Newspaper Page Text
. 1.1. .;' . LVDIES, TAKE NOTICE I MRS. C. AlcGEE, J. jIITU TBKKr, IimVEEN V tMUXOTOX AND COMMERCIAL AVEXUSS, ni rt retire 1 a fall n j patiJ line f NEW 'GOODS? unr. "tfc e'af, silk jlan, if 1 ip- e. tnminlncs. eioket b at n . 1. 1 M'tfe Bf . laluib nn I irlmroini t . ha. I, fln, l-iii .tl ifm. l Iff" HI lllnK.u-K-n.. Millinorv and fancy Goods, -1 wWti .h r.'p" to "fit It 1 iik vert Lor.-T paii trick IIIXIIIMi. 13' u II I ll, h ll"l", l'UlK h, mi- 1 f 1 1, 1 x mi 1 ti n Tririy qi riii?H- ,t nrii " an 1 r-ir, una rom)ily n' ti" f rtr ainl, in the Itultr t'n book, Job ,. n nrf nli"' t ihll-hMn-nl TUR BULLEXLIST. ru or tut DaILt Urilriiv: SubicHpttdH, ,. es. fijr crrlr 2 in eArliy rtricr, inNiirincr 10 -' r tuth b i.tml 'i T MJ'h - 2 2 . 1 r, ,lh - on, - X I" Tt 1 1 pnp'rvl .4 tTi1trntnti unt uj th' nfy 1 C tkto.tii'iint'l iWtn&uthe'n IUhmi iu li.nM'rfii'ni; mi'I. bt feait! out n,,(inn nil 'i'.j' " 'f pVi.' -iH all' iilM-M'i; ti'dWion, the B'iW i, vtnfk';,i' viii'r Mdtigtul rtalert m, 1't i-vlij rnf men. TUB DOLLAR WEEKLY 1IULLETIX. J in II. Otivily Co. lu'f reducoj ilie ul mn .1 m p nf tli til'0 UulUti ! ,' 1 ;,t .,.,iini. miking t I lie clieapcst p i l . I lie i in 'in h-rn HU nip, DEMO HATIC COCXTY TICKET. Tc' Tff Aur ) I Ciillo tor, WILLIAM MARTIN. l or ?urv yor, JOHN P. IlELY. DEMOCRACY. ILLINOIS Dk.MOCUA.TIC CONVEN TION. A SPLENDID LIVB ISSUE FORM. PLAT AN UNEXCEPTIONABLE NOM INEE. l'ltELIMIXAIiY PROCEEDIKQS. SrKixariELi). III.. Oct. 4. Tho state diiihiK-ruUc convention '.ailed to i omiiuue a c.indldiilii fur thu offlco of conrc-mnHii ut-lnre. nMcmlilcd In tho old hull 01 Miri'sentHtlve- t iioon lo-dy. The deifciitrt wt i calluJ to ordt r by Col. A. U. Burr, clmirninn of the ftttti ciTitrnl corn in It tec, nnd the cull of tin cuiiM'iitlon whs read by Mr. .Muirltt. TEMIMKAItr OKOASIZATIOX. CjI. lluck.iiiijler, of Madlton cnunly n mitmtel Hon. Thi. lloyne, i f CoOn, for temporary chiilriinnt AiiiilanH'l i n... ..l ,.f M...I. ...i n.... J.. liuiliill, 11 .ti n. iiviiiiiiavvu 1. vi John Hli tii'lilf'!, of Clair. A iplnur The vote was out on the noiiiiiiiitiun 11 Tti .. lloviuviimi wa declurud in hi fa- vbr. of the cuuiitici on thu quu.tion. 1'he motiori prevntlcJ, und the 1 oil of c.-mitii r.'Hf exiled, each givinj: the number nl Otcs 10 which it was eiilitlfd in the cup Tentida. One gontleniiit1 vote! for (hrci C'JiitiM, nd't!ie quHfliun of his right ti iVj to vm reiirvcd until after the n' (iuiicenr-nt of the vuta thould be mnd. AWermnn ilontgotnery cutlei for were j ti-f before the vole as aiinounrt-d. T e uutev( Thomai II 'jme wai wiih by Gen. Cameron, m the riquit ul tli C'V: cirjuty delegation. Mr Iliticheuif wat then uuanlmoutli t,t"led. A CftutnUtee, coati't n; of Messrs. r-i lUrlnn and Uoytie -km ajipoiut d uoiidu'-led Mr. liiucticlit! l'j the cba.r. ecuuuor na. uisciicnri. M.r .LiiicUeliU'ri'turnHd tbupl:t, layinc l.e ui . & t xprtl to Wcitilra upon to til ut'. pjUiui except ttiut oi u lubor-r ilithi csiuv- .iiji: He hopijcl tby would engip in tli worktofibc conTuta'on in i ip.i L ' voull tt-te the pe p e of lllinii tua-. lier nuerirpU rrt lejon rwo. iiu e iu r ibe mtereUp f ;be producing 1 a of the vusnuiuiiny. ubicti tmd tei. I . g gi rd tit tb priy ihut had uer 1! lur -u muni ycr.. ilr unui h i .tu volition li tUe bw: of bn ability. etcErr xr.iEs. J l 'i JJ. (J t. .', will eluct-d t 1 , .im wtrrui t L.Iia y, auU J A k .'. if. of C.i' as-, ti-taui pecretury. UIVIMITEEiSe. 1 1. (o.iuwing lounuiUeei were appoint I r -denial. '. J (J nub an, AVin. Vai. N tin w, Jo Viliiatn-, J. Warne' .1 H t uiiiuri.hain, .1. Ewing, 11. W Im. gn-r. W(i.. Turnbull, U J. Allman, K. II rl.n, U. C. Talber, J. B. Mavliuu V lin-da-.e. J r 1,1 ..igiriiiiti'm Th'w Sliirely tj . l'u 1 , lieu. l'.nlirilk"ii, J. is L ..I. " l.'o , I'. 1) Meu, Win. W11 i, O 11 Writi , lino. It. Wundiiuy, W. hun, It. Boiiiii, K. K. liny. 1 uilorin Thus. Uayne. John Van Nortwlk, J. C. I'opiwr. J D. Dow lul,. U. U Biilinp. C C. JlruHii, O. P. Hen- lri t. . W. L. Vanderventer, A. 0. Brown J. C. A en. A. M. Cae. T. A. K. llolcuuiu, ,-n. S. Murtliul, 1. w. .McNeely, T Sell ntz. A TAKirr KEiO. UTIOX. Mr. Mernt uttered u roulutun In relu lion to tin-triU. It wi obb-cted to 1 Judze hdinonde on the uroui.d that thcr win mi organization for the transaction of llUlltl'. A inolioii tu adjourn till .':3J V. .11. w UM. RZ80LUTIOX8 ASH CBEIJESTlALtt. "N . 'I. JJowdall mucd that all rcpi)u ttont nrikented to tho convention be rv furieil in thu (iomiiilttuo on retolutlor witliiiut dnbute. .IoiIl.o Skinner moved thnt nil creden tUl be referred to tho appropriate com tnittfu. Cnnli'd. 'I lw cnnveiilion than adjourned till 2:30 I'. M. AFTIUIXOOX SKSBIOK lttrOUT oy COMMIT' TKE OXCIIEIIEXTIA1.8. UiMn tho rvNiiciublini; of ibo conven iIah iIih i,iiimiliieuon credentials rrporlea the ci.unlita repreieuted, und tho report Will adi jllld. T hero wore 'il counties not represented. THK TAI.IKJ' gtrEBTIIiX. Mr. Merrilt otTered the folloving te n. lutlon, a.klna to bave k r.-ferroJ lo tbo commit ee: . , . , . 1 i. .That all taxosunu uruKitiYiiu 1 i- ....... .I.... ........ ...i - - .w.tef ha ci- I ' ... .. . r. i.r1 l.u , t ft 11 -.if it tbo mot unequal in it nature, most burdensome in eol mm biom pro- 1 iluciive of evasion nnd crime 5 therefore, . . .- iHlni.hilnnpnifiin. WO JXMare ns h wrrivt jiitui imi- vi v ui ii ...tit lliil rn are III flWor lf B full, !t'J8 1- u'e free tmdo wUh rH nations; thnt all .1 fArtAAl '.. -..tt1..... should b . jlm'IshtV. ami that the wolf iro of th oainfv doma"ds tint they shoU.U ,11 , . , . I .il kind-' he collected In the same ,-td lv the same means a. Mete and roiinty I into arc now ci'lleuted in tue i'Vnrl 1 iito). and thnt vve favor such amendments . .i . . .. to the 3d claue r,f article of the federal onstitutfon ns will nuthorizii the general overnmeilt to Iny direct tiiintioii In iropurtii.n to the assessed propurtv, ln ivthl nf nccordin to the population of hi) -tatcs hi 1 now provided. On uiotion f J. Thompson, the resolu ion was feferrcd to tho committee on reso lution!. TEIIMANKST OT.OAXtZATIOX. Hon. Tho. Shirley, from the comtnb ee on permanent oranlzntion, reported in fitvor of tho tnllowing olllcers: l'ropldent JuJj;o O. C. Skinner. Vice I're'lderiH Theoloro Schurlz, V. B. Cook, James Downing, John Pierce, ,J . It iberl., M. Bond, J. J Ihlp, P. Tuft, J. D. Moudy, P. Doltin, Chus. Black, T. J. Turnt-r. Se. ri-tnrles J. II. Oberly, II. S. Clay, in J J. II. Cixmi);. REMAKS OP THE CHRinMAX. The chair uppoinicJ a comnnttO'j to In form Judge Skinner of his election. Tho Judg was coon introduced and made t liort nildress ciyint; he b'lomjed to tin Id democracy, but was in sympathy with -he y-ung democracy. We lived in u c-i -d in which everythinir was in rapiJ notion, incluain trie art nnd seb'hceN The gr,-at American he.irt nnd the d-ino-rattc pnrtv were also in m tlon. Ap-olaus-. 'u had been taught to revere he I'onttit'ition and law Hnd h id nlwnyp (loud by tho consti'utlon. It hud bwii "ir prid'e and wJory 10 acquiesce in th tcilon of tho mnjuri y, us it was the i-unrd t" the ritjht of all "the etJtes. Under triot construction of tho constitution the .lies were independent governments, a "Jwerful within ihctmulvc as tho federa ovi.-nin"nt, In whb'h nro all tho power nicesury to maintsin its own nutnor.ty mil uphold the rights of the people. Wc re ognize l the stale governments as cqunU 'i all scttions, and knew of no power in kh.t fuilernl t ivnrnment to d 'Siroy 11 stati iT murk a lino of ditinction bc'.weon lib- t-itcs. We were In favor of 1111 eennomi :nl administration of tho gevern ment, and of equtl Itws on tho collection if rev. nues nnd tazep, and of such a tarit) us slmll operuto equally on all. When we behold lha universal thievery which w.11 L'oin on. nmonir the olUcem, not excntin liofe in New York, who aro robbing tbo peoplo of toil and property. It was time tho spirit of the old democracy t".ik bobl ii.d brought back tbo unvornmetit to th- standard of Jnckson. Tho young Uiitnoc rary was to run this government, for thu radictls would break down, und then thu peoplo would call upon thu youni; de mocracy, anu so moia 11 oe. tie c oscu oy tliHnkini: thu convention for tho honor conferred on him. Hl'EECnMAKISa. D. Camnron moved they proceed to tin n iminttiou of a congre9iman-at-largc. S. A-liton want-d to adopt a plaiforrn nofon making a nomination, so that tho ennduate could s.'O tho platform on wliluh hu was to sImimI. On motion of Mr. Brayman, tbo motion n' laid on the table. Oi'orje It. Wnndllng, who wai culled fir, felt that anything hu could nay wuu'! mlr be a repttition ot wicit Had b eu kiii , lli'Mili-9 he wan unwel , but ns one of ill. young democracy hu coui.l any that lhu voiibi pbde tliein8lvu to .support thr constitution of tin-United Stnt-, and wliun lu'V i:ot into powur I10 w mill mo-t niercl ly uutrd the supi emu court of 1 lie U d.ed 3-ft'es mid also tnu inicrt-iii ol thu pop if nil cl -f4 : and tlo-y favored tiioaboli tion of the cunoni houns. John II. Oberly thought tho young di mocriirv w.i monopolizing tho nttention of the convention to (ho it.u.uion of tlnn whose wldoui nd co'iii.n-l thould bo re- ga-dtfii. It became nil m.n who revert the welfaro of tin- peoiilo to ri.-o in djl'uns f the right of the people. The parly" in pow-r Ijku swept on trotn one revolutto to no: tier untu they illeregardud the ron ilitutlon of tho fiher, and t"e repub'Ie a. ruled by lb tword. ItWkSt'.tuu fir he people to rise up to fay the constitu tion as tt is now shall be suttirit-d Tin lemocmtic party wa in favor of a Unci ontiruetlon of t'.e contltution. Corrup tion and dbh neity should be put dou unererer foutics. AV. J. Onaban fU tbatbo would bt-c rasiini; on the time of tbe contention t adires tliein. but be intrJuced Caiter II tlarrou. This gentleman re-jofidod t tbe loU'l calls, siyirg tliedetnocr tie party up. homewlut d vi Ivi on tbe amendment -ottie toiihtitutioii. In tbe &outh there whi a prejudice aifaili.t lb' cilored piple, iul be u rai.ed u rlaveunld-r, ud tie .ted ttiat the eiilruneiiuod negro kboutd nave tint birned how to vote. Sti I the jbI lot bad been given to bun and liberiv ever Mepped bnctiwanl, and Hie de 11 c- ric couldutast li s rl'hi. to be taken iv lie wanted to see the net-ro nr- a ed and made equal to the dutn t put uii- n 11 1 m. I he vi the black man never c uld be taken wy from Lim, to; no backward siep ws taaen bv liberty He woo' I resolve to Hand bv tLu um-nd til, and tro for n law irj make the whit- I uen of tbe .outb qiml to tbe nogro by g v ng them tliu right lomake laws. Tnc car-oi-!iag:era were dtpnving the people o hut ruun unuer inu ku-Kiux law. we 11 t have free rights 10 every man, bluclv r whi.e. Thomas Shirley "was tho ni xt cilled out. Id full the heart-throb of dnmocruts an 1 as one it, aged. Thero ncvr was a tun then it w s more nee -Kary for the deni er icy to tl'jhl than riuW, for it had to con end wi' h thu mach n ry of a courol.d.iti d :oVi-rnment, nnd the dm ruction of ih overeignity of thu aiatui. Thu privil gfi of thu l,alicnn corpus act have been lus.roycd, and thu government wai ut vnr with tho ihterctti of the workinc lus'e. State niivereienltv would be th. gird.-d first und nationul union afterwarila y thu people of Illinois. The prop 0 wpru in unin nent danger of the tuhjevt if centralized power. He would stand bt 1 e cotmitution and tbo laws, nnd the Ji'iniicraiic party ws alwuys In favor of -no law., nnd to-day stood in support ol hu conetltution us it It. THE I'LATKOItM. Tliomts Hoyne, from tho committos of resolutions, sunmitlid tho following: llVierrus, Thu democracy of tho state, repoMng their trust, under providenc, up on tne pitrioiism una Intelligence of the .tmencan p-opienave at all times in good luith endeavored to uphold, preserve un 1 inainta n tho great work of tho republi can failinrs, thu Anurican union and tlV constitution of thu Uniti-t Sih Whtrcat, Amidst tho general, open, and :anllng corruptions which, In tho hlghco piaceot patroi'iigB and power under tin ;overnimiit now threaten thu complete .uhversion of our republican frame-wnrU a recurrence to Urn ptlnciple., aecurdiim to thu address of JutfVr.on, U rondereV. wioio ipan ever riece-sarv : idtitvetl That th democratic prty o his statu hereby rcaflruu Us mire Tall 'li the vsdbm "nd cllicacy of the gru f indiim ntul tiuths ol gov rnmcr t '1 and applied loibo working of our na Ion 11 ui d tttesystO'ii of govern mum lit t li un n Jeiferrton, the ill'ittrious founde'r of f ' oc it I imr'i' 'itvimr ma' tiinai th i,mm great prin pie, .or upward of three THE CAIFO DAILY BULLETIN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1871. qu rtTK of n century, wMlo It managed in ufl'tr. ,r I in ....vem men t. IlllVnnc L iiib the proerow and I-"''"? I1'6 , right of in - wncur, mi " ..u ...... r. ...., nut forward or advocate. Jttfotvnf, Thnt the manifest neeoity for a declaration of our ndhorenco to those truths uow Is ho more olv ou. n the danger to tb liberties of the popl huh? more imminent. The wilful nn-1 0'0 . disregard by (ion. Or t of the pal ,,,1 ,...,.,1., . . J ,. several sNte, nnd the vl"cnt military menu'es to widen tho nlmifiirnilon bn rcmrttfU to aeuroy tui'ir free lorn; the calling in of the military under thi com . 1 1 1 1 - ..r i . ...1,1. ... 1 . mand of United States officers, as In Liuisianannd other states, aga'nst th will of the people; the IvCiking di-wn by congress of the only safe-gun nl of per oiml lib -rty the writ of hnlm ior;w in tlwstitcsj the disturbing of tho freed un of stat'i und individual action, a d m rer tnin cc resting the whole power of the general government on the proddent, to bu exercise I nt his pleasure within thu it ites, in uttc disregard of nil stuia au thority manifest a rising spirit of des potism and a centralis ttlon of power in tHe bunds of a sin"-! chief, which Ic-iVes nothing unaccomplished to make his will absolute, to ruin perpetunl, nnd the imii tho people slaves Rcsolvtd, That ibo general government is, 9 It ought to be. a government of lim'ted power; thnttheso powers sn pre scribed in, nnd enumerated by, tho consti tution ol the United State: that accor ding to the letter of that intrument it is exp'resly declared that "all powers not conferred upon the congrc-s and govern ment of the Unite I States are resurved to the stales respectively, or to the people;" thnt this dist nition In the spheres of action aligned to tho gen eral nnd 'tato governments U Impor tant to tho harmonious co-operation of both; to tho preservation of local inde pendence; to the ditlbsion of vital'ty, or the proventl n of military despotism, to thu security of individual rights nnd tho popularity of our freu institution!, bui that tho usurpations of tho irescnt admlnistratlondirectly involve, to their destruction, the.e republican guarant'es of all. UtfolreJ, That tho democratic pnrty of he state of Illinois regard tho constitu tion with its amendments as tbo supremo Uw of tliia union, to bo respected nnd obeyed In all its Part", and tho political lUtinellons founded upon raco and color being now abolished, w-j pledgo ourselves in the future, as in tho past, to maintain at nil times the constitution! rights nnd franchise of all men, without regard lo previous condition Ilenolved, That luxes should bo levied solely for tho support of tho government rid tbo maintenance of its credit; and that thu transferor capital from one class nction, or individual to another without tho consent of the owners, it unjust, de- usive. im noli tic and opposed tiall tno principles of republican government. Rtsolttd, That commerce, trade and in dustry aro founded upon the mutual ex change of services among men, and that whatever opuratcs to crippio or ntiatruet mch exchange can only bo productive ot ios 10 tno wuoir community. Revolved, That tho present Urill lias de troyod the ship-building industry, and ilmost annihilated iho foreign commercial marine of thu United States, that it has prohibited the construction on our lakes and rivera ot iron versuls with inore.utd u.irrying capacity, in proportion to ton naco nnd dratt ot w.iter.witn greater uura iiuv anu uuninisiieu outiy tor r ipaira anu , j. . . 1 . . 1 1 .... i . , insurance, all of winch lends to materially -ncapen thu transport or products; and vliilo tho laritf necessarily increa"- ng tho pnllti of the iron pmdu- ur, is crippling tho sbip-bui'd in: null flrp-o Aimig Interest ol tbo grea' bike and rivers, so that as respecting com .etition with our Canadian rivnU, th'su w '"ri-sl urn tilaccd bv the cenernl 'vern miMit at a ureal dlsadvant i:e, 'jr,d till" In tUe lace uf tho nnt aliundiinl natoral n io 'i'm for ship bui'dms: and imvigatioii. lemlved, Thai to the mine unwise policy i-0 aregiible In 11 larg-dero-, the huivy .11. t of railroad transportation, tho cost o' mch transportation being always In pr -prtlm to li c cihi of iron, ind that it i 11' for the western fnrmc. notwith'lMml iii; his uperi r ndv.intagps of so.l and cli mite, to expect to comptu with th.' agri ;u ttirists in other parts of the worl I w .01 U pr iduets are conveyed to mark tuior r Us which cost 70 per cent, moro than they cost cliewberc. i(c'i(r(, tnai our system 01 itition should be e-idjutcl and s.mplified, with vt. w the necessary nmoui.t revenue from the mall ist number of nrti-le-, to th' end that the coit f collection may be reduced and a fruitful source of corruption removed. Revived, That tbe three departments f the general gnvcrnm-nt ltvia.ative. ex ecutife und Judicial are c-oidinate n their po er, and the independence of each should bu sacredly upheld and m iintsinui. Jlo'jived, That u sound Unan lil n le- than true lutrpretution of the I'onetitution, requires a return to specie payment, at the earliest pruciicablu mo nent, and the re-totationof goid and silver ss the onlv le.'al tender 111 pyment ol al. JehU, boiii public and private. R'noUtd, That anv Amerran citizen should be entitle 1 to t'ie enjoyment of nli his rights under thu (Mriatitution as amend- d. Wo demand of congress a full am- nesty fr all pii't politliul oll'eiises and the re.tora'ioii of the privileges withheld by n- lourteenlh umelidrnent. Revolted, That the full weight of Amer- cau assertion and ilitluulice should be giv n lo thu doctrinu that tin citizens am. nblvcts of all civilized stutcs have 11 nirli (o cho-ise in what country und under what overnmcnl lliey will live, and wo es pecially insist that all American citizens, whutliiir nativo or nutuiullzeu, khill !) promptly and efficiently protected by the national government in every part of tin world, ugain-ithooppro-sion "and injustice of all governments whatever. R'Klved, That labor is the reul source of ill woilth, ami the mon of inhoruromt only tliu real authors of tho mduriul well- being, but tho bu.t defeiblorn of the honm mil interests of thu country. It it there for no less tho dict.itui ot ound poliev than tho rights of lalior to bu fully iiuii " t lined, and every possible opp inunity f inlividuitl improvement secured bv lawa to iho workingmen of tho oounttv. Retailed. Tint in view of tlni contluuHllt recurring uulnmitics in coal mines throui'l!- oui tna worm and i mi leariui tucriticu ot life, limb and health conrcnuunt thereon wodomand, in tho interest of humanity, thai tho stnto luuisliituru shall ut once nni such laws lor th protection of opcrutivu ui inn nato as win tuny respond to tno ro quiremcnts of tho new constitution in ref erence to that huliject. Jleiolved, That wo vlow with alarm the prouigatu tquandoring of tho public do main by the partv now In tiowor. and de. maud that hereaficr thu public lands te Nun ior tuo ocneut anu uso 01 tctiinl sot' tiers only. Renolved, That honor and duty allko ro quire tho honest payment of thu public debt, und tbo faithful performance of all public obligations, thu more e.pucially such bllgntions as hive bc.m ent 'red into ti re.ervo and uiuinluln our national union. But wo ,(, riot admit tint the creditors noru tlmn other mti, ro enlitb d to pub uu favor in any mnh lnterprctat.ini ot lb ; ws ns would c nfur up n them rlirh inithir intended or .irranted by the uct I'congrt'fS under wnicb the obligation or i"ir. was creaieu. iienoiveu. 1 nut 11 is tno uuty 01 conn.-e o arrest all win ilm expind uiro; to all 'late ll u burd ns o t kii' o by n wi dVributon1 tnndu'un r ree oisf hi practlc&U , wj.cq bi upon production nnd labor, and. to prevent ram lniingnm. nt, iniud .m l corruption in l. tliu branchis of ih) inioiinistrmKm ji,d t . , , , ii'iu'iiiirii.Hijii jiiiu 1 inei 1 vi ttie col ect.on of its rcven ,es, mid 11 is tho tnl que duty or every brancti of thu government micsti..n 1 10 uniorco m.i pr.utico Ih.) nioi t economy in the conduct of public afT ihal we dinourice thu assumption .1 igid I tirs; the t r-m..Kini power by (-. Oi-ant in t'ju 2 .11 D rn ngo jjestion us , groi. v.olatbo of tb C'!i'i,n. Av th.- el .we of tho r.'a ling, Mr. tfioveii tn- previous q le 'ionT .u-. .uerrut uu kii iijiuk tho gag should bu applied 111 tbul way. Aid. Montgomery wished to make Jl 'Piesident ' iimlead of ' Gi-ii." Oram. Cries of "vote down tho previojs ques tion 1 Mr. Hoyne ntlil Im in ido thu motion at the rcquett of thu committee. Mr. Ailrn said thu wa the first thnt he had heard of the previous question Mr. Hoyne withdrew his in torn. Till TAIIKIFF tlKMOLUrio.V. Mr. Meirut men olfeiei his resolution, given above, a- n mib-tiluc fir the rupou of t ic com m tteo 011 thu question. T. NV. .McNeoicy was in favor ol abso 'Ute irec-trade it t o.'sible, und the dismis sal of all customhouse-, und thu lutyiug of a direct t'ix. Hu was opp ised to p lariir which look motiot from tho people but undur the present itato of iilfnrs could not have direct tax.nion. Wo 111 u-t huvo an import duty. Il was not tnedut, of thu convention to d-.-c:nru in favor tn .ibsoiutc free-trde. lie would d-uouncc urn tanif for protection. I'ho resolutions laid down the broad doctrinu tint they were opposed to transferring tho property of one part of lb people to another. Wt must b.tvu u t itlil' for rcvunuii onlv C, A Keys otfered a ie-oluiioii favoring a tnrntf for revenue only. Mr. Mcrritt proposed to havo free iradu through nmuiidmuuts to tliu tution. Mr. Buckingham could not ffc much ditliirencu between tho resolutions nnd those of the republicans. A taritf for ruvunuu was for protection unless on urticles not produced in this country. The resolutions of Mr. Murrilt represented the spirit of the dem ocratic party It was time for- tho demo cratic party to say it was in favor of free trade. Mr. Edward', of Hancock, had ever been in favor of free trade, but we must ralso a revenue bv a liuill. We could not adopt freo trade wlibout injury to the in terests 01 tnu west until ibc constitution is amende J, Hu would have a t.tntf equal upon all things until tho constitution could bo changed so as to bring about free trauo. Mr. Oborly said the democratic partv had nlwaya avoided declaring opinly for freu tradu. Wo should meet tbo lss.U. now. He believed thu resolution ollorcd by Mr. Meiritt might bo modttiud, so ns to meet the a, proval ot every member of thu convention, and iuov':d"to strike out the word "nation," and instrt uftcr that word the words: ".is soon as it can bo le gally reached by thu government." and that tho resolution as mus amended be added to tho resolutions of tho cominltli'0 afiir tliosu relering to turritl' und taxa tion. Daniul Cameron said tho question wa- nol otio of principal, for on it the democ racy has never givon any uncertain sound, but it was a quuetmn ol policy. Hu mov ed an a aubrt.iuiu for Mr. Mcrriu'e to-olu-tion the follow ing: iicsoivoi, rim tno democracy 01 11,1 noiP aru in favor of fro j trade 011 principle. Mr. Morriti could suo no use In dodg ing thu issue any lunger, and in; hoped the deiiiocials would say j ,st wh it tliey mu'iit. He would aeo't ai an umctid ucut lib words ''as soon a- the constitution of lb U lined States can bu m aniuiid' d thai di rect tnl '.ssl.i I Lc appuriinned HlilOog tin aialu in proportion to T.'ealth popula'iou." .Mr. Elmmds olfendlhc follow!' g a- . aub'litUte f r tliu wiioiu I nog : R-s-olvel, Thai wu urn 111 favor ol s. un ndinc thu c.'iisi Initio 1 ot iho Unit o o ate. that ini- revenue . re-Mary to im di- t-l t ir 1 Ins support of tho gov rnmeii, till b. arcqoa it- upon n.u propeity 01' th C"U iry and tliu', 111 t 1 the cuim.tii bo 0 a 1 te a ouodeil, thu taritf 1 11 hi ic s mi ii'l'd 'hit il sua 1 (o a i.irilf for rev -1 ic, not for proliciiob, as now formed Uh-irlus VoorliM'g ttiinied the convun- 1 on i -peni out jil.ii ly. So that the pen ,nu cou il see wbero thv dem. uia ic p irt mod. He would adopt ilii lesouiiono Mr. Merritt, and astiteiiVJiit tb .1 lb ,nriy would support tu c u-titutiun. A m nioi. to recoiiiinii wiis nuide. m Springer would ud pi 'the report if the c Col. Warner moved lo lay tho icvera amendments and luo motion to recoinnu on tliu tabic. A rim vuce vote showed 11 very tquul division. A call wus m:idu for the rod call by counties. Siimiel Ma'rslall was allowed to speak in support of tnu report of tile committee, wh ch he rcgard"d as setting forth the iririi ipie of free irnde. Hu thought ihe I 'ditlcition of Mr. Merrill's ieoiution h- ccepir.J by him might be adopted, but hu t'ould prelvr onu lor a revenuu tnntl'oiilv. .Mr. -Merrnt, in ordor lo save furthu discu-n'oii, accepted thu modiflcutioti ol hi- rcoiuiloii suggested by Mr. Onerlv. and moved that it be udded to the rejiort ot tiie committee. Tin motion was cuiried and thu lusulutlon adopted. fOltRtrT' 111KC1S I)N0V.VCID. Samuel Ashton ottered tho following, whitli wns adopted : ltesolved, J. Hut wo are opposed to, nnd heretiv doiiounci', unyand all combiuutioiie or lings, Tamiutny or otherwise, for po- ilical or partisan purposes, whether fed eral, statu, county, or muniiipal, and du- siru tiiorougii abolition ol thu abuses ul lederal und s.alo patronage, 1'IIOTKCTIOX OK LABOR. Mr. Hinchclllf otl'ured the tollowlnc us uu aiditional section to tho plalfoim: RitvUed That wo call upon congress to entabli'ih a separate duiinrtmeiit of govern- n cut oy law, which uip.irimmil pnuil no Known us tlio depiptnient of labor, the functions of which ahull be tlm pinmotloii if the material and 6..c'al wulturo of uli olustes of ifroducurs of our country. AUOJHIU, Thu r?port of ihu cotnmittco on nlntform. as amonded, was then adopted. TUB K0MIXAT10K. On motion of Daniel Cameron, thu con vention tiivu proceeded to the nomination of a candidate for ci iignssmun-ai-large. 1 - f '...wirm,,.., ...... ..I II. O I 11, u.iiui un iiuiuii'utvu JiOll. o C Huye, of Cojk county. Mr. Wondling moved that S, 8. Haves bu nominated by acclamation. Carried nnil 1 great app ause, and Mr. Hayes was declared nominated, REMAIIKH OF MR. HATES. Thu Hon. S. S. Iluyus was tnun nresont od to tbo c. invention, and rpoku lor abjut ta minutes, saying nui uu was glad to uu thit thuy aiipiecinled thu of thu ouniry, Mid recognized ihu tact tiut t huru had been a change in the cunstllutu n of the country, and that millions of piopio had been elevuted to a new p. sltion in lim country, Hu wus glad thnt they hud tb'e courage to announce to tuu Wor d thul the dimocracy accepioi thu situation, uud would now do end thu ngnts of Anurican e'tiz'-na without 10,-urd to color, unJ now uisctd itself to iiiuititiin tliu rg ts of all ol citizens. Ho was willing odo ji,tilio to, and kio,. fa tb itli tbe uiii 'K iiiou, bd prot ct tin in fn iii ti.e guruislon. and tyr hi y of the federal overiiinriit. 'Ihu dc'iiocnuic pirty had noitaKell ny lluw depuriur , but .uuiillllrd bo piinu a. it cad bei ii si'ice ti n lliuo ol Jiitlorson in Uvor of conV 1 u lonal law, rue lo Amuncan I'lcdnii, Tnu duino cratiC party always dtciarcd tie uo,,ui o gove - nm - nl to be tho pre'nrv.itlon of po- I 'icnl order of w I 'v, nn'tlc enforce- mm t of nrivulo riulv.c riio tr.o t impor- t on before the rounfy whs ibo niiiiiin of tnxiitioti. and the ollcctf ol un- j ut texntion c uld bo sren In Euop1. bu he feiifed if so'tin'hing was tmt done o on the eoiditioh oft mn!i' in ibis c'limry woulu be vvors" tl.a i that 0f Ulo poor peo ple I. 'ne 'ou-'try. II" hnn 'yxi I roved of t'u- r unon Wiiih in lb en ftioiu'i rop'f'.i ; Ire? trade, lor it wa orie'ln 'be right direc'io-'. nnd he hoped thv. 'he time would come In fore mn"y years when there would b no custom houses or p"elal revnue offlCi-s. In re gard to the labor question, be said that the laboring men wore iho deinoi'r.iu of the Country, and tho labor unions wen ndvociiiira ld as t'ut were ninlnly democratic nnd calculated to pro tect themselves hii.I their child ren. They received his heurifelt upporr. He woul'i uld in enr-ying oui their prib I'lplef po fin- its 1 hey were oc n ti ii) I .-ii 1 nnil n B'-cordnnee with the detnocriitb) prin ciples. Tno netloii of the jurty now In p 'Wer wns wilhout n purallt-l for usurpa t on of pnwvr, but the time was coming wliuu the people would cull them to nc 'iiiint for their aim es ami corriipiloh,and p) ice In pnwor mi old fiihloned udtmnis trillion. In conclusion Mr. Hhvcs Ptatcl that the timo wns too short to rt nke a coin .dele canva-, bui he should p ;t blm-elf il the lunula of the central committee and n leaver to fill ,uch uppointuients as they shou d see fit to make lor him. James c. allex ma le n hort addri s, rev ewlng the notion of th" convention, expic-smg grnt salif fnctioii therewith, nnd urging upon the numbers tbo necelty of I ibormg from jh preent timo tiU tlie last vi t wn polled for Mr. Haye. In t-losuig. In proposed threo cheer for tlm camlnlalp. T ey were given with a right gotd will, and the convention thm mljourned. 0PEXIXO SCXK tX THE TRIAL Or HKXRt ROCIIEFORT Ilochofort's trial before C'donol Merlin, which commenced Sopt mber '-'u, excited much curloiity, and attracted a far Inrger uudioiice th in had yet b -on suen. Every seat wns ocenpi d, und mnny with ticket's remain d outs d-i for tho wiint of standing nut Rochef- rt InoVrd 111 and worn, und I at- frequently Ho was dressed In mout .nng, Witu b'auk kid giovei, und has cut jtfiiiuch of thu shaggy, brisilb g hair which gave him so eccentric nn nppear- snco nt BordeHtix, H) nnswered ques tions with Qriiiiiiss and ulf-posi-siinii. tnd claimed crudil for not hnviiiir, after Sep'cmber 4, used bis p ipu larily in fur therance or perronnl ambition, On the contrary, he deferred in all things to Oun rai 1 rocim, and, irom ti itn Hlu motives suspended tlm Marseillai-o which brought nim'Jd,0U0f per month. Ho hnd but ll -teen francos when released from prison on tho 4th of rieptnmbo, and yet refu-el liiuijf arrears ot doputy a pay which his colleagus offurnd him. II had alwjyt supported a ivommun d govurnmunt. bu. lid not belong to tho Commiini) of Mircli iSth. Hu was on bad terms with it, al d narrowly escaped the fata of Chandey. lie had satirically and violently blamed he Versailles government bectu-o ho wi iri-iiutcd by shells fulling near Ins own ioiiso'. His impulsive stylo of writing miiiht bo blama'dc, but ho had always been patriotic. Winm incited at Meaux the Prussian general in command otfeio i oi releaso him.; il was thorpfore of his own rco will thai h appeared before the French cou't rnarti i". Muiirot and Maror. wo colleHgui-s of Ro"h"fort on the Mot I Ordtf svern imlll-tell with llllll. CollT-s iKinler Onvo iu produced no o her uv ienco than soiiiu nrtielo of tho ot d 'I -ilre, wh "h he rend nt grust length le ured .ho nir o put out of tho wnv f doing ioo liar u th pest l-nl rnc-- ui n il of whom It die oit was the lleO", who m ido a le j r- of sedition; T e trial w s ailjiij'nc.l wi.houl result. TUT LAST JlAVs OF JA.VE JiVhtRS. A louder and a prei Ivivo notice of Jnnr Alls en nnd her waitings, In the August limber of Conhitt, close, thus: Jane Ausien livol ye .m i nough to fill dll her ml-'ion. It was an unci nciou me; nnd uncoi scions teachers lire ! uighe-t. 'f h-y teach by th ir Uvea, oven nore than bt their words nu l their 1 yes e d not recli ilnei'Seore years nnd ten lo e t'lKtiplco. Sue lived fong onongh to He s t uwk Unit wern m .terpieees in thoi w y 0 make a tho san I eop'o t'o i.,pci i r her ndiMry. S m livullong g'i to be Lvud b'y all those of her homo. onu c mnot re id tlio story of her lat'r lays without emolion : ot her patient her sweetne-s. und giaiitude. Theie b family trouble, wo arc not told ol Win; nature Sh-. falls ill. Her nieco- Hnd h in her ilresding-gowo, like an invu id it. an arin-s-hiir, in her bedroom ; bin shogO't up and greets iliom, and p lining lo s al which had b",;n urrrnged for them by the lire, siiy! "There la h ehair for tlm marrieil iiidy, and u bt.le i-t ed fir you, '.irolln-." Hot ah is too weak to talk, and Casiandru ta'ics tit m w y. A i list thy pursuudo her to go 1 1 Win- hester to a woi -kn wn doeu r h to. "It distressed me," she suy, in onn ol her Inst dying Hitlers, "to seu Uhclu lieu ry." 'And William Knight, who kindly at tended us riduig in thu rain alino.t I In whole way. Wo oxpeet a visit from them to morrow, and hope they will stay tbe night ; und on l liursony, whiuii is u con tlrmutiou and holiday, wc hope to g t Ch trios out to breakfast. "Wu have had but one visit from him, poor follow, ns he in thu sick-room God hluss Von, ibiar K. ; if eve or you aro' ill, may d a I havo been. you bu as tenderly niira-d lint nursing noes not euro her, nor can tho doctor ivu her to them nil, and sin HiKs trom day today. To tlio olid alio Is full of concern for olhor. 'A f ir mv dourest slstor, my tender watchful, iml'd'atlg ihlo nurse ban not been made ill by bur exertions," alio writes As to what 1 owe hor and tbo ntixlou- ll'.-ctiou of all my beloved family on this occasion, I can only cry over it, and pray to liod to bless- them mom and more," Onu can hardlv read tliia last aentencu with dry cyo?. Il Is hr parting blessing und farewell to tliosu sho hnd blessed nil bur llfu by hor presence and hor lovu. Thank God that lovu is bnyooddoalh; ami its b'inodiciion, sun with us, nol only ipi ken in word., but by tho signs and tliu lovu of a lifetime, thai d.ics nol und for us long us wu ourselves e'lst. Tiiey askud hur whon sho was near hor end if them was anything alio wanted. 'Nothing hue doiitu, alii ald, Tlnm woro her last words. Sho died on tho 18th of July, 1871, and was burled In Wiuchoitnr Cathedral, where oho lies not unromum bercd. t6T In Indi inupolls tho question is be ing disciifsud whether tho court has tna right to order chloroform nd iilnlstornd to n witness in order to get nt thu truth of evidence given. A woman (O'tlfiol in the police court thnt "ho had b-ien s iultcd by her hull) mil, wh i ha 1 broknn her n'm. A phyidulun was etlld to to tl 'y iw to tho ..f i.... Inl i,.j l,i,l wr in hn tun. in rili'iuwi "vi iiij ,'--, " - - , ?;, to utamln hor arm she bog in to yoll liku s Comanche. Thereupon in J t 'go or color f irm snlminisl-td, and tt was found that thu eiiaii had i d, and lb it li r arm was n t broken ut il 1. And now tho JuJgc Is objure dod fur his cruelly. . Su-crnl in ilign nit cases of dlptlieria aru reported! tu tiprinUcld, UK I'AHIIY JHOC'r.UII..H. LOUIS J OllGKNSKX, DeAlsr lonll kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY G-BOOBEIES. l'ltriner'a Vnrc' V1TJI0UT mid .Sinbtliit: Cor. Washington-ay and Twcuticlh-nt. CAtUO, ILLIXOIS j2Tdtr f.MIKIiTAKllllS NICHOLAS FEIT11, G K X E It A h U N I) IC UT A K Kit, I I I I i 1 W i i p-2 g a i. Cor. M'aaliltisloii-uv.nnil lllll-al., CAIRO ILLINOIS. W. G. CARY, PIUNC I PAL UN DK RT A K UU, V. W cn 5 ii ?3 c e li a - v. - . V. I 2 s V o i - - SALES KOOM, No. 13 SIXTH STRE CAIrO, ILLIVOI?. COOKI.NU ST4MT.S. TUB TWO Moat Nucrcafiil, Populnr nnd I'rrfrcl COOKIITG MACHINES 01 the irloilar our n(ll-knwn .. li ''A. tJt 1 - '1 K u EPIClKE BROILERS, Both are nf Ihn r it 11 I eon trirtmn, -n'l ' i-a-il)- in.ini-il tlitt we g'laramea In. n n fie KNTIHK SATISFACTION. A nn ait cle In llie Iiiiiip hold h i o s'en'er I tlilener In (iroinolli mlie h'tllth,i" tnlou an l . Hp ,,iiep of (hp fain l c iee ban In Uu t Ve, I' IP eeoll my HP well n ,ol lit IO HO- till '.ry oept; an i In iiiiiikIIi' CHARTER OAK' Vn i csn mly niigi-'lbiK tlntnol i.-ce-riit, p llu anl prrliet ciOhhg note et r In uu IHIIH Ihe Ei'icuiit: nitoii.Kit. You are ulmijx .urnnt having Jn v. Trn'lrr mil oei.a oil. Il-f f.-liikc , Cioeki n, ll.un, a elf. olu li r Bxcclsior Miiiiurucliiriiig Company, (Sli -nlC14 N. Maiii-t , t. I.ou'n, Mol AM) A I.I 1,1V.-: HT'.VK IliiAM-.ILa. 0. W. HENDERSON, Agent, 4'ulro, lllliiola. ipptJ-lawlni ItllllT.H A.MS hlbiKS. WILLIAM BI1LBRS, Ka.blnnalile BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWENTIETH HTIIHKT, Hitwfen Wa.h'iiEtiin Avenue and Poplar Strrtt, CAIRO, II.LH. Itools an.l PNnen Mad lo Order. t'iu Wrrkmn Knipluyeil. Hatlsf.tvtlou tV'arran'ed. Patrnuan -iipritpil CITY SHOE STORE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY nt mrN'CY rom "BEOIiASKI'S" CUSTOM-MADE ROOTS AND SHO K S oinmerclnl Avenue, Corner of i:ii;blli Mrs-el, Cairo, Illinoib. I'AIITICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ALL OR DERS FOR UOOl'BKlllTH AND nllOKK. run Mm i i:s. I. & E. GREEXWALD. siM'ic Ttatus or II 5 l 11 M, Hollers, Hour nil Or ' .Mills, Kiiw Mih., Tins "TuDper" Paren ira e Imr, :C t f ti I'.MAL l'Ultl'OSBS, CINCINNATI. OHIO lt,UiWV0 I t ) I tlMlUMI,. A 11 HlilDAJ. CIIAMUKU, hSfeAYS FOR YOU NO MB: oiieat social r.vit.a anu a tit he., Wiip1! ePforr with mnr i r o' ell l f - 'i.e-v lunn I i n an ' c '.'"I -( li 'e. ri J' Un , n toi I .en.'! eh ' - , II iw r I M In t Ml Uu . 1 -uu h .N'U h s ., I li m(i i,? m, t't. I M J . 7 I --n FAMILY MEDICINES. 'T. ll Pinter, sole pr unlet ir and mnnulaytiil 1U0 "OL'TII 7TI1-ST., NT. Of IN. MINNOtlltl. DR. RATTINGERS FEV1JR DR01 Ar On- phainti'iii nipiliclnv for the riireM KrJ iml Auiip. Iliilnli A line .nl nil otlipr kn.l.l 'iilrla fererp. Tliev nrr pnri ly vrgpiaiile eil i'oc ly hiio perm nnv .n e-rs' n n ru n I tie lever h nnil lime, when Ihe.e ilno- rani iN ne.l. P Ice ppr Ipit le, l 2V A.t lor II It ill n(inl-i-i'r 1'iiip., DR, RA'ITINGER'S VEGKTABL1 LIVER PILLS In n el nt m all u pop of eoaiivm) p, blllml ne-p nnil onpiir ly ui u, iiinou , met c ui'ii m lllier enliMio I nor any wilier mercurial toreM in p, m" ipi ikty n,nl pr"ilue no xrljibl lrife ,-r IHIX iJet ill.. ASK lor LIT, IU1l(in(P t eeirt'ne i.iTer I'm. IH. RATTING KR'S DIAKRIIOK. AND DISENTEP.Y POWDERS. ire a n on r aid p.t'e lur I Klmlp bt Diarrlioen piel DiPi-ntei Mlll.tthnr a.lnl I'ri'e per w pentp pk lor Or. Ill tinner p Da rhoeaand lly.ntery I'nwilers. DR. RATTING ER'S TONIC HERS AND HOOTS, Mike a sunnrlnr "tnmieh hil.erp; terv ll full s prevei.tite u ibi'l luuUria fetcr. an I e.eci ly a lonie in e.ifp m general lit-niiii). i"ri we,- iMCkafe, Wilit-. k lur loot UKr a Hrrl Kor al bt nil flrpt-t'la... IruKKi"t alel lenlJ ll medb Inn l)'2oiltll UE L BUR AT h I) HITTB R COR lil Al iVUOIXSALE UKPOT SCIIKETZ'S .i AT U RE'S GREAT RESTORATIV X. w. rirrii AXD hack STS 1'lillnilrjpliln, I'n. J011X ECI1EETZ, fOLK lT.Orr.IETOl It In a reliable Ki milt Medieine. ami en lieiilit rliher lufanl or a nil w th the 11 1-Ik1 repuli. II ip aerrtain, prnmpland -'P--4 -ineny inr iimrrnea, nyeuier, m-wei. i-iiiiiihii It.iietisia, iiiwne.p of iplritp, faintinir., sil 'loiiipib.bea'lMi'tie cb). I'lircnill-ali'l fet I ill kin.l-. It ip far liefer ano psl.r Horn niuiill submit ant of I p l-rnleli-ll. elleelp. II efllnl ,n uppelllr, i,r ep p imsi'i ill ill. r-tor ol lo i3d will iai .iil'-rael llie etlM-tp ol lepior leaf iiliillle.. At inoippinai'ie eviucm n ni ts m al oroperPep we apiml few olibe many Inealp lu our pop.e-poin t 'olinpnn' Iieot, Ea-t Tenn., and Va. K. Teun Jtt-'ip bciirtrt. Ko. ! nr-"r I riatrupe.' II lleip lute ob aml t nui Ton, .ind Cn 1 .l.e u te Mil Ibet pre re.-filntleriil il 10 e I loilll -ilie 'anile iiHlloi'i 111. un-eleiHi,!.' rebel, Inl tPtli'illtll I ranii'lt "lo I I) well llll. lilt llieil, iny pre.' nl plain of health. I .MKMi.K l.UMiuihi.ib .1.. P'i la. 1'p-tor llnnii.i I'pp.tiiiik Cburrhl KoM by ll' I'. Allen, an Mintn et l'ubU(U o.tliiilh LOOK TO YOUR UII 1 LDKUN.I THE GREAT aOO THING RRMEdI Ir 1r. iere . ul nn tgM finr ) Prbl ihIIII' ' oi Ho li -w I , kii in I ;.J rii. I I.IMI.--I. i - e i l mi ( leelli i,K ) I IV II 1 1 "jnir Ilr r -nb oi lit l.i hp I I'rlr .s J .u i n. in ! .i ; s I i'J i . x.i-. n -. ien' in n I Vnd In'- " i li oen I 'Villi I Mil jru ir. I or - ' a lie t i i'rbl I I ( OSI ll'N I ') 11 - IllOII -fl in I )rap. 1 pi i nt .nvloiuieu ol ull ( dul ll III li i. the R-MV I if mi's an I ''hu.lren'a "eolhll Heme It in ab di-oroer' br ai In on nj TveibiJ nr in) ilier u use. rrepurea o. ine iiiur c x ui:iici.NEi''i., bi, uui. jii ' ""nl I ' r Iiruiuistt and Ida'ura lit M. ilu'll ererywlure. n jjawiiml MAYiNAKDs. rUJLJ BITTERS tub r::st TONIC IN USB! nut nam: nv E. F. lAYNARD, PROr' PITTSBTJEG IF.A.. A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A Private CuunFcM in l ie Married th .e aboullu linri .n tlin iihipinl tl'el inv"terUiiiiil revelalloua of the .('I'ipI pyalrl web the I ileal Ipeoverlea n niiiducuii; and Pll tHiitoii 1 11. mini? .re.vrtirw ineCiilnli''Xioli(Al Thus la an liiteie.lmx woikol iwobiilnlreUail twenty uu paiep, wiin niirr.eroua ennrnvliiej and eoniuina v.lualile nif rmation fur ll.ope wil irn iniiiried oi uoub lupUle inarriaKfl pldl it 14 p.oktliat ii In o be uniicriip-WBiiii key, ainlnl alwiiiibe unite. ti'illoiiii) ui ttiei-ol pn.iiii e) for" ci-it A. hi In, lliitla' li'Piieii-ary, bo, li, Kifhlb alio I, ''i I-oiii", Mo ,t oilce lo (lie Afllltlril ellil Unfurl llliati iiefnre apiilyiHK In the noinr.onw Q aekawll ll'IVer 1.0 III li.e punou pi rip r u.ii's puj 1 o In. Un.t.l wnrli. nn nut IM iriumiir-, i"-" , -; , " M w h your uiseaae la or liuw deplorible jwut uul union. . , , lir. nulla can bo eonan led. PfKOiiullv or iiiail, on llio lipue.e- nieniioneil III Im work! ulti". , X '. U X. E lililll rlreel, bet Mailicl ail (111... Hint pit leilMM Mn, nitliilwlvl W AT, IIIIAKI II, PRACTICAL WATOILMAKER.I II. HOUPT, NO. 150 "WASHINGTON AVENUH CAIRO, 1 1. I. I .V O I H , Iliii nn hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWKLRY, -ETC. l.'iilsr allenliim Klven lo Itl'PAIRING FINE WATCUES. T r In i st toc'r of .1.01.1) A.VU SILVER WATCIIEJ I l-i.U vlil'.