Newspaper Page Text
1 THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1871. It Ai MIACXIOA L Vif A-WIM AKKH. NO. jr. BOUPT, 150 "WASHINGTON AVENUE, CA1J10, ILLINOIS, Has en hand A TINE STOCK OF WATCIIHS, CLOCKS, jkwklmv, etc. '" ratiicular atleullon Bhen to REPAIRING FINK WATCH KS. ' J The larRCSt lnek of 001-1) AN.) PII.VHU WATCHES TUB BULLETIN. Fisiuav, SKi-TKMnr.a '22, 1671. ToitN II OHEHt.V, Hiiiton ami Pentlsiti.ii. Ti.rns or tin. Daily llti.i.r.m SuWrlpHon. (). week, l.y cortler, 2jj Unoycarby carrier, In advance .10 w lino nionlh, by Mall, 1 Three months B x months, t m year, 12 a . 1 21 s 00 uuro; ieowwKriiini'i.u...-""----i- . Un Mttntithtpatntuiatot Inlellvjtnt rtrtcri and tnltrjtnnniliimnatmtn. THE 1)01. LAH WEEKLY 1IULLKT1N. John II. Oliftly A Co. have reduced the Mib si-rinlion price r.f tho Weekly Cairo llnlletl One MMr per rtnnim.nintttnR It Hie cheapest pa per published m southern Illinois. keep ft ll.t of tho pTdi" notified, tbo (Into f lie no ifivn.ion! and tho .Mii-nii.t, puld In lieu of labor; and b;, whom i mid to n'l persons who. IIP .onallyoi by nnotho.r 1.1...- fli .fnrftn iliiV' ri-ntiirotl TZnXt,' crvisor of rtwliilmll Klvc n receipt, cltl r In I'ull r ill inrli 1" 'true in " ... 1 1 All i-nr.ntm liilinriin' Oil tlm trViU sh-ill bo r quired to Inbor with run- j oiutblo illllgenco Khour in cncii nd Ifntiv person working on um r avenues, In conformity with the notice! nfo."caiJ, shall refuse to oiceuio wot Kin tbo mannor dircclod by tbo Street commit- toe or person in charge, no mum nov uo entitled to rcccivo any credit for street lux, but shall bo reported to the city attorney for prosecution ns ono 01 mosu tauing refining to work. ... ? a ...t nil .!ne(i in lubor on tbo etrools, nt'tor being nnlirtn.! us iiforcsuid. shall full to pay to tbu supervisor ol streets or thu city treasur er Vlie sum 01 tiireu iiuum", " o-.-ni..Mnr.enf inn United f-.taU'S. on or bo- .............. .... - . r...iiiu l.i.i iinv mi winini nu wu ruiiviuvu in lubor ns nbovo SDuclfled, bo sbnll bo liable to tlio city in un ncuon ior mo ! ri'; nnti 110 supervisor u .l.nnla 1,nll Itnmndlnlcl V Ullon UlO OXPlrft Dkt .... .1 -rf ,1 . . . r ih 1 inn Mnva nuriiiir wnicu inuur was to bo perrormea, lurniin u nsi 01 an hoiiI. titrinnl to UlO dtV llttor- iiwii uiiii'v... r . .,. Ml,,. 1 mil tiinrn iinon msiuuiu iuu uuufnst such dollnquonls fo.- tbo rcspcctlv nmounlsduo from them, provided, if any nnrc.m frmi w mm StrOCt JUUOr Cdll UU For President, 1872, JAaiES 11. D00LITTLB, OF YVISCO.VSIX. SuftyVe h the deexnon of the national dem ocratic contention. " Th.VftrVurk JfMon Heimlor Doolltlio. 11;. ri-mrtl ! to consistent and untar nished that it may be likened to a straight line drawn across apu:ziea cicar ocam, umirerred ly the fluctuating atmosphere of African politics, through the past taeniy years." J-wma J ' ihr J)'lfU,MirtrcJ '.at IK lroil,in Mi. M-ctuanctt.' theHoullimCimillin I'roposed to V..he. ,.1-or U,ir. b ter ihjjr 4 re- quemion Willi I w ere mmt emiillificwlwi-liouted; ConO-calc the r ucr-rlv; mikolliemlae-." There wM. liOW. "er.Ti that day who would havo made them "dVe. lo thtiriiMii -lave.. ilul Ciimillus, whoe ncechot single line ha made hli. nmilin moital, mJ: -!nator, let us inaUe ihein fellow Blt.seni. mil thui id I lothe power nil id glory ol KnniO" lt m, now that tliey have laid duwii the srnis or the.r rtlwlllon and have rencmed l their alle'ienee t.i the union and tho 1U, inakutne fjouthtrn Kodo our fcllow-cltizjnn, am! thus Hid to the poiier an iKlory of the nation. do iy the reepleof Uiliim after they hail I M ed again-t Home and had l.-en mil down thi SriniM ol that poer. When (he quest an "in the senile! 'Whjt eh.ll ;uno wl and lh ptode of Ijitiumr there e DCMOCRATIO COUNTY T1CKKT. I'urTreaiurcriin l Collc:tor, WILLIAM! MARTIN. For Surveyor, JOHN P. HELY. OIIBINANCE XO. VJ. Or .STUKKl'S AXl) Tlir. hTUKUT hUlT.nVIOH Ilo it ordained by tliu cliy council oftho city of Uuiro. Sec. 1. For t!i u purpose of keeping tbo streets and avenues In repair, uvcry rnnlo inhabitant of said city, between tho ages of tiYcnty-ono and tlfty years, shall be and lliey uro" hereby required to labor on tbo streets and avenues of tho city thrco days In e.tch year, under direction of such otll cer k tbo city council may direct. '. Sr.c. '1. There shall be appointed by tbo city conncil an officer ol tl.u city, to be otiflud suvervisor ol streets, whose duty it slmll bo to attend to tho collection of tbo MriietUix, and such ollior duties us may liciljvolved upon him bv tbecllv couu 1 " SEC. 3. llefurc nnv truet supervisor shall cnler upon the ifuiii-s of his olllcc, he thull tako tin oath of ullice, :i is provided for other otneors, and shall enter into bounds for $2,000 with s ulllelent security to bo npproved by tbo city council eon vened in joint foion, for tlio faithful per. formanco of llu dutios of his office as sucli supervisor. tsKG. d. Tbo eitv clerk shall irovidu blank receipt boots, the receipts in which shall bo numbered with corresponding numbers on stups or murgins, and shull dclivor ono book at a time to such supervi sor, who shall uso the receipts contained -in said book and no other in his eol'ections of ttroit tux, and when a receipt is issued by said supervisor for street tax ho shall enter In tbo margin or stub of said book, correiponiling with tho receipt, tho mimo . of tbo person to whom said rccoint was issued nnd the date and amount thoruof and tho book of margins or stub of Miiil receipt shall bo returned to tbo city okrk to be by him iltcd in bis office, so soon us all tho lcceipts contained in said book havo ben u-od, provided, if anv receint cannot fur nny purtioio be used, it shall bo folded buck with tlio margins and bo returned to viie city clerK s otliuu with tliem, and for nnd e.Ytry failuro to comply with the nwnniuiui.o! villi Motion, tuld struut supervisor snail tutfult and pay to salu cny a sum noi n limn Vventy-tlvo Jul lars nor more than fifty dollars. jsko. 6. 1 ho suprvior slnvii bo cbarccd null, and account to tuu cuy fur all the receipts lurnisuou herein provided and In caso of his or tieitluet to m. turn un account for such receipt nnd of the amounts collected to the city council convened in Joint session at eucli regular meeting of tlio same, on tbo first Monday of cuch and overy month, by producing tbo rcolpts of tho treasurorand tho report of the ciiv clerk, ho shall for'eit and uuv to said cliy u sum not loss than twenty-llYu nor more than tlfty dollars. Sec. 6. No money shall bo expended nor labor performed bv tho sunarvlsor nx- cept under tho instructions and by dircc- uu ui wiu cuy council, bfce. 7. All'ainouuts to bo received by Ihn nllii .. ... . . .... .i,mor ui priiviiim ior in tins ordinance,, ilu.ll l. i.I.i.i i... i.i - - . -i - .. ..v iivm u) nun una spec ial fund to bo xpndud under tho diro tlon of tho c ty council on tlio streets nnd m required shall befo-o notice to attend for heon clvcn to Jilm, ns heroinbeforo provided to said street supervisor tbo sum of two dollars in legnl currency of tho United, States be shall bo entitled to rcccivo and tho said Street Supervisor is bcroby authorized and Instructed to civo him a receipt in full for street labor for I ho current venr snld moneys to ho paid into tho City Trcssury as now pro vided for by Section 53 of this ordinance. Skc. 13. All monoys received by tho su pervisor of strcots In lieu of street labor, shall bo paid by him, in legal currency, . im i(v treasury, on or boforo tlio first -Holiday of each month j nnd at each monthly stated moeting of tbo city council said supervisor shall mako report of his receipts and expenditures and work for tbo nrovious month, which report shall contain tbo names oftho persons laboring on tho streets, and ol poraons making pay ment in lieu thereof, nnd for each and evorv failuro to coinnlv with tho require ments of this section, tho said supervisor shall lorfeit and pay to suld city a sum not less than twenty llvo dollars nor moro than ono hundred dollars. Skc. H. Tho supervisor of streets shall rcccivo ten per cent, of all moneys collect ed by him In llou of street labor, to tho amount of $3,000, and twenty per coat, on nil sums ovor that amount. Sec. 1C. No person or persons or body corporato shall, In nny mannor, rcmovo or causo to bo removed any earth trora any of tho avenuos or streots of tho city, or rc movo earth from ono part of a street to another, or public grounds within tbo cor poroto limits of tbo city of Cairo, without having first obtained leave from the city council to do so ; nnd everj porson or por sons or boJy corporato oUcnding against tho provisions of this ordinance, BbnTl for feit und pay to tho city of Cairo a sum not less than ton dollars nor moro than fifty dollars for each and every offonso : i'ro vided, tho hauling nnd carrying away of each load und each parcol, and each other separato removal of earth, shall bo consid ered and taken as a distinct and separate offense. Skc. 15. It shall not bo lawful for nny person to placo or deposit on any of tbo streets or avenues of tho city, so as to ob struct the same, nny timber, wood, lumbor. run I. -liriek. stone, or other materials; nnd every person violating tho provisions of ims section sunn lorieu aim my, mr m uso of the city, it sum not lcssthat ten nor moro than ono hundred dollars, for each and every ollenso: l'rorided, buildors may occupy half of tlio street with their build ing materials, whero they nro engaged in erecting buildings, and provided, also, where persons nro engaged in unloading or loading railroad cars, they may occupy half tho street with treight whllo so en- , ... ' M:c. l i. ii snail no mo uuiy oi iuu po lice constables, or other police officer on duty in day-time, to observe infractions of tnisiirdifinnco and to notify tho proper parties to remove the obstructions on tho streets oravcnuci. If said obi tt notions uro not removed will i i twenty-four hours af ter ncticolms becn'given as above, it shall bo tho duty of the said policeionitible, or other officer, to removi?, or causo to bo re moved, tho saino to some convenient place, and to reuuiro tlio owner or owners, r.r porson who placed or ilepssittd tint ob structions, to pay the expense of 6tuu re moval, lisucn ncrson eumioi oo iuuiiu or rcfuso to pav such oxpenso, it shall be lawuil tor suld policeman to sen sum prop erty eat Hint? sucn oosirucuon. or any wur- tinfi thereof, for cash to tho hichest bidder, after huvlng given two day' no;lco of the wood, dirt, rubbish, brick, stone, or other movable a rtlclo or 8ub3tance.,on or over any snoot, bine, alloy, sldov-ilk, public ground public binding or common In tho city of Cairo lonrrcr than n rohsminble tiuij noe cs'ury In tlio loading or unlo i-llng In tho transaction of bu'incsf, such box, barr I, hogshead, crale, iron, coal, wood, dirt, rubbish, brick, Atone, or other movable ar ticle or substances, over person or per sons violating "i'J provisions of till suction shall forfeit and pv, upon conviction before any polico magis'.ratc of said city, a sum not loss than thrco nor moro than twenty dollars and cost of proceedings, ur ami ever oucnso. Sue. 'J3. That it any arivor, owner or person having tho ordering or superin tendence! or nny cart, amy, wagon, tiago, liacney coach, or otho carriage or vehicle, in sntinr tlm snmo to nc ana remain in or upon any street or alloy in tho City of uairo ior moro tuan ono nour nuer mu snmo has been nlaced ill or Upon slich .7 . . t. street or alloy, except wnon n icam i m tcacned iiitciieu or ticu to mo same, uvuiy norson ownlntf or having tho ordoring or tmirlntiiiiiliinin nf sucdl CnrrlriTO. Clirl, dray, wiigon, stage, hacnoy coach, omnl- nus or oilier ve nc o so Euuureu 10 raumn In nnv ulroel' or nllcv of snid citv. shall for felt and pav to tho city a sum of not less than tbreo nor moro than twenty dollnrs fni- rmoli imil flvorv nllnnsa. I'rovided that nothing In tho foregoing sections shall bo so constructed ns to pro vent buildors from using portions of the streets, as now provided uy ordinance. time and place of such sulo, by posting up notices in tlireo puunc places in siiu cuy Uer deducting costs una charges ior nu troubln, at tho rale of five dollars per day wullo engaged in removing und selling tho same, tho officer shall pay tbo balance into tho cuy treasury. h IS. It shall not he la wlnl for any person or persons to placo or deposit, or canto to bu placed or deposited, on any of the streets or avenues of tho citv, or anv of tho wharves or lovees of thu clly, nny cnyud vegetable or animal matter, or any miittor ol ollal liable to decay; and every ptirson or porsoiu viobiting tlio pro visions oi tins section, snail lorloll and pay to tho city a sum not less than ton dollars, nor moro than fifty dollars for each mid every ollenso. fi ku. lv. it snail not bo luwiul lor any portion todo.ioslt upon the jilr ik road, up on l.ovco strcet.maieriaijol a.iydo crpllon that will obstruct tho passage of vehicles, ..if ..IVIU II1IU uvenuos of this city. Sec 8. The supervisor of streets ilmti ,i . ii... i,..,j... nr I...H i. . . i iuu nrv .himiu.ij ui jii,i iii eacu Yuur. or m sooli thoreattor u lie insy bo directed by tlio city council, proceed in notify nil tbo malo Inhabitants of tint city from whom street labor can bo required to attend at tuatrtlmo and placo and witli such imple ments us lie tiiuy iloML-niite, for tho pur- posoof psrforming thu l.tbor necessary in tho repair of such of tin streets us require it, said work to bo dono under direction ' oftho Street committee. n' See. 0. Tho said notices shall bo printed or wrjtllne;, and1 shall bu given at least tbrM 'days boforo tho day on which tbo laboers stro roqulrod to work, nnd eball Im sir rod nersonally or by leavlne them at the usual placo of abode of the person MiiirMiiio labor. Etoib io, The luporYiw ofitmii aiiaii to a greater width than eight foot ; nor shall any dray, wagon, or other vehicle, stand upon said plank road, except while engaged in lo'tdlng or unloading, fur a greater length of tiuiu than ton minutes; und every person violating either of tho provisions ol tho proceeding section, shall lorieu anu pay noi less than tlireo dollars nor moro than llvo dollars. Skc. 20. It shall not bo lawful for any person or porsons to erect and maintain, keep or causo to bo erected. liuilntHlnnd nr epi, any suowcaso, stand, tab'.o, or struct- uiu, ior mo purpose oi soiling fruits, enn- imu, cigars, cuiiery, provisions, or ...viuuiium.-, on uny oi mo street sidO' Wulkstutheellvui Culm? nnd n...... son violating the provisions of this soctlon ...... U11U iiuy ior mo uso ot tho clly not less than ten nor moro than fifty dol lurs for each ollenso and overy day that he, sho or they shall so maintain or koop, or causo to bo maintained or kept, any such showcase, tables, stands, or otbor structure, lor tlm purpose aforesaid. Tho Keeping, Having, or maintaining any such """"i'i iiiuio, nuiiiu, or omor siructuro, or causing or procuring tho samo to bo j , ',,"' uu prima iicio eviuetlCO of a ORDINANCE NO. 14. l.V ISKLATION TO HTIIEKT OltADINO, HIDE VAI.K8 AKD CUOSSWALKS OK 0T1IEH IMl'ROVEMENTS. Uo it ordained by tho city council of tho city ot uairo. Mrrrrmv 1. That whonovor tho city Council of said City shall Uy ordln-uico direct nnd authorlzo tho filling, refitting, grading, lovollng, paving, planking, grav eling, macadamizing, or ropairlng, or any strcot, nvoniio or highway in said city, or tho construction, reconstruction or repair ing of any sldowalk, or crosswalks, where such repair will exceed half tho cost of n now sldowalk or crosswalk, it shall bo tlio duty of tho ci.y comptroller, to causo a survoy, plat, plan, profile, specifications and estimato of tho cot of tho contemplated work to ho mado and repor ted to tfio city council, convened in joint sossion, for tlioir consideration and action. "When said report has bcon considered and approved, tho clly council shall, unless otherwise provided for by ordinance, either provido for having tho materials furnished and tho work dono by tho city, under lliodirectlon of thostrcot committee, or ordor and diroct tho city comptroller to givo notlco and advortise for tho proposals to do tho coniemplatcd work as hereinaf ter provided. Skc. '2. Uy ordor of tho city council convened In joint session tho city clerk liall ilvn notice for twonlv days in tho newspaper publishing tbo ordinances of tho City that, sucn pinu, plans proline?, specifications, and estimates aro deposited in his offlco and aro open for inspection and examination, and shall at tho samo timo and placo, and in the samo mannor, and for tho samo longth of timo, advortiso for proposals for furnishing such materials, or doing .such work, or both, as tho case may bo. Tho bids for furnishing such ma terials, or doing such work, or both, shall bo sealed bids, directed to tbo city council of tho city of Cairo, nnd shall bo opened by said council, convened in joint session at tho hour and placo mentioned in said notice, which meeting shall bo cither a regular meeting or a spocial meeting for Hm nnrnoso to bo called by tho city clork. When the bids for furnishing tbo mattr luls for. or dointr tho proposed work, or Imtli. shall havo been ononcd, tho contract for furnishing tbo materials for, or doing tho snid work, snail bo awarded to tno lowest responsible bidder, or bidders, who will sufficiently guarantee to tho satisfac tion of said city council mo lurniuung oi snid materials, or tho porformanco of e-aid work, or both, under tuo suporinienuonco oftho cemmittco on strods within such timo or litnc3 as may be fixed by contract. Sec. 3. In all contracts ontored into undor and by virtue of this ordinanco and tho charter ct tno ctiy, tno rigui snait no reserved to tho City council convened in joint session to flnnlly decldo all. questions arising as to me periormunco oi sum con tracts, and in case maionai is noi lur tiisbed or tho work is not done accurding to contract, to reject such material or work. Hut in all cases when mo contractor or contractors shall propcly perform and complete hi or thuir contract or contracts to tho satisfaction of iho committee on streots, according to tbo plats, plan', spec ifications, profiles and estimate thuri-oi,or shall properly perform any part or por tion thereof to tho satisfaction of said com mittee, accordlnctho plats, plans, specifica tions, profiles and estimates thereof, nnd, nccordine to tho terms and conditions of such contract, the snid committed shall then certify tho samo to st'ch contractor or contractors, "ivinir him or them an c tlmato of tho amount of work performed or materials furnished, and shall submit a report to tho city council convened in joint session, showing tho nature and amount of tho work performed or muterial furnishodf tho real properly churgcnblo therewith, and tho amounts with which such property is churgoable, according to tho ropcrt ol tuo commissioners n unt-u in section 10 oi tuo nmcnutneni to mo cuy chartor, approvod Fob. 28, 1807, tho appro priate amount payablo for such improve' mcnt out of tho improvctnonl fund, and tho appropriate amount payublo therefor out of tho funds derived or to bo derived from tho assessments levied or to bo levied upon said real property to cover tho bonu tits conferred thereon by such improve ment. Thereupon tho said clly council convened as abuvo, shall pass a resolution dirocllnt' warruuis to uo drawn on me city treasurer in lavor oi sucn contractor or contractors ior mo amount or niuoiniu reported bv said committoo to bo dono, ial ns nforcsnld. fo elluct this ob'oct ev ery nsusmoh' under this ordinance shi .1 uo numbered Consocutlvoly lit tho order iu WhlCll'tho lllai.umnr.l rll. .I...1I 1,., Ill,,, I 1,1- . IWIII Bill., I UU I'J tho circuit clerk, its required by section i or tho nmendniont to the citv ch trtor, up proved x ibruhry loth. lSOn.",,.,,! ,, Mioeiil ccount shalt bo kept of the receipt and ixnenuiturw f,.r ouch assofsment. Skc. 0. Thni r . - ,;i my uwnura oi lots trot.ting or nbtlttltu' urion nnv t.eut or avenue, or portion oi'imv tm. .V. vf- iiue, in said city, to tbo number of t vo thlrdsor nioro, shall pott. ton tho citv council to fill und grade, or p.tvo or plunk said strcot or nvenuoor portion of mild street or nvonuc. iinon whlMi ni,t iu abut, or to construct a sldowalk in front tf said iois, nnd aatd city council shall pais an ordinance ntithorlzlng tho snld filling lino grauing or ouior worK, and sllnll tlx mo nciRiii nnu widtii or tlio same, it shall be lawful for tho committoo on streots, and iney uro ncrony instructed nnd required to contract wuri said petitioners, or with a majority of thcin, or with somo poron or persons to be designated in writing, by tt majority oi them, to tio and exculo the v,-ork ol said tilling and grading or construction, nnd by agreement wilh a majority of snid petitioner) or with tho person or persons to bo designated by them as abovo specified, to fix tho price to bo paid for said word und to fix timo within which said work shall bo completed, orovlded tho prico to bo paid for said work shall not exceed tho nverago prico paid in cash for similar work in similar localities in said city. Sec. 7. As soon ns the contract has bcon mado for tho filling und grading of any street or avenve or portion of nny street or avenue, or other work as abovo provi ded for, tho proper officers of the city shall proceed to assess and collect tho estimated cost nnd expenses of dolns tho same, upon nnd from tho lots benefitted thereby, to tho extent of the special beno fit conferred upon such lots by snid filling and irnidinir or other work ns now provi ded for in similar cases by tho charter and ordinances oftho city. bix, 8. l-.stimntes snail bo mado of said work under tho directions of the commi teo on streets nt such times as may bo ncrccd upon between said committed and tho person or persons with whom tho con tract for tlio filling nnd grading or other work shall bo made, and orders shall bo Issued for tho amount of said estimates upon tho treasury of tho city, payable out oi tno special luno, arising irom tuo assess ment for said work, nnd nil sums collec ted for said work shall bo paid Into tho samo fund, from which snid orders nro payable, provided that receipts executed by said contractors shall bo received as cash by tho city treasurer from any lot owners on account oftho nsscsmcnt duo from him for said filling and grading, or other work. Skc. 0. Tho construction and repairs of nil sido anu crosswalks snail bo ordered by tho city council by ordinance, nnd when so ordered, said sfdo and crooswalk mnylio constructed by, and tinder tbo di rection nnd superintendence of such per son or persons as tho city council con vened in joint session may select nnd tho oxpenso ot constructing nnd repairing said sidewalks nnd crosswalks shall bo collec ted from tho property benefitted thereby in accordance with tho charter and ordin ances of tho city, provided the cost of such repairs shall equal or exceed half tho cost of n now sidewalk or crosswalk. If tho cost of such repairs i loss than half the cost of a now sido or crosswalk, tho cx penso tlicrcof.shnll bo paid out of the improvement fund. Sec. 10. Sidownlks hcreaftor construct ed in nny of tho streets of tho city, sbull bo constructed in tbo following manner, viz.: They shall be six feet wide on tho top, except oii'strcets or avenues ono hundred feet wide, whore they shall bo sewn foot wide, tho bead or top covering to bo of white oak, two inches thick, and not mn-o than eight inches in width, to bolnldcross wiso with tho sidewalk, and firmly set and well spiked on with at least six twentypenny nails in each bonrd, to three while or burr oak stringors of not less than thrco inches thick by six inches wide, which stringers nro to bo firmly set on olgo and well spik ed on to white or burr oak sills, not less than tlireo inches wido by six inches thick, placed at intervals of six feet crosswise to said sldowslks, theso sidewalks, at street crossings, to bo extended Into thu streets till they meet the crosswulks. Tho cross walks, or f trcoi crossings mould oo com posed of not les than four by twelve inch plunk, thirty feet in longth, on streets onn hundred feet wlJe, und" twenty foit long on other streets. All sidewalks and crosswalks, excepting tlm'oon I.avce street and in the cross streets leading from l.uveo street to Commercial itventte, shall bu laid to thu grade now otiblishoJ us tho grado of the strenu of tho cuy, onions otborwiso ordered by tbo City Council convened in oint session or uy ordinance, and where it is necessary to elevate the sidewalk to bring it to tho grado thus established, It tuny bo so elevated by means of trestlo work. Tho po,ts of tlio trestlework sbnll bu of whilo or burr oak, four inches square, sunk in tlio ground or othcrwisu tho street committee may direct. When tlio sldowalk Is elevated nbovo the ground tho sills or cross tics and stringers shall bo placed on edgo, tho cross tics or sills gained or morticed into tho posts and well sptxcd on, mm tno stringers notched tn bo closo planked on tho oulor sido with ! I t, i.i..t i,nlr ...1.- Crittn fl,.l 4.,. ..T . t .1 - II w VI'.. l. ..v... ttiv v., OIUC w.tlks to tho mudillls. Whoro tho trcstlo- work Is over llirce foot hiiili. tho upright shtlj ox'end tw - nnd six inches nbovo tho sidewalk, nnd n hand-rail shall be nailed on thorn, except In ensns whoro tlio streets nro so filled and graded as to do nway with tho neewsity for a hand-riil on the outer side, and in sucn cases bucn outer hnnd-rnll shall be omitted. Su l'J. Kvery owner of any lot or lots froni'p'. or abutting upon nny strcot or i . uo in tho city which Is up to tho es tablished grado shall havo tho right, under tho supervision and dlroctlon of tho street committoo or other propor authority of tho city, to mnko and construct, in front of his or hor lot or lots, a brick sldowalk iwoivo noi in wiuiu irom toe ironi oi me lot, upon streets or avenues ono hundred foot wide, and ten foot in width upon streets or avenues less than ono hundred feet wldo, snid brick sldowalks to bo mado of good suitable brick, carefully and com pactly in la in tno shape of a ncrring-oone. upon a firm nnd substantial bod covorou with four Inches of courso sand on sultablo gravol, tho curbing to bu of sultablo oak or other timber (or stone,) fourteen or moro Inches wido nnd lhro inchos thick, woll supported by mid spiked on to good ouk stakes two and one-hair feet lone and three or four inches squaro, placed on tho outsldo of said curbing not moro than five feet apart, tbo Inclination of tho sidewalk irom tho lot to tno curmng to bo lour inches downward on streets and avenue?, one hundred feet wido and throo inchos on streets nnd avenues less than that width, and tho said brick sldowalks so built and constructed, to bo constructed undor tho direction of tho strcoicommttco. Sec. 13. It shall be, nnd hereby is, mado tho duty of tho city attoruoy to prepare under tlio direction of the mavor and citv council, convonod in joint session, all peti tions to be presented to tbo circuit court tor tno collection oi tno cost ot puunc im provements under this ordinance, and to take tho general charge of all proceedings for tho enforcement of the same, unless snld council, so convened, shall othorwiso direct. See. 14. For nil tho improvements in said city, heretofore mado by the author ity of said city, and for tho payment of wlilch tho city has bcon unable to collect from former 'assessments tho amount re quired to completo tbo payment therefor, it shall bo tho duty of the city comptroller, whenever tho city council shall so direct, to ascertain tho cost and axpense of mak ing tho same, nnd thereupon the city at torney shall prcparo tho petition required by section 13 of the act to amend an act entitled, "an act to rodttce the Charter of tho City of Cairo and tho sovoral acts amendatory thereof into ono and rnviso tho same, approved, February 18, 1807," to be presented to the circuit court of Al exander Connd it is hereby made the duty of the city attornoy to proceed at anco to tho assessment nnd collection of said costs and expenses in accordance with tho exist ing charter and ordlnancos of sold city, VoriVrVu'jthat in thoso cases whero amounts have been paid under formor assessments, greater than shnll be assessed under this section, tho ovorplus shall bo credited t party who paid tho previous asscssmonts. kc. to. if from any canse tho assess twenty-flvo contsj and for each lort'l of cwl, one-half cont per bushel. Hnc 0. Tbo mnrkot master shall chnrgo a feo of fifty cents for correcting, stamping und sijnllng scales to be used in said mark ets, or nny whoro in tho city, nnd n fee cf twenty.fWo cents for each n.cnstiro sealed nnd sumpod. by him larger than half bushel, and ton cents for each tnensuro of half bushel or loss, and all foes rocelvcd by bini shall bo paid Into tlio city treasury. Skc. 0. It shall ot bo lawful tor any person within tho limits of the city to uso nny scalos or Ubor contrivance for weigh ing, without first having tho same tested and stamped, under a penalty of not less than ono nor moro than twenty -five dollar for a:n offonie. ORDINANCE No. 10. OK THE CITT SKAT.. lie it ordained by tho city council of the city of Cairo. Skc. 1. Tho senl of.tbo city shall be in a circular form, with the words "oftho city of Cairo, Illinois," and tho figures "1857" in tho oxterior circle, and tho word "deal" in the center, surrounded bv an appropriate vignette, (representing tho corn and other rich product of Egypt Southern Illinois,) and shall bo used as such seat in all case that havo been or snail nereauer uo provided ror by law or the ordinances of tho city, and In all other case in which by law and custom it is usual and necessary for the corporation to use a seat. ORDINANCE No. 17. or OIUDHH. Bo It ordained by tho city council of tho city of Cairo. Hnc. 1. Tho highest natural ground nt tuo sou;nwH comer or UomtnorcUl av enuoand Sixth street, the same being dciignttod by tho lop surfaco of a itone monument flxod and established at the in tersoclion of tho oulor or northwardly edge of tho aide walk on the south side of blxtu street, with the Inner or westwardly edge of tbo sldowalk on the the west side of Commercial avenue, shall be nnd tho samo is hereby designated and established as the grade to which tho streets of the citv shall be filled. Skc. 2. The grado of Second, Fourth Sixth. Einhth. Tenth, Twelfth. Four tccnth Eighteenth and Twentieth street from Levco street to Commercial avenuo shall be uniform, and tho grado thereof and sldowalk thai) correspond with the grade of ald Levee street and Commer cial avenue at tho points of intersection thereof respectively. Sec. 3. All sidewalks hereafter con structod, except that on Levee ttroet shall be laid to tho grade now established as the grade of the street of the city, provided, that tho grade of itreoti and avenue here after to be filled and of sidewalk horeaf ter to be constructed, oxcept on streets ard avenues already filled, may bo fixed by the city council at tho time the order for such tilling and construction is made, If said clly council wish to alter the grade hereby established. ORDINANCE No. 18. flATI.HO CLAUSE. U4TC.I.Olt'H II.MIlDV deasrnt Odor The -nii'ii. u?uV i SI'ECIAL NOTICES. J J MAKKIAGB. Essays for fount; Men, on great Ho nu Auuses, winch In l.rf,... -m, ... ruin the hspplntis el thousand..-.' rnesns of relief for tno Krrlne. and Ui 1 nu utullllale.l, Hint in tttfi entelopes, free ot cliarte: Address, ltj ASSOCIATION. N U iri-ii. l,.A Phl. 'a , i CONSUMPTION.! r ITS CURE AND ITS PllBVEl I BY DR. J. H. SOIIENCK, j a ...... . .M a TJ.,"f," "uman Mint lias paissd away rvi djath ihcro was no othr reason than ihr I of known and iniiiin.iti.i m-.n1.! Thoso n.Hr anil riM, ... .n.n- ..... .. i sleeping theilreanilcss Slumbar InlowSl Uicycaimly adopted i, a lilt. JOSEPH II. HCIIF.NCICH s'J TlllkATJIKNT, and availed thcmsclvss of his wnniSsrri.W clous medicines, Uiey would nljt hav fa I it. ncnvncB iim in nis own cas crura wheretiir suraelenl vitality rvroalns; lirl .... u, hivuii-iiiu ihiu mi uirucuoos ue,la qulckenod Into healthful visor. I in una suitem.nt innro is nothing r,l tuuus. To tho faith of tho Invalid Is V I ii-lire.rnianon mat isnol a thousand tl'.-J siniitlawd br living and visible vrori iw-vrjr vi lue earn dj nr. tscoeiMas I Is ns slmclo ns It Is unfalllnr. Iu nhibi iUir.snniirKvmcnl. It Issclf-suiurtofTZ The sUe.w.eil Tnnl. mnA U.MmV. nil C.-U two weepons with which Use elUd i-iu-wir ii KHuaiiro. two inirus or ine ipii.umpii.iii nnginain in arsprpsmanri tlonallr disordered liver, with this d tbo bronchial tabes "sympathise" 1 stomach. Thev respond to the inorblff in imo nver. Here men comes the cult irsuii, snu ins sniunf in, Willi MI lie I CONSUMPTION. The Usndraka rillsart) eoni nosed of c tnre's noblest itfu-the 1'odoptiillam I I hey possess all the irentng, prup4illes of calomel, bat, unlike csiom, "LEAVE NO BTlNaBEim T)i work nf rant Is now beclnnlng. In ted and mucous deposits In the bowels a, J aiimnm, wai mi ejeoveew i um 11 , clock, is wound up., it arouses from It, Itv. The sumach acta reeuonalvelv. 1 imUcul brg-ms to Xeel Uuii be Is leUUuj A HUPPIsY OV GOOD DLC The Pea-weed Tonle. In eonlanetlon Pills, nermeaUss and aselmuuee vita IJ UBriinemtvon is now twgisssing wianoea vtous tortures. Illtfesllun becomes Mini the ears Is seen to be at hand. There Is. Datuienee, no eucsvDsuon or sue stun eonetlui aete In. Mow comes the greatest Tllood Pnriesr.l flven by an Indulgent rather to saBarf, cbenek's lalaoni Hrrapcomes In to1 lu functlnne and to hasten and eomci curs. It enters at once apn Its work.1 rta nos ie caeaseoi ts conecsa aoq I tmpalrad.and dtsraeed sxrUoas -eV I In the form of Drebarea eiuectoratlon. and lof In averr short i malady Is vanquished. Die rotten throo! ceearted Is renovated and made new, 9 patient, tn all the dignity of regained Tin forth to eojoy Lu) manhood or wosuaai niTEN VP AH LOST. Tl t ,1 -1 r, ,! I,u 1 1, - tlw .itinll nt iVil, ments,or any of them, provided for by this It c.v Cairo payablo out ol tho lund or luuus spociuuu in f ordinance, should provo insufficient to fin ish the contemplated work,tho city council may at nny timo make and collect other assessments for tho samo purpose, in the manner indicated herein, until sufficient funds havo been realized to pay for the proposed work. If from any causo too largo n sum should bo nt nny time raised, the excess shall bo refunded, rateably, to thoso by whom it was paid. Sec. 1C. Tho roal estate sold by virtue of tho Itidcmcuts provided In this act may bo redeemed nt nny timo within two years after the salo thoreof, by paying tho pur chaser, or In his absence to tbo said circuit clerk, the full amount for which tho samo sold, with tho addition or twenty-five per cent. Tho sheriff shall executo to each pur chaser a certificate of his purchase,dcscrib Ing tho real cstato and tbo nmount paid therefor, which shall bo assignable and at the expiration of two years from tho date of said certificate, if such real cstato is not rodecmed, ho shall oxecute a deed to said purchaser or his aislcneo, which skall con voy absolutely all tho right, title and in terest of tho owner thoroof at the date of I tbo filinc of said assessment. Sec. 17. If any porson or perions'iball resist, opposo or obstruct tho street com mittee, bosrd of public works, or any or uithor of their superintendents, contrac tor, engineers, workmon or assist ants, or nnv superintendent, contrac tor, engineer, assiftuut, workman or officer, acting under the authority of thu city council, tho stroot committeo or bonrd of nttblic works, in tho prosecution of any work, or in tie enforcement of any of the ordinances ol tho city. no,iieor iney uan forfeit and pav to said city a sum not less than fifty dollars nor moro than ono hun dred dollars, fur each nnu overy oneace. Sec. 18. Thnt for repairs on sidewalks and cross-walks whero the estimated cx nonso will not exceed one-third of the cost of a now sldowalk or cross-walk, tho city council in Joint session convened shall havo authority to nrovido nnd em ploy such means for accomplishing thnt object, cithor by employing agents and la borers and nurchnslng materials or other wise, under tho charter and ordinances oi Sic. 1. All ordinance or pert of or dinance inconsistent with tho provisions of the provious ordinances are hereby re pealed: Provided, hewever, that uch re peal shall in no wiio effect or Invalidate any act done, right and obligation accru ed, offense committed, penalty incurred, or prosecution or proceeding commenced, beforo tho dato of tho publication hereof, but that all such acts, right", obligation, offenses, penalties prosecution and pro- coodlng shall be and remain in tbo samo condition, and of tho same force, in at. respects, ns if this ordinanco had not bcon passed. OKVKHAI. AOKNTft. HALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS, FORWARDING and COMMISSION UK It CIS A NTH, Uiu EIIMIU'.IO IIUIVIIVH I Hl llliui.1 IUU . hjs ttasva w a e w - on tho cros3 ties. AVhero tho trestlework tbo city, ns they may deem expedient and is over thrco feet high tho posts shall ox- may by resolution direct; and for tempo tend two fett six inches nbovo the Bide- rnry repairs upon tho streets or for clean- walk, and a hand rail nailed on them, I Ing up tho streets and removing rubbish provided rod cedar lumber tuny be substl- from tho snmo, for tho preservation of tho ......l .. ...i.i... i ...i. r.. ... -in. I t.i! i i.i. ... ... I. . 1.. ..i.i ,.l... ..n..n luicu ior iuiuor onrr unit in ino sins, i imunu nciiiiii ur uiiiurr. isu, sum iisy vumr aid ronort. Miff- 4 In nil runes whoro anv till nrovoinent mado undor tho provisions of this ordinanco is dono undor tho direction of tbo city couucil, and tho work thereon is performod by, or tho material therofor furnished by tho city, tho commltto on streets shnll report the samo to tho said city council, showing the nature nnd amount ot tno worn ponormou uuu tno material furnlshod, and what i KinU, scr- vunts or employes, performed or furnished. tho real proporly chnrgoablo therewith, nnd tho amounts with which said proporly is cliargoable, and the appropriate amount payablo therefor out of tho funds to be dorived from tho lit- sossmont loviod or to bo levied upon said roal property, to cover tho bonollts con- rnrrod tucroon ov sucu improvement. Theroupon tho city council shall pass a resolution directing warrants to uourawn on tho citv treasurer in favor of each por son or persons ns tho. said committoo on street may dotlgnato in thoir said report fnr tlm amount or. amount renoriou ov aid committeo to bo duo. payablo out of 10 fund or funds spec mod in said roport. Sec. Q. "When thu assessment provided for by this ordinanco shall havu been coh lcctcd. thev shall bo hold by tlio city trcas uror as special tunas to no nppneu 10 1110 on kln.i.i r,e .,.,. . . .. ") "nu to worK I payment oi mo expenses aim eoaia I.,, V..r. .,i ' .'".u"Vul."?ity. und who olT particular work and malo u.w.U,U.vv. U IIUUIIiOt.011 ... ..1. .1.. I .1.1 .I' t 1,-1 ..1.1 siitmnnna nr In im. T, r . . w uy muinni vuurcmr, ior wiiiuu sum nsaussiiiuiua n re crlbe! 1 bv l'aw K,MrM,or "nptlon aro each severally made and for thu llvil L.?r tn no fu,M """l"'!, low- datlon of warrant, drawn on tho city ovor, to extend no further than 'above treasurer, in payment for such work and jiecmou. I matorlal. Bald warrants shalt sneclfv tho BBC. il. 'A not it snail not bo lawful for particular fund from which thoy uru to be any person to Icotp, or iiermlt o remain, pald,and said aeveral epoclal funds shall or cause to oo Kopi, or to piace or deposit I be used for no other purpose whatever any box, barrel, hogshead, crato, iron,cl, 1 than (or th payment for work and inato- i Al oi V!a l'r'v''" f tl'is section, tl hat the street supervisor bo I horitvios' 1"Velr1 wWi full police Wllf.rn i.... i .. . . who iiHvn i,,.on ,. "trc" nro auinor zod V l.? """""tp. by bin, to work crosstlo', stringers ami posts and tho posts of thu trostluwork may bo set on rod cedur boards, I'J inchos squaro bud on tho surfaco of Uio'ground, if in tho opinion of tho street committeo it is deemed oxpcdl unt to doto. Skc. II. Sidewalks huroaflur construct ed on any of tlm streets of tho city from est lino of I.ovej sWcet to the East lino of Commercial nvcnuo shnll bo constructed in tho following manner, viz: They shall be six feet wldo on tho top, tho plunk" or top covering to hoof white oak two inchos In thickness, nnd not moro than eight Inches in width, to bo laid crosswise with tbo sldowalk, und firmly set und well spik ed on to three whlto or burr oak stringers eighteen icei long una not less limn thrco inchos thick by six inches wide, with nt least six twenty-penny nulls in each board. Said 6tringers aro to bo firmly sot nnd woll splkod on to white or burr oak cross- tlos not less than three inches wido by six Inches thick, placed at Intervals of six foot crosswiio to said sidowalk. Said cross-tles to bo sot on odgo and joined In and woll spiked on to two uprlghts placed llvo feet nnd eight Inchos apart from out to out, said uprights to bo of sound white or burr oak. tho otftor upright to bo not less thnn six inches squaro, nnd tho inner upright to bo not loss than four inches squaro. said uprights to bo mortlcod und tonanted into mudsils of whlto or burr oak, which shall bo ten foot und throo inches long and not loss than olght inches wido by four inches thick, said mudsils shall lay fiat, bo placed invu sun (jiuiiuu hi. ivnsisix inches, ami run crosaways with tho sidewalk, tuld mudsll to bo anchored at thoir innor ends by oak stakos not loss than four feet long and four Inches square, drlvon Into tho ground nt least throo foot. Said sldowalk Khali bo well braced nt overy bent, said bouts Ln. Ing six foot npart, with two whlto or burr oak bracos tlireo by four Inches In size, tho cil may adopt such measures under thu suld charter and ordinances ns thoy may deem expedient. Skc. I'J. For tho purpuso of ropairlng tho sewers and pumps, nnd cleaning out nnd opening ditches and drains for drnin iiiro purposes tho citv council convened in joint '.session aro authorized to employ aiten ngenis nnu servants anu purcnaiu such materiul under thu charter und ordi nances of tho city as thev may deem ex pedient nnd may by resolution direct. ORDINANCE NO. 13. OP T1IK MAHKET AND WKIUI1M ASTKK. Do It ordained by tho city council of tho city of Cairo: Sec, 1. That tho ipaco formerly occu pied by tho market house, betwoon "Wash ington avenuo and l'oplar street and Ninth und Tenth streets, be and tho samo U linmliv ilnnlnred n mnrkot nlaco. UPOn which all farmor and othora may placo thoir wagons, ladon with vogotablos, pro dtico, wood, coal, otc., nnd oxposo tho same for sale during ovory day; oxcept Sunday, subject to such regulations as tbo city coun cil may, from timo to time, establish. Skc. 2. Thoro shall bo appointed a mark et muster,wh'J shall bo appointed by tbo mayor and confirmed by tlio city council, ana shnll bo, ex-ojieio, Inspector of wolgbt and measures, Skc. il. It shall bo the duty of tho com mittee on markets to provido tho market master with scaled weights and measures, und tho samo shall bo prcsorvod by him in liis office for tho uso of tho city ; and it shall also bo tho duty ot tno snid commit DEALERS IN FLOUR ; And A entsof The aaaond thiol I), the Patients mas ii tner geew i prevented can noi be eJaeteel. Iras Si air aad as starm riMins rntll possible to prevent lakTni her g o prevent taking are diseased, bos It must be wellt It is alij eoiu vaen i speclallr In Ibis section or us countra fall and winter season, are all wrong.! dans who recommend that course lose) OJ Uents, If their lung are badly diseased!! , . a. . . ... in II, tir,tie the ra 'sit down quiet i they must walk about tlJ BS much ana as last mm luaiireniu wui. get up a good circulation of Wood. 1 be J must keep in gooa pirue-oo ueverium we IL This has a great deal to do wttta .1. ttul la 1 1, lalnLtosraJn. . rr,i iiesrulr of cure aftor such evtdsnl possibility In the worst cases, and m j iaiui? in auouicrs. is ainiui. ii.piieu , siiaT statement lit Urn If acuity or. CI was In these modest words I . , -Many years ago 1 was In tho last m i,i I , it, i rv.nflned to mv bed. ar time my physicians thought that I eonld straws. I heard of and obtained me a week: then, like a drowning man cat aiM, i n.erti or ana oiiuuneo ice mvvm whlrh 1 now otar to the public, and th.l a ier.e-t cure of roe. It seemed totmC cmld feel them penetrate my whole Tber soon ripened the matur In ay lua I would spit up mora than a. pint of il yellow maue Ohio Ulvcr sunt Knawb. S-A-XiT ICOM?AM"IEa 70 Ohio Levee, ii" AIHO, rvRNrruHE. 13. S. HARRBLL, mo uuiy pi too sniu commit- . T T,TTT,T.TTrnTT1? too to causo a largo platform scalo to bo JJiliAUJJil. 1IN X UAVAaa. uava- w... ...... j ',, ll.vilUO 111 PI,V, VIIU uppor braces to run from tho undor slio of of tho outer edgo of tho cross-ties to the innor odgo of tho mudsill, tho lower braco to run from tho haul of tho innor upright to tho Inner odgo of tho outer upright, at un angle' of about. furly-flyo dogroos. All bracos to bo mortlcod nnd tonantod Into uprights and mudsills, nud tho sidewalks erected at somo conveniont point iu said market grounds, for tlio uso of tho market master and city, for wolghing stock, coal, hay and otbor thing which any porson may doslro to havo weighed thereat. Skc. 4. Tho market mnstor hall bo au thorized to chnrgo and receive tho loliow Intr prices for wultrhlncr nt said scale : For oach hog or snoop, flvo cont : cattle or QUEENS WAREj 1IOUSH FURNISHING GOODS, BAR FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, sr. Va ej w w. a . a a horsos, oach, flfteon cenU; wagon or 185 & 187 Commercial AVCnue urayii, empty, iitteon cents ; ana ancu iou ol liny, corn, or auy kind of vegetables, I caxko, Illinois. tcr every morning ror a long i I as mat organ 10 eui r...r taftine. aiui mens aweaia ai mraptetlt became so great ihs with difficulty that I could keep irom I much. 1 soon gained my SUStigUJ. .mm In fljuhaiaf sIlKa- "1 was weighed shortly after bit test j added the lSuctnr. "then looking like skeleton; mr walht.,was-li--Oaest" poandsi my pre sent weight leSwoha-rf l twenty-eve OX) pounds. and for yean la loved unlotemipted kealtb' ... CI I)r. rVbeneK ha leentlned tn profi 1,1 New.rirrtr and ttoaaoa." Ua sir 1 ii j. ii.HMien,. Jr.. atnl enifMnna an 1 llents at their office. No. .IS riurth Sllth ! I'hlladelpbla, every paturaay rromaJs.vr Those who wish a thorough eiarelnaOtil tne Itesptromeler will pe cnargeo ee. 1 1 plrometer declares the eaact condition j lungs, ami patients can .1,.- ,,a ..ipathlai ra. nrit. .rl.. rllrntirina fne Ulklne the medlet ' adapted to the Intelligence even of a chllJI low the.e directions, and kind Nature wll rest, excepting mat in aome am lue sse-l l'llls are m bu, taken In IncrsissA-eVaV" J tlirt-e lue'licmee nne-a no ihuit ii-mi i then the nrapte InsUuctlons ItM SW th.-iiu llrst crenwi appetite. Of re , heslili, hunjer It the most weleome syj Win-i It e as It will come, let ihef i I.. 11 .ne-boot gooa eneer. i.oooukjou- I.iliois, Hie C'iogtiPiins, Ihe nignt abated. In a sh irt time both of theai leu. ,if tiutit.ends of families. As a lasi piirall.UiMaUsaae Fills strassMMstl parationi while the lulasonlo lfTmi, It ciuiths and, ruaybe lagajsWaal Pliflaclvric against coutuniptlou la aayl Vr'icb of tho Pulmonlp 8ynir on B ionic, aiioa ootua-or ei-p."--.uwrT.v?d a poa drako l'llls, 25 cents Hsu ana dealers. Ox. k'orsat tyi COAL. CAIRO CITY CO! -.-rvr-O a -K-TTT Is; prepared lo supply customer with V (((iisllty o,' PITTSBURG AND JLLllj !OOAL Diit?na t.,rl -I tr.ll ,1av Urns onion finiir.i.i it... "J r . ,.,..i..L . rv.1 rsnl oelOwt Charles Ilolel. will recolvii prompt a'lenij I Til K TUU "atu.MAun ,w !,-., j j 1,1. ti,nnra at anv hour. !1 IIOAT STOKE. I SAM WIL-SO-N, paiLia ! BOAT BTOBSE QROOIllali 'I ,J P ROV I8LONS, No. 119 ETC! OUIO LXTKK, I I ( : UAIBU, e ilk C OSDtSt raoMI-TLT rlltkB. ,G. D. WILLlirlMfo'N.l WHOLESALE GROC1 PRODUCE AND -t a COMMISSION MEKOnANd t 4 Jf. 7t Ohio Ivee, n OyilBO, I.LIiIXqXb. ri u . s MTdpeclal attention oat tllliBtf orders, KlTtn to ComIjbI