Newspaper Page Text
rUVMK'S GUJDH. TAKE NOTICE. Tll K TJ11U 01- THkTlUNOIS CENTRAL 11, n. On and .( "'SZ in ,ii.c-l6l.le w II 8""'" "'' n,r"M '""'rl ure of " ' C'ri" ,, ., rjiifall train, dally It: JJ p.m. ' J.ipres. dally Hijun. M-iW.Mally - - 3:30 B.n. Express, daily, except Hundty 3:WJ p.m. No change of cart ftomCairo to Ht. Lonla. No change ol " from U.1ro In Chicago. Klefsnt prsnloK Jloo'U tUepniii cjrs on niglit trsins. Iltggaffc -chfcltifJ vtVll ftnportt.t pUnts. QUICKEST1 ROUTE FROM SOUTH tliLINOlS CENTRAL U K. SrtlLOUl, LoDlVir.LKI CINCINNATI, Cm- 3wcaoo, 2ew York, Boston, TOINTS EASjTjVND WEST. H'lsuSger trains arrlvn at and leave" Cairo 'at fol lows mail. rxrarts. Aksivi .'1 1 J im 111. 3i! Hirstr 1 113 p.m. ai3 p.m. both trains conn"st a. Contrails, with train on the TOB Pans, Decatur, Hlontningtcn, Kl Paso, I,r 8t'.e, . aienuou, r rccpori,iiuieii'i, putmnue, ami . , all point In Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota, vViseonsIn nnd lown. Anil with iMnes running East and West for Sit. Louis, Hpa-nnlieM, Louisville, Cincinnati. lmCaiianolis. Columbus. Ahil at Chicago wllii Michigan Central, .Michigan southern, and J'ltuNirjj. Kurt Wayne mid tiaiengo JiaiirosJS for Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk. Allwny, Huston, Philadelphia, Niagm Fall. Krle. llutlalo, .New York, rittslrurc:, ll.Ullmnre, Washington. AND ALL POINTS EAST. For through Hearts, and information, apply to Illinois wmrai j.nurnau ir'i. W. P. JOHNSON, General Pn.scrjjcr Agent, Culcago. frUN. Agent, Cairo. SrillNGKIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTH EASTEUN Jt. It. OaanilanerMonila;', April 21th, 1871, trams nil , rus as follows: SORmERX DIVISION. TBil.1l G01KO JOlTIIti.t. Mail. Exprem 12.3) p.m, , 3:0U ' , 4:2tl " . :17 " LcT Vircinia-....- (.:Kln.m.. " HpnagBelil Ml ' Arrive at l'aua..........U:lii m TttlXtOOlBO somui. Expres Mall. I.eaTe Pani. ...4:o(iB,m " Tftjlortille ...1:17 " 4:M ' Arrire at epnngnel J...6;15 " e.00 " Lear SpmgfielJ.....M.rcS3 " 6:10 " ArrlTeat Vlrgiola.......(r:4i ...8:li " SOCTIIKHN DIVISION, nil.n iovintmi. LeiTe Kdgewood.. i:S0 a.m. ... 10:10 a.m. " Flora... 8S5 ....... m Arrire at ihawneetown3:Mp m. .... &;5 p,tn Taatx. ooixo ktiiwut. Leave Enawneetown IM a.m ... 8.20n.m Arrire at jyBeWoodi!l4.'so ' ""''""".'.n The 5.39 a.m. train from Edgowood, run's onlr Mondajf, idnvsitaj. and Friday., and 6:5 a.m. II..IU null, oimnursigwu ou lue.uajs, Thurso (laT. and taturdars. Connect, at Aaliland with luVuiiMmn .ii.i.i.- nf Chicago and Alton Rillroad. for J v:konvllle Petersburg, Maaon Citr, n nd all tioint. west. At sprinneld. with Chicago ami Alton, and ipicuo, aoasn ana uent rn Jlllro.Ml, tr uiriuiuKmii, -iih.ijo, nnu an point" north, north' At rn nilli Ind. and 8!. I.ouls, and Illlnoi "' auroat lor nu poiatl call, south aoutheist. r.'. t',tfe?!O0J.wl,,, Chicago Division Illioots At Flora, with Oliio and Aflneiitslpm Kail road nntl, lMduc.h7calroamisriS;7 uii.vosmjt, Gon'jeun't, Jniix Fo.3iTT.Oen'l Kr'gt nnd Tlrltet ,B't. STKAM BOAT.S, MOUND CITY AND CAIHO THE STEAjM tug, cache Capt. ili.iam II. Saxdcskt. WILL MAKE FOUIl TRIPS EVERY DAY tttwcix I.EAVK CAIHO, Leave 3Id. Citt, iooi or rioiini tratrr. At 7 A.M. At 10 A.M. At i r.M. At, 5 r.M. nilAHmOAT. At 8.30 A.M. At 11.30 a.m. At 'J.30 r.M. At C.30 r.M. WILL LAND. "WHEN HAILED, (T Tilt 1I0X rACTORV, iiawe'r landixo, kt. MOUTH OP CACHE, MARINE WAYS, AND NAVY YARD. STEAM ERA. BAKER, Cairo and Capo Gh'nrdeau Packet, J. H. IIAY.Analer,: Will leave Cilto for Vpe fflrnrdcau etery Tuej dv and Kndiiy, at 8 o'cloclc, a.m.. nnd returning w .11 leave, (! (iirariieuu every Wednesday ani Stuidsy morniui!! at the mine hour. I'or frolght and pe.?e apply nn ImaM "eptntf IlKiCS' 1IOATN. CAIRO AND LOUISVILLE Wtcily Packet for Paducali, F.vansvllle sn Lou. lTille,theUvonte steamer, EDDTYILLE, T. O. 11 YJIAX, Jluitor. Leave. Cslro eveiy HATUDHAY at 6 icloak p.m. t ht trclntit or passage apj ly on boanl or to JAN.niaun, Ag'i. CAIRO AND PADUCAII MAIL IIUAT. The splendid steamer ifraEft Joe Fun ler, Muster. Clro DAILV, (Bundaya oxbtpted) at I' H. ror trelclit ur rin.t.pA Annlt ntilmurdnr JAN.IIIUUN. Alf'l. CAIRO AND EVANSVILLE U. K. MAIL l'At'KITr. The lasl.rut.nlBK, 'light,ht steamer, rtsrsaiaHtsAs ; M ALIA K 1UG0N, OHH KOWLKR ..... W ILL KOWI.E It ...:Z'Z"" 8l Leaves Cairo : EVERY SUNDAY a.,d THtiltBliAT (inplaceof sttainer Idlewlld), at s "UAT JAW. IIHitiH, Alf'l PADUCAII AND EVANSNILLE, (In place of the Ark.Dclle), THE etLVSDW LIGHT DRAUOUT BTKAMUR DICK JOHNSON, I.EE MOWKIX, Mawter. Will Irara Cairo roi"Et!Bvllle ivryWEDNFJ?. DAY i ml WATUHDAY. at B o'cltot, i.ra. Vot freight or pmw apply o,iloaro o u JAM. !, At'i. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MHS. ANNA LAtfO, FinllTII'ST., HET. WA8HINOTON AND COM" MEIICIAL-AVENL'ES, In now receiving v beautiful a'4rlrhenVot' Ifnll titlinery Goods, In'linlinllBt and Shape of the l.itcsi lylo. ItlhtirrN, 1'liiner. mill KcnltierM. Mrs. Lang will also .how customers Ibf l.rgeal . .election of . .. Woolen Ynraa To bo found In the cltyT- hlkAciiiku AND rnKSSIKO ORDKR. DONX TO MllS. M. BWANDEIl, DEALER IN MILLINERY LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, Comincrclnl Avenue, oifilr I.lllo anil Ilaylhorii'a CLOTHING FOlt LADIES WEAK Made lo order, or Read.Kade. Ha received a full an t complete stock cf good, the ncucst nnd coiniilctc.l in the dir. in me cur. An i iiii' inense rarity ol KIIiBOXS, LACES AND FltlNOES she oflera creat Inducemtl. to her natrons anil ah bluer, to can oniier.oxaiuin. me prices, mjim and quality of her gnortai GERMAN THEATER, AT nilLHARSrONIC HALL on ICXDAT ITltX0,imiltB, 2lh. The rattling fatce of TRAVELLING STUDENT THE THUNDER ASD LIOI1T.VIXC. CAST. Jacob. a rich miller H. Pruejs. Johanna, his daughter-.....- -.-.Miss K'n. uranaeim, bngmcer i.ituivnan...nucneouacKer. Tollberg, an overseer .-.....C. Bchon.mjer. wm. Munser, otuuent - ja. jikhci. Margaret, miller a housekeper Mrs. Meenner. The celebratad American actors. Mr. P. II. and V. I), have been cinrcsslv entraied for the occa sion. Mid wilt entertain the audience with their sweetest vocal and Instrumental tones. Mr, Jaeckcl therefore Invite hU American triends. Admission SO con la. Doors or.en at T o'ocloek. Performance to b' gin at 8 o'clock. THE BULLETIN. I'iiIiIIsIumI every m timing, Monilny ei ceiiuti. Tiiaxkh. Sir Knlghl.Jamcs II. Fulton hns our tliiinks for u cony of tho Ualtlmoro Evtnmg Journal. ion Kent. YWi rooms otct tho city council chamber. Eiiciuiro of Jacob G Lyncli. scptlltf The Letter List. Wo publish this morning n Hit of lottors rotnnining In tho post oflico tmcalle:! for. oMARt ALKCK6 Tho niomber. af tho radical cliquo aro tryintr to conciliate Vnrd, In hope that by o doing thoy raav ward off defeat. Church or the Kedkkmbr. The rec' tor having relumed home, sorvices may be expected in thii church' at the usual hours, 10:30 a. m. and 7:38 p.m. J The DrsR are. Homorrhage) malarri i? the numo of tho diseuio that killed Mich ael Mnlonoy. It resemble black YOmit, and is ns fatal, but it is not contugcous. Tlio dlseuso is a now one. Moderating. Tho vreathcr. During tho fore part of thi vvcttk tho "Blow, yo winds of morning," nnd of nvenlng, too, wore decidodly chilly, but yesterday they becamo balmy very pleasant. Goinu to Uuii.1). Mr. O. Close is hav- ng the plans and sticciflctttiona of his nro- poscd new house prepared. It will be ono the most beautiful, comfortable and convenient residences ic tho city. A hlk. Harmon Ablu hns lust flntshod putting a new coat of paint on tho steam- r "IiOiiuviUo." Able in fact as woll as name put his best foot foremost in this job and has mudo his vr ark speak for Itsolf. Architects and Dhauohthmek . Mofisr. Uuuman ic Ileuenstino. n liross' building, aro prepared to promptly do any work In their lino, and in a manner that cannot bo excelled In any of tho larger cities. Orit jor Europe. Tho Salino Countv Jltgirttr of tho 20th, cays that 'Gen. Eaura received a dispatch from Gon. Burnsldo. lust night, to tho effect that ho (Burnsldoi had ordered work to be comrnonced in tho lower counties at once, and that he sails for London to-day." TiieSional Station. Sergeant Fen ton of tho signal servico, has boon withdrawn from this post, nnd hiijucces-. sor appointed. Tho now officer is in the" city, nnd will enter upon his duties lm. mediately. Sergeant Fenton will prob ably bo called to "Washington. "Cross Hands, and Down tub Mid dle," A professor of tho Thorpslcorean art, or, in plalnlanguago, ftdancing-mastor m xno larger citlo of tho east a reallv .-.wising, moucst-appearing man proposes to teach the toes of our voting dan- ktLZ , , 110 will commonco his harmonic hnll nn k,,,i.... . . " 'Km,iniit. no 1V11I lm nldl.l,l 1... . "... mu u.iiitvu ujr tniuiivcu amateur. to uso Mr. Jitockel's language, bv "ii,. two eclebruted Amoi lean actors, Mr.P u und Mr, W. I)., who havo been oxprtsily onuueed for the occasion ttnl will i nt . taiu tho audienco by their swoetcft TOCRl and instrumental tonot." THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1871. Tath Tli .Tnnr.bOTO Oattttt avtn JL slll i A IIU v--- slin.,1.1 t. i,i it Jon't. In tho Issue of that papor dated 23d, instant, wo llml llin fnl'.iwlnf t - ........ 0 rl.- it.. By it peoples' ticket rmo in mu iue 'imin tahoii the town, o white Inborori nro employed upon tho public works, null Siimbo bus it all his own way. Tills Is nlwayii true. Give h dnrkoy an Inch and hu will alwnVs taho an ell. Tho nsscrtlon that thero aro no white laborers employed' npon tho public wotlu of Cairo will bojiows to our citizens, and thoy will uo astonished to learn that the nocrooa havo taken the town. Thore aro five negroos In tho employ of tho city, and all tho other employes, twenty In numbor, aro whlto men. Tho success of tho citi zens' ticket wai a blessing to the city, a fact which, no candid man, not.lgnorant of tho facts, can dony. Sorip hat bocn pprcoiatod In valuo from 65 cents to par j tho thieving grasshopper clement which during last year preyed upon strangers and citizens aliko lias beon eliminated;! needed reforms havo been introduced Into thomuniclpat government ; nnd If tho pol icy which has been inaugurated during tho present year shall boporsovcrcd in for sov ernl years, Cairo's financial credit will bo redoomcd, and tho reproach of bcfn tho rendezvous of confldonco men, gamblers, thieves and peripatotic roguos any longer cast at her. Be Prepared. Within tho noxt few days, Father Hoffman nnd Mr. m. Klugo will canvass tho city in behalf of the society of St. Joseph's church, to. col- loct tho subscriptions of such of our citi-1 zons ns responded to tho call of tlioSt. Jo seph's socioty for aid in tho building of thoir church edifice. It is to hoped that all who subscribed will respond promptly, and that thoso of.our citizens whoso nninc.i do not appear upon tho list, will come forward and assist in nn enterprise which will add to both tho moral and material prosperity af tho city. It is tho design of thoso having it in charge, to put up a building that will not only be a credit to the society but an ornament to tho city,ono which, in design and architectural display, will far surpass all the other church build ings in Cairo. In order to carry out this purpose it is necessary to collect all that hu been subscribed, whether tho tamo bo great or small, and it is respectfully urged that subscribers, and all ottiora who may wish to contribute,wilI be prepared for tho visit of Father Hoffman and Mr. Kluce. Tho following persons'wero nt tho St. Charles hotel yesterday : J. C Noeinlt, Chicago, 111.; W. L. Norman, Lockport, N. Y.; James Fletcher, Mound City, 111.; Dr. Brown, tame; J. H. Dennis, Tcnn, Dr. Dodson, Anna, 111.; J. B. Bozlcr, St. Louis; "W. II. Hamilton, same; D. II. Mory, Paducab, Ky.; Henry Burnett, same; U. . I'reston, ow Orloans; J. "Whitchouse and son, Cincinnati: Mrs. Vandcrguft, Now Orleans; Miss Josie Vandcrguft, same; Mii Mollio Vander guft, samo ; "W. C. Johns, Decatur, 111.; TV. G., Banners, Cincinnati ; E. T. Blythe, tamo; J. C. McConnoll, Richmond, Va; J. WIscner, St. Louis ; T. II. Butts.Michi gan ; "Y Stevenson, Pittsburg, Pa.; J. A. Johns, Springllcld, 11).; John Grohcgan, Florida; G. L. Voodry, Ch'eago; "Win Isenberg, same ; TV. T. TVhitmore, same. The New "Wilson. Smith & Biink- meyer, corner Commercial nvenuo and Eighth ttroct, ara selling tho Now "Wilson Under-Feed Shuttle Sawing Machine, tho best and cheapest machine in tho world. It is told $20 cheaper than any other ma chine. Some of the many advantages claimed for it are as follows : 1st. It is as1 durablo, well finlshifd, and costs as much to manufacture , as other First-class Machines; but sells for some 20 lest. 2d. For hemming and felling it is un surpassed. 3d. That It is the simplest tliutth ma chine made. , , . 4th, It has less wearing parts. Sth. It has no grooved cams, ball joints, compound cranks, or cog wheels. Cth It is adapted to a larger range of work, without change, than any other ma chine. St. Louih Police Convention. Chief of, Pollco Myers has received it letter from James McDonough, Esq., of St. Louis, I chief of police of that city, usking his prcsonco'nt n pollco convention to bo hold on tho 20th of October noxt. Mr. Myers is empowered to extend nn invitation to a limited number of gentlemen interested in and known to bo " posted " on polico mat tors, llatlroad traninertation will bo fur nished to such as accept tho invitation to attend tho convention, tho objoct of which is lo discuss police xnattors, with n ylow to inir improvement and benefit. "Why Not? It may bo an error of our judgmont, but wo bellove tho pooplo of Wiro ought to loam what Horace Greeley knows abaut farming. If thoy know, thoy would bo happy and grow rich. Is it not thorefore tho duty of the Younc- Men's Christian Astociution to procuro.tho servi ces oi tlio great farmor as a locturor ? Ho Is choap, and ought to coma Cairo for tho bonoflt of both bis moral and physical hoalth. By all moans (nnd this meant bus iness) lot the farmor of Chapaijua bo sent tor. Nkw Meat Market. Nick Williams will open his new meat market thit morn ing at tho corner of Poplar and Twentieth ttrcots, wheroho will keon constantly on hanil all klndt'of moat and tho very boat in tho market. Ho will not permit any butcher in tho city to excol him. Nick knows his business, and earnostly Invites the public to give him a call ot.his now stand. ) FuiLLir Bauqii it natter af kit trade. and warraatt all of hu work to be af the ry it tt material and manufacture; guar anteesa complete "lit arid entire iatisfac- tlon, is not confinod to anvroarticular stvle, but maket every variety of boott and shoes irom tbe heaviest cowhide to tho finest Fronch calf and marocco. He also keeps largo slue on liand,'o hxiown munufae- turf, ana any ono duslrout of purchasing good custom work cheap ahould call on " at His ttiop on Eolith it., aouth aUlo, near corner of Ohio levee, Cairo. dtf 1'hk hotelt uta Glllevi axtiacti and powder. OUR FREIGHT BUSINESS. THE ILLINOIS OENTIIAL CAIHO, AT rnr.ia.iTS rr.ot notmt to north, and prom north to south ovjcr half a BILLIO.f POUNDS HAND Jin m 1870, During tho onr 1870, according lo nn oluborulo and vury carefully propnrod os tlinnlo which has just boon complotcd by Mr. James Johnson, of this cily, th0 total receipts of freight FROM NEW ORLEANS at the Cairo station of tho Illinois Central railroad amounted to thirty-six millions, ilvo hundred ninety .thousand, thrco hundred nnd thrco pounds, nnd consisted in part of 30,972 bars railroad iron ; 7,177 hogsheads sugar; 294 hogsheads coconnuU; 3,113 barrels molasses; 1,475 barrels oranges; 5,291 barrels cement ; 2,733 barrels rico ; 1,200 barrels rosin; 25C barrels pneans ; 1,000 boxes rasins ; G,705 barrels oraugci nnd lemons; 3,2S0 sacks salt; 3,473 sacks coll'oo j 1,721 bales moss ; 750 bales hides; 21,500 bundles green hides ; 4,033 beoves. Theso freights, nllowlng 20,000 pounds to tho car, would lond 1,829 cars; but, in fact, they filled at least 2,000 cars, nil of which were promptly forwarded to their destination. Tho. freights received nt this station rilOM MEMPHIS amounted to over twcnly-ono million pounds, ns follows: 071 barrels cotton seed oil; 1,039 barrels apples ; 1,770 barrels potatoes; 750 bundles green hides; 11,012 dry hides; 42,105 bales of cotton. Theso freights were destined ns follows: 1,00'J bales to local points in Illinois;' 18,470 bales to eastern states by National Line; 22,G81 bales to eastern states by Bluo Lino. It roquired 1,100 cars to loud theso freights, nllowlng 20,000 pounds to the car load. Froight received TR9M THE M01IILE AND OHIO R. It. amounted to one million six hundred eighty-nine thousand nnd fifty-four pounds "of cotton 2,504 bales, destined ns followt : 1 100 bales to local polns in Illinois; 221 bales to eastern slates by Bluo Line ; 2,233 biles to eastern states by National Line. Tho National Line did not commenco shipping over tho Illinois Central until tho first of October, 1870, nnd tho run sunt of cotton handled by that, lino was han dled in thrco months ending January 1, 1871. Tho Continental Fast Freight Line will also ship largely by the Central this year. It is boliovcd by tho railroad offi cers that at least 100,000 bales of cot ton will be shipped through Cairo by these lines during tho present year. hOUTHWARD. The abovo cstimato shows tho freights shipped north und cast. Tho freights re ceived from tho north nnd cast, over the Central, from August 1, 1870, to August 1, 1871, for tho merchants of Cairo nnd rc thiptnont to points south, amounted to two hundred sixty-thrco millions five hundred sixty-seven thousand six hun dred nnd fltty-six pounds, or 13,178 7-20 cars of 20,000 pounds each. UY RIVER. When wo take these facts into consider ation, and remember that during the year 1870, 5,000 steamers, of nn averago ton nage of flvo hundred tons each, landed at this port, wu may form sotno idea of tho importanco cf tho shipping and forward ing business of Cairo. Police Court. Judgo Uroia' court yesterday was patronized by n goodly numbor of cltizons ninlo and fctnalo. John Budges was fined 55 and costs for fast driving through tho streets, nnd S. Hemphill for acting ns a steamboat run nor without n license, $5 and costs. A- number of fights and drunks wero investi gated, und a lot of frail girls flr.od 10 and costs, each, for, plying their lewd trodo. Theso girls havo been outlawed by socioty, daro not follow any docont voca tion, nro shun nod by tho virtuous nnd tctimingly virtuous as if their very pros- enco wcro contamination, are compelled to ply thoir uebaucliing calling, und, by thii operations of tho ordinances aro kept torover penniless, tt largo proportion of tiicir earnings finding Its way in to tlio poc- huisoi uiocity oiucurs. Of courso, tho officors do no moro limn is required of thorn by tho ordinances, but their vigl lanco Is rathor hard on tho girls. Attack on Hev. Bradley. Wo nro in reoclpt of n communication, signed by Doacon Abernnthy and Wm. Morse, col. orod churchmon, violontly assailing the character of tho llov. Mr. Brudloy. Thov Buy ho forged n cortaln man's name to n letter to tho Baptist association, and pre sented that letter with tho credentials " that had been taken from him by publi cation," nna tlioy say other hard things The communication closes with tlio follow ing peculiar sentonco : " Ho stolo that wo man's, monoy that wus plckon cotton, yes stole, and Jncob setton buy her sido." Wo cannot boltovo Jacob morits all this abuso. Ho is toocaroful too Jealous of his good nainu. Our Munn. Cairo cannot bo left out in tlio cold, even in a radical convention, a fact which was demonstrated tho other day nt Springfield when our Munn was to lected to prctldo ovor tho republican stnto convention. In this net tho importance of tho capital of Egypt was recognized, and M linn honored. It was tho right thing in tho right placo, and proved to bo thobnlm of Giload which healod our disappoint- meat, occasioned by tho determination of tho radical managors to nominate liovor ago to congress instead of our fellow towTiiman, PaulG. Kohui lellt itattlngor'n medl clnti. tf SHOUT ITEMS. Boardi ho houses uso GUlet'i. gl3 Jorgcnsen has u great run for Cnpt. Whlto's oriental pickles. tf Go to Parker A Blithe' i for window (bus, putty, etc. nug2Cdliu Gillkt's watblng crystal makes wn.h lug easy, ag 13 Shrlvo's celebrated 11 o'ekek lunob oyestors at Jorgcnsen t. tf Beautiful biscuits follow GUlol't bak ing powder. agli Go to Parker & Blake's for wall pa per, window shades, otc. aug'JGdltn kt Gil let's double-3trength extracts. gl3 Wslv. regulated families use Glllet's ag43cowdaw2m Everybody goes to Jorgentea't family gorcory for tho Halferd Leichesterihlr sauce. tf MoNir refunded if Glllet's gondt doa't pleaso. agl0owdw2m Those French Cherries, la syrap, so popular with coanolseura are sold by Jer gensen. Go to Parker & Blake't far- Uaap? lmnp chimneys, paint brushes, etc. aug'JCdlm School bookt will now bo in demand, or ought to bo. For tho latest nnd best books go to Rockwell & Co't. Thoy also keep a largo assortment of all varieties of sin tlonery. scpt2l2t Go to Jorgenten't for imporked Dua dee orango marmalade, tho celebrated London cryttal vinegar, la quarts, and choice Genoeso figs. tf If you wish to see a largo supply of wrapping paper, and the ttrongest nnd best paper bdgs. look in at Rockwell & Co't. sept5l2t Mr. llurger hns returned from Now York with n stock of dry goods, tho most complete ever boforo brought to Cairo. Thero is nothing in the dry goods line which ho has not got, and, as for prices, ho defies competition, and protests his ability to sell for lets, money bettor goods than than any other merchant in the city. Tho most popular thoe thop in town Is on 20th street opposite the court house hotel, where Wm. Ehlert manufactures boots and shoes for his customers, warrant ed to bo of tho best French calf, kip or morocco, and which he guanralees to give entire satisfaction. Call on him and you will know how it is yourself. j yCtf Rockwell & Co. claim to havo the best assortment of blank books, envelopes and general stationery south of Chicago. scpt212t Tho next drawing of the Golloday lot tery, of Bowling Green, Kentucky, will take placo on tho 23th Inst., noxt Mon day, and all who desire chances in It mutt mako immcdinto application to Loflin, at tho post office. There nro 16,000 tickets, and every one a prize. This is nohumbug, but a fair and squaro enterprise. Tickets, $1 each, or six for $5. Mr. F. Rose has removed his tailoring establishment to his new store, at No. 104 Commercial avenue. He keeps on hand a splendid assortment ef piece goodt which ho will make up for his customers in a manner warranted to bull. He employs only tho best workmen, and gives bit personal attention to the business. Per fect fits guaranteed. Prices rcasenablo. Call nnd tco him. aug31ra Furniture, At Eiehhoff Bros,' Factory. Encourage Home Industry. We Sell Furniture for Cath ; Twenty percent. Lower than any other IDcalcr in .Cairo. Our Furniture ' '. ' It AH Made out of Seasoned Lumbtr, ' , and will be Inturcd for Six 3Iontbi. A Euro Chance For Bargains. The Chicago Beer Salooa, Wm. Schick, proprietor, Nes. V, and 28 Eijlith street, is a favorite place of retort with all lovers of Weiss' Beor, Liquors of every description, and a'l kinds of foreign and homo Wines. No ordinary liquort are dispensed at the bar of Ue saloon only tho very best, and guctti find in attend ance polite and accomodating waiters. A freo lunch !b spread every day at 10 o'clock ii.m. aual7tf. Messrs. Bixby & Koohlor havo ed a family grocery ttore on tlio open north sido of Eighth street, between Commer cial and Washington avenues. Theso gentleman aro well-known business men, and desorvo and we doubt not will receive a liberal sbaro of public patronage Their storo room has been fitted up in excellent style, nnd.thoy proposo to dual in nothing but first-clatt goodi. They will keep on hand constantly n full stock, and will sell ut the very lowctt figures. Wllllnm Alba's barber si op it grow- Ine in public favor overy doy. It is neat ly fitted up, and can boast of tho most skillful workmen in tlio city, 'iiio pro prietor has had many yenrs' cxpcrieacO in liis business and it recognized us ono of tlio most export shavers in Southern Illinois, whllo young Alba Is a master in his pro fession. Citizens nnd strnnisers who wish u pninlost shave, a luxurious ehampoeing, or tlioir nnir cui in mo latest bijio biiuu.u patronizo Alba. His shop is on Commer cial nvonuo noxt -"oor to Hannon's aewt- dopot. u" Miss Ellon D. Eamos, formerly of Kalamazoo, having tnkon up her residonce in Cairo, informs tho public that alio it do sirousof civlng instruction in vocal and instrumental music and In Fronch. Miss Eames comes among us with excellent rc commendations. During tho Into session of tho Northwestern Academy of Music, sho was among tho most proflciont in piano, forto practice and vocal instruction, nnd the couducters of the academy unite in their testimony to hor thorough knowl edge of music and hor capability to teach tho Biuno. Miss Eames rosidon In thohouso formerly occupied by Mr.G, II. Olmstead- whoro tho will bo lmppy to receive pupils and glvo auy information if required in rc I gnrd to toroit. tf. STOVES, We lmvo Just received a large stock hflating uovos for either coal or wood 6r both, etiltaWo for office, halls pur lor, or din I0(MIU, rincWer cooling w Ing Wo-v. Or,:er, by tnal. T ll receive o iv prompt nt'enllon. Beurwart, Orth & Co., No. 130 Commercial avonUo scpSlillm IIUROER NEW GOODS FALL STYLES JIM ATJT I FUL, DUIIAI1LK AND CHEAP DRKfiH GOODS, NO TIONS, HIIOES, ETC. CALL AND UKH FOR YOURSELVES. Mr. J. Burger, tho enterprising mer chant on Commercial arc sue, nro rccoiv ing their full stock of dry goods. Tho to lection bus been mndo with great care, and with nn oyo lo tho wtnts of thii market, nnd will bo found to contain beautiful, durable and fashionablo artlclos of an end lest variety, Among tho drcit goodt may bo found poplins, alpacas, cmpre.t oloths and many new ttylet of every coler and quality. Woolen thawls, .ingle and double, will be in great demand the com ing seiuon, and Burger hnt laid in a bnaullful selection. They have also on hand u fine stock of well-made shoes, com prising gaiten.sido lace, congress kid and cloth boots, and the latest stylo of slippers. Handkerchiefs, cellars and cuffs, the now est style of fancy Jewelry, and an in numerable stocks of " notions," aro among the many attractions of thit establish ment. As for price, an examination of Burger's stock will convince every one that "quick sales and eery small profits" is their motto. tf. NOTICE, UllSOII Clnlkil. Uill SO.D (JOBFABT,) AotsT'a Ornct, Caibo, Ut.,SepUrober 11, 171. To persons wishing to attend the Illin ois Stato fair, te bo held t Du Quoin, from September 26th to September 30th, we will sell excursiou tickets at $3.80 from Cairo lo Du Quoin and return. Sale of tickots will commence Sontem- bor21th and discontinue after departure ot train on the morning of September 20th Tickets will bo cood until October Sd On and after Septerabor 18th tickets will be on salo to parties going with ttock or articles for exhibition, but to nono others. On and after tho 2Cth a special train will be run during the continuance of tho fair, us followt: Leave Cairo at 5;25'a.ui. Arrive at Du Quoin atO-lO a.m. Lcavo DuQuoin at 5:30 p.m. Arrive at Cairo at D-.30 p.m. dlw Jauei Johnson, Agent. NoTIci. C'lirii. Anthei has onened hi new meat market in RaulSchuh's old drug ttore. two doors below tho noil office on Commercial avenue, nnd invites all hit acquaintance! to a trial of hit cut meats. Beef, pork, veal, mutton, rausnge, &c, Ac. Also corned beef, pork and bacon. His hot) it kent in the best o" style, and hr customers served with neatness and d!' patch. The proprietor, Hr. Anthei, him self attends to the slum, and bis ou.stcm . , on may nlways feel insured of and honorable trcittnunt, fvll tceighi, and tho right chmigt bad, whether thor send their children, or t.rvnuu or atteiiu marxc; themselves. kcj'tedlm NoTicr.. Parker & Bloke save rtmered to Brest' brick stor., on Commerelal ave nue, teeond door from tit corner ef 11th street. They Iists added to Uclr already largo stock of paints, oils, wlr.dew glass, wall paper, shades, lamps, varaithes, etc. and invito tho public gtnerally te sail on them in their new quarters. Thoy make a tpecinlitv of tho celebrated Aurora oil, which they will supply to their customers in quantities from a half pint to ten bar rels, ut much loss cost than coal oil, and warrant it not to explode. stij2Cdlin Estrat Notice f 10 Reward. Stray ed from tho subscriber, on tho 3lst of July last, a large roan cow. Sho would weigh about 1,100 pounds at the time sho was missed. Thero aro no special marks about hor except that her bng iv unusually long. I will par ten dollars reward lo nny ono delivering tlio abovo described cow at my shop on tho corner of Nineteenth and Poplar streets, Cairo, Ills. ecpl5tf James jvtnaston. Fresh Otsteiw. I am now receiving dully, the celebrated C. S.Maltby'sH. and M. brand of fresh oysters, which are unri vulled, and for salo by the can or caso on the most rotiFonnblo terms, try them, nl ways warranted nood und fresh. tf Wm. AVinter. For Sale or Exchange for Cairo Property. I havo Onr Hundred axd Sixtt acres of first-cliiss unimproved land in Johnson county, which 1 will soli on rcasoniiblo terms, or exchnngo for Cairo city property. P. II. Pope. . aim Delays are Danueiiouh. Mothers at you lovo your offspring don't full to use Mrs. Whitccomb's Syrup for soothing chil dren. Rend tho advertisement in anoth er column. bopt20dwlw. For good photographs, porcelain pic tures, or old pictures to be copied, call on Thomas, No. 121 Commercial nvouue. He is a good workman, Glvo him a trial. aeptlCtf. Wanted A good cook, or a woman to do general homo work. Enquiro at tho St. Nicholas Hotel, Commercial avenue. Haiirt Walker, Proprietor. teptlOtf Wanted At tho Dolmonlco Hotel ene hundred weekly hoarders. Five moals each a" ay, price $0 por wcok. augSOtf Wm. Winter. For Sale. A cottngo on 12th ettoct containing 7 rooms, clslorn nnd out liouiot complete. Apply to W. W. Thorhton: Go to Dr. JlcGaulcy for Rattiager't Fo yer Dropi, Warranted to care the chills. "A good manlcavoth an inhorltnnco." Insure your lifo iu the " Life Ausocla tlonof Ami.rlg&." septdlw Otsters. Leuis Herbert has nlwal OS hand a fresh tupply of Saddle Rock oye i House Wasted. A cottngo houso, from rnit to six r"ooms, wanted to rent. Apply at thijt office to Edward Willett. Jvst Rcckivf-D' W. W. Thorntoa, hd T.nth street between Comincrclnl avnnL : 7 una 1' iplar street, nut just rccoivoa and In toro i,uuo doori anu i.wj wiauows and mouldings. . iik a Binno to rent, win unu an aDniipanv.! ,. llV tlfnrMl. Ul.. Vll.n Tl . . 1 I . osn.m JIOOMS TOM KHT. Tan well ventilated ileonlne rooms In Cli tlonal Bank building. Apply to At uiiy mtional Bank. . . .. . ' IAS ur. naiLinr'Ars in.. and Fever and nil other material fv.r at I onco anu permanently; thoy are purely! . . . 1 vcgetauie anu notwithstanding belnr mL vmiuuiuctuim, tenuvdwiw. r . . ........ 1 .... v . . . m numorout enrravlnci. 224 natsx v,ir(.. d.u, uvorsisciiirnA. i Tloarding, Eight or Ten Good Boarders Wonted, At tho house known as the Court Uouto Hotel. Termt, Five Dollars per week. i.m uijjuwi iiiiiu in mo rjeptemDerp1 I H ,. , I I . 1 . It . ft uo lauav drswincr I. zi.ooa in srssnkui,.. rz mo iccjnu, ?ouo horto,buggy and harness; I tho third, a 300 oiano. nnd to on. All n T a . .1.11.- ! drawing will take piece. This It a sqearal cn. uoiore mo insi nn shih Vaiahsi lottory. LETTER LIST. i Th following It all.t of letters remsJnlaj ub called for in the pottotOca at Cairo for th waK ending rlday, Heptember.ZSJ t LADIEa' LIST. Berry, mis MaryH Howls, mis. Am. nia Farrow, mr. Amelia, Leary, Mary I.irdy, Catberlna HIaugnter. ran Aaa Thomas, mr. Jo. at unanman, mrs J.llen ivnlcely, mary H lane, miss Luals Morris. Matilda bummer., Kmma iviuiams, viarv. OENTLEMEN'H LIST. Abby. W Adams, Charles Ilirry, Albert llurAtue, billy Urown, Georo Harry, John A (Indwell, L. L llryo.Lt, Thocoy, Ciler, Huston Cronen, Jim Ialr, LVjward Do ienjr, C K Davis, J sines Drane.S I KIlloll, Ci.srles Ktly, Win Kiruson, A L Gloves, Cue Kormsn, Timothy Hegtily, Andy llfird, liso A H. y, hyrtf Jo iii-on, Carl O Johnson, h 11 Keen, Wm M Iori, Julius I. stnh, T I MaW'Cws. A I. M."lder, Kmcr McGiy.h K Moore, Hugh Nmthamer.'John Qu-xi.y, WVsly Hr n. Klttani Anderson, E Harber, A Beao, Daniel Itirde. Heory Ilolln, John M, Nelson Csrcsnne, Frisk Doanell, J. K.ACo Donley, Jno H DoollQ.TIioiint, W A Kills, li U Kranklln, J II (lalllgher. Jaa (ialsun. W E Ilsnford, Otors lUi-lmn. l H llsrr.s'0 j. i-smael C J.uksvo, Edmond Johtison, llend.r.on Kaullerm.n, Phillip Lee, A Miller, Fred H Morgan, Kore Mlshse, Wm Il'illy, Jimmle hhelton, Ulackwell hhelbv, OA ritovall, Jsmes b..phens, M Vason, Iliehsrd Washington, Cbtil. Williams, J V Well., WaltarS. htose, l,i orgo A nnrina. a (sinora htieler, Joseph htuppe, Joseph has.enu, 7u k 'lulliuK, i' Vslenliiic, Oro W Winterlxjiiiam, Joseph Wllllatnson,.ussla Woodward, Jiilln. niit'Gi. 13ARCLAY BROS., OHIO LEVEE, C Citao. ItuJ,; DBTJGQ-ISTS SARATOGA SPRINOS ta friL kajt AT BARCLAYS DRCO STOKI. rsn;sirriv, Daut. , t ., , , .1 MOCKING BIRD POOD all (aiABiIlroa ess. wnasesf aatataa At Baeclats. JJ X L M B h O'Q GRAPE f CATAWBA J r, f BAM 1 TILLS i CATAWBA ORAFI GRAPE I aATAWBA Jl .BAr ) PILLS in au er IE R I. M II O I, D MXDICIVX FRISK 7B0M FIMT KAVDa, Alnay. 1st stoslc la l.rge supply, sad far sale a nar.lay Btreia. ir'Kican rjBxran .diojc ,117 IIC1IT1I A I orRnlobj' thaOls-a Battle r dalle. AT BAKOLAYff. CSfExTRA Fine Coloone; BaTGlNUlKK ImTOETBD IlTlAtTI CgyllAiR, Tooth and Kail BbUHUI SSVIndia Rudder Nursery GoOr AT S-S-Oxj-s-Y BEOS. PUKE WHITE LEAD PURE FEEKCII ZIKC. Ilest rmles In Urge slssk and va riety, very .k.api AMOI Full Like of Coloub, . .t as. m eikj I'alat llriskss, ail, Whitewash P;asL. Turp.aWa, Varnishes Its, ALL KIMDS AU .TA.SABD SVAUUli At Baeclats'i lis fits s .H, Hi i , . u L IT