Newspaper Page Text
nr. v f.tTA ri: ahk.vt. (', U'l.VSTOX k CO., ESTATE A GEXTS AUCTIOXiJKS, 71 (jreoND n.oon) omo lkvke, CUltO, ll.l.o.. L'V AND Sr.U, llV.Ah Estate, PAY TAXES, FUKNISH ABSTRACTS OF TITLE i. 1 rifT,ar rnnve-vanf p. rtf h'i'11 cextkal nors:, Villa HI.Irc. Illliinla. TIM0T1IV t'OVL, Proprietor. ,, c, of .he .... mm fine-i ,. ,n .. con i. t.m'-nic'o trtkllbfin M plrn eliti'l tt thftii tht in Ihr liOp-lilch IklhrWrt V .il KiJ!f. CKAWFOni) HOUSK, COHN'ER SIXTH and AVALNUT-ST, (Enlfnce on Wxth-M.,) r j o.k... -i II C. Clt, CINCINNATI, OHIO. 0AKE?, CAUT A CO. Proptlftor. COMMKUUIMj 1I0TKL, COMMERClAL-AVrM'K, orWITE I1. O., CM HO. ( rRorntETOB. Tlir 1Ol'aK Is- -VEWI.V FniNISHEt) An.i o-?r- llhc fMie 5rt-clM ctoramoln CKNT11AL IIOIVK. m.,.i ihr rau;9ff.on.'iilh Sirl N'lwem Watlimsioo nJCommrcilaifUU-, cwir.o, ILLS. V ' houif ha tn thornuchly nwhaulod, tttjra thei n.l rr .1. nJ i now ont-n for ld fec'i'tion of cue ( Thf rooms nro all ntfie kui tf otiUM. nJ fuihiluro new. Hatch frtltf I'roprlflrgm. nor. si: .niivikc HOUSK MOVING. JAMES KENNEDY, HOUSK MOVER AND HUILDEIl I rcprpij 10 do all kind- of HOUsE MOVIKG, HOUSE RAISING 4 Mi f.Ki'AIUIKO OF EVEKY Ur.SCKII'TIO.V "X THE l inviMtlt 11 nil- 0.. KIt-i Iffl at the re-ide nee nl Mr, .lv. ba -.oter Hreei, nut door tn the new holii In .-. i.r iJrc.n to th rare r.f I'. lli.x II. for It .Iklin o:Sce, vt.ll rn;c:ic rom t atttn THE BULLETIN. Vfi Monsiso, Aioi.T .10. L'TI il X il. OHEKLV, Kpit.'H aw Vi cr MiirE. iim or me ItiLT III tun n : SiAanytKin. )(, by omier 23 .trljr urnr, in oiitraoce 10 Ol otn. Ii) uail 75 T i .. oothi, fi 15 ' ' illi-, 4 2J .at, ... 8 UJ T oi J pnptrtl Munrtltr ntntyinl of tht city oj ' j", , I M(v awniwjr ifciy inJvjulUrn HUrunt ; n U aitnkt jut mil : kh,iU, 6uf fcarUst ; ouf. m tin nil utbjatt ,f mttrat to the iMie ; a a 'irpt atl t&uui etreulatvjn, the JluUe v. Vmfi tlnp-itnmijbt UtiUlytnt roilert and THE bOLLAK WKKKLY IIULLKTIN. ' i. II 0Urly A Co. mvo rwlucfil the nib - r . t,,r. i, tl.e Wfkly Cairo lliillHi to .i irnnnjin. miking it the cIiiHiet icab:iilied In Southern Illlooin. For I'rttldtnt, 1672, JAMES H. 1)00 LITTLE, or Wisconsin. SAjtct to the decision oj the niitiunnl tlrm oeratie eonrnifion. in. Sri York World on Hemtnr Poolittlc rtrord it to continent and (nr. n ( lUitt it may be lihencd to a truijht i. 'iJifH nrruM a ::(e-u clear beam ' rrut lu the riiictuatini atmoiitert ' .Wricii! p'AUici, through the jiaat ' c. ty Semfor liyitlle, .Wirr. I 'nt I), truit, in Jv;-. an l.jr Hit Mouth up UiiiiiIIiip ir'wd t.. -,.t.-.n ..uwillll HIICT IIH'V llit'l H I iii itmic nud iu i i.-.'ii iui iiounii) tlltl fHJT IIMT lilt llllMIOIt I '.MM-itbitt -wtiHt huii i.i! dune wiih 'iiMt. If I. u ....... I. . .ri. ..... ... - --".-liir ! Ii.miiiii . .1111 1 w, f viiiiiwt i, , .i,.mtt-d . 'iH.iiii ale tiu-n 1.1 , iiitiii tuvi-a." -J hfcru HHP, liou ' ' iluitdjj win ttuuM lmi- inuJo I Iii-iii iii. iruw ii .in, nut cuiiiilliia. liun- ' "' amirlH linn hu.-) umdr liu iiiuni nn- i - ha-. r. 1. 1 iih MIHki-1 Ii. Ill f. Huh lilttiu 11 I Ii. Ill- till 1 k'l'lli ol I..- "". n-i Hint thf y liao Iiii-I mm n lln u.'-.r itiK,n U, ,.u rni,.t,i 1 1 1 1 1 7 d li" unn ii Hn l IIir tlaip. iniike tin- I- ..,. i. nr . I vt -i until., iin.! tliu. "' l"'-pr tttiliti.ii-, i,f i. uutM.ii ueurtt llarte aud .loatpiin Mil- -r ol poets ha been called the "uitformatic." (".,.. I ,. ... ,.. . --"i.r .llhTlL-K , I. -. 1I.I.IAMK lit ' uimcvy, has commuuicated to the "'mucKMu an arL'Uiiient rtaSria ... . - . " "im o thcBupreme court tn in, rm tin. vii,i; i .i. ., . ' -i'" .v . me turee uPt aiiieiidineiits. or any amendment, to ,1, cmptitution. i. . -ufcATuuyruU.y mr, by .uffoca- tion, by the bulk-t, ,yt()U - , i"-nu'v"vv' MJ "UI' "a". i lulu vfcar- i. . i . 1 1 " uecomo jaMiioiiauie)aimti1(.j,(.rliouuji uow lies uowu upon ins la-u and dies iu the old-fajhioued manlier, i looked upon as a coiiiuiouplaco fellow with uo music iu his soul. The small fry democratic newspaper of Kentucky Hem to enjoy abuso tho Louisville (Juuritr-.lourmil. They are at least a quarter of a century bo Liud tho timo, aud the sagacity of tho Cvttrier'Journul which keeps that pa- per ninong llio foremost leaders of pub lie feiitinicnt in Anietiea insiill.i thcni. They can tolerate nolliinjr hut tlie old Hilicit nit, and permit tlio old-time politicinnnof ilcmocraoy tlic moss-cov- crcd captains of tho JJ')iirbons to lead captains ol lio jf iiruons to lead into (ho iiio.'t riilloiilous nbstinl - Rut (ho Grtirtrr-Journal mn en- them itio.4 dure their nbn.e, and nftcr a while I ,lor"s of,,1 dilemma now presenting its "W,,y id you 1,0,1 7" I nskod Mr. Hnr I learn to like it. Villitication by such I'cad in our path it is better to takn Phccause I,i t ... Nhallow-br.iined juditical idiots is high I,M,"fC- K.vowixu ones i sscrt that Hon. Wil- iam Seward proposes to become the omocratio candidate for president in . MiL'. Jiiat .ur. .-cwani is nnxious to Mt in the pre.MilcMia! chair, no one who knows mm can uouw, mm iiw anxiety it. it . i to becomo the democratic candidate pr0VCs that he ha- lo.t none of his re- vaum but that i.. wm beable to induce the democrat to make t . .i -i . ... .... ...1- .1.- linn uifir ciiojcu one owiv uiu ery credulous will believe. The democrats mu.-t have converts who show their dc has occupied a vcrv peculiar position of late year. UU politics have been of the uncertain kind, and no one has ).., ni.i.. .i.,ni,r., nrHK. V MVW...W . whetier he infeiicJeiJ to iret into tho radical camp or pitch his tent with the icmoerncr. uo nas necn waiting to way the political cat intend- cc wtncii wav (lie political cat intend. d to jump, and now that the foliue las concluded to leap in the democrat- direction he has concluded to follow t examjile. TIIK 'EV UEI'AItTCJtE IK TEN XJ33SEE. Although the Memphis 4j)i? promptly threw all its influence against what has been called the new departure of the democratic party, tho wise policy ha3 been gaining new con verts very rapidly m Tennessee. The Appeal, among newspapers iu that state, stands alone, and its ponderous but clumsy attacks on the democratic party arc producing no effect. A few of the old-time demairoL'ues pompous oiu noys, who wear gold-headed canes, . . . . mu giovcs, pidgcon-tailed coats and red faces venerable bummers, who declpre they are southern gentlemen, recognize the code and sigh for the re-establish ment of slavery, read the Appeal, and assert that it pans out large chunks of wisdom; but tho thoughtful men of luiinesfce, who recognize the fact that within the past de cade tho south was conquered and that slavery went down iutre carn age never to rise again, eschew the drivel of the JJourbon sheet and in good faith accept the situation. Among uieao sensible iuuu is Chief-Justice A. 0. I'. Nicholson, who was a rebel gen eral. In a letter, dated August otn, aud addres.-ed to M. C. Church, Ksq., Mr. Nicholson says ho has examined with caro the platform on which Chief- Justice Chase's friends propose him to the national democratic convention, and udds: "I regard the principles and ' policy laid down in these resolutions 1 as eminently sound and orthodox, and ' tho.-o only on tho success of which we ' can hope to prevent our government 'from becoming a continued central ' despotism." Till: WISCONSIN dkmookacy. The democratic pro.-s throughout the whole country applauds both tho plat form and the candidate of the WUcon- sin democracy. The platform is de clared sound in each of its planks, aud the candidate the right man iu the right place. We fully concur in this universal opinion of the democracy, and are confident the rusult of the com ing election will vindicate our judgment. Wisconsin for many years has stood iu tho front rank of the icjiublican states firm, tried and true. It has never wavered for a moment ; and, may be, tho money of the administration, and the lai-h of the lepiiblicau lenders, will bo able to hold it still in its old place. . , ... . , .... , ttepublicaiiiaiii iii N i-cuiisiu has be 1 , . come a prejudice and ii uo Ioniser a . , .... , patriotic !-eiitiiiieiit. 1 huusaiid ol citi zuns are republicans not because they eudorpotbe pre.-oiitdoctrine.-i of the par ty but beean.-c they bate the democracy lo the--o men the noiniiiatiou of Judge Doolittlo will bo verv acceptable. They know him to be a man of honor lion est as he is able. Thev know he sacri- ticcd his political propectn because he could not conscientiously swallow the political iKwIriinw -ii III. il. ... .1 ' "...v... mu .u en H linv-n i, ' -. . ill!... l .1.. 1 ' jw.iin umicteu uie country, and thev know ,. ti.n, l,n 1 come nut nl tin. -...-. i i . wrv-..v. ..liiiviuau nanus a poor but honest m-.H Tl i . ........ . . nil- be inuili. ii. t... ; .. . . 1 1 J w ...... w . w .... hu is a rcactionibt auxiou, to liulllfv tl l... ,.r.i.. or that ho lu, any an biZ ,1 i . UIUr 10 ," of republic -Ma.iy of then, will vote for !, ; d 11 "M" iKc u vigoroUaS fmht mul - i 1 1 . - iiaeiied iu good faith by intUiui.t in ,. .. -"..uijunim tiiiir.i i ii...... . , ' " luuMii iii im In.... t ... - ' victorious. cauviiM. ,., , A .wSVBXTIO.V. W o havo tbo,u.U Ulttt thu COIIilltiim .iftlw. 1 . "u peculiar of ir county would nation for county trea.urffi jr1;;; impolitic act, aud this improo, , ' not yet uccii rcmoveu iroiu 1 our mind . who... ,., . , w nose op,,,. but tt number of democrats THE CAIRO DAflgJULLETIN, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 30, 1871. - lions nro certainly entitled to respect j and whoso influenco in the party is con- sideralle, liavo cultivated tlio belief tlint tho democratic party of tlio county should make n nomination for the oflico niid ftand or fall by tho issue. This j niiti f mud or tail uy tno issue. Xhis 1 facf, together with other considerations, ,,ns 10,1 119 ,0 conclusion that of tho I hold of tlio convention horn, and Jet tlo result take caro of itself. We '"dorc urge tho democratic cornmT ,co of ,ho coun'j to j'jbuo their call for a doIcfc'a,o convention, to be hold dur- in ,, i. . . "-"'"i cuv oi tno .September term 01 court for llie purnoso of np. iimnr mrr ma nntArt i. il. i . e ;fe ' mo uomocratic " ",uuuu anu mo nomination OI " cauu.uato lor county treasurer. . IJcforc cavin6 this nubject we irc "omocrata or tho county, "iiu iii au vsncc a mnnnrr In iur,i , bvu"" ....... w Pu" 1,10 wires, tliat in making a """"nation lor this offico tho greatest m . . u ,an "one3t oompctent man. It ""' u" lu BClcct a enronic office . l" V wan wno lias oeon always before tho doodIo crvincr 4 Ji -"rf O I "", nnu wuo, wnen lie could not got what he wished from the demo- woum eon out to the rcpublicaua aud seouro their votes by treachery to auu securo tueir votes bv trcacherv to lu,8 own Party, and who, whon he did Bct position, was neither competent nor Public spirited. Wc must take the 'new departure" of anti-ringisra must i-b por- sonal Incnd of a few gentlemen who have influence and support each other . , ,, . ... . under all circumstances, but becauso he is competent and honost. We know that the very delicate- skinned members of the party will as- sort that this language is indiscreet and unnecessary. o think differently, Wo bcliovc it is necessary to tho well- being of the party to the prosperity of the county. The tirao has como when the masses of the democratic par ty must be aroused to au interest in their organization. Their indifferenco cannct any longer be tolerated. They must tako a hand in shaping the policy of the party ; and, in tho selection of candidates, they must compel the nom ination of men whose integrity and ability are both above suspicion, and whose garments do not hold the odor of cliqueism whose desire to hold of fice grows from the command of tho party, and not from the wish to gather iu the spoils of public place. NOTES OF THE DAY. A Detroit dos was killed bv n drovo of rata. A California suicldo boiled himself to Innll. Im - -4 A model institution the Patent Office. N. O. Times. Tho "Hearso" is tho chuorful nntno of a Nevada saloon. A son of Gen. Plait of liollefontttin, Ohio, rccontly committed suicide. A recent deceaecd Confederate cur ried u bullet in his brain six years. Omuhii is excited over an attempted murder of it passing California. A Chicago lady named Hammond hot herself permanently while tempor arily insiuio. A North Aduins Chinee wanttd to "eat" a six-quart pull full of whiaky, but was forbidden. The Memphis Avpcal touchincly alludes to "tho short and siinplo unnitls of tho suicide." A newly elected Texan constable boasted that hu could "clean out" evury uhubitant, and began on ono McCnbo, ho forthwith killed him. A Colored uentloniun of Maryland truck terror into thu hearts of tho weaker members of his flock by burylnu a de ceased backslider head-downward. Lapsus Liiicuui Athletic curate (who with thu young men of hi parish, bad been victorioun'in a great match tho day before)' .forui"He-ar Kiiduth the First Inning I" fundi. A Georgia game of base-ball broke up in tho eighth inning with ono arm iroken, ono oyu pu. out. one law disloca ted, and eighteen Angers "shifted." Tho ;iiiiiu win uo iinisiiuu us soon us tlio piiy iciuiis think bust. A politieulold gcntlemun of this city weurs u wig. This wiuuy morning ha was unlucky ouougn to express the wish that his hut wus stunk to his head in tho hearing of a mischievous nophaw. The nenhuw took tho hint, and mucllaged tho old gentleman's hat. Old guntleman went down street; met handsome young luuy uequuiniance in wnoso opioiou no would nut stand well; politely attempted to lift his hat. Consequence better im- iniiglneU than acBcrlbcd. Uswego I'al ladiuin. THE CIIKYKNNK, WAT. Ill Cheyenne, when anythini: happons, thu puoplu consider It a duty to hold a tnet'liiig and pass resolutions upon it. Tho other dy u woman full into Crow UrccK ana sank, A largo crowd of people were stunding upon thu bank at tho timo, and they iiutuntly proceeded to organize a meeting for tho purpose of devising iiivuiia lur ru.cunig mu wuiuan, ivuer a snlritod debate M. A. Arnold was elected chairman; and, on taking his seat, Mr. Ar nold not only uiunKcu tno meeting vory warmly for tho compliment otrerod him, but mado a long speech in which ho dis cussed the taritf, tho oal product for 1871 and tuo Aiuuuma ciaimi. A scries of resolutions was then ottered, and uftor a prolonged dlscuaslon and tin acceptance of several umondiiionts tlioy wero passud. They embraced a protest against thodunth ofCrowCroek, regrets that all women wore not taught to swim, and a resolve to rescuo tho.particulai woman who bud fal- iitit overuouru. ;i eommiucu ot one was uppointod to divo lor nor. Wono of tho women In Choyunno can hold their breath mora than uu hour ut a time, so when this ono was recovered slio was doad. IIKI.MllOI.l) KKPIVIVU. (l-'roin tho New York World. 1 Various malicious rumors havim? limm circulated by evil disposed persons doteri iiieuiui to ur. iiuimooiu, wo uru enublud lu stiitQ that thu Indomitublu Doctor nuvcr was In bettor health and spirit, and may oe seun dally at uui Hroadway. II prospuoU aro bright, and ero long tho urout advertiser will whinn in it tit than over. With Holmbold thuro is nc uch, w"'1 , u f'd. A. irlghtur fu "wulU tho irreprosslblo than over Umd of j lUo hnmUa of mj,. futuro was LONGFELLOW. . . W 0ll) Jon-s' "AUPF.H HKAIIT A PUtfEttAt. .,., . ..... ' ' T'?.pon,.fn??' tho Commercial Advertiser.) tho crnnd r.. ,A7)or nl 41,0 ,uft.. of of tho 0,d mnf' fftco. Loncfaflow Iin 01 1,10 01U mnn's fnco. Longfellow lind prceoodlnc tho lrk tW,C0 'mmC(,mt,)1' countable to man$lL0ftrft?vding UntC' 1,0 t,Bllti1a511 1 wonted to sc if ho. woyld 'Tthohor.c. .tarted, l'Mkod Jhn -Harper-how Longfollow was prepared for "Vorv woll," he ropl'lldj "Zthfm leetlo to, hu", , , , . . . inowciveyoua faithful olioloorarih of the sccno: Tho hbrsosarsi-now mtW'on ? 8cc,on,d "'JJrr .John Harpor or. bo i vn m ju uvuiki a niftuu diu jnnn. wnr ,U with bis cold gray otoi Cxod on ho , i r,.i. , . I. rdin "iZ a lootfo o KltjZ i&ummJfils, l.hnBS " "" " I xoenorieino Tk. Imp... n .....j ik. ....j . j tho iccond tlmo . . . . ' O" MMW I 11 TT I- 1 ..Th0 bov ! I UOrnilLlhn TArrinrjwl him knl T . j o ------ "8;a,l,ow hu B?,1 t?8. r" Tho' old Interoit, which soomi to take bli fo nones now enter upon tho third m"-- "B'ciiow ocgini to turow out bis lUII. "i guesi tho boy Ii too weak for hlra," onoi S'dSSil "linen50 'im fl"d Tho hor now pan the grand rt.nd ft lihi)rd "it"0' alm?st fk ndneck. . . ocKananecic. euro. ppy Bnu U40000 donondiy qu .V od.' ngD 8 "You oro very quiet for ono who hat race," I remark Tho 0,d ran m&tl0 no "P'y- Ho taJETSS SEE?. if exhausted, caught tho bit, and it wai ,,uJ&"Am,?m'nttl tT , T . , " hat I tho matter, Undo Joha?" Not a word in roply: but tho'i V?0 ceme3 to bo wandering, and hlamlnd ffifflZ' lhegrand ,ta Holmbold now mado a luddan apurt, 5S?JS2 S A SS& bed of a friend hoDO. tioltlv hot. ltmul In his countenance, and that km all. Not a word escaped his lipa. He taw hit love, while ten thousand demoniac toices shout ed and mado bedlam of the grand stand. " Longfellow, has been drugged, " grow lod Col. Ilrldgoland to old John. John Harper made no roply. llis heart secmod brokon. and " He's gone'1 wore tho only words ho uttorcd. ATTEB IUE THIRD MILL As he muttered theso words I felt a fool ing a pscycologlc feeling of pity for tho good old man. Domaniac shouts went up from ten thousand hoarse throats, but old John hoard them not. Ho hoard, saw nothing but his panting horse, heard noth ing bat his hard breathing. I got up and walked down to track with him. He walked up by Longfellow, his defeated pride, his dead hope, but was silent as tho grave. Tho grand old horso stood trom bling, with Ills head down, exhausted. The last milo was too much for him. Enquirer Jim ran into tho weigh house, doffed his suit, nnd went mournfully back to tho stable with his horso and hiB gray haired owner. To mo tho race was a funeral and a wod ding. While tho old man's heart was breaking, ten thousand people wero wild jthJoyii I could notrejqjce Iqnly.iBW. haired old man by my sido. COltKA.N TIlOmiKS TAKES BY TIIK VBSKC1I. (Kramjthe Baltimore Suri.) Tho following Interesting description of the trophies captured, by, the French in their Corean expedition, and now on board tho Admiral's vessel, awaiting trans portation to Paris, is given in late Shang hai correspondence : Tho liberty of tho Kang-hoa was also transported on board the Admiral's ship to bo sent to Paris. It consist of .about throo hundred volutns. Tho. most curious of tho spoils of Kang-boa woreAa sories of white marble tables, incased in guilt met al, highly chased, and edged with a crim son silk damask, with guilt inscriptions in cised in tho marble. Tboy -wore found in the templo of tho royal residence. The execution of theso tables resembles more a work of classic art than tho production of a pcoplo supposed to bavo only the tastes of barbarians. Tho inscriptions wero in written character common to Chi na und Japan, and wore found to be a coio of moral law. Thoy thus resemble tho commandments of the old law, graven on table) of stone, and preserved In the temples. A specimen holmet brought awuy by tho French shows that tho Corean armorers aro no mean handicraftsmen, while its lining of leather showed work manship equal if not superior, to any ar ticlo of huronean leather work. The manufacture of arms is .doubtless under stood by the Corean , and many specimens of their short swords of soft iron, but not sharp, wero brought away. A Co rean musket sent to Paris oxhibits a silver enamel set into tho breech of the barrel, betokening a certain knowledgo of art, while tho octagonal shape of tho barrel, ami tho neat finish of tho stock was pro nounced a most credible Job for thcie bar barian artificers. Htrango to say, sotno of tno cannon tound at nang-noa were breech-loaders. Theso wero constructed by tho Coronns in a most simple manner. A small cannon, equal in length to the charge and shot, Is placed In a cavity of tho breech, similar in shapo totheSnidor Kntleld breecb-lo&dlng ritlo.' ' Abont thir ty thousand taols vroight of illvor, in In gots, was louna evidence or me exist unco ol silver mine in tho country. AN KX'HENATOH OX IMS UUSCLK. From ths Peoria (III.) I)mo:rf A few days nuo ex-Senator Richard Yates went into tho Jacksonville Journal olhcq to cawhldojtbe editor of ,tht paper. Tbo oditor brought out a revolver, and be fore lutes could sinxe tueodltor, or tho od itor, shoot Yates, soino ono stopped in and prevontod a vory, nasty little fuss. The Journal is tbo pap'or that hu started all tho bud storlos about Yates, and tho ex Sun u tor thought to heal bit yroundod bon- ur vy inuiuiitig auiuu wuunua upon mo oditor. Wlulo a fight nnd a murder would havo been a Rood Item, yet, as Jack- sonvillohas a limited Hoard of Health, it is pcuer tor puouc saroty that tno manor terminated as It did. NERVOUS DERI LIT Y, Wills llHKloomy iitlnili,i,u, iow M,,ir. Mki.ilfnrt'NNl Int .limitary Vuilamlona, loaMof H. i.u-11, Hnvriiiiiiurrhu-n, Ions of liuwpr, dlitr hrnd, Iomn of surmory, iiimI slirouU'UMl luiiotiice und linbc i-lllly, lliiil n NOt. r.-lKu curolii lluan. nrtj-'i lloiiieoimtlile HuMlilii i5S 1 Mtiily-llflU. Ouinpuiod o( tho moat vuliial Uo inll.1 ni potent t,tirMlvu.Vure' .trlke .i oucont tho ri'ota ot thetnatti-r, tono un the ava. torn, arroBttheilUelmrKca, nmi Imuutt Uioraiid .norKy,llfoii'l vitality to tlieciitite roan. Tney havo cured thouaainU of caaoa. Prion. IS nur iwcltaxn of llvo liosea and a lurae vial, wlilcti la very Important iiiplistlDatv or od caaoa. oc II :-' fiiKlp lx. bold hy all druSKi'ta, anJ sent by mail on rtefptof prlto. Adaroaa llumoluaya Mpcelfla llomeopatlno Medicine Co.. Wi llrowl I uy, N. Y. P. SC1IUU, Agent. ' auKl&.deow,wewly rtHtNITCRE. SAVE TWENTY PERCENT fy I'ujlng jour ifuiit-u-iRpIe: f i FURNITURE FXCTOHY; lsssjMHsV. MMr Cm.sssss Hsih C'AIBO, ILL1V0I8 Masara. Rlehhnff nnik...i.. i. i.p. ,k. klndia of " manuiacturlo,; all 'LAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE lad bare bow od hand and fur' aata, at WlMl aus4 BtmlL, U kltda, and will oonHiua to ketp at taslr 8XLB3 JaOOUS, IM TUKlt VSW BCILDIMO, . - .... Evarydlscrlpuouof ohtp aad costly luraitor. IUhM , M.arTa4 Badataads, .MTKarbJaippaJ Borraua, aaTSMeWarda, WiahaUnd. tT Wararobai, Sgja Calri, ' sHofa an 4 Malrataa, -Loanf c, ate , ate.. Which they will guaranu to tall TWENTY rEIt CENT. LOWER . Than thev ean'ba bonaht from aatatlup WSm l tha city. Oira sham a salt aat aallarratir. BOOTS AM RBI. WILLIAM EIILERS, Fashionable BOOT AND SDOK MAKER, TWENTIETH 8TKEET, Uttwee n Waatnngton Avenue and Poplar SUeat. CAIRO, ILLS. Boolaand, fJhtftnKn'tmpiOyau. rJatiafactloa Warranwd. PalronaK aWltcltad. CITY SHOE STOKE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY sou aoiicr ro a BEOLASKI'S" CUtTOU-MADI OOOTB AND SHOES aasarial Awmss, Crar ! Klajhthl tree. Caibo, Illinois, particular attbntiok paid to all 0r. WRM.rO SIOOMRIRTa AUD UOH. WIIIM ARB LWCOIU. WK IL SCliuTTEli, I aw Barter autal wislawl Dassler ss WINES, LIQUORS, aio TOBACCO & CIO-JVES. Agenl for tha teat brands ot CREAM AND STOCK ALE, 1D Ii Isaspstrtcd Ala mt BURsresst UlssaU. 75 Ohio Levee, U CAIRO, LUMO. F. M. 8T0CKFLETH, Jl - auocciMoa roau aatocaitata alectiryer sua el Wkalassls Bslw . si rrcisi mm BeaeUe LIQUORS, WINES, ETC. No. 78 Omo Lkvxk, . 'L fEkaepaon hand id cenalawly a fait aleak f each Uraadiee,- HollakaUjla, Old Kentuck Jld KfeDIUCKV lit i W Whlskisa, French Hnineeud California Wiaes JaaSOtfi BAVaaKltl. J. GEO. STEIN HOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Cmr. Hlb.Mi. atntl L'auituera latins v. swaiarp Ilatora, ar Clean ToweU and snrsklllfull Werkman i ' aWLaJlta' and children's hair cot and aheov pooed, eUber n the shop or at taeir own borne, i .sSarUanlleiiian'awhiakera aadlbalr dyed la a slewing manner, batislactioo guaTaateed. noons, rank, rtci ..... W. W. THORNTON, tima in iDopaas. BASH .A ;i;L,l ' BLINDS, WINDOW GLASS, Office on Tenth St., BclWMsi Cossssttcrclal stssd WnablBSPlon AVtllUM, CAIBO. XHiXi 4U'NT 'f'Vck Klvet Paper Company's r ,,,n'n'1 felt and (juarta foment. 1 ami. ' ,n,Pr0T"1 Kooflnn alwayi on S. WALTER a, tiaiLtum HARD and SOFT LUMBER ol every ileacrlplion, LATH, SHINGLK8, CEDAll POSTS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. 0rde11s solicited. Steamboat Lumber, Furntihad on shortest notlca. CommercUl-RT, boU 10th ond llth-sta., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. JrTdir LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. . "r- ( Cures colic and if rli.inic WBITCOXB'S) In the lwela, Md fa. I'rlre, ti Caata njrap.-i I ciuiaiea tne procoia ol L Itcetlilnip. Mrs. f HlltMtnea p n n w nt.lp.n. TrliT, H Oata. WIIITCURIl'H 1 andoverromea all din- oyrip. i eaaca inclilent to ln l rants and children. re. r f.'nrH iliMprl,.. i...n. t... WBITCtlMll'S 1 t-ryandummircom. ' Hyrap. 1 j.:nt In children ol all f teati. t. iff. ) It la th flroat Infant'i. nn.l fl,ll.l.A.. u...t.... Hcmody in all dHordera lirouulit on by TeeihlnK or any other caue. 1'rrpan-d hy tlio t ORAITO.V MKDICI.NK CO., hi. Loula, Mo. verywnern. CELEBRAThD 1HTTER CORDIAL (VII0LE3ALE UEI'OT: KCIIEV.TZ'6 NATURE'S GREAT RESTORATIVE. S. W. COn.NKIl IIITII AND HACK STtj.l rklUde-lpkla, Pas. yonx scnssTz,.... .aOLX ruoruiKToa. Ufa a reliable Faaoily Medlcin. and ran U test ur either Infant or atuls-wilh the aante boca flclel reaulte. Is laacerula, prompt and speedy Ciady lor diarrnea, dysentery, bowelacomilled Irapepaia, lownesa of apirlta, falntingt, aiclc (oioaah. haadacbe. etc. f'orchillaaad fovet ol all kinds, It la far better and safer than quintat inaoui muy w ua pcrnicioua vuacie. 11 esecra a aoMtlte. nrevee a nowerful dictator of fooa aid will vouoleracl the etlecls of liquor Inaf w minutes. Aa Indisputable evidence ofiti in cat properties, we append a few of the many tttcalee in our posseamon t Johnaoa'e Depot, East Tenn and Va. K. ienn; Jicoa BcariTi. Eat. Dear Bir: I navenaed th Bit ten I have obtained trom you. and nd them to be all they are recommended to he. I found one bottle to aHord me considerable relief. 1 loel aitbouiti I cannot do very well without them, lo raypreeeniBiaieui neaun. P ft UL-U.-V ,.,ll..ll.Plk .1 Dkll. I'aator itaptlat Paaayunk Church. Sold by W. P. Allen, 38 Mam street Dubuque octlOdlv MANHOOD IOW LOST I HOW RESTORED Just publUhed, in a sealed envelope. Price, 0 cts, A Incture on the natural treatment, and radical tureof ttaermatorrhta or Bcmlnel Weaknaas, Iu voluaUry Emlastons.Mcxual Debility, and Impe- ucmenia w nmn.KD KCIir.aiiT. ..ur .uiibiici.i 1. and Fun Nantal and Contumpllon,. Kpilepey, Physlca ai Incsnaclty, resulting from aelf alaiae, uting rro II, if. D., eto.. by.KoLU J.Culverwell author of tha 'Green Book," etc "A S0OV TO T1I0U8AMDS Of SUFFrUEUS. Baal, under seal, in plain, envelope, to an ad dreaa, poatpald. on receiptor all cents, or two postaae stamps, by Chaa, i, C. Kline A Co., IV7 bowary.Naw York, Poatofflce box i,SM. , 'eladataws DUKBAIVS, WONDERFUL IIIKCOVKUT. BETHESDA MINERAL SPRING WATER, OF WAUKESHA WISCONSIN iv.Tru valai la theaekaowladsadenr nf tha In. SfaalaU aad Incurable disease known as Ilritht'r aiaeaae aaiia uianHi.. - : Uriiibt'f disease la fatal to toe kidney, the body- waalaa away dealroya lile by starvation of the Mood. , .1 Diaoetes commences with frequent deal res to pus water, area! Ih rat, conai(i.atlon, loss ol atrengthaod flaah. ., ii Astonishing eures of dropsy have been effected , brick-dust deposit, iaflamallon of the neck of the bladder, alkali, and gouty ewellinga. For the liver It Is uvsurpoased. It will allay all tnflama tionol the kidney and urinary omanaln twenty- four hours, giving immedliUe relief I also, a soar let fever It nrevents tha.kidnev fronicongoatlng, and removes all traces of albumenerla. It will give relief inall caaoa of high fever. EDWAHD.DUN11AB, Ksqji (leneral Agent Rttlia Bpringa. Waukeaha. Wia. Header, If you are alu:todi with any ol thelore soinir diaeaaea. write to the underalgned. Ills Kvlco will cost youaothlogi be can by chemical analvaia noaaeaa hlinae'fotna clear knowledge ol JSt mn.'Sualcaac no inaltor ol how lensr stand. rn!! 11 I wSndeTful discovery-BelheedaMlneral wSter-iaa , oalltTa remedy for the foregoing itimanta" It has never felled to do what lie ctalma to, it where over used. ThUwaterhaa the same Kodelieola! the remoteat part of the country, at it haa at the Hpnnua i it noverloaea a parti calof iu medicinal quulltiua by paokage or 'trans portation. Directions how to use the water and circular will accompany eaek Pka:o orderea. Addresa, K1C11AKI) DuNUAH, IU Pannsvlvana-ar., WaahinKton, ti. 0. Or Edward P. Duubar.Uencral Manager at the Springs, Waukesha, Wis. Agents wsnttd Tf rywhure. )15d3w MEDIOAfj. THE BRIDAL CHAMBER, ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MEll OHEAT SOCIAL KVlLfl AND ATIVDEH, Which Inl. rli-rn wllli mnrrlatjp, with miro man r,f fi. tnf fi, ll,,itnn.l .... P.. ...... - . .. ... I nnd di'lillltntcd. Hem In settled envelope, ft tool i-harK",. A'lilrM, Hnwnrd Hunltnry Alil Aoclt nun, aouu.ii i.iu.u-n.t, i jiiinaeipiua, la. Jy7ilw3m A HOOK FOR THE MILLION. A PrlvaU Counaalol to tha Married ol thoae aboutto marrl MARRIAGE GUIDE. on the phyaloloKloal mysteries nnd revolatlons of the sexual ayatet With th lateatillMuiveriea In of fiduclna and bre vaatlng; oiraprlnit, prelarving; ltieeomplaxion,c .ma ia nn intcreaung wora oi iwo tiuuarru biib twenty-four pagee, with numeroua cngravlnga and contalne valuable information for ifioaa whl rmarrieuorcontemplato marrlaitel aim M isi Jwok that ought to be under lock and key, and nd lahlcarelaaa vabouttha hnnan. I Bent to any one (free of tioalaie) torK cent vi '.rf," I,u"' I'lenaary, No. II, ElRhth airett, Bt. Loula, jio. notletotheAMIeladaiaiiSirair.raiiaaitr PPlylo it the notorious Quakawh f .n. iii0 ,n ,ne 'ub!l PPra or uaiDK any CJuk- I Lh.eiif." Reu,' Hutu' work no malKl dition dlM"' or I'ow deplorable your coil rnio Hi"!? ctP X eniiHed, personally or il p!mii ? ,''.".ui?! mentioned in hla work! CheV.Vnt-U1 U,''.n nntt' W! wmc9 j. 3J. D0BBQ7S, 420 North Elulill, St, I'hllK.. DoMiiis DjUi tn) VEGETABLES A color ntid tlrcBBinx that will not burn tho huir or injure thtl head. It does not protluco a colo mechanically, aa tho poisonou prenarationa do. It gradually restores tho Ink. to ita original color and luatre by supplying now life ond vigor It causes a luxuriant growtl ot soil, lino hair. Tho beat and safest artich ever offered. Clean and Pure. No sediment Sold everywhere. -ASK FOR DOBBINS' MAYNARD'S STAR BITTEBS THE BEST TONIC IN USE I Kill NAM) II Y E. F. MAYNARD, PROP'fi DR. RIUHAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. Vtt theae onlv. nnd aave lime, health anJ money, rrward'lor any cue of disease,-!! any aiafewnicn incy iaj to cure. nil nuiHAiT'rt Twtr.nvv iuthiu i Noi. 1 arid 2. are ihe irreetcat alterativea knowrpv Da.KlCAU'H GOLDEN BUK IB D'AMOUtt 1 . 0 a the sreatest tonic and aatrinvant la the media I csl liat. 7 tin. ntrnin'o. iNTiriftTK m a the only reliable diuatic , I .Thean rem.tie ar cat adverllaA.! Aa elir ak1 comjilalnu, and benefit none; but are rnaianteeT, lodlKta radical aad apeadd ciue inall cai foj which they are rrcommanded, when al) etbe treatment haa failed. -Tens of tliouaanda yeatlf recover by their uae, who iiave lost all hope, as! been pronounci-d aa incuiaUeby ttie beat eX WJf medical faculty. - - a DR. KICIIAU'S GOLDEN BALSAMj h'o. 1, curs ulcers, ulcerated aore throat an mould, aore eyes, butaaeoua eruptions,) coppej col'prd Uotchet, soreness of the scalp, acroluua r-tp. It la thp. ipat.t rpnpp.tnp. nItpaU kpii blooil purifier known, remivea all mercury front 1 u t . . i .. i.ini... n... ll.o . . 1 ... , U ' IB.Ii. HIV UtWVI. ,' M , Hl J healttiy. r J , DR. RIUHAU'S GOLDEN HALS AM, V,V No.?, cures mercurial aflectlons, rbtnmatismll .tan.1i 'in a i,1 i au its forms, am gives immediate reiierin caai-a, DIt. ItlCHAU'S GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, A radical cure for all urinary derangementff Price, (1 per bottle. Dll. KICIIAU'S GOLDEN EL1XIK D'AMOUAp? Ip? if. Artdlcal cure for nervous or leneral elebillty, I oil or young, imparting energy wunwoaaerruj eiirc. Price S3 ner bottle, or two for It. I1 .,...).. . V. . . - UMa.tlMBlll t t.1 tied to anv tilaee. Prnmnt attention Dald So-al correationnenta. None genuine wllhont the nam) of1 DR. IIICHAU'8 GOLDEN ItEMEDIEH, j Kiciubds, sole proprietor," blown la glass c' bottles. ' Circulars sent. Trade supplied as a liberal dla'. count. Addrees, Dr. D.U. Blchards, M Varlck-at.,M.Vt "WrScnd money by express or oMer 'good" througliyour Druggist, and you wilt meet-will lnooa JelTdaw ' ' DR. .RATTINGER'S FAMILY MEDIOIIvjES. Dr. Rattloger, solejproprietor and.raanatacture ' ' in 1410 ROUTU VTH-ffTj" tj ij -sr. iprifvMgimp - 1 DR. RATTINGER'S FEVER; 50R i .. l,.i.,l in'iufni .hi piirant Vevelf and Ague, .Dumb Ague and all other kmda o malarial foveri. They are purely vegeiable.' cur' 'quickly and permanently. No person need aavl the lever a second time, when theso drop oao bl .u.u.:i ii.i.. i.iii. ai u Aak far Dr. ll.lllnff.,P VpVap f l.P.h. DIt. II ATTINGEH'8 VEGETABLE HVEH FILLS Are excellent In all cases of eostiveaess, bilious! nana utnl Imnuritv of thp. lilnnil i lh contaiil neither calomel nor any other mercurial prepare linns ant quickly and produce no grlplngt I'rioe per box xSceute. Ask for Dr. KattlngerM VOK.uiabie Liver rills, DR RATTINGEU'S .DIABRHOEA AND DISENTERV l'OWDERS. Aro n pleasant, quick and ufe remedy for al kinds ot Diarrhoea nnd Dlsuntery afflicting adulta 1'rlce per box i cents, ask for Dr. Hal linger a uiarrnooaauuijyaoniery-owasm. DR. RATTINGEU'S TONIO HEKBd Make a superior stomach bitters ; very!tiaeful u.-j a preven.ivu aaina. uiai,ii .opera anoespeclai ly as a lonio In cases of general debility, Prior per paokaia. t& cents. Aslc lor Hattinger'e Herbs; r aweuy un ufoi-wiuoo uruKRists and rieaien Id medicine JjiOdtf BaBaBaBaaVBaBaBaBaBaBal'i aaiaKaaaaaBaaaaBBH 1