Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1871. OL'It CHCJiCHES. rnE.onrrEiiM.v nintti-!irtfi, I7 hint Mth at V a. ., and "HtJJi. f'rayrr meMthg, Wednesday t" r. . Sunday Miool, J r. ; U. M. linsdtMi, Bnper MCTIIoni8r--CftrI?lRht anil WAlnut rrcchlD(t,fltWh J A. and ? r. p. , Pltyef '-. WiHIMdAjyTXV.V, " Sondr iIiol r. M, L. WHtllwfll, Bupet nt. R. F. J j. Tno(ir'V,T4f4r, fciiurtcii ur wk iy?DKEi EnKpUoopi) Mornlrtf ,prayers.jabrfitii JpJJ ft. i ; , iCsffllrig prajer?; .'.Patrick's cnuKcir-tW. Nfmfi fti.and Washington Arenae, ( JMlM errtee , Ssbbatti f an;J I6x . . . . )yniMr.3f.). au u-jr - ,, , . .i n ' Iter. P.J. O'ltltMiAit, Prieai. CirBfJ'AN-EiMcnih Mrcrt. i "r;jJ Gafcballi Hchdol, ! SaMst'i, ". nit i Teaching, R.talh 10S nl ?K ft ,,., ), Iter, i. FMih,-VMM.-L MISSION SUNDAY SCIIUOL in the Christian'. lureb,,Elfhln.h B.reet. .Babbatrr BoneVH ; f' ' '. J, n. R a-', BtlJXf IhUriderU. , . OW.XOMW'SCUIlIiiTIAN ASdOClAVlQN-J. hlar meeting erond Monday each month at'ti af l-rajfrtroom of the Presbyterian: Charcn. Weekly Prajer meeting, Friday, 7.r, .. at the Prayer, room of tho Preibjterlan church. C. Pam oxi, President.1 and Cedar. Sertices, Sabbath, 11 A. H. hunday bnhooli 14 r. u. C.n3r. m. Preaching, 7 r. . Iter. Wm. Jackson, Pajto SECOND rHEE-W.Ll.UAPTl8T-rift.entb 81. lictween Walnut and Cedar. Humect 8abbth, 1J and 3 r. M. Rer. I. R.cis.rasior. KKKCWJLU BAPTIsrHOME MlSSIUm CN IIATHCIIOOL Corner walnut and Cedar Sin,) SliniVy School, 0 A. K. KlltaT FREE 1VILL BAPTIST CIIURCII-Cur- rA llArrarka'. 1 crT(cei. abbaih Jl a. m,,'3 r.x. and 7)4 r. H,, j( tier. Wm. Kttut, Pstor.v , K11WTMIS3I0.VAIIV BAP1 1ST CHURCH-uet-vrcenluih&nillth ttcoti, nearCodar. I'renchtnr Babbath 10 a. ji., and 7,'J r. u. Praver Meeting. Wednesday GTcntng. I'rcanniux, rriua t erenlnff: habbalh i hool, 1 k r. m. John Van Halter and Mar; JT BtepUr cu(irintenuenti.- f Rev. T J. anoasi, Paato STATE, OFFICERS? - . . STATE OFFICERS. Ooyernor, John I. Palmer; LteutcnamOoTtrnor, John Doughorty ; Secretary uf State, Edward Ituminel j Auditor of State, C. E. Lippincott ; StatoTreaiurerj ElN.BiUni ' Mupt. public Iuttruction, h'ewtonDatemao. congressmen: Senators Lyman Trumbull and John Lofran. RepreseniatiT for tbe State at Larie Vacancy.' Representatlre Thirteenth X)iatrict-Jahn SI Crebs. "" MEMBERS GENERAL ASSEMBIiY. SenfiUn' , 1st District T. A. E. llolcomb, of Union, and S.K. Qihaon, of OiUatin. 4,. lUpresentatlre, 1st DMrlft H. Wafson Webb. COUSTY"oFFicERS. 1 CIBCC1T COUKT. Judg D. J. Baker, of Alexander. Proaecutlng Attorney J. F. KcCartaeyf tf ; Matste. Circuit Clerk-Jno. Q. Ilanran.( , Sheng A. fl. irrln. .' Wm. Martin, AMor'ani,Trnref. COCXTt,,;OCKT.'' ' Judge P. Brou. Alw.i'ff I. K. KcCrite aad H. Jttctt2Sct Cerk lvxb C. Lvaen. Coroner Ihn H. Gomae. i - 4 MUNICIPAL GOVZRN3LENT. Jiiror joha if. Luvifz. Trei.tuer J. B. Tirler. Couptro ler E. A. Uzretir Cert-Vhiineirt. ' Ti IMa-J l-il Andre Cis. M' imj P. U. Pope. 1' -e Mt$-.itnUc EroU ad 15. SLaa nej. Cluetct Police It H. lfycn. IVi -e ComtiMei John bhethasi (day), aai Jo. 11. VtUma mi J. W., (sigkl.) ' SZLtCT COCXCIZ' . Mayor John lI.Lan.tden, - FircWard P. . sibab. Swon-J-Viard-iC. R. VrooawanL Ih rd Wrd Jno. Wood. ' , Fourth WatJ i. Suut Taylor.. . .' . OtyavLwK W. P'UaUhlay and B(Hnrd. boaed or ALBrBJtrirfv f, PIR-Sr lAUlJaaea'lUarden, , , ' to Kieb, e .i . laaaO'Wolde'n: ' . KCJND WARU-R..H.Cunningharh, ' E.'Bnderf ' ' ' ' ' 'lletiryjVint'er, ' ' A "t7naSiraynr . . 4 TIIIKi) w AliD .Wmjotniitoo, 'ti Paiiick Pitsg':ald. FOURTH WARD James Carroll.; 'O.lLEease. . ."-J.UiMKcair. i - a ctti coevcit; 1 I'rie OilT 'Council .meets In loint noaaion nn KruUy ermlDg preosjlnx the first Monday of IILICI COVCIi.. . -n T. rSdect Council ractti onith crtt WaJnaa tlHjr ud Thursday, attar the. second Honday la if ii month. ' " aoASD or. AlstaMur, ' 1'iif Board of AUcrnien 'meets cn the firs Jl iiirtay and Tuemlay In 'tjytrj' moath. ' couitiTjEft p Ttii,c6rjrcjL. On .V(rri-Mefrj;i'Tflylor, Widder; Winter, Wool auu MetcalfJ ' aid, R.kbd Uamihr. tn.M.jJjerji!.iy6od, Cunningham nod Kleb. We Jai'Measr. Carroll,- Buder tad Wun iard ' . -OiiIiwiko Messrs: Seaie, Waldar and Taylor, Put Dnarfment Messrs, Rearden, Bwayno and IUIIld) AM Ufi-Mesis.8chuh,Wlnland Kleb. i rW.j-restf(.Woo Iward, 8'vrayne'and Bud'ar. tniitu-Ht,u, IJiJrd,.ttraUon andUetcali. , BmrJ V7reai;,-Th,4ynf,nd Messrs. Bear deo, Winttr.Hiratton and Ca.tcll, SI'IllNGPIELD A'ND ILLINOIS. SOUTHEASTERN B.R. Oamdsnsr Monday, ApTll 24th, 187J, uamswll rua.Mio)'Owai SOKtilERN DIVIBIOW. ' TS4ISS tOlaO ROITISAST. i .... ir.... Mall, ' Exoraaa ""'ii: u""'io aoatawast. I.eaf. p.n, 'US!'" Mall. Arrne .tBp,Da,1(iit.l5 ,, ,........: ; rra.iaa wim WffilS' " Flora ...ifc tMO a.ta, Arrira at Hhaktp(SD:rp m,LZ" miu ooiau ilitu...." LeaT Hhawnef unC.SS a.m '' Klor... i-2: ..A:Vp.m Th 6:a;in train from FRMrood'una ont MondatK. W.dna4ayaand FndaS.-nd TA:nIjr: -130 train from 8iiat()n On fueadays,' Thuri "V ".""-."74-1 Co nwta ai Aal IauJn lb JaclconvilL rl Ulnoi. ift 'i oago and Al'on II llro d. for Jackaonyilla. ;'eterbu it. Maaon City, and all points V"sf, ' 1 i npringii'in. im viii ago and Alton -"mnd Toledo, abaah and WtVurn RillroadTJ Iifowiiiitf.q,leaBo, aad all rxiints north.Borti'1 AlPanawJt . and 'tit. TmU iiWiM.t. Central Kallroi or all points east, aonth anr soutfiat. At ClEewood with Chlciso flLlIfni. m,.i. Central Railroad; "".' At Flora, with Ohio aid Mllsfspiniuilroad J.H. rooaiTT.Osn'J i'rttt and Ticket aW. ' 1 i 1 -' t THE Mil iA Aatr. tnAT. North, Tljroiiati Atw.m.:ipJTi ..... " ..m.m. r.r20 '."m. ".00 p-tn. XS.Os.lf p.m. ;oop,tn. SjuI.'i, Way ThroiichNiO. phia Mitf b.iViMliiis.1 00 p.m, Ohio ttlrer mute, (e.xce;t Monday) itp.m. 0:00 p.m. iron Mountain JVJ,.r.T?;M4iM. 11:00 p.m and Friday -i-i COO p.m. 7;00ru. Th.'bes, f ooe; Uflnta . fv- ll.,'-lUJf.lfJvt., . tt- flir I CiOOp.m. 7itwa.m, Mayllfld, KlandnllO' And l.otfiMer Kjrmn..i.-..;, 4:00 p.m. ornca uocrar ; 'r Oineral Del vfry - (fuiidjn8io0a.m0 ' ' ' ;uu a.ra 0.00 f! Monsj Ofilertw.Httaltrniertrtmonti no tmeno4 Btindarn. SECRET ORDERS. Caiaa ifiouiAiaiiiJo,43.T-Blatedt Ainbl) Vtha Asjium Masonn llall, first and third S.u qrdars lnrach mpiili. ' Al ICaibo Council, No. 21, Hegular Conrocational aaonic llall. the aeeond TfTday In each month. CAtao CnKaf Hot 7J.-r8ol Conrpcatloi t Masonio Hall, oulliomiru l uesaayoi eiorj "awi liOw.r.Kp.fflT.Pi A.M.-Rtgulal- XJoWi munlratlonrint tfaaonlt) llall, th soond ant. fourih Monday olfcsfch month." ' " u . lnttaXOWia, No; M F. A; M. Regular Dom municationa' at Maeonto llall 3rst and tblru Thursdays In each month a a AtiXAifDia Lopoi, 22i. Meets In OddFellow'a H.ii. in Art j'fi.aailJIn.' eTerj.Thurtdar ;Tt tag, aHo'cloak THE "BUDLETIN. PullUh4.CTery:M,6ntla, HorWtay SHORT ITEMS. . R. II, CuimiinKTn'bai' received hit ndw goods. -s-v f r Iko "Wnldcr has. rsturned. from ,tb- cait whert lt'e'lias boon to buy goods. OjJlTo of riumb'cr of "bftlroUos nro al tenv fromthA cttf ftllcndlng'tho'bti Loufk fair. Yesterday , tai Adcllgbtfgljday, Though suggcstlvo of chills, it was not at 'In' an uiiiiij . The Cairo TerpslcnQrcan ..Club, pre- poso to give their first dance' on Friday OMning, Ostobsr 12th. Harrej fWalker, atttlft'BtJJfjcnolff hotol. will snrnad nn nvstor lunch Ih morning alio o'clocV.a Try it,, Messrs. "Wilson andalQbcrly were the only delegates from Alexander county a tbe Democratic State Contention held at Sprincfield yesterday. ,'5 Police 'batfness.u so our po nco magistrates. ay icey cannoKtaraueir salt. All of which speaks wall for tbe po lka force of the city. I Mayor Lansden and jnfe, CpKHnrd tni wife, S. P. "VTherler and wife, and Mr. Otorgf. Pishfr and v.ifa w&re.l tV.ataarV 1 er i aociable, btld tt vbt, Ddu clcb ra lait rzzhL . VT Tertffiay, -a Sat w s- aiitr fi tht Ttrj Wl of ictiertr. o- oer ola Houses rfSjoed bis jKifjiiun a tie foIjc. Vi e bire iea iafonatid agasi, ca Treat t gwii tstirtT- itr, tiiii Sor Htrlaes iuj ncf Ttiigzud. hieb u corrort. 9-At li..exrt rjigit--or rather tbii aotting, Tom "Wicters came ot to tbe Bcixmx ofSce in March" cf 'omebodv htjitin't care nach.wfco. Before Uexing th'eolSce he.Ut twd cnpfib"betl oj ten we hare eatea for manv a day. Afur depositing the aibresaid delicacies on our table be became tiisy, and we kre sorry' 10 saj- wo were compueu to apply toe ex treme DOiQt Of our hoot to his nnitrinr. T0orguuen, BtfeooTricP'oYarwelftb street and Washington avehue, bat rith" but doubt, tbc,U(c,et.eisclSof grocer ies in the'dtyr Tbe,uibly b'f JEnglJ' biscuUvofejory. bra.are toabofound tbcrii in nbundance-nd.of tho best quali ty. In fact, everylhifiKi that should -be kpna 11 rat-class u grocery a tore can bo' foun4 at jyr'guisetfs. r. ' . ia I 1"'. r- . , i juona ivcicnup ' and a multitude " t NewOobdsf ' Justreceivcd i i a ut " , Ulxby& Koeliler'd. Our ministerial visitors of last week oxprcesed'thoms'elvos highly 'pleased with them inner In which they woroenlertnincd by our citizens. The lttr1hny concrat- ulato themselves that soma four hundred ' L..,.. ... ., .wiin erroneous lucas of Cairo, her people, habits, etc., after spondlng.a.wcak. orabio impressions or'Onlro !hospltaHt and with their minds disabused of tho idea that tho city is a hot bed of fnver nnil gUoitncl btiordlseasen , S In another tilnrn In tkla. n,niS..K . . fMVtMlilg a BuLlctin will bo found runt i,iin nn. " t, " t i tho sale of books, furniture, etc.. of the Cairo Chamber of Commute?, for tho non-pytnenttfOfrenU t Thiat is rather tough ' In fact,iitds a shame and'dlsgraco to thulcity of Cairo. It Is as lltilo as tht. merchants of Culrn ran tin fnr thntr nivn rcrntttaldn'iisi!ntor)rlsIng'buBin'es.mon,to ieo to lit that this advertls6rnjhtAis,wIth. drawnUlild'tliB'rflntSinlfi. ' If lli'n-mi'iimVA,. of' Oummerco cannot be revived and its debts liquidated, let thgiratasf tpay off inelr indebtedness and divide tho property pf.tbe Iconcern among themselves, and let it die out with as littlo publicity as dosiI- Abftut 4:30 o'clock vestorrl'ttv'afffSen'iJ.S wmie Uio steamer Southwestern was tak ... i . "I ing oh freight at ths uppot warobouse. a nrebrdkooutinhorhald. forward of tho rprwari bateb, and Qmq,.tlin U soom 1 m tiotigtfkfi. woW'Mitri yed 'I'r? put. os tue oxertlona of her crow. The hatchc were button 4 down and .team ' W tl,'ldvbl: aiotherod, 'tho flro. Tho tug. Montauk, steamor Eck-' Bnd alUouMraompanl wont tb'hor' tssistanoerbDitbe fire had hcon maJitcrod foro belr arrival. lMMibrdko'limt atreshat about .cjitnt.o'clock. h,. .i. puuinwesiern western sounded a agnal of. (JJstres. ckerl and tun Montauk wer nmm. TheE ly alongside rendgfeel her ajl'th'o mjS4 tanco in their power. Steam vas ngnfn turned Into the bold, nnd it Is bellorj dthis time clTectunlly smothered tho names, Tint rtptrrlrt rr tho flro is lot known. llor hold wa Ailed with corn, oats, pota toes nnd n fow barrule of lnrd oil. f 1 Wlint ilnraneO she Ilu8 SUSlaillC'I i nt this llmo unknown, nnd can not bo ncor- tnlncd utitil.jhi) hold Is oponedand an ci- f ntulnatton tnndo. I'tlOBABtK lDKNTlPiqA,TION. In. TilK Bulletin of yosterday morning wo stated that tho romains of n dead man bad been found at tbe end of tho avenuo some otgbt tA!1. ?MM rl rru. i, ..... rW.DyJVn Tltchffrjlwho at 6tx4 rcccsflilzcd in tho description given of tho clothing and tbo. articles., found in tho pockets of thfjtottiCTjSlleTitoporty of a youngman by tbe namo of Thos. Kennedy. Youne-Koanedy was at tbe time of his it- riyar IH Crrp,l?cnt for a firm of photo- gntpbera,' tn Cleveland, Obirvut, stprtly, afur hJs arrival iB this-clty,-from-fomtr causo unknowrJost Jl situation, lie remained here for tome time doingnothing and finally ran"ou'tof money, and became much spirits. ,IIo tried hard ibta'in-- employment but all his eficfts wcro unavallng. Ho at length became so much out air heart at his unsuccessful at tempts' to pblaj'n-aaltuatltjn that, : .u TaT . i,.i ho frit like golnj out aatt growing ,jim elf into Ibe rlyer. After remaining 'at Mr. P's for two or three weeks, ho one morning left the bouse, tolling tho .family that be irae going to Mound .City to get money. togo t$Ws home.ln Pennsylynnla. From that time upt& yesterday nothing was heardof"liim,'and it'vras suppojMKlby bis friends and'tb&t be had rono away, but would somo time come bacfc or.writoto sorao one in this city. AYitbln tbe past fow weeks Mr. Pitcher Jiis received a number "of letters from F. "k! TTonriAlr n.irll.ln Oiimlifirland conntv. PennsylHsliiilnqdtrlbg the whereabouts oY ,bls son. From the'tene of Mr. Kennedy's fetters wo aro led to believo that ho is a man f considerable means, and htv twice itarftd nis eon in business, but the' young man, being of a roving disposition, would not continue long In tatty Ono place. The father seams much distressed at tbe ig 'orancc of his son's whoreaboutSj and asks In a very 'feeling manner for the asalit- ance of his acquaintances in this com miinltv in ferreting him butJO Y"oung Ken- nedyVas'a brbtber-in-law of C"W. Dunn, at one time paymaster at Mound City; It will be a sad .b'ow for the parents to learn ot the death of their son, and especially tho manner in which he is supposed to have diod. Mr. PiJcber jrill,Hhlitnorning, go to tho'country and gather up the remains'" of the body, which were left' just as they werefbaud by Mr. Tomer 1 in. Tbe family grocery store of BJxby St Koebler is being patronized largely .by peo ple who like fine groceries. Their location; m tbe north lids of Eighth street, be tween C9raereial and Washington av-r-cu, ii a ctrtra.1 one, and their stock has Wt lBtwd with discrimiaVtion", tbert ore this zitw candidate for public patron are xnertt exbcsly tbe wants of tbe peo ple. Messrs. Koehlec & Bixbr propose to keep np tbtir repntation by always telling tbe best of all torU of groceries to their patrons and tbe p jbiic, knowing that peo ple generally are aware of the fact that really rood art ?cl-t ... of .. a ny-kiod r al- ways the chearef j inhe ecd t t tf WxtKEE Azsestzo. reformation was received, yesterday by Sheriff Irvin of the arrest of Charlie "Walker, by tbe authori- T. i .. . . I tttai at lentraita; v alter, was seen on tho road between Villa Rldtre and Pulaski stations on Tuesday afternoon. It is sup poled be took We1 cars at Pnlas'ki station. Having been porter at the St. Charles ho tel Walker was. simply planning bis own, detection by getting on one of the trains on the Illinois Central, for all tho conduc tors on trains arriving nt'ancVdcpiirting from Cairo bavo their headquarters at tho St. Charles. ' c 'Sheriff Irvin left for CerrtralU, op .ibe .'2:46 p.m. train, and will, it Is supposed, to turn, to Cairo with the prisoner in charge n tlje 3:30 a.m. train. Denial. It having been reportod that Charlio Walkor, whilo escaping from tho city,iiftd stopped at tho houso of Mr. Mil ton Jenkins, in tho upper part of tho city, Mr. J. roqucsts us to publish the following denial: I Caibo. October 4. 1B71. I AM it. Editor It havlmr been renorted that Charles Wnlkcr was at my house on on tho nfghTof theTtll!ng "of George Tay lor, wisu 10 say inn. wnnries walker has never been at my house; and further that rtcltber my fnloUy hor .mysdlf are personally acquainted with him. It is said that alketcme to(Tno Us n Maeori for as. alstnnc ii alio untrue. IfWalkcfis a Ma son Ijdo not know.itfjnnd it is n aid -of Ma hotiB that "they"'kriow each qthcras well in the dark as In davlieht." Respoctfully.jj sJJilton Jrnkinh. i -3I8 Ellen D. Eames, formerly of Kalamazoo, taken up hor residence in Culro, informs tho public. that she Is de slrousjof giving Instruction In vocal and Instrumental music and In French. Miss Kamcs comes among us with excellent re- oommondutlons.'lJlurlngitffo lalo session of tho Nprthwcstorn Academy of Music, she ,was ayiong tho most proficient in piano fou4 practice and vocal instruction nnd flhjconductors 0f tho academy unite In moir suinony 10 per tnorougu 'knowl edge of music and lior capability to teach tho sajno. Mjsj Eames resides In thohous.e formorly occupied fiy Mr.G. Hoimrtead whero'sho will bo happy to receive pupils and give auy information if required in re feard tb terms. tr - FoRRENf. - A two story frame hous, on Poplar street; botween Seventeenth'ahd Elghtqentbjitreetij containing soven room's and a jarghl. ho b9uso fioished thrcughout. Porch in front and rear. EnqUlre.of J.VMocklcr. at tho.ji qulrefj? House," Commercial avenuej between Courtis, ana Sixth strpets, oct3d3t "AT JOROKN8EN 8 you caa eel olthur friilt corhbiUs,lNapoleoin,.folral, mlxpd briltant, ,n, gun, iu u. w raiiK, uomino. Os Adams' dry crntd flsh, a m article, naoundancej tttfsjprc most delicious .ajbrgeriien'i'j'rc cirjitorc. tf. ,imfimpt ill ALEXANDER COUNJT.TEAOI! .TEACHERS INSJITqTE, l j r V Cairo, Oot. 4, 1871. inis xnstituto mot pursuant to adjourn ment, After thoopenlng oxcrclscs, vb h i onlst61 'of music fand' a 'p'rfiyeir'bjM- v iilr. looto, tho roll was called, nnd 18 tcncliors answered to their names. Tho following wcre'kdded td'tho'roll. Gcorgo A. Sever nnd Riley Allen. CRITIC. Miss Anna Raymond was appointed critic for tho day. Mum.tiia.RiTBMiTrd." Miss Kratzingcr drilled the class in this study. During tho ciercise, tr. Sever ra latcd some of his experlonco In teaching mathematics, nnd particularly tho multi plication table, from boglnnlng to end, and to say It backwards as well as in tbo usual way. Mr. Raymond mado some, remarks on the subject of classes using their books whon analyzing nnltoample, Hn'Ubos not ioliovo in it 15 minutes woro occupied by Mr. Raymond, Mr. Sever and Mr. John son (of Villa Ridge) In discussing the dlf. forent methods of teaching. followed by OEOORATHT, METHODS AND COURSES OF study. Thlsoxcrciso was conducted by Prof. Raymond. Boforo bo commoncod, Mr. Maybrey . tf..i .. - ' nroso anil went lor tno reponor 01 1111 Bulletin'. Ho tried to explain his posi tion in regard to yesterday's proceedings. He does believo In text books ia his school. We humbly beg tho gentleman's pardon, bukwc trust the next timo ho undertakes to teach tbo teachers or tho young idea how to shoot, he will mako his cxplalnn- tions clearer, sojtba.wo may bo ablo to un derstand him. Wo havo tho comfort of knowing that wo are not tho only one who misunderstood him yesterday. Wcro it .n6t for that grain of comfort wo would bo utterly demolished, Mr. Maybrey ought nit to hido his light. under a bushel. His education Is entirely too good for this part of the country, where Egyptian darkness rigpjhi Hov ought to go ;J to some of our largo cities and whore his efforts will be better appreciated, or if not that,ho could follow the advico jf tho father to .his son, " If your education is too good to teach school, just open n little grocery." We have no doubt he would do well in either vocation. Mr. Mabrey, don't be too hard on' us. We bavc no hope" of ever being able to understand your method, they are too deep for our feeble understanding and wo wont do so any .more, we will be gtiod and not even try to go beyond our depth. Mr. Raymond spent three-quarter's of an hour, telling his method of teaching ge ography and illustrating' it on tbe black board, followed by Dr. Aliyn on the KXLATiox or phtsical oeoorapht to POLITICAL OEOORAPHT. ThVTdWl6rr'explaitM'WwTVe"Shd mountains were formedand tho effect they bad on the building up Of towns and Cities. He dwelt at some" length on the gulf stream, and the fact of its giving to Eng land her warm climate, while' we received in exchange,- tbe tons and daughters of England, to inhabit our land. This was but 'right. If we furnished to England her grx-d climate, ii was but right that she sho-ald give us some of the effects of that climate in return. This exercise occupied an hour, when tbe institute adjourned to 2 o'clock p.m. AFTERNOON SESSION. At 2 o'clDck tbe roll was called. Twenty nine teachers' were prefenL Three names were added to the fqll,to-wit:' Mrs. Brown lee, 'Miss Delia Hawkins, and Cora Bebce. After tho usual exercise of sincinc. forfv minutes wero oecupid- in the study of written arithmetic, conducted by Mr ltPAwn 14 a i Tho superintendent' then called upon' Miss Kelsay, to read her criticisms on Tuesday's' proceedings. dTKls was follow ed by a hONQ(AND IlECEgS, after which Miss A. L. Hatch taught her class a lesson in This was the first Instnnco whero the scholars wore brought' into the school room and taught in place of tho teachers. We supposed "Teacher's Institutes" were i ,t. . . . i . j(vs"iiiiu lur mo iciicoers nna not for the icnoiars, dui we llnd wo uro mistaken. Miss Hatch has her class very well drilled, though somo of them need to study the spelling book a little more- Wo nro not sure, however, if that beok is used mveh in schools now. xWo seldom hear of it. After drilling her p,upiU,tlree-quartfr3 ot an uour jjnu nssigrilng tjicm their.lcit. sons for Jlondav. Miss lintel. ilimt..,.,i tho class, and we were refreshed with, a an,d rcn.-.B. Dr, Robert Allyn then proceeded to sny .somothindntUoi t J practice and theory ov teaching. Tho Doctor th6u'ght iho practice was the main thing after nil. In ordor that the pupil may comprehond. tho.teachor must first govern himself, and then the pupil. Another point was discipline, which was very different frcm' govern ment. Tho teacher raut bq, superior to his scholars, in order to discipline, teach or govern them; Tt Is not physical fnro that governs, but mind. Ono thing tie- cessury was to ltnprdvo tho love of learn ing tho puls! ' ' ' ' After tho doctor-was through with his rc. murks, MrLswe'r tnado somo objections. H i beliovod in corporal jpunlslunent, or as lie expressod it, "regular 'knockdowns" with pupils whh-Wo'tildiiot learn tlfolr lcs sons. The doctor repllod by relating a few anccdotorandf instances Wliero ttaoh iers. had subdued refractory schnni i.i. noral suasion Instead of corporal punish- mem. Aiior invmng tno tenchprs to at tend.a'(oclablo at.tho Club rooms Wcdnos. day evening, tho session adjournod till to morrow at 0 o'clock a.m. Joroenson bW;jusrcculyed a large sup ply of Portland bluo bcrrlos. Try them, tf Gillet'b washing crystal makes wash ing easy. ag 13 The finest vanilU chocolate pasto In glass, at Jorgcnson'e. tf. Splendid whlto cherries at Jorconssm's, tf ... ' BOARD OF ALDERMEN, y Hegu!ir meeting of tho noard of Atdermon.) (Jociicri.UitAMSan, Caiho, 111., .octobur, l",l. . Aldormrtti'ltcarden ln;thfa fcliif--' " Prcsont Aldormnn Budur, Fitzgcral V Mctcalf, Rcnrdcn, Sense, Stralton and Hwnyno 7. RILLS. , T'.c bill of tho Arab Flro company for $051.15 expenses from July 1st U Octobui 1st was roportcd'back by tl.i fiiiiinco coin mlitco recommending pnymont of thi amount, losj $aj.60 for, express charges nnuf$V.16 for repairTnglflag. v w , Alderman Stratton moved to allow as recommended, Carried by tho following voto: Ayos Fitzgerald, Mntcalf, Rear den and Stratton 4. Nays Buder, Soasc and Swn-.3. M '.I I t " 1 t I M Tho'Bamrj'cbmmUtco Vfs6 TeJ6rtcd bick tho bill of tbe Hibernian Flro Company, with tbo recommendation that it bo re ferred back to tho company with instruc tions to furnish Itemized bills, and also to have tho vouchers properly attested by tho officers of tho, company, Tr ( . Aldcrmhn Butler moved to' re i refer back ns recommended. Carried. Tho bill of Thos. Median for $24 for hauling 48 loads of lumber was presented, and on motion of Alderman Stratton al lowed as follows : Ayos Buder, Fitzgerald, Motcalf, Rear- don, Sce,, Stratton anlSwaync Nny 0. The printing committee to whom tho following bills wcro referred reported the samo back as correct : . h a , Jno. 11. Obcrly & Co., 640 copies of The Bulletin, containing new ordinances, at 6 cents ncopy, $20.45. Jno. H. Oberly & Co, publishing tho council proceedings, now ordinances, etc 5124.85. Cairo book bindery, for receipt book for cltv t'easuror. Aid. Stratton moved to allow.' t. ' . . Aid. Buder moved to amend by acting on tbo bills separately Aid. 'Metcalf moved as an amendment to the amendment that 8 cents each be allowed for the extra copies of The Bul. lktin. Carried UMri rr The question now recurring on Aid. Srnt ton's motion as amended It was car ried, tho ayes and nays tbcrcon being as follows : ' J 'Aves Buder, Mctcalf, Rearden and Bwavne 0. 1 i'fT . Nays Fitzgerald and Stratton 2., Aid. Buder, from the committeo on pe-' lice and jail, presented o ,rorp, ,C I Feuchtcr & Co., for $15 for a largo tub fnr the hog pouRfirwT't wv. vm-k On motion, the bill wns allowed as fol lows: ' Ayes Buder, Fitzgerald, , Rearden, Seasc and Stratton 0. Nays Mctcalf.and Swaynprr2-ij - On motion of Aid. Buder the Board then adjourned. tn M. J. Howlet, City Clerk. THE DRY GOODS TRADE. THE MAMMOTH ESTABLISHMENT OT GOLD STEIN AND ' ROSEN WATER THE FALL TT.ADSf THE-M09T COMPLETE BTOCKDF DRV OOOD3, READy .MADE CLOT II ISO, hats, caps, etc., is dxinol We yesterday paid a visit to tb? mam moth establishment of Messrs. Goldstein & Roscnwater, Commercial avenue, be tween Eighth and Ninth streets, and must confess our surprise at seeing tho immense stock to bo found in this. house. --This firm have long enjoyed tiuVroputatlrinof being among tho hading dry good merchants ol tbo city, and ono who will take the pains to examine their stock, will need no olher'assuranco of the truth bf thls re port. In tho dry goods lino thoy aro rccoiving daily fresh; additions to1 their .'alrcady'iui nietue stock. In tho tho lino of silks, Irish poplins, volvnts and velveteens, etc., they bavo a most choice anil select assort ment. Of Irish poplins alone, they havo upwards of two hundred and fifty paterns, of silks their stock is enormous; of velvet and velvetincs it cannbt bo surpassed. Ribbons, gloves, ladles collars, nnd nil the minor articles that go toward making up tho dress 'of a lady, nro to bo found hero in abundance. Of tbolr' stock -'of ready mado clothirg thero Is no end, and their prices aro so reasonable that thoy have built up a largo and profitable trade in' this lino. In the way of lints and caps they aro doing n big business. Tho firm of Goldstein & Rosen water nro" now prcparod to fill ordors for goods, either at .wholesale or retail. Tho wholesnlo business with thorn Is a new feature, and thoy aro confidont of "their ability to compote with othor markets in tho sumo trade. ' As tbo season when poo plo begin to prcparo for winter is now nt ihand, we advise our readers to call upon Messrs. Goldstein & Roscnwator before' 'purchasing elsowhoro. 1 Arrested. A woll.known citizon o this city was a day, or two slncp,beforo one of our city magistrates tor being drunk and disorderly, Ho, was fined tho.uspol, amount 0 CO.' After Itd trial vas over' be plight liuvo been, hcurd soliloquizing tbusly : ".Now, this Is tho second , llmo I havo been up boforo a magistrate or, tho samo, offense I 'might have 'known 'it-l-if I had gone to Alba's In tho first plnco and got one of thoso smooth, clcanj.dull cloussli'atcs.tlint AlbaMsknowV togive to.ovory ono who patronizes him, this would not liuvo hnpponed." Therefore, roador, tako warning and always go to Alba's barber shop,' CornmSrclarnvenuo, between Seventh and Eighth streets, tf . 1 1 Resioned, Officer John 'Holmes yes terday sent his resignation to Mayor Lane don. The resignation oi' MV. Hol'mes will cttj)so,a vacancy in tho poHcu . force that Will bo huru to fill, lla has mado un ef ficient officer and his absonco from the furco will bo dooply folf Bricf. Store for Rent. Tho brick store, NO. 78, Ohio Lkvuo, now occupied by F. M. Stockfloth, Esq'., is offered "for rent, and will be .vacant on the lsth, J'nst;. Apply to Jmo. B. Philus. ociatf Little Muck Clams (quatrangs) nt Jorgnon'i. - ' ',,. tf THE TEACHEnS INSTITUTE. OURRErORTER imif EH. If tlidtcAchcrs or Aloxahdcr corny niiluarch Wr the wordMfiefMo nWu sUir's.dlctloimry, thoy will find tho Ht'fipl tlon to 1n""8cruptlloils cxKcthess In time." Tliereforo, bo It remcmbcrcil " thnt 0 o'clock doi'S not inonn h(!lf-pnst tino or JO o'clock,'" a was wisely observed nt yestordav mon -1 lg's ses'lon. Wo Imvo iven rt '-"ous thought nnd rc ilcctlon to Mr. Mnbrej statements In n s!rd to wbnt was, said or him in tho Jlul lcltu's report of tho first dny'a, session of IhorTeauhersMnstltatoiiml have cdmo to tho coHclMoh tbattWo'cffjTnol'qhargo otlr: eYyesiWuKsdrauch blamo 'asw.o, flr'At foil disposed' to do. ;IfMr. Mr colild cbango his politics In tho twinkling "of an eye Usltwor'''why,56u1dri't hoclmngo his' iirilnd'abouVlext books and tho llko ? I In Ahc exorcises in rrfonlal nrlthmalla' (yostoiJayjmorning at the Teachor's Instl tutc, .Mr., Sfiybray, was call,cd tipqn to an-1 alyxe an. example." Ko immediately aruso 'and excused himself upon the plea of busi ness He was vcrjr busy writing prepar. Mig bls 'papcr bullet to fire at The Bullf. tin. Of courso MUs Krattlngcr could do no less than excuso tho gentlomari from so simple n matlerns mental arith'matlc', when all .his mental faculltcs wcro absorbed In writing out his position. T10 Teachers' Sociable In tti Delta club rooms Inst evening was a very plcas antaffaln Our homo and visiting tcncli ors woro well represented, nnd the pres ence of quite n number of citizens, their wives and daughters, added pleasure and Interest-to tho occasion-. Dr. Allyn, of MbKoudreo College, a member of tho coti fprerlqo which has just qloscd its session In tjili city, was nmong those present. Dr. AUyn raruaiued-in-Oairo- ntlend -the 'Teachers' Institute, run! his (prynco has contributed much to the interest and profit of tfcoSrojnt'f rl6u. ' r T . If CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR SALE 1 1 I At public auction, on tho 25th of Oclo r, at No.'7C Ohio UVcealljs lurpiture, books, papers, ctc npcrtaining thereto, without reserve, for non-payment of rent. ' Dan. Uartman, Auctioneer. oclOdtd. STOVES. We havo just received a large stock of heating stoves for either coal or wood or both, suitable for office, halls par dons or dining rooms. H'e tcitl duplicate any Gnctnnatt, hcanmlle or St. votru retdilprice littifor tithtr, ecak ag or AVarV in storu. Orders by mall will receive our promptnttention, 1 Beerwart, Orth & Co, No, 13C Commercial avenue ep21dlm Lost $15 Rewari), Strayed, from tho pr-imifts of Julius Surbain, on Fifteenth s.rcet, between Wnlnut and Cedar streets, on October 4th, a largo mule, between a black and brown, nnd about IT hands high, three years old, and no shoes on j tho hair .s trimmed out of the Inside of tho car. A regard cf S15 will be paid to the person or persons returning tho above df-scribid nnitnal to the above address. Oct. 6-d3t 'TiiETet Eati-lndia dry prest-rved gin ger ot JorgcnscnV, tf. Lett. Mr. II .. Hasi.tll left yctcrday foriLittle Rock, Arkansas. For Sale. A eottwgo on 12th street containing 7 rooms, cistern and out houses compUte. Apply to - . ... m--;.w THORNTON. Pon rood nhotoirranhs. poiweluln pic tures, or old pictures to bo copied, call on Thomas, No. 124 Commercial avenue. Ho s a good' workman.. GIvohima tnal 1 - soptlotr. Boakdino. A dcsirablo front room to rent with board, suitable fcr two porsons Also a fow single gentlemen can bo accom modated with board. Apply on Eighteenth street, Commercial ayoniujnpd Poplar St. sept28dlw. For Sale or Exchange for Cairo PiprEKTv, I have One Hvad'LF.P-AJ'A. Sixjr acres of first-class unimproved land in Johnson county; whicif I will I soil on reasonablo terms, or exchange for Cairo clty'property. . ' P. H. Fori:. dim Fresh Ovhtkkh. I am now receiving dally, tho celebratod 0. 6. Multby's II. nnd M. brand of fresh oysters, wliicli nro unri valled, nnd for salo by tho can or'caso on tho most rcssonablo.terms,- try tbcrn.snl- WftjB warranted good una iresii. 'tf Wm. Winter. N:w Meat Market. Nick Williams will open his new meat market this morn- ing at tho cornpr of i'opiar nnu 1 wcqiiciu streoU, whero hpi.)-jiV kn.op copstaptlyion hand nil kinds of meat nnd tho very best in tho mnrklUl He wlll nbt fSertnltUny bucjicr in tho city to oxcol him. Nick knows his business. -nnd (earnestly. invites Iho' rlubllc tn glvo .birn .n ca al,hU H4W stand. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' tf Try tho AmorkWlfulrilBlr? jnlt'tip in oil, to be found n.JorKongfyi's. Phillip IIauoh is iuuter of his trade and warrants all of bis work to be ef tho verv bed material and manufacture: guar- antees'tr"c"diHI6lenrimdntlroaUs tIon,llsnot confined, to anylpartlcular stylo, but. makes every yarejy.of boots nnd shoes from the heaviest cowhldo to tho llnost Fronch;cairn9dr4urpcc(.i (Tl9ra)so ikbops a largo stock on hand, of hit own manufac lure, nnd any ono desirous of purchasing Boodlcubtom work cheap should pall on hipv at his shop onT5liilith7st4 fouth side, near corner ot Ohio Jovee, Cairo. dtf h Poh Sale. Tho two'story framo houso (IJutted on Commorcuil . avenue, botweon Eit-hiocath and.Nln;teentli1TtrccU, owned by John Hogarty, la, offered for salo at a 'bargain. Thu houso contains, ion the first floof n Ef)9d a(1 .,well..arranged,bai: room, nentlyJHtoa .up, u largo .uiniug. room, kitolipn nnd two sleeping rooms; and up 6talrs,six rooms. In tho'roar ot tne uunu ng Is a pqrch with steps loading up.stairs. Thure is a good yard Well enidosed at tached to tho premises.. For particulars apply to John Ueoaiity, at tlio Gibson houso, corner of Commoroial nvomana jfourfn Btree uct. o, an STATE CONVENTION. A.-Jk' I II I Nil lili III ADOPTKD- UUaN.H. . IIAVH, OF CIIICAG iNUMlNATED. A MOST IIAIlMON'IOrSCON'VR TION. Oiecl.l Dispatch to (be Cairo hi'LiMin. Spbinqfikld, 111., Oct. 4. Tho den crntlo elulo convention met in this city day, nnd was very largely attended. J. U. HlnchclliT, of St. Clair, was ek ed temporary clmlrman.and John H. Ob ly, or Alexander, secretary. Aftor dinner the convention reassc bled and elected O. 8. feklnnor, of Adm permanent chairman, and John H.Obcr of Aloxandcr, secretary. a. a. iii iirfliii 1 1 1 n Li 1 1 r in nai nnnni ni hit which HON. S. 8. HATS, rxf rl.l..M. r " ' e' v man nt largo by acclamation. The convention was very harmonlo and enthusiastic. HOTEL ARRIVALS. DELMONICO. a no louowing were iih arrivau at i ri.lM ..I.. TI ... . r rrl. . .. . . . . hours ending at 12 o'clock, p. m. Gcorgo Martin, Gatcivllle, Tex.j Jol IV IIIKICl UllllllllilV A I Im 111 V nn New Orleans, La, Mrs. Vnlker, Ro Clair, III.; Floyd E. Crane. Fallon. i nomas iicinpiiiu, Cincinnati, u.j Jr. Lyon, Metropolis, III4 T. McNamar uinuinnni . u.: r ran it rpoir. 1 nteann 11 J. H,.BrnnwIcli. bt. Louis, Moj J. smuii. Illinois: uosenn ArecAf. nnti 11 F. I-arrin, Pulaski, III. WEATHER REPORT. Cairo, III-, Oct. 410:40, p.m. A 1 1 lM a 1 - M rf lalaiiraml tt-rtrl Ankrti . tho benefit of Commerce. The fcllowla .1., ...I.n.rtl . irv rrl r.a.l. -'4 hours onuin,? 10:40, p. m. Is.aoMtTta: I Tuianoimta. PiAca' or OMraTATio. IA 5 f? S Cairo .. ,... W:W 2:J M Colcaj!,-. ... tJ:Wi W:t7 M Cmelnnatl, 11...... r)9 J 29.8J M tureniort, Iowa. 2:f .!' C (jAltp.inn ,? H enTenwortii.--.lJ:al.tie:ii I u lKlllnllr. K.-l-fJW l.2 Ui?il U MrniPhn. Tenn .,v:V Si NaahriMr, Tcnn..'3i):0 ri.-oitso.av 7 Sew OrleAf, tJk :W U1 t"it) Ml 43 Omaha .Nebra.ka24:,7(.iliC C3 I'lti.bilfgh, IH . '.:, W.-M 3:ia 61 ft. Lnuli., Mo...M. .M rJ.7il29.82l 3T i-l. Pul. M.iin,..'.o,.,2'.li 4 K'lrefMMjrt Ij ,r.T. tvAZ:'M tf) Vioksbfir-j.Sti-f. j-, U NEW RESTAURANT- inn minin ppnpra iv. lurouiru liiu l-ojuiiiu (if THE 1IULLETIN, mat no lias UUCU up IirSl-ClnI9 liakUUf Ull. Ill .flu huh, vaicinvm J - " 1 . -r ...! 1 II...... 111 .1 I nn DPSL 01 wnirs nnu lliinuia "in w . 1. . .1 . 1 .1.. nln... WH1. oil nniii,, nnu ,,. un.,? - - - I ... I- . . . fT . .1 En.n fn. ru f .mfllfA JldllS will m) luriiimuu n. ail uvu,, i'moiIi will receive Doiito and constant at- IVII.IUII. ....... ... restaurant n success nnu a popular rosuiv for tho leisuro hour. in 1 ivhtvrr. iui iicrueri unsuinasou hand a fresh supply of Saddle Rock oys- crs. " The hotels powder. usa Uil.Cta extracts and Bgl3 Paul G. Schuh soils Rattlnger'i medi- cinei. " -Those French Cherries, in syrup, 10 popular with connolseun. are sold by Jor gcnien. 11 Monet refunded tf Gillet's goods don't plcoso.i agl3eowdaw2m . RIVER NEWS. ARRIVED Stuamor, Falls Pilot, Now Orloans. ... ' .11 . I. A, 1 1 j" Illinois, Vvoiunioua. j Jas.Pisk.Jr., Pitdttcah. " Umpire, Evansvlllo. f " jiouniuirieur, ov. Ajum. '' Colorado, St. i.ouis. ' . DEPARTED. Sloamer, Argonaut, St. Louis. .1 Uuiplro, Evansvlllo. Mountaineer, Memphis. i Illinois, uotumuus- Jiib. Fisk, Jr., Paducab. uoiorauo, vicmuurg. Hpro tho Ohio lias'fallon ono inch dur ing tho past twenty-four hours, with six inches on Bacon rook. Tho Mississippi Is falling, with 4J feet scanl in tho channel. Thero is only OJ feot below Memphis. Business on tho loveo was brisk. Tbe weather was clear and pleasant. Tho Jails Pilot brought up a tow of empty barges from New Orloans. She has laid up for tho prcsont. Tho Jns. Fisk, Jr., brought down a Ana trip of froight and people Tho Ada Hcllman cloarod for Memphis woll laden. Tho Umplro has withdrawn from tho Louisvlllo trnde, and has sltick up her shlnglo as nn Indepondont Evnsvie packet. She bus boon chartered by Cap tain Jack Gruminer. Sho brought down a fair cargo of roshipping froight. Tho Mountnlnoor had a good load for Memphis. Sho roportcd tho City of Quin oy aground at Turkey Islund. Tlio Eckertls storing the froight of the Sllvor Bow on Phillip's wharf boat. Tho Lumsdon turned back from Padu cab on her last trip and forwarded her froight by tho Fisk, Tho Cairo City whnrfboat will bo takou to Mound City to-day nnd.go on tho ways for recaulklng, .