Newspaper Page Text
0 " 7 IMILIA fc-LMlLIUUS U'ltAiViTR ! iiiMiiint:;y'N lOMEOPAT.iio oi'KOIFICS rAVn proved, from tlm most etnjli" esper leu , n in Ire iurci"M fillip l'rnn jit In ('fit nnd R I nlil, I Iipv nc iho only hum). nam. if II v In iioihiIhi tl-c eifn. tllfil inlatnbft. i'miii.iiI ! tnaite In UfllU tliem Iminli-M na in Ln fie from dnt'Eer, mid ao Kin Im to Ijo nUnya rillnWo ' "', '" ' tlm li gf . rnminendntion from nil, and will r larcnuer eatislact jn. Cents I .i.. iVtrrv.RonaMl'oni iinmmt on. a " Worms-, worm lifter, wo m coliO....i'S " rj Imk colio urteeUilugat MilmiU... Illrrllora. of clilldrert nml iiiIult...;M ttyitrnlvry, k'njiitiK. ii'iwus collc.W " 'holeri'iiiorlii) -vomiting..... a " Iilcr. colds, lironchltiis " jnenri item, loumicnr, mchv?ik....;m 11 llFiwInclio. nli'K tin t'lactif , mUgo-iA , " llv-aw-rii-sln' I.Iiohk loriicfi. iipnrrivMl,orMiiinil period4......!(A " Wlillc, too iirofiiM! p' rlo. ..,.., ,as " 'rAnp,innii, ililtloiili lr-itiinx...v.i " Null .thrum. Cryalfiela., Eruptions " llliriiiiintlsiii. rheum iv innm " vriiilI Anne, clnll leter.nuiies.-" (lira, iiiiotl or Weeding ..,...... 4ihtnf riiiy, n. sore, or weak eyes.Vi ii nrrli, wum or entente, Influenzal. Wlioolnfcl'oilKli lol!ntcottuliV A l li inn, iipitieii breathing u , I?1' 'MM-hnrKC,!!!! liirnl hearinx.Vi fcrrorulti ent ird glands, weil,nKf.W (Jnirrnl IX-Mllly, i.italcl .U w IlrntiK.t anil arnn'yHerritioiia u Hen Mokiir-Ni -icWs. fioni rldlu L. ltlliii'.lMn firntcl. , .. U .fron I) ll 1 1 1 ', seminal emit. imi- I ii.ltlntarv illsi-l.nria- f ia I ivrltoxM,wit one I J ml of ponder very im eaaary in aerlous vin',..!, ajt. Sore .lluiilli, ranker fi l.rllllirv fahiii hm, wetting lJ..M I'ltltilill tTlmls), wild spasms ... Miui-riiiK, tUmugenf 1 fe.. ...... 1 i:iillOiiNy,'atna,n Vit'juManoe.l tj ltlilliviliiiin, era'ed sore tlir at M; KA.MI1.Y :asKi. rilM'HIMHI TOM) t'Ollllllllllllf I'll lllllllly la MllljtCt lit, llllll ilix orillrn llmia . ... Iruiu 810 to V )) r iiiinlli'iiiid'l'riiti-lliiiriM e. t . ts . .... , ,.....iioni Ma to 81 t '..I l .r r I I'rltiito lllki'Mni'M I th for iirliii; and inr l'rc-ii. iltv Ireatin i.t, m Tiala ami poenct ui9 . .. .... ...H2 lo a I'UMI'b KXTKAL T i,t, Kuralja, Toclilif. i:na-h. Neuralgia. iinaiiim, L.umiaKO) rnta. lloiia. riliurs. htr. Ilie0inirol the l.unjt. S mr. ktnm. orari'ila, Unnia, I'loerp, Oil iora, l'.0lU..Mcli.i l'lnta 1I..V): Oiirlf. !!? Tlia rerniNliea, eicept I'orid a Kitiact. . nm),T uii ni w ii. n hut inngi ' Jillilrr. l null or rinra. tree of charge. Hit oi Itinnrie. Audreia . Jtl'llltr-Yn rPEClUC IIOJIKOI'ATIIIC JinDICINE CO. te anil Dry,t, Ho, Mi Ilroadwar, New-rorlt. rOlt BLK rtV P. f-CIUNl. CAIRO. Ilia. SPECIAL N0T1UKS, ii.iTciir.Mii'siiAinurc. 1 oprb Hair Dye la ttie anr tuTntWoaH- rii-'iiv iiarn iu ill n inn mam Diri u, ihji"j nunfni iio iii'iicuioua iiniaoruii' uni Odor. The a nu:n W. A- U-h-lor' llvM ninilim.. I U M V I 111 T V I V - ...ln.liri t l.w f I i I 1 1 ..... !..' ..... L' i . . .. llii vi u'iui ii iJiuvfii, inin iiv, oiniu ii" I.til IaAHA ll.l. f.... k.fl - n II . 1 1 1 The only Uiifij ind Prrfeoi IJyc. York. laroll.l.-o.llKlT ON' MAHUIAOE. . Q . , F- auukii miiuii miFiiern wilii Jimiiaur. ru me ramiineaa oi thoiiaan'ia.wnn auri la iif rellaf for tne Krrlnc atiu Unfotunate ,'ta ana atoiuuieu. njui in teaiea lene lopea, free oi ctiarge, Addreia, IIOWAItl JOIATJO.N, .o. S r. Mmh atreet I-hlladel. I'a aept.w3lll CONSUMPTION. 'CUKE AND ITS PKEVEISTIVI Y DR. J. n ''"" Ua,Jl.D. ianjr almraan Ueine liai p.iwd a war forwlioia 111 tuere was no oilier rviwon than lliu nealcct non and Initltpuublr pruten meanaot cuiv, jm i-ar ami dear lo faiulljr and Irli nda are t'lnt thedreaiDloa alumlr Into wtitcli.nad in. nil v uiit.i.iM.1 I. JOftElMI II. r'CIinXCIt,8SI3II,I.E TUUATJ1:.ST, t arallrd tbemielrei of hl wonilerf nlly eEca- r irhenclr his In hla own cumi provett that -rvferiKicKiuni viuuiir renjaina, uiai Tiiai bf hla miMlclnfl and hit dlrectloni fur thalr .If aulckenvd Into healthful Tlirnr. t ttil atatemant there li nothlnir prenmp- tia. To Him fault ,if lh Invalid la marft. mi (r.rnuuuii iubi la iiui u inuuuai mucs alio )ry of the euro by lir. bchenck'a loudlclnei walmpl atlttannfalllnc. lla phlloanphy re rya no ttrguineni. 11 U auif-aiaturintf, fruiixa dac. iie iKMUwced Tonle iinrt Iandrae rilla are tne y iu weapona wun wuicn ina ciuuci ui mo ady la Haaall1. Two llilrda of the caaea of sumption urttflnato In drroiplaiUKl a func lalir disiirdeied llTrr. Vllli 111 I a condition tnach. Tlier restnnd to the iiiorblflo artluti .lie lifer. Here then oomea IhuculnilnatlnK ill. and thu aettlna- In. with all Ita dlalreas- aymploBia of C0N8CMPTI0N. niiuifit (ClitA-tlitf riHii.!iiilutn iviuttum. jr iNtdK'Mi all the bl'Kx.nrthtnr, niter tire LEAVE NO hTl.NU DCIIINO.' nowvil f pi rum ii m (it-ii a. 4 . inn. land inucuu deposits In Iliubooelsand In tlio . I ( 1. Ti. . 1 1 1 . lentury canal aro ejected. Tho llrer, llku rock, Is wound up. liarousea from Its tiirpld ! Tlm sliiniucli nets reinalrelr, and Iho '.cat begins lo feel Hint hols. 'cumr, at lai A BUPPLV OF COOU HLOOD. lie Pea.weed Tonic, In ennjunrtlnn with the 'a, lainnceitos anil iisalmlliiu-a with the foud. Iltlnitloii la now pronrea'inir wiuioui ua pre. lis tortures, lllircatton lecomes iialnleis.aiid .euro Is seen to he lit li'iuU, Thero Is no ui'TO lilenco, no uxacvroulloii of ilio alouiach. All 'etlto eets In. kiwoomos thocrealcstninod Purlflorercryct en hrun liMuiuent futlier to autTertnif nan. enck'a 1'uIiiioiiIo byruiicumea In to perform funetlons unit to husten und coiupleto tho 0. It cittern at oneo uain Iu work. Nuturu , not bu cheated. It collects and ripens tho Mitred und diseased iioitlona of the luncs. no form of prepares them for Irctoratton, and lot In u wry short tlmo tho udy Is vanquished, thu rotten throne that It .upied Is rcnoTMtod und mads new, and tho lent. In nil ihodlnnllr of nuralnedvmor.ateps III IU VUJOy IHU IUIUIUUVU UI liVUiilUUUVU HIM oivr..v UP AS LOST. Va aiinnil llilni ta. thn nnllenta mnt star In n fm room v mil wsll i It la almost Im slble to prevent tnVlnr cold when tho lunm dlseused, but It must ho prevented or n euro I nt b effected, e'reah ulr and r'cllnu out, eclallf In this section of the country. In tho und winter aeasoii. nro all wronir. I'hyal. ia who reeoinuiend tliutcourao loru their pit jts. If their lunija aro badly diseased! und yet, Hiiio they nro In tho homo they muit not lluwn uuleti they must wulk about tho room much und lis fust ns tho atrcnutli will bear, to I ud Bood circulation of blood. Tho patients Ktieei) In good splrlta-botetormlncd to get I This bus 11 Breut deal to do with Iho appe. I. and Is tho ijreat point to Kiiln. Vi despair of cuw uftur auvli evldcnco of Its Islbllltr In tho worst casts, und moral cer. ur In 'ill others, Is sinful. l)r. fichenck'a per iafautement to tho 1'uriilty of Ills own euro In tlieso modest, word. 1 Aluny years u," 11 i'n,ioi'i lo my physicians thought Unit I could not lira feck I then, llku n drowning mull uitchhiK nt llinillltlll I tluiilil.'H mi linn 111111 ii. i'iiu IIWS.l liearuiil Uiii imwiiirii tiiu i'i cr'Miaiuiio lch I now oiler to tho public, mid they mado irfeet euro of me. H aecmed to me that 1 ild leel them penetnito my wholo aystem. ('riion rllened thu nmtterln my luniri.iind timid suit up moro tlinii ii pint of oitcnslvo low matter ererr mornlnn for u Ioiir tlmo. lAaaoon us U'-t beirun to subside, my counh. 'er iialns, nna iiikmi bwciu.uii whim i h-uto i. a id my aepetlto bcniino ao uriut Uii It wna Ui difficulty thut I could keep trnni eKtlnK too 'eh. I POOtl KUiiiiTii hi aiiviia.ii, b.. ui.,u l In flnall MOT SlllCO.' I waa weighed ahnrtly after my recovery.- led the Doctor, "then looking- Ilka a mera iletoni my weight wm only ninety -aevun lindti my present weight Is twiiliiunlred and 'ntr-flre (Jii) pounds, and fur yeuiu 1 liuvo en led uninterrupted houltli." Or.Bohenck has dlsoontlniied bis profeailonftl (Its to New. York nnd lloston. llo or Ids ami, i j, II, HclioueH, Jr., (till continue to s o pa. 5ita at their offlco. No. 15 North tjlxth Wreet, llladolphiu, every Baturdur I ruin U A.M. to a P.M. 'use who wish u thorough examination with j llesplrometer will bo charged 14. The Ites. Inmeter declaroa the oiact cuudltlon of, thu ill's, und patients ran nudlly learn whether iy urn curublo or not. ,'fie directions for taking tlio medic nes nro 'inlod to tho Intelligence oven of u clilld. ! !- theso directions, unti Kino nuturo win an uiq eicoptlng that In aomo cases tho M.ii'ilriiki. lis aro to be taken In Inmviif ii tlo i-ee medicines need no i is iiii iho amplo ll 1 ' hul uiconipuny pmi Hrat crcu. upiwv o. )f roturnlnij alth. hunger Is the moat wolcomo symptom, hen It coiuoa. ns It will come, let tho despair. I nt once bo of good cheer, liood blood at onco ilowa, tho cougli looaens, tho night sweat I; :,imi in u abort tlmo both ot tueso morbid ia of thousuniH of fumll les. Aa li lax.ltlvq or riiiitlTO.thoMandrako I'lliauroaatandt rd pre. ration i while tho 1'iilmonlo rJyrup.ii a euro u ...I nnl.1. m.ivhA rilfrarilnil na a ritfl. itnt.i. In iiir illiat. rl.llhUtlinLlOll 111 UI1V OI ILS rio of the I'ulTionlo fiyrun and Bca-wecd THE rnuw 15 TT r r Pfm v j fnlillcnllon Ofllcr, Itultcllti lltilldlag, Wn.ltiiKtois Avenue. THE DE.MOUItACi'i THE IMflTT 01- T1IK IT.0n.K. Ocn. hwiog, of Ohio, closed n recent f-pcccli with tho following tribute to the Ucmocrnttc rmrtv! " In thl contest tbri Democratic partr I tho tword itnd buckler of tho paople.' It hu fought tjvory 'Minting buie, and tr ed tonppljaToryppronrIaU Jeinody, ihiiugh aotiititlmes controlled by.knoTery itnd rnckod liy dlicord nd by war, it hit kept the fulth In the fnjoplo and fre cot. enimenl, which Jetfcnon, iu clorlou npoatlc, titiiKlit. It reprcont no faqtioti) bill the whole people; no lection, but tin whole world. It I not a White inan' party nor u blnck mnnV party j a poor muri' or a rich man' nartw. Ii la ih. people' iiHrty, It will fiimpla on "no tn K k ...1 .1..... j :' . i ." . ' .., nu piru no man jiroierenco before mo iaw. stands rnr iimi rmreii Hwiiia of the pcoplo mid iitatet, bcctiUse liberty dwell in them. It I Jcalou of ory cx(enlon of federal power, became the pntli to coniolidatlon Icaiji on to deajnotlim. It flchttfor onialltv aualnat Tirivfldrin detnocraoy (lnit aruteracy govern. niciii oy mo uiuoi, againt government by tho dollnf hud the bayonet. It look to tho people, and tck direction and trcnglh from them, whencn oome the Inspiration of evory groatroform. And It now oinoclully call on the mute of the Hopubllciin and labor partlci tho " plain people," who aro Inte rolled leait in mere party trluinplu, and most in tuch nieaa ures of reform a shall glvo to the work Ing man tt fair hare of tho wpaIIIi ho ere--nte, while laying on him only a fair harc of tho Just burden of government to help overthrow thu Itepubiican party, all of whoso policic lend to strengthen, ex empt, and exalt capital ; and weaken, bur den, and degrade labor. ar.WKRAIi AOEIfTR. IIALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS, I'OnWAKDINO and COMMISSION XEKCDA.1TI DEALERS IN FLOUR; And A anlsof Oblo lltver vBd Uauiainlia 70 Ohio Levee, CAIRO. ILLINOIS DO IT NT OK Eft. SAM WILSON, until ix BOAT STORES QBOCERIEB, PHOVISIONS, ETC., o. 110 Onto Lkyee, : : : : : :' Cairo, III, ospcaa raonrnr riniD, G. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No.78 0btowee, CAIRO, I LI. I NO IB. rcpeclsl attention Iglten ia ConalgnBiHil line orders. aUAH FITTERS. II. T.(GEltOULpj STEAM AND GAS FITTER A(DBBltRI UAl FIXTfJItEN, ' Oaa Fitter' and number1 material, Wood pumps, globe and ang e valve, atop coekfteliMckvvalfal,-!, ; , Ma aoit o ' Tun Brother) Patent Dry Oaa Meter And Morehouse, Wells k Co' Automatic Wat' Indicator and Uupply Valvo foratoim bailer. WINTKIt'a 1IL0CK, COMMERCIAL-A.VKNU1 CENTRAL HOUSE. Opposite the rnatotticf, on Btxth Street between WaahinKtonandComiuercial avaiuea, Cairo, ills. Thin home ha been thoroughly ovrr-htuled refiiinlalied nnd rrnovatrd, and ia now oeen fo ihf - eantlou of i"'at. Tho room are all lame CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER I-UKXITUMK. SAVE TWUNTX PEAOKNX By bujrlsfoar F"UBITITUBB EICHHOEF. BROS., i ..... iv tana FUKNITUKE FACTORY,. oa WavahtsaBtoH-aiv-7! 'MarrCMtasts' Honae i. f fay," CAIRO, ILLINOIf ' If. a-.- PLKKaW na.illn.. t ..!.. IA Itifnrm tha cltlteaa of Cairo that lhT are maantacturinf ail kladi f ifLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE And at aow on hand aid fur aaU.'at i 1 . . WkelaaMLla ttat Ma) tall, r II klnda, and will oatlnnt to ketp at thalr ALxt rook, nr thrir xiw vvitmso, Kvery diea-ptloa f afattp and' eotly tarairare, lacbaa rarv4 Btdftvsvia, (BTMarbU Tapped BarMui,' l i arSidUrds, Waahltasdl. . T Warirvbai, Sofa Chlri, aBofu ana UatraiM, ' 4TI0UDgia,ttc , ate., Wksth thay will f uaranta te aell TWKKTY PR CINT. LOWER Than thv eaa baboiiikt firom aav other dealer in th city. Git theia a call and Mtiify your. ei'. iriMtl IKICRA.XCE, w. n. MORRIS, NoUry'rnibllc, U. II. CAXUIk No. Pub. and U.S. Ccm. HULL, CARGO; LIVE STOCK, CCIDENT, LIFE, IXTSTTBAXTCUI JITXA, IIARTTOaUl, AU .... Assail.-.. Asapt Aaaeta.. i,5O.10t W NORTH AUXRICA, TXV o. BAETORD, COKN, ..I,Ms,2t0 7 PBUKU, HARTI-ORD, ..1,781,14s It INTBRV ATIONAL, X. T., Asset .......1,SM,3.1 17 rUTlfAM, nARTrORO, AtseU... 70e,i7 0 CLXTXLAIfO, CLtVILAJID, Assets... S1J,7 It HOUR, C0LUMBTJ8, Asaela 611,271 J AUIRICAN CKMTRAL, MO Asaeta . SiOO.fOO 01 CONNICTICUT MUTUAL LirR, Aaseta ..., .W,tJO,000 f TBATBLRR'a, HARTFORD, LI TIC AMD ' ' . ACCIDENT, Aaaeta. l.Mm.OOU ot RAILWAY rABSENOEns' AVBURAKCK CO., HARTrORD, Aasat Aaseta. , mi. .......T. 600,0001 INUXrBKDKNT, BOITOK, ...... (VW,IG2 frl SAFFORD, MORRIS Si CANDJ5E, 'o 71 Ohio aLajToe, City NatloBaf Bank, ' CAino. IliL. FljRE'AD MARINE 1 3rT S TX -A. IT O.B OOKFANIEM t NIAGARA,' N.'T., Ai$?t IIIINII ....l,43i),.le V dXBMANIA, V. If Asaety. AsaVta... Aaaels., iMtMtl(pafttt 1,0I,7Z1 71 aV?J!t' K' T.'i ..W.ICt OU ...7U,tU Ot- KirUBLICj K. T., , ;OopiprllDK the Underwriters' Agenoy. , , T0NKXRS, N, Y Asaeis ..871,4(4 IS ' ALUANT 01TT, Asset miiHfiiiiiiiM ii,, ..,,iH.iii.iiii FIRXMXM'8 XUND, 8. T., Aaset .878,(100 0t ' eiCURlTT, N. T. MARIN K, Asaata;-......-. I l.itt.M 0t rtTORIi. Dwellina?'. Komlture. Hulls and fJar O gpea, Insured at ra' a favoitble a uuml. pertnsnent eeurlty wtll warrant i aha I rtapacttully ask ot th citliena of Cairo, a i oi tneir patronaie PAUL (. SCIIUII, ID 3E& UGQ-IST, XEXOVID, NO. 108 COMMERCIAL e. AVENUS, ; -. ; -i. to WkltUlter'a Old tauatt. I ' ' .: 1 ' nl OrroiiTi A'tukkkum, Cairo, III. Ii- .! ,. Pay part IcuUr atle'ntloa o'Dlliaj ilTpafslclaD ' i, and family pr.aoriptloa. " 1 ' 1 i ..lJ ,)!'. X3Jk.ST OB ITIOHTi n ariBAi ALL PATENT MEDICINES worth harlnj. A(at fr t . uurMV mil tojiic Warranlsd th Ust Fartr Killer known la thl llasat.' ' l:' NO CUIIK MONEY REFUNDED. ata, HAJflliTOXYI BUOHU AND DANDELION, An txeelUnt remedy la all dlteasasef th Kid Dtya, equa-iy, aa goou or teller, than Hemkold's. aad.ler i In atoaay. I a La a inn roa Hnaaplirwy'a Hosneopatataile Hpe-clMcs. HIp wll Mlecttd tUek'or ' A FaaejrGtroda, Of trrr description eannt be srpaseea by aij eth. liabment ot tk kind in th city. DBI eOOBI. C. HAN NY. large stock. BROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, CHECKS, STRIPES, KKKTUCKT JEANS, EXTRA, cksSIMElis, 1 niiJ.2SJ-3STEIjS. BLACK ALPACAS AS LU.STER3, UROS QKAIN SILKS, POPLIN. LARGE STOCK OF. CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINO, Window abauslew, OILT BAKDI, NOTTINOHAM LACE DAMASKS. Ilia Entire H tax k Mw Cltvalas; Out AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CORNBR 8tU ST AKD COMMIROIAL-AT r!ro, IlUnola. aeptltf 1 OAS tlTTUtet. P. S. MURRAY, GAS AND STEAM FITTER HAS REMOVED 7R0M TERRY HOUSE , TO TH BRICK BUILDING on SEVENTH ST orrosiTX winter's ulock, CA1UO. 1LLIN01H. fTE ha greatly improred hla atock, and has A-L now on baud all kind of, CI1ASDELIER3 , llRACKXTH, rXNDKNTB, QLQRX4, HALL LIQ1IT8, rjriADKS. ETC HE HAS MARKED DOWN PIripE,S ,o th Invest living figure, and he Invite th i ' patronane of the puMle. T IIOTKM. CRAWFORD HOUSE, CORNER SIXTH and WALNUT-ST., (Kntranc on Mlxth-tt.,) ,F. J. Oakes, ) ' CINCINNATI, OHIO. OAKF.3, CADV & CO. PrniirtelitrH. COMMERCIAL nOTEL, ' COMMXRCIAL-ATXNUX, OFFOalTK t, 0., PAIRO. U.LS. . I if jonipn BATLHH, ; ; t 1'KOrRlXTOR. Till llOUBK 18 NEWLY Ftl'.NlBHID 6, 1871. COAIh CAIRO CITY COAL COMPANY. ICprPrd ti toppty austomer with th best '"' ' iuallty o, PITTSBURG AND ILUNOiS 0R.DJJn ' Hanida Broi.otaM, W OHIO cW.v"!!2t.l'2,,!" pwhiji. attentloa. " - tide tteatner at any hdUr. jnr. iuu aauimaua.' -willpn accoal alOar oeaatr , tWatEt.. TfHWAKE, ETC, 'A-II ALLEY,,. DEALER IN STAVES, Tin ad ITollaw Ware, Clothe Wriaien Toll nar, voai tioa, rirBnovei,airuP). " auvf ActcaM er TIN, ZINC, COPPER AND BH1BI 1KOW WAUfi. 1(6. 166 asMrigton-avnue, CAIRO, 1LLIV0M. aWTloofiair. Guiteri;, 'aad all kiaal flt work done at short t nolle. - : "-Ubldir i BOBKB. 'i S a a. a IMMiaflAfTT TICKETS. IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE, I Kor Sale FOR SALE, FOR SALE. J For Bale'iTOR BALK. Fare from LiTXitrooi, Fare from Lovdcndxxxt Fare from Glasoow, Fare from QuxxifSToWM TP CAIRO, ; t : t : : :.$4B. 2 0 Haflord, Horn A Can , Axeat. INMAN LINE Liverpool New-Totk ahd rhlladelphta Stcamsliip Company, caasa coiraacr with cxitid btatsCih iiitub QOTcaaaiEaTfl For.Crryin(r:tlie Mll. FOR PASSAGE TICKETS oa rvaruta iKroimTiox APPLY TO JOHN G, DALE, Act. lSllrondway, New York, or to II. Iloupt, Washington Avenue, Cairn. Illinois, ji PAINTER. MOORE k MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental ' A A BeearaUv Pancrkanariaia;, KaJjiala lua, otw.,- Done in the highest ':tyl !,tU avt t, aad a rate that dsly eoaipetlM. t I f . v anor ix rim uoubx, corkxx ox Sta RTRXfeT AND CMMXRCIAL ATIXUB. -r CARL L. THOMAS, r I prepared 'U do alt klnda of plain aad eraa - mental FAINTING, ' KAL80MINING, PAPER HANOING i siQjr :.BjiTi III, BTQ. At ngure wnich dery an eemrxtloB, aad la Mi,r - . .1 ,v ""i It 'ill 0J JV .t.iii , I hlljet sty) cf th paJuUr1 af t.. 4 -, 8H(j)P IN THEPEURY HOUSB, CORNRR Of COMMERCIAL AVKXUX i5i XIOHTQ BTIiEB'T.1 '' 11 . i Jl " ' JTil iipjSBwafnwasaaaftaw!. " LVaaaaaBvBaBBi JaK a. B"PaaaiL m' (- 'Nbb m - lM g" S" sr 3?!' z 11 1 g l 'So g 5 5 f ? S 3 P5 ? o 5 ca ! 1 s ( ? o o B mm es S . HAMHKBtl. ' ' -" " 1 1 i' : . J. GEO. S1EINH0USE, A"- , , - -.. FASHIONABLE BARBER'. y 1 I I I' I, Hit ,i) .V . 1 I Or. Stavat. and l'BUBaerlat- fati aUaarf stb f r xi I. ft eiksaea i Ml tm Lsillea' aad ahUdraa' ka!r aat aaU aaaa Roeed, elthar at tbe eke or at Ueir ewm aataea. mnva. BARCLAY BROS., RIO IiETEKs Ottko, Ilia DRUO-OISTS SARATOGA SPRINGS ta rett ttin AT BAXCLATl' 6RU0 STORK. rsairmipDmi, MOCKING BIRD FOOD Ata'ttiAav ra va wtraarr mim In . , At Barclays'. f CATAWBA )( eaurx ) PIL i CATAWBA Li OkAri ORi RAPE tJATAWBA ) i (oBArB PILLS AB AU a HBLBIBLav''atICINB , YBM at 'FROM XI BAT BtAVDa, A)jy'B i'?e'TB tHl-epp!r;'anrfr 'aala V ' ,'iaieUriwi " ( .1 ACAvit tV a ' I -a. . 1.. r iHII 1I0I1T1I AT " 7 Tmm BxUe ly tk filW tUtUe r Utxs AT. BARCLAYS'. "Extra Fivx Colookxj rKXnntX iMfORTlD Extbabts; pTHAix, TooTat and Vail Bruimxsj ItDIA. tpBBm Mubsbby Goo. a -aor- , . a - ri'iaom ni prjBB WHITE. LI AD a PUXS PaMVCH ziirc. Baas' grad ia lrg a teak ad ,v rly, vry kap: 1 r Ateoi Full Libb or Color, )U . UJ i . - i A ' 1,4. bbt Aia w ii: ralat Rraik, Liad il, 'walUwukViask. Tdn'artaai ' ' Yattllha'a'"' t.t'.?,'" 'aAi arie. lea avAVPAaa WluiW n,"i l A BARCLATa'. I- 'T -tt r ri ' AtTaU. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS B-A.1TJC. C1aartr Mavrek 1MB. 0I1JY NATIONAL BANK, CAIRO i rysaaat A. B. SAFFORD, fre.ldeat ( B. B. TAYI3R, Vlce.I'resi4nt F. UT8LOF, tkcraUrr and Traarf . aiapcNui T. W, BAkctAV, Can. OiiKaia, r.-MlBfaeaftaTa, PAViiO.tkaiia, B. Mi Ctia, V. r. Hauiat, faituva. f aa j Aaaaaait canal vast frvaa Tea. Ceeila Al waasia. fNTMKXST paid ea. tpolta at the laW'o) aUt X pajrcint. par, annua. March 11 and BepUaa B lat,"!tttrtal wlttidravm l added 1mm dlUly tola principal,! tbdtslta, thrly glvrak than compound laft. ' MABB1BD tWOMBK AND CRILDBIX MAT - i l-Jri SBfOSIT MONBT i I r in rtu oira bus cab' b'rav t. , OMaTry bukiaasa day trona.B. tolp.. aad Baturday aveaiBR lor HAV1K0 DKPOdlTB oaly, from to s o'clock. ' anOmr ur nvflLnn T..uH.r. THE CITY NATIONAL 1 CAtxe x,K.iaVia. 1100 00. I CAPITAL, Ksrrtsaaa I W. r. HALL) DAY, Prident ! 4. B.BAFF0RD, Cashier; f AIiTBB HTBLOP, Asslstaat Cashier. BiaBTBl Staats' Tatlota, Bsaiar H, Ciibi, ucstv TfHiia, w. i . inLiiaii, Obt, D. ViiUAautaa, Btsraas UlB,, 1 as oarreaa; arzelaa-ao. Calai aal ValUtt Mratae 1 imm Baaaht ab1 BaleV. TrvKPOHfTW reclTd, aad a gaaaikl kaaklak XJ kitala den. ' ; - ' FIRST,; ISfATONAL ,BAN& r -I JBW CAIB. iniT'Tr'' t f ' jt 1 o1 rr .a-!' 'lieif ? " '"e i-r DAMXL UKDT-PridBt ; " XOBHRT W. M1LLIB, VI-rrwUen N, BUQHBa, Caataf. , , ( I "' s,- ' HI u. " VlVl- "in .ii...ilri'a-iJ'l'1"' '' ,, H a. ..-.,! ' - r COLLI CTION8 PROMPTLY KAPE s 3 "I' - W' ai fNXCHANaBJ,' eeia, Unk"aIJ aad UattW aj,Biu tecuritiM bougM aaa; ia. , , late real AUaweat em Thai a Biaaaalaa. I ii 'I hi, nl ("'IT ' v JOB PRINTIKO. The Badaaiasdl areUU'r?r'tkV Uilti '.'' iMsaaiViBiuawiabi lta.lAilaaalieU aa aaoiK' ma4t)r, nT th kavi etyl et Ihe Art, aft weft UtttateV te th, Iveia fee aaaaUeat aard e aai v ta aaaaiaietn eeaieii aaa ai ariea wklah leave sylia ear aaaiaaaa aa a gbid MEDICAU DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. mVi?MthV,arJ5?ty' n.rt. ve time, heallh and an. tfu,wffiLt,Vt.l.,,ct nr eM ot dlo, la ny stag which they tali to cure. DR. RIOUAU'S DOLDEN BALSAM, Nos. land!, are A greatest alteratives kaewn, SR. KICHAU-a 0OI.DEN ELIXIR VAvSSk cil li!tf nd Mlt1n8nl " mdl. DR. MCMAII'S GOLDEN AKT1D0TB I the only reliable ditiratie. Thi remedies are not adreHlaari ia .... .n complaint, and benefit none. : bat rrnaranteii to effect a radical and spedd cut In all eaa for which ther ara recommended, when all ether treatmtBt ha failed. Tns of thousands yearlv recover bv thalr use. ho ha Inat n hnt beta pronounced aa incuiableby th txstat onr andlcal faculty. DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM No.-1, curae ulcer, ulcerated tore throat aad anlh.ora eye, cutaoaou eruption, copper loiored blotches, soreiea of the scalp, aorofola, a!,.. t. I. .a. .... . ..... i 1 " . ia tun zrvaieat renevrntor. aiierauvw ana Modd parltter known, removea all mercury from DR. RICUACB GOLDEN BALSAM, S?'i?: fH "'eorlal affection, rheumatism In &. ' 8 lmmedl--s rellefln all DR. RICUAITH GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, T!?iC Vi i'l (?ir M1 u1-,r3, derangement. DR. RICHAfS GOLDEN ELIXIR D'AMOUR. Armdlcal cure fnrnervnna af .1.1.111. l eld or young, Imparting energy with wonderful affect. Price 3 per bottle, or two for V. On rtcelot of nrlco. these remedies will be ahm. nod to anr triace. Prompt attention nald to all cerreapon'.ent. Noneyentilne without the name of "nit. RICHAU'S UOLDKN REMK0IE8. D. II. RiciiAana, sole proprietor," blown In alee of bottle. . Circulars aent. Trade sudd! ed as a liberal dls. comt. Addreaa, Dr. D. D, Richard, 221 Varlcknt., N.Y. ,"Bnd rrioney by express or order good through yonr Druggist, and you will meet with 'noosa ' el7dw vmes ot .. 3. SgBBIS, 42Q North Eloluli St., PlilUda Dobbins Vegetable5 A color and dressing tlint will not burn tho hair or injure the head. It does not produce a color mechanically, as tho poisonom preparations, do. It gradually restores tho lifA to its original color and lustre, by Bupjplying newlife and vigor. 'It causea a luxuriant growth of eofl, lino hair. 'The best and Bafest articlo ever offered. 1 'Clean, and Pure. No sediment ;Bpld everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS' ST. LOUIS FAIR. epjlaa OeU aad and Coatlauea until aGl. 4 su. 40,004 IX PREXITJBU. "SXXD XOR OATALOOUX. A. B, BARRETT, Prealdent, O.O. KALD, Secretary. ST, LOUIS TRACK, VAME, BUIINI8S AND LO CATION OX LXADINO WUOLXSALK AND RETAIL MOUSES. Theae of oir readerawhaeanlamnlata viaitlnar the Fklr will nleaae out thlaonf. and u It aa a rlernce, as ihe aelectlona have been carefully made and are atrlctly flritx-laa. . ART OALLXRT. Looking Ola, Fiotnrw Frame, to, Qeorg aa. uaraingmuia. nun airees. ARTI HCIAL ARMS AND LEOS. rte lat fre. Lewi Lockwood, Mt rin St, I ST. LOUIS ALE BRXWXRT. B(F. YouacA Co..SlSN. Comaaarcial at. 1 BAGS AND BAOOINO. B I. Chaae, IT, N Main street. (STAR) 1IA8KXT MANUFACTORY. OX Fleming A Co, 106 S Main. nanofvturr ot ' Star Daakala for Grain Laundry; Ao. BOOKSXLLXR A BTATIOKER. Seal for ealogue. JW Mcloiyre, No 4 aeuth 1 ruinairavs ' ST. LOUI BOOK A NEWS CO. WhoUsaleHtatlonera, Au 107 N Fourth rtt. booksellers tiaw ana genorai). Boule, Thomas A Winanr. 214 N Fifth. MILLIARD TABLES, LO0KINQ OLASSIS, Plctur Frame, Ao, Julius Balk, Thena A Co, 14 a 6th. URIDOE BUILDERS. M I Carter A Co, s K corner 4ih and Walnat 1 CARRUQB MANUFACTURER, Hear) Ttmkln.lUA tluNsu.tnStret. CHARTER OAK STOVES. Excalalor Manufacturing Co., 613 N Main atreet. CIDER (MISSOURI). , Green A Clark. 2000 Tine atret. cider (onio). Heary Elch, IMS a Seventh atreet. . , COWMXRCIAL COLLXOK. Band for Catalogue Circular. Jonathan Joats, ' ' I'reddent, coroe: Fifth and Olive. DRY OOODS (vmOLESALX A!fD RETAIL). William Uarr Co, cor 4tb A it Cbarlea: XXaiSe, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORKS. AlekrCroiler A Co, 1134 N Main atreet. XXOINES (rORTABLB-AND STATIONARY), otlen and Compreeaaa. fimith, Degr a Co, I . lOOilaln. corMorcan. UUNITt NITUNE A BEDDINO, (WUOLXSALE AND RETAIL. 1 'Ourtia A Xn,21 Waahlngton avenue. FURrrURK. (WHOLESALE AND RXTAI Sole agent fir Jone' Pat Bed apring. J II Crane, T . HO A 414 N Fourth atreet. FURRITURE, (WUOLXSALX VXD RETAIL). Sanford HScAUtt.nN :C .corner 4th A Locust, I - erancrt nousein niraei si. , aVJtSVJTOLS AND AMMUNITION. Tmporter and Joblier. II Folsem A Co, 20 A Mi N Main atreet. LUMBER (WHOLESALE). 6cBa.ll A qtil, aw cor Ith and MuVanphy. j Leather and shoe findinos. Sole Agent Anglo Machine Silk. Harvey J Ttt. 'I mer. V.'l N Fourth at. MILL! HE XT, STRAW OOODS, RIBBONS, SILKS, Ac, ImiUnr' A Jobber. wtrv Todd Co, 1 4W.NFourth t. FATXNT SOLICITOB, (U.S. AND FOREIQN.) fllBdlajA Pjsr. SEeorMh and Pine 8t St Loul 1 Mo, and Washington, DO. fnHrlilVa INK MANUFACTORY. BTaafrflattlat atrtiear Chouteau av, rfcAlLVtAT "MANUFACTURKXS' Bupsltei, Iron i A "W'qo1! Working Machinery, jupa, LnaQKipe l.M'.il roum aiiin iireci, BCitLKB, (FAIRBAMKB STANDARD.) rairbaaki, Oreenleafa Co, S04 Wtahlnaton at- SEWLXBiMACIIIHES. (MOISXLXaS). Villeoaaad.aibba.3dN Fourths , aTONXWAKX AVD FIFE MANUFACTORY. r or apaaeducu. lower ann culverts, bt Louu r't0B,wroOo,10.N Fourtk, BTXBUINO, BILYXRWARE MANUIACTOKT. KtUIh4 In l&SI F A V urgln 30a N Uf anth a XTnBQUNDBY AND FAFXB UOUSX, Mlaojala Type Foundry Com Pin t f, -NlNXOAR MANUFACTURXB. AVlen A Clough IK and III Sprue at TIANOs, (BELL TREBLE TIANOS). FacUrvaad talaaroum 307 and SOJ Choieou av ill or od for Illustrated catalogue Gnrat aouthWeAMra agency lortn autaeti vrgaaa I BT LOUIS MANUFACTURINQ CO a,.. Mru NOTIOK.. Lot M keaek. M, I'i u " w, " BV BR, "II SB, Is. I