Newspaper Page Text
Hi JOHN H. ORERLY & CO., Llt'K INNURANC'E. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. UK MOST LTCCt'J4HI iU UXVV. lSU Till- PURELY NO STOCKHOLDERS AifOUXTOF Policim IX Force Dec. 31. Total Incomk to Same Date, - . Net Incrkahic of Rikh in Force, 1870, ---- "iroiwiiunnK mryrar ix;urnnx Company In IhO WnrM GndH.s Ixcreahk of Hiskh i.v Force, 1870, .... $30,327,730 00 Only, two Companies In tho world ill" onis lOininy Wlileh KUnranttea. n. rli.rti.r..,! riv,l Iiikii Ivl'ifar. KNTn IN FA HI! UfATIf I..' ........ . .. i. i onir mmiMnr wtileli. Jnr ti. riM. HUE' ?. (I... II'. ...i. w n . - . v. I'llinuiulUi C3-H2SrOE3E.Ii OPPICE, ST. liOTTIS, IVTO. JAM ES II. MUTTON, Picsidcnt. Hknky W. Houoii, Vice president. AiAwi-Kv, .-secretary. 1. 1. Buiineh. Attorney, uo.v. wm. uaknkh, Consulting CoutucI und Actuary. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS DKl'AltTMKNT. E. P. IJccuxuiiam, Mnnagor. ' 1 CAIBO BRANCH BOARD. 'k. LIImIm. l.-l MU IUIIVIIII HIK drtCrn UrJ u( vuuutl r.f America. it 11 . . . .. ClIAr. GaLIUIIKR, J. .M. Phillips, O. Hax.ny, It. S. IlKHIHAM, Pavi. O. Sciiuii. . II. flAVriuir JOHN ANTRIM, lra our KAfm im1 l'lniiM he fort- LOUAIi nlt .lltn I K T CLOSIILTG- OTJT .A.T COST ! Tlip public are hi reby nolir.cii that DRY-GOODS, HOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, -NOTIONS, ETC., HflungiiiK to thp i .titfcf the lite SCOTT "WHITE "WILL 1JE SOLD AT COST THE OLD STAND, COHNEll SIXTH STREET AND OHIO LEVEE CAIRO, - - - - XXjXjX2TOXQ. MCUAL.I BUILDINGS l'OH SALE. ornrtat t o'clock jp.m.. tut, ItabullJiBi, la Mil outtioutci itfuateJ on Um nortli-tit U DOiilon w III lie BiTpn. TPimi. ons Cain, aad the balance In 6 month.; note with 1)0 required. the propprtr t.iold prltate tale Lcforo 1 nimn nm ra nr utiri .. I rA a t.n in ifO. AU((, 1, 1871. di4 ELECTION NOTICE. a aupkbalilrfl nf thn Knuirnri.n SATlnva ol oalro are nareur nollnediuat an election neia anno uiir naiionii imuk on hod. Beptpmlier 'tli, fur the election of rtn dt. WiXTIl llTDLOF, TO CONTRACTORS. tiuc la nereuT viven. inai uraieii nroDouia f BaturdaT, the Hell dar of Septetntx r, 1K71, tor tllldin2 of a bridge acroia Cache river, oiiio. he old town of Unity, according to .lm and noatloni now (.n file In my olTicc, in the Cliy i. and S3i0 in ncmonal tulcrlrtloni. made orthebulldtni:or naid undue, und Kuurtn. by 1'ulaiki county ; the tulancc ciuh In contractor will bo reaulrod to comnlete to the tatiafactlon of tho County Courta of VBIiVUiVI.HUUVI JACOB 0. LYNCH, .. i i . t i. ... NOTICE. leeitnereDr Riren that, wnereaa, William -. -Ill l.-ll. .1 II . V. a by nia certain chattel mortgage contey to v. neiiogg, ino iwo tiory uricx aiore iLnatiwI nn Int numliAP nlf IC1. in number twanty.flro (23), In Hie city ol rnuatr of Alexander and ataia nt Illinois. the lit day ol January. A. 1). Wl. with nil neiaBanaaa naHiiniA ita nn n nn i r ttmt n r to mm naranxi xtuoag tor mo aum oi y.ajuw nuourou uouara fs,auuj, payaoio IlkM baeu mado In the iiayment ot a part ootf , to aaeuro tua payment whereof said aa wm awa anna j x iivi vhi U MWTtif i n luuii'iugiT. an IDV IIVUIII w w w viut m. m, put p.m t umdfty.Mme wamiifs, pro Mil M public Ml4i to lh hiylienl bidder. 4n Dttu. tuo ftoovo aecritcu nouieaaii loMUiIjrtlioftmpuntUue on -md note, H. S. BRIOHAM, M, D. HOXEOrATUINT. A. WADOYMAR, M. D., Anaa, Union county, linuom, una per- a. tietwaen Emhlh and Mntli stroeta West 1 1 ik mi t r Nn vi 'nirififiniri Nirpri. imi tiat nAinmuM il tvnniifi tin stiilrfl. 0. W. DUNNING, M. D. IDKNOE ornerninm auu nainui an, boon from 0 .m. to n ni., sou PROPRIETORS. AN7H I U ill lr.1r A T tfM (if tuv a a w i. . . tit Wiiii. ZAXTTTTJT!;" TO AHSORH PROFITS. 1870, . 00 - 3.074.788 80 20.000.010 00 exceed lhi irroim Increaso during 1b70. i.. .. " . - ' ' tni'ii titk i nmiit-upv riTit-'i- m iriic " ----- - - - ..." .... . . . ... . . .. Felix Cohte, Supt. Missouri Dept. K. L. Lemoink, M. D., Med. Officer. .iuiin n, i-kituiiaiiii, Treasurer. .If I. . . ... fl'V"-' lURUlKltCU f SCII, ID HIP J.lie A S Of I SI I 0 0 .lOHX II. OlIKHI.T, AV'u. Muhuih, T.J. Kkutii, W. S.Ersox. you limtire lu muy olbpr Company. AliKNTS. UOODN. Hie large and" ninflnlticent l k ol MUM. Ht-OTT WHITE. OBD1NAXCES. ORDINANCE NO. 121. An Ordirtane to yreicnt tht running at large of (fowi and) goalt, and for other puritotci. BY. ft ordained by the City Council of the City of Cairo BtCTiOK 1, That it ahall not ba lawtul tor any roat to run at larae, within tha llmlta of the aald City or Cairo s and any perton being the owner of any goat, or havtng charge or control of tho name, aa agent or olherwiae, who ihall permit audi goat to run at large, in an? atrtet. avenue, or public ground ol aaid city, ahall forfeit and pay to aaLl city a aum not leia than lite dollara, nor more than twenty Are dellara, for eaon and etery oflnco. Htr. 1. All the prorlalofia of an ordinance, en titled "An Ordinance to restrain hoga from run nlngat large within the llmlta of tlu City," and numbered 113, bo and the aame ara hereby re enacted ami made a part of tkla ordlnanoe. Kte. 3. Ii ahall not ba lawful for any cow, goat, borne, mule, ox, bull, ahaefj, or awlac, to wear a bell within the liiniU of aald aity; and any person being the owner of any of aald animals, or having charge of the aame a agent or otherwiao, who ahall permit them or any of them, to wear a bell within the llmlta of aaid olty, shall forfeit and Day to aald cily a aum not Uaa than die dollara, nor more than twenty-fire dollara, for each and nvery oftenee; and, in addition, ten dollara for paoh and erery day nich animal ahall continue 10 wear SUeh Iiell aftur thp fltlt rnnvfrllAn t.-if aueh otTence tinder thla ordinance Provided, howi-ver, that the wearing of any bell by any lior.oor mule, when In Iiroen and attached to nuy renicie, anait not bo considered a violation ol (Ins ordinance. Approved, JOHN M. LANSDEN, Attest, Mayor. 51. J. Hoamr, City Clerk. Auguit 1'Jth. 1171. ORDINANCE NO. 122. An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 49, onu jur omer purpotct, K It ordained by tho City Council ol the City of Cairo B MErrinv 1. n.,ln.... Va in' t. the aame la hereby amended, by adding a! the end ol ttie first section, the worda " or any tin. Iron or wooden box, pin, pot, can, bucket, pipe, hoop, or any description of earthen, glass, crockery, tin or wooden waro whatsoever, or any old boot, shoe, hat, rags, or clcthlngj or any tree or bush, or pprtiona of the aame; or any old lumber, ahavlnfs, straw, manure, hay, grass, vegetable!, garbage, rubbish, or otlal, or slops from dwelling houses ; or any offensive, ,'oul, or nauseous liquid or substance provided the provisions of this or dinance Mmll not apply to any building materials, IllCrchandlBO. Or articles that mav hn lumiiamilff deposited qn the strceta or aveauos, to be used or rt-iuuiou ,-nor 10 any Tegeiauicsi, oirai.or garbage, placed in a box or barrel at the side of the street, for removal and provided, also, that If any earth or nshes are deposited In the atreets or avenuea, they shall bo spread evenly over tho surface ol the middle of tho tame. Sic. Jt shall not ba lawful for any person or persons to permit any sloes, or fou', olleoaive or naiiaeOUS lliltldl A, anliGfAnn In Km .II. I. . r..o.l ?r I'," lrom ' out ol any premises ocvup'ied !,? !,,er 0.r,hcm.'Ho any sticel or avenue, or nto any adjacent iiroml.o. nn.l nvcr. n.r.nn rie dollnrs, nor more than fifty dollars, for each tjic. i. It ahull ha tli ilntu 11. r, ... troller to provide tho means for removmg from the front of nil houses In the city all vViftablea ;?iir.3C kitchen oOI. of oTerr description, pro Vldod tho tame It placed to boxes or barrels, a d placod In oopvenfont locations in front or said houses, lieforo the time fixed for such removal t nnd that such removal ahull lie made, from the iiiBiuiijr wi ui'vuuiuer 10 mo nrst uay or March, onco n weok ; from tho first day or March to the first day of June, aid lrom the first day of Dep. (ember to thn first day of December, twleo In each week; and from the first day ol Juno to tho first day ot Heptemher, six days In each week ; nnd that notice shall bo given ly said Comptrol' ler of, the time of such removal, by publication, in the newspaper publishing the ordinances of tho city, any nrrangoment mado by tho Comptrol. ler for tho purpose above specified, to be by biro reportod to the City Council, In Joint session con vened, for approval by thorn. Approved, JOHN M. I.ANSDEN, Mayor. Attest, M. J, How iir, Cily Clerk. Auir, 111, 1871. IllNMNUi BOOKH, pamphlets, briefs, catalogues, newt papers, tax llsta. and every varloiv or eitAn. slvo printing coiitrsotod for, nnd promytly and rpeodily exoculed, in tho llulletln book, iob; and newspaper blading establishment. CAIRO, TflE BULLETIN BY TELE6BAPH Kpor(pdppcUlly;rrlbf (air Bui Iftln. Tra honrsi In ndvnacc of Nt. MM pftprii. NEW YORK. LOSS OF THE STEAMER DONA. TWENTY LIVES LOST. LA- THE ITALIAN CELEBRATION. Nkw-Yoiik. Aug. 25 -Tho Steamer IMiino. Arrived from JJrenMm to-day. . TIIK ITALIAN CKLKBATIOX. Tha coldbratlon In Itonor of tho Italian unity, took jilaco tcMlay. Tho procossion moved from Fourtocnth itroot shortly af. tor 10 o'clock through a drlrtllng rain tlion falling-, which in hnlf an hour bo cBtno a perfect dclugo accompanied by frequont pea! j of thnndor. The procossion then marched to City Hal) without ititerfaronco or disturbance, and proceeded down Uowery and up Broadway to Four teenth street, whero it was disbanded, LOSS OY THE STEAMSHIP LOXDOX. Intclllgonco has been received of tho lots of the' Stoamor Ladona, off tho coast of Florida Twenty lives woro lost. Capt. -Lowth.Jho first and second engineers, four, sailors, tho head cook and ntbts boy, wero saved. . THLMTt CUURCU TBOUIILKS. I Tho Trinity church proporty trouble Is 1 in a fnir way to bo renowed., Tho Aanecko I jant ucirs now say tney uavo discovered further ovidenco of tbuir right to the prop erty, and aro raiting moans for tho com mencement of a law suit. I Inspector H. Flatt Station, who was charged with manslaughter in the tho third dogroo by tho coroner's jury in the SUrbuck investigation, surrendered him self and was roleascdon $5,000 bail. The steamship Carrio ruptured her boil er on August 11, near Now Brighton, Sta ten Island. Tho engineer was badly scald ed. Tho public was kept in ignoranco about the explosion till yesterday, when the old boiler was replaced with a new one, and information of tho case givon by tho engineer. It is said that tho boiler was recently in spected by tho govcrnmont inspector, Matthews. HoraccGrocley isdisploascd at tho charg es accusing members of tho union republi can association with being influenced by Tammany, and tho itatements of opposing tho republican city organization, that the bolting of tho Tribune has hurt tho party, and says that the Tribuno it bol eved to havo upheld the Tammanyplundcrors and Ignored ropubllchn interests. Tho proper way is to voto its friends out at tho noxt stavo convention; but whatever may be done. Oroolcy is for the party, oven though bis ability to advocate the cause be dimfn. Islied by tho follies of opposing factionittt. Tho west India and Panama telegraph cablos havo been successfully laid to tho islands of St. Luccia and Barbadoea. ST. LOUIS. CAPTURED BY THE INDIANS. QUESTION OF OF THE THE REMOVAL CAPITAL. MEETING OF EX-CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS AT R0NAKE. St. Lou ib, Aug. 25. A privato letter from Chevnnc, Wvomintr. that on the 27th of July, about 50 Indians attacked eight wiiito mon, mirty miles soutn or tnat placo Kining inrco ana capturoa tnrco; tno oth er two escaped. Tho captured men havo not been board from slnco. A moss nicotine to considor tho nucstlon of removing the national capital has been canou to do nota nero, &opiomDcr ibth. Among tho signors of tho call aro Joseph Brown, mayor of tho city, Hon. Hcnrv J. Blow, ex-Gov. Standard, ex-Sonntor liouderson, lion. U. A. Finkol, Nowburg, Hon. Ernstus Wells, J. B. Eadcs and Silos Kent. At the rounion of ox-confedcrato sol. dlors ut llonake, Missouri, on last Wednes day, tiio following resolution were adopted. Resolved, That wo cheorfully acknowl edge tho great improvement in our poaco, wolfuro and political condition growing out of tho roponl of tho late pre scriptive tost oaths, and wo owo to our lib oral Gorman fellow-citieons a candid ac knowledgement of our sense of grutitudo for their manly sharo in procuring for us a popular recognition of our inalienable rights. That, in tho present situation of attulrs in this stato, wo rocognizo n new or der of things, rondcriffg it proper for all men of progress to turn their backs upon tho 'pest and grasp manfully tho duties and responsibilities of tbo future. That tho tranquility of tho southern states nnd tholr usefulness to tho publio at largo can best bo proved by universal amnesty, and remitting to tho peoplo of tlicto states the same control over their local affair! as en joyed, without hlndrunco, by tho cltizons ot tho northorn states. That tho matorial prosperity of our republic will bo retarded by laws which discriminate against any part of our gcograpical domain, or which havo a tondoncy to destroy tho prido of any portion of its cltizons in tho glory of our common country. That it is worthy of truo manhood toromombor friendships and to forgot enmitios, and, identified as wo must 1)0 with tho pooplo of Missouri, it In our duty to contrlbuta our ttharo to rotriovo for our stato and its remotest pos terity tho highest and proudest dosliny attainablo by mankind. This resolution wero unanimously adopted. WHEELING, VA. PROBABLE MAJORITY THE CONVENTION. FOR Whkkmno, Va- Aug. 25, In tha oloc tion of yostorday, twonty-sovon townships clvo a majority of Oil against convention. Tho interior counties will probably give a majority for tho convention. ILLINOIS, FRI0AY, AUGUST THE OLD WORLD. TWO BRITISH SHIPS LOST SEA. AT ENOLAND. LoxcoN, Aug. 25. Watney majority lor A'ttriiaraontlOOO. Sorno English papers commenting on death of Hon forth, hint that ho may havo boon poisoned. Bristol ships Sam Cearnt and Knight arrant, bound to San Francisco, wero lost off Capo Horn. Eight livos lost yesterday in Bnglish channol by sinking of schooner. KeporU of- chokra ot Antworp has caused tho enforcement of a quarantino at mat port. Duko Uraelio and Lcdru Kollln returned here. Tompcituous woathor and reportod datnago to snipping on Irish coast. IiOMiKix, Augusts. The Independent Bolgo, to-day, discredits the' reported ap noaranco ,pf cholera at Antworp. At Koonlgtburg, on Wednesday, thoro woro 127 cntet of cholera and 48 doaths, and at Dantzic, on tho same day, wero 12 cased and 10 donthi. Tho opidomic ItdetTMiing in lliniln. -u , FilANCi. PaIIIS. Allir. SfiTlm KKVOFmnnM lha forbidden ntlblic rclolcino-nn -llh Hnntnm. ber, tho nnnlvcrsarv of revolution last yoar against Bonnparte. Asturancoi aro (aid to havo' reached Ver sailles that tho Prussian forces in Franco will bo reduced' to 60,000 on 1st Septem ber. Thoso remaining will bo lodged in barracks'. box CAIILOS bai arrived at Bayonno. His adherents In Spain Are divided in oulnloa us to what course ho will pursue. PHIOAGO. AGRICULTURAL AND EDUCA TIONAL CONVENTION. Chic ago. August 25 At the cventno- session of the convention for the advance ment of agricultural and practical educa tion, too question discussed was tho rem. .tions which tho agricultural colleges bear toeacn oiocraau me public. Prof. Oilman, of tho Sheffield scientific schoel, gavo a history of tho work which ho had done. Tho sum of all tho experi ence which had fallen under the professor's notico was that thoro was eolnc forward a great change in tho forms and objects of caucauon tnrougnout mo country. Xlio results of tho new training wero not yet far enough advanced to definitely docido as to tboir value, but It had been ascer tained that tho t-ow form wat a success. Prosident Welch, of tho Iowa agricul tural college, related tho satisfactory re sults which had followed tho exporitnents of self-government in tho dormitories nnd boarding-houses. This consists of division into sections, from each of which n mem ber was chosen to form n court for tho trial of culprits and tho settlement of disputes. The speaker had tomo different views in relation to tho question of manuel labor. Ho would havo this mado ono of tho clo moots of a collego course, and his own ex- Fierienco was that tho experiment was en irely Successful. Tho women question had .iever been n mattor of doubt ith him, and that ho had always been success ful; that tho clement, introduced by wo men in schools was ono which had mado tho gorornmcnt most easy. Prosident Donison, of Kansas, discussed tbo woman question, and fully agreed with the previous speaker concerning the ad visability of admitting women. Prof. Falwell, of Minnesota, was an en thusiast for admitting women. Presidont Gregory spoko of tho intro duction of women Into colleges. Ho rath er favored their education with mon. Professors Miles nnd ltoborts illscu.scJ tho Jaborquostlon, and adrocatod tho ex pediency of a farm connected with each collogc. CINCINNATI. RAILROAD MATTERS. DROWNED. Cixcinxati, Aug. 25. Tclogrnm from Crestlino reports storm thoro yesterday afternoon, accompanied with wind nnd hail, blowing down Uecs and houses. Tho ongincjhouso of Cincinnati & Indianapolis rauroru wrecked. Ko lives lost. Kalnod hero all last night and this forenoon. Judgo Hogans, this morning, granted motion setting asido salo of Cincinnati and Dayton Tunnel railway, nnd dismisiod re ceiver, under a schomo of capitalization issued by tho secretary of state to afore said company. Tho decision is favorablo to John C. Frocmont And othors, of Ken tucky and Grout Eastern railroad, who nre lioro in tho intorost of that road, by way of tunnel under Walnut Hills. Eden B. ltcodor, a woll known citizen, was accidentally drowned last nlcht. hv stepping off tho wharf boat at Fifth street landing. NEW ORLEANS. SUSPICIOUS CHARACTERS SHOT. New Omlkaxd. Aur-ust 25 1 .ant throo mon, known as auspicious char actors, named Michael Hickoy, Uonry Petri and llichard Joyce wero standing on Camp stroet at the corner of Franklin. Thoy woro approached by watchmen for tho purposo of making arrosts. llinckey started to ran and a nnmlr nf ntUcnrs joined In tho chnso. When runninir up Franklin street, officer James Caughlin called to Htckey to stop which ho refused to do. Lsughlin then flrod two shots at Hickoy, billing him instantly Hickoy Is said to bo n noted thiof. Caughlin at onco surrendered. A short tlmo siuco Caughlin engaged with throo or four othor metropolitans, fearfully club bing Martin Loiil- on St. nhriiw .ii-nt and is now under indictment for Hint of- fonco. Arthur Gucriro. who u 11 a shitt annul timo fclnce by domitv shnr III lliiiMtf.n. tn criminal court, died this morning. A-rivuto uispaicncH rrom Now York, an nouncing tho lots of creates jminful nnxioty here. BASE BALL AT C1.KVEI.AXJ), OHIO. Cleveland. Aul'. 126 Snpoi.d luiiiu In championship series botwoon lloymakont, 01 iroy una forest C ty of Clovolaml, wa won by tormer in u sgoro Of 11 to'J, 25. 1871. WIUHNGTON, N. C. YELLOW FEVER IN CHARLES TON. WJLMixciTox, August 25. For two days past wo havo had reports hero that yellow lever provailed in Ouarloiton. In formation rccoived to-day removes all doubt as to 1U oxlstonco tliorc, nnd, it is feared, in epidemic form. A loiter, received this mornlnc from nno of tho most prominent clorgymcn of viunesiun, states mat a malignant typo of yellow fovor is there, and that tho wri ter himself has soon four cases. Information from many sources states that tho discaso is there, und that it is thought to bo spreading. Tho city authorities of Wilmington tel. ograph'cd to tho mayor of Charleston for information, but hnvo rccoived no answer. Notwithstaading tho nbovo testimony, tho Charleston papers of ycstorilay say that tho health of that city was novor belter than. at tho present tlmo. POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. CAPTURE OF ESCAPED PRISON ERS. Pououkeei-sie, August 25. Bornaad Wiley, an escaped convict, was broucht to Sing Sine, to-day. from tho Hackonsack jail. Ho is not so badly wounded ns first supposed. Wheeler, tho ox-convict, who was captured, domes everything in rela tion to his chartering tho steam tug. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW OBLEANS. New Oklkanh, August 25. F LOU K Drooping, $1.50; XX,$5.!10; XXX, $6 37i. COUN Firm; yollow, COc; white, "Oc. uais in modorato demand at -rja&Oc. HAY Dull; choice, $'J0a31. BRAN Quiet at 1 Olal 071. POBK-Qulct and held nt $11. BACON Irregular; shoulders, Cju7c; rib, 7; sides, tHuttj. WHISKY Dull at OOalOOc. All others unchanged. ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, Aug. 20. FLOUK Tolerably firm for liiodium grades; othors dull. WHEAT Easier for low grades; No. 3 red, $1.12. CORN Better In bull;; yellow on track. 44 J. OATS Firmer No. 2 in elevator, 3 1. RYE Unchanged at 57aG0. WHISKY Steady at 90. PORK Unchanged at S13. BACON Good order and lobbing de mand; shouldcrds, CJ ; clear rib, 7(it7J; clear, 73a8. Li A It U more doing ; choice keg, 10 and declining. CHICAGO. ClliCiao, August 25. PORK Firmer; $12.87 J12.75 seller September. LARD Firm; 80cbid December. MEATS Strong nnd in good demand; sales of shoulders nt 5c. WHISKY Dull ; hold at 88c. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, Aug. 25. FLOUR In good demand ; fatuity $5. 50u5.75. WHEAT Firm nt Sl.l-lil.lC. CORN Quiot at 5la52c. OATS Stoady ut 30a38c. RYE Quiet nt C5aC8c, BARLEY Quiet at 80a90c. L'U'ITON-Ualet Dill llrill ; middling?, I8jal83. WHISKY Stead v nt 80c. HOGS Declined to St JOal MESS FORK Quiet at $12 70. 60. LAUD In demand nt Oc. BULK MEATS In demand; should- ors, 5u5Jc; asking 5c; sides, Oc; clear rib, UC. BACON Shoulders, hold at OJc; sides sold at Co. for old packed clear rib; 7n"Jc for now packed. nAMS Sugar cured, 14al4Jc. BUTTER. CHEESE & EGGS Un- changed. BUFFALO. Bukkalo, August 25. WHEAT Scarce ; sulos of 10,000 bu. of ruu winter sainpio at CORN Sales of 8,000 bu. In lots nt 57c, IJ A 1 to Hiado higher; sales of S.000 bit It il'JC. -MILWAUKEE. MlI.WAUKKK, August 25. FLOUR Firm nnd unchanged. WHEAT Steady nt S1.18J fur No. 2. IIOUNK 0IOVINi HOUSE MOVING. JAMES KENNEDY, riiArrioti. HOUSE MOVER AND 1UTILDKU Is prepurixl to d.i all kln.N of HOUSE MOVING, HOUSE RAISING UKiAIRIXO OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OH Till MOST aiASONAIILS TSUMS. OKDERH left at tho rosldonroul Mr. Kennedy, on Outer street, next dour to tho new school house, or addressed to the care of I'. I), llox 14. for the llulleliii ottlco, will ivcuivo prompt utlm Hon. MIT4IC M.A F.O IN. 'st.'jVouis ' LAW SCHOOL. nVW. reRiilsr nniiiml termofthls Law Bchool I willop.'ii on Weilnesday, October lllh, 17I. Full course, tuo tcrnu six months, usch. but dents ml nil lied to tho seulorclan oiiexniiiluatlou by npphention on or before (lotobor 7th. 17I. Tuition fee, $u) 00 por umiinii, Kor purlli'iilsrs address O-. QTEWAET, ActlnK Pean of Law 1'aculty, 20:, NORTH ilrJ St., ST. LOUIS, MO. lirATCII FliKi;, nud tM 11 dsy sure, no hum. yV, huK . Addresn with stump, I.ATTA A CO, PiltsbiirK. 1'a, ylSilt.liii WOOD I WOOD I ! WOOD!!! The underpinned will fnrni"li HARD AND DRY WOOD Ah Cheap, If mil liteuper Than any uojd dealer lu Culm, Lcate orders nn 1 tin slitlt'S ut tho I'tistollleo mil nt Un,' , nul yard, on Cummeruint hmuuio, bctneen Tenth nud ''....lltl. Ul.....t K..l.. . -.1 Pleasure and will cord tint uimd up ll'desirx.!, ailKH'H HKNMHIIAI,i:i. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AV. INNUIIANCK, w. 11. iionnii", Notary Public, It. If. CANLIKE Ho. Pub. And U. S. Con. FIRE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK, ACCIDENT, LIFE, lUStJIlAITCE! .KT.VA, HAnTFOnil, A"Pts $.',,511,101 07 X0UTH AMEHICA, I'A, Asset' J.TKJ.Iwa' TI AltTFOKD, CONX, Assets. i.MI.SlO TJ rilUCXIX, HAIITIOIID, Asscbt 1,781,1,8 86 INTKKXATIOXAL, X. V., Asuel l.aVl.JJS 17 rUTXAJI, IIAUTroitl), Asicls 7(3,i7 . CLKVKI.AXI), CLKVKLAXP, AsksISm 515,173 SS nOMK, COI.UMIIU9, Asret 515,27t tl AMKRICAX CENTRAL, MO., Assets W,(XW COXXECTICL'T MUTUAL LIFE, Asjets ai,OjO,0"0 tu TKAVKLKIlf, HAItTFOnil, LIFE AXD ACCIDEXT, Asscti l,.VW,fi0 1 IlAILtVAV I'ASSKXQEn.V ASSUKAXCE CO., IIAKTFOUII, Assets. AtD.OUOOt INDEl'EXDEXT, IIOSTOX, Asicla G.H,SC2 CS SAFFORI), MORRIS & CANDEE, ri iiii i.otoc, Cily National Bank, cAino, tt.ii. FIRE AXD MARINE (OMIM.MKS t XIAdAKA, N. Y., Assets tl.tSO.ilO 2fi OKUMAXIA, X. V., Assets l.USI'l 78 HAXOVEU, X. Y., Assets 720,802 00 ItKI'UIILIC, X. Y., Assets 7H,25 00 wmprlslng tho Underwriters' Agency. YOXKEIW, X. Y., Assets 87(1,151 ALluxr CITY, Assets 453,193 23 FIKEMEX'h FUXI), 8. F., Act 078,000 00 SECURITY, X. Y. MAItIXE, A"ti. 1,132,619 W VJ iuiu;, imellinij't. IO Roes, Insured at n Kurnlture. ttulli nnd Car. ratci at favorablo & Bound. permanent secuntv will warrant. I respii'tlully ask of tho citliens of Cairo, a shtrool tlicir putronnjn. ('. N. lll'tlHEH, Oilioe nt First N.ttlonal Uank, WINKS AMI I.IO.UOIU. WM. II. SCIIUTTER, " aniiiorirr hiki WiiolcMtlc Healer lu WINES, LIQUORS, AMI TOBACCO fie CIO-AES. Ah-eiit fur I ho best brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AMI IiiilMtrlfd Alt". r IHHorriit liltitla. 75 Ohio Lkvhh, CAIHO, ILLlNOId. F. M. STOCKFLETU, st'iTrsmiii mill k a KTorsntTH 'ItPftlfjer mill Wliolcxnlp llonlrr 11 I'ort'lKtt nml lloiiitllc LIQUORS, WINKS, ETC. No. 78 Ohio Lkygk, Hi' .ks iru.!.:i II-. - , (Mill.), I UilNOIH. HK keeps mi hand ronslnntly a full stock of Old Kentucky Hourtinn, Itie Hint SloiiiuiKit helii WhlKkli'S. I'reni'h llrsndies. Iloll.ind ti in. Itlmionud I'lilllornla Wines, j iii:if S'OINItltlKS. I. & E. GREENWALD. havu Acti'iuta or Steam Ket;lne, Hollers, Klour " nd Clrist Mills, Haw Mills, Tho "Tupper" Patent Orate bar, MACHINERY FOR (lEXERAL I'URl'OSEH, CINCINNATI. OHIO. iY'.ldiweOdtl I'AUL 0. SOHUH, ID JE& UGG-IST, REIHOVKD, NO. 108 COMMERCIAL AVENUE WlillUkrr- Old. Ntaml, Orro3iTB Atiikskum, Cairo, Ir.t. I'jys particular attention to tilling all physician and f.imlly prescriptions. 3 -A. -ir ojR asrio-i-ia?. WH OS niXD ALL PATENT MEDICINES worth having. Agent for KKIXH FEVEK TUNIC, Warranted the best Hover Killer known In thle cllmuto. NO CURE-MONEY REFUNDED. aisoj IIAMII.TO.VN BUCHU AND DANDELION, An excrlleut remely In all diseases of tho Kid ney?, equally, at ood or bettor than HcmtioM's, nnd tor lets money. iw gixt ron Hiiliitliroy'n llotiteoplintlilc NpeclHcr. Ills well selected stock of I'nticy tiooda, Of every description cannot be surpancd by any eatib llshment of the kind In tho city. WATCJIHAKER. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. II. HOUFT, NO. 150 WASHINGTON AVENUE, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, Has oa hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. Particular attention given to REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. Tho largest stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES IN THE C1TI. HOAT NTOBES. SAM WILSON, UlttlU IX OltOCKIllKS, PROVISIONS, ETC., No. HO Ohio Lever, Cairo, III. osntKs puosptlt ratm; O. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 76 OUlo I.evK', CAIHO, ILLINOIS, Tduecliil Atleullon iriven to Constmmanta and tilliiii: orders. COAL. CAIRO OITY COAL h prepared to supply customers with the best ipuallly of PITTSBURG AND IUiLNOia COAT,. Charles Hotel, will receive prompt attention. TUETUU'UoNVAUKwltlUu.gcoiior.B side stcameia at any hour. , o?tf