Newspaper Page Text
mm JOHN H. OBERLY & CO., XsirtC INNl'HANt'E. LIFE ASSOCIATION OP AMERICA. Tun most Succxssrut. Lifk Inhckanci Corpokation op tuk umi AUK IK TIIK "WORLD. NO STOCKHOLDERS Amount or Policies ik Foiich Due. 31. Total Incomm to Same Datk, Hit Ikcabahe or Kirks in Fouck, 1870, Tse larsMf Krl Increase durlnc thyrar IH70 arauy Company In (tie Worla S GmM IxCBbABX OT XlMU 111 tiC1L 1H70 .... ftM MT.TSO 1.0 Only two Companies In the werld eiconl thl nromi Increase during mil. The only Com !V dOBIMnt vhb'h 'VtlftrAflt-.. fta M..t MK.Nt.S IN EACH UJATK, (u proportion to ltd Premiums or He-Insurance fun. I. H"MFOAUUVlUCTyl', c,''r Kl,? l,'A(J" MTATK A "KMHUHN i'ati vk in thk OFFICE, ST. LOUIS, 2wTO. JAMKS II. MUTTON, Ftesldcnt. Hbnxt "W. Howiii, VIco I'reftlilcnt. Fhlix Costs:, Hunt. Missouri Dept. ): J.wuti Secretary. John N. Piiitciiaud, Troaiurcr. C. F. Dcrnks, Attorney. K. L. Lkwoink, M. D., Med. Officer. Hon. Vfu. Bar, Consulting Counsel and Aotuary. SOUTHERN. ILLINOIS I)K P A HT M K NT. K. P. RuBMiunAM, Matiagor. CAIEO BIiA.3srCII BOARD. ' The loUovisaj earned gstilleruen hobl or ronlral of America. P. W. Babclay, H. W. Waim, H. U. Cakdib. Char. (Jaliohbh, J. M. Phillips, C. Hanky, R. S. Hmuiiau, Paul G. Sciitjit. Jon Amtkiu, I ra aar Malta autl Plaaa before LOCAL L. Thomas, auilS dim U K V CLOSIISTG- OUT .A.T COST I The public are htreby notiRrJ that DllY-GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, II ATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, ETC., lit longing to the estate of the late SCOTT WHITE WILL BB"WLD AT COST T TTTK fiT.Ti KTAN'Tl 'I 111 VP. It ca.i:ro, - - - JLKUA1.. ELECTION NOTICE. hej sjsoetaoider ol Ui fcnlerprlte savings lba held at the City Nstlonit Hank on Mon- tori, Polla open from lento twelve o'clock TO CONTItACTOUS. Ullbi II coreuy ciTan, idai ieaica pinpoint will ba reeaireif at my office, until 12 o'clock, ofSaturdaT, (he fith day of Sautrnter, UT1, tor building of a bridge acroaa Cache river, opj the old town of Unity, according to plana and di, and 300 Id poraonal aubtctlptlont, rnnde id of thabulldlnif of aald bridue. and iruaran. by t'uiaau ooonty I ibe balance caan in 30 cooiracMr win ue requires w compieM bridge on or Uifuru the ltt day of January, . to luv Mixaciiua Ul HID IIUIIIT juiii in . . . . i n 1 1 1 . . Uth, M71, County Cleric Alexander Oo. NOTICE. tine ti hereby Riven that, whereas, William oit did, on the tenth day of March, A. U. IlU. KellOKK. the two storr brick Ho re k number twtnty-nre (uir in the cur or a uu iu uumifcr .1. ivi. iu . AaiimI ftf AlAVAmlAV .nil AtftlA nf llhnnl. ther with the leaaehold of eaul Int. runnlns the Iil'dar ot January. A. v. l74. with nil . .j ; . . i. . . -1 . i oit to. aald Sarah C Kellogg for the aum ol ty.thrte hundred dollars (2,3i0), payable Id note, to ((cure the payment whereof ald day, the lh dy of Septembar, A.D 1811, een toe houra of 10 o'clock a.m. and t 'to H ihl hghei'biulor! fcAaauafetaaaaaoaakdiia An k.trl nnl,. iltMMf toalrAKelloig: konee. ra?lpir;AB.,,tn, . , V. . I ' H SIIS K PATH 1ST. So. 1U Commercial arenuo. Oflloe a lOa m.. uijl 1 lna ti.m. Ri,ii!fnu. 4, Miath alraat, Cairo Illlnola. A, WADGYMAK, M. D., f Aaaa, Onion county, Illlnola, has per nllr lot a tad In Cairo, Ome-Commrrcial many I auuian a. omij.u, iu. x. rriiTiu n an rmii xr n lMCommeraialayonue, up-atairs. 0. W. DUNNING, M, D. houra from 8 e.m. to 11 m., and 9 n.m UTCHJCHS. PEOPIiE'8 MEAT MAltKET tMMM. OATEB aV CO., Kreih white lard In any quantity, corned to,, always on hand. r promptlf filled, o4 latlifaclloa PROPRIETORS. TO ABSORB PROFITS. 1870. Mj.05S.7tO oo , 3.974.783 80 20.000.0 10 00 - il .tul.1 II. - t.vtnUJ. nf tfwt.l IWL-UT- tl",'" tnanranee each, to Ibe Life Aesottatloa Jons II. Ohkklt, Vu. Morris, T. J. Kkrth, W. S. Ei60N. you Insure In any olhar Otnaur. AG K NTS. W. B. Kkhnxy. UOOIlN. tlio large anil magnificent atoek of KTYTII RTIH'CT A VI) Alim 1 VX'VV - iiiLiiroia. MRU, won WHITE. UBDl!fAVm. ORDINANCE NO. 121. An Ordinance to intent the running at large of (coic and) goats, and for other purjoiti. r. ii oruainea ty the city Uouoeil or the City of Cairo ancnoa I. That it shall not be lawful lor anr aoat to ruu at large, within the limit, of the aald City of Cairo I and any person being the owner of any 6at, or baring charge or control of the aame, ai agent or otherwise, who (hall permit such goat to run at large, In anr street, avenue, or public ground ot said city, shall forfeit and pay to aaid city a sum not less than five dollars, cor more than twenty firo dellari. for er.:i and every oflence. Uao. 1. All the provisions of an ordinance, en titled "An Ordinance to reatrain hoga fram run ning at large within the limits of the City," and numbered 113, bo and the same are hereby re enacted and made a part of this ordinance, Bsc. 3. It snail not be lawful for anr cow, goat, horse, mule, oz, bull, aheep, or awine, to wear a bell within the limlta of said city: and any ptreon being the owner of any of ald anlmala, or having charge of the same as agent or otherwise, who shall permit them or any of them, to wear a bell within the limits of aald cilr, "hall forfeit and Day to aald city a sum not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars, for ea:h and every ottonco; an J, in addition, ten dollars for each and every day such animal shall continue to wear auch bell after the (list convietlon for aucn oirence unuor una ormnancn rrovlded, howrver, that the woarlng of any ball by any horsoor mule, when in harness and attached to auy vehicle, shall not be considered a violation ot this ordinance. Approred, JOHN M. I.ASSDE.V, Atteat, Mayor. M. J. Howiir, City Clerk. August 10th, int. ORDINANCE NO. 122. An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No, t9, anu jor otntr purpoeei. B "l v"7 vouncti oi ins i, ry of Cairo Marvin 1. Tti.l .M n..ln... in I. - . -i tho aame la hereby amended, by adding ai the end ol tlie first section, the words "or any tin, Iron or wooden box, ptn, pot, can, bucket, pipe, hoop, or any description nf earthen, glass, coekery, tin or wooden ware whatsoever i or any old boot, shoo, hat, rags, or clcthlng j or aay tree or bush, or portions of the same; or any old 'lorobtr, havings, straw, manure, hay, grass, vegetables, garbage, rubbish, or oflal, or slops from dwelling nouses ; or any oflenslva, foul, or nauaeoua liquid qrJMibatance provided the provisions of this or. dlaanee shall not apply to any building materials, merchandise, or arilcloa that may ba temporarily deposited on the streets or aveaues, to be used or rawot edi nor to any vegetables), offal, or garbage, placed In box or barrel at the side of the street, far removal) and provided, also, that if any earth praahos are deposited la ibe streets or avenues, )r?Jthhi "Pad evsnly over the surface ol the itddlooftneiarne. 11 "h1! not lawful for any person or Kr,.?,lo.ip,,!'7,l,,kn ''op, or fou offensive or 81- "q.ui1 or '"oatsnce to be discharged, or 1.27. f Ph.!'wK0r ou.' 01 n7 Premises occupied by him, her or them, into any atrcot or avenue, f "h0 "l KdjMW Premises ! and every person ylolatln. the provisions of this section shall for Mt and nay to the sa d i t. . .,,.. flv; dollars, nor more than 'fifty dollars, for iaeh. tat each and o; cry day after couvlellon, under ihls ordinaueo, 'ne she or thoy shall permit suoh Tlolatlon of thin section. , ' ' ma Bsc. 3. It shall be the duty of the City Comp roller to provide the means for remonug front thefronl of all houses In tbo city all Tegstablss and dry kitchen oflal, of every description, pro vided the same it placed in boxes or barrels, a d placed In convenient locations in front of said houses, before the time fixed for audi reaaoval i and that auch removal shall be mado, from tha first day sf December to the first da of Mareh, onco n week ; from tho first day of March to the first day of Juue, and Irom the first day of Bep. tember lo tho first day of December, twice Iu each week: and from tho first da ol Juno to the rat day of September, ill dm In eath week) and that notice shall bo given by tald Comptrol Itrbf the time of Huch removal, by publication, in the newspaper publishing the ordinances of 'the city, any arrangement mado by tho Comptrol ler for the purposo above apecllled. to be by bint reported to the City Council, In joint session con vened, for approval by them. Approred, JOHN M. I.AN8DEN, Mayor. Attest, M. J, ltoni.iT, Cily Clerk. Aug, 1, 1871. BINDINOi OOKS, pamphlen, brlela, catalogues, news I ttaners. tsx lists, and ovsrv varletv of extan. sire printing contracted for, anil prornyllyasd rpeeclily exocuted, Iu the Bulletin .book, fob, euu uvno'i.v. viuumsi viwviiqiiiiiviii. CAIRO, THE BULLETIN, BY TOIRAPH Reported rapeelallyitor tho fa Ira Bal li-tlit. Ten lionrn In advance of HI. pupi-M. FROM NEW-YORK. INTERESTING FOREIGN INTEL LIGENCE. THE DOLLING ER MOVEMENT IN GERMANY. THE CENIS TUNNEL OPEN. THE BOSTON RAILROAD HOR ROR. Nkw-York, August 28. Additional for eign Intelligence concerning the Dollln gor movemont. in Germany, reports that at a meeting of liberal Catholics at Ileidelburc, on August 6th and 6th,. which wa attended by forty;dclcgates rcprnent Ing tho countries of IHvarlo, Prussia, Aus tria, and Switzerland, it was resolved that the coming congrtsi of antl-lnfalibilits at Munich, September 22, should hnvo public dliruislons of tbo church question ; that a now declaration bo issued, and that the Caholics of ,cvry nation bo asked to attach themiolves to the morement. Tla Dolllneer Catholics, though placing little reliance in the action of tho govern ment, feel sanguine of tho support of Prussia by which it is expected in it, ac Utq war steps will bo taken. There Is nothing expected from Hava na, although tho action of the government of that country in refusing to sustain tbo ccclcsiastiealaontenco in tho case of a pas tor, who, though excommunicated, con. tinuod to exercise hli functions, is rognrd ed as a hopeful sign that tho government will soonor or later havo decided upon the domand which is proposed to bo, made on the anti-infallibilisU. Thero Is great anx iety manifested by the liberals as to wheth er the Papal Anathami will bo vested with the responsibility at Munich, over which Dolliger has now full chargo. Maild advices from Germany state that tho Catholic casino at Munich has ex pelled a number of its members who havo voted for school regulation! in abolishing the right of interference by priests of the clorical orders. Foreign papers state that on August 44th, a train went through Ccnis' tunnel with perfect success. Tbo opening of tho tunnel will take placo tho 17th of Septem ber. CHOLERA. Mail advices from Kuropo atato that, ac cording to tho official register, tho deaths from ch iliolera for the week ending August 11, at Kontgil)uTff,TBotinlfjcl'trJ forty-five, fifteen being childron under oleven years of ago. Tbo persons attacktd by tbo cholora bo long almost exclusively to the low order of socioty. The dlseate is, attributed, generally, to want of food and cleanliness. Michael Uurns, of Flushing, L. I., was ar raigned before Justico Hamilton, Satur day, charged with assault and battery. 11 o found a jury composed exclusively of col ored men selected to try his case. Ho, however, protested so strongly against be ing triod by a wholly colored jury, that tho court discharged the Jury and ordered a r.iw panel. All tho journals aro discussing tho Uos ton railroad accident, nnd, aro unanimous in tho opinion thnt tho cato demands such investigation as will result in fixing tho responsibility, and visiting tho guilty with the severest penalties of the law. Tho "World says of tho accident: "If this be not murder murder most' foul,-most unnatural to Uod and man, for justico, then it were as well to strike out at onco from all legislation usolcss statutes which pretend to hedge with pity and with powor tbe live of tbo innoccnt."- BOSTON. LATE HORRIBLE RAIL ROAD ACCIDENT- , THE DoiiTOX, August 27. The tcrriblo rail road accident, which occurred on Saturday night, becomes more sickoning' as details are doveloped. Tho causo of tho accident was simply that1 tho engineer on the oxprcss train chose to plungo his train in ono standing on tho'trnck before him. Tho llovorly ac commodation' train riiado several stops to get passengers at tho wayatatlons. Moan while, the express train from Bangor left on tlmo at tho highest attainable rate of speed. Ucforo it startod, .Superintendent Proscott sent special order to the engin eer to be careful as there was a train ahead of him. Tho conductor of tho accomoda tion .'was warned of tho.traln behind him and ho caused two red lanterns to be put on the rear platform of tho last car, but it seoms that no attention was paid to ordon. Tho responsibility of this c'nrqlossnoss must rest somowhoro. At tho scono of this awful disaster ,hsro Is littlo to bo seen. In a ditch at tho sido' of that still smoke ombers of burnod cars, but this is almost a llwhich tells of 'the disaster. In town hall Itevero still lie half a dozen bodies; thoy aro horrlblo to look nt; bloody foam lies upon their black, swol len lips, thoir oyes protrudo from tholr lockets, discolorod patches of lloih hung loose from their cheoks, and great flaps of boiled skin dangle from thoir hands. Thoy havo, boon crushod, cooked, tortured, and deeper than more physical dlstlguremont, one boos something st!l moro horrlblo' in thoir faces; a haunting look of unsnoakit bio agony. Tho officers of tho road woro almost craxod, by tho accldontj nnd aoomod I not ,to know what' to do. Tho killod and wouridod woro noarly all Ho.ton, Salem 1 and Lynn pooplo. i The following, nddltlonat names of I wounded have boon rocolved . S. O. Thay er, prlntor, Nowton, bndly scalded ; LU-' rio Hatch, Charleston, burn oil, but not so- I rloualy ; J. IT. Oloy. ngod 70, badly scald-1 ed; 0. P. Stockor, South Salem, arm bro-: ken rind seriously scalded ; Kdward Hal-' ley, loaldod and crippled. N. U. Colton, ' iovurply scaldod. Sir. and Mrs. Fostor, ' of Providence, woro convoyed to that city. Tho funernl of Dr. Gannett will take plaoo I su-.nui.uw iiuuii. ouua tor uaniazes against tbo Galveston railroad foad for In juries' rccolded in tho collision, havo al ready been filed for ubout $150,000. ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1871. THE OLD WORLD. SECRET TREATY BETWEEN PRUSSIA AND ITALY. DEPARTURE OF" THE FRENCH DEPUTATION FROM DUB LIN. ORLOFF, PRUSSIAN MINISETR TO FRANCE. LoKDOrr, Aug. 28. A correspondent at Salisbury teiograpns: "i am in a position to affirm that a now secret tronty, offoti she and defensive, has been concluded be tween Prussia nnd Italy. Tbo emperor of Abitria pnys n return visit-te-the tmneivTvof Germany, at Oo blonlE. " A correspondent telegraphs from Dub lin that tho French deputation made their departure to-day. The roads aro crammed with vessels bearing flags, and tho bands playod American, Irish and French airs. The enthusiasm was in tense. Dad feeling was evinced between tho police and people, but no disturbance oc curred; tho polico holding aloof, tho pro cession paraded tho streets. It was un ex traordinary Fenian demonstration. reported that liussia sends Count OrlolT as an embassador to France, and that the selection pleasos Thiers. Tbo report that an allianco has been con cludod between Prussia nnd Italy rests up on tho authority of, a despatch to tho Lon don Telegraph. Tho ships Typhoon and Keeling wore wrecked, recently, and several lives lost. ITALY. ltovitf, 28. Tho reported arjnolntmont of General Mjiabrea for arbitration of the Alabama claims, is incorrect. ENGLAND. London, August 28. Cooko, McCul lough & Co., havo this morning issued allotment letters to tho now loan. The amount awardol is seventy per cent. Each subscription announcement will re ceivo scrip quoted par condo 91. FRANCE. Pahis, August 29. Duclot has been appointed military commandor. Tho discussion on the motion of Ilivet for tho prolongation of Thiers' time will begin to-morrow. Tbo municipal council. have resolved to issuo in tho form of a lottery a three per cent, loan for largo amounts. The deaths for tho past week wcro 823, including children. Huron Von Arnim, tho German negotit tor, still remains at Versailles. Tho Sleclo favors tho proposal of tho London "Workmen's Society, that tho Com munist prisoners bo allowed to omigrnto to Canada. Advices from Algiers report that all Yabra villages havo bocn destroyed. Vet sols are attacking tho tribes who aro faith ful to the French Uovornmcnt. PRUSSIA. Bbrlik, Aucust 28. Tho Prussian Cross Gazette confirms tho report that u socona meeting or mo uerman nnd Aus trian cmporors has been arranged, and states that it 'will tako place probably on t ne vtn or cjoptemDcr, at zsisuurg. xne Emperor Francis Josoph wilt bo accom panied by Baron Von Beust. Tho firm basis laid at Gaston for rolattons whercby Germany and' Austria ore to assume n joint attitude, will bo carried out. Italy has conditionally agreed to tho samo pol icy, and communications havo passed be teen tho three governments looking to the establishment of a completo understand ing between them. MEMPHIS. NEGRO KU-KLUX IN MISSIS SIPPI. WIFE POISONING CASE. M em p n iu, August 28. The caso of Jack Allen, who is accused of poisoning his wire, will come up to-morrow. iue cor oner is much censured for acting upon in formation given him in an nnonymous let ter concerning tho affair. Thirty maskod nnd disguised negroes rodo Into Commerce, Mississippi, Tliurs day last, and romaided thore that day and tho next, but, beyond threats, had com mitted no violence at last accounts. "THE DAILY TRUSS," new afternoon paper, mado its apnoar anco this afternoon. It Is edited by W. II. Ithea, formerly of the City Press. It is a membor of tho Wosturn Associated Pros. CHICAGO. ROW AMONG JUVENILES SAD DEATH OF A LITTLE GIRL. Chicaqo, Auc. 28. This forenoon two bovs, named William Turner, aced 0, and Frank Bamslcad. aged 11, whoso par ents resldo .at 71 and 76 Cornelia street, got into quarrel, when tho Utter drew a knife and stabbed Turner, inflictinir n dangorous wound. This morninc a littlo cm, named Mil ler, two years old, whilo playing on a ve- ranaan in mo rear or nor parouts resi dence, 342 Milwaukeo street, fell a dls- i tance of 12 trot on a picket fonce. one of tl.o . pickets outerlng her nock causing instant death. CHARLESTON, S. C. YELLOW FEVER SUBSIDING. CnAiiLBNTON, B.C., Aug. 28. No now cases of yellow fuver has been discovered in the last twonty.four liours. Tho whole number of persons now sick hardly ux coeds a dozen. Tho disease sooiiH to yield readily to modlcul troatmont, oxcept In cases nogleclcd in early stage. Appro honsion of l,hu ppldomio subsiding. SANFRANSISCO. I SUICIDE OF MRS. LIZZIE SMITH, !Ban"Fiiakcisco, Aug, 28. Mrs. Llzzlo mlth, formerly Mr. Seeley, of Albany, prominently connected in tho cattoru States, suicided horo to-day. Cauu-, do inosllo troubles, LOUISVILLE. DESTRUCTION OF THE MONAS TERY MILLS AT DANVILLE. THE KU-KLUX AND THE NE. GROES. SHOT FOR STEALING PEACHES. IlKSTltOTKI MY KlIIK. Louisville, August 28. Tlio Mon tcry Mill, belonging to tho Tropplst Monks, in Nelson county, Ky., wcro de stroyed by flro on Saturday inorninL'. Loss, $14,no0. Tho Monastery building, one of thu largest and finest In the connty, near tho mills, narrowly escaped burning. A largo sum of money recently started from France lo this community, "was lost, nnd the Monks aro left without tho means to rebuild. Tho fniluro of tho crops nnd this calamity lcavo tho Monks In a very needy condition, and they appeal to tho public for contributions to nid In their sustcn nnco till next year's harvejt. Even thu Yool for their winter clothing was de stroyed. A Negro named Si. Johnson is in jull In Danvilloforincondluryismnnd a rumor be ing circulated that thuKu Klux wcro com ing to tako him out of Jail, and hang him, moro Negroes stationed themselves nrouud tho Jail laat night. Knrly this morning ono of them gavo tho falso nlurm, "Tho KuKlux aro coming," and tho crowd rush ed on musao into tho street and firing. Two or threo hundred shots were fired, nnd sevoral of tho negroes wcro wounded, but nobody killod Tbo town is in n itato of grcatexcltcmcnt To-night a boy named Jimmio Eagon, about thirteen years of age, was in tlio gnr den of Mrs. Smith, on Phujnix Hill, at tho upper end of tho city, stealing penrihe when somo unknown person fired a loud of buck shot at him. Several of tho shot entered his head, and Inflicting wounds from which ho will probably die. No ciuo to mo muruarcr. Col. J M. linker, chief nid-dc-cump of Gon. Sherman, Is to bo married nt Frank fort, to n young lady of that cily. Jnko Hobbett and another man, being drunk on Friday, mado tovcrnl assaults on u negro, nnd finally etnbbed Henry Love. Ho will probably die. They wcro oach held in $1,000 bonds by United States officer Uoatly, to nwait Love's wounds and answer at tho next torm of court. WASHINGTON CUSTOM HOUSE AT CHARLES TON LIKELY TO BE CLOSED. Washington, D. C, Aug. 28. Tlio temporary closing of tho custom houso nt Charleston, South Carolina, on account of tho yellow fever has been considered here. and it is possible that owing to tho fact mat tue collector, deputy collector nnd most, If not all of tho clerks, aro not ac. climated to that part of tho country, tho custom houso moj' bo closed for n fow dayf, or until tho desoaso subsides some. WKATHKIl REI'OltT. Washington, D. C, August 28. Tlio nrea of tho lowest prossuru in .Voir VorJc has moved eastward of our editions. High barometer Sunday evening was on Lake Superior und has extended east nnd northward, and is uow beyond our stations. Tho arcu of low barometer which was then in tho Indian Territory, moved northward, and is now central in North orn Illinois. Its intluenco extends South eastward to tho Blue lUdgo, nnd North ward boyond Lnko Superior. The barom eter has fallen rapidly from that lako to Lako Erio. Southerly winds with cloudy weather, and occasional ruins aro re ported from Northern Georgia to Ohio, and North-west and Easterly winds from Lako Sunorior to Minnesotn. Partially cloudy and clearing weather has prevailed nortn nnu east or Jluryland. I'KOllAIIILITIKH. Southerly winds, with cloudy nnd rainy weather, are probable, Tuesday, on tho frulf couiL nml olonrini. wnnthnri.,,. U'l.. tl I ' O ' ! a.v,, ,, I J - consln to Arkansas and westward. Tho area of lowest prcssuro will probably mnvo northuastwitrd over Lako Huron, with rain and frcilisouthorlv wimln nn t In, lower lakes. Easterly winds on Lnku Su perior, llireatenlng weather and light rains in tho middle and eastern states. Dangerous winds aro not anticipated. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. ST. LOUIS. Sr. Lot'in, Aug. 28. FLOUR vory dull. WHEAT steadv. No. 3 red. SI. 13. CORN llrm and high. Mixed on truck, -Ilk'. OATS steady, No. 2 Klovator, 11 Ic. BARI.KY unchanged. JIY K Unchanged. WHISKEY nominally lower. FOKK qulot, $1U on order. BACONS good, domand higer ; ahoul ders GjnGJc; clear rib 7a"Jo.; clear 8 out side prices on orders; clear rib buyer Soptemberifu round lot JliOO; casks clear sides cash 7), LARD prlmu kettle Ba. NEW ORLKANS. New Oulkaxk, August 28. FLOUR Dull and nominal. Stiporlino 5.00; XX $5.50; XXX ?5.87u0. CORN Quiet, Mixed COc ; yolUiw C7c ; whilo mixed 03c j white 70. OATS Quiet at 4Uar0. BRAN Dull ut Sl.05. HA V Dull at $28; chuicu W. FORK-Dull at $11. BACON Firm at 7a7ft7ja8j; sugar hams 12c, choice llalDJIe, I, AIM) Dull. Tie" co I0al0j, keg lljallj. SUGAR Dull. Good common to fair DjulOalOJc. . I WHISKY-Quiet. Western rectified 02ca$1.00. COFFF.K No stock In market. OINCINNA'll. Cincinnati, August 28. FLOUR Firm and in good duinundi fatnllv, $5 00u&.75. WilKAT Firm at $l,lGul.l7. Nut much oflcrlng. UN RN Firm, at 52o. OATS Quiet at UOa'J'Jc. RYE Steady nt 05n08c. 1 UAULEY-tinkt ut Wjn'JOo. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AV. NASHVILLE. CONVICTED AND PARUONRO. Nashville, Aug.28.w. II. Warner, con victed Saturdny by tho Circuit Court of edford Co., of molicloualy shooting E. H. Stnhlman, an oxprcss agent was son tenced to flvo yuars' Imprisonment in tho penitentiary, was pardoned to-day by tho Governor. His father was tho republican candidato for Governor last year and is a tllstingulahcd lawyer and politician. portlandTIie. liETAULTEIt COMMITTED. I'okti.and, Mo., Aug. 28. Jas. Roger?, defaulting cashier at Brunswick, was brouclit beforo Commissioner Rand, nnd his halo fixed ut JiO.OOO.whlch ho failed to procure, and was committed, W. II. MOUKIS, H. II. f.'ANDKK Notary public, No. Pub. nnd I'. H. Com. IISrSTjriE! HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK, CCIDENT, LIFK, xasrsTJ0K,L.asrcaE3i XTS., HAKTKOltD, Ael SV'IV'01'97 NOIITII AMKIttC'A, l'A., As-cN li.rtt.oiO .' HAIITFOIID, CONN, . Anot9. 2..M 1,110 7.' IMliKNI.V, HAItTKOItli, Aet! 1,Tl.l IS Sii I NTKKNATIONA L, N. V., AieK l,avi,393 17 l'CTNAM, HAItTFOltl), Asel. TtK".,9i" Ot CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Aitcto 513,(773 SI HOME, COLUMIIUS, An.ets M.1,278 4i AM EIIIC AN CENTKAI MO., Aieeta &O,C0iJ CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIKE, Assets 3i),(,i0 00 TKAVKLEH'.", IIAUTFORD, LIKE AND ACCIDENT, AetS t.r.05,000 OC UA1I.WAY VAHSENOElts' ASSUItANCE CO., HAKTVOUD, Acifts- .Vil.OOOOt INDEPENDENT, 110ST0N, Aaels... C3D.SC2 3 SAl-'FORD, MORRIS & CANDEE, 71 !! I.ftrf, City National, CAIRO, ILL. VIR13 AIN'D MARINE I1TSUBA1TOB ronpAMLS: NI AO AHA, N. V., AU l,4Si2ie f- (ir.HMANIA, N. V., Aet 1,W,7'.1 73 HANOVEK, N. V., Ase(ji 7Jil,m!2 tW HEI'UIILIC, N. Y,, Atnol- 7II,V or. umiprl'InK i undervirllcra' Agency. VONKKItS, .V. v., H78.HM 1J AI.IIANV OITV, A ts 23 piiikm en's kunii, h. r Axaeh. UTtl.OkJ U ftEUUUITV, N. V. MAKINK, Ati I.Utf.M! CO STOm:. iMellingt, Kurnltiiri', Hull, nml Car gocn, In.iire.l at rnten in fnviimble a. sound, permanent aoetiriiv will wnrraiil. 1 respiwtlully nil; ol thu citixena of Cairo ft share ol their '.trun:;o. '. X. Ht'fJIIKS, Olllee ut Kiritt NatlonBl lUnk. mhi:i.i..v.m:oin. ST. LOUIS LAW SCHOOL. fllllK regular nuiiiiid lorin of till Law School ,L w ill open on Wednesday, October Uth, 1871, full cour.u, Ihii tt rm ix inuntln, nch, bin. deiilsndmitleil to thu teiiinr ela on esnmlimtion by iipplicntinu mi or In' In in Ootiiher 7th IS7I, Tuition fee, tin on j.t in i ii n . 1'or urlii'iilarH nililremi G-. 3vE. STEWAET, .U'lluu If ut or I.uw faculty, 20 NORTH Hid St.,S'lL()llIS,K). TATCII F!i;i:,iHul 8l'i n day iiri'7i hum' bug AdUre Hllll ulllllll), I.MTA A CO, I'lllnbiiri.'. I'x. Ivln.ltM.liii UAH liri'LllS. F. S. MURRAY, GAS AND STEAM FITTER HAS ItEMtlVKII KltOM 1'KHHY 1IOUSK TO Tllk BRICK BUILDING on SEVENTH ST lll'I'OSITE winteu'h hlock, CAIHO, ILLINOIS. I.I 1", hn Rieally Improved his stork, and hn. 1.L now on hand all litiuU of I'llANHKLIKltS, t'KNDKNTS, HUACKErS, HALL LiaitTH, SHADKsl, ETC. ULOIIES; HE HAS MARKED DOWN PRICES o the Invent living tlnren, un.l he tnvllei the patrouageot uii- piitur. DBVftn. PAUL G. SCIIUIl, 3D 3l TT G-O-IST, ! it K MO VK D. l , ! NO. 108 COMMERCIAL AVENUE, VThlttaltrr'N DM NtaiMt, Opi-mitk Athf.nkum, Caiho, 111. rJ particular attention to filling all physician nml family prescrljillons. rrw on titan ALL PATENT MEDICINES worth hating. Agent fur UHKN.H' 1'I.VKK TUNIC, Warranted the tit Kever Killer known In thU climate. NO CURE-MONEY REFUNDED, a Lao, HAH II.TO.N BUCHU AND DANDELION, An eicellent remedy In all dlaea.eaof the Kid ney, equally, a food or better than llembold'9. and lor !e monoy. atao iiknt roa JIuuiplirpy'N lliuelintlilc Npeclttea. Hi: well selected stock of PEEFTJMEEY AND Fancy tiootU, Of every description cannot be 'urputaed by any etau llnlimem ut the kind In the city. WATCIIHAKER. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. H. HOUPT, NO. 150 WASHINGTON AVENUE, CAIHO, ILLINOIS, Hat on hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. Particular attention given to REPAIRING FINE "WATCHES. Tho largest stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES IN TIIR CITY. 1IOAT HTOKES. SAM WILSON, i i a L i a in BO-tVO" STOEES UKOCKKIES, PROVISIONS, ETC., So. 110 Ohio Levkk, :::::: Cairo, III. okiiiiu piioamr riLLtn,' G. 1). WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Ohio I.ovev, O A I It O, I I. h I N O I 8., WSprolnl altenllnn giten to Conslinmeiitu nd ttlluisE order. PAINTER. CARL L. THOMAS, Is prepared to do nil kinds of plain ami orna mental PAINTING-, KALSOMININO, TAP.ER HANGING SIQN WIIITISO, KTC, At fitiures which defy all competlon, and iu thn higliem stylo tf the painter's art. SHOP IN TIIEPERRY HOUSE, COUNKlt OK COHMEKCIAL AVXNUK AND EIUHTII STIIEE T. FUK HALE NOTICE." The Illinois Central Mail Koa.1 Cominy now t'ieiri.,wr".!i','',,Jf,,ow.1S1J(lecr,b;d lots in Kltn Addition to tho City of Cairo, vis t Lot 27 block to. Lot 2 block M, 0 " Vi, " 31 w' w, " w ; rr termsele. apply to JAMES JOHNSON, 4"f Aat