mm isn-- .T .-satfr (fat a- . JOHN Jf.OBERLY & CO., IMIOPRIETORS. llOOrX.AXIl'N. To J cbl'italod Persons! lyspeplic Tn Bulfcrern from Liver Com- ; plaint' I'o those hnvirifl no Appititel To tho uith llrokrn Do'.in I Consl.tutioiisl , v j H 1'copln I To Chlldrsn WaIIox Awav ! H) liljllolll", - ---- - - - - li in J, cili! Dtsonbiaxti Luck on froMii 11 : Much as ('nn . sllpat.oll, Invmnl I'l'iti ! nines, or I'.iooil lot1 Ja, Acid lljf of ti hiomach, Nausea, Jlf-ril in,, Dist..tfnr 'oo., pull nisa 1 r We nht m the. Ntomsch, imr r 'at in", nkmiror )'liiti-rin t: ot ilm of tJi I mm li.Bwmnnni.r t lie Head, . r lor DithVult Hroihitid, Flattering nl Ilm 1 111. rtl(l,r SutlocatihK natieill Mftirn In Til 1 sture. Dunnes, of Vl.lf.,. ll..t. ... iFiWr mq mum, rnverarm nun rain i-ie -lean, mm ipik t or rrr.pirsuon, y. tit -.flliekiiin.I K)m, IM111 . '..1 1- 'c, .( Clint, l.iiiil'., , l" l ien Kliilics of II- nl, I! in m .ifu.e I Cm. t'a'.i m ..j.rsirus of i. 1, fuel (ir.-nt I . ple...i ;t tr u. ws 1 r w i.u.'i.v .1 ji 1 1 r,na if t.iiiviti -uiiyiot or tijnriix u any land. ' t .' fr Mull thcrs. It i" iotiiiO(-I ol I j J ci, or tj I'rinoffilo i Hoots, a I Nxtks, r, as medicinally termed, Ex it .e rlli' or Hurt portion, of tln in-'-'it l,c . g 1 I. Therefore, In one but ' Ih H If Ui;r i!k ri funiiinl much ' a I r' i f.J be l"iin-i 111 n-K-m! ual. f ' r 1 1 rf Tin- root", rip., im-1 l r i ern uriuri ill liriiiKny, lh'ir vilhl ill !t.ft I n I'.it 1 Pttrv'ltV :t lffi. hi . - , an 1 f rarJMl to f mannfwtonr c 'v. w ,i r tl.'-y arfi omtKnn'l''iiani t.t. . C tit.? ,1 r.' r.i smiiiiiou" liirwlunl. Ihi it f.-r fr Jin I. in oi w t.oii" urKl bkiiiiI ir. ,Vj If !e f r : imiliot" can imj in fr:m Hie rL-t, tury cannot inali diunk. m l raur t un l-r any iri uinrlaiii'ia tiatr 11 a oc:t u ai rue-1, H f 4 t'. iutii a x iftrt ri "5mirc n if I f.r i not tncltnivl to ox- I r , a- 1 m'-n'l'J (or ii In rc cms a. cl'nv im.i riuirra tnrati J wll' 'f r 1. i , M or the lliirr. .'R a 1 l I !!' O IK.IIII 01 -r. ( r. n I 'II i.ure Hl.NTA CKfZ itlcrnc"' tf I'" I ! 1 1 t.-r u otrrvunr, 1 i a r-t.ot li sfitr aitrepaMf ami nt to t..i ia Jlr. aail utainiiiz tin ineilK'. iuj 11 kiu AiifT ii.ut ,aar iiimj cuiiiiu,'r. I - j I at a c hf . nrr lirir . Imt i It not llf.r In 1 iiiv muri' iQi oTt' uno'i amcie a inci iirctirai.on nr-uii contain non mii 1 . mure 1 Till" nii'i iiii'T woo pxrM'i in on. ctifap . :np-,uni, l 1 1 lK'i.cfliti-0 1 y 1! I HOOPLAITD'S Oil H AX 1 111 I I '1 I iT 11 0 o r i. a 11 ' s yi.AN'TVX l(intllMl VI.I.I V 1MI.I. WILL tLltE YOU. vi-H ix now 11 . ll-il w-rl I. and Mill eradicate due:iei ) ng fr:m unpuro tj.ood. Debility of llic I- 1.1. vAflr.'xiiv. or IllHOaned Llrcr. in n n nine man any olijer fcnonn tern tdle. .Whole ginirrme Court of l'ennIrania (cr tnc reineiiie. no wouiu 111 ior licnlfied and IronKfrte.llmony r i"(irtT n 11 mini wit 1 u . iuii iriii v k ri i ii 'it tlio riuptctne Court of IVnnj Irania, at nt meinlier ol ConitTCftx from l'cnii.lrn .111119, llnoflxnd'ii tttrman llittrii, in n voud Ionic, .n ilHeftuca of Hie iliyeMltc orgun", and of cntfit in ra-ei ol debility and viant of iKtionin llm ytem. jnun-.triiiv, ' (iKOltO K W. WOODWAUI). nmes Thotnjuon, Chief Justice of the riu- lIKlcr UUUil 'li' J u.-llllu , VII. I, ,Ul 1 no incase" of nttiu K" of IiidiceMlon or n, 1 can ci rt.H tnu Irom my exprn lt. Vourn, w Hi rf"!""!. J AM i:.S THOMPSON. eorg Fharwood, Juitico of tlio uprnne .0, ''I'.V;',aiI,IrllI. Jlinrli,SCT. round by cxrietice that lloollatid'a Uiilth 1 .1 vcrv tuoj tonic, relicvina ,M yiiipw)ini ii i 'i ' ' 1 i.l.ultliK MIAItSWOOK. 'm. ! HoscrK, Muyr 01 tlio City of Hut- rN. Y Jiayor I'll' e, iiuiiaio, june jmk. n r..l H.oilar. J'a lu riimii llitu r nnd mylnmiiy during tneiat yi-ar, and ciiii ,end lliem n hi exi'ellont tonu1, impart ianniv': r ti 1 ii Mftein. 'I feir iiw ha, ,,-( ,if iir .IimIIv t enrfk'ijl plliftii. I WM. I-. IttJIilMW. UllOil I, oyu, t'.-.'i..,vi ui ,1 iiiiiiiiiBpui , ! Rrent plfituro m rccoiiiinendlnR Hoof, .lotumn Ionic 1 nnj ono uhc tuny bunt- .tiiii nvsn-itii 1 111,11 1111, 1., iiviipi.i pi. i win uiiitO"i"tifi to Keep any looii on my .1. and 1 beenmu " uenK in nut to be able -. half n inla lo nottiea or mni ci. f pi-rlect cure. JAJil. i. wuuu, I'n.lnan ltllt.i.u .Cllliirr iiii ii'Mn..M-. ..v.!..- .-, jotlnndd imm-, m ij 1 .VSSJL'S, Oil WASTJU A A ui nir. ' lloDV.; .rinlicr that Hnoflanira Ocrman Iieme- ' UIO llieun. im' J'"i " i v Vxcitntlio torpid I.iver m healthy iiutlon, jeiiablo )ou to pan mtclv tl.roiili nny Jpaaniicxpsmro- lilt. IIOori.AN ll'H Or Hubitituto lor Mercury I'llli. bnru 4 fiiwl!. The iiioi.t ou'At 1 fill. et jilioceut, Veotaoie uuiiiuruu ununii, not nccc:iry to take n hanillul ol tltt-eo lirOtlUCO tlio lioi-lliu ni, 1 " v in, 111 I dv mid powi'(l'iilly.i'leiiniiiK the I.iier, III nnd ll'mels. d nil liiipunliH3. 'Ilm III Incretllcnt in rilllop.l)lllii, or inn men- I ' ' : , ,An.lmL-. Mill. 1 I ly 111 lllllttl- y.x raci 01 .vi 1 :i .. ' . ' illltO llOHCrilll, m iUIH i-m iniih, Minn ,dr.iK0 Itself. ll PVfHli'T notion l upon lor eleaninK It uptidlly from nil oli.truc litii'nll tho poer of Jlerenry, it live II tho injurious rcsulU iittnchud to Ilm use U Viwlsea In hleli tlio tun of n fiithnttlc lattd. these pilU will kIvo cntuo autiiifac (every cae. They NliS'KH l'AU,. lion of I.iver CoiiipIhiiiI, liyniiejima, nnd o Costiveiiena, Hr. IIooIIiiiiU'm (lei nun Hit r Tonic, should be used In connection with ji, Tholonloctleetol the Hitter, or Ton Id, dm blood, litre tb um iienea, li'K ho I.Her, mid sues stiength, euerfy 11ml I your IloweU ncllvn with Iho I'llli, nnd li the Bj'slem with Hltteri, or Tonlu, nnd lino enn retain tho hold, or evf 11 usuall j 011. fleet that it Ih Jlr lloolland'a (Icrinnn Hem. that arc no univern.illy ucd and hli'lily k, 1. I ! mill lill lliHlUluW tho lIlUUL'Ut III ivou 10 lilto iinylhlng eUu that lie limy nay ins cooii, uvvinii, .1...,,... . .. ... Tlieao remedlenwlll bo tent b; hxpre8to alltv upon application to tho I'ltlNCll'.M, tj;' lit tho filntMAN MKDR'IM'. bTOJli:, Hill bTHHUT. I'HIIiAltKLI'llIA. ;0IIAN. JI. V.VANN, rroiu lolor. Vnrmory .M.JMion,vCu, idodlei ar fir nvlo Ojr UrUKKlut i r , unl Ma niiiti D.talrra nii ry wher NAI.OO.M. KL DOHA DO RILLtARD SALOON AND UAH K00M. Ml I I.N ATKN. Proprietor. IOC f..nirnr.-i:il .v-ut, UAIHO, ILLInoIpj llet brand of rihforiiUClKftr jiit ncei,..,!, ionnjr,ui cd Dlgc..l,e . OIU.UIIH mi..-.i, rurnl.i. ,llH ,.. o( OfKoml JJ Intles j nt,d supplied win, .,, ,,iir ' flllf I I'll,.,, l.f 111 Hi..-! t.. I- 1 I riTZO'lJUALD'S I s -a. ayn n? l 23 eooms or. I'otirtrrulh HI. itnil Coin, ncrrlnl A 1011 no. .1ITII;H.MiM hrini.lo It,iom liri- ato-krd , i' w ith irt? ini.ottel wln, liquor ami oliMr", " ro l."ifii-.l from Hip la nrll.i. ')"''... Hipiu in lioliettrrrMiMlnhintliUnSaiitli. in iiillioir, r.lid ,u,- U ttcr nloc lln). Call and toil tli Tarioua hraml ol wincn un I llqunrv VUKMITVHK.- IDKALHK JX FURNITURE irHU.V.SVAItK, HOUSri KLMINISHINO HOODS UAH FIXTITUKS, (SI.ASSWAHK, J So & 1S7 Ojininerciiil Avenue CA1KO, II.LI.VOl.H. ;iio i:iin:4 ami iihv jo(iIs. WILLIAM KLCCK, M A LI U ! I-WAIIJ.Y GROCERIES, DKV-tiOOD.S, NOTION'S, HOOTS AND SIIOKS, IIATS AND CAW, KTC, juit rflil a honry to t of II00H and .-iioca, iiomrry ami .iiiuii!, KOHSALK FOUOASII VKKY CHKA1 l 11 Ui !,cr trfic'i.. vhirh ..i,v i,,.,. 1.,.. ' lie mo nan a nnr tUjck of ruinily irX'rri-a ol '1 ,jii;i it . iKior n.ciM roiuu lw iut 1 11 : k t .n 1 r i i'i' OIAL-AV., CAIIIO, ILLINIUM iKtoits. hAs:i, irrci 00 TC AV. AV. THORNTON'S, j IH'II.DEHS' SUPPLY DKPOT, 13J TKNTII TltEf:T, CAIIiO .' ILLINOIS, llMir, Ninli, Illlnila. yi onlitlnca, c '! t Ir r, (w onil) Wlnilow and Iiooj Irniiir, llourlufr, Laih, SliliiKlrx, .lnzrl Naili, UIixzchI Hide I.IrIiIn, UlniMl TrntiHoni"!, Wi lchm, .stikli I'ulllva nutl ConN, llliml t'lislnilne, Itnoliiirr fell, lioolliic Onienl, IMawlrrlnar Iiiifr, Carpet foil, Willie l.i iiil, I.liioml Oil, Amrrirnn lViiitliiw 4iliHS, IUikIIhIi mill I'rencli I'ln ;inss, l-iitiy, (Jlnzlcr'H l'ointH, Hi'Wi'i- IMpes I'ntrnt lilnnie.v. i:ic Kir. Ktr. OK.SrS lor lloclc Itlver Paper Cumpam' Hlieailuni! IVIt nnd (Jnurti Cement. II U. .lohn'a Improved Itootlni; aluayi on and. STl'.AJinOATN. JIOUND CITY AND CAIItO TJIE STEAM TUG, CACHE Cut. "William II, Sandusky. win. xiki: KOUll TRTI KYERY DAY uriwcts C-A-I-RO JVlSrX) 3VT1D. CITY Lkavk Caiiio, loor or r.tuiiTii tiii:i:t. At 7 A.M. At 10 A.M. At 1 P.M. At 5 p.m. Lkavk 31 d. Citv, MIIA1IIIIIUT, At 8.30 A.M. At 1 1.30 a.m. At WO r.M. At 0,30 P.M. "WILL LAND. WIIKN HAILKD, AT nir. 1IOX rACIOUV, IIAWi:'e,LANliINQ,KV. MOUTH OP t'ACHK, MAUINi: WAV, AND NAVY YAIUI. iixs Mr. nits. fiVTrTiKitoiTi.'i). STEAM AND GAS FITTER w am iu:i.rn if ias ri.vri'Kiis (iaa l-'ittei'a imd I'lllinhei'N material. Wood puinpi, glnl nnd nun ii vnlvuH, nop i'iiel;,cliu'li viilven,fle, Alio ai:sr loll 'lit I Is llrollierH I'lilent 11 ry Una SIctorM And Morehouse, Welln A- Co'h Automatic Wutei IiidlcntiiriuidbUiply Vulve forateam bollera, WlNTKIl'M lll.OPK, ('OMMKIK.'lAI.-AVKNllf. CAIRO, THE BULLETIN. ill Chicago in Flames ALL THE BUSINESS PART OF TJIE CITY BURNED. ONE HUNDRED THOU- SAND- PEOPLE HOMELESS. Til K CO.M'I.K. RATION STIIili llXUlSd. Cliicago it in nla-s ! On Saturday ovuftiiig Urn liroku out on llic west iJo, noar Twelfth street, and ha litico hwept over tlm entire noith nlde. Diinti;hf melvitl in thi city up to 11 o clock .Monday murning contain tho fol lowing j.artJcuIarp : The city of Chicago U all gone, except' part of the wcit tide. Tho entire city from Twvlitli -treet to tho river, .'11111 from the river to the lako it gone. All the tincit lmililisg in the city Iikto been (lo-trnvcd. The lire commenced on the r,f ;t dde near Twelfth Mrcet, where it burnM U blocki, and then cros'ed iho riter nnd swejit everything before it tho Hock I lur.d lepot", Pucitic hotel, court Iiouv?, Tremont houe, Illinois Central dpot5 in fact, every building in the Lusinc part of 'he city. There is not one standing nny whsro. Tlio (Ire ha reachod two mile north of the river and i till burning furiotilv. Tho water work" arc destroyed, and no water U to Le had. Tho Illinoi Central elovaton arc now burning, and thoi' of tho Elevntnr Com iany. They are tho la-t buildings b -tween tho river and Polk meet. There is hardly ono brick or ? tone on another in the city. Tho depots freight nnd passenger of the Chicago nnd Alton railroad, with mie thouFand cars, are now burning, and there is no telling where it will end. The wind is still Mowing a gule. Over one hundred thousand people Imvo been mado homeless and foodle-. Very little property of any kind lini been saved, tho llr having pread with incrediblu rapidity, and people had scarce ly timo to escape with their lives. .Many livci Imvo been lost. Several copIo were seen to jump into the river to save them selves from burning. Sparks and cinders set tiro 'to tho gas works and tlio nrmory, and in thirty min utes tho lire hud reached tl. neighborhood of tho court house, mid lnido of two hours from tho timo it crost-ed tho ciiit Mile, had readied tlio north i-idu and hud burned n milo north. The entire northern portion of tlio city is a inus- of Humes. A dispatch from C. A. Gregory and C. T. llowen says: " fceml irtiviInii I" our sutVercrs. Thu city U in a-hei-.'' LATER. Tim husinei portion of the city hall burned out mid i-till burning, Tho prin cipal telegraph ollleo burned out at one o'clock this murniiig. Thu water works aro nil burned. The ontiro business por tion of tho city is destroyed, with nil its bunks, express and telegraph ofllces. All the uowspapor olllces except tho Tribuuci Six elevators are gono and tlio water works being burned there U no water in tlio clly, Not less tliun ten thousand buildings are nlready destroyed. Tho llro 1ms burned n illi-tnnco of live miles nnd is still raging. Tho wind is blowing n galo. Tlio Sher man llotiso nnd other great hotels, the II- liucis and other great depot, with many other edifice which constituted tho chief glories of tho unfortnnnto city, privnto telegrams ity, Imvo nil gone to ruin. Chicago, it is imlnftilly and lanieiitiibly I evident, hits exucrieliced it ertielur futo I than that which overtook 3Ioscow. Tho distress provnlling is ovorwliolmliig mid disastrous In tho highest degree. Tho inhftbiliuita lvo not only loH i m: mil: i ii aii ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1S71. clothing nnd lodgings, but sonio of them their children even, bnt they nro In abso lute want of food. Tho authorities there hnve telegraphed Mayor Ilrown of St. Louis, to forward them at tho earliest pos sible moment aupplien of food. , A pecia! dispatch received nt 0 o'clock this morning eny.i that the llro department of Cincinnati with their engines wero goltifj on board of train" to depart In haste for tho flro nfllictod city. They mny ar rlvo in timo to save much property, but the Iom of the water works must render their cilur'.i Jfulilo except along the river nnd tho shore of the lake. -Mayor Ilrown hajcnlleda ma.-s meeting to be hold on change, at 12 o'clock to de vise !ncauro. for relief. Cincinnati mcrchnnU are now holding ft ineetii. of tho "nine kind. Chicago i all gono except part of thu west ide. STILL LATER. At 'J o clock Irt't night the llro wu" Mill raging. NEWADYJiTISEMENTS Hoiuir't or tho Coiidltliiii ok tiii: CITV NATIONAL BANK. OF CAIIIO, AtCauo, In llm fctnte nf Illinois, nt tlm ilo-e of uueiiicafl, wcioner -ii, iti. niiiocncf;-!- Loans nnd dicount L'. Jionds to reeure elreu- Hon .. V. n. bond on hand Ollir stock-, bond- and mortgages Oierdra In M, Iiu from redeemlnif and re- I'.I,W1 i loO.OOO ( 11,'iVl 10 J,70 5; ereaenta SWilo h Duo from other National . , Hanks.... . jr.cil lo lino from bank and kinkfrs ll.uM ( l il Vj Hsiiklns home M.oju hi "' " Olher realestato.... 5,IT0 16 4iTu 15 Current expenses , &j Taxed paid I.'.'ll To- .1,S0 25 1'remltim. - i Cheeks and other eahltem 6,315 ,Vi ellls of other J.itionul banks S.IJil t") Fractional currency und ,. nickels 1,711 .10 f-pecle.coln 7,131 SI Legal tender note" i."1mi oe 4 jj- cj J1W.78I 41 MAUII.lTIU'i : Capital stock 8100,000 411 Surplus.. , M CircnlatloT oulst ndinrf ...... ti.Vjn w Kxchann,c 2,77ft 21 Intel e t 11,3 in m Profit and loss S.',TeJ 'J7 .11, in i,-j Indlridual ilejioslts aau3 2a Due to Slut bjnUs an 1 tank er 2J.372 II i;,7M ti ritate of Hlinms, Alexsnler county, ss. I, W. llvtlop, nsistnnt cashier of the City Na tional Hank, ol Cairn, do nuleinnly nw 11. ni 1I10 aroe statement In true 10 the ts;st of my knonl else nnd belief, W.IIYdLOP. Asst. C'ishlir. sub-cribed aud norn to liefnre 1110, thl 7th dav of Cctobcr, 171, II. II. CA.NDKK, Correct Attest i .Notary Public. W. ilalltday, 1 I!. H.Cunninsham, ;-nireetors. II. L. Il illlday. J TIIIUTY-FOUKTH KEPOKT Of the Condition oflhe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CAIRO, ILL. At the cloic of business, Oetnber 2d, UTi. UESUL'IICKS; Loans and discounts J Mjri 2U Over dralts l,:tl PI l. S. bonds to seeurn clreuln- Hon M.v-i i) L'-S. bonds and securitb on hand :i,niu 0:, Other slocks, Loud, and tnorl- S,K' u.trw CJ Due from redeeming and re- ere agents lii.lei 2i Duo Irom other National bunks 21 Due Irom Iwiaks and baoker... 1,11 IH ltel estate 4S.U2I t. urnllure and natures 3,7lu 1.1 Current expense, 2,2,1 01 Tsic paid 1 m2 :u Cash Items, Ineludlni; stamps un 01 Cash 011 hand, In coin I 2,it3:i 44 Currei cy 17.1KU 41-23.tifi M f.w.m i LIAIIILlTlfi! Capital stock SIOO.ixiO no Kxchauue JJ.Ti'J 4 Interest 2,CU3 07 Profit and loss CIS (V- i,j73 10 Circulation outstanding 73,11 ml Due to National bask" :irt 47 Individual deposits , t6,0Zl U7 264.l2'i U State of Illinois, County of Alexander, ss. J, 1', .V. Hughes, cash or of tho First Nttlonal Hank ot Cairo, do solemnly suear that the above statemei't is true to Ihe best of mr knnulrdge ud belief". C. X. lliraUI-N, Cashlf r. Huhscrlbcil nnd sworn to Iwlnre me, this 7th rinv ol Oi'tolicr, IsJI. CflAS. CUNNINHIIAM. Cornet Attest : Notary Piililie. D. llurd, -i Nobt. W. Miller, Directors. II. Meyers, J l'AINTKlt. MOOIIE & .MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental AMI llccoraltvc Piiiierliiiiiitiiii;, UiiIhoiiiIii luff, clc, Dono in tho hlghe.t ;tln of the ait, and n inlrs that il; I v coinpetltlen. SHOP IN PlIHItY HOUMK, CO UN Kit OK Srn K1 IlKKT AND CMMKHX'IAL AVKNUE. UAItL L. THOMAS, I I prepsieil to do all kinds of plsln and nros inlitul PAINTING, KALSO.MININO, PAVER HANOINO HI ON W It I'd NO, ETC., Al figure w Inch defy nil t-ompit on, ami in the lilllhi'si k I v In tl'llm palnlcr'a 1.11. SHOP HI TIIlfpEP.RY HOU.SK, COR.VElt OK t'OMM KKUIAL AVr.Nl'K AND I.UlllTIl h'flllJK T. AVOID OUACKS. A victim of early nidisciuliuii, (iiiisihk , 1 dehllily, pii'inatuiti dica), itc ImvltiK tried hi 1 Tain every tidverllsed remedy, has iliuovered simple means of nelf.cure, vthuilt h will scad 1 lrce lo his. rvllowtutlercr. J, II. lli tvu. Ii0,7 1 saii street, Keir York. uii24ty IiAWYlIltS. ALI..KN, MUJjKKY & WHKKLKH ATTORNEYS A1U COUNSELORS AT LAW, William J. Allen, John ll.JInlkey, Samuel I', Wheeler. j- CAIKO, II.MNOIH. eiTPartlcular attention paid to rixcr nnd ad. mirally business. OFl'ICK-Oxcr Kir"t.aTi7inal Hank, Ohio I.eree. 0HKHX Sc CUhUKHT, ATTORN.EY.S COUNSELORS AT JLAW, tVilllam II. een, ") William II (idbut, t'AtllO, ll.l.l.VOIJ. Mllea I'. Gilbert, J ir.ipecli ntleotion cTreii to Adinltaltr and fcUamboat bi.iiliie.a. OfTICE- OIIIO LKVKi; ItOOM.t 7 AND 8 OVKIl CITV NATIONAL DANK. HOOTS AMI .SIIOKS. WrLLU.M KHLKltS, Kashlonalile ROOT AND SHOE -MAKER, tvi:ntii:th htkekt, llttween V-h'njton Areinie and l' Street, CAIItO, ILt.x. Hoots mid felines Mad- to Order. I'lne Workmen Employed. SatlsfKCtlon Warranted. l'atronace Hollclted. CITY SHOE STORE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY Mir roR CURTOM-MAIIB li OOTS A N I) S II 0 E S inmrrrlnl Avenue, Corner or i:i;litli Street, Caip.o, Illinois. pakticulau attkxtion paid to all oh dkp.s for iioorskip.ts and siioks. iui;s' HOATS. FOll TUB SOUTH, roit Mi'.MPiim, VK'nsni iit; A MS m:w oiii.i;am. ThgHJilendld sK'iimer CAPITAL CITY. Will lenre Cairo, to-day, SUNDAY, nt 1 oVIock. For Ireicht or pntance applv on beard, or to It JAN. IIKif.S. Ak'I. FOH THE SOUTH. roit .Mi:tiiiiN. viciisiiritii ami m:a-oki.i:a.s.s. The line steamer Will leave Ciiro to-morrow, MONDAY, Oct. 'J, nt I o'clock, foi Vlcksbiun, New-Or'eiina and nay liniut". lorireiKiit or pi.aagc oupiyon imsru or 111 It JAN. IIKiUM, Alt' CAIItO AND LOUISVILLE Weekly Packet for Padiieah, Krann-ille and Lou i lilt?, tho favorite atcamer, T. G. UY.M.VX, Muster. Leaves Cairo every SATIJDKAY nt S oVloclc p.m. For ft eight or passajtunjiply on bonnlur to JAN. IIK.W.'t, AK'I. CAIRO AND PADU0AH JIAII, 1IOAT. The splendid teamer till 1 Mjisn3L, CT-A-'S. PISK, Joe I'oii Icr. .Mnslcr. ts Curo ri vi', r, iSmdiys excepted) at I nt. tot Ireish' or pi-saii a pull on board or JAH.ll(jlN, AK'I. CAIItO AND EVAXSVILLE I. N. MAI I, lAt'Ki:T. The fx.l.ruunliu, light .lumpht steamer, MALL1E RAGON, r.CS FOWI.I',11 W1LI, FOWLIIU ... Muster 1 'link Letves Caiio F.VF.UY HUNDA Y nnd TIIUH.-IDAY (lupl.ieeuf hteamer Idlowihi), ut 3 1..111. .1 as. limns, Air'i. l'ADUUAH AND KVAXS.XI LLK, (InpUceufllio AlU. lie!lt, tiii: sri.rNiiiii liuhi' duai'iiht stkamkii DICK JOHNSON, M'.i: IIOU I.I.I., .Musler. Will lenvo Cairn for F.vnnv lie eve -y Vi:D.NF DAY nnd HATl'HDAY ut li o'cloeli, p.m. For freight orpiiKHHgo npply on board or to IAS. nn;;s, ak'i. i amii.v ihoci:hii:s. LOUIS JOltOENSEN, Dealer In all Muds of ! STAPLE AND FANCY 'aBOOBBIBS. I'liruicr'N Vniil unit 'kSliililliic WITHOUT HI A1U1 II. ... . , , , , ,. , Ullf. N arilllllKtOU-aY and '1 WCIlllOtll-sL, ,. )27dt BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AV. It A MICH. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS t'lini lei ril Mnrrli 31, 14ttU. orrn 1 is CITY NATIONAL HANK, OAIRO metis: A. lLSAITOnlb l'iesldent; is. H. TAYLOR, Vlce-PresUeiiti W. IIVM,0P, Secretary and Treaslirf r. MnrcToatt I'. W. Ilsiicur, K. M. hiw kii 1 rn. Chis. r.Aiiciitn, 1'ai 1. 0. 8cm 11, W. I'. IlxtLtutr, I!. M. CIS MM. i 4 si, J. 11. I'lMLIIM licjmlis uTniiy Amnnnl It cccl veil from I111 ciils3 lMnriti. i.NTriUK'sT paid vtt deposit, al the rnto ot six pefccnl. per annum, March Island fceptem ber 1st. lutercst not mthdrnnn Is added Inline d ately to the principal of the deposits, thereby Klriiij them compound Interest. MAIIP.IED WOMEN AND CHILDREN MAY DEPOSIT MONKY u tii r so our. cut cam sxaw it. Open every business day from 1 a.m. tn a p.m. aud fnlurday erening lor HAVI.Sd DKP0?11S only, from 6 in s o'clock. auartf W. HVLOP, Treasurer. rniE CITY NATIONAL V A I HO I 1, 1. 1 X O 1 S . UA1MTAL, 8100 00 I iiiiiiim : W. P. IIALLIDAV, President i A. Il.isAFFOHD, (Jishler; W.M.TF.n I1YI.0P, Assl.lsnt ',h!er. tunrcToiisi TA ITS T.ll I OH, HOIlir.T II, Cl'VSIMIIIAU, ScilTT WlllTI, W. P. Illllllnl. Gr.o. D.'Wii.iumu'V, tSTtrnrs Itiue, A. H.Hsiiokp. Ilvrliiiiilti', 4'ntii mill L'liltrsl Slnlca ISoimI nouslit nnd Sold. Di;P(lSITri received, and a cui.urnl banklnB liuMnesa done. "FIRST NATIONAL HANK Of CAIIIO. DANlr.I, IlliP.D, Prcldent; ItOUr.P.T W. MlI.I,r.H, Ylve.Prvldetit , C. N. HimilKS Ca-ldor. ' COLLECTIONS PHO.MPTLY 3IADE EXCIIANOi:, rfiin, bank uotes and United Klnlcs tecurilies bought ami sold, IntrroMl Allnued 011 Time Deponllw. CO A I.. j CAIRO CITY COAL I; prepared lo Mtpply euitomer with the best puility Oi PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS I Ou.!i! I Cliarles UDF.lts left at llallidiiy Ilros, odlee, 7 OHIO Levi:!-:, or at tho Coal Van! beloir thu m. Cliarles Hotel, Mill receive prompt atieniiou. TIIIITUll " MONTAUK u III b"n coal aloni; side steamers nt any hour. oc.'.ltf IIO IT NTOItKS. HAyf Vv m7s ()".V, II I. A l 1. R 1 S BOAT STOEES O II O C Kill KM. P R 0 V I S I O N S, E T (!., i. 110 Ohio Lkviik, Caiiio, III. ounr.iis iniivi'Ti.k 1 11 1 1 n gTu. WnililAMSOX. WHOLESALE GROCER, . PRODUCK A N I) CO.M.M ISSION ,M KHt.MlA.NT, No. 70 Ohio I.evcc. c a 1 it o, 1 1, ii i x r 1 s. " tJi'ieinl iilliiiliou ;lveii lo ConsiKiiiiuiiti 1 ln urileis. WILLI 1 ui ins 1 ohm 1 ivs lurnvsTiar. BAUMAN 6c 11AUENST1NE,' ClVlli AXJl MKCIIANICAI, 1 KNUINRRUS AND ARCHITECTS, tiros.,' itiititltiiK, corner Klrventh Nir 11 ml 4'oiiiiuerclal nvx C'olro, 1IU. I )TiANH ANI)ePEClKIOATlONHforalll.rneie 1 X of Civil Knalneoriri; and Arelillecture, auult 1 as Maps for Counties, Districts or Corporations, . Plan ami Caleulatlou for bteam and Water 1 rusoi. ior inuuavruu e.,vaun,iiiiicui, mi nun, Bi'ono or Vmiden Brids, for Church", Court ituuseisniioinar ruoiiu uuiidiuK, uusinei auu Dwelling Houses. Cotlaite, etc, etc., turoUhwl at ahnri notice. apr OM311.HMIO. ASD FOHWAIlniTta. WOOD ltITTENHOUS:, (S .ior ol.yersAC.i FLOUR A SO General Commission Merchant m OHIO LEVEE, Cvino, Illinois. -). M. PHILLIPS k CO., tiieees.ors lo F, 11. lUndrie.ks A Co.,) Forwarding aud Commisvsii AND W 11 A RK-I10.VT PROPRIETORS C.URt; lftrSfcLlbcral Advances tin aS Consljnincnts. upn Are prepared to receive, tnre ani orwnrd freights tn all point, and buy sell on commission. Huslness attended lo nratnptly. U. M. IIULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION MEECHA1TT. No. 134 Connncrcial-ave., CAIItO, ILLINOIS. MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION AMI FORWARDING 3IERCHANTS, ASD DEALERS TN 1-LOIJR, CORN' Oats, Hay, etc. 58 Ohio Lkvke, CAIRO, ILLS. 7. V. MATHUM. E. C. UHL. lATILUSS & UHL, POE-WAEDING AMI GKXr.UAL. C03I3I ISS ION 1 ERC HANTS, dealkhs IN HAY AND WESTERN PItODUCE, .No. (II OHIO I.KVEK, fllifrn nurth .1 Sixth .It., CAIItO, ILL. aug22 dAwtf CLOSE k VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION .MERCHANTS AMI DEALEES XjIIe Ckmk.nt, Plasteu P-vms, AND PLASTER KIt'S HAIR, Corner I'.lulith Street nml Ohio I.svvec CAIRO, ILL. JOHN 11. PHILLIS, (Successor to Parker ft Phillis,) GENERAL C03DIISSI0N An FORWARDING -MERCHANT, Mi DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Con. TKNTII-ST. and OHIO LEVEE) CAIKO, ILL. W,Slr.iltou. T. Hint , STRATTON k RIRD, (n, ci -ors loSitraitnn, lludsoo A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MKR0IIANTS, f7 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. Cty-AKenls of Ainerkan Poader Co., and man. fiH'tutera njjenl for crltonyarn. JvTdt ro I'M) it 1 us. ir&E. GREENAVALD. m ax r tact v a 1. a or rinxuies, Hollers, ) luiir mill C'.rist Mills, rnvv Mill,, Hie "Tuppet' Patent Orate ear , ,.., . . M AOUINKRY I0 OKCBAI. VVKrOSKS, 1 mvniuuiirr rim l UlNOlJiJ. ATI, OUIO. 1 WW'