Newspaper Page Text
: i if avnnnnnn. JOHN A. KOEHLER, Manufacturer ol a i kinds of SHOT G-TJJSTS, KIKJjUS AND I'ISTOLS. KEYS 3fADETO ORDER, ah Kinii r irA t nmi iitoprifrior lint ATI SpjicriJN t AHUANTKI). 'lilt' :' rt'A r n. .' CoBMrxcuit-Ar., a ;'nu: l)pow BrtOTT CAIRO. IM.I.VOIK. rur'r , Shot Cap r frivol Cartridge taloga- : THE BULLETIN. AVtostsDAT Mornixo, October 4, 1S71 Tims pr J" By" Dltltmi ... il , rfk, by carrier, . .................... trbj c.tti,iBtdiwvj-.. . .10 W e i-nth by uil,... -" :J Th l'6D!h, .- . S x in-ithi,.. ......-.-.- 2 rii . ir.,.1 i ; 7tu pwM,'.',!i'W tt-ltt p'lr n-nX 6f faHtai 0f w,tn i all sVetf. of (Mt'tJ to the pMu; vuik atve-utiaf't't fi'-'Wt ' BuU M -!' tKtpitnvtv of fafcUCAt rwffrs i! lyrUiv Snu nn. TU DOLLAR WEEKLT HCLLET1S. . hh II. Obetly 1 Oo. reduced the uh erl,t em pne nf'the Wer ly Cairo llulleti t Ok ; pn-in. making Jt in cheapest p. ptf.aoifhMmutherii Illldolt. ' demociiatic conxrr ticket. For Treasurer .in I Colle-lor, WILLIAM MARTIN. For Survyor, JOHN P. HELY. : It is again announced ' that Sec retary Fish will retire from tho cabi net. The withdrawal will take place after the November elections, much agiinst Grant'sdesire. The law which give3 a man the right to vote ia only one state or local ity,' is 'seriously interfering with the plan of the republican campaign in Ohio. The leaders there are Fending to the department clerks at Washington anxious telegrams, the burden of which is "'Come home, come home, 0 voter?, dear voters, come home." But, unfor tunately, large numbers of the clerks were compelled at the last municipal election in Washington city, to register and vote there, which fact, being well- known, will prevent them from casting their balloYs in tho state of Ohio. " 'TN true, 'tis pity .and pity 'tis true.' Tim QuiCAiro PdsT gives it as an item of .special new that " four mem bers of the cabinet re now in Wash ington SocretaHes llelknap, Robeson and Delano, and Postmaster Gaucral Creswcll." In, year, past, when the affairs of. the United States, were ad ministered by men to whom their pub lie duties were the' first consideration, the absence, of ono or mora, of thetn from tho seat r of government, was ol rare occurrence., In our day, it is different. Idle pleasures, private busi ness, party interests arc paramount affair with government officials, from the president down. Never lias there been fo much Iqocncss and general uo. glccVin the administration of tlio pub. lie service, as are now exhibited by lien. Grant and Ins advisers. That the kadical party' Is one of infinite 'resources in adapting' itf- means to its cuds, has never been bet ter detupnsjtrnjcd than, in tho aclicji ol tho lato New York stuto convention. Since' the 6fotf of the war, Hie radical have insisted that the fouth ' is in u state of disorder, almost bordering on anarchy that certain portions of her citizens are robbed, maltreated aud murucTca by' certain 'oilier' portions that tho rtatc governments are not equal to the Eubdulug of these difficulties and that the ku-klux law is thcrcfott an abtoluta ncoenityf In the face ol these assertions, tho tamo party that male them." now declare that "un. der the administration of Gen. Grant- reconstruction has been steadily ad vanccd in the eouththe deep nassiom of war have been soothed while protec tion has been assured to men of even race." Notwithstanding the fact that tht leiegrapn mlornis the rcadiug masse: how roving bands of Indians jeonar uizo tho lives and happiness of o..r western settlers, we are assured that peace has Ueti restored to our fron ticw'iu oflTect,Iudia., MYagory ha8 tamed to gentleues, and kindness, and the path of immigration is n0w strewn with roses. Ignorim; tho er.nn.i... frauds now going on in every part i f (lip cnverilmpni ur,r1 ..T.l ... tondanco, these holier ihan ihoso noli ticians of tho Empire State, bco " with horror nd grief" the revelation of tho Tammany frauds. H'bis sort of manou- vcriug may and no doubt does, do ceivo largo numbers of voters, but wo have too niuoh faith in tho real good f onse of tho, American people to believe that the radieai(r)rty can much longer obcuro tboir is.'on with fair words wnd Bpeoioug proa' B'XJKS. rin.;!i, f-''. citaloga-a. "., i.,Wn, ? ery vret 6 eiiW ,e Prtr rs contrite I for, and pr mytly and J, Tv eiuied, ' it" "i,l'"'n ,b9k lb- Ml )) A V TVTKin:- T1X0 LK1T35K. , ,t V, ,.-...r.w. tii 110 OalrD Biit.'ntiu. ST..JHaV.0 IIOTHL, . U'hsIi.i tloii, Sept. V4, 38. 1. Tu Mit.tol t ililnton 1 acknowl- lyej 'jv nil nfoliiu tv w tuo tlne.'k liUlIJ fiti: In point or .ir utl'iiaru loauiy nu fliiii-'ii in tlio kiun" wjrr. It cjji up (t nil; limu noaily iwulvu luilliulis of dul- nrj, mid It is ;uid lo bo much superior in ivurv rcipscl, ti muny bulldlnui In tne old norla i bat have cot Xiyei double thkt nniiiitit. i'ne" ouruur itono of 'tbc .old bml Jin3', which 'now cointitutoj tlio cuii iri ol iuu lie V udttleu wm laid oh the 18tti of riejHmbo,r 17l(J,' by Ueneral W"'hin;- tou, Willi tmpothigVornioiiiu!. Tho build inir v:i not' eouiulotcU when dpst roved 6 iliu Jtritlili ar'uiy in 1814. It was re- uilill during ih.j hexl itn year;, but niter u 4iiriur uf n .curftbry was tound enliroiv luiidiMiiiMir tor tuu iiurpoiu inionded. Xiio uriicr iioiio uf tbu'tiuw wiiigs wu laid by x'roidcni fiUmorc, July 4, 18ol, und ih rtuolu ol'luo old slrueiure beualliu tllocvli- iivot lue now Duilanijj. The old eJltlvu Vji yelluv undlone, tui's bin buca jm mi ca wuilu to'ovrr)uiia witli tbu nuw wlii); uich aro of wijilu marble. Tho new uuie ii -'tl lai abuvu tbo roof of Ibu udiug und 3'JO U-ul ubovu tbe lovul vi .uv gruuud, btfiiij; ouly four Itn than St. i uul and imriyaix lout lu$ tbuu il. twt i. Tbo douio l of cast iron, painted juuw wniu, aud aaruiouiittU by u oolottui jiaiulo of lrecdoui in bruuze, 18 fetl high Aligning 15 lOi.s. So much for the oui ide.; Tu interior wo shall not attempt iu (lesuriuu in particular ihe limits of u iinle letter forbid. Tho ltjiunda Is 00 lent in diumctur, and its walls aro lllltu A'itU largo and benu.iful historical puint mgs. Un the north tide of tbe entrance is, statute of war 0 feot high, of Italian marble. Un the opposite side of ihe door t'eaee is personified by a maiden extend- inc the olive branch to her war-like orother. "Wo spent a number of hours in rambling over the interior territory, the ieriute chamber and ball of repretcuta tivej, both of which aro fc'ow being put in order for the Winter session'. Also visited tbo President's room, and the 'marblo room," so-callod, tho wall of which aro entirely of Tonnes 'I ej and Italian marble. This Is the vice- president's room. Tbo various reception and committee rooms are' handsomely fres coedTand' richly 'furnished In July, 1664) congress passed an act setting apart the old hall, of representa tives as a nan or statuary ana inviting etch of the original! thirteen states to fur niah statues, not over two in number, for each state, of persons, cit'.rcns of such nates who were distinguish. 1 in those "days that tried men's souls.' Rhode Is land has Ecul her two; General Greeno and Roger Williams, both of which aro exe cuted in the highest stylo of art. Wo no ticed within tho p't 'day or two that Con necticut has hor (j ota ready for shipment Jonathan Trun. ull and Roger Sherman. In tlio hall at the present time is Vinnie Ileum's siatuo of Lincoln. Vinnio may I o fair hetself, and tbry fay shoi., mid ''that s wlmt s tho matter but Mio can't "sculp " worth a cent. 1 e work Is n perfect abor ion bosido the t.vo stataes of Kliodo Island. The noso of Lincoln is cntirelv tnolurge, the lips .entirely too thin, and till hands much too plump and round (or a pcrsn of his nnguldr proportion's, but' Vinnie'g fair fuco won tho senators, and she got her appropriation. Wo.muu not lituior any , longer at the capiiol, but cross the street and enter tho botanical gardens and conservatory. Those of your readers wh havo visited Shaw's gurden at St. Louis havo a faint idea ol wlmt this placo i. Tho 'grounds Rro do. ;nntly laid out, and under tho. groat con crvatory will bo found tree?; shrubbery and flowcringplants-trf every cllmo." The collection at prisont" embraces over 6,000 pcelmcne, and is constantly increasing We noticed, among blhort, bunnnn ttoe frjm the Ktst Indlei, with fruit ijrowln h gh In iho air; poMus, from Australia ra my dute and palm trees of tliorinou .e; India rubber, "coflVo and clnnnmon tecs, and many otlierc, Wo would advise your lady readers not to miss visiting tbo botbniral gardens w icnevor they visit Wnhington. Thoy will ba amply repaid for their trouble. Another place of interest we visited was- the Smithsonian Institute l'bls magnificent building, erected some seventeen years since, is built of red sand stone and stands iu the canter of about 60 acres of ground, beautifully5 Improved. The museum connected with the institu tion Wono of great interest, and f puicly material. Here you will find n upcclimn of nearly every bird or insect that flies, in the nir; everything that crawls or w.ik on the earth or that swims in the witer, mostly gathered from our country. Wi saw a collection of birds' noU and ergs of tho several species contained in each nest, that put us In mind of our boy boo i's days. We should Judgo thorowti about 600'of these nests containing eggs from tbo size of a small bean up to that of an ostrich, whicb, wo should judge, in its normal condition would whclgh lOpounds. (Tho egg wo mean). Wo wcro told that this breed of ostrich was now extinct we lid not doubt it. We have no idea that any ostrich could survive long that was compelled to lay such huge buuldctn. In i corner of tho hall we notlcod a ficuro of Dr. Kane, tho wax' hoad talcen from a plaster cast of his face, and a good like ness. The flijuro was dressed in tho Nirnn ,-.. u, mr worn uy mm in "is last expo- anil .f r i . . i , union. The whole appearance Is oxtrcrae- y startling ond life-like. Manv an lntr. .ti.. i . 8 "our can mi Bpent m t,, romn vowing tne wonder, of cah. air and water. There Is lso connected with tho Institution a raom .,,- . . . ua a invvuru gallery, also one for chemical purposes nd philosophical apparatus, also a locturo room holding 1,600 persons. Tho great Object of tbo Inst'tution is scientific re ssarch rnd'publi itlon. From the ''SfiVhsonWp?' we wended our ty to thn unfini.hod Wrhingion monu mcnt, which Is It's present condition is J. U. Ji; T. hmo and fill THE CAIRO" DAILY BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1871. design Is a noblo one. Tbo shaft when completed will bo COO feet In height and will make tho mmt celebrated obelisks In .tlio world dwindle into insignificance bi pldo It. From n table boforo us, wo notice that the great Tyrnmld of Clleop, Egypt, is bbt 4S0 feet high. The highest known tower in the world is that of Alalmes ut Uelglutn, 660 feet, yet wo can -o that and go Hity feet better. The monui cnt Is now 1 70 feet high, roofed ovor, and not a slnglo lays work done on it in over ton years," an outrage and disgraco toll all. It Is esti mated thaf ttW.bpp wfljlomplete this, the greatest lowerln the, world, also thqtbere are 600,r00jmsc-la so thaTTr acb tiinn will contribute one pollnrltcan bo comptefed. If diir govern ment is so poverty-stricken that It can not go on and Unlsttlt, 'according to tbe orlgl niirdcsign, wo trust iho fraternity of which Washington was an. honored member will takuiiild and put it through. ' From tbe monument wo paid a vlsjfio Uncle Saui's strong box Ibo treasury de partment! This is ono of tho largest, most substantial and finest buildings in tho city. It is built of granlto, 400 fcctlong and 'JOti wide. Immense granite columns run tbo wholo length of tbo sides and across the ends: weighing' seventy-five thousand pounds each. Tho cash room is two stories in height and entirely encased in rich mar ble ; the floor tessellated in white and red marble, the lower columns of wblio marble, ihe upper of Italian ; tho walls arc also incod with marblo from Italy. Within tbW mammoth building in all its varied departments nro somo th-ci thousand em ployees, nearly ono thousand of whom are females. Many.of the latter aro cnployed in sorting and counting money. We have not seen anything in Washington that suited us half so well as to witness the pretty treasury girls counting over green backs. They aro experts at tho business. Their duties aro light hours of labor from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m, and their pay good, aver aging abont 76 per month. Theso " fem inlncs" are distributed ail through tho va rious departments in the building, nnd owe their positions to "friends at court." From the treasury department wo took the street cars for tho navy-yard, having a note of introduction to Naval Construc tor Much, there. We wore courteously re ceived and polifcly shown over tho cnllro yard and into nil tho departments. Wo woro intcrcs'ed in tho making of lead and copper into sheets of tho same ; also cop- pernalls nnd tucks, the two.lattcrturncdout faster than one could count, with the letters U. S. nicely stamped on tho head of the smallest tack. We also went on board the ron blockade. runhor Frolic, well known during tho war, and now being made over into a flagship for tho port admiral of N ew York's headquarters.- - we were also shown largo piles of captured guns, con demned guns and guns of immense size, and manv other items of interest, which wo havo not timo to enumerate. Returning to town, wetookacarriagofor Arlington Heights. Tbo famous long bridge being closed for repairs, wo drove through Georgetown and over the George town bridgo across the Potomac. A drive of half an hour brought us to tho confines f tho Arlington estate, when wo turned nto a beautifully shaded oak grnvo which wound around and up. tho heights until treadling tho crest. Wo were driven di- rcctly to tho front of tho Arlington house, once tho homo of Gcnoral Lee, n lovely, situated on tho summit of tbo hill, not fifty JVot from where It elopes down nearly tw hundred feot to tho waters of the Potomac .river. Tho view from the front of this spucious houso is very fine, commanding a swcop of country many miles in extent. Directly on tho op posite eldo of tho river Washington stands forth in bold relief with all its domes and towers, whilo the waters of tho broad Po tomac can be seen up and down tho river for many milos. This ofUUo was tho form er residence of G. W. P. Outtls, Esq., the adopted ion of Gen. Washington, and wa his'permnncntnrcBldenco for over' half a century, aftor whJchH became the proper ty of tho family of Gen. Pobort K. Leo and was hii residenco till the1 breaking out f tho Rebellion in 18Gl,at which time it was left to tho racing elements surrounding it. It was sold under tlio confiscation act of 1663 -ind in 1801 was finally taken possession of' fiy tho U. S. Government and over 200 itcrcs appropriated for tho national cem etery in which have been deposited tho re mains of nearly tP.OOO union soldiers. Af tor registering tbo names of our party in tlie visitors' book und procuring somo very One stereoscopic views of tho Arlington House and different points of tho cemetery wo drove through this ynst sllont city of thadcad, In the rear of the mansion and not fifty yards dletnnt is an immenso granite tomb, over tho top of which rest four large cannon and a pllo of cannon balls. One Inscription on tlio sldo of tho tomb tells us mai uencain u aro uurieu in one grave the remains of two thousand ono hundrod and eleven unknown soldiers cathcred t. .i. .. .. i . from various battVe fields. Tho balance of this mighty army ot dead are burled In single graves, neat headboards are attached to each, with the name, regiment and com pany of tho deceased. Tho entirn cem etery is oncloscd by a massive stono wall, tnu interior is beautifully arranged and well cared for. Tho shades of evening be gan to gather around us and wo once again seated ourselves in the carriage and was driven back to the city. Wo find wo have already reached the limits of our lettcr,andmust forbear touch ing onmany other points of interest we hayc visited durlnc our visit hero,inc1udlng tho war and navy departments, in both buildings of which many interesting rel ies, of the war may bo found. Also tbo na tional otservatory, whore visitors nro per mitted to inspect tho mammoth telescope and other Instruments when not in use A large ball Is hoisted ut tho top of the ob servutory und preclsoly at 12 o'clock, noon, each day It W dropped by electricity, rfnd vlslblo over tbe most part of tho city. tne congressional burying ground, sit uated about a uillo above tbo navy yard, is a beautiful place, in which aru burled many honored dead , the military luyluin hospital for tho lusino, and many other places well worth visiting. Our letter", from this plsco havo been so much ttiken up with docrlption of places if interest to stmo that wo have said nothing of WMh aton ,, and we have now neither time norfunce to do so. ith tills lottcr woclosoour sorles of , ... . . "pencllings by the way," with which we have Inflicted the readers of Tax tin for the pat thrco mu"thf nnd having no furthorusefnr MomrrVjtimr-wblch w.s but a transparent ono at best will drop tlio snino, and subscrlbo, Instead our ow;i signature and say, farewell. Sincerely, Jewett. FOR THE LADIES, Turbans horo as on Broad way,aro tho hats for Autumdlwcar. Fashion says that misses shall wear tartan plaid stockings this winter. The old stvlo of cap crowns for bon. nets is again revived, but docs not bid fair to bo a favorable style." Tho black and colored corded' velvet oens will bo used a great ' deal this,' F,all and Winter for'fcutsido garmonls. ' Suits of dark cloth, trimmod with bins folds of silk and friugo, will bo tho most popular street coitumo foi tho morning walk an J shopping xpcdltidn. Thoro.wlll bo few ruffles or floun ces used (in full costume., and these will be scant as to fullness. Tho tendency Is to plain, long skirts, with much trimming. A correspondent says flss Nilson "docs not pat liko a fino American lady, with her fingers on tho very tin of tbe fork," but 'bandies knifo und tork with freedom nnd vigor, nnd violates all tho de crees of fashion in holding the fork ut the lnwerend." The latest fashionable folly In Knclnnd is Cor Indies perfectly sound In their limbs to imitate the lameness of tbe Princess Alexandra To render tbo imitation more (asy ot performance tho heel of ono shoe is miiau considrabiy lower than liiat ot tnoo.ner. 1 bo gato thus produced is known us the Alexander limp PERSONAL AND GENERAL, Massachusetts to Ben Butler "Shoo, fly!" . B. ho did. Tho negroes of Wnhlngton, Ga., nro in a stato of chronic revivalism. John Pope, of Snnoca, III., was kicked to dea'.h tho other day by a vicious mule. President Thiers 1 as ordered that thn private rail WMy crs of Napoleon be fixed up tor nis own use. Parcpa charged $2 a ticket for hor Cos ton concerts, and it tok but a very short timo to count up the money at tho box offico after the concert was over, Dicky Tillery, a twelve-year-old, of iidgecomb county, is orin Carolina, is uc Hverlng lectures iu tho hnll of tho house of renrcsentatives at llalelirh. He is said to be quite an orator. In Europe, Olivo Logun says, the wo man suffertigo movement is generally classed with mormonism. If Olive is right, tho Europeans display a much more accu rate knowledge of the case than they pus ses of American affairs gencrully. The following appcl appears in the advertising columns of un English paper: "To Christians A young man, never having the blessing of tho uso of his limbs through being set on wet grass, earnestly solicits 42 postage Etnmps. In return he will send, free, six best nickel silver tea spoons nnd tongc to any part of Londun. THE WUODHULL. A NOTICE OK TILTOK9 UIOaUArilY. t-'rom the UoMon TrTeller. Th.'odoro Tilton has written a lift'of VictonuO. Woodhull, which, for blasphe my, indecency, and lunacy combined, has probably never been equalled. Slio i gruvoly declared to bo possessed by tbo eiilrit of Demosthenes, who, in bodily lorm, appeurs to her, sits by her side, und dlctutes those fearful und wonderful iironuncinineiitos which flow from her uncoiibcious lips, nnd aro taken dowu by ono of her hutbunds and given to tbe world in print. Sho Is declared to have watched unceasingly for ten days and nights, without rest or food, over a sick woman, till tho latter was restored to health ; she herself growing ull tbe time fair und etbcriul, und her fiesh wearing u look of transparency, thus leading her to believe, ttut ut last in this way will the mortal body bo refined away, and tho soul only remain. Sho is declared to huve held to hor bosom in u seven hour trnnco ibo body of hur dead son, till perspiration broke from his clammy skin, und the child came back tollle, and nor veracious blogru , . 7, ."i pber ndds that It is " her belief that the Bpirit of Jesus Christ brooded over the lifeless form, and rowrought the miracle of Lnzatus tor a sorrowing woman h sake Her " marriage " to hor Second husband. and her support under tbo same roof of her 11 rat, are t rented us exhibitions ut mor al courngo "for which sho hus received not so much censuro on earth as I think Ao will receive reward In heuven." And lo crown tbo nbsurdity nnd wickedness of this dreauliil production, tho author uy: '"lwico (assiiounsiiuKeniy beiives) sho lias seen n vision of .lesus OnrLt- honored thus doubly over St. Paul, who saw his Master but once, ami then was ovcrcomo by the sight. ' Verily, since the red handed utlicIsM cf the first French revolution elevated and worshipped n harlot iu tho place uf the God of heaven, there lias been no parallel lo the deillcu tu.n of Victoria C. Woodhull by Theodore lilton. lUDlCAL l.SOl'.TITL'UU. Prom Ihe Cincinnati Commercial The military scrv ces performed by tho present holders of P-iderul offices in Cov ington, Ky., woru not very remarkable. Neither the Collector, Assessor, nor Post mustor took part In tho war. And there lives in Uovington u Keiituckyiaii who uugni ior me union, inure man onco uis Ingiiisning nimsuif ny personal gallantry -bclni: tho first man over tho enoini's works ut Arkansas Post, wberuhncantuiGd a ling with his "own hands a Kentucky- inn wiiu uuiiuomiucu n urigauo in tho Vicksburg campaign, and after rfard hold lnir imnortunt commands, rendered ,11 in. cult und useful service a ICuntuckyiun who was by tbo wur.roducod from afilu enco to poverty, and who, by his vigorous executiun of tbo orders of his superiors I .....I .. .. ..tniL,,lln... ..... . ' IIII.UI1CU nil v,ihviuiiii t Ruioiiub Ul lilt) animosity and hatred of the rebelelemnnt. This man Is now in Covington, poor, nro lectod, his wlfo 111 with a lingering disease and ho would be sutlering to-day for ilia want oi too necessaries oi tnu it jt woro not for tbe Keneroslty of a few frlomi. This is a statu of facts that nocds no com ment. Can it be uisregarded with imnu- ..tio rri ... ... 1 11 l.n ii , . . Ilivy i iuoio nm uu uu iryuuiu in Obtain. lng tho name of the hero of Arkansas Ton THE LATE IT. At tho millinery oncnln York, lust Friday, ono of tho most no ticed features was a chapcau inudo of ro al purplo velvet, in thrco distinct shades, s i blending in tints that each is simply tho shadow of tho other. Tlio ernwn wm 1 iltu high, and laid up in tofi pluits to tho nip, wni'ri) ii 15 Kmuruu in, loriulh ll partial bell crown, garnished with a combination of delicate purplo tips, surropnded with plnitings of rich laeo. At thu back driHipl a laco scarf, which sweeps down from tho center of thn crown. Strings of purple Bilk, with an edging of KnglMi thread luco: tbo high rnling front imiiiiiuu vrnn a proiiy xuctiiug ot silk INTEM'HtNYE, A FKMaui. i ICTtM. 1 1..,.. hrt I, -tit i l.i t.'ii.intii r, nl. Kpftt.&l Un Munduy nfu-rf ion a centlemnii liv- Inir in un urlUooratlo portion of Second 3. ....... .1. 1 I.!. ....I... cot Set out w -I'uruu lur n .viif, wuu 'md been ubsont from homo slhco fcjiitur day. Going Into tho row of huts located between Walnut and Madison and Kmt and Flovd Street, 1m was fil ed with unu'. terublo anguish nt funding her in ono of tbdM dirty huts, oecupieu only b colored people, and evidently vcy much intoxi cated. All of hi efforts to liiduco byr to return to her home and tobersix children, with which thoir hiarrlugo has been blcssod, wcro unavailing. The woman bntroatod to bo let alone, or else bo permitted to go whore sho never would bebold.bls fuce nijiiin She had on her person, tho sum of $300, which sho stated would tflko her whero she pleased. A carrlaco was sent to tho door and an officer, whoso usslstutica was required, wont Into tho houso and finally pcrsuiulcd hor to return to iho homo slio bad not scn, and icrhnps had not thought of, since Saturday, ihe was placed in tho carriage, nnd, In rnmpany yith tho officer, went buck to licr ramuy, out not v.itiiout imploring to bo allowid to go unywbero olso. The appoaruncoof the woman is preposnisslng in every respect ; above tho nvcragu size, she is splendidly formed, in nflltient clr- . . uli... ai.... i. r... cumsiaiiccp. m iiiiv niuuu iuuiu is iui ibis woman's strange and disgraceful con duct cannot even bo guescd. Tbl adds yet nnothor to tho long list of crime from drunkenness. Here is a womnn ol peron al beauty, high position a mother surroun ded by her children dragged down below tho level of :i brute, and involving in her full husband, children and loving friends. And for what 7 Let who will answer. ARIZONA, OUTRAGES BY MEXICAN BANDITS OO V. PAFronn's ExrtoniNo tarty n no c tii, ETC. San Fkancisco, Oct. 1. Tucson, Arizo na, advices to Sent. i!3, say that thero l no protection to life or properly on the Lower Gila. The Mexican bandits are mnrderinir tlio white und Mexican resi dents indiscriminately, and running off cattle by tho wholesale. Martinez, the noted bandit, ran 125 Texas cattle off from ono drove. Ho was pursued and the cat tle recaptured. Martinez was supposed to have been mortally wojnded. Gov. Salford and party arrived nt l'res cott from the great exploring expedition, on Sept. 23. Great suffering existed from drouth in Arizona. Gen. Crook has 60 Mexicans nnd 30 Indians scouting against tbe Apachecs. II OM E. (Frtm Ihe Jlden Age.J Cominc homo from a summers vacation, und finding it the pleusantcit placo in the world, wo wonder that wo were ever fool ish enough to run awy from its comforts, nnd pay enormous sums for inedible food, cramped anddingy rooms, bad company and intensified disgust elsewhere. It was foolish, per Imps, the going away ; but it Is onlv bv doini: oolish things that we learn tobowisc. It cives us change, however, and that is something. It tired us of nov elties, and that is moro. It rc-diicovered homo, that is most of all. It corrected our estimate of the relative valuo of quiet and excitement, here and thcie. It tills us with content, and now we como back, and Inf.. ,I.A .11 (i... unit . 1. r. t.Vi t ll .1 accustomed duties of life with added in terest, freshness mid onl ivmont. It make u realize that after nil there Is no place liko home; nnd sol about making it more nttruciiveand beautiful undeatulying, with new cntuuslasm and zeal. A youne wifu in Troy cured her husband of u dispovtioa to absont himse f trom homo ut night by providing linn with an excellent dinner, und string to afterwards: ''George, If you ffnd a sweeter spot than our homo dcicrlhc It to mo and 1 will rival It it 1 dio in the attempt. ' A ki'ssand a few tears completed the vh t.ry. KKUVOUS DEHILITV, IVUIi Hi Klooiny allcnilniifN, low aplr IIh' (Irjir hhIoii.I -iolniilary rinN Ion. li-ior ki'iiien, hprrniiilorrlior , Ion ol no MIT' ll.v II H.I. IIIHO os iiiPinorv iiikI tbrentf-iirl ImiirU-iirr nnd IMIic rllltH, mid n loverrlirn cure In liuiu iihrcy's lloinropullilc hjiecllle o t'trcly-clKlil. Coinpu.iid of iho m ! ralua bie inlliT ma ntpnt ursliTen, ihe) trine on 10 at the rout ot the rnnttor, tono up tli 6t Inn. arret tlimlcharsM, anil Impart vl(;or nil n5rjy, llle and iltalt) to thn enure mull. Tnnj htveeureil,is nf capn. Pni'i-, ij i'ii packiRfnoI fire on and a nrjjr 12 rial, whloh i vcrjr Impoitai iu ib-itlnme or old i ue, or tl icrsinKi on. do i uj hi, urn'iM., udj rein i'j mini on iceip. ui price. AiM'fi, ini-npiiri-f' -iit'iitlo Hmneupathiu Mdlcln-? Co., .W2 Uroid w:'y. !'-.V. . P. SU11UII, mimiMi ownwiy eni. , mm, min-n H'l.MJ AMI I.ltitJOIU. icccrisoa ronii stocitrtrrit Itocliryrr nnil Wholesale Iirnlcr I'orclK" ami lioineillc r rrJTr T o tTriA-'irc- Tjrpn U U Kb, WJjNPib, hlL. No. 78 Ohio Levkk, BraiiioruiD IIlocs, OllUO, ILLINOIS. Hi: keep on hand conntanily a full slock oi M'l Kentucky Bourbon, ilye ml Muuoiikh i.ei.i Vh,nkie, Trench llrindien, llollaml Olo, ltniiieunii Diilnorni Wines. ) u:Mf WM. II. SOIIUTTKH, Imporlor mill VVIkiIcnuIc Denier isi WINES, LIQUORS, mi TOBACCO & ciG-Aias, Acntfonlie host brauds of. CUEAM AND STOCK ALE, IMl ImporUil Alen nt Illirerv'nt Kind, 75 Ohio Leveb, tf CAItlO, ILLINOIS. S. WALTERS, HARD and SOFT LUMBER y 61 eiery description, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTS, DOOltS, SASH, BLINDS. ORDEHS SOLICITED. Steamuoat Lumber, Kurulshed on shortest notice. ' Commercial. nv, hot. 10th and llth-sts OAU10, ILLIK: ;). SIMILIA &1M1LIUUS CUltAXTTll in'm'iniiry.s HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVE proved, from tho most ample etpi-r-., lire, nil ii'iulro KiefO'S; riunp i Prompt r.laeicnt mil Hi lull, n. Thev itrn tint ,,,., cn,H i. ui.iii rm in popnim u-i o n,,,. ic iiiiii inn uhvh I'tiu tin if innna in tinitm ihfi ! Inirinlo-" to lefren from ilmiK,.r Bll, , lilulo ln l be nlitnvn r Ti'iblo 'limw (i lllirt Ii vrnri coiiiimiiilniiotii frum nil, nnil whl ii',ii nnder miilnelion. r.0". tVnu. I, uiirt-i ififn.n ni-t "O, ir.nnmtnnt fin. Vf, ,11111,, wor.ii I lor, W" m ciilii- -.8 ryltiir ciil c ortfethlnitol inlnnt-... Illrrliiien. of children nnd nclult,..w iiyM'iiirr.v. KiipinK.b'lloUB collo.'A S'liolpm-miirbus, vomlilnit ,ss (.'Iiolrriu i olds, bt-dneliliiin Xcur. Iirln. tooiliiuln., foi-neli m'tiii . ii SlriKlitrlK'u. slek hotilnclm, vrttli202.' lyhtrtsln' Ii.Uoiim stoiimdi. ...,.2i N,iir'Hsoil,i)r pninnil pcrioil....aA Wliflm.loo ir6fns inouii 'ii S'roim. I'oiioli. difficult brriilliiiitf'i. NnHllliiuiii,.J!,rtlK!lf.Krutti4nr2t llliriliiiutlHiii rheum lli- piiiun t'rirrnsia Ariic, chill leer,KunW Vllvn. hllnd or IiIopiIIiik .... M dlMiiiiirniy, nnu iioro or rnk cjrrfW t't fSrch. ai-ui or I'lironlp. InMn.nniL'. M'tioopliitr-t'oiiKli vlolctitcouxluio niiiiiiis, iippitjru urrniuilli w niHrhitrsea. im aired lipnrmvU, Ncrofuln cnln ired jtlands, weil nu60 Slnirrill lletlllll)', phynlcal Mfak n. , , Mi ii 2S, " IlrOiay anil neanlrSrcietions fto mt ' Hon NIcklirvN -Irkiiinf frnni rldln t,.i " Itldiicy-IllHcnKp (lr,ivel. ,V a, " prom 11 nisisf,' Kninlnul itio,. hmk.I'ivo iintarT 11 rei.nruen. .1 m ritilloSP, wit 0110 Si vml of powder ,'ry i'r vii-ury In ncnom iuhok.S Wi H), " Kore .Ho 11 Hi, i'H,Wcr ,vi m, " I rlnnrv WciiUii n, wetlliiK UmI.XO i, iiimiiii i;ri,i,m, wnn "pnnil..,; Ii " Mlllcrlnuii. tilMoan of 1 fn 1 mi :u, " i:iili,'iy.p:nm, .VituiMdnci-.l 00 n, jfiiKHcrinuic, eraieii uro thr nt u; Of 35 lo 0 lnr( vlnlo, mororro nr robots ,i,i,l riiM- roiilaliiliii; 1, tlMTllli lor cit'rv iiikIImiii'V iIIh. t A AI 1 1. 1 LAMLl. rnocnrntnll.r laxiilijcei ii, nnil hoolin orillr,' II01IH..L Iiom Sloto-.", .-111. II r s niiilly aud 'I rntt'lliiu ca 1 . zu 10 as un, 11, in ns 10 Hn Hp olllc lor nil l'rltiiti IMHmri, I xith fur CiirtiiK nnd nir I'rrtrti 1lp irmtnitLi 111 rmUaiid pocuct Ciueii '.' lo 5 rU.Mi'rt KXTKAUI' C irr Uuriii. llrutncn. Laini-ni'ii.. Soranci. 80 rt- I hrol, hiiui i, Tuouluuli., lluutliu, tiuuraltfia., i.umi'ngf, ni", iimi, tsiini,'-, ioru l',)t-m, lllrrdliiiil lint I.UUJ., .N kh, Htrmi ,h, or of I'llen.UiiruS, rii"cn,, Oil Hurt. 1 leo, Coz., 11 ci.; t'l 't il.W'i liri, 81-75 Tlii'je rilil".ln, uXCepi lo lid a Flliwl, by the cn or Hlna.n box. are nt u nny p.irl ol Ihei'oiiiilrr, h)1 null or expn-f, nee of chhrgi-, on reclpl 01 tliv prico. Addrru, IlL'jll'llltriVrj'ril'lX'IHO HOMIIOI'ATIIlCJinmcl.NKCO. Offlce and iltpU, No, llroadway, Ncvf.rnrk. KOIl HII,K I1V V. HCUl'Il, CAIIIO, IIIh, aiigldro)tnwlr SPECIAL NOTICES. hatch 1:1,0 ii'.s 11, 11 it nvi:. Tbl imperii Hair Dje Is the tt.T the Wuaio I'erlccily Harmlc UelmWn and ItithtMi-iu. 'o dlnapenlntmpnt. No ltl.tlciiloui Tml or Un pleasant Odor. Th"(tjiiln W. A. llhlor llur lljre producei ImTIKDUTKI.V a rplendid lllack or natunl Drown. Doe not Bmio Ihr rikio, hut lfelh Hair Clui,SuII and lltaull ful. The only Safo md Prrfect Dye. Sold hj all ilruuKl't"- I'antoi y 1G Ilnnd rttrtrt, Nw York. lanjildi'OdiwIy ON MAHIUAGE. Enaya for Young Men, on rcnt Hoci. I l'.r and Abus, which inierfcro with Marriage, fnd rain th.-tiapplne of llidnaand", with mir means of relli-f for tne Krr'.nr; and Unfolunate, difacd and debilitated. Hint In noali-d letter enrdopeB, free ol charge. Addre, IIOWAKI) ABrtOUlATIO.V, No. S H. Ninth lrf M, rhlladel phla, 1' apM3ni COKSUA11T10A'. ITS CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE UY DK. J. II. SOiIENCK, M. I). Ulany almmnn heiritf m pu'"! away f"r w hoi dwith ihtro mi noi'thi-r ri'amjn than Ihu nettled orkiiijnmind liidlnpiiuitily pnircii uimniof cup-. Iho.ii near und to r.iiully und friend uro rlceiilnu tlioilremuleai BUulivr Inlo nlildi. had tlicycuiuilyuduplvd '11 ii. jusupii il ."(.iir.Ncic.'SijnriM.r. TltEAT.UlI.NT, and araMM thcmselres of hi rrnndf rfnlly efflca clotia medicine-, they would ti'il Imro fallen. Dr. sriienctt hn. 111 un own cu pniftii that hererer runieient TlUillly remnlm. tliai iluil- Uy, liy hla inedlelncs und liln dln-ctloni fur llielr u.e. If nuickt iieil liun liealthtul t lur. In thm matemenl th-rn la noldln prciimp tuoun. To tan faith of lliu Invalid H iniidti no repre.entatlon thut I not, a Ihnmatid tliuea .ub runtUtcd Ijy lirlnir and Tintilu ttork... 'II10 tnviry 01 1111, riiru 117 jir. acui'ni;it a nieiocini. lata ilmi'lo it. it It unfuihnc. II. ilillo'iliy ru qulrea nu ariiuuunt- 1 1 la clf-auurinv. ault-cun- ThBSca-Vced "Ionic and Mnndmln Plllaarnthn Erst two wrariha with whleli tlio citadel of thn malady Is iiwalled. Two third of the cne of ciibauraptlon orlttlnutu In UriM-p.laand a func- lionaiiy oiannioroi, utit- ii tin tin. wiiuumjh the bronchial tuoe "symimttiuo" with thn etoniucli. Trier reaixind to tlio iiiorbltlu uetlun of tlio hrer. Hcru then coniea Iho euliiilnatlni.' result, anil 1110 rviiiuv 111, nun u 11a uiitivn Iiij! ayuiploms of CONSUMPTION. ti, If unlink a rm. nro coninof oil nf onn of Na. tnre'aniilile.t Klll-thu I'.nliiiililllum I'ulUituin. 'I'hey hiih'ii nil tho blood-.eitrchlnif, itllemtlrii pruivillea of t.lumcl, hut, uullku caluuiul, Ihey "LI'.AVE NO KTINC lIr.II)., Tho work ff enrol now lieglnnlnir. Tho vitia ted nod iiiuoniMileiKialU In ilmliuwi'iannii in itio alimentary cuiml aro elected. 'Iho liver. Ilka n clock, la wound up. It amine from lta torpid ity. Tho Miiuiach new rcfuoriilvely.- and tuo pjllent begins to feci Hint ho U fcllln;,', nt Uit, A rsUPPLV OP GOOD IILOOI). Tha Fen-wecd Tonic. In conjunction with tltp Pllla, iierineutea and imlnillntea Willi 111(1 ioihi. Chyllllcutlon Is nw ir,iaresltm without It; pro vidua torture. DlirMthm tocomea liilea.and th euro la aoen to l. in litmt; 'I "ero lino luoro fljtulenco, no uiacurbtl,ii vt tho Humaclu An "'jVowniuie tho Rrpritoct niood Purifier ever yet clven byitn Imminent lailier to euUvrlna- man. Scbenck'H l'ulmiiiilo tirriipeiime In to perturni lta function and to liiUii und coinpletii Im cure, it enter ni onnj ui'''n ".-i-. c-irl not bo cheated- It collect a and ripena iho Impulrwt and lleBid iwrtlona of tho ItniK. Initio form of preimroa them for cxiKjctoruimii, anu lo In a very Miort tliuu tho maUdylvunqulhed. tho rotten throno that It occupied l ri'novnted und iimdnuw. und iho imllent.ln nil Iho dlnnlty of renamed viuor.stppj lorth to enjoy tho luuiihyod or jtouianhoud that wua nivr.N up as i,Of)T. Tho tocnnil thlnir Is, tho pntlnt mint stay In a ..... . ..HI l,..v t',.1 tve I I It I U lllll.t till- inalblo to prevent tiiknir cold when tho Iunks aril diseased, but It mut hp prevented or 11 cuio .in ii, ,t hn int'ttcil. I "i i-uli ulr und r'dlnK out, ctni'cUllr In IhH tctlou of tho oountrj, tin) fall and winter neamii. uro nil wronii. 1 nji- ,1 , . clumwli I ecoinnit'iid tnutcourso loiuiueir li- St it llenn, If "iieir iiimki uro ouuix iumvm-ui huh jn. Li'Ciuuo IIil-t urn In Iho Iioumi tlifjr must nit It down nnlct; therm"'twlt BrJ""t11,,n,0 rom noieii ntui tho f trencth will bear, to net up a liood elrciihitlon of blood. '1 ho putlem mini keep in Knott plrlt-ho cetcrmlned to Ket well. Thla liua 11 Kreut ileal to do with tho uppo llte, and la the until point to pain. To despair of euro after a uih evlrtcnco of Its poMlblltly lit tho wurst ciit, ami moral cer tainty In ill other, la sinful, IJr. rWhcnck'a per aoniil statement to tho euuultr of hla own euro wua In tUeao modest word 1 , ".Muny yeura uun 1 wu In tho last stwrc of conaumptloni contlned to my bed, und ut pno timo my nhyalelaus tlmiiKht that 1 could not live u wecki theii.llku 11 drowning mini eiitelilnK ul tniw, I heurdnf and obtained tho prepunitlona which I now offor to the public and lliey niudo a pertcrt euro of 1110. It acemed to mo thill t oould leel them penctiuto my wholo aytteni. Tliuy soon ripened tho mutter In toy lunm, und 1 would spit up moro thun u plot of oiienalvu ellnw matter every moriilnir for u Itmu tltno. "Asaonn 11a Unit hCKttll to autmldo, my cough, fever, luitns. and nluhi aweutaull beaan to leuvo me, apd my appctltu becauiu ao cruitt thut It wua wlthdllDculty thut I could keep irom eutlnii too much. 1 soon Kutncd my ttrcntith, and huvo grown In llosh ovor alnco, "I waa weluhod ahorlly after my recovery," added the Doctor, " tncu UmklnK llko u mero akoletont ray weight waa only ninety. aui pound 1 my preaent woiiiht la two hundred 1 twonlr-nve (ill) puunda. and for yeura I huve .SIIVL'll Ld and huve en joyed uninterrupted heulth," . . . , Dr. Bchonck hua discontinued III professional visit to Now-York and llostou. He or hla son, Dr. J. II. Hchcnek. Jr.. atlll oonj nuo to ' tlenta at their omce. No. 15 North Blith . H trei. l'hlludolpWoveryHaturfarlronifA-MitoJi o"rdlfelohVf.?rkln the medlclnea ar ,lrtaP?edtotHJ.!?UOT nro 1. f f?" .l vi;.i' "re,n nf.i.i.tim. Of rcturulnii i'ei'lh, hunger la tho moat welcome, aymptom. When It coine. na It will eomo. let too despulr Inirntoncohiiof (mod cheer. Jloodhloodatimco Pillows, tho cmuth lonson, tho nluht aweut I abated. In 11 short llnio both of theso morbid ayniploms uio gono forever. llr. HchuiRk'a luHdlcliif nro conftnntlykept In ten of thousand of tuuilhea, A a hiiiitlyo or purtrutlvu.thuMundriika Pill aroustandiird pro. partition 1 whllo the Puluionlo Hyrup, us u euro or eougii und ciujj, Cllll j, may bo returned us a pro. , consumption in any or IM rnyiacp r(0 ugulnat I'rlcb of, tlvj' Pulmonic Bymp and Boa-vsccd Tonle. Sl,&hit DoiUu, or JO a half doson. Man. ilruke I'm.. i: o uta a hvx. I vt sale by uu drug. reri'SScSptlt"; thut,n aomoea liro Slundniko 5!,n; ro to iia taken In Incroiised doseat tlio tl reoiiiodlclneaneed no other ueoompunlnienta i'ajhi.y inu-3:iiir.s. LOUIS ,J oil OENS EN, iJudnrlnfi'! kind, of STAPJ.K AM) J'ANCY I'ai-wer'H Yimt mill hfnMiiic win: at cirno- Cor. W.isliingtou-nv and Twcntictli-M., CAIUO, ILLINOIS J27Jlf CNnHUTAKKIIM, NICHOLAS KEITH, GENERAL UNDEItTAKEIt, 1 P.. 5 HH c 5 is tor. M'naliltiKioii.rii.nuiI lllb-t., CAIIIO ILLINOIS. Srgiirn V,'. 0. CARY, 1 I'llINCI PAL UNDERTAK KH, jT S y. .s ? . 2 S i - : a is 5 .J t i i Hi 51 ? CO r r w CO & O 1- k - V. . 11 c v 1 1 2 si r SO - 1 X k5 a SALES ROOM, No. 13 SIXTH STRE CAinO.ILLIVOIS. ooui.; HTOVK. THE TWO Moat Sitrre s.ful, f'oplilnr nnd Vertetl COOKIITG MACHINES Of the period am our wdl-knawn j-ST--'' aD EPICURE BROILERS, Ilothare of the. almrie.l construction, an acl easily-managed that wc guarantee tiiemtogive 'I ENTIRE SATISFACTION. Anno nrtlcle in Ihe household has a ur'nter ln-1 flurnco in nrninollnr the health, comfort and l,n-4 nine.M 01 mo lam ir cue r loan inn cmiKiiiea ntore, it ta economy a well as policy tOKeuma very Pes esi; and in uyingtue CHARTER OAK Youcanreljr on sjsttlng tho most ncceful, p ulur and peifret cooaiug aiovo ever made, tislnj; the Ki'ictni:, You nre nlwnj niroof having Juicy, Tender nncJ lieucioua iieeisiaue., cn'eaeu, iinui, iviivi' etc. Excclnior Manufacturing Company, 812 and CM N. Mln-at.,Ht. LouIh, Mo. AND ALL LIVE HTOVH IlKALHI. C. W. HENDERSON, Agent.1 Cairo, llllnola. neplMnwIm9 IKMITN AMI NI1IKI. WILLIAM EIILERS, Kashlntmlile HOOT AND SITOE MAKER, TWENTIETH 8TI1EET, Iletwccn WahmBton ATenue and Poplar Stietl CAIKO, ILLS. Hoots and Shoe Made lo Order. Pine Workmen Employed. Batliifactlon Warranted. Patronage Hollclled. CITY SHOE STORE AND HOOP SIQIIT FACTORY OLE aacxer roa "BEOLASKI'S" CUBTOM-MADR n n n rn a 1 vn Dim V. S il i ) w w a t : .1 w J w omnicrclnl Avenue, Corner of Elglitlj Nlreol. Caiiio, Illinois. rAKTlCUI.AK ATTENTION PAID TO ALL OR? runs foii iioorsKirtTs and hhoeh. roii.N'iiui rn. I. & E. GREENWALD. MAM'rACTUkiua or cam Engines, Hollers, Flour ond Crist Mills, Buw Mills, The "Tuppor" Patent Orate bar, U VOlUS'SH Kit (lVC:tir, 1'1'UTJ.IICI, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Kit B itltl.v aai . tl. T nun ihi'h. tiva uu uenivrs, iTfliliwendt!