Newspaper Page Text
A rfSaaaaiBwaaaaaaPii 1JVT .1 JOHN H. OBERLY & CO., DKUUN. PAUL 0. SGII UN, ruQ-a-isT, 1 I BKMeVKlf. I 0. 108 COMMERCIAL "AVKNUE, WtililAkir'i OM Mlauid, UywUB Atmxivu . Caiho, 111. Iff t perttotkr aiteatlon-to alliegH aajslclan , ria fmll r'critibs. i sum ea iiu LLL PATENT MEDICI NEB vfMi Staring.- Agent foe VBMT JTEVM TONIC, VetaMteA tli beet Ferer Kilter know la Mils MO CURlt MONEY BKFUKDED. ' MaVlaJLTataw BUCHU AMD DANDELION, or; acta la all JlMaMi of Ika Kldi f, qnally, a iorf or UtUr nenuira, tad gr lata (Maty. eeaaaHaU Belat. JRlf wall ealaetaaalock of AID v assay Uaaela, . Of Mary ecrIpilo tnatl be atrpaaaed ky any ratab. , liihneai ol (at .kiad la the nr. LaAra TWENTY PEE CENT v f tjkiy4r ' EICHHQFF BROS., FURNITURE yAOTOlli'a Tu Kar3CalB!iu Ilouae Sal leasts, kbalr Brethersdetlre to Inform ike uae 01 ukira taat umy ara( maiotaciurNig all 4i -a! ijuM . r i - 4 i LIN AND FANCY FURNITURE A4 f acr ok band and far eele, at Kalall, I it - J. -e, I Mas),' aM ill a6BUau to t.rp ui. r 4lirif oay tfcaap a4 aaatlr laearajre. rjhrblaVapaail Bureau AWtldebaards, WaabaUada. Iwatan&.Beicfcalri, ' ' eyajhrai and H atrasaes, aVliOugai,! , etc.. Ii Tiu". Ja ' .kMk the will guarantee (a Suit 1XHTY PMTOINT. LOWER II Umtm tote0iktfronYatkr dealer I tkj, OtTw akni a'eall id ntlify toui Id our- JOB' PRINTING. Lanndanigned, propneton of the Ditir and tal Um laWil'itrUi of Job Printing typei, aaaa as sw of the mod complete Job omen i Boat aa wei. tmj natter nnnie theTiBcaaaai iacUitira for turaiaa oul istly.a the baet-aiile ol the art. all work laitad ib lbm.'frni the tmallett card or it to um nannoui poller, and at prioee fn lult wMb far butmeai ntn no good rx- 'mJM&imvrw&KSi", "win. PROPRIETORS." fniri? tttt t -nrnrxT JLXX Lit JJU JJUJiJ.J l . BY TELEGRAPH l',M,S,,M.t, , MM'lt'lMltMli Krported especially for Hip nlro Iliil. letln. Ten liotira In mlvmire ol St. I.ouIn pniierw. NEW YORK. OK.V. H'UU:M,AN AND TIIK COMPTItOI.LCK. HIIIP CONNKM.Y WON'T IIKTIKK II IK nkw DKrUTV Rr.rvuv.u to kilb iih OATH. TIIK COXII'TllOLLKIWHIl-. Nkw Yoiik, HcplemW 18. Il ii un known yet whether Oonernl McCIolInn will accept the comptrollonhip. COJiKICLLY nt lil ofllco to-dny, and Green this morning formally entured upon dutlw. An opinion is looked for to-day from the orninent lawyor, Chns. O'Connor, tiikinj; tho view that whllo Connolly's course is snitnined by tho law, Hall's Is not. Connolly is in possession of his olllce, and will resist any attempt to oust him. Comptroller Connolly in reply to Hull's letter, denies tho authority of tho latter to excrclso tho power he .attempt", and de clares his determination not to retire. KNTKUKb UPON IIIK DL'TIKX. Orccn,tho new deputy cornptioller, has Just delivered to the coinniitteo of citizens and aldurmcn nil tho documonls in tho comptroller's ofEcQ roferred to in tho in vestigation of tho municipal accounts. RKrvsr.u. Mayor Hull's clerk thin morning re fused to fllo the oflleial oath of Greco. Twenty-otiu new cases of (mall-pox Were reported in tho city yesterday. The superintendent of public schools prohibits tho attendance of children in whoso families, or immediate vicinity, tho disease hut shown itself. N W.York, September 1810 p.m. Tho Herald, which was wholly silent upon tho municipal situation yesterduv, to-day pronounces in favor of Hall, anu thinks tho comptroller had bottcr retire from his office. The comptroller sent tho mayor tho fol lowing nolo at about 11:15 a.m.: CourTROLtutt's Ojticjt, Sept. 18. Hon. A. Oakey Hall, mayor. Mr Dkak Slit: I havo read in the morning papers only, your letter of this date, and beg leave thus promptly to in form you, that ns advised, 1 havo not cither in fact or equivalent, resigned tho office of comptroller of tho city of New York. I deny tho authority of tho mayor to excrclso tho power attempted by you; and in partial support of denial 1 quote tho words of your former communication : 'I, tho mayor, cannot suspend any head of a department not oven pending'nn in vestigation. 1 can only perfer charges to tho common pleas' judges, who alono can remove after a considorablo time fur trial." My previously announced determina tion, not at present to rctira from my offi cial position, is still unchanged. Tho following call was issued this p.m. : Tho executive committo of seventy, ap pointed by the tax payers and citizens for financial reform in tho city and county, are requested to meet at tho rooms of the chamber of commcrco at 1'-' m., Tuesduy, Septembor 19, on business of special And iinmoaiaio importance. Blgncu, Henry G. Steiiiiins, Chin. Barclay Galleoher, Asst.Sec'y. THE ODD-FELLOWS. THE SESSION OF THE ft K AND LODGE AT CHICAGO. NEARLY EVERY STATE IN THE UNION REPRESENTED. OniCAno, Sept. 18 Tho Grand Lodgo of Independent order of Odd-Fellows of tliu United States commenced its annual session in this city to-day. I'ast Grand Master John G. HobcrU, delivered tho addicss of welcome, which was responded to by Grand Sire Fred. 1). Stuart. , To-morrow tho grand procession of Odd Follows will pass through tho streets, and promises to bo tho finest display of tho kind ever wjnesscd. Tho following states aro represented: Maryland, Massachusetts, 'ow Yor, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, Dela. ware, Ohio, Louisinna, Now Jcrsoy, Kent tucky, Virginia, Indiana, Mississippi, Mis soun, Illinois, Connecticut, Texas, Tenncs sco, South Carolina, Alabama, North Car olina, Georgia, Maine, Now Hampshire, Michigan. "Wisconsin, Vermont, Iowa, Ar kansas, lthodo Island, Florida, Minnesota, California, Colorado, Nevada, AVcst Vir ginia. Kansas, Nebraska, and Oregon. Dolegates nro also present from Ontario, BUTLER. SUMNER AND WILSON NENST 1ILM. FKR- Boston, Mass., Sept. 18. -Tho Adver tiser to-morrpw will havo the following! Wo havo boon ntitlinrWml ) (inntii Sumner and "Wilson dcoply regret and duploro tho extraordi nary canvass which Gon. Butler has pro clpftaled upon the commonwealth, and osDeclallv his attacks nilnl lw n.iiin state irovernmont and tha rnnnlllinn of Massachusetts, and in thoir opinion his Humiliation as n canamaio lor govornor would be hostllo to tho host intorests of the commonwealth and ot tho republican party. SAN FRANCISCO. San Francisco, Sept. 18. Advices from Tuscan, Arizonia, of Sept. 9, report that Gon, Crook has mado n troaty with tho Cbayollo and Apaches, by which tho latter agrees to join forces witli tho whites in a campaign against tho hostllo Apaches, Another rumor says tho chief Clio died from thooil'ocls of wounds received in it fight with Mexican troops in Sonora. Tho Apiiches linvo driven all tho millers at Turkoy crook into l'rescott, and killed a hordor in Vails Do Chino. Gon. Crook is satisfied of his ability to conquor tlio Apaches if left alone CAIRO, WASHINGTON. THE HODGE DEFALCATION CASE, SET APART AS A RESERVATION COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS AT MOBILE. "Wahiiinoton, Septembor 18. It is un derstood that tho witnesses in tho Hodgo dolalcation caio will bo summonod beforo tho urand jury to-morrow. Tho vnlloy of Tallarosn, twenty miles wido and thirty long, has boon set apart ns a reservation for southern rovint; Apacho Indians. Tl ho committee appointed by' tho com' miisioncr ol patents to tlio lest! mony and listen to tho defenso in tho case of Jl. (1. Norton, suspended from practice in tho patent ollieo for irregularities in the prosecution of clai.ns, have just rendered their report, which is adverse to Norton. A. K. Ilucic, n member of congress from Alabama, has been appointed collector of customs at Mobile. F0R1EGN NEWS. ENGLAND. iielonstration postponed, London, SeptornW 18. Tlio proposed demonstration In favor of tho ttrikers has been postponed. Foreiuti workmen urc daily iirriviii!' ut Nuwcustlu and Gates head. At u mas mooting of workmen at Newcastle, yesterday, it was resolved to continue the strike. TIIK RUSSIAN PRESS ON PRUSSIA. Tho liufcsiuu press is generally vigorous in its attacks upon I'rutsia. OONE TO MEET PR. I.I VINUSTONE. Advices from Zanzibar unnounce tho receipt of positive intelligence of the safe ty of Dr. Livingstone. A party of Amer icans are hurrying to Ins rescue. TIIK WAR WITH C0I1EA. A dispatch from Shanghai says that tho French diplomatic representative f .its re ceived a telegram from his government di recting him to mako common cauo with the Americans in tho war with Corea. STEAMS HIP ARRIVALS. The steamships Paraguay and Idaho touched at Malta and proceeded to Liver pool. FKANCE. ELECTION. Pari.-., September 18. It is rumored that an election for coancsel general will be held in October. DISARMAMENT. Tho disarmament of tho national guard is progressing quietly. MORTUARY. Tho mortality in Parli lust week was about ono hundred less than that of the previous week. PIRsT ANNIVERSARY. It is said the republicans arc preparing for grand manifestation on the 'JOth in stant, tlio first anniversary of tho occupa tion of tho city of Borne by Italian troops, mit riuuisorucr is appreuenueu. TAXES. It is semiofficially stated that the defi ciency in tho revenuo for tho present year will probably bo covered without the Im position of uny new taxes. It is rumored that Lonscy has resigned his seat in the assembly. A serious railroad accident occurred to day at Champaignc. Five porsons were killed and a large number wounded. OK.V. UIIONUARNIEII, who has been very ill, has recovered. A dispatch from says the Govornor has been summoned to Ver sailles to consult with Theirs on tho ques tion of the disarmament of tho national guards in tho department Brouchcs and llhone. CHARLESTON. Charleston, S. C, September 18. The colored lieutenant governor of South Curolinin and cliirmai; ot tho republican btuto executive committee, lias published n letter in tho News, etrongly opposing tho proposed declaration of "luurtlul law. He thinks tho civil power is amply suffi cient t repress nil oxlatlng disorder, and that inartful law i s n remedy would bo worso than tho disease. Ono death from yellow fevor has occurr ed during tho past -4 hours. BOSTON, CORNER STONE CEREMONIES. Boston, Sopt. 18 At noon to-day busl nois was gonerully suspended, and" Hags displayed on public and private buildings to show tlio public interest in tlio formal laying of tho cornor stonu of the soldier's and sailor's monument on Boston Con., mon. MASONIC. Baltimore, September 18, Several thoiuanil ,Kn tuoiuanii .funglit lumiilurs Irom hatisas, Ohio. Po'insyTvnnia, New York, Now Jersey, Maryland, Wisconsin, Iuwit, Mis sissippi, Tennessee, lllinoii', Kentucky, LouUiami and other states, havo arrived to attend tho Grand Conclavo Command ory of tho United Statos and Boyal Arch Chaptorof tho United States, which com mences its session to-morrow. ST. LOUIS. steamer commonwealth partly ik. btr0yed iiy kirk. Sr. Louis. Sopt. 18. Tlio texns nnd a portion of tlio cabin of tlio steumor Com monwealth, lying at tho Kast St. Louis landing, was liurnod this morning, Loss not known. CHASE. Clevklani), O., September 18. Chief Jiihtico CIihsu arrived tn this city this eve ning and is the guest of Col. 11. Chnrsons. Ho goes east to-morrow. Mr. Chase's health is re-established, and ho nxpects to bo In "Washington in season for tho ndjaurncd cession of tho supremo court In October. ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1871. WEATHER REPORT. Cairo, 111., Sept. 18 10.46, p. "War Department, Signal Service, U. S. A. division of lolcgrami and reports for tho bonofit of Commerce. The fallowing is tho official meteorological record for tie i!4 hours ending 10:46, p. m. MROMTr.l TH1MUMT1M. run or OtUr.HTAIIO. -? v s j 5 g j S S t ? a p a a aoiii was iot M tl 30.CT7 Vi-M 50.91 47 7S M 30:21 aO;IO 30:01 30.C3 2.l 30:00 3 79 M 3n:0fi 30.00 .10:0.1 ffl i M 30.04 30:01 10:19 71 i 30;13 3.0ll !;M t 70 ' M 30:12,30.01 30.OJ 73 IH .-:23 30:06 14.04 13 M 71 mi. in 'jy.wi jo 02 19 U U m$i mm sv:ii a en 62 30.37 VIM 30:0.) 4 11 Mi 130-07 tJ:9l,tJ;9f, (i, 7.J ' i):l 30.01 3):14 -S4 M M ItJ-.Hi 23;73:74 72 74 71 30;19 S0.07iSO;'7 71 61 7U Cairo Chicago . Cincinnati, O Davenport, Iowa. lalvpslon I.narenworth..... Luuiiivillf. If.... Mcmpliio, Tcnn. .UTiiir, iunuM Omaha Mc-braika I'litmiuruli. Pa.. SI. Louie, Mo.... SI. Paul, Minn.., Mhrwroport I.n VIckaLnrg, Slljs "Washinoton, D. Cm Sept. 18. Tno highest barometer hai oxtonded eastward over tho middle and eastern states, but has fallen during tlio day, and is now central in Delaware A small area of low pres sure has advanced over Minnesota, south eastward to the northern part of Lake Michigan, with brisk winds circulating in a small area around it, which amounted to u north-east galo during thu night. On Lakes Michigan and Huron light north west winds with rising barometer. In tho nnHiilfist rtTmlrli' u-nnlliip lm, (nA.,lt.1 .. v. , vi. v. , una iiuiuiiuu from Maino to irginia, nnd also in south- urn jnuianu anu mo i;iiii slates until this ufternoor., when cloudv weather I now renorteil uitli nr. caslonal local rains. Tl'o baromotcr has risen ut tho Bocky Mountains and Pacific stations. proiiaiiilities. Tho barometer will probably fall very gencraly on tho lower lakos and Atlantic coast, nnd tho disturbnnco on lake Michi gan will move eastward, extending iato the middle states. On Tuesday cloudy weather with occasional light rains U probablo for tho southern anclgulf states, ltising barometer with clearing tempera ture is probablo on tho upper lakes. Brisk winds on tho lower lakos to-night and Tuesday morning. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK. New York, September 18. GOLD Steady at 1131. GOVERNMENTS Steady and dull. MONEY-Continucs plenty. NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, Sept. 18. FLOUU Dull. Superfine $5, XX $0, XXX S6.40a6.50. . COBN White mixed 74c, whilo 75c. OATS Quiet at G3a5jc, BRAN Dull at 1.13. HAY None hero. PORK Dull and lower. Mess $14 a BACON Quiet at 8.i8Ju8la9Ja9J. HAM Choice sugar cured lierco"18c. LARD Higher. Tierco 10J, keg llj SUGAR No market. MOLASES No morket. WHISKY -90ca$1.02. COFFEE No Stock. ST .LOUIS. St. Louis, September 18. FLOUR Firm. WnE AT Strong. No. 3 rod hli-bor at fl.24al.25. CORN Nothing doing. OATS Lowor. Bulk mixed on track 31c. BARLEY" Steady at 82J for choico Minnesota. RYE Better at C3c. WHISKY Firm at 00c. HORK Firm as $13. BACON Strong. Shoulders " j clear sides 8c. LARD Steady at 0a9Jc. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, September 18. FLOUR Unchanged. GRAIN Unchanged. COTTON Firm; low mldd'lng, ID a 191c. WHISKY -In good doiiinnd at !iOi. PROVI&IONS-Stroiiji, POUIwMi-as h.'ld at Sa.OQ. BULK MrJATS-Sold nt C n OJc for shoulders and clear rib sides. II A(!OVllr,l,l ill 11 n N, ft,p 1., .1. and clear aides; salo of shoulders at 7c. i.AUU uun ntac 8io bid. BUTTER firm ut 22 a 21c. CHEESE 10 a lOlc. LINSkED OIL-H(ln82u. LARD OIL 72c. RIVERNEWS. PORT LIST. ARRIVED SUNDAY. Steamor Dick Johnson, Evansvlllo. 11 Dictator, Memphis. " Florence, Hickman. " St. Joseph, St. Louis. 11 Illinois, Columbiu. " Mullie Ration, Evansville. I)i:i'AP,TKI hUNHAY. Steumor Dick Johnson, ICviinsvlllc. " Dictator, Grand Tower. " Indiana, Now Orb an. " St. Jnseiih, .Muuipliin. " Illinois. CulumliiH. ' " Mallle R-igon, Kvatisvlllc. ARRIVED MONDAY. Steamer Bee, Now Orleans'. " Belle Memphis, St. lolls, " Tom Jasper, St. Lou.8. " Colorado. St. Loul i Jas. Fisk, Jr., Padiicah, Southwestern, St. Louis. Illinois, Columbus. Sullie, Mompliis. Legal Tondor, Paducah. Mlnnlo, St. Louis. A. Baker, Capo Girardeau. DEPARTED MONDAY, Steamer Bee, St. Louis. liellu Momphls, Memphis. Colorado, Vicksburg. Jas. Fisk, Jr., Paducah. Illinois, Columbus. Sullie. St. Louis. Minnie. Wliltn rlvi.iv " Legal Tendor, Memphis, " Lldu Norvall, Metropolis. 110ATS TO LEAVE TO-DAY. Stcniuor Tom Jiispor, New Orlemis, uuiiiwesiorn, inow urieaus, City of Chester, .Memphis, Illiiiuir, Hickman. Jas. Fisk, Jr., Paducah. John Lumsden, Kvansvillc. Umpire, Louisville. Tho Ohio nt this port U (till i.Uing, nnd ilnco last report has fallen two Inches. Tho Mississippi is stationary. From par tics who wont down Sunday on a tour of inspection to Bacon Rock we loam that thero is but 24 Inches water on tho rock. Thcro Is considorablo difference of opinion as to whethor it is tho Hindoo or Bacon Rock, but parties who nro old steamboat men and who havo resided in our city for tho past sixteen years, sny it Is tho rock that tho Henry D. Bacon struck when sho was sunk-, ana sinco that timo it has been known as tho Bacon rock. Thero is an obstruction, supposed to bo an old coal bargo, about 200 feet abreast oi mo slough oolow tho coal yard, which lies in tho channel and has bcon hit bv several boats during tho last fow days. lapiain Al. Harmon went down Sunday anu pin a buoy on It. Ho reporU only 4J ieei on mo wreck. Business on tho landing was good. Freights aro plenty and aro moving for ward rapidly. Weather cool and haxy. Thoro was a heavy fog on tho Mississippi during Sunday night. Tho Dick Johnson arrived with a fair trip for the South. Tbo Dictator had a tow of empty barges for Grand Tower. Tho Ind iann departed Sunday aflorndon for New Orloans with a ioo! tr!n nf 0 ..... v. freight und passengers. Sho took In tow an empty bargo to be used as a lighter in c:uo sho grounds. Tho Mallio Ragan brought down a fair trip of rcshipping freight. I ho Boo, front Now Orlcanr. had a tow of barges. Tho Belle Memphia orrivod 3C hours be hind time, caused by having to lay up at night and sounding all tho crossings. The Tom Jasper was aground at Povr era' Island. Sho reporU that as-being tho worst place in tho river. Sho could find but 4 foet 5 inches thcro with a stick. Sho had to lighlon bofore she could cross Lib erty Island. Tho Colorado was several hours be. hind timo, having layed by both nights out. She received considerable freight here for Vicksbnrg and way. Tho James Fisk brought 14 bbls of ar. pies, 3J4 sacks corn, C3 bales hay and 179 bbls. flour for Now Orleans, and 300 bdls. staves aud 13 sacks cabbage for this city. Capt. Smcdly who has been in command or nor sinco she has been in tho trado has resigned his position and it succcodcd bv Capt. Joo Fowler of Paducah. Capt. Fowlor is well-known along tho river, and liked by all who know him for his mahy gentlemanly qualitlos, and he will no doubt win frosh laurels for tho Fisk. Tho Southwestern came out with a light trip but fills out hero with all tho frolght sho wants. The Julia was so unfortunato as to hit the rock in tho mouth of tho Ohio, break ing about 40 timbers. Sbo blow a alrnal of distress and tho tug Montauk, over rcauy m timo of need, wont to ho assis tance and pullbd her oft". Tho damages wero not serious and she proceoded on her way. Tlio A. Baker, front Capo Girardoau. had a medium trip. Sho worked 24 houts at tho Emilia La liart-p. prnnn,l t Brooks, and when sho left was still hard aground. It was roportodyostordav that tho C. B. Church, bound down, had run into tho bank nt Twin Sisters, durine Sunday night, and had damagod herself, but to what extent is notlknown. That 'ur Umpiro, Commodoro Hughes' Infuriated flagship, will dopart for Louis vlllo to-day at 4 p.m. Tho Gray Eagle still ciiiinmiidj, Old Whoo-wo still gab bles and Conversation Tonoy is master of tho foreeiHtlo. Wo cornmond this craft und refer tliu upward-bound to Jim Biggs, her special rlvor agent, satii dictum. Tho following remarkable run of the ! steamor Katiu is tukon from tho Now Orleans Timea, 13th : "Captain Whito of tho steamer Katie having yestorday com pleted tho general rojuvonntion of his steamer, invited a few of his friends for a shoit excursion up tho rlvor. Backing out frpiu the foot of Jackson slroet, whoro sho had been lying , sho proceoded down the river about tho distanco of ix squaro, whenco she started up stream. Pasting the elevator, tho starting point, tho timo was t.oted to bo 10:38. Currollton wharf i Was p.issod at 10:5 , ut ll:2 she roaehed I H.irry Hill's Onto and niBod Klkhorn I Landing at 11:211. .M,,l,tig tho entire ' run' in 51 J uiimiU's, Tlio result was tiK'St I n.l. .i.hlng to Cap'nln While nnd I is frifiula in view ofthef..ct that ihy wind 1 w i. ilfnd h1"iu1 Iip hiird'y hoped to cqllal I the uveregu limn nude 1 y tho fust ones. ui I'uursu mo iriomi' er the steamer are jubilant pvor hor performance and confi dant Unit alio can do butter. Tho distanco und timo madu were ns follows: From St. Mark's Market tu,: mile, time allowed, 7 ml.iiiti.-i ; from oluvalor to Currollton, 7 miles, 17 mln.j lrum Carroll tou to Hill'B Gate, 7 miles, 29 in in.; from Hill's Gato to K'khorn landing, 3 miles. Time, from SI. Mary's Market to Elkhorn landing, 18 miles, ut) minutes. Captain J. 11. Mitratta has purchased the steumor Tobo Hurt for f 0,600.. Ho will run hor in tho Sablna river. Tho La Crosse Domocrat reports " tho wator so low in tho Mississippi river that steamboats havo to keep whistling to koop cows out of tho channel. Many captains nro having cow-catohora put on their boats." Wo suppose thnt tho noxl movo will bo to put drivers under tho hull and call thorn first-class dining and sleeping cars. PHIL HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, Clly Natieual aUak. Bulimias;. Bpeclal atteatloa paid to orders from boat j BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AV CAIRO ONE DAY ONLY! TneailMy, September 3fllh,l$7l. Twcnt'.eth Annual Tour of LAKE'S IUPFO OLYMPIAD AMD MAMMOTH CIRCUS, Tiir. Ho( TlKiroutclily trgnnlel mikI 4'oiu lll irir in mi lie World L'nilor Ihn Management tit MADAME AGNES LAKE. Tlieonlr Company TraTeltlng Itiir a C. run J Free Ilalloon AhkciihIoii, Something entirely new, ami which tv.n oriain. ---' 17 iiii"v"iiii.u,i nmi xiiirfi Hiivinpi t-il by otli.m without iiiceesi-. THI3 CONOEUX LS C0L05HAI. 1'OItnoNri. IN ITS PltO- Ttie Illuminated pictorials are eiart rcpreaonta- iivmiil .lie rriuillinni.v anil ariisuc eleganeiea which render tbla MATCULES8 KXUlniTION HO ATTRACTIVE. HUPRKUBLY Ttie Kqueetrlnn Deimrtment, Under tho laintedialo auperTislon of the gentle luuiii auu i.-i.-uiiipji8neii nriinr, Mb. LEVI J. NORTH, brilliant anil tlri'llv l. Dm ' Gramlitl Concentration of Talent Ever erg inlaiJ inono combination, select J from Tlio Moat KiulnentNtans Uf Europo and America. The mom and actompllaliej equestriennes, as-Moit (klllful ami erartful en,iie!ra!a, nL.Most Intrepid and thrilling gymnast. Most Wonderful aid Superb TRAINED HORSES ANE PONIES Presenting a'eerles ol marvelous perfermances; Mixlelaortiraeo and Elegance, ilfhJh!.l?8Ui7! 0fKnltfttionoTerall olb. ere thai hato h Iherto nulled this aecllon of eouutry, and miikliiK all vompetllors lu Beauty, Perfection, Tuloiit, NEW, NOVEL AND ORIGINAL FEATURES. Remeaibcr the draml HALLOO N ASSENS'ION 14 Free J l'rcel I And takes place evory nflerncon from Ihl circus , Kound, TWO PERFOMANCE DAILY, Al o'clock mid 7 o'clock, Bp&EBHaBKVQBSBBjjBBBBEBBa "J I aaMSaiaaaBl ST. LOUIS FAIR. BctiB Oct. 3nd and Continue until flaTtff. ?tffa H4O.OO0 1!V PRF..mtIMN. 'SEND Ton CATALOG U. A. n, PA II RETT, rreildont, (j. O. KALI), Secretary. BT. LOUIS TRADE, NAMK, nUSI.VKSS AND LO CATION or LEADING WHOLESALE AJf D RETAIL HOUSES. ihl'p.V;-, '"Jerswhoconteaiplale tlslllnc mado ami are itrlctly nrtt-cla.ii. ART OALLKRY. Lookm Ola.e, Piclurn Framet, 4c. Oeorco M. HardlBit N, rmti itreet. , . ARTIFICIAL A11US AND LKUg. I'rlfe Llat free Lel I,ockwood, MS Pino Ht, ST. LOUIS ALK DRRWRRT. e. F. Toung Co.. 113 V. Commercial it. IIAOd AND BAOOIVO. M A I, Chase, 17, .V Main street. fltTAR) 1IA3KET UA.f UFACTOnY. OM Fleming Co, loss Main, manufacturers of sur naaketa for Grain, Uundry, Ao. nnntrvi t t. .-i-inii.i, Seaa for c.alo;ue. J W Melntyre, No 4 aauth ST. LOUIS HOOK A KKWB CO. Wholtialeyiatloners, Ac, VU N Fourth atreet. 1100KMKLLKR8 (law and general). Houle, Tliomas A Wlnnr.2lfl N Klfth. IIILLIARD TAlir.KK. Innrivn nt icaia Picinro Kramei, te. J11II11. llalke, Thonmen A 11RIDOK IIUlLDRIta. 11 Carter 1 Co, a K eorner Ilk nnd Wnlnu', CARRIAQK MANUFACTURER, Henry Timkln, Sit A 810 Nautn Street. CHARTER umrvu ExceUlor Manufacturing Co., 61-JNMalu street. CIDKR (UISMOUHI). Oreen k Clark, Suoo I'ine aireel. CIDER (OHIO). Reary Elch, 1324a Scream itreet. COMMHRCIAX COLLKOK. ead for Catalogue Circular. Jonathan ionee. rreaidcnt, corner Fifth and Olive. DRY OOODH (WIIOI.E8ALK AKD RETAIL). William Ilarr A Co, cor Sth A It Chsilen: KNOINB, BOILER ASD SHEET IROK WORKS. aix. vruiier a uo, iim. slain atreet. KXOIXES (rORTADLE AKD STATIONARY). Gotten and Compresses. Smith, Begga A Co, (00 Main, cor Mortrin. FURS'lTUBB J 11EDDINO, (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Curtla k Slaaea, 310 Wanhlnfton arenue. FURNITURE, (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL). Sole agent for Jones' Pat lied spring. J n Crane, iw an rourtn street. FURNITURE, (WHOLESALE VND RETAIL). Sanford 0. Scarntt, N S corner 4th A Locust, branch homo 114 Market st. OUNS, riSTOLS AND AMMUNITION, lmportcra and Jobbers. H Folsem A Co, sJ A C21N Main street. LUM11IR (WHOLERALB). Schnelle A Qocrl, nweorlthaod Mullanphy. LEATHER AND SHOK VINDINOS." Sole Agent Anglo Machiae Silk. Harvey f Tetto mer. 021 K Fourth at, MILLINERY, STRAW O.0OD8, HIDnONS,HILK9, Ac.Impeneri AJoibers. Waters, Todd A Cc, 409 Nj Fourth st. TATENT aOLICITORS, (U.S. AND rOItKION.J Prlndlc A Dyer, S E cor Sth and Pine St St Lou!u, Ho, and Washington, DC. FRINTINO INK MANUFACTORY. BThalman.Ilsl at, near Chonteau are, RAILWAY St MANUFACTURERS' Supeliea, Iron A Wood Working Machinery.' ...... i'uu.ico a, ii ooum rntn street, BCALV.'S, (FAIRBANKS STAVnilin I Fairbanks, Qrecnleaf a Co, SOiHWashlngton arJ SEWING MACHINES, (XOISELESS). tWillcox andGlbbs, 303 N Fourth St, RTO.VEWARK AND TIPE UAvnrieTnnt- ror.cquocu. eewera and e.ilrerl., St Lo'uU v.v, ivo r ourtfi, 1 fWAti w E.liiLII.I,ed In ISM A Durgln 305 N Serenth a ll-K FOUNDRY AND I'APER HOUSE, St Louis Tpe Foundry Co 123 Pino at VINKOAR MANUFACTURE. Aldeu A CIj- s'i318 4iid 31: Spruce et I'lANOI, (IIKLL TIIKIII.S 1'IANOs). Kaeliiry and .l,.rooiii UT ami 30J Clioleau ar fll or end lor illustrated aouthuchte'ti agency for the lluidelt Organs fit wuii MANUFACTUHINa C(J DRY UOODI. C. HANNY. AROE STOCK. BUOWN S1IEF.TINGS, PUINTS, a?iciciasrc3-s, CHECKS, ANU S T It I P K yf KKXTUCICV JWA, EXTRA, CASSIMKIW, IILACK ALPACAS LUSTElt, OHOSGCAIN SILKS, 1'OFI.INS). LARGE STOCK OP OABPETINO, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINQ, Window Nlittdea, aiLT HANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACK DAMASKS, HU KttrHtk Maw Claalat; AT VERY LOVT FIGURES. C0BK1B, 8TB T., AD COMMMCUIvAT.,