Newspaper Page Text
rrr. Iiifn JOHN ll.OHBKLY & CO., MtOIWfOltS. IKtOJ'l.AMl'K. Tii (iclii.ilnliil Personal apeplna) To Hulltrcm from UvcrCom' I'o those tisriui: no At.niiiini To IIioko with DroUn Down Constitutional To any mi. Ii lJrL.Uitatp.1 WkoIIk, f t' iiii'Mtiir it iiii mi v firiin- i-.. u.... i.... miliums, mn f I ioiPtkf.iil,ii:iioiSOMiru: . .... . ... ... ,. , l HI Cut) ',i .lti( 11. Iliunrit I" ' , I'liljM'Kfi or J.4n J lo t ti Head, Acid 'y i.l u.n h-oim. h,, He r rii,I)i K,mr00(.u. it n.rWi tit m n.c "imiuch, Sour '.ll ?.. i" 111111 t,r I'llllfair.r.M at 1 I ''"' - . n iniiiinr ol tli Until. K Mil III ult IlfealhiiiK, I'lulti'tliu ftllli Ill .iiikw -iiium aong rcU'allQIla wlian M - a -i.-t fullness i.l visuin. Mil lip ' K til" h ,j',t, I eterMld Mill Pain i leal, I'ri rr. r of I'-tniiirnlifin, sni film -kin an 1 K)n, Pain '. " . 'J 4 ' Iftlfllr", rt . ((.widen Ilu.tVa ( Jim), i .ti tn an tin t.!i, Cm- : t I mix miii.'- of I. ", ff I Hi'-t I J i' -.(in . f i- ' . FLAND SO HUMAN 1MTTERS : rihwl Alcohol or fyirit of any hind. tt mi t'urt. I i. (Hipij of ire J 3, or 'il rrim iic oi Hunt-, I l-ir-. r. as mc iiruiatlr lcrmi-il. Hi. ii .. u nr uifri Krtioiia or tiip in' s n tt tic I f I Therffire, In one lt Ii i IliUern tl.rro . I'mUincI mneh :i t 'i lit-riMH.. u. ii .... ? utt.iv ', J n I'ihI nilrr I'V n tvii-n. , a if -iir 1- 'I in l i iiinnHfiftiipv ly, w ii o Il.cj :.rr1.'f.iiipo(iniiUni l.t-1 r... r ... ii. . i ... . a . . . ..' . iixiit.iut. .mi ii iii 111 f. r . I!. . V liril.t tnalc ilrnnl . J t ".nil t t r.ipr c.t.v i rrtlrn.turii.. hut I.CIil'l Hi cllt I. i ji..i.-i ui.n.i.. Hi.n; mrj'nill f.r t .- nnt iiu-IimI tn-. "w, c 1 i life. r-i fnr u-e In r ul c rl"ln .i-nt m rtlilire.! iri'fitt "S'T." II l ito.oflhr Bllifrc. tfiiT - i ia im iif lltlf t. r-. i( nt 1 mr 6T.I CHI . 1 1 ' ;u i , I..4UIK t Hint tin- ti- (ir r cf i A li ,rit m ov--r.-biti". ItrrilJ i I. -lily ncrpoalW uul lu Hit? 1. .'. -i I iniitininii-ihr iiicr.j.'. uc of the IM:rr. The line ol ll.e I 1 Vi tier tofle, whw'i mny perwini hijiht Tlit-y iriUKt Like iiitot-uunidrr. it t - ' m-j3t ui 1 1 i:iuraiiirt-J to U- M ul tr. A tnt r .rti-Ift raul.l U- fur i tie injiti (id J hiir -, '"l urtivlol A. il retift an h -nil conta n nono bin ingreii rnt-, n J they who -ni ct to ol. eati c :ni .O'l, a . I ly biil.tteil br it. 7 UMHM, A MS TT. IV I J "11 J I i It. - ,ANI)'S I'ODorilYLMX WILL tl UK YOf. nrr Ilii-(.'rrnlPH. IIIiiui! l'tii lll- cm linoii it etllcal HrUi ni will cra'lieati- iliie K from ltniure b.ocd, Iirbillly of lln ii.iitiTv tirr"". dt Uioi-nkoil Iilver, in a in ner i-mo ii.nn any other known rem c Jien hole HU)irfme uouit oi r-nnylvaniA r tne reine-lien. Who uouhl auk fur Itied and utionnerletnmony ? rse W. oo-iwaru, lormeiiy i.tiict Ju. the Huprcine totirt of lVnn)hania, at member ot Con;;rcn Irom I'cnnijldi. .li-ii I'hiladclidiia. March U. I07. nonann a iirrinan ii.uin it a l'oo i ionic. duentira of the ilixetiT ormi", and oi tilt In cares ol tltbiliiy and uaut c lion in the pyatrm. . ur, trnlr, OKOlUiK W. WlJObWAIttl. ie Thomi -'Jii, t'luef Jurtico of the Hii- 1 a . ; Ieipln.1, April lis, lNi7. Itr Ilocfhn (n r. nil IhlliT a lulua itio incatea of atlai Ka nf lnlic nlon T , I can crt,l tn.a Irom my oin-n. Vour, rrat-rct. JAMi:.STII0JII".4ON. tgr bharswoc I, Jiiniico oi tun iireine f J'eiiu-ylinia l'i iiiult Iphia, Jnn.-1, fniinil by experience that lloorlaiid'i) i iiira o n ry .end tonic, rclietin ffyrninoma aim t uirecui ii:ni:r.i; hiiAKSWOOli. , r. uoicra. Ji-iytr ti tho City of isuf. y i Major' '!i e. Ilullaln. Jijui- 52, IfeOO, ititd il-.ullucil'a i.crniHii Hitters and ny l.irnn) d ir ill! lm ii-t ciir, and cnii id them ni an rX 'elli'iit tunic-, iinparl nil viftsr to urn at atetn. Their 1 1 .- - li.n uctlvo uf U Inlly tcnolloial otleeta. W3I. I . HIKJKItS. ci M Wood. (x-Mnjoro! WillimmH)rt jilca-urc m recntnmcndlnK Hoof, m n Tome I - any one. who may I't-nl- Il Hvsp p I had tho l)yaiK'pln ao as Iinp3"d.le r keep any luod on my ma 1 ii"i.iaie hcku nauui 10 ot-uiiic al f a mile To boiilea uf Tuiil - of- rfect cine JAMUSM. WOOL). .ind i ticritun Ionic, will cure, every ... mi ll lTIVVl Ill'IV IIV'TIH' 110 D V., .. II. . Ifnnfli. n.l'd i'nrmnn lTnlllb omi'dn-'i oi ynit rc.piitolo pmifyllio iblo )oil tu p.iia anli'lv ttirouKli liny and iixpcMirc. III- IIIH lOII'I'l H'l" -' II- M.ll.J . -1WM, (lit. IMMU ll.l.l ii n DOPHYLLIK aubililulu Irr .Mercury 1'IIN. LS A DOS-;. Tho most powerful, yet cent, Veitetablo C'stlnirtii' i.lionii. necosmiry to take n liainllul oi tlu-fu iduco tho ileun d illi'ct. Two of llieni : nnd iiou i-rfully, I'lciiiumi! tho I.iw r, ind ll'iu'ilrf, ot nil nnpurltiej. Tho nKredlcnt is I'cuIonSij llui, or thu Alco ract of Mundrnke, w Inch la by many u powetlul, nctma and i'iirclnng, llun ,iko luclf, Ha pecul'iir uetioii i iipriii i;leiuiini; It apicdny I'loniall ulntiiic all the. poncr of Jlercury, yet lieu is injurious results attui'licd to tho unci louses In "lili'h tho Uio of n cathartic 80 PUIS Mill Kill! I'lltllO bUlli-InC . Thi'V M'A'i:it TAIL. of Iilver Ciiiiipl-iint, ijajn')sia, and Oitiveneaa. Ilr. lloollunil'a (juniinii Hit nio, should bo used in rmiiiectlon wllh Tho tonic tllect of the ilitlera, or Toulc, tho ayatcm. Tho ll.tleis, or Tonic, pu blood, alreiiKlheiiM tho iimea, I.ivcr, und gitcs ktri'ugtli, eiici(!yaui ur Bowels aellvn with tlin I'llla, mill ,o system with Hitters, or Toiuu, aud can relulu tho hold, nr evi u aasall you, t that It is Ur IlnoM md'o (Jitiiimii lU'iii i aro so tmiwrmlly utcd and lui'lily ,ded; and dn not allow thu druKijiBt to 1 10 take anything cite. Hint he, may h.iv rood, becnusu h" iiuikea u lan;;r protit I'fO remedies will bo a c 1 1 1 by K.xpicaa In y upon nppluallou to tho I'lll.NCIl'AI. at Hie (.ini.MAN MKDHIKh taTUKU, 1 KTltEIIT. IMIH.AIUU-I'JIIA. !1IAN. .11. i:VA.H, l'roiiiK-tor. Tormor y . M. JacUsoD x uu, ilUi i? fir aiu d iiuijnl ul .Hi iiii OJiirrs evcrywuur HAl.OO.tS. KL DORADO MI.MAI.1) SALOON AND HAH HOOM. JOHN UAH.H, l' 10? Cmtmr-iiil Atrniie, CAtliO, U.MXOIri Jli-t l.rmi.t of :.ilif.riiUCI,ir-Jii-l imiiml, BlI.t.tAIlf) MiiMn furnished 'itn il.., I, at 0 lil.Ji. ' I'?!1 'r ""iP'n 'l will' xIik-'i H'l""" mill clKarw l Uih linct l,r.trnt. I'T.7.(.ERAI.D'.S S Ti. 3vE 3? X. 33 BOOKS Cor. I oiirtecnlli Ml. mid :ini. ui-rrliil Atrniir. ,MI.(.l.l!.l,J sample, lt.vmn are sto. ki d J. u iih pur- iinKiiici miii .-, Imtiora mid cli;.ir, anil ni.t .,,,.,i.,-.l irom it... i.r In first-class .it. n"11' '" '" belter -.iUiliincnt In houih ern llllli'-i', and noim U-Ut aloehed. f, mqiJ tost tli ..nous brands ul wines nti I liquor-. ri'HMTi'ui; J. . IIAIlKKfili. D'KAI.HR JN FUHNITUIIE QL'KKNSWAHK. IIOU.SL; l'lJUNLSHINf (J0O0S hah fixti;j:ks, (ji.a.sswauk, IS") t& 187 Cummcrciiil Avoiiuo CM 110, II. 1. 1. SOI!-. UIKM'KltlKS AM) ItltY ;M)N. WILLIAM KLL'OK, I'UUU 1 FAMILY GROCERIES, IMtV.UOOD.S, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HAT A.VI CAI'pi, KTC, lla. ju.l received a heay a !; of llool and fcliot-a, lluaitry and .Villon-, Toil SALE FOK CASH VEUY CHKAF He itlto ha a a fii.r .lock of l'amlly Crccerlea ot Bicry kind. C'UiN'EK SIXTH-ST. AND COMMEIt CIAL-AV, CAtltO, ILLINOIS IMIOItS. HASH. KTC I -r,o tc W. -Y. THORTOS, 1 lU'ILDEHS' SLM'l'LY DKI'OT, 13J TIINTII STRKET, C'AII'.O, ILLINOIS, 0 It- lluori, Snail, HI I ml a, .Motilillinrn, liM-l.iiltrr-t.tHnmli Wluilon and Ilooj l'miiiPM, Klnurinc, I.(i, MiIiikIik, .lncrl Snail, (.laxt-d Slile I.lKlif Ulnxril Trannoiutt, Sik.Ii Wflslits, Mult I'iiIIIvm nnd Conli, J Illluil I'liati'iilnico, lloollnc; trie, llooflni; (Vliiriil, IMnMrrlDft- I'nppr, (-ni-pct ITU, Wbilc i.i-nil, I.liisoil Oil, Amcrii-nii lViiuloir ('litsi, i:ii;llsli iiuil I'rvucli I'liiUi iiliiHH, I'lillj-, Ilnzlpr'i I'ululN, M? -r IIH" I'ulriit Iilimiry . i:i-. Kiev AOK.VTS lur Itock Ititer I'aper (.'oinpan' hhe.iihinir IVlt and tiiiarliCeiutnt. nnii ' iiiiprovmi itoonni; aiwayt on sti:a.huoat.s, MOUND CITY AND'cUIlVo THE kSTEAE TUG, CACHE Cai-t. AVili.iam II. San-ducky. V. ILL IH it 1'OUH TRIPS KVKItY DAY ui.rwrr.v JjT.avi: Cauio, ioot or i:niiini uriitLT, Liiavk Mi) City, WHAI'.IHIUT, At 8.30 a.m. At 11.30 a.m. At U.30 p.m. At C.30 p.m. At At. . . At At in 1 A.M. . 10 A.M. ...1 P.M. ...5 I'.M. WILL LAND. AVIIEN HAILED, AT Tin: IIO.V I'ACTOHY, llAWK'M.ANIllNO, KY. MOUTH OP CACIIK, MAltINK WAYS, AX 11 NAVY YAH11. jan it rri:its. .. STEAI AINTJ) GAS FITTER AM'liHltll IS ;.vs nx'H Ki:s, (ias i'itter',1 nnd II il in l.t- r' i limleilul, Wuoi) pUlllpi, Klnbo '111-1 Mte o tlllvas, allip coi:Ua,olitcU v.ilvea, etc. U-i) .hu nt loll T'u 11 lliolliorH l'ali'iit Dry 1iin Mi'lorai And Sdirehoiiao, Wells A Oo'h Automatic Wattt Indicator and Uupply Volvo for ateam boilers, wi.sTr.r.'s ni.ocK, roMMnnriAii-AVKKuy. CAIRO, THE BULLETIN. DESTHUCTI01T. Tlu; Tornado ol'I'ircin flihnM Oi ltfin ami Irot;traH or the Aw till Coiiliiirntion. I'cn-iMclurcM of the i:triuir tliiiary Street x-ncs Siihliiiiu and Aue-lnapifliij Sjieetnele. FleeliiK Hel'iire the J lre-Cloutl. The lloiucleias 3ulf Itmie. f!peelnl Corre-ji in I r.coflle Hh( iibbian J Chicago lu.t., Oct: lo. J7I. Tlio tjri'lit oonllagriitioii of iiivxlcrn tinii; lnn bei-n raL'ingin tliij citv airu-o 10 o'clm k on -Sundity tilL'lit. We Ihivd Lt-oti vMtml by nn n)iimllin lalaiiiiiity. Only two day ngo lliii was onu .'"tln- proudou citic on tho American (.-uiitiii-iil; to tluv nioro than ono-thlrd in extinct, anil two" thirda in value, ol thi gient city nn- hut njhi-, nnd hrokon tvnll- and ritlbiili. Thou- ut a dituni'u can luivt- not tiio most remote conception oftlie extent nftliu ruin rouclit. Even tlio i-oole-t iiitollueu nt. uwo itriekin nt tlio i-tn -j-iiitmlij of tlio di.. a-ter. LauuoLje i- im leijnMt'! tulmuribe the scenes by Tiliicli e aro Mirroutided. Dirpatclica could iiavo tjiven ym but u fitint conception of tlio vat extent of the diurict doviisttd, und tho value of thn property dti-lroyeil. Your corrcpondent realizea tlio utter Impracticability of any ellort to "ive your readers nnvtliint? li!:o ii complete account of tlio great coiillL;ra- iion which mu ueiroycu tun lair eitv. In tho midt of ooiifuiljii, of the wildest fcenc.-, with iiiiokct'loud' over me. and black and Hooking mini before nndarouud me, I undertake to as auccinct nn arcotint of the ori"in and nro-fresi of the lire nml defcribo such iccnt. connected with it as tho circumstances ol" the case fcetn to re quire. Perhaps nothing like the diiastcr of which I write hn occurred since men begun to keep records of events. SCENE'S DCIilNO THE FlitK. In a ratastronlic of thU character it is Im- pos.ible that anytliint; liko a full present ment of details can bo made, or indeed ever will be made. As in a great battle, even spectators oftlie whole progress of the terrible iluvaitatiuii aro poor reporters of what they actually saw. The excite ment, the magnitude' of the panorama of horror to absorbs, o fascinates the facul ties, the incident! and particulars of each minute are forgotten oven if clearly been. Standing in a com pa rati vol v safo spot near tho jur.c:ion of tho Nortll and South rivers, 1 surveyed a waste of ruin and llame extending lo the lake in front, and on either band far bojond what it was posiiiie in see, nnu then, perhaps, more than at any other time, the magnitude of me great, cainmny burst upon inv mind. Thy conflagration was still furiously pro gressing, but I looked not so much at the fiery line lighting so Ilercelv, as nt tho wilderness of ruin over which it had remorselessly swept. "Where arc tlio praud structure?, tho magnificent stores and business palace which bud been tho glory of Chicago'' Vanished as if before the breath of nn enchanter. Nothing left even to indicate their charac ternothing but tho revcrso of their grent ness und beauty. Here, where stood n proud, exultanteity here.whcrc throbbed tho heart of its commercial energy Uiw thing but a rugged chaotic cxpaiieo uf dcfolato destruetinn an un-ightly broken plain, still hot with uitaubdued llami- and rolling upwards a dun, collored cloud of smoke. Here und theru were walls in which were liui;e gaps, and thu jugged peaks rote with bleak uneven protlle, while between such stark sentinels were wide apaces covered with that black and horri ble ftn which only u temnot of llame can leave behind. 'J'ho lines of streets were obliterated, for so intomu had been tho action of the heat and tho forco of miles of llamejlanned by a wind-storm, that houses not merely crumbled and foil, but burst open and scattered the materials of walls on nil ide?, while tho lighter woolcn stun" of tho interior was torn up into the air as by an awful suction andshed abroad from a great hight. lleforo tho power of auch a lire even the biggest struc tures yielded up its whole snaeo it toem cd as if in a moment. AValls fell outward or inward as if melted or uprooted, and tho llames bounded onward with a apeed inconceivable. The extraordinary speedy demolition of building wa owing mainly to tlioir being attacked on two or three si'les by Ihimca at the inniu time and tho terrible heat that lirccceded tho immediate coming of tho lire. The wind blowing stroiiL'ly, boro tho breath of miles nf lire and actually parched and aenrehed all lim ner nm! Uriel; wliilo the actual contl igiutlun win vet blocks dl'tnut. so that all inllunm. bio material becaiiio so heated and dry that it mi run u into flame wi hunt ulliir cutituct. Tho vast extent of tne lire front bewildered nnd confuted persons fleeing for safety nnd often thoy found themselves circumvented by it roaring hull all of a sudden and per- I ished in a moment. THE fONKUMuS. Hut while tho evedwolton thehorrii'viiiL' scenea what a mliiL'led tumult aimitn flu oar. -lie voicci ot excited mtiltiludia ' near ami in ilistunco blended into a dull rushing sound, whilo tho nrourens of Uro gavu up a noiso llko tho roar of a burning foruHiind tho lieu vent glowed as it tranu muted into brass. It was n spectacle, a time words cannot portray. Tho unuttera ble pathos of the ruin was forgotten in tho unell of its untialliliLr grandeur nnd a dumb wonder nt tho triumph of lire over nil that was great in n splendid city. now the mii: okiqinatkh. It is HOW lirottv well settled in the minds of tho noonlo that the llro urifln. ntcd in ono ot two ways. Tlio first of tho theories is based upon tlio statement of it little girl who resided on tho AVcst Sldu somo blocks south of Jackson street. Shu states that soino bovs worn pluviug with matches In u building where thero was u collection of light combustible materials, that the Hume ol tho mutches coming in contact with these shavings, thoy were ig nlttil, aim In nn Incredibly short space of . vni. o ol tho main column. The llr,-l rush timo tlio building was nnu pyramid of flro. Mow.ird lha Nouth Division , was staved. im - .i. i . . .. it i no warn in mu time was iiiowlntr a pur. feet gale Irom tho wmth. Thu aluiiu was given, but bufoio tho tiro dcpnitimmt could get in position to eflectively work against h further jirogn-.j nf the firo it number of buildings wero in llames, und thu wind was sweeping thu dev-ouring element northward with wonderful rapidity. Thu other theory is Wed upon tho statement of a gcntlomnii who positively ILLINOIS, TIIL'ItSDAV. OCTOBER 12 1871 aierH that tho flro was cauod in tho flrst nstanco by tho explosion of n coal oil lamp. Instead of from the careless use of matches by boya. Jtoth "tatemoiiti loc.tto the origin of the flro in tho same house at tho corner of Cannlport avenue nnd HjiI stead street, in tho southwestern part of tho city, between ono und two miles from the court house, known ni tho pork-packing nnd lumber district. the rnEMONiTio.vs or r.ui.v. It was between nine and ten o'clock whon tho nlarm was given. One statement places tho timo as lato as ten o'clock, while others nssort that tho flro was Urnt dltcovercd about nine o'clock. It was, probably, a few minutes alter that time. The weather had been exceedingly dry; the wind wa blowing almost a galo fro'm the southwest. Tho tire, starting in a neighborhood where Ihcro were numerous lumber yards, planing mills, and other wooden atructure", fed tipsn thwo light combustible', and tho flames spread with incredible rapidity. Tho whole, he.vons wero lighted up with a lurid glare. Vast volumes of flame, ax-etned ut time to have been detached by the fury of tie gale and precipitated forward over citiro square.', kindling now (Ires to feed other flame col. umns to le hurried forward on their mf aion of devastation. PKOOUESS or THE It was now it littio after 10 o'clock. Tho fire had already made fearful lmvoc A vast tract, perhaps UO or II) blocks on the West Side, noitli and south of .luck son street, was one great field of lire. As yet, the ptoplo on the East Side felt them selves comparatively aafe. Th'iy had lit tle apprehension thattho lire would cross the river. The light from the burning city illumiunld tho heavens with u fear ful glure. The streets wero filled by an excited multitude. l'eople from their burning homes. The noise of the roaring tornudo of llames as it swept onward in its career ot tiuvasiuuoii rose ubovo the tu mult und din of the great houseless multi tude that tied before its devouring fury. ip iu una time me inhabitants on the East Side hud been hopeful. They relbd largely on the of their iron and stone iront buildings. Tho track of the Are flend wus already nearly a mile in length und hulf n mi!e wide. A vast multitude, hurried from their burning homes, were crossing the river before the iidvuncing coining of llame. The wind whistled and howled through the street.-, and the bright light of the tiro overv mo ment grew brighter. The heat in tltu vi cinity of tho lire became intcnao us tho winds fanned tho glowing timbers to a whiter heat. Still in tho lower part of the city in thu vicinity of the great hotel" nnd business the feeling among the people was more that of commiseration for the sufferers on thu west side and apprehensions for their own safety, 'lhey iliil not as yet .fully beleave that it would cross tho river. Still the wind roared through the street', und still lhu flames blazed and crackled aiming the timbers uf fast consuming dw 'lings and shops along Jackson itreet, nnu .ortli of that -tree: on tho wt-t side. Thcirowds in tlie streets, in the eastern part of the city, wero every moment grow ing larger: the noUo was increasing. It was tiow fully cMdciit that the fire en gine' could du n. .thing tj resist tie- on ward inarch uf the flames. A feeling of uneasiness began to provado the thronging multitude in tlieatreets. the niir. CUO.-.SES THE IttVEIt. It is now a littio after 11 o'clock. The flro was raging along tho west side up the river, extending Irom Jackson to Adams street. Men forgot the flight of time moments bjcumo hours. Some builditius in the neighborhood of Jackson street, on the east tide, were prochimed to bo on lire. Tho Jackson street bridge was all a bluze. Tho hearts of tho pcoplu on the east side sunk within them. They now fully rea lized the magnitude of danger. The wind was blowing great sheets ol tire down into the heart ot'tho city. Strong men trembled, women shrieked, and children became frantic. In an incredibly short space of timu the Are had reached Wells street, and with another leap the stately buildings on I.a tallo street were all ablaze. Front Jack son street northward the lire column seem ed to leap forward to Adams, Mouroe.aud on toward Madison street. One of the Unet quarters of the city was now swuliowed, as it were, in u vortex of lire. No pen can descritlo tlio condition of things at this time. HTI'.KET SCENES. Truly it would bu impossible to find languiiKo to describe the scenes which fol lowed tho announcement that tho flre-lljnd had;crossed the river, and was rapidly making its wav through the verv center of the city. It was now midnight. The heavens were lighted up witli a lurid glare, tho vast surging multitude swayed to ami fro, while abuvo the roar of tlio wind, and the crackling of the flames, rose tho con fused noise of shouting men and walling women. .Merchants wero gathering uptheir most valuable article;, such as book; and papers; landlords' wero arousing their guest, and advising hasty departure ; men, loaded with thu most precious trens. urea of the hou-ehold, followed by uwo stricken women and frantic children, were ru-hiiig away from tho lire-demon as rap idly us the thronged condition of the streets .would admit; women, separated from their families, gave utterance to shriek" that rang out clear and shrill above the horrible roar of the ilevourliiL- flames and thu wild moan of thu wind as it swept thu ilery deluge along in lis march uf ruin. Vast isinoku clouds hovered over all the central und northern part of the city. Tlio lire-light, reflected back from tho dense smoke, shown with it baleful red glaie that was tiuly awe-inspiring. Strong men grow powerless, mid becamo frantic in face of tho appalling calamity. A littio after twelvoVelock tho gues t of thu large, boarding houses' in tho neigh borhood of Slato and Adams streets, were turned horrified into thu streets to swell tho vast imiltitudu already abroad. or thu'vi.amks Hy 111 o'clock the lire had made considera ble progress on tlio South Side, and in an other hour the Uro was raging with great fury as fur east us Wells, Lu Salli aud Chirk streets, nnd us fur north as Monroe and Adams street. The wind wu blowing n perfict gulu from tin-south-v.-uat. Ureal mass of flaming l.u.irds, ahln gles, A.-C, wen. cimied by u. wind i tlu distance of hulf a block or morn .iiiddoiiiu. ited on roofs, thus cruitlng lire in ml i no siiiomi in mnt quarter as siillociitlll''. , i cojiie coiiiu enreeiy nivalin-. Thecuurso taken by the nlarinid multitude now sut in towiod .MUlilgaii nvi nuo and thu lake shore. Thu .pmg between the buildings and tliu inku was so,ni filled, aud as Jar touili in Lake Park and even lur ther, were collected perhaps, 100 000 pen- po by 2 o clock on Monday morning, No pen cim deseribe the scene presented nt 2 o clock on Monday morning. The wholo central portion of the city was In volved in tho ruin. It were -i useless task- to essay to ileal In particulars. Individu als wonj lost sight ofin the viiii surging iiiuiiiiinics lurneil Into the streets. So particular localities lost nil notieo amid tho general ruin of im entire ell v. And ft II tho multitude Increased along tho mite snore nnd on .Michigan avenue. Not inng were, thoy allowed to remain here. The flro flend was m Hose and hot pursuit. Several blocks r-n ihnt nventin were i-. nltcd by the flying flakci or lire, and the great crowd was pushed further toward the south. M this t'ir.etho flro had otcn led east to AYabivh and .Michigan avenue, und was moving north toward tho rivor. The board of trade bulldlne-, tho cont-house, the Met ropolitan hotel, the )cst-oiliee, St. Jatneg hotel, Sherman houso tho Troniont houe, Matteson houso nnd and n vast number of the best business hounos In the very centre of the city, wero all burning, lleforo day light tho whole district lutwcfln the river and AVnbnsh avenue, nnd from Jackson street to Lake atreet, vu- one grcr.t fiery furnace. Several blocks of magnificent structures on AVnbash nvenue. extending cat to Michigan avenue, which it was thought for n timo would resi-t tho furv of tho Ilery tornado, at last succumbed, iuid was speedily made into n shapeless heap of ruins. AI.ONO THE LAKE hllOP.E. The inteno heat of tho lire in tl. cltv had forced the vat multitude collected along MIchlgnn avenue bad: to tlu fur thpst verge of tho beach, und southward into Luke park and even down to Coitago grove. The day dawn found not fewer than 75,000 persons exposed t tho wind and mist of tlio lake, who had been but n few short hours before surrounded by tho comforts of home. It Is impossible to describe tho scene nre- sontcd by these now houseless, homeless, mm, in many eases, penniless people. Hither had been brought the" old, tho in firm ami the sjc;( rccued from burning homes. It wa- indeed a pitiable sight to see tho pule, emaciated and suffering men, women and children, removed from com fortable) couche, and laid out in the open air with perhaps only a blanket or two un-1 der them, and only tho sky ' jur ii covering uuovo iiiom. i no amount of sull'ering thus entailed upen the help, less sick cnii not bo estimated. A SLEEPLESS NKJHT AND A HOPELESS DAWN. All night tho fire llcud contained its dread work of devastation. Strangers hud been hurriel from their quarters in in the hotels and compelled to trtko llieir chance, in tho general chaos into which every thing wus thrown by untoward calamity to tho city. All niirht the hurrviii-r thron-'s had been driven before tho fust-travelli:;-? flames. poods taken from burning houses to local ities suppo-ed to bo safo wcto soon endan gered ngiiin, and had to bo removed to still more remoto sections of tho city or ob.m doned at last as a prey lo the lla'nies. Sud denly enveloped in denso clouds of siiil". ocatng smoke, groat crowds rushod into thu lake or river. Tho number of lives thtrs lost must have been giswt. Riliab!o persons state that they saw numbers of people throwing themselves, into the Lake to e-capo n mora horrible fute by being strangled by tlio stifling clouds of hut smoke from" the raging' cauldron of flro on tiie soutnsido ol tlio river. Il llio night had been ono of alarms and caaseless anxiety tosco'esof thousands, tho dawn found them hopeless nnd desparing. Tho wind, which had been blowing from the flrst a brcezo that amounted almost to a gulp, seemed to gather strength with tho coming day, and careered over the doomed city, creating whirlwinds of fire, which seemed to clutch every object and reach far out in quest of more food to appease its insatiate fury. No pen can adequately defr.ribo the awful sublimity of the scene. Tlio light from tho first buildings which hud fallen a prey to the llames had not faded away, before tho ndvanco columns of lire were two miles away, of tho North division, leaving in its track but glowing fires and drifting ashes. Til E EXTENT 01' THE UC1N WROUGHT. It is impo-siblo even to conjecture tho full extent of tho losses wrought by this unparalleled conflagration. The track cf tho tiro is a milo and it half in width and between threo and four miles in length, em bracing tho most substantial of tho once flourishing and great city of Chicago. All tlio.great hotels, public buildings, and ex tensive mercantilo houses nro but rudo heaps of ashes, and fragments of brick ami stone. SOME -STItlKlNO INCIDENTS. At onu time, after the flro hnd been rac ing in the centre of the city, nnd while tin Urn was raging on tho -oiith side of tho river, a considerable number of persons wurucuiou irom crossing ailitcouiu not retreat en account of the llames. Tho wa ter or the firo waa thu allurnutivo present ed. Not long did they hesitute, und tho whole party were soon struggling in tho rivor. It is not known if all sately reached tho shore; but mo bravo fellow seized a littio girl, plunged in and safely crossed with his precious burden. AVhile the fire was mging in the vicini ty of Miidieon and Dearborno streit', nml when Mc Vickur's theutte mid tho ndju cent buildings wcru crumbling into ruins, above tlio red furnace-, by whlelf it was surrounded, rose tho dark outline of tho Trilutttt building, which seemed a iiionu ini'iit lilted to resist tliu fiercest onset of the devouring element. Thorn wero ruins all around and still it roared ii s lofty walls, seemingly acathle-s. Hut, llku its noigh-lur-i it too wus doomed, and very soon came down with a thundering crus'li lcav ingoiily u portion of tdowalU near tho corner of Madison und Dearborn streets, broken monuments of the terrible calumi t. Men went about iin if demented. Nor is it a wonder. Who eouhl remain calm 7 Til E UIIOLT.s AMONll THE ItUl.S'a. No sooner was the extent of thu dls,it, i- known abroad, than llio ghouls of tho race, who ever haunt scenes, of disaster and misfortune, began t.i gather. Thieve. mingled with tho great stricken multitude und busily plied their vocittlon, oven in that diro hour of en laiuily. Villiaiis sulzed upon tho fleeing inhabitants u they ciuno Irom their blaz ing homes, and endeavored to take whnt littio remained to them, saved from tho general wreck, llackmeii and evpresa drivers, und car-men, seemed to Iiavo lost all couscienee and charged fabulous sums for convoying u load Irom the scene of destruction to u silo distance. Men whb had largo sums ol money, nniti avoring to convey it away to phci' of safo iy, wore betel b. lliiovcs. even in the atr ct, in tho gai'lsli light of their lOlisutniiH' houses, and lo'iiud uf the r rei iailun all. Due instance Is known of n hneknni'i exacting Irom u distraite 1 husband i'm in convey His invalid witu Irom hi ' 0 ' 'I 1 ttvf d0Unrs was 'regarded as verv inodetate ehaie,e for nit express wagon to'tako n load often squares, S50and $100 wero frequent ly demanded nnd paid for a wagon and team of two horses for half on hour. It seemed Hint hulf tho peoplu of this class had turned out to bo thieves und robbers of tho most dangerous character. Instances nro known In which liackmcn agreed to convoy ladles to n place of snt'utv, and whan n littio way from tho crowd", delib erately robbed them of their Jewelry and wlintcvcr valuables thoy might have about them, and then turning out of their cabs lo tnko caro of thcmioivcs. AVhen tho flro was raging along Lasalle, C'ark nnd Stato streets, and sweeping on-wur-1 toward AVnshington and ltnndolph. toward the Nortll, tho great commercial hous" wero thrown open and an elfort mado to save tho most valuable, good. The harvtst of tho thieves began at this time. The police had lost control. Thoso intent on profiting by the firo now went in with great zest. 'Thoy loaded them sehus with the richest goods, and sought a place of ooiiccalmont. A banker had a in in his hand, containing SuO, 000, which he wa endeavoring to convoy nwny. Threo desperadoes seized upon him witli the Intention of robbing him. To prevent it he throw the box with Its valu able contents Into tho fire, rather than yield it to theso ghouls of disastrous fute. THE NTAItVINO MULTITUDE. . Monday morninir broke with the flrc-llcnd still sweeping onward in its devastating course through tho North division. Tho groat building, such us Fnrwell's, Field, Leitir & Co.'s store, Crosby's opera house, the court house, Tremont house, Sherman house, post office, Exchnnge, MoA'ieker's, Tribune building, nnd thu great blocks, around Custom louo place on tho South side, still blazed up fiercely, when kindled Into fury by tho fitful guts of wind. Tho smoke cloud still hunt: over tho devastated district. All niaht the houseless nnd j homeless people, tilled with anxiety, and lrcquuiiiiy startieil by fresh nlnrms, luul watched tho sublimo und awful conflagra tion ns it hurried forward to freh con quest! over tho proudest works of nmn. -Many in tlio vnt throng of anxious -pcetators of tlio awful scene had been stnr tled by tho first iibirin, and left llieir homes suipperlesi : but tho nltiht passed and tho day came iigain, bringing no prospects of breikfii't. The sun mounted toward the zenith, and yet the gnnwings of hunger wus not appeased. Tho scene became pitible in tie' ex'trenn. Thousands of, children, who had never known what it was to wmit oven for the luxuries of life, now pitiously ciied for bread they could not get. -Men with haggard looks, nnd bliaal-shot eves, wearied bv exertion and anxious cure, uurcfrcshed by slumber or food, moved about with n listlcs nir, and ifspnken to, frequently returned for an answer, a vacant nd menniugless stare, as if reason nnd power of utterance had van ished together. The day wore slowly away, and still thousands had taken u food. Tin- cries oftlie children becamo more boisterous; women wept, and even strong men bouvd in u'uitter.ible pgony. Tho wind blew clouds of dufl, ashes nnd smoke into their very faces, and enveloped and covered them up; until thoy scarcely wor-- tho semblance of human beings. Nolliltm I evera.xw; nothing L ever rend nbout ; nothing the imagination over con- I J' .... -tl'i v,.-. -.irun ,i.m ill. liilliU SO iitr.i1 mi .... f i,f.i:nii a. In ... .J ... terrible a picture of human woe, as the scene, witnessed by tho lakeside on that terrible evoning. i hero rolled up the dark, portontiou.s clouds cf smoke, ming led witli tlio red tongues of llame, mount ing high up into tho heaven", that told of a devastated and ruined city. Hero the inhabitants, hurried out into tho streets almost without warning, away from their homes-, destitute of everything that could mini-tor to their comfort ; crvinir for bread, wearied by watching, and nwc- stricken by the extent of their misfor tunes. It was altogether such a sccno as tlio world has seldom witnessed. Tlio red -un went down behind tlio smoke-cloud. Tho imiutnl of night un rolled over tho ruffled waters of the lake. The lurid fire-light of tho still burning city cast a great glare over tho sccno. Hut never In thu history of man has a day elo-ed so sadly with so many hundreds of thousands of people wntching bv tho smouldering ruins of their homo-. Never befurohas night fallen on ruins so vast, so suddenK made. THE M.ENE AT NKIHT. If the day had passed so sadly and so ter ribly,tho night came on witli still gloomier prospects. Toward evening some train Inausof provisions' hail arrived, nlnl nn ..r. i . - - I iri was made to supply tho immediate de. manus ot tho most necessitous. Tlio pangs -,i ii-iui:, Hum in iiiiiiiv casus appeased. Hut the smouldering ruins still lltfull I blazed hero and there with a strange, wild I light, marking out distinctly tho devastat ing traok of the tornado of 'flro that had sweep', through it. Ftirtlnr away loomed til) the irrand nml glowing light of the flro cloud, as it rolled away beyond the river to the northward. The olaUor, the noise, tlio buzz, hum and confusion which had prevailed during the previous night had sobered down some w lint. The ethilcruting ell'cets of tho first great storm of crelteiiient luul passed away. Exhau-lioii had succeeded; tho lithu movements had eeasid. '.Men moped around; women sobbed themelves into uneasy slumbers wherever thoy could find u placu under tlio broad canopy uf heaven. Tho waitings of di-trcsscd and homeless children ealii'i bet no in subdued murmurs on the night wit.d. Policemen, we iried by tlioir con-tant exertion, lo-i their wuteli fulness, nnd moved about with a vacant, listless nir, while the ghouls that haunted the seeiiu of disaster plundered at will. Devils wearing tlio form of mi'ii, went about rubbing the helpli-- and in sulting the feehln and defenceless. 'I'lm sick, carrkd from homes of comfort und laid under tho trees in t he parks and on the bench, cxpiir-l unattended by gioups of sorrowing friends dledalnlie. with thu mirth tor u I'o'ieli and the sky tor a can opy. Even unr'd thu-enwnes, which wcroaiit liciont to uiovn the very stone- to cry out in an agon v of sympathy, tln'ie moved amid the wieck and through tho smoke. tilled streets, beings wearing the funis of men, but with minds and limits filled witli morn than satanlc malign. ty, with deliberate purpose and prepared torches, to assist thu iinco'itrollablc conflagration to u more spe-dy triumph. 1 hear that two of thute evil genii of destruction wero caught with saturated shavings in tho act of setting lire ton houso and hiiiged lm inedi'ilely mi a lamp-post. It is also stated. ami 1 shall bu only too happy to coulitm thu report, Hint llvo other human ghouls wero cau ;ht, while maltreating, and rob bing thu helpless, and summarily shot. Hut why multiply horrors') AVhyscek in cunvey io mu IllllUIS ot others 1110 UIS tress of our own I Tlio details of this un purallelod calamity Would fill u volume. Your correspondent, wearied by watchful ness, was glud to welcomo tho dawn of an other day, which would bring him relief. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AV o.ii.iiismio.'m and romvAitniNu. WOOD KrTTKXIIOUSH, (H ,or of Ay era ICo.) FLOUR AND General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, : C.UU0, iLLIXOIg. J. M. PHILLIPS Si CO... (Successors to I II. Hendrlck. Co.,) Forwarding and Commission .AIKHCIfANTS AV II AI'.F-HOAT PllOIMUETOIhS, C.UKv I.lla Tal Advances rn Consignment. upon, Are prenred to receive, store aa orward freights to all points and buy ntU sell on commission. ec-Ilu-i-ieis attended lo promptly. II. M. IIULEN, GltOCER and COKFECTIOIV A'o. 134 Conimcrcial-aA'e., CAIUQ, ILLINOIS. MILLEIl it PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION AMI FOKAVA1CDING MEHCIIANTS, JiSO DKALKILS IX FLOUR, CORN Oats, J lay, etc. &8 Ohio Levee, CAIKO, ILLS. .. 1). MATHUCS. E. Ci tjul, MAT11TJSS & TJIIL, POEWABDIKG AXI UE.CIIAIi C 0 M M I S S 1 0 X M E II C II A NTS, DEALEItS IN HAY AXD AVKSTERX PRODUCE, Xo. 64 OHIO I.EVEK, IitiMt, Fourth . Sixth Stt., CAIItO, ILL. aiiKZ'i dlwtf CLOSE k VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION .MEHCIIANTS- ASU DEALERS IT IiIIMIIE Cement, Plaster Taris, ANt) PLASTERER'S II A I It, Comer I'.lylitli Street and Sllilo Levee CAIHO, ILL. JOHN iTrPHlLLIS, (Successor lo Parker & Phl'.lls,) GENERAL. COMMISSION AND FOHAVAHDINO MEHOIIANT, A.U DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Coit. TENT1I-ST. and OHIO LEVEEJ CAIKO. ILL. W. Sttnttoii. T. Bird STRATTON & RIRI), (ilrceasors to btuitoti, Hudson ,1 Clark,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, I'OM.M ISSION MEHCIIANTS, r7 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. t "As'eulH uf American l'ouder Co., aud man. Iikcliuns aycnls for t'Ctlon)rn. JvTdt ror.vnitiKv I. & E. G REENWALD. MtM TACTI'lURa Or e.on r.. OMIU, lloilers, Hour end final Mills, Kaw Mills, Tlio "Tupper' PaUnt Orit tU r M t I H tC X roil QXNEKAL FURrOSiU, CINCINNATI OHIO. twidf-fl