OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, August 31, 1871, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1871-08-31/ed-1/seq-4/

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I'lililUlicil cry morning, Monilnj
Kedman li not In tlio field for trensu
Supervisor Ward lis tlireomcn work
ing on tho street.
Llnon clothing Is beginning to seek
It winter retreat.
Martin Is working like h leaver dr
ttio democrntic nomination.
Our plan of cisterns meet willi pf
cral approval. Tlio feasibility oC the Un
admitted, tbcro should be no delay In cm
Olng It out.
The first bale of the coltun cropof 71
was recolvcd In tfaia city from .Memphis
per steamer Chester, on tho 28th Inst., and
forwarded east by the Nntlot.al Lino.
Qo to Jorgonsen's for Imported Dun
dec orange marmalade, tlio eclebrnted
London crystal vinegar, In quarts, nnd
choice GcnoMO flgs. tf
Hill Gray was up boforo Squiro
McIIale ycjtcrdny for nttemptlng wlillo In
astatoof drunkenness to beat bis wife
Ho was fined flvo dollars and costs.
Tho tickets for tbo Arab Inll lave
Icon placed at tbo low pneo of ono dollar.
No excuso for nny citizen of the city to re
fusing to purchase at least one.
Tho festival held In "Widows' Block,
Tuesday night, for tho bonoflt of the poor
in tho Perry Houso was largoly nttcndod
and well patronized in a pecuniary
A numbor of anti-railroad men In tho
county have secured tho sorvicos of Louis
Uouck, Esq, to enjoin tbo collection of
the interest tax on tho railroad bonds prr
posed to be issued to tho Cairo and St
Louis railroad.
It is estimated thai tho Illinois Cen
tral will rccoive at this point and ship over
its lino at least sixty thousand bales of
cotton during the coming eenson. This
trado has been built up mainly through
tho efforts of Capt. Johnson, tho energetic
agent at tbii point.
The ball to given by tho Arabs ou
September 1st will, no doubt, bo the affair
of tho season. Tbo hall nnd garden will
bo filled to their utmost capacity.
The well-known dry goods merchant,
J. Bu rgor, now cast, to replenish hU stock of
goods nt his store, 142 Commercial avenue,
will send bis first lot on in a day or two,
and Mr. Julius David, bis polito nnJ ntfa
ble clerk, will hold the opening salo on
Saturday next. uugSMw,
Tlio most popular 6hoo shop in town
is on 20th street opposite tbo court houso
hotel, where Wm. "Klilcrs manufacture
boots nnd shoes for his customers, warrant
ed to be of tho lest French calf, kip or
morocco, and which ho guntirnloes to givo
tntiro sntisiaction. Cull on him mid you
will know how it U yourself. jy20tf
Tho Presidents of the different lire
companies will meet the first dav of next
week, to discuss tho Hvllztis's plan of
giving u cheap nnd abundant supply of
wutor to the city. If found feasible, n
mass meeting of firemen will bo hold, and
ll.o ttppoiiitmuiit of a cominilleo by the
City Council to act in connection with the
firemen's committed asked for. to duvisu
wuys and moans fur carrying out tbo plan
Thero will bo u grand tournament nt
tho Fulr Grounds, near Hickman, Ky., on
I rlday next. Tho Hon. Emerson Kther
idge is tho orator of tho day. Tho steanmr
Illinois will mako n special trip to accom
modate those who chooco to attend. A
correspondent suggests Hint it might prove
a good opportunity for our business moii 1
to prospect for trado in that neglected sec
tion. Tho sencm of fairs is nt hand j nnd
thieves who "work" there, arc anticipating'
it rich harvest. Tho Stnto fair at I)u
Quoin, will bo to them a virgin field, ami
many of tho light-fingered gentry, nre
flocking to this city, which they propose to
mako tho huso of their operations. Tho
pohc are vigilant, and invariably givo
tho "boys" tho usual twenty-four hours
to "get out."
Mr. Conrad Alba lias opened an eln-
gmit tonrotlal establishment, in tlio now
Jtoi-o building, next door to tho Kldoradi
saloon, on Commercial avenue, and invito
liif friends to call and sea him in lib new
quarters, The rooms have been luiiid
bumcly fitted up, and supplied wth the lat
est and uiostfushionablo chairs, witliovury
urticio pertaining to tho business to match.
It is nii excellent location, whoro Conrad
should, and, of .course, will, add to his pop
ularity and purse. aug31-!lt.
Ward is running for Treasurer on the
Republican ticket, and believes he will win
the nomination. We know of no onu on
that lido of tho houso wjio is better quali
fied to'go through motions of running
and defeat than "Ward. Wo now givo dug
notlco that tho next county treasurer will
be a democrat, elected ou the democratic
ticket; and that, too, by a sufficient ma
jority to demonstrate the fact that Cairo
and Alexander county uro still true to tho
old faith. Mark that, gentlemen.
"Walter Scott was a great novelist, and
somewhat of a poet. Tho land of Bruce
loves to honor his memory, and tho civil
ized world pays trlbuto to his genius. But
a dark spot Is upon his fame. "Walter lovoJ.
tbo hog. Ho was tho bruto's most dlstin
gullied defender. Ho weaved wobs of
poetry for tho scavenger, and mado him an
indispensiblo article to tho comfort of
Scottish homes. It I, obvious that so dic
tlngulshcdajuagenf the good things o!
this world must have bud his reasons lor fo
unseemly an affection ; but Om most un
remitting search on the part of bis ctUie
have failed to die cover these reasons. Our
theory is that the hog of Scott's Uay dif
fered materially from tho modern rooter;
,UI wu '(uiio certain that if the Scot
tish bard had witnessed tho efforts of our
police yesterday morning in altompting to
umt a ,irov(i of jokers, on tho 1U of tho
om maim bouse, from devouring tlio car-
.."Ji ft4 f"5"1'' b woul(1 vo sup
pressed his praise,, and tuned bis lyro to
pth.ritrins. h revolting-
nd one aot cIovUVm1 t, increase the con
lUBpUon Of rorfc u llls market,
Tin: mail MlllltM,
NOt. NO CM 1. T " .
Twice wilhi" th - preset month, tho
and registered letters
conlld.dWthoc.irool tho mall agent on
the steamer Illinois line been stolen from
the id '1 room.
,,. .iillcer Arnold Informs us, seventeen
monev p.iekages and lorty-two registered
letter'. I'iles other mall mattor, were de
livered by tho postal authorities At Colum
bus to tho mall agent on board tho
stea.nur Illinois for transportation to
Cairo. Thu Illinois, it is known, arrives
at this port, on her last trip up, about
midnight; and tho mull agent, not feeling
secure, nt ho nsscrU, in carrying tho valu-
ablo portion cf tho mall matter from the
boat to our posloflico, at that hour, retained
it in hit possession, intending to deliver it
tho following afternoon on tho next up
trip of tho boot. In tho meantime, how
ever, the Illinois madu a trip to Hickman.
While on her return to Columbus, a
splash was heard in the water, tho boat
stopped, nnd tho box which should contnln
tlio packages and letters was fished up.
An Instant but fruitless search was made
for its contents. On Tuesday night officer
Arnold and n government dotcctirc, who,
it is said, is tho father of tho mail agent,
Instituted a senrch of all tho boat's crew
in any way suspected, but It, llko the otnor
efforts In tho same direction, revealed
nothing. Why tho valuables were not de
posited in a safe during their transit is not
explained, although such precaution, be
sides being customary, would, it seems,
suggest Itself to nny prudent custodian of
tho malls. Tho wholo matter is n puzzlo
to tho officers, who are doing thtlr host to
solvo It,
IlOAitmxc bouses use GlHct's. ngl3
Qo to Parker &: Blake's for lamps
lamp chimneys, paint brushes, etc.
Everybody goes to Jorgonsen's family
gorcery for tho Halford Lcichestcrshiro
sauco. tf
Shrivo's celebrated U o'clock lunch
oyestors nt Jorgcnscn t. tf
Go to Parker & Blako'a for wnll pa
per, window thndes, etc. ntig'-'Cdlm
At Jorgonsen's may bo found tho pop
ular French assorted pickles. tf
Tho!o French Cherries, in syrup, so
popular with connoiscura arc sold by Jor
gcnscn. tf
Jorgonscn has n great run for Cupt.
White's oriental pickles. tf
Go to Pnrkjr & Blake's for window
glass, putty, etc. nug2Cdlm
Go to I'arker & Blake's, corner Com
mercial tivenuo and 11th street, for Aurora
oil. nug2Cdlm
Every dollar you pay a New-York
lifo insurance company is permanently
withdrawn from circulation in this state,
Tho laws of Now-York compel tlio compa
nies to keep nil their funds invested within
tlio limits of that statu, or witlUn fifty
miles of Xuw-York city. Tho Ufa Associa
tion invests Us monev where it U taken.
Mr. F. Koto has removed his tailoring
establishment to his new store, nt No. 104-
Comiuerclnl n veil lie. Ho keeps ou .hand a
splendid assortment of piece goods which
he will miiko up for his customer in a
manner warranted to suit. He employs
only the best workmen, and t;ivc hU
personal attention to tho luisincy.s. Per
fect fits guaranteed. 1'rlces reasonable.
Call nnd see him. nug301m
Home Hitters.
The greatest known remedy
for presentation
and euro of
t'hillf, Fever, Ague, Uver Complaint
Buy them ; try them
Slralton & Bird, (ieneral Agents,
Cairo, Hlinoi".
Tho Chicago llecir Saloon, Wto.
Schick, proprietor, No. 1! nnd 28 Eighth
sticet, is n favorite pluco of resort with nil
lovers of Weiss' Beer, Liquors of every
description, nnd nU kind of foreign nnd
homo Wines. No ordinary liquors nre
diipeuscd nt tho bar of the saloon only
tho very best, and guests find in attend
n n co polite nnd iireoinodntlng wallers. A
free lunch is mi read every dnv nt 1(1
o'clock a.m. nual'tf.
Fu ml I u re,
At Klehhotr Ilros.,' Factory.
Homo Industry.
Sell Furniture for Cash ;
Twenty per tent.
Lower than nnv other Denier in Cairo.
Our Furnlturo
Is All
Mado out of Seas, nod Lumber,
nnd will bo
Insured for Six Mouths.
A Bare Chnnco
Chas. H, Evans, Wnshiugton-vonue,
between Eighth nnd Ninth streets, has on
hnnd asplondld stock of family groceries
of nil kinds, which ho is soiling nt tho
lowest prices. Ho is determined not to bo
undersold, and challenges comparison of
tlio quality of his goods with any houso in
tho city. His shelf goods arc of every va
riety, frosh nnd seasonable, nnd anything
and everything thu rnnrkot affords can bo
purchased nt his store at tho lowest rato
Givo him a cnll. tf
William Albn' barber bl op is grow
ing in public favor ovory day. It is neat
ly fitted up, nnd can boast of tho most
skilllul workmen in tho city. The pro-
I j.riuKjr ims ima mily Vl,ar(. ,.x)oriunco
I his business nnd W recognized as onu of tba
UU.V expert .navcr. i Southern Illliiul.,
while young Alba Is a mauer in his pro
fession. Citizens nnd Hrmigcrs wl0 w,,h
u painless ihtwo, n luxurious khumi)ooliiK
or their hair cut in the latest itylo kl.ould
patronize Alba. His shop is ou Commer
cial tivenuo next door to Harmon's news
depot. dtr
(Ailjouraed Joint ScMlon cf Iho City Council lor
Hie telling or Orilin.incc..i
Contra Ci'amsm, Cuno, III..,
Al'gunt 'it, 1e7l, 7i) P. M. J
His Honor, .Mayor Lnnsdcn, presiding.
l'resent lluder, Hurd, Kleb, Lansden,
iMctcalf, Kcnrden, Sense, Stratton, Tnylor
Winter nnd Woodwnrd 11
Absent Carroll, Cunningham, Fitzger
ald, Hallidny, Schuh, Swnync, Wnldcrnnd
Councilman Schuh appeared during tho
riKl) OnillNANCKS.
Tlio Clerk proceeded to rend Ordlnnnco
No. 1 of tho nowly codified Ordinances
as reported by tho Committee on Ilovislon,
heretofore appointed.
Aldcrmnn Wlntor moved that tho words
"or other" In subdivision 15 of section 6
of said Ordlnnnco bo stricken out.
Councilman Taylor moved ni n substi
tute Hint tho word "next" bo Strieker. jjiit
nnd tlio word "first" inserted, and the
word "other1' bo stricken out, nnd tho
word "special" Inserted! nnd also, thnl
tho word "thereafter" bo inserted after
tho word "mooting" in Iho third lino of
tlio samo subdivision of said section. Car
On motion of Alderman lleardcn, Al
dcrninn lluder was oxcuscd.
C'ouncilmnn Taylor moved that tlio
words " and in each branch thereof bo
added at tho end of subdivision 28 of sec
tion Gof said Ordinance. Curried.
Aldorman Winter moved that tho word
"finally" in tho fifth lino of said subdi
vision 28 bo stricken out, and culled for
tho ayes mid nays on his motion, with tho
following result:
Ayes Metcalf, Wnlder nnd Winter 3.
Nny Kurd, Kleb, Bearden, Schuh.fcensci
Stratton and Tnylor 7.
Councilman Hurd moved that tho words
"or othcrwiso as tlio said Council may di
rect necording to ordinance," in thu 13lh
lino of subdivision 31 of section 5 of snid
ordinance, be stricken out. Carried.
On motion of Councilman Taylor, the
following, viz: "and ovory such net shall
havo two rciidlngs In tlio City Council
convened in Joint Session, and in each
branch thereof on separate days" nt tbo
end of said subdivision 31 wus stricken
Councilman Taylor moved tostriko out
the following In tho lattor pnrt of subdi
vision 34 of said soction C, viz: "as havo
passed tlio City Council convened in Joint
Session, or eithor Board, and which."
On motion of Councilman Schuh, tbo
words "or special" wcro inserted nftcr
tbo word "standing," in the second lino of
subdivision 37 of said section 0.
Councilman Woodward moved to striko
out nil of subdivision 33 of snid section.
Councilman Taylor moved to insert the
words "convened in Joint Session" nfler
the words "City Council" in tlio second
and in the sixth lines of section G of said
ordinance No. 1. Carried.
On motion of Councilman Taylor, tho
Printing Committco woro instructed to
nrrango with John II. Oborly it Co., on
tbo best possible terms, for thu first publi
cation of tlio newly codified ordinances.
In reference to the proceedings of the City
Council and of the two brunches thereof.
Bu it ordained by tho City Council of
tlio Uity or Lalro.
Skctio.v 1. That tho regular statod
meetings of tho City Council, being tbo
Boclcct Council ami tho Board of Alder
nen, con veiled in joint session, shall be held
on tho first .Monday and succeeding Fri
dny in each and ev'erv month at thu Coun
cil Chamber, nt 7:iiU o clock p.m.
Sue. 2. Tho reiruhir stated meetings of
tho Board of Aldermen .shall bo held on
the second Monday and following Tues
day in each and uvcry mouth, nt 7:30
o'clock p.m., nt thu Council Chamber, and
tlio regular stilted meetings ol tnu select
Council shall bo held on thu Wednesday
and Tliursduy first succeeding thoiind .Mon
day in each and ovury month at 7:I0
o'clock imii., also ul thu Council Chninber.
kc. .. opeeini iiiuumige oi i"u v
Council, to be convened In Joint Session,
(for business other than tlio election of of
ml lni-etiiiL's of the Board of Al
dermen nnd of thu Select Council limy bu
culled by resolution, by tlio .Major, by thu
Uity Ulcrk upon inn requisition oi any
two members of thu bodv to be convened,
or by uny two membcrsot Mieh body them
selves, by giving puraonul notice to each
iiieiuber,or by leaving n written or printed
notlco at the usual pluco of abode ofcilch
member, at leant six lour before mel
meeting. Elections for ollicers shall be
held ul a regular stated meeting of the
City Council, or at n epeeiiil meeting to
bo convened nit ubuvo by giving personal
notices to each iiiuiuber or by leaving
written or printed notice speeil'ving the
purpose, ut thu usual place of abode of
eacii mcuiljcr -1 liouis betuio such meet
ing. It shall bo tlio duty of thu City
Cletk to prepare, and of tho City Marshal
nnd of the Police Constables ou duty in
tlie day time to givo and servo such no
tices. Hkc. 4. Tho City Clerk shall givo notice
of all stated meetings of tho Hoard ns hero
in provided for, ns well as special meet
iug, nnd such notice of the meeting of the
City Council convened in Joint Session on
the Friday succeeding tho first Monday
and of tbo meeting of tlio Board of Alder
men on tho Tuesday following the Und
Monday and of the meeting of thu Select
Council onThursday following tho'-'ndM on
day in each mouth, need not bo givkli un
less such meetings are required for tho pas
sago of ordinances, or some special busi
ness. Sue. 6. Tho following shall bo the rules
of proceeding of tho City Council, (con
vened in Joint Session,) of tho Hoard of
Aldermen, nnd of the Select Council, viz :
1. A majority of tho nieniber3 elected to
both boards shall bo a quorum to transact
business in the City Council, convened in
Joint session ; and a majority elected to the
Hoard oi Aiuormcu ana to tlio Select Coun
cil shnll bu n quorum to transact business
In thoir rcspectivo boards. A less number
than n auorum uinv adiourn from dnv to
day, film compel the attendance of absent
2. Tho Mayor, when present, shall pre
side nt ull meetings of tho City Council,
convened in Joint session, a. id of thoSelect
Council, and thu Hoard ot Aldermen, nt
thecoinmeiieement of each municipal year,
shall elect onu of their number to bu Chair
man thereof, tosorvu forsaid year. I'pon
thu appearance of n quorum in tlio City
Council, convened in Joiutsevsluu, or in tlio
Select Council, the Mayor.if present, and in
thu Board of Aldermen tho Chairman, if
piosont, shall laku tho chair nnd call thu
member to order. In thu absence of thu
Mayor, or the Chairman of the lloaid of
Aldermen, tlio City Clurk, or my n em
ber, may call thu moetlni; to order, at.d n
unairiuau. ;ro inn, uunit no appointed lor ,
(but meeting, or until tho Mayor or Chair-1
man nppenr. hencver the Mayor shah
nlnent himself from tho city, or shall re
sign or die, or his ofllco shall ba othcrwUo
vacated, tho Cltv Coin-. il. tdivn. 1 in I
joint session, slmrt Immediately pro. :e 1 to
uieciono ot their members Prt: lent, who
shall ba Mayor, pro tern, until the return
of tho Mayor to tho city, or tbo election of
ins successor.
3. After tho calling of tho roll, upon
which tho members shall be placed in al
phabetical ordor, tlio minutes of the pre
ceedings o.' thu lust stited nnd intcrv"-nni;
specalf meetings slin'l be road and ap
proved or amended, unless such reading Is
unanimously dispensed with.
1. Tlio ordor of business shall then bo ns
follows, except that rails for reports from
tho city ollicers may bo omitted In the
Board of Aldermen" nnd Select Council,
1. Unfinished business from previous
1!. Beports from tho city ollicers.
1. Beports of committees, to be called for
by the Chairman In the order named in
Section 17 of theie rules.
4. Petitions.
5. Claims nnd accounts.
G, Resolution ami motions.
7. Miscellaneous business.
8. Communications from the -Mayor mny
bo received nnd considered ut any time.
fi. Every motion or proposition shall, If
the Chairman or nny member requires it,
bo reduced to writing, nnd tho name ol
tho member ottering n resolution or motion
shnll t.o entered with It upon thu journal.
C. No motion shall bo debated until il
Is toconded, when it shall bo deemed to bo
In tho possession of the body by which it is
to bo considered, nnd shall Lo slated by tho
Chairman, or, If in writing, shall bo de
livered to the Clerk, nnd read by him or
by tlio Chairman, provious to debate. A
motion or resolution may bo withdrnwn
by tho mover ut anytime before deeMon
or amendment.
7. All questions shall bo put in tlio fol
lowing form, viz: "As man v as aro of the
opinion" (ns tho case may bo) "will sny
"nye," nnd tho contrary. "No.'' In
doubtful cases tho Chairman mnv direct,
or any member may cnll for, u division,
nnd when demanded by nny member pres
ent, tho uyes and nays shall bo called and
entered on tho journal, with the name of
tnu member calling for tiiosamo.
8. hen n question is beforo tho moot
ing no motion shall bo received unless to
adjourn, to Ilu on th" table, or for tho pre
vious question, to postpono to a uny cer
tain, to commit or ru-commlt, or to amend.
A motion to adjourn shall always bo in
ordor, unless tlio meeting is engaged in
voting, nnd shall bo decided without de
bate. All questions shall bo put in tho
order in which they nro nbovo specified,
nnd in filling up blanks tho longest tlmo
and thu largest sum shnll be first 'put. The
previous question shnll bo put in these
words: "Shnll tho main question now bo
put 7" And until decided shall preclude
nil debate or amendment of tlio main ques
9. Any member may call for a division
of tho question tinder debate, when tho
same will nam It tliereol.
10. Every member present, when n
question it, put, shnll vote, unless thu meet
ing shnll. for special reasons, excuso him
from so doing, or utiles ho is interested in
tho question, in which caso ho shall not
11. Tho Chairman shnll preserve order
nnd decorum, nnd shnll decido all ques
tions of order, subject to an appeal to the
12. If any member transgresses tho rules
the Chairman shall, and any member may,
cnll him to order, In which case the mem
ber culled to order shall immediately alt
down and bo silent. 'J ho meeting, if ap
pealed to, mny permit tbo member to ex
plain, nnd shall decide tho matter without
13. No personalities or reflections inju
rious to tho feelings of members or the
harmony of tho meeting shall bo ullowej,
nnd tlio 'member indulging In such person
nlitles shnll be called to order by the Chair
man. 1 1. Every member, previous to speak
lnir, shall li-o from bis teat nnd address
himself to thu Chairman, nnd when two
or more members shall rise nt once the
Chairman shall iiuiiiu tho member who is
flr.'t to speak.
IS, Any momber who shall bnvo voted
with tlio majority may inovo for n recon
sideration of nny question, provided ho
do so ut tho same meeting orthu next reg
lur or other meeting convened tin accord
ance with these rules, uud whilu the mo
tion or resolution ii in possession of the
body beforo whom it was for considera
tion, nnd such motion having been once
nut nnd lost shall not bu renewed, except
by consent of two-thirds of the members
composing thu body in which the motion
is mudu. But no votu of thu City Council,
of the Board uf Aldermen or of the Se
lect Council ahull bu reconsidered, or res
cinded ut a special meeting, unless thu
meeting be called In wholu or in part for
that purpoo mid thu members ba ko noti
fied, and unless ut each speciil meeting
there bo prrs Mil its large a number of mem
boii. ns was present when the votu to bo ro-
eoii-nleri il vn. tnl.i'ii ami ii motion to re
consider shall be decided without debate.
1U. Ev"ry petition, claim, account or
other written application, intended to bu pro
seiited to the City Council, Huard of Al
dermen, or Select Council, shall bu present
ed by the Mayor or Chairman or nny mem
bur in his place, who' shall beforo Mich
prc-chtiitioii, if a petition statu its general
content-, i.nd if n claim or account, exam
ine the lull or voucher lo bu presented
or certify or statu in his pluue, that thu
sumo has been incurred in accordance with
the ordinances or duly authorized orders
of tho City Council or Ite authorized
officer. Any member may require tlio
reading ut length of any paper presented
to oither body for consideration.
17. Thu standing committees of tho
City Council nhall be composed of mem
ber's of the Sulect Council and Hoard of
Aldermen, mid shall bu ns follows, viz :
On Streets, mid
On Drnlnngo.
Knch to consist of fivo members, two to
bo appointed from each board, (so that
there shnll bo ono from each ward) and ono
Irom thu city nt Inrgu lrom either hoard.
On Claims. ,
On Police and Jail.
On Ordinances.
On Firo Department.
On Markets,
On Printing, nnd
On Finance.
each to consist of tlireo inombor', ono of
whom shall bo appointed lrom tlio Select
Council and two from tho Hoard of Al
18. Tho committee on streets shnll hnvo
chariru of tho stroets, avenues nud public
" . .!... .....I .f .1... 1 1
grounds ot iiiu ciiy, nuu oi uiu lamps uuu
lights for lii'htlnc thu sumo, nnd of thu
side-walks nnd cross-wnlkc, nud shall tnko
aru that tho ordinances ol tho City Coun
cil in rul'orenco thereto uro faithfully exe
cuted and carrlod out. Thoy shall
from timo to tlmo recommend to
tho City Council such repairs, improve
ments i'u ul constructions on tho samo ns
they may deem expedient, nnd shall per
form such othor duties ns may bo Imposed
upon tlium by ordinances or joint resulii-
!...., .O' llwi i!v ('ttllMf'lf
111, Tho drainngu eciiimitteo eliiill hnvo
charguof tho euwers ami works, buildings
and machinery for draining tho city, shall
carefully observe thu condition, situation
nud operation of thu same, nnd maku Mich
recommendations in reference thereto from
time to Hum ns thuy may think proper,
nnd shall I perform such other duties in re
lation to thu biimo us the City Council may
by ordinnnco or joint resolution Impose
upon thum,
20. The Committco on Clainn hbnll ux
nmlnu till bills and claims ngnlnst tlio city
referred to then md roport upon tho cor
Ki.tne; of tho samuj nnd no bill or claim
sn.ill be paid, uxcopt for ttlarles of ofll
ci'M. fixed by Ordlnnnco of tho City
i' inc. I, without such refcronconnd report
Jl. Tho Committco on Police nnd .Inll
linll havo chnrco of tho police force and
j,il building in tho city; shall obsorvo tho
cniuct ot s.iiu poiico lorco nnd lrom umu
to lime, not less than onco in each and
every month, examine tho condition of
the jail building nud of tbo prisoners
therein, and report in reference to tho
same ul each stated mooting of tho City
Council, convened in Joint Session.
2'J. Tho Committco ou Ordinance shnll
havo prepared such ordinances ns mny bo
required of them by tho City Council
convened in Joint Session or either branch
thereof, nnd shall cxumlno nnd report on
nil ordinances referred to them bv tho said
City Council or cither branch thoreof.
23. Tho Committco on Firo Department
suau unserve tne operations ot said de
part merit, and from tlmo to tlmo. us thev
tuny think proper, rccommond tho adop
tion oi suen measures as mnv tend to in-
croaso its efficiency nnd usefulness.
21. The Committco on Markot shnM
hnvo chnrgo of market houses, market
grounds nnd City scnles. nnd shnll sco Hint
the ordinances mid regulations of tho
uity council, in rnterenco thereto, nro
iiiiimuiiy cameo, out nuu oniorceu.
25, Tho Committee on Printing shall
hnvu charge of tho city printing, nnd shnll
sco thnl publication of tho Council pro.
ceedings and of tho Ordinances and other
city printing is properly mado and done
iM. Tho committceou finance shall bnvo
charge of tho general finances of tho city,
and shall recommend to the City Council,
whenever they may think tiropor, such
measures ns will tend to relievo tbo cltv
from financial embarrassment, and keep
us unanciai niiairs in a iieaiintui and sound
condition, and shnll perform such other
duties ns may bo required ot them bv tho
City Council.
27. Tho Mayor shnll be, ex-ojftcio, n
member of ull standing committees.
28. Every ordinance presented to thu
City Council, not having been reported by
thu Ordlnnnco Committee, shall bo rofcrrcd
to said committco and a report mado
thereon by snid committco to tho City
Council, convened in joint session, or ono
of tho brunches thoreof, beforo it is finally
acted upon, nnd nil ordinances shall
hnvo two rendings nt length on sopnrato
days in tho Cltv Council, convened' In
joint session.
it'j. All committees shall be appointed by
tho Chairman of tlio bodv bv which thev
aro authorized, unless otherwise directed,
in wnicn enso they snail bo appointed by
ballot, and then persons hnvine; tho high
est number of votes shall bo declared to bo
30. Committees shall inquire into tho
mntter.s referred to thorn, nnd report in
writing tlio facts in relation thereto, nnd
attach to such report nil resolutions, peti
tions and other papers relating to tho
matters referred to them, nnd no report
sunn uo received unless tho samo is signod
by n majority of tho committee. But
nothing contained in tills rule shall pre-
uni. uiu minority oi any committco irom
submitting n separate report. Tho recom
mendations of committees shall ho em
bodied In resolutions, which shall bo pro
sontcd with tho reports.
31. All reports of tho city ollicers nnd
Police Magistrates, required 'by ordinances
or resolutions to bo made, shall bo present
ed to tho City Council, convened in joint
sussioii, nt ineir rcguinr monthly meeting
on tlio first Monday in each nnd every
month, nnd shall be'mado up to tbo last
day of each month preceding their pre
sentation. All claims nnd accounts against
tho city shall be presented to thu Citv
Council, convened ns above, nnd if proper
ly nuthenticnted, nn required by city ordi
nances, shall bu referred to tho nppropri
ate committees, who shall examlno tho
same and report thereon to tho next meet
ing of the Board of Aldermen or Select
Council ns first occurs, or othcrwiso ns tho
snid Council may direct, according to or
dinnncc. AH other business shall bo in
trodueed into tho City Council, convened
in joint meeting, and shnll ho dis
posed of in such n manner ns mnv bo direct
cd by haul Council or us tho Chnrtor and
Ordinances ol tho city may provide.
Uvery legislative net of t;io City Council
shnll bo by by-law, ordinance, resolution
or order which shall havo passed tho two
branches of the City Council and nnv bv-
iaw or ordinance, resolution or order of
tho City Council being a rulo of perman
ent aciiou aim uuving tuo lorco oi n legis
lative net may oriclnato in cither Branch
and when It shall havo passed ono Branch
may bo rejected or amended bv tlio other.
ns provided for by Section 10 of nn net en
titled "An Act to nmend un Act entitled
nn Aet to reduce tho Chnrter of the City
of Cairo and tho invonil Acts nmuiidntorv
thereof into onu nnd rovlso tho name, ap
proved Fubruary 18, 1SC7." But uverv
ministerial or executive notarising under
nnd by virtue of such legislative acts may
bu regulated, controlled and directed a's
tlio City Council convened in Joint Ses
sion may order, nnd overy such net shnll
havo two readings ia tho City Council,
conveneu in .loiut session and in cacli
Branch thereof on seperuto dnys.
3'J. Tho -Mayor or Chairman shall havo,
in ull cases, tbo right to vote, nnd when
the Hoard shnll bu equally divided, includ
ing bi vote, the qucstion'shnll bo lost.
It shall bo iho duty of tho City
Clerk to havo published, "in accordance
witli tho charter and ordinacco of the city,
tlio minutes of tho proceedings of tho Joii'it
Sessions ol the two Boards, and of tho Se
lect Council, nnd of the Board of Alder
men, within flvo days ufter ench meeting,
nud, if they uro not continued in tho pro
ceedings of tlio meeting, eacli ordinance
and joint resolution shall bo published ut
length in llko manner, within flvo days lif
ter tho meeting ut which it hns been rend
tho first time.
31. It shall bo tho duty of tho City
Clerk to certify and present to tlio othor
Board, ut its next meeting, every ordi
nance, or motion resolution which ban
passed ono Board, nnd which requires tho
concurrent veto of the other Board, and to
present to tbo Mnyor within flvo days af
ter their pnssago, cortifloa in llko manner,
all such ordinances and resolutions as
havo passed tho City Council convened in
Joint Session or either Board, nnd which
nro required to bo submitted to him for np
provul. 3o. Kvory ordinnnco upon its introduc
tion shnll hava n tltlo prefixed to it, indi
cating tbo subject mattur, nnd upon its
linssago shall bo npproprintoly numborcd
by tho City Clerk. Tho duto nnd number
of each rending shall bo ondorscd by tho
City Clerk upon each ordinnnco nnd res
olution, nud it shall bo stutcd by tho
Chair, when presented for consideration,
whether tl is upon its first, or what subse
quent rending,
30. Tho Journal of tlio proceedings of tlio
City Council and of each Bonrd shall con
tain ii truo and nccurnto account of tho
proceedings nnd n brief statement of tlio
contents of caoh petition, claim or papor
presented, shall bu inserted in tlio journal.
All resolutions shall bo inserted at length
on tho journal of tho proceedings when
presented ; but reports of committees shnll
not bo so inserted without nn express or-
uui oi uu' iiuniu iiciuiu wuom tney aro lor
37. Every proposition involving tho
expenditure of money, if objected to, shall
bo referred to nn upproprlnto standing
committee, nnd n report made thereon to
tho Council beforo a vote is taken on tlio
38. Tho foiegoing rules or nnv of thorn
or uny pnrt thereof mny lu suspended,
changed, modified, repealed or annulled
so far u thu body acting upon thoui is af
fected thereby, by tho consent nnd concur-
Ing volo of two-thirds of tho members
olectod to such body nnd not othorwlsc.
dko. u. jrory porson who shun disturb
any mooting of tho City Council convoncd
in joint session, Board of Aldormon or Se
lect Council, by rude, nol.sv or other Im
proper behavior, In tho Council Chamber
or in Its neighborhood, or Interfere in any
iiiaiinor wiin tne proceedings, doiiDern
tlons or businoss of tho City Council,
convened In Joint session, Hoard of Alder
men, or Hoiect Council, shnll forfeit and
pay for tho uiu of the City, n sum not less
thnn twenty-llvo dollars, nor more than
ono hundred dollars for each nnd overy
ouenco: rrorntca, each rude, noisy or
othor impropor net shall constitute n scpO'
rato nnd distinct offence.
Sec. 7. All ordinances nnd Parts of or
dinancca in conflict with tlio provisions of
tins oruinnnco uo nnd tho samo nro lioroby
Sec. 8. Bcslgnatlons of mombors of tho
Soloct Council and Board of Aldermen
shall bo submitted to. nnd noted upon, by
ino uny council, convened in joint ses
sion, nnd nil elections shnll bo ordered bv.
nnd returns of tho election of general
City ollicers shnll bo mado to said Council
oconvoned. But tho returns of Ihn olec
tlon of mombors of tho Board of Aldor
men or of tho Select Council shall be
mado to the body to which said momber
are eiccieu.
On motion of Aldorman Winter, tlio
Council adjourned, to tnoct on to-morrow
evening, nt 7 o'clock.
M. J. Howi.kv, City Clerk,
Do not forget tho Arnb bnll on next
Friday night. It wilt bo n grand affair
Paul G. S.diuh sells Battingor's medi
cines. l'
Ahk your grocer for (.Jil let's snow white
powder. ngl3'.'m
Ovstkks. Louis Herbert hasalwason
band a fresh supply of Saddle Bock oys
tern. tf
llEAt'TIFUI. biscuits follow (illlel'il bak
ing powder. ngl.'l
Foil Sale Low. SUty kegs of dam
aged nails, ou board steamer Eekert, ul
tbo landing. All sizes.
Gim.et'b wnshlng crystnl makes wash
Ing ensy. ag 13
Go to Dr. McGnulcy for Battingcr's Fe
ver Drops. Warranted to euro tho chlllf.
Monev refunded if Gillet's goods don't
please. aglGeowdnw.m
Wel'. regulated families uso Gillet's.
Titr Gillet's double-strength extracts.
Wanted. A f.w day boarders, young
mon preferred. Apply at No. 60, corner
of Fifth street nnd Wnshlngton avenue.
Kindli.no. 500 " glass boxes " for sale
at 5 cents each. W. W. Thoknton.
The hotels uo Gillet's extracts nnd
powder. ngl3
Just Beceived A large lot of saddles
bridles, bnrno.'s nnd Collars', nnd fur sale
low to the trnde.
nug2otf Stiiatton & Hiiid.
Mus.WiiiTcoJiirHSviicr ion Sootiii.no
Children. Many sleepless nights of
painful watchings to the anxious mother
might be avoided liy using this invaluable
preparnlion. nug2'jdV:wlw
Bead card decribing Dr. Kattinger's
Family Medicines ou It'i page. Tneso
medicines aro no patent or quack prepara
tions, lut the result of special study and
experience of n regular physician.
New PnoTOQiiArii Gallekv. Wo no
tlco that Mr. J. J. Thomas has fitted up
tho rooms lately occupied by W. G. Worth
ington in very good style, and, as an artist,
is doing excellent work that should entitle
him to n fair share of patronage.
Notice. From August 1st until further
notice, tbo faro per transit steamer Illinois
plying botween Cairo and Columbus will
be as follows: Ono way, $1. GO ; round trip,
$2.00. W. A. Lowtii,
nug'idlm Mnbter.
Notick. Messrs. Buder Bros., hnvo re
moved llielr stcck of jowelry, watches
etc, into the adjoining room, whoro thoy
will bo found by their friends during tho
present week, or until their corner store is
repaired. aug. 2'J-3t.
We would call thu attention of our
country friends who want to get good
pictures to cnll on J. J. Thomas, who has
n very pleasant gallery on Commercial
avenue for their accommodation, nnd is
really tho best artist wehaye hnd in Cairo
or u long time. tf
J. J. Thomas hns fitted up the room
lately occupied by W. G. Worthlngtons
on Commerciul nvenuo, where ho is doing
n good business. (Jo nnd seo him nnd
givo him a trial. Ho is prepared to do nil
kinds of work in tlio photogrnph line, nnd
docs it well.
Notice. Deeming a knowledgo of
chemistry necossnry to tho student of nil
sciences nnd professions, ns well as to tlio
mechanic, I propo-o to open u class of
chemistry of forty lessons, commencing
an tho first Monday in September next.
For particulars Inquire nt my office, Mil
Commercial avenue, Cniro.
dtd A. Wapuymaii.
100 cases Men's Kip Boots,
50 " " Calf "
CO " " Kip Brognns,
DO " Youths', Boys ii Children's
100 cases Lndics's Shoes,
1!5 " Child's '
25 " Youths' and Boys' Brognns,
For sale, nt wholesnlo or retail, for ensh
only, nt flvo per cent, bolow Now York
prlcci, ut
Boston Shoo Storo,
nug2 Idl w Elliot & Huytborn.
Notice. Parker &i Blnko bnvo removed
to Bross' brick store, on Commercial uvo
nue, second door from tho cornor of 11th
street. Thoy hnvo added to their already
largo stock of paints, oils, window glass,
wall paper, shndes, lamps, varnishes, etc.,
nnd invito tlio public genornlly to cnll on
them in their now quarters. Thoy mnko
n speciality of tho celobratod Aurora oil,
which thoy will supply to thoir customers
In quantities from n half pint to ton bar
rels, at much loss cost than coal oil, and
warrant it not to explode ntig2Cdliii
wA I HQ, 111,. iVUL?. 3U 1U.4U.
V nr Department, Signal Service,
A. division of telegrams nnd reports
.1 - T1-,1 i , t I - I
'1 hours ending 10:10, p, m.
I c
IM v e j
or OiarntATioN. 1
(Jhii'nRo ...
Cincinnati, O
Dmenport, low.
(luUeslon. ...
1 r(n...orth..
Mi'iimlii". Tcnn.
Nnslivill. Tcnn..
New Orleans, l.a
(linalia Nebraska
10i9 29.97
1'it.i.l.iirsli, ra.
Ht. Louie, Mo..,
HU 1'iUl, Minn.
ii ihuii as s v; i -
very bett material and manufacture; g
tlon, Is not confined to snytpartlcular I
but makes every variety of boots and
from tho hcavlost cowhldo to tho fl
r ruucu tnii nuu iiivi wwv. w
. . . . , i t
" ""b" 1 -J
good custom work cheap should cal
him at his sliop on J.igntti St., soutu
near comer of Unto Icvcc, Cairo.
.. c, . r ft
Boot and l'lant Fills aro mild and pi
ant In their operation, yet thorough,
dueing no nausea or griping. Being
tlrely vegotnblo, they can bo taken
out rccard to dlot or business.
arouso tho Uver and secretlvo organs
healthy action, throwing off dlseaso
jut exhausting or debilitating tho sys
rriCQ-j cents a dox. oo.u uy urug
. tSJ. SJ
.ml .lnnlnoi In nlAl Ini H s DttAPtrtV
Prepared by tho Grafton Medicine I
loun, Ji ray
" G. M. D." Don't stand aghut
awo and fear, cyos wldo open, hair on
and fingers lightly clinched with the
inni ineso mvsicrious vmDois ro
little signs and represent somo secret
nrnts itir-t nmi n inirtn fn inn aiv
i o
of Dr. Fierce' s Golden Medical Discov
that pleasant modlcino which has acqu
a National reputation and proven so
cacious In Coucbs. Colds, uronchllii.
luiuuiiiiiik lb iac JIU lJUBI. UVIU V
... ti
Wm. Khlcrs. at his sbon on 20th st
is still manufacturing every varietv
boots and shoes from genuine French
(lie uses no otticr kind) which he s
roidy mado or made to order at pr
that defy competition. Jy2Ct
each day, price id per week.
aiiL'2'Jtf wm. Wixtk;
On nn.l nflcr Hunilajr, 3Ia. Ittli, 1S7I, the foil
ini tiroc-taMo wMl goern the arriril &nd ief
urn ot lMin2r trains at Cairo:
i.ii ri. naur... ;c't3 i
Arrtv Iml.,lMilV n-!Vl
NotlmnKeof cam from Cairo to Ht I.ouli.
IlnK checked to all linxrUnt points.
tllU ftll-lt 1111 Ul BlllllWta IB FIUK1
jieo io me uci mil a rrun r.xpren mm
eUulro ilJly,bluraJ expected, and
Cait. William H. Sandubkt.
Leave Cairo,
At 7 A.M.
At 10 A.M.
At 1 l'.M.
At 5 P.M.
At 8.30 A.
At ii an
AT Til C
i 1 " .v . .... i v .. . i hah a n i.Aiiii,nvr, j.
Hchecl's llall,
Kiuoay, Skitkmher 1st. 1871.
II 00
41 ivuimtnuu, augwutu
L'a.L.i . 1 til I - 't J .A Iki ffl.J
dsiv. t ia 6 i div of HAtitamhnr. 11111. for lurmin
rT I'alrn llluv ri.ililra fn l.nllillnn ft r rillUliriU
iiitriAntiiniifi i ri n innn ni ia tm i'j ia nr ian
f Unf uoi-inrii V fur Dim riiltlilnl iiarfrtrmknA nf
The city reserve th right to rject BnyandAU
iiiuii s r
nuKOtO City Cam pt roll tr.
Tlio unilorsiRnoa, proirictora or mo iitiTanJ
WetkLV Hi'LiiTiN, liavo just reeolveil an assort
iiKintiii tlio latent styles of Job Printing types,
unit liuvo now onn nf tho moat complete )oli amcei
in tlio South anil West. They Halter themselves
that thev i'0en facllltlrs for turning Out
promiitly, in tho ben atylo ot the Art. all work
imtruHleil to them, from iho smallest card or
liibul lo Iho iimnimoth poster, anil at pnoes
nhlchUnve with our business men no good ei-
fn uA...llnr lltnlr wnik tn Ht. LniiU. fllnpln.
Ohlcsgo. JNO. JI.0BEKUC0.

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