Newspaper Page Text
THE"CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1871. S. W Ah TP. HS, HARD and SOFT LUMBER ol er ry description, LATH, SHINGLES, (JUDAIC POSTS. DOOKS, SASH, BLINDS. ORDERS SOLICITED, , SHI "" 1H S T E A1 si;bVa't L U M b Furnished on shortest iiollce. ; 1 in Commcreinl-av, bef. 10fh ami Wli-tts., cAinon'.ttyei. JiLli! - iiecilfjrrr Srtiel 'WhblHMle' toelKr' "tf Foreign nnd Domajtle LIQUORS,' V IN ES, ETC. .No. 78 Ouio Lkve, Sftl.vr.riiLD IHocs, 011 RO, ILLINOIS, EKkeGonlind constantly 'fan utock o Jlil Kentucky llourbon, Hjrc and Mononga Iifu Whiskies, French llrtndies, Holland Hlu, .H.nneaml chiqrna Wlnos., , .J.rJyit , WM.' II. SCIlUTTEU, Importer nud WiiolemleV IeIerv in MTNES,k 'LIQUORS, " IXC TOBACCO & CIGIRS. Agent fur ilif best brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, Imported Ale or Different UluoW 75 Ohio Levee, ti . irjAino. Illinois. .JOHN A. K.0EHLU11, Manntaetnrer ot all kinds or ' SHOT O-TJ05TS, 1UFLES AND PISTOLS. KEYS MADEiTO ORDER. ' ,ey upoD n stnblo basis." Wo considor this tlio dcatb blow to woman Fufljsrago. How many of tho sex will clnirtfthal tlicy can ever learn lioir. toj-'iplwon 'elaborate policy upon n "fb bR?is?" We confidently anyw, 'n?w. v The ar pumcnt is unanswerable. Wo advise Mrs. Woodbiill to stop publishing her paper, to Id her hair grow long again and to Mart a millinery Btoro. Wo sug- f Ufnlmn nnrtm Awlturnhor at- Ul w ' ' ccntion making light bread, darning Mockings atld doing up' shirts for' her husband n'nd'six Sons. YVi;onBdential lyAvhispcr to Anna Diqkjjison to marry somo. good man ana MM-carc ot mm. Givo it upp loilie7-there hnoQiieof you who knowmhww)toV!plaeohu,clab orate polioy on it stable basi" t - SIGHT ASjj'ijQp flfj. JN, RELIGION The pomp and circumstancc.of the religion of Home havo about them a chdrm irresistible by EorhcT characters and inspire all who ftjfrtefrd their wilh-a flortain-kindf nwo heart ; but tho visiblo struggles of nan for what he boliovcs to bo immortality beyond ih6 grave, and tho noibo of his rojoioing when ho has arrived at. tho be lief that ho has conquored the angel irud obtained the blessings aro more impressive than all these. In no church but tho Methodist aro these visible elrugglcj, with their shouH of ngqny and cries of rejoicing, to bo seen 5 rind iu this fact is tho power of that wonder fully strong and persistently aggrcssivo denomination. Its noises have mado it the most formidable foe of tho Catho lic church. f ' ' " onIjhe raa." ANOTHEK OP "J. U.-E. TERS. T.'S" LET- ALL ABOUT THE SIR KNIGHTS AT BALTJLAxOEE. All Kinds ot Work Done. ud Rpalrla( CATISPACT10N WAHIIANIED. CoMNEKcuL-Ar.. a Few Doom Ditow PsTorriCE. CAIltO, ILXIAOIS. rowJer, Shot, Cip Dd-ll nrtol Cniiridgi oon.Unily on htnd. i-pt8if THE BULLETIN. , SATunnxT SIoriso, Sept, 80, 1871. "SUSB4V, Mouxijiu Octoueh 1, 1871. TiEiif or Tiit UaT! Subscription. week, (it crrier, 2!t 'Kit vcarbj orner,intJrutcei.....M...i.'4l lhr se Tioolh, by mtil, ....i.. 76 Ttre rronthi iS 1 x month!,! ...,.-.,. 4 2i ear. mmwtiMwuim.ny 600 that is at least in tho scmblanco of ro- lieious sentiment. Grand cathedrals of tho chinch, adorned bv.tho most pre cious trtfasufoj bi iho artiSt'B and sculp tor's art, rue ohVevory hand'lo cvefy land where Christian, foot often wonder, and through tlioir, painted . windows streams what Milton.haa, called " the dim religious lighti,y"Wo'pity the man or woman, who cdn jifXpy- theso cathedrals temples erected, to what thoir oonstructors believe to be the ever-living God; ontor them and not feel Eomothirtg of that awe which always proceeds worship, and lingers in the heart after earnest devotion like, stains of sunlight upon the clouds when the, sun has gone down in tho west. The pictures in them aro visible prayers, and in their vasl'rtcesso lurk Jthe ?gelj "of bbri infancy, yihoa tho world was peo pled by farios and heaven was all about us. To tho devout they Bccm, to be the ma'terinl, homo; ofjtTUo Roljgion,and even those who hate what they call tho Scarle "Woman, tut believe in the Christ, cannot; if their faith be honest, refuse 'to recognize in these decorated God at whoso altars 'they pro'fesg to wof'' ship. The magnificence apd'splendor oi inem nave ,uponuie uearv Bomeuung of the effect which is produced by a tumult), among tho material elements. ,They challenge our wonder, compel our 'attention and awe us like" night7 and storm ind darkness, when the lit lake shines a phosphoric sea, or liko'n grand landscapc-preading-from our footrBom bcr .qrj bright, Jiut wonderful ia- the multiplicity' qf its beauties nnd in its grandeir.r They Vpcak to Ih'e heart through the eye. The' Methodist church cannot and docs not care to boat of venerable and Tasty; buildings. It has no St. Peter s rio" St. Paul's' ,1 It; ,aucets KEim- DlicitV in form, and finds between ISpcclM Oorrespan'dc'nce of the Dallctln. Saint Mio Hotel, Wabwoto!, Keptemttr ?l, 1871, " ON THE WINO." - Tlioj woek paat bns been ono fo full of e'onEtant oxcltomont, that wo bail' with joy tho light of this1 calm," pleasant 'Bahliath morning, and a fading of quletudo and re lief steals overalls that we haro been a "stranger to for a tang time. Ve rcachbd Baltimore on "Monday nigbt and found that tho OAIKO SIB KM01IT3 had preceded, us ,but by a fow hours, and were comfortably domiciled at "Bar num's," nnd with them wo joined hands,nnd enjoyed rcfeasfof reason nnd flow of eouI. Tuesday morning Baltimore was nil nlivo. The streets wero full of commandaries on their way to their' sovcral quarters; the streets, wero crowded with spectators j tho aSr'was fjllpt music, as. nearly mahdery was nccompanlod by a magnlfl cent band j flags floated to tho breeze from many a staff and bouse top. Buttle mon umcnt,opposite tho'holcl, was'covcred with Masonic banners. '"Svery onclhad donnod his holiday attire and pleasure beamed from ovcrv countenance. Tho featuro of tho day was tho escort ,to Tilt OUAND COMMANDER' from the hotel to Masonic Hall, and was participated in by over two thousand Sir Knights,givT"g us'a slight forclato;or what we might expect. On.Thursday, the morn ing and evening wero given up, to sight-secing. Everything was free as air, even street car tickets were furnished us In profusion; all thopnblio institutions wero open to any ono wearing tho uniform of a Sir Knight. The three commanderies of Baltimore h4f engaged the threo largest halls in tho city as their head quarters in addition to their own Masonic Temple, a spacious edifice, and in the upper halls of each of tbeso places, long tables wore spread with a splendid collation, which was keptconstant ly renewed during the whole week, and wero open to nil Sir Knights lrom cmij morn till midnight. Our first visit was to Maryland. Commaudory -JTo. 1. This is Ittioltydcst commandery in, tho United States, Having neon organizeu in iiji In commemoration of that ovent and in honor of thu nresnt occasion they have struck iff n triangular medal, which was presented to oach Sir Knight, and will ho treasured by us ns n touveneirot thp occa sion. At the hoad quarters' of No. 1 n splondid band was statipnod o'vory day During tho march wo passod many points of note, including the Treasury Department and tho "White House," where, in THE AUSJCNCt: OF mi TnESIDENT, we flrcd a marching fnluto to Gnn. Dent, Col. Ilristow, Postmaster General Orss wol), Secretary Boutwoll, Gen. Babcock and Scnntors Clintidlur and Wilf-i, who stood with uncovered bi'.tds iu wo uassed by. We also flr.-d a mnrchitif; salute to acting Gov. Slmttcn, who revluwcd tho procession from the balcony of tho " St. James." Wo also passed by tho Patent Offlce, Capitol and many other institutions, to Mnsonio Temple, where n magnificent collation was spread for thousands. Our command, (" St. Louis ") howc vor, marched directly to tho Metropolitan hotel, nnd were dismissed until 0 p.m. "Wo at once procured a carriage, and, in tho same company as tho day previous, went slght-scelng, but havo not time or spaco in this letter to dcsCrlbb the' many points of interest wo visited. Our letter now Is spun out to an unusual length, although wo have tried to bo as brief as possible; and wlion wo tell you that the Baltimore Sun had in, every day during tho week, from four to six and eight col umns of closoly-printed matter about the colebration, you will give us credit fur con densing as much as possible. Wlillo in the KOTTJNOA OF THE CAPITOL wo had the plcasuro of meeting Mr. Ilor aco "NVurdner who was accompHnlcd by J. C. Rankin, Esq., and lady, formerly of Cairo, who joined our party and mado the pilgrimago totbe top of tho dome, that is, tho malo portion, the ludics stopping on the roof at tho huso of tho domo, from which n most magnificent view is had of Washington and tho surrounding country, including Alexandria, whero Ellsworth wns killed, tho long bridge, Fairfax Court ilouso, Arlington Heights, tho former res I.lonco of tho late Gen. Lee, and tho last resting place of our 40,000 soldiers, and many other points of interest. "Wo left Washington at 7 p.m., and at 9 o'clock was once moro under tho amplo roof of Bar nutn's hotel, too tired to participate in a half given by two of tho commanderies ol Philadelphia. Saturday morning thoro was a general scattering in all directions. Out of the fourteen Sir Knights of Cairo com mandery but ono Sir Knight ("Willis) re turns direst, and up to tho last moment he was still undecided. Sir Knights Leu Fulton and Smith left for Pittsburg, Win- sten for Virginia, "Wilson for New Jer sey, P. "W. Barclay for Philadelphia, C. w. Dunning,0. C. Davidson, John An trim, C. Hanny, Now York; Blakoto Bos ton, and Jorgcnson, unknown, all In good health nnd spirits. "Wo shall remain here a number of days and shall not consider our visit complete till wo have mado a pil- srrimngo to Mount Vernon and tho tomb of Washington. As ever, J. U. E. T. EGYPTIAN NEWS- IConJensod form our Exchanges. 7 offlnnipnptro; A'txaftitr toittv IMcftUMyel ( uro ; tht onymgmuvir daxlu la&MiJurn Eitnou ; n rvU-awaU jouryUf. hmiU, bfl fmrlU ; ouS-i i;"ti on au luijtct or. (nrrrr ro rne jiuwie ; Hi, A u I'lri In KAuit ret an inenvinq circulation, the Unlit fUfUfritiMo' Wdi 'jcKf ruUrt wvi itylnnntti men. x THE DOLLAR WEEKLY HULLKTIN, John H. Oberljr A Co. have reduced the. sub scription prie of the Weekly Clro llnlletl to Ok Ih'lnr per am j4. making 'it fhe chtnpet p' rorpubliihed Infflulhern Illinois. DEMOCKATIC COt.'.VTV TICKET. Kg; Treasurer itnd Collector, WILLIA'M MARTIN. For finrveyor, JOHN P. HEIJY; ' the on faith," chief bare walls a warmth of religious de- durir,K lbo wook a5 wasiikewiso tho case yotion that exeitcs tho astonishment of Rt each of tho othor headquarters, that nitiatcd beholder. "Christian disccurscd delicious music at stated inter- svi Hawthorn, "is a nrand vals. Tho baUwas boautitully-dccorated , a 'cathedral, with divinely pictured 'windows; standing without, you can 1 sco no', glory, nor can possibly imagine OTor geVen feet in longtL-, comprised on ' any.; standing within, every ray of Urely of dallias which woro renewed oach Might rcyoals, a boriupuy of .tinprxjaJcf May. ,At JWW .a00.1, .8l00U .lwo I with flowers and matonic emblems, of which was a MAGNIFICENT CROSS Si:cKErAttVBoi.'TVKLL, Cincinnati fpcech was prepared in the treasury de pirtincnt, and printed at the expense of the government. As Ohiitn or Nc.vs, calling them'- helves uns of the Most Precious Ulood, m been established in Spring- field. The object of the society is the instruction of children and youth. The Vienna Aiiterv copies an ar ticle on Grant's administration with the following introduction: "Being no Grant mau oarsclf, we furnish the following 'arguments icainst his administration 'for the. use, of those who dislike him ' worse than vte a0 ANOTHER AEMV PAYMASTER lltl been found short in his accounts to an amount almost as largo as Hodge's de ucieuwua. us name as well as tbn partioulaH of the affair afo concealed from tho public. This ROrt of teudcr liviQ lut inuiv, may ue vcrv gratifying to the defaulting office-bold, ers, but it not especially satisfkotory to tho public at large. Sir 'able splendors." Looking at the ignis 'w.m sworus s r. r' I ji. .1 ! (...1.11. (nnlr fhmrirn nf II nil Methodist church irom the outside, i 7 V. t tr,,t Vmm . . II i . .i showed us the objects of interest, irom there is, little beauty visible, but the lW WffdeiF6uV wayto Baltimore faithful of tho church declare that, CommanaCTy-t,.iaYrrIheif large hall was standing within, they behold stream- complete festoon of .flowers, from the ing into it glories unspcaKuoie, which, n0fty cactust in jLhoncentor, ijestoons oi unlike tho light flowing through pic- evergreens crossed tho hall irj(,overy var- turcd ' windows, can never fade away, ioty of form. In tho ccntor of tho room And thev believe tins. Ao ono who a louniain was in puri.eium jim uftm- I . ... . . . i jir - i- ....i; has observed the intense earnestness 011 w,ia 6uruus ana "Kl , " uluaiW" ..r Ai..i..i:..:t ....: i i.. I A largo number,. of cuparics in .cages - 1 . I wnru susnonded from, ditleront parts of that they do. I Ins fact was deeply hQ nnJ thS foBtWod songsters imprcsicd upon our mind by the sccno io5nc(1 their' swoct notes' with thoso of tho band from morrt'ttU' night, In fact they soomcu moro roeiomuua uy, uiub tuiui u; Ilclous music, whilo tho many thousands wandered through tho fort, visiting tho manyplaces of intoreit thcroin, until tLo whistle of tho boats recalled us on board. In tho nftornoon, seated In a carriage, In company with Sir Knlphts Dunning, Barclay and Davldsen, wo vlrlted "Wash ington's Monument, n mr.gnificcnt gratilto shaft, two hundred feet in height, sur mounted by an immenso statute of Wash ington, At tlio cnlrnnco wc woro pre sented with a lighted lantern to guldo us up our long circular routo to tho top. Tho ascent was very tedious, but tho viow from tho summit more than repaid us for tho toll of ascending tho two hundred steps. Baltimoroandthosurroundingcountry was spread out nl our very feft it was n glori ous sight nnd long to bo romombercd. From tho monument wo drove to the Stato Penitentiary nnd wero thero most kindly received, furnished with n guide, (himself n Sir Knight) who took great pains to show us through overy depart ment. Thero are at tho present timo over seven .hundred convicts imprisoned there, tiachlhirdt of whom aro negroes. Tho principal articles of manufacture aro coopcrugo, (in nil its branches) boots nnd shoes nnd tho cutting nnd polishing of marblo for furniture Wo spent over ono hour vory profitably within its granite walls. On our retcrn to tho warden's office we found a flno collation awaiting us. In the ovening, all threo commanderies hold musical receptions nnd balls, which wero thronged with tho BEAUTY AND TASIIION of Baltimore. "We visited nil in succes sion, nnd never snw n moro brilliant array of toilets in n largo gathering of hand sonio women it was a sight over to bo re membered with plcasuro. Thursday opened like tho prccoding days bright nnd beautiful; the sky was unebscurcd by n singlo cloud. Early in tho morning tho "clans" began to ns semble, but it wns nearly noon before tho army was ready to bo roviowed. Tho procession was formed on Broadway in two double lines on oach sido of tho street, facing inwards ; theso lines were formed in open order nnd wore so reviewed by Grnnd Eminont Commander of the United States nnd staff in carriages, who slowly rodo through the lines, the entlru length, tho Sir Knights presenting arms, tho bands playing and colors to tho front, after which wo formed into sections of six files each, nnd tho MARCH Or FOUR MILES commenced. We venture tosay not a single Sir Knight in that vast procession will ever forget that memorable march ; every foot of ground the entire distance was one mass of human beings,whllo tho trees and awnine; posts wero black with boys, the sidowalks with men, and the windows and house-tops with ladies. All along Baltimore street, tho merchants removed goods from their largo show windows and filled tho same with ladies, making magni ficent ' family sets." Tho wholo city wore n holiday aspect; tho stores were all closed during the progress of the pageant, and it Is estimated that ovei oo,nnn iino..mi tho march of tho Sir Knights. Tho oldest Baltimorinns declare that Baltimore never saw such n sight before. Tho procession collated of twelve divisions. From the foot of Baitimoro street to Eutaw street if just otio mile, and when tho head of the column passed into tho latter street tin fifth division were just coming Into Bai timoro street, which being not quite one- half, would mnko tho procession over two miles in length. There wero in the scv ral divisions 35 hands or MUSIC. embracing some of tho finest bands in the United States. By actual count tho music ans numbers over 7o0, nnd the Sir Knights over 5,000. First in order came n platoon of mounted police, then tho Chief Marshall ith a brilliant staff of ovor thirty bir Kniirhts, and directly in tho rear a set tion of tho Red Cross Knights mounted, ith loni: lances with metal points, nnd green penons floating to tho breeze. Tho Knights wore broad green ensues, witn mo red cross in tho centre; wero about utty in ..n.l n.nanntf.rl n flnn nnnpnrftncK r.r,r whioh rnmo tho states in the follow- miles east of Vienna, was burned with ail ing order, each stato being preceded by it contained on the 19th intt. THK FAI.TiF.N' m:af. urn ii, i'ajiii.v mocr,itir.K. Ttraperorn a lltttn ihile neo, And moii.; with all the nummci' s im mm u uuueri. to nu" fio. And, touoh'd wltli nntiimn, broth i iitrnnn, bleed to ileatk. First whn It linne upon tho bot-nh. TneiMtl ent lenllet ot the free, Thn D'nncli tlint elnlrn'd ll inmlo n vow To chrrlfh cotislatiry. But m lt .inter lc.ite. npposr'd, And rncli Iter n"we.t churmitllsplayM, It ni'M-d n) ii ! to he rndcnr'd, A. d drooped ncKlecied in tuo limic. Ah me I now ninny n human thine, mil, nr To wither soonest In tho tall I ANNA DICKINSON, From lovinx Krst and b-ntof n ulOMom'il earllem in the LOUIS JOKGUNSUN, Ue-ali-r In nil lilmla of STAPLE AiiD FA NOV G-EOCEBIES. I'urmer'i Ynrtl 'mil .Htnlilliti: WITHOUT CHAl'.tir., Cor. W.ishitigton-av and Twentieth,, CAIRO, ILLINOIS J)'27dtf - 1 we witnessed iu tho Methodist church room last Thursday, when ho. confer- encc now in sessiQii in this city pnrtook of..tho sacrament of tho Lord's Sup per. Thero was an intensity in the ceremony that was impressive. The by Tho room, howover, was onodaasling mass of light in tho ovoning and presented a moro brilliant spectacle than by daylight, From hero we wont to Concordia hall tho headquurtors of Monumental Com mandery No. 3, and, liko tho two preeod ing, tlio same forms were obsorved; tables the minds of his audiuuco. with.a ttenbeJ beautifully -spread; music by a band of of tho Solcmuitv of tho occasion, and thirty -six piocos, nnd at tho back of the bull had aroused thorn into religious fervor. R lftrS ,u15e Wtt' creclou' tho 8Ccnory 80 " Aniens, and " tilorys," aud snntclies 1 Knight Templars 'which seemed more real of hvinus, suuc with fcolint;, wore I and. life-llka bv tho appearauco of Sir eticrable bishop had propared tho way a few. eloquent words had filled heard in every part of the room. Ex- cltomcnt was visiblo in every faco tho excitement of devotion, which is tho intoxication of the spirit, an intoxica tion that exalts the heart and develops Knights, in full uniform, pacing up and dewn boforo tho tonts. This hall, like tb others, was filled with flowors, flags, ban nors nnd a viioruaioie or riiNTiaas. All the balls woro crowded till long af- the better qualities of human nature. I tor midlght with a gay, happy throng, Nothing was said particularly wiso, but I Wednesday was giving up entlroly to the soeno itself the ejaculations: tho words of prayer, tho bits of song, fall ing thick aud fast on-evcry "side,had!! a' peculiar effect on tho spectator. It brought'to mind the camp meeting and SALINE COUNTY. MOLASSES. Stoncfort has a molusscs factory, said to quality. 11URNED. On last Tuesday night tho residencoof Abraham Cole, two miles from Ilarris- btirg was destroyed by flro, with the most of its contents. KILLED. Mrs. Hiram Burnett, living near Ral Leigh, was thrown out of a buggy on las Monday, nnd died from her injuries In n few hours. the c. v. n. R. Tlio HnrrlsburL' Dancrs learns that a - o . thousand hands will be nt work on tin 0. & V. R. R. within twenty days. Si inoto It be. CISTERNS. Hurrisburg is talking of public cis terns. Tho Salino countv fair beuini on Tuesday next. JOHNSON COUNTY. SCARCE. Irish potatoes aro scarce FIRE. Tiw. linnsi? of Mr. John Keith six THEY DON'T tllVE HER CREDIT. From tho Non-York'Htaiidaid. Tho Philadelphia Teltarnph in commot- Irtir on tho dodicntion of tho .beautiful monument to tho martyr President just evmwlctcd In tho Quaker City, alludes tu the fact that tho first suggestion of tho popular tributo ciimo lrmn iMiss JJickiu son n vcrv fuw dnvs nfter tho murdur. Shn wns invited to deliver, in her native city, her lecture on "Woman's work nnd wnire..1' winch sho had then recently de livered In Brooklyn. Sho replied, suggest mi' thut in view of the great fmttonal loss then claiming nubile attuntiun, sho would talk nhout Mr. Lincoln instead uf upon any other topic. Tlio committee nstentcd. Iler lecture was a dvcldnd success. In It sho proposed thai 1'hiladolphln should build aLincolu monu ment by u popular contribution, each do nor of ono dollar to bo a member of tho association. To start tho fund, (ho gnvi tho proceeds of tho lecture, something moro tliMii nlno hundred dollars. In thu interview a TtUqranh reporter had with her last week, she says tbM tho committee who has had chnrgo of erecting tho monu ment not only failed In any way to notice hnr connection with tho enterprise durini: tho late public ceremonies, but havo never oven furnished her n business receipt for the money sho so generously gave. Moro tban tlial, sue suys niojr tmiu circu lated a falso story that they havo given hnr . bourn. Miss Dickinson don't com plain, but says sho thinks tho gentleman havo acted very strangely toward her, In ismuch as kpparently without her exer tions and her noblo donation tho monu ment might never havo been erected. In tbn rnurae of the conversation Miss D. .intod thnt durinc the summer she has written twn new lectures, ono on " Demo- gogues and Worklngmon," in which she has considered tho ttades unions, nnd one enlleil "Hurried Alive." In which she gives tho result of her investigations in re gard to prison reform. Her lecture sea son is to open at .Mount Holly, N. J., Oct. - nd five nights of each week aro tilled till April l'A tho evenings being worth to ncr irom iau io cuku. A FATHERLY JOKE. From the fallna HeRlster Tho news comes to us from Toxns city that a uow plan for punishing children has lccn invented across tho lino in Gallatin county. Its originator is ono air. jioio (wo believe no wroio u iitai way; wu uu four boys mt-ch given to 'fighting among themselves, and ll came nbout in tins way : Aftcronoofthesemi-occnsionalrowsamoni; ilm lmv. tlio uld man turned in to civo nil of them n thrashing; ho dressed tho threo vnnntfiir not in ktvlo. but the oldest ob- iccted, and submmltted only after being ovorpowerca aim uca uy mu um u mu l.nvs. Then tho old man took n .notion to hang him a little by way of n ioke.anu UIU so; utli no carrieu um junu l....' . t -.1 ..... . I. ...... . l-.ia IlltlO loo lar, anu wiien tuv u " " with dliliculty thai tho hoy was rosutcitn ..j i furt )U reUomtion was only tem porary, for liltui iiiim'riiig m. aavs ueuieu nnu wns imyru. MISCELLANEOUS. -London is to havo n "children's thca- U.VlKlTAUKHH. NICHOLAS KEITH, GKXKRAL UNDEHTAKKU, a u "i r -a c a. S o o Cor. Wnsliliiglau-nr.niul lllli-t CAIRO ILLINOIS. 8rX!d3m AV. G. OA RY, PKINCI P A L UN DE RTA K EB, Si v Z - a in 5 6Z 5S"3 1 e k t. a c i 5 c e P J3 SALES ROOM, No. 13 SIXTH STRE cairo, illinois. cookixc; ntovkm. THE TWO Mom Hnrermrnl, Poiiilnr nnd Vrrieci GOOKHSTG MACHINES Of tlio rer.idaro our well knswn mounted marshal and aids: Maryland, District Columbia, Missouri, Now Jersey, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvnniai cry strong nnd in two divisions), Ken tucky, Ohio, Virginia. ThoRichmondcom mandery presented n magnificent appear ance. In addition to their usual uniform which was exceedingly rich and different in soino respects from ours, they bore long blnck lances with metal points and black penons with n whlto cross in centre of same They came liuro in tneir own sicamsnip me revivals. Ironsides." chartered for tho occasion! Protracted nicotines aro in progro.'s whilo thoy mado tficlr Headquarters, wnno nt different points throughout tho county In Baitimoro. Now York, Arkansas, Iowa, I Alabama, Nebraska, Texas, Rhodo Island, . ...t.l. 4l.A flnn.l t lAIYlTfl fl n ll firl fft flf ... ,. . I Tin. rinlnnniln tlfrnld BnVS! '-lUU JvtuisaSj.ilinnesoin, uouisnum, uuuiijm, uiiu --- ... , m .... -I lt.... irn. I BllCClllieilll Ul 1UU UlU iuuiiu ... Wisconsin, ienueiBce, voiiueutiuui, tm1 POPE COUNTY. THE FAIR. -The Popo county fair commences on next Thursday. EHIITED. -Thousands of hoop polos aro being shipped from Golconda. A SHORT CROP. The potato crop nbout Golsondn will fall below the nvcrnge. trc. Thero Is ei-'ht pounds moro of Schuy ler Colfax than there used to be. Pianos aro mounted now on glass cas tors, which is said to improve mu ioiio very mucii. A wholcsalu houso uuvcruscs'. Wanted women to sell on commission. Gal's, there's your chance. Mrs. Woodhuli, or perhaps u may uc ii.i,i,,.r,r.i imnrnvivi umin Solomon y quoting, "Agitation of thought is the be ginning of wisdom." A learned lllnuoo inuy, wno ii nam ing England, says tho vleo of intemper anco wtls unknowi in India till the Eng lish introduced it thero. Young Brother "What's tlio matter t.,-..7 Am von tinhiinnv because neither o tlibso felluys you wns flirting with nt, roouct vesteniny, propusea iu juui Mtirv "lioth did, Tom. And I said yes to the wrong oncl' Illcrstadt, the artist, is on his return from California with a portfolio of studies of coast and mountain scenery Ho brings with him, nlso, two elaixiraiu painunga " jnmi nnd fish, by fc. M. Brookes. Bralnbrldgo, On., with 1,500 WUihui tants. will pit itelf again.l any town of its" licit in tno nianuroi nusum uuoiua. Tho records show an average oi nvo n" inlaiit each week, or moro than one for every six persons encu year. A German porter nnd a Irenoli girl were nuirrieu in minium wn n.vo, ...... 18 hours acquaintance, tenner oi uiuiu undorttiinds tho laiigungu of tho other, so It will be somo littlotlmo beforo thoy can light with any pence. "I don't miss my cnurcn as mucn us you suppose, " saiu a juuy iu uur uiiiu.iv., who had called upon her during her ill- IIUSS, " lOr l m.MiO Jieuuy en uu n.o " . I 1 ..11 nllltllA Uow, as soon as mo ueu uvgiin i v...i..., and tell mo who aro going to church, and whether tiiey havo nnyiuing now. Tho London Spectator slirowuiy tniiiKS that tho fact of (inceii Victoria s niivnig m OAK wii ' in niont, Ma sachusctts, nnd representatives county, which havo been assayed, yielded unUer ,,cr u no rca;uU llliii I, , I I , . .Hunt- nnnnl fr t WOlltV 1 . -1.- -1 1.1 I.. .1.11 m ,.11 .. liniflnpt lipr A LEAUNED COBItESPONilENT of the Murphysboro , Arjut "Buppocs Oiat 'American women in general know about as much of a ballot as thoy do of ar ax,' and further remarks: ' It would take an ordinary girl somo time jo become able to put up two cords of wood per 1 day, aud it would tako the newly en 'irancbised terl millions' a number of veara to learn art of political combi 1 nation lwiiioh they might bafflo their sight-sooing by tho visiting Sir Knighti nnd to'recoiving and escorting to their sev eral headquarters, by tho Baitimoro com mandery, tho commaudoriui from ubioad continuing to arrive overy hour. Throe l.irirn toamers were at our disposal fur a the revival, in which jtbouts of agony l.trlp down tho rivor and into Chesapeake . f A 1 I. t t .1 ..1. VA.I M..ll....t..n.l. uu supjiucaiion iningio witn cries oi l ay. up uouru uu uu, numiuin uuu. dcliKht aud halleluiahs of ulorv Tt of "usio and about 1,600 Sir Knights and (was Methodism .tpeaking, to tho heart tnrougii flio car spcakinu tho wnr.U of intemse devotion, u most effective wayr,of appealing to tho emotious. ncturca whiuowb- ladics. Wo stoamed slowly down the bay, enjoying every moment, to Fort Carroll, at which point we rounded and wero soon on our way back, stopping by Invitation at TORT U'HINRT, ahl aiSlCS Of treat I nWa tbn rriiMm.nrlnrliimtoil n Kir cathedralspictures of Christ by artists Knlght-ord.rcd out n battalion of flying who, as a great author says, breathed I artillery, consisting of four full batteries. humble aspirations between every two tormx- peeul gratification. Thoy went P ..' Wl,l." L. '. through with all tholr many and inttlcato IVUVUVU V tl.V H1UM .Mm HWUmt Ui I . , ti l.,. .ni.,il.ltw .1 , . . i . i nil "VOIUIIOHI Willi BUrl"HB li-t,llivjl "livi eacrea places in which 1110 men oi me wouud un witb ,flmtu 0f sixty guns, nfto from tho Grand Priory of thu Dominion of Canada, closing with tho carriages of tho Grand Eminent Commander nnd Staff forming in nil THE MOST 11RILLIANT TAOEANT by far that was ever scon in tho United States and tho romombranco of which will ever remain green In tho hearts of tho participants. After passing tho monument, whoro all tho Sir Knights uncovered, in memory of that groat and good man ana mason, Geori'o Washington, tho procession lilod by the Grand Commandor and staff, at Masonic Tempiu ana was uismissca. Thus onded tho crowning glory of tho wholo pilgrimage, which far exceeded our most sanguine expectations. Munyot the com mandrics nt onco loft for home, and the sound of music was heard on tho street till long after midnight, as some commandory was wending Its way to tho depot. Thoso of us who remained visited Washington the next day, on Invitation of tlm com mandorles thoro. 'J. he first train loft Haiti- more at 8:20 and then in rapid succession until U a.m., when ovor six thousand Sir Knights, tholr ladles and citizens of Baltl more, woro safely landed In Washington AN o wero nt once formed In line on Tonn sylvnnla avenue, and numbered nbout thruo thousand, thn balance, who had thul ls relOi them, not joining in tho rnrade a per cent, of pure silver equal to twenty ounces to tho ton.' JACKSON COUNTY. 1IUSY. -Tho farmers aro busy putting In their fall socd, Sweet William; Dirty Bill; Big Bill; Hnndsomo Bill; Bill Skycs; Counterfeit mil Fnncv Bill and Suburban Bill, aro I mill miiiiv iirlviito houses, woro draped in tho novel nick names givon to tho young mourning ntid festoon, of crape, wero hung mon of murphysboro whoso parents ciirist- aiong an mu sing . .u.u . cned tlicm William. ,,winn t. on foot to build a .Tho members of tho Methodist con- , fr',m'T,.lndo. Ohio, to St. Louis. crccctlon of Murphysboro, witn many pftS8ig through Sbolbyvillo, tiinois. a"" .. i .i ..tit.. -,. v,n n. s: T.nnia i,nuhH mi la informed that other person, s g. eu - - ... , -- - bu,M ppointmentofltev.u. w. uuuer to ma; 7 per mile can whv alio should mb UtlU IV nCKlCCl Jicr A. . mi... I .. V...i. tutlilln (liitlf. l 1ILUI 111 Ui mu -7s,v- for's strictures is that, as a rulo, it is nob ler to dio iu harness than In bed, nnd that tlmOuuon uvincos nn 'unmlbtaknblo ten dency to laziness: Tim death of J ames u. uianton, unair- f t lin Alabama Democratic Stato Ex ecutive Committee, creates proiounu grioi all ClaSSOS in lUIll UllUU. J'.vurjr uynni.ii houso In Montgomery, wlth6ut oxeoptlon, charge. MONEY. Money goes, No una knows ; Where itgoelh No ono shuwetli Here and 'h re, Krerjwherci In ami out, Hound about ; Hun, run, Dun, dun, Hpend, spend, Lend, land, hind, aeud, VlU.h to-dajr, Blmrt tu-morrow) Ntrn id imy . Hu-row, Imrroir, Ho it K"ea, No on Snowa , Wnero ll ROeth, Nn nno Hhowath bo raised nloiiL' tho lino, atld tho rlglil oi way secured. "On tho 6th of Oc tober, a meeting is to 1o held at Bholhv vllle, 111 seowhatennodono for tho pro ject. Stato Jiegiiter. CENTRAL HOUSE. Omioalto tho ro.tollico, on HUth Btreot between 1 1 Wa.blugton and Commercial arcnues, Cairo, ills. This homo has been thoroughly over-hauled refmnlsheil and renovated, and la now oeiin ro thn r ceptlon of ueta. Tim rooma are all large nnd well Tonlllatud, and fimhiturc ,n,',-"''ton kept mght andday, WIU. OAtte,,. EPICURE BROILERS, Doth are of the slmpieil conduction, and to ea.ily managed that we guarantee inem logtT ENTIRE SATISFACTION. As no Article Iu the household Ins agreater In flueuoe in protuotlnith. health, coinfoil and hap ilnS of the family circle than the conking store, It l economy as wall as policy loj;citi, rery lt; and in kuyingtho CHARTER OAK You can rely on gelling the most succet-fiil, p uUr and pcrfi-ct cooalng etove eer u.lnx tho Ei'icini: nnoiLEn, Ton aro always sure of harlng Juloy, Tender and delicious Ileef.take., Ch'cken, Ham, Chops, eta, SOLD HI Kxcclsior Manufacturing Company, CI2andCH N. iIaln-it.,St. Louis. Mo. AND ALL LIVE STOVE Jisjl)'.3. C. W. HENDERSON, Agent, Cnlro, llllnola. sepWduwlm9 nooT.s and mioi:s. WILLIAM EIILERS, Fashionable BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWENTIETH BTKEET, lletween Waihmgton Avenue and l'oplar Street. CAIRO, ILLS. Hoots and Shoes Made to Order. Fine Workmen Employed. Satisfaction Warranted. Patronage Moliclled. CITY SHOE STORE HOOP S1URT FACTORY sols AQtacr ro "BBOLASKI'S" CUSTOM-MADE HOOTS AND SHOES oiuiucrclnl Avcune, Corner or Klst, (Street, Cairo, Illinois. particular attention paid to all or ders for iioorskiilts and shoes. roiixiiuir-s. I. & E. GREENWAJUD. MANCrlCTUalBS ct earn Enf(ines, Ltoilors, Flour oml Orlst MUIi Saw Mills, Tho "Tupper" l'atent Orato bar, MAOIIINKIIY fOH OENKRAL VUltrOSKS, CINCINNATI, OHIO. V2Tirweodt 1 1 1 I I el I