Newspaper Page Text
-A. :r:eiv" To Dcbllllatid rersenit T liaDtptlca I Tt Hufltrers from LlurCora plalrsll TV, those having oo A i p'itito I T those with Ilroacn Down Ontlltiltiona I Nmuii Peopli t To CilMrm Watting Aw ay I Vo any with iJeblllCnlorl Tjlgitllte Organt I erBttarrlaa; with any oft lie I'nlluwlng waaaitoana, Which Indicate DlsoaetaiD Llfwi At ritbaiCH I ktacfi ti Cod atlpalion, Inward Pilet, Fulnett or Wood to the Head, Acid ity of til Htomach, Nauu-n, Heartburn, Diegust for Food, Kul. fieas or Weight Id the Btomaclu oor Krucitatlona, 8lnkln-j or Fluttering t ille Pittf the Stomach, HwJmtnlnir of Hie Head, Hurried or Dtmullllreatliiiig, Fluttering at the, earl ChoklngorBnflocatlngrienteiions when Id a IitId Posture, Dlmneta of Vision, Dole or Wb before ttn Hlght, Fever and Dull Pain In Ilia Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Tellowneiaoriheiiklnnnd Kye, Pala la th Hide,- Hack Cheat, l.lmbt, etc.. Huddon Flushes or III at, ntirmng In the Kleth, Con stant Imaginings of Etll, end Urcet Depression of Hplrltt. HOOFLANDB GERM AN BITTERS A llitkrt without Alcohol or Spirits oj any kind. J.1 dlflerent from all others. I' i coinpo.e- of the pure Jnlcf s, or Vital Principle ol Itoota, p- end Darks, (or, a mediclri.lly termed, lit. tract',) trie worthli-it or i r t porliotia of the In. ire dieats not being uted. There nr.', In on- ll II of thia Hitlers there la containi-l ae mtlilh laediciiiat virlu at will le tmin I in eeteral gal. Ion of ordinary mixtures. The routa, :o., u.r 1 Ik Ihit llitttta are grown iu i.rrinany, iln-ir tital primlplea attract 1 In that iiiut.trr by n eolen. ulu Cnetilit, and forwarded In t' inanufijUiry it I bit lty, where they are compounded and dot. lied. Containing no tpintuoua Ingredients, title Bitten Itfrrefrum th objection urged spinal all olhert. No desire for tllmultnla an be in. duced frota their ute; they cannot mtle drunk ardi, and cannot under any rlinimalancrt lulu aar data lieleial ttltni, HOOFLAND'S OEUMAN TONIC Waa ctmaoundrd for ttio not inclined to x orratn blliri, and It intrndrd for iu cat- wkta torn aleabolicitimulant It riulrd in con. oetloa witk th Tonle tiropertiva of ih- Rittrr. Kack kotlleof tlio Tonic conlainaon tiottla ot iiih Bit tar, totabinad WHO pur HtNTA CKt'Z aVUBaai latorad la tarn a manner mat in ri- iraaa oiiiarnaat ar in iimrra oTrrornr, ratraiax a preparation klylilj asreealile anil aU'taal I Ida palal, atd containing Itir medic laal tirloe or the Bltttrt, Tlio pnet ol thei Coal it 1.I0 per botllo, which many irir.;n tklak U klgk. intj mutt lak Into conmder alian tkal i atiannlant med it guaranteed lo l I aar qaalitj. A poor article- could le fur aita4atakeapr prto) but In It not belter to ar a lilt! raoia and kare goo. I article 1 A atedleiaal arepirattoa tkoutd ronlaln none but Ike btt lagrtdientt ; aad thej who eipect In cu. lata kea ompnuid, and be benentled bj it, 111 ratal tertalal bt cheated. GERMAN BITTERS; oa UOOt'I.AXD'n Gr-E 3wl jtT TOWIC; WITU HOOFLAND'S PODOl'IlYLLIX PILL TTItt. CUKE 10V. tUtj mrm tb Urrnlral IIIuimI I'nrlll. ra Known t th m J teal world, and will eradicate dieeaeet anting from Impure Wood, Debility of lb DigeatlfaUrgana, or Dlteated I, iter, to a thorter time than any other known rem 'edlea, L ' ' fk Wbol 8upremo Court of I'ennyltnia peak for tneta remedlea. Who would aira fur Baora dlgailad and etronger testimony I itea.Uaorge W, Wooawam, formerly Milet Jur- lie el the. Hupieme Court of lVnii-jltni., el reaeat rataiber ol Conxreet from 1'tau.jlra- (la, vritet: c z t PhllvlelpbU. March II, IoT. ill I Bootl.nd'e lirriiinn llillcie li a Rood ionic, aieful la dlei uf the dlj;elite oitiatie, and ul great lieneflt in raafa ul Uetibt)' ail I nmit of liertom a.-tlonjo lb" )'tem Vintr( milt , fiKillKit V, WHOviWAllIi. tUinJamea Tnornraon, O.ilef Juatici- ol Hit' Hu pteme Court of Par ri i. ln'a I'lidadelidilH, April !, 1M.7. i i-onildef IltioSilttl'a liiTimu lliltrm a alila. bl medicine lncai of aitai'La "I lii'liti-siiun ur Urtpepaia. 1 can ccnify Una Irom my eiperi ace oi ii. (siui, iui' mi. , JAMB-ITIIOMI'tfON. Una. Oenrge Bharawood, Jualico of the fcupreme CuUttofl'ennaylTinlai I ,T. r, 1 llllM'4. Ij'i.ia, uur ., (du, T I key found hf experience that lliHifland'a &;eraaB uiiiara la a varT kuuu iuiiiv, rciicriuu lrtlar ptit aymptoms almott directly. " ' (1E0K0K 8IIA113WOOI). Mod. Wm. F. nogen. Mayor ol ibo City of Huf. laio, N. i.i Unnr'i Pflic. UuSalo.June 'H.UO t hare uted lloorland'a Herman Ultlcra nnd Toulc In my family durinit the pott ) ear, and can d them at an excellent tonic. Imparl. Ibg ton nnd rigor to thft ayttcm. Tnelr line baa , been produetlteof decidedly teneficlM etltcta. lion. Jamet M. Wood, ex-Mayor ot Wllliaiiiaport 1'a f o 't f 1 tak great pleaaihe'lh'rccotiimendlnc Hoof, nd'a Oerman Tonio tu liny one who may boni fied wlili I)ysppa': I liad the Ityapt-peln au tan flirt badly It was ImiHieaible to kei-i any food on my ttoiimch, and I became o weau at not in ie aim .to walk balPa mile. Two bottlea of Tonm if lected perfect cure. JAM KU M. WOllli Iteiuember ibal lluollarid'a (,'eriuaii Ihlteia, and llootland'a lierm-'U 'lonlo, will euro tviT) ca-e ot MAIIABMUB, OU WAT1.NG AWAY Y 111 K UODY. Iteuaeiuber Ibal Uoorlaiid'a Herman It cum ale ir Hie medicine you ri.pnielo purify the Blood, ticite the torpid 1,1 vcr lo heallii) nclion, and to enable you to pa eali'lv Ibroiib nny aarJthipt ud.xpoiuru. 3. . Dll. HOOFI.AMl'H . - ' Orlsubttltule fer-Mercury Pillar CVfO TILIA A DOSE. The moat powerful, yet Innocent, Vegetable Cathartic anoaii. I take a.bamllul ot there riUa to produce in ueaireu eiieu. twuui iiirui MfqulcUjrrand'pbwerfull, cleantlng tho J.icr, Btomach and Iiuwela, of all impurities. 'I he raiclpai lagraaieni i t'uuuuuyinu, wr mv halla Kxlract of Mandrake, which it by many liaja aior powerful, acting and tearching, tkan Ik aiandrak lttelf. ltt peculiar action ia upon Ik Llrtr, eleantng It epeedily from all obttruc ajoki. With all the power ef Mercury, yet free frefa all tka injiutoua reaulta attached lo tho uae r that anlnaral. , ,. ., Vtr all oiteatet In whlcli the use of a cathaitlc ia indicated, Ibttapllla will kIt entire aatltfac Be? ia awy . ;'riwy VAIIi. aattt f Liter Complaint, liytpepala, and t7xrtra CottlTenttt, l'r. Uoonand'a Uoiman Hit. bm ftrTI lki'illt.' lhe4oucefIectof the UUtere, or Tonio, hull. la an th avatein. The II llera. or Tonio. nu- OT niC, BI1UUIU un uscii ,ii wiiiicuiiuii will. ritoa the blood, tttenpthent the nerves, teg lJleithLiTrand give alrtngth, energy and T'l? raV'oV aetlfe with the rills, nnd' ioa tip thytcm..nilh,JHlter, or Tonio, aud, ..iiaaaaa ran Mia I a the boht. (fr n kamll v6u.- Iliaoollect that It ia fir iloorUud'e German Horn. iSSt lhi are id'unhror.alhr'Uied and tilglily racommenata ; anauo noianuw um uruKgiat iu imdua TPU to take anything elte that he nmy tar i:ia.uat a ajood, becaute no tnagca a la'ger pron. ot lecallty upon application' to the VHINOlfALi Stim MM CBHMAN MKOICINK STOWS, homier Jr xWiJMa'iOB'afw? THE THE BULLETIN. ."'thllerMl'in tlftl .1.. ii. ..i. Aliv-(0H AlOllllf. P.jma.iilb Sate. Dr. Ucnrv Root and Plant Pill, e o mild nnd plentc tint in ih'iir opc-rulion, jot thotoujjli, pro. lucitg no nuuieii or prlplng. Uulng ti. tlrly viaotnblc, tlif-y can bu tul.-cii wltlj. out rci'rd to dint or businow. II t arouso tbo llrcr and icorclivo oriritns liuo nciilthr nclion. tlirowinir oir tiiioHe wltli jui cxintiuiinc or ucbinmtint; tnu e yicm T ...If... .. Try tliem and you will bo tatliflcd Pricc!!5 contl a box. Sold by druggists and dmilcrs in medicine everywhere Prptiitred liv tlin Omfton Jlodlclno L'u.. tit iiouu.Ai mvjum Phillip IIauiiii Ii lanater ! kit trade, and warraati all of In work to be af tlio trry ltt material and manufacture; guar anteei a complete, fit and entire latiifai.- lion, lunot eonflncd to miy'partlcuUr ttyle, but make every variety of boot nnd iboci from the lienvivit cowliido to tlio finest French calf and marocco. He alio keeps a largo itock on hand,o hitoum manufae turf, and any ono desiroua of ptirchii'ln good custom work cheap iliould call on lilm at lilt tliop on Kilitli at., loulli Hdc, near corner of Ohio levee, Cairo. dtf The Nkw " Hmltli A; llijnk mvyer, corner Commercial avenue and Eighth itroct, are sidling the Nuw WiWon Under-Feed Shuitli' Stwing .Mnchlne, the but and cheapest macliin in thj world. It it void 20 clii-nper llniii nny other ma chine. Some uf tho tmuiy tdvuntsgei clnliiuil fur it are nt follow) : III. It it n dtiruhle, well tinihi.-d, mid coltt a, milch to iiiiiiiufaclure it oilier First-elan Machine'; Inil tell I'nr .oinc m lea. 2d. For hemming uhd felling it i im turpatsed. 3d. That ll It the ilmplerl thutlh) tint chine tiinde. 4th. Il hu It.'i wearing pnrt. Stli. It hat no grooved cams, 1 nil jot ts, compound crariki, or cog wheels. Oth It it adapted to a larger rango of work, without chanue. than tinv other ma chine. lit. Itittingcrt fever Drops cure Chills and Pcver and all other material fever nt once and permanently f they are puwly vcgutable and notwithstanding being so powerful can bo given with pcrfoct safety to a nuriing child. septUOdwliv. Maukucjk Uciiir.. Intcrcttliig work, numerous engravings, 22 1 pages. Price CO cent. Address Dr. Butts' Dirpcnsary, No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis, Mo. See Adverttscmfnt. tf NKUVOUS DEBILITY, With llaajloom)-ntle-ndanla, low xplr. lla,tnreMwlaii,nwluntiirr rniiaalonai, loaaof aemrn, ape-riiuitorrixt-n, losai of power, tlxr he-fid, Irraw of memory, find Ibrrnlenrd lniMleure mill Imlic rllllr, Unil aove-rrlirii euro In Iftiin. iry'a llotuaopanblc Nprrllic .Vo. I nrul3--lKlil. touipa.ed ot th- ni'.t tulua. bio mild and potent nrntkea, they Mr.l" hi once at Ibe root il the imlter, tone up the tein, arreal the discharges and I ni,--art vit nd energy, life an l ti'alit) to tb entire men. T cy bate cured tbouaauda of c", Vtv'. Si I t-r pvckiKc. of fitn bote and a Isrpf f.' ( ul, obirh ItTery important In oballnatn or old uiui, or It per tingle box. hold by all drurginti, nnd eeut by mail on reecptof prfte. Addrett Humphrey 'a opecinc iiomeopainic neuicine x.,i.i Jirai way. N, T. 1". bCIIUIl, Aent. augl&deow 1AMII.Y uoci:ttii.. LOUIS JO KG ENS EN, Dealer in all kinds of STATLE AM) FA NOV GBOOBBIBS. 1'iiriti t-r'a lnnl unit hlulilliii: wiTituur Lii.Miui:, Cor. Washin(,'ton-uv and, CAIUO. II.L1XOM jyiiTdlf UNDKItTAIC KlrtJ. NICHOLAS FEITH, GENERAL UNDERTAKER, V. 'A 5 CO i m 5 3 EH I jk "T n 4 il Vor. Vfiahlug;toii.aiv.uiiil IIIIihiI., CAIKO ILLINOIH. aSr!!2dSm vr. a. oakv, PRINCIPAL UNDERTAKER. SALES ROOM", No. 13 SIXTH STREET 1 p s I J if is "PHI QAIRO JJA1LY .BULLETIN KMJ)AYt ftEPrjSMBEift CAIRO ON.C DAY OM.iY! I'm-aJny, Kri-fi inlcr ri)h, IST1, Twentieth Annual Ttir of LAiCE'S HIPPO-OLYMPIAD MAM .MOTH OIKOHH, 3lat Hioritiiulily )i-t;iiiil(il mill t'oni. (ileli; in (lie Worlil. ITniler I lie ManagciiKiitof MADAMK AONIW LAKKi 1 Tbennly Company TrlllnK Ibar girea allraxd lloon AHaenaloii, Sainr-tluns entire'y r.ex, a-d w,i !i or,(;iii ated by tlnsCompir.y, run alnro attempt-i-d brotbart'illl auccre. THIS CO.VCKIl.t I J C0I.O5SIJ, IN ITri IMIO The illuminated plvlrialt nre f-xji-t repretenM. ihe peifoiiimncetaii'1 artMio elegtnclee hlh rendei lh!a UATCII1.F56 ixiiiniTio.v o ATTKACTIVK. scrr.KMr.i.y TIip KiiealrJnn Di-purliurul. Under the immediate ruperrialnn of the gentle manly and nccompllelu-d arlitt, Mn. LEVI J. NORTH, It a guarantee of the hieh-toned and refined ebar aeter uf the prformince, rendered peculiarly brilliant mnl atlractlio bylho Grandest Concentration of Talent Kter (Ti initfd Inone combir.alion, telected from The Moat Eminent Nlura Of Ei rope and Amenta. -r w via. aa tfuThe moat nnd aeconipliahc-l eriuctlrlennet, kMLMngtkflirul and sriteful equcstralat, nsMost Intrepid and thrilling gymnaihl. JIoM Wonderful nrd Superb TRAINED JIORSErf ANE PONIES rroaentim- i eerlea ot marTolout parfermatiees; MoilelMorUrneo and Klra;aiiee, I hi a nruanlaatinn over all olb. era that barn hllbeiln- visile. I (hit aeellon of country, and ranking nil competitor In Beauty, Pcrfcctiou, Talent, NEW, NOVEL AND ORIGINAL FEATURES. Itemembcr (ho flrand R A 1, LOON ASSENSION . I'ri'nl 1'roi'II And taVea j-luoo t)tty nflornoon from the cirrus Kroiiiui, TWO PERFOMANOE DAILY, fkM aaaawVl iWJjjJaw ifRaaaaTaaT Waaaam ' YK iaRwaaiaBOiaxaBW' ti .W W Val m m -aBLaaxaaaaGLb. It. It, C'ANDKX No. Pub. and t. B. pa. UULL, CAItOO, LIVK STOCK CCIDENT, LIFE, , JKTKA, HAKTrORll, I Attrla .....v,Mi,fel tfj XOKTH AMEK1CA1 fA, Atlt.. ... ................i,IKJ,J) l. nannunfi v. v it it . Attel.-...-..... -....-...I.MI.ata 7 1'IIWNIX, HAKTrOEU, , Anl......., ...1,711,111 Ii IRTIRKATIONAL, N. T, - ..-t,Ma, ll t TUTNAM, lIAkTFOItU, ' A"el.. -...... -.7l,J7 If CI.kVKl.AKK, CbKVXLAKP, A.aete ....! t,0 ' ROUK, COt.UUDUl, Afflt ... it AMHUICAK CKKTKAI, MU, Ael .........Wi.'aiil' CONNECTICUT -MUTUAL 7.1 FX, Atrr-lt . ;o.'r'Ji at TiiAVKbxn'a, iiaiitxori), Lira ash ACCIDENT, Asti-ta ....l.Vn.Btil L HA1I.WAY PASSKNOKBS AaSUBANC CO- IIAHTVORU, A-teta... ........... ..U),onn I(UKENT, iiostow, Aatefa... ...... ..0,a SAFFORD, MORRIS & CANDEE, 71 Ohio Lave, City National Hank. CAIUO. ILL. FIRE AND MARINE i isr s tj Sb j nsr o e COMPANIEAl NIAQAKA, V. T., Aftetn . l.i.W.xU V OGRMANIA, N. T., 1,0,7J1 7 UANOVKR, N. Y. -.-..-.....7lC,6C2 OL- HEI'CIILIC, N. T., - .7H.a 01 Aaet. Aaeelt.., Aaela ,., ConprWns the Underwrltert' Agency. TONKEJLS, N. Y., Aateta S7,4e4 II ALBANY CITY, Afct m. , a FIREMEN'S rUND, S. J- A ! 67S,0O8 U SKCURITY, N. T. MARINB, Aaieft.. ....3,43t,M 00 STORK, Dwelling!, Furniture, Hullt and Car a-oea, intttred at ratet at farorable at aaaud permanent teourlljrwlll warrant. I retpectlully aak of the cilieent of Calra thai ol their patronaie. '. X. UtltiHE Offl:e-at Kiret Natloiat nooltH. ANSI, KTCi W. W. THORNTON, Plana ik DOOBS SSH I1LINDS, WINDOW CI LASS, NIIIMJI.tJi, OpFit-F. ox Ti ntu P'u II-Ii-i-ii 4'oiiitii.rt-lii m t1nslilaia;i.ii A itlium, GAIEO. S.XjXj A mNT!? I"r.."""k I'aper Wmiaany'a nlieaihliijr Felt and Quarta CVin Jul. it. W. John' linpron-d Kooniiit alwayt on S. WALTERS, Sanaa ra ' HARD and SOFT LUMBER ot ercry dem-rlpllon, LATH, SH1NOLES, OEDAlt POSTS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. ORDERS SOLICITED. S T H A M li O A T L U M II E R, Kin nlalied on tlmrleat notice. CoinmeruiiiUv, hot. 10th und Uth-mn.. CAIRO, ll.I.I.Vllltf. Jy7dtf AVOID QUACKS. A.vlctlm of early Indltcretlon, rauiini nrou debility, premature ileca), etc., harinx triad In taliievtry adteilUed remedy, haa diicoTtrid a NotryPutlle, OS, Mh WOOD JvITTENIIOUSe ( tut el iy vt AC.) FLOUR X General Commission Merchant 183 ouio LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO.. llaoaeitora to K. R. lUndrlckt A Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS at "WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS! CAIKt LlUrtl Adtane ir.i OoDilgnrnente, up Ar art t red lo racelre, tttre ana orward frelghta to ill pointaand buy r.aai tell on commlation. ajarnuelaam attended te Mmptly. U. M. IIULEN, GROCER akdCONFECTIOIS MERCHANT. No. 134 Cominercial-ave., AIRO, ILLINOIS. MILLER k PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION ata ' FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AN DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. 5B Ohio Lrvri, CAIRO, ILLS, PETER CUHL ' axelviiTa FLOUR MERCHANT MILLERS' AGENT. No. 80 Ohio Levee, CAIRO ILLINOIS, . Orders lolicKud mul promptly filled. yl dtl Z. I). UATIIUSS. R. C. UIIL. MATHUSS & UHL, AMD tSEXKRAI. Commission Merchants, DIALKRS IN nAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE, . a em I.EVKE, Bttv MiarfA BU4K V, CAina 1I.I auilt dawtr CLOSE A VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSION SIERCUANTS. DEALERS I2T LIMS ClUXXT, PLABTRR 1'A R 1, 4a PLASTERER'S HAIR, Cora- Eighth Ntre-ct ted Obi Law CAIRO, ILL. JOHN B. PHILLIS, fSnwettor lo Parker J'hl'.lii.) GENERAL COMMISSION 1 I R W A I! i I N I i H KltllllA NT, so DsAl.LIt IN UAV.IIORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Uoii. TKNTH-ST, a.vii OHIO LKVXK, CAIKO, 11,1. W.Hirattoi)., T, Bld. STRATTON & BIRD, (iitieewfor toBtrattan, llaaioa A Clark,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSIOK MERCHANT 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. rAgtate af -American Powder Co., aad man. fauluiera (aat for otWa yarn. Jy7dl ruvnimira. I. & E. GREENWALD. MtaiTaciraaaa or eatn Engintt, Boilers, Flour omKiriai Mltla, i Tha'-Tuppar" PattnttHaW,.-T COOKtSG HI )M. Uh TWO Moat Kaeeami, Fopalur nd ft-rfrnt IfACniNES 01 Ui period r rer well'knwn v A..i I . X -. v t -. 1 -.ccs aa i -:.-wi 1 i!l EPICURE BROILERS, Hoik are f lb tltwplett conitructlon, ind a easily inantgtd that we guarantee them to give KKTIRR SATISFACTION. A as arlltl la the hotitehnld hi agroater In fluence. In promoting. Hit health, comfort and hap plaeta of th family clrelo than Iho cooking atot, it ia eonomj at well at policy foiretthe tery betti and In kuyingth CHARTER OAK Tou ean rely en getllog tho moil auceeaaful, p ular and perfect cooaing alote etar mad, uilagthe KPict'm: niioit.Kit. You are alyaya tureef hating Juicy, Tender and Deliaioua Ueerttaket,Chiekeu, Ham, Chopa. etc. old ar Excelsior Manufacturing Company, 812 and ell N. Maln-M.,Ht. I.onit, Mo. AND AUUVH BTOVE DJIAIiF.Itf. C. W. HENDERSON, Agent, Cairo, Illlnola. aeptdltwlm IXMIUKAXT TU HKTS. IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE, Fnr Sale I V FcrHale I For Hale 1 ,, For Hal I r FOR SALE, FOR SALE, 'OR SALE. Fare from Livtiti-iior, Faro from Lovdcndkrht Faro from Ulaaoow, Faro from Qukknutuwn TO CAIRO, ; m : : : j s $ t 8 . 2 0 Sallord, Morrit A Can , Ait.iita, INMAN LINE l.ltarpool fiew.Yoik ahd I'hilad Iplna Steamsliip Company, uikta costucr witM rairto trtria'.atb taiiua ouTiaaaaara ForCCirrylng'.tn Mailt. FOR PASSAGE TICKETS oa rriTiua laroaMinoa APPLY TO JOHN G. DALE, Aot., 1.1 IirOfiilway. New York, ortu II. llonpl, VTaahlugton Avenue, Cairo lllnoit. It MTOVI'JI, TIXWAHK, 17TC, A. HAL LEY, DEALER IN STOVES, I?aw m 91 irel Ware, Coal Hods, Fire Miotelt, Air OaKt HiarricTi-iii or TIN, ZINC. COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. No. 16G "YVnshington-avonuo, Cairo, Illinois. aWltoofina. Gulterinir. and all kinds ofjob febldif work dnneat ahnrtetl notice. nooUN. i t A W r-1 ... . a S3 a I 03 o fa D ki 4 bl o o R W a oj ai P m o e o o R pi M W O t-i H el u ia a 03 OKU4JKKIIM A 3(1) DllY UUOIIN. WILLIAM KLUGE, iiiita tx FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY -GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, f elATB, AMD CAVH, KTC, lira atrelv4 a keavy atock of Root and . 1 nuuya, nvtliry aau ouuona.' FOR BALK FOR CASH VKRTOHIAI" VvAVJil' il a ) M : n u X -a a V i a g at w . f.r"ltlVI" . THE DRTDiLCUAWl, RSS A YS F Oil YO U N u M B N ORKAT HOCtALXVILS AND AlitSKa, Which Intartef. wp'i marrtt.-e. wl'h tnre meant DR. RATTiTgEIVS FAMILY MEDICINES. Dr. ttattlnger, aolejproprlclorland mnnuhvturer 1410 SOUTH "TII-ST HT. OL'IN, niflSOVRI, DR. RATTINGElTs FEVER DROPS Are, the champion mcdlclno for the cure ol Forer and Ague, Dumb Aguo and all other kinds ol mnlarlnl letur. They are purely yegetable. cure quickly and permanently. No person need bate theerer nfocond time, when tbeto drnptenn be o.rill.'.j. I'rice per bottle, tl.11. Aak for Dr. lMltlnger'a Feter Dropt. DR. RATTINGER'S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS Are excellent In nil eae.t of nottivenets, blllout net anil Impurity of tho blood, they contain neither calomel nor any other mercurial prepare, llont; at quickly and produce no griping. Price per box -ii cents. Aak for Dr. HnUlnger Vegetable Liter Pilli. DR. RATTINGER'S DIARRHOEA AND D1SENTEHY POWDERS. (ire pieaa.ini. riuica anu aate remeiiy ror all klmU ot Diarrhoea and Diaenteiy afflicting adults. I'reo(per box ao cents. Ask for d)r. Hat- DR. RATTINGER'S TONIC HERDS AND ROOTS, Make natiperloratomach bltieraj tcry'ineful as a prctcntlte agalutt malarial fetera and.etpeclal ly aa atonic In cie of general dobillty. Prico per packaro, 23 eents. Aikforltattlnger'a Ilcrbt. For aale by all flrtt-clAti drugglsta and dealers In medicine JySOdtf CELEBRATED BITTER CORDIAL tVIIOLrSAI,K DEl'Ol'l 6CUEETZ'S NATURE'S GREAT RESTORATIVK. N. W. CORNER FliTU AND RACE STS, Vhlldlhla, Paw jonu nenxETz, sole rnorRiETon. .tin t. rn.iuc raiuiir incuiviuv ua can aken by either infant or acult with the eame been Octal results. It it acertaln, prompt and epeedr eraedy tor diarrhea, dyaentery, bowelt complied dyapepsta, lowneia of aplrits, falntiogs, sick ttomach, headache, etc. Forclnllaand feter ol all klnda, it Is far better and safer than quinice eithout any of lit pernicious elli-cts. It ettecta an appetite, prorea a powerful dlgcstor of food and will counteract the etlccts of liquor innf w minute. At Indisputable evidence ofitt in cal oropertlea, wo a few of tho many linates in our possession I Johnson' Depot, East Tenn., and Va. K. Tenn. Jicoi ScnxiTc, Efq. DenrBir: I nweused th Bllters I have obtained trom yon, nnd f.nd them to be all they are recommended to tie. I found one bottle to atlord me considerable relief, 1 feel aathoue.h.1 cannot do very well without them, in ray preaent state of health. .... D. MKNIOE. 133HouthClh at., Phlla. Pastor llaptltt Patty unk Churcb. Sold by W. P. Allen, M Mamatreet Dubuque octlOdlv LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. TUB GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. Ttn. Cures colle nnd griping 1 Price, n III n kiAtrnlu .! f I YfiiiTconir HVbj In the bowels, and fa I Syrup . J cibtates tho process of f Cent. cililates tl I teethlnii. lira. friubdue-1 convulsions" riubduei c o n v ulslens "l Price, nnd overcomes nil ills-I 2.", enps incideul to In- f Ccnta. faits and children. WIIITIOJIII'S hyriip, Mra. IVIIITCOMII'S Sjrup. f Cures illnrrhen, iliaen lerv nn- aiiiiimerconi pl i-nt Inohlldien ol nil I j Cents. It la the; ('a mid Chlldren'a Soothing Keinei v In nil laor.lora brmiL-hr on k. t,..i.i.. r: orauy nilior o uiso. i'repnred by tho OKAFTON MKDICINECO., t. Louis, Ho. Bold by Druggists nndj Dealers In Medicine everywhere. my7dwtlm MANHOOD now lost i now restored Just published, in a sealed envelope. Price. cts. A teettlFA nn (ha ..... . . I ji.., curoof Hpormatorrhea or Bemlnel Weaknesa.In- 'ureeu Hook," etc. "A IIOON TO THOUSANDS OF UKKUE3. f Bent under seal, in ntain .nnlnn. in An ..( dress, postpaid, on receiptor six cents, or two postage stamps, by Chaa. J. C. Kline A Co., 127 uuni-ry,n ew mm, ruttomcdtx i box 4, Mo. 'e!3. mwa M AYN ARD'S STJk.I?, BITTERS THIS BEST T0N1U IN USE I Ittlt HAI.KtBV R V. .MAYNARD, PROFR A BOOK FOR THE MILLION.j MARRIAGE GUIDE. A Private Counselor lo the Married or thote aboulto marry on the physiological ,:,ti ;io.i;,r,n r.'..,j".LH.p.'o.uo,'K.ud pre. ".j!'1''1l'l'ing. i-reevrrln iTiiuiM inecompiexioii.Ae. . "-a ail lllioretllll kwoikoi two hundred ami mi aremarnedoVunTeropliVem a j J.Bf .l1' w pMlAgal for Hi real Eighth wjKtimi!Mfflt&T " "iiiw-(, nulla- m aur Ttm , rfahit J '"'"Ran! unrorttmile, dltfated ha,?.. i H'.';t o'aledenelopet free ot "?j4ill,,2Soutn lm" I'h' luiuiiutrj .iiiissiuub, oexuai uemilty, ami lmpe demouta to Marriage generally; Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits! Mental ami Physical Incapacity, resulting from self abase, f.r" T obL' m Cl"Terwell -M- D author of th w-vawMwatt .. fate tfiataai A 1