Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1871. JHK V.ML aarf.--ttrAar N ri'i, Thr-mcn...... .. n n itw ij q .., war ijisp.m.inuiMii. T riimhN.O., Mm- ihm I Oluwbaa ii P"- :0 P" 11,10 V t r. ule, - i Mr y ! !' COO p.m. ., .t,Miiuvit R TiWH.TO. il!OTi.m. i. r. .-nut. THisHr a- : a . ' 1Y l..rt- TI,-'", I. i' Jar M rri 11, I) mi !.(' nSd torcUce, CrJ 11: W a.m. I crrirt itot'B. General !! ?. i r.f....... ; ttwr.u. ' " (Sunday S 10 A m.) Mou unlT !!; 'tm-nr !"Ta'.rti. 8" IlegKlcr " " -..o.m. fi:00p.m, .Moury OrJrr and ltcn.tcr (iijwr(mcnta no oprnon Hundt). , -, v ' . ilEIUOWST HASH., iff ... r't.d "until 1 h-llftdtfJUMr.., ..) . BtlJ P.m. :(). in, l.Wj'.m. THK Cto;o.xAMmt, IManufseturtd out of the Cold Mnufiwlued outnf the '-' U Sorp ol 1 . nir table. 1 ...-.aIL ttMl'.m- frVS A,5j? Tlio Knntbrrmllbnolt Conference Pto- poie to establish In C'nlro a fctnnlc college. According to Priding Elder Pierce, Brother Boborts is n " peeping prophet.' Tho anniversary of tbo tract soci Cti4i Jht '"tf1'1 'trctl-''1 a largo crowd. Thu speech were welt, good. Dr. t'r,ry and Dr. Allyn nro men tinned a poslblo Mothodist bishops. Thnv would. do credit .to the episcopacy, bting Mlf A'on of learning; OhrlaUan In tegrity and untiring zcnl. "You'll bo u bishop yfct, Josoph." . t Brother Turney, tllbyolMiful genius nnd tirodigv. lias been continued on trial. .Quo of ttaprosidUg Welders .says ht can putlilmo'ySiW'Uib, :cnq-,r,esill,t ot.tnc votuwas applauded 'by stnmplngrjioet and clapbtngof-rmnds. .' " 0. J. Barret formerly ".'cwiilurtof on the omlerground ratlroAd, nowiigont Slate Friedman'! Aid Sacletyi'wns Intro duce M tho .conforonee yesterday inorn IngT He' is art' orhiablo " looking m'iri, riria Very goo looking. Tho printer mwleui My.iUratty that "Father Von Ttetij ih trrsjAcltK cr of the Conference,' whence ihrald'lTaro used tbo iiamo of the venerable Van Clove, who' V one of tap father irsrSol, f good-henrted and. 'Wf-h"ertcdnd roost clever Christian gentleman. Tho Sun holds up Brother. Clifford ns tho heavy fighting wolgb't of the confer ence and Invites us to knocK tno cnip ou hit ahbnfdcr. "Vo don't know this roan of vr, and feel inclined to ciclalm with "Jullu," vt Sheriilan Knowlcs' play of tho " Hunchback," "Clifford, why don't you spoaktohio?" 'Tho 'confcrcnco has ippolntcd n Sun- dny.schobl meeting at tbo l'resbytorlan cliurcb this afternoon, beginning precisely at 2 o'clock. All tho Sunday schools in tho city nroirjltedj.Qood speakers; JiavV been secured. Mr. Reed, superintendent, maso.ns. . , No. ix Stated Ascemtii; . if-li r... ... I I uA. R III Aiylnni ioni 1 i'uii, 1111.1MIU iiiiiu urJTilnr.vli moalli. ' f , . CAlaoCoi'MiL. No.!!, cgiilur Cont oonlloikt tani Htll.lhe fpcon'l t'rlday In cacti month. Cno CmrB, No. Tl-tsUlKr WnV'oBtim) t Mwouio Hail, on tha third' rumdy,of jetery ""cairo looot1. Jin'. 537 F". 4,.t n'6nfar, Com. munlcationi rtt lUsonio Hall, the atcond and fourth lonil ol each month. tiriT Uncr. No.&CS K. l A. II. Iltcula Cora muuieatioDB 'at' Mn'olilc Hull ntJt and third Tharadayi In each inontli4 TUB Ol)I)-I,EI.I.OW. AttiiSBiR Imoor. 2lt. Metis In OJdFllow'a Hll. m Art r' lluii Iidc. over Thurfijajr ,ten Ins, at 8 o'clo -It THE BULLETIN. I'libllslied every iiuiriilnic, JlonUny e-ceptetl. WORLDLY HASH. Meat of Loocnl i ' x Kcadlns matter on every jwgc, P.ul G. Schuh .tells ltattingcr's mcdl cines. tf ' Ualley is moving into tlio lKto council chamber. h. " i ' ' Enoch Morgan's Son's Sapolio at Blx by and Kouhlor'g. Shrivo's'. o'clock lunch oycatcri at Jorgenscn s. , tf Wood and co:tl for fall and winter ujc are already in great demund. Mr. Howlund, the coctractor of the Cairo aud St. Louis railroad, Is In the city. "What is Wiener "SVuerste ? Ask Lou is Herbert. He will fcorvc he.shc or it in his frjc lunch to-day at 10 o'clock. .V band of Gypsies nro eniamped north of the city, and Inyo In possession a largo number of fine horses. i i We neglected to notico the Toturn to tho city of Wm. B. Gilbert Efq. He buks as happy ns a big sunflower requests ho attendance of all tho children of the Mission Sunday school. Presiding t Elder Grant is doing what tho conference men call "n good work1 in A can of.powdcr exploded ia.the.baie- l.tmcki b,000 miles tho Cairo district of tho Southern Illinois Conference. Every chargo irf-tHo'dlstrlct has built 'or is building or paying debts on a house of worship. Tho Increase In the value of church property during the past year was $18,000. Thtro have bcon 700 accessloni, and 142 more are opr(atlon, 'making a fetal increase imtwelvo months of 842. Th'cro has'becn an incroase in all tho bonevlotentcollcctions, and 'tho ealaries of tho pkstors havb been more promptly I paid' than "ever before. During tho year mother urant,proaciicu nv sermons anu nf tho Southern Illinois Confcrcnco of the Methodist Eplseop il Church. tttuAud, Tht the thanks of this confer ence bo tendered K the p-l..r nd breth ren of tho Presbyterian church for the r Ciiurtejv in extending to tno u-o of their huiiff In wluch to ho"! our e6lons. J!tr.;lvrJ, TJnit .uf th.ife roolu l..iis to furnished to tho Cairo city paper. lor ni.bllcHlon, Mini lliut tno wliole pro mII irs bo published in thu Central Christian Adt'jcn e. Jtesolvtd, Thnt our tlmtikt are duo tho portt and publishers ol' tno .-ity p i ptr? for thtir courted In uiriK thulr cvl umus tc publish bur proceedings. liesohtd, That tho various railroad and cickrhboat compariio, who' 'have reduced their faro for tho benoQt of tho delegates to the Southern Illinois Conference, de serve and re'ecivS'tfuf thanks.-1- ' SEMHtELlGIOUS HASH. . To.'U'jEnlen with Care, b, both Sinner and TS-TholBov.Jdr. Coan is auscni irom mo .'cftyJott.W visit tOvPeojlajfrom whooce ho. jhas receded a HaKeringcall." ThoiBcv. Mr. Friend, of tho Chris tian church, will proach this morning and ovpolng.j Ho will, no doubt, Are ft shot at thiiMethodists. Tho! circulation if ''The ' B'vtvtriv has becu'n to rnpidly increase. Its devo tion to gUt-cdgcd piofy lias attracted uni versal attention. yHn tjie conference yestorday, Brother folio said he lived'nra't6wii in which She' cfoctors foted for whisky and thcdevil,and In which, abldc3 a Catnpbellito minister witlunoro animal than brains Jn him. Move, llrother Tolle, move. Como to Cairo. I)q; r ' '" Bro6ier Tollo went off like a flash of powder yesterday, and in open conference resented lour intimation that bo is not the mbt't comely of minister.'. Ho was, evi dently, angry,-, Having cglected to rc-, member what has been said nbeut Httto hands being notimade to scratch out each other's eyes out, 'ho hinted n design to get batlve siul, we havo mothlng against hlra, 'and, rather than bo the causo of nngor In his gentle breast .will swear that ho Is as beau tiful as an' archangel and almost as good looking as Davis of tho Sun. "Vo believed Brother Tollo was one of the best of men, rTdlS.tho belief that a little folly now nnd 'lUolTlTrelishcd y the best of men, shot at his face a littlo squib. And we are, there fore, to bp crushed by his anger I AVo are in despair, and atlhe" cjirlioitpossible mo taeui'shall send around to our irato brother a thousand apologies in a market basket. The Sun eriouily regrots " A Catho lic's" attack upon Mr. Hughoy, the eler leal fighter. Considering the fact that the funis the orean of Father O'Halloran. tbo Catholic priest, who is in nis cnurcn about what Hughoy is'in his, wo ftro astonished. The-Sun jihould not go back tn its bread THE CONFERENCE. BEPOHT OF THE FOUBTH DAY'S PKOCKUDINOd. ment of the St. Nicholas hotccsjerday evening, out mcKiiy mjuroa no penou. Tlmre wiirbe a-inec'tlng of tl& Ladles' Benevolent Society, on Monday cvonlng, ft1, the residence of Mrs. B. F. Clark, cor ner of Kinotoonth and Poplar street. Tho Eiehhoff Bro. aro'tloing a tliriv'-1 lug business. They are now manufactur ing tnattrescs and soiling them at 'amaz ingly low price. Tno mot p'qmlur time shop in town is on 20th Elreet u)o-ito thecourt homo hotel, whero Wm. Killers 'mnnifeturw' boot? and shoes for hiK-.uttouiers, .warrant' cd to be of tho best Frcne.h calf, kip or entire satisfaction. CilI on him and you will know how it ii yotirieif.' jrCtf Dr. Hobcrt, AllVn,.- presjdeiiJ.Mof v JUe-, Keiidree college, will dc!lTe'r'n,lecturro't'1 the Methodist Church, on Tuesday even ing next, at 7:30 o'clock.,- Subject u Rela tion of Edifcatibn to IndustrialjPursuIts."' Hon. W. U. Green will lecture on Thurs day evening next, at tho sanio hour "and place. Subject: 1'Tho Puhlio Schools; their Purpose and their Defects." Mr. F. Bose has removed hit tailoring vsUblishmcnt to.lils new store, at No. 104 Commercial nvnio) 'lie keeps oh hand a splendid assortment of piece gouds which he will make up for his euttomer in u manner warranted to .suit, lie employs only the best workmen, and gives his pergonal attention to" the ''business. 'Per l'eit fin guaranteed. Prices reasonable, ChIIhikI see liiin. uugSlm -Capt. Jones, of the firm of Winslow iV iUon, is in tho city. This Arm 1ms ob .incd tho contract for com-trueting tho TCairjand Vinccniies railroad, nnd June already put a largo number of laborers on the line. About thirty men wont to work jetierday between Cairo and Mound City. This looks like butinot, nnd wo are more hopeful tlmn we have been for runny along d.iy. Will there bo a flip betwixt tills cup and our lipl The Chicago Beer Saloon, "Wm. Schick, proprietor, Not, 20 and 28 Eichth eticet, is u favorite place of retort with all lovers of Weiss' Beer, Liquors of every detenption, and uM kinds ol foreign and homo Wines. Ho ordinary liquors are dispensed at the bar of the saloon only thu very best, and guests find in attend ance polite and accomodating waiters. A irco lunch It spread overy diy at 10 o'ciock a.m. auaX7tf. 11 pi ' . . c vr oaup nas openca a bran now ovs terisloon, 102 Commercial avenue, whero "wwuiKeep on hand constantly fresh "juers.ineiargetutidmoit delicious in tho city.wbich ho will soil tho by cuso, cam or uou. The saloon ha, been fitted up with iwk . . ww viiive(j, view Ol Ut n.nll.imi.i. .....I t . . I PresiUing Elder Englisb,-f tho Du QuyTiL district, lives among' muan people. nc favs they aro stingv, but ho, has, hopes for their children. Whllo it is true the children vet sing : , " We nro trarillos home to God I ine yrnj our iAtnur iroa. ho believes they will learn to drop tbo last lino and travel in a more '' giving" path. Dating tho Ust year, ho had hcard'bf but one donation to hu church, nnd it amounted to $20 A'ftsr, hu had ,ita week or two, he got a letter asking him .... . . ... 'jj'li .lit ..I''!-. i. 5 wuy too uei oi too uouaiion mm nut uecn 'published in Dr. Crary's paper. Crfcdit for liberality wus attJrdingly.givcn to tho do , n !.ll,..l r when lio drew" Ms salary, tllcT'anipiint do nated whs carefully deducted I . -'ti-Thd'following is a Ii.t.oftije Mctfio diet Epissopal l'retiding Elders of the Southern Illinois Confcrcnco: . . ,W"..JI. Corrington, Lebanon district Belleville; J. S. Morrison, Alton' district Ship- in un ; 'II. Sjurs, Vandallu li strict Ellingham: Joy, Oluoy district r-Bridge port . lll-H. Mussey, Mt. Carinol district Osrtni'- "4 ' :BJ B.Pierce, Mt Vernon dlbt'rict Mt. Vernon ; . L. B. English, Du Quoin dUtriet Ashley ; W. J. Grant, Cairo district Cairo; ' 1 Brother Joy is tho cider and Brother Grunt the younger elder, Brother Scars is thu most popular and Brothor Jcy the better preacher; Brothers Corrington and Soars aro graduates of MuKondroo col logo, and tho other elders aro . self-educated' In tho conference, Brother Piorco's stale- mciits uro tlio inott biuinesjilikc, BroUeri Grunt's tha most glibly made; Brother m ii... . i i'Ji.1. i ill ii j'.ngiisu mu nioiv iiuiiiorous, nnu iirotlicr Jcar's the most wordy; j'l'ijko tho. elders- all in all they aro an exceedingly clover Dody of men kind heartod, sociable and ... . i . ..'ii1. -4 'r i" '.. . " nov inucu yrejuuiccu ngiunsi auy.oouy or any thing except tiio.ut(hollc .churcli and ucmocraiic party, anu tiicso are "pipen to thorn. Before thu adjournment of the Electo ral Coufcreneo of Laymen .the: following resolution were adopted: Itesoheil, That we concratulato tho church upon the peaceful and happy in nugurntioii. of lay delegation, and wo as sume its dunes nnu responsibilities with the full determination to consorvo and not to destroy the time-honored customs of, tho church. ' . i ,' i Jitiolud, That all the educational, mor al nnd philanthropic enterprises of th church fchonld nnd docnlitt oiir sympathy, and wo tilediro them our earnest sunnnrt with our jirayers, our time, our labor and uyrrni portion oi tno suustaneo wlic an4butter. We think A. Catholic's " at tack-not jll-tlmcd. Wo deny to no man vne.iigiu;um uni religion wuu tuc weapons of reason, and, believe no religion that shrinks from such assault should or can' endure; but Mr. Hughey goes beyond this, and assaults the mcmbcrihip of the Catholio' church, asserting that no Catholic can be a good citizen of the republic. This is untrue. Floods of Catholio blood have teen shed, for this government, and every buttlcfiohl of the lute war was marked by .thg.yalgrqut deeds of men who worshipped at Catholic altars. Catholic Ireland is, whatever the Hughoys may say, as devoted to politics! liberty as any nation in tho world; arid, in America, it was' Catholic fnrvl"d,thnt l. tin example of roHjious iiDert.y . HOTEL HASH. AT THE DELMO.vicO. The following were tho arrivals at tho Dclmonico hotel, Wm. Wlntor, proprie tor, for tho twenty-four hours-ending at twelvo o'clock p.m., September 30th, 1871; Iko J. Barrett, Jacksonville, Ills.; Mits Anna Jones, Carbondnlc, Ills.; G. W. Short, Kazlowood, '-Ills'.;' Itufus Miller, lluzlewpol, Ills. ; Ed. Wilbarn, Fnirvicw Lead Minf-s, Ills.; Frank Scott, I. C. It., Chicago, Ills.; B. Hf XihmV, Mftyllold, Ky., 11. L. Anderson, Mayflold, Kv.; W. 's.'Sly, Knnc,;Jls,j,A, tJl. AshloyIndi anapolis, Ind.; XT J.Pagc, Imllanapojh, Ind. ; Mrs. Connor and child, Metropolis, Ills'. : Oiwold. IrviiiL', Milwaukee. Wis.: P. A. Tdwers, J.ouisville,wJvy.; J. W. Powers, Carbondale, Ills.; J. W. White, Paducah, Ky.; L. M. Kcnnett, Mnnipjils Tcnn. "Samuel Wilsonj Memphis, Tenh:: Daniel Hnrtmap.ew, York City.; D. F. Fryson, Cnve-in-thc-Bock, Ills, j J. P. B. 'R'enfro, Eli.abethtown.'lils'.'; 'James 'Mc- Cur,tnoyj arid wifo, ,vick'iburg,"3Iii's.: 'M1'8. M. A. Burroll, Vicksburg.'Miss'.'i'I.Ohirk, .Tnpola, Miss. AT THK hT. CHAltLKS. JC.Orr, Mayfield,1ljh; -W, Turner, Chlcugoj' M". Fhlfey, Missouri; Wm. Engleton, 'Chicago; Strange Iirooks,saino O. W. Axlcy, Dongola; Spencer Axloy, samo; L. A. Walker, samo: D. F. Vail. Chicago; B. A. Iiullen, Kodney, Mis sisslppi ; C. B. Bobortson, Louisville, Ky.; u. j, iioore, Cincinnati, O.; B. Cann, samo; Ben. F. Hcrr and fnmlly, Living ston, Ala.; W. II. Stemson, Fort Dodge, Iowa; A. D. Piorco and wife, Golconda. III.; J. Guyre, St. Charles. Mo.: C. 11 a uyrrai portion oi tno suustaneo where with UoU iiuth plesscd us. Resolved. Thnf. In tho rinlnlnn .n't.1. 1..,. they may enjoy a ineul of tbeio conference, in fllllne tho board of blahnna bivalves quietly, without bulni. dUt..r..i ul tl10 "cxt KG""1 conference, duo resard commotiplaco restaurant oy, ot roc ttT' it lhdJ l,e0""1 PvUiqn , uJw.r room. 1 may in, over all parts of their work, and tf. ''rUKtlifcm moro closely in contact with Jt'aT Btceivri). W. W. Thornton Tenth street between Commercial uvenue anu Poplar street, bat revived anl in tore 1,000 doors and 1,000 windows and moulding. . The bct uied.elfie for'cliills arid fever is Dr. Biittlnyer'b fever dropi; The host medlolno for biliousness, io.tlver.est nnd Impurity t'f the )i ol it Dr. Battlnger's vegotablo Llvpr l'ilU. o t27dA:wlw BoahmkoIipujcsub; Xilikt't. aglj" the whole clmeh Mrf,That to Bo v. Brothe'fTlfo.Yi- Vi. r v.,3,t':,ll h, aro uuo our tin ffittJ"1' Sclent labor a!r?d M vuurL hi tftfiiri. f..,l l.. iiomtB in wJiUb each member of this Lodv has reouved overV nA.iVi......."I.-U'.l9.0,',y ,. im.i tl.-. ..r, 'i...i,'"r iten,. .IT,.' , 1111 life and u lm. exchange lor vUrZ m jxeioiveu.i 4.IIUI wo uu lierebv rf.ii,... . ... tlneero tHuhks to the citizens of Carlo lor th (Jr. kind Care and attention in dating us with bomfbnublo homes during our stay, and for tho Christian lovo and .courtesy with which wo havo been treated during our session hi lay represantativcA Howlund, St. Louis; Goo. Barrle, Phila delphia; Henry Boono and lady,Mlssouri; aiax liassior, bt. J.ouis; U. Halo, Baton Kougc,Ln.j Mies Sulllo Liggett, Miss Lig gott, Mrs. J. Liggett, came; O. E. Hale, New Orleans; Mrs. Mitchell and chllJ, Chicago; Mrs, Whorton.and family, Ba ton 'Hotigo, La.; Dr. Jones, St. Louis ; H. L. Bartlcs, Louis. Conference met ue;orJlni( to adjourn ir.nt. Devotional exeroi.'i wero con ducted by Brother J. P D ivls. The minute, of fnd.iy were read nnd approved. Tac tn.njfer of Bev. Slrango Brooks from the Iowa Confuroiice to this confer ence was announced by tho blthbp and his name placed on tho roll. On motion of Dr. Allyn, Brothor E. A Uoyt was elected assistant secretary, to take chargo oi the railroad passes. XLDEK8. Tho eleventh question was taken up Who aro the effectl vo olders 7 Tho char acter of several of tho brethren was passed, r reidmek's aid societt. Bev. G. I. Barrett, of the Illinois Con ference and egent of the of the F. A. S., was introduced to the conference. Brothur C. Ivllouts presented tho fol lowing resolution, which was adopted : Rttolvtd, That wo will cordially recolvo Brother Barrett 6s agent for the h recmen's Aid Society, and co-oporate with him In his agency. m'kendkee college. Beports from this collogo wero present ed by Brother Corrington nnd rcforrcd to tho commlttco on oducation. Brother Soars presented a report of monies re ceived for McKcndreo college, which was referred without. reading to tho educational committee. Tho stewards' report was read nnd was on motion recommitted. DEACONS. Tho question of deacon's ordors was taken up. J. H. Morrison presented tho recommendation of Alexander Kcown, from Grocn County Quartorly Conference for election to deacon's order. Committee reported and lie was elected. E, Joy presented tho recommendation of Edmund Boot from Olnoy Station. Quarterly Confcrcnco for election of dea con's orders. Committee reported and " ho was elected. Also Martin D. Gillctt, Francis M. Graves and Goorgo B. lloberts wero presented mid duly elected. Conference adjourned to 3 p. ra. AFTEN'OOX SESSION. Conference convened at the appointed hour. After tho reading of tho minutes by Brother Brooks, singing a hymn by the congregation, and prayer by Bevercnd Mr, Brooks, a motion was mado and seconded that the confcrcnco should take a recess of half an hour, in which to talk over the wo man question. Mrs. Allyn, wifo of Dr. Allyn, of Lc banon, Ills., then read some statistics, after a few preliminary remarks, in which the speaker expressed herself as feeling much embarrassed at speaking beforo such an audience, sho rend a report of Tho Wo man's Society for missionary work in tho church. During the last year about $--,- 000 had been raised. She could not say- how many missionaries wero in ttie field, but there wero two in India and two in China. Dr. Allyn spoke at some length on tho endowment of scholars in the col leges and semminaries. Alexander Keown ol' Green county, would bo on of one bun dred to pledge $10,000 dollars to endow a sciil.jI for thn education nf fur mis sioiinry work. Brother Davis said he thought croquet playing wus cutircly to popular to organ ize n society for female missionary work. ouu.u -..iiutions for tho organization of Female Foreign Missionary Svcictic. wr. read und adopted. A motion was mudo to resumo confer ence business. Curried. The minutes of tho morning's proceed ings wero rend and approved, THE STEWARDS' RZrOKT was then read. After considerable discus sion, on motion to amend that part of tho report giving $50 dollars to Bro. Turney, tho supcranuated clergyman, it was at last decided to divide suid $o0 between Bro. Bobbins and Si.ter Spencer's child ren, leaving tho poor buperutinutod broth er Turner out in tho cold. Homo of the brothers objected to tho amendment, urg ing the fact upon the conference that after a man had labored so many years for Christ's Kingdom they thought ho should be taken caru of by his brcthcrn in the church. Alas I for human nature, thu uigust body could nut look at it in thut light. After much moro discussion on tho same subject, considerable excitement prevail ing, Dr...Al!yn requested the privilego of reading a report from tlio hiyiiiuu commit. tee of tho church. jkekdmjn'h aid kociett. The report on the Freedmon's Aid Soci ety Was then read nnd adopted. CHURCH i:XTENBIO.V, Tho report on church extension was read and adopted, and the treasurer's re port of tho samo society, witli collections of nionoys, was read. niNisrr.niAi. aid. Tho treasurer's report on the Ministerial Aid Sooiety was read by Brother Harris. Beports "were received from all tho brcth- ron, some flfty-four, a little less limn one- half of tho conference. Besolutlons wero road ns follows : That moneys rccolvcd for ministerial aid should bo used for tho education of young men studying for tho ministry. Ton youni: min wore now in McKondrco college, uud only four provided lor. Unless something was done, Brother Allyn would bo rcspon tlblo for their education. RELIGIOUS SERVICES TO-DAY- " AT THE M. E. CIlL'ltCH. At half-pt 8 o'clock, 'ovc feast, led ly Brother A. B. Nisblt ; Av hulf-pii"t lo o'clock, preaching b, Dr. .Mn hel, of Virginia Conference, tc be follou J l,y oroin itl.m of deaconc. U :i o'clock, p.i. ., pleaching by Ur. AliVii, followed ty ordlimtion ol oideis; At sev.u, preiielurg uy uro. J. S. Ilh rett, of Illinois uonietniice. AT TUK I'ltESllVTF.ltlA.V CUUllt'H. . At half-mist 8 o'clock, a.m., lovo feast, led by Brothor J. H. Hill; At half past 10 o'clock, preaching by Dr. Corringtjn; At 2 o'clock, p.m.,unday school meet ing. Speakers, Brothers M. S. Power, J. B. Turner and J. AV. Phillips; At half-past 7 o'clock, preaching by Brother T. M. Uerdmau. POLICE HASH- A Small Dish Cooked by Judge Bro.s 1 ! Maggie Fry let loose her tongue, and oaths and cinses loudlv rung, until her shrill volco was all was lost, and then sho paid n fine nnd cost. Tom Dugan, ho oifcnslvo was; oll'cn. slvc, too, without good cause. Ho cussed and sworu and ripped and tore; bellowed like tho bull Bnshan, nnd whipped a small good-natured man. Chief Meyers gobbled Tom, nnd then tho gobblod Tom railed out again. Ho sworo his character was good assaults of all kinds had wltiutood ; but cruel Bross he winked his eye, as if to say: " I know you lie," nnd sent him to the city jail, presided over by McIIale, where ho will board for fourteen davs, unless ten dollars fino he pays. Martha Houston, loud-mouthed gal, cussed nnd struck at sleepy Sal; nnd for tho sport was asked to pay, and promised that sho would Monday. THE DRY GOODS TRADE, Aiirestbd. A well-known citizen of this'clty was a day, or two stnce,beforo one of our city magistrates lor belnc drunk and disorderly. 'Ho was finod the usual amount $9 60. Aftor tho trial was ovor ho might have been heard soliloquizing thusly : "ow, this is tho second timo 1 jiaye been up before a mngistrata for tho amo oflenso. I might havo known it u tiiau gono to Albn's In tlio first plnco anu got one or moso smooth, clean, dell- clous shaves that Alba it known to glvo to overy ono who patronizes him, thl would not havo happened," Therefore, reader, take warning and always go to Aita'B barber shop, Commercial avenuo, DQtween boventn nnd fctgutn streets, tf tracts. i A report on tracts was read, urging the distribution ot tracts on railroad tru Ins and other public places. Sovornl brothors wanted to read various reports, but owing to the lateness of tho hour, wore voted down. Tho minutes of tho afternoon session was then read by tbo secretary and np proved. Tho rocoting closed with tho benediction. Frebu Otsteus. I urn now receiving dally, the celebrated C. S. Maltby's II, and M. brand of fresh oysters, which are unri valled, und for salo by the can or caso on tho most roasonablo terms, try them, al ways warranted good and fresh. tr Wm. Winter. THE MAMMOTH E8TA11LISHME.VT OK OOLD' .TEIN AND llOSENWATEIt THE KAM, TRADE THE MOST COMPLETE hTOCK OF DRY QOUim, READY MADE CLOTH1NCI, IIATB, CAl'S, ETC., IN CAIRO. Wo yesterday paid a visit to tho mam moth establishment of Messrs. Goldstein fc Itosonwater, Commercial avenue, be' tween Eighth and Ninth streets, nnd must confess our surprise at scoing tho immense stock to bo found in this house. This firm havo long enjoyed tho reputation of being among tho leading dry good merchants o tho oitv, and ono who will take tho pains to examlno their stock, will need no other assurance of tho truth of this rc port. In tho dry goods lino they aro roeclving daily fresh additions to their already im niense smck. In tho the lino or silks, Irish poplins, velvets and velveteens, etc., they have n most choice and rclecl assort ment. Of Irish poplins alone, they hav upwards of two hundred and fifty puterne, of silks their stock is enormous; of velve and velvetincs It cannot bo urpatu llibbons, gloves, ladles collars, und ull the minor articles that go toward making u tiled rets of u Udv, are to bo found hero in abundance. Of their slock of rend made clothirg there is no end, and the prices nro so reasonable that they hiiV' built up u largo and profitable trade In this lino. In tho way of hats nnd caps tbey Joins n oiir business. I ho firm ,f nnldstuin i Itoscn wuter aro now prepare'! w ah orders for goods, cither at wholosalo or retail. The wholcialo business with them is a now foiiturc, and they aro confident of their ability to compete with other markets in tho samo trade. As the season hen peo ple begin to prepuro for winter is now at hand, wo advlFo our readers to cull upoc Messrs. Goldstoin & Boienwator beforo purchasing elsewhere. ' The New Wilson. Smith & Blink meycr, corner Commercial avenuo and Eighth street, aro selling the Now Wilson Under-Feed Shuttle Stwing Machine, the best and cheapest machine in tho world. It is sold 520 cheaper than nny other ma chine. Some of tlio many advantages claimed for it nro as follows : 1st. It is as durable, well finished, and costs as much to manufacture as other First-class Machines; but sells for some $20 less. 2d. For hemming and felling it is un surpassed. 3d. That It Is the simplest shuttle ma chine made. 4th. It hna less wearing parts. 5tli. It lias no grooved cams, ball joints, compound cranks, or cog wheels. Gth It is adapted to n larger rango ot work, without clinngo, than any other inu chine. Miss Ellen D. Fames, formerly of Kalamuzoo, having taken up hor residonco in Cairo, informs tho public Unit sho is do slrous of giving instruction in vocal and instrumental music and in Fronch. Miss Eiimos comes among us with excellent re commendations. During tho Into session of tho Northwestern Academy of Music, sho wus among tho most proficient In piano forto prnctico and vocal instruction, nnd the conductors of tho academy uiilto in their testimony lo her thorough knowl edge of music and hor capability to teach tho sumo. Miss Fames resides in tliohouso formerly occupied by Mr.G. II. Olnutoad whero sho will bo huppy to rccoivo pupils and glvo any information If required in ro gard to tortus. tl. Tho family grocory store of Blxby & Koehler is boing patronized largely by pco plo who like flno grocories. Tholr locntion on tho north sido of Eighth street, be tween Commercial nnd Washington av enucs, Is a contrnl nnc, and their stock has bcon selected with discrimination, there foro this now candidate for public patron ago meets exactly tho wants of tho peo pie. Messrs. Koohler & Bixby proposo to keep up tholr reputation by always selling tho best of all sorts cf groceries to thei patrons and tho public, knowing that peo plo generally aro awaru of tho fuct that rcully good articles of any kind nro nl ways tho cheapest in tlio ond, tf For Sale. A coUueo on Pith stroet containing 7 rooms, cittern and out houses complete. Apply to W. W. TUORKTOM IIIVERHASII. POUT LIST. ARRIVED. Simmer, Ja Fil, Jr., Paducah. i- i-renei. St. Louis. mh, St. LouU. n. y .f (1" X"w 'Jrlcane. Ill IMlI, C. Ill'llllUA " John Lum-dcr., Kvinsvl'lu. iiuoyviii , nock o.t. , DEPARTED Steamer, ,Tn. Fisk, Jr., Puducah. florcncc, Ilickiiutn. " Utah, Memphis. " City ol qulnry. St. Louis. " Illinois, Columbus " A. linker, Capo Girardeau. " John Luni'den, Eviinsvlllc. " Eddyvllie, Louisville. lioro the Ohio is lowly falllnc at the rate of one-half Inch per dav. Thero Is nly ton Inches of wntor on Bacon rock. The walor Is getting so shallow between ero nnd Evontvillo thnt tbo unekott bnvn 1 . - great deal of trouble before reaching Pa- lucah, and consequently turn buck Irom thero sometimes. At Loulsvlllo nnd Cln- innati the decline is gradual, with dls- couroglng prospects of rain soon. At St- Louis the river is fulling, with four and a half feet In tho channel. Tho Mississippi is lulling nil tho way from Dubuque to New Orleans. The lauding protcntod nearly ns dull an appearance ns it did last Sunday, which' without nny doubt, was tho dullett day f tho season. Tho weather is splendid, jutt cool enough for comfort. Tho arrivalt were few and fftr between, nnd, of course, river news wero dull. Tho Utah camo out with n very fair load, nnd added considerable hcri. She re ported tho llublcon aground ut Brooks'. Tho City of Qulhcy came up towing tWo empty barges. Sho discharged hero n bales most, 28 casks wine, 4 boxes mcr chandise, nnd 0 bbls. merchandise. Hor of ficers reported tlio Louisville going on all right. The Florenco had samo barges In tow. Tlio Kylo und Morrill nro lying nlon sido transferring their trips. Tbo former will probably leave for New Orleans to day. Tho Morrill returns to bt. Louis. Tho John Lumsdcn is tho first Evans vilio packet we havo had sinco lust Wednesday night. Sho brought down but little freight. The Eddyville nrrlvcd from Kockjiort with the balance of her trip. St. Louis. September SO. Arrived Pembina and Bayard, from Keokuk; St argonaut nnu ai e irom dciier FOR THE ST. LOUIS FAIR. Tho Fair steamer B. P. Walt, Capt. V II. Blake, will loive Culm Pent. SO. at o eli-a, p. m for St, Mf. ' v in, ruin li. sept30d3t Lotil. n"i.iii I' Sol. Silver, I'ii-m iiftr A,;ei Joseph, from Memphis ; Ar lantlc from Cairo: St. Luk son Citv: W.S. llavs from tho tipper Mis siiiippi; Colorado from Vieksburg. Im parted St. XiUKe, lor dcuerson uy ; rn ne, Icr Lexington; .oriiiwemro, oi. Paul; Bayard and Victoria, Keokuk ; L-L-al Tender, Vieksburg; St. Joe, Memphis Biver risin-' slowlv. WVather clear nnd ph a'ant. The Silver Bow was raised yes terdav. Louisville, Sept. CO. Tlicro are two feet live inches ot water at tno neau oi wo piitnil ..nil thlrlv inebes on French Maud The Arlington li reported hard aground at Crnighar. The weather is clcur nnd fine. Notice. Chris. Anthcs lias open'd hi new meat market in Pul Sehuh's old drug tnr- two ilnnrj belnw the noft ofllee on Commercial avenue, and invito all his J arqualntanrnt tn t-ii r l.t. cut tnrjtts Hoof, pork, veul, mutton, musaire, &c., &:: Also corned beef, pork and bacon. Hi hop it kept in tho best of style, and his customers served with neatness und dis patch. Tho proprietor, Mr. A nthef, him self attends to tho shop, und his custom- rs may always feel auurod of fair and onnmhlft treatment, full icetght, and tho right chnngt lack, whether thoy send their children, or n-rvnnts or attend market themselves. eoptCdlm PllILLir Bauoh is muster of his trade and warrants all of his work to be of tile very best materiul nnd manufacture; guar antees a complete fit and entire satisfac tion, ianot confined to any particular stylo, but makep every variety of boots and shoos from the heaviest cowbido to tho finest rench calf und morocco. He also keeps a largo stock on hand, of his oxen manufac ture, und uny "C desirous of purchasing good custom work cheap should call on him ut his shop on hilitll St., souiu siue, ncur comer of Ohio levco, Cairo. dtf BkliabLk and Sakk. Dr. Henry Boot and Plant Pills nro mild and pleasant in their operation, yet throrough, producing no nausea or griping. Being entirely L-iM.i.tnl.ln. thev can bo taken without " . 71 . . f -- mi .1... Kuril t(l 11 lit nr OUSU109S. AIIUJ iihiusu lv ver nrnl secre.livo organs mm iieiuuiv notion, throwing rll' disease without ex hausting or debilitating tho system. 'J ry them nil d vou will bo sntisllud. Price 25 . . t. i i i i .1,... 1- cents a box. ooiu uy uniggi-m " " orsin medicino everywhere. Protmred by the Grnfton Modicino company, St. Louis, MUsourl. myuum Estray Notice $10 Bewakd. Stray ed from tho subscriber, on tlio 31st of July last, a large roan cow. Sho would weigh about 1,100 pounds at tho timo tho was missed. Thoro nro no special murks about her excopt thnt her bag Is unusually long, I will pay ton dollars reward lo any one delivering tlio above described cow nt my short on tho comer of Mnotecnth nnd Poplar streots, Cairo, Ills. ecplGtf James Ktnaston. New Meat Market. Nick Williams will open his new meat market this morn ing nt tho corner of Poplar and Twontloth streets, whero ho will koop constantly on hand all kinds of meat and tlio very best In tho markot. Ho will not permit nny butcher in tho city to oxcel him. Nick knows his business, nnd earnestly invites tho public to glvo him a call at his now stand. A iloalrnLlo front room to rent with bonrd, suitnblo fir two persons Also a low sini-lo contlcmen can oouccom modutcd with board. Apply on Eighteenth street, Commercial avenuo and Poplar bt soptSSdlWj For Sale or Exciianoe for Cairo Property. I Imvo" One Hundred and Sixty acres of ilrst-eluss, unimproved limd in Johnson countv. whioh 1 will soli on reasonable terms, or exchange for Cairo city proporty. r. . i opk dim Welt, rcuulated families mo Glllet' g3oowda.w2m fckiVlVi. We have jot receive', n 'rge' itc oi lit) .unit s i.vka lor irr imii t ., I ... . .:. ...i.. . ....... I....I. ..iivu ur mini, euuaiiiu iui .'uiee, nulls pu . lors or diiiiiiL' rooms. U'cvnll dvnlica uy Cincinnati, lieansullc or St. Lou relnil I.' i f - . : I... j o.vixa. uiuuib iiiuii win revui our prompt attention. Beerwart, Orth & Co., Ho. 130 Commercial avonuc. scpzidlm NOTICE. lUINMI C'KKTBAI. llllLaOAB CO., I Attt.'ii Ofllee. C'Alro. Hent. sc. Tl. f Louis fair, to bo held at St, Louis from O tober 2d to October 7, wo will sell excu flnn ttrVriM In C2t l.nut n,l ........ r. $7.20. U.,1 .. .1.1.... MI .. . . uuiu 'i uunvm lll cmniUQIlCQ UCIOIK 1 .1 .It .t , ... . mm uvjimiiuu vuiuucr UlU. XICKC good until October 10 (Inclusive) 'I t,n,.,iM ..niw . 1 1 , I. I. .... . i;w"'k ..uu i.wH or uriiciei 11 exhibition wo will istuo tickots on and a tcr September 27th. James Johnson, Agent. scptaCdlw NEW RESTAURANT. it .r.i .... . . . 4.uiij uihui iinuruia jus irienus an Mm -.lll.lln ,,nn...ll.. ...I. ll 1 of The Bulletin, that ho has fitted up mi 5v-v.i:iMi rcamurniii in mo ironi oatemro - .... ., .... ,.v...,u.. wvuimvaifli u ntllln n.M. flat. a....... .1 ... v u ' j . liuntu. nail, u , ill'i i. mill I'vurv ill ' , . . . . j . . urv of tbo season will bu jerved tn ,.tu..i Tho best of wines and llqtiors will bo r. ways on hand, and tho finest cigar wal ing to bo puffed away Into fragrant srnok Meals will bo furnished at all hours, an ... fnni uiii rwnirn n n n.r n..n... n. . r - ---' uiiu vuim.ailb n tontlon. Harry is determined to mako h rcslaurnnt a tuccs nnd a popular rctoi fur tho leUuro hour. iw Gillet'b washing crystal makes was ing easy. t u a nt uuien use unlets extracts an powder. ag!3 jiAA.iiiui. unguiu luiion uiiicit lm ing Kwdcr. agl3 4 , T , l . e . , ulur French nisorted pickles. tf Jorgcnsen has a great run for Cap White's oriental pickles. If Monet refunded if, Gillet's goods don plcate. aglSeowdaw'Jm !- . ii. ti... ...1.... r... t ...t Y.. ii- . i . i. iiii tl Thmo Krviieh (IhprrlM. in rrni). . ..1.1. ....!.... ... . .11 1. . ln. liuiiu.m ri.u vumiuitcui lie miu ut uui genon. tf liuh.l ii timnlt. nf -.iit.lln Umi-L' nr tors. tl Goto J'arwer x iimhin, w... merCl" Hveuuu ' ull. nug20Jm- . .. i . Ll..d .'vnr l!m clt .. . . t. 1... . Tinnli CWUIH II tlli.ii.uw. " " 1 I.Mich. septMll "A "ood mun lc vet i an inhoritmcc. . . ... -i.- ....... Insure your 1110 in tno lion of A morion." septaiw ry i i.. . . r..-i..i.nin i i mil n -CVCrTUUU V UW 1U U vs i.v..- uiccry lor iuu iuuvju ivi.v- tfUCC. A i I.JJ i kilo i;cmuvi.v t...i 1.1 .. ...,.,) h it1 men i hcIi dny, prico $G por week. itl$ lor coma ;v uutviu, uu a UWl. W IJ ........... -1 Xiunucn trjiMi Tiitg e.. . tl.i'i.m (I mrrfitiC flffC. if SLEtriMi Booms jop. Hent. ien well ventliaicu aieepui iuui" ... ".' - tional Bank building. Apply to EI) W AUD DKZONIA, At City National Bank. FOR COOU puoioraiois, wuivvu.... i turcs, or old pictures to bo copied, call on iri....o Vn I'M i.'nmmercini avunui;. ah X 1 1 U 1 1 1 ... J v. pi a good workman. Glvo him a trial. 8UJ1 IrAlUb tf Intcrestintr work . An. ...... T r 1 PA numerous niin."B0i i D .n . . -l.i ll. iiitiia' ll .iiimnui v OU cents, ivuurctn ui. i.u. .-, v 1.. V....I. VI. .1,11, Street. bt. LOUIS, Mo. See Advertisement. tf " . ...mi CiVII. AND MKCIIANICAI. ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS, IlroBH' Ituiiatuir. corner Eleveiitli etr utitl I'ommcrclnl avc Cairo, 1H . v-mi ml rK.U ia all llTsinCh I . Mar Vor 'imnUieH. District, or Corporations. l-ower, ior i''V." ..'::",V:,'A'.mm1 . Court toKNiLies HAfiMrias. lo5"Miin.loih rl'uMio lluliainus, Uus n "J liwflllnK Houses, Cotlago-, eto. etc., lroM at short nollco. " UAH riTTEHN. II. T. GJiltOULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER ANOOAIH1K UAH FIXTUnENi (las fitter's nnd Plumbcr'a rnaterW, Weed rumps, Klub anl unit" TalTs, aiuf eoeks.cli ek valves.eio. Also Ar roa Tuflellrotltcra I'sitent nry Oft Meter. winter's ulocx, COUMERCIAL-ATENUX 41 .li'i. IlUnola. eii'12tS - I1IMI.0. BOOK 8. pami l.lelf, lirioln, OKtalOBIls. lis papora, t ix lt, ind ry vnely i ten- ire iirniiruf eontraoteJ for, and promylly ana ill- ..r..,i.,i n ih. ii ill I t n hok. lob: nt newspaper Hading ttablltnnit.