Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1871. Of;: riiOTKs. ' jwiiyTi:iiiAN-BiBi, . . Pr. l ok (alitmlb lit hyt a. m., nnd TV Prayer mct nK, Wwlmdny nt r x. fondar fV!i.,ol,3 r. m, J. M Super Intended. Hrv. C. 11. Fonu., Pa.ter. M 1 1 tiitlr T Cor. Kudith and Walnut Ft. Prcachlns.R'sbWth lt'H1- K..nil Tr. Prayer niretieg, Wedmsd, 7- e. a rt 'a. rvhool j) p. . I.. W 8llli-ii,.riipcr tntendcnU Iter. F. b.Twfs Pastor. CllliHOH UFTIIF- IsniJKKStKII- tKpUOfl) Motnlu rjct, Sabbath luJ-J a, m. Earning prayeri.'K'' Sabbath School, 9 1. si. ... . Her. Mi. Coax, Rector. St. PATRICK'" CtU'HCH-w'pr. Ninth St. and Washington Avenue. PuUI irrflm.,eW.lli '"' " Vesper s r. . Sunday Sfhool, I r. v. Serriceetery day, r. . Hev. I'.J.O IIu.tfl". Pf1'"' Cltltl-ITlAN-r.isthiccnih street. Fai b(h -school, a. .. rttMrtth. , Preirhlnt, Hr,lMihlH " nn'' :',T' "' Iter. J Fiirsn, Pator. MWION PVSMY r-CHOOb In the Christian ' emirei., Eighteenth s.fct. bUlh ffonool a r j, II, Hub, F.iperltitendcnU VOUNfl MEN CHRISTIAN AS K3IATION-Rc tilar mce Halt second Monday each montli it tr Prayer roo,n ' ," P'cbyienan Church. Weekly Prairr meeting, Friday, "W . i the Prarer room of the Prcsb tcrian church C. I'auom, President. and CedAr., Sabbath, 11 A. . Sunday &"-hol, l)i r. m. C;3r v. l'n-Mluiijt,7K r.x. Her. Win. Jackson, Pto sKCOSl) rKr.rWll,l,lHI'llH'-nil.putli Hi. lietwceti Wnlm'tand Ceiiar. Seitiue t', lii mi I a r. m. Iter. S. IlKit I'asfnr. Knnn.wn.i. mnTiMTJioMB mi-mu. UN IMV -CHilOL Corner ir nut ami Ceilarr-.. Hund j S hool, x. FIH-T F KB HIM. HAPTIST CIIURCH-Cur- rj'e llarrck. ... -erruet, .-abo.ih 11 a. 3 e. a. and 7 . x. Ke. VVx., Palor. HU-TMISMOS's.RY II W isr wi-rnluttianlHth etictt-, n.arCe-lar. I're.clnnr Hllh 1V4 ftn'1 Prayer Mee'lni? ' etenmg. i-ahtiath! haul, IJi'- John an Baxter anil Mary Stehn. 3u,r.riiit.nilent-. lie,. TJ. uot, Pasto STATE OFFICERS. STATK OFFICERS. flomn'r. Johu M. Palmer ; l.ieuteDvn-OiH.rDor, Jol D Dougherty ; secretary .( elate, Fla-d Rumrni-I i Aud tor e.f sute, ". E. I.ippincott , uteTraur r,; :a?i. 1'cbiK Uttraviltn, Nton Batcman. COXGIIEisMEK. f enters LymaaTrumbolland John A. Logan Repreteaialiie for the state, at Lare Vacan. y. Rl:eBu:.Te Th.rteenth bittrxt Jobs II Ctrl. M rIMBEIlS GENERAL VSsEilBLY. s&aJor, li. UiitrKt T. A. E. Uokmb, of Cew, and i. E. G.ll.tiE. Re(rtc'.autt. lit t H. VTausn 'Wbb. cocsty"officers. CT?xrn cocut. :a4;l 1. BUtr, W AUxultr. rreGiiif Aarsy 1. F. Mi.Cr.aj, o s:.-e, C r.tat Ctrl Q. lIir.tT. - StrSL. H. !mt 7Ti Xarvx. ltr M.'Triir.-. corrrr rorxi. r. See. ii J i. XeCr- . XuikHz MryiciPAL GovrByiir.vT. J(j Jfct S. Ciaajan f-Z. L. W 0-t XcfefcK Hawfcit laii Cua. tL.f Ct Hljt I. H- Xyrj. ii IT- CJOt-TCTT Mf; Mn X. rcai Vfc.- . r-u T.yf. CBy-u-lA-f ? Suiitij ii I. Er- yan r ttx z.r. K.iTiiv-i M.ecxoik.iac. -ana i'jrv. TIk&VAit-tfa. f C ejftiAC r.x.K Tirvt U'sU. rv Cry Ciwat in. Mr.tfn fx Trf lr XW l.l it; HC44 MHH. ruMe-Cwai i out ir.t ", w .A.t 7leaf uvr MM.t Kvtty jc t im Taw nAf "ir axl. OVVXIITCU W7SI Wt-fUL fj K-,rt. Ty'Af, WaMrr, '(iKer, ' ap UttnUL I' -t i 'axMutaa. , if. A.4 tClit.y. '"" eVw,Caitiaxi l4 Kl... W J-Xi:, c.rrtai, lidr t1 ! rl Xrt. blr aayl Ttylur. rV Mpciuti-XMtrt. IUai).fcjt & Uw-U-.r.. Hard. iriu..n im Meti. ftrtei V Utalk Th y.r, .r.1 M.ort, Kr lo, Hiiw-r, eir'U,a asICi rU. SI'KIKOPIELI) A.VO ILLINOIS SOUTH LArjTKI'.N It. Jt. Oa ai .rt.r Monday. Apnltnttj, trama wil raa a. M ova : SOI'.fUEIt.N WVIHIO.V. tii o(a mnnimr, ,. , Mail. " Ta)lor.HI.l(ui .. ' ArrueatCaua ll;4, m, Ttnaiaotaa onawur. I,eaie Puna M1i. In ia,ioM,ne::."r. i Ktpre.i It 3a p.m. , S.UI . 4:WI " . C:1T Mall, ...........S.ob rn ........Vt ...........e.ij a ...... in ii AU'e t prinKiiiiJ.e;lS I.eare Hpii'f.eil..J.a-u irrlra at VlrninlA.....,.,,, 80UTHKIIN IUVtSllfiN Arrna at BhawneeUiwnJ.1.1p in L it n TiAiaa ooiaa uaiuMT, r v nor.. -t.'A ....:;::::::i.?,?,.im Arrlre at l.dgewooil " The 6 i a in irlu (run F.dcewood, rune onl Monday. W .dneJaapd Fnuare. and r.:4Si. m train fmm B anneetown ou Turadayi, Thura- UPT. .1.1. P. Co .necii, ai Ahland with JaeVmonvllle cllrJaioti f (!h CiiJ'l and Al'on It llrmii f. r Jackor.Tille Peterabu n, Maun City, h nd all to nl. n, ' at npriiiK", ' "i"' "k" n'i A l , ,nj 'fnledo. VV.U-li and VV.Kern Kaiirnai, l"r iuu'iiiui,"u, vm,vji.w, .i p.iuM uuriii,nbiiu we.l and wea , .... At Pant Mlth In I. and Bt lrfuli, and uhdoii Central Itulruad lor t-I I point eu nuuih and OUtfeivt, At Klgewood with Chicago Uirialoa lllinoii Cantral iUllro'id. At Flora, with phln aid Mlaatailp'ii Rulroid, AtHhinerto'n, wllh eleamboau lor Cmcln. aatl. P xlucah, Cairn and HI. I nun. Jam Tnm, Ofo'J I't'gi and licks i ii'i. r 'iilK MAiLS. abms- "" iiniH.m. W I'-"1 " fitD t.m lliCO ( ""..".'"lf.l'."' i'Wp.'ll. Jlenr Z.jn p.m. 4:Wip m, N'jrtli, TIiroujn wj...; 3 nith, Wny, " TllMIIRhN.O. pill" iiml Oiliimbii-. OliH" lller mute, Mnneny) ifoii Xnttntitin R.. (eji'epl jOO p.m. C..lfl p.m. 2:JOa.m. l:VD p.m. Mla. Iterr..'ile. Tun hi COO p.m. 7;00p.m. am FrliMJ.' Iheiiee, o llail fnt Fe. IM., ThJruiay a tri- dJ. j s.OOp.m. 7:Wa.m, iltrdtU, Dlan.lril.e aad U.ela-e, Ky .ll:OOn.m. 4:n0p.m. vrrica iiovi. . (Jmern! Del.tery (!uimIa) t lo V a.m.) Money Ord-rdepajlnicnt :00 a.m. 6.00 KfRlter " " " 8:00 a.m. 610p.m. Money Unier and RejUier departmenta nu opeunn &uudj)K. SECKETjjllDEHS. THE MASONS. Cairo ICoxxAXhtM, No 1.1. Slated Aim'd at the Aylnm Miot)il Hall, flrnt and third ba.. nrdave In ncn month. Caiuo Coi'scit. No. 21, eular Conriiealionat Unnc Hall. the eecond Kriday I r. each month. Curo Cn.rira. No. 71 'i.gular Coarocatlnii t M.tnuuio Hall, on the third i'ues lay of eiery Oiii Iibflt, No.i7 F, A A. M Regular Com. iiiimciiticns nl Miaunin Hall, tha a.cond an., r.'iirih Mimlaja ol each month. intra lnut, .o.6CS F. A. M. Regular Com ntiiiicallona nt M-onlo Hall irot and third I hurda) in each In until THK ODO-rELLOWS. Atr JAM ii I.OIMU, 2i. Meets In OdclFellow'a Nil, in Art rV Iluillliig, crery Thursday ,eten mir, at & o'clock THE BULLETIN. l'ubllilicI eery morning , Jlondny ex- SHORT ITEMS. The cirect committee had n meeting last night. Thu Entries hub factory will oon ho in oporntion. Juctt Wilcox is expected to arrire in this city to-duy. C. C. Duvidaon returned from Hew Yoik yteterdity. Kcjch it about to open a now restau rant on Ohio lerce. Tho new boiler for tho tug 'Cacbo" will hoon be completed. T. F. Bouton, of tho Joneiboro (7- ittte, wai in town lait night. II. T. Gerould, superintendent of the Cairo City gai works, is Tiiltlng at Deca Ur. The regular quarterly meeting of this charge begins at the Methodist church this eening. Joe Able Is putting up a new building on tbe'CornerofSixthslrcttand Wxibing- tor. iTtrae. M.r. "Wiuos, cf the signal station in tVa itty, tti l-a itrtouily ill, but is co rjitn-.g.. FT. V J. Grist will preach at tht ilttlcJir. cisrei. ti,u tTtiiig a. 7 o'clock . lit pcMic are iiTJUd. PasI G Scizt ir.'irf J t: borz ytr.t:- Ai laaei titl of drs-'i, ic. T&t I.:: :ig ,f the lady's bs- Tof a: t.At7 thiI i-t at it ;t3v!iK. Mr. S. R Kay, oa &T,:b TV i.e is ;h itnac Sochia r:n. cx;.x.(!i f.- a Ift-ati ed!e ia :t Th ala.-z of irt at 15 o'c!o:V last 3r&t xa rxuof! by a isal! re, Lie iUsi by tfce xitchrcan at tl caitoro Tij. K'zsrA iv:er cxpreii them- i city. Ti Lit (iK of tr lir& Ttrrnl- 'Tt. (h'sjUr IJtfc, li.Utd of Ilth, a t?c Itliri. A rzs'iuM fifciotd rerirtl it go- U5e s t i.iUr o.' tb oVrd ch jrct- -jra-r-tet.i laiitficWnlT ' dnrta by as rAi rsas, otttl y-t fcL.V 2ry!.'i(S ta! lvi t 'SLA tat vft.trr&''AU. At 4s! at r w?oa. It.:;', mai U;t 'iu eaj bjf: Urixi 7nvt.-ivy Cr'Of. inu.-r.i, a rra. txr oe- rJ lA-dy, ftr aieanHin; and itrilc (MX A taught ia th act of iUrlr. ffxn a zrw.ry Hum ou E itik nrt, Ti proprifcwr of tbi uVaUubmvdt gar an applkation of ! i:4tbr ar.d lt him depart. Owing Vi thr KfM length ,,t the pro. td1rig of ths dsrin rratio itafs cor.Teri. tion, vblch w publiih rn the toond a.e of tun morning i Uuiaruy, w ar corn pullwl Ui allow arjuatitltj of other rnattr to go uur until lo-tjorrov. Would it not lo a gwl Idea for the city council to have iho old ngrm that n.w di-Oirate the new city building removed V Orer tiut door luding to the city clerk office ii the naniQ I). W, Hamlin," and on the rear of the building "fend itoro." Yi-iterday morning, at Irvington, a coal train on tho Illinois Central rati off tho track, dumping alrnott tho entire lend of coal on tho track, thus delaying tho pas senger trains about flro hours while the truck whs being chared. Tho train that is duo hero at 3.30 did riot arrive until 8 o'clock. -Economy is a good thing, sometimes, but wo can't aco where it cuinis in in using so many of the tld partially decayed boitrdi in repairing the sidewalk, between Fourteenth and Twentieth streets. City fathers, why not muko a good clean job of it at once, and savo money in tho end, to say nothing of tho broken llmba. The inoit tiopulur shoe shop in town is on 20Ui ntreet opposite the court home hotel, where Win. Ehlers miinufactures bootc and .h(; for his customers, warrant ed to bo ot tho best French calf, kip (ir mon.cco, und which he guanruleea to give entire satisfaction. Call on h)m and you win know how it is yourself It havlig lecn reported that Willis urcen, who attempted to kill his wiff wit i an ux souie wek or ton days ago,was concealed on an i.lund in the UissUiippl, ! "hi rt (. ft.uice abuse tu c iy,.SI.etiff Irvln n id Chief .Mcew ytsterd.y soured tho lslund,but co ild not UnJ hl.u. Ho s-.- tho Mnd tlmdiiy bf"rc, bat bar undoubt edly chniiced hit rjiiarlera. Englleli Cbow-Chow und ilonn Ketchup . and u multitude of New Goods, just received at Blxby & Koehler's. Tho alarm of flro last evening was occasioned by the burning of n ennd c which had been placed on a book thHt ws placed on a box that was sitting on a bureau in a house on the cot tier of Sixth street Hnd Wnshlngton aven ue. If the book had burned and tho box hud set flru to thu bureau m.d the bureau hud set the houso on lire, wo might have hnd a conflagration. Tho Chicago Mecr Saloon, Win. Schick, proprietor, os. 20 and 28 Eighth ttteet, Is a favorite place of resort with all lovers of "Weiss' Beer, Liquors of avery description, and aU kinds of foreign and homo AVines. No ordinary liquors an dispensed at the bar of tat saloon on 1) tho very best, and guests find in attend ance polite and accomodating waiters. A free lunch is spread very day at 10 o'clock a.m. aual'tf. Mr. L. P. Butler, at one timo a mem ber of tha firm of Allen, Wobb& Butler, of this city, but more rccontly of Mur physboro, Jackson county, has formed a co-partnership with Mr. Thos. G. Allen, of st. Louis, as an equal partner, anu na' tHkcn up his residence in that city. Mr. Butler Is a good lawyer, a high-taned gen- tloman, and will provo ft valuable ocqu'si tion to the community in which he resides. May ho live long and prosper. Peter Saup has opened a bran nc w oy s tcr saloon, 102 Commercial nvonue, where ho will keep on hand constantly fresh oysters, the largest and most dolicious in tho city,wbich he will soil tho by case, can or dozen. Tho saloon has been fitted up with tho oxprcbs view of supplying gentlemen and ludics with a place where they mHy enjoy a meal of these toothsome bivnlves quietly, without being disturbed by tho bustle and noises incidental to tho commonplace restaurant oyster room. tf. Tho following persons wero at tho St. Charles yesterday:. Thomas Long, Hen derson, Ky.; Ben,. Franklin, Henderson ! O. G. Carmon, Memphis; S. Scymore, St. Louis; Mrs. and Miss Champion; J. 'W. "Wheeler, wife and daughter, Ornnge, Miss ; A. Imbie, Grtei.castle ; R. May, Vw Y.irk ; W. P. Gregory, Bemout; M. Ba krau, Louisville; T. I. Tany, Meridian, Miss.; C. B. Newark, New York ; V. Col lins, Paris, III,- F. E. Peebles, city; Tbos Henry, Mrs. I. Henry, Mis N. Henry, Thomas Henry, jr, John Henry and ser vant, Mls A. Nugent, Mrs. Geo. Penves, Miss BKe Pav and Henry Penves, all f Mobi'.e, Ala.. Frank Brown and lady. Pii3tb:N. B KeUoy, Moline. Ill; Col. A L. Z:r.;. L. BalHach, M. U. Peck, 13. F Culver a, ri- I. A. Kooken, all of Chicago; I Sebaich, wife and niece, Milwaukee; 1. B. Hill, Masos. Illv Miss Ellen D. Err.e, formerly of Kilatsazoo, having taVen up her residence in Cairj, inform its pabtlc that she It de lirocl of giving instruction in vocal and instrumental music and in French. Miss Eames come4 among us with excellent rt- commenda'.ioni. During the late sesiion ol tte Northwestern Academy of Music sbi waj among the roost proficient in piano forte practice and vocal instruction, and tb coredactors of the academy unite in their testimony to her thorough know) yjg; of music atd her capability to U-ach tie lime. Mi( Earnet resides In the houtt- frrorly oupied by Mr. G. H. 01mtead vl,t. . will bs happy to ri:ive pupils and give auy intormatioc if required in re gard to terms. tf. Tl.e following were tie arrivals at the Dflmonico Hotel for th paU twenty-four bwrf, ending at midnight. Jrnt Cronnn, Tipvnville, Tenn. ; Henry I) h!hauten, Tipton ville, Ten.; Geo. H. Bnd.'ea, Char leawc, Mo.; A. Alston, Brownsville, Ten.; M. Boyd, Brownsville, Ten.; John Clln- Un, Hrowr.sville, Ten.; Wrn. Butlidge, Trj. ; Wit. Stone, Columbus, Miss ; Geo. Little and wif. IJongola; C S. Delay, city; Mrs. Shire, Memphis; Mr Toleson, Me tr!U; Frank Brown and lady, Podu. .b; Wrn. Hughes, Philadelphia; Mi. H. B. HtruA. Bloomington ; L. H. Payne, Akron, Ohio; J. M. Stone Metropolis, I.I; .am: L. Elliott; Phil Saup, city; Sam uel Wilson, city; H. Meyers, city, Jo.eph Courtway, Charleaton, Mo.; M. Youngi (Winion dominion of Canada;; Fmnk Bryaa, Mo ; Jamef Halliday ; Cipt.I. II. Bay, Mound City; D.Stallard, jr. Bal ard county, Ky ; A Smiley, Ballard Cot, Ky.j Perry Powers, Mound City; Mrs. W.'il. Simmons, Ky.; T. B. Sims.St. Louis. Fou Sals oh J'.k.vt Tho two story fro mo houso situated on Comm-rchl-itv etweon EigliUieoth and Nirieticnth-its., owned by John Hogarty, is oliorod at h bargain. Tho houso contains, on the Ar t floor a good and well arranged bar rofim, neatly fitted up, a largo dining room, kitchen and two sleeping rooms; and up stairs six rooms. In thu reir of th i build- ng is a porch ssith stejis hading upstairs There is a good yard well enclosed ut tached to thu premises. For particulars apply to John Heoaktt, ut tho Gibson house, cornnrof Commercial avenuo and Fourth street. Oct. G, dlf Geokqe the barber, whom everybody in Uairo known, lately with Kichb.ich ikTheo bold, ha opened a shop on Commercial v. cnue, between Seventeenth ami Eighteenth streets for the accommodation of the ladles and gcntlomen of tho upper pnrt of the cl y. Gi-org" is too well-known to nquirc a rci'comnif iiilatlon from us, but wo ap' glad to say tho l otirth Ward is fortunat"' In being ablu to count him as a citizen and his shop us un institution where nil work will bo executed in tho higher stylu of thu toiiboriul art. Fon good photograph., porcelain pic tures, or old picturs to be copied, cull on Xliotuus, No, l'J4 Commurclul uvi'iiue. Ho a u good workman. Give him a trial. ptl6lf, AoaUs.' dry corned 6thj a most doMclou rilcle, ill nbundancu at JnrgciueoV pro .'ry.tore. tf. At JouaENHns'rt you can gel cither fruit, .oriibi Is, Niipnk-oti, floral, inixi'd briliniit. v!tr), t ii ii, A. B. (.'.. milk, domino, Os ).irnr, idfklf, Albert, colli-ge, -i.r forest lln, lish bicuitfl, tf. .1ct Hkokiveu. W. W. Thornton reinli street between Commercial nveiuit ilui Poplar street, has just received und Ir. tore 1,000 doors and 1,000 windows ana mouldings. Sleennu Houmb ion BenT. Ten well ventilated sleeping rooms In City Ni. tlonul Bank building. Apply to EDWAKD IJEZONIA, At City Niitlotnil Jhmk. Bkick Stoke ron Kent. Tho brick aloro. No. "8, Ohio Levee, now 'occupied ly F. M. Stockfleth. Eq , is offered lor rent, and will bo vitcunl on the I81I1 inst. Apply to Jno. B. Phillis. oct3tf FnE.ill Otsteiis. I am now recclvin dally, tho celebrated C. S.Maltby's H. mid M. brand of fresh oysters, which nr unri valled, nnd for salo by the can or cuso on the most reasonable terms, try them, sil- wy warranted good ami fresh. tf Wm. Winter. For Sale on Exchanoe rort Cairo Pp.operty. I have Ost Hundred anl sixty acres of first-cluss unimprovco land in Johnson county, which I will sell on reiisonHb'o terms, or uxchHngo for Cain citv properly. P. H. Pope. dim The nEST stock of geuuinc French calf in the city may be found at "Win. Killers' shop on Twentieth street, oppoite the Court Houso hotel. If you want n good, neat-fiitlng pair of boots, shoes, slippers made on short notice, and irarrnnffu', call on Lhlcrs. Free Dance. John llonarty will give n free danco at tho Gibson house, corner of Fourth street nnd Commercial nvonur, on Tuesday evening, October 10th. Tho bar is well supplio 1 with tho choicest wines nnd liquors, nnd cigars of tbo best brands. Ue- garty invites all his friend to ho present. oct'dtl Fifty-Three. Mr. J. E. Park, hcrebv informs the public that ho 1b now ready to eervo customers with tho choicest fre-h o.vster.", done up in nny stylo desired, at nl' hour?, day or night. Tho bar of the res taurant is supplied with thechoircst wines, liquors, cigars, etc. Cull and eo him. OctTtf New Meat Market. Nick "Williams will open his now meat market tjiis morn ing at tho corner of Poplar nnd Twentieth streets, where ho will keep constantly on hand all kinds of meat nnd tho very bet in the market. Ho will not permit un butcher in the city to excel him. Nick knows his business, nnd earnestly invites the public to give him a call at his new Hand. tf Estrat Notice $10 Kkward. Stray ed from the subscriber, on the 31t of Juiy last, a large roan cow. She would weiyh bout l.tOO pounds ut the. time she was mls.-d. There are no fpecial marks aU.m her except that her bag is unusually long. I will pay ten dollars reward to any one delivering the above devirlbed cow nt my shop on the corner of Nineteenth and Poplar trwt, Cairo, Ills. iepl5tf James Kt.vasto.v. I'HiLLir BauoiiIs master of his trsde nd warrants all of his work to be sif tnc (try b'.tt material and manufacture; uuht .inteei. u complete fit and entire satisfac tion, is not confined to any particular style, but makes every variety of boots and shoe from the heaviest cosshido to tho finest French calf and morocco. He also keep- Urge stock on hand, o hit wen manufae fur', and any one desirous of purelmHnt good cuUorn work cheap should cull on turn at tils shop on Eighth st south side, near corner of Ohio levy,- Cairo. dtf The family grocery store of Blxby A: Koehlcr is being patronized largely by peo ple who Iik; fine groceries. Their location on the north side of Eighth street, tween Commercial and Wn'hlngton av enues, is a central one, and their stock Iims been selected wuh discrimination, then fore this new candidatii for public patron sge meets exactly tho wants of tlip peo ple. Mesrs. Koehlcr ii Blxby to ke'-p up their reputation by always selling the boat of all sort of groceries to their patron? und tho public, knowing that peo ple generally aro awuro rif tho fact that 'irally good articles of any kind aro al ways thu cheapest In tho oml. if "Ci.tnia la TltUMI-a." Wo feel Justas. conficent in making this assertion, as in anything we ever laid in our llfo. "Wo do not know much abojt card, but huvo of ten heard the expression used that ''clubs is trumps,1' it rid huvo an Idea that it mean something superior to tho common order of things That is our reason for using the above cap'lon, for we are going to hs something ab u' clubs. We am interest ed n i lubs. "Wo do not mem tho Di-ltu clu , of l o, i, or the oluh thut Is tii.d in the national game, nor the club thut was usol wb n Hilly Peterson wi struck. It is a new kind of a club wo refer to, recently discovered, and the shape it like unto a fish, and, "in short," as Mlcnwber would say, it is a fish, and goes by tho cuphoneous name of "The American Club Fish." If our rcalors aro Ignorant of this club, wo advise thetn t6 make its acquaintance forthwith. "Wo do not know whether it can bo found in Cairo. W only know that tho (p-citnon wu tried came from Louis Jorgxns in's, and wo didn't even ak him If ho had any more. "When we read the label on the box, winch say. " tho American club fish is superior to snr dines," our Indignation was too great f..r utterance, for if theru is onn thing wu liko better than another it is sardine-, and wo have never found a rival lu our fit vorilo. Louis did not'iisk us to write this. Wu to ll of our own free will und accord. Wit ate naturally generous, and wu want all ol ur Irn-nUs, a. v.vli n. our un-m to en Joy tins in wry. ound luxury und .ill uh r th'y w ill pa) for. Wo r- p at, " clubs u trumps " S1'I.kkuid wluto cut inc. at Jorgonson's. tf CIKCCIT COURT. conn. nt.AsDKt.r, .v co. vs. the i. c. ii. n This mso Is etill pending and like'y to lnt another wee' . Tho wholn i'V -d dice h t" bo gone I irotigh with this term h well n. tliM Nst. Tho luWAor ' iscit. tii wsry of It. Tiipy soem to think 1. I., too much Mveeliit . too long driiwli out. The ude that wine will K-el hu,.p n. doubt when the Ciia.- Is i-nilcd. DUHKHEIMEllJVL'HST MARKT John School will spread h grand lunch and give a coticeri, ut his Wnshlngton hull garden on Sunday afternoon, at J o clock Tho lunch will consist of ftvb Imported Durklieinier Wurst and suurkrotu. The coiii't-rt will continuo during the ttuirj!iij trnoiin. In the evening ft eotillor. 'paftj vsill bo Klveti und nil lovers of tin tcrp Iseliorcili art arc iitvllcd to ultond. d Jt STOVES. ' We havo just rt-tvivcd a large stock nf henlint; stoves for either coal oi wood or both, suitable for oilier, halls par. lors or dining rooms. !(' will tluiliente any Cincinnati, hcann-UU or .V. Lvuit retail price litt fur either conking or heat ing itorea. Orders bv mail will receive our prompt attention. JJKERWART, UllTlIlV (JO., No. 130 Commercial uvenuc. sep'ildlm - - " ' CIIAMIJER OF COMMERCE FOB SALE 1 1 At public auction, on the 20th of Octo ber, at No. "5 Ohio levee, nil tho lurniture, books, paper', etc., npertalning thereto, without reserve, for non-payment of rent. Dan. Hartman, Auctioneer. octOdtd. Arrested. A well-known citizen o this city was u day, cr two since,bcforo one of our city magistrates lor being drunk and disorderly. Ho was fined tho usual amount ?'J CO. After tho trial was over ho might huvo been heard soliloquizing thusly: " Now, this is tho second time I havo been tin before a magistrate for the samo oflciiEO. 'I might havo known it if I had gono to Alba's in tho first placo nnd got one of thoso smooth, clean, dell c;ous shaves that Alba is known to give to every ono who patronizes him, this would not havo happened." Therefore, rotder, tuko warning and always go to Alba's barber shop, Commercial avenue, betwoon Seventh and Eighth streets, tf Notice. Chris. Anthes has opened Iris new meat market in PnulSchuh's old drug store, two doors below the post office on Commcrcluluvenuc, and invites all his acquaintances to a trial of his cut meats. Beef, pork, veal, mutton, sausage, tic, &r. Also corned beef, pork and hacon. Ills hop is kept in the best of style, and' hi customers served with neatness and dis patch. The proprietor, Mr. Anthes, him self attends to the shop, and his custom ers may always feel assured of fair and honorable treatment, full weight, and the right change lack, whether they send their children, or icrvaats or attend market themselves. n.-ptGdlrn P.ELIATJl.r.-AN'D SArn."Dr: Henry Boot and Plant Pills uro mild and pleasant in their operation, yet throrough, producing no nauea or griping. ll-lnt; entirely Vt-gutahle, they can bv taken without r. gard to diet or luin-. They aroti-o thi livur and ewretiVo nruiina into hcnliln aft:, n. throwing tT dineaso without , x h. ustlru or dchilitulmg the system. Tr ilium and you will W nntiel.-il. J'rict 'i- c nrs a box. Sold b" "Iruggista nnd deul era in m' diclneevers w ere Pn-pan-iJ l t isrnfton .Medicine company, S' Lome. Missouri. " rn0dm B.-ad the carddescrlbing Dr. Battin uer's family rnciliclries. The modi in..snre n patent "r prcpructi. ns, hut the r 'i-tili of spi-ci'd siuay und experutocx of u regular'mti. ' ' Oct-tJitwlw Infants. T.o t irritebleHnd renins, of thi so tender little hou-ehold b ids nr charmed as it wero into quiet nnd sweet n-posc, by uvng Mrs. Whitcoiub's Syruj . UUlduwlw Go to Jorgensrn's for imported I)un dee orant'o marmalude, tnu celebrate.) London crystal vinegar, if quarts, and choice Genoese figs. if Marriage Guide. Interlining work numerous engravings, Tli pace'. Prici 50 cent., Address j;r. Butts' Dispermary No. 12 North Etullll) Street, St. Lom llo. S.-o Advcrii'cmnit. ti Wanteii At thu Delmonicn Hotel oni hundred weekly boarder, Fivo .meals each day, pricu C per week. aug2!Jtf Wu. Winter. FouSai.K. A cottage on l'Jth street containing 7 roomi, cistoro and out huuioa complete. Apply to W. W. Thornton. Fop. Br.NT. Five roouia over tho tit council chamber. Enquire of Jacob G Ljnrh. septHtf 'i'hose French Cherries, in syrup, so popular with uonnoiseur uro sjld by Jor geriMin. if Go to Dr. McUuuley for Uittlngnr's Fo yer Drops. Warranted to euro the chilli tl Oyhtkkm. Louis ilorbert hasulwusor. hand a fresh supply of Haddlo Jtock oys ors. ' If Try thu Amuriuin club Hah, put up in oil, to ho found nl Jorgnns oi'a, i , j , Tub best East India dry preserved gin ger at JorgensunV. - tf. Beautiful Imuuiu follow .GlJJot's bak ing powuer. ugi;j Monkt refunded if Clllel'a goods don't plrasu, kglbV'owdatviim The finest vuuillt chocoltio paste, in glii'S, at Jorgi noin's. tf, (ill. let' a waihing nisntiil makes wash lug easy. ug 13 I'iiul G, Sohuh lolls Itiittiuger's inrdl clne. tf 'Ihe hotels usu Oiiio. a extiacts nnd powder. ug3 I JoitiiENSO.v lm J st roceHoda lurgesup-' ply or Portland IjIiih berr s.a. Try ihnm. tf Wki.', rei'.ula ed fuiiilhea u,o (iillet's agiJeowdiiw'in Boaudiau bwU.u us (JilUt'i. ai;13 RIVJ5R NEWS. AUUIVI'.D. Sirnmer Gltscow, Vick-'jur r " Tom Jnaiior, N. u." '! f.,,),, .Woiiiphis, ll'Inois.CuUimhii.. Jim., Jr., Padiic.lh. DKPAHTHW. Slcnmor Ohike-.w. St L .iii. " Tom .Insper, Jo. " St Josuph, (J.). " Illinois, Columbus " .Ia. Fl.k, I'.dUlllh. " A Irginla, N O. Tho O .lo s,t u.i, point l,as fa!),,,, 0(ll nch our Ihsi report, ,n,d thure is now 'Illy four lllfhee oil Bacon lt.,..b A I. ... os ihe Ohio is ,tll. f,,ni, m,lkllf; lluviga. moiB uii.icuii any oy Oay. Tho mill loiiiinues in it, lownward couisu. All tho river, nie lower now than they i.avo been lor sevur,,. tl-aM, and thu prospects urn iron,! C,,p si.!.... - - 0-v ..,t iiivill to gel lower every day. , icsterduy bus.neis on tho leveo was rather on the mti(!t order. W..ti,sr,.. cool, with it aim brczo blowing from tin iiiugreaior pari ol tho day. Tho Tom jHSour dlsclmruo.1 horn irm. burr stones for CinCinn..ti, which will go torougii oy run. She caiuo up drawing oj feet. Hhu had lo ijet a baruo l.ero lighten moro than it foot Loforoslio started ior at jouis. The St. Joseph put off hero 130 1ml... ofeiiltoii und ICO bags dried fruit. She camo up u low hours hchlnd time, and hail a light trip for St. Ljuis. The da. Fisk brought dowr. the Mnlll.. Kagon's trip, tho latter lnving turned back from Pnducuh. Tho Fisk is doing n uood buslnc-s just nt present. Nearly nil tho Evansvilie bouts turn buck from Puducah and tho Fisk bring down the.r passengers und freight from that port. Tho A. Baker left for Cape Giraideuu under commund of dipt. Sum. Orr, Capt. J. H. Bay having resigned. Since C'api. Kiy has been on her sho has dotio a largo business und made money i.,r hr owners. Wehopoto seo dpt. P..iy in command of another puckel soon. Tho Virginia departed for Now Orleans with a good nip on herself and barge which sho hud .n tow. Tho Glasgow from Vicksburg was light. Alf. Armstrong, clerk of tho steamoi Susio Silver, is lying dangerously til nt Si. Louis. It is reported that the fine steamer Belle Memphis will be put in the C.Iro and Memphis trade, during thj low wuter, li ft tri-wcokly packet. , Wm. II. Brown, tho great coal king, has employed John T. Taylor and George Burt as pllou on his nosv tow-boat, Alice Brown. Their time will date from tho lsi of September, 1871, to the 1st of August, 1872. and they will bo paid tho sum ol f3,G00 for tbuir services during that time, whether they work or play. Little Muck Clams iquairungs) i.t Jori-ensoti s. tf NEKVOl'S DKJJILII V, Willi ll K ooiny i.IIC'II.ImiiIh, loss anlr Ha' .lei.r hIo, I t s-mla ion li r H.-iiieii, ii'riiiisiorrli.i- . loo- ol liower' fllz Is M.I. ol nii iiinri ilsr.Milpiir.l luiiii-ieiii-t- I,. I... rlllls, nil. I a lotrroiKii s-iir- In liir-)- n .looi..iiililr Si. cl.ic .No s'wc- ly-rltfln. ;.iuei o I ni in in " alm in n in . itenl UfltlTe-, llio. .trike . .ntthe '0t ol t'l Oltdcr. 'O'te tij, ir,.. ... 'em, arre-t th l.elmrg., nnd oinnirr i-.r n ner.J , III" and Its ily to lie en .re rn n Tuej ll-. L'l.reiJ trMHi.M lit .'H Prlee, J wk'ge.ol f k-i in I a arge ti rial, ehicl, Tel) i, nor u ' I'l Ij.trruie ui otd a-., or II IM-reiiixl lj I SJo bf all .Jritgifl., ami em IIMilo.i ie p . tm f Ad i e- H'l i. .h' y p nfti oorneop .th .; Jte.o. liie Co , fc I llroal ny F. V. P. t-CtlUIl, hulTIM .eeawt? si-r. , . n i. . ii rt"l- S. W A L T H H 6, nrALia la t HARD and SOFT LUMBER ;.( mery desi-ripllon, LATH, SHINGLES, C EDA It POSTS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. OB D KBS SOLICITED. S T : A M B O A T ' L TJ M II K II, Furniahed on ehnrteit notice, Coinnicrciiil-av, lict. 10th and llth-htc. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. . . . t OTd IIOU-.I: .1IOVI IIOUSK .MOVING. JAMES KJiiXJS'EDY, IIOUSK .MOVKIl AND JJUILDIClt I prepared to d all kind of HOUSE MOVING, HOUSE BAISING KEiWtllINO OF EVERY DKSCRIPTION of Tlia xost Ttau 0 UM'.IIH left at Ihu re.Hlenee nt Mr. Ke'iini). on Center Hirer i, next Ooor lo llio new .cure i e. i r nl, Ire. .d to the u.tre of I'. U. llox II the lluilaiiii olllre, w ll reee ve prninnt .It. l QUICKEST BOUTE FKOM SOUTH VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi caiio, New York, J1oton, AID Alt. POINTS EAST AND WEST. 1'ns.eiigertralns arrlre at and leas Cairo fol low s ' mail. iirilll. isi.i am am .n;iO, m, Pspaar HiS3.,ui iii.".pm. li traias i tiantralu wllh train on th ma n, lleeatur, lllnimiiiign n, KI P.n, I, flallr, Jleti'lotu, l-revirt,i.eii .. ';uhiiiiie, and all polo l In ill noli, Mi onri, llli.ii-.otit, i.i.'O'isiii aud Inwa. And ivllli Lint running Fu't and West for i. Lull. "pnugll 1 1, l.''U llle, l.'iiimiiiMll, i di . 1. 1 1 oils, 0 iliililliiH, inl t Uliieugo itiili Midi un l.Vm I, . chlgan noil hoiu, uid Fill-' uru. Fur w yn ami C loig'i llullrua a lo, li'droll, CI nl.nd, lliiikirM, sl..nyi lleioll, Pluude I hla, I I alls, Brie, lltittalu, tw Vera, I'lloleirtr, II tlinoi , Wn-liin I n. A.D ALL lOlISTii EAST. UU.'VN.WITIIK. J 0 II N A. KOhllliKIl, Manulteinrerof all kind i of SHOT QUITS, IUI''LJi.S AND PISTOFiS. KEYS M.ADR T0 OltDEII a.. ... . i.r.k mill . .im '. llillll'. FATI FACTION' WAItllANTF.l). l'OSTOFFICE. CAIUO, II.I.INUIN. e.nrnd oi, hind. tiptsif aKVKKAI. AUENT. 1 1 A 1 . 1 , 1 1 1 A V HIlflT 1 IS GENERAL' AGENTS, I'fiHWABDTN'n tvt, fOMMTCCin HVIICIIAXTI DEALERSJ IN FLOUR; And A enta of Olilo Itltssr nod Italian ha S-A-X,T COMPAKIBS 70 Ohio Levee, fs'Ki. 'Ll.ivni" liu st ST is. 1 1 ;. sT M W I 1. ii U N'T li I i u l i a BOAT STORES OltOCGKlKS. P B 0 V I S I 0 N H, E T C, .o. no Ohio Levee, :::::: Cairo, III. oanra panMrriT rniro. G. J). WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PBODUCE AND COM.M ISSION M KRCII ANT, 5fo. 7(1 Olilo I. over. CAIUO, ILLINOIS. rTeeal sitentlon glrtn to Contlpimeat lirt' order.. WIS I'M AS IS IJUI OIU. rvccMsoa roan a siocsruta Ilellfyer sssirl Wliolranlc Denier n Ir'orrlirit ssistl Ooinealle LIQUORS, WlXEsS, ETC. No. 78 Ohio Levke, SrauoruiD tltoca, UtUO, 1I.LIN0I3. EHkeepon hand cintantly a full stock ol lid Uel.tuckv lluurliou, It je and Mouonxa mi.. Wh..kle, Frencn llrsnaie, Holland (lln, Itiiine aiiii Caluornla Wine. I nHf WM. H. SOHUTTEIt, Importer it.iU Wholraalc Drnler In WINES, LIQUORS, AMD TOBACCO &c CXGrJiJ&B. Agent for tho best brands of OIIKAM AND STOCK Ah'i, AND Imported Aim of Different Hind. 75 Ohio Levee, tl rAir-o, ILLINOIS. tlH riTTF.RN. II. T. GKHOULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER ANt DXALXU IK AN tlXTUItEM, lii Fi'l.r'a an Plnmher' m 'erlal, Woosl puinpa, K" am anu val a, stop cojks ch ck, . ats aocmT I'" a Tufla Itrotliera I'stleiil Urjr Osta Meters! A id M irehoit.e, Well 4 Co'a Aiitomatl Water Helical' r aa, ruppiy vaivr lurairaino una. WlMT.tR ft BLOCK, COMMIRCUL-AYIStTIJ