Newspaper Page Text
THE'CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1871. ki:a l. i tx i i: auknt. U. WINSTON k CO, HEAL YSTATE AGEKT AUCTlONErtS, 71 (iiconi) ri.oon) onio levee, CAino, r ls., BUT AND SkM. 11 K At KSTATK, ' PAY TAXKS, f uunisli iADriiAirrf? of Tiri.b A' I prepare Ciitevaiee f Uiw hutch r.ns. CHNTJIAL MEAT MAHKKT KOEIILEH & MKOTIIEH llntc- re ono.I .li . I-01tI.AIt MIMT JIAItltllT, CoMMKr.oiAr.-AV., llrlworn Mn Hi mill Truth Slrreln, and will kreii cnnslantlvon hand th lx"t mrats slaughtered in the Cairo market. 'I bey ilelj coin. trillion, aire idem trial. septHtf JA.MKS KVNASTOX, Isnlcher mid I.ralor In all Kind 1'rruti Mrnl, Cts -Vlvr.TirMii avd Poms Hun, CXIK), ILLINOIS. Iidsluhtra ncij.tlif very lrit rattle, tVlHWfTii'' PTre-d '" fill ny urinaril ror irc-n m-.i -- lhciian'l pound. .le-20tf JAKE WAJ.TE1., BUTCH E IR FRESH MEAT, ElOHTH STREET, IlETWEEN WaSIIINOTO.V AMI CoMHERCr.lL AVKNUES, Adjoining nlneiilioiixp .V Jlnnnj'N. K'jtp iho Is-st of Ilfcf, I'ork, Mutton, Veal, l..-.mb, frau'sjc, etc., slid (ite prepared to serve c t ins In the most aec sptahle manner. scHm MHS. ANNA LANG, EIC11IT11-ST., BET. VASlllNOTON A NO COM' I K 11C I A I.- A V EN U E, I now receiilng lieautiliil assortment of Fall Millinery Goods, IwilldlnK Hats snd Shapes of Hie hteM style llllilicrs I'lotwr nml I'cnllicrs. Mrs. Lung Mil also show customers the Isrgss selection of Woolen Yarns To be found in the city. IILKACIIINO AND l'EUSSl.NO order. iiosb to ItlMIIXU. BOUKs, pamphlets, briels, catalogues, neus i.iors. tax lints, and every variety of citen pr.nting contracted for. and proinyllynnd executed, in the lltilletm book, job, ar. j i,"paper ' lauing csiauiitiimciu. THE BULLETIN. I'lBVt or Tilt DAILY lll'LLF.TIS: Suori,ilin ' -., uy .-artier .r by ctriet,m advance 10 in ill I ij' Mill, - ': nn'h, X'i lg ..(libs 1 -1 "r, s i 7 t ''iKctat pnptroj AlttmvUr rosnri atvl tiftht rif.v ot f urijf tut oanMormiiiinviiAgsr. uuiwis; meU-aicaU yjurnnt; im4, but fmtlrmi out ;-Un on olt intyttt oj intertu? ta tht piifAiet viti attfft anl tncr(ntir ctreuktioi, the lUtltt' tin toliall tht JxifrintVt of inttUigint rtaitri ami niterprulnj butint$ men. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY IIULLKTIN. John II. OUrly A Cn. nave reduced the nib. acrtfition prife of the Weekly Cairo llulleti to One tyAlarp trimum, mal;in It tho clienpedt pa per fiiiblnhed In Southern Illinois. UCMOCRATIO COL'.NTV TIOKKT. ForTreaurerand Collector, "WILLIAM MARTI X. For Surtejor, .10UN HELY. Uv the late censti-, the total populu ti.nof Illinois h LVVW.SIH . Of this number, 28,5 19 are colored pcivon-". and j 103 were born in foreign countries. In view of the elections in Ohio and l'eiitieylvania to tluy, ku-kliui-m lias beet, looking up for come days past. Hepi.rt-, of outrages by the ' k!:in"h:ivc been notably ecurco of late in radical ruber?, but it hah been too powerful an agent in past elections not to bo preyed in'., -erviee now. Accordingly, tho u.-u. al Wes of nQWh' are now being poured down the people's throats. I'r bably, having been ened up in the fame way so often before, the pre-crip-tii may fail iu its elTcet. Tin: UKKiN of the lire king has been destructive and tcrrinlo within the last few day. The (ires in tho woods and fwauip in tho vicinity of Green Hay and I'ond du j,ac cotiriuc (i,.rctJ al)(j unchecked. Feucegf fariI, buildings, orchard, thousands of tons of hay, live Mock and towns have been burned. Iu Hoin, on Friday ttst, the freight nt.ld.ngs or the Filehburg railroad burned to the gttmud and Mits Ada It, ,ai e'jpikt 0c . , (v,.;,.,,, department, perished it, the flames. At ..ii.ii.kiuu, "iurc,onuierU!nodav ' " UU"J r-viiiuui vonecri, a curlni,. ;,. tho liall tool: fire, a panic eusucd, UI)d many women and children were tram pled upon and badly crushed. In 1-raneisco, a .Mrs. Hart and her roveu children wero burned to death by the uapioaiou oi a Kerosene lamp Jtriyhton, Waw.. a .Mr. Ilabcock was fatally burned in the (lanies of his own varnish factory. J our telegraphic iiowu will bo found the details of the fires iu Chicago, which are uppalliuy in their utter deBtructiyencss, P0LIT1 LN0Ti:.S. The "WnslilngU.n CViromWfiiomiimlej OojrgoJO. Ilarnnrd for tl. presiJency. EJ-Tho Now-Vork Standard, Inlcntoly r.tillcnl, unys "Vcnnv IvH,l,n hn "no dcm osrntic flntomnn i C'lmrlcs 15. lluclit- low, formerly '" l"r "ml " "m" "fn - euUiironntl iiM'll.- JIl ,!' W'y of nomiimifon f.-r I prdMency." a r l v"fy to nn Interviewer pirtv iiiui Jofenl O rant" iiml mention fa'rliii.vler I'olfox n ii nominee. Tlie New York Aimi y tlmt dun. (Irant l m longer lieW I" tho lilgli esteem In clileli lie win once rcgnrUi'it ly tlie A tiicrii iti iieoiile. In fact, wliciover 1 1 1 e iiiiiiin i mentioned, "it Is mot rcrtnin to tirnwike, Instenil of niijilniix', only jeeri ami Intiuliter. -A Kijveremlfoloretl gentleman of New York t il v wa elcxted l.y ii district He mililiriin Atoc'iiition n. n delcsnto to llio Hvniciie Convention. Utit tlio Assoeiation ntL'lecteJ to send litm n railroad ticket or ii notice ef tho time of depalttire of the ilpWiitiim. w hereupon, llio colored cm- Z0ii met and "rcolvea- lllnl a -uireei Insult hn been put on them which they will not ioon forget, find when tho timo . . come?, the proper norson (hall bo called toaftrict nccountnWlity for the amc.' Yullow fever I epidemic nt Tumpn Florida. The medical locicty of tho district of Columbia refuses to odmll colored men to it membership. -It U believed there wero one hundrod thousand people present on tho grounds of tho great St. Loui fair on tho rotirtn day. Fow jx'Mone, when reading of tho extension of tho tramway ytcm, think tf thoori-'in of tlio word. Tram Is only an abridged form of Outram, the first deviser of these iron roads having been Mr. Out ram, n Derby.-hiru gentlemen of scientific attainments, n relative of tho late Sir James Outram, whoo statuo on tho Thames Kmbankmcnt was recently inaugu rated. A picture of life In .Mexico: Two gentlemen of tho highestrank In society meet in the evening in u street in tho capi tal. " What o'clock is it, sonor ?" politely m I; s tho llr.t. The other stops, draws his revolver and covore his interlocutor, then takes out his watch and gives tho desired information. Number ono thanks number two, without tho leatt surprise or remons trance at thu measure of precaution. Tho Taylor-D.vidjon fountain, tho gift of Henry Probusoo Ksq, to the citj of Cincinnati, was unvailcd in the presence of ii large concourjo of people on Friday. Addres-eii were mado by Arch-Hishop Pur- coll, Hon. Win. Groesbeck, Jlr. Probascc, Hon. Ferdinand, "Vm. Mullcr and others, One of our country exchanges does up funerals in th'm style: A foutteen year old girl, daughter of died onSunday. Wu hoar tho wa an imposing affair." Upper Siindu-ky, Ohio, has n lona fide ca-oof hu'band-poisoning. Tho husband was old and superauuated and possessed of onio mcno. The wife, many years young er, was tired ot her lie.slmnd mid wunted his money. .Shu eoncocerted with her bro ther and ii traveling doctor to anticipate tho course of naturo by administering n dose of ttiyrhnino to tho old man, which was done. Alter hu win a widow she ungrate fully refuted to pay tho doctor $200, his price for helping to put tho "Id man out of tho way. Tho doctor expired tho wholo ntl'air and all three aro imw under arrest. NOTES OTTIIK DAY. England employ 70,000 glovo mak er.. A Detroitjelevcn year old girl chews tobacco. A new water proof cloak, of boiefed lilk, lined with rubber, has been invented. Five dollars and ii ft v ecnti mi cvorv hundred dollars is tho lax rate of Phila delphia. I!y no particular request, Blondin will repeat hi dance of death nt Niagara next cft'on. Hy reason of n convenient holo iu the wall oi llio jail, a nusmirgiar named Small U tit large. London has had n ''Temperance Crick- ct .Mutch.' Tempeninco men indulging in n bowl ! Tho Jlinpodiir of lioiiinaniu has u beiiiitifnl and accomplished wife, Imt the will steal. Mexico, Mn., U tin happy homo of a cotipluwho hiivo buen married thrice mid divorced twice. Tho Itogers Eoeouiotivit Companv of Titterson . ill snoii bo cnnblo inturn out a locomotive a day. A I.ouii-vilhiin tried to hang himself but before iitiitn accomplishing tlio deed repented and bawled lustily fur help. The I'.ev. Dr. Lord Is delivering lee urthoii Moses." nt Dartmouth College. Hut there appears to bo no rushes to Ilium. - Tho thcrmemeter nt San Francisco ro- cently run up to "11 degree, mid tho Inhnb- itanu complained ot u "lieated term. A considerate nrenn.erlmliir ulnveil Hear me. Norma.' before llio Hartford Deaf and Dumb Asvlum ilurliie n wlinin . f. " luieniuon. A little elrl lif tblrlnnn ..nt b.iu been presented by her fathor with n small I'uwh oi ,uuo acres in a corner ot his buck vuadlo play at gardening in. Throe brother 1 li lawn tintnnil Vi- wards liavu tutt mniin ti,,. .iiuvori. i.n ..,. ..1U nun, k, mi esiinu ni ncotlanu worm i-eventeen millioiij of dollars. " MifS VllUStrv of Wntlivllln ),,,. tn cured u cool ten thouand, as tho price of .lii.ttn.... l..l1tA,...l ... 1. . .. .,j luiutiuu uii nur nucciions. And wneru uiiyiit waslivlllo be ? Kansas (!ltv. il ,r"""tref. " of the wealthiest cities I VIISJ I'll. lllLVMl'' It firvr.lllt.llnr. ..I P. -fA nei v1 rl Y,.lmlI" ( t30.000.000 or -A sad uccldont occurred on tlio old nd hud be c 1, ctTorTw e,C,n!l,U nr,",f' common comic, , b,,"1', or! "f ,,h? removed the oU rue 10 L, m ,e! 'l'"1 one of tho cable, br k vl.du , yo l,;r,Uy vn on tha bridge. , lH"!u dUtance of thlPty f, 'T f f .te' Thoiiia, Calllgnn u'ud .lamu 1. !. U" S im il" ' 1 ?.no or "10f'-' the others ii. luvMiMiiy inc. FOR SENATOlt. JUDGF. W.M. 0. HOW-MAN AND THE STATE SENATE. T(h. ntllnr nt Ihe Cairo llullctlr. I Among tho sovernl names mentioned in connection with tho senatorial vacancy, mured by tho death of tho llon.S. K.Gib oii, I know of no person whoso claims nro moro deserving than thoo of Judge in G. Howmiin, of Gallatin county, and ni tho late senator was n rosldoTit of that county, it would not bo Improper that the candl dato should bo selected from there. Judgo llottman 1ms been idontifled with tho in terests of Southern Illinois fot twenty years nml Is tliercforo well acquainted with tho want" of this portion of tho state. His de mocracy is abovo reproach, having with stood tho storm during tho period from lfiCl to 1S0C. I can vouch for his purity in this respect. Again, ho Is n gentleman of recognized ability, and his personal char acter is without n blemish. If honored with tho portion, I feel that he would carry our btinncr to victory and serve the people faithfully and nbly. A Democrat. OUR CANDIDATE. SKETCH OF THE FUHLIC LIFE OF HON. S. S. HAI KH. THE EIGHT MAN IN THE EIGHT PEACE. Ironi the HprlnRllttd Illinois Stnto ltel.tcr. Hon. Samuel Snowdcn Hayes, tho dem ocratic nomine for congress at large, is n native of Tennessee. Ho removed to Shnwiicetown in 18.18, and has ever sinco been one of the foremost I citizens of tho great stnto of lllinoi". In 1813 ho moved to liito county, and wa elected n member of tho legislature from that county in 1810 nnd 1848. In 1617 ho was elected n member of tho convention which framed the admirablo " constitution of 1818, " which was ratified by an immense popular majority. In 1850 ho removed to Chicago. Ho was nppointcd city solicitor in 1851, and in 1802 was clcctc'd city comptrolcr, which otTico ho held three rears. Ho was appointed bv Secretary of tho Treasury McCulloch ono of the commis sioners created in 1805 by special net of congress to examine, and report on tlio best modes of taxation, und to fromo n revision of tho revenue law. His scrvico in this apacity was so eminent as to elicit tho Dccidl'thanks of Mr. McCulloch, nnd his report, immediately upon publication, took a nigh position bel'oru the public nnd U used as u text uook uv an puoncisis aim students of tbo subject ot taxation, in 18CJ he was elected a member or tho con vention, and ho originated nnd pressed through tlie convention may oi tno mosi important provisions of that notable instru ment. Mr. Hnv.4. n.s will bo seen bv this brief sketch, has spent many years in public life, yet ho has not been an ofllco seeker, but ruthcr been n servant of tho people. His reputation has lieon acquired, not in nom inating conventions, but in faithful, hon est and intelligent public service. Ho has had occa-iou to study tho mystery of tho science of government nnd tho funda mental principles of organic law. Hold ing important position! connected with tho immenso llnansial oporntUns of tho citr of Chicago, from 18CJ to 1605, a period wiicn corruption was rue, nnu wnen tue attention of the people was directed else where, no taint of mnconduct rests upon him. Even tho most recklei nnd un scrupulous partisan opposition press or speaker never dared to hint that Samuel S. Hays Imd been accu'ed of any fraud or corruption. .Now at tho ripe ngo ot fifty year.-, with every faculty of his mind de veloped by study and slfarpcncd by expe rience, the democracy of the statu call up on him to bear their mcssago to tlio repre sentatives of tho p'ople of tlio United Sta tes in congress usotnbled. Tho nomination is a most lilting one, for our candidato is fully acquainted with tho wants nnd wish es oi' our agriculturist'', merchants and commercial men. Tlie iticstiou of taxation is tho absorb ing oue'of tho ngj. How to rnUo revenue upon tlio democratic principle ot equality to all men and to all in bcrcst, how to ex pend money upon the democratic principles of lioiietv,'und a strict construction of tho constitution, nro tho questions which wil continuo to bo agitated until they are set. tied In accordance with thoio principles, for thoy can bo rightfully settled in no other way. It is not too much to say, that upon these, mtestioos our candidato has expended more profound study, and lias Had bettor opportunities lor re-earcn, than nny man in tho state. Togother with his associates upon tho speciul revenge commission, he went to the root oi tlio matter. Every known and many novel metnods oi raising revenue we. j fuilv di-cifsed, with nil tho facilities of abundant time, unlimited opportunity for rcsorch, and access .t all the opinion's oftheir.osi enlh'htciiod minds, who have puraucd tho subject. Tho people of the state of Illinois puv a large per ci'nt. of llio interim! and customs revenue, nnd n still largor per cent, of thu taxe which, in accordance with tho republican accepted system, nro laid lor protection. In ciimrntexloniiiK Hon. S. S. lliiv- to represent thu entire state in congress, tlio people will bo persuaded that they will oe represented by a man oi wnose intelli gent, zeal, honesty and capacity there Is no question. 11 Ills wise couiieul ulid ills mighty argument idiould prevail us they ought iu congrei-J, in lcs than one vear from thu date of tills election tho people of the state, and of the United States, would bo rolleved from tlio enormous taxes for protection, and from all tho burdens of unequal and partial revenuo taxe- .Mr. Hays U n free trader, as every man must bo who follows the promptings of an honest heart, or who examine the subject of a tnrill' with intelligence. Ho not only holds to the resolutions us enunciated by the committee, und that purt ot thu Morrill resolution adopted by the convention, but to the whole of that resolution Willi H radical sentiment on freo trado. Upon tlmt pint form he intends to inaKo the can vass, mid ho Interprets tho platform by the sentiment expressed iu the original Mcrritt resolution. For it was evident Unit tho sentiment of that resolution, be fore its modification, was undo reed by the convention, und that it would liavo been heartily adopt od had it been pressed to a voto in its original shape. ONKhTAll JJlrTEKKTIl rilOM ANOT11EIC. When wo look hieh wo seo somo stars, and wo can scarcely tee tliom because they urn dim ; but if wo look down wo sco much brighter stars, shinning if. n lower spuorc. And those stars that strike us tlio least, and those that shinu tho brightest, have all of them tliiir appointment from God. Hut these nro of littlo coiisquencu In com parison witli tho realities of truo relig ion, For, let ii person bo born of God. whatever station lie may fill, ho will fill that slnto -cannot help it nny more than tho sun shines upon It ho will Hid that Unto in ii child of (Soil, liccausu tlio light of tbo glory of (Sod shiuui Iu his heart through Jesus Christ our Lord, llo that bus that light must shine us u light in the , world, ifoicliiml Hill. THE FinKS INJHE WOOD,?, IN MINNESOTA. (I rom (no SI. Paul rrcis, O.-t. 5.) AH day tho heavy veil of smoko frt 1 tlio burning prairies nnd timber In the wes tern portion of. tho Stnto hung ovor tho city, and If further evldonco were required to prove tho existence of n widespread nnd devastating conflagration, it could be found in the 'lilckly-falling cinders w'dch wero borne l y thu winds from tho distant woods and prairies, At scornl points through out the city tho sidewalks wero blackened by theso silent mcssongcri from tho scone ol'tho great fire or great calamity. Every group of men assembled upon tho street's discussed its duration nnd damage, or hoped for tho rain which alone seems eapa blo of Impeding Its march or stopping its ravages. From gentlemen who arrived on tho 5:15 tmfn, last evening, the gratifying In telligence that, whilo the damago Inflicted is very large, it has not been so general ns had been supposed. This unexpected im munity may be attributed to the precau tions of the settlers in cither plowine; around their premises or starting n system of ''back-fires" when Information o'f the approaching dancer was first received. nut, in spite of every precaution or cllort, the total loss will be n sud record, nnd ono which falls with crushing weight upon many who have built homes upon tho frontier, only to see everythiti!' swept away at n touch from tho leaping, blaning 1I1III1C". Conductor Guthrie states that his train came through without difficulty, but fires ero sun raging in tno poat beds lroni ltrecklnrideo to the Ilk' AVoods. Tim main flro had swept on to tho south, and boyond the observation of those, travelling on thut lino of road, but tlie nvidonccs of Us vlit nro found everywhero nlontr tho rout iu the blackened fields or lliimlne; marshc. Approaching the Jtlg "Woods tho con flagration h discovered to bo under full headway, but making slower progress than upon the prunes, owing to tho greater moisture nnd the leaves. Near Smith Luke Station and west of Howard I.nko it is raging fiercely. Several houses iu tho vicinity of Dasscl Station have been btirnud. nnd here hnsoccuredthe only loss of human lllu so tar as lias been inccrtatued, tlio par ticulars of which are given in tho letter of a correspondent published below. List evening tho lire had reached a point this side of "Wavcrly, only forty-nine miles distant from St. Paul. J. 11. Atkin-on, Esq., of iorest Citv, nr rived last evening, nnd furnishes iulercs- tiiii tmrtiottlurs. lie savs it ntinrnr like tiro everywhero through tho Hig Woods osier down ns avcriy. ine dummage sustained by tho people of McLeod Counts is much less then anyone would suppose. Tho ground in somo jilaces f probably at the peat marshes) has burned down to a depth of five feet, and tho tire $60111' still bound for "Oil or China." A gentleman named William, Arm strong, living about four miles from Forest City, was overtaken by tlie lire before lie mailo uny preparation for It, nnd every thing ho hud in thu world, house, furniture, horses, cattle, stacks and agricultural im plements and machinery, wero destroyed. An esteemed correspondent sonds'tho following uccount of the lira : "Hutchinson, Oct. 3, 1871. Smoke, smoke, smoke. My eyes are most out ! Wbnt n day we havo had I 1 have ju3t ar rived from Mankato, whore I nttuiidedthc Methodist conference. To-day our com pany passed through 11 ro nnd smoke, even to thick blackne-s in somo place. The wholo prairie for miles was iu Humus nt different points along our route. At Now Auburn tlie pooplo wero plowing around the town to stop tlie progress of the raging element. And well they ought; every thing is so day that the ground itself in some of the mn'rshes was on lire hours af ter tho grui.s had burned." Another correspondent furnishes inter esting particulars in the following commu nication, yesterday on board tho down train : On IIouiu thgTlsin, 0t , , Sr. 1'Aii. A I 'a. i,u )' JCtlitors St. Paul J'ress : Fires nro still riigiug in tho Hit: Woods. All the prairio country between Hreckin ridgu and Darwin eem3 ti muss of cinders and ashes. A thick smoke hangs over the whole country. Most of t!. f irmers iiuve taken proper precaution, utid have saved their stacks, buildings, Arc, though many Imve lo-t their all. At every nation w'o hear of tlio loss of stacks of grain, miles of fence, and horses and cattle. At I.ltch- Uuld und oilier stations telegrams ure re ceived hourly from frightened wive.- whose homes nro in the llig Woods, to nil-hands who nro away working on tno road, to come Home, tlie names uru nenrlii'; the bouse.' "' "At Dasscl we hear that last night a Swede by tho name of Conneaut was awakened by the ilames, saved his wife nnd two children, and in trying to save u part of his littlo furniture was overcome by tlio smoke and ilames, mid por'nhed in the ruins of his homo. All pray for rain, and unless u kind Providence should V"iich-afe to nend them a bountiful supply soon, if really seems as if tho country wa's undone." "Fort Abercombie narrowly escaped de struction by fire a few days ago. A prairie lire was ui-eoverei making its wmv Willi wonderlul rapidity toward tin, turt, and the entire gurro-ou win ordoted out, and, with blanket-, the men fought it oil', und saved the buildings, hay and wood. Thuro were 00 totih of liny and 800 or 000 cords of wood near tho fort. This was all saved, but no ncourute statement in regard to the condition of thu blankets bin been re ceived. IN WISCONSIN. Milwaukee, Oct. 4. A correspondence in tlio A'etr to-duy, from Green Hay, says tlio tires which has been raging iu the woods between there niid Lake Michigan lmve extended nurocs Fox Itiver, and cover n strip of thirty miles iu hhawano und Oconto counties, to tlio largo lumbering towns of Marinette anil rushtigo, which nru threatened with destruction. Thu llrcs now raging covur llirco iiiotisnrn! square miles oi country. One hundred futilities havo been burned out of house und home nnd home, nnd the refugees ute in Green Hay und other towns. At least one hundred families mo in equal- 1 . fiu liiul .n,l 1 1 ii ill lliillkfi. burn, tun,. buildings, bridges mid fences, und abso lutely everything was sweiita wuv Thous ands of squiiro miles of vuluablu pino for ests liavo been ucsiroyou. jiears and oilier miiiiuils liuve been driven In dismay from tlio woods, nnd nro fleeing evory dliection across tho fields. The entire population are fighting the lire, but without succe, mid many havo fallen suffocated by the neat ami smoi;e, auu nuvo neon carried bv their comrades to places of safety. All supplies of food throughout at least ilftv townships hrve been destroyed, and star vation oi man nnu oeast during the com lug winter slures thorn iu tlie face. irAn extra from the Oconto Lumberman olllco reports mat tue nro on huturduy hud reiieiicu ino waiiione mm uny Cemeteries; but littlo damage was done. On Snmlnv the excitement in tlio Stiles and Ponsauke'e districts, from 6cvcn to twelve miles above Oconto, wus intense, 'llio lire ran from Stiles in n sotitiieuiteriy direction, carry lug everything beloro it. 'Ihreo or four farm houses, hay nnd grain, uml two log- glllg ciillips wero umuovcu, ,l J.clglis twenty men by hard work saved the mill South of tlio Oconto Jtiver three families lied for their llvos. Their houses weru burned, mid more were in duugcr. The fires, nccordlng to last oecounls, nro spreuuing nnu uoviisiauiig mo county, I'lomthcbt. I'aull'rtis, Oct, 5; A gentleman who ranched this clt y yesterday morning from tho In'crlor of 'Wisconsin stutcs that nil Tuesday night the stau'o passenecrs for Hudson wero .n sight of burning tlmbor. Tho pino woods between .Menomineo nnd Hudson seemed to bo n mas of llatncs, nnd thu reflection of tho fires wore discornlblo long after they nau in;-cu iiho mo open prnlrlo country bordering on tho rivers. IN IOWA. A eorre-pondent nf the M lisnn I Wls.i Journal relates tho following: i esieriiay mo dill inst. in crossing. Empire Prairie, between here f.Madisonl und Portngo City, cn route to this place, 1 encountered flolds of smoko that well-nigh smothorod tho organs of vision. This smoko is said to coino from tho other side of tho Mississippi, and n railroad passon ger informs mo that thero Is at this time n belt of flro extending 300 miles through lown. iiilu passing on the train to Mc GrcL'or. yesterday, ho saw tho devourinc clement sweeping over farms, destroying stacks ofgraln and buildings, and tho peo ple vainly attempting to nrrest the progress of destruction. Vint amounts of property havo already been destroyed, nnd there is no doubt tlmt tlio bllndiiiir smoko en countered horo comes from tho source of this conflagration." A NEW MINISTER roil HAN HOMINflO. The Washlnctoii corrcnondent of tho Cincinnati Gazette says thut Mr. E. It. Ja cobs, who was ono of tho correspondents on tho San Domingo expedition, is nn ap plicant lor minister re3iuent oi linyii rice .Mr. ilassot, tho present rcpresenta'ilvo of our uovornmcnt tit Fort-ati-Prince. Mr. Jacobs would mako n superb minis ter to llnytl, nnd wo hope he may bo ap pointed. It may possibly bo objected to him that ho does not speak French, nnd that Sage, ond himself could not get along very well, but Is n dilllculty that might bo oinlly overcome. -Mr. Jacobs possesses a western vigor that inaks itself understood everywhere, and that could not help mak ing nn impression upon .Mr. Sumner',, model present. Ho is lut tho man for Hfiyti. lie can ride a bull or n Dominican horse better thun nny man on the island, and, although he knows very littlo about French, ho is a magnificent Spanish sliol ar, having become, thoroughly versed iu that languapo during tho even week ho spent in San Domingo; for instance, in our company he went into n shop in San Do mingo City to purchase a bird this is how he did it: '! sav mister, wlnitco vou nskco for daleo birdie'' ' At lint the pestiferous house-flies are to meet tho futo thev deserve. Tittnville. Peun., hn- invented a reliable sort of llv- paper. 'Ibis fly-paper Is covered with nitro-glyccrinc, gluu und molasses. Thu ilies, attracted by tho mola-'os. alight, nnd are stuck fast to the glue. Should any got away, nicy proceed to nib their legs to collier in ecstaoy, when tho friction of their own shins causes tho nitro-glyccrino a inering to ineir lout and limbs to explode, blowing them to atom. u iioi.usai.i: .'uci:ii.s. li. SMYTH & CO. W 11 0 EES A L E GItOCE ItS, onto L V E E c.v i it o. 1 1, 1. 1 ois,' A'so, Ictep conslnntly on hand n moil com plete stock of X,IQ,TJOE,S- SCOTCII AND I11ISII WHISKIES -O I N S,- Port, Maderla, Sherry nnd Catawba Wines I) SJIYTII A CD. sell evasively for cash.lo j t. wnicn i. in iney invno ine epeoii.i alien Hon of ,'loie bjra n bu)er. Special attention 'jien iu Filling Orders THE O KELIAIILE (IIFT KNTr.r.l'ltIE IN THE COUNTRY' $60,000 I N V A L lf A It L E fil V TS To l.o distri) ii'i d in Xj. td. srnsnE's l.'i.'nd IteauUr Monthly fJ 1 FT EIsTKHPllISE, To 1,9 drawn Monday, Nor.!, U71, l uo Crutiil S'lipilitlH or K.I, OOI) cneliln t.rceiinneiisi. Tiro prire, ; Hive prlrn 850; Ten jintei, si'ai, no iu iireeiioucks. WHOLE NUMllKI: CASH (IIFTS, l,UO0. One lioise and ll"K?v, tilth ilvcr-plalcd l,nrii,.. Moih... fiVO Ni nc inn iir.seMoo.i nnwK w. rin ""s, w Ten I'ninil) Pi iiiny inacnliies.eaeh worth loo OJ l ive heavy cased (iold llunlini: at"he, nnu 1,,'Hty ,,oiu i iiiini., uorllieiK'H . .. v w Itn Ladles' (Sold Hiintiuii watcties north encli I'm bt) I..;thl hiimlred (;ii. 1 uml silver lever liiiul- irix Hiiu hci (in ail) ivoitn irom -je to tli JO; Ladies' (iold l.eomlno Chain. Oent's (inld Vest enaniK, cantors, noiia silver and uou l,loplal,ui table nnd teasonons, ivory itanilled dinniir hniies, -ilter-plnteil ,liiiii"r forks, silver vest iliailis, iihotouruli 1 nlliiiins. Indies' uolil broastpins. shirt stinln und sleeve bullous, finder riuK-, B"i'i pins suver ,'xi,.isi"ii,i mo. Whole number ki1o, ii issj. Tu kits limited to IVI.ISiO. Agents wanted In sell 'llckcuto whom liberal premuuns win no paid, siicgli, tiidiels II ; six tickets; tiulve tickets !lo twentv-hiu S.11. .l.." .Htiliuilll 1. Illll ,IS. Ul JI',l?S, 1, UK' serilillun of tho llliintli'l of drnwlnv. hii.I oilier In foriil ition In rofvirnei, to the dlitriiuitloii, will be sent to nny ,, nn orderiuu them, Alll Intters must bo addles, ed In I.. II. HIM;, liox sij. 1,11 n c, Oinonnati, U li wen bin si. iK'tiuawiyr i' 1r.Kr.11, I'AKKKit U. I , A KM, .c lil I. 11 !:,. IX WALL J 'APISH, 'PAINTS I'ully, Itcii.liie, (iiisollne. WIHUCW O-IijTx-SS. WI.NIIOW hHAlll'.S, Ami tho eelubratcil illuminating; AUUOUA OIL. 1IUO.SK' Itl'thDl.NO, COH. 1 lTII-ST. A COM-MIUtCIAI.-AV., Oaiuo, Illinois. nUKiutf A DMINISTlt ATOll'ii NOTICMi. IMato ef AiiK'litn IVeil.dMeased. Thn undersignid liaunit boon nVpo'iited nd. Inuislnitor of tho estiitu nf August.! Weil, latu ol Ihur.iimty of Alexander nnd stnlii of Illinois, ileeenseil. hereby (,'nes notieo ho will iippcnr bo torn tlie county eonrtof Alexander county, at the court hoiisi, In euro, nt the Novouiber inrni, on tho a l Moiidiy In Noi ember, next, at wliluh tune nil persons having claim njtniiHt mid estate iirs iinillled and re(iiestcd to upend for tin, purpoio i,r havliin tin, snini, adjusted, AH persons In dents"! to tnid estuto nru remiested to mute Ini uiudiuti, piiiiiantii, thu unilorsiuned. , . LOl IS lll.ATTAU, Ailm'r. UatD'l this loth day of rk'picmber, lbTl septildllw,, LY IIOTKI.N. CHAWFOIU) HOUSH, COUNEK SIXTH and WAENUT-ST. (l.'ntranco on Hitl..jt.,) J. Oal, O. Cudy, II. Lodulek, (JIN0INNATI, OHIO. OlIvI'.J. CADVACO. Prnnrli'lnrs. 1 COMMKHUIAIi IIOTKL, COMMEIIC'IAL-AVENUK, olTOslITK V. O., CAIUO. UA.H. JOSEPH 1IAVL1SS, l'UOI'ltlETOIl. Tin: is N i:n.v I'tnixisiiKi) And oflers to the public flrst-clat i nccoinmoda- lloll" ,l rnnnni,ln wo. ir.VDKHTAKKItS. NICHOLAS FE1TH, GKNKHAh UXDEKTAKKH, CO e.- r 1 m o o E m Cor. Wiisliliintoii-iiv.iiiiil Illli-Ht., CAIV.O ILLINOIS. nSr.'i.I3ui W. G. CAEY, I'JUNCIi'AL UNDHItTAK Kit. c c s , c5" S f R ,E ! -1 g v. . SO . . h 1 . r 1 c i. I X i i 5 . z 5 SO ' P SALES EOOM, No. 13 SIXTH STltK t'Air.O, ILLINOIe. ctieiiiMi vrvi:s. tTiiWo .Moot SiUTeHsfnl, l'i,iuliir mill rerfccl cookijstg- M.V CHINES Ol ite- ifr.-( irw ot r w II kn-vut Ilotharoof the siipru'.t onstructioti, uml easily managed that we iiiirniiteo tnein toijive ENTI HE SATISFACTION. As no artlrle in the household lias a greater in iluenen In nromotinir I he. health, eomfint und hap- nlness of tin, firmly enele than the euiikinc stove, it is economy us well in policy to j;eti In- very uet i nnu in uihk ino CHAHTEU OAK Vou eon rely on wetting tho most siicees-ful, tllar nml petfeet eouuiiiK slole i er in.ul,'. using the I'.i'ici iti: niton. i;it, You are nlnnjs sure of having Juicy, Tinder and iii'iii'i'ius jiei isiiiuey, cuieueii, nun), t.nvi's. ei,-. sou, ul I'.xcclsior .Miiiiiifiictiii'in ( bi,ii tin ,, V o vu,,,r"vi CI J hiiJ ill I .N, Muin-st.,8t. Louis, .Mo. AND AM. UVi: STOVF. DHAI.KIW C. AY. 1IENDEHSOX, Ajront,1 Ciilio, Illinois. sepir..l,iwlm i. si . si i (iii a. vr Tit ki:t.',. LM-MlUltANT TICK ll'l'S FOE SALE, ) I'orKulo i .'oj HALE, I Vet Sal,, I ' FOK S A LE. J i-'of 1 FOll HA Llv Faro from Liverpool, Faro from Londonderry Faro from (Slahoow, Faro from Queknstown TO CAIKO, ; t : : t : : : $ I 8 . 'J 0 Sallord, Morrni A Cu , snnts. IXMAN LINE I.litrpool" Neiv.Yuik and I'lilladclplua Steamship Comiitmy, CSlilll CONTBACr WITH CMTCD STATI"AM UBITISII . ;uovinHKMS riirlCarrylnglllio Malls. I'OH i'assaTTe tickets on ri'HTiicii isroPMtTiosi APPLY TO JOHN G. DALE, AfiT. 16 llroadway, New-Voik, or to II. II oil lit, Washington AYfnne, Cairo. Illinois. J SIM ILIA PLMlhiui StTII ANT I'll 'IIMt'lIltlV'., lIOxMEOPATUIO SPKCIKKf? HAVK proted, from the n,., t ,, II 11'',', Hn enllre oicnps, t .'ii nt and H. luilde. ' 1,,,. ,,, I r. I ( Itn" ,. il. Hi ml 111 ed 1,1 ,,,,, y i. ide ill : in. m.,-- .111 .n-t 0 ii i ii t i so lutl lull - ,1 , . , ,' free fi , , (Hide 1 1.1 I. '.I iij 1 r. In,' 1. ni , til'' I, li' ei.ui rt, nt Iti.ji . ,. n'Hsis ti ,,'lcr 'ti...lir,u Ln I, Cures I 'ei-.. '.in sl l oriim. w .nn I. J: ry Iiik "I e ort. ' . I m s llli rlioen, of h , Ir. n , .i I nd .lis llysi nler.v , kii .ii.'. i. Iiotia l .Ii; S'lioti'rii-iuorhiis, voiiiltiint 4'liolerii. eolds, bn.n.. I,,li;s ."cur. IkIii. toothiclie, fietr. he i.,. ........... .: ii. 10, III Ul, ' m -..i-n. sii- ,,r i'ii,i;iii-, , , 1 1 "J"!" l"'i, i,,iuii- s.'iiii.'ii. .,.,. niiiiiiresscii.or l.a.iuiii . r.o ls t liftes, too profiise prri..s i S'roiip.eouKh, d III. ult breathliiK.. Suit Itlieiini, Iltrslpelas, Kruptiuni llllrillllllllmil. rltenm.tfe ,in,n ... Id, !? IS. ft I everimilAu'ilc.elilll lcler,ni;iiety Piles, blind or IjIcciIiuj,, U 4,litlilriiiy, and aoro or weak eje' ' ('a nri'll, neuie nr ehronie, I ti ft ti iir.IV MlMMilti;-'oiiKli, vlolentcoiljh.' AHIIIIIIII. OI,IIIL'eil brpnlblny h I.lir Ilis llll-i.'.. liomirri lii.nrin.V Hl'rfll'lllll fnliiionrt ntnn.l. in.a "j 21. "' """ iii Hiiiiy, pnysicai weai: lless Iiropnynnd seantySerrrtionn Nea I ell 1 1 ess sleknesa from ridin II Id lie) -Dlsens,. (jruM ) .-Nervous It lilllly, seminal tin , ns.liivolunturr ,nsi Lnrnis 1 I'lvcIIoics wits cneJJ v al rf p .w very r.e os-iry in smioui car s,., j Sore sioiltll, ranker....,,, I'riunry enluiess, wettlnit be 1 I'll) 11 1 ill crluiN, with spasms -r. 2:, jo, ii, a. MltlerlllKS, t . Ir.-UJx of I fe I I, IJ. .11, l;illeny .spasm. nt Vitui'danee 1 u, Dlptliei la i; , n I II r nt I-A.MII.V ( AM.s. Ill It.", (o tin luruc vlult. nioroceo or nivi'H nml case, coiiliiliilni; a s,eelllc lar ever- oiiilliiury ills ense a limilly is subject lo.ainl lioolis orillrertlolls (lot.l !1 ) ti i. mn ol. r I nitilly nnd 'i'ra t I'lliiu i n es, !iituS Hum H'J In M (. i. ill. tur sll I'rlvate lllsenses, i-,il, ,,r S'nrliiK ni. I mr I'reven. !! IKHIIII. 1,1. ,11 T Jl J nr. 1 !:' . ' .... ... - ........... .,. (.,.un, .(.H r. ... I'U.M- - I. l it SI I' Cures luin. llriiie. I. imeiim. Sorenc.s. !' i I iirnit, sprl.i, T.. tin. he. l..ira he, :,i r ., ItlieuiiiMtmn, l.nmbait". 1'iles. II Is, Htiuj; ' Sore Ke. Illeciliinfof the I.jn.'s. N . ! . aeh. or of Piles. Lurus. I'l.ers, Of I f res. riiee, i, or... oo ets.i nnts. si 'n O'liri-. Sr. ' 'JThese remedies, ex.-ei.i pi r ' Kx ru. t oy me, fftae or sinjc.e iix, sre s. ni i j any p. rt iiiei-otilttrr, by mall or expres , trco of cli on receipt ol the prire. A. bin is in,. lionr.oi'ATiiir co. Olliee and Depot, No. 5ii llroaday, N;w V . Koit sum: uv p. ticiini, caiiio, ns, ul.'sioMt ly SPECIAL NOTICES, it vtoiii:i.oii'.s ii.iiuitvi:. This s'trerb HalrlJve isthe arsr iiTiitWoBl Perleetlv Harmless Keli&Llc and InsthsDte:,a No il;sait, ntmcM. No Kid ulr us Tints cr I ni ............ t,. a it . I,.,..1 Ila r live prduei IMMKIM VT'.LY a tpltnl ' Ilia, k '! nat ir.l llroun. I'jes net Sunn t s.'i. but b ivesthe Hair Clean, N,ft and Ileal' i.l H.eoi.'y 8afn ind Trtfe, t I ye ,lllv..i. Iruuists. l-a,toiVliiIlcnl.Ktsei' Sew V.,.k. iat.)Jlde: Unlv I ON MAltltlAG K. Kays f.r Young Men, oa Rret Hoelal V.r in I Abases, uh.Ii inieilere w,tn Marrtaze, sn i ru.n I lie happiness ol thviands, with s ii.eans of tiii.f fur tlie Krr nff nal 1'r.fliinat llsra-e j and ilrbd.talesi. Hinl in trail J let! nri'f, fn" o! eliare, A ldres, I10WAI VH-iOl lATlON, No atrc t, I'h.ladr ph. a, I'a sep(l Jul , COXSUMI'TION. I IT CUKE AND IT PHEVKNm JJ 15Y DK..I. II. SUM KM K, M I). M .r.r 'ili'ii". n I i vb lift i!'' tair it r.: ! atli iis'-n- win ntlior fs-iusiiu lli nv -t i-f kniwn mui tndt-niUb-r r-r -. -in.-!-. : ftr Ijhiuj nf nr und d:.xr V i.-nmy nnj (r . i-it,.iiiif tno rfrtnmk'M ul j u - h.l irMci. l.i. j !!: joiumi ij. nciirArKKnii'u: TJUUTUKNT, 1 t en: ,14 If- f , V .l'll t It a. I 'lVtt f lit i . k lia1 t.i hir w i ii tit vi li that rr.. ruvi.f uiri-itl t tlaji.-, tlmt vlul- U), t'jr till iiiimJ.c1i.c-i uml lit iCs.i t.-ni X r Uwlr f l. . i qill'k 'i.'! ll-to Id-ultllfLM !j T t IU"'!. l't II, ti JHlin U l 13 IMTSIH'I IS UlitUU Il r'i-ri-cntaiiu tti it Ii not u tliouvttnl times i f-t.itstljh '1 1)7 1 1 "i-f nnd tiiMj wrk. Tho ttivny f tits' mo hy r. fcent nek' rae'llrtnc I t.ln,u ui it li unfall ntr. Ito itlophr ro . i.uinwndurutut.'Ml. Itiix.lfuiurluj,clixis- I I hi m-3-wpoI Tunic and Mandrake IM1U are Urn f.-t twti wi'jiiMtisi tuili hicii tLi citinifl ol tln maiatjr I urMllcd. Two thli Ji f tho uiwi of t ii'fitsumi.tliin iirl 'Iri.'itu Id (ItU"I-1j iiful li I line- In inali-f liw.)rtltrisl It nr. iVItlt (hlsi condlllotl tlio liroist iul uli?i "riiii;Ltlilcu" lh tUe . tlomacti. Tikv mi.nd In ttii morblllc uclton ! lutl lircr, uero iiiimi omiH iiiu cuuituiaiuit; rs-tult, mist the Moling tn, wm ult Its 0litrct- LO.NhLMlTIOX. , Tho Maflnitfl Tilli nro r-mi-M of nno of Na. tint-'n ni.!ct clft tlio I-ttii1lmn I'd lata in. 'i'Uvy iM. ni lh Ulmnl.M-nrtliliiir, nltenitlru linifviliiM ii! uit'juiL'i, but, utillku ciutmeli IhvT LEAVE NO bTIN(3 nciIIKII.' P Tho work of euro Is now benlnnlns. The vltls. led uml iiiticiiisileisislt In tli,ibow,-tnint In tho luimciiliiry c-liiai nro ,'jueieu. , uu ,it,r, ,iu li clock, 1 wound i,p. It urouses from Us torpid- P Hr. Tim st.iinurli nets resmrlvelr, and tho pallet!, ovinia i nmv ,,u, M- A isTI'I'I.Y OK COOD I1I.OOI). : Tho Pea-weel Tonle, In eonlnnctloii with tlio Tills, is'ruieulL'i und usalmllutes with llio Iwsl, Chrlllleutliiii Is now ir,,Kresiiur without lis pro vl'.iis tortures. niirL'.tlnn becjins iialnleis.und the cure Is seen to bent h init. Tliero Isnmunrii tutuleiice, no exacerbation of tlio tt juiuch. An upisiitto sets In. clren by u,i Imminent fuiln r t MiCc-rinu num. hilienek'a I'uluionlo syrup conn's In to periorni Its luiii tems uml n luisuiii nnu ci,i,iii i,, cure. It inters in onro uikiii us wors. nsium . ... i..t ,.lii.M,fl. It f.,llrr-ts nml ripens thn tiniflired nnd rllsoased iiortlons r mn iuni(. i ........ ..ili.rlnn, I, ,itrtnsn llinm v Jllliiu .iiiii,., hiiiuti,,,,.!,, - ', - .......i.....,,,.,, nml In, In ii vi-rv stii.rt t mo till luiil ntir Is vaii'iulshed. tho rolleii throno that It occluded Is renovated uml iiiadu now, und thu .....i..,., in nil thn illimttv of ri'i!iitiieil vigor. stelis I hi tli to enjoy tho manhood or womanhood that r.ivr.N VI' AS LOST. Tho srenwl llilng Is. tho patients mint star in n r .inn i. eiu nml they net well i It Is uliunst lui lmsiiilo b, pruvent lukliu cold when thu limits lire ilisensuil, but It iniit ho prevcnteil or ii cuio can li. t bo erected. I'rcih ulr nnd rUllnR out. esiienally In thu section of tho country, In tlui fall and winter season, mo nil wron I IiJil elans who roeoiiiinend thut course lose, their pa tients, ii ineir mops ur ' '., , ... , 1 i t down unlet 1 iney inu.-t wins m ,u. " ; ns iiiueli uml us fast as tho Mreniilh wl I I nr. , to l.el up a irood circulation of blmsl. T ho lerijj imi.t lie,.i In Rood rplrlts-bo teternilned to Ki t well. Mill has a ureal ileal to do Willi tho iipptf tit Mind Istluiiireat pnluMo t".iln. , T,, despair of euro ufter null uvldencn pr lis poll,illty in tho worst cacs. nnd nioml er iulnty In all others, Is sinful., Dr. M hi nek s wr sunal ituti'inent to tin, l aciilty of his una euro was In these modest wordsi ..... e ".Many years ui-'o I wus In tho laat stnires or rmuuniiitloni eonllned to mr bed, und t pro Hum my physicians thouKht that I could not live li week I Ihen.llko u drownlnB man catchlnir lit straws, 1 heurd f und oblulneii tho prepurutlons ilVli h I now ntT.'r to ttm public, nnd they undo ii perfect euro of mn. It seemed to nio that . I enuld leel them nenetiato my whole, ajrstc in. They soon rlpcneil tlio uiatter In my '"h"'".".! 1 wiiuld spit up iiioiu than u pint of onciislro yellow matter every morning Mr a Wn tlroo. . ism-iiisi, lin.-y un, ill mu lever, i;iius, iiim iiiH"- r"1 ''"" ..7 i, . ine. and my unpetllo heeuiiio so creut that w.T.. I wltlidliuculty limi i comu sun, ituu. v... f mncli. I soon Kiilned my strength, and liuvo ,!r.VrVa,.,;?e,,L.!!,edr tiloiiiy after my recovery -ndded tho Doctor. " tlieii looklnit llkn a mere skeleton my woluht "as only ninety-sen IHiuiidsi ray present wc nilit Is twohunured ul d IweiitHlvo ail) pounds, und fur years I havo en inyeil uninterrupted health." .,.i Dr. riehmick has discontinued Ids professional ,-Ln. in s'nw.Vnrk ami Huston, llo or his tun, llents at their olllen, No. IJ North Hlxth M.treet, Dr. J, il. Hellenes. Jr.. sou eoniiuuw in i"- , , ,l,i,ls,,lllin. Nil. I' Nnrtl, Hill Ii sitreet. ' I'llliaucuiuiii, over? nuiuruiir nuiu Those who wish a thorouftli ciainlnallon will! tho ltosplrometor will bu charged fi. Tho Ilea. p ro u eier ueeiares mo exiov'-o, "i""" luniis, nnd patients can readily leaiu nhethor they uro cuniblo or not. , ,, . Tho directions for taklnir the .medic nes nro lidupted to llio InlelllBeneo oven of ii ch Id. 1 ol. low thesu directions, und kind Nature w 1 t o rest, oxeeptlnit that in somo cases llio Manilrako I'll li lire i to ii) taken In Ineroased dosesi tho I eo Iiiodlclncs need no other ueuoinpanlinents 1 1 m III" iimplo iiiitructlons that , uccompany mi I'lrit crento nppctlto. of returning i"1.1..,'. ,f. ........ ti,n tiihftt tv.deoinn avmiitom. "via." li e'.ines ns It will come, let tho despair. Iliuntoneubue t oneu uooi i. thu nluht sweat Is iiljutuT.' In u hort, timo both ol theno luorbld iir. siclieneU'i, medicines nro constantlykopt In tensof thousjiuts of fainllles. As li luxattvo nr iiuriiutlvo.tlioMandrnko I'lllsiirmi standard pre haratloni while tlio riilmonlo Hynius u cum of couiihs und colds, may bu regarded us n pro. Phyl.ieterlo Uk'ulit roiauuiptiou in uuy of Its Prlob of H'O I'ulmnnlo. Byrup and Pca.wced Tonic, SI.Mii bottle, or M-W.n half doien. .Man. iiruko l'llls, i", cents a box. 1' or Olio by all Uruf itlHB3 dealers. iM.m fnriivpr.