,. with 80,000;empty oil barrols. ado uoo is still aground at Grecnlcafs. 1. BY TELEGRAPH. St. Louis, Aug. 24.-Arrivod-S. 8. -urru anu iioo; St. Luko. Jofforion Oitv! H..iU r.....(.i. v.. pr"l.: ?.??DlV'no' ""nois river. Depart od Mollto Moore and Gloncoo, Now Or- V .' tt" """i viCKsuurg; W. J. .1'I''wI,,li.Ci.lyi 8U Ll,kr Jefferson City; Molllo McPiko and Hob Hoy," Keo kuk; 8.8. Merrill, St. Paul; Moolutone, Missouri tItaf. ttiver f.liu nr..,i ' er clear and warm. .Ktahititli!, Aug. 24. Weather cloudy and Warm with n linn almwn. tl.l. ing. ltlver. fsllon two Inches. Down- lobe Hurt ana Ella Hughes, Evantyillo ; LoGlaJr No 1 IT. H V Tl, 1 ' den and Burksville. Business light. LouiaviLijr, Angutt 24. Illvor falling slowly; ;il Inches over tho chute ; 3 foct on Portland bar. Alternately clear and cloudy to-day. Light rain this evening. Cloudy sinco tho rain. Buslnoti dull. Arrived Enterprise, New Orlcant. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. run, HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, City National Bank Bulldint;. UlpeclsJ attention paid to orders from tOati night and day. PICNIC GERMAN LUTHERAN SCHOOL The members of the Herman Lutheran Hchcol pruiwse in give a picnic rort the denei it oy thk school, Flora Uardvai, Ok Mosdat, AutU'HT 28th, 1871, Titlttt, TuxntyfiTC ttntt. The Gardtn will ta Diitin lha liat nrdnr r,nail. ble, and refreshment of all kinds will be sup. plied In abundance. Hpeeehas, instrumental and vocal Music, Jollity and Fun will bo Iho order ol the day. CLm. o itrranjfmif. Wm. lleerwarl, Frod Wlnterkurn, U.C ThcilecUe. A GRAND ANNIVERSARY BALL, war. ii givta) bt tut ARAR FIRE COMPANY, it Kebeera Hall, Friday, Seitemhek 1st, 1871. Tickets f 1 00 Com. of ArranQcmenlnT J. N. Itobluson, Kerth, A. Lohr.J, augl'Mtd BOOTH AMD NIIOKK. WILLIAM EIILERS, Fashlonabte BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWENTIETH STREET, Uetween Washington Avenue and Poplar Street, CAIRO, ILLS. Hoot I and Shoes Made to Order. Fine Workmen Employed. Satisfaction Warranted, Patronage Solicited. CITY SHOE STORE AMD HOOP SKIRT FACTORY on aoixct roa "BiaoijA.sici'a" CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES MMcrclal Aveuae, Corner of Elirntti Htrcet, OArso, "Illinois. PARTICULAR AWXjlrToN rAID TO ALL OU DKKB vor U00I-8KIBTH AND SIIQKS. JOB PRINTING. Tho underiinned, proprietors of the Ptitv and wTlt I ULiariK, 'hate Ju.t reoe Ted an aaaort i?J5"i the latest Btyles of Job Printing typea, 2nd have now on or the most complete lob olflcet fifihe Bouth and West. They flatter themselves that Ihoy poaaess laellUIea for urninK out promptly, in the best style ol the Art, alTworlc intrusted to them, from the amallest card or ubel to the mammoth.poater. and at price Which leave with our busfnea men no good ex- ruHNrrunr. lit S, IIARRKLL, I I I'iA I 1 1', It. I HI lit (lUEENSAVARl HOUSE FURNISHING GO BAR FIXTURES, GLASSAVARE, loo oc lot tuHuiiureiui CAIIIO. ILLINOIS. BARI1ER8. J. ur,u, niiiinuuuuui ...... Miat'tviionav FASHIONABLE BAR "Sharp IUto'rs, wciean Towele tnd rnkiiifull tat .l..t ..A - . . . . w-irnl M.ttV, .m a ik. .a . ... ew-OeriUamen'n whUkera and hair d uiauuuu maimer, nana act on anarant STATE OFFICERS. STATE OFFICERS. Ooternor. John M. Palmer: I.lcuttnant-OOTirnor, John Doughorty Secretary of Btate, Elward Itumtnell Auditor of Bute, C. E. Lipplncetti Hlate Treasurer, E. N. Batei 5 Mupt, public Inatructloo, Newton Bale CONGRESSMEN. Dcnaiors l.yman Trumbull and John Crebs. 1ir..Mlir.ll.-l liKri K11A I. AKSK Benatora, lit District T. A. E. Hole Union, andB.K. (HUon.of OalUtln. Ilepreientallte, 1st Dlttrlct tf. Watto COUNTY OFFICERS. CIRCUIT COURT. Judge I). J. Ilaker, of Alexaadtr. Maeaac. Circuit Clerk Jno. Q. Harman. Hhenfl-A. H. Irrln. Wm. Martin, Asaeeaor and Ttcajurer, COCKTT COURT. Judge F. Droaa. Aaaoclatoa l.'K. MeCrlU and B. March Clerk Jacob O. Lynch. Coroner John II. Ooaimaii. M Nil 1VK 1NME Mayor John M. Lanidtn. Treaiurer J. U. Taylor. Comptroller E. A. Ilurnett Clerk-Michael Uowley. Manhal Andrew Cain. Attorney P. II. Pope. Police Magistrates-K. Hrott and 11. ney, Chief ol Police L. II. Myem. k oucw ivonaiituies worm nncauan, uaj Joi. II. Velrrun and J. W. Bumner, (night B ELECT COUNCIL. Mayor John M. Lanaden, First Ward-P. O.Behuh. Bncond tard C. It. WoO'lwnrd. Third Ward-Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward-S. BtaaU Taylor. ( Irt'a W. I Halll.laT an.1 I). Hti IIOAKLl or ALDERMEN. Filler WAItO-Jamea Bardn, U-o Kleb, Isaac Walden, ECO MWAni)-lt. II.ICunnlUKhaui, K. liudtr, Henry Winter, James Bwayne, TI1IIID WAIID Wm. Btratton, I"ntilck Fittgeiald. FOURTH WARD-Jarata Carroll.J n.II.Seaae. J.U.Metcalf. Tme of Mutiny, iiTiIcovaau rnu.T ei.Diu. uitxnjiuif lun ui.i Ma eacn montn. itacr (vtaciL. each month. aoaan or AlBiaaiir, Monday and Tueaday in every month. COUMITTKKS Or THE COUNCIU . ftltm M.aa.a Taalnp Wal.l.p V Wood and Hetcalf. rntaiic Lunuiuuiiaiii. 3i:iiuii. r , aid, Settle and Halllday. CIotuii Mciirs. Wood, Cunningham and JUict and Jail Messrs. Carroll, liuder Woodward Ualliday. tr.l.,. f..... Dnliuh WlnlB,.n.l 1?lah ivirtriiif Meaara.v oouwaru. nvravne ana u lioart tltalth The Mayor, and Messrs. don, Winter, titration andCairoll. OUR CHUMHES. PRESHYTERIAN Elghlh.atreel. Preaching, Babbatb at 10K a- " tad Vt r. Prayer meetlnir, Wednesday at 7J4 r. u. Btinilay Uchool. 3 r. at, j, m. uniuoa, du METUOUIST-Cor. Eighth and Walnut SU. Preaching, Sabbath 10)i a. ., and T r. H. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, Tiff. . m inniiv nwiDai Li p. m. a., w. diiiwcii. nu ,nin,l.nt. Pa V. T..TtfftiftAif. Paito r-iiiiiir-n iivtiik 11 K 1 ik i:h v it r a nta.nriai Mornlog prayers, Babbath 10J 1, u. Evening prayortJflr. a. Bchool. UA. h. HOT. MkM. UIM UCW7 ht. patriuk'h ouuhuu uor. ninin hi. Washington Avenue, Public Berrlce, Sabbath 6)i and 10K a. 1 Veapera, Sr. a, Sunday School, 2 r. a. Service overy day, 8 r. a, , Hnv. P.J. O'lULLoaia. fries CIIRIBTIAN-Elghtoenth llrott. Sabbath School! 0'i a. a Sabbath. Preaching, Sabbath 10i 1. a., and 1 T. a. m wBI t.L it. oi..l ta.Ul.aillt tLarukat r. m. . . . j. 11. iciid. nuDBrinuiDucu vnttun m 1.-MHJ mi u 1 ut i a n a Uauun atii in atlti mnntlnct infifinil Mnmlnv rmrh mnnin ml I ei.. DaavAt) aanra rtf ihft lf nahwl Afl An 'hllf'fl 41 nf.AU. D.ataiMa,nt unUCedftr. bervicen, Hbbftth, 11 a. H. Sunday Bohool, i, m. Clans 3 p. Me I'ruiujiiiu ki. i y r. sti. itnT. wm. jukiud. x sut SECOND FREE-WILL IIAPTIST Fifteenth B between Walnut and Cedar. Services Sabbath. IK and 3 r. a. Rev. N. Rich, Pastor, FKKK,WM, i UK ' KT lillAlK M1H1I 1H Nil DAY SCHOOL Cornor walnut and Cedar Sta. Sunday School, s a, u. rv'a Darrocka. Services, sabbath It a. a., 3 r. a, and 1 r. a. Rev. Wa. Knur, Pastor. FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST CUUBCIl-Bet ween vw bui m avtvon, uour veuar. Preachlni Sabbath WH . and TK r, a. Prayer Meeting. Wednesday ovenlnir. i-reacnioK, rriaay evening. i i Dauu&tiiDuitooi. ivt f. h. jflna van liawi.-... ai7 uvvpuviia RMpviiufceaueata. i "ey.TJ.Buo,uji,t'M!or, i .