Newspaper Page Text
1M AX t.'TAt. AdKST. C. WINSTON fc CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT AUOTIONEKS, 74 (jicokd n.oon) oino levee, caiko, ILLS., flCY AND Sr.I.I. llEAI. ESTATE, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OF T1TI.K Al pr pre Cntivevaiicea of Kinds. CKNTRAL MEAT .MAHKI2T. KOEIILER & MOTHER riTWIpfBIllll' IMlTf.tlt .WUT .M.iHKKT, Co!MKI'IAi:-AVM Hrltrcrii Xliilli Trnlli Nlrrrfi, tii.l mil li-ep oonstsntly on lund Ine he.t mmi slsiifhterr.1 in tlic Cain inirket. The j 1c1y com. petition. OltelhcniA trial. rfl21lf JAMES KYNASTON, niitclier mid Dealer In nil liltitl I'rcsli Meat, Coimi NismtsTii am I'on tu ti it. Ctta , ILLI.S'OH. BUYS Mil lvij;hler only (lie very, hcit cattle, hofimi.l sheep, snd l prcpirnl to fill ny flrmvit for frcah moil, from one oitnl to ten Ihnuaand pound. .lo'gotf JAKE WALTER, BT7TCH ZEj IR, iv Dr.Aira it FRESH MEAT, Kioiitii Stueet. Hetween Washington and comm ehcia l a vk.vuk., Adjoining Itlllrnlioiiop .V Mniilij'N. Ksui hs beat 'of Ilfpf, I'ork, Million, Veat, Lamb, guK, etc., Mil. fur prepared to serve odlr-na In the mnl acceptable ma' nor nc3ot MRS. ANNA LANG, EIOIITII-ST., IIET. WASHINGTON AND COM' MEIlCIAL-AVENUEfl, Is now i feel ting a br.tntlful orlinent of Fall Millinery Goods, lnUudinR Hats and Shapes of the latest style Itlhhcrs, Flowers nml 1'onlliors. Mr. I.aog 'vill also show customers ttir Urges Selection of Woolen Ynrni To br found In the city. llLKArilINO AND l'RKSfelSO nniiKr.. HON K TO TEE BULLETIN. I ion. or the Duly llniniv: week, tiy carrier - 23 vc.irhy crrier, Inwlr.inee io w ." i. idth by Mail 73 Tli r ironth JJ 2J i t .nonllm I 2, vcr S w 'I t " Ha inpcro! .Mcranlf ftonln anlbf IK' eilij ol f 1. 1; l'iMfytrnin? il-ilvf i. Solid trn JUlaoii'j 'i 1 1 i.tfaia mi ,- liiriu, OSI r.rr.g ; O'll -.'( n i( u uterttt .i ( p.iMie ; , 'lll-fj a( m;iu cwaiifMn, fn llilic 'in vin, tk' plHMii)i til in la 4 in.I eixtcrpnnnj tuiinm mch. s THE DOI.LAlt WEEKLY IIUI.LETIN. John II. oberly A Co. nave reduced the nib. scrlption price of tlio Weekly Cairo liulleti lo On IiMar per tinnim, making U the chapet pa per pnUlihrti )n t-outhern llllnoln. DEMOCIt.VTIO COl'XTV TICKKT. Vor Treasurer und Colleetor, WILLIAM MARTI X. For Purveyor, .JOHN J?ELY. Loxpo.v proposes a national memorial to Dickens. Hf.nj.(J. l'Aiii)OCK,whohas preached in the Methodist Episcopal church ior Mxty-three year?, died in Mctuchcn, N, J., on Saturday last. Mns. Vi'ooimtM.i, wan posted to lec turu in umcago n farweii Hull on Sunday night. Where wan Demos thenes that bo didn't give her a hint of what was going to happen ? " itADICAI. AUTIIOItlTV , havSUIl CX change, ' makes the anuual expend tures of the government, for civil ?er vice alone, under Mr. Grant, thirty thrte millimt more than the entire ex peuditure under lJuehanau, whose ud liiinisiniuuji was ny iar tnu most ex travagunt and expensive of any demo ' cratic ndministration during twenty four yearn, beginning with .lackson first term." O.N His Way East, Gen. Grant vis ited Pittsburg. Extensive preparations hud been made to entertain him. On his reception, the whole big crowd put their bauds behind their ears to hear what lie had to my, and here it is : Hon. Judok McUasijuehh: Through you I return my hearty thunks to tho citi zen, of l'iitburg and Allegheny for tho verycordUWultoHio I huvo reclvcd-a wee m.i which 1 mure highly uppreciato because it U fro,,, V.umu regard lo party. !, (JouU , lm1r '0rv nvslt wh lo re.,u ,,inK lr, our J hope the time will M.on coino when the consumption of our country win b() lne up moro cxclusivdly of our own liruluo lion. ' l.v AxoTiint Column will bo found mo buu3tanco ot an interview ue'.weeu Charles Sumner (as related by himself) and Edwin M. Stanton at the death bed of the latter. Tho avowal of the dying recretary of war will not etriko any one with surprise. There are few men now in either of tho political parties who believe Geti. Grant capable of adminis. tering tho affairs of tho government with credit to liinwiolf or Louor to tho totiiilrr. Hi' I"1 '0i'.1? s'nco uccn (' crleil bytlio beat men r.f bis own party, ntxl bi cupporlcrs nownre ol that clns, always large cnoufsb.wb ) would worcbip the devil if lie were elcc'c.l to a position of power niul influence- Titr. HrnMN" w Ohicauo, the dcs olatimi it ha caused, and the sight we imagine it mut now jire?ent to behold en, t'nrribly recall? the quaint and im jinivi dweriptiou in H.ixtei-'n ''f.ifo" uf tin- preat fire in London. Though wiilti'ti two hundred year? ago, it i?, im doubt, a graphic picture of tbo con llagratinn in Chicago and its woful re mit?: "It wn n fight which might have given nnv man a nvciy eno oi vnnuy m im worlJ, mm all tlio wealth nnd glory ot it, nnJ of the future conflagration of it to ee the thiinet mount up toward heaven, nml procenl to furiottOv without restraint. To foe thn treet fllloirwitli people asloii- Ithed, ttmt lind tcarco ecno left them to Iniiiuiii tliclr own calamity: To fee the fiehU with Jiojips or ; and smnp tuouchiiiltlingt, curious r'oomi, costly furn iture, and household stuff, yea, warehouse) nml furnished hopi and libraries, all on a flume, and none durst como near to re ceive anything : To fee tho air a) far us could he beheld, so filled with the smoke, that tlio sun shown through It with n color like blood; yea, even when it was setting in tho west, it so appeared to them that dwelt on the west side of the city, lint the dolcfullot sight of nil wa afterwards, to ee what a runiou. confined place the cilv wa). hv chimnics nnd steeples only standing in tho midst of cellars nnd heaps oi rubbish, to Hint it was nam to Know whero tho street) had been, and dnngcrou), of a long time, to pas) through the ruins, hecniiic of vaults, iind flro in thorn. No mini that teeth not such a thine can have a right apprehension of tlio drcadfulncM or it. Tm: J'tAironsi adopted by tho New York democracy, in their convention at Rochester, last week, receives unstinted praise from all quarters. Tho Now York ,S'tm (radical) endorscsj it in tbo following unmistakable terms : The platform ndopod unanimously at l'ochwter, after free and full discusion, U in marked contrast with that framed nnd carried through under custom houso dicta tion at Syracuse. It frankly accept!", at tho natural sequences of tho war, negro emancipation, negro citizenship, and ne gro auUrngc. It doc not conllno it) de nunciations of fraud unci venality to its op ponents, but declare) I lint it view) with in dignation the corruption nnd extrava gance wiilclt have prevailed in till) city, and demand) tho punishment of nil par ticipant) therein upon whom guilt can bo fixed. It call for n thorough reform of tho citv charter bv tho next lcirislature. and specifics tho main abuse) which need to bo remedied. It recommends tho adop tion of tho proposed amendments to the state constitution for preserving tho purity of the ballot-box, and for punishinc bribery. These arc tho main points in tho platlorm relative to tlio pending crisis in itll'iiir) of our city nnd ttato. The resolu tion? are explicit and practical, and evi dently mean bu?ims. Of the ticket put in nomination the came paper cays : It is fur stronger than that presented by tho I!eiublicun, nnd, we presume, will be elected. It will ho voted for by a large body ot high-minded J'cpublic'an), who will through the medium of tlio ballot loxo vent their indignation at tho pro ceedings' of n Convention which was packed with l ederal oliice-holdcrs, which urove out ol its null the regular delegation irom urn city, wntcii win dominated bv the pwd of mi arbitrary Chairman, which was overawed by a nib-ervient pence, nnd whoso uniloritv was determined bv ihlmh- bers who bad been seduced from honor und duty by promise) of rntroiiMgo nnd tho iniviiieiiioi monev. NEW YORK, ASIC IN THE STOCK MAIIKET INTENSE EXCITEMENT IN THE STOCK EXCHANGE EFFECT OF THE NEWS OF THE C1IICA OOCONFI.AOUATION. (ipocial Telegram to tho Ciclnnatl Commercial) New Yokk, October 'A This has been Held day in Wtdl street, nnd in nolnt of high-nri-siiiro excitement wo cun recall nothing to which there ha) been tho slitrh- test approach, with the one exception of mo September " llluek lridav, "in 18Cy. ami us compared with that it U bv no mean certuin Hint In it various ramiUcu- tlons tho Chicago llro uf to-dav will more than equal Unit loiig-lo-bo remembered occasion. lho l.uropeim llniiiieinl outlook hut for soino limu given food lor grave reflection as to lu cuccik on hid iloinestic markets. Our luit Hank .Statement dUelosed thn hturtling fuel thut our city institutions are illy prepared to meet any further reiiuire- xmiiiin luiiiuuv loiieniiig upon their ri'icrvei', ami without nnv extraneous cause entering into the calculation, their position i not one caYulatcd to insplro confldeiicc. TJie diia.troui calamity which lias now iH'rallen Chicago is calculated to lead the mmds of our economists and unuueters mto the gruw.t upprehenloi, -i'-Y.H".' i"" i uiiilea tlio condition oi ii uisirutl in our concerns. I ho Stock Kxchango lias witnessed scene oi oxcitemcnt and activity which would haedonc lu.ii,.,. i,. ,1,,. !.,, i..., day) ol tli,j in.titutio,, l)cforQ tho last ren- ovaiion wiis eouipletcl. A cusual looker on miring the tlino when tho excitement WUs lit ill hiL'lll'il U'iml,) 1, I, I,,,., I llim.elf in the mid.t of lilt nri'lit rnimiiificil of duniisons of tlio roalnn of Sntan, for the uui n iremenuou, tlio voice manaiele ine lelure those of desimlr. tho luces ui turned in thu sea of heads distorted bv the most lrlghtful grimaces, and nothing cxtor nal savored of earthly things except thu Jaunty dre-s which denotes tho true dock broker, hverybody tcu.ned jiofscsscd ol thesamo idea "to sell his holdings at what over prico they would fetch. .So quickly uoc a panic, like a mob, increase in vio- lenej as it moves on over tho troubled wa ten of speculation. Tlio AVeUcirn ronds worn tho first In fi,l the cll'eets of a panic, but as quickly us tho Humes oi mo unicngo lira siiread irom ilOUSO to tnreud tho rucklesa do siro to sell out Irom stock to stock until tho Long Kooni became a holocaust fur tho entire list. JJown, down tho tiric nutieu, as cacti telegram received was of a moro disastrous nuturo thun its ir,.. .i t. i . . . . uciussori. iown, uowii. not eiopp nir at mictions, but each liuctuatlon embracing an integer until tho dav rioted, gloomy ami weak on a market which had started on with u far amount of confidence: oiion anaiio dersduspondQiitiind sad. order win i """K 0"10 "o" o Ml Milt vary lutnr .lr.ll , mjiiu son oi succew wl ri niacin,. Vi7. "',"' firmer footlnj iVrteL" uey tendency. Hut thu morrow Is , ,?x I v looked forward to, und It 1 ri,. . i , the decline of two to deve. i , Zji 1 1 ml will drag down many l.oii"e! tU"' to-J"-v A Louisvlllaln tried to hang hliimtir but beforo qulto accomplishing thu ,eCi repented and bawled lustjly for help, THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1871. GREAT CONFLAGKATION. TIIK FIJtKOK SATUItDAV IOUT. THE FIIIK FIEND A TEnnlULT UESTnUCT- ivk conflaoiiatIon i.a?t nihit TWKNTy ACIlEt OF HUII.DINfJ IN THE WEST DIVI.HO.V IN IIUIN?. fFrom Ihc ChicngoTr.biiDC.of Htinday mcnring. I ho sounding of lho lire alarm from Box Xo. 218, at about tl o'clock last night, was the soltnn prelude lo ono of tho most disaster jus and imploring conlhigrntions that has ever visited n city which bus al ready enrolled In her nnnals numbers of such visitatlans, many of thcni so terrible thnttney can servo a) era) In her history for days past nlarm has followed nlariii, but tin comparatively trillinc losao havo familiarized ti) to the pealing of tho cotirl-houc boll, and wo had forgotten that the ubsenco of rain for thrco weeks had left everything in so dry nnd inflama ble a condition that a spark might start n tiro that would sweep from end to end of tho city. Only a few minutes elapsed after tlio striking of tho alarm before tbo flumes wero seen sweeping to tne suy, nnu mo lurid light that illuminated the horizon grew more nnd more powerful, casting it) brilllntit rnys in every direction bringing out In bold relief tho tront) of tho build ings which faced it from nil quarter). The wind seemed to rlsoas tho flames did. set from the sonth west, carrying with it in it) onward ru)h stream) of sparks, cinders and partially burned pieces of wood, which covered the sky with dazzling pan- gle., swooping north ward llko n flight of thousand) of meteor;, but lulling lu n urcy showor of rain, over thnt broad iron em braced between tno river, &oum urancn, West street, and J nekton street, tho light er one) going far over tho North Division, whilo tho heavier nnd moro dnngerou) one) fell before they reached that point. They dropped with great forco upon tho ground, to tho occasional danger of foot pajenger?, nnd the scaring of horses, and showered upon tho roofs of building.', In spiring constant fears that other conflagra tions would break out, nnd that n terrible broad area would bo covered bv theflnmcj. nnd put it out of tho power of engines lo combat them. La to as it was, tho splendor of the flames nnd tho wonderful brilliancy of tho skv wero such as to attract enormous crowds from overy quarter. Tho densely popula ted "West Division lving near lho fire would have, of Itself, been sufficient to chokoup thosurronuding streets with n denso nnd impassable crowd, hut, as the flra showed no signs of nbnting,thcy came from greater and greater distances, forc ing their wav down Clinton street, in tho center of which, near Adain', wero hnlt a aozen isolated street car), utterly unable, for somctimo to come, to get hack to their stables ; and getting over or nround the obstructions madu by policemen or engines, mado their way down to Jackson, near which the flro began, and stopped thcro, carclng nothing for tlio smoldering ruin) which lav beyond that point. Thov crowd ed Qutncy. Adam) nnd Jackson streets on tho one side of the river, whilo others far more nnxious, nnd fearful that the blazo inighht at any moment leap across tho South Brunch, and sweep toward tho filled streets leading to nnd on tho cast side of tho bcuth Branch. At llrst thoconcourso was nil from tho West Side, but us time passed on they Lo gan to como from across tho water, und as the blazing viaduct and tho police mado iVdams-itrcct Brlduo imnasable. thov swept In n solid mass ucrots Madison street, meeting, n they crossed, tho returning stream of those who had satisfied their curiosity, or who felt it inadvisable to stay there after l'J o'clock. Tho bridge and tho approach on Madison street wero covered with men and women, nlono and together, who found there n fuvorablo point for watching tlio flames,' while they wero generally out of the reach of tlio falling cinders. Tlio viaduct at Adams street, with its blazing woodwork, Hood out in bold relief, and boyound anil under neath it nothing but a wild whirlwind of flames, obscured for n moment by bursts of smoke, but reappearing tho next with added brilliancy. The fire, burning closo down to the river, and impelled east ward by the wind, seemed to ono looking trotn the bridge to have almost reached ncros) tho water, and to have partially con sumed that, as well as the more combusti ble material on which it was really fee ding. Above tho sound of tho conflagra tion occasionally rose the scream of tho engines, or tho 'thunder of falling beams ami tumbling houses. The sharp smell of smoke uiicu tnu air with its oppressive oder. On tho west side of Clinton street, from Jackson to, Adams, wero relics of the household gods of the people who had been living on the east side of tho street, sometimes piled on drays or wagon), but generally piled upon the sidewalk, after the adjoining houses had proved too small to contain ttiotn; their trnyed and dilapi dated condition testified to the baste with which they been carried away. On, around, and among them their unfortunate poises-ors, who had been awakened from a sound sleep In which they were refresh ing themselves for thu religious services of the morrow, and who, Instead ol getting up to dress for church, found theinelvus to snatch what they could and flv for their live-. 1 hose who wero near .lackson street could look eastward across u welter ing sea of lire, through' which black and desolate, run .lack sou street likesouiu road cut through Hid infiirnal regions. From tlio wrecks of burning buildingi, from rapi dly consuming lumber title), and moru slowly but moro steadily burning coal heaps, iro-o thousands of jets of flame, winning with them pillars of smoke, through which loomed up the taller buil- uings iiiong mo river, or Hie slender masts and blazing rigging of some vessel in the river. So grand and so novel was tho spectacle that lluno poor men nnd women who stood shelterless by night did not wail and moan, and hug their hulf.olud bnlilca tighter to their bosoms, as is the custom on sucii occasions, but stood gazing straight lorward. 1 hey did not stop to see what limy nail iot, or to inquire into tho con dition of what they had saved, but watched witli intense admiration tho terribly beau tiful spectacle which unfolded itseli' before them. Further north on lho street tho etl'orU of tho firemen and tho eastward tendency of thu wind had prosurved tho houses faeingweston Clinton street; tho south ern ones wero moro shells, and their con dition improving as ono went north, though thoy were all much scorched and render ed uninhabltablo by tho flro and its op. posing element water. Hut though thesa somber and forbidding-Uoking tenements generally barred tbo view, yet through alleys and occasional breaks in the bull dings ono could thcro got a view into thu lurnuco which lay beyond red and sul phurous glimpses, as if ouu wero gazing through the portals of hell. No one was ted any mo upon Ihoso individuals who stood besldo their possessions, nnd the only persons who approached them wero in norch of Information concorningthcir possi ble I insurance-, to which they generally replied that they had none, 'when they roplied atall to what thoy often consider ed a very unnecessary and rather Imperti nent question. Other inipurins wero also made as to whether any persons wero missing, or had been injurod ; but whilo It is imposi! bio, so great was thoconfuslon, to ascorlain much concerning It, It is beyond Co ibt that ono person was seriously injured, and another is most likely mls'slni. for uvor unless soino portion of hur bouoi should buvu escaped thu action of tlm raging llumos which enveloped thuiu. Mrs. l)ownlnt was ,ui old woman who lived In ono of the bv ilinfxin.V.V """""Tr'sej in ners eel) won Id I hivn I B flr0.n.,ld 'l'"fylngsmoko foreign , BM Lc n unn,Vl0 , cscnV lt,lou bvn nrintir'nf inp,,,,y ll,ls ,"" tti'0Tdil sic who 1 "Vr'-'O of "obort Camp- i. '..."'?. ' cc,c!el (n carrying hor out. no'dld ml"-dynod; She was tnknn r.""ou.1 njurie). CSCIIltft will. I " . . ' ----- - HOU street, not fur off. on iJetl'eraon now receiving medical tho Is ition. Her .... ....., ,w -..,- .uargarct Ilmll,.,- and has not been heard or since It is only romnrkablo that In 1 10 sudden origin nnd rapid progress of tho llro mom ...i. dent) did not occur. A ROYAL PALACE IN NEW YORK. QUANT) I'll EPA It ATI ONS FOtt TIIK HFrrp. TION OF THE OKANDDUKE ALEXIS SPLENDID PAni.OK., LUXUIHOUS CIIAJI, AND MAGNIFICENT Olt.VAMENTH PITV A POOIl FltlNCE. jKrom the N. T. fcun.l Tho Bussian Minister, M. Cntacazv. und the Consul, M. Bodlsco, novo engaged n suitoof thirty-flvo rooms nt the Clarendon iiotei on iourtn nvenue, corner of Eigh teenth street. Mechanics nro putting on the finishing touches of their art, and havo converted tho placo into n most charming palace. The first notlccnblo point is tlio Jtoyai Itussian escutcheon frescoed upon tho door pnnels. Within nil is now, gorgeous, nnd elegant, but In no ropect gaudy. .Splendid new marble ,.., t,.., ,i(t, ..,..,. .....1 ..... .n fniLvs (tuu luiuiLja ui IIUUVV silver plating nud gilt, havo been put In. r.xpcnsivo clocks, statuary, and other ornaments of n rich nnd rare descrip tion nro upon mo mnnicis, nnu ocautllul landscapes nro framed against tho walls. Tho floor is covered with a velvet carpot of brilliant colors. Damask and laco cur tains shado the windows, gilt nnd bronzo chandeliers, with porcelain reflectors, hang from tho ceilings, and side bracket?, with prism gas jets, aro upon tho walls. Groat mirrors extend from floor to cornice. Etruscan vases of nlabaster, four feet high, aro placed In each comer, and n miniature ctdogno fountain of lino mnrhlo Is placed nt tho centra of tho rear windows. Over it, nnd tho most prominent object thnt nt tracts the attention, is n largo und life-like portrait of tho czar. Tho walls and ceil ing nro Ircscoed with rare skill and ex quisito taste. Over tho arches, draped In graceful folds, arc tlio Itusstan und American national color?, glistening In silk nnd gold and sil ver bullion fringe. This is tho grand re gal dining saloon. Tlio furiiituro is of black walnut, inlaid with gilt. Tho tablo extends from tho front to tho re ir of tho rooms. Tho chairs nre elegantly upholster ed, as arc also tho divans and lounges. Two splendid buffets and tables with niar blo slabs aro also placed in tho room. The thblojlincn is of tho finest texlurc. Tho cutlery is entirely now, and tho silver is from tho St. Petersburg I'alacc. Although tho regular hotel cook) will prcparo the meal) and special hotel servant) attend tho table, ft Itussian cook is nttnehed to the party,andho will prepare such home-made dishes as may bo required. Tho halls" and stairways nre covered with n bright green carpet" with deep or ange foliated borders. Tho walls nro tinted blue nnd crimson, in gilt panncls. The gns pcndiitit is of gold nnd bronze witli colored porcelain globes. .Thero aro four rooms on tho second floor. Tho front hall room has been oyer-arched nnd thrown open to tho largo one, thus forming a neat dressing room. This is theriyal bedchamber. An Ax minster carpet of white, purple, and pink covers the floor. Tho furniture is nil solid rosewood. A double bedstead, with n lofty headboard profusely carved, i-tnnds at one ido of the door. A ennopy mado of the Russian and American flags is suspended 'above. Tlio sheets and other linen arc ex ceedingly fine. The pillow cases nro edg d with laec, nnd ail tho blankets nru of choicest merino wool. Thu coverlet is n marvel of beauty, being of flno white silk, elaborately embroidered. Thero is a largo wardrobe, lined with aromatic cedar pan el', and the bureau is splendidly carved. On the marble slab two heavy posts hold a large oval mirror, on each sido of which is n winged nngel, kneeling with out stretched hands. A marble-top centre tn- ble. nnd n full-length mirror, hung on piv ots, ii lounge, rocking-chairs, etc., elegant ly unho 'tercu. nro also mere, 'i lie un der, grate, etc., sparkle with gold and sil ver sheen. A costly ormolu ciocic and or nnments aro on 'lho marble mantel. Tho chandelier is of gilt nnd bronze, with china globo and u grand drop. Da mask curtains of blue and gold and whito laco are on the windows. Tho walls aro tinted azure and pink. The Itussian ladies have arranged a tilca'ant surprise. Tho colored photo graphs of all the Imperial family aro ar ranged upon tno wans. Tho bath room, luxuriantly furnished, is between this and the rear room. Thu lat ter is to bo occupied by tho Grand Cham berlain. It is sumptuously furnished in black walnut, tapestry carpet, paintings, ornaments, &C. In tho small hall room the body guard relief will bo stationed, as U required by tbo royal Jaw. All over the house the'other rooms arc handsomely furnished. From tho New York WorlJ. sKrltKTAKT hTANTON'B DYING OPINION OF UKANT. Washington, October 4, 1871. A distinguished Louislauian wns in Bos ton recently, and had an interview with Senator Sumner, at ids rooms at tho Cool idgo house. During a lengthy conversa tion with him, Mr. .Sumner related an in terview, the last ho ever had with Kdwln M. .Stanton, the lulu secretary of war. It took placo shortly prior to 'Mr. Stanton's death. .Mr. Sumner hud mado one of his customary calls. Mr. .Slantuii requested Mr. Sumner to como near thu bedsido. Thu dying man placed his hand in that of Mr. Sumner, and said : "Sumner, I am going over tho river. 1 shall never recover. 1 wisli to sny one word to you before I die.'' Sumner 1 hope that you are not dying, Mr. Slnnton ; but go on. .Stanton (emphatically) General Grunt run not administer thu government. IIu is nut equal to the duties. Sumner Mr. .Slnnton, your statement is broad. Stanton I mean it as broadly as 1 state Sumner Why did you not mention this before tho nomination. Stanton I wns busy itt mv office, nnd wns not consulted by tho politicians who mado tho nomination. They did not take me into their councils, Sumner But, Mr. Stanton, vou uuidu speeches during tho campaign j why did you not statu this important fact thon '! Stanton You examine mv sneeches. and you will not find one word in favor of iieneral tirani ior i-resident. I spoke for tho Kepubllcati party only. Sninnor But you say Grant can not ad minister the uovornmcnt. Jio succeeded well In tho nrmy, ami the peoplogavo him credit for our success. Stanton (stretching forth his right hand) .Senator .Sumner, this hand supplied him Willi men nnu uioiiuj, uiiiimiicu. i guvo thu direction of tho uflairs. 1 nui dving. nr. oiiiiiuui, nnu i onivu mis io YOU. I SO it whenever the interests ot the country demand It. At the time Mr. Sumner mado this state ment about his larowull interview with .Mr. Stanton, ho did not agreo with thu gontlomiin I'niui Louisiana us to thu merits ot General Grant, and made this plain to thu group of gentlemen who wero listeners to tno nenator. Oi;Vi:UAF, AGENT JIALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS, FORWARDING and COMMISSION nr.nviiASTjt DEALERS IN FLOUR ; Anil A rats of Ohio Itlvcr nml Kniiruilin SALT IC03nPL.2riES 70 Ohio Levee, CAIItO. ll.I.INOH' m iioi.ksai.k :ko i:hs. 11. SMYTH & CO., WHOLESALE GBOCEUS, OHIO LEVEE : A I It O . I 1, 1. 1 N OIK. A'so, keep constantly on band a most coin. I'lelr stock of XilQ.TJ-OIRS- SCOTCH AND IP.ISII WHISKIES -C I NS,- I'ort, .Maderia, Sherry and Catawba Wines r SMYTH A CO. sell oxolu.lrrly for l, vthicli f.iot they Inrlto tho epeclal atten tion of Hoie bargain buyers. Special attention yiren to Filling Orders. IOT- THE ONLY" ItELIAllI.E (IITT ENTEIII'P.ISE IN TIIECOUNTIlVl $60,000 ALUAELE GIFTS IN V To bedistnlu'ed In Xj. ID. SINE'S li'.'nd Itexubr Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE, To bedruHii Monday, Nov. 27, IS71, Tno fJrmitl Cniillnli of 85,009 rucliln sireeiiimcHH. Two, ; Fie prlies J500; Ten priies, tiw, an in i.rcenuacKi,. WHOLE NUMIIEIt CASH GIFTS, 1,000. One Hoiso and Huggy. uilh sllver.phiteU nnnies., uo.'in One lino Itosetvooii Piano, u. rlli iff) 00 :.) (si 100 oj Ten F'ainllv &vint; machines, each worth flro Heavy cascu uow iiununii uaicues nniMienvi C'nlil (.Miain4. uurlh each 410 CO icn i.a ues' lioiu minimi; waicnes worm rncii l'..L'lit hundred uobl nml silver lever hunt. ion CK) mi! waicnes tin all) ivotin irom iu iu l-ndie' i;nlil l.pnmlnn Chains. Cent's Gold Vest (Indus, nher-pl.iicd castors, solid sliver nnddotl blo.i.iteiI tablo and toaspoons, I wiry Imnillcii dinner knives, -llvcr-phited dinner forks, silver lest cninns, lUiotOKrnpii minims, iit'iieii kuiu breastpins, shirt studs und sleeve button", finjjer rlnic, fc'oel pins (silver rxtenalon,) etc. Wholo number nlfls, homo. Tickets limited to UJ,U1,. Aurnts wanted to sel Tickets lo whom liberal premiums will bo paid, sirgle tickets 1 ; six tickets: twelve tickets S10 , twentv.uvu jji Circulars conlnlmni! a full list of mines, n de scription of tho manual of ilrnwInK, and other In formation In reference to tho distribution, will be sent to any ono ordering lliem, Alii letter, must henddrex.od to I,. I). rtINK, Ilox so, oirur, Cincinnati, u. lui west oiu si, ucuuawiyr SritlNGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTH EASTEBN It. J!. On and after Monday, April 21th, 171, trimiswll ruu us iiiiiows i NOUTIIICUN UI VISION. tiiiiss aotNO soi'TiiritT. Mail. Vix press VJ.:u p.m. . 3.01) " , i:'M " .. 4:17 " Mali. ..3:3o Leave Virginia i.: lo " riiriniiiit'iii M v..1' " " Tiivlorvlllo " Arrive nt Pann 11: Hi in TRAINS OOISO NOHTIIWEIT. Kx press Leave Piuui " Tmlorville I; 17 " ;2ti " " Arrlvo nt riprlni:ricld...0;l5 I.eino .Slisuiuaelil !:- " ,il:l() " .8:13 " Airlvont Vlrainiu Bi'il " south i:iin division, tkaInm ooisa sociuiusT Leave IMuewood a:.nni,in, " Flom 8:2ft " Arrive lit tihawiieetowii3:Mn m, .10:10 a.m. ll!lU " .. 6:15 p,m 8;20p,in 7;eo " tuaiss noisu KoaruwiaT. I,eae Sliawiiectown fi:M ii.m " Florj 2:3.1 " Arrlvo lit KdL'HMood t:MJ " ..8:20 " Tlieo::iu irsui iiom i.iiKon'ooii, runs oniy Mondajs, Wilnesla)Niiiul l'riciujH, nml train Irom HhawneetOHii on Tuesdays, Thurs. days nnd Saturdays. Connects ut Ashlund witli Jacksonville division of CIiicuho ami Alton U.llrund. fur J icksonvillo, Petersbiiri;, Mason City, nnd all points west. At Hpriinillidil, with Chicago niul Alton, nnd Toledo, Wuliasli nud Western Hallrnail, tor llloouiliiijtou, Clilcajio, mid nil iioinls north, north. wot nud west, AlP.ina with lud. nnd HI. Louis, nml Illinois Ceiitial lUllrond lur nil point) nut, south and southeast, At IMueuiiod with Chlcauo Division Illinois ontriil lUllrnad. At Flora, with Ohio in.l Mississippi llailroad. AtShawncetoiii, with steamboats for Cluclu- nil, r.niiicuu, uniro nnu n. i.oiiim OULANI) SMITH, Oen'IPup't. .Ocn'l l'i'Kt nnd Ticket Ak'i. John Fouairr, CRAWFORD JIOL'SE, COllNEIi SIXTH and WALNUT-ST., (Kntraneo on Hlxtlosl.,) I'. J. 0.k, ") II. C., ! CINCINNATI, OHIO. II. II. Louwlck, J O.MCUS. CADY A CO. Proprietors. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, COMMKUC1AL-AVF.NUK, OPPOSITE P. ()., OAUtO. ILLS. JOSEPH llAYI.IS'S PliOPUIETon. Tin: House is Nf.wly- Fi'iinisiikd And oSers to the public fl r t -cl n accommoda tion nt res.onaliln rsls. DNDKIlTAKKItS. NICHOLAS FEITH, (1 EN ERA L UN D E UT A K UK, T C2 r i tn o o a C -i It c s et ft c - c c C V. h U 2 ts. Cor. v. nml lltli sl., CAIIIO ILLINOIS. Mr.Md.'.m W. G. CABY, l'RINCIi'AL UNDERTAKER, Si v. a - v. S O SALES BOOM, No. 13SIXTH STl'.K CAIllO.ILLINOIS. CIIIIUINU SIOVIX. tViiTtwo .MohI Snci rssfnl, Popular nml I'l-rfert cooki nsr Or MACHINES Ol the period nra our will-ktxwn .A EPICURE EROILERS, Hot Ii are of thn suppicl eonilructinn, nuJ so oasily mnnaijed thut wo jjuarantco them lofnc ENTIRE SATISFACTION. As no article In the houe)ioM has nftreatcr in fluenco in promotinetlm he.ilth, comfort nud Imp piness of tho family nrclo than the conking stote. i' is economy uswrll in pobey lo (jet the very Lest ; and in buying the CHARTER OAK You can rely on netting tho most successful, p ular nnd perfect coukIiih stove, ever made, using the kimcl'ui: iiit(ii.i:ii. You nro always surnof hnvinjr Juicy, Tender uud Delicious liccfttnl.r, Chiokrn, Ham, L'liops. elc. Excelsior Manufacturing Company, ClinnlCll N.,SI. Louis, Mo. AND ALL LIVK STOVi: DKALHUS. C. W. HENDERSON, Agent, Cairo, IIIIiioIn. sepWdawlin0 I JI 31 1 (I J ANT T I t:K Il'I'S. IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOB SALE, FOB SALE. J FOB SALE, ) ForSnlo fFOK SALE, I l crSulo I ' hor Hale l 1'orHnlo IFOR SALE. Faro from Liveupool, Faro from Loniicndeuhv Faro from Glakoow, Faro from Queknbtown TO CAIRO, ;:::s:!i $ i 8. 'J o HallorJ, Morris A' Cu Kents. INMAN LINE Livtrpool) Ncw.Y'oik nnd Phllnddphi.i Stoavjiship Company, I NIiV.U COSTKACI WITH t'.MTEI) STATrsAMI IUIITISII .JUOVBnNHI.MS ForCarrylnKltlio Molls, for passaTTb TICKETS on ii'iinirii isroitMATiox API'LY TO JOHN G. DALE, AaT. 15Hrondway, New.Vork, or to II. II on lt, Wnshlnglon Atenue, Cairo, Illinois, ji III fl '' - SIMILIA SIM1LIEUS CURANTU iii'.iii,iini:ys IIOMEOVATUIU SPECIFIC I Kyj' t'r"v"''"" tho mo t ntnpln ep. hllieicntan. Ileli.,l,l. 'n,ey nre the only me Clnr4 lierloel 1 1 mini.....! ,.. ...... i . - .... ' . inline siife,Kai Hi,ntilKl'rmr, (lo ill u lni.iak, . . 1'iiiot be m.hlo lu II' n l tin n i harm!' " to I frc f otn ila i.-er, r.nd itlleii t In. M I,., i,' ,,iys n linl ! Tin y I .jve rn ; '.v. , I'oiiuinr us' u , eo ine ii iy ri . , . ,,!. . ...... .. ... ........ r . . ,, . always ii n lur nl si . m.n. fi0.-. .. Cen i, inures i (wrscongr si on, i..tia .nn.itioip YVorius. Worm ! ver. woi in cum . t'rs lnu.eolic ortie'hinol infanta . Dlrrlincn. of eh blren nnd mlnlfa.. Ii sculerj, Kl'piiig, I'lious colic Tiolcri.norLu", voinitlnit , 4'liolcrii. cohls, bronchltils'ln. tootbacbe. facencho. l.rHPliilir bilious stomnche "'.,W",",ior juiniui iienous., loo profiise periods.. Unll III..... . 'I.'...,... I.. t - a i.ii ... f'fuiirn. iiiiiirini iireni It tllt 111 lain. .Itnlttn.lli, loll,. I'Hom, blind or blecdlnir aa-a V ;,J,, ur enrunie, llllliienr Illnrlnirirra. Imnni,l ii.npm 'Tl'iu-rcu ureuiiiinx ... ..i-i.aa ii,-i,i,iiv. i iivairni ucbk llroim V nnd aenntv Sli'rpV.I mni" Nl'll .Slfl4lir.itl alrlh... r-nni .. I.I, Iililni')'-I)lh.nk,., (irarei .,, n.tfin. I S f.ltl... ... . on. Into uutarv iliscl.nror. I I'Hcllo.ti'i, wlta one il tint of pow ,, ery nn ea.ary In serious cusu,.,o " horn .Molllll. ranker... II, " l'lllllllll I Ct-lOllH. With naia . is. Mllirrltiirs,, tchaneeofl In .. ..l M, " l.plli'i.v.spasins,si Situs ilaacr 1 , " Dliitlieiliiol , cratfd siro tlir at FA.MILY Ail. 1 1 1 : t ." lo (II) liirci InN, iimrorrii nr nuetiiintl cum-, coiltilllllnt; a "Iiccltic lor every oiiillunr)- ilia,. I'lisc a laiiilly lasnlijei't to, ami dooiij oriiircruoiiH from 510 to siiKll-r t iiitilly und 'I iiivcIIiik ' a 20 lo SS vims ,ir rn H' to Sp O.llilu, all I'millC DlHCIIM'S, loth for CurliiK nini ior J'rcvcii. tile Uc.ilinir.t, in v nlsonl ' '' i Sla I POM .i IvXTit.M r irc j.jfia. nieeuuiKoi uio J.unga, f se, Ble icli, or of Piles! Corns. 1 I 'ers. Oil Mercs. Pner, not., rsi eta.-, Pin. SI urlT,.M-a ... ..... ll r.o. oythcensoor slnK.e Imx, nro sent t) any pan 'i. uwuiiry, ny loan or express, iijo Ol (.11.1 on rereipi ni ine prirp. .Ml'iress lIL'JIPIIIthYn'kPFXTlTl' FOIt SM.r. I1Y P. fcCIll ll, CAIItO, Ills, nugl4irownwly SPECIAL NOTICES. hatch i:i.ohs iiAiit ivi:, -Perleetly Harmless. Keliable and Inathauteo, .o Ulaiottiiinlfncril. rin linl 'I jnla or I Ills, k or natural Ilrown. iKirs not Hum , ism, nui u avesine iisir i lean, r-oji snu iieau ul Tboonly ae ind Prrfe'l D' r ON MARRIAGE. Ki-ays f-jr Y'oung Men, on great fecial Ki Q'l jvuusr-. wiiieii inieriero Willi niarriai:e. p ru n the lppmeas ol thousands, with s menus ,11 in.' i ior me i.rr in; bi: i Lii.iuiiina. diirase l ami ilibditsted. Hint in rested let' AHSOlIATION. No. IS. Ninth street. (iriia. ,'i at.rdia..ii CONSUfFTION. I lo I, t lir. A.MI 11.1 I lif.l Ill 15Y DR. .1. II. HCUENCK M D. ManT it.n I fin lift f, 1 1 r mhf 4lMtii iltcrt wmm hiM thr n-a.ori than ilio n-cltv if klti mi) hi til iRiltftlfUUtlii nr. iTtti riic tsrtti i f fiir. Th"f ticur himI Uur w mm y uml lrit-mft ur a in-yt-inuijuu jt(ca IJIta II. tl III.M'lt'H! 11 I'l.l Tiu:AT.m;.ST, n...r..v.4.. k..tti, (vlt.lltfa. r..Hll.n . Ill' I uiM,u qiiifkeiH'u into in aiirrui tu ifpri'inmii"ii iijai is nut n in JUunl tinivi u la Miny n It l unr:iUtn-'. It I'dllosoi-hy ru Murine. r is'iiisiiii. i avT ipiiainu in inu miiruiuu ucikii CONSU.MrTIO. turu'M iiitbtcrt KUtt ih riHjt(l.l!luru ivltatuiii. 'l'linv tMtttiutai till I hi lil,ui.t.twnri--ti IfiL' iitti.rnf Ivi. 'hLMVU NO hTINR 1CIIIM).,, itllni.-iitiirv ftfeil tin, ..leetful. M'ln, liver. Ilk., Ur. 'llio stoniacli nets resamalvelr, und tlio patient Levins to feci tUal Iiu Is aiettlug, nt lull, A SUPPLY 01' COOII I1LOOI). Tlio Pen.weeil Tonic. In nnjiinctlnn with tlio Pllla. penneulus mid usslnillates with thn foial. CliTliaotioii Is io ot pronresaliis; without Its pre. vliius lorlurea. ingestion tioeumrs palnless.and tlio euro la seen to bo ul liuinl. '1 lieru la no uioru n,i .TrieerlxiliiiM .if Hit, .(iitniii ll- A I, lioiwlito sets In, . s.,..- i.imn, llm p..a,n,l Itlnml I'll, Sfl.s.spT.t irlveu liyiiti Indulsront tailicr to stinerlmr man. Selienck's Piilmonlo byriuicjmes In lo perform its functions und to hasten und compicio tlio cure. H enters ut onco upon lu work. Nuturo cm not bo cticnlcd, It collects und rliHiria tho Iniialred iiml diseased portions of tlio lungs. In tho form of callicrlm.' prepares thcni lor expectoration, und lol In uvery short tlnio tho luuladr Is vunulshcl, tho rotten tlirono thut It iiccupfed Is renovuted niul mailo new, and lho pniieni, in mi inu iiiKiiux oi rename,! , suit.iji'. 'lllleni, 111 nil inu uiKiiiir oi rt'Kuuieu iKu,,iy,'. oi Hi to enj jy lho manhood u r wuuiauhood tliut I itui (JHT.N AS LOST. Tho second thing Is, tho patients mint stay In u vriirin roiiiii iiitll they net well I It Is almost tin isisslblo to prevent lakliu cold when tho lunRS uro dlseiised, tint; It must bo proventcd or u euro cm not bo inei-ted. Fresh nlr nnd ndlnir out, especially In this section of thn country, in tlio tall und winter season, nro nil wnuiu' , Phyil i laus who reeoiiimeiid thutcourso losutlielr pa tients, If their lum-'s uro badly diseased I und )et. beeiusa they nro In tlio houso they must not lulonn quiet t they mint walk nljout thu rooni us much nml us fast ns tlio slrcniflh w III bear, to net mi u irood circulation of blood. Tho patients must keen In piod rilrlts--lit determined to net well. 'J ills linsu ureal ocai io mi nnu m uyi'" ..... n...t i. . In. ..ri.iit iirtinf tn tmtn. To despair of euro ultur such evidence of It iHiaslblllty In tho worst cases, nnd moral cer tainly lu ill! others, Is sinful. Dr. Hc lieiiek s pcr ninal statement to lho I uculty of his own cum was lu Ihcsu modem words! .... . .Many jears iiim 1 was In tho last stnecs or eonsuinptloni eoiitlncd to my bed, nnd ul ono tlmo my physicians thought thnt 1 could not llvu ll week! then, llko u ilruwnliur uiiili catchlnK nt slniws, I heard id uud obtulneil tho preparations which I now offer lo thn public, nnd they iniido ll iiertfct euro of mo. It seemed lo mu that I could leel them penetiato my wholo system. Thoy soon llpuned thu matter In my luniis, und 1 would spit up moro than u pint of ollenslio ellow inntter every lnornlnK for u Ionic tlmo. "As soon us that benan to subside. mj coufh, fovcr.iialns.und nlahl sweats till beya n to leavo nie, und niynipetlto beeaino so (.'rent thut It was wltlidinleulty that I could keep irom t' In? too much. I noon pilued my Mrcnulh, und huvo Krown in liosn over since. ,. "l wnlol.n,! alinrl p nfler mv rcCOVCrr. luldod tho Doctor, "tlieu looklim llko u mora skeleton! my welsht was only ninety-seven Pouudii my present wcliiht Is iwohunilred and Iweniy llvolK'i) pounds, nnd for cars 1 huvo en Joyed unlnteri opted health." ., . , , fir. rclienck has dlscontluuod Ids professional visits to Now. York und Hon ton. IIu or his sou, Iir. J. 11. Nchcnck, Jr., still eontlnuu lo see p.i. Ilents nt their olllco, No. 13 North Sixth Street, riillaileliihiu, overy Sutiirilay fromU A..M.M3 p.m. Tho.o who wish u thoromih e.uiuliiuiloii Willi the llos)lroiiieter will bu charaod 15. Tho lies. Plrometer Ucclnrea tho oniiit eonilltlon of lho luniis, uud patients cun readily leuru whether tlieynrocuriiblooriiot. Tho directions for taklnir tho medicines nro mluptcd to tlio lntelliKcnco even of u child. Fol low theso directions, unit kind Nuliiru will do lho rest, cxccptlui! thut lu souio cases lho Ahtudruko Pills uro to bu lakeu lu Increuved dosesi tho threo inodlchics need no other iicconipnnlinonts t litt ti tho iniiiilo Instiiictlons that iiicoiupuiiy tlienit First ireata uppetttc. uf rcturnlnu iieiilih, liumcor Is tho mostwelcomo symptom, Whoti It It will como, let lho despair In j ul onco bo ot iiood cheer, (iood blood ut onco follows, lho coiuih loosens, tho iiluht sweat Is nbaled. Ill u short tlmo both of theso morbid symptoms nro koiio forever. Dr. Sclienck's modlclnes uro constantly kept in tensof thousands of liiimllos, As n laiutlvo or puraallvc, the Mnndrnko Pills urn a staudiird pre paration i whilo lho Pulmonic Sfriin, m u Lllru ot coimhs und colds, may bo reuurded us u pro. nliylucterlo iigulnst consumption in uuy ut it, tonus. , , Prlco of tho Pulmonic Syrup and Sca.weiH Tonic, iMa bottlo, or tlto a lulf doion. Man. Iruko Pills, 2i touts a box. For gate byullUrua. IstauaidgulcH,