THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1871. rimxiitmt:. 1). H. HAimKLL, DEALER IN EURNITURE (JUEENSWAltr. HOUSE IMJKNISHING GOODS, HAIt FIXTURES, 'CLASSWAEl',' 185 & 187 Commercial Avenue (Uino. Illinois. IIOOTN AStt '', 'WILLIAM KllLEM. fVliillfcllw"' imnT A.Vtt SUOKi .MA KKK, rwnTir.Tii sTnr.CT, .,.,. W.Arrnucn,IIV,..rS.rre(, CA1B0," it.LH. )t0OH AnJ Shoe MadTto Order. Eme Wrrkroen Emplojod. "fatIf.etion Warranted. l'atronnce PolleUfd. CITY SHOE STOHK AMI jiioop skirt factory mii xniitt re "BEOIASKI'S" CUSTOM-MADE HOOTS AND SHOES amine rrlnl Avrime. Corner or r.lulilli Nli-trl. O.tino, Ui.ix"is. rAKTiriTAr. ATTENTION I'AID TO AM. OK- unr.-. ror. noon kirts a.vd mioks. CAIRO 01TY COAL Is prepared 10 miri'l' emlMiirr with the best . f'-i I -! ' ' ' , quality of 1TFTSHUHG AND'UjLINOIS COAL .RM'.n left .! lli.11i.lny Ilro. oilier. 711 (III 10 J l.r.v r.r or m tin I lull Yum lil'lllW the M I iri't Hotel, will rirclvi' prompt attention. ! lirTI'l. U VllVT 111.' ' .11 i.-l.... ...... I ntn.. llIETfii"t(NT,U"K' iieim-n st snv hour. iic'i'iif THE BULLETIN. ftllHY M.T.SINO, SkPTKMIIKII 1, 1871 I 'lIX H. OHKULY, Eiurou, Tiw. el tub Daily Uu.iitim Stilttriptioii, , ' fink, '.) rumor i !!" Jneysirliy carrier, in ndinneii 10 no 'is unam. by, 76 Ta.ti trohtiii,..::.."'.. " 2" S t lnntliH,..... 4 25 0) J(r, ' '...."J....!..l, ti 7'1 fsi oj Afaaniler evunttantl of the city ot CVo, 1htonlymorninjrjhttitinxjutlicrn tUihvi on nlUimilytrliifttfjyiterrrtrtu Hit ;.uWi; vt' airf ? aiu iirmnUi4 tirwUtitm, the Jhtlte imntwv- "if patnmrvi" nl intdligcnt readers awl THE HOI.LAH WKEKLY UULJ.KTIN. Joht. II. OUrly A Co, niivo mluct'il the mli KMl,en prir uf (lie Vcrlily C'nlro llullrtl to OwrXnrpfriiiri, BinJinK tt tho climiu'Dt 1-trpuWUUJ In southern Illinois. For President, 1872, JAMES R. DOOLITTLE, or wiMO.Nhi.v.. Saljtet io the titcmon of the national dem ocratic contention. UTheKtwYcrkWurMon Senator Doollttlo. "llitrtcord U 0 consistent and utitar nis'.J that it mv 4, uunci n traight ti'ii- drawn nrriAH a nuzzle a clear learn, un u-rriul ly a, ctuaUvJ'dttiwxphcre Of -Irvnenn ;of,f.rt, tliroMnli the piiil titenty ytari!' lFr, ly &t,iM,tnf ,Uh,ere I '.at lie vir,m Jits. U . '""i "'1 i" Mi. r tli-y'lmil r- lil. n tu4 ! in put iluwnli) "rw Si.."' """ l"u,r ' IH'"tl''ll mbi... p: "''' 'M.t.iimr tliciKwrri- rn.V;.'' " , ,'?U-' ' -uM Imn. iniiiU Hn'iii luiuillnr, uliuni' li' hii immi' mi- IIIHkK llll'lll fi'llllW Kfini, P"Tiiii'lliiiy nl "ncrii.r ...i,.. '..winiiuiiiiii t.Mie luiil tiuub llm kllt fn"i- In t,. , ' 'i i bmc rioenmt thmr 11 till. tllllkf ttlf "''ji'ii-rn i TO MOltTON, C'-.lUTlok,M,M,OURI VAy lh kPtCTS TO hEJiATOK M0KTOK. l'.i: villi vUlU! ,nMlnZ KbiAby. n"Wurt. "'tl" 21th of Ancu t. V "wniUl, during Us spo.el which wupf Mo , h- gentlemen, in tt wV i,,,i i L buii present. KjioUoatl, Uho67rl T n.tiei.mMidpolitic.dCunlr'co iu mi jsuiericiiii eilami oceutivlm, ,Q ..f opient a position,. boMre n Jll.'oiirl m,d ! nice, to utter tho sentiment- tlut ..ttl). government would bo safer in th hnndh b ... ,i vm', V"'",,'" "'V11""1' "i ,"' .nv iimiuoni' sucli nn ut lt Tli.,l"(uU.10 11,0 Intelligence nVd";1 1W Uhd t,'ul'1 have .corned by every re.pectnblo Jtq.ublivu.i Ubjcc. Ct dl Urn. til 1 ' V".Ur,J "I10" 'I'" Toombs tittteM Jo"1 rt llk0- I)ilV, ing In the ofuVi ',,1 HIT iu olf and'ottiew lVkb h m ,OJ,lUy " hi"- Ho could nulet tho gtntltmtn', Md feari soar as Da1s and , -.,., concerned, us ho A A not know a slngj southern stato lhatdoslrcd to he "y,ftu,0 ll bV CllIlT 01 llli HI. h II , ,1... cotiliM there was f urn' i .,ll lo her niu fultiro Ki-nluoliy n.igin ' nll ,nnT, once nioro tlii) 'fVM'Ht -Morton could not sit . Ikh..-.- nn;iovil nt Idol of Iv-ntui ';ver4,j ihrouBlmUl Iho home, l""",rM."'' iiCjifliliotitijii tor blom- Intnl. II ''".';'', ... ,,P,r,iln n'mMctor ish. nnu ll'""",, .,,., I,. rmir its svmitrv ,t.h.""iJIiiitv- who'0 political enruer ml itl , 'l.a, nlllil. '"'J-'"1. i.di! ii tiuu nnd l.orolc sol- . . . .....f . I III IlllilVJlt lll'll.ou x. . a- - rnrJ!1."1"',..... .Ii.l hi. r,,l,.r or tnr Si,', ruord by n ilnglo word or deed st.r.onnd her ciusc" '.".yLfhv hi) neon u In their day of po:cj iiinl pnwcr, ho ftrrnd brnvcly nt lils ,it in i hu r iluleiuo iiirmiKiioiii inu lone ,irk niL-ht of ndvcmty nnd peril. Tho poorlo guntlcnian, tlio r.culotis i;i Llzcn, tlio isu nun pum timi'siiiim, inu uuiiui rle puldier "A rmnblnntlon nnd u form. Indeed, AVhero cvwygod did eom to set hissonl . To givo tho world liiunmco of u man I" Tt ! thn iieL:i1 doc 11 ni! to roillll llllll feed Iti tlio Mine forest with tho Hon. the cnrrlon crow rcfusim to innto mid build Its nost In tho dizzy inoiintnlii cmg with thnno.irlni; eagk'. If niv voice could nlcrco tho dlstiincp, I would like to thunder in tho ears of tho Indlurm dotiiitor, to-day, thnt for fur bet ter nrid weightier ronsens, tho chlvnlric nnd L'sllnnt Kcntuckinn could rcfutoto sit oven in tho scnntcchnmbcr of tlio United i!tnte, by the side of tho honorablo gcntlo- mnn trom inilinnn, wiioio contrnotoJ in tellect nnd corrupt henrt Is In perfect nc- cord with tho debauched nnd eln-strlckon body, ivhlch bcarMhohnprcss of.Tchovnh curse, "I will vlilt the Iniquity of tho fa thers upon tho children unto tho third nnd fourth generation.', Jlcforo ho makes nnothcr political nil- grimago to .Missouri, 1 advise him to vilt ngaln Ithe hcalln'o; itnl'ors of th6 Hot Sprigs of Arkansas. Irbnthlnc In thorn docj not euro his1 leprous body, thoy may, perhaps, act. liko tho charmed watora of tho river Lethe, nnd oblitorato nnd banish froni'hls'rcTiibinbcranco tome of tho polit ical gull and bitterness engendered In the past. NARROW GAUGE CARS the -kv rACRi.vnF.n CAns ovtiikden- VKK AND 1110 OUAMIR RAILWAY. ll'Vom tlio Denver (t'o.) Swi", Alls. 3. "Our nnsscocr cars hnvo nrrivod.'1 said Mr. "V. fcj. Jockson, tho genial secretary of tho Denver & Jtlo'.Urundo ltnllway, as he walked into our sanctum vestcrdnr. look ing, ns nil men do who nro bearers of good tidincs. Armed nnd equipped with pencil and notebook, ono of our reporters accom panied liim to tho depot, to inspect tho" now arrivals, ana view tiic Inst achieve ments in tho way of railway architecture. Thoy nro, indeed, a novelty, nnd ns the first ever constructed, cannot but bo pro nounced n perfect and complete success. ii here nro two passenger cars, appropria tely named ' JJc'nvor 'l'and "El Paso," two smoKing curs, ana two baggago nna mail cars. Tho passenger cars aro thirty five feet long, seven' feet wide, and ten nnd one-half foot high. Tboy carry thirty four passengers, and their weight is 10,000 pounds. Their cost Is not yet known.. They nro finished on the outside with pan els, and nro painted n. brown or cinnamon color, tastefully rolivcd with gilt. Inside tlioy prei-utit n beautiful appearance, being finished with bluek wnlnut nnd ash, light .scarlet plush velvet, silver mounted hooks, windows of French pinto glass, and every thing in accordance, bolng neat, cosynnU elegant. Thoy iirudiviileil into two npiirt- menls- The cents nrj double on ono' side, nnd sinclo on tin- opposlto sido of tho car: tho double and tinirlo rows intcrchnni'ini' sides in tho different compartment, so that tliobalnncoof the cr.r may bo preserved. Tho windows aro uflor tho English style, and lower ruthcr than raise. Tlio trucks and springs nro of tho best nnd most approved pattern?. Every cllbrt has also been miulo to keen thuooqtroof gravi ty ns low as practlcnblc. Tho main sills uro only 27 inches from tho rails, which is 18 inches less than Is usual on tho broad gnu go curs. In fuel, thu cars nro beyond criticism.' Their uniquo and proportional exterior, thoir rich mid elegant interior, nnd tho cxeellunt and substantial manner ,in wliich'thOy nro constructed, all com bine to rendor them uvi)ti moro comforta lilc, safo and trustworthy thnn tho warm est frjends .of tho system claimed for them. They can bo run at the rato of thirty miles an hour with tho most porfect safety. Tho smoking cars uro shorter, but aro pleasant and inviting, having sido doors ns wull us end ones. Tho buggagu cars nro nlso convenient arid woll urrnnged. Vhon combined in u train behind tho swift whooled ".Montezuma, " tho train will bo a just object of admiration. Thcs cars worn built by tho Jackson & Sharp Company, 'Wilmington Del., and catno through in euro of Mr. A. C'ary. Thoy have iicen eighteen days en route, two days being spent nt Philadelphia, whoro they wcro on exhibition. They were examined by Tom Scott, and ii'iargu number bf Spading prnctical nillwny in on", who pronounet'il thi'in complelo. All along tho louto thoy hnvo been visited by largo numbers of ciilzens'jiiurnalists, ntjd railroad mon, mid, nict-fvod prnisc'. and commendation. Tlu'y ciinnot recoivc less hero. Mr. C'ary informs imr reporter that theio nro oriler in tho shops lor cuta for flvo ditl'eront narn.w irauco railways. To the- Denver A; ltin (irande, howovor, always belungs tlio honor of being tho pio neer. Tho cum ciin bo seen ut tho depot at uny time. A T1UE STORY. Mnnv venrs ni"u Lhaiincned to.boanoof tho referees In a case that oxciled.unusun interest in our courts, trom ino singular nature of tho claim, and tho strange story it disclosed. Tho plainllll', who was cap tain of a ship whioh traded principally with tho West Indiei", had married quito early with tvury prospect of happl- nes. jiiwiio wm mm t nnru uumi v - tremely beautiful, and no less lovnblo in ctiurncicr. After living with her in most uninter rupted harmony lor llvo yours, during which timo two daughters woro nddod to tho family, ho tuddonly resolved to re- siiihq ins occupation, winch no uuu roiin- ,pmiivu on ins niarriugo, nna wnen ins youngojt child ras but threo wook old, ho.mltil-fortlio West Jndios. .Months raised uway mid lengthened into years, yiino tiaing from tho absent husband ; una utter hoping againht hope, tho unhap py w.ta was compelled to believo that io hud round a gruv beneath tho woltoring ocean. ti." .viu f . 8 dtl'l' ",,a 1'cnrtfuH, lt i ,r ?,m H ,,0.Vcrly wenow added to her itlll.ction. her not-llo was tho" only mmircy and fur Uu jears .ho labored mly ..,,,1 Lll A ,.ri.,, t New ""I'r ' With her L-unLli. 1 "oic tliHii ln-r v. aequiiii.iHi.,,. int.. Iriun'dUiin. ivuur tuiiv i.mnthj ho ollornd Ills hand ii.r.iniurenbinmn, ),U cliUdron. and , i"u.Vcry ,,lv'i'tBJ Which w.-alth ...i.i uiiecuon lould iroeuru. I ilt.iun yti&rspasH-d away. Tl.o.laiigh. ters married. u thoy hud hardly null urn mi irool when tho mother was tiki'ii 111. Alio auxl Jiftor h fnw iinv. ii ml iv.,. 1 tluttimu until ttioperlod of which 1 spunk, widower has resided with tho younger" I llu". - J h wwg9m,ciuostrftn2opartof the stOfy, After nn nbsenco of thirty ycnr., tho first unhand reliirnnd suddenly as ho hud departod. , , lln hml oh n.fml his fchln. ndopllnc nnO' thnr nnn.o. mm. I ncnt tho whole of that lone poriod tn tho ocean, whilo taking In or discharging cargoos, having boon care ful never loromo nearer homo than .ow f)rl..m. AVh v ho had acted In this utiiiar- donahlo mntinar toward tho family no one coulil lei), nnu no ODstinniejy.' roiuscii nll explanation. Thoru wcreslrango rumor- of slavo tra ding ana piracy niiont. whalovcr might havo been his motives for his conduct, ho was certainly anything but ' lndflorbnt to' his family concerns when lid returned. Ho raved llko n mad man when Informed of hid wife's second mnrrlnco and subse quent death, vowing vpgonco.on his suc cessor, anu lorrnyini;-!!!! unugiucrs wun tlio most awlul tiiroou in enso thoy rcfus cd to acknowledge his claim., 'lie had returned wealthy and ono of tho reptiles of thb law Whb aro always to bo found crawling about tho hnlls of jnstlco ndvlf. cd him suit ngainst tho second husband, assuring him that ho could rccovor heavy damnces, Tho absurdity of institullair a claim for a wlfo whom death hnd rolloved from tho jurisdiction of all earthly laws, was so manifest, that at lcncth It was a- grocd by all parties to lenvo tho matter to uo atiiuugod by llvo referees. It was upon a bright nnd beautiful nfter- noon In tho Spring, whon wo met to hear the'fingttlar case. Tho plaintiffs lawyer nindo n most eloquent appeal for his client'. Tlio coloi bratcd Aaron Lurr was the counsol for tho ( I n Tn 1 1 ,i I n i .1 -, fiillil(nln.l t fi ni .h, splo'ndid tilsplny of oratory. contrary to our expectations, nowover, Htirr mndo no attempt to confuto his op- nonants elonuent orntorv. Iln inorulv ope led n book of statutes and with his thin fingers pointed to ono of tho pages, desired tho refcreos to read it, whild he rotirod for n moment for tho principal witness. "Vo had scarcely finished roadlng tho mnttar In our minds: whon llurr ro-entcr. od with a tall nnd elegant femnlo 'on his arm'. tilioViis nl tired in u' simnlo whito dresi, with n wreath of Ivy leaves encir cling her largo, traw bonnet, nnd n laco veil, discovering' to us' beauty. T recol lect, ns well as it' it hnpponed yesterday, how simultaneous the murmer oV admira tion burst from all present. Turning to tho plaintiff, Mr. llurr asked In a cold, aulol tono: "Do vou know, this lady ?"' "I do." "Will you swear to that?" 'I will, to tho beet of my knowlcdgo and belief. Sho Is my daughter." i "Can you swear to tho identity?" "lean' "What is her ago?"' "Sho is thirty years old on the 20th day of April." "when di J you last spo her?" "At her own house, about u fortnight Binco." "When did you seo her previous to that meeting. The plaintiff hesitated. A long pauso ensued. Tho question '.was repeated, nnd tho answer at length was: "Wnen slio was lust turco weeks old," added 15urrv "Oentlemon'.continuod ho turning to us, llI hnvo brought this lady. horb nsnn important witness, and such i think she is. Tho plainthTs.counsol has pleaded eloquently in behalf of tho bo rorved husband, who escaped tho perils of tho sea only to return and Und homo deso late Hut "who will plcturo to you tho lonoly wife, beiidinji over tho dally toil, duvoting her best yours to thodrudgery of sordid poverty, supported only by tho hope of hor husbands return ? Who will pic ture the slow progress bf hcart-stckening, tho wasting anguish of hupo deferred, and finally when tho overwhelming ngony which enmo upon her when her last liopo was extinguished, nnd sho was com pelled to beliovo horsclt n widow? Who can depict nil this without nwukeninu in vour hearts tho warmest sympathv for tho deserted wife, nnd tho interest scorn for tho menu, vilo w-ctch, who could thus tramplo on tlio heart of her who ho swore to lovo and cherish ? "We need not in- quiro into his motivu for nctlug so base part. Whether it was lovo 01 gain, or licentiousness, or selfisli indifference, it matters not: ho is too vilo a thing to be ludced bv such law ns govern men. Let us ask the wilntts she who stands loforo us, with tho frnnk, fearless brow of a truo hearted woman let us ask which of these two havo been to her a lather?" Turning to tho lady, In a tono whoso fiwci'tniMd was in Btrailir'i) contrast with tho scornful accent which characterized his words, ho besought her to rulalu briefly tho recollections of her early life. A proud iiusn pisscu over nor tiuammii inco m sho replied ! " My first recollections nro of n small, ill-rurnished apartment, whioh my sister nnd. myself shared with my mother, Sho used to carry out every Saturday tho work which had occupied her during tho week, and bring buck employment lor the following. Saving her wearisome visits to her employers, unci her regular attend ance at church, sho nuvcr loll tho house. Sho often spoke of tnv father, und his anticipated return, but at length sho ceased to mention him, though 1 observed she used to weep mqru frequently than over. J than thought sho wept pccnusn wo woro poor, for it sometimes happened that our support was only n bit uf dry bread: nnd sho was accustomed to sou by tlio light of chips which sho Kindled to warm her famishing children, because sho could not purchase u ciindlo without depriving us of our morning uiuiil, Such was our pov erty when my mother contracted her sec ond marriage, und thu change tn us was like a sudden entrance to l'urndiso. "Wo found a homo and a fntliof. l' Sho paused. " Would ymi excito my own child against me;?'.' cried tho Plniititl', as ho impatiently wavcd.his hand for hor to bo silent. Tho oyes of' tho witness Hashed liro as tho spoke: "iou uro not my luiner. exciiumeu suo vohcniontlv. "W hat I call' you my fath er you who so basely loft your wlfo to toll for ytnir children to beggary I Nuv or. llohold thoro my farthor," pointing to tho calm dorotidant. "Thoro is tho in an who watchod over my infancy, who was tho sharer of my childish sports and tho guardian of my inexperienced youth. There is tho man who claims my ufloctions and homo my futhur. i-or yondor soliisn wrotcti i kiiow nun not. Tho'bost' vcars of his lifcl havo boon spent in lawless frocdom from social tins; let hiiii seek otsewuoro jor 1110 coiiipan ionsof his docrcpitudc, nor, duro insult, tlm nlui nf mv ni?od mother bv now -claiming tho 'dutloBof klndrod from her deserted ouildrcn. . ' Sho drowhor veil hustlly around her us sho spoke, and moved as If wishing to wlthdrnw. Gontlomcn,' said Uurr, '1 moro to say. Tho words or tno law aro expres sed in tho book befdro you tho - words of truth you-havo Heard irom womnn s puru lips J it Is for'ou todecldo according to tllO question Ol llimuu n. ..vwiwi-a in jus tice.' I nood not snv that our decision was in fnvor of tho defendant, nnd tho plaintiff went forth followed by tho contempt of ovory honorablo man who was prmont at tho trial. AMKUICAN IIKPUIII.IOATION NOVKI.S. UP KNOI.IHII No English novel ' worth having (says tho London Jhiilu A'ews) now "stolon" by ii rospcctablu Aniorlcnu piibluher. Wo do notspenk meroly (iflhogieiitpupu lur authors; but wo bollovo Itlsu perfect Jv wul)-kn6wn fact thot every novelist wlio makes wiy mark vfltatevor In this country can sell his "ndvi.nco she. Is " to nn American puuilshcr, and get probably m much for tto ndvanco slic?i,s ns ho fs M?,;,7l'i, l"oor'Blnnl wi-k. Ills . ' lf "furoi f,'1? 'nytl'lcnl notion about T,. f I'l'o usnors getting nll our good books for nothing which explains their , V. n I r ln.rg0 tnl01- "plana. prnportion of renders to population thero than horo. In tho nnUn.mi in,i.... r..., and probably, loo, In the nation al uu .knew nnu impntlonce, which would rather pay n half n dollar to get n book to-daj than wait until tofmorrow and bor row It for a pcnnV. Thd oblnetMn' justly entcrtalnod and so successfully pross- uu iiyumnv uu iii tui iiiuioiiai copyright by so many Interests In Amorlcn , is not by ony meuni to bosummod up its n publish er's objection to paying n foreign author. It Is a question of protection to vnrlous clamorous traders nnd Interests paper makers, binders, typo founder, nnd so on. Tlio American publishers and tho foreign authors could sottlo the matter easily enough ainpn themselves, if it ware loft io them. XJ5UVO.US DEULiA'l'Y, Willi llNiiloomy i.tlriuluiilM, low iplr- 1 1 , lll'liri "1 i.ll, ii . ill ill r. i-iiiii.iii. loss of si iui'ii, NiriiuitorrIi(i'ii, Iosh ol iiiiucr. illj.v licml. Iosh nt memory. mill lliri'aU'iinl liiipiili'iice nml liulir rlllly, Hml ii Mitvi'rolifii cure In llntii liri-A'H iihimiiiiiiiiiic wiiccine .o. it I'lily-clulil. i.oiiipoiod ot thniuoHt nlnn- hl imTd nml no 1 1' nt Liirnliwn, llicy rtriku at the matter, tone up tlio ( lein, urrf 11", nnu imparl uuor riiu enrrgy, iiinnn i vitaiiiy 10 iiieeniuu man Tney hale cured thousands of cac. I'riee, $. per PekKcof flvohojo.. nnd a large vial, wlnrh ic icry irnporiani in onutmnio or old caits. or 11 icr i little biix, Hold hy nil 1 1 n i hi f t J , nml fent luf nrlri. A1lJre.11 lliimnlirpv'!. iy mall on neeplof price. Hprclflu. lloineotiathii' Jleillelne Co., 6i.'J broad way, N. Y. I'. hUlllM, Agent. uii.i.iieoiv wewiy INNl'ItASt'i:, w. u, Moiiiue, II. II. CAN I IKK Ko. Pub. and U. 8. Ctai. llnry Public, HUlJL, CAI1GO, LIVE STOCK, CCIDEiN'T, LIFE, .KTNAj llAUTl'OHP, Asset t'I'ViOl 07 1 i JfOTtTII AMKIUCA, PA., Af 2,7W,(i0 tt HAKTKORP, CO.V.V., An'ets....';...,...', ; 2.I I,2l0 12 VIICKKIX, .llAKTFOKP, AasetB........ 1.TM.1IS 8C INTK11NATI0.VAL, K. Y., 1,K.1,3DS t7 I'UTNAM, HAItTKOnU, Ai.i.U,, ,.7(V.,9;7 CI.KVKI.A2d, (; i I. K V C I. A N V, A .C t K .... ....ei5,3 8 IIOMK, COLUMIIUS, Aels . ....-dV-'?' I" AMEUICA.N CK.NTKAI., MO., Assets. ,...W'.'iO U. CONKKCTICUT MUTUAL I.I K K, A.ets 3n,i"i,W W TIIAVKLKK'S, IIAUTKOIIP, I.IKK AN II ACCIDKXT, AlHCt4 IA),CI w. RAILWAY l'AMUl.NflKP.s' AShUIlANCK CO., IIAUTKOItl), Asiita toioo OS IXllKPJJNDKXT, 1I0ST0N, Aset C302 CS SAFI-'OItl), JIOlUtTS Si CAXDKE, 71 Ohio I.cvcc, City Natinnat limit, OAlltO. II.I.. EIRE, AND MARINE I1TSTJBA1TGE t'OMPANir-S: NIAOAllA, N. Y., Asi"t 1,1M,21C ni'.ltMANIA, N. Y., Asut l,'-.,72l 7i HANOVKK, N. Y., Ami I , 72r.,M2 00 ItKPUlll.IC, N. Y., A I seli 711,025 (X CniiprlliiK tho tJuderHrlleri.' Aceney. . YO.VKKItS, N. Y., Aiwetj ..... , P78,lf.l 1! " ' AL1IA.VY CITY, AHPCh I.VI,1!).I 21 .rillllMK.sV KU.VIi, W, V., AsvetH (i7li,iX) V SECUUITY, N. Y, MAlltNK, Astiti.. l,l3a,Mi tv QTOUl:, Duelling', Kiirnitiire, Hull and ("nr- kj Koi-K, in.uri'U in iiuei ns i.mmiuio iu mouiiii perni uu'iii Mietiriiy vt in Marrniu. I remici'tlullv nil; ul' thu cllir.iim ol' Cairo. I ahaio ul their patruiiuji'. . a. II I II II l.r OlUco nl Kirat National U""" IJISIHIP.ANT TIUiKTS. IM.MIGKANT TIOKHTS FOIt SALE, ) e KOK SALE, I V r Side 1 ' FOIt SALnjK"fsull FOK SALE. Furo from LiVKiti'ooi., Faro from Lo.vhc.vpkiiuy, Faro 'from Olakijow, Faro from Qukunstow.y OAlltO, ; ! : I : : ; ; $1.8. 2 0 Halford, Morn A Can , Aip-uln. TO INMAN LINK. Liverpool, NewYuik nhd I'liiLnlt Iphia Stoainsliip Company, um covtbai'T Witii i iri:n nira"Mi ibitisii Uurk.KNMI.MH j'nr t'.uryins Ino M.ilU. FOIt l'ASSACH TICK UTS on ri'UTiiiu isromuTios APPLY TO JOHN (1. DALK, Aqt, 18 Ilil).i,d.wiiy, Ncu-Yuik, or to If, 11 OH p , 1W Waihliijjtoii Avemic'.C.uro, lll!n)is. I'lni.MTVItU PA VU TWJ2NT1 rJJlt OKNT by huylns your IPTJIRj 1ST I T TJ IEi IB EICHHOEJF BROS., FUKNITUIIE FACTOllY, WnsliltiKton-nv., Xenr Coilmii IIoiinc OA 1 110, ILLINOIS Men.r.. Kielilm.l i. i..rA.. i... citizen of Cairo thnt they am mntiuliv;tiirin all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY FUKNITUHE And harn now on hand and for sale, at Wliolrnlt nml Rrlrtll, II klmli, and will continue to keep at their BALKS ROOMS, IN TItKIK NEW 1IUILDINO, Every dlneriptlon of cheap and costly nirnltiire, inch a.i jL.rred Ileddeftd., Air.Marl.lo Topj-od Iluream, ir.-ildeboaril, Washntandi. iT"Wnrilrol-f , Sofa Chalrc, nl.Sofai and Matraiae, aLounj5c,eU; , etc., Which they will guarantee to aell TWENTY PEIt CENT. LOWE It Than they can 1 lionjrht from any other dealer In thn city, (liro them a call aid aatiiry your. MIL Jyiiitf WINES ATI IS I.HlOORw. W.M. U. SCIIUTTEK, Iniporlt-r iumI Wlioleanlo l)nlrr In WINES, LIQUORS, AND TOBACCO fie CIGAE3. Aucnt for the best tirandH of CKFiAM AND STOCK ALE, AMI Imporloil Ales of JHircroul liluiN. 75 Ohio Levee, tf CAIIIO, ILLINOIS. F. M. STOUKFLETH, ivccuson I'oui.i a iTocantTii 'Itocliryor nnrl Wholcsialc Ilrtilrr u I'orelKn nnd !niu-tlr LIQUORS, WINES, ETC. No. 78 Ohio Levkk, Srais iriKt... 11l)?k. Oil 110, ILLINOIS. TTH keepa on hnnd constantly a full stock of i J.UIU neniilCKy iioiiruun, j.yu aim Jiononica. iifla Whlskleii, f-'rench llrandlea, Holland (Sin, lthinonud Culilorn)a Wines. )in:vaf IIAIUIKUS. J. OEO. STEINIIOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, 'r. Ntti-Ml. Mild 4'inaerolul'iiv. M"8harp Itarors, Btf'Clcau Towels and w'o-riklllfull Workme n OB"L.iilles' and children's hnlr cut and sham pooed, eithernt tho shop or at their own homes, B-fienlleinen'r. whiikera and hair dyed In n lontllie manner. Kntlslsetion nuaranteeil. Sl'HINOFIELD AND ILLINOIS SO UTH E ASTEHN It. it. On and after Monday, April Zlth, 1871, trains wil ruu as follows i NOItniKH.V DIVISION. TUII.1H UOINQ S01TIIIAST. Mail. Leave Virginia (iilOn.m ..... Express 12.35 p.m. 3.00 ' 4:20 " . 6:17 " Mall. miruiKueiii - uu " Tayloriillo 10:82 Arrive i raua ll;l'j m TU4I.HJ UOINd MOttTIIWIUT. Kxpresa i.eiivi! i itiui i:iRiii,in " Tii)lorille 4iI7 Arrive Ht rprlnuilfti...U;1.' " Lenro SpsiiijitU'ld .tiiM " Arrive nl VirKiula ():! " ,3:36 p.m. 4:28 " ,0.0U ,0:1(1 " .8:16 f-OUT'HKUN DIVISION. TBAINS 00ISI1 SOVTIIIAST, Loito KdKCirnod 6:30 n.m " Flurit i!M " m Arriro nl tilauvneutoHu3:S3p.m TUAI.S. UOINU KOUTIIMtST. ,10:10 a.m. .11:40 " . 6:16 p.m LeiiTu ShiiHiiei'lown 6:13 il.ln S.iOp.m " I'lnrj !M " 7:00" Arrive nt IvlKewood 1:40 " 8:20" The 5:.'W, tram It oil) IMv't'Hood, runs only Mondays, W.diies Jays and Krulays, and 6:13 a.m. train liom ShiiHueituu on Tuesduvs, Thurs days and haturdn) p. Cniiui'i'ls in Ashland with Jncksonvlllu division uf l.'hii'.iX'i and Alton llillrnad. fur Jacksonville, I'ctersbiirKi Mason City, and all noitits west. Al HpriiDllleld, Willi Cliicauo and Alton, nnd Tuloilu, Wuliash nnd Western Itallroad, lur lloiiiniiiKtou,Chlcauu,iindall points north, nortli Weil nml weal, Atl'min ultli Ind. nml Ht. J.onln, nnd Illinois Central lliilroad lur nll points east, south and BOlltllOIVst, At Kduewood with Chicago Division Illinois Coniral llailrond. Atl'lora, with Ohio nnd Mississippi Itallroad. Athhavineetuwn, with stoamboals for Clncln. nail, I'aduenluCitlrn nmlHt. Loma, OIILANO SMITH, aen'IBup't, Ooun l-sgqiu, Oen'l 1'r'Kt and tlgkct AK't. DOOItN, ASI!, l'.Tt'l IX 'W TirtZ tVW A W. W. THORNTON, biALtn it DOOBS SASH, . . , ' ' ( HL1NDS, WINDOW GLASS, NIII.Mll.l'JI, LATH LTTVCBEl Office on Tenth St., llelnrcn Conuiirrrliil nml WntlihiKloii AveniK'4, CAIRO. T.XjXj AOENTfl lor Hook ltirei Paper Company's . Hhealhlnir felt nnd IJunttt Cement, an I Jo''"''' Improveil ltootln nlwnyi on S. WALTEltiS, IIIALtn IN HARD and SOFT LUMIiER tt every den ilptlun, LATH, SH1N0LES, CEDAIt POSTS, DOOHS, SASH, HLINDS. OK DEES SOLICITED. S T E A M 11 0 A T L U M It E 11, Furnished on shortest notice. Conimcrcial-av, bet. 10th nnd Hth-Mi"., CAIIIO, ILLINOIS. iy7dtf ; MKIIIt'AI., LOOK TO YOUlt CHILDREN. THE CHEAT SOOTH INO HEMEDY. 51 r. TTIHTtOMirS Sjrp. Mrs. WIIITtUMII'S hyrtip. Mrs. WIIITCdMirS riyrup. Cures colic and prtpini; in the liowel', and fa wllitnti's the process cf . leethlnK. Subdue, c o n ml. Inns and overcomes nil dis eaes incident to In fants and children. Ciiresiliarrhea, ilisen li ry nnd summer com pl.i utinchlldienol all ss. I'rlrr, Cents T'TlTeJ Irnts. I'rlrr, l!. Cents. It is the Great Infant's an I I'lnulri-n'. Hoolhl"ir Remedy In nll disorders brought on bv Teelhinn orany other cause. I'repart.1 by the (IHAITLN MEDICI.NK CO., M. Louts, Mo. Hold l,y Druggists nnd Dealers in Medlcinn everynhere. tr.)7d(m" CELEDK ATLD 15 1'J'TEH COll DIAJi WHOLESALE DEPOT: SClIEETZ'd NATUHE'S CHEAT HESTOHATIVE. N. W. COItNEIl VIITII AND RACE STS,' IMillmlrliililn, I'll. JOHN" BCI1EKTZ, SOLE l'llOPIUP.TOIt. Alt Is ft reliable Family Medicine, nnd ran It aken by either Infant or iu lilt with th tame bert Ik-inl results, It n ncertaln, prompt and ipei-dv emedy lor diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, low nets of snlrits, fainting", sick stomach, headache, etc. f'orehills and fover ol all kinds, It Is far lielter nml sifer than munim eitliout any of lis pernicious i llecls. It ellecti tn appeiitp, proves n powerful digester of foot and will counteract thu etlccts of ll'iuor liinf minutes. As IndlsputnLlu evidence ofiti in cal oropertles, wo npj.i;nd i few cflho mauy ' tilieutes in our possession : Johnson's Depot, East TYnn., nnd Vn. It. Tenn. jAcoaHciniTt, Esq. DtarHiri I navuiiied in Hi 1 1 its I have, oh miied liom you, nnd find them to bo nil thuy nru rccoinmeuded to Ikj. I Ion ml ono bottle io utlord meconslilernblo relief, 1 leel asthouiili I cannot do very well without them, in my present slate of health. 1). MKMi.i;, i;ci.SoulhOUi at., I'hila. Pastor Ilnplist Pass) unk Church, Hold hy W. P. Allen, 3o Mamstnet Duhunue octlOillv ' MANHOOD HOW LOST! now kfstohed. Just puhliihed, innscnlen envelope. I'nce, licls. A lecture on the n.itnral radiral CUieof Hiiermntorrht-n 0' Hemlnel Weakness, In volunlary Kim mons, Debility, and Impe dements to Mni rniKu neiierully rvoiisuesM, Consumption, Epilepsy, nml 1 its; Menial uiid Pliyslcal lni'Biiai'ily, rtsulluiK from self id,ue, etc., by Itobt J. Culvcrwell, I. D., author uf the "tiiccn Hook," etc. "A 1I0ON TO TIIOUHANDH OK SUKKKHKItS. Pont under seal, in plain envelope, to nn ad dress, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two postngo stamps, by Chns. .1. C. Khno ,V Co., 1J7 llowcry.New Vork, Po.tolllce box l,5, 'el3ila mw3 . D UN B All'S WON J) E It F UL lUHCOVKHY. 1JET1IESDA MINEUAJi SI'KINO WATER, OF WAUKESHA WISCONSIN This water is tho nek tow lodged euro of tlio In tractable and Incurable dueasu knowiins Urinal's disease and diabetes. llrlht's disease is fatal to tho kidney, the body wastes away destroys lilo by slanutlon of thu blood, Diaoetcs commences with froniicnt desires to pass water, ureal th rat, constipation, loss ol atreiiKth and Hesh, Astonishing cures of dropsy hnvo been ell'ected, brick-dust deposit, lutlaiuntlon of tho neck of tho bladder, alknh, nud gouty swelling, Tor the liver it is unsurpassed. It will allay nil inllamn tionol tho kidney nud urinary organs I u twoiily four hours, Kiving Immcdlato rtlleri nlso a scar, let fover It pruvents Iho knlnoy from congesting, and removes all traces of nlbiiineneria. II will givo relief in nll cases ol high fever. EDWARD DUNHAR, Esq., Oeneral Agent at tlio Springs, Waukesha, VVis. Header, If you am althcloil with uny pi tholoro golng diseases, wrlto in tho undersigned. Ills Sdviio will cost yoiinothlngt ho can by chomlcn Lalysl. possess hhiiso-fot a clear knowledso ot a y mi iiviilualciHC no matter ol how long stand. Inu. Ill" wonderful dlsoovery-Iicthesda Jllnond Wutor-isn posltlvo remedy for Iho foregnlng nllmoiils. it has novor failed to dowhathocTnlius lor It w hero over used. Tnlswutorhas tho enmo cood eilect nt tho remotest part of the oouulry, that it has nt the Springs i It never loses npirtl cal of Its medicinal qualities by pnekago or trans portation. Directions how t uo tho water nnd circular will accompany eack pneknge i ordered. Address. 'RICHARD DUNHAR, 33 Pennaylranla-av,, Washington, 1). 0. Or Edward 1. Dunbar, Oeneral Manager at the Springs, Wiukosha, Wis. Agents wanted eyvywhere, JelOdSm .H!nit'Ai THE Dili DA iTl'HAM RKR, S S AYS F OR YOU N 0 M E N (JIIKAT fOHAL EVILS ANII AUtur.S Which Inteilere w 11, marriage, w ,., . n, ami lielnllln e.. . senleil rnsi lopr s. fu n nl eharirn. Knnltnrv Al.l v..... i . Hon, No. a 8oi.ll, Ninth at., I'luiMeVi I '"' Jy7dnw.ini 1 "" A HOOK TOR THE .MILLION.1 MARRIAOE '( i .i ti A Prlvatn Counselo'r i .1 ii, a ii...,. . :, iirie.i or tliomaboullo marry uuiijj-;. eindVoliUoeaUl,0 i latest Hlsdov'crW. in artu'JcnSllXn" pr.i tnil..d with the latent Misiiov' venting n This Is turn) ,.,-1,1,111 uiBcomp ex on,e, t?m? lr.n.'t''li'!!lwo"'of ollundred.nd It A n.l'ST'. .'''; Pa.nipru -iti-ravlnga," . lulli dahlo information for llJos. WTio Htlfl rniMfiln . Kent to any one (free, of postage) fordo cunt nnilecitotlicAflllelrilsinilVnfartatiatr. ,,.1Hir.ni1','.l,ln? t?, ,'10 notorioiif Quacks who ?.m.r " ," ',ub 10 I'")''" "fislng any Quark remedies, neriiso Dr. Ifiitta- workf no matter 7uuml0UI "r ,,ow deplorable your con. nils' tJlIf -C?in' conu''ed. rersonally or at mall, oti, mentloneil in Iils'works, i lllccSo. l'j JN. Jliuhtti street. bet-Market am y" r ""ii n miaiiii sn , ( m)'Hwiy Ui:o ci J, 2. DQ3BIH3, A2C riorth Kluhtfi St., PhllMdl VEGETABLES A color and droRriiiig that will not burn tho lmir or jiijurc tho head. incchaiitc.'illy, as tho i"6jeonou; preparations do. . It gradually restoreB tho liii.? M. to iw original coior anu lustre,' by Hupplying notv. life and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of Hoft, lino hair. ' I ' 1 1 I . -. . nni..l n.I...UI JL'aU ikllLI o.iiunL Ul L1UIUI ever offered nnd Pnro. ItfoaodimpnlJ. Sold every wliete. ASK FOR DOBBIN' AYN ARD'8 v 7 I THE REST TONIC IN USE 1 I'Olt SAM'-iliY J'i. I''. iMAYNAJUJ. l'ROR'R PITTSBITEG 2PA. DR. R1CIIAI"S GOLDEN REAIEDIES. uny tajrn which thej tall L t lli titin ttm . v 1 J It K I I Al ' I 1 . Iff (A IXA 1 ' Tail Iklnll iltui'rvl v.f'Bvl t S V Iti 1,1 i niiin. ! i) i. muiiAi; niiunur.n r.niAiii.u abiuiih l tn trr'(.lt tonic aim (r i.tnt'ln ihnift DR. IlICUAirS GOLDEN AMIDOTK i . i- .. t .. i in inr ouijr rcnmuiu uiunUQ . roniplumt, ami Unt ritnoDtiL but re gnu nec. otitis nv ai o n-vvnmiriiitlJi WliU'n H VHIVI ; " ' "J i. - ' , rr ..w .v- . mil nil liwi-v. mUU rostnfr iV ul.n lii. vs. ull li.u .. . in prifioun,'cu us incutiue cjr iu$ bti ct oai IIKKllL'ltl iiciiuy DR. RICIIAU'S GOLDEN BAISAM rio. i. cures ulcers, uiceraicti soro nc ... .,,. b..,c l-i TF. vumufUUI TXUUUCUli I.VHUV I',,:. ll i i mi uir nil rri piniur. niirrniiTn am Mooil nuntier known, remives all mercury frnn. neaiiny. CAM'S nn. mi'iiAP'H r.rn.iiEN ANTinnTE. ! s A rauii-ai euro iur an ur narv uerannemenisiL DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN JJUXIR DMOUJl, Prieo tS ner botlle. or two for II. yu Vtriiii hi fii.ct, llirsrj reineiiie- will w nnii pen in nnv rucc. I'romri aueniion pain to aii. ..I i ml IMl'llinu riti nrw liisu .siitiru . fi 111 i(it'nuis, soio proprietor," oiown in glass ui. IIUII.I'S, Circulars sent, Trade supplied as a liberal dis count. 1 . AddrCM , Dr. D, II. Richards, 213 Varlck-at., N.VJ through your Druggist, and you will meet with lnooi JeI7daw' I Dll. HATTING Ell'S ' 1J 1.-111. JIJ A. ,111 AJJLiJ.VJlXVlJlAi '. Dr. Itattlngvr, sole, proprietor and.manufAnturj).' I , ki a, u. 1 " 1410 S0UTir.7TII.6T- Ir w,l' ri t a niTiT vtttsdiu -ist-ttt nTrfTrSv Ara in. eiia.nnion meu oinaiur iiit.cuioubr.v.i:-.. ...I..blu nn.l naplrt.n.1,11. iMn r. r .1 .1 . 1' ll BAVC. Il.ln., .... I... III.. .1 Q. Aak.rAV.Ilr. . .. .. j'." -.t.w, .r,T .i j j DR. HATTINGEH'B VEGETABLE m vegeianio i.ivor i iiis. . , , DR. HATTINOElt'S IrtAlmrfOEA AND DISENTEH; lWyXiERSy Ai-n a tilpnAfint. muck nnd sAfo remedv furfi1 I I t . 11 I .n.l .lltlnfl..,. n. I.. I... if i vi 1 ti ill i uurr iiura auu uiiuiisiu w baaaiv. ai aal: nu ii 1 1 t. tinger's Diarrhoea ana uysoniorv rowaers. DR. RATTINGEIt o TONIO HERBS AND ROOTS' Mako a auporlor stomach blttera; very nieful as! n preventive against malarial foVertfand'cspcclui-j ly as atonic iu cases of general debility, l'rlcv nerpacuaco, soceois. Asiwiur iitiuagcr B iiecns ' l'"or sale by all Ursbclasa druggists and dealer in medicine' , 1 ny?X)t,f, aaaav aaaaaaataaaaaaaaraaaH aJ2HBVUaBBVBBaBBB i;