Newspaper Page Text
TJMVJSIiKH'S GUIDE. -- TAK-K NOTICE, riuKTAniKorriiK central n. n. T . .. . i-- tnu ta7l. lh follow ..XhiM" "I" gorern the and depart .... ..f mwiM" tr(n el Calrol :;:::::::.:::r:: . , Mail, daily..." -" "- Fipkm. l7. e.'Ctpt HunJay 3: p.m. Vo thai' e'cara from Cairo to bl' ''0,.'.',' . thA 'lr. from Cairo to Chicago. KLir ml Dra-li K"01 l'P,n 00 n,,,t ilm. checked to .11 Important polnlt. The attention ui mi '(t" "'t-C-iro daily, Saturdaya expected, ' . i tt,m f.M that a hriiu r.xnres- iiuiu akr the run iroin uiiacuy u wnt.ijv ,.o ,oitr. JA3. JOHNSON, c-nt. STKAMDOATN. ' M0UN1) ciTV ANloAlir " THE STBAMTuG, CACHE Capt. 'William II. Sandusky. FOUR TRIPS EVERY DAY UtTWlIN CAIBO j.2ST3D !MX. CITY Leave Cairo, I Leave Mil City, toot it iiGHtu iiatrr. At 7 A.M. At 10 A.M. At 1 r.M. At 0 r.M. WIU.mOAT, At 8.30 A.M. At 11.30 A.M. At 2.30 r.M. At C.30 r.M. WILL LAND. "WHEN" IIAII.KD, AT Tilt 1IOX FACTORY, IUffl'I.A.Vl)l.V(l,Kr. MOUTH OF CACHE, MARINE WAY, and vavy YAM). HAIhUOAUH. QUICKEST JtOUTEFIlOM SOUTH ILLIXOJS CENTRAL R. R. TO St Loins Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi cago, New Vohk, Boston, At ALL POINTS EAST AND AVEST. p...ei)certra'!ii arrive at and leave Cairo m fol- lOHtl mil. r.iPRtst. Aiuvr m 3iUO p.m. jltPiir ilil.ln.m ailn p.m. IMh traimcoiiDcet it Centralia with train on the roa PD, Decatur, Bloomliigtcn, Kl I'mo, I, a Halle, MenJota, Freeport, (, Dubuque, nnd all mints in lllmoln, Miatoun, llnn'ota, liconln and Iowa. And ullh Linn running' Kat an J Wet for si. Imi, HpfngtleM, I.nuiavllle, Cin innali, In-Vanapolli, Oolumbua. AnJ t Clueaga with Miction Cnirn), Michigan evutliern, and Pitt.bur,;, Fort '.vayn and Chicago Railroad lor IVtroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk. Albany, Ikiaton, Philadelphia, .Vir Falls, Kne, lluttalo, St York, I'nul.iirp, llAltlmore, Waahmglon. AND ALL POINTS EAST. F and information, apply to ui. .' Cfolral Railroad Depot. W. P. JOHNSON, General rasener Agent, Chicago. J J0IIN0, Aaent. Cairo. A G K A X I) ANNIVERSARY BALL, win s. ones' it rue ARAB FIRE COMPANY, i SclK-cl'N Hall, Friday, Seikmi'iku lbT, 1871. Tn'koi .81 W) 1m o) ArramjHhtHti T. J. Kerlh, A. Lohr.J. I.IWYIIIIS. AIiM;.V. mitlkky & WIIKKLKU, ATTORNEYS AMI COf.NSELOHS AT LA"W, William J. Allen, Jolin H Vmk.v fcmutl P.WUtlir, -ler.J C.MIiO, ILLINOIS. eT'imi'ular attention paid to rl-r nml ! tun, t noon,, 7 and 8 winter's iilock. UllKKX (JILJJHHT, 1 ATTORNEYS AM) I'OL'NSKl.Ol'S AT LAAV, " ll.dtcni. ill.fitcni. 1 I' OiiUrl. V '..IU-t, ) m i OAllto, II.MNOIH. I ni".n",'it'w:1fl """n Kivrn to Adtnlialty nud IUHCC-CIIIOLKVKK, ROOMS 7 AND 8 OVER ' "Y NATIONAL HANK. MMltiKAVr Til Itr.TN. M.MIGKANT TICKKTS r'W SALE, L Vox f UVrl f..) Fori M'fFOIt SALE, FOR SALE riKibU'OU HALE. Fftte from Livebpool, i'we from Londcnder from (li ?K"1 tt0m QUKENfiTOWN ' " UAlllO, ; , . . . . Ballord.Mom,"-;.,,,, : M;8;2 0 . Altcnta. I-V.MAN LINK, I'lnliviclphla t'Ma COITtiCI "U IMTIb ....... "1- IHTIIH t ut t :l"IiiJX th-j Mail.. !,'H l'ASSAUK TICKKTS APPLY To J()UN u DALE lillrutri... v... ... ' ' Aur., ' ""'a, lulu II. lluuiti, ISO Washington Annue, Cains liii,JU THE BULLETIN". I'iiIiIIoImmI ctrry miirnlsil?. Jfondnj' f rei,,.-" loom mvmiova. IloAKIiINO lioiin'i" OHIot'a. nj,'13 (Jo to J'..rker A: ISUIo' for l.nnpi iimp cliliiini'V, pulnl briulic, etc. uti'.'OJlm Everybody goei to .lorccnion' family i.nrcer tor llio Jiuuuru icicncaivi ""' e ' Mice. " -duto PurkurA Hluko'a for wull piv . . . i . ..... r..M... itT, WHiuiiw iniiucs, uik. At .Iiirycnfen' inuy bo found the pop' tiliir French nfsortcd pickles. tf .ThiHn Vroncti Chcrric. in yrun, to lopulur with connolteura nro sjU by Jor- gcnicn. " Tlio Cliicnco Ilcor Snloon, vm Schick, proprietor, No. 'JO nnd 28 I-.ightli licet, li R fuvorito place of rciorl with an overs of Wclsa' llecr. J.wuora oi everj description, nnd ii'l kind of foreign nnd home Vine. No ordlnnry liquors nrc dispensed lit the bar of tho snloon only tlio vcrv best, nnd guests una in nucnu nneo polite nnd ivccoiuodating wnltcrs. A fmn limrli is unrund ovcrv dny ftt 10 o'clock n.m. nunlTtf, Ki.vr.LiNd. CU0 "gl" boici " fnnnlo at 6 cenH encli. Aiionsion. Foit Sale Low. Sixty kegs of dHtn- nged nails, on bonrd slcnincr Eckcrt, lit tlio landing. All size. Oysters. Louis Herbert hasnlwnson hand n fresh supply of Suddlo Hock oys ters, tf New Photograph Gallery. "We n- tieo that Mr. J. J. Thomas hns fitted up the rooms lately occupied by W. O. "Worth- ' Ington (n very good style, nnd, ns an artist, is doing excellent work that should entitle him to a fuir shnro of patronage. l'nul C. Schuh sells Katllngor's medi cines, tf "Win. Khlors, at his shop on 20th street is still manufacturing every variety of boots and shoes from genuino French calf (he uses no other kind) which ho sells rody mado or mudo to order nt price that defy competition. jyZtltf. We would call tlio attention of our country friends who want to get good pictures to call on J. J. Thomas, who has 'ft very pleasant gallery on Commercial avenue for their accommodation, nnd is really the best artist weliuyc had in Cairo or a long time. tf Beautiful biscuits follow Gillcfs bak ing powder. , agl3 Notice. From August 1st until further notice, the fare per transit stcarnor Illinois plying between Cairo nnd Columbus will bens follows: One way, S1.C0; round trip, $2.00. AV. A. Lowth, nugSdim Master. Look 100 cases Men's Kip Hoots, CO " " Calf " 00 " ' Kip llrogiins, CO " ioutns,uoys & tviniurens Hoots, 100 cases Ladics's Sl.oc, 25 " Child's " 2C " Youths' ttnd Hoys' Ilrognns, For sale, nt wholesale or retail, for cash only, nt live per cent, below New York prieef, at isonon miou iore, aug21dlw Elliot & Ilnythorn. J. J. Thomas ha lilted up tlio room lately occupied by "W. G. "Worthingtons on Commercial avenue, where he is doing a goou tnisincis. do unci see mm nnu give hint a trial. He is prepared to do all I kinds of work in the photograph line, nnd does it well. "Wei.', regulnlcd ag't3oowdiiw2iii families uio Gillet's. Notice -IJeemimr a knowledgu of chemistry necessary to tho student of nil sciences and professions, ns well as to tho mechanic. I t)roio:u to open a class of chemistry of forty lmson, commencing on thu tlrt Monday m September next. For particulars Inquire at my office, 142 Commercial avenue, Cairo, did A. "Waduymar. ivriK Will powder. rocer for (llllul's snow white agi:i2m Fiirnituu1, At Kiehhofl' llro..,' Factory. En courage Home Industry. We Sell Ftiriiituru fur Cafli ; Twenty per cent. Lower than imv other Dealer in Cairo. Our Furniture U All Miiduoulof Sea, tied Lumber, and will be Insured fur Six Months. A Karo Cliai'cti For Ilrtrgnln. Keli.wile and Safe. Dr. Henry Koot and Pluut Pills uru mild and please ant in their operation, yet thorough, pro ducing no nausea or griping. Ileing en tirely vegetable, they can bo tuken with out regard to diet or businoss. Tlioy arouse tho liver nnd secrctivo organs into healthy action, throwing off dlseaso with out exhausting or debilitating the system Try them und you will bo satisfied Prlee25 cents n box. Sold by druggists and dciilcr In modlclno ovorywhero Prepared by the Grafton Mcdlcinu Co., St Louis, M " mvOdin Go to Pnrkcr Sc lilaku's, corner Com merciai uvenuu und 11th street, for Aurora oil. nug2Cdlm Nn ice. Parker A: Illuku have removed I In llrok' brick fctorc, on Coiiiuiercial live iiue, kec-otid door from the corner of 11th I atreet. They lmvu udded to their already l . I large stock or paints, oils, window ulus, wan paper, biumea, lamps, vurniihcf, etc., I and Invito tho public giiimrully to call on mem in meir now quauuu. Thov mako I a speciullty of tho celebrate! Aur0ru oil which niey win auppiy 10 meir cmvoiuura 1 . , .1 Ml ... ...... ' In quantities from it half pint to ten i,Hr. I rels, ut much less cost than coal oil, und warrant It not to explode. nusSWlui TIIE CAIRO DAILY BREVITIES. CanJIdatei for county troasuror at multiplying. Shrivo's celebrated 11 o'clcck lunch oyesters nt Jorgoiisen s. tf The Uullkti.v Hindery is doing th bel blank book work In tho tato. Tlio polloo force liavo formed thorn solves Into n syndicnto. Look out I Do not forget tho Arab ball on next Friday night. It will bo grand affair Go to I'arkjr & Dlnke's for window glass, putty, etc. aug2Cdlm Mr. J. Fulton loft tho city yoiter dny for St. Louis, to bo absont for some time. Tho "new departure1' gang of side walk laborers aro doing good work on Twelfth strcot. After tbo wcathorjreporl in tabulated form will appear regularly In tho Uullkti.v. Jorgenson has a great run for Capt, "White's oriental pickles. tf Tho family of Mr. L. G. Harris, of Mound City, has been increased by tbo ad dition of a llttlo Miss Harris. J. AuRUitino Slgnlsgo, well known in Cniro, was one of the orators, at tho rccont Italian Jubilee In Now-lork. 'Soulro McIIalo Jerks justice during Squiro liross' absenco at tho oponitig of the work on tho O. & St. L. It. 11. The ball to given by tho" Arub ou Scptomber 1st will, no doubt, be the affair of tho season, Tho hall and garden will bo fillod to their utmost capacity. Go to Jorgonien's for imported Dun- deo oranco marmalade, tho colebratod London crystal vinegar, in quarts, and clioico Gonocso figs. tf Curses, loud and docp, woro heaped upon tho polico force by a couple of the demi-monde, at Judgo Ilross' f yesterday. They assort that when tho police want a take, and know not whero clso to got it, they go for us." Tho tickets for the Arab ball have beon placod at the low pneo of one dollar. No excuse for any citlren of the city to re fusing to purchaso at least one. The fascinating match gamos played between the youthful "LiltloReds" and "Victims" have been suppressed by Chiof Myers. The din and uproar created by these games had becomo an intolerable nuisanco to all those living or doing busi ness in tho neighborhood of tho grounds. Mullln, who was shot by tho negro Johnson, at Mound City, Saturday night, was not dead at noon yesterday, and ex pressed his conviction, In firm but impo lite languago, that ho "be d d if ho was a-going to die, this turn, any way." " Y.S, Hut he did die, yesterday evening. Officer Arnold informs us that a mob was organized in Mound City Monday night for tho pur- pofo of taking "William;, the murderer of Mullin, from th jail and lynching him Tho preparations mado by tho officers of tho law, howovor, wero sufficient to doter Tno most popular shoo shop in town is on 20th street opposito tho court house hotel, whero "Wm. Ehlors manufactures boots nnd shoes for his customers, warrant ed to bo of tho best French calf, kip or morocco, and which ho guanraloos to give entire satisfaction. Call on him nnd you will know how it is yourself. jy2Ctf Jenkins, one of tlio alleged murderers of tho negro Johnson, near Mound City, n few days ago, is well known to Cairo oflicers. It is not long sinco ho was in our county jail for hog stoaling, and only cs- caped n term at Joliat by one of those lo- gal crooks known only to tno lawyers Thero was no doubt of bis guilt, Mr. Hurger, tho well-known dry- goods merchant, will start east in a few days to replenish his stock of goods, and make preparations for tho fall nnd winter trade. Ho will bo absent nbout six weeks. To make room for his new goods ho offers his present stock nt prices that defy com petition, and asks tliut the ladies, before going elsewhore, will call und examino both goods nnd prices. aug29-lw. The boys are back. " Grasshopper " Sam, Sam Juck and Harry Turner, wore in tho city yesterday. Tho absence of Dowllng, one of the gang, Is nccountod for by the fact that he is in (irnbo, at Indianap olis, for ulto.nptlng to pass forged chocks Our polico aro somewhat acquainted with tho trio and propose keeping a watch ful eyo over their proceedings during thoir lnnitod slay in town. Old Tom Johnson, who is not avery bad nigger sobor, got on a high old drunk Monday, and told Mr. Myers, barkoopor at Naisano'fl saloon, on Commercial avonuo, that ho would "cut his white giirard out, and pay for it in silver." This mild ro mark, it seems, cxasporuted Mr. M., acd ho knocked Johnson clear out of doors. Johnson was urrosted and fined flvo dollars and costs. Mr. F. Hoso has rotnoved his tailoring establishment to his now store, at No. 104 Commercial avenue. Ho koops on hand a splendid assortment of pioco goods which ho will mako up for his customors in mnunor warranted to suit. He employs only the best workmen, and gives his personal attention to tho businoss. For feet fits guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Call and seo him. aug301m Tho Friar's Point Delta, in noticing a republican meeting hold thoro,says : "Next cumo forward John Corcoran, who was greeted with a perfect thunder of applause, and addressed tho meeting in bis usual characteristic stylo, lcnvlng no part of tho democracy untouched or unturned.1' li. Harrington,nn old resldont of Cairo, pro- sided at this meeting, which was composed ofthrco thousand blacks with an intlnitissi- mnl sprinkling of whites. Tlio following woro among the arri- vaU at the St. Olinrlcs jesteruny : C. A. Heck, Centrnlla; K. K. Williams, Illooin Ington; L. F. Monre, Centrnlla; O.K. Moore, 1. 0. It. It.; F. K. Peebles, roturnod ; U.S. Wlioulur and wifo, Vlcksburg, Mits.; 0ns. F. Hurton, Memphis, Venn.; J. T. Davidson, city, John M. Hancock, Cob den; Mrs. Wlndrum, Anna; V. 1. Brady, BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, Now Madrid; J, J, Shannon, Meridian j J . M. McOormlclr, Shuborta T. A. Lowls, Louisville. Erery dollar you pay n Now-York llfo Insurance company is permanently withdrawn from clroulntion in this slate. Tho laws of New-York compel tho compa nies to keop nil thoir funds invested within tho limits 6f that stato. or within flfiv mncsoi now-vorlc city. Tho Llfo Aaaooln .... - lion invosti llsmonoyi Where Jt ls.takon, augzuw Wo did Mrs.- Wellman Iniustlco vei. israay py iiaung mat she pulled her bus ...... . ., .. . . .. - - band's locks, , A,pollooacr so informed us. Tho fact Is that Mr. "W. is strongly Inclined toward spiritualism and constant ly porusos the Banntr of Light. Mrs. W, says she has no use for such trickery and fraud, and makes it a point to tsar the Jtanntr Into shreds, whenever she finds one about her house. This and nothioe mora William. Alba's barber sVop is'ifnAty mjln public favnrTBvery-day: -irifneaV: ly fitted up, and j can .bout, oft tho most skillful workmen In tho city. Tho pro- prictor has had ninriy ycars' 'experience In bis business and Is rocognlxod asone of the I. s - most expert shavers in Southern Illinois, fhllo young Alba Is-skr-tnastcr in bis pro fession. Citjrcns and strangers who wish a palnleis'shikve, . luxurious shampooing, or mur fisur tut In tho latest style should pairoaiaa Albs Bis shop Is on Commer- um uTonue naxi uoor to asnnon's news. ji.t j' - . . .. poi 1 " ' dif 'tHomBitleri, , Th groatest known romody r for preventation , , ." . 1 stud euro of Chilli, Fever, Ague, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia. Buy them; try thorn. " SlrattOB 4 Bird, Oenoral Agents, Cairo, Illinois. Peter Turner, a short-haired buffer,. noted among the " fancy " for his' defeat of the notorioos Tom King, at New Or leans, a few years since, was yesterday arrested by officers Bbeehan and Holmes for having concealed on his person a ra xor. Tbo case was tried before Squire Mc Hale, 'who fined Peter five dollars and costs. Peter could not respond and wis sent to jail. The city attorney afterward granted a stay of execution, provided bo would produce an absence of bis body within twenty-four hours. Smith ft Brlnkmoyor, at the corner of Cemmereial avenue and Eighth street, are agents for the sale of tbo new Wilson Sew ing Machines, to which they wish to call tho especial attention of the public. It is the cheapest machine In the market, sell- ng $20 cheaper than any of its rivals arid is, in every respect, equal to th best All kinds of sowing hoavy and light- can bo dono on it in tho vory best stylo, and it Is not liablo to get out of order. It is omphatically tho poor man's mnchino being within tho reach of tho poorest fami ly in tho country. Messrs. S. & li. Invite tho public to call and examino it aug22tf A couple of members, of the polico leavo tho city within three days. 'iirP. Seymour is tho reputed wifo of a well. known river pilot, and has resided in Cairo sinco I860. Her husband lived with her until nbout two years ago, when it is asserted, he was forcod to scparulo from her. Sho is a con firmed morphino-oator, and tho worst case of tbo class wo have over seen. Physi cally worn out, hor eyes sunken and ex pressionless, her chocks hollow and flushed, she is a more shadow of her former self; roaming about the stroets after dark, half drunk and stupid, sho readily falls a vic tim to tho worst characters in the town. On Sunday night she was found lying dead drunk across tho levoe paVoaicnt, with a bottle of whisky In hor pocket. Monday night sho was found lying in tho weeds near tbo cornor of Fifth street and Com'-' merciai avenue. When taken In charge by tho polico she was absolutely holpleis, and could give no account of herself what evor. Whether sho will heed the notice given hor by tho police remains to bo seen. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. , , (Spoolal Joint Hoiaion oiled tor the ruling of siuillubcrf CovaciL Ciuvaan, Cliao, hi., AuxuatliS.iini. His honor, Mayor Lansden, presiding. Present Councilraen Hurd, Lansden and Taylor; and Aldormon Motcalf, Strat- ton and Winter 0. Absent Councilmon Ualliday, Schuh, Wood and Woodward; and Aldermen Buder, Carroll, CunnUgham, FiUgerald, Klob, Roarden, Sease, Swayne and Wal dor 13. A quorum not being present, on motion of Alderman Winter, tho Codbcll ad journed to meet again to-morrow at'Sp.m M. J. Uowlby, City Clerk, ' JOINT SESSION. (Ailournd Joint anion of the.City Council.) Council CBinaai, Caiso, 111., 1 Ausuat t), ISTl-t p.m. j His honor, Mayor Lansden in the chair, Present Buder, Hurd, Lansden, M4- calf, Schub, Seaso, Stratton, Taylor and Winter 9. Absont Carroll, Cunnihgnam, FrUeor aid, Ualliday, Kleb, Rearded.Swayrii; Wal di-r. Wood, and Woodward. 10. No quorum being present, Aid. Metcalf moved to adjourn to meet this evening at 7:30 o'clock, and that the City Marshal be requested to notify the absent members accordingly. Carried. 1. J. XXOWLHT City Clerk s attention i nin unioiitbi a vwipoc1ii1 conclavo of Cairo Com Vinundory No. 13, will be hold this (Wednesday) ovoning, at the Asylum, a 8 o'clock, for tho purposo of completing arrangements for tho attendance to tbo Biiltlmoro Convention. By ordor of tho K. C. Wanted. A few day boarders, young men preforred. Apply at No. 80, corner of Fifth streot and Washington avonuo. aug20,3t Mom t roruudod If Olllet's goods don please. aglSeowdawiim AUGUST 30, 1871, MRS, DE GEER. ..... ..un uMnnuKK, sharks ur CAIRO.AND MAKES A TERRIBLE ABSAULT UroN MR. DAVIS OF THE SUN AM IKTKR. ABirruRK. Mrs. Do Goor, tcmporanco roformor nnd i . .i 1 1 1 , . ut.uiu., .i..iuiB vocreaio n sensation by hor Sunday night loeturc, chsvngod hor tac- at-. .1 ....I. at.a t . . . uc nnu uSiu inou nor Hand . Monday night nt tho Athonteum. Sho dropped Ijriucipm urn wum ior persons. The ball was opened by AN UNCOlrLIUKTAET ILt.u.inv to Mr. Hartraan, for what sbe""deemed to bo excessive chartfat fJe '. .... . . D - ...w uig u 1 lug nan. rassing from blm sho indulged in few remarks codoerning Bamsbn and the rnilistlnoi and flesrfrom the MounUlns of Hepsldamloa 1 1 1 I VIOOROUS ATTACK UrO! MM. tiv.n.v ourwonny mayor, bho described him nrst as a "WOOD1V uaw ." " i ; . ivi ...i,.'. lowmcn ne migM nave Mt6fted.ras An. mus Ward did to Ills BUyan,o asome- wut aiuiiiKr occasion, ir vou bel t It. TT". .V0?1 Pri mf "one toetysaid I l' "uV&a'd it6 DAcknoNis." . i . .. . . . ' as If sho, a perfect stranger to htm ... authority on that subject. But it Is not our province to deroad .Mr.. Lansden, against strong-minded femalos, at least- uo can do that for hlm61f. " 1 IF 'i I1B HAD TIIE rLUCK." shoontinued, "he would elosa ud ever v as. loon In thetcity'on Sanday and keep them fipiea. uuiuohasn'Sgoiit and they aro as open as tho dev.'1 Raliirnlno , Scripture for a few monients, for sbpport as it wore, she returned to tho charge and gave i CAfRO A. "BHAKI.VO UF, " "Cairo,", said sho; " whiskey-ridden, drun ken Cairo) onooftho wbrstlf not tho warat places In" creation; wnere inlemperence holds high and perpetual carnival, and tobacco-consumers 1 aro as plentiful as blackborrias In June. Why, " continued the lecluress, N OBNTLBMAN WOULD CuitT TOBACCO, and no geatUeaan does' chew It. I was introduced, to-day, to the BDITOK OF TOUa BVMIIIO FAFMSL alow-sited, keavy aet, dark complected man, and as I nearod him I discovered that ha wu redolent with th fume of to bacco, and thai , , Hit MOUTH AND WHISK BIS were dirty with the weed." Under such circumstance this declaration; applied to any mao.lwould be awful; bui applied to Brother Davis, it is shocking. It is true he does chew; but, as an x,-minUtrof tha gospel, who retains all the fervor and seal of his best raligioui days, HI ONLY CHBWS UOUIOFATUICALLT tbj.vs, hjiJisbews " aro small, n'd cor-, raspondlngly Inoffensive. We have stood near him and converted with" him often, nd noticed that his moata and whiskers did not differ materially in looks from oth er articles of the samo kind. nor was there that redolence of tobacco fumes, of whieh sho complained. Enough there wu to excite tho suspicion of such a thing, wo admit, but that, it was strong enough to justify BROTHER DAVIS IS A QOD VBAKINO MAN, who walks in tho straight-path of duty, and is not addictod to an; of the small vices. And nono rogrets more than ourselves that ho should be singlod out u a frightful ox ample of tobacco-chewing ; but it is some comfort to him to know that being as puro u ice or chute u snow does .not ox apt ono from calumny. Again wo say it was shocking. Dropping Brother Da vis, she usertod that smoking was offen sive to every lady ; .and that when any lady said it wu not SHE WAS OUILTTpr FALSEHOOD. She further advised mothers, sister and sweethearts, upon loatning that fathers, brothers or sweethearts, went to saloons to play card or billiards, or drink whisky, to follow thtm there wiih their knitting and FHKKEB TllBM OUT. Going back again to one of tbo mountain of 'Hcpsidam, she dwelt on it for a while, cooled her enthusiasm, and In a qu!el,wln- ning voice, said tbo use of the hall bad cost fifteen dollars ; that she proposed to test the faun of tho people present by their acts ; illustrating her remarks by an anoc doto of two w " YOUTHFUL SAP-MADS, who wero in loVe but who wero too bash ful ,to communicato the'stalo of thoir feel ings to each'dther. Wo could not see the application of tho story exactly, unless tuo audlencVrcpretentod ono l6vor and her self the othor. That being case wo can readily seo whero the bashfulncs camo in on 'hor part, and whero'the audlonco ox. hlbited. tho samo tralt'by getting up and "ilidlDsJiur.r.'nnatk ItwM.propoaed,ta,ps (he bat'around. Tho whole, affair was live ly, and wa thank Mrs. Do G. for it. PuilIii Bauou is master of his trade, and warrants all of his work to be of tbo vary material and manufacture; guar antee a complete fit and entire satisfac tion, is not conflnod to anyjpsrtlcular stylo, but makos overy variety of boots and shoos from the hoaviost cowhido to tho finest Fronco calf an'd'morocco. He also keep a largo stock on hand, bj Aw own manufat- turi. and any ono desirous of purcnaung good custom work cheap should call on him at his shop on Eighth St., south eldo, Scar cornor of Ohio lovoe, Cairo. dtf BuiPPiu. Until furthor notice tho transit steamer, Illinois, will ex tend hor trips to Hickman twice a week vit: 'Tuesday and Friday mornings, and if the amount of freight will justify hor In so doing, she will make three or four trips per week. For tbo present, freight will Lo received on the Transit Whar. Boat ,only on Mondays and Thursdays. J..MKB JOHNSON, Agent. Cairo, III, Aug. 18, 1871. dlw Wantbd At tha Delmonioo Hotel one hundred weeklv boarders. Five meals each day, prico $0 per week. augJOlf , W". Wm.THR. Go to Dr. McGauloy for Itattlngor's F vor Dropt. Warranted'to cure the ehllls. tf Gillet's washing crystal mako wuh ing easy.' ag 13 WATER, SHALL WK UAVK A FULL AND CIJF.Ar SUP PLY? HOW IT MAT HE OBTAINED AT A SMALL COST FACTS AND FIOURRS TO PONDER OVER. It will not bo disputed that no want of ourclly Is moro Vocniy folt tho insuffi ciency of tho supply of water for public purposes. It Is truo that wo havo toveral brick cisterns In different parts of tho city, none or wk nii . . . " irr ' " WOTOr "vo been in a condition to hold water until quite recent- v D amogemer inadequate, even in peneci state. It Is a f3t, wth wuicneyory citUen Is acquainted thu fit ratratv n..n. .lll . . . - - 7J irmuii uos not involve u. uenruction or mora or lets of the ad" Jacont property in the" efforts the fir com pames are compelled to make to procure water. Fences are wrn mown; gardem are ruined; cisterns pimped dry aid rendored unfit for future us, Unlet at an outlay verging on the original cost, bldst damage suiUlncd in various othor ways. Of court, the cltlten whote property is thus dettroyed hat his remedy against tho city, and could, with out uoubt, recover in tho oourts. But it would. look like an act of ineffable moan nest for a citlren to deny tho uto of bis cis tern to'savo bis ntlghbor' proporty, and nothing is loft to him under the circum stances except to grin and bear It. Just now soveral clticons are engaged in sink ing drlvo wells, at their privalo oxpense, for the use of farmers visiting our oity, and for teamsters and others. The coun cil is, wo understand, thortly to be potl- Honed to link a half down or dozon of thete wellt In different parts of th. city, for tno uio of the public. It will readily be seen that theso wolls will only upply a minor want, while tho great want of a good upply of water in the emor goncy of fires or drouths, will still exist u great u ever. Now, It will bo admitted without contro versy, that, If a plan were suggestod by which a constant supply of water could be furnished at littlo cost for the use of the fir companies, tcarattert and cltitent. It should bo adopted without delay by the couacil. Wo believe the follow, log to be such a plan, and respectfully sub mit to the consideration of the public : Build a wooden cittern, pitched and caulked, eight feet square, at the junction of each of the even itreeti with Commer cial avenue, and at the junction of each of the odd streets with Washington avenue, from Vourtb to Twentieth street sixteen cisterns in all. Connect these clsternt 1th wooden or tilo-pip, and the first cit tern at the upper end of Commercial av- ease with a tank in the fourth ward pump house. Then put the pump in working order and supply the tank from the river. Water seeks its lovol, and, as a matter of course, by tho time the first cittern it full all will be.full. Then, in the event of a flro, before tho supply of water give out all the water in all the cittorni must be used, since into the cistern being pumped from a four Inch stream of water will pour from each side from tbo citterns above and cisterns below. Tbeso cisterns would fur nith at all our street crossings a watering Ior- tMimtnrt and for itQfJt. both tides of tho avonuo might be allowed to tap the cittorni or pipot, and thus sup ply, at a cost of my fifty cents a month, to bo paid into tho city treasury, their wash houses and kitchens with a novor-faillng supply of water. The cost of tho construction of those will be comparatively trifling, and, if the plan is, upon thorough investigatian, found to be what is claimed for it, there is no doubt but insurance companies and private citi zens will contribute to it liberally. Each cistern will require about 1,000 feet of lum ber, scantlings included. There aro six teen cisterns. BilUan thousand feel of ftt per kwui cost ....--j....... . $as oo Labor on each elatate. Including dlucD, CaulkiBs; oi pitching makiDjca Ulai (or l cinema .......-. Total for material and labor,, -w eo It it also a duty th flrsmen of tho city ow themselves to look Into this plan, and if found feasible to urgo its adoption upon the council. We shall refer to tho matter in a future Issue. Attention, Everybody I I will offr for salo at my sales room, this morning at 10 o'clock, a largo utortment of grocerict, contiiting of sugnr, coffee, soda, crackors, buckets, floor, counters and Ice-chest; also a large usortment of furniture, consitting of bureaut, lounges, cu do-so ted chairs, looking-glasses, bedttoadt, tafes and car- pelt. The entiro lot will bo sold without reserve. Dan Hartuan, Auctioneer. Chu. II. Evans, Wathington-avonue, between Eighth and Ninth ttreett, has on hand a.splendid stock of family groceries of all kinds, which he is tilling at the lowett prices. He is detormlned not to bo undorsold, and challenges comparison of tho quality of bis goods with any houto in tho city. Illtshelfgoodsareof overy va riety, froth and toatonable, and anything and everything tbo market affords can be purcbued at bis storo nt tho lowest rate Give him a call. tf Try Gillot's doublo-strongth extracts. ,agl8 Mas. Wuitcomb's Sirup fob SootuixJ Childrin. Many sleepless nights of painful watcbings to tho anxious mtthar might be avoided by using this invaluable preparation. aug2CklAwlW Head card describing Dr. Battingor! Family Medicines on 4 lb page. These medicines are no patent or quack prepara tions, but tho result of special study and oxporlonceof a regular pbysiolan. I auglOdwlw Notici. Messrs. Buder Bros-, Wave re moved their stosk of Jewolry, watches le . Into Ik ..llninlnir room, whoro tboy will be found by thoir friends during tho present week, or until tnur esntr sast repaired. aug. 3U-3t. just IlKCEivxD A large lot of saddlos bridles, barnoes and collars, and for sale low to the trade. auglOtf Stbatton & Bird. Tux hotels uto Gillot's extracts and powder, ag!8 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WALTER !t MALONY, BUTCH E IR AND lltAUat IK FRESH MEAT, EioiiTii Street, Between WasmmoJ and Commercial avenues, AUlalnr ! Haaa) t . k . 1 -. 1 . . Ulln. Lamb, Hatia, etc., and at prtprtd to tl jvmaena id wie lows, tucj,.w,v wmm.. . SHERIFF'S SALE. MY virtus of an Kieeutlon for cot to ta reeled li lh. fru.fc ih llmull Goal f A andtr Count. In thaBtata of llllaet. IB erl cue UUI7. Miialntt la Mid Court, whsl tuna and Hanrr B. Klllt, arm or Kllla Bro., were pUtatlfl'a, and The Firal aaid plalatltta. 1 hara latl.d UDon the fello 5v."!rl? Lot auaibarad !) in Block numbered BfkMn (Uj, in lha Oil Cairo, Couotrof Alaxaadarand ut of lllln Uenrr H. Ellis, wl I shall oflar alpnUlo aala at .Of the Cfitlrt STntSM. In ..1 th uolD-wtai4i of B.ptdmbyr A.lT, IS7I. bttrtlh hotrof ?c,01kjA-M;,'taatof aalTdey, for C to aatiafr al.l Kieaotlun. CUT. on IDM I ALBXANDBB II. IRVINJ Calm. IM,"l'5.L,AI,,JiTnU" IUB0J SHBUIFF'8 BALE. ri!!7wll?.V 0,n 1S! m directed hr Cleik of the Circuit Court of Alexandereouat! inoKiataol lllinola. In fator of Mar K. f litonlr anil 11 1. Wnu V .il erthain. I haira l.vl.,1 i,r.n h. riiAi-Yl fcrited property lo-wlti Lot numbered thiJ ""m nurauerea eiKBiT. mi. la lb I addition to th C1I7 01 Cairo, fo the Conntj MivMi.M.f .uunnw 01 iiiiaoia, aa ina probartB Ih. aald Klla Wortham and 1-alriek K Wirftl wbieh lahall ofler at ptablle. sale, at to 801 wiat door ef Ih Court lions, la the aUS Oil f-i'J-'il?.1 ST 'l7br A. 1171,1 of aala day, for caah, to sat Uff aald xeculUol . . oherln of Aleiaader Countr. Illlnoal Ovlro. lilt., Attfuatso, im. -jltail SUERIFF'S sale. CaMMIv In h. (1.... - ..1, . . wl!V.n:f firlMI '7'",'".' n,tiat Willi cnbed pronertr, to.wit: LoUanmbaiad ttoil Ufa ISAI n,l lh(.i...l. iak, 1. izliT'jrJril taljllM fn lb CU, f Cairo. Coonsl . L , V .V, , . , " " 1 u u 1 a me propaj of the said William W. Thornton, which I al dr of of HrUrabajrt A. V.f III to oclotr, A. M., sod iu I, tO Mtitl M.J KlMUtU of BiOA iMtWsUfl iKsa 1 Gtuh If.ETlVniB If tjttaf I I a k OA Til tiiHa tM laail a. I y w. am, tBauatictitj t-, !,, tUs NOTICE TO CONTRACT9B8J Healed nroeoa-la 111 K. nuiui itu J j .1. v"'. -piiie' uaiii um,a) Wat u7, ,un ma uaj 01 oeptaaancr, Ull. lar I;, from time to .time, aa lb proper oi thecltrmaT order, aueh oak lnmk.. a. 1 of Cairo may require for balldlaf or npairi sUa-alka uatil January 1, lSTt, on laSdl iisumuio 1 iee, more or law, lata luma-ar to I be worked UDfar tha ellrl un nt ik. f.11 S vuu-i wd m tti. ciaar oi aau. una vhiaia dlmenaiena 1 The lopping to be IS, It or It M iuuk, v o iDciit-a wiue, ana a incnea mica : 1 alrlnseta to be 3it inchaa. II oris ft Inn. . t-eeta tit laehea : tha lumhar tn K. h.ii.. 1 ne irac. or laree al gairo, rrelxtit prepaid, contractor or eontraetora laeiea Mdui ci-ni a"curuy ior me lanmui perrormsoca contract. , The elty reterre Ih right trejact any tad "-j". rt. a. tiraeiTT. 1 City Camptrolleri NOTICE Is;hreby alien that by ;r Irtu of I he Aeael,, - in wnicn in apeeinea ine uieai real and peraonal property for the year 1170.. me del tared b tha Clerk tl tha Count ol of Alexander County, lllinola, and in purinatjl u. .im uiatuin iu .UlU i...r. ll,,n .u. rUTIUYJ esiate aa the property or neor.e K, Olmataad, J iimtu ui.ti.tii- . mo iviiuwina uvacriisttu in wu; isoia numuerea eiinieen iu, ana nisat (IS), tn Block, numbered nfti -three (U). In Citr of Cairo. Counlr of Altzandar. and Stale t lllinola, became of the non.oaiinent of thaHlJ peraonal property, aa fpeeined in ain Atstl meni cut an-i mereio caargoiz axaioai nim, 1 aaid George K. Ulmitead. and amounting to I turn of twentr-laro dollars and thlrly-alx centj I).. 1171. betwei-n the houra of 9 a. .. and ill ana tniii win.nnine zi aar or DeDiemoer. , aeiunx or ineaunoi aaiu aay, ai me aouin-wa door 01 the Court-house, In Aleiander county, 1 nnoia, oner ior aaie ai puouc Tenaue, 10 hieheat and teat bidder. Ior Cash In band. aaidproperty aboTe described, or ao much skate aa ahall be neceeaary to atiary aald amannt iaxe-1, loeeinf r wun (ne coa.a ana rnartrva 01 o lectlen. " ALKXA.NDER U. IKV1N. Sherirr and Ki-umelo collector or Aiexanai Count,, Illioioa. Cairo, ill., Aurna, au, tan. u- MASTER'S SALE. Btato of lllinola, Alexander .Coanly, 11. Altxs" I dtr County Circuit Court. i Frederick Bchall tb. Joaephlne Kelly. Asm. I Kelly and William Marna, aammniraior 1 John Kelly, deceaaed. BUI to forclot MoJ I f!fi!ii nnllr. t. ha, ahe irlira (hat In naranaal I of a decree enlored In tha'abote entitled caoj I In aaid court, on tne 11m d.T 01 juiy, ;u..ibt 1. John O. Herman. If alter la Chaacetr for ae I Court, will, on the ttd day of September, ISTLJ 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, sell at nuj lie auction, to tlie hlEhtst bidder, for caah, al tl door of the Court House, In the 'City of Calif In tald county, the rouowing aeecnixtt rsj eitate, to-witt The aoath-weal quanar-of til north. eait Quarter of aectlon No. enht (I), 1 1 townahlD No. aereoteen (17) south, rani No. I 12) west of the third principal meridian, In I, county of Alexander, and Wtate of lUmois, ffninar wun an. ana BinauiBr. in. icdchi-ouib r,.reditam.nt. -N0ilBilAW, Muter In ChaBceiyi I Cairo, Aug. , 1S71. auztontH H ITCK IXJk Sf JEO VM. ST. LOUIS J, soh:ool THE regular annual UrtnieflW'u ttehoJ JL will open on We.lnnday, October 11th, 1811 rilll COUrifs tWU fJHII W rnvtittas., wa-i "H a I...IU. st-a A. Ifnva rVlttlAr 7th. 187 1 I tnltlon foe, co 00 per annum. For partteuUMI GK STBWAET, jj Acting Dean of Law Faculty, 203 NORTH 3rdSt.,ST.iLOUIS,MCJ WATCU. FREE, and ISO aurtuniii hug. Adtjrcn wtUi stamp. taTAf. Jinn lAtrtkJ O AH riTTiasjs, F. S. MURRAY, GAS AND STEAM FITTE1 HAS REMOVED FROM FBRBT BOUSB t " TO III BBIOK BUILDING on SBVUNTH Sj orrosiTB WINTKl'S DtOCIC, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. ' j ' 1 HE has grestlv ImproTod his stock-, as.4 a now on hand all kind f f CHANDBLIBB8, PENDENTS, OLODES, ICEaTJi ,H,I.L,'LiqnT SHADES, SI u. HE HAS MARKED DOWN. PRICE o tha lowest living figures, and he ' writes lh patronaee of the public. rocnDRiEM. I. & E. GREENWALD. MtKvraoTvaia or Steam Enninca, Boilers, Flour ond Orlst Mills, Saw Hills, The "Tupper" Patent Orate bar, MAonrNKRY for oFNERAi, rrjuposys, CINCINNATI, OHIO: iTiiTasweoilt