Newspaper Page Text
runxiTtittr.. SAVH TWENTY' Will CKNT F TJ OSTI T XT IR, EJ EltlHHOFF BROS., ,'UKNITiJHH FACTORY, M'mliliiKlon-nv., Ni-tir 4'oMiiiii Hollar, CUlllO, ILLINOIS Mer. r.ichliotl llr.ilhoriilriiro In In To nil tho citltetuofCiIro tied they nro inaiiuliclurlng nil VinUi of PLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE An I have now mi Iminl ami for anlo, lit Wlutlriiilo mill Iteliill II kloilf, nJ wilt continue In keep nt their B VLKS KOOMS, IN TllEin NEW HUILMXfl, Evry dlscripllon of iheap nnd costly turnlliiro, such as Starved He Jiteads, WMKtUe Topped ilurcnui, mrSlcletKinnl, V-'naliMtimli. .a-Wsrilrobea, Bofa Chairs, n.a.Bofsi anil MiUrnnr,, J-Lounges, et.- , etc., Which they will gnftTtinteo to Hell TWENTY TEU UK NT. LOWEK Than tlipy can le Imtightf nm nny other denier In the city. I live them n fiitl and satisfy vour 'If. J)2.Mtf THE BULLETIN. Satuiiday Mor.NiNa, Auoust 20, 1871. JOHN II. OHKUI.Y, Kdit.ih ami l'l'ni tmitii. Truim or Tin: Daily IUliitin: SubiCrijttton, t). h week, by carrier, S5 Dno venrhy carrier, in mlvnnce 10 (l ":o Tonth, by r.inll 7S 'Th-ej irontlx J.' so S x iiinntli,... 4 iiJ . i year, 8 (l 7 ((Tumi jyr nj Alunmltr eounli iml of Hit eitij uj iiHHio'uKiMciiiniii; Krmu, iui eurtrii ; fui MjifiLcH Oft oil tlt)rtti of nttrtt to thi puh'ie uilk 9 tareenit'liiiciofniiti rireultititm. tht. Unite tinulieitt tht jmlrunitje ul iiittltytHt ruultn tuul ...icrf iririj uusLmcji men. TIIK DOLLAIl WKKKf.V lIUf.T.KTI.V. b!ih H. (llierly . Co. riavo rivliiceil the nib er'iiti"ii pnr.. nf tho Weekly Cairo llulleti to One ii'liir iernnnitn, in.'lliliiK II Ihn fhi!ijieil ji.v .eriiilill.hwl in Southern lllnon. Fur Prtsukut, 1872, JAMES It. DOO LITTLE, OK WlKCO.NSI.V. Subject lu the decision of the niilmniil dan ocralic eonmitiim. Tl" Nr Yorl. WoihloiiHciitUnr loollltlo.) "Ilia record i no rowilstent mid nnlnr umhed tliat it may Ic llhcnrd t'i a i'niyi( line drawn icroi n puzzle it char betnn, uutierrrtd by the iliictitaliiiy ntmuHjhcre uf American polit(.t, through the jiast twenty yenrt. I M a if eli li Siuntoe IltJille, lUutrcl at I)e tWlt, III JSjH. "I.el imiu'l by IhuHouUi s CiniilliH .r.ij .1 in ilu i y tho people ol I .ii 1 1 ii 1 1 1 fi r Ihej 1 1 I re li IIhiI iiiiu.I Homo nnj Im.l li-en pnl ilmtnl.t ili Hriiiii'N ol that pun it. Win") the ii-r.liin nie in tho seimtu ! 'tVhl cilintl bo iliuie vulh bit inn nnil the people of J, ilium ?' theiiMii re Milne eien Iheie who fliouli'.l : "I 'uiill-rale their lieprrty i intke Ihem Maten." 1 heie hik, Iioh iter, iKinii I linl ilay who uoithl lime ininle them flinei. lo thiirown rlaien, lint Luiiiilliin, iihnM' f euli of n kindle lino h:n inmje hi imme im inoiul, taid. htiihtnri), let nn Timl.o tlicm r-lbH -citltenn, Hiiif thtla aibl lo the poner uinl ((buy i.l ltoinel" l,rt u,iio that theyliniel.ini iIiihu the nn of their ril llion mi l liue ieune.l their MlFKieucr to tho union urnl the tlatr. tnnVe the hxiuthtrn people our fellow -eiiiii, nml llui. . la lo the power nn j ulnry of ihn tuition." DOOLWm 1118 SPEECH IJKKOUH TIIK WIS CONSI.N DEMOCHATIC .TATP CONVENTION. uinti.emk.n-. i am Ueeply moved bv tun liuiiuucniu rejioitu in tn0 ,y ii,0 C0Ir. ventioD, and no h by tho mamior ii wuicu ii jihs peon none. Huv ns nml auc, not tell tho half I feel nt thl? moment x am proiounuiy grateful, und yet I could have i wished your cholco had fitllcn upon another. It was not thought; itwan ywxK, uear iricnUs. J nssont with n lnD,,rd.,ny own Inellmillon do not .lLUt u tUuM0- Hioronro r""v ""vii uiiiuus litrsuiial w shea nml interest must yield to public J ud gmen t. J a'KI' of ti.S and la. myiolt to tho judgment 0f the convent ,T and accopt tho noininntion. ' Gentlemen, it mav bo iimtu,. t. . ... . .. brief words to rcvlow tho truo situation In doing so, I must speak from my owti atandnolut, I can speak from no other The, last fow yaers havo wltno.icd irrtnt ovenU in tho history of our country, "j'hls pnoration has boen summoned to ureal Issues and respuntibililiei. Ueforo tho war, durlug tho wur, and since Its cloio, omeof thoso Ittuoi Lavo been dlscusfed ia tho forum and dec dod ot tho polls- nth. ri on tho field of buttle. Mw,J o" ,fi Art now cloiod and can never bo reopened. Tlicv linvo pissed Into history. KornYow moments lot mo root 1 1 souio of tliein now burled in tlio pint, In order to stnlo mora clearly tliu Issues nnj duties of tlin prCS l'lll. iji:at isstnu. f rst nmotij tlio Issues of tlio pnstl mon lion tlio rcpcnl of tlio .Missouri compro mise, which divided to mnno oxlotlt tho dcmocrntlc nnd orjiinlzod tho republican tmrt v. Next enmo Knnsii. with Its blood shed, sluvo code, nnd Lct'oinpUui constitu tion. Then enme tho conventions nnd for mal reicillillons In fuvor of secession utid liidcnemlenco in tho eotitliorn (tutus. Thcso ureal Issues upon which men divid ed who net toother now, ench of itiolf suf flcient l divtdo nnd crento political par ties, wen; loliowed by tlio Hill greater is sno of war wnr dcclnred nnd waged for secession mid lndcpcndnnco of tho tenth; war det'htred nnd waned fur tho Intocrlty of tho union under tho constitution by tho norm, miring us progress, nowovor, not only the tiriules but tho ldcns of tho north camo in conflict. Freulom nnd shivery mot face to fiico in brittle. To establish nu independent confederacy upon slavery ns Its corner-stone was tliu'ldoa nnd purposo of thoio who led tho south into cession nnd wnr, nnd history records nmonc Its most metnornhlu events tho proclnmntlon of mnncirtnllnn nnd tho Thirteenth nmcnu mcnt nbiillshing ilnvcry forovor. At length, nflur four long years of blood nnd sacrifice, by tho blessing of honvon, nnd by tho strength nnd nbundniico of our armies, cntno tho final surrender of tho south, nnu tho coinplcto triumph of tho union nrmy. Tho wnr wns ended. Oh, how hearts went up to Almighty God when pence, blcssfd peace, hnd como ; when blood had ceased to How nnd no moro sons wcro to go down to battle nnd to death. 11KCO.NST11UCT10.V. Hardly, however, hnd this first exulta tion como nnd gone, whon tho now issuo of reconstruction camo to mo conqueror a moro trying ono thnn wnr itsolf. 1 re pent It, moro trying ; for it wns to dotor mlno whothor n pnrty all-powerful with tho sword of victory in Its hnnds, whon dealing with tho vanquished, could rulo with Its own spirit; could obey tho vory con-tltution it had sacrificed .'100,000 lives nnd $5,000,000,000 to malntnin; whothor in tho dnys of its strength it could keep tho ulcdircs It made in its liuinllitntion nnd often repented from tho first battlo of Hull Kun to tlio end of tho wnr. You rctnom bcr what l'residont Lincoln proposed ns tho basts tor tuo restoration ot tno atmos nnd tho pcoplo of tho south to their rights under tho constitution. Ho wns opposed to reconstruction based upon tho disfran chisement of tho whites und suWectlnc them to tho universal suHrnca of tho blacks. To thoso who suggested it, his re ply was liko that of Uustavus Adolphus tho king of Sweden, who, after saving rc llgious liberty in Oortnnny, when his oftl ccrs umcd him to retaliate upon his rnC' mlos, rc)licd : " I camo to break tho chains oi slavery lor ono people, not to forgo now ones for another." " With malico toward none, nnd chnrity for till," purstinnt to tho constitution nnd the provisions of an net net ot congress, no proclaimed tho conul- 1 ! .. -, nml tinnnn ' - 1 - IIUI19 Ul lllllllVS.J HUU iv..l. .Illlk mation wns npproved by tho wholo coun try, including n very largo majority of his own party. Had bo lived, 1 havo no doubt it would havo been realized, nnd wo should hnvo had reconstruction under tho constitution nnd not militnry reconstruction otttsldo of it. Olllcinlly ns ircsidcnt ho hud proclaimed it; unofllclnl ly in n spcecli tlio last of liis life ho pleaded for it. Ills wholo noul was In it. Ho was never stronger lu his own party; but Just then ho was Htrickcn down by nn nssafstn. J no rospontsmiity fell upon Mr Johnson, who had less power to control that part v. 1- rom that moment tho splr its of ovil wcro unloosed ; tho passion of tho north wcro inflamed; its radical leaders Infuriated, strengthened, nnd embittered lEocklcs of onths, pledges, and constitution al obligations tlicnijclve.s, thoy denounced In both houses of congress democrats nnd all othors who stood for tho constitution ns liltlo buttur than rebels. 'With fatal blindness or doliboralo purpose, under tho lead ol 1 hautictts Stevens, thefu forced upon thu country n phut of reconstruction outsiUuo! tno constitution, involving reconstruction of tlio constitution ilnclf by tho swonl, itritl to accomplish that they abolished nil civil law, und civil govern ment, even, In eleven slnle.-', and i-tibjectod lo.tMmuuij people to martial law, mm their lives, liberty, und propurtv to trial bv wiiris-marllal. Jt was u clear violation of tho constitution; u gn iuiiriiton of lower. .Mr. otovens, their great leader, nuw it and avowed it. Whon tho Mo Ar llocaso from Mitsibslppi, which involved that qtiettion, was iieuding in thu supremo court, and alter it had been urmicd, 11 law was rushed thruimh couiiress in hot basin to taku away their jurisdiction, becattso thoy believed tho court would deeido tho act of reconstruction uncoiutllutioua), and itb unspeakablu sorrow wo saw that court suspend Its decision for congress to puss Unit net, n lulu! surrender. .Mr. movuiis wageu loi liuplacalilu war upon l'restdent ,101111011, who strove In vain to save tno policy ol Ins prcilecos sor. The struggle was long, earnest and intense, but that poliev w.n overborne, and reconstruction tim er tho constitution gavo way to military ruoonstni'Jtioii out side of it, nnil cvun ton reconstruction of tho constitution itself, fulminating in tho fun 1 leenlh amendments'. dun. (iiaiit wuo at tun iiCL'innliiL' was opposed to It, yielded himselfto thu radical policy, iiinl Was elected president In ISDH- A iiartliil reconstruction ol tho supreme court followed, and then overvdoiiiiriineiit of tlio government was brought in unison wiin 11. 1 nai reconstruction has been car ried into oiled. It has been 11 part of tlio listory of tlio cuunlrv. llowevur much we may huvu opposed it, wo cannot iir- noro thu fact that whether fairly udop- ted or not ; whether bv (oico or bv fraud 11 tho elections, tho Fourteenth und Fif teenth iiiuondtminU huvu licim proclaimed aiiu auoiueii under all tho lorms ol law as part of tho constitution of thu I'nited Stales, nt.d thoy are formally accepted and acwu upon as fticiijuy every ucpartinont of uiu Kuveriiiuem. I he viowsand purnosus of tho demc rntie iMrly and of nil who opposed tho adoption of thoso amendments havo beon frequently called in question ; and that by Niiiator Morton and and Speaker lllalnu, who are regarded as tlio leaders of tho administration party. Thoy suv, in sub stance, because thu djinocratfc party opposed military reconstruction and voted against thoso iiinendinunts in congress and tho legislatures, it instend, when it comes into power. and como it will to disregard thoso amendments and sottheiii aside. In saying this, thoy us sort what tiu,y cannot Know to bo true. before Mr. Vallaiidlgham said any thing up..n thembjeet, the address or tlio demoi raiic member, of. ingress declared tho contrary: o earnestly entreat our fellow-cltl wins in nil parts of the union to sparo no ellorls to maintain peace and order; to carefully protect the right, of every citi- 1 lu P"--urvo .inuiy relation, among till men, mid to discountenance and dip. courage any violation of the rights 0f ny I.V.','!' f." H pcojilo fectired under the Xrto Me v",,y "','' 01 H'onnieiidmonts. bee , a 1? """""rSlwni, it might l,vo Party It ,'lri the lenders ol the eouiu'thudemo JT"1- ,U0W tr!-'::-'?a.r,woi,,:i5 over bJ.: In'-'vul or havo Kir.t, by obtaining n deei.lo,, (Jf tho . MjniuiK mum v0a Tim tlfACnlll A.. .... .... 1 .....1 1 IIU I'lvcuu. ivniu union t j ilu eouit tiniUn 1110 thing imjiosslblo, nnd no democrat THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, SATURDAY AUGUST 26 , 1871. would proposo to reconstruct tho supromo court to rcvorso Its decision. Thoy honor tho judlclnrv too much to do that. Ho sldcs, It Is nlmostcortnln that tiponnllsuch political nucstlons, dopondlng upon tho results of elections, tho judlclnry would feol bound lo nccopt nnd follow thodoolnr nllons of tho political powor. Congress nnd tho rrccutivo thought tho supromo court could nolthor lake Judicial notice of ovents depending upon elections oxcopt as thoy uro declared, nor frnmo nn lssuo lo try tho question of fact whcthoMi cc-nstf-, utlonnl nmondmont iia,& vr' has ti,ot iciinl rntlllcd by tholoirlslnturesof Ihroe.fourllis of nil the stnlos, after tho iamo has been proclaimed, duly ratlflod by tho proper ofllaer under' tlio fbrrns of law. Second, by nroDoainc n now amendment to set thorn nsido dlroctly. ThU would be n lcgltlmnto modo. but Is wholly Imnrac it. ri. 11 .. iicuuio. ueyonu quostion, moro man ono fotirth of tho statos would voto against it, nnd three-fourths nro rcnutrod to carry it. Tho attempt to do so would renow tho ag- uaiion 01 mo negro quostton in nnotnor form, but could bring no practical result. Hosidcs, all parties, north nnd south, aro unwilling to opon that quostion. Tho ne gro is free, and nono would onslavo him, and negro sulTrago has bocomo a flxod fact, a thing nccomplishod. Third, tho only other posslblo modo is tho military ono of using tho army to con trol elections and to ch lingo tho constitu tion. Kadlcnls liko Senator Morton might consistently ndopt this modo, for thoy do hesitate to put tno nrmy nbovotho consti tution nnd clril law in ordor to control or docldo elections; but no man who still chorlshcs tho doctrinos of tho old domo- crntic-ropublican shool of Jefferton and of jacicson would uaro 10 uso tno standing army for any such purposo. Besides, tho attompt to tako away negro tuflVago by forco would lead to a bloody itrugglo probably to civil wur and without doing nny good would Involvo creator evils than now exist. I should not hnvodwolt upon this tub- Joct so long but for tho constant efforts of our radical opponents to pincous inniniso position and to chargo us with tho purposo of dealing with tho constitution ns thoy thomsolvc. havo dono, viz: to reconstruct it by tho iword and to renow civil strife. TIIK PRKSK.NT IBSURS. And now, gontlemon, let mo inqulro, what aro tho issues and dutioi of tho pro- sont hour 7 1. In relation to thoso nmondinonts, wo cannot oxpect a decision of the supremo court to nnnul them; wo do hot proposo now nmondmont to sot them aside, and least of all, by tho sword. Hut tho ques tion nrlscs, how will you romody tho un bcnrnblo evils which now rest upon tho southorn state I lou It now that the dis franchisement of hundreds of thousands of tho most intelligent whites, and tho uni versal sufTrngoof tho blacks, led by adven turers of tho standing army, has subjected tho pcoplo to tho worst form of govern ment, nnd robbed, burdened, nnd humilia ted thorn boy ond description. In tho lan guage of tho democratic congressional ad dress, "Our hopes for red res a nro In the calm good sense of tho sober second thought of tho American peo ple. "Wo cull upon them to bo truo to themselves nnu toincir pnst, nml, disre garding party name and minor differen ces, to Insist upon n decent qualification of power; tno restriction 01 ledoral power within its lust and proper limits, loavlntr to the states that control of tho domestic uflalrs that is essential to their happiness, trnnnuilitv, nnd cood covornmont." "Will you ignore that and Jonvo thorn without remedy t pio, gontiomon j out tno rcmO' dy wo proposo is ono to cure nnd not to air grnvnto mo disease to nppeni to tlio rea son and returning sense, tho justlco, mng' nnmlmlty, and frnternul feelings of tho north and south in favor of amnesty. In this npponl large tntmbars thousands upon thousands of liberal republicans, liko Drown nnd Hclmr., uf Missouri, hnvo nl ready joined. Tlio negroes themselves nt tho south willloln lu dcmandlnc- amnesty for their late masters. Tho oxamplo of .Missouri cnnnoi long to resisted Tho Choctaws and ( thoir treat les ot pcuco six years ngo, gavo universal amnesty, nnd their cxnmplo should slmmo chrlttiuu whlto mon out of n policy resting 011 iuigncd nnio or unmaniy tear, xno sentiment must becomo really universal iimncsty, und two-thirds of congress will voto for tho bill. Although' lsto In com Ing, it will tend to rcstoro fraternal feeling. It will certainly restorolntolllccnce and charnctor at tho south ; givo It a voice onco moro iii tho management uf its local af fairs, nnd rostoro to thoso states what thoy havo not had for years u republican form of government. (iuntlemcn, among tlio otlinr important ssues of thu prusent is this: AVhcthor cur govurnmcnlis to bo in substance, if not In form, ruvolutlonl.rd ; wiictbor tuo federal govurnmout is to romuin ns our fathers mudo It, based upon 11 written constitution, limiting ntd dcllnlng Its powers nnd re serving tlio mass of powers not dologatod to tho suvurnl status und to tho people, or whethur it is lo bocomo n government of unlimited uad centralized powor ; In n word, whothor tho United States shall continue to bo a union under tho constitu tion or becomo a centralized despotism at Washington, to ho gavurned by tho secret resolves of a caucus und by tho president at thu head of tho army? Our faithful representative nt Washington says; "Un der tho prutunco of ' passing laws to enforce tho fourteenth amend ment, und for other purposes, congress has conferred tho most despotic power upon tlio executive, und provided 1111 olllcial machinery by which tho liberties of tho peophi uro menaced nnd tho sacred rights of local self-L-ovornmont in tlio statos ignored, if not tyrannically overthrown, modeled by tho sedition laws so odious in history." "Thoy uro at variance witli nil tho Minctitlcd theories of our institutions. and the construction givon by theso radi cal interpreters to tho Fourteenth amend ment Is, to uso Iholnngtiug of an eminent senator, Mr. Trumblo, of Illinois, "aiinihl- lalor ol states ' under tho last onlorcc ment bill, tlio oiecutevu, mav, in his dis cretion, thrust aaido tho government of nny statu, suspend tho writ of habeas cor pus, arrests 11 governor, imprison or dis perse its legislature, silence Us Judges, nnd trample down its pcoplo under tho urmod heel of his troops. Nothint; is left to tho citizens or state which can any longer bo culled u right. All Is changed into moro sutl'rnncu. As euro ns wo llvo this is tho great issue nnd danger upon us now. hverybody fuels that it rovolution is e;ol ne on in that direction. Tho very ground is giving way under our feot. ltudiculs ad mit it. hoino avow nnd justify it, and homu of the best friends of republican iov- eminent fear that tho rovolution has al ready gone too fui to bo nrreatod. Dut. gontlumun, let us not despair, truth will riso again, in 1110 nature or tilings, in our system or govornmont, two forces nro always nt work, liko tho two forcos in our planetary system tlio ono tending to draw nil planets to tho centro; tho other to take them out uf tho system nltoirethor. They hnvo been constantly struggling with ench other from tho begin ning, as uy n compromiso of force, tho nlnnets woro mado to rovolvo in tbo r orbs around tho sun, so by n wUo compro mise nnd bnlnnco of forco in our political system our composito form of government was mado, 10 1110 tudnral government weru given curtain delluulo und delegated powers, necessary to tho union, to tho com mon defense, and tho general wol faro. All tho remainder, oxcont Just enough to carry into ellbct tho pow- uid uuiuKuieu, wcro resorvod to 1110 states and tho people With men of ex. tremo views und radieul tendencies It sooms nlmCBt lmpossiblo to comprehend a limita tion of rights nnd powers, To lllustrnto: "With tho rAdlcali of tho south nnd, I might add, somo nl tho north boforo tho wnr, tho federal covornmont had no rights tho statos woro bound to rcspocl. The war has cured, or ought to cure, that delu sion, but I fonr It has glvon rlso to nnoth er; for, slnco tlio war, tho radicals or the north soom to think the statos havo no rights tho fedornl govern ment is bound to ropccl. This last delu sion is ns dangerous to liberty ns tho flrst. Extromo follow extreme. Tho pondu- ono sldo,. the ..hlghor. it rites on the other. The robound from ibo war btsiran. Tho'.iorjhom risjlls' lienor all powor in tho states is now! undor tho load of thoso who control this administration, fasl driv- mg ail power into too federal gororil-T ment. I repoat, In my opinion, gontjM mon, tho rent Issuo, paramount ovor s)ll othors nt tho tnomont, is whether tho truo republican form of govornmont of our fa-" thors shall glvo way to centralization and to military despotism. It has already mado long strides in that direction. Tho groat duty of tho democratic party and all wholovo republican liberty is to bury nil tlio Issuos of tho past, and to uhlto In an honest, earnest, solf-sacrlficlng effort to arrest tho further progress of that revolu tion. Wo can only dothatbya chnngoof administration) by rcstor- j Ing, ns fur as tho con stitution will allow It, to state loglslaturos. stato judiciaries, stato executives, nnd stato military forcos thodefenco and main- tonanco of tho rights and libortics of tho tiooolc. which centralized powor cannot dofond but will certainly dogtroy; by placing tho olvil above tho military pow er In all the states, by reducing tho stand ing army, that standing monaco of all re publics, with Its life-tenures, aristocratic tendencies, and oxtravagant expenditures, and by preventing its furthor Intorfer onco with tho froodom of election;. OTIIKK ISSCI9. Othor Issues and duties of great Impor tance rost upon us, also growing out of our loroign relations, nnanco, national debt, tarlfl, and intornal rovonuo reform. Gon tiomon, let us organizo for victory nnd not for.defeat in tho next contest. Many who woro divided upon issues of tho past aro ehouldor to shouldor with us now upon tho issues af tho prosont, and many moro are coming. Lot them all come. Lot us restore to its prestige and power tho old domocratic-ropubllcan party of Jefferson, of Madison, and oC Jackson j let us cor-' dlally Invite to its! Support all who aro with us upon the great issues involved;" all wholovo republican . institutions as es tablished' by 'our fathers in subiUhco as won as in name, an wno cnerun ropuoiican simpllcly, Integrity, economy, and fidelity. Evory wnoro la stato and federal adminis tration ; all who would lighten tbo hoavy pecuniary burdens of our pcoplo by their moro equal uiiiriounon, nnu an woo, whilo maintaining tho national faith and honor inviolate, lotk forward with h,ope and courago to tho rotur,n of that poriod whon tbo burdens of th5 general govern ment will bo as light as Its blessings aro benoflcont; whon tbo rich will not bo mndo richer ana tho poor poorer by act or congress ; wnon mo ledoral nnd stato gov ernments, each In tholr sphnro protecting tho equal rights of nil, and granting favors to none, shall, in tuo languago. or Uoncrai Jackson, bestowing their blessing "like tho dews of hoavon, unsonn and unfelt savo in tho richness and beauty thoy con. triuuie to proauco." A PALATIAL DRY GOODS STORE. ItEMOVAL or DODD, flBOWN & CO TIIK Ul' TOWS HKOIHA 1KAUGUUATKD TIIK rC- TUHK CK.NTEH OV TUKDHY (1001)8 T1UDK. Tho completion nnd occupancy of tho splendid marblo front fivo story building, located at tho corner of Fifth nnd St. Charles streets, by that widly known and oxtensivo dry goods firm Messrs. Dndd, llrown & Co., marks a now ora in tho pro- cressivo movemont not only in tho dry goods trndo of this city, but as showing me expansion und solid growtn wniuu each month and year so docidedly records tho fact that St. Louis is a progressive city, and moro can scarcely do a limit Slucod to hor future greatness. Tho Dry ooda businesof this city has received a wondorfu I impulse witcin the past two decades, for at that time it was, compara tively speaking, in' its; infancy. Tbo lato war wns a hlnileranco to its moro rapid growth nnd expansion ; other cities, taking udvantogo of our misfortunes, reaped im rnuns ndvantuces for tho donrosslons and dancers which ovorgbudowcu and partially I urnlizcd our trndo and commorcoi but tho struggle over, St. Louis morchats ,sot earnestly nbout lo bring buck mo ..trado naturally tributary to thorn, which had for a timo beon diverted to other and more uxpensivo sources, and now successfully, thu great business interests of St. Louis speaks to-day for thomsolvos. Tho con fines or Alain strcot nave become too nar row tor so immense and progressiva a trade as that in dry goods, and the firm of Jiossrs. jjouu, mown & ju., standing as thoy do at tlio head of tho list in tho front rank, havo long contemplated took' ing nowor, moro convenient and coramo uious quarters, spiondli storo now occupied by them nt tho location nbovo named, is ono of tho finest buildingi erect ed in this city, is so central to business and nrcsonts throughout both oxtornally.and internally so many commanding attrac tions, thut a few words concorninr both tho firm nnd building nro deemed a jour- iiuiisuu uuiy. Tho llrm of Messrs. Dodd, llrown & Co., was established in 18C5. and so suc cessfully has thoir buslnoss been conducted that tholr annual salos show figures amounting to $3,000,000, and will un doubtedly largely excood that sum when tho business of tlio present year shall havo been brought to a closo. Tho stock of goods held by this firm is vory largo, com prising uvory variety two wareiiousos, besides tho fifth story of the new building, bclns constantly ropleto with L'oods sub. Jcct to moot any domand. This firm hold un immonce stock of Indian goods com prising blankots, cloths, prints, bond, etc., In all, tlio largest mock held by any one' homo west of thq Mississippi. Tholr trade lies in Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Min nesota, KansaB. Nohraska, North Texas, in tho Indiun Territories, at well nit tn somo oxtcnt In Montana, New Mexico and norm Mississippi, ..Tho magnificent building now occupied by this firm was erected for their uso by tho Collies Kstnte, ul a cost of noarly $200. 000. Tho bulldog s ipo foot on Fifth stroot and 185 on St. Charles street. It Is llvo stnrios In bight oxclusivo of tho base ment, nnd is, asido from its architectural beauty; ono of tho best ventilated and woll lightod buildings In tbo city. Tho baso mentoxtonds beyond tho aroa' of the build ing, and takes in a lnrgo spaco under tho broad sidewalks both on Fifth and St Clmrlos streets. Tho basomont is tho rc coptnclo of nil goeds, of what ovor descrip tion, which And tholr way Into tho build ing, from whence tho goods are sont by powerful hoisting apparatus to tho scvoral department assigned them above. Tho dlsnluv of uoods in thn ),n.Ami t. os a mugnnicont nrruy of tlannols, whlto B'! "". "&" snneiy or iinons, tho accomodat cms bolng amplo for a most thorough display of ovorythlne, nnd nf fordlng e very con vonlonco forthopurchas er and salesman. In tho roar is located tho boiler room n room 10 feet wldo of 30 foot long, in which is localod ono of Hoot's largo patent sectional boilors, mado oxprossly for this houso. This boiler is to heat tbo ontiro building, which Itiscapablo of doing In overy part, carrying tho steam through plpjs to numerous hoators and registers on all tho floors except the two upper Etortea. Klurn pipes rcconvoy tho condonscd steam back to cistern localod near tho boiler. It Is enough to say that tho bcntlng npparnlus throughout is por feet, nnd so easily conlrolod that any tern poraturo dcslrcdjcan bo obtained. Tho boiler also runs two of Millars palont on gjnes, ono used oxpessly for hoisting goods to tbo. upper floors of tuo building, nnd tho other to oporato an clogant passenger ele vator for the uso of tho omploycos and customers who must necossarially pass mnny times por-day from floor to floor. In tlm Imminent Is also located a Uro proof Vault spacious enough for keeping nil tho iiookj ot too nouso. mui outer vaiuaoio rec ords., . We .should,, perhaps, mention as an l(f m 1 of v Intdroit, 1' that .tho eleva tors areeapal)lo of hoisting n weight equal to 4.000 pounds to tho fifth story of tho Lbulldlngin.twontyseroDds of timo, nnd anytliifig'to'bfdaJcT'give way,cvbri with this enormous wMhi, the olevttor would do ni onco arresicu. n curiously urruuguu scries of cogs Intorforlug with its descont. ' On tho flnt floor we c'nUr tho building propor,.6ha find oursolvis In ono of tho most spacious, niry WoH'llglitocl lalosroome In tho city. Iloro aro arrangod on ono sldo a series; of offlfos-an otBco for tho salosmen, n'prlvnto ofBce for tho exclusive uso of tho mombors of tho firm, n recep tion room for visitors and customers, tho tho cashier's office, a bookkeeper and collec tor's dopartmont all fitted up with ele ganceand tasto npproprlato to tho othor surroundings. Tills room in lighted at night by tho gass jets from twonty-four cbandolfcrs. and is heated by fifteen marble-topped heaters, arranged In different parts ol tho room. Tbo ceiling is lofty, and tho natural light pourB in from many oxponsivo Fronoh plato-glass windows. Tho display of goods on this floor compriio a largo and complcto assortment , of domos tics, calicoes and dross goods. On the mcond floor wc find r.nolhor equally spacious, well lighted and woll vABtllaled room, which is set apart for tho display of piece goods and shawls, and nn finer assortment, it is safe to say, can be found la any establishment in tho 'West. It is reaohed by two broad and easy flight of stops, or which, to the tired eunto- mor, will be tho oftencst preferred, by the olo valor. Every thing on this floor is ar rangod In tho most excellent order, and qvory available part li easy of access. Wo ascend from this to the third floor. and And a spacious room oqunlly largo with' tbo others, which is set apart for no tion Roods, endless In profusion and vari ety: In lact anything and everything in the notion lino. Thoro is also on this floor a well arranged office for the use of tho superintendent of this department, from wmcn ne can command a view oi every part of the room. slj i. ..I . : It.- nu now w mvqiiu w inb luursu uwr, where is arringed on every side bozos and bundles, of hosiery, eadlosa in description and all colorsmake arid sizes. The room Is tho same in 'dimensions as the othors, oxcopt that the colling is somewhat lower, dui ii is, nevermeiesi, a room moil admir ably adapted to tho purpose for which it is set apart, and is one of tho most Important adjuncts of this largo and welt regulated establishment.. On tho fifth and last floor' we cnoounter a vast storago room, which has a capacity for tho storago cf 2,000 packages, say at an avorago wolght of 300 pounds each. 'Hero are kept hundreds of packages of unopen ed goods ready to supply any wants that may bo needed in any of tho departments below. ' The great weight resting upon this floor at all times will nocosiarlly impress tho reader that tho building must bo of great strength. Each floor, from tho b ement upwards, is supported bymasslve Iron col umns, and in this respect It is safe to say that no otherjbullding In tho city is moro secure With oxtended premises, and greatly on- largod lacinticB ror transacting Business, tho firm of Dodd, llrown & Co., enter, as it wore, upon a new career. They have mado tho initial movemont which will lead to tho removal, sooner or later, of other large and old established firms now locatod on Main street, to splendid stores to bo erected along tho lino of Fifth streot, along Washington avenue, on Sixth street, and so on up town. A few yean later and the localities named will have experienced many groat and wonderful changos; prop erty will have largely advanced in value: the ruins of the once famed Lindoll will havo been swept away, and long rows of stately and ologant stores will take tho places of sites now impoverished by time dofacod buildings and sheds, which occupy ground horcaftor to bo dedicated to tno groat commercial nocda of this rapidly growing and expanding citv. Seeing ab cloarly Into tho .commercial fuluro of St.- .Louis as ono can see horown fuco re flected from tho mirror, it is for this roason that we said in the beginning of this arti cle that tho removal of Dood, llrown & Co, futhcr up town, inaugurates r now era in commercial and mercantile cirelos in St. ixiuis. iuo uegira lias begun; tno mas sive iron front live-story building of Dood, Brown & Co., across St. Charles street, opposito tho marblo front which that firm occupy, and oilier statoiy odiuces in pro coss of erection (or In contemplation), at- iusi mat wituin u vory lew yoars mo moro solid rnorcanlllojhouiw now doing'buslnoss down town, will seek other and moro desir able quarters along the moro central, natu ral and accessible avenues of trado. IMMIGRANT TICKETS. IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE, ) KorgsJe i-FOR SALE, FOR SAL K.J Kiel FOR BALE. Faro from Livxupool, Faro from Lonocnukrbt, Faro from Glasgow, Faro from Qukk.vstown TO CAIRO, $4.8. Harford, Morris A Can , Agents, 2 0 INMAN LINE. Liurpool, Now.foik tid Phlla.tlj.hl Steamship Company, vxiita conrascr with initio tTiTu'iVD iiitiim Fur LVrving tbo ilsiU. FOR PA8SAGE TICKETS ou rvvTusa noomtTioa APPLY TO JOHN O, DALE, Aot., IS HronJwujf, New-Yoik, or. to II. Ilttiiitt, IW Washiiiiitoii Aenuo, Clro, Illinois. HEAL im'ATEAUENT. C. WINSTON & CO., REAL "ESTATE AGENTS inn AUCTIONED, VI (bKCONU VLO0R) OHIO LEVEE, caii10, ills., Ruy anu Sell Ukal Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Al I prepare Conveyances of KUnli. noons, hahii, ktci W. W. Tlto'RNTO N, DIAlta IK .,:' ' .' 1 DOOBS BLINDS, WINDOW ClhASS, MIII3UH.EN, Officr on Tenth St., Between foiiituercliil nml Wmtlilnsrlou AvriiiioM, AOE.NTH for Itock Itlrei I'llper Compuny'n Hheaibtni; Felt nnj Quarts CVmont. II. W. John's Improved Itooniix Mar on and. H. W A LTKltS, HIILIIIX HARD and SOFT LUMBER of eltry ilrseripllon, LATH, SH1NOLKS, CKDAK POSTS, DOORS, SASH, HL1NDS. oudeus solicited. Steamboat Lumber, Furnished on shortest notice. Commcrcial-av, lot. 10th and llth-Hls., CAino, ILLINOIS. J22L MEDICAL. LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY, Xrs. WIUTCOXB'8 Hjmp. n. WHITCUXB'H Hjrap. WIIITCOSIB'H 8jrup. Cures colic nnd grilling "l Prlre , in thn howcli, nml fa. I Si cltitftten trio provctK cf (Cvnti teethlnir. J ' ; Hiibdutii e o n T ultlnn 1 Tr and orereornes (ill 11 dl- I Si n In j lt. Incident t faatiftnilchildren f Curm diarrhea, diaen.'l I'rlrf, J tery nndmmmerconi. I Si j .n;iitlnclill.lienotnll t Crota. Curm diarrhea, diaen.'l I'rlrf, It ! tlio flreat'n and Chllilren'ii Hoothinif Rcinulx In all disorder l.roiuht im by Teething or any ouier caune. x-roparea uy uiu aitArro.N medicine cu.,ft. iui, mo. Sold by DriiR;itK ami Dealers in Mediein 0Tryuere. ir.yrdwom CELEBRATED RITTERCORDIAL VnOLESALE DEl'OTl SCIIKKTZ'fl NATURE'S GREAT RESTORATIVE N. W. COHNKR FIFTH AND IIACE 8TS.I Plilliulelphla, I'll. JOUM BCUKETZ, SOLE 1'KOrilIETOn. Alt Is a reliable Family Mcliein, and can U aken by cither Infant or uciill with tho aniolea ficlal reaulli. It li afctrtnln. rromntunil (need tmedy lor diarrhea, dysentery, boel comjlled dyapepula, lowneia of anlriln, fainting, bick tomah,liealaei, etc. Forclnllaand furer ol all kluda, It la rar totter and ttrer than quintal itliout an of lit trulclona cHeela. It etlecti an appllt, prorea a powerful dlgettor of fooa aou win euuuiernct ine enocia oi liquor tnar i minutes. Aa indisputable evhlenoeofin in cal properties, wo appeud a few of the many tlfinatea in our ponaenxlon t Johnnon'a IX'pot, Eaut Touu., and Va. U, Teno. Jxcoi fkaxrrt. Eri. DoarBiri I narauiied Ih Bitters I have obinlncd from you, and End Ihoin lo be all thoy are recommended to bo. I found one bottle to adord ine considerahlo relief, I teel asthouiri I cannot do very well without them, in raypreaeuiBuueoi ncaim. D. MEN10E, i:UBouthClh at., I'hila. Pastor llaptlst I'auyunk Chureh. Bold by W.I. Alien, aa Mainatrevt Dubuque MANHOOD HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED Just published, In a aealed envelope. Price, 0 ets. A lecture on the natural treatment, ac.f radical cure of Hoermntorrhta or Bemlnel weakneai. In voluntary Emissions, Beiual Debility, and Iinpe- uuiiivuib iu hiulko iciiriniiT t iiriiuuiui'ii. Consumption, Kpllepny, and Pita; Mental nnd Phraleaf Ineapaellr, resulting from self abuso, etc., by iioDt. j. (.uiverwcu, n. v., autnor oi tut ureen book," etc. "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SU VFlUtKItS. Bant under seal, in plain envelope, to nn ad- uraan, posifiu, on receipt oi aix eenia, or nvo poauge stamps, by Chan. 1. C. Kllno A Co., W xiowery,ivew iura, l otiuinue wx, v,i?v. 'elJda mws DUNBAR'S WONDERFUL DIHCOVKUY. BETHESDA MINERAL SPRING WATER, OF WAUKESHA WISCONSIN Tnn water is the acktowledeedeure of the In' tractable and Incurable diseaso known as Brijlit's disease and diabetes, 1 1 I L. . I - .!!....- I - ..1.1 1.1 I . l. L.J. wiiHiik a uihiih la lauii tu biiv hiuuoj. .ltd wu; waatea away dealroyi life by starvation of the uiuini, Diaoetea eoinmenoea with fre-iuent desires to pass water, great in rat, constipation, loss of airenguianunean. Aatoniahing cures of dropsy have been elfected, brlok-dust depoalt, lutlamatlon of the neck of the liver it iii unsurpassed madder, aiaaii, ana gouty swellings, f or ine IU. Ill ill allay all tnllama tiooot the kidney andurlnnrr oriranttln twenty' four hours, irlvlni ImmadintA rlfef I alto a acar let fever It prevents the kidney from congesting, and rr mores all traces of alburnencrlu. It will give relief In all case, of mgi. X1.XIWAI1V , ...... .-i 1 ' n.n...i .i .h. Hiirinsa. Waukeaha. Wis. itcader. If you ire i alttio'ted with any ol the lore- adviio will coat you nothlngi lie car. by chomlcal a ly individual case no matter ol how long aland. .ii' nt a in ine unuerniiiueua sua inu ma wondonui discovery eint!uiisiino Waier-ia a poaitlvo remedy for She foregoing allmanU. It baa never failed to do what he claims lor It where over used. Thla water ha tho aame goodelloctat tho remotest part of the country, Uiatlthaattlie8pring. It nover losos n parti cal of Its medicinal qualities by packago or trans portation. Dlrcctloue how to use the water and clroiitar wilt accompany eack iaokage ordered. Addreat. , xivhy urau, JTannsylanla-av., Washington, D. O. nritii.ii.1 p. hunbar. General Manager at the AttVUrf "MW"""" MEDICAI.. I." M N A V H V I Villi Nil n ON nnvlvaiiiilli ......a lift. 1 tlfTdt ii.r..w ijvjv...... ... i ...... Which Intetlern with mnrrlnKo, with sum and dfhlllUteil, Hnl in nenlnl tntf lopes, niiorun. Aiinriinii. iiiiw irii nnniinrv miii n ilnn N'n "Hmith Nlntli.tilL. I'Mliiilsili)hlfl. 1 JJ (UTfsJIII A BOOK FOR TIIK MILLIO MARRIAGE GUIDE. " - ;( . . thOKO ft boUt tO on tno p nyio myslerleannd revelations of tho sexual toi. ii.a ikiui.liftenverlea In nrodnc ns a venting nllnprlng, prenarvlng lliecomplex Tidy in nn interesting- work of two hund ami contains valuable information for tlio i.f.i.. uiih miineroiia enar ..A ... : . i 1 n I .In M.rlni.n! til cmiok iriaiouKiuio oo under iuc n. ji Is 1. 1 enroln..lw nlnt Ihn hnltiip. Address Dr. Ilutta' I)!slensary, No. f.igntn aireet, :n. ixiuis, mo. Adverliso-in the public papers or using any remedies, nertme Dr. nulla' wnrK, no diUon. Dr. Hulls can bo consulted, personally mall, nn tlindi'neiei mentioned in his olllce, No. 12 N. Eighth attcet, bet. Mark Chettunt fjt Louis, Mo. myV umce oi J. B. DOBBINS, 420 Nortli Eluhth St., Plillnd Dobbins JJM m sT - VfJBV 1 YtUtiaDLt A color and ilrcflshig tliat not burn tho hair or injure hciuLi It docs not produce a II I IK 1 1 II TIL I IV. HJ1 I I 111 IHI1KII preparations do. It gradually restores tho rri i im iiriiriiiiii iTiiiiir mum i w. -a rm Hnnniuimr nnw nil 111111 v -a 1 1 O of soft, fine hair. inn ii pur. mm h in hl u ever offered. Sold everywhere. ARK TTOR DOBBINS' MAYNARD'S THE REST TONIC" IN US roil NAI.IIIY i i i 1 i i I I IV i i ' DR. RIUIIAU'S jsp ifirsn diiit. nnil sawn im.. nui amy siaf wuicn wiey tail 10 cure. lilt. Kl I III A I I'N illll.llKN HA Hot. 1 and 2. are tho greatest allerativea cat nai. is the onlv reliable diuratic. entnnlnltits. mil tnAt nnnn lint am mu inese remeuies are noi aaveri acti 10 trmtHiont iiaa failed. Tena of thousands ... iiicii i.r, riiv unto ivsi an iiv medical faculty. iwiviri. uiuii;im, iuiuuuii Ul U1M B(3ip, BC li I m.- f. . .... heiiltliy, fin. HiiMfAti's nnr.npv nirqiw u. curm mnrniirisi utmi nni. niimft un lis loriiiK. nnu irivus immnn nu rfcim canes. 1 .11 k LUIII 1UI Hll Ul UUI ll.mi.H l'rlce, II er bottle. A rid leal cure for nervous or general debll oldoryouug, imparling energy with won VIICUl. l'nen 1.1 Mr lintlta. nrlirn fir td i :;..:.i .'.. r.i.i' ri..r. .1 ..r... i vii irvni'i . iiiivn, uivbv Vlllvtlli-'S will u peu 10 hot piaco. i-rompt aiteunon poia t l . 1 1 n mini s w v 1 1 v n rV T TiF rltaaa iitivi hollies. UUMIll) W-SDii money by expre or order rtUUIVai i a V Mi IMbUWUli MO UlVft1! lnnnna laklT.I DR. RATTINQEE'S I A M 1 1 jY 'MK111CIN 1410 SOUTH 7in-BT.j ST. I.OTJIS, MICIBOIJKI- nn r a ipti wneiiiu iri'ifTrTi'K ii mmllnlnn In. thA AUraOf and Ague, Dumb Ague and nil othor kin iV.Iavu. n ...nml limn ul.A.t DlUSA llrOUfl C llattlnger'a Fever Drops. Dlt. RATTINOEll'S VEQETAIi LIVBR I'lLLS Aiv vAct-iicui in uu caved ui uvtinw""! Iietia anil (mfmrilv nt thn ItlnOd lliev CO ifnn i ma nmnKiv unii nroiiucu uu nu vegetable Liver J'llln. 1117 H A TTlWrlKR'fl IHAItllllll AND DIHENXKUy PO-VYDERS Arn a measnni. nu cs nun ornw tciunuy i ii niiint uiarruoeuauii uibvuiuixkuiivmimt l'rlce per box ai coots. , ask for Vt, Tlr tingcr'a Diarrhoea and Dysentery rowdera. AND IWUio, . : sfska aaunerloratomaoh bitxara; inn'i nrovfintlva airaJnst malarlsl fAiaM.iiiil... ly an atonlo In cues of general debility, H per packaf f. 'fnta. Aslc lor llattlnger's Hi m medicine jygod