OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, September 01, 1871, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1871-09-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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ruMM"' Mor.i- morn Inn-, JlnnilV "
At Sclieel' 1111
The Arab Hull To-Nlght.
Tee nrimiof the Hotel J.irnl hat been
eu0(fl to tlio "4Jt. 'ichulas.
Invest one dollar In an Arab Hall ticket
TU enjoyment you will have will repay
It tenfold.
ltclllv hai Died the tflstof OctuLcr ti
tbe dale of bit drawing. Only a fe '""
drml ticket, remain unrold.
The brick for the now (icrmiin Ctb.o
llachurcbare being pl.ceJ on the groond.
A large number of lc.nu ate engaged at
llio work.
Go to Jtirgtnttn't for imported' Dun-'
dee orango' marmalade, tbe celebrated
linden crystal vinegar, In quarts, and
choice Genoese flgi. tf
The ball to given by the Arabl on
September lit will, nodoubt, bo Ml Affair
of the icaon. Tlio ball and garden will
be filled to their utmost capacity.
Tbe Arab Hall,
1 Tonight,
k . (AtubeeJ'airaJli ) .
The work of cleaning up the ttrcets
under the direction of Mcllale, ii progress
ing rapidlly. All dirt and rubbish is be
ing removed, and the appoaranco of tho
city being tnuchdoiprorod. i
News of tho killing of a woman near
Mound City was received in tho city yes
terdav. The story socs that a husband
c I
angered nt his wife, loaded his 'riflo and
shot a bullet through her bend, killing her
Slat Hums has one of tho best board
ing houses in tho city, neat, clean, nlry,
and well-kept. Mat has an eyo to bus!
ricss and has engaged tho service, of tho
polite and gentlemanly John Krict,
.Mr. McIInloi term as Chief Justico
01 ino ponce coun cxpircu witn tlio re
turn of Judgo Brow from St. Louis. Mac
performed tho duties of tho position In n
business-like manner and. dispatched all
tho cases that came before him according
to the letter of the law. " '
The lengthy council proceedings
which we publish this morning has crowd
ed from our columns editorial and local
matter prepared for this issue. Wo ask
the indulgence of our readers. Inn few
days tho ordinanco pressuro now n filleting
our columns will be removed.
Officers Sheeban and Holmes during
the month ending yesterday, made jointly
seventy arrests, and in nearly all of them
made tho money. Ueside theic. tho two
officers have seven cases jointly with Mar
blml Cain, and five Statu cases. 'Which
the samo was a good month's work.
Tho well-known dry goods merchant.
J. llurger, now cast, to replenish his stock of
goods at his store, 142 Commercial nvenuci
Will send his first lot on in u day or two,
and Mr. Julius David, his polito and atTa
ble clerk, will hold tho opening snlo on
Saturday next. nugol-lw.
The Arab Hall this evening is sure to
1 (uc-esf . Tho cotninUtoo of arrange
ment havo been untiring in their endeav
ors to make everything suitable fur tho
comfort of their guilts. Uy. all nimuis go
-.. Ill ..... .
j uu iiiji put uniy rc(ivo your inoHcy s
worth back in enjoyment but will help to
strengthen an orgaui.ation which is u
credit to our'city.
To bo Sold
At I'ublic Auction, Tuosdny, 6th Sept.
At tho '
Residence of Mrs. Sandusky,
on 13th Btrcot,
A Handsome Parlor Mirror,
A Silver Set,
A Marble Top Center Table. 3t
Trie most popular shoo shop in town
is on 20th street opposito tho court house
hotel, whero "Wm. Khlers manufactures
boots and idiots for his customers, warrant
ed to bo of tho best French culf, Uip or
morocco, and which lie guunraloei to give
entire satisfaction. Cull cm him und you
will know how It ..'younokf. jv'ifltf
TV' rrr. 1 1.. t I . -
. m.v jiiigmij juung O'JCKS, 01 WIC
river, each weighing nbuul l."0 lbs, whilo
in their cups, yesterday, concluded to
arouse thoinselves by whipping H country
boy who was coming into tho city driving
a team. Ono of thou) struck him on tho
tho hKad and otherwise maltreated him,
for vuicu otlonsa they wero arrested.
Ju llro.s dlrhargo.l two and fined the
pu3'' tic follow $10 and costs p 7.50.
-During the lime Hurnsidowas ip com
niHi d on the ltapphhannock, this corivvr-.
ni...ii feat- frequently hcnri . ' 'to
V", on picket: .-Hallo. Yank! whero It
lUrr.ndo? Vaok, in reply! 'BtuLk in
"ud, d-n him '" Where is liurriildn
lrrr. ItjnlJTflle; A. If. Johnnton, faducab
J. It. Jons and wife, Cairo; A. A.Srmuld
Inr?. Cincinnati: W. H. V. Itaymond
Cairo) I'lilLAlny, Terro Haul, Ind.; Miss
Thoina', tioiconuii, Jll.j isiuoro J.owe,
Circlnnatl 1'. J. Dlmtnolt, riilladolphln
Walter ..sd'Ji'i Arkansas, Jas.T'. Tuck
.... . .. . iit... i rt..t. u.i .
er, CIHCagoi v. iim. v. viuiu, viiiciigu,- n
It. l.o.eborotigh, bSa,rta IM Jts. C'haJ
ket, Xow-Vorki J. W. Knrner, l'adilcah;
C V. Walthall, Cincinnati; Ij. A. J uwieu,
lducnh; Hn. M. Miervlllo. Cincinnati;
K K itiiii kett and wifo, Memphis ; W. It
Morris, city; M. M. Kicjimifl ono wHoj
Cape (fir.irdejiu Miss Klmmal, Capo Oir-
arieaus C Topp, Mississippi; .1.1'.
Chrlstalti, Mississippi; Mrs. Wright,
(Memphis; W.T.Syinoods, Cliicngbj. J. TL
Elliott, Vlcksborgj M. Jackitratand wife,
Ticksburg ; Itobt. Smith, city; Thos. Nal-
ly, city; M. Y. Julian, Philadelphia.
Judge Ilross rcturncdifrom St. Louis
yesterday morning in a very good state of
preservation, considering tho wear and
tcariof tho Journey and ill Incident, lie
was present at tho breaking of ground on
he Cuiro and St. Louis railroad, at Colum-
Liu, St. Clair ccunty, about twclvo miles
from St. Louis. The opening took placo
on Wednesday last, and i desaribed
ciTr orrrcKn".
city, beforo th
lentcd to tho CltV Counell. rlnimnnt.
being required to nn-.nnt Kin r
for proper ondoriornotii m in iiw.tr r.An...
nets to Iiltn ntlnnit i...r.,..- i.,....- i.
foro tho meeting of the council nt which
lie It ordained by the City Council, of tho
City of Cairo i
Skciio.v I. At each general annual
olectlon for city ofllcora thcro shall bo
elected, by tho legal votori of tho city, a
mayor, city clerk, city atlornoy,clty treas
urer, wro snail no ei-oiucio cuy collector,
und city marshal, who shall hold their offi
ces lor mo lerm, oi one year, ana, unui
thotr sutx'tiserl arc doly elected and quali
fied; and shall each receive for their ser
vices such compensation, und bo subiect
to such regulations, as tho city council
may from ttmo to tlmo adopt and prescribe.
Site. 2. Each and avcrv officer elected
by tho legal volors of tho city, or appoint- l or tne btnrror salaries presented for al
follows bv tho reporter of tho St. Louis
llrmiblican, who was present : " At 11 : 30
. . ivi ii rv.i,i. ,.r r c IT
lilt UUIl VUUIUi Ul WUIk.JjVi ..... w. -
Rowland,' of SI. Louii, 'Jd'dt;8' Ilrost, of
Cairo, Mr. Thos. V. Bouton, proprietor of
the Gaxetfti Jchesboro, 3Ictir. K. II. Ros
borough and A. C. Dickson, of Sparta, and
Messrs, L. M. Wilson, August 1. cinel
Krnest Orosse, D. Vangordcr, A. O. For
guson, and a few others of Columbia, as
aembled in a field on. the farm of Mr. L
M. Wilson, close by that prcity village,
through which.tbo route surveyed for tho
railroad runs. Judgo Unas, of Cairo, nu
Mr. UouloD, of the Jonesboro,G'' wero
granted tho pri'vilego of turning tho flrsl
sod on tho road. Doth of the gentlemen
li re w off their coals, seized tho (hovels
and awaited tho signal to begin. At the
word "go" their spades sunk deep In the
sft ground and Thos. Bouton brought up
tbe first earth, and tossed -it Ino a neigh
boring hollow. Judge Ilross was a llttlo
Tower und brought up tho tocond shovel-
fill. Tho other members of the party fol
lowed them, each digging a few shovel
fuls of earth, till all had assisted ,ln the
cdrcmony. No sooner had they adjourned
frjjm tho fiold to Mr. Weinol'a hotel, than
ho workmen, who wero standing ready
wth teams and scrapers, commenced work
on a small embankment, working in tbe
ircction of St. Louis. In about two hours
fierward a largo forco of laborers from
tho city arrived at tbe place, and were sot
work immediately."
tnoy wish thnir accouuli prciunloil ;
.u.lii;iuv, Hill. l 1IIIU
with consent of tho City Council, to settle,
collect, and compromise nil fjilin duo or
held against tho city; shall s.-o that all
fines or other monies duo tho city from po-
nco magistrate, collectors, und market
masters, nnu nil oiliuhi having ir.... r
llio collection lunuiot tho cIty,uro correctly
.accounted fur and nuld Into
and shall also attest tho correctness of tlio
roports oi tno uuicront city olliceri, and
lowance, anu auaii verily tlio correctness
oi tno lootings ana additions of tho tnx
warrants uoiuro tney are dolivcrcd to th
vity ireasuror ana Collector.
inlhaltis.ml tv.rti;ih.V 1,1. '"' ? IHo auly of th
nnli nn'v U nmVnrTofo.rn;;;!;' l' ."CMuror to recelvo and take under
. .I'll'.." . '.CI IT. '? .". . a:.:i" mi eiiargo ail monoy boloncinc to tho
'thereof, when required as aboveshall for- E V'.?, 'i .
feit and pay, for the u.oof the city, the IS 1 3Z Z 1 S
...i. o. wi. uo.mi. lor .... a.iu over, ui. burscment thereof, of wnoin rceolvml. t
Whom paid, and on whatnccbUn't; pay out
in sucn sums oi inuucy as may oe order-
d by tho City Council, tho warrants
hcrcfor being cjrawn by tbo City Clerk
twonty-flvo nor moro than ono hundred
uoiiars lor cacn anu ovory ollenso.
ed by tho city council, on his resignation,
removal from office, or tho expiration of
bis lorm of office, shall deliver up to his
successor, or to tho mayor, or city council.
convened in Joint session, all books, tinners,
documents and other property belonging
io shall rotain any of said pronortv after
iiomanu mauc.
Skc. 3. Any offlbor' elected by the le
gal voters of tho city, may at any tlmo bo
removed from offico by a vote of a majori
ty of all the tn embers elected to belli
boards, acting in Joint session, for incom
petency, negligence, dorellctlon or viola
tion of duty, or other cause, whenover the
city council, convened in Joint session, shall
think the interest or tho city requires such
removal; J'roriiled, howovcr, that no ofll
cor shall bo removed as aforosald, until ho
Ihall havo had at Icait five day notico of
iuch intended removal, and of. tho charge
or charges preferred against him, sorvod
upon him by tho mayor or city clerk, and
an opportunity given him to oxculpato
himself beforo said council: and nrovidtd
jurtfitr, Hint wnon niiargcs aro mauo
againn an oinccr, tlio
tneir trutii, siiall im
pend him from offico
been investigated and disposed of by said
council; and during such suspension, tho
powers, duties and compensation of such
dflkcr shall nlso bo suspended.
. Skc. 4. All ofllcers nn pointed bv tho
olty council, may bo .removed, at unyitimc
by a majority of the members elected to
both boards, whenever tho citv council.
convened in joint session, shall think tho
interest or the city requires such removal.
Sec. 6. It shall be tho dutv of tho cit v
attorney to draft all bonds, warrants, cer
tificates, lescs, conveyances and other
Writings which may be required of him by
tno mayor of tbe citv or bv nv ri.nlntlnn
of tho city council, or eilh'cr branch, which
yiiajr uccm necessary to do uono in be
au oi me city, ana which by law or
Intro shall bo nrenurml ut dm
tlio city; commence and prusecutn in
piopor form nil and every suit or suits,
dtinn or actions, brought or to bobrouuht
a any court in this Stuff wUr.in ti,
ci V 8 hull dn tnLnrtpd nt nlufntifT .1 .".,.,.)
all actions or.suiti brought or that may be
t.WsM.r.1.. . .1 .1. 11 . -
',s' ijum mu ciij-, uo au anu overy
pr,otessional act incident to the oflice; and
whon required, give the city council, or any
of its committees, oranyoillcer,o( tho city,
faf oplnidn on any subject, pertaining to
sthe interests or concerns of tho citv, sub
m ttod to them.
' 3ec. C. It shall bo tho duty of the citv
clerk to attend tho stated and specia'l
meetings of the city council, convened in
joint lession, and of both branches thereof;
keep a eorrect journal of all Ibcir proceed-
io i H.1.UIU mu Hiiia in n uook to DO Kept
for that purpose; record in a separate
bobk all ordinances which may bo passed,
frdm timo to time, -by the citv council,
niAnborinethcm consecutivoly in tho or
der oftHeirpaMago; and causo tho laid
journals and tho ordinances to bo pub
lished as required by tho city charter and
ordinances; keep and prcscrvo safely tho
citv seal, and all papers pertaining to his
oillco; prepare and deliverall licenses and
Go to tho Arab Ball,
At Sliced' Uall.
8' HKNKVOIjENT society.
rw a lioey. mh'ww? Stuck in thu
mud. nu.I.mbt; but bbpeful. Ho I, ti.
wajs hopeful. Hoperulncs:li a fanhlon lie
acqmred in hi swadllng uluthus und it
abide, with him even in his old age,
- Mr. Conrad Alba has opened an elo
Kt tonsotlal establishment, In the new
l.o. buiiamg, ne-xt door to tbo Eldorado
'oon, Umincrcial avenue, and invites
rrlu,,J t tall and tee l,Iin in hli new
qunrUtH. The rooms have been hand.
t ur.d mostfttUonaUo chairs, with every
: ' , w the business to match
V """ location, where Conrad
Should, mill r.f..f.n. ii . . - -x
,. vul.,-, wi, mjdto Ii
umrity ana purse,
The festival on Tuesday night, origin
ated and carried through by somo of the
kind hearted Judles of our city, brought
fnto their hands the sum of SI 79.85.
Tlio expenses of tho evening amounted to
S.fC.Co, leaving tho snug sum of $143. GO.
1 his money, applied to thu relief of the
wor and destitute of tho city, will carry
conilort and aid to many needy persons.
Tim ladles return their thanks to tho
bund which S'j kindly furnished music,
to Mrs. 8. II. llalliday for the uso of her
store-room for tho occasion, and to the
young girls whoo lubor contributed so
materially to the success of the festival,
and who to presence win one of jts pleas
antcst fe'aturoi.
Encouragod by their success on Tuesday
evening, the ladies who conducted tho
festival, and others, yesterday formed a
Benevolent Society, thu object of which is
to be tbsjCHro of the poor and destitute of
thu city. On next Monday evening, a
meeting of tho ladies interested will bo
belli ill the rosidenco of Mrs.' Arthur
Boyle, for thu urpoti of perfecting nn or-
gtmualiou and eluding officers of the
one and
led tn
muK-o their nocicty permanent and
oci'!iy.( The uhj.jc t u wortUy,one
wu hope the ladies will bii enabl
us pop-
A ,l...u..... .....
'iow,uiopleturu of au
tress raccied. dlrtv .ic- i
o -"--i wuaK ui llluu
iiiCK water appntu io Juuk., nro .....
terday for admission to the county j"pQr
xiousc, tuning tno uuugu tuai Ii
with a combination of dropsy
case, consumption, cholera
rhoumatiim, typhoid fever, and inability
to oat or drink. AVhcn Aripldugijcted
that he bad itrvlched the truth, bo iug.
gested that ho was able to whip Arnold in
ho twinkling uf an etc. Jh did net got
into tho poor house. ' ' '
The following, wero tho arrivals ut the
Ut. Oharlei yesterday : W. It. Head, Con
traJIaj jFriJt.jRIIyitA')w Orkaus; ,Onpt.
ETlio. Murdoclc, Clncinjiali; 0bu W. Ba-
(Ailjiiinifd Jouit Hus.ioii of iliu Oil)- Council lor
Itiri'mliiiK of Orii.naiiiM-n.i
Ccu'mil t'luama, yiii, u.,
.lugiint 30, inn.
Ills Honor, Mnyr Lumdcii. in the
l'resunl Buder, Cuiiiiiiii;lmm. Hurd.
Iuisdeii, Kuardcni Scluih, .Su.ur. Tavlor.
Wnlder und Winter 10.
A Lsunt- Carroll, I'ltzguruld, llalliday.
Kleb, Miitcalf, trattoii, Swayne, Wood
and Woodward ', .
Thu Clerk proceeded lu read Ordinance
Ko. 2 of the newly codified Ordinances,
in relation to City Ollicer.
Alderman Cunningham moved to strike
out the word "day' in tliu fifth lino of
section .8C. of said Ordinance Bnd insort
tbo word "night," so us to rad 11 shall act
as riisht, policeman." &u. Cnrrlmi.
Te Clerk having finished the reading
said Ordinanco No. 2. Councilman
Taylor moved to adjourn, to meet again
mi co-morrow evimini. t 71
tarried. m. j. Howi.tr.
City Clork.
and Counterilu'ncd by tho mayor or prcsl
ucnt of tho City Council for the timo be
ing, and finally to mako a monthly report
Oi tne state oi tno ircaiury, anu oi ins
acts anil doings to the City Council, or of
toner, l required by said City Council.
. Skc14. Tho City Comptroller shall
kccpiln nccoitnt of all receipts and dis
bursements of money, fundi, and revenuo
Dcionging to tno city, in convenient books,
in which shall bo opened and
kept in a proper manner general
and separate accounts ot all tho
rueolpts and disbursements of tho various
funds of tho city, ami u particular personal
, mvZr ir.ii.Zinr cc0U"t with each individual receiving any
e n??l?orl v olf ,ltrnoU or "lonc.v- or Performing any
nnUHn0eri!ameh8avu .HE ., ".on Wt
mu uimiuub ui uvur con
tract or other work performed,
nnu cuarging uim Willi tno amount or war
riinti, orders, judgments, rents, com.
p.romiiesj'dcductlonior rclon'cs granted or
made airaint him or In lit a f.ivur. Ami il...
said Comptroller shall, on or beforo the
Hrst day or March of uvery year, mako out
and proient to the Council for publication,
ajparticular nnd detailed statement of tho
recoipU nnd expenditures of all monoys be
longing to mo euy uuring :no prcceeuing
Skc. 15. Beforo entering upon tho du
ties of his oflico, tho City Comptroller
shall enter into u bond In tho sum of $5,
0( 0, with good and sufllcienl security, to
be approved by tho City Council, con
vntied in Joint Session, conditioned for
ti e faithful and impartial performance
tl: ereof.
.Skc. 17. Tho accounts of tho City
T easuror shall always be open to inspec
th n of tho Mayor, City Comptroller, or
any me-nuer oi mo uity Council, and
alijiill bo kept in such a manner as to show
atjall times tho exact state of tho recoipts
uxpcnuuures. no smui cancel all city
orders received by him, by cutting or
marking tho word "cancelled" with red
ink across the face of tho same, and shall
not re-issue tho satno; and for every viola
tion of this provision of this section,
whether by failure to cancel or by rc-issuo
of i an order, ho shall forfeit and pay to
said city of Cairo tho sum of double the
amount of any such order so fulled to be
cancelled, or so rc-isiued.
Sec. 18. Tho City Treasurer shall exe
cute bonds to the city in the sum of fifty
thousand dollar?, with sufficient security,
to bo approved by tho City Council, con
vened in Joint Session, conditioned for the
luitiuui performance uf his duties, and
accounting for nnd paying over all monevs
ana uoiivermg up all books, papers, and
other property that may como into his
hands by virtue of his office.
Sw. 10. The City Treasuror shall keep
nvjjuiuiu nnu uiMinci ncvoums ot llio ru-
e.itita find (ivnAn,ltli..n. r......l. .
knin i;u .f n -' .,,""! " T. r" imriicuiar
L. a 1 " warrants iui u arming irom special orgencra assess-
on tho treasurer, in niiriian.A I ... ,.Ti i. ' .
or solution of tho city council ; notify all port of such receipts and expenditures,
omcors of their appointment or election; for,thc previous month, at each itati-d
nomDcra or llio city couucll of all moot- monthly mectinc of tho Citv Council, mo.
ings, ana all committceror their appoint- venod in Joint Session the first Monday of
merit, and rtt thn m. n.ii .r....j . I . i. i.t .
,, . - j- ...v. loicoiiu io -u uiuuiii, uinKiiig separaio anu upecinu
thorn: engross and submit to th6 mayor, rejKirU of cueh account, and for uny fail-m.I-.11,'
Pl0r. 'he'f P"SO, for uro to do so he shall forfeit all compensa-
.J , :T,' oruinanees uon nnu percentage ror service?, for tho
"'! imviuiiuui iL-u lirinrr rtis nntmnnni i mnvttii , .. u . n u i... .1. . 1 1 r .
r,A ,,ii .i i r:?-i r "i'i "'' " w cm; ii no noun so mu to mauo
. - a j - ui.iyiui auon otucr I ruiiori
-""Y i"j v mif limy uo enjoined on
...... uiumnutu or rcsoiuiion or the city
council, convened in joint session, or of
Six. 21. That it shall bo tho duly of the
I lnanco Commlttco. togothor with tho
City Treasurer and City Comptroller, to
dotroy by burning, during tho week pro
ceding tho regular monthly joint nicotinic
of the City Council, on the Ilrsl .Mondny
of each iiionlh, all tho cancelled city or
der.', bond! and coupons, at that tlmo In
tho hands of tho City Treasurer, and for
that imrnoio it shnll be Dm dmv r .
....... yuiiiiiitoiiur io moot
""' ireasuror a ollice, at somo pe
riod within tlio time specified, of which
period notico shnll bo glvon by suld City
treasurer, or Finance Committee Du
plieato lists of all such ordors, bonds and
bullous, spccnying tno number, date and
amount of each, shall be made by or under
. . u'r?.c''on or ,ald Commlttco, ono of
winoii lists shall bo glvon to tho City
Treasuror, as a voucher to bo used In set
tlement of his accounts, and tbo other
enau do reported by tho said Commlttco to
tho City Council, to bo filed with tho city
ivioru. in inu city cicric a 0II1C0.
Skc. 25. It shall bo tho duty of the City
Clork to havo nrcnared tinder llm dime.
Hon of tho Hnanco Commlttco appropri
ate books to bo called Scrip Itogistors, In
which snan do entered from tho mim ni
of tho stubs of tho serin book., llin tl II Ml.
ber, dato, amount and namo of tho party
to whom issued, of all scrip Issued. Tho
. . '
t iiiuiico uoinmitteo snail oninr
the cnti
rogistors a momorandom opposite
try of each ordor, of tho dato of its
3 - .
destruction, nna in tho bond book opposito
tho entry of each bond or coupon.
Sr.c. 20. It shall bo tho duty of said Fi
nanco Committer, nt thn din r
..... "' j .
blirnini: Of ordors. to nmmlnn tlm
,j . . - .i.u iiini'
4 JJf 4.l!,b' 'of tbo scriP l& In the
City Clork' offico. and cnrln!n t.v dill.
gent inquiry, and report to tho City Coun
rt 1, convened In Joint Sciiion, whether tho
city oruors navo boon delivered to tbo par
tics entitled to rccoivo thorn, and whothcr,
n such deliveries, tho ordinances of tbo city
havo boon strictly complied with ; and
whero, after a reasonablo period, orders
havo not been delivered to parties entitled
to recelvo them, it shall bo tho dutv nf ihn
said Financo Commlttoe to destroy tho or
dors, reporting a lilt of tho samo to tho
said City Council, and making on tho mar
gin of the icrip book the dato of anld d.
Skc. 27. It shall not be lawful for the
Citv Clerk or anv nthnr nsnnn ..i ...
or detach from tho order or scrip book any
blank order on tho Citv Tromurar. nr .n
order which has been from n r.... ren
dered unfit for use, and in case acy order
ia from any cause rendered unfit for use, it
shall bo folded back on tbo margin and
thero presorved, until the next meeting of
the Financo Commiltoo, when said orders
shall be destroyed as thoso redeemed nd
cancelled aro now destroyed.
t' .. nO T. . . .
ofcu. io. it snail do tne duty or the City
Clerk to safely keep the serin rrrlit.r i
his office and to record therein, in nnmttl.
cal and chronological ordor, within twen-
y-four hours after they havo been drawn.
tbo City Treasurer, prepared
alio all which
rendered unfit for use.
alt orders on 1
by him, and
have been
POWOrtlie conduct nf thn Tn1 en nta.
blesdurlngtheirhoVrsofdutVandpmnU h " ? h "dtydu in7
y report any omi,s!ons, default or derefic- from .unlet to sun rfTe "3v
bw. " 4110 P"r 1 f ny f U'0n'' 10 M M?yr or Chlof of A
Sec.IJ7, Itshallbothoduty of tho City
Marihal and I'ollco Constables, and of
will. tflom' 10 execute and roturn all time to bo dlBnat.-d bv "tho Mv..r o
. . Processes, warrant, end t.ronU Chief of 1'ntlb i?0 1
tii-r.n,.. A?, r." '"uea against any person or main as lie may bo Instrueind.
f the city To col t We,' ?" . JJZ?' IZ l?y ornlsslo
ana penalities wl, "!
citj, not otherwise prov dod for bv ordl
U.rC.?? '!?.' nu''"co. Kmform
' '. " uruinanccs rolatlni tn ilin
ame; give to the City Attorninforma!
tlon of each and ovory breach ot any or
dinanco of sa d Citv. l, 2. .
erylng and roportlng all infractions of
io report omission to I eht
or Icenn In or,t. tC. .. . !"
Ti J'. i " unaraps, ana gen
erally to do and perform all such duties as
may bo enjoined on thorn, or cither or
of yZri,1 10M'br ,r,dln'co or resolution
oi llio Lily Council mnwnnn.i c i-i.
neglect by any qnicor, authorized to n,
urn hid uiiuur iiiii i m han.. i
to mako tno report required by the o
nntifiii. nf llin cdtv. n.t. . .l . .
-,, ,-,. uTry oi
Aiiinn. an. ll ih.iait .... . . .
-. vm j iu ma ci
lura not ici mu tea aoiiara nor
than fifty dollar.
HKn. i.o. ii .nan . i .
. . mr . .
jor mi omeer authorlwd
iiiaau urreiia under the
uinnnce. oi inn citv r. r..M. .
rounu i auor umnn. .ii..i. n. .
Ills dutv mnli m... -.5 rf"
i j 1 1 1 1 i. r iminn miai ii. . m
a . wwiiib Lit fa rninariMA i. i m. a . .
nr Mm I'.i.. r t . - i . ' j i iuiu uilv ft Mm nnt lau il.. a
dead animals, offal, and nuisance, of lk0 lan W do ?
UUltTinilMtl font.. . . . . UUQIlin. 1I1U 1 FMinVM -
1111 II tlAfllt- Ih.i.l. I 1.. " m
ft 1 1 1 h n f I f Ia aMH. .
ii nil I it' r it nn wnfi l. . .
ri ii in i. . i. . .
uu ciwv. anu w in fitr. r.i.a. ,.. H i.
w turj lu
o oy law, .aid
ii I ?i:ner',yi f obsorved and
compi ed w7th, and servo such notices rel-
h-itu tu win nrintntiinh .
juch nuance, a. mav now be ; i ed by TS'tX
ttX&V". "d'V ! orexemSl
.,11 :r ". "ascription are
tlon V.i i i ,? 10 biervo tho condi
Ji? ?,f..lho ''Jo-wMk. and cross-walks, and
w uuu ilULII'U IO IMA Mmci . a
commiuoo where said .ido-waik. and crosi-
rt7u,ro Wl"; servo all notice of rntlroniliioi in ii.. TSr:
committee;" attend m' Zf , ' .h.f7 Pld
uilv l.'nnnn l ... 1.1..1 : '" uw" oipenio. a .uitaoie nrin
. B..IIU, uitrti in . i f 1 1 n i v. , n . ... . .
. . nnu iiruiinir tnoir Or ilonnl. .nH n...n it... n
i. , .nnu ulinrfjQ OI I fi m.v l. ....I..I , . . .."I. .-. .
CILV rnnm. -.1... . - " ----
11 (5noruiij
exomntlon nrnrlh.d i,. i. ..ut
il,n.l... I I.. . " T' "Ju
than abovo .oeciflad.
Src. 61. Upon tbe representation of
owncrof w)i.f(.l.i n. .
------ - . vi UTUID
to periorm sujh In ihn di.i,... r 1.1. j...
city a, mav bo ; , '"71 ",0 "! with the adrlc.
. or Bny comm.iiee or tho City Coun- such watchman wlln full no.77
Skc. 38. In thoper.'ormancoof any duty
injolned on them Lv any ordinance of the
uy Council, tho City Marshal and I'ollco
uoicf, anu cacn or them, shall bo and
hereby invested with all moli
ro coniorred upon constables by corn- th
1 law, or tho laws of this Stato ; they, fal
each of them, shall have authority to ell
nnniin v i 1 1 a h iv. ji..L - m
... auv uiivumi trm ui nil a
W .. i . I .1.1.. .
won irom in ritv Arrnt 4h
. z r f w 1
aro hrri. ' uu ""u w men arreiu as be m.v m.ke. and
. ,Rf;" .i ..:r. ":""''. Fwe waicnman to eive bond Md anrlt.
r - a. . -
a. a
arrest or causo
n atim rtf .n. I L.. JA .tt .
w .u. v. ui... muai.DU iui 1 1 Bra mm
faithful Dorformanrn nt hi. du in
v tn I Ml v n.M..l t hi. ..
:, i.u". " ".. o view, section or mu Ordnance shall t,.
ii Ul wit mni Tirnr 1 1 nnA.. 1..,.-1. I .
Ing tho peace or ihreMcnl n to li e.k t.,n 1 V" L","5.,B L"t
nn.nn r I .1 " .. I "mbhvu U IL'HirU LCI lOO rClTUIftF tVA
-. w Ultillinill.il III I I n Tnt mf IkA ilx AW ? k
inn fifK nmi 1 . r At ... 1 : ' va uu. uu
Hvvvtsui w ucLKiii iiirn rv rr r m 1 r sl. r f v
'IV .1.... ... 11, . . , .
.1., v o-couK, uurm residence of
tlio 1" ollei.ry llarrl.iger.on Fourth St.be
lwcer4WMhngton avenue and "Walnut SL,
. "... .w. .,u lowieiiiuHcst Wild.. n.
ho 'lv. f . P'lnBer. a lo't of
y, heart dlt- htMwh M ""d Vltm furniture. Sale to
. wsr"M vT,f'' al 10 ,(,iock-
...VI,,. UU HaKTMAX. AllPlln.....
either branch. Provided, that io case of
tho ab'cnco of tho city clerk from uny of
1110 spociui or stated meetings, or inability
to act, the city council, convened in Joint
session, or either branch, may appoint one
of its own mcmbors, or any other person,
as clork pro tern, during the absence or in
ability of said city clerk. 1
-Skc. 7. Tlio city clerk shall execute
bonds to tho city in tho sum of two thou
sand dot an with sulUeieut socurity, to to
approved by tho city council, convened' in
joint session, conditioned for tho faithful
performance of his duties, ami the delivery
to his successor in offico of all boo'tn, pn.
)eri, property Jid cllecU belonging. to tho
Skc. 8. Tim citv oliirt .ii.ii !,.... 1.1.
office open for business voryduv, Sundays
excoptod, from nine till twelvoVclock 111
the morning, and from two till livo o'clock
In tbo aftorrioon.
Sec. 'J. If the citv clerk
any record, paper, or other inslrumcnt in
writing, in lus possession as such clork, to
to be carried out of his offico by any other
person than himsolf, tho mayor, city comp
troller or a commlttco of the city council,
or either branch thereof, or shall lone any
such rncord, paper, or oilier Instrument of
writing, no suuii lorleit and pay for the
uso of tho city not less than ten dollars,
nor more than twonty-flvo dollars, for
each und every otlmiso; Provided, tho
"mission or neglect to produce such re
cord, paper, or other instrument of wri
ting, lor twelve hour, after demand mado
or iv oy 1110 cuy council, convened in
Joint Hcsslon.r
thorizod to demand such production, shall
be-7rima facie evidence of such loss.
, ibo eity clork shall have pre
pared and affixed over nr nt llm niiiclA .-.r
the entrance to hi. office, a sign, with tho
words, 11 City Clkuk. ofDen hm n f,, n
Who am? ' "V'"0 fn I"nC.
(, -. ,: "... ui van uu louna.
.i ,r'. r'v,ryPonon who shall tako
out or tlio possoislon of tho City Clerk oi
remove from hi. office anv J.1".. ' ?.
inent, record or Instrument'! A-ir,?,"""
liuloiiging to the city, without the non,, ,t
of safl Clerk, shalf forfeit and pay f"
the uso of tho city, a sum not ItE. ti,-
twentv flyo d0lHr; or ot than
dollar, for each and every offense.
.N'otick. Ueeming
v..r.. ,,tsury to tho lluJ(lrit f
iclenfos und profcslo,,,. . .
1 , . ' 1119 LU llltl
nccbanlc, 1 propose to ope,, u c, of
chemistry of forty leison's, con,lencl "!
on the lint Mouday 11. September next
For particulars. Inquire at my otllcc, 1
.Commercial avenue, Cairo.
A. -VAiaynAH
Skc. 12. There shall bo annnim. 1
the Mayor bv and with 1 S dofbi;
major ty of llio members elected to ?L
Skc. 20. Tho City Treasurer shall keep
an oillco for tho transaction of city busi
ness, 111 a convenient and central location,
within the limits of thu city.
Skc. 21. That it shall be, and Is here
by made the duty of tho City
Clerk to havo prepared lilconso
books to contain blank llconscs,
and a license receipt book, tocontain blank
receipts to be Usued for moiiici paid to tho
City Treasurer on account of licenses.
rhO;o books shall bu of a convenient size
to admit of being kept in tho safe belong
ing to the city in tho City Clerk's office,
and the licenses and shall bo so worded arid
arranged as to bofluitablo for any descrip
tion ot license under any administration
of tho city affairs: that in each nf thrui
.book shall bo prepared a margin in which
10 cuter 1110 uaie, nuniDor, amount paid,
name of party to whom issued, and pur
iitiso for which is-ued, of each recopt and
licenses; that both receipts in aiiid re
ceipt book and lhoiites in said license book,
shall bo numbere 1 at the bindery consecu
tively in numorical ordor 1 to lUOO,and a
corresponding number placed In tho mar
gin of each book opposite each rccoiptand
liconsoj thu liceiHo receipt books shall bo
delivered to the City Tronsuror, us ho may
require them for iu nnd tho liccno book
sha I bo retained by tho City Clork, and
It shnll not be lawful fur said Treasurer to
use any receipt for any license, or said
Uork to i.suo any license other than ono
taken from suid rscoipt book or from said
licchso J-ook. It Mmll bo the duty of said
City Treasurer to fill up tho margins of the
rocoipu and of the City Clerk to fill un
tho margins of licenses Issued
by each, respectively, i luoh
manner that said margins will con
tain all the particular! of date, numbor.
amount paid, nrtmo of party to whom Is!
sued, nnd purpose for which issued of each
receipt and llconso issued, and if from anv
cause, it should becomo necessary to cancel
any receipt or liconso, tbo samo shall bo
attached to and presorvod with tho mawln
or stub of each ald receipts and licenses
to be so issuod that in overy case tho num
ber of tho roce pt issued for a license and
the license itself, .hall correspond In num.
ber, dato,&c, .aid rocclpts to bo tiled in thn
City Clerk'a office, and to bo preserved bv
him among tho records of his offico.
Sko. 22. It shall bo the duty of thn
City Comptroller to countersigl, eve y
license before it is issued, and to enter
tin. iimniint nnlil fur tl...
I - -- - . iiiiiu in nn nc-
Citv A,.M.nr Li, ' ' r a
' "V "ou tear arm lint 1 Ihulr
ucwMori are appointed and , , ne 1
Skc, 13. The City C'omptr.ller ah,,i
nake all purchases for the city which
Work., n
any en
. -.i ..C J 1. ? ' " w,u put'iiu
:!mmlltea of t'
au horued thereto, o7thrCiryUCo cril y
ordinance or Joint rosolutlonmay . "
them to nialo; shall oiamiriV ill' ac"
vyunn which may noxist against
1.1 . n1"1 " """ 0,1 his books
with tlio City Treasuror. For u,u ,,1,
poso of bolng so eounteraigned and of
such entry being mado l,y Uomplro,i
ler in tho City 'treasurer,, account k
.hall bo tho duty of tno citv f!i..i.
w ' tu Ul
I ll I. I I I . . I .1
n un to sa.u uny comptroller each receipt
given by tho City Treasurer for 11,!.
money and oacli liconso to bo issued, bo
foro naid Iconso Is delivered to the party
to whom it is to bo Issued. 1 v
Skc. 23. For any violation or neglect
of any of tho duties dovolved or rooulro.
monts inado upon tho City Treasurer
Cilv Clerk or 6itv pn.j.trSiioVS':
Ively, or either of them, by tho two pre
ceding sections of this Ordinanco, thoy
and each of them shall forfeit and pay to
said City of Cairo, 11 sum tiyt less than
Sec. 29. It .hall bo the dutv of tho FI
nanco Commlttco and of tho City Com n-
I .aI ... . . . 1 . I. . .1! . . T .
kiwuui, uuuer mo uircciiun 01 iaia com
mittee, previous to tho destruction of nv
!... --.I- t J . .
civv orucr, oona or coupon, as provided
tor uy oruintncc. to compare .a d ordnr
with tho margin of tho order book and wrlp
register and by such comparison and oth-
r examination to satisfy themselves that
uch order, bond, coupon or other evidence
of city indebtedness about to bo destroyed
has been properly issued and not been bo-
loro redeemed or paid, and it shall be tho
miy 01 1110 city ircasurer to propare and
uoinii wiin 1110 oruers. uonus. coupons, or
evidences of city indebtedness, rooelved
y him and to bo destroyed tho duplicate
Uts required by ordinance, to bo prepared
iy or under tho direction of said Financo
Committee, and In said lists the ordors and
other evidences of indoblcdnc shall bo
described in numerical end chronological
order, commencing with the lowest number
and oldest date. It shall bo the duty of the
City Clerk to mark 011 tbo scrip register
from tho Treasurer's roports tho dates of
cancellation by tbo City Treasurer of all
city ordors.
Sea. 10. It shall bo the duty of tho City
Comptroller to mark on the scrip register
as destroyed, in the presonco of tbe Fi
nanco Committeo when assembled
to destroy ovldonccs of city
indebtedness as required by ordinanco
or otherwise, all tho orden or other ovi
donees of city indebtedness which have
been paid or redcemod, or roadered unfit
for use; and to enable him to do this ho
shall demand and recelvo from tho City
Clerk, and tho City Clerk is hereby au
thorized to deliver to him for
such purpose, the scrip regis
ters when required by tho Financo
Committeo for their uso, and when said
entries havo bcon mado therein as
required by the Financo Commit
too said scrip register shall be
returned to said City Clork for safo keep
Ine as before.
Skc. 31. It thall also be the duty of tho
City Clork to havo tho printed recoipt in
the margin or me oruer uook a 1 ways prop
erly siicned by iho person cnutiou to re
celvo any order, or his duly autorized
agent, beforo tho delivery of said ordor;
also to promptly record tno minutes of tho
proceedings of each meeting of tho City
Council in Joint Session or eiincr urancli
thereof and index tho sime so that tho
minutes of tho proceedings of each meet
ing ihall bo recorded and indexed provious
to tho next meeting, and also to keep tbo
valuable books and paper, of tbe city,
when not in u:c, in thu safo belonging to
tho city.
Skc. 32. For every omission or dorclic
lion of dutv. as rcauirod bv tho provisions
of the provious eight sections of this ordl
nance, tho city officora thoroln named and
each or mem. 11110 r inanco committee ex
cepted,) .half forfeit and pay to said City
of Cairo a .urn not lets than ten nor more
than fifty dollars, and for tho omission or
dcroliction of any legal duty specially Im
posed or horeaftor to bo Imposed by ordi
nanco or resolution of tho City Council
upon any salaried officer, other than tho
May or, each of laid officer, .hall forfeit and
pay to .aid city a sum not less than ton nor
moro man uity uonuri.
Skc. 33. That it shall not be lawful for
tho City Clerk to act a. doputy for tbo
City Treasurer in any caso or undor any
circumstances, or to rocelvo City orders or
other ovldoncos of city indebtedness or
monoy from any party to bo handod over
to tho Citv Treasuror in payment for li
censes 10 bo issued by said City Clerk.
Kkc. i. 11 auaii not bo lawrui Tor tbo
City Clork to detach from the margin of
tlio order or Scrip book any city ordor
propared for dellvory, except In tno pres
onco, and at tho request of the party en
titled to rccoivo tlio tamo.
Sko. 35. For oach and overy violatio of
any of tho two proceeding provisions of
lius oruinanco tne party uuuuuuig suau
forfeit and oav to tho city a sum not less
than fifty dollar, nor moro than ono hun
dred dollars.
Skc. 30. The I'ollco Forco of tho city
.hall consist of tho City Marshal and seven
i'ollco constables, which number
may bo increased to nlno by
resolution of tlio City Council
in Joint Session convened, ono of whom
shall bo Chief of I'ollco, and shall be ap
pointed by tho Mayor by nnd with tho
consent of the City Council, .hall net a.
day pollcomun una havo gonoral charge of
mo ruuco r orco ot iuo cuy cxcopiing too
City Marshal) and, under tho general di
rection of tho Mavor. .ball superintend,
control and regulate tho operation, of tho
eovorai ponce conciuoieH wuuo on uuty.
lie filial! carefully obscrvo as far a. In his
placeT un thav C !. 'LT.Ir. tor
fnarri tr.in ' s .u.. provai to, ana do approved by, Um
Sec "9 Th ritw M...V. 1 j t. 11 r-01"!0'1 convened in Joint SomIob, r4
rtP'tV: T.no. c,ty. Mar.hal and I'olico rotcular .tatcd meetinr nn th r.t
i ' . .u ; ' .lVV1 ' . " cacn "ccuto day of any month, and If lubmitted
bondi for tho faithful performance of their .nt .iii ...i J .u. ' -1. ,1. .
dull.. I mm. A I- - 0 .... " J uavwiiuK IIIU wail IUI
with .Mfflni.ni . ... . T ." '""B. ipecwy lucn laDmnnion
ihn 1 ii.rr"". ' ,r -,y i. IT',I" one or me obiecu of the meeting.
Oinc.or 1111C1110 aid Sr. LorisB. R.Co.,
..I.V, ifcb.,, AUgU.I Jl, II, I
umiiuc ui iuu Ajirctton 01 ILH
...... mi... i . . . .
In .1,. .1... .r OA T ! r- r. .
day next, tho Cth day of September,
U. 1871, at 10 o'clock, a.m.
UlU n. DTAATN 1 lYIflD PPAtlrUnf
tho City Council convened In Joint Ses
sion; j-rovitted, tho said City Council
may al any timo require tho execution of
now uonus, irom any of the officer, above
named, in .imllar or larger amounts, as
.uvj ui.j ucviu cxpeuieni
Skc .tO. ThoMayor Is hereby authorized
to prescribe and establish Such riflll. !lnn
for tho government of tho Police Consta-
mo Jail-and the Jailer, a. be may
think propor, and not inconsincont with
the ordinances and regulations of thn Citv
Council; and for any dereliction of duty ho
iiioy IU3JIUHU nny rouco constable or
Jailer irom oliico until llm nni .nni.iir..
thereafter of tho Citv Council, and nrv
point nnother in bis stead; und if such
suspension is confirmed by said City
Council convened in Joint Session, tho
pay of inch officer shall cease from Hie
timo of such suspension
Skc. -11. If any person or persons shall
resist or opposo tbo City Marshal, or anv
I'olico Constable, watchman or other ofh"-
cer, acting under the authority of the
City Council, in the enforcement of anv of
tho ordinances of tho city, ho, alio or they
shall forfeit and pay for tho use of tbe city
a aum not less man ten uoiiari, nor moro
than fifty dollars for oach and every of
Sec. 42. If any bystander or bystander!.
when commanded by the City Marshal or
other city olficor, ruforred to in tbo pre
ceding section, to do so, shall refuse to
neglect to aid him in arresting and con
veying to the city jail any person violat
ing any of iho ordinances of the City
Council, he or they shall forfoit and pay
fur tho uso of thu city a sum not less than
ten dollars, nor more than fifty dollar, for
each and every offense.
Sec. 43. It shall bo tbo duty of the I'o
llco Magistrates of the City of Cairo, and
each of them are hereby required to stato
in each and overy of their month) v reports
to the City Council, tbo names of all Po
lice Constables undothei officer, autorized
to make arrests and collect fines, who neg
lect or retuso to execute promptly all
writes for tbo arrests and commitment of
parties which may bo delivered to them,
or neglect or refuse to collect fines or to
pay them over as collectod to tho party
authorized to roccive thorn.
Src. 41. If any I'ollco Constables or
other officer autorized to mako arrests
and collect fines shall fall or neglec
to uso duo dillitrcnco in the oxocution of
any writ delivered to him, or in paying
over to tho party authorized to rocoivo it.
any fine or money collectod in his official
capacity, said officer shall forfeit and pay
to said city not less than twenty-flvo dol
lar, nor moro than ono hundred dollars
for such neglect or failure to serve such
writ when reauircd. or to nav ovor such
finoor collection when demandod.
Skc. 45. That the city shall bo divided
into tliroo polico districts, tho first to con
sist of all that part of tho city below and
south of KiL'ht street: tho second to con
sist of all that part of tbo city botwocn
Eighth and Kichtecnth streets; and tho
third of all that part of the city abovo and
north of Eighteenth street; oach of said
district, to bo patrollod by two of tho I'o
lico consiauios in tucn manner as too
Chief of I'ollco may direct.
Sec 10. That ono of the rooms, to bo do
signaled by tho Mayor or Jail Committee,
of those rented by tho city thall bo appro
priated for and usod as tho headquartor.
of tho polico forco of tbo city, said police
forco consisting of the City Marshal and
I'olico Constablos, as proviuou lor uy or
Skc. 47. It .hall bo the duty of tho City
Marshal and Police Constablos, whon about
tn ln&va oollca headauarter. to ba absent
on duty, during tho bouri of duty, to lcavo
lomo memorandum from whjch persons
desiring thoir assistance can ascertain
whore thov can bo probably rouna aurinc
iuch absonco. and it shall be tho duty of
tbo City Majsbal to procure al tno cost or
tho' city ;a memorandum dook, in which
any person can mako any memorandum
or .tatemont or on tor any complaint which
thoy may desire to bring to the notico' of
tho City Marshal or rofico Constable., or
city authoritcs. It shall also bo the duty
Oi tho City Marshal to tako ear- that .a d
memorandum book, with a suitable pencil,
to be also procurod at the cost of tbo city,
.hall bo kept and preserved in .omo Biilta
blo placo in .aid police hoadquarte g0as
to bo always access bio tohauu bile; and
11 .1...1I i, the duty ortMflfty Marshal
and each of tho I'ollco fonitfe, includ
taK th" 1 Chief of l'o!icVyvW.pct "Id
memorandum book upwU.return to
polico iioadquartori after aoh and ovory
absence and at other time, 10 al.to.bocomo
quickly acquainted with any itatement or
complaint ontore'd' therein and promptly,
altoud to tho duty thoroln required of
Skc. 48. It ihnll'bo t& fluty of-thfl Po;
11--. I 1 .1 ft t. -n -n ...
m I'll tf? fi a Bin nn rmlcnt r nn.nlr
fi it)tvui v iunwA fulfil
tlnni. Lut ihn rult nf itmlv
oxperiuncc of a regular physician.
LM.1 .. A l.t. .1 .. -A..L
11 ut, iiiijir. ut ma iuuu uu aijlii ilt
is lUill nmnufHcluring eyorv yaricty
It-tix .. .,11. . . 1 .Z I -..I.I.I. I
1"uji;i uu uuiur muu) wuicn no bc
iubi utiy coinpomton. yyzw.
X Tl . I - I
Ina l..f At I I TtiASnaa ka Altl
Ing ton in vorr gooU ityle, and,uajfl
1 uiiiik bvnBui nui. u anviAJv mu.
him to a fair .bare of patronage.
.iuiii;.. rruui augun iituaui lunw
nnUM thA r.rn n.p tp.n.it .mm.v Hilar.
..!..!.. . . . H ft ! !
mu iuiiuwii uuu nij,!!! rounu in;
$3.00. W. A. IiOWTB.
aug2dltn Mattel
moved tbeir itoek of jowolry, w.t
utc. uiio i.e auioioiuir room, wauro in
will be found by their friend, during
prcicnt week, or until thoir corner itort
I 1 n a
w r wnuiii mil tn ttunitrin or
etui 11 irv 1 r in nil h wnn wuu ui ir iuui
rttfilnAa f nail nn T .1 ThnlMI nn I
Avcnuo for thnir accommodation. And i.
really the best artist we have bad in Clr
or a lone time. It
J. J. TnoHAA has
lately occupied by,. '
on uommorcw iLTflnue. wnora no 11 aoinn
. 1 . fc v
1 .I'.-l fm - 1 t -T
oivn titrn 4vto1 TTn (a nrnnaviJ r rln t
kinds of work In tbo nliotnfrrnh line. Kt
Ptifi 1 fti Hi tfitf (fl mat A nt lifa tMffn.
and warfnnts'ftll of hu work io te of the
(ion, isnoi cununeu w ujf(jjrn-ui bv1"
mil niAiCRf cverv TaneiT oi uwu luuiutrw.
fitrlA In thn flneit I
n-p-rtfi m na 1 r u nil m it (v n f 1 iia 1 in iebuv
a largo stock on hand, 0 Ail own maMiac
lure, and any ono doilroui of purchasing 1
rvn.'vii ci 1 1 k 1 ri m nnrir rinnan rMiiciii it. i.ri.
UvvM vuaivm r a - wavHa
Iiirn At h U shop on fiuntn it., loum viuc,
.tnrti nnd Plant Villi ftm mild and ploaio
.IW,.l..... M
I. .I...I. Ann., linn vnl thnrAUffD. DrOT.
Bllb lu iuvii jvw - o 1 a 1
.1... 111. nn nanini nr trrinincr. ilOUlK 'L.
out rogard to diet or builneai. TlJ
r . 1 .1 .M...i. AM.nii Into
arouso mo nvor uu -(, ,
healthy action, throwing off dlieaio wtWJ
out oihausllnc or dobiiiiaung vue t
ATy mem nnu jruu win ?
lrlco25 conU a bos. Sold by drugfUtt
and doalor. In medicine everywnere
rreparod by tho Grafton Medicine Co, St
Louis, M- myOdm'
Notick. Parker & Ulake haro remored
to Ilross' brick storo, on Commercial ave
nue, second door from the cornor of 11th
street. Thoy havo added to thoir already
largo stock of paint., oils, window, glaw,
wall ppcr, shades, lamps, varnishes, etc,
and invite the public generally to -call on
them in their now quartori. Thoy tntka
a speciality of tho celebrated Aurora oil.
...1. 1 .. ll.n.t ,ll .....Ii, In ik.i. ...... i
wu11.11 iuuj rf.it pujfw.j w umi vuavuuivrv
in quantities from a half pint to tea bar
rel s,a I inuch leu coit than coal oil, and
warrant it not to explode. ug3tdlra

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