OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, September 12, 1871, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1871-09-12/ed-1/seq-4/

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... ........ ...rfr I. )iff el'T
1 cofltmlianoi me ' - ; -
rtW I. m .1 lh. eort;),ou.e m r..ro,
TuiJrw of.ccllnit del
1 '?.; '.i,..c a camlhlaie for Count,
1 ' Z iiht cumin MJicmbor election, m.d
. n.ni the Jmer.t. in the.." "
ft, laAle.soJer county are h.l.y m'
I,J requested to Hold nrrfinel rnetl
'Aiari7ln h T of .eptfin'r, ''
,ch Pr net I. eul.lled U Mlo, .. .
?sr ? .' -,j
l a iljr, Nrih riro.. .- U
ruiloly "sha-
,is net seriously woun
Ifg Tooth
' I j .rdf
,Pt. 4.tTl.
E. tot Cumin : lleaaa announce tne
aiit lor re-ettlon to the office of County
Irr-rr, subject to lh decision of th dtmo
r,t.e t3Tctlon. WILLIAM MARTIN.
rnblUbnl every morning, Jloudny !
The council was in seiiion last night
tj a very lite hour.
Ten o'clock this morning St. Charles
charabtr of commerce.
There is more dust on the avenues
than there ever was before in the history
of Cairo.
The P.sv. Jacob HraJIer is absent
from the city attending a Baptist association.
Thoi. Freeman opens his billiard
a', oo this morning, at 10 o'clock, with a
free lunch.
Fritt Schuyler, of the brewery, wis
carried at Mound City on Sunday last.
Happy days.
Chamber of commerce resurrection
thi morning, at 10 o clock. The place:
l Charles hotel.
-Ann Moran, charged with keeping a
disorderly house, was fined yesterday $15,
and now pines in jail.
The action of th tircmen last night
w.ll bring the question of citterns prom
inently before the public.
The Mound City Journal fays "some
cf the Cairo police offlcerp are getting n
'iee'.le' too sharp." I'rejndtcc unadul-Urat'-d
Mr. C. H'inston advertises a desirable
rti'.Jence aud two vacant lot for ule on
Monday, the 2d day of October, lt71. See
ad in another column.
Ellen llobbiris couldn't pay Judge
Br. .si c- vesterdav for thu urivileuo ol
getting drunk, and wn cnt to tlio cula
buuso for 9 days.
Mat. Stevens n colored man, owned
ti.e house inTihich thi- tire origiimted on
uhirday night, and the heirs of C.(i. Sim
oi On-one adjoining it. ' '
Tt.f .v.-n Jcc'urs that tho meanest
tii ,n in Cairn i- a darkey, and intimates
tl it iiutiU r.theu etui spell h-a-k-e-r cor
iv tiy. Where is l!ird ;
t Wcijs liecr
Just HweivAl at Sehoneineyer i! ;
Tine ITagcr. 2t
The committee of nine appointed ut
tlio tirotoen's mass meeting last night utu
rt (nested to meet at 15eerv,urt,OrUi i"c CVs
l.,l,toi. l.nil liti no.o nml
.I i,.ifih .i,n l.iir-irv nccident
that resulted In tho luff tt Toppd bcnii
t,. John' nolo wot poaled, h"t '
tt-cro not InliircHl. Ho was
ken up, ' hut
Head tlio Itlor frum "J. V. K- 'IV
on our llt page It is ctilertnining, , i.u
broe.ri you can sec tho waves and feel the
arm surf, mid In Imagination, feci like
Hitting a safe distance botwecti youraeir
nd tho incomlnctldo. "J. U. K. T.'" let-
tors aro clmrmlngly lntorotlng wayalde'
ntes, we may call them, of n summer in
New KnglanJ, among tW muutitiiins and
by tho ton.
Charley Kchoneymeyor Ccslros us to
inform tho public that he lias received an
other Invoice of Weisi bocr tho most pal
fttablo ond dllctou that hat ever Invited
tho patron ago of tho thinly public. Ho
has been out of tho bevorago-now so pop
ular In tho city and drank by saint and
inner -but can now supply all demands.
CJiarley has also, ho Is willing to bet a
hore, the best lager beer in the city. Call
on him. "l
Doci the Sun boltovo with 2Vi Paper,
that the colored population ought to be
advised to lcavo tho city nnd sck the
broad acres around iis? Itl vory fndoii
nlt in Its outcivlncs. and thcro appears in
the Sim editor's bearing considerable of
hi old-timt notion about tho Uhlnity.of
tho old-timo institution of ilavery and the
depravity of tho colored roan. Mr. Sun,
please be little more explicit.
A Louisville telegram to a Cincinnati
paper, 6th instant, lays t "It is reported
that a Cairo detective has succeeded in
discovering and arresting the parties who
perpetrated tho recent express robbery at
Mojcuw. on the Mobile and Ohio railroad.
It is said that thoy aro men who livo in
the vicinity, and were therefore unsus
pected. Why don't Vyen and Arnold
report when they do ftnythlng particular
ly smart? What do they galn keep
ing their detoctivc exploits ecrot?
One of our colored corrcpodent, on
Sunday morning, said that tho local item
in which we announced that Talbot, had
been appointed "principle of tho colored
schools, purported to como from the direc
tors. It did not purport any auch thing.
It purported to coino from Tiix BuLtE-
Tix. Tne dlroctors, ol course, appomieu
Talbot, and vie wore informed that hii ap
pointment would give vory general satis
faction to tho colored population.
For. fresh oyster, go to the New Del-
"Wanted. A boy to strip tobacco. En
quire at tho cigar store, No. 30 Lighth
street, between asbmgton and Commer
cial avenues. d2t
Notick to Tkaciieiw. Tho board of
examiners for the county of Alexandor,
will meet for tho examination of tcachori
of public school, on Friday tho Oth inst,
at I o'clock, p. in., ut tho school houso on
lfilh ftrcet, in the city f Cairo.
.lonx U. Wiutk, County. Supt.
(iitAND Oi'ksino. Tho undersigned
will re-open his Milliard Suloon, corner
of Walnut and fifth streets, this (Tues
day) morning, September 12th. lie hat
newly fitted it up in splendid stylo. A
free lunch will be spread at 10 o'clock, to
which tho public aro invited.
l'rof. Alexander Fletcher's string band
will bo In attendance.
Titos. PncKMA.v.
Nuth k. The incinbors of tho Cairo
I Chamber of Cummercu iiro hereby ro-
t re on Wednesday night, at H o'clock. I quested to meet at tho St. Charles llote,
-Mulbus, of tlio firm of Mathus & Uhl,
ha returned to tho city from a very ox
tensive trip through Georgia, The peo
p'.u down there, like liurnside, tiro hopeful.
On .Saturday night tlio Hibernians
worked on one pump. Mac. thinks that if
ho had had botli pumps in working order
he could hare squirted water over tho
John Thouiii.', a colored timu and
brother, in a drunken frenzy rode his
none iurioii:iy niong uoinmercmi awiiuo
on Sunday, lio was arretted und fini-d 5
ui.d coals.
Tho unique lollor of J. T. Al'.uii,
colored man, Vill iitlrarl tho nttontion of
our republican readers. They must go to
work and whip their olntrtporom colored
voters back into the (races.
The Sun ays .Mr. llarrell, of Vl,t J'a-
rr, has not bowed the knee to tho lluul nf H. Mbtoai.k.
W1I) YOU ?
Editor Cairo lluUttin il feel It thodu-
ly of myself and all other colored voters of
Cairo to say something about our good re
publican friends, who are giving us such
good treatment. They Bay they are our
friends, and so thoy nro,whcn llicy aro in
need tf our votes J but nnt indeed. They
refiuo to grout ui privileges Hint the
democrats will, and still they say that tne
democratic party is our worst enemy. Hut
I am under the Impression that tlicy nro
standing In their own light. At tho lust
city election thoy were going to do wonder,
and they did. Thoy'hhvo bccnwns good ns
their words liko h 11. Mr. I.unsden was
going around getting tho nnmcs of compe
tent colored men fr a week to place inem
in nomination bsforo the council, but al
wav fulled to do so. Mr. John (lladnoy
went to him and nsked him to put him bc-
foro tho council as lailor.and his reply was:
"John, my boy, you nre too lnte. 4 havo
my nominations nil tnado out."
So, now, Mr. Editor, wo nro coming ou;
on the ticket that supports us. We, ns n
body of men, will not support any party
that" will riot support us. So, bring them
outjif you can to a straight Dght. It seems
as if.thcro was a mighty black cloud ovor
the Sun. It don't shine on Sambo liko it
it did. So.SIr. Sun man.plcaso tell us what
is do matter wid you ? J. T. Allen.
Cairo, lLX.cpt.11 'Tlr
tuksdai,.12to isst. ruoariAMME.
Tho ladies of St. Joseph's Catholic con
gregation havo organized themselves into
a society, tho mission of which is to pro
vldo the" ways and means for decorating
tho church, and furnishing the ornamonts
for tho altar. In furtherance of this ob
ject thoy havo concluded to glvo a grand
concert and festival, at School's hall, on
Tuesday evening, 12th Inst. Tho pro
grammo of tho proposed concert is as fol
lows t
By Professor Iscnberg's String Band.
1. The March of Coronatlon.1 Stratus
2. I'otpourie "C
1. Tho WlDRH of the Night-
4. The TcinjitntiOD ........
i. Aria of Omce
1. Corn Flower C. Coote,
2. Mr J'oor Heart.-., .a Bishop,
3. Tu Dream or Youth ?.tru.,?'
t. i'otpourie Herold,
5. I'otrourle, (o!iinmbtila)
M. V. Weber.
,. umer.
A Joint meeting of tho flro companica of
tho city was hold last night nt tho Hough
and Eca'dy cnglno hnll.
Mr. John II. Oberly wa called to tho
chair, Mr. T. J. Korlh nppolntcd secre
tary, nnd Mr. Win. Mcllalo, vlco-prcsl-dent.
Tlio president stated tho object of tho
meeting to be tho duvlsing of nys nnd
means to obtain 11 supply of water for tho
usu of the tiro engines of tho city. Ho
said that two ways to obtain this object
had been suggested, namely, the establish
ment of regular water-works, which was
111(1 most dcsirablo if within thu reach of
tho p6cunlary ability of tho city, nnd a
system of cisterns, connected with each
other by plpei, nnd to bo filled from tho
river. Ho stated that ho nnd Mr. F.
Bross, who had been appointed by tho
presidents of tho three companies to ob
tain plans and estimates of both theso
plans, had performed that duty ; and ho
proceeded to read tho following cttiinato
for n reservoir, with lire plugs, etc.:
Cairo, September 11, UT1.
In compliance with your request for an
approximate ostimato lor regular water
works with resorvoir nnd pipes through
all tho principal strcots, and with propor
connections lor all private and public de
mands, I tako tho liberty to say:
"Waterworks for tho supply of tho prcs
ontnnd futuro incroaso of th'e population
to the extent of C0,000 inhabitants, will re
quire n reservoir to bo located on or near
tho upper part of Ohio lovoc, or, bettor, on
tho Mississippi levee, within closo proxim
ity to tho channel of.tho river. Tho
closest observation of tho engineers of such
public enterprises demonstrates that an
uvorago of fifteen gallons of water Is con
sumed by each inhabitant; tho reservoir
would thercforo need n capacity of one
million United States gnllons, or cubic
contents of 133,700 cubic feet. This reser
voir would require an area of 1 2-10 acres,
filled and walled up to "0 feet above tho
present grade of tho levee, to givo tutli
cient pressure for supplying tho whole pop
ulation to tho second story in all houses
insido tho lovce, and to tho first story in
all house along tho lovce. The relative
cost of such waterworks by an approxi
mate estimate would be, to wit:
37,620 cubic yards filllni? at JO.' 111,318 W
1,000 " puddle clay ut 10... 10,C0 ()
Inlets through the dam ofrescrtoir T.fjs cm
Main pipes through 1C Inch diameter
10.000 fact at fl,U . U,M0 0
IliTlalon pipes 3 by 4 in diameter, -i,,(f'i
foci nt feOe 10,'J M
Thirty fire hydrants at W w i,v nj
Home, machinery, tunnel under Ihhc,
and well Rmim 00
doom such n courso advisable, and, also,
If thoy should think propor to nrrango for
n grand ball nnd festival, tho proceeds to
bo appropriated towards dofraylng tlio
cost of a tyttom of cisterns, and concrally
to t-iko such action as in tliolr judgment tho benefit of Com
may uu m-cussm j n iiirincr mo oiijects ot
thin meeting.
On motion, ndjoitrncd.
T. J. Kkutii, Secretary.
Tin: Cot.oitEii Population op Oaiho.
What Shall he Done with It 7 Our
neighbor of Tht Cairo Paper, In his Issue
OAino, 111.. Sonl. 11 irk lG.ii.m.
"War Donarlmoni. HI
A. dlvlnlmi nf l..l j e
v, iviuiaiiiB nnu rcjions lor
henoflt Of Cnmtmtm 11 r1U,In
is tlio olllelal
rtj s "'Vj?n. l .v.viu I'll bllW Mint auii-.. ih.rskux IIV,nfja,
"'uinB 10:40, p. m.
or Oiiatat ahok.
of yeslerdoy, comments upon tho action of chira5o!
tho city council in giving labor to colored
men and denounces it lu very definite
terms. Ho bases bis objection to tho no
tion ol tlio council on the assertion that the
nsgrocs of tho city have no right to such
proferment bocauso they are a non-producing,
uon-tnx-paylng element of the pop
ulation, and, will, undor tho manipulations
-r , . . . . . , , . i i . ,
oi ucsigning men, siimu tun iinnu inai lecus I ... , i.
them. vBut our noichbor coos further. Ui' uT7 o?Pinw)r li.
.! .Tno tl.nl bec.liio. R.l.o l,ll,.,. I, o 5lZ 11'. x. 5! .,"""" ,";:t.0,,nu.ny
...0 , uwu, uiur .uiciiigan anu isconsln,
"ifi'wi. m ,iwu-j vuuimg nuu nuii-iux- v.ivuui ufui iiuff -T.iigianu, anu 1110
paying olemcnt of tho community thoir j)rcMllro ricn south-wostward to
presence among us raises a question " up- J1"?. lal-?otihc"lo'y
...ua ij.uv nil utui iiiik nniirn rp nr, vim
Close UMllin. In ft....!.-.! -.1 - .1
Cincinnati, o
Daronport, Iowa.
Memphis. Tenn.
Naihilll." Ti.n
Near Orleana, La
Omaha Nebraska
r ttaburnli. Fa....
HI. Lnula, Mo
HI. Paul, Minn....
Hhreyeporl l.li
icaaunr, snag.
JO; 21
JO 14
10:22 1
H '
presence nmong us raises a qu
on the determination of which dopund ro
suits that will effect our city for weal or
woe, for nil time in the future."
Let us soo whero tho logic of The Paper
would lead us.
If negroes should not bo employed by
tho city becuuso thoy produce nothing and
pay no taxes, they should not be employ
ed by any citizen of Cairo for tho same
reason; and If a colored non-producing
nnn-tax payor should bo punished by n de
nial of tho privllcro to work, becauso he
clear wenthor In Now England and on tho
uppor lakes. Cloudy and hazy weather
prevails from middlonnd south Atlantic
to lake Michigan. Thn l,.,nn,i,,. i....
0 ..w uMiuiuutui (inn
alien aurmc uio day from Missouri to
Louisiana, and cloudv weatlmr win, n..i.t
rains lias boon reported from tlio imlf
. i rn. . 1 1 . . . " . .
iv . V a -"'priuro lias raiicn uociu
cuiy in ijoaisiana,
Tho barometer will
stationary from tbk lower lakes south and
eastward, with cloudv nml nl,.,, ,...),.
Tho pressure will probably fall on tho ut
iiui iitKua wilq lnrreniinr. ar,uii,Aiw ii.i.
has not had the ability to obtain work in Cloudy wcalhor. with ruin. I nmVi),i r-
which he might havo produced something Tuesday from Missouri south to tho gulf,
nnd property on which he might havo CMlof ' ,,J''n,. douJy weather1,
.,. ' ... , , In the south Athintic states and Florida la
imiil tnifn oil whitA nnn.nrnilur.lnc. nnn. .1 . ,"""". uhu r luriua IS
, ... . nl!0 pr0C)IltJl0 Ior xuojj,,..,
tax tiavinc- laborers should also bo driven
- " - - - - - 1 rr. t I
from tho public employ and not bo allow- UK Illinois jiutual I.vhuhakck Con
od to work for tax-paying citizons
Choice Tors
At Jorgenson's may bo found tho pop
Where Do You
IJuy Your Orocorlcs?
L' ..ul,,l , r , Li a In .Tiir.i..l. 1 1
- J " -.w ,11 .Hi
sauco. 1 if
f! I,. 11..!,..., Ill.t.'.
glass, putty, etc. aug.Udtrn
In....... 1... . ...... ..... ..
Whlto's oriental pickles. u
Soils Cheaper OrocsrUs
Can U Bought '
tin 4 . T..l ........
wi.mw . 1U1 W.ll - TII
nn, ... .1 .
r-, ...uuuw luaufi, etc. aug2Cdlm
At ElchhofTUrosV Factory.
Home Industry.
Wo 1
Sell Furniture for Cash;
Twenty per cent.
T.iu... It.... . ...1 vrt. . I'...
umer ieaier in Ualn
Our Furniture.. ';
la All
Hado out of Seuonod Lumber; '
and will be
Insured for Six Months.
A Rare Chanco
-TShrive'i celebrated 11 o'ekek last
oycstori at Jorgonsen i. tf
in. ' tr
othor words, tho logio of The Paper would ofl,llrellablo company, concerning which g,n
ilrivo all peoplo from tho city who do not " """rn nmtw usos me ioiiow
Total fm.iAi IJ
In complianco with your request I havo
made this ostimato in accordance with my
best knowledge and bolief, nnd as correctly
as could be expected iu the time given,!
hope that you may bo successful in indu
cing the Hon. .Mayor and members of the
City Council to appreciate vour earnest
endeavor to do all you can for tho pros-
A choico selection of Solos, Duet?, For
zeta. and Ouartcttcs will be tunc by
xr... cl.1.!n,.. Rnl.nli Vnrkfl. Ilelz. PCritV of the city,
i , I remain mcnnwlnlo, vours trulv,
nor nnd Mendel. Wm jAUmAK(
Supper will bo spread at 9 o'clock, and
v? ill consist of oysters in every style,
cakes nnd all seasonable edibles that can
be obtained from tho market.
Thoconce'rt will commence ut 8 o clock.
Tickets, 60 ccn'ts.1
Civil Engineer and Architect.
Thochnir in discussing this report said
thut water works on this plan to supply
lp,000 inhabitants would cost not less than
$100,000, nnd that thercforo tho plan was,
for tho present ut least, impraticahlo Ho
labor in somo nroducllvn Induilrr. and inK complimentary language: "It apnoars.
, , . . ,
would allnw no norion who du not. nav I "'0,n uo OUiy statement Of tills Stcrl ntr
taxes to labor at anything. Wo need not company, that it has cash assets of
atato tho deplorable results that would fol
low close upon tho heels of such a policy
in any community.
Hut The Paper claims that all white la
borurs aggrogato their earnings and buy
comfortablo homes, whllo all tho black la
borers livo in indolcnco and aro satisfied
to ubido in the veriest hovels. Wo know
that many white laborers do savo thoir
hard earnings nnd procuro comfortablo
homes, but tho great majority of white
laborers, tho world over, fight a life-long
baltlo with poverty, and sink into their
graves almost ns devoid of the world's
goods as when thoy wore born. Wo also
know that many black men savo tho sur
plus of thoir dolly earnings nnd invest it
in litllo homesteads, while it Is true that
tho most of them go down to their graves
without taxahlo property and without
money. But this fact docs not prove that
white nnd black laborers should not bo ul
lowed to labor, but, on tho contrary,
proves that, If possible, labor should bo
furnished to their hnnd,sinco in tho pros
perity of its laboring classes white, black
Flavoring Extracts
$1.30 for cvory dollar of liability, inclu- least i-owdm
ding capita), and unadjusted losses, and an v
amplo ro-insuranco resorvo. This would Evani . c
. . . I ari a t L
maKotno not book value of tho stock, aland " w xaraer a uiaxai in u
about I5l,a much larger sum than the aver- 'amp cntmneyi, paint Druinet, tie.
ago of all the companies doing business in a'ugSW li
the Unitod Statoi, which is about as fol- Go to Jorgonscn's for imported Iu
lows: Ohio, 108: Now York Joint Stock dee oranrro marmalade, the cslabrat
Companies, 13G; Hartford, and othoragen-1 London crystal vlnepr,' la quart, at
cy companies aoing business in ow choice Uenoeao Bits. tf-
York, Hi, as par report, Jan, 1, 1871.
Of tho 227,000 of gross assets, there Is not
one dollcr of "stock notes. " premium
notes," "instalment notes," or any other
assets of a similar kind. A showing of
this tort, after a third of a century of I
honorablo service, and tho prompt pay
ment of nearly 12,000,000 in cash, for
losses, nnd regular annual dividends, Is
something that will interest all those who
rnako insuranco a profession Instead of n
gambling, grab-gamo business. Wo say,
success to tho old "lllinoi ot Alton,"
and to all other companies thaturo doing
nn honest, legitimate business."
and black-haired may be found tho pros-
parity of any country. Whero wealth ac
cumulates, men decoy; but whero tho
mounded heaps of wealth melt to fatten
tho lower lunds of poverty, theromen will
this (Tuesday; morning, nt 10 o'clock,
iliurp, for tho purpose of general business.
All Coiiimiayioii .Merchants of the city
who are not members utu also requested
to bo present.
(5. 1). Williamson, President.
Kept. Uth, 1871.
Cauh or Thank. I desire to return
my heartfelt thunks to my neighbors and
friends for the proinptnus with which
they chiiiu to thu rescue of my properly
during tho tiro on Saturday night Int-t, and
for tlieir untiring ellorts in buttling the
Umiies until all danger pvK'd. I ul.u do-
biro to thank tho firemen for their vigi-
lane and activity. Tlio Hibernians, working
iiu iu mi nuiito iiiu inviiiualilu hurvicu
in Maying the llauics.buttonll thocomnun-
ies lliberniaiif, Kutighs and Arabs alike,
my thanks aro duo uml aro hereby tondur-
tin-lie, departure. Jf ho means by this
thut llarrell is n political Hourbon, he i
ininlaken. The Sun editor U far behind
him In advanced und progressive ideas.
-lV.rick CunnlnL'ham. infill. (,f (liu
Heainer Indiana," was arrested on Satur
day charged with attempt to commit bodi
ly injury. Hehad a hearing before Judge
lircss vesterdav
w Mistoiintiivus 4 I1C
Notkt. to Siiri'i-Kus Until further
notice tho transit Mourner, Illinois, will
extend her tiips to Hickman twice u week,
viz: Tuesday and Friday mornings, and
if tho amount ot freight will justify her In
so doing, hhu will mako threoor four trips
per week. Ior tlio present, freight will
hu received on thu Transit W horf1 Uoat
Illinois Central lUllror J Company. 1
. L'iiwi, September It, 171. .
In order to accomodate poraons wishing
to attend the Jonesboro fair, a coach will
bo ottachod to tho freight train leaving tho
utone depot at 4:50 a.m., and will be re
turned on the,frpight train, lcaying Jones
boro at 0 p.m., arriving at Cairo at 8:30 p.
in. Excursion tickets will bo good on
these trains. This arrangement will con
tinue during tho fair.
Jamks Johnson,
soplld4t Agent.
"From Hec. 3,Ordiiince No. 112 Kttr.cl.)
It slmll bo tho dutvof tho city comp
troller to provide tho mentis for removing
from tho front of nil houses in tho city all
vogetables and drykitchen ollal, ot cvory.
description, provided tho como is placed In'
twxes or barrels, unu piuccu in cunvumuui
locutions in front ot mm nuuscs, noioro
thn tlmri Hied for auch removal, and that
notice shall bo given by Bald comptroller
of tho time ot sucii removal, uy, puuucu
tion in the nowspapor publishing tho or
dinances or too city. .
In complianco with iheabovu.orditiutice,
notico !s,hcrcby given that carts will run,
in all parts of tlio city on 'luesuay anu
Friday of each week during the month of
September, -
Sept. 12 (it. City Comptroller.
then prcsontcd a plan of the city with li f- grow into strength and nations flourish in
teen cisterns marked in it, which, with the consummated prosperity,
livo brick cisterns already in use, would
givo a total of twenty cisterns, located ao
so as to furnish water from Third to Twenty-first
street on Commercial avenue, from
Fourth to Division street on "Washington
avenue, and from Ohio levee to Walnut
street, and submitted tlio following esti
mate of tho cost of such a system of cis
turns :
O.HU'i, SeplemW 11, 1571.
Herewith I send you a plan for tho wa
terworks of Cairo, uccording to your idea,
given mo somo days ago, accompanied by
n plan of tho city of Cairo, in which you
Tirr. Chamiikii or Commekck. Wo
and variegated red-haired, white-haired publiih In nnolher column n call for a
meeting or tho chamber or commerce, at
the St. Charles hotel, to be convenod at 10
o'clock this morning. Tho mooting is
called, wo aro informed, for tho purposoof
discussing the possibility of reviving the
chamber of breathing into its inert car
cass vitality and new lifo. o ouo can
assort that Cairo docs not need a chamber
of commerce. Every businoss man recog
nizes the fact that tho business interests of
the city demand such a body. Why,
' . cannoi uieciiamucr oo aepi in aciivo .nd . binds of formal i
n.inu nml Miltnn Jnnicins. mo loreman oil .- !. i. ... .1 . .r , 1 - ,
1 - . , ,,,,, ,il,ui, v, 1 , , 1. ,L uuiu i,li.u tu u .L i . i.r, ... nmm 1
tho colored sidewalk gang, and two of his
A Fine Assortment
Fancy Grocer!
Kvans'. a i
-Go to Parker & Illako's, corner Col
rncrclul avenuo and ULh street, for Aurc
oil. augitKJiio
A .Sew Stock '
Tcis, Coircon and Sugars
Just Hocelved
Mr. F. l'.oso has removed his tailori
oitril,liilimet)t to bis new store, at No.
Commercial avenue. He koops on hani,
splendid assortment, of piece goods whi
ho will mako ui for his customers in
manner warranted to suit. Ho emplc
only tho best workmen, and gives
nersonal attention to the auilaau. V
. . ... ,
Wo cannot bo told that our assortlon
that negroes accumuloto property is not
correct, bocauso wo can point to the proof
even in Cairo. For instanco, it so hap-
Call and see him. anjJOla
The Cbiearo Bwr SaloMi
Schick, proprietor, Ns. 3A Mt JS
. i. . r.-n.n. nUA'nr Maattwiui
overs of Weiss' Hear, Jjiquon K ti
workmen, aro rcal-cstato owners and tax-
AVo do riot profess to be tbo champion
of tho colored men of Cairo, but wo aro
far from denying to them tho right to la-
poralion-why Is it permitted to drag . ,y, No otiintrf Umon i
wivuki ,aj .v 1 il iarutTKOt-1 SB T. inn Mir Ul aSSaSSSI aaa4laWSSkStav-W
our merchants. They are too listless to npn o-ut- .n(i accomodatlae -wsdieri.
..... I li.m .1.1 II . j ... mnxt l-Alll.ln TI..V I r 1 . T. .....,1 QVfl.V . ll&V .!
lack that eni-rpv which tells unon tho o'clock a.m. au17ti,
o.f . I
prosperity of a city, which attacks great I William Alba'i barber slop 1
it should bo thu pleasure of every white
man to lead them to industry nnd an cn-
cun perceive tho places for cisterns and litrhtcned understanding of their duties.
tho distances of each from each, and a plnn In Cuiro here, wo huvo u colored popula-
ui mo coiiuevviiig pi)us. Aiioiuur urnwing
is a detuil of thu cisterns as thoy aro to bo
constructed ; and hereunto you find an
pexed a closo estimate of thu cost of tho
whole, to-wit;
excavation for li cittern, 4" cubic
jardt eaeli, nt 'i'o per eiible yanl IIS8 00
l.teiiviition.lor ll.70 riinnlnu feet iilnex.
6,!filcit)luyarila,ati;6o 'i' w nlnm wlm t.Ivn tliem lit tin work and tol-
Lumber. S.M2 leet eypress lor eacli, for cmn9i Ns " 8' U1Cm 1W0 WOr
bor for their doily bread, and wo bolievo difficuUic3 ftIlJ no'vcr rcsts satisfied until : tn DUi,lic favor every day. It ism
!. .1. ..!. l. .1... nln...... nf .Vn. Wllltn .. ...... ' O ' .....
they ore overcome. It Is true they aro ,, Up, and can bout of tho m
onorgctic in tho public good by starts, .itlllful workmen in tho city. The p
out nicy uon i noiu out in wioso long prictor has had many years' oxpenenca.
lion that will compare favorably with that
of any other city in tho country. Wo
belicvo, indeed, that our resident colored
men arc, as a general rule, industrious anu
anxious to bo considered quiet citizens.
Wo know that tho whito radical politi-
l.'oitern. II.'.'kO leet. nt 1 01
Work on each eUtern ul for 15cl
eM co ornte them only because they can use them,
i. i . . .it,,,..
leriif. Hlnniintluu to a75 w mis leiuluiir tlietii Into ovu poiuicni nauiis ,
KlLTtt.tfo'OT 15 00 but wo cannot expect them to all at once
in iiiam-ier (Terro Cotui) 1,750 60 shuko off prejudice and jump at n truo
t.nvniL, Hnil ffiiiftitlni. i,ln,.M. nt .'.t i.r I 1 : . . .
. ft,,t ?'. .. ..' mm no I comprehension of their duties. Aftor a
pulls, strong pulls and pulls altogether, as
said at sea, liy wlncli ulonu groat results
are accomplished. For instance, they on-
torcd Into tho chamber of commorce sov-
oral vcars ni;o with a vim that gave
assuranco of great results. They wero nil
.1 . , il ,,. . t,l I . .1 ... II L.MAH'I m AV
r lin iiinL li i,v f iniiiimi in liiii Liiirii iliitt I i. d tvi.ni n nnxL uuur tu iiwipih p mwu
l,t. l,i!np and Is rccocnlied MODof
most expert shavers iri Southern IIIlrsi(
whilo young Albals.a mailer la his p
fosslon. Citizen! and strangeri Wko w
. n.lnl.ii ahavo.
i . . . ,.
and thcro held the meetings of tho cham
ber. Hut, in a short time, tho enthusiasm
began to abate. Merchant A. began to
remain at homo, much to tho disgust of
niarnlinnf Yt nutn liitirnti (n nl f m It t)in
Villin ir nml bl .uttil n i tliititli flat ncwit.,! I ... .. .... t . i f a .1 ' u
oUt?rns......"...i." oo w"ilo tlioy will learn who aro mcir true 8Ulrs only oecajonujiy, much to the dis-.
rii.M.KrH.1eiieHi0rpipe,aiWpercubic friends, nnU cut looso lrom uie Stttisfttct on of merchant C, who soon
Mnrirn l.innt'nra and Daviscs of tbo llnvf.,l thn Iht.hv nxamnln of his
,,. , , . I J O I - . ' 1
ll,618 GO I ,, . . llf. , ,.-. ..nlll.A I , l . l.
ii.; ,1,,. . , , , ... i rauioiu iiurvv. no hu u ij. wcari(.u co-iauuruo aim ou xiu .uiuu(,u
givo satisfaction to tho honorablo mavor ln t,1,ilr outcome, nnd aro willing to gjvo lho wllolo 8iphahot of mcrohants, until t
Slmmnq Roous. yoR. tXT. 1
welt ventilated ileepfng reomi In' City 2
tional Hank building., Appiy vo (
At City National Bank?
Go to Dr. McGauloy for RattUger'
. - .
only on Mondays and Thursdays. 1 am
"saulu-d man had been playing tho opoi- prepared to sign through Hills of Lading
uu. Tut iiicaiiiuiito promiuoni points roaciieu
-The Union countv fair eon,. b-v "u u"d -s'- Railroad and its
mo siuios oi ivontucky,
and members of tho city council,
i nemain, i ours Truly,
Wm. IIal'ma.v,
Civil Engineer and Architect.
Tho chairman then discussed this plnn
a;;somo lent-tii, stuting that, in his opln
thorn a fair chanco in tho race or Hie. aet tho chomber becamo like a banquet
They aro among us, nnd cannot be driven jjajj aborted. Tho carelessness of its
away, as The Paper moro than intimates fren(i, played it out. Now an effort is to
thoy must bo. Slavery Is dead, and tho ij0 ,na(j0 to rovlve it, and wo hopo tho
political cnualitv of tho colored men lias nffort tnav succocd: and it will, II tuo
bouii recognixod by law. Thoy have as morchantsgo into it with the dotormina-
dv at .1r,,.V,..,. ...1 ...ill ,
, -. ....v.v, on,. t,ui uuntuiuo tiiree
dJ. A special car will run on the UO
a.rn.frttVi i.t ...m i . . .
, o "in uu reiurneu on
,w lrMRW train having Jonesboto at 0
P-ia. Kxwulou tickets will bo good on
these trains.
rn, Mtljtant foreman of the
connections in
letinessoo, Georgia, North Carolina
bouth Coroliua, Alabama and Florida.
-L. 11. (i
uibernian eneine. va.h.. .... . ..
.1,,,,,, ... " 1 " enuing to nil
dnti at iho tiro on last 8turdav nlcht
.n .n,".. " Ml "Client tire.!
aiuniui); it .,, uleill tn crlu))J 9
c .iiimitted by a radical postmaster or a
mill,. ul tirillpft Tnnt.l...... i
...-b,.w uio uocame vory
miBiiuiiv mat ween uccauso a partv ,of
..t.i....i ., . -
viaiiuu iiiu "mound" nnd
Utmoia Ckktuil IUiiaoin Cuuranr,)
Auim Urmi, beptemMr 7, iJrll. )
We will commence the sale of tickets to
tho Jonesboro Fair, on September Uth
1 .1! ,!.... nn .1.. tr.ll. TI.Wl. I t,An if .una ., t .-... (.... .11 1. 1 ..
mm uiauuutliiuu uii .no .utu, ..uav,. w t. . uiku ii'ueilliu 1UUI 1110 CUOOP. I . . . it , i. ! .1 l tt I .......
.i ...n ,.i. r..i...... u...L. t.tM T. tnuch right to livo ir. Cairo as tho whito tIon t0 mnv0 u a success, and stick to the
s "" "u . "- -' iirciiiiiaiancos, coum ,,, h ....., .. . ..
round trip, VjQ.
The salo of tickeli to tho Union Fair, tb " was moved and adopted thut u com- . 4 : j , , I Gillkt's washing cryital makes wash
g 13
At the Delmonlco Hotel ono
ikly boardors. Fivo moals
prico $0 per week.
aue29tf WU. WlSTK.
For Salk. A cottago on 12th street, J
pontnininp 7 rooms, clstorn and out-
housos complete. Apply to
sepl2dlw Jamks Johnson, Auont vo U0Mn M Jnlrftl,. wl" commonce on "i"" snoum uo uppointeJ, to bo 1'" " o - - o
' b ' KMnml,. IHtl, n,l lu. ,lt.nHr,.,l nftn onmiinseil llf tlm nrniblnnl. ..f .1.- nfltloll. To attempt tllO POHC V of Star V ini v '
Wiia.1 Tiiky Din. Tho radical panor denarturo of A. M. train. Beotembor 23d. cjintianlcs, and two members nf c.m, them out would bo both foolish and inhu- Wantkd
of Mound City, cditod in tho interoit of Ticktts1 cood until tho 33d. lnoluslvo. pany to bo nnmcd bv tho mcmlmN ,,r o.m. mun, nnd would ignominiously fall. Is it hundred wee
uio.e ho wuik perfoctly straight Faro, round trip, $5.50. Ticket will be Ompany present, and that sat.l , not tho part of wisdom, then, to attempt 0ach doy,
paun nnd cannot tolerate linuor, which is on! salo to partlcB really going to attend bo instructed to potitlon tho council i to olovnto instead of attempt to crush
not lwiBgen bthina the door who consld- u,e Unloa Fair at Centralla-on and after point u conference committed in . L thorn to mako thorn good cltlnenii and not
. . . .. i v.. . .' - " '. I . .. . .. .
Charley Williams cUnre,! ,
bricklayer, but tlio ftlway,.,,.jttU m,uti VHronl.ed u boor saloon until they bocuti
ley-for using throatoning und of!iiinivuM'ullpy. Tho Journal explains t
language to old Jerry O Culluhun, Us I i u!r "ui " A email
lined yo dol ars .and cosU, and In dufuult 1 "'"'' on Tuesday
party was up
inoy wero (lor.
iinvxuuui witi eriL 10 .iiciiuiu ior uierer, i " Ein-'iii.iii.i i . .
- 1 l i ., uio. ' iiueiv. iinii pn.
days. w u uieimuiv,., v,,,U i'l . ,
in ouiy, i oiitu-.iuiL'iurnio Jiross us- i.i.i. , ---h uri-an n t his ultv
aitalnit ordinance hrnnl:.r fine, in ., b. ' "-''laon u Vbctr ,.fl,..i .,
amount of MM. of i w " " VoiU '";"lt"' 4 '6' UH rtl.
f . - j . ' . i u, wri, 1), ,1.. .
wore paid. UmHo this. Sinn tin r t.i
linos were collecUd. Tho umount of un
paid Ones was fOW.45. Tho city received
220 dayi work from tho iioii.fiii(j.j,ytg
cidlnanco iraashors. '
Wfl ate told by tho Mound City paper,
lit I.l.a.4 . a
Thf. .11,1 , -.:'M'0'slblo
J Muarrl ... . .
Thov miidono nubile dUt,,.i "B"'
...u, Muiil; UM
XI 1 1f . ..!. ... . " 1
.uuuiiu viityuu go m uairo tlioy at.
lowed considerable latitude, and us
as we can do is to grant tho tame in
tho loth, but to nono others.
dlw . James Johnson, Agent,
Notick. Chris. Antbes ltasoponed his
new meat market in PaulSchuh's old drug
store, two doors below tho post ofilce,
on Commercial avenue, and invites all his
acquaintances to a trial of his cut meats.
Ileef, pork, veal, mutton, sausage, &c., Ac.
Also cornod beef, pork nnd bacon. His
shop Is kept in tho best of stylo, nnd his
customers served with neatnoss and dis
patch. Tlio proprietor, Mr. AmUich, him
self attends to tho shop, and his ciihtom-
or may always feel assured of flr and
honorable treatment, full weight,- arid tho
rjM change back, whothor they send tliolr
children, or lervauls or tattuiid market'
themselves. septodim
Trt GlUet'i doMble-Ureiigth extracts.
conjunction with snid committee In rnn,i. fren.v them by attompts to drive thorn
jng a plan to procuro a supply of water away by threats or forco or proscription?
ior uio uso oi uio nro engines, and to de
vise way and means for paying tho cost
of any plan suggested. Tho cominltteo
appointed Is as follows i
Jliberniaim. Wm
Mcllalo. liresidonl
and Timothy Gorman nnd Jim.cs Ken!
1 &. Androw Eschbach, presidont,
and T. S. Korth and Wood Ititloiihousc.
Huttyh uml Jleady9, yMt iourWttrt
presidont, and John II. Oberly und .1. 11.
It was thou moved nnd carried, that
Aiturow wciiuacn, win. Uoorwnrt and
Wm, Mcllalo, tho president, of tho throo
compantos, bo constituted nn oxccutlvo
committee, and authorized to call this
mooting together again, or a iubbs moot
ing of clilitgns, whouovcr thvy might
Oyhtkhs. Louis Herbert has alwas on
bund it fresh supply of Saddle Rock oys
ters. tf
Jiw Rkckivkd. W. W. Thornton,
Tonth street between Commercial oyonuo
and Poplar street, has Just rocelvod and in
store 1,000 doors and 1,000 windows and
Fou Hunt. A now store-room, in n do
siniblo situation, compjoto lu its appoint
ments, and llitishod with counters, fcholv
liiL'. otllce. uto. Gas throughout. It Is
suitable for cither dry goods or grocerlos
Onk packace of Dr. Rattlngors tonic
horhs and roots put Up with a gallon or
HoAiiDiNc housos uso Gillot's. j ajflj
- . .. ai'ie arlt.lVl
Ing powder. ft"
' . . . , ' ma.
Paul U. acnuii aons aHiiia; -i
cincs. , T 'Li' .hi
pleaso. agiseowu.w
... farnlllM USO OHIO"
.. .1 o . ' ?
Vtmt,i.iko. 500 " trlau boxci " tot I
at 5 conU oacb; JTA W. laowwiv
JeJltf. i
W Vould call tbo atteattta oi
country friendi -who want lo W
picture. to call'on J. J. tnoibii,;
Tery pleaiant gallery1 on
avenuo for thoir awbmroodatloa, sW
really the best' artUt we tyj6 Vft
...lnni timn. . . t'iT;
i j . f.i
Frbho Oytkb'. I am now 'raoetf
. . f. . . nu.tiWva"tT' !
tion: also a provonuyo b - vailed, and Tor alo.Dy.in'."
fevers and especially atonic incases of tho most reasonable terms, lrTnw;
r.rardobillty. Price per package ways warranted Kw4l.ffh. y
cts For sale by all urst class aruBBiH
ftnd doalors in modiclno.
Notick ov Removal. J. 0. Carson lmi
...... .- I.I,. l.nllilllM'. NO.
AMAUAfl 1,1. I, , . , 1 , 1 , ' V m ,11.
.... "ta " " " " T
Tiik hotiTT
"Wm. "Wmtl
Gillei'i extinct, a'
t nr.. near tho corner of Tonth stroet nnd
i'.i ..i.i i .....i !. i ...... . mi rv.m.ini nunmin. where may be scon a
umi,muiiiiiiuu,ni,...i,. , ,. , ,J nl.. . -nnn-
north side of nth street, between Commor- full stock of musica , m. rumenu, Jrr
clal and Washington nveuusD. Apply to ulUslc and notions. Also a largo ioi oi - r o- : 7,
KvN AStoir. JChU' popular butchyf W
ro-opon hli meat .maikV pn uowore
avenue, next door to Cirroll'ign5ry,
it. J. Cunpifk,
sepTdtf Cor. Cth et. nnd Com'I two. I uiticblucs.
.1 ...1 ...ltn.a
colobratod Whoolor & Wilion nowing colved frota' ptoplo'Of tbat portion!
cpWlv Uia city.

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