Newspaper Page Text
4t WtAVJSLfiirS GUmB TAKE NOTICE. Till K TABLE or TlK ILLINOIS CJINinAL It. II On and .nuod.y, Jl . .. ' ( -liiline-t.l.f. will fi"" !'"'"' r ...... nr trflln. itl'nlM I 0-Mll irafn. dMf Hi ittiiT Kpren, daily - 2:16 p.ln 4, n;t Wail. dilr , - a.:xn.n, CiprtM, daily, except Stipday, 3:Wlun. .ViMlnnfceefcar froinCnttoVn tft,'I,oui. No ..hatiird of r.u from Cairo to C'llcngo. Meirtnt Drawing lUwn leeping cam on night train. niitJOgeieheeked t.mll inlpjrlint p.ilnl. (JUICE EST ROUTE FROM SOt'Tii 1 IA ILLINOIS QmilAL 11 11 TO Sr. Louis, Lofi.Mii-tc, Ci.vcrsf.VATi, Cm caoo, New York, Rosro.v, VOISTS EAST AND WEST. l').fiii:erlM,n.iirli,tn.l IcneCIro as fol. " 0W I r.xrnus. Aimrt.. .. .. .. fli-'l'lnin ... ..... 3l30 p.ln limit... 11H3 run 3H3 p.m. lioih I rain" o.wt a -Cc'itralU wilt) tf.iin oa In rot fans, Decatur, iUoorulngtai, r. Poto,.J.a Salle. Mendota,l reeport.iMen, I'ubunue. and .II lutlnl. In IM.maI. t. . ' nil iiiim. ... iniuwil-, .HIBIUUrJ. Minnesota, 'iconsln nl Iowa. And with Lines running Kml and West for M.LouK .KpstngfielI, Lnniatflle, Cincinnati, ImCinapolht, Columbus. And at Chicago Willi Ml.'h!?.ni Central. Michigan Sjuthcrn, and IMNburg. Kort Wayne anr) O.ncago Itillroads lor Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk. i,UnJ'v .. i!"toa, Philadelphia, .Niagra Fall", Krio, Ilutlalo, Ne Tort, P.ltsburjr, Baltimore. niwilngton. I AND ALh POINTS BAST, for through ticket arid (nrornutlon, apply to Uallrod Depot. " 7 V.P.JOHK30N, ' Central i'awnger Agent, Cnlcago. SON, Agent, Cairo.- . SPRINGFIELD AD ILLINOIS StJUTIIEASTLRN B. R. On Mid after MonJay, ArTll 2th, Wl, tramswil run as follows! t NORTHERN DIVISION. . Ttlllf 001.10 eotTOtllT. .. . Mail.. l,eTe ifjrm!t...... C:4ua.m Excreai Snnsfield..... ao .... 12.31 p.m. ......S:00 ... t:2fl " Arnte it m. """ ijiorTiiie aj7 Tatisiooixo aoaruwui U;,TeT--- Aia.m " Tat orTillB.-u... A-n .4, Mall. J i5 D m. riTe at spriccneldtjlS " cm " teariingfield C:25 ZcilO " iteaiin;inl. km " ..Tg 5 late Am SOLTHEIIN D1VB10N. . ""f 60IS0 aoctuziiT. Jd?"rooJ S:a.m .10;10a,m. " Flora.. 8 Si .1M0 ArnT at 2fcceetoiro3.ttp m p,m Ltare Shnrne.ton..S:ll .m " Flora ..;: Arm it Edgoodo " .S.JOp.m ,7:10 ' viH... VA .a rrom Kdeewood, run onlj Conneou at A.hlind with JackaonTllle dlrlnon of Cheo and Alton H itlroal. fo?JMkniiHe TiiprnlF5fliAw,H,.cl,.!(:'0 Wton, and e' t and!BeJii?1'CS0' " J " 11,1:1,8 nollh LwS0Kri!,rl!Vinr!;,,,n!l S!- ,'0Ui"' ml ,mao OTlhM,t. ' Ml 1,,mt, "U"1 Ce.rftiS?0,dr"h C" M3 1,irWon ,llinoI At Mora, villi Ohio md Miisippi Rulroad mi PiTnet,??' wlt!l tunlaiaforCMln: nntl.I'aJucah.CnlroftjulSt.lAiiin, ,ur v-lnclr'- Johv roiTT. Orn-I fV-gtnnd TiVVi ,'".Up i't. STEAM noATS. MOUND CITY AND 'CAIRO' THE STEAM TUG, CACHE Cait. "Wiixiam II. Santiupkv. FOUR TRIPS EVERY DAY HTWttl OA1BO Ji.2STX2 CITY Leave Caiho, I Lbavk Md. City, At 1 A-W. I At.... 8.30 A.M. i 10 a.m. At li nn At.. At.., 1 p.m. At 2.30 p.m. 5 P.M. I At 0.30 P.M. WILL LAND. "WHEN HAILED, it THE 1IOX FACTOKT, HAWK'hI.A.Mll.VO.KV. MOUTH OK CACIIB, MAKI.VK WATH, AND .VAVV TAKD. IlIOUS' ItOATN. CAIRO AND LOUISVILLE Wteklj I'aj-kM for Va-lneMi, r.ran.Tiil ID Lou. iinr.inirMToriic Meaner, EDDYYILLE, T. O. UV.M A, Mailer. I.t-ii. Cairo eycy feATOOHAY at S o'cloik p.m. ... n"iui iw.n "j'r1; on inru or 10 J.iS. inc;;t, Au'l CAIRO AXD I'ADrC'AII MAIL IIOAT. Tf.c splendid ttoitnor JAS. FISK, Joe I'on lor, Musi it. i.rtca iuro IIA1I.Y. (gund) i ceptisl) at MU. Kor trustor l";;, CAIRO AND KVANSVILLK (7. N. MAIL CACKLT. Tbk fant.raoniog, light diauilit lUainer, MALLIE.RAGON, f.m rnwi en WILL KOWLUl'r.'.'!" Mkhter Clerk M!ri?ii,r?.PVf:RYU;iDAY and TJIUI1SUAT , ..,.m luiewnc j, ai a p.m. JAH. HltiUW. Ag't PADUCAII AND EVANSNILLE, (In place of tho Ark. lull.), THE hl-LMCMi, uuht muuaUT gXKAMKn DICKJOHKSOK, LEK IIOWKIX, .Milkier. Will lent Cairo for Kvonivllle every WKDNps. IJAY 4 HATL'ltDAV at .1 o'clock. Vrii. rir lie,,", ui ikv i'pi) on oojrn or 10 JAS. mUUH, Air't KVANHVIhLE anu LOUISA'ILLE Tho iplondld t.tcamei- rlDi UVOUH, Mnater, Will Wvo Cairo thli (TUESDAY) ovenlnir at 4 fclock, p.m. Forrelgkl pr juuiaga apply oa NEW jlDTOMSEMENTS. i KfflHTH-ST., 1IF.T. WASHINOTON AND COM MEIICIAI.-AVKNUE3, i now receiving lxutllal assortment of Kali Millinery Goods, Including Mat" "J Hhipra of the luteM style, jlllilirr, I'lovicra mill I'cnllipr). .Mrs. l.i"B :iH ,s0 "how customers tlie largest Eini-tiivii vi Woolen Yarn , , : To be fount! In the city. II LEACH I NO A Nil PAUSING ' ORllKR. DONE TO MRS. M. SWANDER, DEALER IN' MILLINERY , LADIES yNISlINq G.OODS, C'ommcrclnl Avennr, ..iol(r Illln anil IfnjfttornVi ' " ' OairoJ Ittt.voin. 1 ' C LOT J 1 1 N(f E6j JiiDiES' iEAil' MnJe to order, or lUJjr.liJe. recelTpd full nd rompletootock of jroodj, iiio newoft and completes! in mo cuj, An In). menc varlty ol RIHBONS, LACES AND FRINGES ulie oirrricrcl Indnccrntls to htT Datrofti and all others torallbnher.examlntthc prices. ftle and quality of lier (tooi THE BULLETIN. Publlahnt ererjr BMirntng', Mondity ex cepiew. LOCAL NOTES. Here, There, Ererywhere A I.lttlcabout ntJood .Many ininsi.j The " cold snap " it nt an end. ThcViin jftvs tlmt Mr.R. J.-Cundlff is'not n cablmuo head. .'Wcll.who aid ho lir. Jolin P. Fag'tn left the city yes tcrdayfor his home at Jacksdnport, Ar kansas, t. . A meeting of the Odd-Follows' Be nevolent Association of ; jrvpt will bo held to-night at the lodgo room. A'soctablo of the Ladies' BenOTelent Association of this city was held last night at the residence of Mr. F. Vincent. The funeral of the lato Judge Corcor an on Sunday last was largely attended by his numerous frlondsand acquaintances. Old Jack Frost is expected at Shaw- neetown Soon, and will, no doubt, visit the neighborhood of Cairo beforo discontinu ing his trip south. 1 All the iteamboals at'tho landing had their flags nt balf-mblt and tolled tholr btllt u the boat icaring the body of John McKec passed up the river. The city hall at the cornor of Twelfth itrcct and Commurciiil avenue will soon bo ready for use. It is being fitted up by Cunningham " regardless' of expenses." The news of the death of ilr. McKeo took the city by surprise. -JJo hud. been sick so long and was so hopeful, that his friends bolicved ho would ultimately re cover. ' . The Illinois Central advertises to BkU excursion tickets to St. Louis and vrelurn front October 2d to October,7tb, for $7.20. Hero is n chancofor thoso who wish to at tend the Si. Louis fait. ' SfosoHarroll is wonnderfully pritid of his now girl baby. "Wo.havo had so much pnictlco naming girl, arid havo be- qonio so expert in iho bttsincti, Harroll,, desiring to obtain tho best namo possible I lor lit baby, nronoscs to eni'ni'o ut tn ... . n n namu her. IJoulon of the Joneabore Gorcfff.callcd onus Sunday, In company with tho civil cnginwrof the Cairo and St. Louis road, .Mr. ilcuregory. o were at our our de votions und could not entertain tho Kuntlc- mcn us wo would if they should call onus on ti "we-sk's dnv." Frnnk (iordon, u demirep well-known in Chlro, nnd now tlie proprietress of a bagnio in Memphis, was up before the TC' cordpr in that city, on last Saturday, on n' charge of assault. After boiug lined and bound over to circuity for trinl, iiisj Oor don wus taken before 'Siuire .Miller to an swer to the chnrgo of larceny and resisting an officer. Two bonds one of $1,000 the other for .'60 wero required for her ap pearunco before the grnnd jury. The democrats of Alexander county must be united onoman, if the hopo to succeed in electing their tieket.and it is par ticularly to bo desired that the inlluontiul men of the party will work for success. If a number of them work for Martin with Itulf the vim they manifested last spring when thoy hoped to break down certain people they do not like, the demo crats will carry tho county by to hun dred inajotlty. Tho family grocory more of Ilixby & Koehler is being patronized largely by peo pie who Uku fine groceries. Their location on the north side of Eighth street, be tween Commercial and Washington ay enues, is a centrul one, und their stock has been .eWcted with dlicrimination, there fore this new candidate for public patron- ago meets exactly tho wants of tho peo pie. Messrs. Koohlor & Jllxbv nrmn ac..u,, i.ieir reputation by always selling the best of all BOrU of eroccrles to their patrons and tho public, knowing that poo plegpncrallyarouware of tho fact that really good articles of any kind aro al- wayi'tno ciicapcst in the end. "A good man lcavcth an inheritance." Insure your life in the Llf tlon of Amorica." nenidlu, " ri. - "'ni-UlT COURT Tim limn nf t, . jestorday forenoon sni occupied in hear- n...- ,1ow,"l' t(J uo ubjonce of .Mc ,S nC. ?.!UA?''all--ut little was -.. oon tb, CMe of lh people vs. John McEWoy, charK6a with tho killing of John W. yj olgbteen months ago, was called and pro. coeded with. Considerable trouble experienced in getting a Jury, and up to tho adjournment last ovenlug tho panel was not completed. THE CAIRO DAILY CHRISTIANITIES. Tit Tilt of Local Itflliioiii Into Hgcnce, Oath ered Hero and There. Tho Rev. Mr. l'ootels nhsent from tho city. Tio araunt couriers of tho army of Methodist nroichcrs And laymen, to whom .tho city has capitulated, hnvo arrlvod. Tho Nov. Mr. (Jlllhnm, of Contralla, preachod at'tho McthodlitSchuroh Sunday morning last, nnd last night, nnd at the Presbyterian church Sunday night. Ho is a good preacher, and nttracted largo audi once. Wo would .suggest to tho prcachors who will bo with us Ibis week that thoy need not bo idle In tho work of tho Mas tor. Wo havo In Cairo qulto a number of prominent men who should bo plucked from sinfulncsii as .hands from tho burn ing, and tho preachers should nt loast mako an nttcmpt tt imvo them. We are informed by Roy. Mr. Friend that tho Sun h too small nn institution to "lacornto his heart." Wo thought ns much. Great natures aro never disturbed by, tho attacks of petulant nngor, nnd Mr. Davij, tho editor of tho Sun, may not, therefore, hopo to draw Mr. Friend from tho holy privacy In which he teaches tho lessons of good will to men. In a Chris tian way Mr. Friend detests Mr. Davis. Dan. Munn and Popo aro Prcsbytor lans; Llncgar a ttnhcr; Green n Raptist; Harman tho samo as Llncgar; Allen par tially Episcopalian; Mulkoy, somewhat mixed, with a leaning to Catholocism j Lansdon, Hurd and Wood, Presbyterians; Irvin, Lynch, tho nnllidays, Gilbert, Saf ford, Schuttcr and Dunnlng,Episcopalians; tho Rarclaysnnd Williamsons, Methodists; Taylor, a patron of all tho churches; Rross, Schtih, Woodward, Artcr, and tho balanco of tho city, members of no church, and sinners according to the Christian ac ceptation of tho term. ' tiOllDSTlNE & HOSENWATER. Go to Goldstlno & Koscnwatcr's for fall goods of the latest styles. Thoy are re ceiving an immonso stock of goods of every description, nnd a alngle glanco at It will convince every one that tho selection was made to suit every taste and nccommodate every purse. Messrs. Goldstino & Rocn- wator have spared neither pains nor ox ponso in tho selection of their goods, and now invite an examination of tho lato ar rivals, satisfied that their merits will bo their best recommendation. Wo shall give a moro extended notico of this firm here after. Tun Circub. To-day Mrs.Agnes Lako's Hippo-Olympiad and mammoth circus will exhibit in this city. Judging from what our exchanges say of this immenso Institution, wo do not hesitato to pronounce it one of tho best circusscs now traveling. It is reported to bo themost thoroughly or ganized combination extant ; and the equestrian department is especially com- monded for its originality and newness of performance having been purged of all thoso old, worn-out feats that Lavo been in voguo from tirao immemorial. Among tho equestrians nro numbered some of tho most renowned performers of tho age. Tho wonderful feats performed and al most human knowledge displayed by the well-known trick horse accompanying this circu, is nlono worth tho prico of ndnii slon. . In tho nstnrnoon, beforo tho opening of circus, thcro will be a grand balloon as cension from tho circus grounds. Doors open, at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon and 7 o'clock in tho evening. At "the DjiLMOxico. Tho following wero the arrivals at tho Doltnonico hotel, Wm. Winlor, proprietor, for tho twonty- lour nours ending at 11! o'clock, p.m, Sep tembor 25th : W. W. Carter. MavQold. , w- , Ky.; A. C. Hunter, Capo Girardeau, Mo.; Charles West, Hamburg, Ky.; Win. Bur- nolt, Caledonia, 111.; L. C. Allord, Evans- vlllc, lnd,; J, Chancy, livansvil(c, Ind W. 8. Powers nnd lady, Youngstown, O. Murray Phillipsj Miatouri ; J. It. Parks, Now Madrid, Mo.; Cuns. C. Poll, Lako's circus; Sam. McCarty, Now Orleans; W. D. McCord, Chlcaio; Lafo Andorson, Louisville, Jvy.; W. A. Ruhr, Empire Mill; M. Kaufman, Vieksburgj Geo. R. FowJsr, LbUiivilJe, Ky.;'Archy Frame, river; it. D. Groon, Now Albany, Ind. C.E. Hawkins, Cincinnati; 11, Jtn, Cin cinnati; Joseph Veron, city. AnitKSTKii. A well-known citizen of tho city was uduy 6r two since beforo one of our city magistrates for being drunk r.nd disorderly. Ho was fined tho usual amount 0.C0. Alter tho trial wan ovr ho might havo been heard soliloquizing, thinly! "Now, this is tho second time 1 huve been up before u magistrate for tho same offense. I might hnvo known it If 1 had gone to Alba's in the first place andgotonoof thoso smooth, clean, deli cious shaves that Alba is known to givo to every one who patronizes him, this would not hnvo huppened." Therefore, reader, take warning and ulwuyg go to Albii's barber shop, Commercial avenue, between Seventh and Eighth stroets. Leavk To-Day. Tho stoamor Louis ville will loave the wharf this evening at 6 o'clock p. m., for Memphis, Vlcksburi? and New Orleans. Tho Loulsvlllo has just undergono thorough ropalrs, and Is now as good us tho day sho was firm hunched. Try her. Tho steamer Umpire, for tho samo des- tlnation, leavoi also this ovoning. She is a good boat, and offlcorod by as fino a lot of mon as follow the river. Southern bound travelers will do woll to tako pas sago on tho Umpire. Biggs is agent for botu tbo above boats. 0H HALE OU J-.XOIIANOE JOn CAlitO Pkoi'kkty. I havo Onk Hundueij and bixTY acres of first-class unimproved land In Johnson county, which I will soil on reasonablo terms, or exchango for Culro why properly. r. ji, ropK. Ultll Kesiqnew. Mr. F. M. Sumnor, night policeman in tho i'ourth Ward, vesterdav handed in his resignation to Moyor Lans- unn. cause, wo do not know. Holii. Tho stoamor A. Raker wus sold yesterday to Mrs. Agnes Lake, proprieties of Lako's circus, for $3,000 onu-hulf cash ana the balance In ninety days. BULLETIN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1871. 0IHTUARY, DEATH OPJOH.V y. M'KEE. Tho death of Mr. M'Kco look place nt his rojtdanco In thU city on last Sunday morning. Tho deceased was n man well known to tho community of Cairo, nnd his death, notwithstanding that ho has been In precarious health for months beforo the event, snockod and saddonod his mniiv r.!. , 1 i... ... - Him iieqiiaiiunnccs. Jia hn been iiffcctcd with n troublosomo throat dlsoase for tho last two or throo years of his life. It finally affected his lungs nnd caused his death. Mr. McKeo was born In tho cltv of Pittsburg, !., about tho year 1827, and at tlio tlmo oi death was about forty-four years ot ago. nuo in bis minority, he entorcd tlio offlco of tho Pittsburg daztttt, then under tho managomont of Mr. Bid die, who was ono of tho promlnont news papermen of his day. Mr. McKeo hero learned tho art of type-setting, but nover followed it to nnyoxtcnt. Removing to tho State of Tciinc!Soc,ho located in Nash ville Ho here turned his attention to en gineering, and in ado practical usa of his knowlcdgo by following tho rivor in tho capacity of steamboat engineer. Somolcn or cloven years ago ho begun to report riv er nows for various newspapers, slnco which tlmo ho has been exclusively en gaged ns river correspondent for Cincin nati, St. Louis and othor papers. Ho was river editor of The Bulletin since its es tablishment. Mr. McKeo was married throo times. Tho body of his first wlfo lies in Nashville, Tennosscc, Hint of his socond, who was a nicco of Mrs. Captain Williamson, of this city, is buried at Smithland, Kentucky. Sho left one child, a daughter, now n resi dent of this city. His last wlfo nnd thren little children aro left to mourn tho lots of a devoted husband nnd most nQectionnto father. Fourteen years ago, Mr. M'Kno united with tho Methodist Episcopal church in Smithland, Ky. In nil tho relations of life as husband, father, friend nnd citizen, he showed by tho purity of u christian lifo that tho profession was no idle ono with him. His body was conveyed to Smithland, Ky., by boat yestorday afternoon, whore, followed by tho grief of aged parents, brothers and sisters and the sorrowing wife, ail that is mortal of John M'Kcc will bo laid to rest. May ho rest in peace. GOOD NEWS- I THE CAIRO AN1 VI.VCe.NNES RAII.UOA1I "WORK COMMENCED IN WHITE A Nil PA- LINE COUNTIES AN EARLY 1IEOINM.VO EXPECTED ON THE CAIRO END OP THE LINK. From Captain Hurd wo loarn that the contracting firm of Wlnslow& Wilson, of St. Louis, havo entered into arrangements with Gen. Burnslde, by which work on tho C. and V. road is expected to be commenced at one?. Captain Hurd has been informed by letter that Gen. Burn- sido has mado such arrangements for tho building of tho road as aro satis factory to tho above-named firm, and, ac cordingly, a forco of laborers is now cn gcged on tho route of tho rond in Salino county, and nnothor forco on that in Whito county. Mr. W. A. Douglas, nn agent of the firm cf Winslow & Wilson, is now In thU city for tho purpose of prcpnring for the commencement of work on this end of tho road, and now it is almost n ccrtuinty thut tho labor will bo begun in tho lower counties in time to secure the local sub scriptions. Wo shall tako palnn to ascer tain tho details of tho matter ono which is of so much interest to ovory citlzon of Cairo and will lay the result beforo our readers. NEW RESTAURANT- Harry AValkcr informs his friends and tho public generally, through tho columns ofTitE Bulletin, that ho has filled up a first-class restaurant in tho front basement of the St. Nicholas holol.on Commercial av. cnue. Game, fish, oysters, and evory lux ury of tho season will bo served to guests. Tho best of wines nnd liquors will bo ul ways on hand, and tho finest cigars wait ing to bo puired nway into fragrant smoke. Meals will bo furnished at nil hour, and guests will receive polito und constant nt tcntion. Harry is determined to mako hit restaurant it success and n popular resort for tho leisure hour. NOTICE. Ulimih CcTiut. ItmnoAD Co., 1 AkI.' Olllcc, C.ilro, Hep!. i, '71. To persons wishing to attend tho St. Louis fair, to bo held at St. Louis from Oc- toborid to October 7, wo will fell excur sion tickets to St. Louis and return for 7.20. Sulo of tickets will commence October 1st und discontinue October Cth. Tickets good until October 10 (Inclusive.) To persons going with stock or articles for exhibition we will isiuo tlckots on nnd af ter September 27th. Jameh Johnson, Agent. scpt2Cdtw. Hotel Arrivals. Tho following per sons wero Ht tho St. OhurlcH on Sundny und Monday : R. S. Houg, Pulaski, Ills ; Wm. A. Tutscho, St. Louis ; John. L. Doughorty, U. S. N.; J. C. Dupogster, Bnllard, Ky.; II. AV. Mnston, New York; T. J. Edwards, Union City, Tenn.; K. A. Sliortes, Now Orloans; Miss Kuto Jacks, Memphis; J. L. Jacks, Memphis; Mrs. M. F. Holloway and son, South Rond, Ind.; T. F. Routon, Joncsboro, Ills.; s. E. Mc Gregory, AV. A. Grnliam, J. A.AVorcestor, E. P. AVorcostor, K. F. Tunnoll and L. K. Rakor, Englnoors Cairo and Si. Louis rail road; Jihn N. Strong, Hannibal, Mo.; E. S. Httba-d, Ellzathtown, Ills.; pbll. S. Hlsoy, Birdvlllo, Mo.; y, o. Fulon. city; F. It. AVnggonor, Mound City, Ills.; Miss Mat Halloway, Mound City, Hl8. E. M. Dudley, Chicago ; AV. L. Rarvy, city j P. It. Renuper, Metropolis, I1U.; Edward Pnrtertoim, Philadelphia ; J. AV. Rail, St. Lntils ; F. J. Mungor, St. Louis ; AV. A. Dougluss, Mt. A'crnon, lnd.; H. Mclchor, St. Loui3; D. B. Tumly, AVoodburn.llls. ; B. F. A'nnhorn, Ills. ; E. H. Picknell, Har ristown. Ills.; A. M. Bordcau, AMIlu Ridge, Ills.; J. W. Fujhnn, Ownosboro, Ky.; J.B. Hunstrong, Metropolis, Ills.; E. Callahau, Popo county ; M, Colo, Now Orleans; Chas. C. Boll, Now York; J. I Aralrln, Now Orloans. ATTEMPTED MURDER- A NKOIIO ATTEMPTS TO KILL HIS MISTnKSS HE INFLICTS THP.KE TEIIItlUI.E CU1 ON HER HEAD WITH AN AX, . . ... i t-siuruuy in anout two o'clock n negro by tlio niuno of AVIllls Green, who live on Twentieth, between Poplar street nnd aslilnglon uvoLiic, attempted to kill hi mistress, n negro woman named Mnrll ' Stnnly. As near in wo could lcnrn, our lnforma lion being derived entirely from tho no gro neighbors of tho parlies to this terri bio tragedy, tlio facts in tho caso nro follows : THE PAIITIES. It appears that AVIllls Green nnd Martha Stanly wero never married, but hnvo lived togothor for a long Umo. ltoccntly, how. uver, jianna lias becomo i DISSATISFIED and has moro than onco within tho last fow wooks expressed n determination to lonvo AVIllls his bed nnd board. Ho has nlwnva prevailed upon hor to glvo up tho Idea of icftvitm una to consent to livo with him icsicruny, nowovcr, sho bundled up her wonuiy cnecis nnd told h m sho hn.l n.t. umo mado up hor mind nnd that no amour. of coaxing could Induce hor to sta v nnothnr day. Sho was nbout to lenvo tho house. wuci:, aucr trying to pursundo hor to stay with him,;and shnro his lot for L-ood nr for cvil-and sho rcfuscd.AVillls seized an axo, and in less tlmo llinn it takes to tell it, dealt her THREE TERRIBLE BLOWS, with tlio sharp odge, on tho head. and ono blow on each arm with tho butt end of tho samo weapon. Martha fell to tho floor bleeding and Insensible Willis, seeing what ho had dono and with tho fear of tho vengcanco of tho law before his eyes fled tho premises. Medical attention was Immediately pro cured, nnd tho wounds of tho injured wo man dressed. It was found upon examination that tho ax had penetrated to tho skull in every lnstanco; but it was tho opinion of tho doctor that' with careful nursing and closo nttcntion sho would re cover. AVillis Green is a medium sized man, a tun blooded African, of rather n bad coun tcnance. Tho woman, Martha Stanly, I, not very tall, of slender form, nnd as black as night. BURGER NEW GOODS PALL STYLES BEAUTIFUL, V.1T11 . ... . . .... .... ... ' ""'""I' .ui.iar GOODS, NO TIONS, SHOES, ETC. CALL AND REE FOR YOURSELVES. Mr. J. Burger, tho enterprising tncr- cunnt on Commercial avenue, aro rccciv ing uicir fall stock of dry coods. Tho se lection has been made with great care, and with an oyo to tho wants or this market, and will bo found to contain beautiful, durable and fashionable articles of an end less variety. Among tho dress goods may bo found poplins, alpacas, empress cloths nnd many new styles of every color and quality. AVoolon shawls, ninglo and double, will be in treat demand the coin ing season, and Burger has laid in ii beautiful selection. They have also on hand u fino stock of well-mado shoes, com prising gaitcrs.sido lace, congress kid nnd cloth boots, and Hie latest stylo of slippers. Handkerchiefs, collars and cuffs, the now est styles of fancy jowelry, nnd an in numerable stocks of "notions," are among the many attractions of this establish ment. As for price, nn examination of Burger's stock will convince every one that "quick sales and very small profits" is their motto. tf. NOTICE. Itllaois Cntui lUiLaojn Counxr, 1 AutkT'a Orrrct, f Caiao, III., September IS, 171. To persons wishing to attend tholllln- cis State fair, to be hold at Da Qaoln, from September 26th to September HOth, we will sell excursion tickets at $3.80 from Cairo to I)u Quoin and return. Salo of tickota will commence Septem ber 21th und discontinue after departure ol trnin on the morning of September 20th. Tickots will bj good until October 3d. On nnd nflor September lBtli tlckots will be on salo to parties going with stock or articles for exhibition, but to nono others. On and after tlio 20th a special train will bo run during tlie eontinuanco of tho fair, ns follows : Leavo Cairo at 5:25 a.m. Arrlvo at Du- Quoin nt 9-16 n.m. Lenvo DuQuoin at 5:30 p.m. Arrive at Cairo at 9:30 p.m. dlw James Johnson, Agent. STOVES. We havo just received u largo stock of heating Btovcs for cither coal or wood or both, suitable for office, halls par lors or dining rooms. 11 'e will duplicate any Cincinnati, EcamvilU or St. Louis retail price Hit for either cookiny or heat iny stoves. Ordera by mnll will rocclvo our prompt attention. Beehwart, Okth & Co., No. 13C Commercial avenue. lop'Jldlm Special meeting of Cairo Lodge, No. 237, A. F. nnd A. M., tills, Tuesday, ovoning, 7J o'clock.JSopt. 20th, A. L.6B71. AVork in F. C. degree. Visiting brothors nro cordially invited. By order of tho AV. M. AV. B. Kerney, Secy. A Reply. AVo hnvo rocoivod n reply to tho communication of Mr. Jns. Qulnn, which appoared in tho Sun of u recent date. Tho reply will appear In to-morow's IlULLSTIN. For good photographs, porcelain pic ture!), or old pictures to bo copied, call on Thomas, No. 124 Commercial nvoiato. Ho (s a good workman. Givo him a trial, soptlOtf. AVanted A good cook, or n woman to do general house work. Enquire at tho St. Nicholas Hotel, Commercial nvenuo. Harut AValker, Proprietor. septlOtf AVanted At tho Dolmonico Hotel one hundred weekly boarders. Flvo moals each day, prico -0 por week. nug29tf AVm. AVikteb. For Sale A cottngo on 12th street containing 7 rooms, cistern nnd out houses complete, Apply to AV. AY. Tuoumton. SHORT ITEMS. Hoardixo houses use fJMIel'n. ar.1.1 vTn .rB"I,en ft ereat run for Capt. V llito t Oriental ntntU. i i .V,i;fl, -Oi i. ii . .,i... ...... ' Blnko'a for window " , l.y' m aug2Cdlm : """"8 cr makes wash c..:...... ..... h 13 . , Ur,,loa M "'deck lunch in uorgenscn , lf i ...... " i.a.AUTIPUL biscuits follow Glllol', bak ing i.owuer. ng)3 -Go to Parker & Blake's for wall pa per, window shades, etc. auc'JCdlm iit Oil lot's double-strength extracts. ng!3 AVkl', regulated families use Glllol's ag43cuwdaw2m Everybody goo to Jorgensen's family gorccry for tho Halford Lolcliostershlro sauce. f Monet rofunded if Glllet's goods don't P,M,- aglSeowdaw'Jm Those French Cherries, In syrup, io popular with connolscur aro sold by Jor- KCiiscii, if Go to Parker & Blake's for lamps mi up cuimneys, paint brushos, etc. nugZCdltii Go to Jorgensen's for Imnori! linn dee orango marmalade, iho celebrated London crystal vlncctr. In uuarti. m.,1 cnoico uenoeso Dgs. tf . , - , , M. VI... l.-. . .. . . iuiKur jins reiurncu lrom Now A'ork with a stock of dry iroods. tho mint completo over boforo brought to Cairo. Thero is nothing in tho dry goods line which ho has not cot. and. as for nri. I,.. competition, nnd protests his ability v .... k cu mr icss money better goods than than any othor merchant In the city. Tho highest prize in the SentemtM.r Oolladay drawing is $1,000 in greenbneks, tho second, SCOO horse.buggy und harness; tho third, a ?300 piano, And si) on. Tick cts only ono dollar. Secure ono or u doz en, boforo tho 23th int.. drawing will takoplsce. This is a square lottory. -Tno most popular shoe shon in town is on 20th street opposite the court house hotel, whero AVm. Ehlers manufactures boots and shoes for his customers, warrant ed to be of the best French calf, kip or morocco, and which he guanralecs to cive entire satisfaction. Call on him and vou will know how it is yourself. JyCtf Tho noxt drawing of the Golloday lot- tory, of Bowling Green, Kentucky, will take placo on tho 25th inst., next Mon day, and nil who 'desire chances in It mutt mako immediate application to Loflln, at tho post office. Thero are 15,000 tickets, and ovcry one n prize. Tills it nohumbug, but a fair and squaro cntorpriso. Tickets, 1 cuch, or six for $5. Mr. F.Rose hat removed his tailoring establishment to his new store, at No. 104 Commercial avenue. He keeps on hand a splendid assortment of piece goods which ho will make up for hit customers in u manner warranted to Miit. He employs only the best workmen, and glvct Ills personal nttcntion to tho business. Per fect fits guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Call und see him. uc31m The Chicago Roer Saloon, AVm. Schick, proprietor, Not. 'JO and 34 Eightli ttoet, is a favorite place of resort with all overs of AVelss' Reor, Liquors of ovcry description, and it'l kinds of foreign nnd homo AVincs. No ordinary liquors aro dispensed at the bar of the snloon only the very best, and guests find in attend ance polito nnd accomodating waiters. A frco lunch is spread uvcry day nt 10 o'clock u.m. uual'tf. Miss Ellen D. Eatncs, formerly of Kalumazoo, having tnken up her residence n Cairo, informs the public that tlie is dc- irous of giving instruction in vocal and nstruincntnl music and in French. Miss Enmes comes nmong us with excellent rc- coinmondations. During tho Into session of tho Northwestern Academy of Music, she was among the most proficient in pinno, forto prnctico and vocal instruction, nnd the conductors of the academy utiltu in tholr testimony to hor thorough knowl edge of music and her capability to teach tlio same. Mist Fames resides in tho houso formerly occupied by Mr.G. II. Olmstcad where sho will bo happy to receive pupils nd givo any information if required in re gard to torms tf. New Meat .Market. Nick AVillioms will open his new meat market this morn- ng at tho cornor cf Poplar nnd Twentieth streets, whero ho will keop constantly on hand all kinds of meat und tho very best n tho market. Ho will not permit nny butcher in tho city to excel him. Nick knows his business, nnd earnestly invites tlio public to givo him n call at his new tnnd. Notice. Chris. Anthcs has opened his new meat market in PaulSchuh's old drug storo, two doors below tho post oflico on Commercial nvenuo, and invitos all his acquaintances to a trial of his cut meats. Bocf, pork, veal, mutton, sausage, &c, &c. Also corned beef, pork and bacon. His shop is kopt in tlio best of style, nnd his customers served with neatness nnd dis patch. Tlio proprietor, llr. Anthcs, him self attends to tho shop, and his custom ers may nlwnys feel assured of fair and honorable treatment, full weight, nnd tho right change back, whether thor send tholr children, or servants or attend market themselves. sontOdlm Tin New AVilson. Smith & Biink- moyer, corner Commercial nvenuo and Eighth street, are selling the Now AVilson Under-Feed Shuttle Sowing Mnchino, tho best and ciicapcst machine in tlio world. It is sold $20 chcapor than nny othor inu- chino. Some of tho many advantages claimed for it aro ns follows : 1st. It is ns durable, well flnlshod, und costs us much to munufacturo us othor First-class Machines; but sells for Bomo $20 less. 2d. For hemming nnd felling it is un surpassed. 3d. That it Is tho simplest almttlo ma chino mado. 4th, It has less wearing parts. 6th. It hat no grooved cams, ball Joints, compound cranks, or cog wheols. Oth It is adapted to n largor rango of work, without chaugo, than any othor tun-chlnv. Tiik holols uso Glllct'g extracts ni powdor. n5l3 Paul G. Schuh cities. soils Rntllngor's mo; tf OvsTEns. Louis Horhurt hasnlwas hand n fresh supply 0f Saddle Bock o; tors, ti Go to Dr. McOauluy for Raltlngcr's 1 var Drops. Warranted to euro the chl tl Fon Rent. Fivo rooms ovor tho ci council chamber. .Enquire of Jacob J'jnch. toptl4tf House AVanted. A cottage house, frt four to six rooms, wantod to rent. App nt this offlco to Edward AVillktt, tf Marriaok Guide. Interesting wot numorous engravings, 224 pages, pr 50 cents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensa', No. 13 North Eighth Street, St. Lou" .Mo. Seo Advertlicmrnt. t f Just Received. AV. AV? Thornh Tenth street between Commercial avenj and Poplar street, hat just roceived and toro 1,000 doors and 1,000 windows n mouldings. f Sleepino Rooms ron Rest. Tj well ventilated sleoplng rooms in CityN tlotml Bank building. Apply to ' EDAVARD DEZONIA, Al City National Bank, Delays are Dangerous. Mothers you lovo your offspring don't fall to u -Mm. hltecomb's Syrup for soothing ch. uicmi. iicau mo ndvertitomont In anotj er column. sept20dwlw. Dr. Rattingors fever Drops cure Chl' and Fovcr and all other material fever I onco and permanently; thoy are purq vegotablo und notwithstanding being powerful can bo given with perfect safe to n nursing child. scpt20dwlw. Hoarding. Eight or Ten Good Boarders AVanted, At tho lioue known as tho Court Houso Hotel. Torras, Flvo Dollars por week. Fresh Oysters. I am now recelvli' dally, the celebrated 0. S.Maltby's H. ar i t i . . . .. ji. uranu ot ircsn oysters, which are uni il vulled, nnd for sale by tho can or caso c JI tho most reasonablo terms, try them, it ' wnya warranieu good and iresli. If JV. AVintek. EstrayNotke 510 Reward. Stra' cd from tho subscriber, on tho 31st of Jul last, a large roan cow. Sho would weiir' about 1,100 pounds at tho tlmo she wl missed. There arc no fpeelnl marks aboi her except that her bag Is unusually ion) 1 will pny ten dollars reward to any on I .l.ttvn.;... .1.- .1 ii .. ...fcH shop on tho corner of Nineteenth an) Poplar streets, Cairo, Ills. tepl5tf James Kynasto.v. ' lo Notice. Parker A Rlako havo remove0. to Rross' brick slorc, on Commercial avt, nue, second door from Ihi corner of lit street. They havo added to tholr alrrad lurgu stock of paints, oils, window glasi wall paper, shades, lamps, varnishes, etc? nnd invito the-public generally to call ol t ifm in their new quarters. They maki a speciality of tho celebrated Aurora oil which they will supply to their customer. In quantities from u half pint to ten ban rels, nt much lest cost than coal oil, nnl warrant it not to explode. aug2Cdlm r Reliable and Sake. Dr. Honry Koo' and PJitnl Pills are mild and pleasant ii their operation, yet throrough, producing IIU lljUJIl-U Ul I!JU!. 1U1IIK VlllltUI' vegetable, they can bo taken without re gard to diet or business. Thoy arouso th liver and sccrctivo organs into health; action, throwing elf disease without ex hausting or debilitating tho system. Tm them nnd vou will bo satisfied. Price 2( .,..1. . V.. Cl.l 1... .1 ... l.t. .I.l'l ersin iiiodicine everywhere. Prepared bv the Urafton .Medicino company, St. Louis .Missouri. myOdni Notice. The fall session of tho Alox'1 andor county teachers' institution will b held in tlio school house on llnrleentli . . . . t. ! . .. f ... I .... 1 1 III.' I airecL, in inu uii. ui vuiru, uu iiiu ot, 1111 and 5th days of October next. Dr. Robert Ally ti will bo present during tho first day, nnd will deliver an interottr ing lecture In the ovcnlng. It is honed no teacher in Alexander1 iiiinlt will lin nliinnt All school officers of this county nndl tcncliers in neighboring counties nro com diully invited to attend. , John C. AVhite, County Supt. ( Sept. 23, 1871. i. Phillip Rauoh is master of hit trade," and warrants all of his work to be ef tho very best material and manufacture; guar-yl nntecs a complete fit und entire satismc-' Hon, Is not confined to anylparticular style, but makes ovcry variety of boots and shoes from Hie heaviest cowhide to tho finest Fronch culf und morocco. Ho alto keeps a lurgo stock on hand, of hit own manufac-" turf, und any ono dosirous of purchasingBJ good custom work cheap should call on" him ut his shop on Eighth at., south tide, near corner of Ohio lovco, Cairo. dtf NERVOUS DERILITY, Willi ilNKloomyiitletKlniitN, low plr-r !, m-i.rcHsioii, iiiYuiiiiiiiirv cnuiuu, i I ohm ol' NPiiirn, N)i'i-miitorrliuNi, 1om ol i M. !' illxzy lii-ml. Iowa or memory,: mill tlirviiti'iitil liiiiolinc mill luilic I'llll.r. mill ii novi'ri'liru cure lit Iliiiti-; iiliri-y'N llnnieoniilhle Nnrcllle Ho. j Compoiod ot the most valua- U Me inllJ and potent turatlves, they etrike at J oido at tho root ol the matter, tono up the sya. J tem, arrest tho ill. oiiargea, and imparl iKor"n : oneriy, lllo ami vitality to thocnttro man. They r hue cured thoua.nds of case. l'rloe. la.per ' imcktitciol tlreboxoii and a large U vial, which I 1 1. in, I I'umuui m i'1'qi iii.iv m m...-, t. - . ............ b-I... ..... .on. . by mail on looelpt ol prico. Address Humphrey h Hicll a Homeopathic Medicine Co., Broad way. V. Y. P. bpilU I, niiKlM ownwly Agent. Cairo, Illinois. STEAMER A BAKER.. Cairo and Capo Girardeau Packet, j. II. It.VY, ainatcr, WIU ii.nvn nulrn for Cine filronlcMi cvorv Tuos- day and Krnliiy, at 8 o'clock, .and returning will lenvo Opo Olrnrdoaa ovory wedneiday nnd Hatuidtiy mornliiKs ut the sumo hour. For Irolglu 1 nn Uir.l r.nn.Cll lllll .BB.I.I. H'.J .1 f-VI'intl BOOKH, pamphlets, bnols, catalogues, news pupem, tux lists, and every variety of exten uivu printing coutractod for, and promytly and rpeedlly executed, in the Iltillotln book, lob; and uewspnrw br.idlni; estrtVllshtatnt. ied x :