Newspaper Page Text
I'OMTK'.II.. IHJMOt'HATIC COUNT V COX-. i eantentlohof tio tlemotratic parly hereby called tn.tni-tt nt the MOrlthdui in Ciiio, on twi&ijlM Whunjii pejueniwr, it7i,nicnc f'llWKi P"1" ""I I mw-ll.RI f s,lf i lo ll.n Ieniocratia State Convention lolir'l in Sprinflneiu on mo m uay or ucicikt, M7I, for nominating n candidato far Cmml Treasurer at Ijic coming Noromber election, find ih trannfflo'n of filth other business as may deemed nooessary by said contention nncn aMembled. ForlheaDpolntment of delegates to saldqnun lyoonwilion, the Democrats In thoscteral pre elmtl In Alexander toiinfy are hereby noilfleJ and reqOMlcJ to hold precinct meetings fit their reiptctlre places of liolJInr. elections on fcnlurJurtne Hlh day .of September, 1871, at i o'clock, p.m. The nnmper of delcKte a to which each precinct l entitled belnK i follows Til IUtltvood... S Clcur Crcclr I.... 1 TliPl'OA-... . Unity - Doff Tooth.... booth CuirJ... 11 order of Pcpt. 4,11-1. . 1 4 .... -i ..13 Santa Kc 4..- 2 (loose. Island..-..!..... 6 .North Cairo.. L....12 DEM. CO. CEN COM. TRAVELER'S GUIDE.! TAKE NOTICE. TIMETABLE 07 THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. On and alter Sunday, Ma; 14th. 1671. the fallow ing time-uUo will govern tho arrival and depart ure of pasimaer trains at Cairo i tphri-yt tratn. dally 11:45 p.m. . Ki pros, dally SM p.m rrtM-Mall, dally, Kxprcs. dally, except Sunday. 3.3d p.m Nochangeof cars from Cairo to 8t. Louis. No chance of car from Cairo to Chicago, Eli'iant drawing ltoom sleeping car on night trains llaciraee checked to alt Imiortntit points. Tho attention of shippers is espoclalfy (tf'd'to the fact that n Frrill' Express train will' ve Cairo dally, Saturdays expected, and will nice the run from this city to Chicago In twenty two hour. JAS. JOHNSON, Agent. THEMAli;S. AUItlVK, CI(03E North, -Through 2.00a.m. 2.00 p.m " Way 2.20 p'.tn. 1V,00 p.m. South, Way 12.15 p.m. 11;00 p.m " Through N.O., Mem. pills and Columbu 2.30 p.m. 4.00 p.m, Ohio River route, (except I Monday) S;Uip.m, COO p.m Iron Mountain It. It 2:30a.m. lliOd p.m ft.xu u;w ii.m i p.m, . 7.-Wp.m Miss, ItlTcr route, Tuesday ' And Friday C:00 p Thebes, uooto leland A aanta Te, Ilia., Thursday A Frl- day ; C;00p.m. 7:00a. m, Mayflcld, Illandvillo and I Lovelace, Ky. 11:00 a.m. 4.00 (p.m. orrics Horns. oene'ral 'Iell very ,..,. 7t3o A.m (SuDduJioUa.ui.) Money Order depaattnent e.CO a.m. C. ltegiater " " " 8.00 a.m. 8.00 p.m Money Order nnd Hcjiilcr dejiarlmruiti not open on Sundays. t- t SECRET ORMllS." f THE MASONS. Cuao CoMMJ.MirnV, No, 13. Stated AssomMy At tho Asjlum Masonis Hall, firat and thirilHat urdavs ineach month. Caibo Coocii, No. 21, Regular Convocatlonat Masonic Hall, the second Friday Ineach month. Ciiuo Ciunra, No. 71. Hegu'lar Convocntlon nt Jlasonic Hall, on the third Tuesday of every inmlh. i Cairi) Lome, No, 237 F. A A. M Regular Com. munloatious nt Masonic Hull, the econd and fourth Momlajs of cacli month. 1 I)rt.TA Loojr, No,Cj F. 4 A. M. Itcgulnr Com munications nt Masonic Hall !ir.t uiul third Thursdays In each month. f THK OUIl-1'ELI.OWS. Air.iAMirn Lonat. 2il. Steels In OJdFell'ow's. Hall, In Artr' Uuilling, every Thurfday leven Ing.ateo'elojk. , IIOTKI.N. UHA-WFUJ(I) HOUSE, COltNER -SIXTH axi) AVALXUT ST.. (Entrance on Hixtlist.,) F. J. O.ikfH, I ( CINCINNATI, OHIO. V.. II. LoJhIcW, J Jl. iiuy, 7jVkt.9;'cauy a c6.' Proprietors. r 1 1 . COMMEUUIAL HOTEL, - COMMERCIAL-AVENUE, OPPOSITE' I'. 0., CAIRO. ILLS. josmi : vnopniEToit. The IIocsk is Newly Furnished And orTers to tlie iublio tirst-class Accommoda tions nt reasonubie raten. CENTRAL ilO USE. Opposite the Pottollice, on Hlxth Street ltwcen ' Washington and Ooininorcinl avenue 1 CAIRO, ILLS. Thi. hou.u ha been thoroughly over-hauled, refuruinbed and rruntatetl. mid is not opmfor the ni ejilion of guoids. Tho rooms mo ull large anil well ventilated, nqd fiiuhiture new. IKatcli kept iiightMd day, SIIW, OAHFNIJY, ' (4.11 Prmirietreji". lAWVEIU. ALLEN, 3IULKEY k WIIEELEU, attorni:ys counselors at law, William J. Allen, 1 John Jl.Jrtnll.iyi; V Hawutl I'.Whetler.J .'!: ' CAIltO, ll.I.INOIH. Birl'srtlcular attention paid to river null sd mirally busineas. OFFlCK'-O'ver First National Hank, Ohio Levee. GREEN & GILBERT, w - ATTORNEYS AU - OOUNSKLORS AT-IiAV, bttaTul.V.f0"'"'' 10 Admhalty and "AnOMI,!, lung laIIVKICl.-h. R. S. RRIGIIAM.M. , IIONOKPATIIISr. Oflteei No, 1M Commercial aveoiie, cm,- u"", a.m., ami i to a ti m. UeTidinei. Ko. 14. N nt iklteel.c..lrn lllin,.i. "r'uin.e, ArWATJGyjKK.31. 1)., P.ITSICU.N.hurireon and Acouheur, formerly of Aana, Union county, Illinois, ha (tnajtentjy located In UIm (itlti;Viinrrl,0 " ",ri ' J.iguui anc .-Ninth atrteia Wcs (hie. inorly WILLIAM It.iS.MITJI.M. I). KiaillKNCL'-o, 21 Thirtecnih Mreet, tween W ashiiigion avenue and Walnut tti Ltmce-W Cpiuiiiticlal aw uii, un stairs, 0. W. BURNING, 31.), f JEHUIJJNCK cornerNinth and Walnut t, JV"ht corner fix til atwet and oWu levte. ijnvQ nuiie hum, to a ro., ana v i.di - In.. . il.M.. . ... ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. uh i irrrAis. 7J. T. (JKKOULD; STEAM AND OAS FITTER iMiMitrn ix hah ri.vTinii;o, iu. Fitter's and rininlet'a material, oou Filler? pumi clobe and nni,e vain, atop cocks, check v.ilvcs, etc. AOEKT rOB Tuft II ri I Iter I'ntviit lry Meter nd MdrchAue, Wells t! Wo'i" Automatic Water Indicator ana supply valve lor strain bolierc I i WINTER 8 11 LOCK, COMMERCIAL-AVENUE, C .Iro, IlllnolN. fpptnta meaX. estate roit halk. VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. 1 will nelt at Public Auction ON MONDAY THE 2D DAY OF 0CT0RER, 1871 At 10 o'clock, l, m oti the prim'ses, that . ltRNlRABI.K HESIDKNCF. situate 1 on Walnut between 4th ami Sth St I. be Ing on lot 25, block M, city of Cajrc, aid At IUA?K,' containing 8 rooms, with closets, wood house, clalern, Ac. At inc asmc nine ana pioe, i win aeu mo TW VACANT LOTH adjoining say lota, ii3nd 14 In same block, and Alalotti1,. 31 And Sln Mock it, tint' addition to the city of Cairo, fronting 7S feet on Slat 81,, and running hack'100 feet, being between Com merciaj nvenuand roplortroet. ' niif j'cnrcu icimaj raao oaiance id iwo equal pa)mota'"of C And 11 month! with 10 per cent intureat, aeoured bT deed ol trust on the property. O, WINSTON, i ii9tw ' ' ' ANNOrjfOEME.1T. Kutox JJcuxiih 2rJ'leaie announcr. .me' as a candidato for ro-clection to the office of County Treasurer,- subject to tho decision of tho demo cratlc convention. WILLIAM MARTIN. THE BULLETIN. l'libMhliixi every morning, Montluy RREV1T1ES. Patrick liurko iVproudof bis new jamp poat on Fourth street. 'ft i Mosquitoes jjoroabouU bite with addod vonom as tlie,timo Tor thoir taking off draws noar. Tho'peach srjason)(frorafiho loots of tho articlo now for salo by tho fruit deal ors, sooms to bo drawing to a close. Tbo Sir Knights of Cairo nro burnish ing their armor, nnd will loavo for Haiti rnnro via St. Louis on Friday n ox t. Dust, to nn extonl borotoforo unknown. in tbo streets of Cairo, now blinds, cbokas and gonorally nnnoya tbo podostrians of tho city. Dill6n's hall in the Locust Grovo, on Friday night, is anticipated with sensa tions of dollgbt by tbo colorod beaux and belles of tho city. Tlio npproach of fall wcathor is bring ing back, nt intervals, Cairoltcs who spont tbo warmest' of the summer months in cooler climates. Tho concert and festival given last night n Schools hull, for tho bcucllt of St. Joseph's Calhoilo church, was, wo aro in formed, woll attended. City Attorney Fopo was called away from tbo city yesterday to Litchfield by tlio nows thntn brothor-in-law bad receiv ed fatal Injurios'by nn accident. Tbo "Cacho" will bo frcightod to nfglit with (ho colorod fonjioinc to "chaso tbo going hours, ,with flying foct " At tho maarjttorado 1ml 1 nt Mound City to-night. Tho clouds nnd n fresh breoze pro- sagod rnln nil day yesterday, but at this writing no gracious drops havo fallen upon oithcr the just or the unjust of tho city. -Mrs. M'Uco, tho popular millluor, kas followod tho oxamplo of tho star of em pire nnd taken her wny westward, expect ing to terminate her travels nt Denver City. A largo doso of council prrccedings nnd ordinances is prescribed to .our. road ors this morning. Wo bopo our patron will tuko it down with tbo best giaco'pos sibio. Win, Khlors, at his shop ou20tb street is still manufacturing ovort variety of boots nnd shoos from gcriuino French calf (ho uses no other kind) which he sells rosdv m ado or nitido to order nt pried' that dcty competition. jyabti. Win. Murtin scorns to havo a clear Hold for tbo democratic nomination, for county treasurer. Wnrd beliovcs ho is all right for tho radical nomination, but bo may find that tboro is many uulipbotwixt tho cup find tho Up.. , , Tho noxt sossion of the Alexander C6unty Tcucbors' Instituto will com menco on Tuesday, 3d day of Oclobor, and contlnuo thrco days. It is expected that Dr. Robort Allyn, presldont of McKen- drco college, will bo present. A mooting of tho chamber of com morco was held yesterday at tho Malnt Charles, and an'organizatlon was porfocted report of tho proceeding proparod for this issuo was crowded out. Another moot ing will bo hold this morning at ten o'clock. Tlio most popular shoo shop in town is on 20th street opposito tho court house hotel, Vihoro Wm. Ehlers manufacture boots nnd shoes for bis customers, warrant ed to bo of tho best French calf, !itip or morocco, and which ho guanrateos to givo entire satisfaction. Call on him and you will know how it is yourself,- -jy2fltf Mr. A. It. SarTord will loavo for New York to-day to meet his sistor, Mary, who who has been absent from Amorica, at- lentia, Austria, for several voars. tiro- r.Lrii,K bcrielf for.thb pftcticis of niedicino cm i iui Kruduated ulth thn lilfhost hnnnni of tho sci100i snd ,1UJ befor(j hcr a careor wir.'0 10 wtl(ily "nd ,lon?r t0 ,lur- -Wby do otn,ucf tho proud moth e. of our pretty Cairo ,aUJ .how tholr charm, at he baby dc,i.rtlncnt 0f tho fuir at Centraliu? Ornamented vMx duo quantity of laces, ribbons, Uaas tt,,d Un tbo othor triiniiiings appropriate to baby, hood and fed up fi u contuntod statg of mind nnd stomacli, wo think the Delta bablos could defy ull Egypt. icslcrday nn old man named Beebo THE CAIRO DAlh? BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1871. wai flmntilifid br nurtlci unknown, find, It nn 1,1. wav'io tho city, on foot, from tbo countrrynod crime up .Tflth ft wngon load- od with ihlnglos. Ho nakod pormlwion to rlcict wllth wni tftidlbd'. Tlioro wcro two men In tlio wrtgon, ono nbout 30 yoari of ngo, "iquare-bullt," nnd tbo othor about 23 ycara old. Aftor bo bad boon In the wagon u fow tntnutcs, tbo youngor of tbo two men got down nnd picked up n club and walkod bchini. ,KqoUo bocaino uneasy nnd told tho'man driving thai bo did not wlfb to rldo nny furtber. Ho paid 40 contt for tbo rido and got down, wbon tbo youngor man stepped up and struck blm on tbo head with the club. Ho was knocked jenielesi. Ho Is now In tbo bospilul In this city and Is not expected to llvo. Chlofol Police, L. H. Myers Is working up tho caso, nnd wo hope may nrrost, tho aisaeslns. The store of 061'dstVn'ri& lt6soh water is I. If I 1 II , . crowded with customers from monitng till night. septlB-Ct Infants. -Much surTorlng to tbeso tender littlo buds cf tho family might bo nllayod bv uslne 1iM; ""WhittfoTriVs Syrup. . Soo advertisement in another column. sopl3dnwlw Fresh Oysters. I am now receiving dally, the eolohrated U. S. Multby's Hi and M. brand of fresh oysters, which nro unri vailed, and for salo by the can or caso 6n the most roasonablo terms, try them; 'nl- (wiy's'wnrranlcd t;ood and trvhbl 11 VM. WINTIBj Dr. Kattinuer'8 Fovcr Drops ba'vo cured catos of fevor and Aguo of two years standing which resisted nil other treat monl; theio drops novor full when taken as directed and person not ncodhavo fevor a second timo when they can bo obtained ecpl3dawlw We would call tho attention of our country' 'friends whowant to get good pictures to call on J. J. Thomas, who has a very pleasant gallery on Commorclal avenuo for their accommodation, and is really the best artist we havo bad in Cairo for a long timo. tf Messrs. Goldsti.vk & RosknwXter dosiro us to return their thanks to, Mr. Jones, tho accommodating agent of1 tho National Line in Cairo, for discovering and promptly rectifying a mistako in tboi freight bills on their shipment of goods -vt i- . nni. ...t. ln iruiu Auw Aura.- iaijiuku jiuiuuiu u representing Mr. Jones and tho company ho represents, to merchants and tho public genorally. H Mx; Editor: I dosiro to return mnny boart-felt thanks to tho firemen ot Cairo, and tbo many citizons and friends who labored fo ecalouslv to save my proporty from tbo flames on Saturday night last. Thoy did not succeed, but my rnisfortuno has not dampened, tho senso of gratitude which their solf-sacriflcing efforts in my behalf awakened in my heart. ' Wm. Martin. Mr. Rosenwatek, of tho firm of Oold- sllno &"Ttoscnwater, returned from Now York", to-day, whoro ho has been for sov- cral wooks past purchasing goods for tlio .fall and wintor trado. Theso goods wcro Ipurchnscd before tho recent ndvance in prices, nnd tlio 11 rm can assure their pa trons bettor bargains in fall nnd wjntor goods than was over hoforo offered. Now is tho timo to make purchases. Sept. 13.Ct Police Court. Ycstorday was an inte resting day in polico circles, Judgo Bross' offico being crowded " from early morn till dewy eve " with offenders of tho law. Mr. Pi II. Popo being absent from tho city, Hon. D, W Munn nn1n,l na nvnen. cutlug attorney, Tho first offenders who put in an ap- pcarnnco woro Jano Davis and Jaura Wright, arrested by officers Myers 'nnd Arnold, chnrgod with holng inmates of a house of ill-fume. Tho court assessed a Qno ot, ton dollars nnd costs ugnltist each of theso " fallen angels." Luhy Thompson " got in n weaving way," bocanio disorderly and was arrested by Myers. Fined thrco dollars and costs, 'lho caso ot Thomas .Minncuan .was next' called. Thomas was charged -with boing drunk, but tho evidence failed to substantiate tho charge Tlio defendant udmitted that ho took-in "several glasses pf.wpisn leer, ji low drinks of wiskoy straights, .togpthor with futtr or flvo mixed drinks," btit contended that tho only way for a man to keep sober, when drinking at all, was to " mix his drinks." Tho 'caso was dismissed. Arrested by Sumner and Uilllngsly. Then catno James Donnelly, who, llko Mlnnogan, was charged with being drunk. Mr., 1)., plead " not guilty!' la tho. indict mont, but admitted to having taken a fow drinks, but hoped tlio court would not as sess n lino against him for a "littlo thing llko that." Dssmisscd. Tho samo officers made tbo arrest. Tom Nelson noxt "shighod his castor into tho ring" and pload gujlty to a very plain drunk. His attorney, Mr. Webb, asked tho court to bomorciftil to his client. Inasmuch as It-waa such a jilain drunk, bjs Honor assessed the small fiuo of two dollars and costs. Paid. Sumner , and Billingsly mado tho arrost. A warrant was iued-out and rilacod in tho bands bf'offlcer Arnold for tho arrost of Annie Turnorchargod with assaulting and' striking Melvlna" Gibson. Gentle Annlfj 'acknowledged ' tne soft limpoach meni and was fined flvo dollars and costs. l'afd'. 5 " c 4 Tho proprietress of a saloon on Poplar streot was arrested for using abusivo langnago towards ono of hor patrons. The IcYtltifoify of two wilnosscs showed that tho defendant had usoditbo words "dirty brut" towards plaintiff, but tho court did not consider, this llnoablo offence, nnd tho defondant was discharged. Tho last caso, and tbo ono which nt- trftctcd; most ( httontion, -wis that of a Lovco saloon-kcopor, charged with per mitting gambling in his house A jury was palled for in this case. Mr. D. T. Llncgar appeared as tho defendant's nt tornoy. After hearing tho cvidonco nnd arguments, a verdict of guilty vn4 yc turned and damages to', tho amount of rifly dollars and. coats assessod. The caso was appealed. Shoohan and Holmes mado tho arrest, OUR NEGRO POPULATION. - A REJOINDER FROM THE EDITOR OF THE CAIRO l'Al'ER. REPLY OF THE IIULLET1N. i.Jitor of Tux Cauo nctitTis i In your eagerness to dofend your "now found love.1' tho nccro. from nn v nnnrnnnh to harm, you ecem to forgot that tho edi tor of The 1'ajicr, tho great Utignboo from whom you would defend him. is onlltlnd to ordinary ju'stico arid fair dealing. me prcraisos on wnicn you build your defonso of tho negro, is not authorized by my nmcic, as a unei rccupituiallOll 01 tho points i prcscntcu, win clearly establish 1. I started out . with llin "nrnnnslllnn Iliat wo have In Cairo, 2,C00 negroes, who, ni a ciass, nre non-inxpayinc: nnu non- pi odticing. . X hut tlio presenco or theso nccroes mposcs upon the whito tnxpayors of tho city, tho education of &00 black children, nt un nnnunlexponso of $3,000. 0. 'iiint tlio preionco ol sucn n popula tion adds at least '-,500 to the expenses of our criminals, greatly increases our pauper burdens, creates n demand lor nn ohTargeiTpolico force, and othorwlso adds totiiocoit of our county and municipal governments. l. ThnVtowards paying thosolnrgonnd burdensomo expense!, tiio colored popula tion lo not contribute, annually, tho sum of $26. Now I ask you, nndcvorv other sonsible citizou ot Cairo, it theso propositions, singly nnd collectively, nro not truo? If thoy aro true, then my conclusion that tho prosperity ot Cairo is impeded thereby, is undeniable. Upon this foundation I asked: dm ire affurtl to encourage ihe stay of such an etc- mem vj pujnuuuun amony tij, o inc rxciu sion of the more ihriftu, provident and put itc'tutriudtoiiit manr' 'Aoiuisnuostion my nnswer is emphatically nnd unreservedly nui n naievcr you or any othor man man say, upon this question nnd answer, win bo logitimato; out you will please cx cuso mo when 1 donounco your intima Hon that The Paper would deny the color ed man the right to labor lor his daily bread, "or would drive him by lorco Irom tho city" as the merest buncombe an in timation totally unauthorized by anything contained in tho article which you pro tend to nnswor. Tho idea to which 1 gavo tho greatest prominenco, and which pervados my nr ticlo from becinninc to end, is that our white population is tho more public spirit- cujtiirmy and providcnt,nnd should not bo drivonoifto givo place to tho thriftless and improvident negro. It was not that tlio nccro should not bo cmnlotod at all but that, whon tho choico was narrowed tbo nogro, who contributes littlo or nothing to tho growth, wealth nnd character of tbo city nnd who draws ono hundred dollars from our public treasury forjevory hundred conts which ho places thoro whon tho choico is narrowed down, wo say, to such a citizen, and tho whito man who for years hns shared in all tho burdens of our city, wo should, without a moment's hesitation choose tho whito man I All my remarks tended directly to this ono point, nnd I desiro to ask you, as n citizon interested in tbo prosperity of Cairo (and not as n politician angling for negro gudgeons) if you would not ondorso tbo choico '( Very respectfully, etc., M. R. IlAltP.ELI., Editor Caico Paper. Reply or The Bulletin: Wo shnll reply to Mr. llarrell point after point : i-'irsf Point. Mr. liar roll truly uiscrti that, as a class, tho 2,500 negroes of Cairo aro non-taxpaying and non-producing citizens. That is tc say, n largo majority of tho 2,000 negroes of tho city men, women and children do not pay.taxcs and do not do nny work which produces wealth. Mr. Hnrrcll's object in stating this fact is to hold It up before the negroes as n ro pronch. But it is no reproach to them; because of tho C,000 whito people in Cairo tho largo majority nro also non-producors and non-tax-pnycre. Can this bo doniod? How mnny of tho C,000 whito poople, mom women and children, pay taxes on " com fortable homes?" Wo believe tho num ber will fall short of ono in every flvo or six. How many nro engaged in produc tive labor, the results of which, according to many writers, must bo palpable in some material object capablq of being trans ferrcd from ono person to another ? Wo bollovo tlio numbor will full short of fifty in each thousand. So, while it is truo that tho negroes, as a clasi, nro non-producers and non-taxpayers tho largo majority being so; it is nlso true that tho whito peo ple of Cairo, a class, nro llkewiso non producors and non-taxpayers tho largo majority being ?o, Theroforo, tho stone of reproach, Hung by Mr. llarrell nt tho col ored citizens of Cairo, is a missilo which may bo hurled buck at tho people of his and our race and color. .Mr. llarrell says that tho prcsenco of 1!,500 negroes Imposes upon tho whito tnx payors of tho city the education of 500 black children. This fact ho oilers as ovi denco that tho ncgroc. arc not n desirable element of our population as n roason why wo should got rid of thorn if wo can " by not oncouraglng thorn." Tlio fact is as stated, but tho uso of it is improper ; because, if the fact that tho tai-payors of tho city must pay for tho education of 500 colored whose parents pay no tuxes la a good reason why all tho blacks should bo induced to " soek tlio broad acres nil nround us," tlio other fact, that tho tax payers of Cairo must pay to oducato whito children whoso parents aro too poor to pay taxes, is a good reason why thoso poor vyhitojiarcnU should bo induced to also " sook tho broad acros all around us." In deed, Mr. Harroll's argumont is an argu mont against tho public school system which is basod on tho idea that tho noorost Is entitled to nn education nnd tho wealth of tbo country must pay for it. It is, at least, an argumentative boomerang. Whon thrown it is ns likely to wound tho whites who fling it as tho blacks at whom it is thrown, 3. Wo do not deny that tho prcsonco of j z,tuu negroes in iairo largely increases tho expenses of our criminals, but wo doubt if tho incrcaso is ?i!,C00 nyoar, ns Mr. Uarroll asserts, Ironi Januarv 1st. 1871, to July 1th, 1871 a few days over six months tho city paid tho polico forco $1,790,05, and for tho support of prisonors, white and black, ?1,-1"3.7D. In a year, nt this rate, the total cost of tho polico forco and of feeding prisonors, would bo $5, 010.82. Now, wo do not believe that Mr. Harroll would claim that, If wo had no ne groes in Cairo, tho cost of tho polico forco and Jail would bo as low ns $2,000. AVo could not get along with a smaller forco than was on from January 1st to July th. But, tho fact remains, that muey of tho ticgroos nro ordinanco breakers, and glvo to our polico court much of its bust- ncss. Thoy hnvo not tho opportunities to obtnln labor that whito men have, and, since Satan finds somo wicked work for dlo hands to do, they nro too often n difficulties. In this fact wo sco reason why work tihould bo furnished to them if possible If thoy aro kept busy they will not put tho city to much ox penso. Instead of being nn argument to support Mr. llarrell, tho fact that many negroes get into Jail because when they dont work aro Idle Is an nrgumont in sup port of our assortion, that thoy ought to bo furnished as much work ns thoy can do well, if it is possiblo to glvo it to them without sacrificing public or privato inter est. 4. Having stated that criminal negroes greatly incrcaso tho polico expenses of tho city, Mr. Harroll makes tho broad assor tion, that towards paying those largo and burdensomo oipcnsos tho colorod popula tion do not contribute, annually, tbo sum of $25 1" Wo aro amazed at tho lack of information Mr. llarrell possesses on this point, llo is decidedly mistaken. Wo can namo cloven colored men of Cairo who havo paid Into tho city treasury this year over six hundred dollars, and this is not near all that pay taxes. Tho trustees of tho property ront lots to about 70 col ored raon in tbo city j to about 00 in tho fifth nddition ; to about 100 In tho barracks, etc. Besides theso thoro aro others to whom other parties rent houses nnd lots, nnd a numbor nf negroes own their own lots nnd houses. Many of these pay rent and taxes; and, when this arrange ment is not mado, they pay tho taxes indi rectly in tho ront. In tho light of theio facts, what becomes of Mr. Harroll's as sortion that tho colored population do not contribute to tbo expenses of tho city 25 a year ? But Mr. Harroll says wo have pervortcd his moaning. Ho says ho did not say ho desired to deny to tho colorod man tho right to labor for his bread. What did ho say 7 That the negro is a bad element; that tho city would bo better off without 11; that it ought not therefore to bo en couraged; that giving tho negro employ ment under tho city government was en couraging it. In other words: work en courages tho nogro; this is wrong; there foro givo him no work. If this was not Mr. Harroll's lino of argumont in his first articlo wo aro vory much mistakon. But in his commnnication above printed ho rises to explain, and says that our whito population should not bo driven off to give placo to tho negro. Wo agree with him. But thcro is no need that cithor tbo indus trious whito or black man should leave Cairo. Thoro is work for both. But, lot us say in answor to Mr. Harroll's question, nnd say, that, if tho choico woro narrowed down to a negro, who contributes littlo to tho growth, etc., of tho city, nnd draws a hundred cents out of tho public treasury for ovory ono ho puts into it, ond a white man who for years has shared in all tho burdens of our city, wo should without hesitation choose tho whito man. And now lot us ask, if the case woro rovorsod, and tho choico woro botweon a worthless whito man, who had taken n hundred cents from tho city treasury for every ono bo had put into it, and n colored man who for years had shared in all the burdens of tho city, which would Mr. llarrell choose? But what has this to do with tbo ques tion under discussion? Tho city has em ployed four colored tax-payers, nnd not negroes who contribute nothing to the city, nnd tako money out of tho treasury without giving an equivalent in roturn. So, whero do Mr. Harroll's objections como in properly? When ho says that tho city council has no right to pay tho peoph's money to ne groes for lak-or, ho stullifles himself, and proves that ho docs not always square his praclicos by his prccopts. As a school director ho employed Warren Wclms a colored man, as janitor of the Thirtoonth stroot school house, and consented to tho employment of David Ross, nnothor colored man, ns janitor of tho high school build ing. If ho had desired ho might have givon thoso places to whito mon, nnd thus kept out of tho negroes' pockots a portion of tho peoples monoy. How can ho blttmo tho mombcrs of tho city council for following tho exarnplo sot by himself? Before ho nsks the council to explain nwny Jenkins, nnd his laborers, he must oxplaln awny Wcimos and Ross. It is as sinful for thrco school directors to hiro two negroes, as it is for oightcon mombors of tho council to hlro five. Wo would ro spoctfully suggost to Mr. Harroll tho bib lical saw about clearing the beam from your own oyo boforo you reproach tho moto in your brother s Died suddenly or heart disease. How common Is tho announcement. Thousands are suddenly swoptinto etorni ty by this fatal malady, This disoaso gonorally has its origin in impuro blood filled with irritating, poisonous materials which, circulating through the heart, irritate its dclicato tissuos. Though tho irritation may at first bo only slight, pro ducing a littlo palpltution of irrogttlar ac tion, yet by and by tho disease becomes firmly seatod, and Inflammation, or hy pertrophy, or thickonlng of tho lining mombranco or of tho valves, is produced, How wise to givo early nttontiou to a enso of this kind. Unnatural throbbing or pain In tho region of tbo hoart should admonish one that all is not right, and if you would prcsorvoitfromfurthordiscaso, you must help it to beat rightly by the uso of such n romody as shall remove the cnusooftho trouble Uso Dr. Piorco's Goldon Modical Discovory boforo the dis ease has bocomo too seated, and it will, by its grcnt blood purifying and wondorful regulating properties which act specifical ly upon tho tissues of tho heart, bring nbout n healthy action. Sold by nil first class druggists. soplSltdaw 081. Messrs. Goldstine & Eosenwater havo filled their storo rooms, up stairs and down, with tlio best selection of fall and winter stock ever brought to this market. Their sholvos, countors, tablos nnd every avallablo spaco is covorcd with ovory varl. oty of frosh goods, which thoy are soiling at prices that bring them within the reach of nil. septlSdCt NOTICE, Illinois Centra! IUIIrord Company. 1 Caibo, Heptomber 11, lull. in order in Mnmn,i.i. ...i-i.i. .".vMVUl.bV fWlBVUS VVIBUIII to attend tho Jonosboro fair, a coach will oo nttachod to tho frolfhi stono depot at 4:50 a.m., nnd will be ro turnod on tho freight train leaving Jones- uu,u Ul " IMi arriving at Cairo at 8:30 p. m. Excursion tlckots will bo co.i nn theso trains. This arrangement will rnn. tinuo during tho fair. jaiies jonxaoH, soplld4t Agent. NOTICE, (From Sec: S, Ordinance No. Ufc-Exlraot. It ahull tin ihn .lull. it ,u, trollor to provldo tho moans for removing from thn frnnt nt all tinu.n. In h tt. ft vogotableg nnd dry kltchon offal, of ovory description, provided thosamo is placed in uuaub ui unrreis, unu piacou in convcBiont locntlona In frnnt nf aatrl I,.,,, .n. t.kfn.A tho timo fixed for such removal, nnd that noiico snail do given bynald comptroller of tho timo of such .removal, by publica tion in the nowspapor publishing tho or dinances of tho city. In complianco with tho abovo ordinance. notico is heroby given that carts will run in all parts of the city on Tudsday, and r nuay ot oacu week during tho month or Soptcmbor. E. A. BnhJncTT, Sept. 12 Ct. City Comptroller. NOTICE, I lit son CrxraiL lUuaoiD CoHriat,! Aatat'i Orrici, September 7, 1971. We will commonco tho salo of tlckots to tho Jonosboro Fair, on September 11th and discontinue on the 10th. Tickets good until tho 10th inclusive. Faro round trip, $1.00. Tho salo of tickets to the Union Fair, to bo holdon at Centralis, will commonco on boptembor 18th, and be discontinued after departuro of A. M. train, September 23d. Tickets good until tho 23d, inclusive Fare, round trip, 5.50. Tickets will bo onBalo to parties really going to attond tho Union Fair at Centralia on and after tho 15th, but to none othors. dlw Jauks Johnson, Agent, Gillet's washing crystal makes wash ing easy. ag 13 Oysters. Louis Herbert has al wis on hand a fresh supply of Saddle Rock oys ters. tf Wanted At the Delmonico Hotel one hundred weekly boardors. ' Five rooali each slay, price $6 per wock. aug29tf Wf. Wiaiia. For Sale. A cottago on 12th street containing 7 rooms, cistern and out houses cotnplotc. Apply to W. W. Thornton. Weiss Beer Just Rocoivcd at Schoncmoycr's ; Also, Fine Lager. 2t , Wanted. -A boy to strip tobacco. En quire at tho cigar storo, No. 3G Eighth street, between Washington and Commer cial avenues. d2t Just Received. W. W. Thornton, Tenth street between Commercial avenuo and Poplar street, has just received and in storo 1,000 doors and 1,000 windows and mouldings. Notice ok Removal. J. C. Carson has removed his agency to his building, No. IOC, near tho corner of Tenth street and Commercial avenue, where may be soon a full stock of musical, instruments, sheet music and notions. Also a largo lot of tho celebrated Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines. soptClw Notice to Teachers. Tho board of oxamincrs for the county of Alexander, will meet for tho examination of tcaehors of public schoolH, on Friday tho 10th inst., at 4 o'clock, p. in., at tbo school house on 13th streot, in tho city f Cairo. John G. WniTE,Uounty. Supt. eeptl02t ' PuiLLir Bauuh is master of his trade, and warrants nil of his work to bo of the very best material and manufacture ; guar antees a complete fit and entire satisfac tion, is not confined to anyjparticular style, but makes every variety of boots and shoes from the heaviest cowhido to tho finest Fronch calf and morocco. He also keeps a largo stock on hand,o hit own manufa lure, and any ono desirous of purchasing good custom work cheap should call on him at his shop on Eighth it., south side, near corner oi unio icvce, uturo. uti Arrivals nt tho St. Charlos yestorday, were as follows: John Loudon, U. Lou- don, Memphis; E, Estos, DuQuoin, F. D. S. McEonald, Weston, Mo.; G. A. Dc Baun, Jas. S. Morris, Ullin, 111.: A. Mo ron oy Decatur, 111-; J. M. Hitchson, Rutherford, III.; J. B. Hasolton, Jr., St. Louis; AV. M. Murphy, MotropoliB, 111.; B. II. Wisdom, Paducah, Ky.; Wm. CoU cord, C. Frank Liobky, St. Louis; H. Campbell, Hickman, Ky.; E. G. Gleini, Rock Island, 111.; F. G. Montognior. Cin cinnati, Ohio; G. W. Will, DuQuoiri, III.; A. R. Rundoll, Chicago, 111. Notice to Siiii'I'ers. Until ftirthor notico tho transit steamer, Illinois,, will extond hor trips to Hickman twico a week, viz: Tuesday and Friday mornings,, and if tho amount of freight will justify hor in so doing, aha will mako, throe or four trips por wock. For tho prosont, froight' will bo received on tho Transit Wharf Boat only on Mondays nnd Thursdays.- Iam propared to sign through Bills of Lading via Hickman to, propalnont points roicbed by thoN.andN.'W. Railroad and jU connections in 'the Kates of "Koritiieky, Tonnossoo, Georgia,! North Carolina, South Corollno, Alabama and Florida. sopl2dlw James JonNaoN, Agont. Notice. Chris. Anthos has opened his new meat markot in Paul Sohuh'i old drug i i it!. 1 a im store, two doors neiow mo post m on Commorcial avenuo, ana invites mi uw acquaintances to a trial of his out meats. Boof, pork, voal, mutton, sausago, &ct, &c Also oornod beef, pork and bacon. His shop is kept In'th'o' best of stylo, and his customors sorvod with noatnosa and1 dis patch. Tho proprlotor, Mr. Anthos, him- solf attends to tho shop,-and hU'fcuetom. ors may always fool ossurod of fair nnd honorable troatment, full weight, and tho right change back, whothor thoy Bond thoir children, or servants or attond markot tbcinsolvcs. ecplGdlm ' SHORT ITEMS. Choico Toaa at Evans'. AI .ll.n,n. v. ... o " J U 1UUI1U bill) uu ulnr hroiicn nssortod picklos. tf Whoro Do You Buy Your Groceries? at Evans'. 1 1 1 A T . Mnrnn fc fna 4)lin 1 T a 1 fn T AlAl..i I sauce. tf gl mi, putty, et. ' i . tstkgiswim v i... ; . . . Mv.b,(..cM .Jo m lull lur sM While oriental picklos. u Evans Sells Cheaper Groceries than Can bo Bought in Cairo. -Goto Parker & BlakVi for wall pei, vrinugw snaues, eve. auex&ui T . 1 - . 1 . 1 . . ..k. Furniture, At Elchhoff Bros,' Factory. Eneourago Home Industry. Wo Soli Fumlturo for Cub; Twenty per cent. t. v I .unu u v V.1IVI .i.i , it V , . Our Furnlturo It All Madooutof Seasoned Lumber, and will b i Insured for Sis Months. A Raro Chance For Bargains. Shrivo's celebrated 11 o'clcck lu oyostors at Jorgensen s. TknaA Vrnr ry I1 .I am la. avMn !.U 1. . .1 J I i J J gensen. Gillet's Flavoring Extract! and Yeast Powders at .Brut. mmmt tn in r r wmr rwr inpsi lamp chimneys, paint brveiitaa, ie. " siuaraM Go to Joreonien'a for.untnarl London crystal vlnogar, l quart, choice Genoeso figs. , A Fino AasoiUoi' t of Fancy Grocer) at Evans'. Go to Parker' Jt Blakc'Sj corner 9 Hit a. m Oil. ' ' "ci ?g2f4 A New Stock of Teas, Coffees and Sugars Just "Received at Evans'. Charley Schoneymoycr desires tnfn.rti thn mililt. tlinf (in 1i. nstiivi other invoice of Woiia ler tboinot ntaliln nnd duliclouj that haj evnr if U.K. 11. .MU U.J MM MlMMlfc VI U . , 1 sinner but can now supply ail ueu Charley bit also, ho u willing to horc, the best lager boor in the city. on him. Mr. F. Rose bai removed but tail nit)ilii1imonf tn hta new star, at 'N', Commercial avenue, lie keep on v splendid assortment of piece) good! j ho will make up for his customer! mannor warranted to suit, lie an only the best workmen, and VIWl - personal attention to tho buiineis. feet flu guaranteed. Trico roaMl Call and leo him. ftu83i The Chicago Beer Salooa, f Schick, proprietor, Ns. 2 and 38 itreet, it a favorite place of reaort t J lovori of Weist' Boer, Liquors of 4 description, and sdl kinds of foreig I hnma Wlnna. Kn ortllnarT Until dispensed at the bar of the aaloonJ tho very boil, and guctts find in 1 1 ance polite and accomodatiig wait! freo lunch is mrcad averv dav n'rlnrk- m. aiiaH William Alba'i barber slop iif ,ing in public favor overy day. Iti.l ly At tod up, and can boast of thsU skillful workmen in the city: Tb' priotor has had many yoari' oxperit' lilt tMiainfla nnrl la rnpntfnlznd UAH' most expert shaven in Southern ii whilo young Alba. is a mastor in b t fneitnn PUIrnna nni atranr.Ara " a painioss suave, a luxurious inamj f or their hair cut in tho latest' ityle, patron izo Alba. His shop is on O10 cial avenuo next door to Hannon I depot. ii -r- IS rt. niit..t. .1 i.i .i.Ann.h a t. Attl UlllUkB UUUUIU-JblVII.. v.' i-.n SLEiriMQ Room jtor Jiixrj woll ventilated sleeping rooms in U tional Bank building. Apply to f EDWARD DEZONJ 1 ' ' -1 'At'Cfty-'Katlonal L." Go to Dr.-McGaufoy for lUttlng nmm W.rr.tiUl in mtro thl 1 .v. v. . , w aw -wr . Boarwhc Jiousos uso GHlet'i, 'Beautiful biscuita folio OUlWj ing poyedor'.' , , - ',-, , e Paul G. Sehuh lolKKaUlBgW'il ft oinus, . u i Moxar refunded If GiUet'i- please. aglBeowdawj i Welt; regulated fttmlllciyuio agf3oowdaw2m- , KHiDtiira.i-tWO "glass boxoi"' t 6 cenU each i W. W. TnoiJ Jo21tf. The hotols ''dnioVa use OXtlsV powdar. 1 1 1 . Ml . - ' TO-oDon hlfl moat1 market on' Ooni Z Saturday noxt, ana mvitos a reir mo HDorai patronago no nas neroicp , coivod from tbo pooplo of that po ' . A 3 J . A J