Newspaper Page Text
JTAMbIOATW. STKA.MKU A. HAKKK, Sj "Cairo nml Cape Girardeau Packet, . If 4 V. Jflt'lf, It'll I.... f.l.n fdf l'I Olrr''fiVM(lTllliriI will le ,l,"l,r?STJ!miour. Fc r freight .TO-oard- 1"P rtrv AND CAIR 11-jiou."' THE STEAM TUG, CACHE Cai-t. William II. S..vnuKV. WILL HKI FOUR TRIPS KVUKV DAY BSTnt'X CAIBO .AJSriD MD. CITY Lkavf. Cairo, J.EA r- .ill'. W wiiaarBOAT, tikji or iioiuii smtt. At At 10 A.M. At 1 r.M. At 5 At 8.30 A.M. At 11.30 A.M. At '.2.30 r.M. At 0.30 r.M. WILL LAND. WHEN HAILED, at mi J10X rACTOIlY, HAWE'hl.AKPINOjKT MOCI1I OF CACHE, MAMNK WAT?, ANTt NAVY YAM). (1UNNM1T1IN. JOHN A. KOKULKU, Manufacturer ol all kinds of SHOT CUT-IN'S, RIFLES AND PISTOLS. KEYS MADE TO ORDER. aii uiiiiN or Work nml ItPimlrlnK lionc. SJATlSKACTiO.V IV.WtltANTKIL CjMMKKcmi.-av., a Tew Doors Hklow I'ustofficb. (MlltO, 1M.INOIN. Powder, Shot, C.ip anil ll sorts ol Cartridges nut .nam: soi'icti The Illnmis Central I Ho.i l Pomp, ny now cttcrfor mle tl.eKnir)iiti(f rrit-.l lu'n in J-r A Union to tho City tr Cmro. Let IT block . lot 2! Mock W, J, 20, " !!7 " fi, i u, " ' m, r. n, " 31 " l, a u, " 3i " H. ForUrm'.ctf. to J.(MI JOIINiON, uMlf Atful. THE BULLETIN. Tcesday Mok.vino, Skit. 12, IsTl. JUll.N II. OUKRLV. KsituB i I'lti i.uii. Titus or Tin Iiaili llrtirm: SUeriptin.) veefc, tijr carrier "' One year hy carrier, in advance 10 00 )r.e month, ly r.ull, 75 Th.-M rr.onthi - U SJ i X mouths .. 4 2S . mi ...... ......-.;. e CM 7ti X fiaKfJ .Vwuvler mntvanlrtf the city ot ' , the ttm fituf liaAv mSvHttttin lUinji$ , I'-mrnU r""Ml ; tmum, fcut fcartiv ; out- .I nli e 'yult of tntcrut to thf jmUie ; ,.,(,,, 1VI(? M..i nrnWiVn,-IK' tutu ' . thijnkl. vtvvjr of iHtiUttjtnt ttahn unit TUE DOLLAR WEEKLY 11UI.LKTIK. John II. Otarljr 1 Co. nava k1uciI the tub. -rif.tion pnr of the Weekly Cairo ltulleti to Out ftJlar ptr tuh. makiti!; It the c)ie.rht .v rrpublnheJ In .Southern lllmou. For PreMent, lbTJ, JAMES It. D00L1TTLE, OF WISCONSIN. S ','ct to the tltcsivt of the national dem ocratic cwtention. Tut New Ycrlt WmM o i H-mtor Doolitilc lltt record is so eonniittnt and untar n W (mt U vu,,j i( HUnetl U, utraight i. it draun acrou n puzzU clcttr Itam, n MitfTct-f 4y the ilucluatin'j atmoiphtrc of Amtrknn politics, through the imtt ticenty yari." IFitAH a tih tij 1 i if.- leluird at IH trwr, in ;y;.j I.MuMty IheHwlliaiCjmillii- i,r.iH.l to i.. y ine -op e ol Ijiinim alter they lm r- . (...iu.i numr n i na'i ii'i'n put uonhi ... niu.ii u, WUM ItOUCT. Wlln th.. ,.ii-l.r. nr ,a the mute : -Wlut i,MI I. ,to w,ti I..i Mil nl Hih p.,ple (,f LMMitn'' ihi-rcMtre ' h -home. . "fu,,. nie il.eir V p ri) , mtkettiein i.ave.." Tli'rf k., !,., . "'i "'W that iU h u , ii.i I,,.,.. . ,!.. .i Fin, ib thciruniirUM. Hut ( amillii.. !,.,.. I- hnf a rnnSe litus hi,. itiu'lK hi mlrne wil thin til t., tlie ,,Wer ut 1 clury ol I.-t 111, IIOH 11,11 tl.l.t l.o 1 1, i I ant.K ut tl. .i,i to,'lt' uur '"ll"-'tn5. kd.I thu. "1.1 t Pi., inrttii I L'lnrv r.f il,i. imtion." The Fenians of New York city have iiomuiavci yj Jlouuivau ltossa in hide pendeut eaudldau for register of the city and couuty of Nw York. (lE.NKiiAl. Oauviem. had un appoint. raent to Hpeak m Ulno tho other day, but couldu't, being aflictcd with a cur- luucle. The democratic press of that statu is lacking in enterprise and true proreivc principles in not charging lum at once with insanity Gkskuai. .Kiu'ATMCK submits gracefully to his defeat in the 'ew Jersey natc convention as republican va.mmme lor governor, and ut a ratifi vawuu meeting Held iu (jjty u 'l11 supporting the nomiuu tion of VuU. Ml .1.: , " is no as Hunucii, nuwever, thut ,.onMnj tjenetal did I esl VrivttU hv,euriiig 1 ftn 'uMlcaiiB who Vur-l id with Kicrmaii" uoi iiiuuigu iii a auto ui me uugraieiui rep ,i . f i Hint Itf. ..t ,..1,a.I (.1 bv. ..V juuivuuu nun Riicnuau from Atlanta to the sea. Tiik New Jersoy republican convcti. tion passed resolutions warmly imp porting Oram's adtniuistratiou, and a ' era uuvoeating HUCh u.form 0f t1(J cjvj eerviouaa maKes tlie appointment to public offices contingent on character and tho capacity to perform the duties expected. This is rather hard uu Grant, uotwitbBtnudiug thu resolution,, endorsing hi' ndiiilnialrnUon. Th urnetical (cut tin, shown that tho Den family and all the other blood and mar rm"o rulations of the president, now oo- cupyiiiK public positions!, nrc not ... .1.. HI fnr t lfilll .ti.iw... ntnii nm v ... - bv native tnlciif. or nbore re proacl. in their privato characters. If tlmXcw Jersey republicans expecttho principle to bo applied at once, the re Milt would he buoIi a cleaning out of il.n nrosideiit'a relations as would leave small ground for the charge of nepo tism against him hereafter. Hut such reform in tho civil service ns that indi cated by tho New Jersey resolutions need not be looked for until the public flairs of this country arc beyond the acli of such hands as those of General re Grant, and the resolutions calling for it nrc but the tinkling cymbal ol me radical party, designed to catch the car and please the sense ol a too tnougni- ess public. MISCELLANEOUS. Urct Hnrto goes to Europe soon. Tennesjco lias a gcnulno albino, tho child of black paronU. A proud Dctioit boy wouldn't Uko twocsnts' rotvard for llndlng n pockot- book, An old lady, writing to her son out West, warm him to bowaro of billlous 8- loons and bowol alley. A Connecticut Coroner' jury wcro considerably lurpriied by tho sudden awakening of tho dead man. Tho tide of European pasiengor Uv ni l,i tiimod for the ees(on. Amcricn aro beginning to como back to America. Nopeoplo undor hoaven can excel tho Americans In tho wanly art of sitting on a bench and seeing eightcon men play ball. Chicago Tribune. Kansas City property is valuable A lot in that city fifty by one hundred and tlfty feet, purchased flvo years ago for UOO, sold last week for 11,000. -Mrs. Edward ISichnrdson, a Vcrmont er, aflor residing IS years on tho island of Hawaii, owns an ctato of 400,000 acres of land, plentifully interspersed with lata from tho volcano of Mnuna Loa. Ho went to tho Sandwich Islands a poor man to cam a livelihood as a carpenter. Among his other possessions aro 600 head of cat-tlo- "I lovo to look upon a young man. There is a hidden potency concealed with in his breast which charms and pains me." Tho daughter of a clergyman happened to tlnd the nbovc scntenco at the close of a piece of her father's munuscript, as ho had left it in his study, sat down and added: -Them's my sentiments exactly, papa all but tho pains." Tho Detroit Freo Press takes a gloo my view of things. It says: -'No sane man will now set out on a journey by rail ut water without first closing up all his' business ulTuirs and arranging his papers 50 that his executors can find them, and kissing wifo nnd children a last farewell. If he comes back all right, he can claim an interposition of l'rovldenc. If tie comes back in pieces his friends can claim that -ihoy told him so.'" LETTER FROM "J.U. E. T." A HAIL IN IIOSTON 1IAUUOB A 1117 Or TUIIY THE riKH VIEW Or THE OCEAS .VANTASKKT lltACH VIKTUKS Or THE SALT SKA AS A TONIC SEA HATIIINO A rilOIILKM THE SALT SEA WAVIUi AN EN EMY TO mMALV. CIIAr.MS UACK TO TUE CITT. licll CorreponJenconf the Bu lettn. IlonTOk, September 7, UT1. " ON THE WINO." Our trip to Nantusket beach was ono of unalloyed pleasure. The sun was bright and clear in an unclouded sky. There was I a delicious crispness in tho air that was crispness in positively exhileraling. Our steamer was tho uosn stakpisii. so mn.Hi lifter tho w!fu of that dounhtv old i.ur.tan warrior, Miles Standi!., and . . rxt. ..m i, . ..uiwiiiiiiHiiu.iib'wm ouiicsui -n. S. have been bleoclilni: undor tno sou oi IJuxbury for two hundred years or so, yet their memory is still kept green in the hearts Of their descendonts. ' The steamer was 'full of well-dressed excursionists many families with their little ones, and with wolMllled bankets, for u quiet picnic party, "on tho wing' for 6lght-seeing and pleasure. aroaware, is studded Willi oeautiiui islands, . ... . I and nsuil amoiii; them U perfectly dollcht- ful. ffmiure in tho center stands tho emtio' with its i-nml to walls, cutis tn I barbette, Hug flying, mntitiels on guard, etc.; lo the left Point Shirley, and at tho wuiors eduo "TuftY- rxliihrntml lmtr.1. Alt, many is tlui yood cumo and fish din- hers wo have helped mnko a wiock of at I mis place, in former years. Adlolnlnctho I Point Is Deer Island, separated from the I main land by what is known by the pooti- name oi .v.trlty Owi, a narrow, deep cut not over thlrtv varda whin ot . ,v "., Mirougn which tno lid rushes out io sea will, great velocity. Thi, plaeo wak nm, n .......... .1 - V V uuniig uie war of . usnP0. inrougn mo Out, of ...v iiiKia (AlHSIIfllflOn. TL British truuers were watching for her at the en- k l" ",u "Ulu otiio la miles below, not urcainwg oi me Uarc-dovll exploit which sho accomplished, when tho slight est mlsehanco would have stranded i,n, 1 . a .1 . m . . and made her an easy prey ; as it WU! ,jl0 em llirou(;li In safety, nnd wan out on the broad ocean beforo they knew any "vetUl K ThU wiU ovcr bo ' . ... i . . the America, V 'surran for tlimr. in ..... .."" i may sno over con t i tie in ir,. ... . lnloth00drr.w,,ni,,fl'P,,J' oth - nii, un aro sltuatijd a numi... niflcout nubile in.iii,,.'i 1 . mix- int. to tho cltv. ,v... b0,u"K .0 -vi -.. iBrunu perspns committed for petty W,..,l. and like offonccs are aunt to work out ineir lines It thoy livo to do so, well good; if not, nutiieroiH mounds on THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1871 top of thq Island toll tho Imlanco of th tnlo. A fow miles to tho right wo pass Long Island, with Its handsome hotol and shaded lawn extended to tho water i edeo: to tho loft 1'arm Sehool Island, whoro homclesi boys, and thoso convicted under ago, aro sent till tliolr nlattirltv. l'ntlrr . 1 . .. , " rnpmiy ny many oincrs, wo steam under tho walls of Kort nrroh, tho otiiormnut fort In Hoslon harbor, where, during tho war, pomicai prisonors wcro confined: tlin big guns frowned down upon .us'cluf jof the deep embrasures In Its mas'slvo wrifii as woglldcd by. Turning to tho right wc r '"to mo piaciu walors of Wn r r vnr. and soon aro at' tho' landing, and within sight and sound of tho roarlnp inrf nf Md ocean, which is only divided from us at mis point by a strip of land loss than llftv yards In width. Tho dlstanco from Ho.. ton is 18 miles, and Is mndo In juat ono our oy uio lair ltose." Tlio first tIqw of the ocean from tho top ol tho beach Is grand an J magnificent in tho extreme, and bounded In front only bv tho horizon It. solf. Its broad bosom wm ilmin,! y Innumerable crafts, from the tlnv sail boat to tho full-rigged merchant ship, bound for distant climes and foreign ports. -VANTASKKT 11KACII is about flvo miles In length, and nt low water mark is about ono thousand feet wide and is smooth nnd hard as a polished marblo floor, and though rock ribbcp at either end, not a single stono covers this mag nificent oxpansc. Ucing so level the surf is constant, tho roar is ccasolcss and undy ing. Tho waters continually dash and spend thoir fury at your very feet. As you walk tho llrm, hard sand they creep up nearer and nearer until somo ono more bold than his follow sends the white foam up uround you nnd causos you to scamper up tho sanUs in a hurry. "Wo walked to tho farther end of tho beach, out on tho cxtremo point of rocks, anil seated our solves to watch the incoming tide. It was a sight ever to bo remembered. As tho tidocamoin, tho wind freshened, tho white caps grow largor, tho waves dashed fur iously against the rocks sending clouds of whito foam high in tho air, seemingly growing more desperate at meeting with resistance, retreating,' gathering' moro force, and finally sending, tho spray over us in such copious showors woworo forcod at last to.chango our base. It was grand and glorious. ' tfhojalt sea Is a torriblo ap petizer, giving ono "w tonic" that nover could bo compounded by your worthy voaerauieuiscipics orualon,tho"busy lis." W adjourned at last to tho BOCKLAJf D CirE which is located about midway of tho beach and at high water work, whoro wo proceeded to put ourselves outside of some magnificent clam chowder, which was not only pleas ure to the eye but extremely savory to tho taste, "oh, mon, but it teas gudcf Af ter thoroughly refreshing tho inner man, we took our tietta on the broad piazza, on tho tea sldo of the cape, and listened to the roar of tho surf as It dashed against the beach. "Wo were much amused at the antics of a number of nondescript objects that were floundering about in the surf, until at last some ono ut our side said that they were women bathing. "SVo wero glad to b told that they wore women, be cause we like a neW'setiiaUoa, and hero we bad one, for In all oiir eventful experience we cerer before., was able to tell a wointo even at a very remote distance. Attached to the cape and not fifty feet dhtLtit nunit a. bathing room where bath ing suite are hired for a small compensa tion, and here we noticed every few, min utes, juadi of two and three, sometimes half a dozen would come out dressed in bathing suits with a coarse old straw hat tied over tho head and fuc, conccaliug tho features, and make for the wuter. Hut whether they wore masculine, feminine, or I ..... J ..... 1.1 .1 . . 1 . . .... I "c""r' "u-uu'u u" uUn...r, Z" . " 8 J' "' Talk about "Venus rising from tho sea,' and ull that sort of thing: wo want no more of it in ours (not 1 tin lathing imt). Wo do not know a moro hideous object l,'an a short, fat old woman coming out of the surf. Yes wo do; wo will take it all tmclc. for thev do lmvn n tirihhm resem. -' - - . oianeu io uiu iiumnii oi-inj;, inai i, in tjiots, but from tho long, lank ones, may the gods defend' us. Put ono of them in n corn Held, and any kksi-kctaiile enow would commit suicide out of sheer shame Und mortification. If wo wished to pun- . . e I ISlCrS OJ hideous sight and mein," wo know now rii-ht where to tio. Nantasket beach, when Uio batlicrs aro out una tho T ... - ..'.I I . ... I t.. 41... a'- k'i .1 II.. coiiimg m mm mu ihiho. oirunmu down to tho rocks again during the after- noon, wo observed somo boys fishing, nnd, just to keep our hand in, wo held one of tho poles for a fow minutes, nnd had the satlsfavtion beforo leaving of landing a iilco rock cod. Jlut tlio lomrost dav's pleasure must como to a close. I.ato'in tho afternoon tho "ltoso Standish" round. ed the point and camo up aloneBldo tho little plor, and recblvcd her precious freight of over 600 passengers "All aboard." "cast off'," and we wcro .n ' .i n.. . nw, ijjouuiui wiiiijr uwa iu lug vujr. vn our wav un a nleasuro vacht. filled with a .av and hannv crowd, naisod. and. as aho . , - , - 'glided by, saluted us with nor cannon which was promptly returned from on V.nnril. Wn roaplltiil Iloatnn 1 Imv ing passed by far tho most delightful day of tho season. Ytvit la Namtasket. At ever, cheerfully, J. U. K. T Till MKW YORK JIKFOKM MKKTINU. At tho rocont great reform moeting In Now York, which was participated In very largely by Domocrnts, as woll as by Henublioans. Hon. ltobt. 11 ltooiovnlt. nun 1 ' ' of the speakers, began his remarks as fol - lows-. do not know whethor it is exactlv possiblo for a man to bo born a JJomocrat, uuv i eiuini to come as near H as auv ono can, Tho earliest recollection tlint 1 lmvn of public nuostlons, when my arms had nt- vniuu nmo more man seven years, pith, VTA.. rl ..... 11 1 ' ' "v Mi.uvfiuiug atauiieiuy auuun- BworviiiBiytuoirrtai doctrines of Dcmoc- and 1 Jfoul"ratj for Democracy la llko vaccina -wj. ..Vw ...v vuuu i uavo been u tho . 1 w?.n. " .u f".'".,;" l' lasts life. Uut as I did not bollovo' dl.lovalt, l ..U4? to mean Domocrnev not bollovo dishonesty to incan nomocracy now. Tho very cornor-stono of m.r fI.T, f.5E.UI5.O8on.0l,,!o'' administration of Srlnnlnln. ' ""U V'tllOUt that 110 codo of of CUM arlCvfl" nCOiVC 11,0 1,cnrl- uPPl ?L I J ",rly ,0l.,r POrty is the party of dB' ,r' ","",Vi0.Pc.0l'10 f? "'"W on Vrf. r,Vii: 10 . ,U0Ubtlcss nrc, among DOtll parties COod. linnnmt.lo 1 i ... .1? ins around me. l'cnn; Y.tZ . ' . JV.V uwnuv til ilk UULI1 sides ran lay equal claim to credit In this 1MU biiUidt. J1UL LUOSQ Wfinlrivn lln... cy thoso .Who havo put their abiding faith In It and built up tho hopes of tho clorv of their country on it. natumllv Itas tho roprcsontation of whatever is no- uiusi miiu uesi. THE ONE TERM l'ltliVUll'LE. llOIIACK OIIKKLKY'8 K.rOHITIO.V Or lltM ritKSlDKNTIAL THKOIIY. llornco Urcolov will nnnn dm 1 - - f I a i vjiuvii- tial campaign with an artlclo In the forth coming Novembor Ualary on "Tho One Turin l'rlneinlc." Tim fnllnu.In.. I. . summary of his viows: Slartinc with the Idea that civil sorvlcn reform is essential to tho purification of our politics, and demand by all thought ful citizens, 3Ir. Greeley contends tlint tho desire and hopes of tho President to sccuro n rc-clcctton, nnd his cfiorts to that end, effectually prevont tho rofonn. Civil service, reform means tho selection of tho fittest men for olllco, instead of tho most cflcctivo I or nonvl politicians oftlio dominant partv. Tho 'fruits of the present system nro wiJo-sprcad in capacity, incf- uciency, uisnoncsty nnu speculation. A Postmaster, not to bo too cxactinc. ouuht to know how to rend, which nomo tin. others do not. All will admit that such bilitv is desirable In his vocation, but if tho ono who lucks it is tho most cflUicnt partisan, and has dono tho most towards tho President's election, his claims cannot well bo ovorborno. "Will not his services bo wanted four venrs honco 7 And how aro they to bo retained if his claims arc osiponed to ono who can read, but has o skill in manipulating voters or votes? Mr. Grcolev asks: "How much bottnr l. his than tho absurdity of hereditary log lsiaiuro; ii our jeueraianu local func tionaries woro chosen bv lot. would thev avorgo worse than they now do? That 'the King can do no wrong,' If taken lit erally, is irrational. If tindcrsoodtomcan only that ho is cljvatcd abovo all temp tation to misrule ; that is doing wrong would argue moral irnot mental insanity, and that no cannot bo presumed to have acted within his prcrccativo under tho sway of any unworthy motivo, then the maxim becomes intelligible. Tho justifi cation of royalty is its nllogcd tendency iu iiaco iuc cneii ruior oi a nnuon auovo all temptation to regard and pursue his own interest at the oxnenso of tho nublic Tfoal.'1 Hr. Greeley then discussed tho qtiettion historically tho irrowthof tho patronauo of the President, tho efforts to restrict the r resident to ono term by proposed consti tutional amendment, tho scfish reasons for tno dclcat of these latter, nnd tho rapid ac cumulatiou of the evil growing out of the power of patronage, and tho temptation of the Prosldcnt to use that patronngo for his re-election. Mr. Grcelov concludes by savin" : "All that is needed is an intelligent, earnest, .!.!.. .1 1-.!. .. .! ' luu-auri'au uuuviuuuii iuiu vtiu jiruuiieu of re-electing a Chief Magistrate while in office is fraught with evil and peril ; that it distracts his attention from tno proper cares and duties of his situation, and im pels him to consider not who nro the fit test and most worthy to fill tho offices in his gift, but what ch'oico will bo most like lv to improve his chances of rcnoriina tion. "We shall yet achieve a c'n II reform nay, wo must. Ofiicc-sceking is our na tional rice, divesting our workshops of apprentices, our farms of half the Intelli gent, energetic, aspiring youths, who ought to make onr agricultureof the next thirty years exhibit n series of bril.iant ad vanccs'and improvements upon all that prcceeded it. Hut vainlv shall hope for such reform through the lopping off of branciies wniie the root ol tho upas re mains intact and vital. That root is the re-election, while in office, of Presidents, Governors, and othor dispensers of vast phtronage, with their consequent tcrnnta. toln to uso that patronage in aid of their continuance in power." SODA SPRINGS. THE KK1V MORMON CITY UltlOIIAH YOUNO IIL'YI.VU THE O ENTILES OL'T. I From the fortune Iteporter, 21) AVithin tho past few weeks lirigham Yount: has purchased nearly all tho "... . i . . i .I.... . L i . r nroporiy o. mo icui n uoUl wn: o .r. airiiolad. wih iV V1 ing therefor the settlor's own price. Tliero c.,n be no doubt of tho intention of the -Mormons to ounu tip n now town at ooua Springs, in anticipation of tho Utah Northern railroad, nnd henco their hurry to buy out all the Gentile squatters up ,horCt Wc aro delimited to learn in in high tho church U paying our friends hujli prices for their property, especially Cap tainlloland, who is tibout to remove to t s.utc.s. lo Chicago, probnblv. whoro ho intends to pursue a mcrcnntilo life hereafter. On yesterday Captuin T.oland "W "''"m.,','0"0.8.' I'VVf?. L. placo tho lino stock in tho pastures of this vicinity, as soon as they can bo taken down. a wish tno uiptnin all goou IUUK, B IIU UI'IJIII W5 tuil liuuiuu lunmu . l-,l .,.,,,1,1 ,,,,,1 ...!,, tin ilpntit anchor: tliero will tho neighbors find a worthy citizen. Moantirno, brother Urig lil " . i' I wlinrn nnlv ihn fnithhil urn to lin riflfiiHlod I nn l.i.Ilillr... ia n.w nit t S ... . ..... ... . . .......... to.j10 pearl v u'fttos. That is. If ho can run his new road over tho lands of tho Central Pacific for sixty miles -Sortlicf Ogden. i'OUMUIi:.H. I. & E. GHEENWALD. MiMTiCU'lllUl or team EnKities, Lloilers, Flour ond Crist Mills, Haw Mills, Tho "Tuppcr" Patent Grate bar, MAOIIINEUT I'OIl OENE11AI. l'UItl'OSES, CINCINNATI, OHIO. IvvTiiliwindl f CSS A I.. CAIRO CITY COAL COMPANY. Is prepared to supply ctutoincr nitli tho test quality of mmrncimTT)"! ATI u i utmio A iiiwuuttu ivsy iijijh.ujo !OOAL. OniiKItl left at llollldayllrns. onkc.70 OHIO l.KVKK, or nt Iho Uoal Yard U low tho Ht, I Charles Hotel, will roctdte Proini.l attontlon. THKTUl! MONTAUIC1' willltlm;eonl al ai.nVr. 'it any1 nlonc OcWIf SPKOIAL NOTICES. IIATOSIi:i.OU'N IIAIlt It i i;, Thin niperh Hnlr Dyo tho hut ix tub Would IVrlcellv Hntniloi, Itcllablo nnd In-thanlpom, .NoilHaiipolntmenl. Ko Ulillciiloin Tints or Un Plinvnnt fMor. Thooptiulno W. A. llacholor'n llalr Djo prodiicn IMMi:i)IATi:i.Y n i-plendhl lilAik or ntilural llroim. Dock not Stain tha Hlnii, I. ut Untoatho Hnlr Clean, Hofl and llenutl. fill. Tho only Hnfo iml Fprfoct Dvo. Hold liynlldruxlti, Fnotory 10 Pond Htreid, Now Yolk. mntildeoilAwly ON MAKHIAO K. Kisnja for Voting .Mon, on K'enl Hoclnl Kviln and Aluifc, tthlcli Inlcrfero with MnrrliKo, nd ruin tho li.ipplncia ol thoiianndB, with cure tnoana of relief for tno Krrlnrj and Unfotunato, and dehllltnted. Hint in atalod lottor envelupc, free ol cliarRc. Address, UOWAIIR ASSOCIATION, No. a S. Mnlh atrcct, I'hlladel fhln, ! fplw3iii CONSUMPTION. 1TSOUKK AND ITS PltEVKNTIVK BY Dlt. J. II. SCIIENOK, M. J). Mnnr nluiman hoinit hn poi-l away for wlioio iloath thcri'wairioiithi'rrt'iuon than tlioncKlrct j if known iiiidlhdiapiiuiblrpriiTonmoanaor euro i I "p.u,r "l"1 "l-'.,r ' fa'"Ur and Irlomla nni a?;cir.,MuWM B,u""'i,r "ii""""." I)U. JOMKIMl II. HCIIFACK'HWIMIM.K TUEAT.MKNT, nnd arnlted llionnolrn of hla wondorfullr efflca ilnua inc;Jlclnc. llior wpul.l not havo UUm. I)r. Hchvnck has In hl own cue uniTrd that ot'Sr.Sri?ir.!uffl,?l?nl lM.uX malna;that ltal! nr. t;r mtlclnoa anil hla illrpctlona for thalr oulckcntHl Into healthful tlgor. In thl. automent there la noUilna preiumo Jurnia. To tho faith of tlio Inrallil fa tSSuna ripreentrttlon ml Is not a thounand Umoi Mb. fUntlatod tij llTlnir nnd vlilblu works. Tho theory of tho euro T.y lr. Uchenck'a medicines i,aT?l2,p, " " nn'"ni. 11. philosophy ra J ' no arBuoit'iit. It l alfi.urlng, aolfiou- Tho &.wced Tonle and Mandrake Pills are th Hfif. wi """'.y' ",,,c" '10 citadel of the liialaily la naullcit. Two thirds of the cases of ojiiauinptlou orlnlnato In dyspepsia and a runo- ?n"ilL,..,"iVl?,!1 UrSr- vTtfithla fondttlon tho broncli al tubca " STlnpalblto" with the etoniach. Ther respond to tho morblfle action or tho HTor. Hero then comes tho culminating result, and tho aottlug In, wltu all Its distress Inirsyajptuuis of CONSUMPTION. The Mandratq rills aro composed of one of Na ture's noblest ulll.-lho l'lxloplilllum I'alutauu 1 hey poises; nil ttm blood-scnrehlnr. BlteratlTo pruKftlts of calomel, but, unlike calomel, they "LEAVE NO 8T1NG DEIIIND." Tliowcrkof curalsnowbeslnnlnfr. The vitia ted and muoiui deposits In the and In the allmenury canal aro ejected. Tho lUer. like icluc.l!..,, """'id up. It arouses from IU torpid fle tnniach acts responslrely, and the Ueat begins to feci that ho Is Keillor, at last, A SUPPLY OF fiOOD BLOOD. The Pea-wcM Tonle. tn conjunction with the rills, permeates and assimilates with tho food, thjllrlcatlon Is now progressing without Its pre Tlous tortures. IHeeill.m beojmes palnless.and tho cure Is seen to bo at hand. There Is no more natulence, no exacerbation of tho stomach. An appetite acta In. now oomcs ibo sreatesl mood mrltler ejor Tet rlren hr an indultfcnt father to Buffering man. llmonla HrruDonmH In i.i iu.rfr.vm Hchenck's I'ulmimla Syrup comes In to Its functions and to hasten and complete tho cure. It entera at oneo upon IU work. Naturo n cheated, it collects and ripens tho imrairca ana aiseasco portions of the tangs. Initio form of prepare them Tor expectoration, and lot In a Tery short time tho malady Is vanquished, tho rotten throne that It occupied Is runoTatod and made new, and the rallent.ln all the dignity of regained p. forth to cnjvy tho manhood or womanhood that was OIVEX UP AH LOBT. Tho second thing Is. tho patients mast stay tn a warm room mill they get well i It Is almost im possible to nrerent taking cold when the lungs are diseased, bat It mutt be prevented or a an can not bo eBettcd. . fresh air and riding out. especially In this suction or the country.Tn tho fall und winter- season, aro all wrong. I'hyst. clans who recommend that courso losa their pa tient.. It their lungs arc budly diseased: and yet, because they nro In tho honse they must not sit down quiet I they must walk about tho room as much and as fast as tho strength will bear, to get upa good circulation of bl d. Tho patient mutt keep In good spirits bo determined Ut get well. This has a grout deal to do with tho appe tite, and 1 point to gain. To despair of euro after such evidence of It possibility In tho worst cases, and moral cer tainty In all others. Is sinful. Mr. Hchenck's per sonal statement to tho faculty of his own euro was In theso modest words i "Many years ago I wus tn tho last stages of coniumptloni onUned to my N-d, and at time my physicians thought that I could not lira a week: then. like n drowning man catching at rlraws. I heard 'if and obtained the preparation which I now oiler to the public and they a perfect cure of mo. It seemed to me that 1 could feel them tienctrato my wholo system. They .n ripened tho matter In my lungs, and I would spit up moro than a pint of MTenslvo yellow matter every morning for u long tlmo. ' As soon as that began lo subside, my cough, fever, lAlns, and night sweats all began to leavu in", and myappellPi beenmo so great that It was wlthdlBculty that 1 could keep from eating too much. 1 soon trained my strength, and have grown tn flesh ever since. "I was weighed shortly after mr recovery." added the Doctor, "tnen looking llko a mere skeleton! my weight was only ninety -seven iuudst my present weight Is twohundred and twenty-tire fill) pounds, and for year 1 havu en joyed uninterrupted health." fir. fhenck has discontinued tils professional rlsli. f New. York and lloston. !fo or his son, fir. J. II. bchenck, Jr., still continue to see pa tients at their office. No. 11 North Wllth Htraet, I'hllndelphla.ercry Haturday from SA.M.toS r.M. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Ilesplroracter will be charged as. The Ilea. rlrometer declares the exact condition of the iings. and patients can readily learn whether they aro curable or not. Ibe directions for taking the medicines are adapted to the Intelligence eren of a child. Fid low theso directions, and kind Naturo will do the rest, excepung that In some cases the Mandrake I'lll. are tn bo taken In Increased doses: the three medicines need no other accompaniments than the ample Instructions that accompany them! First create appetite. Of returning heulth, hunger Is the most welcomo symptom. When It conies, as It will come, let the despair ing at oneo bo of good cheer. iood blood atones fullows, thu cough loosens, thu night sweat Is abated. In a short tlmo both of these morbid symptoms nro gone f oreror. Dr. Mhenck's medicines are constantly kept In tensof thousands of families. As alsxatlvo or purgative, the Munarano run am a standard pre paration i whilo tho 1'ulmonlc byrup, aa a euro of roughs nnd colds, may bo regarded aa a pro. nhylaiicric agulmt consumption lu any of lis forma. I'rlco of tho Pulmonic Hyrup and Bca-woed Tonic, 1 1.') li boltio. or i'Mn half dotou. Man ilraku 1'111.,'icmilsabox. I'oraalo by all drug kau and dealer. I It y ; O If H. C. HAN NY. LAUGH STOCK, IJUOW.V SHKKTINOS, l'HIKTS, rrxcTZxma-a, CHECKS, 1U STIUPE H, KKNTUCKY JkAXS, IXTIIA, CASSIMEKS, I1LACK ALl'AOAS a n LUSTKK3, OUOS OitAIN .SILKS, I'OPI.INN. LAlttSK STOCK OF CARPETING, 0 I I. CLOTHS, HATTINO, Window NlistdcH, CIII.T 1IA.VDJ, NOTTINGHAM LACK DaMANKS, IIIn KntlrcNIorU Sow tioaliiu Out VKItY I.OAV FIOUHKS. COltNEIt STII ST., AND COMMKUCIAI.-AV., 4'itlro, IllistoU. septltr IIIMUNU, BOOKH, iaiuphleta, lirielB, catalogues, now. papers, tax litis, and every variety of eiton; aivo piliilluu coutractod for, and promytly and ipeodily oiKCiiloil, In tho imllutlii hook, Job; nil J itctrxpncr 'jiadlny eslahlishmcut, IilfK INNtinANC'E. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. ULLbl-DllUU iillA w... , IU.1 II Y T 1 1 IC HAUW ill. 1 Till! rFTJIRIEJIsr NO STOOKIIOLDK118 Amount of 1'oi.iciks in y0iicrEc. 31, Total Income to Sauk Datic, Nt I vc'UKAHK of Kirks in Forck, 1870, Tlie larareat 9fct Isiersxtae tarlair ts Onowi Incrbarb of Kirks in Fobcii, 1870 30.327.73O 00 Only two Companies Id the werM iioeed this gross Increase attiring ino. ..!.h?..2B.1 ?f9,t..177ilSh. Trantea, as a chartered right, ttie Brfnclnie of UiCkt iuvm ME.NT.-i IN KAC1I rfrATB, in proportion to It. Premium" or f lle'lDsuranci TKund. IUVi2i1 The only Company which, hr Ita eharl.r. ul. Finn htitu a h.i,iv,..,..' IIOMF. lIUAUD Ur DIRECTORS. O-EITEA.ll OFPICE, ST. IsOXJIs, MO. JAMKS II. UKITTON, Fi.sldont. llLNttY W. Hounn, Vice 1'resldent. . Fklix Conn, Bopl. Missouri Dapt. Wm, Hanlbt, .Secretary. JoIIX N. PbiVciiIbd, TreZirer? C. F. 11 lminer, Attorney. K. I, Limoine. M. B , M. Offlie. Hon. " m. Hark km, Consulting Counsel nndA'cttfiyV" i f SOUTHKKN ILLINOIS DKI'AKT MKNT. K. 1. l)L'Rt.iaiiAM, Manager. CAIRO BRANCH BOARD. The lollonltiK named gentli uien hold or control 10,(sJ Insiirauce each, la the Life AssosiaUca of America. V. "SV. lUncLAY, H. W. Wkbii, II. H. Canuck, John Antuim, Ciia. Oaliuiikk, .1. M. l'uiLLira, C. Hanny, K. S. Hrkiiiau, Paul O. Scnuu. Learn our Uatlea attitl Plana be fore LOCAL Cakl L. Thomas, auglS dim DOORN, HANI!, ETC I " S. ' W A LT K H 8 ctiLial HARD and SOFT LUMBER ot cmy description, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAK POSTS, DOOHS, SASH, BLINDS. i ORDERS SOLICITED. Steamboat Lumber, Furnished on shortest nolle. Commercial-ay, bet. 10th and Hth-blz., -CAino. ilunois. JyTdtf W. W. THORNTON, l.ntia i DOORS SASH IILINDS, WINDOW GLASS, HIIIKUI.KM, LATH XiTJlwISEIi Office on Tenth St., BlTfwu 'oiume relal and Wausblua;tois Auuuts, CAIEO. T.LXi AOENTH lor Kock Itlver l'arr Company's Hheatlunif Kelt and (juarli Ceinont. 11. VY, JOIili a linproreil uoouiik always u and. . WIN EM AN It I.IUUUIU. WM." H. SCHUTTBR, luiporter ssmU Wliulewstle Hostler 1st WINES, LIQUORS, au TOBACCO &c cio-Aias. Aflit for thu Uisl hraod of CHKAM AND STOCK ALK, IsuorlHl Ale or DlfTereul UiBtlsJ. 75 Ohio Lf.vke, II CAIKO, ILUNda. F. M. STOUKFIeKTlf, smsssua rOULi a irocartiTU IHectlfyer and Vl'boleaslo Dealer t jYomlffu and DtMnoaille i LIQUORS, WINES(ETa No. 78 Ohio Lbvkb, HrijnsLU Uui;c, CllEO,. ILLINOIS. TTK keeps on hand constantly a full stock of 4Samii HeniiiCKy jiouruon, tiro aim nononia. Fii-iik WliUkles.-French UrandW, 'llollaud Uln, llhinoand California Wines, J in30if KKAI. EHTATKAOENT. U. WINSTON & CO., REAL "ESTATE AGENTS AUCTIONKRS, 74 (8KCONI VLOOIt) OHIO LKVK1C, V OAIUO, ILLS., Buy and Sell Real Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OF TITLE At I irepa;g C0&TfTlc9 of Kinds. WOULD. :ivnUTTJA.Ii; TO A11S01UJ PltOFITS. 1870, .... $.05S.M0 00 i - 3 974 788 so 2o'.000 90 00 mn , . ........ ... . .j ,A ' " "r" " S4T1VB IN TU John II. Ohiblt, Wm, Mobbir, T. J. Kbbth, W. S. Kcaosf. yam Iaeare im mmy ther Osatjestajy. AGENTS. w. Is. Kirvbt. UXAJKJBs. . w, h. vionaiii. ii. n. can iik NoUry Pullle, Mo, Pub. and U.S. Ces if r r t a tsn t Tti urwfi .! ii i i.ii i a mill iiiv r n i i is CCIDENT, LIFE, iwauRAiircEi .KTMA, If ARTFOBU, Asset . .M.MM.,......,vi.,tv. . XORTII AMERICA, fA., Assets.. -.TS3.(0 HARTrORI)t CONN, A.set... i.iu.tia 7 1'iioisii, ii art roup, Asset ...... ..l.Ttl.ltS INTERNATIONAL, X. T As els. 1 B. 1 TL'TNAM, If ART70RD, Asset., .Tut,lII CLETKLANUpLEYELAIfDj Asstts. - ..........Jis,ns nous, COLUMBUS, Asset .'I5.1TI AVIIRJCAN OntTlULLi MO,'T . Asset mv, 000 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Lint, Asset u-..z-.:..;..rrm. TRAVELER', lAXTrOII, Ujii'0 ' ' " iccibitirij . ..i 'CI HiMHIItlllllHMIBilllMMlltllMIMHll'W,VW RA1 LWAT- VAAaENOEJUsi- AMUJSAfO'i Assets ..... INUU-BXUXXT, BOSTOJS, Assets - rao,Sl SAFFOHp,jMpURIOANJ)KE, ' 71 Okl Lave. City National Bank. , . CAIKO. ILL. FIRE AND MARINE t rvr a i s-r". a im i ; ni JOktrAXIKAJt Assat .... r....r.--..f..'-4hT,,H,-.a? .. -QXSMUHt-P'Zt: f ' Asset w-?-f-rrrrrrrr',oc7Jl 11 UAXaTIB. Nr-T- AiS.U,..l......,.-..i..l.l...JX-rI.HV.-',i'4, RKPUDLIC. X. T., A.sol .1U.WC0 CoraprislDK the Underwriters' Agency. lents - .....r,..n,iM,f 1 ' ' ' ALDAXT CITT, i...i si.:. ...l...:..:... VfRKM !.' ..rUXDiU. t-. .ilS.OUr W BICURlTT, X. Y. MAJSIXX, ASItt,. .....M......H...'SJJt''''' I ... a, . . s a . I respectlully ask of the cltlseaa of Calfo. .hare ot their P,.. nVfiH Officers We.? Kttieaal tt 1 .. .i .1 ji .i 'J. . aiZL ::.r I l 11 111 ,mni " UUUH1S JURNISULMli uuuuo. IlIU 9 I'll UAR TlHr, . rv a arawe a ' in i r 11 , .1., 185 & 187 (iiimprQ.Ayoi,UW ' , . I ' . ta ttss.sss . . ...m. I J.,,. . a CAIKt? ILUNOIB.