Newspaper Page Text
fie . v l. .4c if r .. fatfn 3 -PSlPiitfes jp ;.. li 1 1 uviBffxm IKK" 1 ml nil ii. iimMfiiY t iii IIOOFJ.ANIl'N KEiv:iirnD3. To Debilitated Personal rl'Itlcii I To Huflereri. from Liter Com piainu to those having no Appetite I To tlioso Mllli Ilrokcn Down Cotiotltti tionn I nJ' i-oopio i To Uiilldrsn Wasting Away iunny wmi Debilitated Digestive OrRnnsI " ..' ." -......... njrniiioiiiN, - --' J I . V UIVMtLII I Hucli ru Con Mlpntlnn, Inwnril I'llen, Fulness or Illnod to thn Head, Arid Ity of the. Btomncli, Names, Heartburn, Di'xunfor food, Pull. !0K or Wellllll in llin Hloin.,.l. li,,,,. tof tho Btninacli.Hwirmnlntf of dm Head, li Ctioklnir or tiiilfnentititr Kenhniirin. uiin m iitniurn. jsimnfn i i, un. iiois or en u-iore in n i?ni. eerer aim mm ' n in the, Jlid, Deficiency of 1'ersptration, uiiuwurnit ui iiiu nam anil", j'Ain III tlio Hide, Hock Client, Limbs, etc.. Huddcn Klu'lics of lit at, Iturninx In Iho Flesh, Con. tnt Jmitrlnlnv of Kvll, anil Mrest Depression of WplrlU. - wvJll.t'l.U1 iLX liillU '.. JIT I i uny r.uiu. i iiurn juicen. or uxi i rinnim til unr.iM. nn'i nsra. iur. mi mea cinu r irrineii. k .1 the worttdpfH or Inert rinrtinn, nf tlm In nts not lie n If llseil. I lierefnre. n nno U.I thin Hitters thern in contained . mneh -nini Tiriua im win do louna in several gal I ormnarv mixtures. Tiie rom. vir... !. Hitters are (frown In Uermany, their vita iiici uxirociej in tuai country iiy a eclen Iieiaisl, and forwarded lo tho manufactory citv. where Ihev are comnouniledantl hoi Containing no spirituous ingredient. tliU . in iic.i iiuiij inn umiTLiuui urvm 173 r.i from their une: tlirr cannot inaliH drunk u a ucnenciai cueci I wilt iu UUU.'I IUI lllUFr IKIL IIIITI Illl'.l I.f Z bitters, and Is intended for me In rum tome alcoholic nmiilant It required In con n wim the lonlo properties or the Rl'.lers, Ibotl (Of the Tonle conlalna one Imiiln r.l liters, combine' with pur HA. N'T A CltUZ I ana narorea la sucn a manner that the oi- oiliernets or the Illltera Is orerjome, sngr a preparation liurhljr nureetble nnd nt to the palate, and containing the medic Irtues or the Illttere. The price ol Hie lis Sl.O per bottle, which mnnv t.eranns Itoe lilgh. They must lake Into consider Ire nlialitr. A noor artleln rnnM rur. iiai uin niimuiani useil is rrllaranlf ed lo l m at ehenper price ; but Is It not better lo Iiiiiio more anu nare jjooa article? A inal nrensratlon should contain nonn hut mi inKreaifmt ; ana itivy who expect to ob. DE3COOFXiraD'S 5RMAN BITTERS; OS II O O I' I, A I) N iE.2t.3sr aro-sric; ?LA'D'S PODOrilYIiLIN TILL TTILL CURE YOU. 'lire tlic (Jri-ntml Itlotxl I'lirifl. t Knuwu I medical world, and will eradicate dif eases llnglrom impure wood, iJeuiutyol the LiiesiiTeurgans, or uiseaseu iirer, in a snorter mno umn an j other known rem. cdies. I Whole Supremo Court of Tennsjlrania 'or these remedies. Who would ass. for llgnlBed and stronger testimony? eorce VT. Woodward, lormerly Chiet Jus. It Hie Hupiemo Court of l'eniiM'Iranla, at si memuer oi tonftress irom rtnntTirn rriies. rhlladclnhla. March 1C. 16CT. IToofland'a Herman lllttcra Isp irool tonic. In diseases of the digestire orKans, and of nent in cases oi ueumiy ami want or action In the avstem Vours. truly. OKOWiU W WUUUWAHII, Imes Thompson, Chief Juetlco of the HU' i uourt oi I'ennsriraniat I' i lade nh a. Anril 28. 1807. Ilder Itooflsnd'n Herman llutcrs a ralua- cine In cases or attacks or Indiecsi on or Hia. i can ceruir tins irom my experl I it. I ours, with resiiect. J AJir.3 THOMPSON. I'orge Sharswood, Juttico of the Nupreine sot i ennsyivsnin i i'h adf nn .1. June 1. 18C3. e round by experience thut Jloouand's II Iters s a icry uood ton c. re lerlnir Ilc symptoms almost directly. .:rntpnia uii ijairrnr lm. r, llo'crs, JInyor ol the city or Uuf. Y. : Mayor's Oflice. Ilutlalo. Junn22. leCJ. k used Jlcolland'a (erman Hitters nnd i my family during tlioint )cnr, and cun lend them as nn excellent tonic, Impart. nnd Tlaor to tho system. The r use tins liductlro of decidedly licnetlclal ellecls. Vi'il. K. U H U. Imes M, Wood, ex-Mayor o! Williamsport great pleasure In recommcndinR Hoof, ierman I'omo to nny one mIio muv bua(. llih Dyspepsin, 1 had the Dyspepsia so I wat Impossible to keep any food on my , nnu i uecuinu hu weuic ns nui 10 ue aoio half n mile. Two boillea of Tonlo cf. I perfect cure. JA31KS.M. WOOD. iMiibcr Hint llootland's flerman Hitlers. Iitland's Uerman Tonic, trill euro every Isuus, on tvASTixa away or tun JIODY. I'lllliet that llnofland'ii nrmin lts.,1. I the mediclnos you reqiuro lo purify tho telle tho torpid Liver m healthy ncllon, inaoia yuu iu puna BAiviy turouun Ally la snd exposure. n. iiooi'LAXifN DOPHYLLIT lir Substitute for Mercury rills. ILLS A DOSE. Tho mot powerful, yet Iiocent, eKCtauio uuiinrtiu known, t neceasarv to take n handlul ot (hefln Iroduce the desired ellect. Two of them ly and powerfully, eleanilnK tho Liver, anu Doweia, ui mi iiupuiiiiej, iiio Inirrertlent Is I'odonhvllln. or tho Alco. Ilraut of Mandrake, which Is by many re poweruu, nuiiiiK nnu searching, man rrauo iiseu, its pecuunr iiciiou ih upon ln.ninif II m.nmlilv frnni nil nlul.n,. .VIVKUIKh . ....... w.ra.a.tb. Ill nil the power of Mercury, yet freo Cue injurious resuus niiucueu io iiio use (nnral. diseases lu which Iiio uso of n cnthartlc ed, these pills will kIvci entire HutlsfHO- iery case, iney r.ii j.aii,, s of Liver Complaint, Dyspcmln. nnd I'Josllveness.Dr. IIooIIiiihI'm (lei man lilt IUailVrilCPB wuilltim a It D HUH! illl 'omc, should bo used in connection with Tiieioinoeuecioi uie tuners, or lonlo, the svstum. Tho Hitlers, or Tonic, tin. li blood, strengthens tho nerves, rey. ) Jviver, anu uircs sirensiu, energy anu our UowoU actlvo with Iho Tills, nnd hosvstem with Ultters. or Ton io. and Is can retain the hold, or even nas.ill you. ct that it is jir iioouanu'n ucrmnn item, it aro bo univervnlly med mul lilfhly ndedl nnd do nut allow tho druirulst to III totako anything else that ha may say I irnod. because ho makes n larircr nrolft lieso remedies will be sent by Kxpresa lo lly upon niipncaiion to tna ruiNCii'Au ai ine ir.naii aicujuin oiuud, I BTRKET, J'iULADliLPUlA. I. X. EVANN, Proprietor. f Former J ,M,Jckson Co, I medics r for ilo by Drugglit I. at Me oini) Dealr rn everywhor mti iijiirnmTir MII.LiIKRY. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE I MRS. 0. McGEE, XKJIITll TIlHr.T, 1IETWBKN WASHIXOIOK AVD COUU-ltCtAL AT1KUKS, Has Jest recslred a fell and spleidld lint f NEW GOODSJ Dre Irlmialnifs. silk eimps, silk galooq, Sn. lire lace tlloa trlmmln, rrm-Uet buttons, silkaad velvet biitUms, plu.hand trlmminu' vel It 1 1'"1' ,'"he'". nn' Wld gloves, lailies' and ciildrens'iiLses, and a full and complete stock ol Millinery and Fancy Goods, All ef whleh she proposes to sell at Tim TIRT I.0TTT CAH KICM ALL15N, MUJ.KKY & WIIEBJiEIl, ATTOIINEYS; COUKSKLOItS AT LAW, William J.Allen, Jiin ji. ji limey CAIItO, 1LLIN0IH. numuci l'.wiieel OPKICt-Over KlrstWallonsI Bank. Ohio Um, OIIKEN ct GIJjUKHT, ATTOKNEYS COUNSELOItS AT .LAW, CAIIIO, 1LLIK0H. H'lllUn H.dreen, II. It .. ( ' mi, ) llllllll Jt ifilUf hum r.uiibcrt, AffrSriecttl attenlinn L.l.n t,. . .in.i..u . i Bleamboat business. " ...-.. orric- OIIIO LIVIK, ROOMS 7 AND 8 OVltt CITT XATIO.VAL IIASK. ST. LOUIS FAIR. lirclna ). mil unci Continues until 6IU.OOO IN FltniMUMM. ISfniKD von 0ATAL00UK. A. II, HAItllirrr.l'resldenl. O. O. KAI.II.Kecretary. BT. LOUIS TKABK, IfAUE, JIU.I.VKS8 AND L0- UATIO or LKADINQ WIIOLKSAL- AVD KETAIL UOUK! iI'!?,i"),iS' ""''""hecsnlemplate visltinc t,-?il!-T"1 eithU out aid us- it as a ...... ,r,,xllons nave lie en carufu Mr made and are strictly f.rsl-cla,,, 'uf AP.T OALLEItT, Lookini', Picture Frames, 4e. Georst M. ilardia. 'tw N, rRh strsel. AIlTiriCIAL JlllVIH ivn t.tru Price Hit free. Lewis Lockwood. MS Finn hi. fcT. I.0UI ALE IlItKWEKT. B. P. Toun.A Co..3i:N. omierciaI tt. I1A01 AXD HA00IK0. flil. Chsie, IT, K Main slrett. (TAll) 1IA8KEX UAXUrACTORT. OM nmln.4Co,l"S9Haln, manufaclurera ol Btar Baskets for Craln, Laundry, As. BOOKSELLER A STATIO.V-Il. Eeaafor ca.ologue. JW Mclatyre, Ko 4 ieuth runt strict. ST. LOUIS BOOt A NEWS rn. Wholi sale Stationers, Ac., QT V Fourth street. JiooKSKLLEM (law nnd general). Boule, Thomas A Winsor.tli N Fifth. BILLIARD TAHLI, L00KIKO GLASSES, Picture Frames, Ac. Julius Balke, Thenssen A TIR1D0H BUILDBR. U I Carter A Co, s E corner 4th and Walnal, .'CAIiniAQll MANUFACTURER, Iltnry Timkln, 811 A (10 N sixth Klrest. CHARTER OAK STOTER. Eioclilor Manufacturing Co., CUX Main street. CIDER (MISSOURI). Green t Clark, 9M Pine street. CIDER (OHIO), rleary Eich, 13s Seveath street. COMMERCIAL COLLEQE. Bead for Catalogue Circular. Jonathan Joass, President, corner Fifth and Olive, DRT GOODS (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL). William llarr A Co, cor ith A St Charles: ENGINE, BOILKU AVD BURET IRON 1TOHKB. Alex. Croiler A Co, 1131 K Main street. ENGINES (l'ORTABLB AND STATIONARY), otten and Compresses, Smith, Ileggs A Co, I'M Main, cor Morgan. URNITURE ii BEDDINO, (WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. Curtis A Maien, il Washington avenue. FURNITURE, (WHOLESALR AND RETAIL). ole agent for Jones' Pat Hed spring. J II Crane, in & oiz iy fourth street. rUkNITURE, (WHOLESALE TND RETAIL). Sanford G. Scnrritt, S t corner 1th A Locuil, branch house 211 Market st. OUNB, PISTOLS AND AMMUNITION, Importers and Jobbers, n Folstm A Co, 620 A C21NMaln street. LUMBER (WHOLESALE), fichnells A Qucil, nwcortihand Mullanphy. LEATHER AND SHOE FINDING. Bole Agent Anglo Machine Silk, Harvey J Tette. mer. Wl V Fourth at, UILLINERT, STRAW GOODS, RIBBONS, SILKS, Ac, Imperitra A Jobbers, Waters, Todd A Co, 1W N, Fourth st. PATENT SOLICITORS, (U.S. AND FOREIGN.) Prlndle A Dyer, S Ecor 5th andPlneStHt Louis, no, ana Washington, DC, PRINTING INK MANUFACTORY. DThalman.tlst it, ncr Chouteau are, RAILWAY A MANUFACTURERS' Supplies, Iron A Wood Working Machinery. Rico. Dunkle a Co, IT Boutli Filth sireel, DCALKS, (FAIRBANKS STANDARD.) alrbanks, Grseoleafa Co, SOi Washington a- SEWING UACirTNES, (noiseless). WilleoxandGlbbs, JUS N Fourth St, STONEWARE AND riPE MANUFACTORY. For acnuodiicls, sewers ami oiilverts. Ht Louia Hlnn.iurn fT.i Ifiw V t......i.' BTERLJNO SILVERWARE MANUFACTORY. Eslallliilied In 1838 F A Durgln 103 K Seveath a TTPR FOUNDRY AND PAPER HOUSE, HILonls Type Foundry Colts Pine it VINEOAIV MANUFACTURER. Aldon A Clough 110 and IIT Spruce it PIANOS, (BELL TREIILX PIANOS). Factory end lalesroom SU7 ami 303 Chnteiiu av Oulloriend lor illustrated catalogue General southwestern agency for the Iliirdolt Orgsna ItT LOUISMANUFAOTUUING CO I1IND1NU, uuiim, pampiueis, Uriels, catalogues, news l papers, tax llsta, and tverr variety of exten. Te prmttuR contrmued for, and momvtlv and fpcedlljr eiecuteil, In the llullet.'n boek, lob; and wspor iiadlni etttblithmtat. THE BULLETIN. BY TELEGRAPH Iteporlctl rcclnlly for (lie Cnlro Hill Iflln. Ten liourN In ailrniire ol Hi. iinprrw. BQy-Joaftilii MUlor, Hjo poet of blerrus, Is la Now York for it short IirovloiH tocotiilng wcstwrird. tho tny .TIio Uqy. Sir. Finney, of Oborlin, O., hnt been pnstor of n chu -cli for tlilrly yen's, olllcla'.lng m such nt his own ox lienie, without inhlmr or jecnivinf nnv sliiry or dona. Ion. EST Jolin C. Urcflklnrldgo it said lo be ono tlio ImrdcBt-worhlriL' lawyora In Ken tucky nt this ilmo ami is making n good deal of money from hit profession, llo seldom now Uiicusse tSfTlio tobnsco crop i i Connecticut, now hboiil L'atliered, it cnormot's. . Few if any proceeding ycurs bnvp prinluccd crops to turpas it i.i woigbt of lenf nnd nil np poaranct Indicato that tho quality will also bo si'perlo-. 8Sy Adolpbus Thic-t writnt with ex tremo slowncst snd never pu'icttiutes bis manuscript. Xcn-lv nb t-o copy for bit numerous books ho dedicated to a Gorman, Jacob Grosch, who lias been bit amanuen sis for noa-lv fortv vears. 8S A mnrntigoby mntclillgbt was re cently contumated in Knnsnt Citv. Tlio Squire wss In a hurry .nnd so wnt tho couple, and neither would wait until tho inmp couiu uo illuminated. The fee paid undor a neighboring gns lamp. was -Lord Kusicll called n tectolalcrs' meeting to declaro ogaintt liquor eeilinf', lately, and presided : but thn i)ill. and sinners colonized In tho hall, and out voting me owier siue, put somo resolutions ttrongly favoring tho iralllc, on tho reco.'d of this teetotalers' meeting I 16?" A street car dummy is experiment ing in Detroit, so arranged that tho en Kino consumet lu own smoko and ttcatn. It is not tho first motivo power on street railroads that has been self-consuming. Somo roads employ horses that will cat themselves up in six months. I- Precocity bases it claim to futuro creatnessto this: Fitbcr Ames entered Harvard at tho ago of 12, nnd Edward Everett at 13; llishop Hobor translated " Phrcdrus " into English nt 7 ; Anna Sow ard repeated from memory tho first threo books of "Paradise Lost" nt 9: Lord Iirouirham wroto on nhilosonhv nt IS. nnd Grant rodo a circus mulo wficn he was 11. BflaJTho Hon. GustavtlS Koorner. Chnlr. man of tho Hoard of llallroad Commission ers for Illinois, hat written an officinl let ter to tho sccetary cf St. Louis nnd South eastern company, saying: " While tho re ports of most of tho railroad companies aro satisfactory, yours has been consider ed pre-eminently to. It is full, remarkably clear in its statements, and shows nn evi dent detiro to comply strictly with tho re quirements of tho law." JQrTho number of species of animals known to bo now living is thus given by IJontham : Tho numbor of mammalia is estimated nt between 2,000 nnd 3,000; birds, nt about 10,000; reptiles and amphi bians, under 2,000; fishes nt about 10,000; insects, at above 100,000; crutacea and nr achnida, rather abovo 10,000; mollusca, about 20,000; worms, radiatcs,and sponges nnd infusoria, under 0,000; wbilo there aro about 100,000 species of plants. CSS" Tho Scdnli'i Times savs that Messrs. Alexander Campbell mid Dr. Condee, of that ciiy liavo just returned from n tour through the counties of Southwestern Mis souri, prospecting for mlnoal lands ; and that thoy discovered and secured control of ono of the richest deposits of iron known io exist in mo stato. it Hot in Camden and Osngo counties ; tho deposit is nino miles long, apparently inexhaustible, nnd thooro is pronounced equal to that of Pi lot Knob, tSf Mrs. Count IJitmarck it a lady on tho wrong sido of sixty, and fresh and comely withal, who, in tho good old-fashioned style, has a bunch of koys hung to her girdle, and titting in tho drawing room or aupcintending tho farm women at their wcrk, hor knitting-needles nro al ways going, tho rosult of tho latter habit boing seen all over tho housa in knitted quilts and curtains, and liko " evidence of her manuel skill und housowifoly activi ty." Just fancy a Sa'-atogn hollo with n bunch of keys at her girdlo i HQf Lord Uroughiun's last passion, it is euid, was a passion for hymns, nnd, dur ing tho last two years of lift llfu, ho gath ered nil tho various bymn books ho could hoar of. Tho passion muy havodnvolopcd in his Inst days ; but that it was of rogu lar, alow nnd lcgitimntu growth, may bo gatherod from tho incident told of- hit younger days, whoro ho visited a Sunday school in London, nnd when asked how ho liked tho singing which had been porform edjfor hit gratification, so far foigot the tlmo and plnco at to roply that "it wilt d d good," 6S"Tho Sal del Hoy, tho groat salt lako of Texas, is nn immonso bed of salt about live miles in clroumforonno, which is be lieved to bo inoxhaustible. Tho salt is formed naturally and only has to be shov oled up, placed in carts, and takon awnv, to be ready for market. For tablo uso "it should bo washod and ground. Tho pres ent locomo derived from this great natural salt manufactury Is roported to bo only $'..'0,000 annually; but It is said that tho Mexican government formerly colloctod a revenue of $100,000 in taxes on tho pro duct of tho lako. DRY GOODS AND FASHION'S. -Rovortlblo India shawls lia their nppenranco. Tho ilarguorito polonniso it tho hnnd tomcst black silk suit seen, Tho German velvet, of silk, blue llirht quality, rango from $5 to $10. Sathcs, though not vory long nro at wide as over, ami aro very handsome. Black ulpacaL which is tultahlo for any occation, cotts from 60 cents to fl.GO a yard. Colored gomilno laco It shown in hado3 of brown mid gray for trimming ccstuincs, Flat bands, foldt find pleating will bo tho trimmings mott uswtfor fall clothing Laco will bo used in groat, profusion, on fall and winter suits of both silk und cashmoro. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 2 4, 1871. J'jFJ) J5CTS OF HIS NASHVILLE SPEECH. A PATIHOTIU LETTER FROM EX'CONFEDERATES. Kasiivillk, September 23. Iho tpcech dellvorcd bv Hon. Carl Schurz.of MIssou.-I. has created a profound imprcsiion In pollt- vni circles. Tim most significant Incident connected with it it tho following lottor formally nd dressod to Sonator Schurz by tcvoral hun- urcu cx.onicuerato so'dio'i, embracing sruuu nnu raiiico uio laio rODClier vlco, from prlvnto and non-commlstod ofll cor up lo major-general. Tho signers, generally, aro representa tive men of Inlluonco in tho community Nashville, September 21. To lien. Carl Hchvcz. Hear Sir: We, tho undersigned, form- r'y coniedoralo soldiers. wish IO CXnrCIt to ni mir lilr. I. regard for yott and our nrnfiinntl rcgaid nnd admiration of thn nnnflliiih non-partitan and patriotic nddrcst do'lv. cred by you in this cily. "0 admlro tho Indetiendnnt anlrit refuses obcdionco to party when in conflict with ono't convictions nf rlllfv nnrl rfnlit "Wo pledge you that wo aro no partisans; that wo havon faith that no worila pan nr. presi in tho sublime minion and destiny of tho American republic; that wo honor tho national flag as tho assured her ald of that day when nil thn of all ranks and condition!, will bo redeem- ed and delivered from all species of politi cal thraldom. WO Wish to turn our harks iirniri nil .Ac tional parties, and nil parties cropinK in flirt 1 1 a j a , . . . . ...u ,uiu muuiiiigui oi tuo past, anu to con nect ourselves with nny party thut will bo nnimnted with n snirlt i,r -lvll n,l rn. llgiout toloratlon, nnd broad and elevated IJiuriutteri, J)U QUOIN. THE ILLINOIS SKATE FAIR, GRAND SUCCESS ANTICIPATED. Mu Quoi.v, Sept. 23. Saturday closnet With unprecedented proupccts for tho Illi nois state fair. Tho reports of n scarcity of water lit this point a-o entirely unfounded. A CONSTANT STREAM of water is flowing into tho grounds, and already every reservoir nnd basin 13 fill ed. U his supply is in addition to thn TWELVB GOOD WELLS on tho various parts of tho grounds. SEVERAL HUNDRED HEAD OF CATTLE aro upon tho ground, embracing tho short horn herds of Col. King, of Minnesota, Gut Shropshin, of Kentucky, and several from other states. Thoro aro several ciiltlu hero from tho celebrated importation of r1 f'..l. ir.if...i uuii vAiit, vi iuiruuru. Among tho numerous entries in THE HORSE DEPARTMENT nro somo of tho fastest trotters and pnccra in tho country. SPECIAL TRAINS. A epcclal train has been dlspatchod to Cairo for stock from Kentucky. Sovoral train from points north, oast und west Will arrive during tho night. VISITOR. AND EXHIBITOti.S nro arriving by every trnln, and nro'find- ing ACCOMMODATIONS throuch tho commilteo chnrirod with tho uuiy oi unutng notncs lor strangers. ..u inconvenience win uo experienced in obtaining board and lodgintr, as tho nrrangemcntsmado by tho local anthoritlea aro so complcto at to insoro to nil tho com forts nnd conveniences of tho hospitable homes of Du Quoin and vicinity. D. A. Brown, Pres. State Agr'l. Society. A. M. Garland, Secretary. CINCINNATI. KKW,TI'.IAL ClltANTKK. Ci.vcinxati, Soptcmbor 23. Judgo 31c Kevny, at Dayton, O., granted lliomat ilcUohan a now trial this morning on tho grouud of incompetency of ono of tho jurors. WEATHER REPORT, Caiko, III., Sopt. 23 10:40, War Dopartmout, Signal Serricc, U. S. A. division of telegrams and reports for tlio benefit of Commerce. The lellowlng is tho olllcial meteorological record fr the 24 hours ending 10:10, p. ni. muuwr.Ti.ui tiiiiiuum t mn. I 1'I.ACl i SL or Ousiaf.Tiok, 3 3 2 1' 3 s ? s I II I M:o.i cs' 74 ii 2t:tt mi T7 M SO.O'i lit 73 U 20:92 A7 71 M 20;D7 74 l.'l tl 29;0U 67 7t HO CU.Ol SO 71 tl :W;01 I'd 78 Ct MM tl 74 f.l 30 02 72 7U 71 2'J:8.-i fil 77 61 aiiiOO Ul 71 61 20,o:i S3 77 0 4S 71 ... 20:70 Ui 13 71) S0;ll 01 M 72 Cairo Clili'iigo Cincinnati, o SO; Hi W:K9 ! Harenporl, Iona. 20:07 h;91 uaivosion 1 eavenvorth... Louisville, Kv.. Meninlin. Tenn. S0.05 2ft.U7 Z0:'JJU!U:87 W.10I2S.8. 3UH'i0.9.1 Naslivillt, Tenn.. Neiv Orlenns, La Omaha Nelirnsku SUM SII;C8 W;.2 uo;iuj i:3l 2'J;7a r.i.01 l'ltlsburuli, I'a.,., Ht. Louis, Ho lit. l'aul, Minn.... KhrovHpurt I .u Vlclisbnrg, iliss, 30.0t .'lO.UI 2'J;80 20:70 2.8a 2U;8a SOllU "Washington, D. 0., Sept. 23. Tho highest barometer, which wnt on Iiday p. m., over Now Jortoy, lmt given placo to a rapid full, and tho prestu-u hiu oxtendod from lako Supo.'Ior o.utwnru, and probal bly covors tho wholo region north of tho lakes. Hazy and smoky woathor hat spread northeast to Ohio river and iniddlu and castorn stattt with but little cloudlnctt at tonding, fulling bnrtnnetor, Brisk south nnd south cast winds hnvo extended to Lako Ontario. Clear woathor hut profil ed in southern gulf states excopt on tho immediate const, Smnll area rising bu romutor with north-vosterly winds w'.ll probably oxtond Into AVUcoiisln on Sun day. Brink southwest winds will cxtond to Lako Huron buLwIll diminish on lower lakes. Cloudy weather with southwesterly windt will oxtond ovor naxr England j cloudy and clear wo'tthor In tho uilddlo, Bouthern nnd gulf states, Locnl rains nro probablo for Sunday noon mi tho Immodi ato gulf coast, and specially In Sotithorn Florida. FOREIGN ENGLAND. London, 8ptembor .3. Cmmodor Athbury tailed for Liverpool to-day. Tho itcamthlpi Cuba nd "Weatphallft touchod at Quoonstown to-day. WOT A TotUvillo (Ponn.) hen bat hatch ed two eagles. The eggi wero found by a man In tho woods, who supposed they wero turkey's eggt and placed lham under his hen. Tho old hon was considerably turpritcd,lor the tpluttarcd about and tram plod upon ono ot hor raro progeny and killed It. The other will probably grow up and do well. Eaglot lometimet carry pir chickens, and it would bo rather a joko if this specimen thould temo day gather up tho old hen that hatched it and flyaway with hor. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. MILWAUKEE. Milwatjkeh, Soptomber 23. FLOUB Quiot; cllr XX, 5.75 a fl.374. WHEATFirmat$1.19forNo.2. BARLEY Steady at 60c forNo. 2. NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, September 23. n AY Scarce; cholco western, $35 a 30. PORK Quiet and firm; mess, $14.60. BACON Firm nt 8 J a 8 a 8 a OJe. WHISKY Firmer: western reotlflod Qljc n $1.0.1J. ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, Sept. 23. i LOUR Firm for low and medium gruuns. WUUAT Firm and lilghor; No. 8 rod S1.32. CORN Quiet at 44c. for mlrixi nn track. OATS Steady; No. 3 ino levator 35c. x nr i nil. WHISKY Firm at 01c .PORK Ste dy at $13.26 on orden. BACON Actiro on ordors and in de mand; ihouldors 7c; clear rib 8c; oloar 8 jc; clear, toller Octobor 8Jc. LARD Firm 0c; teirco lujallc. PHIL HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, City National Bank tlallABC. Special attention fald to .rden from boatj, lt?ht and day. ' rUHWITUKE. SAVE TWENTY PERCENT 11 Lujinaytntr TJ ZR 35T I T TJ IR, E EICHHOFP BEOS.. FURNITURE FACTORY, U'nidiluto-T., Ne-r.loetMiB IIuae tMlKO, ILLIBOn Messrs Rohliofl Brothers deilrs to Inform Ike oltiseas of Kilro that lliey are; mamilaoturlnf all klidi of PLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE And liavi now on kand and for U, at Wboleanle Mud Hetall, II kinds, mid will ctutluuu to ksap at tttolr 8LKS IIOOUH, IN Tllkin XKW UUILDIKO, Eviry dl soriplioii of cheap und roirtlv mralwre, juclisa IMU arvi'il lled.KAils, 2fllrl)lo Tij.ed Uuresiis,, Washslands. J-Wunlrohes, fl.if Chairs, Wufa. kii.I ltrm(', i-Louugrs,et , wto., WkMh they will tiutanioe U aoll TtVKTY I'EIt OINT. Ia)WER Thaa tkey oaa We bougkt haw. any etker dealer la Uy. Uiva litem a call ltd aatury your. If. . lytUlt BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AV. C HAN NY, LARGI STOCK. BROWN SHEBTINQS, PRINTS, CHECKS, Al STRIPES, KUTUCKT JIAVI, BXTBA, OASSIMERS, ii-fvajTDcsraiiS. BLACK ALPACAS LUSTERS, OROS OJUIN SILtS, rorun. LARGJB STOCK OP CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, UATTISO, , Wlaslow MM;, OltT BAXDI, NOTTINGHAM LACB DAIA8K. His laUNllttk Sow CToAlBHr OmV A VERY LOW FIGURES, COBYM 8ri IT, AMD COUMItLAL-ATu OAS FITTCIUI. V. S. MURRAY, GAS AND STEAM FITTER BAB -.MOVED I ROM I'BRflT 110USI TO Vl BRICK BUILDING ox SEVENTH ST OITOSITI WIMTER'a BLOCK, CAIK'J, ILLINOIS. fJE has greatlv improved all atook, and hat p nuw un us m mil Binaa or CnAVDKLIKns, rikDiKTe, OLOBB8. BRACKBTM, HALL LIOHTI, SHADES, BTC. HE HAS HARKED DOWN PRICES tat Invest living flgurei, and he InviUa the liaironaga ot me public. W1IOI.1SAI.E CROCEEI. R. SMYTH & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, OHIO tivn, CAIIO. IIiLIII. AUo, keep constant! on hand a most oom plete atock of XilQTTO-aS- BCOTCH AND IRIBU WUItKIBB GIN 3,- Fort, Maderia, Sherry and Catawba "Wlnea R8MTTII A CO. sell exclusively for cash, to , which fact titer Invite the aipealal atlan- nen r aioie barain uujers. QpitiaX atitntion given to Filling Orderi. HOT ELM. CRAWFORD HOUSE, CORNER SIXTH akd WALNUT3T,, (EntranM on Blilh-sl.,) F. S. Oakss, ) II. G.Cady, V F..U. LodwIck.J CINCINNATI, OHIO. OAKE9. CADT A CO. Proprietors. COMMERCIAL nOTEL, COyUBBCIAL-ATBXUB, OrrOlITB T. CAIRO. ILLS. JOtirn BATI.I9S, i 1 PROrRIBTOB, Tin House id Newly Furnished AaU oRari lo Ibe public flrst-eleaa occommoda- IUin at Maaooalil tala. PAIHTER. MOORE & MATHEWS, House, Sign nnd Ornamental IP.A. INTERS, Deeoratlv- Panertian.lNK, Uatlaoualav inr, e., Doae la the hlghtut ityle at the arl, oad a rate tliatdaly uoaapetitiea. Ilior IK fBBBT HOUSIt, COBNIR Of 8TE HTKBET AXD CUMBRCIAL AVBMUI. CARL L. THOMAS, is prepared te to all kinds of pteCi and ora anental PAINTING, KALSOMINHIO, PAPER UANGINQ 101 Blt'laT,, T0., .(area whwh defy ail eempetlon, and la Ibe -Mjieet ele t'ftta palate art. 0 anof .ifirai rkiKYKWiii' COBifEB OT COWtlBBOlAL ' ATWTJ1 A.VU wiirm and utiooRa. WM. H. SCHufTER Iatrtor Mtl WkoIfMle Dealr la WINES, LIQUORS, AVD TOBACCO & OIC3-AEB. Agent for lbs licit brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AID Issportca Ales of Different Klmda. 75 Ohio Levee, " CAIRO, ILLINOIS. F. M. STOCKFLETII, rrcomoa roan irociniTi (RMtlryrr Wbolesala Btfev rorclgii Doneatl LIQUORS, WINES, ETC. No. 78 Ohio Levee, 8aigini.D Uloci, OA1KO, ILLINOIS. kaypion hand conslanllr full slock ol Old Kentucky llourbon hela livo idle, Whlsklen. Krennh II.. ntt and MonoDra- Holland Oio, Jnsutr nuin-aaa ;aiiiorna wines, UWHJHT1IN. JOHN A. KOE1TLEB, If MUlaclurer el all kinds of SHOT G-TJIiTS, RIFLES AND PISTOLS. KEYS MADE TO ORDER. All Klada or Work aad Kenalrias Done. s BATI8PACTION VAUIIANTED. C0UUBBCIAL-AT., A FKW DOOM BaLOW 1'OSTOfFICB. CAIRO, II.UNOIH. Powder, Bhot, Caps and all sorts ot Cartrldgns Isepuif eontianuy on Hand. OAS riTTERfl. II. T. GEROULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER no emu iv OAS FIXTURES, Oa Fitter's and Plumber'a material, Wood pumps, globe and angle valves, atop oocB,hok. valvw.ata. luo isnr aoa Tnfta Brotliera Palciit Dry Uaa Meters And Horehouse, Welle A Co"a Automatlo Water Indicator and Supply Valve for steam boilers. WT.VTBR'fl BLOCK, COUUERCIAL-ATBMUB Oilra, IlIlBoU. ptlllt RUToneiui. OENTRAL MEAT MARKET. KOEHLER & BROTHER Have reopened the POPULAR MEAT MARKET, COUUBKCIAE-AV'- Between Mlath sad Teatti HltrMta, and will keep eonitantlyon hand the beitmeate !.Vfi-ire;!im Vi" Clr? let. Ttiey dely com. petliien. Cllvo them a trial. septlltf JAMES KYNASTON, Batcher aad Dealer la all Klada Freeh eat, Oob Kwiviiwtn am Portaa Sraaw. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. BUh!S..n I''K,t only the very best cattle, tioifs and sheen, and a nrenared in flu .nJ demaod for fresh meals from one Dound to ten thousand pounds. error JOHN BEOPPLE, SftUsagoManufaeturijr OT ALL XIBD8. Nq. 87 COUUERCIAL-AV- 1IBT. Sill ASD Otu Stbbhts. CAIRO, . , . . ILLINOIS. eeptlU WALTER & MALONY, BTJTOHBBS ass ciitaai ra FRESH MEAT, Iiobtk Stheht, Detwbib Wabiiikotob amd couubrcial avbnubs, Adjolulav Rltleahoaae sfe liana. 'a. Ksaij lha be.t of Ueef, Pork, Muttoo, Teal, Lamb, Baussjje, etc., and ara prepared lo serve eineens in tke most acceptable manner, agtot PUYHIOIANN- R. S. BRIGHAM, M. D. IIOXOEPATUIST. OflLl. 1a. IM (.n.m.mlBl -v-nii- n ft .. . koers.t to la a.m., and 1 lo 3 p.m. Kailde-oe, av. i, ctibh street, muro Illinois. A. WADGYMAIt, M. D.. PMTSICIAN, Surgeon and Accouheor, formerly of Anna. Union county, Illinois, haa per' uianently located In Cairo. tlffi.A (..lMmL.l.l aysiae, oei tween Eighth aad Ninth etreete Welt S1US. marly WILLIAM R.8MtTB, M.D. i.,PJT IT--. fc. t- .mrwjr.j-9vm .