Newspaper Page Text
To UrbjlllaUU Porionsl To ljrnrpticii I To Hullercr from Liver Com plaint I To those having no Appclllcl To IhOSH with Ilroken Down Constitution I Nerrous People I , To Children Wasting Away I Or UnlfcrlBs; Mills nay of Ibe Following NylllIO!IIN, Winch indicate riisoauiiiiii Ltvra rmSroKACii t i Hucli a Con tdlpMion, Inward Piles Fulness or . llloodlutti,Uend, Acid' llj of ill" blnnnrli, Nauira, Heartburn, Digul for I'ood. Full, urn or Weight In the Kbimach, Hour hriicttaliona.bihklngor Muttering at Iho I'll of the Mninaeh, Kw linmltiv of tint Head. MumedorUiltauIlllrestlilhg.HulUr.iig ntthn Heart Choking or BiillorallngWensations whtu In Lying Posture", Dimness ni .Vlsltai, Dots or Webs before the Hlt, Fever mm1 Dull l'ln In the HSad, IMIrlency of Perspiration, Yollowneaaoftho akin and Eyes, I'.iln in tlm 8ldP, Back Chut, Limbs, rto bnddeaTlu-dies of Heat, miming in the, Flesh, Con steal Imaginings of Evil, and flreat Depression of bpirlU, HOOFLAND'S GKUMAN BITTERS A IHtkrt without Alcohol or Spiritt of anyktnd, S ilitteienl f(0m l Others, tl It composed of 1 llin pur Juices, or ltal Principle 01 Ibmts, neroe and mitt, (r, Knn-ilclll; termed, Ki tract,) lbs worthies or litcrt portions of tl,n In gredients not toeing used. Therefore, In on lol fin nf thin Hitters Uirro is contained a tnncli medicinal virtue as will be found in irirnl k. Ions of ordinal? tnlitures. The room, tic, me. I lu thin llltura are grown In Ueruiany, their tltal - prlwtlplei MtranU-H la that votiblrr by a scien tific Chemist, and forwarded le I'm inaniif,-torv la tliia city, whero they arecbnfpoandedend hot.; ij. iniaiuing ill spirituous lugrc'iieius, mis UiiWa la free from the objections urged sailnit II other. No desire for stimulant can bo in. lured from their use; they cannot make iJrilnV ards, and cannot under any clrrumataimia hate anr but a beneficial tdtccl. HOOFL'AD'S tiERMAN TONIC M TV ( fu compounded for thoe not inclined to e Irene bitters, ami' Is intended for ue lu run hen some alcvhl)atimulant la rrnulred locun aellon with th TortTc propertlra of the Hlttera. Mm oulOf''li, Tttino iwnUmi pui- Ujttle ol U JlilUra, cotnbtned Wlth'pure Hi ST A CUI.'Z MUffraad atrrored tnaueb mtnner tbaithe n- I. aaaa bHUrneil of the Hitter li'oieroolne, Tornuajt a preparation highly ajrreeaUe anU IrteaMBj m uiaraiaieL ana cuniaininK uie inoaict L hiaTftrTOea of tlA VllLerx. Th price ol the :Tol la fl.SO t botlla, wlilcU,jiMmjr peraona XI n IX" ii"J mini iaae inu coninier nthatariaitlmolatit aied is guaranHfd to l ol pure quality. A poor article rotud ii rur BiSiied at a cheaper prfee; but la It not belter to pay a liltla mom and liate a good article?. A Bedleinal renrilo akouVl contain uooe Imt the bail Ingredient ; and they who expect to ob tain a cheap compound, and be benefitted by it, rui moei certainly tx cneateu. HOOFLAITO'S GERMAN BITTERS; 0B IIOOFI.A MI'N C3-Eia2wEu2r TOITIC; WITH lUOOFLANir.Sl'OUOl'JIYLLIN' I'ILIj WILL CUIIK YOU. The are IbeUrcnlent Illoml I'nrlll. era Known ll'o the medical world, and will era,licat dlm-aeee arieiuK iroin tmpurti muou, vuim wi imu Ii!etlToOrKn, or Iieaied hirer, In a ahorter time than any other knonn rem edles. 3 t 4 V I TberWliola Supreme court of I'ennnjnania Lieak fer'lbel retnediei. Who would MA for nora dlgnlaed and trongvr testimony f rion. Veorre w. nowwaru, lurinrny vmri ua 'tie or the Haieeme Court of Penturrlvanla, at preaeit meruuer oi wuKtuaa iruui nouji" la, wrltea . phii-jejohi.. March u. I And HooSand'a (ierman lllttera li a rrooU tonic. lufful la dlaeaaea of the dleeitiTa orKiuu, and of teat benefit .In casta ol ueunuy auti wuu oi lerrous action Is the ayatem. Voura.trulr, (iEultOKW. WUOUWAltl). lion. James Thompson, Chief 'Justice of the k$u pnimotouttol renneyiTania: ' . l'hllidelphla, April 28, Ua. t niiimr irfland'a German lliltora a Talua 4e ineUiclne In caaca of attatka of Indiication or I)spepsla. 1 can certify thin Irom my cxperl. Incoot 1L Voura. wltrt reepect. I ' JAMKSTnOMraON. lion. (Jeorge Bharawood, Jnatlco of the feupremft I (VurtofVcnnajlunla: . - ' 1 h'aror found br cxirience that Jioorland'a liermaa Uittera la a,Teryj;ood tonic, relleTin Irencptio aymptoma almoal'dlrcctly; llon.'Wra. rUdferi', Mayor ol the City of Jiuf. WlOa yl ! 1 -, Mayor's Office, Iluflalo. June 22, UtW. i hm mtd HuHand'a rrtrrhm' Bltteni nnd nnin ia m lamirv durluv the nast yenr. and can lecommend them as an excellent tonic, Impart Hi (t tono ana vigor to mo HTStein, i uvir mn niu I Ion. James M.,Vood. ciMayflrql Willmmnjiort ii . . ' J tike Kroat pirmaoao m rrcommenuinic iioui .n.i'ifiArminTnnin to. any onouhomav buaf llcted with Dyspepsia. I had the Dyspepsia so adlj .HUM jniHoajiibie to Keep any ioou on mj lumacli, and I beeatne ao vreaic ru not to oe auie i waiK nan a miw iwv uotnea vi ivmu oted a perfect cure. JAM KB M. WUOK I uuMmkiivtliil lrnnaanil'fi nortniln lliUnra. lod lloolland'a German Tunic, will euro ctcry 9 VI . UARA8UDB, OR WA8TIKO AWAY OY TUa' liOIY4 aaaabr that Hoofland'a Herman ttama. Ilaa are the medKlnea youTeomre to purify the lood;icialheenlf UTer tohoaltiiy action,,BkW.Ji to-patw baJT through any pdhlpiMejporet. - ' zona U ll ' lm .or OOBIUMUfl joi wctcury i Mia, it x W0 mia.AJW.B , tho most powerf!, yt lH"fi6rric-lelarrto .Ute a handlul oil thee Inirtd produce u aeatraa esneu 'vma or, tuern ee. 1 lie tho A Ico JKlnSi of MaiHiW' wW , a more Dowerful. actinic and search ImM more powerful, acting and aearchiug, tkn le Maadraifl itielf,,. lta pycullar action In u v liver, ciaaaiag H peudlly from all oust ohsPwimil the potior of' Mercury, yet cuuar action 11 upon true free saiUleUakirloui results attacuod to the li.o ' that minera Iia.aIIh luum In wl L iaileafetii these pillt will Kite entire sallsfac, ea in wnicn mo use oi a cainaiiw , loa in ererr caae. , TMy mkvw All : Complaint.' DyincDsla. ami ttaPDUTnai.Df.lIooaandOermaii lilt. raorTaolc.iriouVd be used In toilnection with 'rain., tnia tamo tnecioi hi niwn r iouiu, ,ii,i untheiTitom. The Uittera. or Tonic, nu. Lma. th blood. atrcDBthena the aerves. rcu. IlateflheTJTtri Ud Kires strength, energy and Jv ep your uoweie acuio witi tuo ri)it, uuu l.k. bb thaatatem with Uitters or Tonic .and la diaaVae tail retalnUio hold, or eyen isbaII you. I TUtOllect that t la Ir II oofland'a (lennaii Ilem rreajIWiMftiOfUiuyarsaiiy useu nnu nifiny. nTyndadf and do'nit Mfow- the druidtlut to iaraw you totaka anything else that be may say i lust as c oodi tiacause he makes a larger protlt n il. TKeae retnediei will be vent by Kinross to ylooaltttlipoa apjuicavion louie i iuixoii au WPIflK at llin irKHHAn si Etiiuin r. siuur. ItlAitOa 8TUET. l'illljAUKLPUIA. fOIIAN. M- KVAXH. l'ronrl THE BULLETIN. I'ltbllcnllnti Ofllco, Iliillelln Ilullillnif, WllNlllllBlOII AVl'IIIIO. COMrERCIAL. JIojday EvrMNO, Hcpt. ll,l;i. Tlio weok oncris with n tolurablv fnlr markuti; Tliuro h n 1:00 J dcmurid for (rain ana prices now n lonuunoy tu Ad vance, una Jiny rnnrkat nito hnsciinngcu (or tlio bolter, though tho improvement It not decided onoiiirli to wnrrntitnnv tncclftl congratulation m yet. uounify I'mauco Is in good dcmuml. The WMthor H fiilr nd'ilensnnti FliOUK. The dcmiind for tho nltdlum and hlL'hor crAdes Is toitiiwlmt Imritovcd. I-o criidw nrc not cMnlln.'d ion, Hiilefl wuro - 158 bits. Various (Jmdei, on orders 1 $1 VG 7 M COO VaHout Grades... I 7 1 20 " X 5 00 COINS'. TJib iniirkut la bnro nnd llm cnrcltv tends la nil ndvniii'o In nricci. Sslt'i wore , 1 cur -Mixed, in bulk, oil Unci; li.'jf 1 " " " from storo He 1 " Cholco AVhitc, In bulk, on track .......( 40c 1 " White, in bulk, on track. 4'Jc MMJ sacks " del CHj 1200 " 11 from t tore too 800 " "' ut tlm lAtirtliiK... CSc 'I cars " 011 1'. T. OATH. A Kood dcinnnd oxiftn for Onts and prices rule firm nnd lilirlier tlinti fit last report. Sulci woru Scars, 111 hulk, on track ,....3:icr!.'c 8 ' " llnlerm 35c " " on tr'ck nuro While" ' 3ic 1 " in sacks, on track Jlu I " " del ,.4lcf)l2c 1 " Korthern, in aiiekn, del 12Ci"I3c " 011 1'. J . HA Y. Choice 1 scArco nnd in refiiwwl. and wit liun Imjirovod innrkct, prices tend upward. Hales Were i curi, Jlixod, del $IS OOiW 10 00 1 " strictly nriwo MUM. del lfiOO 1 " Choico .Mixed, del... 3)00 UUTTKK. It In moderaludeinund. nnd prices aro ousy. .Sulci wero J bucket!. Ulioicu 20d o llrklns " J0c 10 buckols strictlv Choico 22c 2 kegs " 11 22c EGGS. The supply" U smull nnd prices ro Hrm ot hd van cod rate. Snles wore .'0 pkgs. fhipuQr'i count 18c(a,20c CIIlCKKN'S. This market Is filir. and iteady at qurttutloru?. Sslfc wore. 0 coops, young nnil old, 2 00 (j8 00 : priDg 52 wj 3 Old S3 CO CD 4 WJ MKAI. Tho market is not eitonllnllv changed since last toviow. .Sales were 100 bbls. City .Stcnm Irlel $2 80 100 " " " del 80 100 " Kiln Dried, from store $2 bO 1'OTA.TOK.S. Unchanged. Sitlca wcro 10 bbls 52 00 60 tacke, per bushel' 1 00 I car, in bulk del E0 r JtUn. reaches nro becominc scarce. Apples are dull. It is too nnrly in tho season for Any very active triide. Sales wcrc- 20 bbl. Mixed Apple! $2 00 20 " strictly choico S2 00 l'KOVlSlOKS.-Ve uuoto- 1 cask. Clear .Siddi 0c 300 lbs Hrcakfast Uacon 13Jc SUNUKIES. 00 bbls, Lime 1 35 UOAT KTIIKKK. S A M W 1LSOX, Dllttl t X BOAT STORES O K O C E K I X P . l'KOVISIONS, :tc, So. 110 Ohio Levee, :::.:: Caii-.o, Ii.i.. oenras raoartl.T rutrp; G. I). WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, - No. 70 Ohio !.', oo. C A I It O, ILLINOIS. VSpecIal aitention KlTen to t'onslcnmciits and tjlinc orders. IMMIUUANT THUUTJj, IMMIGRANT TICKETS YOl SALE, ) fr Pale ( FOR SALE, ' I KcrHslej FOR SALE. J Koraa'olFOR BALE. Faro from Liverpool, Faro from LoNDCM)Ki:ny Fnra from OLAiaor, Faro front Queknstown TO CAIRO, $48.20 Hatlord, Uorns A Can , Aiienls. INMAN LINE Liverpool cw.Yotk ahd'PiilUd'lphia Steamship Company, tBDIB OONTBACT WITH VX1TEO miu"ll UtlTlill aOTiaxwt.VTs For.Carrylng tlio Mails. FOR PAB8AOK TICKETS i oa rtaniia iroiTio APilLY TO JOHN G. DALE, Aot,, 1 IS llroajway, New-York, or In II. Ho lip t, Washington Avenile. Cairo lllnnn 41 UUNNMIT1IM. JOHN A. KOEIILER, Msnulucluror ot all kinds of shot a-TJisrs, UIFLES AND PISTOLS. keys m:ade to order. All UIssUn of Work nud ItrprtlriuK lluuv. SATlStWCTiON WAUllANTKI), COMMKHCIAL-AV., A FEW DoOHS Itp.I.OTf roSTOVV'ICK. THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1871.,. TIIK JllUDAIi OIIAMBEIt, KSSAVS rOll YOUNO MEN (inKAT SOCIALKVUH AND AIlUSEf", WhieJilnlerlernirllh murlSKo, with aurn mean "f relief fir Ihoeriingnnil uiifurtiiiiile, dieeaaed nnd tloliUlliled, fieni In aenied entelopee, frci, o ti'S'K; AJJrnas. Ilimani Hanilarv Aid Aeaoeia lion, Nd.BHmlth Mntli rU, I'liltadelphln H. JyTdin.'lm Ml. RATTINCHIl'S FAMILY MEDICINES. BtatatBtatatatavatataVlvBval Dr. lUt'mgcr, jic;iM.r,cU;r ainl manulm lurrr U10 hOUTII 7lll-rfr., NT. IMIIS, MIKNOUltl. Dli. RATmOEliS FEVEU DKOl'B Are tha i hninpioti medicine for the cure ol Fever uud Aifiie, Ilumb Aittiu and nil other kind ol tniilnrlal fnvele, 'I hey arc purely tei(eliil,le. core qutnUly uud peruiaunntly. Ni pcraon need hare tneiever it onii tiitfc, nnt'rt tle0 dfnpe ean U; nblAinod. I'rW-i twrb'itlle, l.fc'. Ask for Dr. iiui.ngtr'n l-eter I'ropr, 1I1. 'nATTI.S'OEKS VEfJETAULE LIVKU I'lLLS Are xl ml In all I'.oen of eoitiveni , lulioua lienod irnpiuity of Dm blood, they uomain iii-iilu r cul me nbr any other meju'irinl prcpam llr.i. ; ih qit.ekly and prelum mi irripini;. I'rirc perl'ttxiltente. Ask for Dr. lUttuiKer'e Vi'ReUUfl.iver Iill. Dlt. HATTI.VOK1V3 DIAItltllOEA AND D1SKNTKKY I'OWDEIW. Are a jjejnt, quick and aafe rmtly fur all kindsol Diat-nti'ty blllictlns adiilla. I'rlco per box .Vi ccnl,. Ak for Dr. Rat. tinker's Diarrhoea and Djaentery I'oitdera. DK. ItATTINGEH'S TONIC HKltHS AND HOOTS, Jlnko a iiiporlor litomach hitlers I tery luefulas n pT"venilvagilntTnnlarialfi,Trfltid epif:l. ly a atonic lu .aee nf j otiral debility. I'rlre per (ekiit, TUHnlt. Ak lor It.iltlnBfr'i Herba. loralebyallllrft.clMs ilrogilt and dealers in medicine 2odtf UUJiKMtATLD HITTKU CORDIAL rt'HOLBSAl.K DEPOT i SCIIKETZ S NATURE'S OKEAT t K STO 1 1 AT I V E . N. W. COUNEU KIKTII AND HACK STU. I'lillnilelpliln, 1'n. Jon. 5ciiEr.Tr,,... .SOLK IT.OIT.IKTOi:, It H a reliablo 1'imilv fedieme. and run (. aki'n by either Infant or at lilt with the tmolei rWial reaiilta. It li nrertain, promptnnd t peedv emedy lor diarrhea, dycntery, boel comjied dyspepsia, lolmi of ajilrib, fainting, nek iniiiun, neani'ue, etc. rorcmux and lever oi all kind, it Ih far Udler nnd atfer than umnicr eithout any of ita ruiclotn ellects. It etlectt an ajijHiur, irovra a powrriui uiKetiior oi iooa and will counteract thu etltctu of liquor inaf u minutes. Aa indisputable evidence ofit in cal tiropertle, wo append a few of tho many tl&calca lu our poocai'inn Johnon' Dcot, Kat Tcnn., and Va. It. Teun. Jicoa Solum, Ei. DearHir: I nivoue,l th Bitter I have obtained Itom you, and t'.nd them to I all they are recommcndc-l to bn. 1 found one bottle to atlord me considerable relief, I tcel aathoiirh I cannot do very well without them, in ray prevent state of health. D. .MK.S'KiK. IMSouthCth si., Phlla. Pastor itnptist I'aaiymik C'hllrc, Hold by W. I'. AJIen,39 ilain atreet Dubuque ocilWlv LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GKEAT SOOTI1INO ItEMEDY. r. nillKUMUW Sjrup. Mr. lViini'iiMiPs Sjrup. Mrs. wiintoMirs Syrup. Cures enhe and criplnr ill the Umt Is, mid fa cflitntos tho process c f tei thlni;. uduus eonvulslrns nnd jver"omes all ,i-(at-s mid'-nt to in- Prlre, 'J j Cuts Prlff, '"a f feats. Iftitsandcliddren. Cures dlnrrtieu, uisen terv and smtitner cum. pLOntinchlldienol 1)11 Prlrr, teuts. It is the (Iroiit Inf.ini'i and Chtblren's Koolhing rteiiifdy in all disorders broucht on by Teething or any oiherctue. I'repsred by tlio flltAMXl.N MEDICINE CO., &t. Louis, J!o. 8o,l by Drugsists nnd Dealers In Medicine everywhere rr.yTdwUm MANHOOD HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED Just publuhcd, in a scaled envelope. Price.Ccts. A lecture on the natural treatment, and rndica! euro of !ierinatorrhea or Somlnel eKknes, Ill voluntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impe demeiils to MarriaKO aenerallyi Nervousness. Constimplton, Epilepsy, nnd I lls; Mental nnj I'iiYsieal Incapacity, resulting from solf nlue, etc., by Itobt. J, t'uncrwcll, M. D., author of th "Oreen Honk," eto. "a noo.v to thousands or surFKittr.s. I rvnt liniiec, in plain i nvelope, to an ad dress, postpaid, on receipt of slv cent", or two po'lflge stamps, by Chits, J, C. K tills A 1 27 lioery,Ne VorU, Pustolhco box I ,io. 'i-nd.l Iiin3 MAYNARD'S STAB BITTEBS THE BUST TONIC IN USE I roit hai.ihii E. P. MAYNARD, PROFR Pia?TQ33"U"EG PA. A HOOK FOU THE JULL10N. MAlMlTAni.' A Pilvntn Couiuclor MAllUlAUi n Uin jirrt,, r (IIIIDF Ihuso ulsiutto marry "li tun luiysiuiOKietti iiiystiirirsiind revt l.tlloiiB of tho pc.tiiul Ktstrm wuli tho Intestdlscoteries in producing and pro. entliiKnltsprlii), prescrviim llieompif.ioii,.c. Thin is lilt Intel esllllK Mirk ol' luohllllilredlllld twenty-four pajjes, with numerous rnumtiiiKs, ami contulns vnluublu inforiiiatlnii for lliov,ho arn mnrriod orcouteinplata inuirlni'iii still it Is a book that ought In hn miller lock nml key, nnd not laid citrclersly about llm limine. Kent to any one (fico of postage) for 60 cent Address Dr. llutts Dispensary, No, lii, KlKlitliaii'ovl, '.it. Louis, Mo, Mo(nto tlir Afllleteilaiiiiyiifortiiualo, Ucforii OuplyloK Ip tho notorious Qimcks who adrortiso la trie publb) papers or usintr any Quuok remedies, peruso Dr. llutts' work, no initttor FAMILY mitOCTUU. LOUIS JORGENSEN, Dealer Inall kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY O-BOCHBIBS. i ' l iirmcr'B Ynrcl .aad '.Mrabllasj WITHOUT C1IAHOE. Cor, W.W)hitigtonav and Twoiitieth-st., CAIRO, ILMKOIS lv27dlf V.VDKRTAKKM. W. O. OARY, l'RINCII'AL UNDERTAKER, rvj lr J- "3 4 J v. K H - V. s o W 4 SALES ROOM, No. 13 SIXTH STREET CAIKO.ILLIMOIS. NICHOLAS FEITH, GENERAL UNDERTAKER, B t ?: a s, I fa cj h & U il I Zz O z I C- IB mm s -1 EH Cor. AV'tslilngtoii.nV.nml lltls-eal., CAIP.O ILLINOIS. ' arfM3m IIOOKN. w A O H H U3 o P L ! if M v d -a 2 03 u ' rs 2 c S a - a c a m 5 2 y. S HI o (A 3 55 i 8 E-i tn fi o E 2 o Ji c o V4 u o K it "A is o A 73 w A O H W A o H HTOVVM, TIMWAKK, ETf, A. II A L L E Y, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow-Ware, Clothes Wriniiers Tnllo Wtite, Coal Hods, Klro Shovels, Air (iatei. uiNcrACTt'Bta or TIN, ZINC, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. No. 1GG Washington-avonuo, CAIRO, ILLINUItJ. 9R0nllnir f!llll..rii,. .,,! .11 nflnk 'vork ilnnmit li,,il.l nmh-e. Il lil.llf I.K4JAL. NOTICE. Nnllcu is hereby Riven that, whorem, William r.)1!" on ,IU tenth day of ilnruh, A, D. h,o, by his eertnin chattel mnrtKiiso convey to banili O. KelloifK, tho two (.lory brlolc hlorc Meek number ti nty.Hvo 185), In tlm city ol Cairo, counly ul Alexander nnd stalo nl Illinois, toffntlier wlili tho IrnschOld of said lt, rnniunu ,..,i-u ni.ilillUll Ull IIU II lllllicr N I L Ml . HI until tlio l,t day ut January. A. D. Wl, Willi mo nppurienanuus thereunto Im IijIikIiik to secure th paymei.t o u ceriaiii tiroinlssury note bear liii! even date theiewith, uivcn by said Wllliani J. Jostto said HarnhO Kelloae for Iho sum ol twcntylliree bundled dollars iiayablu one year idler tho iliiln lliereof. And, whiirens, default 1ms boen madn in tha payment ol a part of said nqte, to stvuro Iho payment whereof said morlKayowns excenied.- 1, the undersigned; II, Walsmi iVebb. kttnrney fur said Harith U KellOKK, niQltitui'ee, will under and by virtue of the pow eraul uiithorllyioiilaineil In said inortsaKe, on Monday, the Ituh ilsy of September, AO) lbll. hetwesn iho hours of 10 o'clock a.m. and O'OlOl'lC 11,111, ot SUM 'HlEBafBl a BBMrMjpfyfS,m. TA orhrrai. aobntm. HALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENKltAL AGENTS, '. ' S . . i - dl FORWARDING and COMMISSION MKUCUANTH, ana ' DEALERS IN FLOUR; AndAanUof . - , L is ..' Ohio Hlver sBdUsuismlMB SALT .COM 3PJL ITIKSI 70 Oino Lkvf.e, CAIHO, ILLINOIS. BRVOH. BARCLAY BROS., OHIO- LEY EE, biiao',' iLta" ' ID IR, XT C3- C3-1 S T S r SARATOGA SPRINGS i rctt. aiast AT BARCLAYS' DEUO 6T0RC FaasaurrLY, Daur. MOCKING- BIRD FOOD ati asa&iroa raiJwiTB0fT; taorsn At Raiclatb'. JJKLMBOLD'Q GRAPE t catawba ytr okapi 1 PILLS il t fOKAPl 5 : i ) 1 1 GRAFS ) GRAPE I CATAWBA S i I ORAM j PILLS 4 CATAWBA ILe CiW 1 WW ab All or UELMBOLD'H MEDICIS EH nun irou tiut uamps, Ala-ays la stok Ib larg supply, and for sals b Maralajr Irsi, PEE3H BIjX7B X.IC2C JUST uioiivid sap Kor Hole hr tko Olataa BUle SH-dsUUas AT BARCLAYS'. rExTRA Fine CoLooim; I9Gkmuiv IurouTXD Extracts ; I9Uair, Tooth avd Nail Drushis; &India Ruouku Nursery Goof ST BAEOiiAY BBOB. l'URK WHITE LEAD . PURE FRJCMCH ZINC. Host grades la lerfo stock and va ' rlsty, very eheap; auot Full Li jib or, Color, ay p ti on, Palat, Brash, Llaseed Oil, Whitewash P,1SBM TurpenUue, Vara'shes Etc, etc., ill. iiiui iSD sTiBuia qvniriM AT liARCLAYtt't lldUHU BtttVIKU. HOUSE MOVING. JAMES KENNEDY, raxcTicaL HOUSE MOYKU. AND BUILDER Is prepared to do all Iliad of HOUSE MOVING, HOUSE RAISING HXfAIRlNU 09 BTKRT DISCKll'TIOK BUTCHER". JAMES KYNASTON, Onlrhor and Denier lu all Kind Frfb Meat, Oiusin NiNitsiKin ad rortAiStanr. CAIHD, ILLINOIS. BUY.) and slsushters only the very best cattle, boas nnd sbecp, and Is prepared to fill any demand for fresh meats from one pound to ten .miupnini imunds. o20tf. JOHN REOl'l'LE, Sa usago Manufacturer or ALL KJNDS. No. 87 Couur.nciALAT. tiet. Ctii Iaxd ctu Sthkets. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. septllf WALTER & MALONY, BUTCH IE IR, Si 1U DBlltU FRESH MEAT, Kioiitii Strrkt, Rktwren Wahiiis6ton AND COMUKRCIAL AVKKUKH, AUalHlntT Rtttcnlionso Se nanny's. Keep tha ,1ms) of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, flauaae rh "anil are) prepare! to serve oiliaens In ifio iiiosradi4i(al,rt5 rrisiiner." aclkX 4J4OKIrt MTOVEM. THE TWO arof fllsrrariil, Fopnlnr and Prrfeet ' t v v ' " MACHINES EPICURE BROILERS, lioth are nf llm aimpiett conitruotlnn, and so eaally managed that we guarantee them tp give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. As no article in the household has a ercater in fluenco In nromotins tha health, comfort and ban. jibjss ui ins laiiiuy circm man uie cooking ihiii, ii in economy as wen as policy to get tuo very best ; and In Buying the CHARTER OAK You can rely on getting tho most successful, p ular and purfict cooaing stove ever nude, using tho KPICL'RK IIROII.EH. You aro alwavs sure of bavinir Julev. Tmdet an Delicious Uecfstakev, Cnieken, Ham, Chops, etc sold ur Excelsior Mauufucturing Company, 6I2andU N. Maln-st7St. Louis, Mo. AND ALL LIVK StoE PEALEIW. C. W. HENDERSON, Agent, Cairo, Illlnola. septSdawlm OAN FITTEHK. P. S. MURRAY, GAS AND STEAM FITTER HAS HKM0VKD VUOM l'KI'.RV 1IOU8R 10 Tllk BRICK HUILDING on SEVENTH ST OPPOSITE winter's I1LOCK, OA I HO, ILLINOIS. HE has greatly improved bis Block, and has now on hand all kinds of CIIANDKLIURH, PKNDENTH, OLODKS, URACKETS, HALL Liani-s, SIIADEM, RTC. HE HAS MARKED DOWN PRICES o tho lowest living figures, and ho invites the putronage of the public. WIIOI.KNALK CROt'ERH. R. SMYTH & CO., j WHOLESALE GROCERS, OHIO LKVER, CAIRO. ILLINOIS). A'so, keep constantly on hand a most core plelo slock of IsIQ,UODRS- SCOTCH AND IRISH WIUSKIIIS , -OIN8,- Port, Madorla, Shorry nna Cntnwlm Wines R SMYTH A CO. sell eveltislvely for , which faot thev Invito tho especial alien iiuu ai cioao uarBiun uuyers. Bpteial atttnUin t'rtn W Filling Onltrs HILLINKKN. MRS. I. SWANDKH, DEALER IN MILLINERY Aau LADIES FURNISUING GOODS, ('usnerelal Avenue, nioahe Elllo assd Haylhorn'B Cairo, Illinoib. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WEAR Oi the period are our well-knewn BANKS. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS Ctanrterest Mutch SI, 1S69. omci m CITY NATIONAL BANK, CAIRO '' ornctssi i A. li. SAFKORD, President H. a. TAVI.OK, Vlce-Preaiilenf. W, liyLOPrf.cTeiary and Treasurer. marxTOBSl.., P. W. IlABctxr, F. It. KTilrarLctll. Cwss. Otuauta, PxrtO. BcavH. it. II. CisKisaniw, W. P.Hmmar, J. M. Pnturrs. lcMlu or any Amount Rtledrrona Teu AJuta sjpnajrala. iNTERK.1T paid on deposits at the rato of six I'M cant) pyr aapu-n.MariiU 1st and Beptem r tst. Interest not willldrawn le ailded Imme l ately to the pnnclpal nf tlm deposits, thereby giving them eoiiis)u. Interest. UARRIKD WOMBK AND C1IILDRKN MAT DKfOMT M0N tT 'J rrtit no OSS tui caf cbaw it. Open evory busioe-a day from 9 a.m. to S p.m., and Knturday evening lor HAVlNll DKPOilTS only, from 0 to 8 o'clock. nuartf tV. HrSLOP, Treasurer. rptrT? nimv vAmrnvAT liliJ Ull 1 AlXx A J2A DA IHO ILLINOIN. CAPITAL,, $100 01) W, P. HALLIDAY, President; A. II. HAFFOKD, Cashier; WALTEK UYaLOP. Assistant Cashier. niatcroBSt Htists Tivuia, Koaiar U. Cinstsauiai, Heorr Whitb, W. P. HiLLinat, Uto. D. Wulumsox, MTsrusx Ulan, A. tl. til i roan. ExekaaK, Coin and United HI tea J Bond Bought aud Hold. DEPOSITS received, and a general banking business done. FIRST NATIONAL BANK or cAiito. DANIEL HUKD, President; KOBERT W. MILLEK, Vice-President; C.N. HUailES, Cashier. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. EXCIIANfin, coin atatcs accurltiea bank notes and Unitad bought and sold. Inleroat Allowed on Tlmo Depoaita SALOONS. EL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND BAR IiOOH. JOIIN HATES, Proprietor. 104 Commercial Avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS Beet brand of California Cigarsjus't receive3t BILLIARD saloon furnished with lhaibeat at tables; and bar sunnlle.1 with trh n.,nM md cigars of Uie finest brands. !- FITZGERALD'S SAMPLE EOOM9. Cor. I'ourtwenth Nt. and Com mercial Aveuue. ITIITZOhUALD'S Hnmplo Itooms aro stocked .Willi mire Imported wines, liquors and cigars. a.m! " Jiepensed from the bar in nrat-t-laas 'Vmi7'!'" ,Vob4,,fre,uWI'1e South- .... mum uuuo IWUir BIOCKeU. UB I (UU test the various brands ot wines and liquors. JOHN II Y LAND'S SALOON, rner Tenth Ntreet and Commercial Avenue. SUPERIOR liquors, beer, ale, etc., and fragrant Havanas always on nand. Tha ii,,.ir,nr, ,i. Iiihtful hererages aliotild not lail to call and emoy them. All their wants will be attend to in a man. . .. win warrant a return. All Ills liquors, . - wtii meciiu wiin grea are and critical taste. UROVURIEN AND DRY GOODS. WILLIAM KLUGE, rsiLsa II FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, RTC, Has Just received a heavy slock of Hoots and Hhoes, Hosiery and Notions, FOR SALE FOR CASH VERY CHEAP He also has a fine Block of Family Groceries ot every aiuu. CORNER SIXTH-ST. AND COMMKR UliVlv-rt. v., CAIRO, ILLlKOla COAI. AND WOOD. woodT"w0od!7"'wood The undcrslyned will furnish HARD AND DRY WOOD An Cheap, If not Cheaper Than any wood dealer In Cairo. Leave orders on iho slatoa at llin TostotHco ami at Itosa' coal yard, on Cuiniiierolsl avenue, between Tenth and Twelfth streets, Cain). Illinois, 1 give good ineaaura and will card tho wood up if desired. aualo-U DENNIB HALEY. F. M. WARD, WOOD AND COAL MERCHANT. F UWJfn !" PrPre.l to deliver the Ie4 Hre Wood) and atone Coal IN ANY PART OV TIIK CITY,